Mellan ambivalens och aktivism: Norden och internationella mänskliga rättigheter1 Johan Karlsson Schaffer, fil.dr. Forskare, Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter, Universitetet i Oslo Postboks 6706, St. Olavs plass 5, 0130 Oslo, Norge +47-41226217,
[email protected] Antagen för publicering i Retfærd: Nordic Journal of Law and Justice, 40:1, 2017. 1 För konstruktiva kommentarer på tidigare versioner av denna uppsats vill jag tacka Anna Andersson, Bård Anders Andreassen, Cecilie Figenschou Bakke, Kjersti Bratha- gen, Agniezska Cybulska, Marie Demker, Anine Kierulf, Malcolm Langford och Kjetil M. Larsen. Jag vill också tacka Kiki Anastasia Japutra och Aled Dilwyn Fisher för hjälp med datainsamling. 1 Abstract In this paper, I ask why Nordic governments seem no longer to be forerunners in the expansion of the international human rights regime, in light of their historical engage- ment. Existing research tends to portray the Nordics as exceptional in terms of either their international commitment to human rights norms, or their domestic reluctance to- ward constitutionalism, judicial review and legal rights, and grounds their exceptional- ism in deep-seated value traditions within Nordic societies. This paper instead explores their external and internal rights policies as interconnected and as resulting from domes- tic agents actively mobilizing certain ideas. Covering the Nordic states’ roles in the es- tablishment and expansion of the global and European human rights regimes, and the subsequent repercussions of these institutions on the domestic orders in the Nordic countries, the article concludes by discussing the maturing institutionalisation of human rights in constitutional practice within the Nordic polities in recent years. Keywords Danmark, Europarådet, Finland, Island, konstitutionalism, mänskliga rättigheter, Nor- den, Norge, Sverige.