KAJ NEWSLETTER December 19, ‘18 י"א טבת תשע"ט A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

Volume 49 Number 4


The evening of 25 Kislev (Sunday, December 2nd) saw the first candle of Chanukah 5779 lit in the large Menora of our Beis Knesses by Chazon Ezra Lasdun.

As usual, many members—and others—from near and not-so-near came to our Shul’s Hadlokas Neiros Chanukah over the various evenings, which included two Sundays, ensuring a full measure of Pirsumei Nisso. The choir, with its usual members over the weekend of Chanukah, and with a somewhat more youthful ensemble on the weeknights, led the Kehilla in singing Mo’oz Tzur.

Shabbos was not the only time the melody of Shenei Zeisim was heard. (Shenei Zeisim, the Meora for Shabbos Chanukah, is the only Meora included in the Piyutim of Minhag Ashkenaz.) Each day of Chanukah, the tunes of Mo’oz Tzur and Shenei Zeisim could be heard in Adon Olam, parts of Hallel and in the Kaddish after Kerias HaTorah. The unique melody of VeOllu Moshi’im was, likewise, rendered daily during Shacharis.

In our Yeshiva, the students celebrated with Chagigos in the various departments. Pictured below, Yitzchok Celnick addresses the talmidim of Beis Medrash Yeshurun at their Chagiga in the Beis Medrash.

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Lechvod Chanukah, Rabbi Yehuda Perlman’s fourth grade class went to visit their rebbi’s Rav, Rav Elimelech Bluth, before enjoying some treats at their rebbi’s house as well.


27 Teves, which this year falls out on Friday, the 4th of January, marks the 130th Yahrzeit of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch.

As is well known, Rav Hirsch did more for the preservation and revival of learning and Torah living in Germany than one could reasonably have expected of one man in one lifetime. The Frankfurt Kehilla which he established under the principles of Austritt and strict adherence to Halocho became a model Kehilla. With the equally extraordinary efforts of his grandson, Rav , this Kehilla and Yeshiva were reestablished on these shores after the Nazi Churbon.

The great opus of Rav Hirsch’s writings continues to illuminate the Torah for us, for the children educated in our Mosdos, and for the wider Torah world, where the newly re-translated Hirsch Chumash was received with much enthusiasm.

Today, our Kehilla and Yeshiva, proud bearers of Rav Hirsch’s name, continue to carry on Rav Hirsch’s sacred legacy of .

יהי זכרו ברוך


On Sunday December 16/ 8 Teves Rav Mantel led members of the Chevra Kadisha in a Chinuch Bais Hakevoros. Approximately thirty Chevra Kadisha members walked around the perimeter of the recently acquired parcel of land in King Solomon Cemetery seven times while reciting Tehillim chapters 91 and 104 on each circuit. This land is just across the internal cemetery road Akiba Avenue from where our Rabbonim are buried. These new plots are now available to our membership. For more information, please contact the Kehilla office.

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ז' and prior to that on ה' אב תשנ"ו A Chinuch Beis HaKevoros was last done by our Chevra Kadisha on After the circuits were completed, three chapters were recited near the kevorim of our .אדר תשכ"ו Rabbonim asking for Rachamei Shomayim to annul the recent state education regulations which, in an unprecedented manner, threaten the Chinuch of all Yeshivos and day schools in New York State.

בלע המות לנצח... CHINUCH IN NYS As Rav Mantel stated in his sermon this past Shabbos, the autonomy of our Yeshivos and their chinuch in New York State is in grave danger due to the new regulations that have been formulated by the state’s Education Commission. The Kehilla joined Shuls and Yeshivos state-wide in reciting Tehillim on Asara BeTeiveis, after both Mincha Gedola and the later (4:05 PM) Mincha. Our members are urged to sign the online petition electronically, at the following link: https://www.change.org/p/500-000-students-vs-state-education-department Those who cannot access the link can come to the Kehilla Office to sign a paper petition. Additionally, our state representative, Assemblywoman Carmen N. De La Rosa may be contacted. The address of her local office is 210 Sherman Ave, Suite A, New York, NY 10034; phone: 212-544-2278. Her Albany office’s address is LOB Room 528, Albany, NY 12248; phone: 518-455-5807. State Senator-elect Robert Jackson has not taken office in the State Senate yet.


The Kehilla and Yeshiva are very much looking forward to the upcoming 69th Annual Dinner, to take place IY”H on Sunday, February 17th. We anticipate everyone’s participation to make this annual event—the main fundraiser for our Yeshiva—an outstanding success. Please do your part, and solicit and contribute ads as soon as possible. Ad kits will be shortly arriving in the mail. Ads may also be submitted online at www.yrsrhdinner.org. To purchase your tickets for the car raffle, visit www.yrsrh.org The Dinner’s Guests of Honor this year are Mr. and Mrs. Shimon Levi; Mr. and Mrs. Shaul Gross are Parents of the Year, and Mr. and Mrs. Ari Cohen are the Alumni Chai Awardees. We look forward to greeting everyone personally at the Dinner.

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DAF YOMI IS MESAYEIM MENOCHOS The Kehilla and Washington Heights Daf Yomi Chaburos, as well as those world-wide, were mesayeim Maseches Menochos on Wednesday, November 28th/ 20 Kisleiv. Pictured below, the evening Chabura gathered in the Sonn Beis Medrash to be mesayeim and enjoy some light refreshments. As always, new members are always most welcome as the Chaburos now proceed through Maseches Chulin.

SPECIAL SHIURIM Repeating the success of the last few years, the Kehilla once again has arranged special shiurim for the legal holidays of Thursday, November 22nd, Tuesday, December 25th, Tuesday, January 1st and Monday, February 18th, days many members have a day off from their jobs. The first shiur was given by Rav Mantel, to a large and attentive audience (pictured below).

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ANNUAL CONVENTION OF AGUDATH OF AMERICA This year’s Agudah convention, which took place over the Shabbos of Parashas Vayishlach (November 22nd-25th) featured Rav Mantel as a speaker at the English-language Seudo Shelishis. A number of our members joined the Rav and Rebbetzin at the convention. The full transcript of the Rav’s speech will be included IYH in the next issue of the L’Dor VaDor Mitteilungen.


The 5th grade boys, having recently completed the first two perokim of Mishnayos Sukka with their rebbi, Rabbi Yakov Cohen, made a Sukka-Fair, depicting cases discussed in the Mishna, through models and posters. Each boy also explained the case he was depicting, and the basis of the halocho.

First Grade Boys’ Chumash Party Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman’s first-grade class celebrated receiving their Chumashim with their much- anticipated Chumash Party. On December 2/ 24 Kislev, the boys, as well as their delighted families, gathered in Moller Hall for the event. Rav Mantel addressed the audience, as did Rabbi Yehuda Moller, Menahel, and Rabbi Hoffman.

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Boys’ Melave Malka and Girls’ Melave Malka The boys of our elementary Yeshiva enjoyed their annual Melave Malka held in Moller Hall on Motzoei Shabbos Parashas Toledos, November 10th. Rabbi Yehuda Moller, Menahel, addressed the boys, their fathers, and the Rebbeim and an enjoyable time was had by all.

One week later, on Motzoei Shabbos Parashas Vayeitzei, November 17th, Moller Hall found itself once again in use, as this time the girls, mothers, grandmothers and Moros enjoyed the camaraderie of a Melave Malka. Rabbi Moller opened the program. The ladies and girls also enjoyed some dancing, and G.O. spirit, led by Morah Shaindy Plotzker.


It was wonderful having Mrs. Tovah Plotkin back to speak to the Sisterhood on November 20/13 Cheshvan on the Chanukah-related topic, “Gazing into the Lights.” Mrs. Plotkin, a granddaughter of Rav has been giving shiurim to women for many years and especially enjoys sharing insights from her ,זצ''ל beloved and revered grandfather whom we all sorely miss.

Mrs. Plotkin reminisced about coming to Washington Heights every Chanukah, as a child, as both sets of her grandparents lived here. She recalls Rav Schwab making mention of the fact that Shabbos Chanukah is almost always Parashas Miketz, the parasha which tells us about Paroh's dream. In this dream, in which the scrawny cows devour the hale and hearty cows, is a foreshadowing of the time in history when we, the weak Makabim, would vanquish the mighty Greek army.

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Neiros Shabbos can and should be utilized for lighting the room while, conversely, it is forbidden to benefit from the light of the Chanukah candles. What is the reason for this? Rav Schwab quotes the Shelah HaKodosh who tells us that the shoresh (root) of Chanukah is chinuch (education). The light of the Menorah is symbolic of the miracle which was Hashem's involvement in our lives in a way that is out of the ordinary. G-d's light amidst the darkness of the Exile will lead us into the future Geula (Redemption) and Oro shel Moshiach (the light of Moshiach). Therefore, we mustn't benefit yet from the Chanukah light as it the light of the future.

Mrs. Plotkin quoted from the latest edition of the L'Dor VaDor the following beautiful idea of Rav Schwab's, based on Kapital 120 in Tehillim: Even though we live in the seemingly civilized world it is still rife with falsehood. We work hard and pray constantly that we should not allow ourselves to be influenced by the forces of sheker (falsehood). The light of Chanukah helps to illuminate the darkness so that we can discern emes (truth) from sheker. Authentic peace must be based on emes, and is not appeasement, which is based on sheker. We must gaze into the lights and draw inspiration from them so that we can develop the strength and wisdom to spread their light unto others!

SENIOR SOCIAL CLUBS On Wednesday, November 21st, members of the Senior Social Clubs of KAJ and friends were treated to a splendid musical evening at Lincoln Center. The N.Y. Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Emmanuelle Haïm in her debut in NY, led the orchestra in a lively program of Baroque favorites. The pieces included Handel’s celebratory Water Music, so called so for its having been created for King George I’s barge cruise on the River Thames, in 1717.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the festive and tuneful melodies as well as the very lively, animated conducting.

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In reporting the very successful Challa Bake, in this past issue of the KAJN we neglected to mention that Many thanks to .לעילוי נשמתה ,the event was primarily sponsored by the family of Mrs. Clara Klugmann them, and to all the ladies who were involved in the planning and execution of the event, particularly Mrs. Pamela Weiman.

PAYPAL DONATION OPPORTUNITY Until the end of the year, by using the special link below, you can donate to KAJ through PayPal and 100% of your donation will go to KAJ; no deductions, no fees. In addition, PayPal Gift Giving Fund will add 1%. The donations must be made through the link below. This does not apply to donations made through the KAJ website.

To accomplish this please go to, paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/171841

You will be donating to PayPal Giving Fund, an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) public charity (Federal Tax ID: 45- 0931286). PayPal Giving Fund will provide you with a receipt for your donation.

PayPal Giving Fund collects donations and deposits them in the PayPal accounts of the charities recommended by donors.


To download the KAJ app to your phone, click on one of the following links:

KAJ Android app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shulcloud.app288&hl=en_US KAJ iPhone app - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kaj-khal-adath-jeshurun/id1149020961?mt=8

NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER Moriah was resplendent with fall foliage on Thanksgiving, when our seniors received a special meal subsidized by Citymeals on Wheels, which was topped off with chocolate pecan pie, and followed by a violin concert. Yonasan Rothman, a conservatory-trained Stoliner Chossid, accompanied by Eric Freeman, strolled through the audience as they dined, and amazed them with his fluency in a number of languages and his familiarity with the songs of their homelands. A return engagement was unanimously requested by everyone in attendance.

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Untapped Cities, a leader in unearthing ’s most unique and surprising places, stories and events, presented for our seniors “The Secrets of the Brooklyn Bridge”. This organization gives tours to those interested in what’s hidden and unnoticed, and how our history informs city life now and in the future. They afforded our seniors the unique opportunity to go on a “virtual tour” with them from the comfort of our Center. Beyond the Brooklyn Bridge’s stately exterior lies an epic origin story. Now over 130 years old, the granite and limestone structure has dazzled both tourists and residents alike. Author, playwright and Untapped Cities’ tour guide Justin Rivers not only explored the history behind the Brooklyn Bridge, but also revealed its many hidden secrets. This presentation gave our group a whole new appreciation for one of New York’s most iconic landmarks. We look forward to the next “tour” in the series, “Remnants of the World’s Fairs”, in January. Chanukah spirit abounded at the Center all week, with an 8-foot inflatable dreidel welcoming everyone at the door. Fresh from the oven double chocolate chunk cookies warmed our bodies and satisfied our sweet tooth mid-week. Seniors were given Chanukah lapel pins to add to the ambience. On Zos Chanukah Moriah held its annual Chanukah Party. Stunning decorations transformed the hall, including a feature wall displaying a 10 foot “Memory Menorah”, showcasing Center photographs both recent and vintage. The lunch menu included minute steak, latkes, doughnuts, gelt and more. Cantor Eric S. Freeman entertained the group with traditional and uplifting Chanukah melodies. Every senior received a gift of gloves and ear warmers in the colors of their choice. In addition, every volunteer received a box of Belgian Chanukah chocolates.

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Moriah is actively seeking volunteers to assist with check-in and lunch service. Volunteer for an hour, volunteer once a week, or volunteer more often. The choice is yours. If you are interested in being part of our warm and welcoming environment, please call us at 212-923-5715. If you are 60+, working or retired, this might be the time to come in and register. See what Moriah can offer you. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter via email, please contact us at [email protected].

SHIURIM NOTICES Legal Holiday Shiurim: Tuesday, Dec. 25th Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz 8:45 AM Tuesday, Jan. 1st Rabbi Moshe Edelstein 8:45 AM Monday, Feb. 18th Rabbi Yosef Katzenstein 8:45 AM Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening Minchas Chinuch shiur takes place in the Sulzbach Shiur Room after the second Maariv.

Thursday Night Chumash Shiur We urge all members who do not have another Shiur or Kevius at these times to attend these Shiurim. Rabbi Avrohom David ויחי Dec. 20 No Shiur שמות Dec. 27 Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Thau וארא Jan. 3

Friday Night Mikro Lectures

The shiur takes place in Shul during the winter season following davening on Friday nights.

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Mr. Michael Gutmann ויחי December 21 Mr. Albert Blank שמות December 28 Mr. Joey Gutmann וארא January 4 Mr. Ben Ettlinger בא January 11 Rabbi Kalman Strauss בשלח January 18 Mr. Dovid Lomnitz יתרו January 25

Sisterhood Shabbos Shiur The following shiurim take place in the Sonn Shiur Room on the lower level of the Shul Building.

PM Rabbi Solomon Jacobovits 3:35 ויחי December 22 PM Dr. Paul Breuer 3:40 שמות December 29 PM Mr. Albert Blank 3:45 וארא January 5 PM Miss Shaindy Hirsch 3:50 בא January 12 PM Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman 4:00 בשלח January 19 PM Mr. Michael Gutmann 4:05 יתרו January 26

Fort Tryon Nursing Home Shiur The shiurim will resume in March.

Tuesday Morning NaCh Shiur Rebbetzin Mantel’s Tuesday morning NaCh Shiur for ladies takes place in the Agudah Shul at 10:15 AM, Tuesday mornings. It will not take place on Tuesdays January 8th, 15th and 22nd. SOCIAL REGISTER Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ettlinger on the birth of their grandson. All the best to the parents, Yitzie and Esty Sontag. It gives us much pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Joel Stern on the engagement of their daughter, Yocheved, to Shuie Heiligman. Mazel tov to the parents, Dr. and Dr. Mark Heiligman and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Litwin. Rabbi and Mrs. Edwin Katzenstein happily announce the engagement of their granddaughter, Rivka Stefansky to Shlomo Zalman Glik. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Nesanel Stefansky and Rabbi and Mrs. Mendel Glik and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Akiva Stefansky. At the same time, we are pleased to wish Rabbi and Mrs. Katzenstein another mazel tov on the birth of their great-granddaughter born to their grandchildren, Noach and Atara Katzenstein. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Katzenstein and Mr. and Mrs. Hillel Goldschider and the great- grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi Farber.

Mazel tov to Rav and Rebbetzin Yehoshua Rubanowitz on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Avrohom on Parashas Vayigash. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mrs. Zahava Rubanowitz and Rabbi and Mrs. Zvi Davis.

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All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Klugman on the birth of their great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Goldberg of Beth Shemesh and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Yaakov Schwab. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Goldberg on the marriage of their son, Kalman Avrohom to Zissel Esther, daughter of Mrs. Raizy Krakowitz. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levi happily announce the engagement of their son, Yehudah, to Nechama Bidnick. Mazel tov to the parents, Dovid and Yiddis Bidnick of Cincinnati, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Levi. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Levi and Deena Hoff of Yerushalayim on the birth of their daughter. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. David Bechhofer and Mr. and Mrs. David Hoff and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer and Mrs. Jeanette Hoff.

Heartiest mazel tov wishes Mr. and Mrs. Chanoch Katzenstein on the engagement of their daughter, Chaviva, to Doniel Yehuda Cohen. Mazel tov to the Chosson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nosson Cohen and the Kalloh’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein. All our good wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Bechhofer on the birth of their two grandsons. Mazel tov to the parents of the first little boy, Yossie and Sara Kirzner of Lakewood, the parents of the second baby boy, Aryeh Leib and Malka Dietz of Kew Gardens Hills and the great-grandmother of both babies, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer. Mazel tov to Simcha and Susie Klein and Mrs. Karla Wertheim upon the birth of their new great- grandson, Refael Nechemia. Mazel tov to the parents, Baruch Yehudah and Yehudis Smith. Special mazel tov to the grandparents, Yisroel and Zipporah Weisberger, Sholom and Rochel Smith. Mazel tov to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Chava Weisberger and Dovid and Toby Smith. All our good wishes to Mrs. Ruthie Hirsch on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Shuly Goldman. Mazel tov to the parents, Shoshana and Shlomie Goldman. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. Jacob Goldsmith on the birth of his two new great- granddaughters and great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents of the first little girl, Benny and Esty Kruskal of Beth Shemesh and the grandparents, Yitzchok and Ruti Kruskal. Mazel tov to the parents of the second baby girl, Avromi and Chaya Ducie Pick and the grandparents, Zvi and Esther Basch and the parents of the little boy, Yoni and Shani Galet and the grandparents of all the babies, Yossie and Yachet Pick.

Debbie and David Loebenberg are happy to announce the birth of their great-granddaughter, Miriam Esther, to their grandchildren, Binyomin and Raizy Shwartz, children of Malka and Shuiey Shapiro. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Ibsen on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Avi. Mazel tov to the parents, Pinny and Tamar Heskiel. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Yosef Adler, Mrs. Miriam Nussbaum, Rabbi and Mrs. Myer Schwab and Mrs. Elsie Adler on the birth of a son to Mordechai and Adina Berenstein, children of Mr. and Mrs. Yehoshua Berenstein and Rabbi Aryeh and Dr. Keri Adler. At the

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same time, we are delighted to wish Dr. and Mrs. Yosef Adler, Mrs. Miriam Nussbaum and Mrs. Elsie Adler another mazel tov on the Bar Mitzvah of Hillel, son of Rabbi Aryeh and Dr. Keri Adler. Mazel tov also to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nussbaum and Mrs. Miriam Nussbaum on the Bar Mitzvah of their son and grandson, Chanina. Mazel tov to Rabbi Jonathan and Dr. Chana Rochel Marvin on the birth of a granddaughter to Dr. Bezalel and Mrs. Sarah Shoshana Bacon of Fair Lawn. Mazel tov to grandparents, Drs. Joshua and Rena Bacon of Fair Lawn.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Katzman on the birth of their granddaughter. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Naftoli Katzman and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Inge Katzman.

Mazel tov to Benjy Hersh on his engagement to Miriam Blander. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi Shmuel Hersh, Ms. Dvora Hersh and the entire family, and to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blander and family, of Woodmere.

Our best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Glazer on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Dovid and Shani Glazer of Lakewood.

Raphael and Julia Weis happily announce the arrival of their new great-grandson, born to Nesanel and Kayla Halbertal. Mazel to to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yaron Halbertal and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Darrison. Also, to the great-grandmother, Mrs. Levana Levy.

All our good wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchos Munk on the engagement of their daughter, Elisheva, to Bezalel Brecher. Mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yehuda Brecher and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Benji Brecher.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Spreiregen on the birth of their great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Akiva and Esther May and the grandparents, Yonah and Yael Wolf and Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Moshe May.

Mrs. Hilde Klugmann and Mrs. Esther Halberstadt joyfully announce the birth of their great-great grandson, Yitzchok Menachem, born to their great-grandchildren, Tehilla and Shaul Elefant. Mazel tov to the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Halberstadt and Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Meir Zaks. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Mordechai Zaks and Rabbi and Mrs. Daniel Elefant.

Mazel tov to Mrs. Hilde Klugmann and Mrs. Esther Halberstadt on the birth of a great-grandson born to their grandchildren, Shlomo and Chava Halberstadt. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Halberstadt and Rabbi and Mrs. Zev Egert.

Mrs. Hilde Klugmann and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marx joyfully announce the birth of a great- granddaughter, Pia Ahuva, born to their grandchildren, Tzviki and Chaya Tova Klugmann. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchak Klugmann and Dr. and Mrs. Menachem Ziemba.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Chanoch Katzenstein on the birth of their grandson born to their children, Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Katzenstein. Best wishes to the great- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein.

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• Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night. • Mincha Gedola in Shul – 1:30 PM, Monday through Thursday • First Davening in Dr. Moller Hall: All Mondays and Thursdays (including Rosh Chodesh Shevat) from Dec. 24 – Jan. 17 • Yayin L’Kiddush ul’Havdoloh – We regret the omission of the following names from the list published in the last Newsletter:

 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Riselsheimer

Forthcoming Events

• Tuesday, December 25 - Special Holiday Shiur by Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz – 8:45 AM – Dr. Moller Hall • Motzoei Shabbos, January 5 – Sr. Social Club Annual Melave Malka • Sunday, February 17 – ANNUAL DINNER OF YESHIVA AND KEHILLA

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Dr. Ronald Herrmann (10 Briarwood Lane, Suffern) and Mrs. Carrie Wachtel (9/40 Diskin, ) mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Lottie Herrmann (15/43 Diskin, Jerusalem) (formerly 720 Ft. Washington Ave) Mr. Ben Weinschneider (6515 No. Monticello Ave, Lincolnwood, IL) mourns the passing of his father, Rabbi Sidney Weinschneider Mrs. Rita Slomovits (24 Bennett Avenue) mourns the passing of her sister, Mrs. Senta Seligman


Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Teves/Shevat) ...... 173.40 Mrs. Joseph Helmreich for Yahrzeit of her dear father, Samuel Eisenmann, z.l...... 100.00 Kislev) ...... 25.00 10)ישעי' בן יצחק מאיר ז"ל Rabbi and Mrs. Elchonon Stern for Yahrzeit of

Photo Credits: Many thanks to Messrs. Alan Ettlinger, Ben Ettlinger and Johny Hellmann, Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Brownstein, Mesdames Shuli Gutmann, Sari Levi, Molly Resnick and Faige Szanzer, and YRSRH, who provided the photographs featured in this issue of the KAJN.



Showroom 1898 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210 Telephone: 718-375-5333 Fax: 718-252-9300

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FELDHEIM PUBLISHERS AND THE RABBI DR. JOSEPH BREUER FOUNDATION Are pleased to announce the publication of Sefer Trei Assar Translation and Commentary following the interpretive method of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, by his son, Dr. Mendel Hirsch.

The Chumash commentary of Rav Hirsch is based on his interpretive method of precise elucidation of the text and meaning of the words. His son has applied the same method for his commentary to Trei Assar, and has brought to light the timeless message of the Prophets in an original, inspiring fashion.

Originally published in German in 1900, Dr. Isaac Levy (London) in 1970 wrote an English translation that was not published. Dr. Levy’s translation has now been redacted by Deena Nataf of Jerusalem. This version is written in a modern, clear style and will attract both student and scholar alike.

The 688-page Sefer Trei Assar may be ordered from the Kehilla office at $28/copy, including shipping. Orders may be placed at https://www.kajinc.org/trei-assar-m-hirsch#.

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Fees: Season pass: $80/individual ($60 student), $120/family Per shiur: $5 ($3 student) The season admission discount must be paid on or before Oct. 27th (4th shiur) The season admission discount includes all special shiurim we broadcast throughout the year.

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From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

TEVES 10 M. S. Oppenheimer-Ffm 19 Rosette Lang-Zuerich-Ffm 1 Emma Schuster-NY 10 Hugo Oppenheimer-Ffm 19 Adele Kaufmann-NY- 1 David Josef Weil-Ffm 10 Sally Oppenheimer-Ffm Denver 1 David Neuhaus-NY 10 Toni Schwabacher-Ffm 19 Karoline Baer-Ffm 2 Regina Oppenheim-NY 10 Jenny Goldschmidt-Ffm 19 Max Gutmann-NY-Miami 2 Auguste Loebenberg-NY 10 Emil Wolff-Creglingen Beach 2 Pinkas Zwi Lehmann-Fuerth 10 Isaak Schenkolewski- 19 Anni Baranker-NY 2 Toni Goldberger-NY Hamburg 20 Samuel Rosenthal-Holzappel 3 Jenny Ascher, nee 10 Julie Schlessinger-Mainz 20 Herman Loebenberg-NY Hochschild-Ffm 10 Clara Naumann-NY 20 Rose Schlesinger-NY 3 Meir Hochschild-Ffm 10 Jerry Bechhofer-NY 21 Aaron Rapp-NY 3 Moses Schuster-NY 11 Sara Moos-Ffm 21 Tobias Schapiro-Ffm 3 Seligman Oppenheimer-Ffm 11 Gusta Gruenebaum- 22 Leontine Goldschmidt-Ffm 3 Julius Vorchheimer- Brueckenau 22 Dr. Paul Kulp-Ffm-NY Wuerzburg-NY 11 Sally Joseph-Darmstadt 22 Hanna Scheuer, nee Marx- 3 Veilchen Schoen-Vacha 11 Salomon Maier- Ffm-NJ 4 Rebbetzin Recha Schwab- Schoellkrippen 22 Manfred Adler-NY NY 11 Therese Schoen-NY 22 Martha Lehmann-NY 5 Michael Neuhaus- 11 Margot Weis-NY 23 Fanny Rothschild-Ffm Salmuenster 11 Taube Weissberger-NY 23 Gustav Schwarz-Ffm- 5 Elise Bier-Koeln 12 Justin Kaufmann-Denver- Theresienstadt 5 Bertha Sondheimer-Lange- 12 Maier Adler-Urspringen 23 Ferdinand Bamberger-NY Ffm 13 Liebmann Freund- 24 Jakob Eschwege-NY 5 Emma Heuman-NY Aschaffenburg 24 Paula Rothschild, nee 5 Israel Moses-Ffm 13 Jakob Katten-Kirchhain Enoch-Hamburg-NY-Israel 5 Jacob Strauss-Ffm 13 Benno Weis-NY 24 Heinrich Edinger-Ffm 5 Abby Cahn-NY 14 S. Behrmann-Ffm 24 Sali Sonder-NY 6 Jette Dingfelder-Uhlfeld 14 Aron Mausche 24 Leo Weis-NY 6 Isaac Miller-NY Schwarzchild-Ffm 25 S. Klebe-Rhina 7 Regina Zunz-NY 14 Betti Neufeld-Nuernberg 26 Walter Jakob Bier-NY 7 Joseph Wohlfarth-Ffm 14 Sara Stern (Nussbaum)- 26 Friedrich Katz-NY 7 Gertrud Edinger-Ffm Fulda 26 Sara Weisbecker-Fischborn 8 Adolf Friedmann-NY 14 Rabbi Dr. Seligmann Meyer- 26 Minna Betty Katzenstein- 8 E. Rosenbaum-Ffm Regensburg NY 8 Arthur A. Stern-NY 15 Siegfried Schoenwalter-NY 27 Rav Samson Raphael 9 Jacob Hoenlein-Nuernberg 15 Sigmund Katzenstein-NY Hirsch-Ffm 9 Werner Halberstadt- 15 Leo Ullman-Gelnhausen 27 M. H. Katzenstein-Rhina Hamburg 15 Manni Weil-NY 27 Michael M. Gutmann- 9 Shoshana Marx-Seattle 16 Abraham Goldstein-NY Kleinsteinach-Ffm-NY 9 Recha Stein-Ffm 16 Salomon Stern-Brueckenau 28 Leopold Mosbacher-Ffm 9 Amalie Mosbacher-Ffm- 16 Henny Loewenthal-Tel 28 Dr. Moses Kahn-Bnei Brak- Bruxelles-Mexico City Aviv-Yad Eliyahu Bad Mergentheim 9 Sofie Schoen-Vacha 16 Abraham Loewenstein-NY 28 Erika Isner-NY 9 Ludwig Stern- Connecticut 17 Gabriel Rosenberg-Berlin- 29 Charlotte Sulzbach-Ffm 10 Salomon Klipstein-Berlin Ffm 29 Menachem Wertheim-Fulda- 10 Fradel Klipstein-Berlin 18 Willi Gruenebaum-NY London-NY 10 Ruth Klipstein-Berlin 18 Bertha Stern-NY 29 Samuel Wenger-NY 10 Max Darmstaedter-Dieburg 18 Caroline Bondi-Ffm

Vol. 49, No. 4 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 19

Vol. 49, No. 4 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 20

SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez. To determine whether your garment is shaatnez-free, garments may be dropped off at the Kehilla office, 714 W. 186th Street at the following times: Weekdays 10:00 – 4:30 Fridays 10:00 – 12:00 Please fill out a pre-check form online at www.kajinc.org under Services. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises. Please note that it is important to leave on tags with information where garment is manufactured and list of materials contained in it.

Chevra Kadisha When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following immediately:

OFFICE OF THE CONGREGATION 1-212-923-3582 RABBI EDWIN KATZENSTEIN-730 Ft. Washington Avenue 201-579-0483 LEON GERSTLE – 100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639 All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.

CONTACT INFORMATION , 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

Office: 700 W. 186 Street 212-923-3582 Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345 212-923-5936 E-mail [email protected] Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 Fax 212-781-4275 Rav Chaim Kohn 718—252-3343 Email: [email protected] Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089 - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Fax 845-356-2938 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Email: [email protected] Beth Hamedrash Payphone 212-928-9981 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected] Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 www.moriahseniorcenter.org HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 o r 1-212-387-1750