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Courtnay CJluvsMJ27 04/12/2015 4:24 PM

Oh...I hate this stupid thing. DX

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DA Crow 04/12/2015 4:25 PM Would you like a Xenoblade post from mii :/

E Yeah! e 1

Courtnay 04/12/2015 4:26 PM Sure, I don't mind.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

DA Crow 04/12/2015 4:29 PM Give me, 5 minutes to make it good ok ^_^

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Courtnay 04/12/2015 4:33 PM Ok, I'll be here, spamming screenshots. XD

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DA Crow 04/12/2015 4:44 PM Lol ...ok done I don't think I can do more to it ^_^

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DA Crow 04/12/2015 5:43 PM I did it fast its not perfect ...did you like it ^_^

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Courtnay 04/12/2015 6:03 PM Yeah it's awesome! I suck at drawing logos. lol

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DA Crow 04/12/2015 6:11 PM I'm sure you could do it if you wanted ...I could teach you on PM its all about technique. I cant wait for Xenoblade X ^_^

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 7:25 PM ·Spoilers sigh ...

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 7:43 PM Yeah I can't wait for it either. Something wrong? I do need to get back to drawing though. I have a whole mini comic ready to be drawn on Miiverse. lol

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 7:46 PM ·Spoilers

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 7:58 PM I wasn't babysitting tonight, but I do have to go to bed soon since I gotta babysit in the morning & clean my sis' house...again. lol I can PM for a lil bit, but I dont have that much time, sadly. I've been on my 3DS all day, so I might have missed a lot of PMs from people.

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:01 PM ·Spoilers E Yeah... e 0

Courtnay 04/13/2015 8:05 PM ·Spoilers Yup, spelling & all. I do have to do this job or else I'll never get Splatoon & their . XP I bought Xeno with this, along with aShulk , Toon Link Amiibo, SSB4, a few summer dresses, shoes, & perfume. It's easy money. lol

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:07 PM

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 8:13 PM Maybe...day 2 or 3? XD I want the amiibo first though, since I dont know how rare they'll be. My cousin works at GS, so she gives me the heads-up on all the new things coming out. I didn't even know about the amiibo until she told me. As soon as I get this extra money tomorrow, gonna run to GS. LOL

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:14 PM E Yeah! e 0

DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:16 PM ·Spoilers

E Yeah! e 0

DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:19 PM

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 8:19 PM Sure! It's like Call of Duty, but cute. XD (I actually played CoD & almost got hooked to the multiplayer) I wanted it immediately when I saw it at E3. lol

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:22 PM E Yeah... e 0

DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:24 PM ·Spoilers

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 8:25 PM I borrowed it from my bro, & I dont think he has it anymore (holding his MK8 hostage so he doesn't trade this in too. XP) My mom thinks it's a good idea for me to go to a convention this year or maybe next. I really wanna see the awesome creators & VAs of my favorite games! X3

E Yeah! e 1 D

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 8:42 PM I'd like to go, but I dunno if I can. (finances & fear of planes) Plus, I'm spending my vacation in AC so I dunno what'll happen when June comes around, so I can't make promises. E Yeah... e 1 D

DA Crow 04/13/2015 8:56 PM its ok Courtnay ...what is AC?

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 9:01 PM ·Spoilers Atlantic City, on the coast of my state. It had a beach & an enormous boardwalk that looks like it lines the entire coast of my state. I had a lot of fun there last year, & we are going again this year. Thankfully it's only a 2 hour drive from where I live. Freaking hate planes, never liked them since 9/11... X(

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 9:07 PM yeah its understandable ...guess we could WiiU chat one day ^^ ...idk you dont feel like a stranger to me ^^ ...and you seem very kool to me too ^^

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DA Crow 04/13/2015 9:10 PM

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Courtnay 04/13/2015 9:12 PM ·Spoilers I guess so, but I never tried coz my room is a mess & I'm never...dressed appropriately. XD I also rarely talk in person, so normally I dont bother. Hopefully I can get this room fixed up before then. LOL I really have to go to bed, so I'll talk to you tomorrow. XP E Yeah♥ e 1 D

DA Crow 04/13/2015 9:15 PM Nite Courtnay the more I talk to you the kooler you get ^^ ...who cares about a room lol ...cant never go wrong with just being your self ^^

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 3:53 AM Lol geeze what? Why did they delete that comment .-. ...and they did it so late too lol ^_^ ...Courtnay if you want we could game today ...or yeah you are probably gonna want to keep playing Xenoblade right ;-;

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 4:24 AM Oh and good morning by the way lol ^_^

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Courtnay 04/14/2015 4:35 AM Morning! I most likely will be playing Xeno since I won't be home for a while. I dunno why they deleted that comment. o_O I don't think it mentioned anything weird either. Strange.

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 5:37 AM Its ok I figure, its a great game I hear so I will be home, but I got to work on a essay and a chapter outline. I will text here though if you don't mind. Did you like that Xenoblade post I made ^_^

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Courtnay 04/14/2015 6:08 AM Yeah, I love how detailed you made the slashes in the letters & how you drew the last X. It looks so cool! lol Ugh, I HATE essays, especially when I was in college. I only like to write them when I'm putting together a game theory. XP Playing Xeno again is just invigorating! And seeing Alvis again sends me into fangirl comas & spasms. X3

E Yeah! e 0 D

DA Crow 04/14/2015 6:23 AM Sounds like we are gonna be playing lots of Xenoblade X ^_^ ...

E Yeah! e 0

DA Crow 04/14/2015 8:11 AM I'm glad you liked it ^_^ ...and yeah I have my work cut out for me today with work and what I just mentioned >.> ...this is going to be a busy week for me I will be lucky if I get 2 drawings out, but yeah ...and then I'm guessing you will be getting Devils Third than ^_~

E Yeah! e 0

Courtnay 04/14/2015 9:49 AM Never heard of Devils Third, but I'm definitely getting Xeno X. I'm just so curious as to who Elma is, or who she's related to. She looks...TOO much like youknowwho to NOT have something in common with him. If you know, DONT TELL ME. XD

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 10:20 AM Omg Devils Third google it Courtnay I am pretty sure you will like it its a shooter that's coming for the WiiU, this year ^_^ I am so getting it day one ...game spot got the most coverage of it ^_^ ...lol you are so funny Courtnay I swer ^_^

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 12:04 PM Ok out of work and now to that essay and homework >.> E Yeah! e 0

Courtnay 04/14/2015 1:07 PM I just got home from cleaning my sis' house. been there since 9am & its 4pm now. -_- My body aches all over AND I gotta babysit in an hour. DX

E Yeah... e 0 D

DA Crow 04/14/2015 1:12 PM aw poor thing ...wish I could help ...I am rooting for you Courtnay you are not a lone I will be here ok ^^/ how many kids are you sitting and whoah you must be a very clean gal ^^ that seems like a long time ^^ well you know cleanliness is next to godliness ^^ Im on comp working on Essay and homework >.> ...we can PM later on if you have to strength for it ...aw poor thing ^^

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Courtnay 04/14/2015 1:32 PM Four. Freaking. Kids. Thankfully I dont have to cook, so it should be easier tonight. If only I clean this tornado strucken place, called my room, the same way I clean my sis' house... XD

E Yeah... e 0 D

DA Crow 04/14/2015 1:38 PM lol (^-^) ...four kids aw *hugs you* you can do it Courtnay ...I believe .I can understand I see you work hard and when you get home you finally just want to rest I understand ^^ ...just think of all the fun times we are gonna have playing Xenoblade ^^ and you really need to Google Devils Third too I am almost certain you will like i. I am just doing this work and its not a core class either \>.>

E Yeah! e 0 DA Crow 04/14/2015 2:56 PM got to read >.>

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Courtnay 04/14/2015 3:55 PM Man I can't do it. They wouldn't eat the food we already made, so I had to make even MORE food just to please these little...*sigh* I was in so much pain that I broke down in the kitchen, crying. DX I dunno if I could ever be a mom. =/

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 4:08 PM Relax ^_^ ...they are not your kids ...and that's all genetic your babies will only be like you and your partner not these little ...XD aw poor thing I wish I could help you some how ...gives you a warm hug and makes you some tea ...some girls like tea for relaxation ...me nah :/ ... I wish I could help you cook at least idk ^_^

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Courtnay 04/14/2015 4:18 PM Well, 2 are my nieces. The other two are huge kids but cant use the bathroom themselves. Very frustrating. DX The only tea I like is iced tea. XP I'm barely like other girls, hence my crazed gaming. lol I've tried to act more feminine by wearing dresses, but I always wear pants under them. Guys look at me weird when they see me raging on my 3DS or standing in line at a GS. It's kinda funny. XD

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 4:24 PM lol you sound like such a fun girl to me XD ...yeah gamer girls do tend to get soooo into the games lol not like guys we are more laid back none the less we do love gaming a lot its like fore play almost for us. nah you sound to me like a very kool girl ^^ and wow you dont like tea thats already a plus ^^ most guys dont like tea either I personally think of tea as weak nah I love coffee though ^^

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 4:56 PM kool I'm from TX we love Ice tea we even put the ice tea glass before the water glass on events ^^ but I don't even drink lots of ice tea either its ok love brisk ice tea ...yeah its best ^^

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Courtnay 04/14/2015 6:16 PM Actually, I'm drinking Arizona Iced Tea right now. I feel that Brisk Tea it too weak for some reason. lol My mom drinks gallons of coffee a week. I, on the other hand, down juice instead. It used to be soda but I decided to leave it alone. XP I get too much into a game. I freaking cry at the end of almost every game. XD It feels more like an experience than a game, hence my fangirling. X3

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 6:25 PM aw you cry ...that is so soo kawaii X3 ...yeah Arizona is best tea youre right I forgot about that ^^ ...juice is good that is very good ^^ ...we feel same about games ^^ only I would never cry ^^ aw I am a good conforter though ...feels like conforting Courtnay X3 aw ^^ you are soo kawaii ^^

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Courtnay 04/14/2015 7:32 PM I'm not kawaii, I'm....kiddy. XP I STILL dont look like an adult. Some assume I'm 12, others 16, & 9 when on the phone. -_-' I guess I'll never age, since people think my mom is 36 & my bro's sister. XD I dont cry because I'm sad, it's because I felt like I accomplished something. I think Xeno, Mother 3, & Okami/den are the only games that had me crying for both reasons. lol

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DA Crow 04/14/2015 7:52 PM I'm about the same about age people always tell me I dont age ^_^ omg I fell asleep Im a bit tired Courtnay will text tomorrow ok ^_^

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Courtnay 04/15/2015 3:55 AM Yeah I passed out too. Couldn't keep my eyes open during one of my fights in Xeno. XD

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DA Crow 04/15/2015 4:55 AM Yeah just had to much to do this week, but I'm usually dont. Good morning how you woke up ^_^

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Courtnay 04/15/2015 6:48 AM I'm more refreshed than normal, but still sore from yesterday. I'm so close to Makna Forest! X3

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DA Crow 04/15/2015 9:06 AM ^_^ aw you poor thing ...makna forest sounds kool ...no ...yeah no you are kawaii I can imagine you at the GS all into gaming haha! X3

E Yeah! e 0

Courtnay 04/15/2015 11:51 AM At GS, they know me as their regular customer's little sis, & they crack up when I try to get discounts with his account. XD They also give me heads-up on future releases. I'm beloved there. lol

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DA Crow 04/15/2015 12:09 PM Lol I'm the same way at the 2 closest GS's to me XD hows your day been today, hows Xenoblade coming along? Have you googled Devils Third ⌒.⌒

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Courtnay 04/15/2015 12:13 PM Been on Xeno all day long that I forgot to look it up. lol Freaking hungry though. Might make some food after my fangirling scene is over. XD

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

DA Crow 04/15/2015 12:21 PM Lol me too I'm fixing to eat some protein ...I working on this throw back look and letting my hair grow again will look just like the crow minus the makeup ^_^ they are also rebooting the first movie of The Crow have you seen a The Crow movie they are awesome well the first one and the second one then third one wasn't so good but its being rebooted in 2916 ⌒.⌒

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DA Crow 04/15/2015 1:49 PM I meant 2016

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DA Crow 04/15/2015 2:18 PM well Im almost done with this ruff draft :T

E Yeah! e 0 DA Crow 04/15/2015 3:00 PM rough draft* ...ok Im done phew ^^ now time for some smashing I am getting Mewtwo today maybe ...well I will probably check PMs first I am going to church today so dont got much time ^^

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DA Crow 04/15/2015 4:21 PM Sigh

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Courtnay 04/15/2015 4:46 PM Sorry about that. Been spamshotting Alvis everywhere. XD I do need to get healthier nowadays. I've cut out a lot of soda, vegetable oil, & salt out of my diet. Now, to eat more salads...lol I haven't watched a movie since Deathly Hallows. My games are my movies! XP Babysitting. Again. On my off day. Great... -_-'

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

DA Crow 04/15/2015 4:58 PM Aw again poor thing ^_^ ...yeah movies? I'm the same Netflix and Hulu are our best friends lol I refuse to go to the movies with my guy friends lol I know I'm weird like that ...but been concentrating on work and school mostly these days so yeah ...one more thing we have in common haha! ^_^

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DA Crow 04/15/2015 5:07 PM Gives Courtney a shoulder rub to get her ready for baby sitting and a pat on the back you can do it I believe in you ^_^ ...Ill be here for what ever ok ^_^

E Yeah! e 0

Courtnay 04/16/2015 11:08 AM Ok I'm back about a day later. XD So much Alvisspam...lol What are you up to today? Gotta babysit again tonight... -_-'

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

DA Crow 04/16/2015 12:39 PM lol all late I lost this post on my notifs it disappeared ... aw again X3 I have it a bit easier today ...I just got to read to get ready to finish that essay by next week and then some smashing ^^ before going to bed around 10pm central time I live in Houston, have you checked out Devils Third omg I cant Wait for X and is it me or that girl looks like is related to ??? ^^

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Courtnay 04/16/2015 2:30 PM ·Spoilers Dang it, I keep forgetting to look it up. XD I really want to play X too! The Nopon are so cute in HD! Which girl? The silver-haired one looks a lot like Alvis to me. She also looks like a girl from the prequel that is a bit of a spoiler. What happened during the time between these two games?! o_O

E Yeah... e 1 D

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