June 19, 2021 Aristotle (Greek philosopher) Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular. 8Arts & Culture License Holder: Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) Managing Director: Touraj Shiralilou Editor-in-Chief: Kambakhsh Khalaji Editorial Dept. Tel: +98 21 88755761-2 Iranian screenwriter Karamizade Editorial Dept. Fax: +98 21 88761869 Subscription Dept. Tel: +98 21 88748800 ICPI Publisher: +98 21 88548892, 5 presented Best German Advertising Dept. Tel & Email: +98 21 88500617 -
[email protected] Website: www.irandaily.ir newspaper.irandaily.ir Screenplay Award Email:
[email protected] Printing House: Iran Cultural & Press Institute Address: Iran Cultural & Press Institute, #208 Khorramshahr Avenue Tehran-Iran Iran Daily has no responsibility whatsoever for the advertisements and promotional material printed in the newspaper. Iran-Iraq cultural ties discussed at Baghdad Book Fair deutschlandfunk.de Iran’s Behrooz Karamizade (R), the screenwriter of ‘Empty Nets’, holds the Best German Screenplay Award which he received from State Secretary for Arts & Culture Desk groundwork for their publishers to par- Culture and Media Monika Grütters. ticipate more regularly in book fairs or- he development of cultural relations ganized by each other in the post-COVID Arts & Culture Desk between Iran and Iraq was the major era.” Ttopic of a meeting attended by the Abdolvahab Radhi, the Union of Iraqi Iran’s Behrooz Karamizade, the screenwriter of ‘Empty Nets’, won organizers of Baghdad International Book Publishers’ chief and executive-director the Best German Screenplay Award in 2021. Fair and the Iranian representatives at the of the book fair, appreciated Iranian pub- State Secretary for Culture and Media Monika Grütters awarded event.