Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station Newsletter 2008

Australian Museum 6 College Street Sydney NSW 2010 t 02 9320 6000 nature culture discover

Supported by the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation Published March 2009 Donations The following individuals and organisations have donated funds to the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation or made in-kind gifts during 2008. Members contributed $1,000 or more while Friends contributed smaller amounts. Special donors to the 30th Anniversary Development are indicated with an asterisk (*). Those who made gifts in kind are marked with a plus sign (+). Donors of both cash and gifts in kind are marked with a caret (^). AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM Members Tony and Heather Power LIZARD ISLAND RESEARCH STATION Coral & Ian Ackery Raymond E Purves Foundation* Antoinette Albert DMP Marketing Australia Pty Ltd Belinda and James Allen Pam and Allan Rogers AM Hugh Allen and Judith Ainge Susan Rothwell Anonymous* Alan and Lynn Rydge Philip Bacon David and Daniela Shannon Balnaves Foundation* Mr Brian Sherman AM and Dr Gene Sherman Greer, Jay & Eve Banyer Charlie and Sandy Shuetrim* Ken and Roddy Bell Nell and Hermon Slade Trust Peter and Penny Berents Hermon Slade Raiatea Foundation* The Hon Thomas & Mrs Brigstocke Dick and Pip Smith Geoff and Jill Brunsdon John and Christina Stitt Ted and Mary Carter James N Kirby Foundation* Hon Virginia Chadwick AO & Mr Bruce Chadwick Thyne Reid Foundation* Arthur and Prue Charles Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett John Charrington and Pamela McBride Rob and Bron Wannan Mrs Shirley Coles June and Bruce Watson Robert and Margaret Coles Sarah Whyte Ken Coles AM and Rowena Danziger AM* Vernon Foundation* Chrstopher and Kathryn Dibden Yulgilbar Foundation* Louise Nettleton and Michael Dowe Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation* Edith B. and Lee V. Jacobs Fund No. 3 Westfield Foundation Elizabeth Gabler Charitable Trust via Trust Company* Peter and Helen Wodetzki Friends of Conservation* Don and Susan Fry Corporate Members John & Margie Goodall Apollo Sports Company+ John and Rosemary Gough Australian Projects Pty Ltd Andrew Green and Colette Garnsey Captain Cook Cruises*+ Geoff and Elisabeth Haddy Fesq and Company+ Mike and Louise Hamshere Maple-Brown Abbott Diana Hardy Port Philip Estate+ Barbara R Hardy AO Voyages Hotels and Resorts*+ Newsletter 2008 Chestnut Tree Foundation (Philip and Sylvia Hartog) Winning Appliances Published March 2009 Geraldine and Trevor Haworth AM Friends Bill and Alison Hayward* Anonymous Tom and Beverley Healy Derek Anderson Philip and Jane Hemstritch Sue Bullock The Ian Potter Foundation* Joanna Capon Fraser and Victoria Hopkins Emma Charrington John & Laurine Proud Family Estate Trust (No 1) Richard Coles and Christine Bartlett Elizabeth and Robert Johnson Alicia Corbett Chris and Katy Joscelyne Directors All photographs by Lyle Vail or Anne Hoggett Research Strategies Results Pty Ltd Dr Lyle Vail and Dr Anne Hoggett unless otherwise indicated. James & Susan Kirby R.E. Dods Raymond & Deirdre Kirby Jade Evans Lizard Island Research Station Main cover photo: ©istockphoto. The Aquarium Society of NSW Terry Ford PMB 37 Small left cover photo: Joao Krajewsky. Diccon and Elizabeth Loxton Brian France Cairns QLD 4870 Frank Howarth’s photo: Stuart Humphreys. Rod and Margaret Macdonald Hanlon Foundation Australia Robert and Susan Maple-Brown Ronnie Harding Design and Production Alison Murphy, Maple-Brown Family Charitable Foundation Ltd* Don Henry Phone: + 61 (0)7 4060 3977 Australian Museum Design Unit. Peter & Amy Mercieca Hilary and John Hill Fax: + 61 (0)7 4060 3055 Prof Elmar Messmer & Dr Emanuela Keller E-mail: [email protected] The Australian Museum has produced this J.F. Hiller Gordon Moffatt AM and Jacqueline Moffatt magazine with due regard for its impact on the M.J. and A.E. Hoy environment. The paper stock is the only Australian Lynton and Susan Morgan* Tom and Yvonne Hurley manufactured A2 coated recycled paper. It Graham and Glynn O’Neill Julia King contains 35% locally sourced waste. 92% of Gretel Packer Peter MacPhillamy the energy used to produce it is sourced from Roslyn Packer Christopher McLelland renewable hydroelectric and wind farm power. Bill and Barbara Page-Hanify Sir Lawrence & Lady Macdonald Muir Philippe and Nathalie Pichon Edward Sze-Tu Matthew and Fiona Playfair Scott Malcolm and Jane Taylor AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM DIRECTOR’S REPORT

“If you build it they will come” understanding biological processes might be a credible prediction for at this critical time as coral reefs construction of a baseball field in worldwide face decline. For the middle of a cornfield in Iowa younger, early career researchers but it is not necessarily applicable who have not had the opportunity to a research station at the northern to establish outstanding track end of the Great Barrier Reef. records fundamental to winning In the same way it is not adequate substantial research grants, the justification for developing and costs can be prohibitive. maintaining extensive museum collections - even if both are In this context, the support of the Lizard Island Reef Research world-class with outstanding incredible opportunities for Foundation by providing a international reputations. In both researchers throughout the world range of fellowships to enable cases we can provide cost-effective to develop and share their expertise outstanding graduates and incentives to ensure their use. and knowledge. In so doing, they early career researchers to work enhance the value of our amazing Research on the Great Barrier Reef at the research station is vital. assets and contribute to the is expensive relative to many other The Museum has an identical Museum’s purpose – “to inspire the scientific pursuits. The high cost can approach to encourage researchers exploration of nature and cultures”. be a significant impediment to the to work with our scientists and conduct of longer-term field-based on our collections in Sydney. Frank Howarth research which is fundamental to This suite of fellowships offers Director, Australian Museum reseArch station DIRECTORS’ REPORT

Facilities at Lizard Island Research access to it is another. Field work Station continue to improve as on coral reefs is not an inexpensive the 30th Anniversary Development undertaking and the substantial Program unfolds thanks to the grants needed to enable it tend successful partnership between the to gravitate to senior researchers. Australian Museum and the Lizard Recognising this, the LIRRF has a Island Reef Research Foundation. long history of providing funds This year, we completed two major to support field work by young projects: two visitor houses (Kirby researchers through fellowships and Suntory) were refurbished awarded by the Australian and the Sir John Proud Aquarium Museum. Support for this program reflected in the highest usage on was improved by trebling its continues to grow, with the record, approaching the planned seawater pumping capacity and Yulgilbar Foundation joining The cap of 7,000 user nights per year. by installing systems to treat raw Ian Potter Foundation, the Hermon Research personnel comprised seawater in various ways. Next Slade Raiatea Foundation and the more than 63% of the total and year, the final visitor house (Loomis) estate of John and Laurine Proud student groups at 24% made up will be extended and refurbished as supporters of this program. the bulk of the remainder. See the and the aquarium will be extended This year, no fewer than five new list near the end of this newsletter to provide additional space fellowships were awarded: two to for the wide variety of institutions that is needed so badly during PhD students and three to early- and countries represented, and the peak periods. career scientists, as detailed inside. projects undertaken.

Providing great facilities at LIRS is In 2008, the building program did Anne Hoggett and Lyle Vail one thing; making sure that the not displace normal activities as Directors, Lizard Island best and brightest people have much as in previous years. This was Research Station What have we learned this year? FELLOWSHIPS

At least 63 publications Development of features such as Corals routinely harbour many other Fellowships for PhD students coral symbioses are poorly understood. Alicia will based on research at Lizard the hard shell of tubeworms and organisms within their tissues. The investigate the consequence of ocean acidification Fellowships were awarded by the Australian Museum Island appeared in the a particular joint in the jaw of fishes relationships are complex and poorly on the coral symbiosis. Her research will be to two PhD students to support up to three years’ field scientific literature in 2008 can drive subsequent evolution understood - they may range from conducted by complementary physiological and work at Lizard Island starting in 2009. The fellowships (see page 16). Here are just a in those groups. Papers on both symbiotic to pathogenic. Work at genetic measurements. are each valued at $7,000 per year. They are awarded few of the highlights: these developments and their Lizard Island published this year has on a competitive basis to outstanding PhD candidates consequences appeared during the shown that virus-like particles are a “Reef acidification” is likely to be different to “ocean The diversity of life on coral reefs is who will conduct field- intensive research at the Lizard year, based in part on work carried common part of this community of acidification”. At low tide, reef flats experience “reef huge and an enormous number Island Research Station. Their research will complement out at Lizard Island. organisms found within corals, and acidification” on a daily basis. This is due to processes of species are still unknown the Australian Museum’s Science Research Strategy. they are found in both healthy and such as photosynthesis, respiration and calcification that to science. Thirty new species Most coral reef start life as diseased corals. change water chemistry while shallow water is pooled. of invertebrates were described a free-living larva before settling The Ian Potter 2009 Doctoral Fellowship At Lizard Island, Alicia will take field measurements of from Lizard Island this year: onto the reef. A very different at Lizard Island daily reef acidification under different environmental 12 myxozoans, 10 flatworms, pattern has been discovered for a conditions in order to map areas at greatest risk. These 3 amphipods, 2 isopods, and 3 sea brittle-star species at Lizard Island. Funding for this fellowship is provided by The Ian results will provide predictive power for reef managers slugs. What’s a myxozoan? It’s a Instead of being spawned into Potter Foundation. This is the fourth fellowship provided and will help identify areas that are at greatest risk from phylum - a very major group - of the water, eggs are spawned into by The Ian Potter Foundation, which has also funded future reef acidification. animals that are parasites of fishes. the female’s respiratory chambers the Ian Potter Centre for Tropical Marine Research at Lizard Island. where they are fertilised, hatch and Lizard Island 2009 Doctoral Fellowship develop into juveniles. Although a 02 handful of other tropical brittlestars The Lizard Island Doctoral Fellowship is funded by 03 are known to brood, this species is the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation. The 2009 unique in having a larva of the type award is the 39th doctoral fellowship funded by the that is normally free-living. Foundation since the inception of the program in 1984. Coral gobies live in small, stable Do “eyespots” on coral reef fishes groups within a single coral colony. really fool predators into thinking There is only one male in the that the head is at the wrong group and it breeds only with end or that the is bigger the largest female. The other than it is? Not really, according individuals are smaller, non- to a study at Lizard Island of a breeding females who can change Evolutionary relationships within damselfish species that has distinct sex under suitable conditions. and among animal groups are eyespots as juveniles which fade A series of studies conducted at being uncovered more quickly in adulthood. Instead, eyespots Lizard Island has discovered why Alicia Crawley and with greater accuracy using University of seem to signal “I am a baby and and how subordinates remain molecular techniques in addition not a threat to you” to adults of smaller and how monogamy has Assessing the risk of ocean acidification to traditional morphology. for the Great Barrier Reef the same species, possibly resulting evolved. Dominant females attack Relationships and evolutionary in better protection and nutrition subordinates when they grow too Oceans are becoming more acidic due to increasing trends were uncovered in numerous of the juvenile. large. Subordinate females thus atmospheric CO2: pH has dropped by 0.1 units since animal groups at Lizard Island have to strike a balance between pre-industrial times and it is predicted to decline by this year including coral gobies, getting enough food to survive a further 0.3 units by the end of this century. Rebecca Fox parrotfishes, gnathiid isopods, sea and effectively dieting so as not Acidification poses a real threat to the ability of corals ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and slugs and naticid gastropods. to grow large enough to invite and other marine calcifiers to build their skeletons James Cook University attack. This results in the dominant because it reduces the availability of necessary chemicals The functional ecology of rabbitfishes on female suppressing maturation in the water. Coral reefs are also affected by increasing the Great Barrier Reef Left: Bumphead parrotfish. of subordinates and preventing temperature which can lead to coral bleaching Rabbitfishes are characteristic of coral reefs of the Great Right: Diverse assemblage of reef flat corals. the male from breeding with through disruption of the relationship between corals Barrier Reef, Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea. Despite Top: Eyespots indicate vulnerable babyhood. other females. and their internal plant symbionts. The impacts their widespread distribution and abundance, the of ocean acidification on the photo-physiology of ecosystem function of individual species and their roles What have we learned this year? FELLOWSHIPS

At least 63 publications Development of features such as Corals routinely harbour many other Fellowships for PhD students coral symbioses are poorly understood. Alicia will based on research at Lizard the hard shell of tubeworms and organisms within their tissues. The investigate the consequence of ocean acidification Fellowships were awarded by the Australian Museum Island appeared in the a particular joint in the jaw of fishes relationships are complex and poorly on the coral symbiosis. Her research will be to two PhD students to support up to three years’ field scientific literature in 2008 can drive subsequent evolution understood - they may range from conducted by complementary physiological and work at Lizard Island starting in 2009. The fellowships (see page 16). Here are just a in those groups. Papers on both symbiotic to pathogenic. Work at genetic measurements. are each valued at $7,000 per year. They are awarded few of the highlights: these developments and their Lizard Island published this year has on a competitive basis to outstanding PhD candidates consequences appeared during the shown that virus-like particles are a “Reef acidification” is likely to be different to “ocean The diversity of life on coral reefs is who will conduct field- intensive research at the Lizard year, based in part on work carried common part of this community of acidification”. At low tide, reef flats experience “reef huge and an enormous number Island Research Station. Their research will complement out at Lizard Island. organisms found within corals, and acidification” on a daily basis. This is due to processes of species are still unknown the Australian Museum’s Science Research Strategy. they are found in both healthy and such as photosynthesis, respiration and calcification that to science. Thirty new species Most coral reef animals start life as diseased corals. change water chemistry while shallow water is pooled. of invertebrates were described a free-living larva before settling The Ian Potter 2009 Doctoral Fellowship At Lizard Island, Alicia will take field measurements of from Lizard Island this year: onto the reef. A very different at Lizard Island daily reef acidification under different environmental 12 myxozoans, 10 flatworms, pattern has been discovered for a conditions in order to map areas at greatest risk. These 3 amphipods, 2 isopods, and 3 sea brittle-star species at Lizard Island. Funding for this fellowship is provided by The Ian results will provide predictive power for reef managers slugs. What’s a myxozoan? It’s a Instead of being spawned into Potter Foundation. This is the fourth fellowship provided and will help identify areas that are at greatest risk from phylum - a very major group - of the water, eggs are spawned into by The Ian Potter Foundation, which has also funded future reef acidification. animals that are parasites of fishes. the female’s respiratory chambers the Ian Potter Centre for Tropical Marine Research at Lizard Island. where they are fertilised, hatch and Lizard Island 2009 Doctoral Fellowship develop into juveniles. Although a 02 handful of other tropical brittlestars The Lizard Island Doctoral Fellowship is funded by 03 are known to brood, this species is the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation. The 2009 unique in having a larva of the type award is the 39th doctoral fellowship funded by the that is normally free-living. Foundation since the inception of the program in 1984. Coral gobies live in small, stable Do “eyespots” on coral reef fishes groups within a single coral colony. really fool predators into thinking There is only one male in the that the head is at the wrong group and it breeds only with end or that the animal is bigger the largest female. The other than it is? Not really, according individuals are smaller, non- to a study at Lizard Island of a breeding females who can change Evolutionary relationships within damselfish species that has distinct sex under suitable conditions. and among animal groups are eyespots as juveniles which fade A series of studies conducted at being uncovered more quickly in adulthood. Instead, eyespots Lizard Island has discovered why Alicia Crawley and with greater accuracy using seem to signal “I am a baby and and how subordinates remain molecular techniques in addition not a threat to you” to adults of smaller and how monogamy has Assessing the risk of ocean acidification to traditional morphology. for the Great Barrier Reef the same species, possibly resulting evolved. Dominant females attack Relationships and evolutionary in better protection and nutrition subordinates when they grow too Oceans are becoming more acidic due to increasing trends were uncovered in numerous of the juvenile. large. Subordinate females thus atmospheric CO2: pH has dropped by 0.1 units since animal groups at Lizard Island have to strike a balance between pre-industrial times and it is predicted to decline by this year including coral gobies, getting enough food to survive a further 0.3 units by the end of this century. Rebecca Fox parrotfishes, gnathiid isopods, sea and effectively dieting so as not Acidification poses a real threat to the ability of corals ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and slugs and naticid gastropods. to grow large enough to invite and other marine calcifiers to build their skeletons James Cook University attack. This results in the dominant because it reduces the availability of necessary chemicals The functional ecology of rabbitfishes on female suppressing maturation in the water. Coral reefs are also affected by increasing the Great Barrier Reef Left: Bumphead parrotfish. of subordinates and preventing temperature which can lead to coral bleaching Rabbitfishes are characteristic of coral reefs of the Great Right: Diverse assemblage of reef flat corals. the male from breeding with through disruption of the relationship between corals Barrier Reef, Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea. Despite Top: Eyespots indicate vulnerable babyhood. other females. and their internal plant symbionts. The impacts their widespread distribution and abundance, the of ocean acidification on the photo-physiology of ecosystem function of individual species and their roles FELLOWSHIPS

in maintaining the balance between coral and algae on Isobel Bennett Marine Biology Fellowship John and Laurine Proud Fellowship The Yulgilbar Foundation Fellowship reefs are not well understood. In terms of their ecology, at Lizard Island at Lizard Island This fellowship is funded by the Hermon Slade Raiatea they are the least-studied of the four major families of Foundation. It is named in recognition of Dr Isobel The late Sir John Proud was the founder and inaugural Funding from The Yulgilbar Foundation to the nominally herbivorous fishes (parrotfishes, surgeonfishes, Bennett AO, one of Australia’s eminent marine biologists chairman of the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation. Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation has enabled damselfishes and rabbitfishes) on coral reefs. who died in January 2008. He and his wife, the late Lady Laurine, supported the establishment of this fellowship. The Yulgilbar In many countries rabbitfishes form a significant part of station for more than 30 years. Their estate continues Foundation is also a substantial supporter of the capital the commercial and artisanal fishing catch. It is therefore to support this fellowship. development program at the Lizard Island Research Station. The inaugural Yulgilbar Foundation Fellowship important that we gain a better understanding of their Dr Michael Berumen was awarded this year. ecological role since they can easily be over-exploited. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution This project will provide important information regarding Self-recruitment and the contribution of resource the relative importance of rabbitfishes to the health of quality to fitness in coral reef fish coral reef ecosystems. Measuring “connectivity” between reefs remains Rebecca’s study will: a challenge for managers and scientists despite the fundamental importance of these processes to • Determine the comparative feeding behaviours sustaining a given population. Preliminary studies of of common species of rabbitfishes at Lizard reef fish have shown that self-recruitment - juveniles Island and relate these to the functional role played returning to the same reef as their parents - is more by each species. common than previously expected. This significantly • Use acoustic telemetry to determine the home range affects local population dynamics and can be size, diurnal movement patterns and associated 04 measured with extremely high spatial resolution using 05 habitat use of several species of rabbitfishes. Dr Megan Porter non-lethal genetic techniques. • Produce an ecosystem function analysis of all nine University of Maryland Baltimore County species of rabbitfishes at Lizard Island based on Barcoding larval stomatopod crustaceans for Parentage analysis from a non-lethal fin clip for their diet and feeding behaviour. physiological, ecological, and biodiversity studies genotyping provides a unique measure of fitness by Stomatopods are crustaceans that are commonly found confirming the successful settlement of offspring Dr Guillermo Diaz-Pulido from specific parents. Recruits can be monitored for on coral reefs. They have been used as a model system Centre for Marine Studies University of Queensland FELLOWSHIPS FOR POST-DOCTORAL survival and eventually their own reproductive success for investigating Indo-Pacific marine biogeography and Understanding the sensitivity of crustose coralline RESEARCHERS can be followed. larval dispersal. Adult stomatopods are of particular algae to ocean acidification interest because they have very complex visual systems. Fellowships were awarded by the Australian Museum Michael’s study species will be Chaetodon baronessa, Plants known collectively as crustose coralline algae to three early-career researchers. Valued at up to Studies of larval genetic diversity within the Indo- a home-ranging corallivorous butterflyfish. Reefs around (CCA) make critical contributions to the construction $8,000 each, funding is provided through the Lizard Pacific have shown that a large number of undescribed Lizard vary greatly in the “quality” of corals available of reefs by depositing a particular type of limestone, Island Reef Research Foundation. The fellowships stomatopod species exist in the region. DNA barcoding to this fish resulting in differences in energy storage, high-magnesium calcite. They build and cement the are awarded on a competitive basis to outstanding has successfully been used to assign hard-to-identify growth, and longevity. He will use parentage analysis framework of coral reefs by binding adjacent substrata candidates who obtained a PhD degree less than six larval types to a particular species. to assess reproductive success of fish from different and by providing a calcified tissue barrier against years ago and who will conduct field- intensive research areas around Lizard. erosion. CCA also induce settlement of coral larvae and Megan’s project will genetically characterize all of the at the Lizard Island Research Station in 2009. Their other invertebrates on coral reefs. research will complement the Australian Museum’s described stomatopod species of the Lizard Island In addition to providing direct measurements of self- Science Research Strategy. Group, linking both larval and adult morphologies. recruitment and connectivity of a pelagic spawning CCA are extremely sensitive to increasing ocean By systematically sampling stomatopod larvae from species, this study will identify which resources are acidification. There are 20 to 30 species of CCA at Lizard a wide range of sites at Lizard Island, the potential influencing the fitness of reef fish. This work will provide Island, encompassing a variety of morphologies, life to discover new species is high. Importantly, this information directly applicable to management: if we strategies, ecologies and geochemical compositions. project will also provide valuable field experience for better understand the resources that lead to higher Therefore, it is likely that they will respond differently to two new PhD students researching stomatopod vision. reproductive output, we can more efficiently create acidification and some may be able to adapt in ways that Top: Dr Michael Berumen. effective spatial management plans. we don’t yet understand. Investigation of these factors will provide new insights into the impacts that coral reefs are facing in a period of rapid climate change. FELLOWSHIPS

in maintaining the balance between coral and algae on Isobel Bennett Marine Biology Fellowship John and Laurine Proud Fellowship The Yulgilbar Foundation Fellowship reefs are not well understood. In terms of their ecology, at Lizard Island at Lizard Island This fellowship is funded by the Hermon Slade Raiatea they are the least-studied of the four major families of Foundation. It is named in recognition of Dr Isobel The late Sir John Proud was the founder and inaugural Funding from The Yulgilbar Foundation to the nominally herbivorous fishes (parrotfishes, surgeonfishes, Bennett AO, one of Australia’s eminent marine biologists chairman of the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation. Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation has enabled damselfishes and rabbitfishes) on coral reefs. who died in January 2008. He and his wife, the late Lady Laurine, supported the establishment of this fellowship. The Yulgilbar In many countries rabbitfishes form a significant part of station for more than 30 years. Their estate continues Foundation is also a substantial supporter of the capital the commercial and artisanal fishing catch. It is therefore to support this fellowship. development program at the Lizard Island Research Station. The inaugural Yulgilbar Foundation Fellowship important that we gain a better understanding of their Dr Michael Berumen was awarded this year. ecological role since they can easily be over-exploited. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution This project will provide important information regarding Self-recruitment and the contribution of resource the relative importance of rabbitfishes to the health of quality to fitness in coral reef fish coral reef ecosystems. Measuring “connectivity” between reefs remains Rebecca’s study will: a challenge for managers and scientists despite the fundamental importance of these processes to • Determine the comparative feeding behaviours sustaining a given population. Preliminary studies of of common species of rabbitfishes at Lizard reef fish have shown that self-recruitment - juveniles Island and relate these to the functional role played returning to the same reef as their parents - is more by each species. common than previously expected. This significantly • Use acoustic telemetry to determine the home range affects local population dynamics and can be size, diurnal movement patterns and associated 04 measured with extremely high spatial resolution using 05 habitat use of several species of rabbitfishes. Dr Megan Porter non-lethal genetic techniques. • Produce an ecosystem function analysis of all nine University of Maryland Baltimore County species of rabbitfishes at Lizard Island based on Barcoding larval stomatopod crustaceans for Parentage analysis from a non-lethal fin clip for their diet and feeding behaviour. physiological, ecological, and biodiversity studies genotyping provides a unique measure of fitness by Stomatopods are crustaceans that are commonly found confirming the successful settlement of offspring Dr Guillermo Diaz-Pulido from specific parents. Recruits can be monitored for on coral reefs. They have been used as a model system Centre for Marine Studies University of Queensland FELLOWSHIPS FOR POST-DOCTORAL survival and eventually their own reproductive success for investigating Indo-Pacific marine biogeography and Understanding the sensitivity of crustose coralline RESEARCHERS can be followed. larval dispersal. Adult stomatopods are of particular algae to ocean acidification interest because they have very complex visual systems. Fellowships were awarded by the Australian Museum Michael’s study species will be Chaetodon baronessa, Plants known collectively as crustose coralline algae to three early-career researchers. Valued at up to Studies of larval genetic diversity within the Indo- a home-ranging corallivorous butterflyfish. Reefs around (CCA) make critical contributions to the construction $8,000 each, funding is provided through the Lizard Pacific have shown that a large number of undescribed Lizard vary greatly in the “quality” of corals available of reefs by depositing a particular type of limestone, Island Reef Research Foundation. The fellowships stomatopod species exist in the region. DNA barcoding to this fish resulting in differences in energy storage, high-magnesium calcite. They build and cement the are awarded on a competitive basis to outstanding has successfully been used to assign hard-to-identify growth, and longevity. He will use parentage analysis framework of coral reefs by binding adjacent substrata candidates who obtained a PhD degree less than six larval types to a particular species. to assess reproductive success of fish from different and by providing a calcified tissue barrier against years ago and who will conduct field- intensive research areas around Lizard. erosion. CCA also induce settlement of coral larvae and Megan’s project will genetically characterize all of the at the Lizard Island Research Station in 2009. Their other invertebrates on coral reefs. research will complement the Australian Museum’s described stomatopod species of the Lizard Island In addition to providing direct measurements of self- Science Research Strategy. Group, linking both larval and adult morphologies. recruitment and connectivity of a pelagic spawning CCA are extremely sensitive to increasing ocean By systematically sampling stomatopod larvae from species, this study will identify which resources are acidification. There are 20 to 30 species of CCA at Lizard a wide range of sites at Lizard Island, the potential influencing the fitness of reef fish. This work will provide Island, encompassing a variety of morphologies, life to discover new species is high. Importantly, this information directly applicable to management: if we strategies, ecologies and geochemical compositions. project will also provide valuable field experience for better understand the resources that lead to higher Therefore, it is likely that they will respond differently to two new PhD students researching stomatopod vision. reproductive output, we can more efficiently create acidification and some may be able to adapt in ways that Top: Dr Michael Berumen. effective spatial management plans. we don’t yet understand. Investigation of these factors will provide new insights into the impacts that coral reefs are facing in a period of rapid climate change. FELLOWSHIPS 30TH ANNIVERSARY DEVELOPMENT

Research by Fellows in 2008 Fellowships awarded in previous years supported the research of ten scientists at Lizard Island during 2008.

Lizard Island Doctoral Fellows Adel Heenan, University of Edinburgh (2007) Michael Holcomb, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2007) Tom Holmes, James Cook University (2007) Roberta Bonaldo, James Cook University (2008) Jacob Johansen, James Cook University (2008)

Ian Potter Doctoral Fellows Lynda Curtis, University of Queensland (2006) Andrew Hoey, James Cook University (2007) This major upgrade of the station’s • Three new dinghies Louise, Sam • Staged purchase of laboratory Vanessa Messmer, James Cook University (2008) facilities continued during 2008, and Sarah join earlier additions equipment continues, funded the fourth year of the project. to make six dinghies in the by the Raymond E. Purves Isobel Bennett Marine Biology Fellow Dr Line Bay, James Cook University and The Lizard Island Reef Research fleet that are part of the 30th Foundation and the Thyne Reid Australian Institute of Marine Science (2008) Foundation has coordinated Anniversary development. Louise Foundation. Items purchased in John & Laurine Proud Fellow Dr Morgan Pratchett, James Cook University (2008) fundraising for this $4.75 million was funded by the WV Scott 2008 include stereomicroscopes, project which will be completed Charitable Trust, while Sam cold light sources, camera in 2011. and Sarah were funded by The fittings for microscopes, analytical Yulgilbar Foundation. balances, vortex mixer, fume Achievements during 2008 were: • Another new dinghy has been 06 Profile of a fellowship alumnus cabinet, water bath, vacuum 07 • Improvements to the supply of ordered. It will be named Mimi pump, air pump, seawater Dr Kendall Clements seawater to the Sir John Proud and it is funded by the John filtration and sterilisation system, Kendall Clements was the 1987 Lizard Island Doctoral Aquarium, including additional Villiers Trust. immersion heaters and hot Fellow. His PhD research not only set the course for intake lines, pumps, drains • Two larger new boats were plate/stirrer. his career, it also sparked a new line of research that and associated electrical and also acquired in 2008. Named • Installation of a new generator continues today. In the gut of surgeonfishes at Lizard switching systems. Funding Macquarie 1 and Macquarie 2, that will become part of a new Island, Kendall discovered a microorganism so large that for the aquarium upgrade has they can each carry up to hybrid alternative energy system it took several years for Kendall and collaborators Esther been provided by the Vincent 12 snorkelers within the in 2010, including replacement Angert and Stan Bullivant to convince the scientific Fairfax Family Foundation Lizard Island group. They were of the fuel distribution system community that it really is a bacterium. Several unique and additional funding for some purchased with funds from the to all generators. The new features have been discovered that allow this organism pumps was provided by Friends Macquarie Group Foundation generator was funded by the to overcome the size limitations of other bacteria of Conservation. and the LIRRF. Trust Company. (Mendell et al., 2008; see Publications). • Refurbishment of visitor houses, • Purchase of a small utility vehicle • Furnishing and fitout of the Ian Kirby and Suntory, thanks to for use by visitors and for Potter Centre for Tropical As well as his work with the “big bacterium”, Kendall funding from the Raymond maintenance purposes. It was Marine Research was completed has contributed enormously to our knowledge of N. Kirby Foundation and the funded by the LIRRF. in 2008. herbivory in marine systems and of the evolutionary LIRRF. This included replacement relationships among herbivorous fishes. Kendall is of all windows, installation of currently Associate Professor in the School of Biological insect screens, refurbishment of Left: The aquarium system is a vital Sciences at the University of Auckland. He supervises resource for many research projects, bathrooms, replacement of floor shown here with Dr Morgan Pratchett. many postgraduate students, maintains many active coverings and storage units in Centre: Loading the new dinghy, Sam. research collaborations and has so far produced more all bedrooms, and new solar hot Right: Vanessa Messmer uses one of than 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals of which at water systems. the new balances. least 17 include data collected at Lizard Island. FELLOWSHIPS 30TH ANNIVERSARY DEVELOPMENT

Research by Fellows in 2008 Fellowships awarded in previous years supported the research of ten scientists at Lizard Island during 2008.

Lizard Island Doctoral Fellows Adel Heenan, University of Edinburgh (2007) Michael Holcomb, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2007) Tom Holmes, James Cook University (2007) Roberta Bonaldo, James Cook University (2008) Jacob Johansen, James Cook University (2008)

Ian Potter Doctoral Fellows Lynda Curtis, University of Queensland (2006) Andrew Hoey, James Cook University (2007) This major upgrade of the station’s • Three new dinghies Louise, Sam • Staged purchase of laboratory Vanessa Messmer, James Cook University (2008) facilities continued during 2008, and Sarah join earlier additions equipment continues, funded the fourth year of the project. to make six dinghies in the by the Raymond E. Purves Isobel Bennett Marine Biology Fellow Dr Line Bay, James Cook University and The Lizard Island Reef Research fleet that are part of the 30th Foundation and the Thyne Reid Australian Institute of Marine Science (2008) Foundation has coordinated Anniversary development. Louise Foundation. Items purchased in John & Laurine Proud Fellow Dr Morgan Pratchett, James Cook University (2008) fundraising for this $4.75 million was funded by the WV Scott 2008 include stereomicroscopes, project which will be completed Charitable Trust, while Sam cold light sources, camera in 2011. and Sarah were funded by The fittings for microscopes, analytical Yulgilbar Foundation. balances, vortex mixer, fume Achievements during 2008 were: • Another new dinghy has been 06 Profile of a fellowship alumnus cabinet, water bath, vacuum 07 • Improvements to the supply of ordered. It will be named Mimi pump, air pump, seawater Dr Kendall Clements seawater to the Sir John Proud and it is funded by the John filtration and sterilisation system, Kendall Clements was the 1987 Lizard Island Doctoral Aquarium, including additional Villiers Trust. immersion heaters and hot Fellow. His PhD research not only set the course for intake lines, pumps, drains • Two larger new boats were plate/stirrer. his career, it also sparked a new line of research that and associated electrical and also acquired in 2008. Named • Installation of a new generator continues today. In the gut of surgeonfishes at Lizard switching systems. Funding Macquarie 1 and Macquarie 2, that will become part of a new Island, Kendall discovered a microorganism so large that for the aquarium upgrade has they can each carry up to hybrid alternative energy system it took several years for Kendall and collaborators Esther been provided by the Vincent 12 snorkelers within the in 2010, including replacement Angert and Stan Bullivant to convince the scientific Fairfax Family Foundation Lizard Island group. They were of the fuel distribution system community that it really is a bacterium. Several unique and additional funding for some purchased with funds from the to all generators. The new features have been discovered that allow this organism pumps was provided by Friends Macquarie Group Foundation generator was funded by the to overcome the size limitations of other bacteria of Conservation. and the LIRRF. Trust Company. (Mendell et al., 2008; see Publications). • Refurbishment of visitor houses, • Purchase of a small utility vehicle • Furnishing and fitout of the Ian Kirby and Suntory, thanks to for use by visitors and for Potter Centre for Tropical As well as his work with the “big bacterium”, Kendall funding from the Raymond maintenance purposes. It was Marine Research was completed has contributed enormously to our knowledge of N. Kirby Foundation and the funded by the LIRRF. in 2008. herbivory in marine systems and of the evolutionary LIRRF. This included replacement relationships among herbivorous fishes. Kendall is of all windows, installation of currently Associate Professor in the School of Biological insect screens, refurbishment of Left: The aquarium system is a vital Sciences at the University of Auckland. He supervises resource for many research projects, bathrooms, replacement of floor shown here with Dr Morgan Pratchett. many postgraduate students, maintains many active coverings and storage units in Centre: Loading the new dinghy, Sam. research collaborations and has so far produced more all bedrooms, and new solar hot Right: Vanessa Messmer uses one of than 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals of which at water systems. the new balances. least 17 include data collected at Lizard Island. LIZARD ISLAND REEF RESEARCH FOUNDATION

The Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation was Members Other activities Founder established to raise funds for the Lizard Island Research Members of the Foundation donate $1,000 or more Dr Anne Hoggett, director of the research station, ^ Station and to support research on the Great Barrier Sir John Proud per year. They go into a draw to win a four-night Reef. It has raised almost $8 million since its inception in and Andrew Hoey, 2007 Ian Potter Doctoral Fellow, holiday for two at the Lizard Island Resort, including Patrons 1978. As well as supporting development of the station’s gave presentations to staff of Macquarie Group on airfares within Australia. The stay at the Lizard Island infrastructure, it has enabled the Australian Museum to 13 May 2008 in Sydney. The Macquarie Group Dr Des Griffin AM Resort is generously donated by Voyages Resorts. award 44 doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships with a Foundation has been a strong supporter of the 30th * Please see the inside back cover for Members and Mr Trevor Haworth AM total value of $542,000. Ken Coles has been a trustee Anniversary Development program by providing funding Friends of the Foundation. Mr Raymond Kirby AO of the Foundation since 1991 and chairman since 1994. for educational facilities and vessels used to transport student groups and researchers. Mr Henry Loomis^ and Mrs Jacqueline Loomis He is supported by an active board of Trustees. Each year, Foundation chairman Ken Coles organizes Lady Proud^ an event in and Sydney for Foundation In July 2008, Foundation Patron Dr Charles Warman On 9 October 2008, Dr Anne Hoggett was a speaker members. These occasions are to inform members Mr Robert Purves AM AM died aged 98. Dr Warman was a trustee of the at The Ian Potter Foundation annual lecture which was about the research done at the Station and to thank Prof Frank Talbot Foundation since 1981 and he was a great friend and held at the Museum Victoria, Melbourne. Anne them for their support. Dr Charles Warman AM^ colleague of the Foundation’s founder, the late Sir John spoke on the impacts of climate change on coral reefs. Proud. He was an inventor whose legacy includes the A luncheon for 27 members and guests was held at Trustees Warman slurry pump that is used in mineral processing the Athenaeum Club in Melbourne on 14 May 2008. Mr Kenneth Coles AM (Chairman) plants throughout the world. The directors’ house The 2007 Ian Potter Doctoral Fellow, Andrew Hoey at the research station is named Warman House in Mr Andrew Green (Secretary & Treasurer) from James Cook University, spoke about his research recognition of generous and long-term support at Lizard Island into interactions between herbivorous Mr Charlie Shuetrim (Chairman, Appeal Committee) 08 provided by Dr Warman and his family. fishes and algae. His work is showing the importance 09 Dr Penny Berents of these fishes in containing excess algae that can Mr James Bildner overwhelm disturbed reefs. The Hon Virginia Chadwick AO Dr Ronnie Harding Emeritus Professor Howard Choat was the guest speaker at the Sydney dinner that was held at the Mr Trevor Haworth AM Wharf Restaurant on 15 September 2008. Before his Mr Frank Howarth retirement, Professor Choat was the Head of Marine Mr Chris Joscelyne Biology at James Cook University. He was pivotal in Mr Vivian King establishing this university as a world leader in coral Visitors Mr Raymond Kirby AO reef research. Professor Choat, his colleagues and People associated with the Lizard Island Reef Research students, have conducted extensive research at the Mr Bill Page-Hanify AM Foundation who visited during the year include: Lizard Island Research Station since the early 1980s. Mrs Fiona Playfair His fascinating talk to a crowd of 98 members • Patron Rob Purves and his son Rhett Mrs Heather Power and guests was about the importance of parrot fish • Darvell and Barbara Hutchinson (winners of the Mr Robert Purves AM 2008 Members prize) Captain Cook Cruises, under the ownership of LIRRF in maintaining healthy coral reefs. Mr Michael Seyffer • Rod and Margaret MacDonald trustee Trevor Haworth and his family, ran a weekly • Ken Coles and Rowena Danziger Mr David Shannon cruise between Cairns and Lizard Island for fifteen years. Natural History Illustration • Charlie and Sandy Shuetrim and family members The company generously donated an annual LIRRF member’s prize of a four-night cruise for two on the LIRRF trustee Chris Joscelyne and his company * new patron in March 2008 luxurious Reef Endeavour since 1993. It also provided Australian Projects have generously agreed to fund a Top: Rowena Danziger and Ken Coles (at front) with ^ deceased transport for LIRS researchers at a highly discounted rate. visit to LIRS by an honours student in natural history Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett at LIRS. Operations ceased in early 2008, marking the end of a Left: Trevor Haworth was presented with his patron’s illustration from the University of Newcastle. The certificate at a luncheon with fellow trustees (from left) local era. The trustees of the LIRRF made Trevor Haworth Australian Projects Natural History Illustration Award Andrew Green, David Shannon, Penny Berents, Chris a Patron in recognition of his long-term support of the will enable the recipient to view living reef animals Joscelyne, Ken Coles, Frank Howarth and Charlie Shuetrim. (Photo courtesy Charlie Shuetrim) Foundation and of the Research Station. in their natural environment that will be the subject Right: A dinghy has been named after Ellie Shuetrim, material of their illustrative works. The first award shown here with her grandmother Sandy Shuetrim. will be made in 2009. (Photo: Charlie Shuetrim) LIZARD ISLAND REEF RESEARCH FOUNDATION

The Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation was Members Other activities Founder established to raise funds for the Lizard Island Research Members of the Foundation donate $1,000 or more Dr Anne Hoggett, director of the research station, ^ Station and to support research on the Great Barrier Sir John Proud per year. They go into a draw to win a four-night Reef. It has raised almost $8 million since its inception in and Andrew Hoey, 2007 Ian Potter Doctoral Fellow, holiday for two at the Lizard Island Resort, including Patrons 1978. As well as supporting development of the station’s gave presentations to staff of Macquarie Group on airfares within Australia. The stay at the Lizard Island infrastructure, it has enabled the Australian Museum to 13 May 2008 in Sydney. The Macquarie Group Dr Des Griffin AM Resort is generously donated by Voyages Resorts. award 44 doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships with a Foundation has been a strong supporter of the 30th * Please see the inside back cover for Members and Mr Trevor Haworth AM total value of $542,000. Ken Coles has been a trustee Anniversary Development program by providing funding Friends of the Foundation. Mr Raymond Kirby AO of the Foundation since 1991 and chairman since 1994. for educational facilities and vessels used to transport student groups and researchers. Mr Henry Loomis^ and Mrs Jacqueline Loomis He is supported by an active board of Trustees. Each year, Foundation chairman Ken Coles organizes Lady Proud^ an event in Melbourne and Sydney for Foundation In July 2008, Foundation Patron Dr Charles Warman On 9 October 2008, Dr Anne Hoggett was a speaker members. These occasions are to inform members Mr Robert Purves AM AM died aged 98. Dr Warman was a trustee of the at The Ian Potter Foundation annual lecture which was about the research done at the Station and to thank Prof Frank Talbot Foundation since 1981 and he was a great friend and held at the Museum Victoria, Melbourne. Anne them for their support. Dr Charles Warman AM^ colleague of the Foundation’s founder, the late Sir John spoke on the impacts of climate change on coral reefs. Proud. He was an inventor whose legacy includes the A luncheon for 27 members and guests was held at Trustees Warman slurry pump that is used in mineral processing the Athenaeum Club in Melbourne on 14 May 2008. Mr Kenneth Coles AM (Chairman) plants throughout the world. The directors’ house The 2007 Ian Potter Doctoral Fellow, Andrew Hoey at the research station is named Warman House in Mr Andrew Green (Secretary & Treasurer) from James Cook University, spoke about his research recognition of generous and long-term support at Lizard Island into interactions between herbivorous Mr Charlie Shuetrim (Chairman, Appeal Committee) 08 provided by Dr Warman and his family. fishes and algae. His work is showing the importance 09 Dr Penny Berents of these fishes in containing excess algae that can Mr James Bildner overwhelm disturbed reefs. The Hon Virginia Chadwick AO Dr Ronnie Harding Emeritus Professor Howard Choat was the guest speaker at the Sydney dinner that was held at the Mr Trevor Haworth AM Wharf Restaurant on 15 September 2008. Before his Mr Frank Howarth retirement, Professor Choat was the Head of Marine Mr Chris Joscelyne Biology at James Cook University. He was pivotal in Mr Vivian King establishing this university as a world leader in coral Visitors Mr Raymond Kirby AO reef research. Professor Choat, his colleagues and People associated with the Lizard Island Reef Research students, have conducted extensive research at the Mr Bill Page-Hanify AM Foundation who visited during the year include: Lizard Island Research Station since the early 1980s. Mrs Fiona Playfair His fascinating talk to a crowd of 98 members • Patron Rob Purves and his son Rhett Mrs Heather Power and guests was about the importance of parrot fish • Darvell and Barbara Hutchinson (winners of the Mr Robert Purves AM 2008 Members prize) Captain Cook Cruises, under the ownership of LIRRF in maintaining healthy coral reefs. Mr Michael Seyffer • Rod and Margaret MacDonald trustee Trevor Haworth and his family, ran a weekly • Ken Coles and Rowena Danziger Mr David Shannon cruise between Cairns and Lizard Island for fifteen years. Natural History Illustration • Charlie and Sandy Shuetrim and family members The company generously donated an annual LIRRF member’s prize of a four-night cruise for two on the LIRRF trustee Chris Joscelyne and his company * new patron in March 2008 luxurious Reef Endeavour since 1993. It also provided Australian Projects have generously agreed to fund a Top: Rowena Danziger and Ken Coles (at front) with ^ deceased transport for LIRS researchers at a highly discounted rate. visit to LIRS by an honours student in natural history Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett at LIRS. Operations ceased in early 2008, marking the end of a Left: Trevor Haworth was presented with his patron’s illustration from the University of Newcastle. The certificate at a luncheon with fellow trustees (from left) local era. The trustees of the LIRRF made Trevor Haworth Australian Projects Natural History Illustration Award Andrew Green, David Shannon, Penny Berents, Chris a Patron in recognition of his long-term support of the will enable the recipient to view living reef animals Joscelyne, Ken Coles, Frank Howarth and Charlie Shuetrim. (Photo courtesy Charlie Shuetrim) Foundation and of the Research Station. in their natural environment that will be the subject Right: A dinghy has been named after Ellie Shuetrim, material of their illustrative works. The first award shown here with her grandmother Sandy Shuetrim. will be made in 2009. (Photo: Charlie Shuetrim) FOR THE RECORD

Lizard Island Field Guide Isobel Bennett Book Collection Bench fees Volunteers

A project was started in 2007 to build a well-illustrated, Isobel Bennett AO died in January 2008 aged 98. As one Per person per night, The following people provided valuable volunteer web-based field guide to the organisms of Lizard Island. of Australia’s pioneering marine biologists, she wrote including GST 2008 2009 assistance with maintenance of the station in 2008: With seed funding provided by the Lizard Island Reef numerous books that spread enthusiasm about her Researcher $110.00 $113.00 Jessie Ainsworth, Snow Amos, Nikki Bass, Finn Research Foundation, Andrew Lewis has been engaged subject, including several about the Great Barrier Reef. Researcher’s assistant $97.00 $100.00 Baumgartner, Dominique Bradbury, Christoph Braun, to develop the framework and provide content on The annual Isobel Bennett Marine Biology Fellowship Postgrad. student (own project) $43.00 $44.00 Barry Curtis, Daphne Curtis, Mikey Denner, Postgrad’s assistant $38.00 $39.00 common fishes and marine invertebrates. Anne Hoggett at Lizard Island, funded by the Hermon Slade Raiatea Tanya Dragan, Gabriella Fink, Terry Ford, Fiona School or university group $68.50 $70.50 is working on the echinoderms. Foundation through the Lizard Island Reef Research Grubb, Carmella Guiol, Brian Hall, Jarrett Hines, Commercial $206.00 $212.00 Foundation, is a fitting tribute to her memory. This year, Renie Hood, Yvonne Kilroy, Martin Kinrade, Catherine In 2008, the field guide started being used by LIRS was proud to receive Isobel’s personal copies of her Martin, Amanda Medress, Katie Nairn, Sarah Piddlesden, student groups at LIRS and it has proved to be a useful own books and related correspondence, thanks to her Tanya Rogers, Rachel Shapiro, Sophie Stojic, Paul, tool. It will have a broader relevance as its taxonomic Staff sister Phyll Bennett. These will have pride of place in the Chris van der Laan, Yoke van der Laan, Constantine coverage develops. Checklists will be drawn from a station’s Shuetrim Library. There were no changes to the permanent staff during Voyevidler, Toby Whitelaw, Lois Wilson, Helen Wodetzki long-term database of taxa known from Lizard Island the year. Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett continued as and Peter Wodetzki. based on museum specimens, published records, and directors, and the maintenance positions continued to of collections and observations made by researchers. Usage be shared on six-month rotation between Lance and As well, specialist services were provided The goal is to attract contributions to the guide from Marianne Pearce (in summer) and Bob and Tania Lamb on a volunteer basis by Allan Ross (microscope service experts in various groups of organisms as they pass Both total usage and core usage (researchers, (in winter). and repair) and Charlie Makray (first aid training). through LIRS. postgraduate students and student groups) reached record levels in 2008 at 6,779 and 5,923 person nights, Additional staff are needed to cope with the increased Our sincere thanks go to all these people for their help 10 respectively. This approaches the planned usage cap 11 work load caused by the upgrade program and by the in making the station run efficiently. for the station after the upgrade program is completed increase in usage. Temporary and casual staff employed (7,000 person nights). during 2008 were Lynda Curtis, Alex Vail, Warwick Bailie, Julie Bailie, Elizabeth Mow, Soojin Nam, Sung-A 7000 Baek and Philip Warner. Lance and Marianne Pearce also Other returned to the island separately for short periods during Volunteers winter to help out. 6000 Commercial

Ed. Groups 5000 Tours Postgrads Tours of the station are conducted for resort guests Researchers on Monday and Friday mornings. A tour for other 4000 island guests, mainly campers and yachties, is conducted between May and October at 11 am on Mondays only. At other times, visitors are welcome to call into 3000 the station to view the Sir John Proud Aquarium and

Person Days courtyard displays but guided tours are not available.


Top left: Isobel Bennett at Lizard Island in 1974, rescuing a fledgling osprey. (Photo courtesy Phyll Bennett) 1000 Top right: More than 1500 species of fish and 400 species of corals are known from Lizard Island. (Photo: Joao Krajewsky) Right: Volunteers Sophie Stojic and friends worked hard with staff to install the new aquarium inlet pipes 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 during low tides in July. Calendar Year FOR THE RECORD

Lizard Island Field Guide Isobel Bennett Book Collection Bench fees Volunteers

A project was started in 2007 to build a well-illustrated, Isobel Bennett AO died in January 2008 aged 98. As one Per person per night, The following people provided valuable volunteer web-based field guide to the organisms of Lizard Island. of Australia’s pioneering marine biologists, she wrote including GST 2008 2009 assistance with maintenance of the station in 2008: With seed funding provided by the Lizard Island Reef numerous books that spread enthusiasm about her Researcher $110.00 $113.00 Jessie Ainsworth, Snow Amos, Nikki Bass, Finn Research Foundation, Andrew Lewis has been engaged subject, including several about the Great Barrier Reef. Researcher’s assistant $97.00 $100.00 Baumgartner, Dominique Bradbury, Christoph Braun, to develop the framework and provide content on The annual Isobel Bennett Marine Biology Fellowship Postgrad. student (own project) $43.00 $44.00 Barry Curtis, Daphne Curtis, Mikey Denner, Postgrad’s assistant $38.00 $39.00 common fishes and marine invertebrates. Anne Hoggett at Lizard Island, funded by the Hermon Slade Raiatea Tanya Dragan, Gabriella Fink, Terry Ford, Fiona School or university group $68.50 $70.50 is working on the echinoderms. Foundation through the Lizard Island Reef Research Grubb, Carmella Guiol, Brian Hall, Jarrett Hines, Commercial $206.00 $212.00 Foundation, is a fitting tribute to her memory. This year, Renie Hood, Yvonne Kilroy, Martin Kinrade, Catherine In 2008, the field guide started being used by LIRS was proud to receive Isobel’s personal copies of her Martin, Amanda Medress, Katie Nairn, Sarah Piddlesden, student groups at LIRS and it has proved to be a useful own books and related correspondence, thanks to her Tanya Rogers, Rachel Shapiro, Sophie Stojic, Paul, tool. It will have a broader relevance as its taxonomic Staff sister Phyll Bennett. These will have pride of place in the Chris van der Laan, Yoke van der Laan, Constantine coverage develops. Checklists will be drawn from a station’s Shuetrim Library. There were no changes to the permanent staff during Voyevidler, Toby Whitelaw, Lois Wilson, Helen Wodetzki long-term database of taxa known from Lizard Island the year. Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett continued as and Peter Wodetzki. based on museum specimens, published records, and directors, and the maintenance positions continued to of collections and observations made by researchers. Usage be shared on six-month rotation between Lance and As well, specialist services were provided The goal is to attract contributions to the guide from Marianne Pearce (in summer) and Bob and Tania Lamb on a volunteer basis by Allan Ross (microscope service experts in various groups of organisms as they pass Both total usage and core usage (researchers, (in winter). and repair) and Charlie Makray (first aid training). through LIRS. postgraduate students and student groups) reached record levels in 2008 at 6,779 and 5,923 person nights, Additional staff are needed to cope with the increased Our sincere thanks go to all these people for their help 10 respectively. This approaches the planned usage cap 11 work load caused by the upgrade program and by the in making the station run efficiently. for the station after the upgrade program is completed increase in usage. Temporary and casual staff employed (7,000 person nights). during 2008 were Lynda Curtis, Alex Vail, Warwick Bailie, Julie Bailie, Elizabeth Mow, Soojin Nam, Sung-A 7000 Baek and Philip Warner. Lance and Marianne Pearce also Other returned to the island separately for short periods during Volunteers winter to help out. 6000 Commercial

Ed. Groups 5000 Tours Postgrads Tours of the station are conducted for resort guests Researchers on Monday and Friday mornings. A tour for other 4000 island guests, mainly campers and yachties, is conducted between May and October at 11 am on Mondays only. At other times, visitors are welcome to call into 3000 the station to view the Sir John Proud Aquarium and

Person Days courtyard displays but guided tours are not available.


Top left: Isobel Bennett at Lizard Island in 1974, rescuing a fledgling osprey. (Photo courtesy Phyll Bennett) 1000 Top right: More than 1500 species of fish and 400 species of corals are known from Lizard Island. (Photo: Joao Krajewsky) Right: Volunteers Sophie Stojic and friends worked hard with staff to install the new aquarium inlet pipes 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 during low tides in July. Calendar Year VISITORS IN 2008

Scientists Laetitia Plaisance, Australian Jeff Leis, Australian Museum Dirk Steinke, University of Guelph Postgraduate Institute of Marine Science Claire Paris, Jay Cossey, University of Guelph students Rob Adlard, Charlotte Watson, University of Miami Martin Gomon, Museum Victoria Queensland Museum Northern Territory Museum Jean-Olivier Irisson, David Hardie, Tzo Zen Ang, Myxozoans of the Great Barrier Reef CReefs - Census of Marine Life University of Miami University of Guelph University of Cambridge Orientation in fish larvae Jeff Johnson, Social structure of Centropyge Nadia Aurisch (for Alexandra Karen Cheney, Queensland Museum Grutter), University of Queensland University of Queensland Richard Lewis, Roberta Bonaldo, Oliver Lucanus, 1) Cleaner fish in control of blood Evolution of aposematic University of Queensland James Cook University University of Guelph parasite infections marine organisms Identification & characterisation of Influence of herbivorous fishes on Glenn Moore, 2) Investigation of cleaner fish novel venom peptides in Conus sp the benthic community structure of Sean Connolly, Murdoch University functions and mutualism on host the Great Barrier Reef fish and fish parasite populations James Cook University Catherine Lovelock, Amanda Hay, Australian Museum Ken Caldeira, Carnegie Institute Coral demography University of Queensland Peter Last, CSIRO Pim Bongaerts, Andrew Baird, at Stanford University John Pandolfi, Sally Reader, Australian Museum University of Queensland James Cook University Josh Chan, Carnegie Institute Thomas Cribb, University of Queensland Bob Ward, CSIRO Intra reef genetic connectivity of Biodiversity of coral assemblages at Stanford University University of Queensland Ruth Reef, Barcoding of a coral reef Pocilloporidae Jonathon Erez, R, od Bray The Natural History Line Bay, University of Queensland fish community Hebrew University Jerusalem Museum London Dominique Bradbury, James Cook University Coral reef ecological stoichiometry David Kline, Biogeography of Great Barrier James Cook University and Australian Institute University of Queensland Reef fish trematodes Joshua Madin, Coral bleaching susceptibility: a of Marine Science Macquarie University hierarchy of causes and consequences Boaz Lazar, Jeremy De Waard, Colour polymorphism and bleaching Hydrodynamic disturbances on Inter-University Institute Eilat University of British Columbia Mieke Burger, 12 tolerance in Acropora millepora coral reefs 13 Tanya Rivlin, Inventory and barcode library of University of Queensland Michael Berumen, Woods Hole Inter-University Institute Eilat Lizard Island’s Lepidoptera Mark McCormick, Host-parasite interactions between Oceanographic Institution Kenny Schneider, Carnegie James Cook University pomacentrid fishes and kudoid Maria Dornelas, 1) Nutritional ecology Institute at Stanford University Mark Meekan, Australian parasites James Cook University of butterflyfishes Jack Silverman, Carnegie Institute of Marine Science Linking coral demography to Karen Chong-Seng, 2) Resources and fitness of Institute at Stanford University 1) The importance of attitude: coral shape James Cook University coral-feeding butterflyfishes Metabolic exchange on reefs at Lizard behaviour and performance in Are corallivorous fishes vectors of Island (LIMER 2008) Christopher Fulton, the ultimate test Peter Biro, coral disease? University of Technology Sydney Julian Caley, Australian Institute Australian National University 2) Selectivity in predation of coral Growth and metabolic correlates of of Marine Science Energetics of labriform locomotion reef fishes Gillian Clague, University of Queensland personality traits in damselfish Magdalena Blazcwicz, Monica Gagliano, Philip Munday, Investigation of cleaner fish Museum Victoria James Cook University James Cook University Ingo Burghardt, functions and mutualism on host Phil Bock, and Australian Institute Climate change and coral reef fishes University of Bochum fish and fish parasite populations independent researcher of Marine Science Ursula Shepherd, Goran Nilsson, University of Oslo Joanna Browne, 1) Maternal effects and ocean Linda Tonk, Andrew Cole, University of New Mexico Sara Ostlund Nilsson, Griffith University acidification effects on the University of Queensland James Cook University Impact of climate change factors on independent researcher Niel Bruce, development of coral reef fishes Symbiodinium diversity of inshore Effect of chronic fish predation different zooxanthellate symbioses Effect of temperature on respiration Museum of Tropical Queensland 2) Role and function of eyespots in Symbiodinium-bearing organisms on on reef building corals and reproduction in coral reef fish Merrick Ekins, coral reef fishes the Great Barrier Reef Darren Coker, Queensland Museum Joerg Ott, University of Vienna Top: Michelle Yerman, Claire Paris, Jean- Terry Hughes, ARC Centre of Heike Waegele, James Cook University Olivier Irisson and Jeff Leis with apparatus Katharina Fabricius, Australian Interstitial marine nematodes Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, University of Bonn Effects of coral bleaching on used to determine whether fish larvae Institute of Marine Science with bacterial symbionts: distribution James Cook University Evolution of defensive structures and coral-dwelling fishes can orient themselves without visual cues. Chris Glasby, and diversity Marine resilience workshop Left: The LIMER team recording water Northern Territory Museum use of photosynthetic units Alison Crawley, chemistry data near the reef crest. Morgan Pratchett, Fred Gurgel, Andrew Jeffs, Bette Willis, University of Queensland Right: Members of the Barcode of James Cook University University of Adelaide University of Auckland James Cook University Monitoring coral productivity on Life team at work in the Purves 1) Effects of coral depletion on Laboratory: Glenn Moore, Sally Reader John Huisman, University of Craig Radford, Ecological significance of coral disease the Great Barrier Reef reef fishes and Amanda Hay. Western Australia University of Auckland on the Great Barrier Reef 2) Bioerosion of dead coral Underwater sound at Lizard Island VISITORS IN 2008

Scientists Laetitia Plaisance, Australian Jeff Leis, Australian Museum Dirk Steinke, University of Guelph Postgraduate Institute of Marine Science Claire Paris, Jay Cossey, University of Guelph students Rob Adlard, Charlotte Watson, University of Miami Martin Gomon, Museum Victoria Queensland Museum Northern Territory Museum Jean-Olivier Irisson, David Hardie, Tzo Zen Ang, Myxozoans of the Great Barrier Reef CReefs - Census of Marine Life University of Miami University of Guelph University of Cambridge Orientation in fish larvae Jeff Johnson, Social structure of Centropyge Nadia Aurisch (for Alexandra Karen Cheney, Queensland Museum Grutter), University of Queensland University of Queensland Richard Lewis, Roberta Bonaldo, Oliver Lucanus, 1) Cleaner fish in control of blood Evolution of aposematic University of Queensland James Cook University University of Guelph parasite infections marine organisms Identification & characterisation of Influence of herbivorous fishes on Glenn Moore, 2) Investigation of cleaner fish novel venom peptides in Conus sp the benthic community structure of Sean Connolly, Murdoch University functions and mutualism on host the Great Barrier Reef fish and fish parasite populations James Cook University Catherine Lovelock, Amanda Hay, Australian Museum Ken Caldeira, Carnegie Institute Coral demography University of Queensland Peter Last, CSIRO Pim Bongaerts, Andrew Baird, at Stanford University John Pandolfi, Sally Reader, Australian Museum University of Queensland James Cook University Josh Chan, Carnegie Institute Thomas Cribb, University of Queensland Bob Ward, CSIRO Intra reef genetic connectivity of Biodiversity of coral assemblages at Stanford University University of Queensland Ruth Reef, Barcoding of a coral reef Pocilloporidae Jonathon Erez, R, od Bray The Natural History Line Bay, University of Queensland fish community Hebrew University Jerusalem Museum London Dominique Bradbury, James Cook University Coral reef ecological stoichiometry David Kline, Biogeography of Great Barrier James Cook University and Australian Institute University of Queensland Reef fish trematodes Joshua Madin, Coral bleaching susceptibility: a of Marine Science Macquarie University hierarchy of causes and consequences Boaz Lazar, Jeremy De Waard, Colour polymorphism and bleaching Hydrodynamic disturbances on Inter-University Institute Eilat University of British Columbia Mieke Burger, 12 tolerance in Acropora millepora coral reefs 13 Tanya Rivlin, Inventory and barcode library of University of Queensland Michael Berumen, Woods Hole Inter-University Institute Eilat Lizard Island’s Lepidoptera Mark McCormick, Host-parasite interactions between Oceanographic Institution Kenny Schneider, Carnegie James Cook University pomacentrid fishes and kudoid Maria Dornelas, 1) Nutritional ecology Institute at Stanford University Mark Meekan, Australian parasites James Cook University of butterflyfishes Jack Silverman, Carnegie Institute of Marine Science Linking coral demography to Karen Chong-Seng, 2) Resources and fitness of Institute at Stanford University 1) The importance of attitude: coral shape James Cook University coral-feeding butterflyfishes Metabolic exchange on reefs at Lizard behaviour and performance in Are corallivorous fishes vectors of Island (LIMER 2008) Christopher Fulton, the ultimate test Peter Biro, coral disease? University of Technology Sydney Julian Caley, Australian Institute Australian National University 2) Selectivity in predation of coral Growth and metabolic correlates of of Marine Science Energetics of labriform locomotion reef fishes Gillian Clague, University of Queensland personality traits in damselfish Magdalena Blazcwicz, Monica Gagliano, Philip Munday, Investigation of cleaner fish Museum Victoria James Cook University James Cook University Ingo Burghardt, functions and mutualism on host Phil Bock, and Australian Institute Climate change and coral reef fishes University of Bochum fish and fish parasite populations independent researcher of Marine Science Ursula Shepherd, Goran Nilsson, University of Oslo Joanna Browne, 1) Maternal effects and ocean Linda Tonk, Andrew Cole, University of New Mexico Sara Ostlund Nilsson, Griffith University acidification effects on the University of Queensland James Cook University Impact of climate change factors on independent researcher Niel Bruce, development of coral reef fishes Symbiodinium diversity of inshore Effect of chronic fish predation different zooxanthellate symbioses Effect of temperature on respiration Museum of Tropical Queensland 2) Role and function of eyespots in Symbiodinium-bearing organisms on on reef building corals and reproduction in coral reef fish Merrick Ekins, coral reef fishes the Great Barrier Reef Darren Coker, Queensland Museum Joerg Ott, University of Vienna Top: Michelle Yerman, Claire Paris, Jean- Terry Hughes, ARC Centre of Heike Waegele, James Cook University Olivier Irisson and Jeff Leis with apparatus Katharina Fabricius, Australian Interstitial marine nematodes Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, University of Bonn Effects of coral bleaching on used to determine whether fish larvae Institute of Marine Science with bacterial symbionts: distribution James Cook University Evolution of defensive structures and coral-dwelling fishes can orient themselves without visual cues. Chris Glasby, and diversity Marine resilience workshop Left: The LIMER team recording water Northern Territory Museum use of photosynthetic units Alison Crawley, chemistry data near the reef crest. Morgan Pratchett, Fred Gurgel, Andrew Jeffs, Bette Willis, University of Queensland Right: Members of the Barcode of James Cook University University of Adelaide University of Auckland James Cook University Monitoring coral productivity on Life team at work in the Purves 1) Effects of coral depletion on Laboratory: Glenn Moore, Sally Reader John Huisman, University of Craig Radford, Ecological significance of coral disease the Great Barrier Reef reef fishes and Amanda Hay. Western Australia University of Auckland on the Great Barrier Reef 2) Bioerosion of dead coral Underwater sound at Lizard Island VISITORS IN 2008

Natalie Crawley, Christopher Goatley, Rolanda Lange, Jason Pallot, Undergraduate Darwin High School, Australia James Cook University James Cook University University of Tuebingen Macquarie University research students Led by Mrs Rachel Elphick Climate change and coral reef fishes The ecological role of sediments Density effects on mating behaviour Shark population assessments using a Barker College, Australia on coral reefs in Chelidonura sandrana portable video-acoustic system Carmela Carrasco, Lynda Curtis, Led by Mr Tim Binet University of New Mexico University of Queensland Alonso Gonzalez Cabello, Rebecca Lawton, Ana Pinto, Carbon and nitrogen cycling World Learning, School for Identification of haemogregarine James Cook University James Cook University University of Neuchatel in soft coral and nudibranchs International Training, USA blood parasites in coral reef fishes and Ecology of cryptobenthic reef fish Ecological versatility of butterflyfishes Bookkeeping in cleaner wrasse with Symbiodinium Two groups led by Mr Tony Cummings their effect on host fish physiology assemblages in the Great Barrier Reef vs susceptibility to disturbance and their clients: image scoring and indirect reciprocity in Natalie Davis, Ulrich Dirks, University of Vienna Harald Gruber, Katie Liberatore, cleaning mutualism School for International Training Symbiont transmission and University of Vienna University of New Mexico Other visitors Cleaner wrasse behaviour in relation trophosome development Biogeography and phylogeny of the Effects of climate change on Dennis Sprenger, to territory size and reef type Lizard Island Reef in Paracatenula family Retronectidae, Catenulida symbionts of nudibranchs, corals University of Tuebingen Research Foundation and forams Female benefits of multiple matings Shannon Fitzpatrick, Abigail Downie, Nicole Gunter, Rob Purves and Rhett Purves in simultaneous hermaphroditic University of New Mexico University of Queensland University of Queensland Oona Lonnstedt, Charlie Shuetrim, Sandy Shuetrim, sea slugs Viral expression and community Patterns of trophic transmission of The diversity of Ceratomyxa on the James Cook University Geoff Shuetrim, Alex Heath, structure in the Phyllodesmium digenean trematodes in fishes of Great Barrier Reef Effect of body condition and Jenni Stanley, Ellie Shuetrim, David Shuetrim lizardensis/ Symbiodinium system the Great Barrier Reef ontogeny on the response of coral University of Auckland and Lucy Crook Kyra Hay, reef fishes to chemical alarm Orientation of larval reef fish to Stephanie Moquin, Maxi Eckes, University of Queensland Review Committee cues and their use as secondary natural sources of underwater sound University of New Mexico University of Queensland Physiology of reef algae John Tanzer predator attractants Raising nudibranchs and octocorals Sunscreen in coral reef fish; are MAA Jessica Stella, 14 Adel Heenan, Filming promotional material for 15 sunscreens exploited in the cleaner/ Marissa McNamara, James Cook University Jimmy O’Hare, University of Edinburgh proposed program Sea Life client mutualism? University of Queensland Threats to coral reef biodiversity due School for International Training Olfactory behaviour and response Adam Docker, Red Earth Studio UK Monorchiids in chaetodontids to climate induced coral bleaching Prey selection and digestive Albert Eisenbarth, to coloured light of larval fishes Filming for 60 Minutes episode on and ocean acidification efficiency in four species of RMIT University Caelum Mero, Andrew Hoey, planktivorous damselfish cone shells Prevalence survey of anisakids James Cook University Alex Vail, James Cook University James Cook University Damien Comerford and others, (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in fish at Determining the behavioural Non-lethal influence of predators on Tanya Rogers, Fish/ algal interactions: the role Nine Network Lizard Island consistency of newly settled juvenile fishes School for International Training of herbivory in structuring Construction works Pomacentrus amboinensis Corallivorous reef fishes as potential Ricky Gleeson, algal communities across an Matthew Young, vectors of coral disease based on a Aaro Raappana, Dylan Fraser, University of Queensland exposure gradient Vanessa Messmer, James Cook University study of dietary preferences Malcolm Stevens, Dean Crowe and Myxosporean parasites James Cook University Pilot study for sea urchin project Michael Holcomb, Woods Hole Kevin Tschumy of elasmobranchs Causes and consequences of fish Oceanographic Institute Maren Ziegler, Other contractors diversity loss on coral reefs Diurnal cycles in coral growth University of Hannover Student groups Kevin Veness (Cairns Custom Craft) Crystal Neligh, 1) Influence of climate change Tom Holmes, Bruce Cox (BCCS) James Cook University on symbioses between marine Brighton Grammar James Cook University Derek Foster (RoshTech) Personality, performance, persistence: invertebrates and zooxanthellae School, Australia Selectivity of predation on juvenile Tony Doherty (Rogers Fibreglass) a case study on reef fish 2) Light adaptation in foraminiferal Led by Dr Andrew Lewis tropical reef fish Microscope service species housing different types of Ascham School, Australia Jenny Oates, Allan Ross Janet Hunter, photosynthetic endosymbionts University of Cambridge Led by Mr Edward Sze-Tu University of Queensland First aid training Mutualism in the cleaner wrasse RMIT University, Australia Transversotrematid trematodes of Top left: Francisca Vermuelen Charlie Makray and Julie Armour Labroides bicolor Led by Dr Gale Spring and GBR fishes with coral samples. Dr Brian Leonard Jacob Johansen, Top right: Roberta Bonaldo and Chris Goatley. (Photo: Joao Krajewsky) James Cook University University of Maryland, USA Left: Jacob Johansen collects Led by Dr Reid Compton Energetics of habitat choice in plankton to find out what is available planktivorous coral reef fishes to planktivorous fish. Haileybury College, Australia Led by Dr Andrew Lewis VISITORS IN 2008

Natalie Crawley, Christopher Goatley, Rolanda Lange, Jason Pallot, Undergraduate Darwin High School, Australia James Cook University James Cook University University of Tuebingen Macquarie University research students Led by Mrs Rachel Elphick Climate change and coral reef fishes The ecological role of sediments Density effects on mating behaviour Shark population assessments using a Barker College, Australia on coral reefs in Chelidonura sandrana portable video-acoustic system Carmela Carrasco, Lynda Curtis, Led by Mr Tim Binet University of New Mexico University of Queensland Alonso Gonzalez Cabello, Rebecca Lawton, Ana Pinto, Carbon and nitrogen cycling World Learning, School for Identification of haemogregarine James Cook University James Cook University University of Neuchatel in soft coral and nudibranchs International Training, USA blood parasites in coral reef fishes and Ecology of cryptobenthic reef fish Ecological versatility of butterflyfishes Bookkeeping in cleaner wrasse with Symbiodinium Two groups led by Mr Tony Cummings their effect on host fish physiology assemblages in the Great Barrier Reef vs susceptibility to disturbance and their clients: image scoring and indirect reciprocity in Natalie Davis, Ulrich Dirks, University of Vienna Harald Gruber, Katie Liberatore, cleaning mutualism School for International Training Symbiont transmission and University of Vienna University of New Mexico Other visitors Cleaner wrasse behaviour in relation trophosome development Biogeography and phylogeny of the Effects of climate change on Dennis Sprenger, to territory size and reef type Lizard Island Reef in Paracatenula family Retronectidae, Catenulida symbionts of nudibranchs, corals University of Tuebingen Research Foundation and forams Female benefits of multiple matings Shannon Fitzpatrick, Abigail Downie, Nicole Gunter, Rob Purves and Rhett Purves in simultaneous hermaphroditic University of New Mexico University of Queensland University of Queensland Oona Lonnstedt, Charlie Shuetrim, Sandy Shuetrim, sea slugs Viral expression and community Patterns of trophic transmission of The diversity of Ceratomyxa on the James Cook University Geoff Shuetrim, Alex Heath, structure in the Phyllodesmium digenean trematodes in fishes of Great Barrier Reef Effect of body condition and Jenni Stanley, Ellie Shuetrim, David Shuetrim lizardensis/ Symbiodinium system the Great Barrier Reef ontogeny on the response of coral University of Auckland and Lucy Crook Kyra Hay, reef fishes to chemical alarm Orientation of larval reef fish to Stephanie Moquin, Maxi Eckes, University of Queensland Review Committee cues and their use as secondary natural sources of underwater sound University of New Mexico University of Queensland Physiology of reef algae John Tanzer predator attractants Raising nudibranchs and octocorals Sunscreen in coral reef fish; are MAA Jessica Stella, 14 Adel Heenan, Filming promotional material for 15 sunscreens exploited in the cleaner/ Marissa McNamara, James Cook University Jimmy O’Hare, University of Edinburgh proposed program Sea Life client mutualism? University of Queensland Threats to coral reef biodiversity due School for International Training Olfactory behaviour and response Adam Docker, Red Earth Studio UK Monorchiids in chaetodontids to climate induced coral bleaching Prey selection and digestive Albert Eisenbarth, to coloured light of larval fishes Filming for 60 Minutes episode on and ocean acidification efficiency in four species of RMIT University Caelum Mero, Andrew Hoey, planktivorous damselfish cone shells Prevalence survey of anisakids James Cook University Alex Vail, James Cook University James Cook University Damien Comerford and others, (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in fish at Determining the behavioural Non-lethal influence of predators on Tanya Rogers, Fish/ algal interactions: the role Nine Network Lizard Island consistency of newly settled juvenile fishes School for International Training of herbivory in structuring Construction works Pomacentrus amboinensis Corallivorous reef fishes as potential Ricky Gleeson, algal communities across an Matthew Young, vectors of coral disease based on a Aaro Raappana, Dylan Fraser, University of Queensland exposure gradient Vanessa Messmer, James Cook University study of dietary preferences Malcolm Stevens, Dean Crowe and Myxosporean parasites James Cook University Pilot study for sea urchin project Michael Holcomb, Woods Hole Kevin Tschumy of elasmobranchs Causes and consequences of fish Oceanographic Institute Maren Ziegler, Other contractors diversity loss on coral reefs Diurnal cycles in coral growth University of Hannover Student groups Kevin Veness (Cairns Custom Craft) Crystal Neligh, 1) Influence of climate change Tom Holmes, Bruce Cox (BCCS) James Cook University on symbioses between marine Brighton Grammar James Cook University Derek Foster (RoshTech) Personality, performance, persistence: invertebrates and zooxanthellae School, Australia Selectivity of predation on juvenile Tony Doherty (Rogers Fibreglass) a case study on reef fish 2) Light adaptation in foraminiferal Led by Dr Andrew Lewis tropical reef fish Microscope service species housing different types of Ascham School, Australia Jenny Oates, Allan Ross Janet Hunter, photosynthetic endosymbionts University of Cambridge Led by Mr Edward Sze-Tu University of Queensland First aid training Mutualism in the cleaner wrasse RMIT University, Australia Transversotrematid trematodes of Top left: Francisca Vermuelen Charlie Makray and Julie Armour Labroides bicolor Led by Dr Gale Spring and GBR fishes with coral samples. Dr Brian Leonard Jacob Johansen, Top right: Roberta Bonaldo and Chris Goatley. (Photo: Joao Krajewsky) James Cook University University of Maryland, USA Left: Jacob Johansen collects Led by Dr Reid Compton Energetics of habitat choice in plankton to find out what is available planktivorous coral reef fishes to planktivorous fish. Haileybury College, Australia Led by Dr Andrew Lewis PUBLICATIONS

Ninety-five publications based on work carried Cheney, K.L., A.S. Grutter and N.J. Marshall, 2008. Evertsen, J., 2008. Solar powered phycozoans. PhD thesis, out at the Research Station were received into the Facultative mimicry: cues for colour change and colour Norwegian University of Science and Technology. accuracy in a coral reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Station’s collection during the year. The collection Fisher, R., 2005. Swimming speeds of larval coral reef Society B, 275: 117-122. now comprises more than 1200 publications. fishes: impacts on self-recruitment and dispersal. Marine Cheney, K.L., R. Bshary and A.S. Grutter, 2008. Ecology Progress Series, 285: 223-232. Cleaner fish cause predators to reduce agression Affeld, S., H. Waegele, C. Avila, S. Kehraus and Fogelman, R.M and A.S. Grutter, 2008. Mancae of the towards bystanders at cleaning stations. Behavioural G.M. Koenig, 2007. Distribution of homarine in some parasitic cymothoid isopod, Anilocra apogonae: early Ecology, 19: 1063-1067. Opisthobranchia (, ). Bonner life history, host specificity, and the effect on growth zoologische Beitraege, 55: 181-190. Choat, J.H., K.D. Clements and W.D. Robbins, 2004. and survival of preferred young cardinal fishes. Coral Reefs, Anthes, N., H. Schulenburg and N.K. Michiels, 2008. The trophic status of herbivorous fishes on coral 27: 685-693. reefs 2: Food processing modes and trophodynamics. Evolutionary links between reproductive morphology, Ford, E. and P. Hutchings, 2005. An analysis of Marine Biology, 145: 445-454. ecology and mating behaviour in opisthobranch morphological characters of Owenia useful to distinguish gastropods. Evolution, 62: 900-916. Coetzee, M.L., N.J. Smit, A.S. Grutter and A.J. Davies, species: description of three new species of Owenia Arnal, C., O. Verneau and Y. Desdevises, 2006. 2008. A new gnathiid (Crustacea: Isopoda) parasitizing (Oweniidae: Polychaeta) from Australian waters. Marine Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of two species of requiem sharks from Lizard Island, Great Ecology, 26: 181-196. Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Parasitology, 94: 608-615. cleaning behaviour in the family Labridae: importance Fowler, A.M., J.M. Leis and I.M. Suthers, 2008. Bshary, B., A.S. Grutter, A.S.T. Willener and O. Leimar, of body colour pattern. Journal of Evolutionary De Sloover, J.R. and A.-L. Jacquemart, 2008. Onshore-offshore distribution and abundance of tuna 2008. Pairs of cooperating cleaner fish provide better Biology, 19: 755-763. Nymph Island (Great Barrier Reef, Qld., Australia): larvae (Pisces: Scombridae: Thunnini) in near-reef waters service quality than singletons. Nature, 455: 964-967. Bay, L.K., M.J.M. Caley and R.H. Crozier, 2008. Meta- Flora and vegetation of a low wooded island. of the Coral Sea. Fisheries Bulletin, 106: 405-416. Bshary, R. and A.S. Grutter, 2006. Image scoring Scripta Botanica Belgica, 43: 1-88. population structure in a coral reef fish demonstrated Gagliano, M., 2008. On the spot: the absence of predators and cooperation in a cleaner fish mutualism. Nature, by genetic data on patterns of migration, extinction and DeBusk, B.C., M. Slattery, J.-S. Ki, J.-S. Lee, reveals eyespot plasticity in a marine fish. Behavioral 16 441: 977-978. 17 re-colonisation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8: 248-264. R. Aparachio-Fabre and D. Schlenk, 2008. Species Ecology, 19: 733-739. Burghardt, I., K. Stemmer and H. Waegele, 2008. differences and effects of soft coral extracts from Sinularia Bernardi, G., G. Bucciarelli, D. Costagliola, D.R. Garcia-Cuetos, L., X. Pochon and J. Pawlowski, 2005. Symbiosis between Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) and maximus on the expression of cytochrome P4501A Robertson and J.B. Heiser, 2004. Evolution of coral reef Molecular evidence for host-symbiont specificity in soritid various taxa of Nudibranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda), and 2N in butterflyfishesChaetodon ( spp.). Fish Physiology fish Thalassoma spp. (Labridae). 1. Molecular phylogeny foraminifera. Protist, 156: 399-412. and biogeography. Marine Biology, 144: 369-375. with analysis of long-term retention. Organisms, and Biochemistry, 34: 483-492. Diversity and Evolution, 8: 66-76. Greenwood, J.G. and B.H.R. Othman, 1979. Description Dornelas, M. and S.R. Connolly, 2008. Multiple modes Berumen, M.L. and M.S. Pratchett, 2008. Trade-offs of Labidocera farrani sp. nov., a pontellid copepod known Burghardt, I., M. Schroedl and H. Waegele, 2008. in a coral species abundance distribution. Ecology Letters, associated with dietary specialization in corallivorous from eastern and northern Australian waters (Crustacea, Three new solar-powered species of the 11: 1008-1016. butterflyfishes. Behaviour, Ecology and Sociobiology, Copepoda). Journal of Plankton Research, 1: 231-239. Phyllodesmium Ehrengerg, 1831 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: 62: 989-994. Eckes, M.J., U.E. Siebeck, S. Dove and A.S. Grutter, ) from the tropical Indo-Pacific, with analysis Gregson, M.A., M.S. Pratchett, M.L. Berumen and B.A. Birrell, C.L., L.J. McCook, B.L. Willis and L. Harrington, 2008. Ultraviolet sunscreens in reef fish mucus. Marine of their photosynthetic activity and notes on biology. Goodman, 2008. Relationships between butterflyfish 2008. Chemical effects of macroalgae on larval settlement Ecology Progress Series, 353: 201-211. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 74: 277-292. (Chaetodontidae) feeding rates and coral consumption on of the broadcast spawning coral Acropora millepora. Erseus, C., M. Kallersjo, M. Ekman and R. Hovmoller, the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 27: 583-591. Byrne, M., P. Cisternas and T. O’Hara, 2008. Brooding Marine Ecology Progress Series, 362: 129-137. 2002. 18S rDNA phylogeny of the Tubificidae (Clitellata) of pelagic-type larvae in Ophipeza spinosa: reproduction Gruber, D.F., H.-T. Kao, S. Janoschka, J. Tsai and V.A. Bray, R.A. and T.H. Cribb, 2008. Stephanostomum spp. and its constituent taxa: dismissal of the Naididae. and development in a tropical ophiodermatid brittlestar. Pieribone, 2008. Patterns of fluorescent protein expression (Digenea: Acanthocolpidae) from scombrids and Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 22: 414-422. Invertebrate Biology, 127: 98-107. in scerlactinian corals. Biological Bulletin, 215: 143-154. carangids (Perciformes) from the Great Barrier Reef, with the description of two new species. Revisita Mexicana Carroll, A.R., G.P. Pierens, G. Fechner, P. de Almeida Grutter, A.S., 2004. Cleaner fish use tactile dancing de Bidiversidad, 79: 49S-68S. Leone, A. Ngo, M. Simpson, E. Hyde, J.N.A. behavior as a preconflict management strategy. Current Hooper, S.-L. Bostrom, D. Musil, 2002. Dysinosin A: Biology, 14: 1080-1083. Brodie, G.D., R.C. Willan and J.D. Collins, 1997. a novel inhibitor of Factor VIIa and thrombin from a and occurrence of Dendrodoris nigra and Top: Light traps are used to collect Grutter, A.S., J.L. Pickering, H. McCallum and M.I. new genus and species of Australian sponge of the Dendrodoris fumata (Nudibranchia: Dendrodorididae) fish recruits for many projects. McCormick, 2008. Impact of micropredatory family Dysideidae. Journal of the Americal Chemical in the Indo-west Pacific region. Journal of Molluscan Left: Pim Bongaerts and assistant gnathiid isopods on young coral reef fishes. Coral Society, 124: 13340-13341. transplant coral fragments. Studies, 63: 407-423. Reefs, 27: 655-661. PUBLICATIONS

Ninety-five publications based on work carried Cheney, K.L., A.S. Grutter and N.J. Marshall, 2008. Evertsen, J., 2008. Solar powered phycozoans. PhD thesis, out at the Research Station were received into the Facultative mimicry: cues for colour change and colour Norwegian University of Science and Technology. accuracy in a coral reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Station’s collection during the year. The collection Fisher, R., 2005. Swimming speeds of larval coral reef Society B, 275: 117-122. now comprises more than 1200 publications. fishes: impacts on self-recruitment and dispersal. Marine Cheney, K.L., R. Bshary and A.S. Grutter, 2008. Ecology Progress Series, 285: 223-232. Cleaner fish cause predators to reduce agression Affeld, S., H. Waegele, C. Avila, S. Kehraus and Fogelman, R.M and A.S. Grutter, 2008. Mancae of the towards bystanders at cleaning stations. Behavioural G.M. Koenig, 2007. Distribution of homarine in some parasitic cymothoid isopod, Anilocra apogonae: early Ecology, 19: 1063-1067. Opisthobranchia (Gastropoda, Mollusca). Bonner life history, host specificity, and the effect on growth zoologische Beitraege, 55: 181-190. Choat, J.H., K.D. Clements and W.D. Robbins, 2004. and survival of preferred young cardinal fishes. Coral Reefs, Anthes, N., H. Schulenburg and N.K. Michiels, 2008. The trophic status of herbivorous fishes on coral 27: 685-693. reefs 2: Food processing modes and trophodynamics. Evolutionary links between reproductive morphology, Ford, E. and P. Hutchings, 2005. An analysis of Marine Biology, 145: 445-454. ecology and mating behaviour in opisthobranch morphological characters of Owenia useful to distinguish gastropods. Evolution, 62: 900-916. Coetzee, M.L., N.J. Smit, A.S. Grutter and A.J. Davies, species: description of three new species of Owenia Arnal, C., O. Verneau and Y. Desdevises, 2006. 2008. A new gnathiid (Crustacea: Isopoda) parasitizing (Oweniidae: Polychaeta) from Australian waters. Marine Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of two species of requiem sharks from Lizard Island, Great Ecology, 26: 181-196. Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Parasitology, 94: 608-615. cleaning behaviour in the family Labridae: importance Fowler, A.M., J.M. Leis and I.M. Suthers, 2008. Bshary, B., A.S. Grutter, A.S.T. Willener and O. Leimar, of body colour pattern. Journal of Evolutionary De Sloover, J.R. and A.-L. Jacquemart, 2008. Onshore-offshore distribution and abundance of tuna 2008. Pairs of cooperating cleaner fish provide better Biology, 19: 755-763. Nymph Island (Great Barrier Reef, Qld., Australia): larvae (Pisces: Scombridae: Thunnini) in near-reef waters service quality than singletons. Nature, 455: 964-967. Bay, L.K., M.J.M. Caley and R.H. Crozier, 2008. Meta- Flora and vegetation of a low wooded island. of the Coral Sea. Fisheries Bulletin, 106: 405-416. Bshary, R. and A.S. Grutter, 2006. Image scoring Scripta Botanica Belgica, 43: 1-88. population structure in a coral reef fish demonstrated Gagliano, M., 2008. On the spot: the absence of predators and cooperation in a cleaner fish mutualism. Nature, by genetic data on patterns of migration, extinction and DeBusk, B.C., M. Slattery, J.-S. Ki, J.-S. Lee, reveals eyespot plasticity in a marine fish. Behavioral 16 441: 977-978. 17 re-colonisation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8: 248-264. R. Aparachio-Fabre and D. Schlenk, 2008. Species Ecology, 19: 733-739. Burghardt, I., K. Stemmer and H. Waegele, 2008. differences and effects of soft coral extracts from Sinularia Bernardi, G., G. Bucciarelli, D. Costagliola, D.R. Garcia-Cuetos, L., X. Pochon and J. Pawlowski, 2005. Symbiosis between Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) and maximus on the expression of cytochrome P4501A Robertson and J.B. Heiser, 2004. Evolution of coral reef Molecular evidence for host-symbiont specificity in soritid various taxa of Nudibranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda), and 2N in butterflyfishesChaetodon ( spp.). Fish Physiology fish Thalassoma spp. (Labridae). 1. Molecular phylogeny foraminifera. Protist, 156: 399-412. and biogeography. Marine Biology, 144: 369-375. with analysis of long-term retention. Organisms, and Biochemistry, 34: 483-492. Diversity and Evolution, 8: 66-76. Greenwood, J.G. and B.H.R. Othman, 1979. Description Dornelas, M. and S.R. Connolly, 2008. Multiple modes Berumen, M.L. and M.S. Pratchett, 2008. Trade-offs of Labidocera farrani sp. nov., a pontellid copepod known Burghardt, I., M. Schroedl and H. Waegele, 2008. in a coral species abundance distribution. Ecology Letters, associated with dietary specialization in corallivorous from eastern and northern Australian waters (Crustacea, Three new solar-powered species of the genus 11: 1008-1016. butterflyfishes. Behaviour, Ecology and Sociobiology, Copepoda). Journal of Plankton Research, 1: 231-239. Phyllodesmium Ehrengerg, 1831 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: 62: 989-994. Eckes, M.J., U.E. Siebeck, S. Dove and A.S. Grutter, Aeolidioidea) from the tropical Indo-Pacific, with analysis Gregson, M.A., M.S. Pratchett, M.L. Berumen and B.A. Birrell, C.L., L.J. McCook, B.L. Willis and L. Harrington, 2008. Ultraviolet sunscreens in reef fish mucus. Marine of their photosynthetic activity and notes on biology. Goodman, 2008. Relationships between butterflyfish 2008. Chemical effects of macroalgae on larval settlement Ecology Progress Series, 353: 201-211. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 74: 277-292. (Chaetodontidae) feeding rates and coral consumption on of the broadcast spawning coral Acropora millepora. Erseus, C., M. Kallersjo, M. Ekman and R. Hovmoller, the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 27: 583-591. Byrne, M., P. Cisternas and T. O’Hara, 2008. Brooding Marine Ecology Progress Series, 362: 129-137. 2002. 18S rDNA phylogeny of the Tubificidae (Clitellata) of pelagic-type larvae in Ophipeza spinosa: reproduction Gruber, D.F., H.-T. Kao, S. Janoschka, J. Tsai and V.A. Bray, R.A. and T.H. Cribb, 2008. Stephanostomum spp. and its constituent taxa: dismissal of the Naididae. and development in a tropical ophiodermatid brittlestar. Pieribone, 2008. Patterns of fluorescent protein expression (Digenea: Acanthocolpidae) from scombrids and Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 22: 414-422. Invertebrate Biology, 127: 98-107. in scerlactinian corals. Biological Bulletin, 215: 143-154. carangids (Perciformes) from the Great Barrier Reef, with the description of two new species. Revisita Mexicana Carroll, A.R., G.P. Pierens, G. Fechner, P. de Almeida Grutter, A.S., 2004. Cleaner fish use tactile dancing de Bidiversidad, 79: 49S-68S. Leone, A. Ngo, M. Simpson, E. Hyde, J.N.A. behavior as a preconflict management strategy. Current Hooper, S.-L. Bostrom, D. Musil, 2002. Dysinosin A: Biology, 14: 1080-1083. Brodie, G.D., R.C. Willan and J.D. Collins, 1997. a novel inhibitor of Factor VIIa and thrombin from a Taxonomy and occurrence of Dendrodoris nigra and Top: Light traps are used to collect Grutter, A.S., J.L. Pickering, H. McCallum and M.I. new genus and species of Australian sponge of the Dendrodoris fumata (Nudibranchia: Dendrodorididae) fish recruits for many projects. McCormick, 2008. Impact of micropredatory family Dysideidae. Journal of the Americal Chemical in the Indo-west Pacific region. Journal of Molluscan Left: Pim Bongaerts and assistant gnathiid isopods on young coral reef fishes. Coral Society, 124: 13340-13341. transplant coral fragments. Studies, 63: 407-423. Reefs, 27: 655-661. PUBLICATIONS

Guenther, J., 2007. Natural antifouling defences of Madin, J.S., M.J. O’Donnell and S.R. Connolly, 2008. Negri, A., C. Vollhardt, C. Humphrey, A, Heyward, tropical sea stars. PhD thesis, James Cook University. Climate-mediated mechanical changes to post-disturbance R. Jones, G. Eaglesham and K. Fabricius, 2005. Effects coral assemblages. Biology Letters, 4: 490-493. of the herbicide diuron on the early life history stages of Gunter, N.L and R.D. Adlard, 2008. Bivalvulidan coral. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51: 370-383. (Myxozoa: Myxosporae) parasites of damselfishes with Mendell, J.E., K.D. Clements, J.H. Choat and description of twelve novel species from Australia’s E.R. Angert, 2008. Extreme polyploidy in a large Nilsson, G.E. and S. Ostlund-Nilsson, 2008. Does size Great Barrier Reef. Parasitology, 135: 1165 -1178. bacterium. Proceedings of the National Academy of matter for hypoxia tolerance in fish? Biological Reviews, Sciences, 105: 6730-6734. 83: 173-189. Haendeler, K. and H. Waegele, 2007. Preliminary study on molecular phylogeny of Saccoglossa and a Meyer, D.L. and K.B. Meyer, 1986. Biostratinomy of Page, C.A. and B.L. Willis, 2008. Epidemiology of skeletal compilation of their food organisms. Bonner zoologische recent crinoids (Echinodermata) at Lizard Island, eroding band on the Great Barrier Reef and the role Beitraege, 55: 231-254. Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Palaios, 1: 294-302. of injury in the initiation of this widespread coral disease. Coral Reefs, 27: 257-272. Harold, A.S., R. Winterbottom, P.L. Munday and R.W. Michiels, N.K., N. Anthes, N.S. Hart, J. Herler, Chapman, 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of Indo-Pacific A.J. Meixner, F. Schleifenbaum, G. Schulte, U.E. Pankhurst, N., Q. Fitzgibbon, P. Pankhurst and coral gobies of the genus Gobiodon (Teleostei: Gobiidae), Siebeck, D. Sprenger and M.F. Wucherer, 2008. H. King, 2008. Density effects on reproduction in natural based on morphological and molecular data. Bulletin of Red fluorescence in reef fish; a novel signalling populations of the staghorn damsel, Amblyglyphidodon Marine Science, 82: 119 -136. mechanism? BMC Ecology, 8: 16-29. curacao. Cybium, 32: 297-299. Huelsken, T., 2008. Phylogenetic relationship and Milicich, M.J., M.G. Meekan and P.J. Doherty, 1992. Patten, N.L., P.L. Harrison and J.G. Mitchell, 2008. Konow, N. and D.R. Bellwood, 2005. Prey capture in species identification within the Natcidae Guilding, Larval supply: a good predictor of recruitment of Prevalence of virus-like particles within a staghorn Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Teleostei, Pomacanthidae): 1834 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda). PhD thesis, three species of reef fish (Pomacentridae). Marine Ecology scleractinian coral (Acropora muricata) from the Great functional implications for intramandibular joints in marine Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum. Progress Series, 86: 153-166. Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 27: 569-580. fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208: 1421-1433. Jawad, L.A., 2007. Comparative morphology of the otolith Miller, T. and T.H. Cribb, 2007. Coevolution of Penfold, R., A.S. Grutter, A.M. Kuris, M.I. McCormick Konow, N., D.R. Bellwood, P.C. Wainwright and A.M. of the triplefins (Family Tripterygiidae). Journal of Natural Retrovarium n. gen. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) in and C.M. Jones, 2008. Interactions between 18 Kerr, 2008. Evolution of novel jaw points promote trophic 19 History, 41: 901-924. Lutjanidae and Haemulidae (Perciformes) in the juvenile marine fish and gnathiid isopods: predation diversity in coral reef fishes. Biological Journal of the Indo-west Pacific. International Journal for Parasitology, versus micropredation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Johansen, J.L., 2007. Flow refuging by coral reef fishes in Linnean Society, 93: 545-555. 37: 1023-1045. 357: 111-119. wave-swept habitats. MSc thesis, James Cook University. Lachlan, R.B., 2008. Additional records of hawk moths Miller, T.L., 2007. The Cryptogonimidae Ward, 1917 Plaisance, L., S. Bouamer and S. Morand, 2004. Johansen, J.L., C.J. Fulton and D.R. Bellwood, 2007. and butterflies (Lepidoptera) from Lizard Island, northern (Platyhelminthes: Digenea), with emphasis on taxa Description and redescription of Haliotrema species Estimating the sustained swimming ability of coral reef Queensland. Australian Entomologist, 35:19-20. infecting Indo-west Pacific Lutjanidae and Haemulidae (Monogenoidea: Poloyonchoinea: Dactylogyridae) fishes. Marine and Freshwater Research, 58: 233-239. Leis, J.M., 2008. Larval development in the lutjanid (Perciformes). PhD thesis, University of Queensland. parasitizing butterfly fishes (Teleost: Chaetodontidae) Johansen, J.L., D.R. Bellwood and C.J. Fulton, 2008. subfamily Lutjaninae (Pisces): the Indo-Pacific genus in the Indo-west Pacific Ocean. Parasitology Research, Miller, T.L. and T.H. Cribb, 2008. Eight new species of Coral reef fishes exploit flow refuges in high-flow Pinjalo. Zootaxa, 1760: 37-49. 93: 72-78. Siphoderina Manter, 1934 (Digenea, Cryptogonimidae) habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 360: 219-226. Littman, R.A., M.J.H. van Oppen and B.L. Willis, infecting Lutjanidae and Haemulidae (Perciformes) off Plaisance, L., V. Rousset, S. Morand and D.T.J. Jones, C.M. and A.S. Grutter, 2008. Reef-based 2008. Methods of sampling free-living Symbiodinium Australia. Acta Parasitologica, 53: 344-364. Littlewood, 2008. Colonization of Pacific islands by micropredators reduce the growth of post-settlement (zooxanthellae) and their distribution and abundance at parasites of low dispersal ability: phylogeography of two Moore, S.W., 2003. Scrambled eggs: mechanical forces damselfish in captivity. Coral Reefs, 27: 677-684. Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef). Journal of Experimental monogenean species parasitizing butterflyfishes in the as ecological factors in early development. Evolution and Marine Biology and Ecology, 364: 48-53. South Pacific Ocean. Journal of Biogeography, 35: 76 -87. Jones, C.M., T.L. Miller, A.S. Grutter and T.H. Cribb, Development, 5: 61-66. 2008. Natatory-stage cymothoid isopods: description, Lowry, J.K. and B.A.R. Azman, 2008. A new genus Pratchett, M.S. and M.L. Berumen, 2008. Interspecific Munday, P.L., L. van Herwerden and C.L. Dudgeon, molecular identification and evolution of attachment. and species of cyproideid amphipod associated with variation in distributions and diets of coral reef 2004. Evidence for sympatric speciation by host shift in International Journal for Parasitology, 38: 477-491. unstalked crinoids on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. butterflyfishes (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae). Journal of the sea. Current Biology, 14: 1498-1504. Zootaxa, 1760: 59-68. Kavanagh, K.D., 2005. Boom-or-bust growth in coral reef Fish Biology, 73: 1730-1747. Nagel, L., R. Montgomerie and S.C. Lougheed, 2008. lagoons. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 286: 307-310. Maddams, J., 2007. Influence of parental effects on Evolutionary divergence in common marine ectoparasites production and larval quality of a serial spawning reef Klussmann-Kolb, A. and A. Dinapoli, 2006. Systematic Gnathia spp. (Isopoda: Gnathiidae) on the Great Barrier fish. Honours thesis, James Cook University. position of the pelagic Thecosomata and Gymnosomata Reef: phylogeography, morphology and behaviour. within Opisthobranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 94: 569 -587. revival of the Pteropoda. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 44(2): 118 -129. Top: Low tide at Mermaid Cove. (Photo: Joao Krajewsky) Left: Busy morning at the aquarium sorting fish recruits. PUBLICATIONS

Guenther, J., 2007. Natural antifouling defences of Madin, J.S., M.J. O’Donnell and S.R. Connolly, 2008. Negri, A., C. Vollhardt, C. Humphrey, A, Heyward, tropical sea stars. PhD thesis, James Cook University. Climate-mediated mechanical changes to post-disturbance R. Jones, G. Eaglesham and K. Fabricius, 2005. Effects coral assemblages. Biology Letters, 4: 490-493. of the herbicide diuron on the early life history stages of Gunter, N.L and R.D. Adlard, 2008. Bivalvulidan coral. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51: 370-383. (Myxozoa: Myxosporae) parasites of damselfishes with Mendell, J.E., K.D. Clements, J.H. Choat and description of twelve novel species from Australia’s E.R. Angert, 2008. Extreme polyploidy in a large Nilsson, G.E. and S. Ostlund-Nilsson, 2008. Does size Great Barrier Reef. Parasitology, 135: 1165 -1178. bacterium. Proceedings of the National Academy of matter for hypoxia tolerance in fish? Biological Reviews, Sciences, 105: 6730-6734. 83: 173-189. Haendeler, K. and H. Waegele, 2007. Preliminary study on molecular phylogeny of Saccoglossa and a Meyer, D.L. and K.B. Meyer, 1986. Biostratinomy of Page, C.A. and B.L. Willis, 2008. Epidemiology of skeletal compilation of their food organisms. Bonner zoologische recent crinoids (Echinodermata) at Lizard Island, eroding band on the Great Barrier Reef and the role Beitraege, 55: 231-254. Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Palaios, 1: 294-302. of injury in the initiation of this widespread coral disease. Coral Reefs, 27: 257-272. Harold, A.S., R. Winterbottom, P.L. Munday and R.W. Michiels, N.K., N. Anthes, N.S. Hart, J. Herler, Chapman, 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of Indo-Pacific A.J. Meixner, F. Schleifenbaum, G. Schulte, U.E. Pankhurst, N., Q. Fitzgibbon, P. Pankhurst and coral gobies of the genus Gobiodon (Teleostei: Gobiidae), Siebeck, D. Sprenger and M.F. Wucherer, 2008. H. King, 2008. Density effects on reproduction in natural based on morphological and molecular data. Bulletin of Red fluorescence in reef fish; a novel signalling populations of the staghorn damsel, Amblyglyphidodon Marine Science, 82: 119 -136. mechanism? BMC Ecology, 8: 16-29. curacao. Cybium, 32: 297-299. Huelsken, T., 2008. Phylogenetic relationship and Milicich, M.J., M.G. Meekan and P.J. Doherty, 1992. Patten, N.L., P.L. Harrison and J.G. Mitchell, 2008. Konow, N. and D.R. Bellwood, 2005. Prey capture in species identification within the Natcidae Guilding, Larval supply: a good predictor of recruitment of Prevalence of virus-like particles within a staghorn Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Teleostei, Pomacanthidae): 1834 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda). PhD thesis, three species of reef fish (Pomacentridae). Marine Ecology scleractinian coral (Acropora muricata) from the Great functional implications for intramandibular joints in marine Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum. Progress Series, 86: 153-166. Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs, 27: 569-580. fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208: 1421-1433. Jawad, L.A., 2007. Comparative morphology of the otolith Miller, T. and T.H. Cribb, 2007. Coevolution of Penfold, R., A.S. Grutter, A.M. Kuris, M.I. McCormick Konow, N., D.R. Bellwood, P.C. Wainwright and A.M. of the triplefins (Family Tripterygiidae). Journal of Natural Retrovarium n. gen. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) in and C.M. Jones, 2008. Interactions between 18 Kerr, 2008. Evolution of novel jaw points promote trophic 19 History, 41: 901-924. Lutjanidae and Haemulidae (Perciformes) in the juvenile marine fish and gnathiid isopods: predation diversity in coral reef fishes. Biological Journal of the Indo-west Pacific. International Journal for Parasitology, versus micropredation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Johansen, J.L., 2007. Flow refuging by coral reef fishes in Linnean Society, 93: 545-555. 37: 1023-1045. 357: 111-119. wave-swept habitats. MSc thesis, James Cook University. Lachlan, R.B., 2008. Additional records of hawk moths Miller, T.L., 2007. The Cryptogonimidae Ward, 1917 Plaisance, L., S. Bouamer and S. Morand, 2004. Johansen, J.L., C.J. Fulton and D.R. Bellwood, 2007. and butterflies (Lepidoptera) from Lizard Island, northern (Platyhelminthes: Digenea), with emphasis on taxa Description and redescription of Haliotrema species Estimating the sustained swimming ability of coral reef Queensland. Australian Entomologist, 35:19-20. infecting Indo-west Pacific Lutjanidae and Haemulidae (Monogenoidea: Poloyonchoinea: Dactylogyridae) fishes. Marine and Freshwater Research, 58: 233-239. Leis, J.M., 2008. Larval development in the lutjanid (Perciformes). PhD thesis, University of Queensland. parasitizing butterfly fishes (Teleost: Chaetodontidae) Johansen, J.L., D.R. Bellwood and C.J. Fulton, 2008. subfamily Lutjaninae (Pisces): the Indo-Pacific genus in the Indo-west Pacific Ocean. Parasitology Research, Miller, T.L. and T.H. Cribb, 2008. Eight new species of Coral reef fishes exploit flow refuges in high-flow Pinjalo. Zootaxa, 1760: 37-49. 93: 72-78. Siphoderina Manter, 1934 (Digenea, Cryptogonimidae) habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 360: 219-226. Littman, R.A., M.J.H. van Oppen and B.L. Willis, infecting Lutjanidae and Haemulidae (Perciformes) off Plaisance, L., V. Rousset, S. Morand and D.T.J. Jones, C.M. and A.S. Grutter, 2008. Reef-based 2008. Methods of sampling free-living Symbiodinium Australia. Acta Parasitologica, 53: 344-364. Littlewood, 2008. Colonization of Pacific islands by micropredators reduce the growth of post-settlement (zooxanthellae) and their distribution and abundance at parasites of low dispersal ability: phylogeography of two Moore, S.W., 2003. Scrambled eggs: mechanical forces damselfish in captivity. Coral Reefs, 27: 677-684. Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef). Journal of Experimental monogenean species parasitizing butterflyfishes in the as ecological factors in early development. Evolution and Marine Biology and Ecology, 364: 48-53. South Pacific Ocean. Journal of Biogeography, 35: 76 -87. Jones, C.M., T.L. Miller, A.S. Grutter and T.H. Cribb, Development, 5: 61-66. 2008. Natatory-stage cymothoid isopods: description, Lowry, J.K. and B.A.R. Azman, 2008. A new genus Pratchett, M.S. and M.L. Berumen, 2008. Interspecific Munday, P.L., L. van Herwerden and C.L. Dudgeon, molecular identification and evolution of attachment. and species of cyproideid amphipod associated with variation in distributions and diets of coral reef 2004. Evidence for sympatric speciation by host shift in International Journal for Parasitology, 38: 477-491. unstalked crinoids on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. butterflyfishes (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae). Journal of the sea. Current Biology, 14: 1498-1504. Zootaxa, 1760: 59-68. Kavanagh, K.D., 2005. Boom-or-bust growth in coral reef Fish Biology, 73: 1730-1747. Nagel, L., R. Montgomerie and S.C. Lougheed, 2008. lagoons. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 286: 307-310. Maddams, J., 2007. Influence of parental effects on Evolutionary divergence in common marine ectoparasites production and larval quality of a serial spawning reef Klussmann-Kolb, A. and A. Dinapoli, 2006. Systematic Gnathia spp. (Isopoda: Gnathiidae) on the Great Barrier fish. Honours thesis, James Cook University. position of the pelagic Thecosomata and Gymnosomata Reef: phylogeography, morphology and behaviour. within Opisthobranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 94: 569 -587. revival of the Pteropoda. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 44(2): 118 -129. Top: Low tide at Mermaid Cove. (Photo: Joao Krajewsky) Left: Busy morning at the aquarium sorting fish recruits. PUBLICATIONS

Pratchett, M.S., M.L. Berumen, M.J. Marnane, J.V. Eagle Sprenger, D., J. Faber, N.K. Michiels and N. Anthes, and D.J. Pratchett, 2008. Habitat associations of juvenile 2008. Natural female mating rate maximises hatchling versus adult butterflyfishes. Coral Reefs, 27: 541-551. size in a marine invertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77: 696-701. Pratchett, M.S., P.L. Munday, S.K. Wilson, N.A.J Graham, J.E. Cinner, D.R. Bellwood, G.P Jones, Sprenger, D., N. Anthes and N.K. Michiels, 2008. N.V.C. Polunin and T.R. McClanahan, 2008. Effects Multiple mating affects offspring size in the opisthobranch of climate-induced coral bleaching on coral-reef fishes - Chelidonura sandrana. Marine Biology, 153(5): 891-897. ecological and economic consequences. Ocenography Thacker, C., 2004. Phylogeny and species boundaries and Marine Biology: an Annual Review, 46: 251-296. in the gobiid genus Gnatholepis (Teleostei: Perciformes). Putz, A., N.K. Michiels and N. Anthes, 2008. Mating Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 142: 573-582. behaviour of the sperm-trading sea slug Chelidonura Vinn, O., H.A. Ten Hove and H. Mutvei, 2008. On the hirundinina: repeated sex role alternation balances tube ultrastructure and origin of calcification in sabellids reciprocity. Ethology, 114: 85-94. (Annelida, Polychaeta). Palaeontology, 51: 295-301. Rice, A.N., W.J. Cooper and M.W. Westneat, 2008. Vonnemann, V., M. Schroedl, A. Klussmann-Kolb and Diversification of coordination patterns during H. Waegele, 2005. Reconstruction of the phylogeny feeding behaviour in cheiline wrasses. Biological Journal of the Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) by of the Linnean Society, 93: 289-308. means of 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences. Journal of Ryen, C.A., 2007. Sex-specific growth dynamics Molluscan Studies, 71: 113-125. in protogynous hermaphrodites. MSc thesis, James Wilson, S.K., N.A.J. Graham, M.S. Pratchett, G.P. Jones Cook University. and N.V.C. Polunin, 2006. Multiple disturbances and 20 Siebeck, U.E., G.M. Wallis and L. Litherland, 2008. the global degradation of coral reefs: are reef fishes at risk Colour vision in coral reef fish. Journal of Experimental or resilient? Global Change Biology, 12: 2220-2234. Biology, 211: 354-360. Wong, M.Y.L., 2007. The evolution of animal societies: Simpson, S.D., M.G. Meekan, A. Jeffs, J.C. Montogmery monogamy, group-living and conflict in a coral-dwelling and R.D. McCauley, 2008. Settlement-stage coral fish. PhD thesis, James Cook University. reef fish prefer the higher-frequency invertebrate- Wong, M.Y.L., P.L. Munday, P.M. Buston and G.P. Jones, generated audible component of reef noise. Animal 2008. Fasting or feasting in a fish social hierarchy. Current Behaviour, 75: 1861-1868. Biology, 18: R372-R373. Smith, L.L., J.L. Fessler, M.E. Alfaro, J.T. Streelman and Wong, M.Y.L., P.L. Munday, P.M. Buston and M.W. Westneat, 2008. Phylogenetic relationships and the G.P. Jones, 2008. Monogamy when there is potential for evolution of regulatory gene sequences in the parrotfishes. polygyny: tests of multiple hypotheses in a group-living Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49: 136-152. fish. Behavioural Ecology, 19: 353-361. Wright, K.J., D.M. Higgs, A.J. Belanger and J.M. Leis, 2008. Auditory and olfactory abilities of larvae of the Indo-Pacific coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepede) at settlement. Journal of Fish Biology, 72: 2543-2556. Yerman, M.N. and T. Krapp-Schickel, 2008. A new genus and two new species of Saurodocus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Melitidae) from Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. Zootaxa, 1820: 60-66.

Top: Giant clam exposed at low tide. (Photo: Joao Krajewsky) Left: Prof. Jonathon Erez. Donations The following individuals and organisations have donated funds to the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation or made in-kind gifts during 2008. Members contributed $1,000 or more while Friends contributed smaller amounts. Special donors to the 30th Anniversary Development are indicated with an asterisk (*). Those who made gifts in kind are marked with a plus sign (+). Donors of both cash and gifts in kind are marked with a caret (^). AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM Members Tony and Heather Power LIZARD ISLAND RESEARCH STATION Coral & Ian Ackery Raymond E Purves Foundation* Antoinette Albert DMP Marketing Australia Pty Ltd Belinda and James Allen Pam and Allan Rogers AM Hugh Allen and Judith Ainge Susan Rothwell Anonymous* Alan and Lynn Rydge Philip Bacon David and Daniela Shannon Balnaves Foundation* Mr Brian Sherman AM and Dr Gene Sherman Greer, Jay & Eve Banyer Charlie and Sandy Shuetrim* Ken and Roddy Bell Nell and Hermon Slade Trust Peter and Penny Berents Hermon Slade Raiatea Foundation* The Hon Thomas & Mrs Brigstocke Dick and Pip Smith Geoff and Jill Brunsdon John and Christina Stitt Ted and Mary Carter James N Kirby Foundation* Hon Virginia Chadwick AO & Mr Bruce Chadwick Thyne Reid Foundation* Arthur and Prue Charles Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett John Charrington and Pamela McBride Rob and Bron Wannan Mrs Shirley Coles June and Bruce Watson Robert and Margaret Coles Sarah Whyte Ken Coles AM and Rowena Danziger AM* Vernon Foundation* Chrstopher and Kathryn Dibden Yulgilbar Foundation* Louise Nettleton and Michael Dowe Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation* Edith B. and Lee V. Jacobs Fund No. 3 Westfield Foundation Elizabeth Gabler Charitable Trust via Trust Company* Peter and Helen Wodetzki Friends of Conservation* Don and Susan Fry Corporate Members John & Margie Goodall Apollo Sports Company+ John and Rosemary Gough Australian Projects Pty Ltd Andrew Green and Colette Garnsey Captain Cook Cruises*+ Geoff and Elisabeth Haddy Fesq and Company+ Mike and Louise Hamshere Maple-Brown Abbott Diana Hardy Port Philip Estate+ Barbara R Hardy AO Voyages Hotels and Resorts*+ Newsletter 2008 Chestnut Tree Foundation (Philip and Sylvia Hartog) Winning Appliances Published March 2009 Geraldine and Trevor Haworth AM Friends Bill and Alison Hayward* Anonymous Tom and Beverley Healy Derek Anderson Philip and Jane Hemstritch Sue Bullock The Ian Potter Foundation* Joanna Capon Fraser and Victoria Hopkins Emma Charrington John & Laurine Proud Family Estate Trust (No 1) Richard Coles and Christine Bartlett Elizabeth and Robert Johnson Alicia Corbett Chris and Katy Joscelyne Directors All photographs by Lyle Vail or Anne Hoggett Research Strategies Results Pty Ltd Dr Lyle Vail and Dr Anne Hoggett unless otherwise indicated. James & Susan Kirby R.E. Dods Raymond & Deirdre Kirby Jade Evans Lizard Island Research Station Main cover photo: ©istockphoto. The Aquarium Society of NSW Terry Ford PMB 37 Small left cover photo: Joao Krajewsky. Diccon and Elizabeth Loxton Brian France Cairns QLD 4870 Frank Howarth’s photo: Stuart Humphreys. Rod and Margaret Macdonald Hanlon Foundation Australia Robert and Susan Maple-Brown Ronnie Harding Design and Production Alison Murphy, Maple-Brown Family Charitable Foundation Ltd* Don Henry Phone: + 61 (0)7 4060 3977 Australian Museum Design Unit. Peter & Amy Mercieca Hilary and John Hill Fax: + 61 (0)7 4060 3055 Prof Elmar Messmer & Dr Emanuela Keller E-mail: [email protected] The Australian Museum has produced this J.F. Hiller Gordon Moffatt AM and Jacqueline Moffatt magazine with due regard for its impact on the M.J. and A.E. Hoy environment. The paper stock is the only Australian Lynton and Susan Morgan* Tom and Yvonne Hurley manufactured A2 coated recycled paper. It Graham and Glynn O’Neill Julia King contains 35% locally sourced waste. 92% of Gretel Packer Peter MacPhillamy the energy used to produce it is sourced from Roslyn Packer Christopher McLelland renewable hydroelectric and wind farm power. Bill and Barbara Page-Hanify Sir Lawrence & Lady Macdonald Muir Philippe and Nathalie Pichon Edward Sze-Tu Matthew and Fiona Playfair Scott Malcolm and Jane Taylor Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station Newsletter 2008

Australian Museum 6 College Street Sydney NSW 2010 Australia t 02 9320 6000 nature culture discover

Supported by the Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation Published March 2009