Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 29.1419

released outside the rotorcraft must be § 29.1419 Ice protection. attached to the rotorcraft by the static (a) To obtain certification for flight line prescribed in § 29.1415. into icing conditions, compliance with (e) Long-range signaling device. The this section must be shown. stowage provisions for the long-range (b) It must be demonstrated that the signaling device required by § 29.1415 rotorcraft can be safely operated in the must be near an exit available during continuous maximum and intermittent an unplanned ditching. maximum icing conditions determined (f) Life preservers. Each life preserver under appendix C of this part within must be within easy reach of each oc- the rotorcraft altitude envelope. An cupant while seated. analysis must be performed to estab- § 29.1413 Safety belts: passenger warn- lish, on the basis of the rotorcraft’s ing device. operational needs, the adequacy of the for the various (a) If there are means to indicate to components of the rotorcraft. the passengers when safety belts (c) In addition to the analysis and should be fastened, they must be in- physical evaluation prescribed in para- stalled to be operated from either pilot graph (b) of this section, the effective- seat. ness of the ice protection system and (b) Each safety belt must be equipped its components must be shown by with a metal to metal latching device. flight tests of the rotorcraft or its com- (Secs. 313, 314, and 601 through 610 of the Fed- ponents in measured natural atmos- eral Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1354, 1355, pheric icing conditions and by one or and 1421 through 1430) and sec. 6(c), Dept. of more of the following tests as found Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1655(c))) necessary to determine the adequacy of [Doc. No. 5084, 29 FR 16150, Dec. 3, 1964, as the ice protection system: amended by Amdt. 29–16 43 FR 46233, Oct. 5, (1) Laboratory dry air or simulated 1978] icing tests, or a combination of both, of the components or models of the com- § 29.1415 Ditching equipment. ponents. (a) Emergency flotation and sig- (2) Flight dry air tests of the ice pro- naling equipment required by any oper- tection system as a whole, or its indi- ating rule of this chapter must meet vidual components. the requirements of this section. (3) Flight tests of the rotorcraft or (b) Each liferaft and each life pre- its components in measured simulated server must be approved. In addition— icing conditions. (1) Provide not less than two rafts, of (d) The ice protection provisions of an approximately equal rated capacity this section are considered to be appli- and buoyancy to accommodate the oc- cable primarily to the . Power- cupants of the rotorcraft; and plant installation requirements are (2) Each raft must have a trailing contained in subpart E of this part. line, and must have a static line de- (e) A means must be identified or signed to hold the raft near the rotor- provided for determining the formation craft but to release it if the rotorcraft of ice on critical parts of the rotor- becomes totally submerged. craft. Unless otherwise restricted, the (c) Approved survival equipment means must be available for nighttime must be attached to each liferaft. as well as daytime operation. The (d) There must be an approved sur- rotorcraft flight manual must describe vival type emergency locator trans- the means of determining ice forma- mitter for use in one life raft. tion and must contain information nec- essary for safe operation of the rotor- [Doc. No. 5084, 29 FR 16150, Dec. 3, 1964, as craft in icing conditions. amended by Amdt. 29–8, 36 FR 18722, Sept. 21, 1971; Amdt. 29–19, 45 FR 38348, June 9, 1980; [Amdt. 29–21, 48 FR 4391, Jan. 31, 1983] Amdt. 27–26, 55 FR 8005, Mar. 6, 1990; Amdt. 29–33, 59 FR 32057, June 21, 1994]


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MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT sures resulting from any fluid volu- metric change in lines likely to remain § 29.1431 Electronic equipment. closed long enough for such a change to (a) Radio communication and naviga- take place. The possibility of detri- tion equipment installations must be mental transient (surge) pressures dur- free from hazards in themselves, in ing operation must be considered. their method of operation, and in their (5) Each hydraulic line, fitting, and effects on other components, under any component must be installed and sup- critical environmental conditions. ported to prevent excessive vibration (b) Radio communication and naviga- and to withstand inertia loads. Each tion equipment, controls, and wiring element of the installation must be must be installed so that operation of protected from abrasion, corrosion, and any one unit or system of units will mechanical damage. not adversely affect the simultaneous (6) Means for providing flexibility operation of any other radio or elec- must be used to connect points, in a tronic unit, or system of units, re- hydraulic fluid line, between which rel- quired by this chapter. ative motion or differential vibration § 29.1433 Vacuum systems. exists. (b) Tests. Each element of the system (a) There must be means, in addition must be tested to a proof pressure of 1.5 to the normal pressure relief, to auto- matically relieve the pressure in the times the maximum pressure to which discharge lines from the vacuum air that element will be subjected in nor- when the delivery temperature of mal operation, without failure, mal- the air becomes unsafe. function, or detrimental deformation (b) Each vacuum air system line and of any part of the system. fitting on the discharge side of the (c) Fire protection. Each that might contain flammable system using flammable hydraulic vapors or fluids must meet the require- fluid must meet the applicable require- ments of § 29.1183 if they are in a des- ments of §§ 29.861, 29.1183, 29.1185, and ignated fire zone. 29.1189. (c) Other vacuum air system compo- nents in designated fire zones must be § 29.1439 Protective breathing equip- at least fire resistant. ment. (a) If one or more cargo or baggage § 29.1435 Hydraulic systems. compartments are to be accessible in (a) Design. Each hydraulic system flight, protective breathing equipment must be designed as follows: must be available for an appropriate (1) Each element of the hydraulic crewmember. system must be designed to withstand, (b) For protective breathing equip- without detrimental, permanent defor- ment required by paragraph (a) of this mation, any structural loads that may section or by any operating rule of this be imposed simultaneously with the chapter— maximum operating hydraulic loads. (1) That equipment must be designed (2) Each element of the hydraulic to protect the crew from smoke, carbon system must be designed to withstand dioxide, and other harmful gases while pressures sufficiently greater than on flight deck duty; those prescribed in paragraph (b) of (2) That equipment must include— this section to show that the system will not rupture under service condi- (i) Masks covering the eyes, nose, and tions. mouth; or (3) There must be means to indicate (ii) Masks covering the nose and the pressure in each main hydraulic mouth, plus accessory equipment to power system. protect the eyes; and (4) There must be means to ensure (3) That equipment must supply pro- that no pressure in any part of the sys- tective oxygen of 10 minutes duration tem will exceed a safe limit above the per crewmember at a pressure altitude maximum operating pressure of the of 8,000 feet with a respiratory minute system, and to prevent excessive pres- volume of 30 liters per minute BTPD.


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