X Play Journal Entries

Stagger Lanayru79 12/13/2015 4:56 PM

I'm almost out of feasible options that don't involve Sylvanum and Cauldros, which I want the main story to take me to before I accept Missions in either place. It seems my fourth journal entry on this 100% playthrough will start w/ Chapter 6. I guess my billion credits and I want Skells. :p

60% in Oblivia was gratifying. Exploring and taking on Tyrants over my head is too much fun. I'll start w/

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Zachary 12/14/2015 7:33 PM How many people do you have you can play as!?

E Yeah!? e 0

Stagger 12/14/2015 8:02 PM A lot. Sixteen so far.

Even more than Oblivia's massive metal rings, I've wanted to get close to that giant incandescent green orb since laying eyes on it. Of course a bunch of murderous machines would intervene in a straight run at the thing.

I'm hoping to do enough here to at least match my 25% work in Oblivia earlier, and that it gets Hope to 2-heart Affinity. E Yeah! e 0 D

Sciz 12/14/2015 8:06 PM The Noctilucent... Tree? Orb? I don't remember. It's pretty cool I guess.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Zachary 12/14/2015 8:08 PM Dang man are you serious!? I'm so hype!

E Yeah!? e 0

Stagger 12/14/2015 8:15 PM ·Spoilers Heard about this at a BC, but it still got me excited ... counting the one decimated at the end of Chapter 4, that's a third piece of the Lifehold located. Of course, there's nothing I can do about it yet, heh.

@Dean: You are such a fuddy-duddy. Where's your sense of wonder man? :p Yes, I'll participate in your discussiin on Supers any time I have the free comments. That Leviathan over the Giant!

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Sciz 12/14/2015 8:33 PM Perhaps I'm pretending not to care. The name I truly can't remember, but I quite like that particular landmark.

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 12/14/2015 8:35 PM It's in Hardheart Canyon I believe, but I'm not through with an initial exploration of the periphery. These guys freak me out btw. Awesome design. Also, the caves are magical level-up factories.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 12/14/2015 9:02 PM I meant the "statue" on the left there in the screen above, don't have their name down yet but they stopped this hodgepodge crew cold inside the ... Dim of the Behemoth was it? Nice Dune reference here, much respect to Frank Herbert shown by Monolith in a simple gesture ...

I maxed Duelist, a second class. The natural move from here is either up the middle tree to have a foothold in all three.

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 12/14/2015 10:20 PM So much is wrong with this screen. Mama Mura came down during a separate Basic, so it's two odd bats with one stone. Playing with three Arts is wrong, but even more despicable is my dumb luck to not have fallen into a trap w/ a goofy party. Not too much more I plan to do in Sylvalum before bringing the band back together, at which point I'll have to resist the temptation to crush some other stuff.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/14/2015 10:34 PM Yup. Sylvalum is hypnotic.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Zachary 12/15/2015 4:36 AM Wow lovely view! E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 12/15/2015 5:35 AM Ah, Blade Rank 9 opened up new Basic Missions. Guess who's on the menu? Tastes like chicken ... big gator going down. I couldn't resist a little vengeance on Sarcosuchus. Now give me a holofigure, Iron-Eater. Big guy, but get him out of the water and lop that massive tail off, and he's mincemeat.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 6:30 AM This is why I'll play 500 hours on this file, minimum. I enjoy stuff like this. I broke 30% surveyed in Sylvalum, and could probably leisurely hit 50. I get off on just exploring in strange weather conditions like this. When Hope hits the 2-heart mark, I'll take on her second Affinity Mission, then decide whether to advance the story that I'm wildly over-levelled for. :p E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 7:57 AM Whew, 40% is inevitable now. I actually haven't tried to look for Segment Recons at all today, just get Probes planted and gain my bearings in this enormous continent. The one missing in the northwest requires Mechanical Skill Level 5, which can't be achieved at this point in the game. The one in the southeast is a riddle, and the Nopon caravan if I had to guess.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 8:17 AM ·Spoilers Aha! Through Behemoth's Shadows is the way ... but this is the mother of caves that I've found so far. There is a breed of Adsecula that kind of lights the way to progress, but I'm unsure if it will take Skell flight to actually reach the desired exit or not yet. Not exactly a hospitable place ...

E Yeah!? e 1 D Stagger 12/15/2015 8:52 AM ·Spoilers As far as I could tell, it will take flight to reach the exit to that Miranium depost, and almost certainly the final Nopon caravan. Lots of level-up action brawling, and a few Tyrants for just slightly later in there as well ...

Speaking of, hello Mikul. The Keystone isn't that big ancient machine on the left. He's a cleverly disguised Falsaxum. Sylvalum is full of environmentally hidden foes.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 9:19 AM Aw yeah, broke 40%! If you examine closely, very few gold shields of segment recon relative to the size of Sylvalum ... while I'm nowhere near as steady a navigator here or Cauldros as I am on the previous three continents, I'll know my way around in my Skells. Just a couple few challenges I want to try here before returning to Cauldros for a couple stealth attempts. C'mon Hope, like me already.:p E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 10:03 AM I do have some other cleanup of my Mission screen too. These Purgovents are tricky. Tyrant Libra taught me to start the fun, then run up the shore a bit, but they still climb to a great elevation the longer the battle goes on. Then there's the Launch effect if you Topple them and get in close. I've got it locked up now though ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 10:34 AM What an amazing fight! By both sides, heh. Vilem resides over water, so again I had to use a makeshift Lure tactic to bring the Gold-Scaled Xyphia to dry land for combat. As an FMJ, Elma's positioning runs get even crazier with the wild long distance darting of Xyphias, and to make matters worse, hoss Stagger and healer and supporter Hope hit the deck during the set-up on shore. Looks like a W! E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 11:57 AM Hey Dean, eventual Superboss atop Mount M'Gando? Not even sure you can trigger it at this point ... anyway, near the Weeping Whitewood was an awesome Archaelogical 4 find: Aura Boost VII! Shadow Running got a lot more feasible, and I'm taking no chances up here. Two key items now, and a vital Miranium site ...

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 12:07 PM You have to be kidding me ... the blasted Grand Cantors changed their behavior just enough to get w/in Elma's firing range when I was one more Primer from max TP. Very aggravating, but it takes three Shadowruns to get there, and I want three to look around with. Unfortunately, I have to eat and go to work. First thing when I get home ... sigh. E Yeah... e 0 D

Stagger 12/15/2015 9:48 PM These Shadowruns are pretty brutal. I get a look at a mining frigate aviary though ...

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 12/16/2015 9:02 AM I completed the M'Gando and Bestial Utopia Shadowruns in Cauldros to my satisfaction this morning, approaching 30% there, and now trying to get the last sliver of Affinity that Hope needs for one last subplot Mission, I'm hunting Caro. Squad Task and Basic Mission at once here - and I'm not the least bit upset that Dieter, the Epicure's scenario from Primordia has been recycled w/ Grex cousins. E Yeah! e 0 D

Zachary 12/16/2015 9:13 AM Hey did you see the last DLC for SSB4? And the salty people along with it?

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 12/16/2015 1:29 PM @Zachary: Nah, not something I care about ...

This could take a while. That thing is huge, but not strong enough to harm us much ... I'll have lunch and then fight. :p I finally found my way up to the Delusian Summits, having missed an obvious path, and now know that both Miranium sites I have planted a probe in require Level 5 Mechanical. Where the Nopon are here, I'm uncertain ...

E Yeah! e 0 D Zachary 12/16/2015 2:02 PM Oh..

E Yeah... e 0

Stagger 12/16/2015 2:45 PM It's funny how you can hang in for a bit w/ Tyrants that are only slightly over your head and then just get dismissed by a one hit wipeout. Epic battle here, at the edge of a molten falls ... I check into every Tyrant assignment to get a sense of when I can complete them. No exit strategy from this position though!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/16/2015 5:13 PM It's still slightly terrifying that those giant blooms are an enemy. One more Planter and I can get out of this creepy place ... so well rendered. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 12/16/2015 8:06 PM I worked for that second heart all day. Of course a lot got done in the process, but still, despite bring my Mission total up over 300, it took stumbling into Hope's first heart-to-heart to get there. Yeesh.

I'm stalling on Elma's fourth and fifth hth's btw. I've yet to find Lin's second, while I have Irina's next uncovered through the Info system. Doug, H.B., Gwin and Lao have all gone once.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Zachary 12/16/2015 8:08 PM So how far are you in now?

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 12/16/2015 8:58 PM @Zachary: *shrugs*

There it is, sweet. Now I can see all of them for the main characters ... stumbled into Yelv's first, and trying to get Hope back in the party for this missing persons case of an Affinity Mission, I observed she disappears during Evening w/ a cat in the Barracks, so I have a lead there ... switching a dog in may have triggered this Info, possibly more available around NLA now. E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Zachary 12/16/2015 9:29 PM Hours? %done?

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 12/16/2015 9:40 PM It's not that easy a question to answer Zachary. I play initial 100% runs a lot differently than most humans. I haven't touched the main story since last Friday. You don't even know anything about the survey mechanic in order to know what an overall percentage in that means, which I post screens of pretty frequently. I could have "beaten" this in about 80 hours from what I can tell. I'm 160+ in.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/16/2015 9:44 PM ·Spoilers Anyway ... the heart-to-hearts in XCX are so much less consequential than in the original. Yet there is a charm to them ... very everyday, for the most part. Good warmth, but some serious moments too. Irina's are my favorites so far, for a sense of gravity, while Lin's were pretty funny. Sadly, Elma's are about to be over, unless each character gets more than five. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/16/2015 10:07 PM ·Spoilers Whoa! A shapeshifting race, Ornella complicit in Mimeosome parts trafficking - this got crazy quickly! A False Hope indeed ... I figured it was some sort of hustle, perhaps involving Yardley.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 4:55 AM ·Spoilers Tainted enemies from Millstone Ridge overrunning Quos and Marnuck? A scene on the Ganglion Flagship? A commander to Goetia? A search for the Great One? I've patiently put off Chapter 6 not just to prove and enjoy what could be accomplished w/out a Skell, butbecause I sensed the heavy part of thestory coming. I'll take my time with it, but I'm pretty pumped. E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 5:20 AM Awesome! I've been excited about the focus of the Chapter since I discovered our target early on in my Noctilum Survey efforts. Here's another mystery solved: I thought maybe The Vacuous wouldn't get up off the ground until a Skell disturbed him, but I learned from the Destrier in Cauldros that certain dormant Tyrant types respond to combat in the vicinity. Can't believe I missed this for so long.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 5:30 AM There are a few especially grueling Gathering Basic Missions not completed amongst my 300+, and a few combat ones I could knock out too, but I'll wait until after Chapter 6 for those and see if Affinity Missions take me nearby before Skell licensing. Small qualm w/ the story here - the tainted Caro definitely picked fights w/ me when I established FrontierNav in this area. If I wasn't 10+ levels

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 5:44 AM ·Spoilers over them at this point, they'd do it again too.

Awesome stuff. I'd theorize the Dark Matter mech we just conducted a salvage of is the creation of the ancient Miran society on Cauldros, who were defeated by the one most strongly evidenced in Oblivia. Those are my huches for now. It's pretty riveting actually. I'm more invested in theworld's history than its current story, which I hope balances

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 5:50 AM ·Spoilers out in time. Tatsu showing up with lunch on the salvage chopper, err spinnyplane, is a funny way to introduce this grave detection scenario by the ravenous Tainted. I've wanted a piece of the two Sphinx Tyrants I've seen but was way under their weight class. Here, I'm grotesquely overlevelled, so I'll have to wait for an engaging struggle.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 5:56 AM ·Spoilers I'd have gladly fought the three of them that rose up to replace the first, but a big, beautiful, savage creature swooped in and dispatched them in highly entertaining fashion. That's got to be a Telethia. Sweet!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 6:07 AM ·Spoilers Between the rather callous Squad Achievements flashing all the time, and the special edition art book, I have a pretty good idea where this is going. Kind of irked by the former portion being a constant stream of spoilers, but whatever ... so the Ganglion Grandmaster Luxaar is putting yet another enslaved race to work. I've encountered the Milsaadi. Now Wrothians enter the fold.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 6:59 AM I try to keep my crew looking sharp Panyar. I've looked all over for this Ma- non. It's likely this Normal Mission triggered by Chapter 6's conclusion causes her appearance.

I still won't be rushing to Skell licensing. A scad of Normals opened up. I've gotten Ao's Matchmaker Affinity Mission off the board quickly just to get party member freedom and work on goals. It was pleasant. Yelv's is next.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Zachary 12/17/2015 7:03 AM Ok I'm just asking to try to figure out how long it is. E Yeah! e 0

Sciz 12/17/2015 7:07 AM So Stagger, I'm debating about whether I should tell you about something you missed in Sylvalum. Nothing story or even mission related, just something you missed.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 7:30 AM The Nopon eh Deano? Of course don't tell me. I'm already bordering on going back to my Miiverse blackout stance during this playthrough. I'll be there plenty before getting my Skell anyway. Place is huge ...

These Normals are interesting as always. Finally getting some love from Corwin as a fellow Pathfinder is nice. Fast travel for everything is convenient too.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 7:50 AM ·Spoilers That got very interesting, and as the Affinity Link checks w/ Corwin's team affirm, that's a second rival from an odd group running giant Galdr mechs for the Ganglion. If I have that straight, then A False Hope was my first glimpse inside their sect, which seems to be working w/ the Milsaadi. Love the intricacy ... Speaking of, Prone and Ma-non alike are getting much appreciated subplot advances.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 8:18 AM ·Spoilers The Fashion action had a bit of comedy, and a choice at the end that reminded me of a certain fermented beverage Quest in Frontier Village. :p This is very interesting here. Fraise's new flock had intrigued me, but again, Chapter 6 completion seemed to bethe condition to gain insight into the ultimate meeting of faith and science.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Sciz 12/17/2015 8:41 AM Actually no. I have no idea where the Nopon are in Sylvalum. I've only found the Nopon in Oblivia and Cauldros. I just found something blatantly obvious that both of us missed. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 8:44 AM I think I've got all of the new Normal Missions accepted, and Yelv might need to complete a couple more to reach 2-hearts and open up the only other Affinity Mission available for now. Heart-to-hearts are apearing w/out any credit for Segment Recon sometimes now, examples being Alexa's first and H.B.'s second. Just stumble across some of them, others are part of the inscrutable Info system ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 9:02 AM Super boss related Dean? I mean if it's obvious, I'll see it soon enough right?

Yelv is actually in good stead for his Affinity Mission w/out further work. I'm going to take a lunch break, then take a look at the two Normals involving Primordia. I should clear 60% there and 40% overall in the process. Then I'll do Yelv's thing in conjunction w/ some Oblivian objectives. Good times! E Yeah! e 0 D

Sciz 12/17/2015 9:26 AM Nope. I'd post that on mine. I'll bet you'll find it eventually, but I can't imagine you'll be too proud of yourself when you do.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 10:33 AM ·Spoilers Man, this game is dark sometimes. I've slain three humans from the Affinity Chart in one caper, and recent Missions have seen two named characters off themselves when confronted with their misdeeds. Not to mention the "execute" option given often as a choice during certain tasks ... as a result of breaking up a religious scheme, the Lake Biahno Water Treatment facilities have a follow-up Mission.

E Yeah!? e 0 D Stagger 12/17/2015 11:56 AM ·Spoilers I had a feeling I was in for some tragic HR Giger action. (of Alien movie fame - I forget sometimes that people aren't familiar with his work). The morbid hit parade stopped with this great moment of fostering understanding between prejudiced human and innocent Ma-non. I thought for sure Inasae was a goner too. Another round of smart Normal Missions, and a consistent theme: Mira is dangerous!

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 12:13 PM Ha, Yelv ... classic. He mocks the flower picking Missions on the board and suggests we go looking for rumors of action more suited to his skull cracking outlook. Frye and Yelv at the same time is too much btw.

Primordia over 60%, overall tops 40% as expected ... I've got two Normal Missions in Oblivia besides whatever Yeov has coming for his Affinity, so this should be fun. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 1:06 PM ·Spoilers *Yelv* These Affinity Missions are so worthwhile. Somehow, I've managed to take an interest in 15 other characters. Their stories each develop nicely. Solid pacing for the most part, and distinct plots ... now we know what Yelv is looking for, why he's a Reclaimer, and the reason he put us through our paces to earn his trust.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 1:21 PM ·Spoilers Wow, intense. The Tree Clan Prone do things right. Finding the body of a lost loved one and given the option to search the personage or the area for a keepsake, I took the former, as it matched the client's instructions. A note for a wife leading to a hidden gift is one end of the bargain, while baiting a beast to consume the lost in accordance w/ tradition is the other. Now it's Falsaxum time. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 2:54 PM ·Spoilers I knew I made the right choice putting Julius' Normal Mission off until last. A nearly human signature detected in Noctilum and a distress signal ... but that's not another human. Let's see where this is going. Again, from the spoiler factory of Squad Member Achievements that flash in the upper left of the screen, I'm guessing there's an immigration to NLA in the works.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Zachary 12/17/2015 2:58 PM You killed people!?

E Yeah!? e 0

Stagger 12/17/2015 3:08 PM ·Spoilers The Orphe give off an initial impression akin to insectoid Vulcans. I'm betting a floodgate of intrigue opens up from this! They've betrayed the Ganglion because humans have a 51% chance of victory according to their calculations. The layers to this game ... and here I thought I was going back on Survey detail. :p

@Zachary: Two named characters died in an infestation. Two took their own life. E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 12/17/2015 3:09 PM Vulcans. My thoughts exactly.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 5:21 PM Prones are Klingons, Nopon are much cuter Ferengi (sp?) and the Ma-non ... well the Ma-non are something else. :p

The fun thing about this Segment Recon, night exclusive Tyrant hunt was it started during a pollen storm. I just kept inching along looking for a big Germavore and found it. I'm going to try to give Sylvalum a very thorough treatment to bring this crew up to snuff.

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 12/17/2015 5:48 PM ·Spoilers How on Mira did I miss this? I came here for a two-for-one affair, a Tyrant and its progeny for seaparate Basic Missions, and somehow never saw the Nopon caravan? Wow. I hope there was weather or something. Yeesh.

One problem w/ my Sylvalum Survey notion is I'd need to have my A-team to knock out some of the Recon tasks. Hrrm ... I can accept waiting in a few cases to prioritize longterm goals.

E Yeah... e 0 D

Stagger 12/17/2015 6:19 PM Again, riddles in Xenoblade! Well, not as distinct as the Off the Record Basic Missions, but two Normal Missions from this new and likely final Nopon Caravan are not cut-and-dried in the least ... and I need a nap, if not to get back at it tomorrow. Super tired today for some reason ...

E Yeah! e 0 D Nintendoer 12/17/2015 6:55 PM The Ma-non...hmm...I can't think of any major technologically-advanced pacifist races in Star Trek. There were some minor just-for-the-episode races that fit the bill, though.

Prone = Klingons? In the most basic sense, sure, but I don't see any deep political struggles going on. Not that any of the other Xenos correlate perfectly, but still. =P

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 12/18/2015 10:21 AM I had a super busy real life morning, so all I was able to do was complete the two mysterious Normal Missions for the Nopon of Sylvalum. I've made a decision on my quandary now that I'm free to play again. This squad is too weak for further Survey work, but I want to move them up, so 185 hours in, I will take on the Skell licensing Mission and see if others open afterwards.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/18/2015 10:57 AM Heh, four of the eight respective Division tasks for the license were already complete, and three were a cakewalk. Only the Outfitters have one of any complexity, given that I had done the Normal Missions and Survey/Landmark establishment to make everything else a breeze. Three different weapon tests, nice! E Yeah! e 0 D

Elzonire 12/18/2015 11:10 AM Wait, you guys are comparing Xenoblade races to Star Trek races? Haha! That's a good comparison.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 12/18/2015 11:37 AM I was afraid of this. I'm not just in a minority here. I might be completely alone. I already dislike the inclusion of Skells in this game. So me and in excess of two billion credits can now own up to four of these, spend countless hours gearing them up, customizing their paint jobs ... this is Armored Core. I signed up for Xenoblade. Ugh. I'm telling you right now, this deflates me.

E Yeah... e 0 D Elzonire 12/18/2015 12:26 PM If I may ask, why do you hate them?

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 12/18/2015 12:31 PM 21 million now, sorry. The money aspect of this game has been meaningless to me up until now.

It's like a separate game bringing them into play Elzo. I miss the game I was playing and enjoying. So what if it's unrealistic to fight giant things w/out them? I'll get over it in a couple hours.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Elzonire 12/18/2015 12:47 PM So, you'll just avoid usage of them and stay on foot? Sounds good.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 12/18/2015 1:42 PM Oh I have a number of complaints Elzo, but I'll get over it.

I'd been wondering when I'd see this little scamp again ... I really just wanted to get up here w/ a Skell and hop around above the canopy, but Mia happened to be tree climbing in Noctilum. Having equipped her and allowed her into the wilds of Mira despite her failures at BLADE training, this seems about right. E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 12/18/2015 4:01 PM Okay, I'm warming up to the Skells, somewhat predictably. Three things stick in my craw: managing four blank slates on top of 20 eventual characters, as 'doer put it; the camera wonkiness of the whol thing; backtracking through this massive a world.

However, combat with them is righteous, and it does give me a chance to see thibgs a new way. Found a cave I hadn't in Noctilum, for example ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 12/19/2015 6:04 AM While there are two Segment Recon Field Actions I really feel like I should be able to complete in Noctilum, they're vexing me. I'll walk away having at least found the last Secret Area I needed there, an obvious one I just never strolled past above the Dekapatomon. So I come to a random spot in Oblivia, guess who appears? This lunatic needs to go home ...

I'm torn about how to proceed now. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/19/2015 6:59 AM Same old story: there are a number of Basic Missions involving combat and Segment Recon Tyrant fights I could handle w/ my A-team, expanded to an unknown tally with three or four Skells. However, I don't want the gaggle of other characters falling that far behind, 15-20 levels in most cases as is. For now, I'll grind some Gathering Basics and mull it over ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/19/2015 7:46 AM The other two Gathering Missions I have that feature a registered Collectible are just brutal. Furthermore, I'm hoping some level appropriate Affinity, Normal and Basic Missions open up for the other characters as I advance the Story ones towards the Flight Module, which I'm finally itching to do. Thus, it's time to take the core three out Skelling, and just drag the Killer Ostrich along. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 12/19/2015 8:33 AM The Ocean Lophid next to Lucille were no match for us, although the finer points of Skell combat and gear choices are pretty foggy to me still. The ones actually near the ocean? A touch too strong, although Elma's Skell being destroyed twice on some attempts at a Leviathan Tyrant didn't deplete it's insurance count. *shrug* Doug's turn on the coattails, slaying some Ictuses for a different Basic.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 12/19/2015 8:39 AM Yeah, the pages on Skells in the manual helped a lot for understanding the basics, including how insurance works. Basically, if you have perfect timing on the B-button prompt upon the Skell being destroyed, your insurance won't decrease. And AI-controlled characters will always achieve perfect timing.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 12/19/2015 8:39 AM I'd already beaten a few of those on foot, but that made the process quicker. The same with these Pugiliths, but after this one, I'm going to bring some weaker characters back to the Ruined City, because these are a cakewalk. Wandering around in a Skell here is markedly more dangerous too, due to the neat change in large creature aggro they cause and awakening some sleeping giants with it.

E Yeah! e 0 D

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