111 P/236/31 I Question Booklet No ...... JIl..? ...... (To be filled up by the candidate by b/ue/b/ack ball-point pen)

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Serial No. of Answer Sheet ......

Day and Date ...... (Signature of Invigilator)

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only bluelblack ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet) 1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that it contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page I question is missing. In case of faulty Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendent/Invigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet. 2. Do not bring any loose paper, written 01' blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Card without its envelope. 3. A separate Answer Sheet is given. It should not be folded or mutilated. A second Answer Sheet shall not be provided. Only the Answer Sheet will be evaluated. 4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of the Answer Sheet by pen in the space provided above. 5. On the front page of the Answer Sheet, write by pen your Roll Number in the space provided at the top, and by darkening the circles at the bottom. Also, wherever applicable, write the Question Booklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places. 6. No overwriting is allowed in the entries of Roll No., Question Booklet No. and Set No. (if any) on OMR sheet and Roll No. and OMR sheet No. on the Question Booklet. 7. Any changes in the aforesaid entries is to be verified by the invigilator, otherwise it will be taken as unfairmeans. 8. Each question in this Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For each question, you are to record the correct option on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle in the corresponding row of the Answer Sheet, by pen as mentioned in the guidelines given on the first page of the Answer Sheet. 9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one circle or darken a circle partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect. 10. Note that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to attempt a question, leave all the circles in the corresponding row blank (such question will be awarded zero marks). 11. For rough work, use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet. 12. Deposit only the OMRAnswer Sheet at the end of the Test. 13. You are not pennitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means, he/she shall be liable to such punishment as the University may determine and impose on him/her. I ~ ~ ~ Ti 3lf.

No. of Questions : 150 lWll 'lit ms.rr : 150

Time : 2 Hours J [ Full Marks: 450


Note: (i) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries 3 (three) marks. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. Zero mark will be awarded for each unattempted question. ~ ~ 1Iir OR ~ 'I>T >I'l<'I qR I Jl<'!q;- ~ 3 «lFr) 3iq;- 'I>T 'g I ~ Wfff \fm" "iff ~ Tf'Ii Mif; "ifffCT GIIl)-1I1 Jl<'!q;- 3l:f<1Rtl W'I 'I>T 11I",iil> li."I oJrrr I

(ii) If more than one alternative answers seem to be approximate to the correct answer, choose the closest one.

1. Which one of the following schools of is oldest? (1) (2) Mimansa (3) (4) Advait

f.'lkj~ltItl ~ "I~jf.'l", f.'lil>1'11 >'i ~ J:iTil'R 'fIR 'g 7 (1) '

2. The propounder of Sarnkhya Philosophy is : (1) (2) Vadarayana (3) Gautam (4) Kapil ~ ""*' <5 ]:[U)m ~ : (1) qtl""'~ (3) lJ'it1"'! (4) q;fur P.T.O. 11P1236131

3. According to Samkhya 'Purusha' is : (1) unconscious and actor (2) knower and enjoyer (3) actor and enjoyer (4) active and conscious

~ ~ ~ 3l'j'fIR 'J'i'f ~ : (1) affiR <1m q;(fj (3) q;(fj <1m >Ir

4. Purusha is not: (1) constituted by three Gunas (2) rational (3) many (4) unchanging eternal ~ -.rnl ~: (1) 81"1"''141 (2) ~ (3) ar-'rq; (4) ",qR"II4I f.WI

5. First evolute of Prakriti is : (1) Ahnkara (2) Mana (3) Mahat (4) Panch Tanmatra • orr Jll!I1'f fR ~ : (1) 3lO'I'1'[ (2) lFf (3) lft

6. The author of Samkhya Karika is : (1) Kapil (2) Ishwara (3) Vijnana Bhikshu (4) Vachaspati Mishra ~ ."R,,,,. ~ <"f

7. Evolution of samkhya is : (1) Teleological (2) Non-teleological (3) Unconscious Teleological (4) Mechanical ~ lll iG1'1C[ P;~. (2) f.1't9;IlllG1"1c(IGl " • (3) affiR "~l"'''''

8. The cycle of evolution in Samkhya is : (1) from concrete to abstract (2) from abstract to concrete (3) from concrete to concrete (4) from abstract to abstract ~

9. To Samkhya which one is both cause and effect ? (1) Buddhi, Ahnkara and Pancha Tanmatra (2) Purusha (3) Prakriti (4) Panchamahabhuta ~ "*' f1I

10. Pancha Tanmatra is known by: (1) Perception (2) Inference (3) Arthapatti (4) Anuplabdhi tfq d.., I ~ ,,>if

11. according to is : (1) Release from three fold miseries (2) Release from body (3) Release from home (4) Release from doth <1M "*'

( 3 ) P.T.O. 11P1236131

12. Which of the following is not a stage of mental modification of yoga? (1) Vikshipta (2) Kshipta (3) Nigraha (4) Mudha $r ~ q\\ 1:IT'«il ~

14. Which is not internal part of yoga? (1) Dharana (2) PratyaMra (3) Dhyana (4) Samadhi "1!iR $r

15. Cessation of mental modifications takes place in : (1) Samprajnata Samadhi (2) Savitarka Samadhi (3) Asamprajnata Samadhi (4) Siinanda Samadhi ~'<1'lIf1<1i

16. Total Number of categories accepteJ in Nyaya is : "WI G$! -It 'WI ~ q\\ f

17. Nyaya is not known as: (1) Anvikshiki (2) Tarkashastra (3) vidya (4) Pratikatmaka Tarkshastra "WI G$! q;'r ~ ~ ~ Ii,, '" "

WIT ~: (1) ~ OfF[ (2) "'1J" '" ~ (3) 1'1I1fl", ~

20. Recognition of a thing seen in the past on its being perceived again is called: (1) Nirvikalpa (2) Savikalpa perception (3) Samanya Lakshana Pratyaksha (4) 3l

21. The theory of illusion accepted by Nyaya is : (1) Vipareetkhyativada (2) Anirvachniyakhyativada (3) Anyathakhyativada (4) Satkhyativada WI ~ 1'[ "WI G$! """I"'''

22. Who amongst the following does believe in and rebirth but not in eternal self ? (1) Mimansa (2) Bauddha (3) (4) Vaishesika Rl..., r;., Ito d 1'[ "fr 'IiR Rl", I't1 1'[ ill 'q I<1

23. To whom is vipashyana related: (1) Baudha (2) lain (3) Nyaya (4) Mimansa ill""", Rl",,'t1 "

24. Which of the following is not involved in the eight fold path of ? (1) Right faith (2) Right knowledge (3) Right resolve (4) Right concentration .r.:: "' 3l'&r '!T'f if A9 Gilt! ~ (2) W'l'l> >Wf (3) W'l'l> ~ (4) W'l'l> 'W!Tfu

25. Which one is not a kind of in Buddhism: i1) Shrutmayi (2) Chintamayi (3) Bhavnamayi (4) Karunamayi .r.:: offi "' 3l"j'flR A9 Gilt! R 'ffj ~ • (1) ~ (2) RI",,""~ (3) ~lq","4j (4) ",,,,,,,"4\

26. According to Buddhism Svalakshana is received by: (1) Anumana (2) Savikalpa Pratyaksha (3) Apoha (4) Nirvikalpa Pratyaksha .r.:: offi "' 3l"j'flR {<[i'f1\lUT 'liT vgur litm ~ • (1) 3Pj'lT'l,'t (2) ,"~"'('q lWl'ff ,'t

(3) 3!'i\o,'t (4) AI4 '" ('q _ ,'t

27. Consider according to Buddhism: (a) It believes in four noble truths. (b) It believes in relative causality. (c) It believes in eternality of soul. (d) It believes in rebirth. (1) (a) and (b) are true (2) (b) and (c) are true (3) (c) and (d) are true (4) (a), (b) and (d) are true .r.:: offi "' 3l"j'flR ~ ~ • (a) "" 'IN 3!nl

28. Which one of the following is not a sort of immediate knowledge in Jain philosophy? (1) Shruti (2) Avadhi (3) Manahparyaya (4) Kevala -oR ~ ~ f.'r9 tt T 1lR

29. How is Nyaya theory known with regard to universal? (1) Conceptualism (2) Realism (3) Idealism (4) Phenomenalism 'Ill'll,," ~ tt "'ll:ilTill t 7 (1) 3l

(4) "ei""" 30. 'Universal' according to Nyaya Vaisheshika is : (1) Real (2) Many (3) One (4) Real and many to be achieved by individuals "", -' ' ~-q~li':1ifj en ~ fll"""lI"'ll . : (1) 'fl 'llUPl

31. When one says 'He sees a fragrant rose', his perception is: (1) An ordinary perception by eyes (2) An extra ordinary Jnana-Lakshana Pratyaksha (3) Extra ordinary Samanya-Lakshana Pratyaksha (4) Extra ordinary yogaj Pratyaksha 'Gf'I 'Iir;f "lflItr " 'f6 ~ 'Jffi'I t<. w t 'Gi\ "'ll '" W'f m1"r = (3) 1f'l' ",01111\>", 'Ill'll,," m1"r lRiI/ff (4) 1f'l' '" "'~ I1\> '"

32. Nyaya accepts: (1) Intrinsic validity, extrinsic-invalidity (2) Intrinsic validity and invalidity (3) Extrinsic validity-intrinsic invalidity (4) Both validity and invalidity extrinsic "

(1) 'f

(2) "fCRf: ~W'1lull, x=

(3) tffif: !W"lIOll, ~: 3HOHJ"lWll

(4) m 1ffiI: 1W'1I U?:t rmr: 31!>lll1IUll

33. Which of the following is Para-Samanya according to Vaisheshika ? (1) Reality (2) Quality (3) Action (4) Substance

~.1 fi1 '" ~

34. Which is incorrect according to Mimansa ? (1) Intrinsic validity (2) jnatatavada (3) Triputi Pratyakshavada (4) Anyathakhyativada f.'I..,~rt.d it "ft q;A '1"1'1;'111 ~

(1) ~: SOIISiIOllqlG (2) $1lctdlql':i

(3) ~ ""',""'~

35. Samavaya according to Vaisheshika is : (1) Non-etemal and inseparable relation (2) Eternal and separable relation (3) Eternal and non-separable relation (4) Non-eternal and separable relation ~.1 fi1 '"

36. Kumarila accepts: (1) Viparitakhyativada (2) Anyathakhyativada (3) Akhyativada (4) Anirvachaniyakhyativada ( 8 ) llPI236131 IR 'N -m q\t lI

39. PafichikaraI,la is relavant for: (1) Asatkhyativada (2) Akhyativada (3) Anyathakhyativada (4) Satkhyativada Q,,'41""'1 "T Rl<'&l,Ill'l'" '" ~ (4) ;e """ ,Ill 'l '" '" ~

40. Which one is an example of Atyantabhava ? (1) Absence of Ghat before its origin (2) Absence of Ghata after its destruction (3) Absence in the form of air (4) Impossibility of Ghat to be Pata

( 9) PT.O. 11PI236I31

f.!"'I i'i ~ 'Ih'I ",«idl'lT

42. What is correct with regard to Abhava in Vaisheshika ? (1) Abhava is not real (2) Abhava is merely quality (3) Abhava is a category (4) Abhava is a mode ~'Ifi1q; f ~ (4) 3fIlI

43. Who amongst the following does not believe in the reality of the world?

(1) Kapil (2) K~da (3) (4) Shankara A"1 RI f?!< d i'i ~ 'Ih'I Wfd

44. Who do not believe in Pramana Vyavastha ? (1) Charviika (2) Bauddha (3) Jain (4) Nyiiya flI "1 RI f?!

45. That 'Universal is merely a name' is view of : (1) Bauddha (2) Jain (3) Nyiiya (4) Vedanta <'II ",''' 'IT'! 'IP-I t lid ~ : (1) ~ "" (2) ~ "" (3) "IT'! "" (4) ~ "" ( 10) 11P1236l31

46. Which one of the following is correct statement about Shankara's view? (1) is Anandmaya (2) Brahman is full of Anand (3) Brahman is Anand (4) Brahman lacks Anand f.l..., ~ ftI d it "ff 'fiR-'ffi .; "''''' ,4

47. Which of the following is not the tenet of illusory experience according to Shankara? (1) lllusory object appears in something else (2) lllusory object is experienced earlier (3) There is memory of illusory object (4) lllusory object is like remembered object .;",,,,,,4

48. Which of the following theories of causality has been propounded by Ramanuja? (1) Nitya Parmar,lUkarru;tavada (2) Parir;tamavada (3) Prakriti Parir;tiimavada (4) Brahma Vivartavada

f.'M "ff fiIRl "",O,d, I,o,,,,,, (2) O(II-qRo""",,, (3) .-qRo""",,, (4) 0(11-1<1"<1",,,

49. The presence of Karmic particles in soul is the cause of its bondage. Whose view is this? (1) Jain (2) Bauddha (3) (4) Mimansa

3lI<'fT RUf iilW'i 'I"f-¥'lC'! '!iT liRT t "lf5 If

50. Who has opined that Bhava Moksha and Dravya Moksha are the two kinds of Moksha? (1) Jain (2) Bauddha (3) Gita (4) Veda

~ GTlI'f>N "" ~ - "fT'[ ~ 3i'R "'" ~, 'TO 'l(I ~ ? (1) ~ ~ "" (2) -.I\;ij ~ "" (3) ·'1"if~.ftd' "" (4) ~ 'I>T 51. What is acceptable to ? (1) Relativity of knowledge (2) Atomism (3) Nominalism (4) None ~ ~ q;'r T 1fI

52. What is definition of the Real according to Jainism ? (1) Real is not atom (2) Real originates, consumes and is constant (3) Real has one cause (4) Real has no modes ~ 'l(I RUf-"'l,6 ~ (4) "'l 'I>T ~ 'I'llT quR f.lurr 7flIT ~ : (1) lI'!I'I 3!T'l--.r«I .q (2) ~ 3!T'l--.r«I .q (3) ~ 3!T'l--.r«I .q (4) ~ 3!T'l--.r«I .q

54. What is not included in Prasthantraie ? (1) Braluna (2) Upanishad (3) Gila (4) 5arnkhya Pravachan Sulra ~ .q

(1) j[(\l '!"! (2) <34111"" (3)

55. Who has accepted Arthiipatti as Prama\la ? (1) Mimansii (2) Jain (3) Mimansa & Vedanta (4) Nyaya ~ 3l:J'HR 3l'l\qfu '1'1' WIT"T t 7 (1) Ijl" itll * 3l:J'HR (2) ~ Gffi * 3l:J'HR (3) Ijl" i <11 'l'i ~ * 3l:J'HR (4) ~ '11 fl1 ",1 * 3l:J'HR

56. Who don't believe in eligibility of women for Moksha ? (1) Bauddha (2) Digambar Jain (3) Svetambar Jain (4) Vedanta f.r9 it -;ff ~ 3l:J'HR "f')\'\ >ita! = 'fill 'IR ~ 7 (1) oit& 'IT! (2) ~""" ~ (3) '~

57. Which of the following is not Svaroop lakshan of Brahman according to Shankara? (1) SatyamJnanam Anantam Brahma (2) Vijnanam Anandam (3) Ananadam Brahma (4) Jainmiidyasya yatah lioR * 3l:J'HR f.r9 it -;ff fll;-;ff ""' T _ O!~ 'fill l{f'![ urr "'Ri!>

58. What kind of relation between self and body does Ramanuja accept? (1) External separable relation (2) Internal inseparable relation (3) Internal separable relation (4) External inseparable relation <," I:!", 3IR'!T aIR -.rfu * -.\Tq ~ ]:I"i'f>N T -w

(3) 3l1",R", '!"f'I' -w

59. Which of following difference is to be found in Brahman according to Ramanuja? (1) Sajatiya (2) Vijatiya (3) Savagat (4) Bahya <1'111'" * 3l:J'HR ""' it f.r9 it -;ff '!IR-"ffi *' ~ t 7 (1) <1",,<11'1 (2) F

60. PramliI,la in Indian Philosophy means : (1) Means of knowledge (2) Means of valid knowledge (3) Means of invalid knowledge (4) Knowable object

~ <:$! -If WllUf 'PI 3101 % : (1) W'l 'PI 'fflW! (3) m W'l 'PI 'fflW!

61. Idea according to Plato is : (1) Mental concepts (2) Beyond space-time (3) Ever changing (4) Images of objects 'r«fl! '11'1 [{Jif> ~ % (2) >r«fl! ~- if> Ii.,l1 ffi <1 % (3) >r«fl! ~ qRiltl'1~(ij % (4) >r«fl! ~aif

62. According to Plato Truth is : (1) Realism ofideas (2) Idealism of reality (3) Absolute Idealism (4) Absolute Realism


63. Aristotle does not accept that: (1) is pure reality (2) God is prime mover (3) God is impersonal (4) God is form of form 3fffij, q;t '1 1>! ..,-;jj %: (1) ~ ~ "'ffi~""" % (2) ~ ~->r«

64. Aquinas was: (1) Atheist (2) Theist (3) Polytheist (4) Pantheist ~f<\q'1If1 ol" : (1) 31"~""ill

65. According to Descartes mind and body are: (1) Attributes of God (2) Two independent substances (3) God is Absolute substance, mind and body are relative substances (4) God, mind and body are three Absolute substances t.\ ~ .\ G't ~ "'" t (3) ~ ~ "'" ~ .\ ~ "'" ~ (4) ~. 'l'R'( 3lR 'IGJ>.\

66. Which is the consistent group from the viewpoint of Descartes philosophy? (1) Pineal gland, dualism, cagito (2) Interactionism, dualism, parallelism (3) Neutral monism, dualism, interactionism (4) Sapticism, Atheism, dualism t'A fi,,"'['\ ~ ~ ? (1) " I'" ". !l",,,,,,q",I"" (4) fi.,,,.,,,. 31<11,q,'"'' 3lR !l

67. What is not correct according to Spinoza ? (1) God and nature are identical (2) God does everything for the good (3) Thinking, planning and resolving is not tenet (4) God is immanent in nature Rq ~1 OJ I «IT ~ (3)

( 15 ) P.T.O. 11P1236I31

68. Which of the following is not a form of God according to Spinoza ? (1) Natura Naturata (2) Natura Naturans (3) Transcendental (4) Creator f.'!""'! it "fr ~ Rq ~1

69. Spinoza accepts: (1) InteHectuallove of God (2) Dualism (3) Atheism (4) Empiricism RG~IG;11 'fCl'lcpl"! m ~ : (1) ~

70. What is true according to Leibnitz ? (1) Identity and continuity of indiscernibles (2) Monism (3) Interactionism (4) PareHelism <'11!;"~M

71. Leibnitz does not accept: (1) Polytheism (2) Pre established harmony (3) Pantheism (4) Innate Ideas <'1 I!;" ~ M oit 't

72. According to Locke Knowledge originates from: (1) Sensation (2) Reflection (3) Both sensation and reflection (4) intuition offq;-

73. What is not true according to Locke? (1) We have sensuous knowledge of the world (2) We have intuitive knowledge of soul (3) We have demonstrative knowledge of God (4) We have innate idea of causality offq;-

74. What is not acceptable to Berkley? (1) Refutation of matter (2) Refutation of abstract idea (3) Refutation of idealism (4) Existence of God f¥ll'i -,'t "if1lT ~ qir ",",,,,,4

75. Berkeley has belief in : (1) Matter (2) Distinction between primary and secondary quality (3) Atheism (4) Subjective Idealism ~ fil.ql

(4) '" I'" Pi to '"""'=""'q 1"<; ( 17) PTO. 11P/236/31

76. According to Hume self is : (1) an eternal substance (2) spiritual substance (3) a matter (4) nothing but a collection of sensations

l;/;! '" "':J'lN 3lR'IT : (1) 1f'l' f.'r«I ifO!I ~ (2) 1f'l' ~Ifi\jit> ifO!I ~

(3) 1f'l' ~ ifO!I ~ (4) '

n. By what name is Kantian epistemology known ? (1) Rationalism (2) Empiricism (3) Criticism (4) Intuitionism

JUC '" OIR 1j1" ifi) ~ R\

78. What name has been given to Kantian epistemology ? (1) Newtonian revolution (2) Green revolution (3) Copernican revolution (4) Industrial revolution

it> I vel ~ ., I~ 1j1" i" I 'iii f Iq,Ait>fi) ~ lPlf.' lPlf.'

79. What has been said by Kant about the things beyond human knowledge? (1) Illusory stage of objects (2) Personal stage of objects (3) External stage of objects (4) Known stage ofthings

l1T'f'I OIR oft JUC -it 'I'lT IT (2) IT

( 18 ) 11P1236131

80. According to Kant Synthetic Apriori Judgments are possible in : (1) Science (2) Metaphysics (3) Yoga (4) Both in Science and Math 'PJUC

(3) "$r if (4) '1fURI (j>If flIowr

81. The theory that 'the goodness of any action depends upon its consequence' is known as : (1) Non-Teleological theory (2) Prescriptive theory (3) Teleological theory (4) Descriptive theory .

82. Who has supported rational utilitarianism? (1) Bentham (2) Mill (3) Sidgwick (4) Spencer

tf'r tlP'lT ~ ? (1) ~ (2) fi'r.! (3) ~",f<1", (4) ~

83. Kantian Ethics of Categorical imperative is an expression of : (1) Social will (2) Divine will (3) Good will (4) Natural will 'PJUC

84. Which of the following is not a tenet of categorical imperative? (1) It is a form of order (2) It is universal (3) It produces happiness (4) It is an imperative of reason ~ 3!Tt.r q\'t f.'r9 if ~ ..,;'R f<1 >II "" , '!jjj ~ ? (1) 'l6 3llW ~ merr ~ (2) 'l6 'I1,

85. Moral terms create emotions in the mind of listener - this is the view accepted by: (1) Kant (2) Stevenson (3) Green (4) Sidgwick

~ 'lG .mrr lUC (2) tel~fI~ (3) m (4) f{j",f<1",

86. Which of the following has Moore identified as good in itself ? (1) beauty and knowledge (2) beauty and human love (3) human love and duty (4) beauty and duty

f.r"I l'f "fr f~'''I~ait q;'r 'l:1 " '/<[ff: l'f WI lR (2) ~ am '1,~q",~ ~ (3) '1,~

87. Ethics of Gita is closely related to: (1) Categorical imperative (2) Utilitarianism (3) Perfectionism (4) Emotivism

88. The aim of Sarvodaya is : (1) Upliftment of the downtrodden (2) Upliftment of the greatest member (3) Upliftment of all the sections of society (4) Upliftment of the poor fI

(20 ) llPI236131

89. The word 'attaclunent' in Indian Ethics means : (1) Duty (2) Path of renunciation (3) Way ofactive life (4) Liberation 'l"fil~ 4lf<'!<""" -q '~ "f t : (1) 'I'lfo!! (2) fi"" I'II 'PI 'fTlf (3) Q>1\o;:;f\q.r 'PI 'fTlf (4) -.fref

90. Truth and falsity are the quality of : (1) Argument (2) Inductive argument (3) Deductive argument (4) Proposition ~ 'lIT aI'fI('Q{'I[ TT t : (1) ~ 'PI (2) 311'1"I'1I~CfI m Cf)l (3) f.l'I'l'1I<"1 qq\ 'PI (4) t1 tfq ICfll qrr

91. Which one of the following is not fallacy of ambiguity ? (1) Amphiboly (2) Divison (3) Coverse accident (4) Composition f.\"'! -q ~ qIt'Fffi 'f qq\ m... 31 ttl '" 1>l

92. Have you stopped telling a lie ? Which fallcy is found in it ? (1) Petitio principii (2) Complex question (3) False cause (4) Irrelevant conclusion "I'lT 3l1'R O!" " m... (2) "'" >1<'1 (3) ~"R"T (4) 3!Wm f.ro;;>

93. Traditional relation between E and 0 is called: (1) Contrary (2) Contradiction (3) Sub contrary (4) Sub alteration 'E' Irq ~ 'lit .",-;;it ~ : (2) ",,,,,,<1 (4) "i3'IT'>f'!UT ( 21 ) P.T.O. 11PI236131

94. If 'I' is true in traditional square of opposition what will be the case of ·A'? (1) False (2) True (3) Both true and false (4) Undetermined ","'1" 'I d f

95. Which one of the following alternatives is an example of sub contrary of traditional square of opposition? fir"'! if ~ 'IlR-m fltT 1""'" 't ? W~ mm ~ro WID 96. Which of the following forms of the categorical syllogism is invalid? fir"'! if ~ 'IlR ~ .., 1~.'if'11 "''' m 't ? (1) AAA-l (2) AAA-3 (3) AAA-2 (4) EAE-2

97. Which of the following forms of the categorical syllogism is valid? PI "I ~ It. d if ~ 'IlR ~ .., I ~" I if'1 i"f>T 3lTi"f>N ~ 't ? (1) IAI-3 (2) AAA-3 (3) AAA-4 (4) AEE-l

98. Demorgan's theorem is : ~~N., i"f>T f.I'l'! 't : (1) -(pvq)=(-P'-q) (2) (p=oq)=(-q=o-p) (3) (pvq)vr=pv(qvr) (4) pv(q·r)=(pvq)·(pvr)

99. The number of valid forms of categorical syllogism according to Modem Logic is: 3!1>f-'r d "ITR'f qft msm 't : W~ mU ~U W12 100. According to Aristotle matter (categories) are: (1) Only form (2) Only substance (3) Form and substance both (4) Fictitous ideas ~

(1) 3lTi"f>N 'IT?I (2) "'" 'IT?I (3) 3lTi"f>N 1[1i "'"

101. Which of the following is not the object of Ethics? (1) Moral judgment (2) Moral quality (3) Moral standard (4) Immoral Act f.'!.., ~ ~d -If "fl q;'rf 4l RI. lit?! i!>T flt

102. What is Ethics? (1) Descriptive Science (2) Experimental Science (3) Realistic Science (4) Idealistic Science 4lRl,"t?! t ? (1) III 'N. II '" '" f

"~RI,"t?! -If '1T'f'[ -oft'f'I

104. Right is that: (1) Which is according to moral rule (2) Which is against moral rule (3) Which is similar to moral rule (4) Which is contrary to moral rule ~ i!>T 3J>.i t : (1) Ult ~ f.'rT If'it-.r lffirr ~ : (1) WF!

(23 ) P.T.O. 11PI236I31

106. To valuation judgment is related: (1) Commerce (2) Ethics (3) Economics (4) Chemistry '1:'"' 1«1'" f.'ruI"l! " ~ %: (1) olfill"" (2) 41~.,,'bI (3)~ (4) -

107. Consequence of acts decides moral value. Who has accepted it ? (1) Bentham (2) Mill (3) Mill and Bentham (4) Kant .",-.j "T 4 R" ,,~ jft ~ W'i\ q;j- f.I>lIR tI 'IR! "r (4) "if>"TUC "r

1OS. Moral judgement means : (1) Goodness of an act (2) Badness of an act (3) Evaluation of voluntary deeds (4) Evaluation of all deeds ~ f.'ruI"l! "T 3l>f %: (1) .",-.j"T 3lWT liI"'lT (2) .",-.j"T ~ liI"'lT (3) ~ 1m '" .",-.IT "T ~ '1:'"' i", '1 (4) ~ .",-.IT "T ~ '1:'"' i", '1

109. Psychological hedonism is : (1) Realistic (2) Idealistic (3) Regulative (4) Axiological ~'11~"'~'" ¥/ol" %: (1) ~ (2) 011"<\"'" (3) ~~I"'" (4) '1:'"'4<'" 110. Moral Hedonism is : (1) Descriptive (2) Realistic (3) Emotive (4) Idealist ~ 11"01" %: (1) 00\'11«1'" (2)~ (3) '1101«1'"

111. Standard of morality according to selfish hedonism is : (1) Pleasure ofindividual (2) Individual's personal pleasure (3) Greatest number of individuals personal pleasure (4) Common pleasure of individual (24 ) 11P/236131

~ 1"""'"

112. According to Sidjwick pleasure is the highest goal of life, but it should be: (1) momentary and mental (2) permanent and mental (3) pennanent and bodily (4) momentary and physical

~ ",1<1 '"

113. Which one of the following fallacies has been identified by Sidjwick IS psychological hedonism: (1) Paradox of Hedonism (2) Fallacy of being hedonist only (3) Fallacy of being ignorant (4) Fallacy of being partial ~ '" 1<1 '" ;f '1 "1 ~ ., I ~ '" 1""" I " it ...,-Ii <'r fil>'I1 t

114. Hedonistic calculus of Bentham does not include: (1) Intensity (2) Extent (3) Fecundity (4) Quality lrlf5![ 't.l "'" = q\'t ~ RI ",a I q\'t 'i

117. According to Kant an act is good if it is done: (1) for the sake of duty (2) for pleasure (3) for happiness (4) both for pleasure and happiness '!>JUG

118. Which of the following has been asked by Kant to be totally eliminated? (1) Sensation (2) Feeling (3) Reason (4) Thought '!>JUG ~ l;'T'l ~ ~ 'r'I flAm lR "" ftm ~ 7 (1) ~

119. 'I ought to do therefore I can do' has been said by : (1) Kant (2) Sidgwick (3) Aristotle (4) Mill

:J-.'r 'I><'lf ~ 3!(f. i't '"' ~ t - q;; JUG ~ (2) f,>~"""'~~"'''' ~ (3) 3ffi

120. In what way according to Kant should we use other persons? (1) as a means (2) as an end (3) both as end and means (4) neither as means nor as end

'!>JUG <'lf ~ 7 (1) 'ffi>A A <:'AT A 'i

121. 'Die to live' is related to : (1) Rationalism (2) Hedonism (3) Eudemonism (4) Intuitionism

(1) '11%<1,,, ~ (2) 'tl"'<1'" ~ ( 26 ) 11P/236/31

122. 'Be a person' this statement has been accepted by: (1) Bradley (2) Kant (3) Hegel (4) Aristotle

'~ ..rr q;'r ""0,,,,,. fi\mr t : (1) ~ ~ (2) 'fiTUC ~ (3) ~~ (4) ~~

123. "The feeling of self love in men is to be found due to the selfish instinct." It is stated by: (1) Green (2) Plato (3) Aristotle (4) Butler

~ ~ "' R"T lfj"l -Ii ~ q\j 1WRf qpj] "ITct'r t - %T i : (1) 1fA ~ (2) 9ct ~ (3) ~ ~ (4) """" ~

124. 'My station and its duties' is a theory propounded by: (1) Bradley (2) Hegel (3) Butler (4) Aristotle


(1) ~ q\j (2) ~ q\j (3) """" q\j (4) ~ q\j

125. Trivarga in Indian Ethics includes: (1) , , Moksha (2) Moksha, Artha, (3) Dharma, Artha, Kama (4) Kama, Dharma, Moksha

1fffifnl "1\l1,,,,,,, "' fuq>f "' 3Rflter i : (1) 'l'f, 3!>\, .m, (2) .m" 3!,f, 'I>T'! (3) 'l'f, 3!>\, 'I>T'!, (4) 'I>T'!, 'l'f, .m,

126. Astika is one who: (1) Believes in God (2) Who does not believe in God (3) Who criticises (4) Who believes in Vedas ~ "" i vrr: (1) ~ -Ii fil ,", 'H "'I"ffiT o'r (2) ~ -Ii fil ," I'H ""ftf ~ o'r (3) -irG q\j f.'RT ~ o'r (4) -irG -Ii fil ,q ''" ~ o'r

(27) PTO. llPI236131

127. Ritais: (1) Religious Rule (2) Moral Law (3) Physical Rule (4) Principle of causality 'It

128. Rna Parishodhan was related to : (1) Grahastha Ashram (2) Brahmacharya Ashram (3) Ashram (4) Sanyasa Ashram '5tiooIQRtn'Cl""1 f'I <'t (2) .",,,,,j'>f'l <'t (3) q11>1Wf'>f'l <'t (4) 'Ii,"" I'if 3lT'>f'I <'t

129. The number of common religions according to Manu is: lfj ~ 3l'j'i!1'/ ""'11,"" tri\ q\i ti= ~ : (1) 8 (2) 10 (3) 12 (4) 16

130. To Jain, religion is called: (1) Merit (2) The thing needed to asist motion (3) The thing needed to stabilise (4) Matter in idle state ~ ~ '1(" 1'if " '1'1 'Ii6it ~ : (1) 'J"'l 'lit (2) 'TfcI ~ fu-.:r 'if 81" '" 311 q'" '" 'R<); 'lit (3) ft" 31'R'1n 'lit

131. The description of Vyavastha is to be found for the first time in: (1) (2) Upanishadas (3) Athrava Veda (4) Purusha Sukta of quf ~

132. The theory that Guna and Karma are the sources of the origin of Varna has been accepted by : (1) Veda (2) Gita (3) Mahakavya (4) Brahma Sutra

quf q\'t ~ :l"f 'I'i 'f>Il Rl <" '" qi) 't

~ qi) f41 ",,4 "'ltl %: (1) 3!'! ~ ftr.;

134. Principles of Gandhiji are called: (1) Gandhism (2) Experiments with truth (3) Non violence (4) Idealism ~ Rl l!$r (3) ",fl1t1,q,~ (4) ",,,:t\q,~

135. Gandhiji has identified truth with: (1) Religion (2) Ethics (3) Logical argument (4) God

~ "r 'ffi'l! qi) ql "1 " f "til>! (2) "lRl,"'bI "til>! (3) " ,[¥'" ~ "til>! (4) ~ "til>! (29) PTO. llP/236/31

136. Which of the following is not a book by Kant : (1) Critique of pure reason (2) Critique of practical reason (3) Critique of human reason (4) Critique of judgement ~ ~ q;'A·m fllC 'PI "Ii..- "IN t"f'I (2) fa; re", 3if'!> Qfile '" <'1 t"f'I (3) fa;re", 3if'!> l'l:'A t"f'I (4) fa; re", 3if'!> '" '" 4"c

137. What, according to Kant, can convert sensations in knowledge: (1) Reason (2) Experience (3) Reason and experience (4) Mind fllC ~ ~ ti~"'1131'f q;) .".., it qRqf\1t1 m -qft -wm fil>w'f ~ : (1) ~ it (2) 3l:J'l'I it (4) 'f'1 it

138. 'Neither God nor self nor world can be proved by empiricism'. lhis view is related to: (1) Locke (2) Berkeley (3) Hume (4) Leibnitz

'~ ~ llffi "

140. 'I don't make things out of ideas but ideas out of things' who has said this: (1) Hegel (2) Locke (3) Berkeley (4) Leibnitz i'f

141. According to Locke 'Primary qualities' are found in: (1) Physical objects (2) Conscious substance (3) Spiritual things (4) Mental objects

"ffiq;" f if (2) ~ 'I"Gl>f if (3) 3ll"Ul1 f<\1 '" 'I"Gl>f if (4) "'1 Rt '" 'I"Gl>f if

142. According to Locke 'secondary qualities' are produced due to: (1) Physical objects (2) Qualities themselves (3) Primary qualities (4) Ideas "ffiq;" f R"T (2) tR"T (3) IW'I fII '" 'J'f R"T (4) lI<'Il'I R"T

143. 'All ideas are innate' who has said this: (1) Locke (2) Spinoza (3) Berkeley (4) Leibnitz

144. "There is nothing in reason except itself that was not previously in reason"? It has been said by : (1) Descartes (2) Locke (3) Leibnitz (4) Berkeley .~ qif m",,,,, ~ if ~ '!l" oft 'fill ~ oil 'l,

145. The author of 'Ethics' is : (1) Spinoza (2) Descartes (3) Kant (4) Leibnitz ~ iI>T TUC (4) i;Y11~61f.'lN

146. Who has been called a philosopher mad in God's love: (1) Plato (2) Spinoza (3) Socrates (4) Leibnitz ~ ~-~"lrij'<1 ~,.\fII", q;m 7fl!T ~ ; (1) %:T qif (2) Rq11", I qif (3) tl"'''d qif (4)

147. Philosophical method of Descartes is: (1) Method of doubt (2) Synthetic method (3) Method of judgement (4) Decisive method

~ q\\

149. Proposition establishes relationship between: (1) between more than two terms (2) between two terms

(3) between two sentences (4) between two words



150. 'Some politicians are not farsighted'. What type of a proposition it is ?


(32 ) 1. W'f gl«1<1>' fi'toR 10 fiRc: 3R'{ jj\ ~ c'\ fln "''lq~ if ~ '1'" ~ t 3i'R ~ W'f ~ 'ltf t, gl«1<1>' G"'JTh qri) "fR 1R ~ 'f'RT <"1 ~ ~ "''lq~ qfy ~ gl«1 , ]:IT«!

2. tRTe!T 'fiR if I'$tlfjl'lN ~ m-Tf'5(

3. ,,,liPR 3TWT <'t ~ 1T'lf t, ~ .,. fit '1'1# 3I'Iv .,. tfr ~

4. 3!tAT 31ji#~iq; ff'ff tffl"<.Tf'5( fffT Jff7ffq; J/"I1f 31J7f'(Uf-'f'O 'IV iFf

5. IJRd <"IIT'1 'IV fmif ff'ff oft";t ft>l rnT q;t TfTiifT "iR ~ I iiI"iff -iiI"iff 3114>4q; iff Wf Hf'f-!j{fflq;1 fffT Jff7ffq; d"1!/T 'IWn, W'f-gl«1<1>' 'IWn q <'to 'IWn ('1ft ~ !'it) c'1l W'f-gl«1<1>' 1R 311"'";<1> 'IWn 3i'R oilo 1f'l0 3[Ro 'R 'IWn qfy "fi1~"1 if '3'lft~ q\) 3!j'!ft1 'ltf t , 7. '3q1"" "fi1~~1 if ~ .jt qRqct'l r

8. W'f-gl«1 , if W W'f 'I'N fu~Rifi'qimn '3W ~ 'Tit 'g, Jff>lq; Hf'f J3IT'il 'lit '{if q;t l 'lit frrW)' W'f '3W fui\ ~ ~ jj\ '!'l <1>1 'lTt1 'lTt1 ~ 'R"'t 1R

10. E7lI'1 ~ fip 'f'/i 'II'( <'111ft ilffl' aifil;rr 'ffi'l""t ~ 'Tit ~ T'if <1>1 ~ u'r.s ~, ~ mFlT1R ~ 3i ~~, 11. <'l> T fui\ ." gl«1 , ",~",,,,,~w,,,, 3i! ~ '1'" "', >r

12. tRTe!T '3q"", o1"I1Of &0 ,<,,0 :Jf/Vo tffl"<.Tf'5( tt tRTe!I 'fiR if "f'lT oR,

13. tRTe!T ~ iR <'t Wr