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Courtnay CJluvsMJ27 01/11/2016 4:51 PM ·Spoilers

The way that tyrant looks & how it lays in the water reminds me so much of the White Wreckage landmark in the previous game. The little spires around it looks like fingers too. XP

E Yeah♥ e 9 r 36 D


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E$ U 01/11/2016 5:34 PM White Wreckage landmark? I don't really remember it, but I'm assuming it was somewhere around the Fallen Arm?

E Yeah! e 1

Courtnay 01/11/2016 6:40 PM ·Spoilers Yeah, where Nemesis landed. It's called White Wreckage coz of the Japanese version of the game.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/11/2016 7:49 PM So, carried over without localization? ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/11/2016 8:10 PM Wait, I think it was called Silver Wreckage, but still. XP Yeah, Nemesis was called Silver Face. Since Metal Face's landmark is called Black Wreckage, I think you can figure out his Japanese name...& why they changed it. lol

E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/11/2016 8:27 PM Uh, yeah...... Well, I'm annoyed cause I can't figure how to use the consumables I have.. I'm on the last boss now. Waiting an hour between attempts just doesn't sit well with me! Nor does this "infinite overdrive" I keep hearing of.

E Yeah! e 0 D Courtnay 01/11/2016 8:49 PM When you're in a fight, go to your battle commands by pressing +, then press X.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/11/2016 8:57 PM Okay... I'll try that!

E Yeah! e 0 D

MICHAEL 01/11/2016 9:23 PM ·Spoilers So, Elma's Twili Midna, and NOT Erza, but rather, Evergreen? NoNoNoNo!

I thought she had Erza's voice!

E Yeah! e 0 D

MICHAEL 01/11/2016 9:34 PM ·Spoilers So, a cliffhanger, and Twili Midna?! ..Niice! E Yeah! e 0 D

M4th 01/12/2016 5:23 AM Why don't you go down and say hello to it lol


E Yeah! e 0

Courtnay 01/12/2016 11:30 AM Tempted...to click...spoilers...DX No, I'm not gonna say hi to it! I do wanna go see 'Sani' though. XP In fact, I'm gonna try to do that today...

E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/12/2016 12:17 PM Courtnay, just chapter 12 stuff. Nothing you've not seen. :/

E Yeah! e 0 D

MICHAEL 01/12/2016 5:30 PM Oh, another question.. That blood lobster mission.. Is it timed?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/12/2016 8:45 PM I dunno if it's timed. I'm playing the game blind, so I dunno what happens in chap 12, aside from the game ending. I only finished chap 8. Don't tell me what happens, or prepare to get pogo'd. XD

E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/12/2016 9:25 PM Oh! I thought you and Eric finished the game already! I'm playing it mostly blind, save for when a certain friend of mine pops by to give advice.

Also, he gave me a collectible list.

Finding it hard?

E Yeah! e 1 D

Courtnay 01/12/2016 9:35 PM It's not hard, I just get distracted. Trying to see a bunch of H2Hs, level up party members, managing miranium, & so on.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/12/2016 9:38 PM Mirainium isn't so hard for me... I got distracted a bit myself!

I've finished all Elma's H2Hs, and will work on Lin's next. Also raising affinity for affinity missions.

I spent forever just looking around! ... Apparently, I almost spoiled myself in advance while looking though, cause you can go almost anywhere.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/13/2016 12:02 PM Talk about going everywhere. Guess where I am? I don't even have a flight module yet. XD E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/13/2016 12:04 PM I thought that was impossible!

The Endbringer in the background tho... That level 99 thing scares me.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/13/2016 12:09 PM Nothing's impossible in my book! XP Now I'm in my Skell, but there's no flight button. I freaking glitched my way across the sky to get here. XD

E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/13/2016 12:13 PM Oh... A glitch... Eh.. That's something I'll hold off on!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/13/2016 12:16 PM I just wanted to see Sani so bad. I couldn't resist. I can't wait to fly side by side with him. X3

E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/13/2016 12:17 PM That's supposed to be Sani?!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/13/2016 12:27 PM ·Spoilers It sure acts like it. Uses its wings as hands (like Reshiram), saves us from a outmatched battle, doesn't attack people (while Telethia Plume does), & they're the only telethia that are shaped more like birds (while others look like humanoids, manta rays, snake dragons, & ships).

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/13/2016 12:32 PM ·Spoilers So, that was the one saving us vs Tainted?!

...Hmm.. I thought Sani died in original though?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/13/2016 1:00 PM ·Spoilers Yup, that's the same one. I was thinking that as well, but his owner, who can recreate stuff, isn't dead, so... "[They've] existed before records began. I, like many others, believed they had long since died out. Yet here they are before us."-"Silver-haired hotness" This thing shouldn't exist since they practically eat ether, & this world isn't fueled by ether like 's world. ...or is it? XP

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/13/2016 1:15 PM Nobody shall know..or at least, I don't.

E Yeah! e 0 D

E$ 01/14/2016 6:59 PM Whoa, you guys talked a lot while I was away... but yeah, you were half right Michael, I've beaten XenoX, at least... And yeah, Courtnay, your point about "Sani" not attacking you... uh...

E Yeah!? e 1

Courtnay 01/14/2016 9:18 PM ·Spoilers Sani didn't attack until Alvis ordered it to, & we all know that the both of them aren't evil. The other Telethia? ALL of them attack you, regardless of orders. So technically, Sani doesn't attack people. XP

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

E$ Wii U 01/20/2016 11:29 AM ·Spoilers I meant the "Sani" in this game, but good points nonetheless...

E Yeah♥ e 1

Courtnay 01/20/2016 11:39 AM Well, it's nonaggressive. I'd fight you too if you hit me first, so I don't blame it. XD

E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/20/2016 4:05 PM ·Spoilers So, "Telethia: The Endbringer" doesn't start a fight if you get too close?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Courtnay 01/20/2016 7:34 PM ·Spoilers I think that a quest later has an Endbringer as a sight & sound type, but the normal one shouldn't be. In fact, I saw a video of someone fighting it, but it had no aggro markers & it flew right past them initially.

E Yeah! e 1 D

MICHAEL 01/20/2016 7:57 PM ·Spoilers Nice! Yeah... I was scared silly going past that!

E Yeah! e 0 D

MICHAEL 01/21/2016 5:56 AM ·Spoilers and, I accidentally ended up fighting it... Yay... aand, it probably was indeed Sani.

E Yeah! e 0 D

E$ Wii U 01/23/2016 10:52 AM Can confirm it's non-aggressive after all; practically flew right through me without noticing the other night...

E Yeah♥ e 1

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