E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013 No. 81 House of Representatives The House met at 3 p.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ADJOURNMENT called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without pore (Mr. PETRI). f objection, the House stands adjourned f until noon tomorrow for morning-hour PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER debate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The PRO TEMPORE There was no objection. Chair will lead the House in the Pledge Thereupon (at 3 o’clock and 3 min- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- of Allegiance. utes p.m.), under its previous order, the fore the House the following commu- The SPEAKER pro tempore led the House adjourned until tomorrow, Tues- nication from the Speaker: Pledge of Allegiance as follows: day, June 11, 2013, at noon for morning- WASHINGTON, DC, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the hour debate. June 10, 2013. United States of America, and to the Repub- f I hereby appoint the Honorable THOMAS E. lic for which it stands, one nation under , PETRI to act as Speaker pro tempore on this indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, day. ETC. JOHN A. BOEHNER, f Speaker of the House of Representatives. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive COMMUNICATION FROM THE communications were taken from the f CLERK OF THE HOUSE Speaker’s table and referred as follows: PRAYER The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- 1718. A letter from the Administrator, De- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick fore the House the following commu- partment of Agriculture, transmitting the J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: nication from the Clerk of the House of Department’s final rule — Olives Grown in Loving and gracious God, we give Representatives: California; Decreased Assessment Rate [Doc. You thanks for giving us another day. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, No.: AMS-FV-12-0076; FV13-932-1 IR] received HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, May 28, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Help us this day to draw closer to 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- You, so that with Your spirit and Washington, DC, June 7, 2013. Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, culture. aware of Your presence among us we The Speaker, U.S. Capitol, House of Representa- 1719. A letter from the General Counsel, may all face the tasks of this day with tives, Washington, DC. Federal Housing Finance Agency, transmit- grace and confidence. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- ting the Agency’s final rule — Executive Bless the Members of the people’s mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of Compensation (RIN: 2590-AA12) received May House as they return from a long week- the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- 31, 2013, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to end back in their home districts. tives, the Clerk received the following mes- the Committee on Financial Services. sage from the Secretary of the Senate on 1720. A letter from the Program Manager, May these decisive days through Department of Health and Human Services, which we are living make them gen- June 7, 2013 at 10:15 a.m.: Appointments: transmitting the Department’s final rule — uine enough to maintain their integ- Commission on Long-Term Care. Information Required in Prior Notice of Im- rity, great enough to be humble, and With best wishes, I am ported Food [Docket No.: FDA-2011-N-0179] good enough to keep their faith, always Sincerely, (RIN: 0910-AG65) received May 30, 2013, pursu- regarding public office as a sacred KAREN L. HAAS. ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee trust. Give them the wisdom and the on Energy and Commerce. f courage to fail not their fellow citi- 1721. A letter from the Director Office of Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory zens, nor You. BILL PRESENTED TO THE Commission, transmitting the Commission’s May all that is done this day be for PRESIDENT final rule — Physical Protection of Irradi- Your greater honor and glory. Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, ated Reactor Fuel in Transit [NRC-2009-0163] Amen. reported that on May 28, 2013, she pre- (RIN: 3150-AI64) received May 28, 2013, pursu- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee f sented to the President of the United on Energy and Commerce. States, for his approval, the following THE JOURNAL 1722. A letter from the Deputy Director of bill: Regulation Policy & Management, Office of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The H.R. 258. To amend title 18, United States General Counsel, Department of Veterans Af- Chair has examined the Journal of the Code, with respect to fraudulent representa- fairs, transmitting the Department’s final last day’s proceedings and announces tions about having received military dec- rule — VA Dental Insurance Program (RIN: to the House his approval thereof. larations or medals. 2900-AN99) received May 28, 2013, pursuant to

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:46 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN7.000 H10JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 10, 2013 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on TIME LIMITATION OF REFERRED Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3, which pro- Veterans’ Affairs. BILL vides Congress the power to ‘‘regulate com- 1723. A letter from the Board of Trustees, merce with foreign Nations and among the Federal Old-Age And Survivors Insurance Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XII, the several States.’’ And Federal Disability Insurance Trust following action was taken by the Funds, transmitting the 2013 Annual Report Speaker: f of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old- [The following action occured on June 7, 2013] Age and Survivors Insurance and the Federal ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 1947. Referral to the Committees on Disability Insurance Trust Funds, pursuant Foreign Affairs and the Judiciary extended Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors to 42 U.S.C. 401(c)(2), 1395i(b)(2), and for a period ending not later than June 10, were added to public bills and resolu- 1395t(b)(2); (H. Doc. No. 113—33); to the Com- 2013. tions as follows: mittee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. f H.R. 7: Mr. CALVERT and Mr. KINGSTON. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 25: Mrs. WAGNER. f H.R. 32: Mr. WALDEN. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public H.R. 337: Mr. HIMES. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON bills and resolutions of the following H.R. 491: Mr. STOCKMAN. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS titles were introduced and severally re- H.R. 515: Mrs. LOWEY and Mr. MORAN. Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of ferred, as follows: H.R. 647: Mr. PALLONE and Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico. AR committees were delivered to the Clerk By Mr. ROSKAM (for himself, Mr. C - H.R. 685: Mr. POSEY, Mr. BURGESS, and Mr. NEY ULTGREN ARBER for printing and reference to the proper , Mr. H , Mr. B , Mr. PETERS of California. CHRADER EED calendar, as follows: S , and Mr. R ): H.R. 698: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY and Mrs. CARO- H.R. 2305. A bill to amend titles XVIII and [The following action occurred on June 7, 2013] LYN B. MALONEY of New York. XIX of the Social Security Act to curb H.R. 781: Mr. WALBERG. Mr. MCKEON: Committee on Armed Serv- waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicare and H.R. 800: Mr. STIVERS and Mr. MEEHAN. ices. H.R. 1960. A bill to authorize appropria- Medicaid programs; to the Committee on En- H.R. 920: Mr. LANGEVIN. tions for fiscal year 2014 for military activi- ergy and Commerce, and in addition to the H.R. 938: Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. HUDSON, Ms. ties of the Department of Defense and for Committee on Ways and Means, for a period KELLY of Illinois, and Ms. CASTOR of Florida. military construction, to prescribe military to be subsequently determined by the Speak- H.R. 961: Mr. RUIZ and Mr. CROWLEY. personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and er, in each case for consideration of such pro- H.R. 1038: Mr. HUDSON. for other purposes; with amendments (Rept. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.R. 1146: Mr. MESSER. 113–102). Referred to the Committee of the committee concerned. H.R. 1249: Mrs. WALORSKI. Whole House on the state of the Union. By Ms. MENG: H.R. 1321: Mr. ENYART, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, [Filed on June 10, 2013] H.R. 2306. A bill to amend the Federal Mr. KIMER, and Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to treat infant Mr. GOODLATTE: Committee on the Judi- H.R. 1416: Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. MEEHAN, formula as adulterated if its use-by-date has ciary. H.R. 1947. A bill to provide for the re- and Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. passed; to the Committee on Energy and form and continuation of agricultural and H.R. 1518: Mr. MCNERNEY and Mr. LYNCH. Commerce. other programs of the Department of Agri- H.R. 1640: Mr. BENTIVOLIO. By Mr. VELA (for himself and Mr. CON- culture through fiscal year 2018, and for H.R. 1677: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. GRIJALVA, and AWAY): other purposes; with amendments (Rept. 113– Mr. MCNERNEY. H.R. 2307. A bill to require the Secretary of 92, Pt. 2). Referred to the Committee of the H.R. 1771: Ms. BASS, Mr. SCHOCK, and Mr. State to submit to Congress reports on water Whole House on the state of the Union. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. sharing with Mexico; to the Committee on Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- H.R. 1797: Mr. BROOKS of Alabama, Mr. Foreign Affairs. cial Services. H.R. 1256. A bill to direct the RENACCI, Mr. MESSER, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. Securities and Exchange Commission and f MCCLINTOCK, Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. MICA, Mrs. the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY MILLER of Michigan, Mr. GIBBS, and Mr. to jointly adopt rules setting forth the appli- LAMALFA. STATEMENT cation to cross-border swaps transactions of H.R. 1869: Mrs. WALORSKI. certain provisions relating to swaps that Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of H.R. 1882: Mr. POE of Texas. were enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 1897: Mr. STOCKMAN. Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 1898: Mr. FORBES. with amendments (Rept. 113–103, Pt. 1). Re- mitted regarding the specific powers H.R. 1916: Ms. SHEA-PORTER. ferred to the Committee of the Whole House H.R. 1961: Mr. RICHMOND. granted to Congress in the Constitu- on the state of the Union. H.R. 1971: Mr. CARTER and Mr. MASSIE. Mr. LUCAS: Committee on Agriculture. tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 1983: Mr. RANGEL. H.R. 1256. A bill to direct the Securities and joint resolution. H.R. 1998: Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. TONKO, Mr. Exchange Commission and the Commodity By Mr. ROSKAM: CICILLINE, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. TITUS, and Mr. Futures Trading Commission to jointly H.R. 2305. PETERS of California. adopt rules setting forth the application to Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2022: Mr. CRAWFORD. cross-border swaps transactions of certain lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2088: Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. provisions relating to swaps that were en- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 states The H.R. 2094: Mr. MCCAUL. acted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Congress shall have Power To provide . . . H.R. 2177: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Rept. for the . . . general Welfare of the United H.R. 2202: Mr. TERRY. 113–103, Pt. 2). Referred to the Committee of States. H.R. 2228: Mr. SCHRADER. the Whole House on the state of the Union. By Ms. MENG: H.R. 2238: Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEE H.R. 2306. New Mexico. Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2290: Ms. PINGREE of Maine and Mrs. Committee on Foreign Affairs dis- lation pursuant to the following: BUSTOS. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 H. Con. Res. 23: Mr. HENSARLING. charged from further consideration. By Mr. VELA: H. Res. 30: Mr. POMPEO and Mr. LUETKE- H.R. 1947 referred to the Committee of H.R. 2307. MEYER. the Whole House on the state of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- H. Res. 109: Mr. HIMES and Mr. DUNCAN of Union. lation pursuant to the following: South Carolina.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:26 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10JN7.000 H10JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013 No. 81 Senate The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was be sworn in today as a U.S. Senator at her parents when she was 7 years old. called to order by the President pro 4:30 p.m. At 5 p.m. the Senate will re- She was in the second grade. tempore (Mr. LEAHY). sume consideration of the farm bill. At This is what Anna told the Las Vegas 5:30 p.m. there will be a vote on passage Sun newspaper: PRAYER of that bill. Following that vote, we I would tell myself that they’re not going The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- will resume the motion to proceed to to deport me because I’m a nursing student and I’m working really hard and I want to fered the following prayer: the immigration bill. There will be a cloture vote on the motion to proceed make a difference in my community . . . Let us pray. [But] all the time, constantly in the back of Almighty God, Your law is a lamp, at 2:15 tomorrow afternoon. my head, I think about being deported and and Your teachings illuminate our f having to start over. path. Help us to honor Your name. Thanks to a directive issued last year MEASURES PLACED ON THE Lord, You know every heart and pro- by President Obama, Anna and 800,000 CALENDAR—S. 1121 AND H.R. 126 vide a shield for those who have rev- other young people like her—young erence for You. Today may our Sen- Mr. REID. There are two bills at the people who are American in all but pa- ators find treasures in Your wisdom desk due for a second reading. perwork—won’t be deported. President that will enable them to be responsible The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Obama’s directive suspended deporta- stewards of their noble calling. As they clerk will report the bills by title for tion of DREAMers—students brought remember their accountability to You, the second time. to America illegally when they were empower them to live for Your glory. O The legislative clerk read as follows: children. These young people share our God, our ruler, let Your glory be seen A bill (S. 1121) to stop the National Secu- language, they share our culture, and in our Nation and world. rity Agency from spying on citizens of the they share our love for America, which Lord, we ask Your blessings upon United States and for other purposes. in most cases is the only country they Senator JEFFREY CHIESA as he takes A bill (H.R. 126) to direct the Secretary of have ever known. Like Anna, the his oath today. the Interior to enter into an agreement to DREAMers are talented, patriotic We pray in Your merciful Name. provide for management of the free-roaming young men and women who want to de- wild horses in and around the Currituck Na- Amen. tional Wildlife Refuge. fend our Nation in the military, get a f college education, and work hard to Mr. REID. I object to any further help their communities and our coun- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE proceedings with respect to these two try. The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the bills. Still, the Republican majority in the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objec- House of Representatives sent a tion is heard. The bills will be placed I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the chilling message last week to Anna and United States of America, and to the Repub- on the calendar under the provisions of others when it voted to roll back Presi- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, rule XIV. dent Obama’s directive. Republicans indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. f voted to resume deportation of up- f standing young people—I repeat, just IMMIGRATION REFORM RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY like Anna—who were brought to this Mr. REID. Mr. President, for most of LEADER country illegally through no fault of her life Anna Ledesma has been afraid. their own. That is why it is vital that The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The She was a model student at Centennial Congress act at long last to fix this Na- majority leader is recognized. High School in Las Vegas, an artist tion’s broken immigration system. f and a member of the Key Club. As one President Obama’s directive is tem- of the top academics of a large high porary—and squarely in the crosshairs SCHEDULE school, she received the Millennium of the tea party-driven Republican Mr. REID. Mr. President, following Scholarship to study nursing at the rightwing. The directive is also no rem- leader remarks the Senate will resume College of Southern Nevada. Now she is edy for more than 10 million others— the motion to proceed to S. 744, the im- studying hard for her nursing exams. many of whom are the parents or sib- migration bill. That will take place But 23-year-old Anna has lived for a lings of DREAMers—who are living until 5 p.m. today. Senator SESSIONS long time with the constant fear that here without the proper paperwork. will control 2 hours, and Senator she will be deported. She is an undocu- But a permanent commonsense solu- LEAHY will control the remaining time mented immigrant. She was born in tion to our dysfunctional system is in today. Senator-designate CHIESA will the Philippines and brought here by sight. The bipartisan legislation on

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.000 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 which the Senate is now working is the The Senator from Vermont. he would have voted to do so. I appre- solution our economy needs, it is the Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, when the ciate that sentiment, and I look for- solution immigrant families need, and Senate Judiciary Committee held ward to his cooperation. it is the solution Anna needs. lengthy and extensive markup sessions I have proposed to Senator GRASS- This bill isn’t perfect. That is the na- to consider the Border Security, Eco- LEY, who as the ranking Republican on ture of legislating. Compromise is nec- nomic Opportunity, and Immigration the Judiciary Committee will be man- essary and inevitable. But this measure Modernization Act, or S. 744—the bill aging the bill for the minority, that we takes important steps to reform our before us—we worked late into the eve- try to replicate here in the Senate the broken legal immigration system, nings debating the bill. We considered fair and transparent process we were strengthen border security, and hold hundreds of amendments. But what able to achieve in the committee. To unscrupulous employers accountable. was interesting and what we heard the that end, once the Senate is able to Over the next 3 weeks Senators will most about was the fact that the public proceed to the bill, I suggest we estab- propose a number of ideas to make the was able to witness our consideration lish a filing deadline for amendments, legislation better. Some will offer ideas firsthand. They saw all our proceedings as we did at the outset of our com- to make it worse. But those sugges- streamed live on the committee’s Web mittee consideration. Ideally, then we tions must preserve the heart of the site and broadcast on C–SPAN. We will be able to take these amendments bill—a pathway to earned citizenship made available on our website proposed and group them and thereby work to- that begins by going to the back of the amendments, and reported develop- gether by issue and by titles, as we did line, paying taxes and fines, learning ments in real time throughout the in the committee. It makes it a lot English, and getting right with the committee process. I know this made a easier for the public as well as for the law. Whether we are Democrats or Re- difference because I was receiving e- Senate to know what we are doing on publicans, whether we are from red mails and calls from all over the coun- the bill. It will help us with the Sen- States or blue States, we can all agree try from people watching it. Whether ate’s timely consideration of this im- that the current system is broken. We they agreed or disagreed on a par- portant legislation. can all agree on the need for action. ticular matter, they said how much it Of course, in order for Senators to be This bipartisan legislation is our best meant to them to actually know what able to file amendments and work on chance in many, many years to bend the Senate was doing. And Members the bill, the Senate has to proceed to the system toward it working right. We from both sides of the aisle praised the the bill. Republicans and Democrats need to mend this broken system. transparent process and the significant worked together to develop this legis- The Senate is about to engage in this improvements in the bill made by the lation. Senators from both sides of the important debate about the kind of Judiciary Committee. aisle, including the Senator from Ala- country we are and must continue to The bill, as we amended it, was bama, who has already spoken on the be. This Nation was founded on the passed out of committee by a bipar- Senate floor at length about this legis- promise that success should not be an tisan two-thirds majority. Again, ev- lation, had amendments adopted in accident of birth but, rather, a just re- erybody worked together, set politics committee. Almost none of the more ward for hard work and determination. aside, and allowed the American people than 135 amendments adopted by the It is no wonder so many people from so to see what we were doing. In many Judiciary Committee were adopted on many nations wish to share that prom- ways this is how we did it when I first party-line votes. So we should be able ise, but they can’t all get the promise came to the Senate, except we didn’t to work together to ensure consider- of coming to America, and that is what have a way of streaming things live ation of amendments and then proceed this legislation is all about. and we didn’t have C–SPAN, so it is to a vote on final passage without fili- The United States has always wel- even more transparent now. busters. comed immigrants, and that is never I appreciate what President Obama The American people want us to vote going to change. For those like Anna, said this weekend about immigration yes or no, up or down. They do not the words of the Jewish proverb are ap- reform. I agree with him that we have want us to add delaying tactics that propriate: Dreams do not die. There- to move in a timely way. Of course, the allow us to say, well, maybe we would fore, it is up to us to help fulfill those time is now for the Senate to act, so I have been for it or maybe we would dreams and fix our broken immigration hope we can take some of the same have been against it. They expect more system. steps in the Chamber that we took in of their Senators. Vote yes or no. the Judiciary Committee during our I had hoped the Senate would turn f debate of this legislation to have an ef- immediately to the consideration of RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ficient and transparent process. After amendments to this important bill. I all, look at the markup of the Senate regret that tomorrow afternoon, in- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Judiciary Committee: both parties— stead, we will vote on cloture on a pro- KAINE). Under the previous order, the and it goes across the political spec- cedural motion to allow us to begin de- leadership time is reserved. trum as well as geographically, from bate on the bill. The legislation before f the west coast to the east coast, from us is the result of a bipartisan group of BORDER SECURITY, ECONOMIC OP- southern borders to our northern bor- Senators who came together and made PORTUNITY, AND IMMIGRATION ders. an agreement. It was initially a pro- During our committee consideration MODERNIZATION ACT—MOTION posal from the so-called Gang of 8. It last month, an editorial in the Barre TO PROCEED came through the committee process a Montpelier Times termed our pro- product of a group of 18, supported by a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ceedings a ‘‘lesson in democracy.’’ Our bipartisan majority of the Judiciary the previous order, the Senate will re- committee proceedings demonstrated Committee. sume consideration of the motion to to the American people and the world If Senators who have come together proceed to S. 744, which the clerk will how the Senate can and should fulfill to help develop this bill keep their report. its responsibilities despite our dif- commitments, I have no doubt we will The legislative clerk read as follows: ferences. be able to end this unnecessary fili- Motion to proceed to calendar No. 80, S. The ranking Republican on the com- buster and pass this fair but tough leg- 744, a bill to provide comprehensive immi- mittee, the senior Senator from Iowa, islation on comprehensive immigration gration reform, and for other purposes. and I were on different sides of the leg- reform. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under islation, but we were able to work well There is broad agreement that our the previous order, the time until 5 together. I hope we can continue to Nation’s immigration system is broken p.m. will be divided, with the Senator work here on the Senate floor in a bi- and is in need of a comprehensive solu- from Alabama or his designee control- partisan way. Although he voted tion. There is also broad agreement in ling 2 hours and the Senator from against the bill, the senior Senator this Nation that people are tired of un- Vermont or his designee controlling from Iowa said had his vote been nec- necessary delays in the Senate. They the remaining time. essary to report the bill to the Senate, would like to see us do the work we are

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:36 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.002 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4029 paid to do, the work we were elected to give some on this bill. The bill now be- happens behind closed doors, cynicism can be do, and vote yes or no, not continue fore the Senate is not the bill I would the only response. The decision by Leahy, voting maybe by delaying. This bipar- have drafted. I voted for amendments chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to hold several lengthy open mark-up sessions tisan legislation will achieve this. in the Judiciary Committee that were on the immigration issue is a sign that both Given the impact the broken system rejected, and I voted against some Republicans and Democrats see a way has on our economy and our families, amendments that were accepted. I through the thicket. If the Republicans were we cannot afford delay. This is a meas- withheld an amendment on what, to interested merely in blocking the bill, they ure on which the Senate should come me, is an issue of fundamental fairness could use their usual tactics. But given the together to consider and pass. We in ending discrimination, after Repub- importance of the Hispanic vote and the par- should do what is right, what is fair, lican Senators pledged to abandon ty’s record of hostility toward minorities, and what is just. their support for this bill had that some Republicans have recognized they must deal with the issue. Comprehensive immigration reform amendment been offered. I cannot Protracted debate about bills in committee was last on the Senate floor 6 years begin to tell this Senate how much it ought to be the norm. It is what committees ago. When it was blocked by the minor- hurt to withdraw that amendment. But are for. But the process has perils that legis- ity party—the Republican Party—the despite many shortcomings as a result lators sometimes seek to avoid by using the former chairman of our immigration of compromise, the bill before the Sen- rules to foist a measure on the body where a subcommittee, Ted Kennedy, said: ate is worthy of this Chamber’s imme- majority can hurry it through. It is unlikely that the Democrats could hurry anything A minority in the Senate rejected a strong- diate attention and support. through the Senate these days, so Leahy has er economy that is fairer to our taxpayers It is time for us to stop voting decided to take the risks inherent in the and our workers. A minority of the Senate ‘‘maybe’’ and instead proceed to this amendment process to craft a bill that will rejected America’s own extraordinary immi- bill and get to the business of legis- win at least some Republican support. grant history and ignored our Nation’s most lating. After all, that is what the The immigration bill is the product of the urgent needs. But we are in this struggle for American people, Republicans and so-called Gang of Eight, a group of four the long haul. . . . As we continue the battle, Democrats alike, expect us to do. The Democrats and four Republicans who have we will have ample inspiration in the lives of sought to forge a bipartisan compromise on the immigrants all around us. He was right. Congress was unable to achieve this immigration. They are looking for a way to We are back—in strength. goal during the last decade. Now, in achieve both border security and a pathway I had the privilege of serving in the the second decade of the 21st century, to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants Senate with Senator Kennedy from the we again have the opportunity to make who are here illegally. Hard-line anti-immi- the reforms we so desperately need to gration members will never be placated; the time I arrived until the time he died. I Senate will be working toward a formula al- know how passionately he felt about carry us forward and strengthen our Nation. As I said on the Senate floor lowing the skeptics who worry about border this issue. I also know, both from then security enough assurance that they can and now, that a small minority of the late last week, if a majority of us stand lighten up a little on the punitive measures. Senate that continues to reject this together, if we stay true to our values Senate bills follow a perilous path, par- measure should not prevail this time and our agreements, I believe we can ticularly these days, when Republican use of and close the door on so many people pass legislation to write the next great the filibuster has created what amounts to a chapter in America’s history of immi- political oligarchy: the rule of the minority in our country—both those who are over the majority. This was the bitter lesson citizens and those who aspire to be- gration—a chapter for which suc- ceeding generations will thank us. that Leahy learned on gun control legisla- come citizens. tion, which also began in his committee. The I have taken inspiration from many Mr. President, before I conclude on bill calling for universal background checks sources, from our shared history as im- this issue, I ask unanimous consent had majority support on the Senate floor, migrants, from the experiences of my that a copy of the editorial I referred but the minority was able to quash it by use to be printed in the RECORD. of the filibuster. own grandparents, from my wife’s par- And yet this is why Leahy retained his po- ents, from our courageous witnesses There being no objection, the mate- rial was ordered to be printed in the sition as chairman of the Judiciary Com- Jose Antonio Vargas and Gaby Pacheco mittee rather than moving to the Appropria- and, as Senator Kennedy noted, from RECORD, as follows; tions Committee. The appropriations process the millions of American families that [From the Times Argus, May 11, 2013] has become subject to the poker game, which will be more secure when we enact LESSON IN DEMOCRACY robs the committee of its authority in cre- comprehensive immigration reform. In a remarkable demonstration of the way ating and marking up a bill. As chairman of During his testimony before the Ju- democracy ordinarily works, Sen. Patrick Judiciary, Leahy is giving the nation a les- Leahy held a mark-up session Thursday al- son in democracy. It’s a lesson that needs to diciary Committee, Mr. Vargas asked be retaught. the committee: lowing the Senate Judiciary Committee to shape a new immigration bill. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, seeing What do you want to do with us? What do A mark-up session occurs when a com- nobody seeking recognition, I ask per- you want to do with me? mittee discusses and debates a bill, marking mission to speak as in morning busi- Poignant questions. But this legisla- it up with amendments, giving both sides a ness on an issue we will vote on later tion answers Mr. Vargas, and it sends a say and putting on display for the world to today. message to the millions of others who see the differences and compromises. In The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without are looking to Senators to be true to watching a mark-up session, we are able to objection, it is so ordered. observe senators in the actual process of law- our ‘‘extraordinary’’ history and tradi- making. RURAL GIGABIT PILOT PROGRAM tion as a nation of immigrants. That an important issue should be subject Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, let me I am encouraged that some on the to an open and public mark-up session would speak on an important issue the Senate other side of the aisle are signaling not be so remarkable were it not for the re- will be voting on later today, my their support for this legislation. I wel- markable distortion of the legislative proc- amendment to the farm bill. The Inter- come the support of those who sup- ess that has occurred in recent years by the net has made a fundamental difference ported immigration reform in the past, manipulation of legislative rules. in our lives. From how we shop to how who support this effort again. Lately, we have become accustomed to see- ing major pieces of legislation used as chips we stay connected to one another, I trust that those Republican Sen- in an unsavory game of poker, with all the there are few aspects of life the Inter- ators who helped draft this legisla- cards in the hands of a few players. Action net does not touch. In the 21st century, tion—and helped us greatly—will be on budget and debt ceiling votes has been access to high-quality, high-speed with us for the long haul, be firm in held up until the last minute when leaders Internet is not a luxury but a neces- their commitments, and will defend are forced by a looming deadline to reach a sity. the legislation they asked the other 14 deal. The members themselves, instead of Unfortunately far too many Ameri- members of the Judiciary Committee being engaged in the process of lawmaking, cans, particularly those living in rural to consider and approve. are left to twiddle their thumbs until they areas, like so many in my own State of get the call from their leaders that a deal I will hope and expect that they will has been struck. Vermont, can only dream about having not look for excuses to abandon what Everyone complains that making laws is access to this kind of critical infra- has been and what needs to be a bipar- like making sausage: You don’t want to see structure. We must take action to cor- tisan effort because everybody had to what goes into it. But when the deal-making rect this.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.004 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 I am pleased the Senate will vote licans and Democrats—who have sup- tough, fair, practical road map to ad- today on an amendment I have offered ported me. Most importantly, rural dress the status of unauthorized immi- that sets our sights high for real, ultra- America supports it. grations in the United States contin- high-speed Internet. In some areas, Mr. President, I yield the floor and gent upon our success in securing our these next-generation networks are al- suggest the absence of a quorum and borders and addressing visa overstays.’’ ready being built. These networks offer ask unanimous consent that the time Who can argue with that point? That gigabit speed—speed that is 100 times be equally divided. is exactly what we all believe a piece of faster than what we are accustomed to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without legislation should do. At the time this today. objection, it is so ordered. bill was put forward and the framework These networks bring with them in- The clerk will call the roll. was put forward, I reserved judgment novation and jobs. Over the next 5 The legislative clerk proceeded to until I saw the details of their pro- years these networks are going to be- call the roll. posal. I thought the framework held come more widely adopted in urban Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask hope, but I realized the assurances that areas, but rural America is at risk of unanimous consent that the order for the Group of 8 made did not really falling further behind. If that happens, the quorum call be rescinded. translate when the bill language rural Americans will be left behind. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without emerged. It seems as though the rhet- They will lose potential economic objection, it is so ordered. oric was spot on, but the details were growth. They will cede engines of inno- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, as we dubious. vation to urban areas that are equipped look forward to a difficult and yet This is what was professed by the au- with ultra-high-speed Internet capa- overdue debate about immigration, I thors: that the borders would be se- bility. wanted to share my thoughts on the cured and that the people would earn My amendment will establish a pilot legislation. I want to speak about the their legal status. That was not what program within the Rural Utilities committee process as well as the sub- the bill actually did. The bill, as draft- Service Program that is part of the stance of the bill before us. I also want ed, is legalization first, border secured farm bill to fund up to five projects to to share my personal experience from later, and tracking visa overstays deploy ultra-high-speed Internet serv- the 1980s and how we can learn from later, if at all. ice in rural areas over the next 5 years. history. Finally, I want to express my In 1981, when I was a freshman Sen- The pilot is narrow in scope. It is care- hope for what I think the bill should ator, I joined the Judiciary Committee fully crafted to ensure that the main look like before it leaves the Senate. and was active in the subcommittee focus of the RUS Program is deploying I do not know of any Senator who process. We sat down and wrote legisla- service to unserved rural areas, while says the status quo is the way it ought tion. We had 150 hours of hearings, 300 at the same time giving RUS the flexi- to be. In other words, this issue being witnesses before we marked up a bill in bility to find the best rural areas to on the floor of the Senate is very ap- May 1982. Hundreds of more hours and test gigabit service investment. This propriate. But while we are here, we dozens more hearings would take place will help pave the way for the Internet need to concentrate on getting immi- before the 1986 passage. infrastructure that rural communities gration right for the long term. In 1986, This year we had 6 days of hearings. across the Nation will need as our the last time we had major legislation We spent 18 hours and 10 minutes lis- economy turns the corner into this going to the President, I was there. I tening to outside witnesses. We had a next generation of Internet service. lived it. I voted for it. hearing on the ‘‘needs of women and Next-generation gigabit networks have I acknowledge that what we did in children,’’ another hearing focused on the potential to transform rural areas. 1986, we got it wrong. We cannot afford ‘‘building an immigration system wor- They can dramatically improve edu- to make the same mistakes of yester- thy of American values.’’ cation and health care. They have the day. From our national security to our The Judiciary Committee received potential to bring the innovations of economic security, too much is at the bipartisan bill at 2:24 a.m on April Silicon Valley to the Upper Valley of stake. So do not repeat 1986. See that 17. We held hearings on April 19, 22, and Vermont and to rural areas across the the borders are absolutely secure. No 23. We heard from 26 witnesses in 3 country. excuses from that point. No exceptions days. We heard from the head of the Rural America has so much to offer on that point. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in our way of life, but without the Now, we are a nation of immigrants, agency union. We heard from econo- great equalizer of high-speed Internet, but we are also a nation of laws. It is mists and employers, law enforcement it cannot live up to its full potential. my solemn responsibility to respect and lawyers, to professors and advo- So now is the time to invest in these the law and ensure that law is upheld. cacy groups. We even heard from peo- networks. One need only look at the Do it the right way, not the easy way. ple who are undocumented, proving number of applications Google received Take what time is necessary to get it that only in America would we allow for its Google Fiber project to know right. We know what works in Congress someone not right with the law to be that cities and towns throughout the and what does not work. I think if we heard by the American people. country understand the innovation and look back at health care reform as an One of the witnesses was Homeland economic growth that comes from gig- example, we know that we did it in too Security Secretary Napolitano. We at- abit networks. If we are going to invest hurried of a way and, consequently, tempted to learn about how the bill money in rural networks, it makes questions about carrying out that leg- would affect the functions of the execu- sense that we invest some of it in net- islation now are legitimate points of tive branch and whether she saw the works that are going to be future-resil- discussion. same flaws many of us were finding. ient. Earlier in the year when a bipartisan Unfortunately, we have not received The broadband revolution of the last group of eight Senators released their responses from Secretary Napolitano decade brought a bright new future for framework for reform, I was optimistic to the questions that we raised at her many areas of the country, but I know that the authors were going to produce hearing on April 23. We should have the firsthand that many rural areas are legislation that lived up to the prom- benefit of hearing from the Secretary still playing catch-up. As the next gen- ises. In their framework they stated: as to certain questions that were raised eration of broadband investment begins We will ensure that this is a successful per- about this legislation, particularly this decade, let’s learn from those past manent reform to our immigration system when it comes from somebody in the mistakes and test our investment in that will not need to be revisited. executive branch who has to enforce gigabit networks in rural America. Without a doubt this is a goal we what is laid before her. I thank Chairwoman STABENOW for should all strive for. We must find a After those hearings the committee working with me since the committee long-term solution to fixing our broken was poised to consider the bill through first started on this amendment and system. So I was encouraged. The au- a markup process. Our side of the aisle for her commitment to improve the thors, in the framework released to the made it clear that we needed to have quality of life for rural America, and I public before bill language was avail- an open and transparent process, so we thank those Senators—both Repub- able, said the bill would ‘‘provide a started work on May 9. We held five

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:36 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.006 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4031 all-day sessions where Members were ond for farm workers who have worked cretion is unreviewable, both by the able to raise questions, voice concerns, in agriculture for at least 90 days prior American people and by other branches and offer amendments. Hundreds of to enactment. A total of 2.7 million of government. Can you believe that? amendments were filed. I alone filed 77 people were legalized. We also had en- Unreviewable. amendments. Of those, I offered 37. Of forcement in that 1986 legislation. The bill undermines Congress’s re- those 37, 12 were accepted, 25 were re- For the first time ever we made it il- sponsibility to legislate, and it weak- jected. legal to knowingly hire or employ ens our ability to conduct oversight. Those on the other side of the aisle someone who was here undocumented. We should learn a lot of lessons from will boast that many Republican We set penalties to deter the hiring of past legislation. We should be doing amendments were adopted in com- people here undocumented. We wrote in more legislating and less delegating. mittee. They are somewhat right. How- the bill that ‘‘one essential element of Think of the recent things that have ever, only 13 of 78 Republican amend- immigration control is an increase in come out that the IRS has too much ments offered were agreed to; 7 of those the Border Patrol and other inspection power. were from members of the Group of 8. enforcement activities of the Immigra- In health care reform, there are 1,963 But get this: Of the 62 Democratic tion and Nationalization Service in delegations of authority to the Sec- amendments proposed, only 1 of those order to prevent and to deter the ille- retary to write regulations. You might 62 amendments was rejected, and even gal entry of aliens into the United think you understand a 2,700-page piece that one was just narrowly rejected. States and in violation of the terms of of legislation that the President signed Commonsense amendments offering their entry.’’ 4 years ago, but you aren’t going to real solutions were repeatedly rejected. Unfortunately, the same principles know what that legislation actually Those that were accepted made some from 1986 are being discussed today: le- does until those 1,963 regulations are necessary improvements. But get this: galize now, enforce later. But it is clear written. I think we are waking up to The core provisions of the bill remain that philosophy does not work. Proof the fact that we delegated too much the same coming out of committee as of that is it did not work in 1986. So and legislated too little. We shouldn’t they were introduced into the com- proponents of legalization today argue be making that same mistake with this mittee. we did not get it right in 1986. How true piece of legislation and, as it is writ- I respect the process we had in com- they are. I agree the enforcement ten, we are making that mistake. mittee. Chairman LEAHY deserves mechanisms in 1986 could have been I wouldn’t have such strong resent- thanks from all of us on the committee stronger. There was no commitment to ment about this issue if I knew I could because he promised an open, fair, and enforcing the law or making sure we have faith in this administration or transparent process. Quite frankly, it protected every mile of our border. any future administration. By the time was. It is a good format for what needs Knowing what I know now, an immi- this thing gets down the road, that is to take place on the floor of the Senate gration bill must ensure that we secure going to be a future administration to if the legislation that is finally voted the border first. Legalization should actually enforce the law. upon is going to have credibility. only happen when the American people Show me the evidence. The President In that committee we had a good dis- have faith in the system. There needs and the administration have curtailed cussion and debate on how to improve to be a commitment to enforce the enforcement programs. It claims the bill. It was a productive conversa- laws on the books, and, as important, record deportations, but then what tion focused on getting immigration there needs to be a legal avenue that does the President say? He turns reform right in the long term. Yet I allows people to enter and stay legally around and he says the statistics are— was disappointed that alliances were in the country. and this is his word—‘‘deceptive.’’ made to ensure that nothing passed Now, if you want to know how impor- The Secretary says the border is that would make substantial changes tant securing the border is, just come more secure than ever before, but she or improvements in the bill. Many of to my townhall meetings in Iowa. So denounced any notion of securing the those people gave high praise to the far I have been in 73 of our 99 counties. border before people here who were un- amendments being offered but contin- When immigration comes up and I talk documented were given legal status. ued to vote against them. about legislation, there are outbursts The administration implemented the I have often spoke about the 1986 leg- that we do not need more laws; why do DREAM Act by executive fiat, saying islation and how that law failed the we not just enforce the laws that are Congress refused to pass a bill so it de- American people. Now 99 other Sen- on the books—things such as ‘‘bring cided to do something on its accord. It ators are probably going to get sick of the troops home.’’ ‘‘Put them down on did that 1 year after the President told me reminding them of my presence the border.’’ ‘‘Then we won’t have a a group of people he didn’t have the au- there in 1986 and saying that we problem.’’ Unfortunately, the bill be- thority to do it. They provided no legal screwed up, because at that time prom- fore us repeats our past mistakes and justification for the actions and very ises were made and those promises does very little to deliver more than few answers about how they were im- were not kept. We said it was a one- the same promises we made in 1986, plementing the directive. time fix, just like the Group of 8 said which promises turned out to be The refusal of any executive branch they have a one-time fix. But that one- empty. Instead of looking to the past of government, whether it is Repub- time fix did nothing to solve the prob- for guidance on what to do in the fu- lican or Democratic, to refuse account- lem. ture, the bill before us incorporates the ability raises a lot of questions. They In fact, it only made matters worse mistakes of the past and, in some refuse to be transparent and forth- and encouraged illegality. People came cases, even weakens the laws we cur- coming with Congress on almost every forward for legal status, but many rently have. matter. more illegally entered or overstayed Those of us who are complaining, as When this bill was introduced, I had their welcome to get the same benefits I have just complained, have a respon- to question whether the promise for and chance at citizenship. The 1986 bill sibility to put a proposal before this border security 10 years down the road was supposed to be a three-legged body that will correct those things we would ever be fulfilled. No one disputes stool: control undocumented immigra- think are a repeat of the mistakes of that this bill is what I have said al- tion, a legalization program, and re- 1986, and we will do this. ready, a bill that legalizes first and en- form of legal immigration. To further explain this bill, the bill forces later. That is the core problem. We authorized $422 million to carry ensures that the executive branch, not That is a core problem from the stand- out the requirements of the bill and the Congress or the American people point of everybody who is going to tell even created a special fund for States through their Congress, has the sole us on this floor and during these weeks to get reimbursed their costs. The 1986 power to control the situation. First, of debate that immigration reform is bill included a legalization program for the bill provides hundreds of waivers overwhelmingly popular. I am not two categories of people: one for indi- and broad delegation of authority. going to dispute that. viduals who have been present in the Two, the Secretary may define terms Understand that there are very many United States since 1982, and the sec- as she sees fit. In many cases, the dis- things that are caveats in a poll. No. 1

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:36 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.008 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 is that we ought to have border secu- presented, there will never be any pres- mechanism by which people can come rity. The core problem is that enforce- sure from advocates for legalization, or here when they are needed. We must be ment comes after legalization, a core anybody else who is interested in solv- willing to close loopholes in our asy- problem, and the main reason I could ing this problem, to push to get the job lum system, prevent criminals and not support it out of the Judiciary done. evildoers from gaining immigration Committee. It is the main reason. It is Moreover, the bill gives Congress the benefits, and ensure that we are im- unacceptable to me, and it is unaccept- sole discretion over border security, proving our ability to protect the able to the American people. fencing strategy, and implementation homeland. The sponsors of this bill disagree. If of these strategies without any input I assure my colleagues I have an open they would read their own legislation, from Congress. mind on this legislation. I want immi- they would realize this fact. Later in We have a lot of questions. Will the gration reform. I want to get it right the week I will discuss an amendment Secretary, who believes the border is this time, not make the same mistakes I plan to offer to change this central stronger than ever before, be willing to I did in 1986. I want a bill I can support. flaw, but allow me to tell my col- make it even stronger? Will a Sec- To do that, I need to see a stronger leagues who are not on the committee retary who does not believe a biometric commitment to border security. I need about this major objection I have. exit system is feasible ensure that a to know future lawbreakers won’t be We have millions of undocumented mandated system is put in place? Will rewarded, and that there will be a de- people in this country. Under this bill, a Secretary who does not believe any- terrent for people who wish to enter or Congress would give the Secretary of thing should stand in the way of legal- remain illegally in the country. Homeland Security 6 months to ization ensure the triggers are Basically and simply, I want the produce two reports, one on border se- achieved? words of this bill to match the rhetoric curity strategy and the other on border Proponents of the legislation claim it of those proposing the plan. The bill fencing strategy. As soon as those two includes the single largest increase in sponsors want a product that can gar- documents are sent to the Hill, just as immigration enforcement in American ner around 70 votes in the Senate. soon as they come up here, the Sec- history. Proponents say mandatory Doing so, they seem to think, would retary then has full authority to issue electronic employment verification is a send a message to the House that they legal status, including work permits solution to future illegal immigration. should rubberstamp a bill that passed and travel documents, to millions of It is concerning that the bill delays for the Senate and send that bill to the people who apply. years the implementation of a manda- President. I don’t think that is going The result is the undocumented pop- tory electronic employment verifica- to happen. The House is prepared to ulation receives what the bill calls reg- tion through which 99.7 percent of all move on its own legislation. istered provisional status after two work-eligible employees are confirmed There will be a conference, which is a plans are submitted. Registered provi- immediately today. rare occurrence around here, by the sional immigrant is RPI. RPI status is I will speak later in the days ahead way. A conference of the two Houses more than probation. RPI status is out- about how this bill weakens current will ensure that the bill benefits from right legalization. law, particularly laws on the books to various checks and balances that we After the Secretary notifies Congress deter criminal behavior. It concerns worship through our Constitution. that she believes her plan has been ac- me greatly that the bill we are about I am not trying to jump ahead to the complished, newly legalized immi- to consider rolls back many criminal next step of the process, I am simply grants are given a path to obtain green statutes, but also that there is nothing telling my colleagues this bill has a cards and a special path to citizenship. in the bill that enhances the coopera- long way to go through the legislative Without ensuring adequate border se- tion between the Federal Government process. It needs to change before it is curity or holding employers account- and State and local jurisdictions. In accepted by the American people or able, the cycle is destined to repeat fact, it preempts State laws that are sent to the President. If they are seri- itself. I used the committee process to trying to enforce Federal laws cur- ous about getting this done, more com- attempt to strengthen border security. rently in place. promises will be made. My amendment to fix the trigger so the We have a lot of work cut out for us. Allow me to end by echoing the Secretary would need to report to Con- I know there are some who don’t want words of President Reagan: gress on a fast-track system and show to see a single change in this legisla- Our objective is only to establish a reason- that the border was secured to get con- tion. For me, this bill falls short of what I able, fair, orderly, and secure system of im- gressional approval before legalization migration into this country and not to dis- would proceed was defeated. We used want to see in strong immigration re- criminate in any way against particular na- the committee process to try to track form. The fact is we need real reform, tions or people. Future generations of Amer- who was coming and going from our not gimmicks that fail to fix the real icans will be thankful for our efforts to hu- country. Amendments to require a bio- problem and secure our border. We manely regain control of our borders and metric exit system at all ports of need to be fair to millions of people thereby preserve the value of one of the most entry, which is current law, were de- who came here the legal way, not bias sacred possessions of our people: American citizenship. feated. the system in favor of those who We tried to hold employers account- sneaked in through the back door. We That was President Reagan. able and stop the magnet for illegal need a bill that truly balances our na- The path we take in the days ahead immigration. My amendment to speed tional security with our economic se- will shape our country for years to up implementation of an employer ver- curity. come. It is my hope we can find a solu- ification system was defeated. This is what we can do to improve tion while learning from our mistakes At the end of the day, the majority the bill: I remain optimistic that on and ensuring that future generations argued against securing the border for the floor we can vote on commonsense don’t have to revisit this problem down another decade. The triggers in the bill amendments that better the bill. Seri- the road. that kicked off legalization are ineffec- ous consideration will be given to I yield the floor. tive and inefficient. amendments that strengthen our abil- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- If we pass the bill as is, there will be ity to remove criminal gang members, ator from Utah. no pressure on this administration, fu- hold perpetrators of fraud and abuse Mr. LEE. Mr. President, our current ture administrations, or those in Con- accountable, and prevent the weak- immigration system is a travesty. It is gress to secure the border. There will ening of criminal law. We must seri- inefficient, uncompassionate, and dan- be no push by the legalization advo- ously consider how the bill works to gerous. It doesn’t serve America’s eco- cates to get the job done. the detriment of the American workers nomic or social interests, and it under- This is what is so important about and find consensus around measures mines respect for the rule of law and when does legalization take place, be- that require employers to regroup and for our Democratic institutions. fore the border is secure or after the hire from homegrown talent before Fundamental reform is both badly border is secure. Once the plans are looking abroad, but also improving the needed and long overdue. That is why I

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.009 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4033 support immigration reform, and it is abuse of power. Total cost estimates she managed to get my mom and my also why I initially joined a bipartisan are in the trillions, according to some. aunt and uncle on the Baltimore and group of Senators to try to find com- Rather than fix our current immigra- Ohio Railroad train to St. Louis, MO. mon ground on this issue. But it is also tion problems, the bill makes many of They were on their way to East St. why I left that group and why today I them worse. However well-intentioned, Louis, IL, to meet my grandfather. must oppose the so-called Gang of 8 im- the Gang of 8 bill is just an immigra- Just one floor and a few steps away is migration bill. tion version of ObamaCare. my desk for the majority whip office. At the outset of this debate, the gang That is why true immigration reform Behind my desk is a naturalization cer- promised a grand immigration bargain: must be pursued on a step-by-step tificate from my mother. I keep it as a strict border security in exchange for a basis, with individual reform measures reminder of who I am and where I came pathway to citizenship for approxi- implemented and verified in the proper from and the fact that the Durbin fam- mately 11 million illegal immigrants sequence. Happily for immigration re- ily—and in her case the Kutkaite fam- already here. Even before the bill was formers such as I, this appears to be ily—were immigrants to this country. I introduced, gang members distributed the approach being pursued in the am sure my grandmother never imag- talking points that lauded the bill’s House of Representatives. It is the only ined that one of her grandchildren beefed-up security provisions, new visa one that makes sense. would be standing here today rep- reforms, and measures that would First, let’s secure the border. Let us resenting the State of Illinois in the make the pathway to citizenship long set up a workable entry-exit system Senate of the United States. That is and tough. and create a reliable employment veri- my story, that is my family’s story, But once the gang produced actual fication system, one that protects im- and it is America’s story. legislation, and Senators, the media, migrants, citizens and businesses alike Perhaps it is partly because of this and members of the public began to from bureaucratic mistakes. Then let’s family history, but I believe immigra- read the bill, it was clear the talking fix our legal immigration system to tion is the defining positive force in points did not reflect the reality of the make sure we are letting in the immi- America. legislation itself. After pointing out grants our economy needs in the num- How can you tell when a country is glaring discrepancies between claims bers that make sense for our country. in decline, when immigrants stop want- about the bill and the actual text, Sen- Once these and other tasks—which ing to come to it. Many other devel- ators were told they would have an op- are plenty big in and of themselves— oped countries have had this experi- portunity to make changes during the are completed to the satisfaction of the ence. They have watched their econo- markup in the Judiciary Committee. American people, then we can address mies decline and fail. That has never But the four gang members on the the needs of current undocumented been the experience in America. Look committee banded together as a block workers with justice, , and at our history. Every generation, im- with Democrats to defeat virtually all sensitivity. migrants coming to our shores from substantive amendments proposed to Since the beginning of this year, around the world have made us strong- the bill. Congressional approval of the more than 40 immigration-related bills er. Immigrants do not take away. They border security plan? No. Improve inte- have been introduced in Congress be- add to society. They are hard-working rior enforcement and strengthen work- tween the House and the Senate. By a men and women with the courage to place verification? Rejected. Manage rough count, I could support more than leave everything behind and to come the flow of new legal immigrants? half of them, eight of which have Re- and try to build a new and better life Failed. Limit access to some of Amer- publican and Democratic cosponsors. for themselves and their children. ica’s most generous welfare programs? We should not risk forward progress on Every succeeding wave of immigrants, Blocked. these other bipartisan reforms just be- every generation of immigrants brings As a result, the bill that will come to cause we are unable to iron out each of new life to America. the Senate floor this week is essen- the more contentious issues. But today our immigration system is tially the same huge, complex, unpre- The Gang of 8 bill is not immigration broken and doesn’t reflect our heritage dictable, expensive, and special inter- reform. It is big government dysfunc- as a nation of immigrants. There are est-driven, big government boondoggle tion. It is an immigration version of millions of undocumented immigrants it was when it first came to the com- ObamaCare. All advocates of true im- in our country who want to be full- mittee. migration reform, advocates on both fledged Americans. They have strong The bill does not secure the border, it the left and the right side of the aisle, family values. They contribute to our doesn’t build a fence, and it doesn’t should therefore oppose it. economy and take some of the hardest create a workable biometric entry-exit I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- jobs in our Nation. But under current system for immigrants to this country. sence of a quorum. law there is no way for many of them What standards and benchmarks it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to even get in line to be legalized. We does set, the bill simultaneously grants clerk will call the roll. can’t turn our backs on the people who the Secretary of Homeland Security The assistant legislative clerk pro- are already in this Nation, already broad discretion to waive. It will, how- ceeded to call the roll. yearning to be officially part of the ever, immediately legalize millions of Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask American family. currently illegal immigrants, make unanimous consent that the order for They sit next to us in church. Their them eligible for government services, the quorum call be rescinded. kids go to school with our kids and and put them on a pathway to citizen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without grandkids. They are the ones who serve ship. objection, it is so ordered. our food at the restaurants and clean Many critics compare the gang bill to Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, this up the tables afterward. They clean our the failed 1986 immigration law, which, week we begin a historic debate. For homes. They care for our kids and similar to this one, also promised bor- the first time in 25 years we will ac- grandkids and they care for our elderly der security in exchange for amnesty tively debate the comprehensive re- parents and grandparents. but did not deliver on its promises. But form of America’s immigration laws. When I first came to the Senate in the gang bill actually reminds me of a I will be the first to admit that I 1997, I got a surprise phone call from more recent piece of legislation: come to this debate with a prejudice, Ted Kennedy. I was still pinching my- ObamaCare. Similar to the President’s with a bias. Similar to many Ameri- self, thinking I am going to serve in health care law, the gang bill was nego- cans, I am the child of an immigrant. the same place as Ted Kennedy. He tiated in secret by insiders and special In 1911, 102 years ago, my grand- said: I have a request for you, Dick. I interests who then essentially offered mother came to this country with would like you to be a member of my it to Congress as a single take-it-or- three little children. One of those chil- Immigration Subcommittee on Senate leave-it proposition. dren was my mother. She was 2 years Judiciary. He was the chairman. I ac- The bill grants broad new powers to old when she arrived in America, in cepted his invitation. the same executive branch that is Baltimore. My grandmother didn’t I had sat in that gallery and watched mired in scandal for incompetence and speak a word of English, but somehow Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:36 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.011 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 Bobby Kennedy on the floor of the Sen- bottom line on our side of the table, for all of the Federal law enforcement ate. I was just a student at the time. I too: a tough but fair path to citizen- agencies—FBI, Secret Service, Drug thought, I am going to have a chance ship offered to 11 million undocu- Enforcement Administration, Alcohol, now to sit in the same committee room mented immigrants. We met for 4 Tobacco, Firearms, and U.S. Marshals with this man and speak to the issue of months. We met 24 times, long and dif- Office. We spend more than that each immigration. I didn’t think 16 years ficult sessions. A couple of those ses- year on the border and now we will in- later I would be standing on the floor sions I thought were the last ones, we vest even more. of the Senate, with Senator Kennedy would not be back another day, but we For those who argue we are not seri- gone, and we would still be struggling returned. We made concessions. Every- ous about border protection, believe to fix America’s broken immigration body gave a little. At the end of the me, we are. The investments will be system. We have been through a lot in day we reached an agreement. made with the very best technology, that period of time. We announced in January our set of with the advice and cooperation of the Twelve years ago I wrote a bill called principles and then we started the States affected by these decisions, to the DREAM Act. That bill would allow hardest part, drafting the actual legis- make that border as safe as humanly immigrant students who came to the lation. By the middle of April we fi- possible. We have made amazing United States as children to earn their nally had a bill almost 850 pages, if I progress. citizenship by attending college or am not mistaken. It is here now. I We can do more. The Border Patrol serving in the military. I have been probably ought to take a look and agents, over 20,000 of them at work fighting to make that the law of the make sure I got the page numbers cor- today, are better staffed than at any land. I have called it for a vote on the rect. This version is a lot longer be- time in the 88-year history of that Senate floor. We have received major- cause it is the committee substitute, agency. The Department of Homeland ity votes, but I could never ever break but it is more than 850 pages. Security has completed 651 miles of the filibuster. I could never get the 60 We heard testimony in the Senate border fencing out of the 652 miles votes I needed. Judiciary Committee from dozens of mandated by Congress. I was a skeptic In the last decade, with the leader- witnesses, supporters, and opponents. when they said they would put fences ship of Senator Ted Kennedy and Sen- Then in May we sat down for a mark- on the border. I really was. My belief ator JOHN MCCAIN, we have made seri- up, which is where we actually amend was if you build a 10-foot fence it was ous efforts to pass comprehensive im- the bill. I have been a member of the an invitation for a 12-foot ladder, and migration reform legislation, but we Judiciary Committee for 15 years and I my belief was they could easily over- have always fallen short. have never been through a markup like come it. They put fences in places Prior to this particular debate, I can that. Senator PAT LEAHY of Vermont, where they could work and they put recall sitting in a room right off the President pro tempore of the Senate, other devices in places where fences Senate floor with another young Sen- chairman of the Senate Judiciary Com- won’t work. Significant results have ator named Barack Obama working on mittee, pledged he would make this been shown. Cities on the southern bor- immigration reform. It has been our markup open and fair to both sides— der are among the safest in the coun- challenge. Now the Senate is going to and he did. It took us 3 weeks. We met try. Violent crimes in the border take up this issue again this week. 5 times for a total of 37 hours on this States have dropped an average of over This is the best chance we have had in bill. More than 300 amendments were 40 percent over the past 20 years and 25 years to finally get this job done. offered. We debated and voted on 212 of the top 4 big cities in America with the Six months ago I sat down for the them, including 112 by Republicans and lowest rates of violent crime are all in first time with seven other Senators, 100 by Democrats. Mr. President, 136 border States: San Diego, Phoenix, El four Republicans and three other amendments, or changes, were adopted Paso, Austin. Democrats. On my side of the table: and all but 3 of those 136 passed with a Our bill will do more. We set a clear, CHUCK SCHUMER of New York, chairman bipartisan vote. The spirit of biparti- tough target for border security. The of the Immigration Subcommittee; sanship was in the Senate Judiciary bill requires the Border Patrol to have Senator BOB MENENDEZ, a leader with Committee as it was in our meetings 100-percent persistent surveillance of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus; and leading up to it. the southwest border. In other words, Senator MICHAEL BENNET of Colorado, Finally came the vote for reporting the Border Patrol will have to be able who knows this issue firsthand from the bill out of committee. It was one of to see in real time every single person his State; on the other side of the those historic moments which no Sen- who crosses that southwest border ille- table, JOHN MCCAIN; Senator MARCO ator present will ever forget. When gally. We also required a 90-percent ef- RUBIO of Florida; Senator LINDSEY Chairman LEAHY announced the 13-to-5 fectiveness rate for southwest border GRAHAM of South Carolina; and JEFF vote in favor of this measure, the room sectors. In other words, the Border Pa- FLAKE of Arizona. They started calling erupted in applause and cheers. People trol will have to stop 90 percent of all us the Gang of 8. I have been in so stood up at their seats and came up people who attempt to enter the coun- many gangs around here, I think I need and embraced one another, realizing we try illegally in each border sector. It to get some tattoos, but I am not like- had just made history. requires the Department of Homeland ly to do that. But these gangs are con- Let me go through the basics of the Security to create a southern border structive efforts to solve problems. bill. First, our bill will secure the bor- security plan and a southern border This is a diverse group. Think about der and stop future illegal immigra- fencing strategy within 6 months after sitting across the table from MCCAIN, tion. The border of the United States the bill is passed. The border security RUBIO, GRAHAM, and FLAKE. There sits today is safer and stronger than it has plan will spell out the personnel, infra- SCHUMER, DURBIN, MENENDEZ, and BEN- ever been in 40 years. We have invested structure, and technology necessary to NET—a lot of differences. But what billions of dollars. We have doubled the achieve this 90-percent effectiveness brought us together was the realization number of Federal personnel working rate. that if we couldn’t reach an agreement, on the border, monitoring the coming The bill approves $3 billion for this neither would the Senate. If we and going of people across that border border plan, $1.5 billion more for a couldn’t bridge the differences between every single day. We have reached a fencing strategy. If the Department of Democrats and Republicans, conserv- level of competence and security we Homeland Security does not reach 90 atives and others in our negotiations, never dreamed of. Now we are going to percent effectiveness within 5 years, the Senate never would. do more. We have promised the Repub- the Border Commission, made up of We set out to get the job done. Sev- licans at the table we will secure that southwestern State officials and bipar- eral times I wasn’t sure if we were border with even more technology and tisan Presidential and congressional going to be successful. more investment. appointees, is empowered to employ The Republicans had a bottom line. Each year we spend about $18 billion additional steps to secure the border. They wanted strong measures to secure policing the border between the United Our bill appropriates up to $2 billion in our border with Mexico and to prevent States and Mexico—$18 billion. That is additional spending, if necessary, for future illegal immigration. We had a more than the combined expenditures those measures. Anyone who takes a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.029 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4035 look at this—and you will hear many mation about the person sitting across His preference was to stay here. We re- of the critics in the next few weeks say the table, pushes the button and waits quire in this bill that if you have an ‘‘they are just not serious about the to see if the photo that comes across advanced degree in STEM subjects— border’’—believe me, we are. We have the computer screen is the same photo science, technology, engineering, and been. We continue to be. We put the re- as the one that has been presented. math—an advanced degree, and you sources on the table, with the coopera- There is the verification. The employ- have a job offer, that you be offered a tion of the States bordering Mexico, to ment can continue to go forward. green card. A green card is a path to le- make sure we have done absolutely ev- Our bill will reform our legal immi- galization and citizenship. I think that erything within our human capability gration system to strengthen our econ- is a smart thing to do. to keep that border safe and strong and omy, our families, and our workers. We I can recall attending the graduation secure. need to ensure that families who have at the same school a few years back Of course, improving border security been separated for many years can be where it seemed every advanced degree overlooks one very obvious weakness: finally reunited. Employers should be was going to someone from or Forty percent of the undocumented im- given a chance to hire an immigrant South Asia. I thought to myself: What migrants in the United States did not worker when truly needed, but first— a sad situation. We are handing them cross the border illegally. They came and I insisted on this throughout—we advanced degrees, which they earned in into the United States legally on visas: require that you have to offer the job the United States at the best schools, students, visitors. Similar visas were to an American before you bring in a and we are handing them a map on how given to them and they overstayed. foreign worker. to find their way back to O’Hare and They were supposed to come to go to Our first obligation, whatever State leave. college and they stayed after college. we represent, is to the people we rep- This is a better approach. If there is They were supposed to come for a vaca- resent, particularly those who are out a job offer, we need to keep this talent tion or family event and they over- of work. This bill requires when there in America. It will not just employ stayed their visas, so 40 percent of the is a job opening, before you can offer it that person, it will employ many oth- undocumented people overstayed their to a foreign worker you must offer it to ers who can work for the companies visas. We address that. an American. Maybe they cannot fill they are going to help. Employers, This bill requires the electronic the job. Maybe they do not have the under our bill, will be given a chance to tracking of people who enter and exit qualifications. Maybe you need some hire temporary foreign workers when America. We require, in this bill, that specialty. Then you can go forward they truly need them, after they have all visas, passports, and other travel under specific conditions here, with tried to recruit Americans for the same documents for immigrants who are en- limitations, in hiring that foreign jobs. We also require that any em- tering or exiting the United States be worker. ployer who hires a foreign worker must in the form of a machine-readable doc- We have been told by the business pay a fee to be set aside for a fund to ument which can be scanned as they community, especially high tech, that help train Americans. enter and leave the country so we will there is a need for more high-skilled Let’s put the cards on the table here. know who is coming and going. The bill workers in our country. Last week I If you go to the graduation ceremonies mandates this machine-readable sys- went to the Illinois Institute of Tech- at these schools, the best engineering tem be interoperable with the data- nology in Chicago. There was an incu- schools in America, you will find a ma- bases that are used by Federal immi- bator there. In small suites of offices, jority of foreign students. That is the gration and law enforcement agencies amazing things are underway. Some of reality today. So let’s change the re- and the intelligence community. We them I cannot even explain to you. I ality. Let’s take the fees we will col- are trying to integrate all of this infor- am a liberal arts lawyer, OK? The clos- lect when these foreign workers, mation about people coming and going est I ever got to real science was polit- trained in the United States, are and living in this country, to make us ical science and that doesn’t count. I brought here to work—take the fees safer and make the system work. tried to listen and absorb as much as I and create, as we do in this bill, schol- This gives the authorities real-time could about what they were doing at arships and college funds for American access to information to connect the this fabulous institution. Some of the engineering students. Let’s grow our dots across law enforcement data things they are doing there are dra- own in this country. Let’s make sure bases, including the FBI fingerprint matically reducing the cost of pro- we have young people coming out of check, name check, and the NCIC list. ducing biological vaccines and medi- our high schools and colleges who are The new machine-readable entry-exit cines—medicines that are used, for ex- prepared to get advanced degrees who system will access this information ample, in cancer therapy—to cut the are from America. There is nothing when determining whether to issue a cost in half. They have been experi- wrong with that. That is our first obli- visa or deny entry. menting on new ways to do that. gation, and this bill will do that. I say to those observing this debate, I met a young man named Bo Sung, In Illinois, more than 40 percent of when you hear just the two things I from China. The man who was intro- the students who earned master’s or have mentioned, you have to say this ducing us was from India himself and doctoral degrees in a STEM field are bill, S. 744, is going to make America he was the head of the project. He said: temporary nonimmigrants. safer. The border is going to be strong- ‘‘This young man came to the Illinois In 2011, almost 2,700 specialists in ad- er. We are going to know who is com- Institute of Technology, and to Chi- vanced fields such as computer science, ing and going in America. cago, to get an advanced degree. He is programming, and biomedicine who And there is more. We also need to possibly,’’ he said, ‘‘the smartest stu- earned degrees in Illinois could not ob- address the job magnet that brings ille- dent I have ever had in any class— tain visas upon their graduation. Yet gal, undocumented people into the straight As in China, learned English in Illinois alone we will need 320,000 United States. We need to make it and came here to learn more.’’ He is STEM graduates in the next 5 years. more difficult to hire undocumented working on this project. I got to meet It makes no sense. They are trained people. Our bill does it. We require all him. He was kind of shy, friendly, in a at the best schools in Illinois, we need employers to use a mandatory elec- way, standing off to the side. They them in Illinois, and then we tell them tronic employment verification system brought him over. to leave? to verify the employees are legal. Job I said to him: Let me ask you, Mr. It makes no sense. applicants would have to show identi- Sung, would you be interested in stay- Our bill allows employers to sponsor fying documents such as a U.S. pass- ing in the United States and developing for a green card any student who grad- port, drivers license, or biometric work this project? uates from a U.S. school with an ad- authorization card that includes photo He said: If I could, I would. vanced degree in STEM fields if they identification. The employer in any Here was a man, brought for edu- will be working in a STEM job. We also business, in any town across America, cation in the United States, who will have a significant increase in H–1B with access to a computer goes to the soon be given a choice to go back to visas for skilled workers. We now have E-Verify system, enters the vital infor- China or to stay in the United States. a limit of about 65,000 H–1B visas a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:36 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.031 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 year. It can go up to 115,000, depending de facto amnesty. We have 11 million dents in our public schools. It has on the supply and demand, and even as undocumented people, and we don’t worked miracles. One hundred percent high as 180,000. have a law to apply—at least not one of the kids in the Merit Music Program For the first time employers will be that is enforced on a regular basis. Our go to college. Well, Tereza Lee was one required to post the job on the Depart- new law, if passed, will create a level of them. ment of Labor Web site for 30 days be- playing field. It turned out Tereza Lee was an ac- fore they hire a foreign worker, which According to the Center for Amer- complished music student who learned goes back to the point I made earlier— ican Progress, if our bill becomes law, the piano. They finally gave her a key first, the job is offered to an American. undocumented immigrants will in- to the Merit Music Program building Under current law, employers are crease their earnings by 15 percent over because it was warm, and she liked to permitted to pay H–1B visa holders 5 years, leading to $832 billion in eco- stay there late at night and play the substandard wages. We changed it. We nomic growth and $109 billion in tax piano. She got so good they said: You raised the wages to be paid to the H–1B revenue over the next 10 years. It also have to apply to the Juilliard School of workers. We don’t want to create the will create an estimated 121,000 jobs. Music and the Manhattan School of incentive to bring in low-wage foreign I have sat down with workers, par- Music in New York. workers. We want a good wage to be of- ticularly union workers, in my State. She got the papers—— fered to an American first. They say: Senator, what are you doing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We also take important steps to to us? You are bringing in all of these ator’s time has expired. crack down on the biggest abuse of H– people who will now be competing with Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask for 1B visas—outsourcing of American us in the workplace. 4 additional minutes. jobs. When most people think of H–1B I asked them to stop for a moment The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without visas, which are visas to bring in pro- and reflect on the following: These un- objection, it is so ordered. fessionals, most people think of high- documented workers are competing Mr. DURBIN. She had the application tech companies such as Microsoft and with them today. We can find a brick to fill out, and it asked for her citizen- Google hiring engineers they need and layer, a plumber, somebody who can ship and nationality. At that point, she paying them top dollar. The reality put on a roof in virtually any major turned to her mom and said: What today is dramatically different. city in America, and many of those should I put there? In fiscal year 2012 all of the top 10 H– folks are undocumented. In many cases Her mom said: I don’t know. When we 1B visa applicants were outsourcing they are getting paid many times less brought you here, you were on a visi- foreign firms. These 10 companies used than a minimum wage, and they are tor’s visa, but we never filed any more 40 percent of all the H–1B visas. Under competing with other workers legally papers. current law employers can legally use here in America. We change all of that. Tereza said: What are we going to do? the H–1B visa program for outsourcing. They come forward, identify them- Her mom said: Let’s call Senator We changed it. We phased out the selves, and they are bound by the laws DURBIN. abuse of the H–1B system so that those of this country. It is going to help They called my office, and we using the H–1B program will be actu- them ultimately, but it helps workers checked the law. The law was not very ally hiring the employees they need. in general so they are not facing this kind to a young person in that cir- One of the items in this bill near and unfair competitive advantage. cumstance. It said she had to leave dear to all of us—certainly on our side I see Senator CORNYN is here, and I America immediately and stay away of the table—is a path to citizenship. want to give him a chance to say a few for 10 years and apply to come back. During the last Presidential cam- words. But first I want to close by She was 17 years old. It didn’t make paign one of the candidates on the speaking about two things before I do. any sense. She didn’t do anything other side advocated what he called At the beginning I mentioned that 12 wrong. She was brought here as a baby. self-deportation—that is the phrase he years ago I introduced the DREAM I introduced the DREAM Act. The used—of undocumented immigrants Act. The DREAM Act was a response to DREAM Act said young people who who are currently living in our coun- a call to my office in Chicago. There came to the United States under the try, to leave. He was basically forcing was a young girl in the city of Chicago same circumstance as Tereza and were undocumented people to leave. who came to that city from Korea brought here before the age of 16, fin- It wouldn’t work, it is impractical, through Brazil. Her mother and father ished high school, had no serious crimi- and I think it is fundamentally wrong. brought her into Chicago with her nal issues, and could finish at least 2 Instead, we need a fair and firm solu- brother and sister, and they were very years of college or enlist in the mili- tion strengthening our national secu- poor. tary would have a chance for citizen- rity and our economy that is true to Her father wanted to be a minister ship. I have been trying to pass that our heritage as a nation of immigrants. and have a church. He never realized ever since. Our legislation creates a tough but fair that dream, and he stayed at home and These DREAMers, which they now path to citizenship. prayed for that dream every day. Her call themselves, have started stepping What it boils down to is we need to mother finally said: Somebody has to forward and telling their stories. They say to the 11 million undocumented earn some money. So she went to work are in some peril when they do this, people in America: If you can prove at a local dry cleaners. but they want America to know who you were here continuously before De- Well, the kids were raised in a one- they are. Some of them have amazing cember 31, 2011, you have a chance to room efficiency with hammocks so stories to tell. step forward, register with the govern- they could sleep, get by with what lit- I will tell two stories very quickly. ment, and submit yourself to a back- tle they had, and it was a pretty des- This is Alejandro Morales. He was ground check. If there is a serious perate circumstance. This young brought to the United States from problem with your criminal back- woman, whose name is Tereza Lee, had Mexico at the age of 7 months and ground, you are finished. Leave. You to basically go to school and look raised in Chicago. His dream was to be- cannot become a citizen. But if there is through the wastebasket after lunch to come a U.S. marine. He enrolled in the not, you can pay your taxes, pay a fine, find food that other kids had thrown Marine Math and Science Academy in live legally in America, work legally in away so she could eat. That is how des- Chicago and excelled in school in the America, travel, and come back into perate she was. Young Marines Program. He eventually this country, and work towards citizen- Somewhere along the way she was in- rose to become the City Corps staff ship over time. vited to become part of the Merit commander, the highest ranking cadet It is a long process. They will be Music Program. What a wonderful pro- of 11,000 junior ROTC students in Chi- monitored. They will be forced to learn gram. About 10 years ago a woman in cago. English to make sure they and their Chicago said: As my legacy, I want to In a letter he wrote to me he said: children can be part of America and its create the Merit Music Program which I want to serve and fight to protect my future. We would do this over a 13-year offers free musical instruments and country. I am an American; I know nothing period of time. What we have today is musical instruction to the poorest stu- but the United States.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:40 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.033 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4037 Last week, in a sad, tragic, mean- 10 years ago. I have sponsored legisla- tion across our borders occurs—I be- spirited vote, the House of Representa- tion—most notably with the former lieve there are dramatic improvements tives passed an amendment to deport Senator Jon Kyl in 2005—called the needed in this bill when it comes to se- DREAMers such as Alejandro. It is a Comprehensive Border Security and curing America’s borders and pro- shameless display of lack of under- Immigration Reform Act. moting public safety, and those cannot standing of this fine young man and The legislation I have worked on be disentangled from one another. thousands more just like him who want since I have been in the Senate has We know that the same border that to be a part of America’s future. Losing dealt with virtually every aspect of the allows somebody who wants to come him will not make us any stronger. issues that immigration touches on— into this country to work and have a Let me introduce another DREAMer. from high-skilled visas and guest work- better life—certainly something we can This is Issac Carbajal and his mother er programs to border security to en- all understand and empathize with— Victoria. Issac was brought to the hancement of our ports of entry. The also permits drug cartels and human United States from Mexico when he staffing at those ports of entry is im- traffickers to penetrate our borders was 5 years old. They settled in the portant. It makes it possible for legiti- and apply their dangerous trade. suburb of Portland, OR, and he went to mate commerce and trade to go back We have also learned over time that high school there. A military recruiter and forth, most notably, with Mexico our 2,000-mile southern border is very told Issac he could have a promising which shares 1,200 miles of common diverse. In other words, if a person is career in the Armed Forces. border with my State of Texas. from California and their view is that He sought the advice of a family As a result of that bilateral ex- the border of the San Diego area where friend, Dr. John Braddock. John and change, 6 million jobs are created in they have double-fencing and mounted his wife Kim came to think of Issac as the United States alone. I believe I patrols, in essence, by the Border Pa- another son. Issac met the Braddock have been involved in some of the trol—that may well work to control family shortly after arriving in this toughest parts of the immigration de- the border in San Diego, but it may not country. bate, and as I have joked to my staff work in Arizona or in Texas. As a mat- In a letter to me John wrote that and family, I have the scars to prove it. ter of fact, we have seen dramatic im- Issac ‘‘loved this country, his coun- The truth is this is a new topic in provements in Arizona. Two of the try.’’ They both believed the recruiter many ways to so many Members of the Members of the Gang of 8, Senator who told Issac he could enlist in the Senate because 43 Senators have come MCCAIN and Senator FLAKE, have been military and apply for citizenship in 2 to this Chamber since the last time we very diligent in working on those years. debated this topic in 2007. While the issues in their State. In January 2011 when Issac went to Senate Judiciary Committee has had However, I must tell my colleagues San Diego to enlist in the military, he the opportunity to vote on this impor- that, coming from the State of Texas, was immediately arrested, turned over tant legislation, the rest of the body where we have the longest extension of to ICE, and deported to Tijuana the has not had a chance to weigh in and uncontrolled border in the country, next day. He was dropped off alone in a offer their contributions, hopefully, there is a lot of work that needs to be country he had not seen in almost 15 with an eye toward improving the bill done because of this diversity, and that years with no identification and noth- and making it something of which we is the spirit in which I intend to offer ing but $18 in his pocket. can be proud. amendments to help improve border se- Now he is barred from returning to When I first read the bill produced by curity and public safety. the United States for 10 years. He the so-called Gang of 8, I saw many im- Now, the bill grants permanent legal originally went to enlist in the mili- provements in our current broken im- status to millions of undocumented im- tary. Although it has been almost 21⁄2 migration system. For example, the migrants as currently written without years since he has been deported, he bill, as written by the Gang of 8 and any guarantee of securing the border. still wants to come back and serve in now passed out of the Judiciary Com- How would that possibly be a good the Armed Forces of the United States. mittee, allowed more STEM graduates; idea? In other words, there are many There are so many stories just like that is, graduates from our colleges Americans who, in their humanity and this of these DREAMers who want to and universities with math, science, out of simple human compassion, un- make this a better Nation. The strong- and engineering degrees, to gain admis- derstand that the 12 million or 11 mil- est DREAM Act provisions that have sion to our country as legal permanent lion people who are currently undocu- ever been crafted are included in this residents and eventually citizens. Fur- mented or who are in illegal status in bill and agreed to on a bipartisan basis. ther, I think the bill makes some im- this country—they understand we are Let’s pass this bill. Let’s end this de- provements in terms of family unifica- not going to do a massive deportation bate after a fulsome exchange of ideas tion. It brings families together who of those 12 million people. It is just not and amendments. Let’s end this debate are split because of archaic and un- going to happen. What they would be with a strong bipartisan vote that says workable provisions in our immigra- willing to do is to accept a legal status both Republicans and Democrats un- tion law. I think the bill also helps for those individuals if they can be as- derstand that this Nation of immi- take an important step toward regain- sured the immigration bill that is actu- grants must renew its commitment to ing the public’s confidence. ally passed will work as advertised. every generation to our heritage. We The Federal Government is actually Those eligible for immediate legal- need to renew our commitment to up to writing laws that can be enforced ization under the current bill would in- those people in our families who had and will actually work as advertised. clude those already deported immi- the courage to get up and come to this That is where the E-Verify provisions grants as well as people who have been great Nation, face great sacrifice, and are so important. It makes sure em- convicted of serious crimes such as do- succeed and build what we call home: ployers only hire people who are le- mestic violence, child abuse, and drunk the United States of America. gally eligible to work in this country. driving. How could that possibly be a Now it is our turn. Let’s not only In that same vein, this bill as origi- good idea? We need to fix those provi- prove we can do the right thing for nally written would provide some en- sions and fix the bill in the process. them and the heritage of this Nation, hanced penalties to employers who Meanwhile, unfortunately, this bill let’s prove that every once in a while would game the system by evading also weakens current law with regard this great institution of the Senate can legal workers and hiring people who to people entering the country legally actually get some important work cannot legally work in the United but failing to leave when their visa ex- done. States. pires. This is the so-called biometric I yield the floor. All of these provisions enjoy broad entry-exit system which has been the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- bipartisan support. Yet, coming from a law of the land since 1996. When we publican whip. border State, as I said—one that shares wonder why people are skeptical about Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, we have 1,200 miles of common border with the Federal Government’s commitment been working on immigration reform Mexico, through which the over- to actually enforce the law as written, ever since I came to the Senate about whelming majority of illegal immigra- exhibit A is this 1996 requirement for a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:40 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.034 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 biometric entry-exit system that has the last quarter century, and the trail alternatives to fixing our broken immi- never been implemented. Visa of broken promises, as I said, goes back gration system; they are complements overstays account for 40 percent of ille- to 1986 when Congress passed an am- to the kinds of sensible reforms Mem- gal immigration. Don’t we want to fix nesty program while assuring voters bers of both parties have endorsed. In- that provision of the bill? Yes, we they would see results on border secu- deed, the provisions of my amendment should, and, yes, we will if my amend- rity and enforcement. As everyone actually build on the framework cre- ment is adopted. knows, we got the amnesty but not the ated by the bipartisan Gang of 8 pro- This bill also hides from law enforce- enforcement in 1986, and the under- posal. The difference is, again, that we ment officials certain critical informa- lying bill suffers the same problems. At don’t just make the promises, we don’t tion necessary to detect fraud. One of the very least, we should try to learn just require the issuance of a plan, we the big problems with the 1986 amnesty from history and not repeat it. Unfor- actually require metrics to measure that Ronald Reagan signed based on tunately, the underlying bill fails to success, and we hold the feet of Con- the premise that there would be en- acknowledge those lessons we should gress and the bureaucracy to the fire to forcement and no need to ever provide have learned about steps we need to make sure those metrics and those another amnesty again, that this take in order to guarantee results rath- goals are actually achieved. would actually be enforced, was that er than make repetitive promises we Even as we debate the most con- there was so much fraud associated ultimately don’t keep. troversial issues, we should be doing with it because of the confidentiality I understand why the American peo- everything possible to promote the requirements of the law. Those same ple don’t trust Washington. I under- type of legal immigration that benefits mistakes have been repeated in the un- stand why they dismiss some border se- our society and our economy as well. It curity promises as rhetoric. That is derlying bill, and that needs to be is with that spirit in mind that I will why my RESULTS amendment is so fixed. be introducing at a later time my RE- important and essential to accom- My amendment—something we call SULTS amendment, and I encourage plishing the goal of bipartisan immi- the RESULTS amendment because we my colleagues to take a look at it and need not just new promises, we need gration reform. As I said, right now Congress and join me in strengthening this under- actual results—fixes these problems. lying bill, making it more likely, not First, it requires the Department of Washington have a major credibility less likely, that we will actually pass a Homeland Security to gain complete problem. No one believes we are actu- bill that will be taken up by the House situational awareness and full oper- ally serious about actually securing of Representatives and eventually be ational control of the Southwestern the borders and stopping the hem- presented to the President for his sig- border, with ‘‘operational control’’ de- orrhaging of humanity across our fined as at least a 90-percent apprehen- southern border into the United States, nature. Madam President, I yield the floor. sion rate of illegal border crossers. Ul- including not just people who want to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. timately, the goal needs to be not just work but people who are up to no good—the human traffickers and the HIRONO). The Senator from Alabama. focused on how many we apprehend but Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I drug dealers. I am afraid the Gang of 8 on deterrence. Law enforcement gen- wish to express my appreciation to the bill in its current form would make erally operates when people are de- Senator from Texas. He is a superb terred from violating the law because this problem worse. So I believe the member of the Judiciary Committee. they fear being captured and the pun- true poison pill would be the failure to He offered an amendment to this effect ishment that goes along with it. So take sensible measures by adopting in the committee. I thought it should that ultimately needs to be our goal, amendments such as mine which are have passed. It would have helped with but it will never happen unless we cap- designed to actually solve the problem a flawed bill. But it was voted down. I ture at least 90 percent of the people and guarantee results rather than ig- know that he is working even harder who come across, thus sending the nore this important credibility gap now, and I know that whatever he pro- message that the American border is Washington has. poses will be the kind of legislation now secure. As I said, we do not need promises, My amendment would also require we need results, and that is what my that will strengthen this bill. the use of a biometric exit system at amendment would provide. Instead of I share with the American people a all airports and seaports where Cus- enacting so-called triggers that are deep frustration with the current failed toms and Border Protection is cur- just really talking points disguised as operation of our immigration system rently deployed, and it requires na- policy, it is time for us to adopt real and share some fundamental principles tional implementation of E-Verify. triggers that condition the pathway to of immigration reform that have been Again, that system will allow employ- citizenship on Washington and the bu- expressed by the Gang of 8. ers not to be the police but to have a reaucracy and Congress hand-in-hand The Gang of 8 has said the current simple and easy way to verify that the working to make sure the law is en- system is broken. I agree. But more ac- individuals who present themselves for forced as written. curately, we should say the current law employment at their place of business The majority leader reportedly, ac- and procedures are not being properly are legally qualified to work in the cording to Politico, has somehow carried out and are resulting in monu- United States. called my amendment a poison pill. We mental illegality in our country— The biggest difference between my have heard that kind of language be- something that is not worthy of a great amendment and the underlying bill is fore. This is an effort designed to dis- nation. that my amendment guarantees re- courage those who would actually cre- The Gang of 8 says that we must sults, while the Gang of 8 proposal ate a workable, results-driven immi- toughen our approach to border secu- merely promises results. gration reform system from even offer- rity and that we can do better. They I have to tell my colleagues that per- ing their ideas. The irony is the major- implicitly, even openly acknowledge haps with all of the confluence of scan- ity leader hasn’t even read my amend- that our government officials have a dals occurring in Washington, DC, in- ment because it hasn’t been reduced to long history of failed border enforce- cluding the IRS debacle and the Health legislative language yet. He has pre- ment and that they cannot be reason- and Human Services Secretary shaking maturely called it a poison pill. In fact, ably trusted to enforce the law. So down and raising money from the very the true poison pill would be failure to even when the American people plead people she regulates, there is a lot of adopt such a sensible approach that with our government to do something what I would call a confidence deficit would guarantee results so that when about the illegality, for decades this in Washington, DC—particularly given it goes to the House, we can see we are government has failed to do so. Washington’s abysmal record in enforc- actually serious about delivering an I agree that the gang has touched on ing our immigration laws. But it is im- immigration reform bill that functions something important. But the gang ac- portant to distinguish between prom- as advertised and not just another se- knowledges, in effect, the governing ises and results. ries of hollow promises. class and the activists and special in- Remember, the Federal Government Strengthening border security and terests want amnesty, and these groups has promised to secure our border for enhancing interior enforcement are not lack interest in or a will to sustain a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:40 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.035 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4039 policy of fair enforcement in the fu- million people immigrating here every the proamnesty group, America’s ture. They say we have to guard year, but they do want the system fol- Voice, said Democratic Senators pri- against that, but that is what happened lowed fairly. vately reassured amnesty advocates before. They acknowledge that. And I The Gang of 8, in their public state- that the border commission—one of the agree. ments, seem to say that is what good so-called triggers—would not be con- To ensure that amnesty does not policy should be. That is what they structed in a way that would hold up take effect immediately, with only have been talking about. That is what the amnesty process for too long. He promised enforcement in the future— they expect the American people to said the Democrats cannot ‘‘allow the which never occurs, it seems, as hap- hear about their legislation. That is commission to have a real veto’’ over pened in the 1986 amnesty bill—they what they have promised them they setting in motion the path to citizen- have promised that they have triggers are working on, and that has been pro- ship. He also noted that the Democrats that ensure amnesty will not result un- duced and laid out here. see the commission as ‘‘something that less enforcement occurs. That is the They say they, too, are upset about gives the Republicans a talking promise: We have triggers and we have what is happening. They say their plan point’’—a talking point—to claim they mechanisms so that you cannot get will end illegality in the future, and it are prioritizing tough enforcement, amnesty unless enforcement occurs. is the toughest immigration law in his- giving themselves cover to back a proc- We have a guarantee of that, and we tory. One Senator of the gang in the ess that ‘‘won’t stop people from get- will ensure that happens. committee said it was ‘‘tough as ting citizenship.’’ So I agree with the sentiment and nails.’’ Thus, without equivocation, In other words, the gang apparently this concern because we know what has they say we must have enforcement. seemed to be quite happy to allow peo- been happening. I have been engaged in But it is in the future, and we have a ple to go out and make these promises. this debate since I have been in the plan where you can sleep well at night But to the people who are actively en- Senate, but I do not agree their legisla- and know it is going to happen. gaged for amnesty, they said: Do not tion comes close to fulfilling this So that is the fundamental test of worry about it. It is not going to keep promise. It just does not. That is the where we are in this legislation. There anybody from getting their full legal- rub. The comprehensive immigration are a lot of problems with the bill—a ity and eventually citizenship. bill does not fix our failing system. The lot of very serious problems—and we This should be a concern because the provisions, the faux triggers, the ex- will talk about them. But I think fun- American people are unhappy with pression of interest in fencing, commis- damentally the question is just: Have their government. The American peo- sions, will work no better than current our sponsors laid forth a strategy that ple have asked for a lawful system of law. It will not end the illegality in the will work? immigration for 30 years, and the Con- future. Let’s examine the key components of gress has refused to do so. They have So I will discuss some of the flaws in any system that is laid out, see how it passed laws that they have said will their plan today, but I want to make deals with them. There are two ways to work and never have had them effec- one thing clear. I think most Ameri- become an illegal resident of America. tively carried out, never effectively cans believe in immigration. I know One is to come by visa, overstay that ending the illegality, and the American they do. Most Americans are concerned visa, and just not return home. Forty people are unhappy about it. about people who have been here a very percent of the people here illegally I have suggested Mr. Sharry’s state- long time and have had no real prob- came legally by visa, but they just re- ment is a good indication that the peo- lems in their lives other than the im- fused to go back home at the time ple who are behind this bill—particu- migration illegality, and they are pre- their visa expired. The other way is larly the staff and special interests and pared to reach out and do some com- simply to cross the border illegally, lawyers who have come together from passionate things for them to give and we have had that by the millions all kinds of groups to help write the them a legal status that allows them in recent years. bill—do not care about enforcement in to raise their families and their chil- This legislation does not fix the en- the future. All they care about is what dren who have become citizens. They forcement defects of either one of those they want today. That is letting the are willing to do that, but they are entry methods. I have studied this cat out of the bag, and the American concerned about the future. issue. It can be done. We can fix both of people need to be very nervous about Will we end up again, like in 1986, them. It is within our grasp. It is some- it. They have every right to be because where a bill is passed that promises en- thing we can accomplish, and I would I will talk about the history of some of forcement, but the amnesty occurs im- like to see us do so. the things that have been happening, mediately, and then the promises in Unfortunately, analysis of this bill and it should make every American the future do not ever occur? What was shows we have a problem. First, the concerned. Wimpy’s line? ‘‘I will be glad to pay Gang of 8’s written principles that they Shortly before the bill was intro- you tomorrow for a hamburger today.’’ announced at the beginning of their duced, the lead sponsor, Senator SCHU- I am glad to say we will have amnesty discussions said the path to citizenship MER, frankly and openly—this is after tomorrow, but I want the enforcement in their bill would be ‘‘contingent upon the initial comments—openly on ‘‘Meet today in concrete. securing the borders and tracking the Press’’ said this: A recent Rasmussen poll explains whether legal immigrants have left the First, people will be legalized. . . . Then how the people view this issue—actu- country when required.’’ we’ll make sure the border is secure. ally it was within the last few days. By So that is both areas: the failure to a 4-to-1 margin, people say the enforce- It is undisputed that the bill will pro- leave upon expiration of a visa and the vide amnesty first without a single ment should come first. Yes, they are illegal crossing of the border. willing to be compassionate, willing to border security or enforcement meas- Senator RUBIO went so far as to say: ure ever having to be put in place. wrestle through a fair and decent way The process of legalization . . . none of to treat people, but they do believe On Sunday, in an interview with that happens— None of that happens—until Univision, Senator RUBIO said: that enforcement should come first be- until we have been able to certify that in- cause we have not had it before. deed the workplace security thing is in First comes legalization, then comes this On this point the instincts of our place, the visa tracking is in place, and there border security measure and then comes the citizens are correct. Their compassion is some level of operational control of the permanent residency process. What we are border. talking about here is the permanent resi- is real. Their respect for the rule of law dency system. Regarding legalization, a vast is real. They know amnesty has an ero- That was in January of this year. majority of my colleagues have already ac- sive, corrosive impact on the rule of Well, that is right. We should not be cepted that: that it must take place and that law, and we have to be very diligent to doing this until we can certify and we it must start at the same time we start with ensure in the future that we are not know we have this system under con- what has to do with security. That is not creating the kind of events that erode trol. conditional. Legalization is not conditional. our law even more. People are not bi- But around the same time it was re- What he is saying is that there is no ased. They approve of our system of 1 ported that Frank Sharry, the head of condition in this bill—no requirement

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.043 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 of any security to be achieved before Secretary to certify to Congress that CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT the legalization occurs. The legaliza- she had maintained effective control The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair tion occurs without condition, and over the entire border for 6 months be- lays before the Senate a Certificate of then it is just a mere promise in the fu- fore amnesty begins, but it was re- Appointment to fill the vacancy cre- ture to effectuate a legal system that jected by a 12-to-6 vote. ated by the death of the late Senator we have not done for the last 30 years. We were told the bill would have the Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey. The Even the Wall Street Journal agrees toughest enforcement measures in the certificate, the Chair is advised, is in with that analysis. history of the United States, poten- the form suggested by the Senate. If Indeed, nothing at all needs to hap- tially in the world, and would fix the there is no objection, the reading of the pen for those eligible for the DREAM illegal immigration problem once and certificate will be waived and it will be Act and for agricultural workers am- for all. Would that not be great? That printed in full in the RECORD. nesty to receive it. Their process, is one of the Gang of 8 members on na- There being no objection, the mate- which covers roughly 4 million people tional TV, ‘‘Meet the Press,’’ recently. rial was ordered to be printed in the is not connected in any way to any Would that not be good? I think that is RECORD, as follows: trigger or enforcement measure what- something we should strive for. But STATE OF NEW JERSEY soever. does the legislation do this? The American people reject such a I see the majority leader. He ap- CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT policy. That is not what they have proved my time this afternoon. I have To: The President of the Senate of the asked for. That is what the June 7 Ras- only so much of it left. I am due to United States: mussen poll said. The Rasmussen re- have the floor until 5. I see there is im- This is to certify that, pursuant to the port says this: The bill ‘‘legalizes the portant business to be done. power vested in me by the Constitution of status of immigrants first and prom- the United States and the laws of the State I yield the floor. of New Jersey, I, Chris Christie, the governor ises to secure the border later. By a 4 of said State, do hereby appoint Jeffrey S. to 1 margin, voters want that order re- f Chiesa, a Senator from said State to rep- versed.’’ resent said State in the Senate of the United That is the polling data, and I think WELCOMING SENATOR CHIESA States until the vacancy therein caused by that is a good response from the Amer- the passing of the Honorable Frank R. Lau- ican people. They know the system has Mr. REID. Madam President, I wel- tenberg is filled by election as provided by been manipulated before. come Senator CHIESA to the Senate. I law. Madam President, I see our majority congratulate him on his appointment Witness: His excellency our governor, Chris leader. I know he is a very busy man. to fill the seat of the late Frank Lau- Christie, and our seal hereto affixed at Tren- ton this 6th day of June, in the year of our I say to Senator REID, I have some tenberg. Senator CHIESA—I am sure we will struggle with that name for a lit- Lord 2013. time left before 5 o’clock, but if you By the governor: have something that needs to be done— tle while until we get used to it, but I CHRIS CHRISTIE, Mr. REID. At 4:30. The Senator can think I have done it just about right— Governor. talk until 4:30. Go ahead and talk until has served as attorney general for the KIMBERLY M. GUADAGNO, 4:30. State of New Jersey. Secretary of State. Mr. SESSIONS. In a 2009 Department As attorney general, he has done [State Seal Affixed] of Homeland Security report, prepared some very remarkable work. He has f by the research arm for U.S. Citizen- worked with law enforcement and the ship and Immigration Services, it says State legislature to combat human ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF this: trafficking, to protect children from OFFICE Virtually all immigration experts agree predators, to crack down on gang vio- The VICE PRESIDENT. If the Sen- that it would be counterproductive to offer lence. He implemented a successful gun ator-designee will now present himself an explicit or implied path to permanent res- buyback program that took 10,000 at the desk, the Chair will administer idence status (or citizenship) during any le- weapons off the streets, including 1,200 the oath of office. galization program. That would simply en- illegal guns. The Senator-designee, escorted by courage fraud and [encourage] illegal border I commend him for his efforts to keep Mr. MENENDEZ, advanced to the desk of crossings that other features of the program seek to discourage. In fact, for that reason New Jersey’s streets safe, protecting the Vice President, the oath prescribed and from that perspective, it would be best if Americans from gun violence. As we all by law was administered to him by the the legislation did not even address future know, that was something that was Vice President, and he subscribed to permanent resident status or citizenship. very close to Senator Lautenberg’s the oath in the Official Oath Book. This a government agency making a heart. The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- plainly commonsensical statement Prior to becoming attorney general, tions, Senator. Welcome to the Senate. that is virtually undeniable. A grant of he served for 2 years as chief counsel to (Applause, Senators rising.) amnesty is going to be counter- New Jersey Governor Christie, after The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator productive, and it is the kind of thing leading the Governor’s transition from New Jersey. that would incentivize actions that our team. He spent 7 years in the U.S. At- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I policies are designed to discourage—il- torney’s Office for the District of New wish to join the distinguished majority legal entry into the United States. Jersey and more than 10 years in pri- leader and the Republican leader in Indeed, increased illegal entries into vate practice. He graduated from the welcoming my new colleague from the our country are happening right now. University of Notre Dame, got his law great State of New Jersey, JEFF The numbers are going up. Just on degree from Catholic University in the CHIESA, and his family to the Senate. I hearing that there is an amnesty plan District of Columbia and certainly be- look forward to working with him afoot, immigration illegality is in- cause of that is familiar with the Dis- closely on the issues of importance to creasing. trict of Columbia. New Jersey and to the Nation. According to the Border Patrol, so I am confident he will serve the peo- We have heard some of his exemplary far in this year 90,000 people illegally ple of New Jersey with honor. I wel- milestones in his career. He is a career crossing the border have been taken come him to the Senate. attorney and someone who has served into custody. That is 50 percent more The VICE PRESIDENT. The Repub- in public service. He certainly has the than the same time last year. And lican leader. Governor’s confidence, as is evidenced 55,000 of them—I would note for those Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I by the time he spent with him at the who are interested in this and recog- would just add, I had an opportunity to U.S. Attorney’s Office, then in the Gov- nize the international nature of it— meet with JEFF CHIESA and his wife ernor’s transition, which he led, as well 55,000 of the 90,000 are not Mexican na- earlier today. I think the Governor of as being his chief counsel and the at- tionals. New Jersey has made a wise appoint- torney general of the State of New Jer- During markup, Senator GRASSLEY ment. We look forward to working with sey, for which he has had some extraor- offered an amendment to require the him in the coming months. dinary opportunities to both protect

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:40 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.044 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4041 and promote the general welfare of the reveals that the promised enforcement think he was the one who wrote the people of the State of New Jersey. of immigration law in the future that language that was in that bill. It is JEFF’s father was a chemical plant is so critical, and the American people much stronger than this one. It was worker who died when JEFF was 8 years deserve, the American people have much stronger than what is in the bill old. So he and his two sisters were asked for, for decades, is not there. today. Actually, it had the potential to raised by his mother who was a teach- The triggers are not triggers at all. work. er. I am sure his family is very proud of In fact, it would actually weaken even Remember, this was what was said him today as the father of two chil- current law, granting the Secretary of when the bill was rolled out. Basically, dren. They are extremely proud of him Homeland Security, now Secretary they said the American people, we got for all he has done throughout his ca- Napolitano in particular, unprece- a good bill. You can trust us. The en- reer and particularly today as he be- dented power to determine how and forcement will occur because we have comes the newest Member of the Sen- when the border is secured, if ever. Re- triggers in the bill to guarantee it is ate. member, at this moment, the Sec- enforced. That is not so, is it? Col- He was asked at the press conference retary of Homeland Security is being leagues, does that not make you un- with the Governor, when the Governor sued by Federal law officers, ICE offi- easy? Should it not make the American announced him as his designee, what cers, Immigration and Customs En- people uneasy, when they have seen did he intend to accomplish in the Sen- forcement officers, of her own depart- Congress time and time again avoid ate. For those of us who have served in ment because they say she is issuing going forward with real law enforce- the Senate for a while, we know it directives to them to keep them from ment? takes a little while, and that is a tough complying with plain Federal law. The bill states that the southern bor- question to ask someone, what they In other words, she is directing them der strategy should detail a plan for are going to be able to accomplish in 5 not to comply with Federal law. The achieving and maintaining ‘‘effective months. Federal judge has taken the case and control’’ of the southern border. Effec- But I think Senator CHIESA comes at allowed it to go forward and is taking tive control is defined as ‘‘persistent a time in which we are having some testimony on it. But the bill that ille- surveillance,’’ which itself is not de- momentous debates in this Nation. gal immigrants can receive amnesty, fined, plus ‘‘an effectiveness rate of 90 Certainly, as it is ongoing on immigra- not when the border is secured but percent or higher.’’ What effectiveness tion reform, he will have an oppor- when Secretary Napolitano tells Con- rate? This is calculated by dividing the tunity to cast some critical votes in gress she is starting to try to secure number of apprehensions and that regard. I look forward to talking the border. Within 6 months of enact- turnbacks in a sector during a fiscal with him about some of those issues as ment of the legislation, Secretary year by the total number of illegal en- well as other critical issues that will Napolitano need only submit to Con- tries in the sector during that fiscal come before the country over the next gress her views on a comprehensive year. 5 months. southern border strategy and a south- But this does not account for those I look forward to working with him ern border fencing strategy and give who escape detection by the Border Pa- on behalf of the people of the State of notice that she has begun imple- trol. During her testimony before the New Jersey and our Nation. I am sure, menting whatever plans she decides to Senate Judiciary Committee, Sec- even though it is only 5 months, he is implement. At that point, she may retary Napolitano all but acknowl- going to make a significant mark in begin processing applications and edged the effectiveness rate is mean- the Senate. granting amnesty. Indeed, she will be ingless because, by definition, the De- I yield the floor and suggest the ab- doing that without any border security partment of Homeland Security has no sence of a quorum. or enforcement measures ever being re- idea how many people avoid detection. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. quired to be in place. How can you have that formula? The HIRONO.) The clerk will call the roll. The reality is, once amnesty has been measure is subject to almost limitless The legislative clerk proceeded to granted, it is never going to be re- manipulation. call the roll. voked. Under this scheme, enforcement One thing we all should remember, Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I is unlikely ever to occur. That is just having been involved in this for a num- ask unanimous consent that the order like 1986, which Senator GRASSLEY ear- ber of years now, the border should al- for the quorum call be rescinded. lier today, ranking member on the Ju- ready be secure. It should already be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without diciary Committee from Iowa, who was secure. The Secure Fence Act of 2006, objection, it is so ordered. here in 1986, says was a great failure at passed by both Houses of Congress, al- f that time. He voted for the bill. He ready requires, right now, the Depart- says it was a mistake. It was a mistake ment of Homeland Security to main- BORDER SECURITY, ECONOMIC OP- because we did not put in mechanisms tain 100-percent operational control of PORTUNITY, AND IMMIGRATION to ensure that in the future the en- all land and maritime borders and re- MODERNIZATION ACT—MOTION forcement would actually occur. quired the Homeland Security to do so TO PROCEED—Continued That is why he opposes this bill. within 18 months of the bill having Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I Frank Sharry, the head of America’s been passed in 2006. That mandate has am delighted to see the administering Voice, a pro-amnesty advocate, re- been ignored, not complied with, and of the oath to our new Senator. As a cently said about these triggers, ‘‘The the border is certainly far from 100-per- former Federal prosecutor, I know he triggers are based on developing plans cent operational control. understands much of the Federal law and spending money, not on reaching We are going to pass a new bill that we deal with around here. Having been that effectiveness’’— is even weaker than this and expect it one of those myself, I welcome him and In other words, not reaching an effec- is going to result in some major im- believe there will be many gifts and ex- tive system of security in the future— provement in law enforcement? periences he has had from that role it is not tied to that. Then he goes on By contrast, the rejected 2007 immi- that will help him serve in the Senate, to say, ‘‘which is really quite clever.’’ gration bill set a stronger target of 100- writing laws that will actually be the Really clever, is it not, to see if they percent operational control of the en- laws enforced by his former fellow can fool the American people. They tire border, which had to be met before prosecutors around the country. have written something that looks like illegal immigrants could be given the A closer examination of the legisla- a real trigger, that has teeth in it, that probationary legal status. tion before us, this is it here, over 1,000 says you do not get your amnesty and The current bill is essentially the pages now. But you have to study it be- legal status until enforcement occurs. same as the failed 1986 bill. It is legal- cause it makes all sorts of references But when we read the bill it is not ity immediately and a promise of en- to ‘‘except as provided by’’ in this sec- there. Mr. Sharry actually lays it out. forcement in the future. tion and that section and subsection In fact, in 2007, Senator ISAKSON first It is important to know that nothing E(2)(I)(1)(3) and things like that. It is came up with an idea of a trigger in the bill prevents Secretary Napoli- hard to read. But a close examination mechanism. That gained popularity. I tano from submitting a strategy—that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:40 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.046 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 is all she has to submit, is a strategy— bate—by 80 to 19 votes, with the sup- control of the issue and it will be turned over that simply reiterates her publicly port of then-Senators Biden and to the board of governors to finish the job. stated views about the border. She says Obama. Vice President BIDEN and That was Senator RUBIO on the first that the border is ‘‘more secure President Obama voted for it. It hasn’t ‘‘Mark Levin Show.’’ This commission than it has ever been.’’ come close to having been built. they talk about at the border, the mere While the bill states that Homeland I think we have 36 miles of fencing existence is left to the sole discretion Security shall start ‘‘the implementa- having been completed, when the bill of the Secretary of Homeland Security tion’’ of the plan ‘‘immediately after’’ called for 700. If we had done that, we only if she determined that Homeland submission and give notice to Congress would be in a lot better place to ask Security, her own department, ‘‘has of its commencement and provide re- the American people today, let’s be not achieved effective control’’ of the ports on its progress, nothing in the compassionate and see if we can’t do border 5 years after enactment. bill actually requires the Secretary to something kind to people who have en- Wait 5 years, and if she hasn’t done implement anything. It just doesn’t. It tered our country illegally. the job—she has certified she hasn’t is not there. All she has to do is start According to a Rasmussen’s poll in done the job, and after the legalization the amnesty process, what she intends April of this year, a substantial major- has already been granted—it is then to do, and then to submit reports in the ity of Americans want the fence built, entirely up to the Secretary to deter- future. but Congress has failed to do so. The mine whether her plans are ‘‘substan- We have heard there will be more bill would authorize $8.3 billion in addi- tially completed’’ and ‘‘substantially fencing. You have heard that talk. The tional funding to carry out all of its implemented’’—then and only then bill is going to make sure we have provisions. would the Southern Border Security more fencing. But no language in the You notice, it has some fencing lan- Commission be formed. bill requires the Secretary to construct guage in it, $1.5 billion, but what is the The bill’s proponents claim the com- any fencing at all. Rather, the bill $1.5 billion for? Is it to build a fence? mission would be ‘‘a powerful and im- states the Secretary shall submit to You can build a lot of fence with that portant policy-making body,’’ and that Congress, within 6 months of enact- much money. No. It is for the devel- the Secretary of Homeland Security ment, her views on a fencing ‘‘plan’’ to oping of a fencing strategy, and the will be compelled to implement the identify where fencing, if any, includ- other things that money would be commission’s recommendations. That ing double-layer fencing, infrastruc- spent for too. was one of the Gang of 8’s news re- ture technology, including ports of In fact, a fence does save money. leases. entry, should be deployed along the Since the fence is a force multiplier, Not so. The commission is empow- border. fewer Border Patrol agents will be ered only to make recommendations to The problem is Secretary Napolitano, needed. They can cover more miles, the President, the Secretary, and Con- who will be responsible for imple- and it reduces costs. It makes a clear gress, which are then to be reviewed by menting these provisions, has said mul- statement to the world that the United the Comptroller General. Nothing in tiple times that no further fencing is States is serious: Our borders are no the bill requires any other commis- necessary. She recently testified before longer open. Don’t come here illegally. sion’s recommendations to be imple- the Judiciary Committee that Home- If you do, we are going to apprehend mented. They don’t have any power. land Security would prefer to rely on you, and you will be disciplined in Once it makes its recommendations, drones and high-tech surveillance: some fashion and deported. If we do the commission dissolves in 30 days, We would prefer money . . . if we have our that, we will see a dramatic reduction kaput. druthers, we would not so designate a fence in the number of people coming to our As Byron York noted in the Wash- fund. country illegally. ington Examiner in his column today: Does it make more sense to use tech- During our Judiciary Committee There is nothing in the bill requiring the nology to observe people entering the markup on this legislation, an amend- commission to finish the job of border secu- country illegally, or does it make more ment sponsored by Senator LEAHY was rity, and indeed it would have no authority sense to stop them from entering? adopted that says nothing in this pro- to do so. After the Secure Fence Act was vision ‘‘shall require the Secretary to Indeed, it would have no authority to passed in 2006 requiring 700 miles of install fencing’’ if the Secretary in her do anything, really, except issue a re- double-layer fencing, they said, well, discretion determines that fencing is port. we are not going to build double-layer not necessary. Of course, she says she The second issue that deals with ille- 700 miles of fencing. We have a better doesn’t favor more fencing. gality in our country is the visa ques- idea. We are going to have a virtual In addition, the amendment requires tion. We were told the path to citizen- fence. We are going to use technology, that the Secretary consult with the ship in the bill would be ‘‘contingent balloons, and things of that nature. We Secretaries of Interior, Agriculture, upon . . . tracking whether legal immi- have this sophisticated plan. They States, local governments, Indian grants have left the country when re- spent $1 billion on that plan—totally tribes, and property owners, before she quired.’’ That has a plain meaning, abandoned; an utter failure. could ever build a fence, and to mini- have they left when required. That is what is upsetting the Amer- mize the impact on the environment, Under current law, we have a mecha- ican people in this country. Promises culture, commerce, and quality of life nism where people are fingerprinted are made. We are going to build a for residents. and they are identified when they come fence. We all vote for a fence. Then, oh, Well, you always try to do those into the country. There is no clocking no, we are not going to vote for a fence, things. All of this is an indication that out when they leave the country. we have a better idea. Then we spend $1 with regard to the question of barriers What does the bill do? Does it fix billion and get zero for it. and fencing to enhance the lawfulness that problem? Let’s look at the history This is not necessary. We can make at our border, this bill doesn’t do it. of it. The bill rolls back the require- great improvements at the border if we Actually, this bill is hostile to it. Can ments in current law, laws that were have the will to do so. The will and the you see that language in there? This passed on six different occasions by determination is what is lacking. was discussed at Judiciary. It passed in Congress since 1996 for a biometric exit Proponents of this bill have repeat- the committee. system. We have a biometric entry sys- edly said ‘‘this legislation contains the Only 36.3 miles of fencing out of the tem at some points, but not an exit toughest border immigration enforce- 700 has ever been completed. Had the system. Yet instead of forcing the ad- ment measures in U.S. history.’’ If that rest of it been completed, we would be ministration’s hand, making this hap- is the case, then why is the bill weaker in a lot better shape today. pen, this bill gives in to the executive than current law? Why is it weaker We were told: branch’s obstinacy over at least two than in 2007, the bill that was offered If, in 5 years, the [Secretary’s border secu- administrations and provides for only and rejected? Congress overwhelmingly rity] plan has not reached 100 percent aware- an ‘‘electronic,’’ not biometric, exit passed the mandate to build a fence in ness and 90 percent apprehension, the De- system, and only at air and seaports, 2006—and I was engaged in that de- partment of Homeland Security will lose not land ports.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.048 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4043 It is estimated that nearly 40 percent The Senator from Michigan. peas; No. 1 in all forms of sunflower; of the illegal population here today are Ms. STABENOW. I see the distin- No. 1 in durum wheat and spring wheat; visa overstays. GAO, our Government guished Senator from North Dakota on and we are No. 2 in sugar beets and No. Accountability Office, has repeatedly the floor. This is Senator HEITKAMP’s 2 in all wheat. So 90 percent of North said a system such as the one called for first farm bill we are about ready to Dakota’s land base—90 percent—is en- in this bill will not reliably identify vote on. She has been an extraordinary gaged in agriculture. It is the backbone visa overstays, and that without a bio- voice and really hit the ground run- of what we do. metric exit system: ning. It is my pleasure to yield 5 min- As we talk about the importance of DHS cannot ensure the integrity of the im- utes to her. public policy not only to protect our migration system by identifying and remov- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- producers but to give them opportuni- ing those people who have overstayed the ator from North Dakota. ties for certainty, I would like to talk original period of admission. Ms. HEITKAMP. Madam President, I about two unique things of which I am That is the Government Account- would first like to thank the Senator exceptionally proud. ability Office’s objective, nonpartisan from the great State of Michigan for The first is that this Crop Insurance analysis of the legislation. her incredible leadership. I met her Program will provide the safety net so Beyond violating our laws, visa over a year ago and knew she was a many of our young farmers in our overstays pose a substantial threat to force to be reckoned with, not only be- States need to get engaged in the busi- national security. Visa overstayers cause she has red hair but because she ness of farming. Why is that impor- come from all over the world. The 9/11 is someone who understands that to tant? Well, 10 years ago when I was Commission, after the 9/11 attacks, rec- move something forward, we need to still in elected office, I would go to ommended that: have compromise and we need to un- farm meetings and look around the The Department of Homeland Security, derstand that a farm bill represents the table, and everybody was in their fif- properly supported by Congress, should com- interests of the entire country, not just ties and sixties and a 50-year-old farm- plete, as quickly as possible, a biometric the interests of maybe the Great Plains er would be a young farmer. Now we go entry-exit system. States or the Southern States or even to those same meetings, and sitting In a report entitled ‘‘Tenth Anniver- our urban areas that care desperately around that table are 20- and 30- and 40- sary Report Card: The Status of the about nutrition. She understands that year-old farm families saying: We want 9/11 Commission Recommendations,’’ we need to forge a bill that can pass to engage in the business of agri- they came back together to see how both Chambers and keep our country culture. And that is good for the world well their recommendations had been moving. because we not only need to produce carried out. They praised the fact that The fact is that agriculture is a shin- our products for America, we need to we have an entry system, a biometric ing star in the American economy produce our products for the entire entry system known as US–VISIT. It today. When we look at States such as world. has been proven to be valuable, they North Dakota and Nebraska and Kan- So this is a farm bill that strikes the say, in national security too. sas and South Dakota, all agriculture- right balance. It is a farm bill that ad- Despite this successful deployment of based States, we see they did not have dresses the priorities not only of my the entry component of US–VISIT, the the deep trough of this recession be- State but hopefully the priorities of Commission notes there is still no com- cause agriculture did pretty well. And this country. There are 16 million prehensive exit system in place. As im- why did agriculture do pretty well? Be- jobs—16 million American jobs—de- portant as it is to note when foreign cause the last farm bill that was craft- pending on this bill. nationals arrive, it is also important to ed provided an appropriate balance of The second point I wish to make note when they leave. Full deployment concern for our long-term fiscal obliga- about this bill—and people remind me of the biometric exit component of US– tions along with providing our pro- occasionally that it is a year late be- VISIT should be a high priority. Such a ducers with a legitimate and appro- cause we have already gone to one ex- capability would have assisted law en- priate safety net. tension since I have been here—is that forcement and intelligence officials in We have a farm bill today that is it is a bill which will send a message to August and September of 2001 in con- even better that we are going to be vot- the American people that we need to ducting a search for two of the 9/11 hi- ing on. Why is it better? Because it not provide certainty once and for all. We jackers who were in the United States only provides that certainty and that need to do things in a timely fashion, on expired visas. safety net for American producers—the and I think moving this farm bill right The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- backbone, historically, of our econ- now is moving it in a timely fashion. ator’s time has expired. omy—but it reduces the deficit $24 bil- This is an excellent piece of legisla- Mr. SESSIONS. I thank the Chair. I lion by eliminating a process of direct tion, and I urge all of my colleagues to believe 5 o’clock has arrived. I thank payments, by cutting some unneces- vote for it. the managers of the Agriculture bill. I sary expenditures, by streamlining I thank the chairwoman from Michi- know they worked hard on their legis- conservation, and by taking a look at a gan for her excellent and exceptional lation. rational and reasonable approach to leadership, along with her ranking I yield the floor. some of the issues regarding nutrition. member Senator COCHRAN, who has f So I am very proud today to stand been so instrumental in forging the before this body about to cast one of AGRICULTURE REFORM, FOOD, compromises that make today possible. my first votes—not the first vote but AND JOBS ACT OF 2013 I yield the floor. one of my first votes—doing what is ab- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under solutely essential for the North Dakota ator from Michigan. the previous order, the Senate will re- economy; that is, passing a farm bill. Ms. STABENOW. Madam President, sume consideration of S. 954, which the I want to give an idea of what North at this point I want to take a moment clerk will report. Dakota is all about because we like to before we vote today to recognize folks The legislative clerk read as follows: brag but also because people forget who have worked so hard to get us to A bill (S. 954) to reauthorize agriculture about North Dakota being an agricul- this point. programs through 2018. tural State with so much attention First of all, I thank my colleagues in Pending: having been focused in recent months advance for coming together one more Stabenow (for Leahy) amendment No. 998, and recent years on our dramatic en- time and leading for rural America— to establish a pilot program for gigabit ergy development. So let me give a for farmers, for ranchers, for the 16 Internet projects in rural areas. rundown on what we do in North Da- million people who have jobs because The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under kota as far as our production. We are of agriculture in this country. It has the previous order, the time until 5:30 No. 1 in barley; No. 1 in beans, dry and been a long road for the Agriculture p.m. will be equally divided and con- edible; No. 1 in navy beans and pinto Reform, Food, and Jobs Act, and I have trolled between the two leaders or beans; No. 1 in canola, flaxseed, and been blessed and pleased to have a won- their designees. honey; No. 1 in lentils and dry edible derful partner and ranking member,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.049 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 the distinguished Senator from Mis- mittee deficit commission was oper- on crop protection and has lent very sissippi. He has been a partner every ating, we have actually done this three important expertise to our efforts. I am step of the way, and I thank him and times. I think they could do farm bills grateful. look forward—as the House hopefully in their sleep. Hopefully they have not Cory Claussen led our efforts on this time will complete their work—to been sleeping when they have been dairy last year, and his hard work led having the opportunity to go to con- writing this one, but I am very grateful to the major advances we have made in ference and crafting an agreement we for their leadership. this bill for beginning farmers and can then present back to the Senate. I I thank Chris Adamo, my terrific ranchers as well as for our veterans can’t thank Senator COCHRAN and his staff director for the Agriculture Com- who want to get into agriculture. staff enough for their wonderful part- mittee, who is living and breathing I am very proud that in our bill we nership. these issues every minute and only have a new agriculture liaison for our We started this last year. We had 3 takes occasional breaks to go fly fish- veterans. So many of our men and weeks that the farm bill was on the ing in Michigan. We have a historic women coming home are from small floor of the Senate. We had 73 votes, agreement on conservation and crop in- communities around America, and they adopted 42 amendments, and we took surance in this bill thanks to his lead- want to have the opportunity to go that as the basis for the bill this year. ership and that of our team. into farming, and we want to help Once the House did not take up the Jonathan Coppess, our chief counsel, them do that. bill—and, in my judgment, walked and Joe Shultz, our economist Cory is also leading our CFTC efforts, away from rural America last year—we extraordinaire, who understand the ins so Cory’s work is just getting started. had to come back and do it again, so and outs of agriculture like nobody Hanna Abou-El-Seoud, who kept the we used the work product the Senate else, have done so much as we have trains running on time, made sure we did last year as the basis of our work, transitioned in this bill toward mar- were all prepared and prepped—no easy and we had 2 weeks of debate on the ket-based risk management tools for job as well. Alexis Stanczuk and Kyle floor of the Senate. We have added 14 our farmers. Varner, who is the newest member of more amendments to the bill that is in Jonathan Cordone, our general coun- our team, have once again done a great front of us. sel, crossed every ‘‘t’’ and dotted every job doing whatever needed to be done So I thank the majority leader for ‘‘i’’ in this bill, and frankly, there are in order to help us be successful. Jessie his hard work and leadership and pa- a lot of them. He has been keeping Williams, Nicole Hertenstein, Jacob tience. As always, he knows how im- track of all the amendments and mak- Chaney, and our entire great team on portant agriculture is to our economy, ing sure this process runs smoothly. the committee have helped us to get to how important it is to support rural Karla Theiman, who leads our live- this point. I also wish to say thank you to my communities and families and con- stock and dairy issues, has helped chief of staff Dan Farough, who man- sumers around our country. I appre- make the energy title something we ages our personal office; Matt ciate that he has not just once but could really be proud of. I am very VanKuiken, my terrific legislative di- twice given us precious time on the grateful for all her leadership and hard rector who followed the floor procedure Senate floor so that we could do our work. and made sure everything was hap- job in standing up for rural America Tina May, who wrote our original pening as it should; Bill Sweeney, my conservation title and then decided to and for consumers across this country. great deputy chief of staff; Cullen I am proud we once again voted—or go have a baby, is amazing. She knows Schwarz, my communications director; are about to vote today—in a bipar- more about conservation than anyone I and Ben Becker, our press secretary tisan way to move this bill forward. know, and we are very proud that not who made sure we were telling the This bill has been bipartisan from start only the conservation title in the Sen- story of rural America and this farm to finish, and I believe that is the rea- ate but one that is very similar in the bill and the reforms in it every day. We son for our success. I am grateful to House bears the mark of her hard work couldn’t have done it without them and colleagues who have worked in such a and leadership. our entire team, Matt Williams, Will diligent way on both sides of the aisle. I do want to note that Jonathan Eberle, and Alex Barriger. There are many leaders on both sides Coppess had a son during the last farm I wish to thank my State team and of the aisle on this bill. We wouldn’t be bill and Tina had a son during this all of the outreach efforts led by the here today without leadership on both farm bill. So I am not sure what it is outstanding Teresa Plachetka, sides of the aisle, and I am very grate- about farm bills, but we will see what Fox, Mary Judnich, Brandon Fewins, ful for that. This is how the Senate is comes next. and Korey Hall, making sure that designed to work, where people who One thing about Tina’s maternity Michigan is truly represented on every care very deeply on both sides of an leave is that it allowed us to get the T2 page. issue can sit down—in our case, around team back together. Kevin Norton This was a bipartisan effort, and I a table in the Senate agriculture came back from the USDA to work wish to thank everyone on Senator room—look each other in the eye, talk with Catie Lee, as they picked up very COCHRAN’s team, especially T.A. Hawks to each other, listen, and make the excellently the heavy load and made it and James Gleueck, for their leader- compromises necessary to come to- look easy. Thanks to them, our coun- ship. Once again, Doug Elmendorf’s gether with a balanced bill. That is try will have healthy wildlife habitats CBO farm team came through thanks what we did. and clean, fishable waters for genera- to Jim Langley and everyone on their Last year we passed the farm bill, as tions to come. team. I said before, in a bipartisan way as Jacqlyn Schneider, who is another of I wish to thank Kasey Gillette from well. The House Agriculture Com- our farm bill veterans, ably led our nu- Senator REID’s office, who is part of mittee passed a bipartisan farm bill trition team and has done such a won- our extended family. It is great work- last year, but for whatever reason the derful job. She has done so much for ing with her again. This is like a sec- full House didn’t consider the bill. It the diversity of American agriculture ond annual family reunion, always hav- was allowed to expire. The good news is through organics, fruits and vegeta- ing Kasey with us. that this year it looks as though it is bles, and all the things we call spe- Nothing could get done around here going to be different. That is good news cialty crops, as well as Jess Taylor. without our excellent floor staff who for rural America and the men and Jess has done terrific work in partner- have been led by Gary Myrick and Tim women who work hard every day to ship as well. Mitchell, and thank you to everybody give us the safest, most affordable, Brandon McBride led our efforts to on our team for their very long hours most abundant food supply in the reorganize the rural development title as usual. world—in the world. and worked so hard this year to make Of course, we wouldn’t have had any- I thank my incredible staff, who have sure the energy title continued to grow thing to pass without the amazing ex- done this now not once but twice. Ac- the economy in rural America. pertise of our legislative counsel team, tually, because we engaged and had a Russ Behnam is our expert on tech- Michelle Johnson-Wieder and Gary En- work product when the supercom- nology issues—biotechnology issues— dicott, and their invaluable assistance;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:40 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.051 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4045 last, but not least, the great team at time—in 3 hours. Now it is on the floor, These are just a few of the things in the USDA and who I believe is an abso- and I predict we will have strong bipar- this bill. We are excited about this bill. lutely terrific Secretary of Agri- tisan support. I would just end by saying, as Sen- culture, Tom Vilsack, and his General You ask why. First of all, last year ator STABENOW did, that this is a call Counsel’s Office. our country experienced the worst for action. The Senate has gotten its There are so many people to thank. I drought since 1956, costing the country act together. We were able to work out will stop. There are other colleagues tens of billions of dollars. In Minnesota a bipartisan compromise in the com- who wish to speak. I just want every- 74 counties were eligible for disaster mittee. We are able to get a strong one to know that when you take basi- relief due to drought. vote on the floor. Now it is time for cally 12 different chapters or titles— This year the late spring and wet Speaker BOEHNER to call up the House any one of which could be its own piece conditions have prevented many farm- bill so then we can work out the dif- of legislation—and put it together in ers in my State from even getting their ferences—as we should—in regular something called a 5-year farm bill, it crop into the ground. Dairy farmers order, in conference committee. happens because of a tremendous have been especially hurt because of Our farmers deserve nothing less, the amount of talent and experience and the alfalfa shortage because of the rot kids who depend on these school nutri- hard work and it happens because, in because of the water. tion programs deserve nothing less, our case, we have what I believe is the We can’t do anything about the and the conservation efforts in our most seasoned Agriculture Committee weather, but we can make sure our country, those who hunt, those who former chairs, former Secretary of Ag- country has a steady food supply and fish, those who enjoy the outdoors, de- riculture. We have people who know that we are not dependent on foreign serve nothing less. agriculture and care about it deeply. food. How do we do that? By having a It is time to get this bill done. We With so much talent and experience, it smart, fiscally sound farm bill. will vote on it tonight and then it goes I can tell you what we have is a bill has been a real privilege—and con- over to the House. I would like to get that literally saves the taxpayers $24 tinues to be—to chair this committee. this bill out of the House by the time billion in 10 years over the last farm This farm bill is the product of 2 we are ready to head into August, bill. That is why it makes no sense for years of hard work by a long list of tal- where we talk to a lot of our farmers me to play a game of green light-red ented people. As we vote today, we sup- and they have a few words to say every light and at the end of the year we are port 16 million people who depend on time we speak to them. I think the going to extend the last farm bill that agriculture for their jobs. We are pro- House would like to hear good things is even more expensive, when we have a viding $24 billion in deficit reduction for a change. very smart farm bill here. on a bipartisan basis. We are providing It matters in my State. My State is I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- policies that will conserve our land and No. 1 in turkeys, sweet corn, green ator from Mississippi. our water resources for generations to peas, and oats, No. 2 in spring wheat, Mr. COCHRAN. Madam President, I come; that help families who have fall- No. 3 in hogs and soybeans, and No. 4 am pleased to join the distinguished en on hard times keep food on the table four in corn. But it is more than the Senator from Michigan in urging ap- for their children; a bill that helps our crops and the sugar beets and the proval of this bill by the Senate. It has veterans get started in agriculture; wheat. We don’t just raise livestock. been a pleasure working with her and that supports our small towns all We don’t just produce crops. We also across America; and recognizes the di- produce the foods—milk at Land other members of the Agriculture Com- versity of American agriculture and O’Lakes, the turkey at Jennie-O, the mittee to produce a farm bill that strengthens efforts to give families the animal feed at Cargill, the Spam at meets the needs of those involved in opportunity to buy fresh local food in Hormel. agriculture production and the con- their supermarkets and have it avail- When we look at this farm bill, we sumers of the crops produced by Amer- able in their schools. This farm bill have to understand it involves not just ican farmers and ranchers. creates jobs. our farmers—in fact, that is the small- This farm bil1 will also encourage I am very proud of the work we have er percentage of the farm bill than, and reward protection of water, soil done, and I ask all of our colleagues to say, the nutrition program—but it also and forestry resources. support us in voting yes today on this involves our entire economy and how The bill also authorizes and improves bill. that all goes together from energy on Federal nutrition programs adminis- I yield 5 minutes to Senator KLO- down. What I like about this farm bill tered by the Department of Agri- BUCHAR. is it does connect these dots and makes culture. It contains reforms to the nu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sure we have a strong economy across trition title to eliminate waste, fraud ator from Minnesota. the board, starting with our farmers, and abuse. Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Madam President, also including strong conservation ef- This bill deserves the support of the I rise in support of this very important forts. Senate. bill. I see the Senator from North Dakota The Senate debate on the farm bill First, I wish to thank Senator STABE- Ms. HEITKAMP. She and I, along with has included votes on a number of NOW for her leadership, as well as the Senator HOEVEN, worked very hard to amendments over the last 2 weeks. Senator from Mississippi. It was a true make sure there were strong provisions American agricultural producers de- bipartisan effort. As I heard her list all in this bill for the conservation efforts, serve the certainty that comes with a the names of these wonderful staff peo- which include our retention of water strong 5 year farm bill. I am pleased ple who worked on this bill, I also wish with floodings in the Fargo-Moorhead that we have come up with a bill that to mention my staff director Adam area, also making sure we had strong will meet that need. Durand. efforts for agriculture research, some- This legislation will provide farmers The other thing I wish to mention is thing everyone in our country cares in all regions of the country with a ro- this wouldn’t have happened without about as we move forward. bust and workable safety net, while Senator STABENOW, with her ever opti- We streamlined the conservation pro- also reducing by $24 billion the cost of mistic view, never giving up on this gram from 23 to 13 programs. The bill the programs authorized by current bill. funds the energy title programs, which law. It has been 354 days since the Senate this last extension did not do, and it Ms. STABENOW. Madam President, I passed its last farm bill—I have been also does a lot with ag research. I also yield time now to the Senator from counting it down—and this is long had some of my amendments included Florida for a colloquy with myself. overdue. This got done in record speed which help beginning farmers and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- because we had gone through all of ranchers; that includes reducing the ator from Florida. these issues, 70-something amend- cost of crop insurance for beginning GREENING ments, last time, and this time we were farmers by 10 percent. The second Mr. NELSON. Madam President, I am able to get the farm bill through the amendment helps beginning farmers grateful to the chairman of the com- Agriculture Committee in record access land for grazing. mittee to engage in a colloquy with me

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:59 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.052 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 about a devastating disease of bacteria to conference on the farm bill. When Senator’s intent to exclude forest prod- called greening, which is devastating this farm bill makes its way to the ucts from this program. And I would the citrus industry. We know of no President’s desk, the citrus trust fund also like to clarify the meaning of the cure. The bacteria kills the citrus tree needs to be a fully functional and a new provisions around innovation in in 5 years, and we are not going to have funded component. the program. a citrus crop or industry unless we can Ms. STABENOW. Madam President, Ms. STABENOW. Yes, it is our intent find a cure for this bacteria. let me just say in conclusion that I to include forest products that apply The bacteria is transported by an in- look forward to working with my col- an innovative approach to growing, sect called a psyllid, and once the leagues to ensure there is a guaranteed harvesting, sourcing, procuring, proc- psyllid bores its snout into the bark of source of funding for the citrus trust essing, manufacturing, or application the tree and the bacteria is injected fund. I understand the devastation to of biobased products. Products should into the foam or sap of the tree, it will an entire industry that he is speaking be included regardless of the date of kill the tree. They found various meth- about to and look forward to working entry of the product into the market- ods of spraying to try to prolong the with him. place. life of the tree, but in essence the tree Mr. NELSON. I would just conclude Mr. KING. Let me give the Senator will die in about 5 years. It is in every by saying that I not only speak of this an example of a forest products manu- grove in Florida. It is now in the citrus for my State of Florida, of which citrus facturer in my home state that I be- industry in California and Arizona and is one of its primary industries and lieve is incredibly innovative in how they have found the psyllid likewise in now the product of which is a staple on they grow and source their materials other gulf coast States—Alabama, Lou- every American breakfast table, but I for their products. isiana—and greening is also in the speak also of our sister States, Ari- Verso Paper Company has 1600 em- State of Georgia. zona, California—and, by the way, to ployees at their two mills in Bucksport So what we are trying to do is set up the Presiding Officer I can say that the and Jay. They make coated commer- a trust fund, which is authorized in the psyllid and the bacteria are in the cial printing papers that utilize manu- bill, and to get it funded in order to State of Hawaii as well—Georgia, Lou- facturing technologies that deliver in- find a cure for this disease so an indus- isiana, and Alabama. I am very grate- creasingly improved print quality try that has become so important to ful for this commitment. through new coating formulations that the entire country can be saved. USDA BIOBASED MARKETS PROGRAM incorporate newly developed chemicals I have talked at length with the Mr. KING. Madam President, I appre- and materials. These products are some chairman of the Finance Committee ciate the opportunity to talk with the of the most biobased products in the Senator BAUCUS, who has been very Chairman today to get clarity about marketplace and should be eligible for supportive. As a matter of fact, we the products that will be included in the program. passed a similar bill out of the Finance the USDA Biobased Markets Program. In addition to these changes in their Committee in the last Congress. I plan The Senator’s hard work and vision on product, Verso has also in the last few to work with Senator BAUCUS and Sen- the issue of innovation in natural re- years, significantly increased innova- ator STABENOW to make sure this trust sources industries has provided the es- tion in the sourcing of their products, fund becomes a reality as we move for- sential leadership to support growth in by increasing the amount of certified, ward with this farm bill. this critical economic sector. sustainable fiber that feeds their mills. Ms. STABENOW. I would just indi- I greatly appreciate the work that An improvement in this year’s bill is cate to my colleague who has been she and Senator COCHRAN did to expand the addition of language that allows such a strong advocate for his State, the program’s application in this farm for innovation in the sourcing and ap- for his growers, his people—I am very bill, including the explicit definition of plication of biobased products. In re- grateful for that. forest products and the expanded defi- gards to innovation in sourcing of He has made his case very strongly. I nition of innovation as it applies to the biobased products does the Senator understand that once a tree is exposed program. agree that innovations like forest cer- to the disease, there is no cure. The The Senator and I both represent tification systems would qualify prod- tree will die within 5 years. It must be States that have strong forest products ucts for the program? entirely replaced. In fact, as the Sen- industries in fact in Maine there are Ms. STABENOW. I appreciate the ator indicated, this is something that over 16,700 people who are employed by Senator mentioning Verso, since they affects many States—not only Florida the forestry, logging, wood products, also have a mill in Quinnesec, MI and but Texas, California, Louisiana, Ala- and pulp and paper industries. This in- recently made a significant investment bama, Arizona, Georgia as well. So I dustry also helps ensure that Maine’s in upgrading its energy system. It is know this is a serious issue for our cit- 233,000 family woodland owners have our intention that products that are rus growers, and I am committed to income to conserve and sustain their sourced with innovative sourcing strat- working with Senator BAUCUS to make working forests. Both of our States’ egies like forest certification systems sure the trust funds for citrus, as well forest-based economies have been hit and products that have improved their as cotton and wool, are included in the hard by the downturn in the housing manufacturing are included in the pro- final conference committee. market as well as increased pressure gram. I know these are concerns shared by overseas so it is important that we do Mr. KING. I thank the Senator. And a number of our colleagues, and I look not further hinder them in any way. what about companies like Robbins forward to working with the Senator I have learned recently of the USDA Lumber in Maine that produces solid from Florida as well as other col- Biobased Markets Program and the wood products, like 2x4s or flooring? leagues. This is a very important issue. fact that in some cases, this program While the product may be the same Mr. NELSON. I thank Senator STA- favors foreign products and other product that has been on the market BENOW for her commitment to helping biobased products over forest products, for decades, the company producing it fund a cure for citrus greening, and it which are some of the most biobased now generates all the heating for the is just that; it is an emergency situa- products in existence. mill and offices as well as the energy tion. Ms. STABENOW. I thank the Senator for drying lumber from their own bio- Because of the devastating nature of for raising this important issue. In mass waste, as compared with using this citrus greening disease, the citrus Michigan the same industries employ energy from the grid. Further, they research trust fund must have guaran- over 24,600 people and I agree that have worked with several organizations teed funding in the farm bill. We sim- these jobs are vital to the economy. I to permanently conserve thousands of ply can’t wait any longer. Graciously, was pleased to be able to lay out a acres of land for wildlife habitat and Senators STABENOW and BAUCUS have clearer path forward in this farm bill recreation. both been so encouraging and have for the inclusion of forest products in Ms. STABENOW. That truly is what agreed with me personally to restore USDA’s Biobased Markets Program. we are trying to inspire with this inno- the funding mechanisms of the trust Mr. KING. I would like to clarify vation provision we are trying to help fund when the Senate and the House go that it is not the Committee’s or the companies think outside the box in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:59 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.054 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4047 how they can improve their processes. protects farmers against revenue loss. I $50 billion in subsidies and increase Their efforts in both energy generation am hard pressed to think of any other food prices by $20 billion. Yet these De- from waste and land conservation are industry in America that can take out pression-era farm bills work as a both excellent examples that they are an insurance policy at the taxpayer’s ‘‘deadman’s switch’’ to pressure Con- doing so. expense to ensure their profits. This is gress into passing modern farm bills. Mr. KING. I thank the Senator. clearly egregious when one realizes This almost happened last year when Again I truly appreciate the attention that commodity prices are at record- the Senate passed a farm bill and the to this issue and look forward to work- highs. House did not. Americans may remem- ing with you and USDA in the imple- This is all part of farm bill politics. ber we faced a ‘‘dairy cliff’’ in Decem- mentation of this legislation to sup- In order to pass a farm bill, Congress ber when milk would double to $7 per port the important forest products in- must find a way to appease every spe- gallon of milk. Within one week of the dustry which has been an integral part cial interest and every commodity as- pressure from national media coverage of the economy of this country for cen- sociation. Here are some other exam- over the ‘‘dairy cliff,’’ Congress rushed turies. ples of hand-outs that special interests through a business-as-usual extension ∑ Mr. MCCAIN. Madam President, I win in this year’s farm bill: $150 mil- of the 2008 farm bill that was absent of would like to make a few remarks lion to establish a ‘‘Citrus Research any reform. about the farm bill that’s before the Trust Fund’’ as well as a ‘‘Wool Ap- There’s no reason to keep a 1938 farm Senate this week. parel Manufacture Trust Fund’’; $25 law on the books except to force Con- As my colleagues know, this is our million to study the health benefits of gress into passing farm bills by holding second attempt in 2 years to pass a new lima beans and peas; $1.4 million to consumers hostage. My amendment 5-year farm bill. The Senate passed its study commercial mushroom growing; would have repealed this permanent version last Congress, which is essen- $1.3 million to study the DNA sequenc- farm law to prevent this budgetary tially the same bill we are debating ing of Christmas trees; $25 million to gamesmanship from repeating. But today. Last year, the House refused to teach school children how to grow food again, the Senate’s farm bill managers consider the Senate bill with good rea- in backyard gardens; $10 million for refused to allow us a vote on this son. This bill is loaded with costly eliminating ‘‘feral swine’’; $200 million amendment as well. farm subsidies and hidden pet-projects. for the Market Access Program, which At the end of the day, this farm bill I believe most Americans would be an- subsidizes overseas advertising cam- will be hailed by its supporters as re- gered to know how we are wasting paigns for large corporations, like form-minded. But let me assure the their hard-earned tax dollars. handing out samples of Tennessee American public, it is anything but. It Congress already plunged our Nation whiskey in India or subsidizing a sam- was managed under a closed-amend- into $16 trillion worth of debt partially pling tour of mint candies in the U.K. ment process and will prove to be just through farm bills like this. On aver- This is how we pass behemoth farm as wasteful and costly as any farm bill age, Congress spends about $1 trillion bills the Capitol Hill-rule of ‘‘dispersed we have seen to date. more annually than the Federal budget costs and concentrated benefits.’’ For these reasons, I urge my col- allows. According to the Congressional Take for example the protectionist leagues to join me in opposing this Budget office, the budget deficit for fis- provision concerning catfish inspec- bill.∑ cal year 2014 will be about $624 billion. tions that was added in conference to Mrs. FISCHER. Madam President, I This bill alone—all one-thousand the 2008 Farm Bill. It forces USDA to rise today to speak on amendment No. pages—will cost nearly $1 trillion. create a special catfish inspection of- 1169, a bipartisan amendment that Sen- That’s almost $1 billion per page. We fice that will cost taxpayers $15 million ator CARPER and I offered to the farm must reduce the size of the Federal a year. GAO has said it is duplicative bill to fix bureaucratic hurdles that Government and the farm bill is cer- and wasteful of FDA seafood inspection impact farmers’ access to seeds. Like tainly ripe for cuts. services. But it helps prop up domestic so many of the amendments that were I will concede that my colleagues on catfish farmers in southern States offered to this farm bill, our amend- the Senate Agriculture Committee did from having to compete with Asian ment unfortunately was not considered make some effort to eliminate our catfish imports. I had an amendment despite broad, bipartisan support and a more outdated farm subsidy programs to repeal this office but was denied the strong need for the legislation. like the Direct Payments Program, courtesy of a vote despite it having 15 Legislation is needed to ensure that which spends about $5 billion a year to cosponsors and overwhelming support American farmers continue to have pay farmers of staple crops like corn in the Senate. My statement on this sufficient quantities of seeds each whether or not they grow anything. Di- matter is in the RECORD of last week planting season. Every year, seed is rect payments have held on for decades when I attempted to call up my amend- produced in South America in the win- until now. Perhaps that gives the ment and make it pending. ter and is delivered just-in-time for American public a sense of the shelf- I also sought a vote on another spring planting in the United States. life of the new farm subsidies we are amendment that I introduced with Due to the historic drought in 2012, it debating today. Senator TOOMEY concerning the repeal is estimated that 20 percent of U.S. Unfortunately, the savings generated of something known as ‘‘permanent corn seed will be brought in from by eliminating direct payments are farm law.’’ Because of permanent farm South America for planting in 2013. plugged back into the farm bill to fi- law, it’s not an option for my col- All seeds are regulated by the De- nance new, more expensive subsidies leagues or I who want to put our feet partment of Agriculture, USDA. All like those that are part of the Federal down and say enough is enough to imported seed must be accompanied by Crop Insurance Program. While I agree reckless farm bills. Permanent farm the appropriate forms required by Cus- that our farmers need some form of law is essentially old farm bills from toms and Border Protection, CBP and safety net, farm bill crop insurance 1938 and 1949 that are still on the books USDA, allowing the U.S. Government isn’t ‘‘insurance’’ as most people know that automatically kick-in if we fail to to electronically track the shipments. it. Crop insurance is just a roundabout renew the farm bill or pass a tem- In addition to providing information on way to influence the free market, sub- porary extension. the seed and the U.S. destination, if sidize overproduction and ultimately Reverting to permanent farm law re- seed is still in a research and develop- fleece consumers. Taxpayers spend $14 quires USDA to implement economic ment phase, it is imported under a billion a year subsidizing about 60 per- Soviet-style ‘‘command and control’’ strict permitting program adminis- cent of insurance premiums for every- policies that require farmers to achieve tered by USDA’s Animal and Plant thing from oysters to almonds. Even ‘‘parity prices’’ rooted in 1914 which Health Inspection Service, APHIS. As non-food products like tobacco get $33 bear no resemblance to today’s market. part of its oversight role, USDA also million a year in crop insurance hand- Nobody wants permanent farm law be- frequently samples and tests incoming outs. Worse yet, crop insurance isn’t cause it would severely disrupt plant- seed shipments. about protecting famers against crop ing decisions for farmers and, accord- The Environmental Protection Agen- losses due to weather or infestation; it ing to USDA, will cost taxpayers up to cy, EPA requires a Notice of Arrival,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:59 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.030 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 NOA for all pesticides that enter the ica’s farmers sustain our rural commu- payment limit for organic farmers United States. Recently and without nities, protect the environment, and under the Environmental Quality In- warning, EPA began requiring the preserve the open space that is a vital centives Program, also did not receive same NOA form used for imported part of our heritage. a vote. It is also regrettable that the chemical pesticides on seed import This 5-year reauthorization bill dem- amendment to reform the sugar pro- shipments. These duplicative and un- onstrates much-needed fiscal responsi- gram by Senator SHAHEEN, which I co- necessary paperwork requirements im- bility by eliminating wasteful direct sponsored and which was endorsed by a posed by EPA threaten to disrupt vital payments, which over the years have broad coalition of consumer, business, seed shipments. provided financial benefits to hundreds and environmental groups, failed to The NOA is designed for imports of of wealthy individuals not involved in pass. According to CBO, these reforms commercial pesticides not seeds, and farming. Overall, the bill would cut would save $82 million over the next 10 EPA procedures are antiquated. The spending by $24 billion, which is a step years. form cannot be processed electroni- in the right direction. The leadership of the Senate Agri- cally. It must be physically presented The farm bill contains some signifi- culture Committee deserves credit for to and signed by EPA and then re- cant help for family farms in Maine putting together a bipartisan farm bill turned to the importer who then gives and throughout the country. It con- during this time of partisanship. This it to CBP so the shipment can enter. tains a provision I authored with Sen- bill is a welcome change from the pre- Some 2,000 to 3,000 shipments of ator GILLIBRAND that would reform the vious reauthorization, which was load- counter-seasonally-produced commer- way the USDA sets dairy prices, re- ed with wasteful spending and sub- cial seed arrive 24 hours a day, 7 days forms that are supported by Maine’s sidies. I continue, however, to have a week during the critical period from dairy farmers. The provision would re- concerns that the cost of this farm bill January to April, but EPA only oper- quire the USDA to begin the hearing remains too high and that more should ates during regular business hours. process to restructure the milk pricing be done to reform agribusiness pro- This volume can quickly overwhelm system and would direct the Secretary grams to help address our skyrocketing the NOA process. A delay of even a day of Agriculture to release the Depart- deficit. This is an area I hope Congress can result in delayed deliveries, de- ment’s recommendations to Congress. will continue to work on moving for- layed plantings, and reduced yield for S. 954 would maintain fruit and vege- ward. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- farmers. table research programs, which are EPA has never issued any rule or critical for Maine’s potato and wild dent, despite its name, farm bill poli- guidance suggesting that seeds con- blueberry growers. In addition, the bill cies touch the lives of all Americans, not just those who work in the agricul- taining a pesticide require an NOA to includes several local and organic food tural sector. In addition to reauthor- enter the country. However, EPA offi- initiatives that would benefit Maine’s izing farm programs, this legislation cials have been enforcing this require- agriculture community. deals with domestic and international ment for commercial seeds containing The bill would also continue vital food aid, conservation and the environ- a pesticide. No seeds should be sub- programs to address hunger and nutri- ment, trade, rural development, renew- jected to these additional paperwork tion promotion while strengthening able energy, forestry, and financial requirements. the integrity and accountability of fed- markets, among other issues. This Our amendment to the Federal Insec- eral nutrition programs. I was pleased year’s reauthorization presented an op- ticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, to see the adoption of commonsense re- portunity to enact significant reforms FIFRA would clarify the roles of EPA forms and the rejection of an amend- in these critical areas. While some and USDA and ensure that unnecessary ment that would have made harmful progress was made, I believe the bill paperwork does not disrupt an ade- changes to the Supplemental Nutrition falls short of its potential and, ulti- quate supply of seeds. This language Assistance Program safety net. Given the significant budget pres- mately, I cannot support it. would clarify that the NOA required The farm bill took an important step sures, the bill would appropriately im- for the importation of conventional toward reform by ending the long- prove the effectiveness of conservation pesticides is not required for imports of standing practice of giving direct pay- and rural energy initiatives. S. 954 treated seed. All seeds would continue ments to farmers of certain commodity demonstrates a continuing commit- to be regulated by USDA under exist- crops, regardless of whether a farmer ing statutes and would remain subject ment to voluntary working lands pro- experienced losses or even planted a to all applicable USDA and CBP entry grams that help improve stewardship crop. It also places caps on the amount requirements. EPA’s authority to regu- practices with technical assistance and of farm payments an individual can re- late the pesticides themselves would cost-share programs for working agri- ceive, expands crop insurance opportu- not be affected. cultural and private forest lands, in- nities for specialty and organic crops, This bipartisan legislation was cluding in Maine. establishes conservation compliance as adopted by voice vote as an amend- There are, however, some disappoint- a requirement for receiving premium ment to the House Agriculture Com- ments. In an arbitrary decision by the insurance subsidies, and invests in mittee farm bill and is supported by USDA, the fresh white potato is the rural broadband. the American Farm Bureau Federa- only fresh vegetable or fruit to be spe- In spite of these successes, however, tion, American Seed Trade Associa- cifically excluded from the Special the farm bill does not do enough for tion, National Farmers Union, Agricul- Supplemental Nutrition Program for Rhode Island families. tural Retailers Association, National Women, Infants and Children, or WIC. I Of greatest concern to me, it includes Corn Growers Association, and Na- filed an amendment that would allow a $4.5 billion cut over 10 years to the tional Council of Farmer Cooperatives. for the purchase of nutritious and af- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Senator CARPER and I worked with fordable fresh white potatoes in WIC, Program or SNAP also known as food Senator BOXER to make changes to our which is cosponsored by a group of bi- stamps. These cuts could lead to a re- amendment to address concerns about partisan colleagues, including Senators duction in food stamp benefits for an the scope of the amendment. We are MARK UDALL, RISCH, KING, CRAPO, BEN- estimated 500,000 households across the hopeful that when the farm bill is con- NET, JOHANNS, SCHUMER, CANTWELL, country, including possibly 20,000 sidered in conference, our amendment and BALDWIN. The modification I pro- households in Rhode Island. SNAP is is adopted. posed is strongly endorsed by Maine’s our Nation’s most important anti-hun- Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I potato industry and supported by ger program. In this challenging eco- rise today in support of the Senate sound nutritional science, and I am dis- nomic climate, which has affected low- farm bill, S. 954, which would make sig- appointed I was denied a vote on it. I income individuals more harshly than nificant reforms to federal agriculture will continue to press for this reform anyone, and from which Rhode Island programs and important investments as the Senate and House negotiate a is recovering very slowly, it is wrong in nutrition, conservation, and rural final farm bill. to cut critical food-assistance funding. development. In addition to providing a An amendment I cosponsored with I am also discouraged that this legis- safe and healthful food supply, Amer- Senator LEAHY that would eliminate a lation provides no funds for fisheries

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:59 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.012 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4049 disasters, including those declared in A $2 billion cut to this program contributions to programs that encour- 2012. Like our farmers, fishermen feed would chip away at vital programs that age healthy eating and lifestyles for this nation. Americans enjoyed an av- combat obesity, a growing epidemic SNAP recipients, was not affordable. erage of 15 pounds of fish and shellfish that weighs on our health care system By eliminating the unlimited match per person in 2011, making us second in and our economy. Estimates of the provision and replacing it with a block total seafood consumption in the medical cost of adult obesity in the grant, the Healthy Hunger Free Kids world. Accordingly, fishing is also a United States range from $147 billion Act was able to save taxpayers more major economic cornerstone of our to nearly $210 billion per year, accord- than $1 billion over 10 years. coastal communities. In 2011, fisheries ing to the Trust for America’s Health. In exchange for this reduction, a new supported over 1.2 million jobs in the Cutting this program may save formula was created. Under the new United States. money in the short term, but it would provision, States that committed hun- Despite adhering to strict catch lim- cripple ongoing efforts to deliver inno- dreds of millions of their own dollars to its, many fishermen and historic fish- vative and effective nutrition edu- reduce obesity, like California and ing communities are suffering dra- cation to the most vulnerable popu- Michigan, received marginally higher matic declines in stocks. In 2012, Com- lations in our country. obesity education funding from USDA. merce Secretary Bryson and Acting And these education programs are And States that had not dedicated Secretary Blank issued fisheries dis- working, Madam President. their own resources to combating obe- aster declarations ranging from Alaska According to a study published in the sity received a relatively smaller share to Samoa, and from Mississippi up to Journal of Nutrition Education and Be- of the funding. Allowing the changes from 2010, my home State of Rhode Island. De- havior, USDA’s SNAP nutrition edu- which are just now being implemented, spite being included in the Senate cation programs contributed to a 17 to take effect is the best way to effec- version, emergency funding for many percent increase in the number of Cali- tively reform this program. of these fisheries was left out of final fornia adults who ate at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each This amendment would devastate a version of the Sandy disaster relief bill program that helps SNAP-eligible chil- ultimately signed into law. day. The study showed that the greatest dren and families learn to stretch their Farm bill programs provide billions improvements in daily fruit and vege- food budgets, reduce hunger, make im- of dollars in subsidies and technical as- table consumption were seen in popu- provements to their diets and reduce sistance to farmers every year. In com- lations with the greatest need. obesity. parison, fishermen have little access to There was a 91 percent increase I urge my colleagues to let USDA im- similar kinds of federal subsidies. Sev- among the poorest segment of the pop- plement the thoughtful comprehensive eral amendments have been filed that ulation, those with less than $15,000 in reforms from 2010. attempt to correct this inequity, in- annual income, who consumed five or Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, the cluding the creation of a pilot program more serving of fruits and vegetables Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs for Farm Service Agency operating per day; a 77 percent improvement in Act of 2013 contains many important loans and crop insurance for shellfish the African American population, and provisions for my State of Michigan growers. We are a long way, however, a 43 percent improvement in the Latino and for our Nation’s farmers and that from adequately supporting and pro- population. is why I am voting in support. The Sen- tecting the role of fisheries in our food The staggering cost of obesity will ate passed a farm bill in 2012, but the supply chain. Fishermen remain sec- continue to increase until we take sig- House took no action. This was unfor- ond-class citizens when it comes to fed- nificant action to improve our health tunate, as that farm bill as well as the eral support. and diet. one before us now contain important Finally, American agriculture That’s not to say that there’s no reforms to agricultural programs. Re- springs from the richness of our land room for reform; there certainly is. forms that will better help farmers and natural resources, and the farm That is why Congress passed the manage their risk and better protect bill has long supported programs to Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act 3 years the environment. conserve and protect those resources. ago, a bill that made significant re- CBO estimates that the Senate intro- As the harmful effects of climate forms to SNAP nutrition education duced bill would reduce direct spending change become more prevalent, our ag- programs. by $18 billion over a 10-year period. The ricultural policy should reflect the Most notably, the law changed how bulk of these savings come from the threat posed to farming and food pro- the program is funded to make it more elimination of direct payments to duction by these changes. In this farm equitable. The formula now reflects the growers and restructuring of conserva- bill, ‘‘climate change’’ and ‘‘extreme actual number of SNAP beneficiaries tion programs. While achieving this weather’’ are hardly even mentioned. in each State. budgetary savings, the bill provides im- Congress can start by opening the Re- Some would have us believe that the portant funding for agricultural pro- gional Conservation Partnership Pro- amendment, which mandates an ducers. I am pleased that this farm bill gram to climate change adaptation and across-the-board $5 cap per recipient, is provides funding for specialty crops. mitigation projects. fiscally responsible. I don’t think that My home State is second only to Cali- The farm bill is important and wide- is the case. I believe this is simply an fornia in the number of crops grown ranging legislation. Unfortunately, the attempt to redistribute SNAP funding and is second to none in production of bill before the Senate leaves out essen- to States that have shown no interest 18 different commodities including tart tial protections for low-income Ameri- in reducing obesity among SNAP bene- cherries, cucumbers, blueberries, dry cans, hard-hit fisheries, and precious ficiaries. black and red beans and cranberries. natural resources. Under the Healthy Hunger Free Kids The bill before us provides mandatory Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Madam President, Act of 2010, funding for the SNAP Edu- funding for the Specialty Crop Re- I rise today in opposition to amend- cation Program is allotted based on search Initiative, continues funding for ment No. 991, filed by my colleague, two factors: a State’s historical con- specialty crop block grants and con- the junior Senator from South Dakota. tributions to healthy eating and life- solidates efforts to fight invasive pests. This amendment would eliminate $2 style programs, and the number of The bill also includes important con- billion from SNAP by limiting the SNAP participants in the State. servation provisions to reduce erosion, funds available for cost-effective nutri- The amendment offered by my col- improve wildlife habitat, and protect tion education programs. league from South Dakota undoes that water quality, including that of the While I appreciate and share my col- formula, instead allocating funds sole- Great Lakes. Compliance with con- league’s deep commitment to deficit ly on a per-recipient basis. servation measures is required for reduction, this amendment would do so The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act lands receiving Federal assistance. at the expense of those who can least formula was the product of a com- Every year, about 600 million tons of afford it. promise. topsoil erode from agricultural lands in It is a shortsighted amendment pen- The old formula, which allowed the the Great Lakes region. This soil ero- nywise and pound foolish. Federal Government to match all State sion also includes fertilizer and other

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:59 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.026 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 chemicals, polluting waterways and mittee for striking that balance and and ranking member for limiting these contributing to harmful algal blooms, building support for this legislation. reductions. I intend to try to mitigate a growing problem in the Great Lakes. Overall net farm income has been cuts to antihunger programs as the leg- The conservation requirements in the strong in our Nation in recent years, islative process moves forward. bill would help prevent this from oc- and that has given a boost to rural In the several farm and rural energy curring, as well as protecting the soil economies. But this strong income has programs in the bill, I am very pleased quality and productivity of the farm- not been enjoyed by all producers of all with the substantial level of manda- land. commodities, or in all regions of the tory funding dedicated to continue I am also pleased the bill includes the country. For example, many farmers these effective and beneficial initia- Regional Conservation Partnership and ranchers are still struggling to sur- tives. Program, which would support locally- vive the devastating impact of drought So, again, I thank the chairwoman led conservation projects in priority and other natural disasters. and the ranking member for their good watersheds such as the Great Lakes. This bill wisely continues programs work and pledge my support to them in The program would allow a broad range that offer some income protection and moving this bill through the Senate of issues to be addressed including sedi- stability in the face of the inevitable and to conference with the House— ment reduction, water quality im- natural disasters and swings in farm once the House passes its bill, we provements, and habitat conservation. production levels and commodity hope—and then to the President. Because the Great Lakes region al- prices. At the same time, this bill con- This new farm bill is vitally impor- ready has a regional plan in place, our tinues and builds upon important re- tant to our Nation and especially to region should be able to effectively forms in recent farm bills, for example, productivity, vitality and jobs in our compete for the $110 million in annual by strengthening and tightening pay- Nation’s food and agriculture sector. It funding that would be provided for this ment limitations. is far too important to be delayed any program. We have made some solid A landmark reform in this bill is longer. Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, progress in cleaning up our Great eliminating what are called the direct today I will vote to pass a bipartisan Lakes and other waters in Michigan, commodity payments. From their in- measure to reauthorize the many im- but there is still much to be done. The ception, I did not believe the direct portant programs and reforms included conservation funding provided in the payments were sound or responsible in this year’s farm bill. Chairman STA- farm bill would help to protect and re- policy. They were inadequate when BENOW and Senator COCHRAN are to be store the Great Lakes as well as Michi- farm prices and incomes fell. Yet when prices and incomes rose, the payments commended for the good work they and gan’s inland waterways. other Agriculture Committee members Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, continued anyway, which was unjusti- put into developing this legislation. fied, and even embarrassing. sometimes Congress passes legislation This bill is the most sweeping reform And so I support replacing the direct that directly creates jobs. More often, of agriculture programs in recent payments with the revenue protection we approach job creation indirectly, memory. Gone are outdated direct pay- program in this bill focused on pro- with legislation that lays the ground- ments that are made regardless of prof- tecting farmers against losses of rev- work for a more productive and dy- itability of the farm. Instead, we enue, taking into account both prices namic private sector. An excellent ex- strengthen the crop insurance pro- and yields. The new revenue program is ample of this is this new farm bill. gram, a vital safety net for our pro- The chairwoman, Senator STABENOW, an evolution of the Average Crop Rev- ducers, while making commonsense re- and the ranking member, Senator enue Election—ACRE—program that I forms. The amendment I offered with COCHRAN, deserve congratulations and was pleased we included in the 2008 Senator COBURN reducing premium our sincere gratitude for all of their ef- farm bill. This bill also continues a support for the wealthiest farmers is a forts and their success in bringing this strong crop insurance program, and in part of these reforms. So is the move to bill through the Agriculture Com- fact it makes it even more beneficial to require conservation compliance from mittee and to the Senate floor. And be- farmers. That is certainly of substan- farmers who benefit from subsidized cause this bill reflects so much of the tial economic value to Iowa farmers. crop insurance. I hope these will be re- work done in the last Congress, I also In the conservation title, I commend tained in a final conference version of want to recognize the many contribu- Senator STABENOW, Senator COCHRAN, the bill. tions of Senator ROBERTS. and Senator ROBERTS for important The energy title includes mandatory As a senior member and former improvements in the programs, and for funding for programs to expand bio- chairman of the Committee on Agri- continuing the Conservation Steward- based manufacturing, advanced culture, Nutrition, and Forestry, this ship Program and other critical initia- biofuels, and renewable energy. These is the eighth farm bill I have worked tives with substantial funding levels. I programs help companies in Illinois on since coming to Congress in 1975. I do very much regret that conservation like Archer Daniels Midland and Pa- chaired the committee during passage funding is cut from the budget baseline triot Renewable Fuels process and of the 2002 and 2008 bills. From that ex- levels, but I commend and thank the manufacture products in rural Amer- perience, I can tell my colleagues the leaders of our committee for limiting ica. There are many examples in Illi- new farm bill—the Agriculture Reform, those conservation budget cuts. nois of new markets being developed Food and Jobs Act of 2013—is good for I especially want to express my and new jobs being created in rural Iowa and our entire Nation. strong congratulations for the momen- areas because of the growth in bio- It is a difficult enough process to tous agreement that was reached be- based industries. craft a farm bill without the extra tween the farm community and the The bill also includes mandatory hardship of having to take spending re- conservation community to reinstate spending, reauthorizes, and expands ductions out of the budget baseline. minimum conservation requirements several programs in the research title. These budget cuts are very difficult be- in order for a farmer to receive Federal A new Foundation for Food and Agri- cause there are compelling needs re- crop insurance subsidies. This is a very culture Research will leverage public specting food, agriculture, and rural important policy reform. I very strong- dollars to generate private investment America. This measure embodies gen- ly urge my colleagues to support this in ag research. These investments are uine sacrifices and serious deficit re- agreement on making basic conserva- important to Illinois producers and duction. It exceeds the farm bill deficit tion an integral part of crop insurance. major research institutions like the reduction in the budget resolution we I am pleased this bill continues to University of Illinois, Southern Illinois passed here in the Senate. provide fresh fruits and vegetables to University, the Peoria Agriculture This bill reflects a bipartisan balance school children across the country. Lab, and several other universities and among numerous competing demands. That is an initiative I started and ex- labs across Illinois. It was broadly supported in the com- panded as chairman. I regret, however, Finally, the bill ensures that pro- mittee and I hope it will be broadly that this legislation reduces funding grams are in place to help our rural supported by the full Senate. Again, I for nutrition assistance to low-income communities grow and thrive and it re- commend the leadership of our com- Americans. I commend the chairwoman authorizes food assistance programs for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:59 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.018 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4051 those most in need, at home and bill up for debate as soon as possible. ator from South Carolina (Mr. GRA- abroad. And it does all this while sav- Time already is running short for us to HAM), the Senator from Arizona (Mr. ing roughly $24 billion compared to bring Senate and House bills to a con- MCCAIN), the Senator from Alaska (Ms. pre-sequestration budget levels. ference committee to work out the MURKOWSKI), the Senator from Ken- As the Senate and House work vast differences and arrive at a com- tucky (Mr. PAUL), the Senator from through conference, I urge my col- promise farm bill that can be signed South Carolina (Mr. SCOTT), and the leagues to protect access to SNAP for into law prior to the Sept. 30 expira- Senator from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). the over 23 million households that de- tion of the current bill. Farmers face Further, if present and voting, the pend on the program. It is my great enough uncertainty in their work and Senator from South Carolina (Mr. hope that when a final version of the do not need Congress to compound the SCOTT) would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ 2013 farm bill is considered in the Sen- variables with which they must con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there ate, I will be able to fully support a bill tend by once again delaying final ac- any other Senators in the Chamber de- that protects this important nutrition tion on a farm bill. Our farmers and siring to vote? program. the American people deserve a new The result was announced—yeas 48, Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, farm bill and a balanced bill like the nays 38, as follows: across Vermont’s food system, busi- one we have passed in the Senate [Rollcall Vote No. 144 Leg.] nesses are starting, expanding, and cre- today, a bill which supports our nutri- ating good jobs. Ever more local food is YEAS—48 tion, conservation, rural development, available in stores, restaurants, and in- Baldwin Hagan Murphy and farm programs. Our farmers can- stitutions throughout the State and in Baucus Harkin Murray not afford to be kept in limbo any Bennet Heinrich Nelson greater supply, for more months of the longer by congressional gridlock. Boxer Heitkamp Pryor year. Important programs are reaching Cantwell Hirono Reed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under more food insecure Vermonters with Cardin Johanns Reid the previous order, all postcloture time Carper Johnson (SD) Rockefeller fresh, healthy food. Thanks to the Sen- is expired. The question occurs on Casey Kaine Schatz ate farm bill we will continue to see Collins amendment No. 998, offered by the Sen- King Schumer these improvements in Vermont and Coons Klobuchar Shaheen ator from Vermont, Mr. LEAHY. across the country Cowan Landrieu Stabenow Donnelly Nationwide agriculture supports 16 Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, this Leahy Tester amendment is very simple. It sets up a Durbin Levin Udall (NM) million jobs. In Vermont our farms and Feinstein Menendez Warren private forestlands play a large role in pilot program for real ultra-high-speed Franken Merkley Whitehouse our economy and our State’s cultural Internet in rural areas. We are going to Gillibrand Mikulski Wyden and historical identity. Iconic images have this in urban areas. All we are NAYS—38 saying is let rural areas—and every of Vermont’s farms and forests bring Alexander Cruz McCaskill millions of visitors to the State each single Senator represents a rural area Ayotte Enzi McConnell year, supporting our local commu- somewhere in their State—allow rural Barrasso Fischer Moran Blunt Flake nities. areas to compete with urban areas for Portman Boozman Grassley Risch The 2013 farm bill that the Senate jobs, for education, for medical care. Burr Hatch The ultra-high-speed Internet service Roberts passed today will continue to support Chiesa Heller Rubio our farmers and rural communities, pilot is narrow in scope, carefully Coats Hoeven Sessions Coburn Inhofe drafted. I know it is supported by the Shelby while also reforming agricultural pro- Cochran Isakson Thune grams to save taxpayers billions of dol- distinguished chair and distinguished Corker Johnson (WI) Toomey ranking member. It has the potential Cornyn Kirk lars. I am encouraged that the Senate Wicker Agriculture Committee Chairwoman of bringing, as I said earlier, the inno- Crapo Lee DEBBIE STABENOW and our ranking vation of Silicon Valley to the Upper NOT VOTING—14 member THAD COCHRAN have been able Valley in Vermont and rural areas Begich Manchin Scott to bring the Senate together to pass a across the country. Blumenthal McCain Udall (CO) bipartisan farm bill. A farm bill that It is almost what we had to argue Brown Murkowski Vitter about rural electricity back before I Chambliss Paul Warner saves more than $23 billion. A bill that Graham Sanders includes many compromises. This bill was born—whether rural areas would The amendment (No. 998) was agreed provides an important framework to be the same as urban areas. This makes help farmers and ranchers in all re- it possible. to. gions of the country manage their I urge its passage. Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I risks more effectively, especially our Ms. STABENOW. I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote move to reconsider the vote. country’s dairy farmers, who strongly on the Leahy amendment. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. I move to lay support the dairy provisions in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that motion on the table. Senate-passed farm bill. question is on agreeing to the Leahy The motion to lay on the table was I must also thank the chairwoman amendment. agreed to. for her assistance with my gigabit Mr. COCHRAN. I ask for the yeas and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- broadband pilot amendment. This nays. jority leader. small pilot effort is an important addi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Mr. REID. We have one more vote to- tion to the bill and the broadband pro- sufficient second? night on final passage. gram and will help to ensure that the There appears to be a sufficient sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The taxpayer dollars we are investing in ond. clerk will read the bill for the third networks will not become obsolete The clerk will call the roll. time. within the next few years. Gigabit The assistant legislative clerk pro- The bill was ordered to be engrossed Internet is spreading to cities across ceeded to call the roll. for a third reading and was read the the country, and this pilot will allow Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the third time. USDA to test out investment in gigabit Senator from Connecticut (Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill networks in rural areas on a pilot BLUMENTHAL), the Senator from Alaska having been read the third time, under basis. The next generation gigabit net- (Mr. BEGICH), the Senator from Ohio the previous order the question is, works will transform everything from (Mr. BROWN), the Senator from West Shall it pass? the reliability of the electrical grid, to Virginia (Mr. MANCHIN), the Senator Mr. COATS. Madam President, I ask education and healthcare in rural from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), the Sen- for the yeas and nays. America. We cannot leave rural Amer- ator from Colorado (Mr. UDALL), and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a ica behind in the dust while the rest of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. WAR- sufficient second? the country moves into this next stage NER) are necessarily absent. There is a sufficient second. of the digital era. Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators The clerk will call the roll. I urge the U.S. House of Representa- are necessarily absent: the Senator Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the tives to follow suit by bringing a farm from Georgia (Mr. CHAMBLISS), the Sen- Senator from Alaska (Mr. BEGICH), the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.038 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 Senator from West Virginia (Mr. ∑ Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- suring that payments happen only MANCHIN), the Senator from Colorado dent, I was unable to return to Wash- when farmers need them most. The (Mr. UDALL), and the Senator from Vir- ington, DC, prior to the votes this program relies on current data and, as ginia (Mr. WARNER) are necessarily ab- evening due to unavoidable travels a result, is more responsive to farmers’ sent. delays that were beyond my control needs and more responsive to tax- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators and was therefore unable to cast a vote payers. are necessarily absent: the Senator for rollcall votes No. 144 and 145, Leahy It also includes a provision to help from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN), the Sen- amendment No. 998 and final passage of Ohio farmers and producers sell their ator from Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI), and the farm bill, S. 954. Had I been products directly to consumers. It will the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. PAUL). present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on make a world of difference to families Further, if present and voting, the each.∑ and schools that want to eat locally Senator from Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- grown food. I appreciate the efforts, in- would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ ator from Ohio. terest, and support of Senator COCHRAN The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. DON- Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask in those efforts. NELLY). Are there any other Senators unanimous consent to speak for up to 5 However, this bill does not include in the Chamber desiring to vote? minutes. Following my remarks, Sen- my food and agriculture market devel- The result was announced—yeas 66, ator SESSIONS will have the floor. opment amendment, cosponsored by 14 nays 27, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of my colleagues, to provide needed [Rollcall Vote No. 145 Leg.] objection, it is so ordered. funding to several important programs YEAS—66 Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask that support the development of a Alexander Durbin McCaskill unanimous consent to speak as in stronger, more sustainable food sys- Baldwin Feinstein Menendez morning business. tem. We will work on that in the Baucus Fischer Merkley The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without House. Bennet Franken Mikulski objection, it is so ordered. By aligning our agricultural, health, Blumenthal Gillibrand Moran Blunt Graham Murphy THE FARM BILL and economic policies in ways that en- Boozman Grassley Murray Mr. BROWN. Under the leadership of sure farmers get a fair price for their Boxer Hagan Nelson Chairman STABENOW and Ranking product, all Americans can have access Brown Harkin Pryor Burr Heinrich Reid Member COCHRAN, the Senate has again to affordable, healthy food, while con- Cantwell Heitkamp Rockefeller passed a bipartisan deficit-reducing bill tributing to strong communities and Cardin Hirono Sanders that will help our farms, our families, thriving local economies. Carper Hoeven Schatz our economy, and our environment. The farm bill affects every American Casey Isakson Schumer Chambliss Johanns Shaheen The Agriculture Reform, Food, and every day. It is a deficit reduction bill. Chiesa Johnson (SD) Stabenow Jobs Act of 2013 is a good start to culti- It is a jobs bill, conservation bill, rural Coats Kaine Tester vating a new era of prosperity in our development bill, and it is bipartisan. Cochran King Udall (NM) TABENOW Collins Klobuchar Vitter country and reinvesting in rural Amer- I commend again Senator S Coons Landrieu Warren ica. That is because this bill benefits and Senator COCHRAN for their work in Cowan Leahy Wicker all Americans, especially in my home crafting this bill, and their joint effort Donnelly Levin Wyden State of Ohio. to work across party lines is to be com- NAYS—27 One in seven jobs in Ohio, in places mended. Ayotte Hatch Risch such as Custar and Defiance, is related The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Barrasso Heller Roberts to food and agriculture. To keep our ator from Mississippi. Coburn Inhofe Rubio economy growing, the farm bill must Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I want Corker Johnson (WI) Scott Cornyn Kirk Sessions remain a priority here in Congress. We to thank the Senate for passing this Crapo Lee Shelby have shown the Senate can do its part. very important farm bill, the Agri- Cruz McConnell Thune To people who are uncertain about culture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of Enzi Portman Toomey our ability to work across the aisle, I 2013. Flake Reed Whitehouse say look at this farm bill. To people I especially thank my colleagues NOT VOTING—7 who are concerned about spending in DEBBIE STABENOW and PAT ROBERTS Begich Murkowski Warner Washington, I say look at this farm and their staff members for the hard Manchin Paul bill. To people who are disheartened work they devoted to this effort. Their McCain Udall (CO) about our ability to help low-income bill, when it was begun, passed the Sen- (The bill will be printed in a future families make ends meet, I say look at ate last year. Their legislation became edition of the RECORD.) this farm bill. the starting point for our work this VOTE EXPLANATIONS This bill saves more than $24 billion, year on the bill. ∑ Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I was and it maintains important invest- The chairwoman of the Agriculture not able to vote on final passage of the ments in conservation, nutrition, re- Committee, Senator STABENOW, and farm bill today due to an urgent per- newable energy, and rural develop- her staff director, Chris Adamo, have sonal matter, but I want the record to ment. Farmers across Ohio and across been outstanding leaders in this effort. reflect my strong support for the Agri- the country tell us they want a leaner, I would at this opportunity thank culture Reform, Food and Jobs Act. more efficient, and market-oriented them and all of the members of their Last year I voted in favor of the farm farm safety net. Taxpayers deserve staff for their hard work in developing bill and would have once again sup- that too. a strategy and developing language of a ported this bipartisan legislation. S. By eliminating direct payments, bill that could enjoy such broad sup- 954 gives Virginia’s farmers the cer- linking crop insurance to conservation port. tainty they need, supports the econo- compliance, and by further reforming Members of our committee staff and mies of our rural communities and also our risk management programs, the my personal office staff have worked improves current farm programs. I am Senate has taken that first step. very hard too in this effort. I would proud that the bill contains two of my Every farmer knows the importance like to thank them for their contribu- priorities: ensuring farmers in the of building on last season’s work. Last tions. I appreciate their hard work. Chesapeake Bay watershed get a fair year, Senators THUNE, DURBIN, Lugar— They include my staff director, T. A. share of conservation funding and re- the predecessor—the Presiding Officer, Hawks, Nona McCoy, Kevin Batteh, forming broadband financing programs and I proposed the Aggregate Risk and Darrell Dixon, Adam Telle, Daniel to provide greater accountability and Revenue Management Program, Ulmer, Ben Mosely, Taylor Nicholas, transparency. I would like to thank the streamlining the farmer safety net, Julian Baer, Andrew Vlasaty, Chris chairwoman and ranking member for making it more market-oriented. The Gallegos, Steven Wall, Keith Coble, their tireless efforts, and wish I could Agricultural Risk Coverage Program Anne Hazlett, James Glueck, and have been there to cast my vote for included in this bill gives farmers the Sarah Margaret Hewes. The staff mem- this important, bipartisan legislation.∑ tools they need to mitigate risks, en- bers have done an outstanding job, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.024 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4053 I am very pleased they have been mem- New health insurance plans will now to support those who have done so bers of our team. For all of them and cover a range of preventive health serv- much for our Nation and am just as especially for the Senators and the sup- ices, including contraception services, proud of those communities that do the port we have received today, we appre- at no cost. same. ciate the support very much. The annual cost of birth control pills Congratulations to the Southwestern Mr. President, I yield the floor. can range from $160 to $600. For many Illinois and St. Louis regions on win- f women, that expense has been a barrier ning the Abilene Trophy. Tomorrow’s to accessing basic health care. awards ceremony reminds us of your FORTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF Over the last 48 years, we have made commitment to our servicemembers at GRISWOLD V. CONNECTICUT tremendous progress ensuring women Scott Air Force Base and to our mili- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, 48 years have access to quality health care and tary families. ago on June 5, the U.S. Supreme Court are free to make decisions about their made a landmark ruling in Griswold v. own health. f Connecticut, which legalized birth con- As we remember Griswold v. Con- SRI LANKA trol for married couples in all 50 States necticut, we must remember those who and paved the way for women and men fought to ensure access to contracep- Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I rise to to have legal access to contraception. tion. We must protect personal free- encourage our Department of State to The Justices’ decision not only rec- doms and defend our Nation from ef- review its current policies regarding ognized birth control as a right pro- forts to undermine access to basic the country of Sri Lanka, and seek fur- tected under our Constitution, but em- health care. ther engagement with its leadership so as to assist them as they continue powered women and families to make f decisions in the best interest of their their progress toward complete rec- health and well-being. AWARD OF ABILENE TROPHY TO onciliation and reconstruction after 30 In fact, access to birth control has ST. LOUIS REGION years of the civil war against the had such a dramatic impact on women Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I rise Tamil Tiger terrorists. and families in this country that the today to commend the communities of As you know, four years ago Sri Centers for Disease Control and Pre- St. Louis and Southwestern Illinois re- Lanka defeated the Tamil rebels, and vention named it one of the top 10 pub- gion for winning the Air Mobility Com- is currently recovering from the eco- lic health achievements of the past mand Community Support—Award also nomic, political, and social upheaval century, along with vaccinations and known as the Abilene Trophy—for caused by this destructive civil war. adding fluoride to water. their support of Scott Air Force Base Peace has brought historic post-con- Family planning and contraceptive in 2012. flict recovery, and I find that Sri services give women and couples the The Abilene Trophy is presented an- Lanka has brought the dividends of ability to determine timing of births nually to a civilian community recog- peace in an inclusive manner, in par- and family size. nized for providing outstanding support ticular to those in the north and the Research shows that having smaller to a nearby US Air Force Air Mobility east of the country from where suicide families and spacing out births im- Command base. The award has been bombers and other terrorist attacks prove the health of children and presented every year since 1998 and were once launched. women. highlights the role our communities It is my understanding that, since Access to contraception also im- play in support of our service men and the war ended, those two areas have proves the economic and social well- women and their families. seen an economic growth of 22%, com- being of women. Scott Air Force Base in St. Clair pared to an average of 7.5% in the rest Contraception allows young women County, IL, is home to the 375th Air of the country. It is also my under- to postpone pregnancy until they finish Mobility Wing, the Air Force Reserve standing that Sri Lanka has removed school, secure a good job, and are as Command’s 932nd Airlift Wing, and the half a million anti-personnel mines, re- ready as any parent can be to start a Illinois Air National Guard’s 126th Air settled 300,000 internally displaced peo- family. Refueling Wing. Scott Air Force Base ple and re-established vital social serv- The benefits of contraception help also headquarters major military orga- ices in the areas of health and edu- not only women, but their children. nizations such as USTRANSCOM, the cation. It is making progress in other When parents have prepared them- Air Force Global Logistics Support areas of reconciliation in accordance selves financially and mentally to love Center, and the Air Mobility Com- with its legislative and budgetary pro- and support a child, the child reaps all mand. Winning the prestigious Abilene cedures, and is expected to conduct the benefits. Trophy is particularly meaningful, elections in the north in September— While the Supreme Court’s 1965 rul- given the multiple missions supported an important step towards political ing on Griswold v. Connecticut paved there. reconciliation. Such processes take the way for legalizing contraception, The nomination package for the Abi- time, as we have learned from our own the Federal Government has played a lene Trophy cited over 270 examples of Civil War. key role in expanding access to family how the surrounding communities have It seems to me that Sri Lanka is de- planning services. supported military personnel at the veloping into a key economy, both in In 1970, under President Nixon, title base, including in-kind donations such its own right and as a gateway to X was created and remains the only as $500,000 worth of documented mate- India. It is my understanding that U.S. dedicated source of Federal funding for rial aid through the H.E.R.O.E.S. Care private investment there totals billions family planning services in the U.S. program. Partnerships were built that in long term Sri Lankan bonds. Such Title X provides critical family plan- could help servicemembers and their investments there, however, are not as ning and preventive health care to 5.2 families find appropriate resources. visible as the airports and harbors fi- million low-income and uninsured Servicemembers and their families nanced by China and other govern- women and men across the country. were recognized by major league sports ments. Regardless, it is my under- Title X services prevent nearly 1 mil- teams such as the Cardinals and the standing that at this time, Sri Lanka lion unintended pregnancies each year, Rams and by community schools and continues to present a unique window almost half of which would otherwise businesses. Countless other examples of of investment opportunities for U.S. end in abortion. generosity, support and gratitude from companies. In 1972, 2 years after the creation of the community have provided finan- In addition, Sri Lanka’s geo-strategic title X, Medicaid funding for family cial, physical, and emotional support location and deep-water ports could be planning was authorized. throughout the year. vital to the long term financial and na- Last year, a key provision of the We owe a great debt of gratitude to tional security interests of the U.S. health care reform law took effect that the men and women who have sac- Some 50% of all container traffic and builds on the legacy of Griswold v. Con- rificed their lives or go to work every 70% of the world’s energy supplies pass necticut. day to protect our country. I am proud within sight of the Sri Lankan coast.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.058 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 Understandably, U.S. policies to- reer in Fort Dodge, but was transferred cers in the line of duty should be appre- wards Sri Lanka have focused on ac- to Tuskegee, AL, to train in the hended as quickly as possible. However, I be- countability for what happened during Army’s Black pilot program, where he lieve the responsibility to address this issue, as it relates to state and local law enforce- the last phases of the civil war as well received the rank of commissioned sec- ment officers, lies with the states and local as on steps toward reconciliation ef- ond lieutenant and specialized in oper- communities that these brave law enforce- forts that seek inclusion of former ter- ating the AT–6 Texan and the P–40 War ment officers serve. Furthermore, while I do rorist enemies into the democratic Hawk. He then, in 1944, became an ac- not believe this issue is the responsibility of process. While these aspects are very tive fighter pilot in Italy, conducting the federal government; if Congress does act, important and deserving of support, I over 60 long-range combat missions as we can and must do so in a fiscally respon- believe there is the opportunity to en- part of the 100th Fighter Squadron. His sible manner. My concerns are included in, gage in a wider approach at the same squadron defended B–17 Flying For- but not limited to, those outlined in this let- ter. time that takes into account economic tresses from German assaults. On While this bill is well-intentioned, it will and geostrategic considerations. Maybe March 3, 1945, he was shot down by likely cost the American people several mil- a wider approach would have a positive ground fire in Yugoslavia. He lion dollars over 5 years without cor- influence overall. parachuted from his burning plane and responding offsets. I recognize this bill no I have expressed these points re- successfully avoided German capture longer contains the authorization included cently in correspondence to Secretary with the help of Yugoslavian partisans. in prior versions of this legislation; however, Kerry, urging him to undertake at the establishing a new program which requires Upon his recovery, he returned to the the Department of Justice (DOJ) to carry Department of State a review of our U.S. and was honorably discharged. out additional responsibilities, even if imple- current policies towards Sri Lanka to After being discharged, Mr. Martin mented by existing staff, is not free of future ensure that we not only encourage con- continued to serve in the Army Air costs. In examining last year’s National Blue tinued reconciliation that includes po- Corps Reserves, rising to the rank of Alert Act of 2012 (H.R. 365), the Congres- litical transparency especially in the captain. Following his military career, sional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the upcoming election in the north but he maintained a commitment to public DOJ would incur an additional $5 million also recognize Sri Lanka’s potential to service, serving as an engineer for Cook over 5 years solely in administrative costs to be a strong financial and national secu- operate the Blue Alert system. As this legis- County, IL. He was also a leader in lation made no changes from the 2012 bill, it rity ally in the future. Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., an organization is safe to assume those costs will recur. Secretary Kerry has replied agreeing whose members travel the country as It is irresponsible for Congress to jeop- with me that promising economic educators and historians. ardize the future standard of living of our growth is occurring in Sri Lanka after Mr. Martin was awarded a number of children by borrowing from future genera- years of terrorist insurgency, and that accolades for his service, including the tions. The U.S. national debt is now over this country can play a significant geo- Distinguished Flying Cross, a Purple $16.7 trillion. That means over $53,000 in debt political role in U.S. strategic security for each man, woman and child in the United Heart, an Air Medal with six Oak Leaf States. A year ago, the national debt was interests in South Asia and the Indian Clusters, and, in 2007, the Congres- $15.7 trillion. Despite pledges to control Ocean. The State Department, how- sional Gold Medal. Moreover, he was spending, Washington adds billions to the ever, points out that Sri Lanka still inducted into the Iowa Aviation Hall of national debt every single day. In just one needs to achieve ‘‘meaningful rec- Fame and presented the George Wash- year, our national debt has grown by $1 tril- onciliation between the Sinhala major- ington Carver Medal from Simpson lion or 6.4%. ity and Tamil and Muslim minorities.’’ College, which recognizes individuals In addition to these fiscal concerns, there are several problems specific to this legisla- I take the State Department at its who have served as an inspiration to word, and believe the upcoming Sep- tion. First, there is no need to establish a na- others; demonstrated leadership and tional Blue Alert system because many tember 7 Provincial Council elections conviction; advanced the fields of states have already developed their own Blue in the north can be a meaningful act of science, education, the arts, or reli- Alert programs for the same purposes out- reconciliation between the Sinhala ma- gion; and dedicated themselves to ad- lined in this bill, including alerts issued for jority and Tamil Muslim minorities. dressing humanitarian issues. Mr. Mar- the injury or death of federal, as well as And if they are deemed to be conducted tin’s record exemplifies the extraor- state and local law enforcement officers. In in a free and fair manner, I will renew dinary military service African Ameri- 2008, Florida and Texas were the first states to establish these programs. Fourteen addi- my request to Secretary Kerry to re- cans performed and the dedication that access our current policies towards Sri tional states soon followed—Oklahoma, they displayed for their country in Maryland, Georgia, Delaware, California, Lanka. spite of the prejudice they experienced. Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Utah, Colo- f Robert Martin is a remarkable cit- rado, South Carolina, Washington, Ken- TRIBUTE TO ROBERT MARTIN, izen, truly deserving of his many deco- tucky, and Ohio. This year, in July and Octo- ber, respectively, Indiana and Connecticut TUSKEGEE AIRMAN rations and my gratitude. I wish him and his family all the best and thank will begin their Blue Alert systems. Several Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I would him and all the Tuskegee Airmen for state legislatures currently have legislation pending that would establish a Blue Alert like to take a moment to recognize the their steadfast service. remarkable service of Robert Martin, system, including Minnesota, Illinois and who has spent his life overcoming ra- f Alabama. Furthermore, there is no data to support cial barriers and giving back to his CONSULTATION REQUEST the success of any of the existing state Blue country through extraordinary mili- Mr. COBURN. Mr. President, I ask Alert programs. Oklahoma established its tary and public service. unanimous consent that my letter Blue Alert system in 2009, but it is not yet Born and raised in Dubuque, IA, Mr. dated June 10, 2013, to the minority fully functional. The last five states to es- Martin, in his youth and throughout tablish an alert system did so just last year. leader be printed in the RECORD. his life, demonstrated an exceptional As a result, not only have states already es- There being no objection, the mate- tablished their own programs, but from the commitment to academics, athletics, rial was ordered to be printed in the and community service. He partici- limited use of the existing systems, there is RECORD, as follows: no clear evidence of a substantial need for a pated in Boy Scouts despite threats U.S. SENATE, Blue Alert system, or of the consistent, suc- and backlash from fellow scouts’ par- Washington, DC, June 10, 2013. cessful apprehension of suspects as a direct ents. He was also ultimately inducted Hon. MITCH MCCONNELL, result of a Blue Alert. If anything, we should into the Dubuque Senior High School Senate Minority Leader, U.S. Senate, wait for these programs to produce results Athletic Hall of Fame. He graduated Washington, DC. that can be examined and determine whether from Iowa State University earning a DEAR SENATOR MCCONNELL: I am request- this type of system is useful before insti- degree in electrical engineering and ob- ing that I be consulted before the Senate en- tuting a federal one-size-fits-all program. ters into any unanimous consent agreements Second, while the bill’s supporters likely tained a pilot’s license. or time limitations regarding H.R. 180, Na- envision pursuing suspects who have injured Mr. Martin, while still in college, ap- tional Blue Alert Act of 2013. or killed a law enforcement officer in a rou- plied to join the U.S. Army Air Corps I support the goals of this legislation and tine traffic stop or while fleeing a crime and was accepted after he was drafted believe suspects who seriously injure or kill scene, for example, the bill’s definition of into service. He began his military ca- federal, state or local law enforcement offi- ‘‘law enforcement officer’’ is much broader.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.015 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4055 The bill incorporates the definition in Sec- nization that is combined with a large In Alaska, there are 16 ham radio tion 1204 of the Omnibus Crime Control and domestic agency. He has superb analyt- clubs. These clubs provide a vital com- Safe Streets Act of 1968, which includes ‘‘an ical skills that have been critical in munication link that may otherwise individual involved in crime and juvenile de- linquency control or reduction, or enforce- our review of a $39 billion budget re- not be available. This link includes ment of the criminal laws (including juvenile quest and in developing complex checkpoint updates for the Yukon delinquency), including, but not limited to, spreadsheets that synthesize funding Quest and Iditarod sled dog races, sup- police, corrections, probation, parole, and ju- issues into easily understood docu- port for local organizations such as the dicial officers.’’ As a result, a Blue Alert ments we have used in hearings, closed Boy Scouts, and critical forecast infor- could be issued for a state court bailiff, a briefings, in full committee, and on the mation to and from the National state parole officer, or an officer within a floor. He made critical recommenda- Weather Service. state’s juvenile corrections facility, if in- tions that were adopted to improve key In 2011, a superstorm in the Bering jured in the line of duty. Finally, I do not believe the federal gov- components within the Department of Sea crippled communities along the ernment has the authority under the Con- Homeland Security, most notably care- west coast of Alaska. Ham radio opera- stitution to provide federal funds to coordi- fully overseeing integrity efforts fol- tors took up the task of providing real nate the tracking of state and local fugitives lowing the rapid hiring of agents and time data to local, State, and Federal or to establish national protocols to appre- officers at Customs and Border Protec- weather services, as well as to emer- hend suspects accused of injuring or killing tion as well as Immigration and Cus- gency responders, on the condition of state and local law enforcement officers. Ar- toms Enforcement to ensure that all residents. As ham radio can operate ticle I, Section 8 of the Constitution enumer- independent of AC power or internet ates the limited powers of Congress, and no- agents, but especially new hires, re- where are we tasked with funding or becom- ceive comprehensive training in ethics connection, it is well-suited to commu- ing involved with state and local criminal and public integrity. His unqualified nities in rural Alaska. issues. professionalism, perception, superb Indeed, ham radio operators have There is no question those suspected of in- analytic focus and technical skills, been there throughout our Nation’s juring or killing a state or local law enforce- combined with a keen sense of humor, times of need: the 1964 Good Friday ment officer in the line of duty should be ag- a cool head, and a modesty rarely seen earthquake in Alaska and more re- gressively pursued and prosecuted. However, cently Hurricane Katrina in the lower I believe this issue is the responsibility of on Capitol Hill, have helped keep the the states and not the federal government. momentum for these bills moving for- 48. These operators are deeply com- Despite these Constitutional limitations, if ward. His high standards of profes- mitted to public service, and they work Congress does act in this area, like most sionalism and thoroughness are beyond tireless unpaid hours to maintain the American individuals and companies must reproach, and his contributions have flow of information. do with their own resources, we should been highly valued. As Alaska’s Field Day approaches, evaluate current programs, determine any Through all of this, George main- let us remember the vital role ham needs that may exist, and prioritize those tained the decorum and profes- radio operators have played in edu- needs for funding by cutting from the federal sionalism that we have all come to ex- cation, science, survival, entertain- budget programs fraught with waste, fraud, pect from our military officer corps, ment, and relationship-building in the abuse, and duplication. ∑ Sincerely, and he has represented the Coast Guard United States. TOM A. COBURN, M.D., with the highest integrity and com- f United States Senator. petence. Commander Kovatch has TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL F. ADAMS served me, this subcommittee, and the f ∑ Senate well. We are sorry to see him Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, today I TRIBUTE TO COMMANDER GEORGE leave and will miss him as our col- wish to pay tribute to Dr. Michael F. KOVATCH league but are glad to count him as a Adams, president of my alma mater, Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, the friend. Each of us on the Homeland Se- the University of Georgia, which is the Homeland Security Appropriations curity Appropriations Subcommittee first State-chartered university in Subcommittee will soon bid farewell to wish George all the best as he moves America. Dr. Adams is stepping down our congressional fellow, Coast Guard forward in the next phase of his career, as president on June 30, 2013, after 16 CDR. George Kovatch, who has served where we anticipate seeing great very successful years leading Georgia’s the Committee on Appropriations over things of him in the coming years. flagship university. the past 3 years. Unfortunately, Com- Dr. Adams was named president of f mander Kovatch is retiring, so not only UGA on June 11, 1997, and immediately is his departure a loss for the Com- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS focused on making the university one mittee on Appropriations, but it is also of America’s best. Under his leadership, a loss for the Coast Guard. student quality has risen dramatically, Commander Kovatch has been de- HAM RADIO IN ALASKA research production has increased sig- tailed to the committee from the U.S. ∑ Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, the nificantly, and UGA is serving the peo- Coast Guard since 2010 and is a key American Radio Relay League is the ple of Georgia and our Nation in new member of our professional staff. Com- national association for amateur radio, and innovative ways. As a result, U.S. mander Kovatch performed admirably connecting ham radio operators around News & World Report has ranked it as in his role on the Homeland Security the world. Each year, the league spon- one of America’s top 20 public research Appropriations Subcommittee. He did sors a 24-hour Field Day in June. The universities in 8 of the past 10 years. everything we asked of him, with pin- weekend of June 22 to 23 was chosen for The UGA campus has been trans- point accuracy, and always beat the 2013. formed during Dr. Adams’ presidency, deadlines given to him. I would also Ham radio has a variety of uses from with more than $1.2 billion in new con- add that he served the committee dur- private recreation, to roundtable dis- struction, renovation, and infrastruc- ing interesting times, perhaps more in- cussions, self-training to emergency ture undertaken. He created the UGA teresting than he imagined when he ac- correspondence. Throughout its his- Real Estate Foundation as a funding cepted the job. He was here for the tory, amateur radio has been a tool for mechanism for much needed campus Deepwater Horizon oilspill, the Times inventors and hobbyists to share expe- projects. His dedication to making Square bombing attempt, the air cargo riences and spread ideas. Notable en- UGA’s campus one of the most breath- printer scare, Hurricanes Isaac and thusiasts include the late Walter taking in the country is apparent. Sandy, and the Boston marathon Cronkite, ‘‘CBS Evening News’’ anchor, When approaching Sanford Stadium bombing. and Nobel Prize-winning physicist Dr. from the west end, two of the capital The Homeland Security Appropria- Joseph H. Taylor. In the past, just by projects that Dr. Adams has under- tions Subcommittee has greatly bene- signing on one could converse with a taken are visible. Not only are the fited from the experience Commander foreign dignitary or even bounce radio Richard B. Russell Special Collections Kovatch gained as a Coast Guard offi- waves off the Moon or aurora borealis Libraries and the expansion of the Tate cer, in particular his insights into the to speak with cosmonauts aboard the Center a testament to the growth of operations of a complex military orga- International Space Station. the university’s physical campus, but

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.023 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 they also show the president’s commit- valued partner in promoting, improv- the Office of the President of the Senate on ment to ensuring that UGA’s students ing, and increasing opportunities for June 3, 2013; to the Committee on Agri- have access to state-of-the-art facili- firms owned by socially and economi- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. EC–1785. A communication from the Direc- tates. It is ‘‘a place of the quality to cally disadvantaged individuals. He not tor of Program Development and Regulatory which we aspire should look the part,’’ only was a CPA, with an MBA from Analysis, Rural Utilities Service, Depart- as he has said. UCLA, he also served in a number of ment of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant Dr. Adams has also overseen the con- capacities for Presidents, Governors, to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Commu- struction of the Paul D. Coverdell Cen- and local municipalities. Most notably, nity Connect Broadband Grant Program’’ ter for Biomedical and Health Mr. Wilfong was the first Black Pasa- (RIN0572–AC30) received in the Office of the Sciences, a new Lamar Dodd School of dena City Councilman. He was also a President of the Senate on June 4, 2013; to Art, an expansion of the Georgia Mu- three-time Presidential appointee, the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. seum of Art, and the first new resi- which included the Small Business Ad- EC–1786. A communication from the Chair- dence halls on campus in more than 30 ministration’s Associate Administrator man and Chief Executive Officer, Farm Cred- years, the East Campus Village. of the 8(a) Program. Later, he founded it Administration, transmitting, pursuant to There has been an expansion of the NASDB, a trade organization rep- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Unincor- infrastructure and physical footprint resenting over 300 minority, women- porated Business Entities’’ (RIN3052–AC65) under Dr. Adams, and he has also di- owned, service-disabled, veteran- received in the Office of the President of the rected an increase in growth and diver- owned, and HUBZone small businesses. Senate on June 4, 2013; to the Committee on sity of the academic program. Five new Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Whether it was his advocacy for par- EC–1787. A communication from the Direc- colleges or schools have been estab- ity among the set-aside programs or tor of the Regulatory Management Division, lished during his tenure: the School of his passion for strengthening the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Public and International Affairs, the women-owned small business and 8(a) ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- College of Environment and Design, Programs, we have all been touched by titled ‘‘Sedaxane; Pesticide Tolerances’’ the College of Public Health, the Eu- his legacy, which promotes equal op- (FRL No. 9386–9) received in the Office of the gene P. Odum School of Ecology, and portunity for all small businesses to President of the Senate on June 4, 2013; to the College of Engineering. Addition- succeed and live the American dream the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. ally, the UGA Health Sciences campus of entrepreneurship. With his passing, EC–1788. A communication from the Direc- on the former campus of the U.S. Navy we also lose a U.S. Army Korean War tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Supply Corps School houses the College veteran. He was a fighter his entire Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of Public Health, as well as the Georgia life, and we are all grateful for his serv- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Regents University-University of Geor- ice to our country, both in the military titled ‘‘Imidacloprid; Pesticide Tolerances’’ gia Medical Partnership, granting med- and as an advocate. Our deepest condo- (FRL No. 9387–9) received in the Office of the ical degrees in Athens for the first lences go out to his family and all President of the Senate on June 4, 2013; to time. the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, those whose lives he touched. We will and Forestry. Understanding, appreciating, and greatly miss Hank Wilfong, Jr., who EC–1789. A communication from the Direc- sharing the passion with which Geor- served as the voice for so many small tor of the Regulatory Management Division, gians cheer for the ‘‘Dawgs,’’ Dr. businesses that deserved to be heard.∑ Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Adams has also made sure that UGA ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- f athletics continue the tradition of titled ‘‘Diisopropyl adipate; Exemption from fielding the most gifted and dominant MEASURES PLACED ON THE the Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. teams and athletes in the country. CALENDAR 9387–8) received in the Office of the President UGA athletes have won 27 national of the Senate on June 4, 2013; to the Com- The following bills were read the sec- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- championships, 58 Southeastern Con- ond time, and placed on the calendar: estry. ference titles, and 125 national indi- S. 1121. A bill to stop the National Security EC–1790. A communication from the Direc- vidual titles while Dr. Adams has been Agency from spying on citizens of the United tor of the Regulatory Management Division, president. He also understands that the States and for other purposes. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- balance between academics and ath- H.R. 126. An act to direct the Secretary of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- letics is not a zero-sum game but that the Interior to enter into an agreement to titled ‘‘Propamocarb; Pesticide Tolerances’’ each plays a unique role in defining the provide for management of the free-roaming (FRL No. 9388–1) received in the Office of the identity of the university. wild horses in and around the Currituck Na- President of the Senate on June 4, 2013; to tional Wildlife Refuge. the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, Dr. Adams has been an outstanding and Forestry. leader of this institution. During his f EC–1791. A communication from the Direc- tenure, he has personally or on behalf EXECUTIVE AND OTHER tor of the Regulatory Management Division, of the university received more than 50 Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- awards in higher education, including COMMUNICATIONS ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the Knight Foundation Award for Pres- The following communications were titled ‘‘1,3-Propanediol; Exemptions from the idential Leadership and the James T. laid before the Senate, together with Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. 9386– Rodgers Award, the highest honor be- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- 8) received in the Office of the President of uments, and were referred as indicated: the Senate on June 6, 2013; to the Committee stowed by the Southern Association of on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Colleges and Schools. EC–1783. A communication from the Pro- EC–1792. A communication from the Sec- I would like to thank and recognize gram Manager, Food and Drug Administra- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on University of Georgia president Mi- tion, Department of Health and Human Serv- the approved retirement of Vice Admiral chael F. Adams for his extraordinary ices, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Kendall L. Card, United States Navy, and his service to the University of Georgia port of a rule entitled ‘‘Information Required advancement to the grade of vice admiral on in Prior Notice of Imported Food’’ (RIN0910– and our great State.∑ the retired list; to the Committee on Armed AG65) received in the Office of the President Services. f of the Senate on June 3, 2013; to the Com- EC–1793. A communication from the Sec- REMEMBERING HENRY T. ‘‘HANK’’ mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on estry. WILFONG, JR. the approved retirement of Vice Admiral EC–1784. A communication from the Sec- Gerald R. Beaman, United States Navy, and ∑ Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, as retary of the Commodity Futures Trading his advancement to the grade of vice admiral chair of the Senate Committee on Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, on the retired list; to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, I the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Process for a Armed Services. join the small business community Designated Contract Market or Swap Execu- EC–1794. A communication from the Sec- throughout our country in mourning tion Facility to Make a Swap Available to retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Trade under Section 2(h) (8) of the Com- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- the death of Mr. Henry T. ‘‘Hank’’ modity Exchange Act; Swap Transaction eral Francis J. Wiercinski, United States Wilfong, Jr., president of the National Compliance and Implementation Schedule; Army, and his advancement to the grade of Association of Small Disadvantaged Trade Execution Requirement under Section lieutenant general on the retired list; to the Businesses, NASDB. Mr. Wilfong was a 2(h) of the CEA’’ (RIN3038–AD18) received in Committee on Armed Services.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.014 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4057 EC–1795. A communication from the Sec- June 5, 2013; to the Committee on Banking, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Housing, and Urban Affairs. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- EC–1805. A communication from the Attor- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air eral Richard P. Formica, United States ney, Legal Division, Bureau of Consumer Fi- Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware, Army, and his advancement to the grade of nancial Protection, transmitting, pursuant District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsyl- lieutenant general on the retired list; to the to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Loan vania, Virginia, West Virginia; Removal of Committee on Armed Services. Originator Compensation Requirements Obsolete Regulations and Updates to Cita- EC–1796. A communication from the Direc- Under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation tions to State Regulations Due to Recodifi- tor, Facilities Services Directorate, Depart- Z); Prohibition on Financing Credit Insur- cation’’ (FRL No. 9819–6) received in the Of- ment of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to ance Premiums; Delay of Effective Date’’ fice of the President of the Senate on June 4, law, the Facilities Services Directorate/Pen- ((RIN3170–AA37) (Docket No. CFPB–2013– 2013; to the Committee on Environment and tagon Renovation and Construction Program 0013)) received in the Office of the President Public Works. Office (PENREN) annual report; to the Com- of the Senate on June 4, 2013; to the Com- EC–1814. A communication from the Direc- mittee on Armed Services. mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–1797. A communication from the Prin- fairs. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- cipal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense EC–1806. A communication from the Acting ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- (Reserve Affairs), transmitting, pursuant to General Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air law, a report relative to modernization pri- Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; 1997 8- ority assessments provided by the Chiefs of the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Filing, Index- Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan Revision; the Reserve and National Guard components; ing and Service Requirements for Oil Pipe- Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the to the Committee on Armed Services. lines’’ (Docket No. RM12–15–000) received in Ohio Portion of the Wheeling Area’’ (FRL EC–1798. A communication from the Under the Office of the President of the Senate on No. 9821–3) received in the Office of the Presi- Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Tech- June 6, 2013; to the Committee on Energy dent of the Senate on June 6, 2013; to the nology, and Logistics), transmitting, pursu- and Natural Resources. Committee on Environment and Public ant to law, the Uniform Resource Locator EC–1807. A communication from the Acting Works. (URL) for the Department of Defense 2013 General Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory EC–1815. A communication from the Direc- Major Automated Information System Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, (MAIS) Annual Reports (MARs); to the Com- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Reliability Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mittee on Armed Services. Standards for Geomagnetic Disturbances’’ ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–1799. A communication from the Assist- (Docket No. RM12–22–000) received in the Of- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air ant Secretary of Defense (Global Strategic fice of the President of the Senate on June 3, Quality Implementation Plans; Ohio; Lima Affairs), transmitting, pursuant to law, the 2013; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan Revi- Department’s Cooperative Threat Reduction ural Resources. sion to Approved Motor Vehicle Emissions (CTR) Annual Report to Congress for fiscal EC–1808. A communication from the Assist- Budgets’’ (FRL No. 9821–5) received in the Of- year 2014; to the Committee on Armed Serv- ant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), fice of the President of the Senate on June 6, ices. transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- 2013; to the Committee on Environment and EC–1800. A communication from the Assist- ative to the Freeport Harbor Channel Im- Public Works. ant General Counsel, General Law, Ethics, provement Project, Brazoria County, Texas; EC–1816. A communication from the Direc- and Regulation, Department of the Treasury, to the Committee on Environment and Pub- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, transmitting, pursuant to law, (2) two re- lic Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–1809. A communication from the Direc- ports relative to vacancies in the Depart- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tor of Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regu- ment of the Treasury received in the Office titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- latory Commission, transmitting, pursuant of the President of the Senate on June 3, mentation Plans; Maryland; Revisions to the to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Models 2013; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, State Implementation Plan Approved by for Plant-Specific Adoption of Technical and Urban Affairs. EPA through Letter Notice Actions’’ (FRL Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF– EC–1801. A communication from the Acting No. 9822–5) received in the Office of the Presi- 426, Revision 5, ’Revise or Add Actions to Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, De- dent of the Senate on June 6, 2013; to the Preclude Entry into LCO 3.0.3—RITSTF Ini- partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Committee on Environment and Public tiatives 6B and 6C,’ Using the Consolidated law, a six-month periodic report relative to Works. Line Item Improvement Process’’ (NUREG– EC–1817. A communication from the Direc- the continuation of the national emergency 1432) received in the Office of the President tor of the Regulatory Management Division, with respect to the proliferation of weapons of the Senate on June 5, 2013; to the Com- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of mass destruction that was originally de- mittee on Environment and Public Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- clared in Executive Order 12938 of November EC–1810. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air 14, 1994; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- tor of Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regu- Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Re- ing, and Urban Affairs. latory Commission, transmitting, pursuant vision to the Classification and Implementa- EC–1802. A communication from the Assist- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Updated tion of the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air ant Secretary for Export Administration, Aging Management Criteria for Reactor Ves- Quality Standards for the Northern Virginia Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- sel Internal Components for Pressurized Nonattainment Area’’ (FRL No. 9822–3) re- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant Water Reactors’’ (LR–ISG–2011–04) received ceived in the Office of the President of the to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Imple- in the Office of the President of the Senate Senate on June 6, 2013; to the Committee on mentation of the Understandings Reached at on June 5, 2013; to the Committee on Envi- Environment and Public Works. the 2012 Australia Group (AG) Plenary Meet- ronment and Public Works. EC–1818. A communication from the Direc- ing and the 2012 AG Intersessional Decisions; EC–1811. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Changes to Select Agent Controls’’ (RIN0694– tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- AF76) received in the Office of the President Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- of the Senate on June 3, 2013; to the Com- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; fairs. Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsyl- Low Emission Vehicle Program’’ (FRL No. EC–1803. A communication from the Assist- vania; Allegheny County Reasonably Avail- 9822–6) received in the Office of the President ant Secretary for Export Administration, able Control Technology Under the 8-Hour of the Senate on June 6, 2013; to the Com- Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Stand- mittee on Environment and Public Works. ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant ard’’ (FRL No. 9820–3) received in the Office EC–1819. A communication from the Direc- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Addi- of the President of the Senate on June 4, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tion, Removals, and Revisions to the List of 2013; to the Committee on Environment and Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Validated End-Users in the People’s Republic Public Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- of China’’ (RIN0694–AF92) received in the Of- EC–1812. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Indiana: Final Authorization of State fice of the President of the Senate on June 3, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Hazardous Waste Management Program Re- 2013; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- vision’’ (FRL No. 9817–9) received in the Of- and Urban Affairs. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- fice of the President of the Senate on June 6, EC–1804. A communication from the Gen- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- 2013; to the Committee on Environment and eral Counsel and Agency Ethics Official, Of- mentation Plans; Kentucky: Kentucky Por- Public Works. fice of General Counsel, National Credit tion of Cincinnati-Hamilton, Revision to the EC–1820. A communication from the Direc- Union Administration, transmitting, pursu- Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets’’ (FRL No. tor of Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled 9820–1) received in the Office of the President latory Commission, transmitting, pursuant ‘‘Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct of the Senate on June 4, 2013; to the Com- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Imple- for Employees of the National Credit Union mittee on Environment and Public Works. mentation of Regulatory Guide 1.221 on De- Administration’’ (RIN3133–AE10) received in EC–1813. A communication from the Direc- sign-Basis Hurricane and Hurricane Mis- the Office of the President of the Senate on tor of the Regulatory Management Division, siles’’ (DC/COL–ISG–24) received in the Office

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.002 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 of the President of the Senate on June 4, mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and tion opioid treatment and assistance to 2013; to the Committee on Environment and Pensions. States in reducing opioid abuse, diver- Public Works. By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. sion, and deaths. EC–1821. A communication from the Direc- CRUZ): tor of the Regulatory Management Division, S. 1125. A bill to require the Secretary of S. 351 Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- State to submit to Congress reports on water At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- sharing with Mexico; to the Committee on name of the Senator from Arkansas titled ‘‘Direct Final Approval of Sewage Foreign Relations. (Mr. PRYOR) was added as a cosponsor Sludge Incinerators State Plan for Des- By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. GRASS- of S. 351, a bill to repeal the provisions ignated Facilities and Pollutants; Indiana’’ LEY, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. COWAN, and of the Patient Protection and Afford- (FRL No. 9821–1) received in the Office of the Mr. BLUMENTHAL): able Care Act of providing for the Inde- President of the Senate on June 6, 2013; to S. 1126. A bill to aid and support pediatric the Committee on Environment and Public involvement in reading and education; to the pendent Payment Advisory Board. Works. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and S. 411 f Pensions. At the request of Mr. ROCKEFELLER, By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. COCH- the name of the Senator from Min- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF RAN, Mrs. MURRAY, and Mr. WHITE- nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a COMMITTEE HOUSE): cosponsor of S. 411, a bill to amend the The following executive reports of S. 1127. A bill to amend the Elementary Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend nominations were submitted: and Secondary Education Act of 1965 regard- ing school libraries, and for other purposes; and modify the railroad track mainte- By Mr. ROCKEFELLER for the Committee to the Committee on Health, Education, nance credit. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Labor, and Pensions. S. 462 *Anthony Renard Foxx, of North Carolina, to be Secretary of Transportation. f At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the *Penny Pritzker, of Illinois, to be Sec- name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. retary of Commerce. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND KIRK) was added as a cosponsor of S. *Coast Guard nomination of Rear Adm. SENATE RESOLUTIONS 462, a bill to enhance the strategic Steven E. Day, USCGR, to be Rear Admiral. The following concurrent resolutions partnership between the United States Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, and Senate resolutions were read, and and Israel. for the Committee on Commerce, referred (or acted upon), as indicated: S. 501 Science, and Transportation I report By Mr. UDALL of Colorado (for him- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the favorably the following nomination self, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. BROWN, Ms. name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. lists which were printed in the CANTWELL, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. HARKIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. RECORDS on the dates indicated, and MCCONNELL, and Mr. UDALL of New 501, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mexico): ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- enue Code of 1986 to extend and in- pense of reprinting on the Executive S. Res. 164. A resolution designating Octo- ber 30, 2013, as a national day of remem- crease the exclusion for benefits pro- Calendar that these nominations lie at brance for nuclear weapons program work- vided to volunteer firefighters and the Secretary’s desk for the informa- ers; to the Committee on the Judiciary. emergency medical responders. tion of Senators. By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. S. 548 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without RUBIO, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BARRASSO, At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the objection, it is so ordered. and Mr. MURPHY): name of the Senator from Wisconsin *Coast Guard nomination of Loring A. S. Res. 165. A resolution calling for the re- (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- Small, to be Lieutenant Commander. lease from prison of former Prime Minister *Coast Guard nomination of Adam R. of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko in light of the sor of S. 548, a bill to amend title 10, Williamson, to be Lieutenant Commander. recent European Court of Human Rights rul- United States Code, to improve and en- *Coast Guard nomination of Kevin J. ing; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. hance the capabilities of the Armed Lopes, to be Commander. By Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. Forces to prevent and respond to sex- *Nomination was reported with rec- FLAKE): ual assault and sexual harassment in S. Res. 166. A resolution commemorating the Armed Forces, and for other pur- ommendation that it be confirmed sub- the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ject to the nominee’s commitment to Organization of African Unity (OAU) and poses. respond to requests to appear and tes- commending its successor, the African S. 654 tify before any duly constituted com- Union; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- At the request of Ms. LANDRIEU, the mittee of the Senate. tions. name of the Senator from Maryland f By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor RUBIO, and Mr. CARDIN): of S. 654, a bill to amend the Internal INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. Res. 167. A resolution reaffirming the Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for col- JOINT RESOLUTIONS strong support of the United States for the legiate housing and infrastructure The following bills and joint resolu- peaceful resolution of territorial, sov- ereignty, and jurisdictional disputes in the grants. tions were introduced, read the first Asia-Pacific maritime domains; to the Com- S. 700 and second times by unanimous con- mittee on Foreign Relations. At the request of Mr. KAINE, the sent, and referred as indicated: f name of the Senator from Minnesota By Mr. PORTMAN: (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- S. 1122. A bill to authorize States to use as- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS sistance provided under the Hardest Hit sponsor of S. 700, a bill to ensure that S. 294 Fund program of the Department of the the education and training provided Treasury to demolish blighted structures, At the request of Mr. TESTER, the members of the Armed Forces and vet- and for other purposes; to the Committee on name of the Senator from Wisconsin erans better assists members and vet- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- erans in obtaining civilian certifi- By Mr. CARPER (for himself, Mr. sor of S. 294, a bill to amend title 38, cations and licenses, and for other pur- COBURN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. COONS, Ms. United States Code, to improve the dis- poses. KLOBUCHAR, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mrs. ability compensation evaluation proce- S. 749 MCCASKILL, Mr. WARNER, Ms. dure of the Secretary of Veterans Af- AYOTTE, Mr. ENZI, Mr. ISAKSON, and At the request of Mr. CASEY, the Mr. CORKER): fairs for veterans with mental health name of the Senator from Mississippi S. 1123. A bill to amend titles XVIII and conditions related to military sexual (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- XIX of the Social Security Act to curb trauma, and for other purposes. sor of S. 749, a bill to amend the Inter- waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicare and S. 348 nal Revenue Code of 1986 to perma- Medicaid programs; to the Committee on Fi- At the request of Mr. ROCKEFELLER, nently extend the 15-year recovery pe- nance. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. the name of the Senator from New riod for qualified leasehold improve- KING, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL): York (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a co- ment property, qualified restaurant S. 1124. A bill to establish requirements sponsor of S. 348, a bill to provide for property, and qualified retail improve- with respect to bisphenol A; to the Com- increased Federal oversight of prescrip- ment property.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.003 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4059 S. 964 sponsor of S. 1053, a bill to amend title kota (Ms. HEITKAMP) was added as a co- At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, XVIII of the Social Security Act to sponsor of amendment No. 1163 in- the name of the Senator from Wis- strengthen and protect Medicare hos- tended to be proposed to S. 954, an consin (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a pice programs. original bill to reauthorize agricultural cosponsor of S. 964, a bill to require a S. 1091 programs through 2018. comprehensive review of the adequacy At the request of Ms. MIKULSKI, the AMENDMENT NO. 1166 of the training, qualifications, and ex- name of the Senator from Maryland At the request of Mr. CHAMBLISS, the perience of the Department of Defense (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Minnesota personnel responsible for sexual assault of S. 1091, a bill to provide for the (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- prevention and response for the Armed issuance of an Alzheimer’s Disease Re- sponsor of amendment No. 1166 in- Forces, and for other purposes. search Semipostal Stamp. tended to be proposed to S. 954, an S. 967 S. 1096 original bill to reauthorize agricultural At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, At the request of Mr. BAUCUS, the programs through 2018. the names of the Senator from New names of the Senator from South Da- f Mexico (Mr. HEINRICH) and the Senator kota (Mr. JOHNSON), the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) and the STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED from Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN) were BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS added as cosponsors of S. 967, a bill to Senator from Michigan (Ms. STABENOW) amend title 10, United States Code, to were added as cosponsors of S. 1096, a By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, modify various authorities relating to bill to establish an Office of Rural Edu- Mr. KING, and Mr. procedures for courts-martial under cation Policy in the Department of BLUMENTHAL): the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Education. S. 1124. A bill to establish require- and for other purposes. S.J. RES. 15 ments with respect to bisphenol A; to At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the the Committee on Health, Education, S. 971 name of the Senator from Rhode Island Labor, and Pensions. At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the (Mr. REED) was added as a cosponsor of Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, sci- names of the Senator from New Hamp- S.J. Res. 15, a joint resolution remov- entific studies continue to show cause shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN), the Senator from ing the deadline for the ratification of for concern about the chemical South Dakota (Mr. THUNE) and the the equal rights amendment. Bisphenol-A, BPA, especially the ef- Senator from Texas (Mr. CORNYN) were S. RES. 154 fects on babies and young children. En- added as cosponsors of S. 971, a bill to At the request of Mr. HOEVEN, the docrine disrupting chemicals alter the amend the Federal Water Pollution names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. function of the body’s hormonal sys- Control Act to exempt the conduct of KIRK), the Senator from Idaho (Mr. tem. BPA is a synthetic estrogen, silvicultural activities from national RISCH), the Senator from South Caro- which means that it mimics this hor- pollutant discharge elimination system lina (Mr. SCOTT), the Senator from mone when in the body. While studies permitting requirements. South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM), the Sen- continue to examine the exact effects S. 976 ator from Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON), the this endocrine disrupting chemical has At the request of Mr. UDALL of Colo- Senator from New Hampshire (Ms. on humans, consumers deserve more rado, the name of the Senator from AYOTTE), the Senator from Iowa (Mr. information. They have the right to Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) was added as GRASSLEY), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. know if it is in the food products they a cosponsor of S. 976, a bill to provide PORTMAN), the Senator from Mis- purchase for their families. for education of potential military re- sissippi (Mr. WICKER), the Senator from The BPA in Food Packaging Right to cruits on healthy body weight and to Texas (Mr. CORNYN), the Senator from Know Act requires that food packaging facilitate and encourage exercise in po- Missouri (Mr. BLUNT), the Senator from that uses BPA include a clear label in- tential military recruits, and for other South Dakota (Mr. THUNE), the Sen- forming consumers. The label would purposes. ator from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN), the read, ‘‘This food packaging contains S. 987 Senator from Nebraska (Mrs. FISCHER), BPA, an endocrine-disrupting chem- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. ical.’’ This basic message would allow name of the Senator from New York MCCONNELL), the Senator from Arkan- individuals to make informed decisions (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- sas (Mr. BOOZMAN), the Senator from about the products they purchase. sponsor of S. 987, a bill to maintain the Wyoming (Mr. BARRASSO), the Senator BPA is most commonly found in food free flow of information to the public from Indiana (Mr. COATS), the Senator products, such as the lining of cans. by providing conditions for the feder- from North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the Parents are busy enough caring for ally compelled disclosure of informa- Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN), their children and juggling what feels tion by certain persons connected with the Senator from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN) like a hundred things at the same time. the news media. and the Senator from Alabama (Mr. Having factual information about SESSIONS) were added as cosponsors of S. 999 whether the food they are buying at S. Res. 154, a resolution supporting po- the grocery store contains BPA, a po- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the litical reform in Iran and for other pur- name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. tentially harmful chemical, shouldn’t poses. be one more thing they have to go to DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. AMENDMENT NO. 1025 999, a bill to amend the Older Ameri- great lengths to figure out. At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the This legislation also directs the De- cans Act of 1965 to provide social serv- name of the Senator from Massachu- partment of Health and Human Serv- ice agencies with the resources to pro- setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- ices, HHS, to do a safety assessment of vide services to meet the urgent needs sponsor of amendment No. 1025 in- food containers containing BPA to de- of Holocaust survivors to age in place tended to be proposed to S. 954, an termine if there is reasonable certainty with dignity, comfort, security, and original bill to reauthorize agricultural that no harm will come from long-term quality of life. programs through 2018. low dose exposure to BPA as well as S. 1028 AMENDMENT NO. 1118 high dose exposure. At the request of Mr. SANDERS, the At the request of Mr. BROWN, the This safety standard would also be name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. name of the Senator from Massachu- used to evaluate proposed uses of alter- BEGICH) was added as a cosponsor of S. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- natives to BPA. There is no use in re- 1028, a bill to reauthorize and improve sponsor of amendment No. 1118 in- placing BPA in products if what we are the Older Americans Act of 1965, and tended to be proposed to S. 954, an replacing it with is just as bad or worse for other purposes. original bill to reauthorize agricultural for human health. S. 1053 programs through 2018. The President’s Cancer Panel focused At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the AMENDMENT NO. 1163 on reducing the environmental cancer name of the Senator from Minnesota At the request of Mr. HOEVEN, the risk in its 2008- 2009 Annual Report. (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- name of the Senator from North Da- BPA is just one of many chemicals

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.006 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 that pose a potential environmental By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and years of age, with a priority for chil- cancer risk, with links to various can- Mr. CRUZ): dren from low-income families. It cers and also potentially affecting how S. 1125. A bill to require the Sec- builds on the relationship between par- well cancer treatments work. This retary of State to submit to Congress ents and medical providers and helps panel, appointed by former President reports on water sharing with Mexico; families and communities encourage George W. Bush, decided that even to the Committee on Foreign Rela- early literacy skills so children enter though studies are ongoing, they had tions. school prepared for success in reading. enough information to state that ‘‘the Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask The pediatric literacy model imple- true burden of environmentally in- unanimous consent that the text of the mented by Reach Out and Read has duced cancer has been grossly under- bill be printed in the RECORD. consistently demonstrated effective- estimated.’’ There being no objection, the text of ness in increasing family engagement I agree with this finding and strongly the bill was ordered to be printed in and boosting children’s reading pro- believe that as scientific studies con- the RECORD, as follows: ficiency. Research published in peer-re- tinue to seek definitive answers to the S. 1125 viewed, scientific journals has found role of chemical exposure in adversely Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- that parents who have participated in affecting human health, the very least resentatives of the United States of America in the program are significantly more that consumers deserve is the right to Congress assembled, likely to read to their children and in- know what chemicals, such as BPA, are SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. clude more children’s books in their in the products they are purchasing. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Working to home, and that children served by the Address Treaty Enforcement Rapidly for program show an increase of 4–8 points The panel specifically mentions con- Texas Act’’. on vocabulary tests. I have seen up- cern that even though studies continue SEC. 2. REPORTS ON WATER SHARING WITH MEX- to link BPA with a variety of diseases, ICO. close the positive impact of this pro- it still remains in products. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State gram on children and their families I am particularly concerned about shall submit to Congress a report— when visiting a number of Rhode Is- the negative health effects to children (1) not later than 45 days after the date of land’s Reach Out and Read sites. who are exposed to chemicals both enactment of this Act, and quarterly there- The Prescribe a Book Act would le- after, describing efforts by Mexico to meet while they are developing in the womb verage federal dollars to expand pedi- the treaty obligations of Mexico to deliver atric literacy initiatives so that more and in the first few years of their lives. water to the Rio Grande, in accordance with Children are particularly susceptible to the treaty between the United States and young children reap the developmental toxins while their bodies are devel- Mexico entitled ‘‘Utilization of Waters of the benefits of having books at home and oping at such a rapid pace. A recent Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio being read to by their parents. Federal study by researchers at the University Grande’’ (done at Washington, February 3, grant funding for Reach Out and Read of California, Berkley, stated that 1944); and through the Department of Education fetuses and pregnant women may be (2) not later than 1 year after the date of helped build a successful public-private enactment of this Act, and annually there- particularly susceptible to BPA expo- partnership that has been matched by after, describing the benefits to the United tens of millions of dollars from the pri- sure. The study found that exposure to States of the document entitled ‘‘Interim BPA may have an effect on thyroid International Cooperative Measures in the vate sector and state governments. The function, and suggests continued stud- Colorado River Basin through 2017 and Ex- Prescribe a Book Act would establish a ies to confirm these findings. tension of Minute 318 Cooperative Measures formal authorization for activities An article published in Health Affairs to Address the Continued Effects of the April modeled on this type of successful part- in 2011 estimated that the annual cost 2010 Earthquake in the Mexicali Valley, Baja nership. California’’ (done at Coronado, California, I urge our colleagues to join us in co- of diseases that can be attributed to November 20, 2012 (commonly referred to as negative environmental exposures was sponsoring the Prescribe a Book Act, ‘‘Minute Number 319’’)). and to work to include its provisions in more than $76 billion per year in 2008. (b) ACTION BY SECRETARY OF STATE.—Not- The incidence of endocrine system-re- withstanding any other provision of law, the the upcoming reauthorization of the lated diseases continues to rise, and Secretary of State shall not extend Minute Elementary and Secondary Education animal studies have shown adverse Number 319 if the Secretary fails to comply Act. with the requirements of this Act. health effects in connection with expo- By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. sure to BPA. By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. COCHRAN, Mrs. MURRAY, and A recent study by researchers at the GRASSLEY, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. Mr. WHITEHOUSE): Columbia Center for Children’s Envi- COWAN, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL): S. 1127. A bill to amend the Elemen- ronmental Health examined a link be- S. 1126. A bill to aid and support pedi- tary and Secondary Education Act of tween BPA exposure and an increased atric involvement in reading and edu- 1965 regarding school libraries, and for risk for asthma in young children. cation; to the Committee on Health, other purposes; to the Committee on They found that there was an elevated Education, Labor, and Pensions. Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- risk associated with BPA exposure and Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I in- sions. more research is needed to determine troduce with my colleague, Senator Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I in- specific links. GRASSLEY, the Prescribe-a-Book Act. I troduce with my colleagues Senators BPA is one of the most pervasive thank Senators STABENOW, COWAN, and COCHRAN, MURRAY, and WHITEHOUSE, chemicals in modern life. This chem- BLUMENTHAL for joining us as original the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in ical is used in thousands of consumer cosponsors of this bipartisan bill. Learning and Libraries Act. products and the most common expo- Literacy skills are the foundation for Since 1965, more than 60 education sure is through the lining of food success in school and in life. Devel- and library studies have produced clear packaging- like cans of green beans oping and building these skills begins evidence that school libraries staffed and ready-made soups. As with so at home, with parents as the first by qualified librarians have a positive many other chemicals in consumer teachers. impact on student academic achieve- products, BPA has been added to our Our legislation would create a federal ment. Knowing how to find and use in- products without knowing if it is safe pediatric early literacy grant initiative formation are essential skills for col- or not. based on the long-standing, successful lege and careers. A good school library, I urge my colleagues to join me in Reach Out and Read program. The pro- staffed by a trained school librarian, is supporting the BPA in Food Packaging gram would award grants on a competi- where students develop and hone these Right to Know Act to stand up for the tive basis to high-quality non-profit skills. right of consumers to make informed entities to train doctors and nurses to Our bipartisan legislation would re- choices about the food products they discuss with parents the importance of authorize and strengthen the Improv- buy for their families. I look forward to reading aloud to their children and to ing Literacy through School Libraries working with my colleagues on this give books to children at pediatric program of the Elementary and Sec- important issue. check-ups from six months to five ondary Education Act, the only federal

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.012 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4061 initiative explicitly dedicated to sup- United States, including by developing dis- Yanukovich and then Prime Minister Yulia porting and enhancing our nation’s abling or fatal illnesses; Tymoshenko to face one another in a run-off school libraries. The key improve- Whereas the Senate recognized the con- election; ments to the program include ensuring tribution, service, and sacrifice those patri- Whereas Mr. Yanukovich defeated Ms. otic men and women made for the defense of Tymoshenko by a margin of 49 percent to 44 that elementary, middle, and high the United States in Senate Resolution 151, percent; school students are served; expanding 111th Congress, agreed to May 20, 2009, Sen- Whereas, on October 11, 2011, Ms. professional development to include ate Resolution 653, 111th Congress, agreed to Tymoshenko was found guilty and sentenced digital literacy instruction and reading September 28, 2010, Senate Resolution 275, to seven years in prison on charges that she and writing instruction across all 112th Congress, agreed to September 26, 2011, abused her position as Prime Minister in grade levels; focusing on coordination and Senate Resolution 519, 112th Congress, connection with a Russian natural gas con- and shared planning time between agreed to August 1, 2012; tract; teachers and librarians; awarding Whereas a national day of remembrance Whereas, on January 26, 2012, the Par- time capsule has been crossing the United liamentary Assembly Council of Europe grants for a period of three years; and States, collecting artifacts and the stories of (PACE) passed a resolution (1862) that de- ensuring that books and materials are nuclear weapons program workers relating clared that the articles under which Ms. appropriate for and gain the interest of to the nuclear defense era of the United Tymoshenko was convicted were ‘‘overly students with special learning needs, States, and a remembrance quilt has been broad in application and effectively allow for including English learners. constructed to memorialize the contribution ex post facto criminalization of normal po- The SKILLS Act would also of those workers; litical decision making’’; strengthen Title I by asking state and Whereas the stories and artifacts reflected Whereas, on May 30, 2012, the European school district plans to address the de- in the time capsule and the remembrance Parliament passed a resolution (C153/21) de- quilt reinforce the importance of recognizing ploring the sentencing of Ms. Tymoshenko; velopment of effective school library nuclear weapons program workers; and Whereas, on September 22, 2012, the United programs to help students gain digital Whereas those patriotic men and women States Senate passed a resolution (S. Res 466, literacy skills, master the knowledge deserve to be recognized for the contribu- 112th Congress) that condemned the selective and skills in the challenging academic tion, service, and sacrifice they have made and politically motivated prosecution and content standards adopted by the for the defense of the United States: Now, imprisonment of Yulia Tymoshenko, called state, and graduate from high school therefore, be it for her release, and called on the Department ready for college and careers. Addition- Resolved, That the Senate— of State to institute a visa ban against those ally, the legislation would broaden the (1) designates October 30, 2013, as a na- responsible for the imprisonment of Ms. tional day of remembrance for the nuclear Tymoshenko and the other political leaders focus of training, professional develop- weapons program workers, including ura- associated with the 2004 Orange Revolution; ment, and recruitment activities under nium miners, millers, and haulers, of the Whereas, on April 7, 2013, President of Title II to include school librarians. United States; and Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich pardoned former Absent a clear federal investment, (2) encourages the people of the United interior minister Yuri Lutsenko and several the libraries in many of our high pov- States to support and participate in appro- other opposition figures allied with Ms. erty schools will languish with out- priate ceremonies, programs, and other ac- Tymoshenko; dated materials and technology, and in tivities to commemorate October 30, 2013, as Whereas, on April 30, 2013, the European turn, students would be cut off from a a national day of remembrance for past and Court of Human Rights, which settles cases present workers in the nuclear weapons pro- of rights abuses after plaintiffs have ex- vital information hub that connects gram of the United States. hausted appeals in their home country them to the tools they need to develop f courts, ruled that Ms. Tymoshenko’s pre- critical thinking and research skills trial detention had been arbitrary; that the necessary for success. This is a true eq- SENATE RESOLUTION 165—CALL- lawfulness of her detention had not been uity issue, which is why I will continue ING FOR THE RELEASE FROM properly reviewed; that her right to liberty to fight to sustain our federal invest- PRISON OF FORMER PRIME MIN- had been restricted; and, that she had no pos- ment in this area and why renewing ISTER OF UKRAINE YULIA sibility to seek compensation for her unlaw- and strengthening the school library TYMOSHENKO IN LIGHT OF THE ful deprivation of liberty; Whereas, on April 30, 2013, Department of program is of critical importance. RECENT EUROPEAN COURT OF State Spokesman Patrick Ventrell reiter- I urge our colleagues to join us in co- HUMAN RIGHTS RULING ated the United States call that Ms. sponsoring the bipartisan Strength- Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. RUBIO, Tymoshenko ‘‘be released and that the prac- ening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BARRASSO, and Mr. tice of selective prosecution end imme- diately’’ in light of the European Court of Libraries Act, and to work together to MURPHY) submitted the following reso- ensure that it becomes a part of the up- Human Rights decision; lution; which was referred to the Com- Whereas Ukraine hopes to sign an associa- coming reauthorization of the Elemen- mittee on Foreign Relations. tary and Secondary Education Act. tion agreement with the European Union S. RES. 165 during the Eastern Partnership Summit in f Whereas, in August 1991, the Ukrainian November 2013; and Whereas, after the European Court of SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Parliament declared independence from the Soviet Union and approved decrees to mint Human Rights ruling, European Parliament its own currency and take command of all Committee on Foreign Affairs chairman Soviet military units on its soil; Elmar Brok stated that ‘‘Ukraine is still SENATE RESOLUTION 164—DESIG- Whereas, in December 1991, 90 percent of miles away from fulfilling European stand- NATING OCTOBER 30, 2013, AS A Ukrainians voted in a referendum to support ards’’ and must ‘‘end its selective justice’’ NATIONAL DAY OF REMEM- independence from the Soviet Union; before signing the association agreement: BRANCE FOR NUCLEAR WEAP- Whereas Ukraine has experienced in- Now, therefore, be it ONS PROGRAM WORKERS creased economic and political cooperation Resolved, That the Senate— with Europe and the United States since its (1) calls on the Government of Ukraine to Mr. UDALL of Colorado (for himself, independence from the Soviet Union; release former Prime Minister Yulia Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. BROWN, Ms. CANT- Whereas, in 1996, Ukraine adopted its first Tymoshenko from imprisonment in light of WELL, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. MCCON- democratic constitution that included basic the April 2013 European Court of Human NELL, and Mr. UDALL of New Mexico) freedoms of speech, assembly, religion, and Rights verdict; submitted the following resolution; press; (2) calls on the European Union members which was referred to the Committee Whereas in 2004, Ukrainians organized a se- to include the release of Ms. Tymoshenko on the Judiciary. ries of historic protests, strikes, and sit-ins from imprisonment as an important cri- known as the ‘‘Orange Revolution’’ to pro- terion for signing an association agreement S. RES. 164 test electoral fraud in the 2004 presidential with Ukraine at the upcoming Eastern Part- Whereas, since World War II, hundreds of election; nership Summit in Lithuania; thousands of men and women, including ura- Whereas Yulia Tymoshenko was a leader of (3) expresses its belief and hope that nium miners, millers, and haulers, have the Orange Revolution and was first elected Ukraine’s future rests with stronger ties to served the United States by building nuclear as Prime Minister in 2005; Europe, the United States, and others in the weapons for the defense of the United States; Whereas, in the 2010 presidential election, community of democracies; and Whereas those dedicated workers paid a incumbent President Viktor Yushchenko (4) expresses its concern and disappoint- high price for their service to develop a nu- won only 5.5 percent in the first round of vot- ment that the continued selective and politi- clear weapons program for the benefit of the ing, which left former Prime Minister Viktor cally motivated imprisonment of former

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.014 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko unneces- economic growth and investment, and rob SENATE RESOLUTION 167—RE- sarily detracts from Ukraine’s otherwise young Africans of the opportunity for an AFFIRMING THE STRONG SUP- strong relationship with Europe, the United education and a better life, are a key United PORT OF THE UNITED STATES States, and the community of democracies. States objective; FOR THE PEACEFUL RESOLU- Whereas it is critical to the interests of f the United States that the African Union be TION OF TERRITORIAL, SOV- SENATE RESOLUTION 166—COM- capable of effectively addressing current EREIGNTY, AND JURISDICTIONAL MEMORATING THE 50TH ANNI- conflicts and preventing future ones, advanc- DISPUTES IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC VERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF ing economic growth and broad-based and MARITIME DOMAINS THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN sustainable economic development, and con- Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. solidating democracy and good governance; RUBIO, and Mr. CARDIN) submitted the UNITY (OAU) AND COMMENDING Whereas the United States Government ITS SUCCESSOR, THE AFRICAN demonstrated its strong commitment to following resolution; which was re- UNION working closely with the AU by establishing ferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations: Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. a Mission to the African Union in 2006; Whereas, on August 3, 2010, the United S. RES. 167 FLAKE) submitted the following resolu- States and the African Union signed a Whereas the maritime domain of the Asia- tion; which was referred to the Com- $5,800,000 multi-year assistance agreement to mittee on Foreign Relations: Pacific region includes critical sea lines of achieve common policy objectives; communication and commerce between the S. RES. 166 Whereas, on June 14, 2012, President Pacific and Indian oceans; Whereas, on May 25, 1963, 32 newly inde- Barack Obama announced a United States Whereas the United States has a national pendent African countries signed the Charter Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa, which interest in freedom of navigation and over- of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) calls on the United States to deepen its part- flight in the Asia-Pacific maritime domains, to promote unity, solidarity, and political nership with African countries and regional as provided for by universally recognized and economic cooperation among them- organizations by supporting efforts to ad- principles of international law; selves, and to defend member states’ sov- vance accountable, democratic governance Whereas the United States has a national ereignty, territorial integrity, and independ- and adherence to human rights norms and interest in the maintenance of peace and sta- ence; the rule of law, particularly by supporting bility, open access by all to maritime do- Whereas upon its inception, the OAU em- the African Union African Charter on De- mains, respect for universally recognized braced the principles of the Universal Dec- mocracy, Elections, and Governance and principles of international law, prosperity laration of Human Rights, including freedom other multilateral standards; and economic growth, and unimpeded lawful of association, free expression, and political Whereas key goals also supported by the commerce; participation; African Union include fostering peace and Whereas the United States has a clear in- Whereas such efforts to encourage African security, spurring economic growth, trade, terest in encouraging and supporting the na- unity, advance human rights, and promote and investment, and promoting opportunity tions of the region to work collaboratively economic development on the continent were and development; and diplomatically to resolve disputes with- undermined by regional conflicts, military Whereas, on February 1, 2013, a Memo- out coercion, without intimidation, without coups, and civil wars, as well as large foreign randum of Understanding was signed be- threats, and without the use of force; debts, increasing trade imbalances, food in- tween the United States and the African Whereas the South China Sea contains security, and weak institutions; Union to cement cooperation on peace and great natural resources, and their steward- Whereas a decision declaring the establish- security, democracy and governance, eco- ship and responsible use offers immense po- ment of the African Union (AU) as a suc- nomic growth, trade, and investment, and tential benefit for generations to come; cessor organization to the OAU to promote promotion of opportunity and development; Whereas, in recent years, there have been democratic principles and institutions, en- Whereas the African Union serves as a pre- numerous dangerous and destabilizing inci- courage economic growth, and develop new eminent dialogue and policy-making forum dents in this region, including Chinese ves- tools for the collective promotion of regional for leaders in Africa seeking to advance a sels cutting the seismic survey cables of a stability was adopted in Sirte, Libya, on wide range of regional political, security, so- Vietnamese oil exploration ship in May 2011; March 1, 2001, and March 2, 2001; cial, and economic objectives, including sub- Chinese vessels barricading the entrance to Whereas the vision of the African Union is regional integration, and is a key interloc- the Scarborough Reef lagoon in April 2012; that of ‘‘an integrated, prosperous and peace- utor for and representative of the people of China issuing an official map that newly de- ful Africa, driven by its own citizens and rep- Africa in international political and policy fines the contested ‘‘nine-dash line’’ as Chi- resenting a dynamic force in the global forums, including the United Nations; and na’s national border; and, since May 8, 2013, arena’’; Whereas close relations between the Chinese naval and marine surveillance ships Whereas the African Union expresses com- United States and the African Union mutu- maintaining a regular presence in waters mitment to the essential values of trans- ally benefit the people of the United States around the Second Thomas Shoal, located parency and accountability and promotes and Africa and the political, security, eco- approximately 105 nautical miles northwest democratic processes across the continent of nomic, and cultural relations that link of the Philippine island of Palawan; Africa; them: Now, therefore, be it Whereas the Association of Southeast Whereas the African Union departed from Resolved, That the Senate— Asian Nations (ASEAN) has promoted multi- the OAU’s abiding doctrine of noninterven- (1) extends warm congratulations to the lateral talks on disputed areas without set- tion in the internal affairs of member states former member states of the Organization of tling the issue of sovereignty, and in 2002 in favor of a new policy establishing the African Unity on the 50th year anniversary joined with China in signing a Declaration right of the AU to intervene in a member of its founding, in particular its original 32 on the Conduct of Parties in the South China state under grave circumstances, including member states; Sea that committed all parties to those ter- with respect to war crimes, genocide, and (2) commends member states of the African ritorial disputes to ‘‘reaffirm their respect crimes against humanity; Union for their strong and determined joint for and commitment to the freedom of navi- Whereas the African Union continues to efforts to promote democratic societies, sus- gation in and over flight above the South build more robust African regional institu- tainable development, and sound economic China Sea as provided for by the universally tions in order to address the myriad chal- practices, and peace, security, and stability recognized principles of international law’’ lenges facing the continent, and has estab- on the continent; and to ‘‘resolve their territorial and jurisdic- lished an African peace and security archi- (3) urges the President to continue to tional disputes by peaceful means, without tecture, the New Partnership for Africa’s De- strongly support efforts to advance and resorting to the threat or use of force’’; velopment, a strategic framework for re- strengthen United States-African Union co- Whereas Japan and Taiwan reached an gional socioeconomic development, the Com- operation, including through United States agreement on April 10, 2013, to jointly share prehensive Africa Agriculture Development programs to help build the capacities of the and administer the fishing resources in their Program, and the African Peer Review Mech- African Union; overlapping claimed exclusive economic anism, which seeks to help advance good (4) encourages the President to expedite zones in the East China Sea, an important governance, among other institutions; and expand United States efforts to achieve breakthrough after 17 years of negotiations Whereas the African Union has contributed the goals and objectives of his United States and a model for other such agreements; to regional peace and security by mobilizing Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa; and Whereas other incidences of the joint ad- peacekeeping or intervention forces to pro- (5) emphasizes the rule of law, good govern- ministrations of resources in disputed waters tect civilians or support political mediation ance, respect for human rights, open mar- in the South China Sea have de-escalated missions and peace-building processes in Bu- kets, and broad-based and sustainable eco- tensions and promoted economic develop- rundi, Comoros, Sudan, Somalia, and Mali; nomic growth and development as key pil- ment, such as Malaysia and Brunei’s 2009 Whereas efforts to end conflicts on the con- lars for long-term stability and security in agreement to partner on exploring offshore tinent of Africa, which continue to desta- Africa and United States engagement with Brunei waters, with drilling in offshore oil bilize states, undermine democracy, stifle the continent. and gas fields off Brunei beginning in 2011;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.016 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4063 and Thailand and Vietnam’s agreement to Whereas the United States welcomes the For further information, please con- jointly develop areas of the Gulf of Thailand development of a peaceful and prosperous tact Allen Stayman at (202) 224–7865 or for gas exports, despite ongoing territorial China, the government of which respects Danielle Deraney at (202) 224–1219. disputes; international norms, international laws, Whereas the Government of the Republic international institutions, and international COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION of the Philippines states that it ‘‘has ex- rules; enhances security and peace; and seeks Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I wish hausted almost all political and diplomatic to advance a ‘‘new model’’ of relations be- to announce that the Committee on avenues for a peaceful negotiated settlement tween the United States and China; and Rules and Administration will meet on of its maritime dispute with China’’ and in Whereas ASEAN plays an important role, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in SR–301, his statement of January 23, 2013, Republic in partnership with others in the regional Russell Senate Office Building, at 10 of Philippines Secretary of Foreign Affairs and international community, in addressing a.m., to conduct a hearing on the nomi- Del Rosario stated that therefore ‘‘the Phil- maritime security issues in the Asia-Pacific ippines has taken the step of bringing China region and into the Indian Ocean, including nation of Davita Vance-Cooks, of Vir- before the Arbitral Tribunal under Article open access to the maritime domain of Asia: ginia, to be the Public Printer. 287 and Annex VII of the 1982 Convention on Now, therefore, be it For further information regarding the Law of the Sea in order to achieve a Resolved, That the Senate— this hearing, please contact Lynden peaceful and durable solution to the dis- (1) condemns the use of coercion, threats, Armstrong at the Rules and Adminis- pute’’; or force by naval, maritime security, or fish- tration Committee, (202) 224–6352. Whereas, in January 2013, a Chinese naval ing vessels and military or civilian aircraft COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND ship allegedly fixed its weapons-targeting in the South China Sea and the East China ENTREPRENEURSHIP radar on Japanese vessels in the vicinity of Sea to assert disputed maritime or terri- the Senkaku islands, and, on April 23, 2013, torial claims or alter the status quo; Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I eight Chinese marine surveillance ships en- (2) strongly urges that all parties to mari- wish to announce that the Committee tered the 12-nautical-mile territorial zone off time and territorial disputes in the region on Small Business and Entrepreneur- the Senkaku Islands, further escalating re- exercise self-restraint in the conduct of ac- ship will meet on June 13, 2013, at 10 gional tensions; tivities that would undermine stability or a.m. in room 428A, Russell Senate Of- Whereas, on May 8, 2013, the Chinese Com- complicate or escalate disputes, including fice Building to hold a markup of pend- munist Party’s main newspaper, The Peo- refraining from inhabiting presently ing legislation. ple’s Daily, published an article by several uninhabited islands, reefs, shoals, and other Chinese scholars questioning Japan’s sov- features and handle their differences in a f ereignty over Okinawa, where key United constructive manner; States military installations are located AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO (3) reaffirms the strong support of the MEET which contribute to preserving security and United States for the member states of stability in the Asia-Pacific region; ASEAN and the Government of the People’s COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND Whereas the Government of the People’s Republic of China as they seek to develop a TRANSPORTATION Republic of China has recently taken other code of conduct of parties in the South China Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask unilateral steps, including declaring the Sea, and urges all countries to substantively Senkaku Islands a ‘‘core interest’’, ‘‘improp- unanimous consent that the Com- support ASEAN in its efforts in this regard; erly drawing’’ baselines around the Senkaku mittee on Commerce, Science, and (4) supports collaborative diplomatic proc- Islands in September 2102, which the 2013 An- Transportation be authorized to meet esses by all claimants in the South China nual Report to Congress on Military and Se- during the session of the Senate on Sea for resolving outstanding maritime or curity Developments Involving the People’s territorial disputes, in a manner that main- Monday, June 10, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. in Republic of China found to be ‘‘inconsistent tains peace and security, adheres to inter- room S–216. with international law’’, and maintaining a national law, and protects unimpeded lawful The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without continuous military and paramilitary pres- commerce as well as freedom of navigation objection, it is so ordered. ence around the Senkaku Islands; and overflight, and including through inter- Whereas, although the United States does f national arbitration, allowing parties to not take a position on the ultimate sov- PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR ereignty of the Senkaku Islands, the United peacefully settle claims and disputes using States Government acknowledges that they universally recognized principles of inter- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask are under the administration of Japan and national law; unanimous consent that Emily Sharp, (5) encourages the deepening of efforts by opposes any unilateral actions that would Michael Branson, Mike Oleyar, Teresa seek to undermine such administration, af- the United States Government to develop partnerships with other countries in the re- Bloom, fellows from the Senate Budget firms that the unilateral actions of a third Committee, be granted floor privileges party will not affect the United States’ ac- gion for maritime domain awareness and ca- knowledgment of the administration of pacity building; and during consideration of S. 744. Japan over the Senkaku Islands, remains (6) supports the continuation of operations The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without committed under the Treaty of Mutual Co- by the United States Armed Forces in the objection, it is so ordered. operation and Security to respond to any Western Pacific, including in partnership Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask armed attack in the territories under the ad- with the armed forces of other countries in unanimous consent that fellows in Sen- the region, in support of freedom of naviga- ministration of Japan, and has urged all par- ator BLUMENTHAL’s office, Afton Cissell ties to take steps to prevent incidents and tion, the maintenance of peace and stability, and respect for universally recognized prin- and Sean Arenson, be granted floor manage disagreements through peaceful privileges for the duration of debate on means; ciples of international law, including the Whereas, on August 3, 2012, a Department peaceful resolution of issues of sovereignty S. 744. of State spokesperson expressed concern over and unimpeded lawful commerce. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘China’s upgrading of the administrative f objection, it is so ordered. level of Sansha City and the establishment Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask NOTICES OF HEARINGS of a new military garrison there,’’ encour- unanimous consent that the Chair aged ASEAN and China ‘‘to make meaning- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL grant privileges of the floor to Joseph ful progress toward finalizing a comprehen- RESOURCES McCormack of the Budget Committee sive Code of Conduct,’’ and called upon Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I would for the remainder of the first session of claimants to ‘‘explore every diplomatic or like to announce for the information of the 113th Congress. other peaceful avenue for resolution, includ- the Senate and the public that a hear- ing the use of arbitration or other inter- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without national legal mechanisms as needed’’; ing scheduled before the Subcommittee objection, it is so ordered. Whereas the United States recognizes the on Water and Power of the Committee f importance of strong, cohesive, and inte- on Energy and Natural Resources has grated regional institutions, including the been postponed. This hearing was ORDER FOR PRINTING OF East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN, and the scheduled to be held on Tuesday, June TRIBUTES Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 11, 2013, at 10 a.m., in room 366 of the Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask forum, as foundation for effective regional Dirksen Senate Office Building. unanimous consent that tributes to frameworks to promote peace and security The purpose of the hearing was to re- Frank Lautenberg, the late Senator and economic growth, including in the mari- time domain, and to ensure that the Asia- ceive testimony on the November 6, from New Jersey, be printed as a Sen- Pacific community develops rules-based re- 2012, referendum on the political status ate document and that Members have gional norms which discourage coercion and of Puerto Rico and the administra- until 12 noon on Thursday, June 20, to the use of force; tion’s response. submit said tributes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.018 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without doesn’t do what its sponsors say it said: We are prepared to be generous to objection, it is so ordered. does. It doesn’t provide the security people who entered the country ille- f and other important items we want in gally and haven’t gotten into trouble. an immigration reform bill, and there- We will be compassionate to them. But APPOINTMENTS fore it cannot be passed in its present we want to see the enforcement occur. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The form and should not be passed in that By a 4-to-1 margin, that poll showed Chair announces, on behalf of the ma- form. It is just that simple. that the American people said the en- jority leader, pursuant to the provi- This is a big, important issue. When forcement should come first before we sions of S. Res. 64, adopted March 5, we pass immigration reform, we do not grant the legality—before we give the 2013, the appointment of the following need to be back in the situation that amnesty. Now, isn’t that good common Senator as a member of the Senate Na- occurred in 1986 when they passed im- sense? tional Security Working Group for the migration reform and promised to do As I go through the second part of 113th Congress: ROBERT MENENDEZ of enforcement in the future. We gave the my concern about this process, you New Jersey (Majority Co-Chairman), amnesty immediately, and the prom- will see the ineffectiveness and unwill- vice Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jer- ises of enforcement never occurred. ingness of the Federal Government to sey (Majority Co-Chairman). This is not a little matter. It has re- fulfill its role of ensuring that our sov- sulted in 11 million people now being in f ereignty is defended through the elimi- our country illegally. This is a result nation of illegal immigration. And we ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, JUNE 11, directly of the failure of the 1986 bill to can do that. We can do it, but we are 2013 carry out its enforcement promises, a not doing it. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask direct result of Presidents and Con- So the first part, dealing with the unanimous consent that when the Sen- gress not insisting that happen. border, as I mentioned today, they ate completes its business today, it ad- So there is a general consensus even softened the current law. journ until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 11, among the Gang of 8 that Congress and Current law is you have to have 100 2013; that following the prayer and the President can’t be trusted, and we percent operational control at the bor- pledge, the morning hour be deemed need to have legislation that somehow der. Under the standards they utilize expired, the Journal of proceedings be mandates that to happen because we there, this bill says 90 percent of border approved to date, and the time for the have to have—in their minds—the am- patrol encounters and otherwise re- two leaders be reserved for their use nesty first. That is just the way it has duces the enforceability and the en- later in the day; that following any to be, and once that is given, well, we forcement standards of making sure leader remarks, the Senate resume will promise to take care of it in the our border is lawful. consideration of the motion to proceed future. I have been discussing the two as- I would just say, first and foremost, to S. 744, the comprehensive immigra- pects of immigration that cause us to each one of these matters are exceed- tion reform bill, under the previous have the illegal immigrants. The first ingly complex and must be done prop- order; further, that the Senate recess part is obvious—it is people who cross erly. As we talked about earlier, the from 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. to allow for the border illegally. At any number of crafting of legislation necessary to en- the weekly caucus meetings. our borders and ports, they come in il- sure that our border is lawful requires The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without legally, and that is a big part of our a lot of work and a lot of different objection, it is so ordered. problem—actually, though, only 60 per- strategies and capabilities for our men f cent. Forty percent of the problem is and women who are out there at risk enforcing that law. That is the funda- PROGRAM the people coming into our country le- gally on a visa. The others just come mental reason we should have legisla- Mr. BROWN. Tomorrow at 2:15 p.m., illegally. They have no right to enter tion that goes step by step. We should there will be a cloture vote on the mo- the country; they just enter. These have a piece of legislation that has tion to proceed to the immigration have a right to enter the country. They been worked on very hard involving bill. If cloture is invoked, there will be come in on a visa and they just don’t Immigration and Border Patrol offi- a second vote at 4 p.m. to adopt the go home. They just stay. And history cers. That legislation should be motion to proceed and begin consider- tells them nothing ever happens. No- brought forth and we would pass it to ation of the bill. body knows they didn’t return home. fix the border. f Nobody clocks them out when they go Then, the second part, as I am talk- ing about today, the entry-exit visa ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT home. Nobody knows they are here, and they just stay. situation where people enter the coun- Mr. BROWN. If there is no further The President of the United States, try lawfully according to a visa but business to come before the Senate, I through the Secretary of Homeland Se- don’t return to their home country, ask unanimous consent that it adjourn curity, has directed its ICE agents— that has its own unique and complex following the remarks of Senator SES- Immigration and Customs Enforcement systems that need to be dealt with, and SIONS, as provided for under the pre- officers who are all over and around that needs to be done independently vious order. our country, although small in num- and separately. We need a separate and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ber, about 5,000—to basically not exe- independent analysis of how to deal objection, it is so ordered. cute any deportation proceedings with the workplace to ensure that peo- Mr. COCHRAN. I suggest the absence against anybody—almost none. They ple who come into the country illegally of a quorum. have to be convicted of a big felony, a don’t get jobs in the future. We have to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The serious crime, and only then do they end this. clerk will call the roll. initiate deportation. So I am taking the bill at its word. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask We also have cities that are failing to They want to give legal status to ev- unanimous consent that the order for support the Federal Government in any erybody who is here. So what do we do the quorum call be rescinded. way. When they catch somebody for a to try to ensure this doesn’t happen The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without crime in their city and discover they again in the future? We are not saying objection, it is so ordered. are illegally in the country, they won’t go out and try to find everybody who is f notify the Federal Government they in the country illegally and capture are there so they can come and pick and deport them. That is not a prac- IMMIGRATION REFORM them up and carry out the deportation tical solution at this point in our his- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, we are that is required. This is the kind of sad tory. We do need to figure out how to looking at now and considering an im- state we are in, and it certainly is a compassionately deal with those indi- migration bill. S. 744 is before us. This sad state indeed. viduals, but we don’t need to be where is a two-volume set consisting of over So the American people, by a 4-to-1 we can’t enforce the law in the future 1,000 pages, and unfortunately it margin in a poll of just a few days ago, so we have another amnesty upon us,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.059 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4065 another situation with millions of peo- person named in the document. There law. It says it doesn’t have to be done. ple here illegally because we failed to are a variety of ways to make a docu- It eliminates biometrics, and it elimi- do our duty. ment biometric, but the most common nates land entry and exit systems. So The way we do the entry-exit visa is to use digital fingerprints which can you do not have an exit visa system at has been determined by Congress for a easily be run through computer data anything but the airports under their number of years. It is to use a biomet- bases to match records on file. This is plan, and it is not biometric. It actu- ric entry-exit visa system. So we take done every day. ally weakens dramatically repeated fingerprints of everybody who comes to According to the Department of law enactments of the Congress, so it is the country. They are clocked in when Homeland Security’s own Web site: not stronger on the visa program, they enter the United States, and that Unlike names and dates of birth which can where 40 percent of the overstays come fingerprint identifies them as the per- be changed, biometrics are unique and vir- from. Forty percent of the people en- son who has the visa. Then, when they tually impossible to forge. Collecting bio- tering the country illegally come from leave, they are supposed to clock out metrics helps the U.S. government prevent visa overstays. It doesn’t fix that. It and use their fingerprint—which is the people from using fraudulent documents to enter the country illegally. Collecting bio- weakens that law. I don’t see how my best biometric proven system. You put colleagues can come here and brag maybe just two fingers on the reader as metrics also helps protect your identity in the event your travel documents are lost or about this when, plain as day, that is you go onto the airplane to fly out of stolen. what their bill does. I do not think the the country and it reads it and sees if That is on the Web site today of bill should be considered in this form. you are a terrorist or you are a crimi- Homeland Security, and it is abso- The struggle continues. Get this. nal fleeing prosecution for a crime you lutely correct. Last week the House, still frustrated may have committed in the United In 2002, Congress reiterated the de- about this matter—Representative States. It is as simple and easy as can mand for a biometric entry-exit system BARLETTA of Pennsylvania got an be, but for one reason or another this at all ports of entry, requiring Home- amendment passed to prohibit funding has been blocked. land Security issue aliens ‘‘only ma- for Department of Homeland Security The history of the biometric exit sys- parties and receptions until the bio- tem is so instructive for us because it chine readable tamper-resistant visas and other travel and entry documents metric entry-exit system was fully im- tells us how the Presidential and con- plemented as the 2004 law required. gressional authorities of America have that use biometric identifiers.’’ That was what we passed in 2002. It What do we draw from this? We draw failed to carry out what ought to be a also required that the government in- several things. One of them is that the universally accepted bipartisan plan to stall biometric readers and scanners American people already get it. They make our entry-exit visa system work ‘‘at all ports of entry in the United don’t trust Congress to do anything right and reduce that 40 percent of ille- States.’’ they say. We pass laws and we go home gal immigrants in our country who Also, in 2002, the Department of and we say we fixed the biometric bill, come by visa. Homeland Security initiated the US- and it never happens. We passed six dif- In 1996, Congress first adopted a re- VISIT system, which has great poten- ferent laws requiring it, and it doesn’t quirement for an entry-exit system to tial, and it has done some good things, happen. Then they say they are passing track those who were entering and but it hasn’t been completed. That sys- the toughest bill that has ever been leaving the United States in the Illegal tem was to develop this entire process. written about entry-exit visas and we Immigration Reform and Immigrant Two years later, US-VISIT was col- are going to fix this problem and we Responsibility Act. The first time we lecting biometric data on all aliens en- recognize that 40 percent of the people passed it was in 1996. In 2000, Congress tering the United States. In 2004, Con- come through that way, and is it fixed? passed another law requiring the entry- gress again demanded a biometric No. It undermines current law. Current exit system be electronic and to be im- entry-exit system through the passage law is not being enforced, I acknowl- plemented at all air, sea, and land of the Intelligence Reform and Ter- edge. They just surrender—give in. ports of entry. That was 2000, 13 years rorism Prevention Act of 2004. In that This can be done. First of all, we ago. need to go back. I think the frustration Again in 2000, when amending the act, Congress said: Congress finds that completing a biometric of the American people with what is visa waiver program, Congress required happening in this Congress is well- a ‘‘fully automated entry and exit con- entry and exit data system as expeditiously as possible is an essential investment in the earned. They have a right to be un- trol system’’ to record entry and depar- effort to protect the United States by pre- happy. A recent poll, a poll not too ture information for all aliens partici- venting the entry of terrorists. long ago, showed this. It asked people: pating in the program. Congress also It goes on: Are you more frustrated or angry with required that passports be machine The Secretary of Homeland Security shall people who enter the country illegally readable. develop a plan to accelerate the full imple- or the government officials who have After 9/11, a time of national intro- mentation of an automated biometric entry allowed it to happen? And 88 percent spection and study, Congress once and exit data system. said they were mad at Congress and the again demanded the implementation of In 2007, now the 9/11 Commission government. The American people are an entry-exit system through the pas- comes back together again. They had not mad at people who want to come to sage of the PATRIOT Act. The intent issued a report with a whole lot of rec- the country illegally. They are frus- of Congress was made clear at that ommendations. They met to see how trated and angry that their elected rep- time: many of their recommendations had resentatives, who year after year, dec- In light of the terrorist attacks per- been adopted. They reiterated the need ade after decade, promised to fix this petrated against the United States on Sep- for an exit visa system and demanded tember 11, 2001, it is the sense of Congress system, blithely go about their busi- that the Attorney General, in consultation that the exits apply to all foreign na- ness and never do it. They say one with the Secretary of State, should fully im- tionals entering under the visa waiver thing and they do another. It is not plement the integrated entry and exit data program and added a biometric compo- right. system for airports, seaports, and land bor- nent. That was in 2007 when that was They say: You know, it just cannot der ports of entry with all deliberate speed passed. be done. It is too hard. It is too expen- as expeditiously as practical. Congress is crystal clear and con- sive. It slows down entry-exits. People Congress demanded that the entry- sistent that this is what we expect to just don’t want to do this, and that is exit system be biometric and based on be done. Has it been done? No. It has why we just never got around to it. tamper-resistant machine readable not yet been done. What about this new We just discovered a report that documents. A biometric system re- immigration bill that has 1,000 pages in never got any publicity, but I didn’t re- quires that an immigration document it and we are told is the toughest in alize what was in it, that was published match the individual presenting the history? We are told—Senator SCHUMER in 2011. It went to the Appropriations document. In other words, there is a bi- said ‘‘tough as nails.’’ Does it require Committee. They are not the immigra- ometric capability to make sure the it? Will it ensure that it finally gets tion committee. It sat around; nobody person who presents a document is the done? No. Not only that, it alters the paid much attention to it.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.061 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2013 In 2009 the Department of Homeland of the trigger to allow the Secretary to the country has permission to leave. It Security conducted a pilot program at grant green cards to those given am- then runs a check of terrorist and the Detroit and Atlanta airports to nesty. In other words, if she did not crime data to see if there is a warrant deal with what would happen if we had have that fixed and in place as current for the person’s arrest, and then moves an entry-exit biometric visa system at law required it, the amnesty in 10 right on to the plane. The report found those two airports. They found that a years, the green card, would not be it took less than 2 seconds for a finger- biometric exit system—we have the issued. print capture. That is amazing. entry, remember—was not only feasible A biometric air-sea exit solution is Of course, a lot of people don’t know, but fast, accurate, and did not slow available right now, as it was in 2009. It but many police departments provide passengers as they boarded the depart- requires no infrastructure changes to police officers in their automobiles fin- ing flights. airports and can be deployed imme- gerprint reading data. So they arrest During 1 month of heavy inter- diately. Neither the TSA nor airlines somebody for DUI, they have them put national travel time, June and July, need to be directly involved in this. their finger on the machine, and bingo, the biometric exit system in Detroit Also, in 2005, the biometric exit for it comes up they are wanted for rape. processed 9,448 aliens and identified 44 vehicles and pedestrians at land ports That is how fugitives are apprehended from the watch list and 60 suspected was tested and found to be workable. today. We do far less hunting them overstays—out of less than 10,000 peo- To implement that solution today down by name. We wait for them to get ple. This is a terrorist watch list and a would require less than was required picked up with some sort of check or criminal watch list. Some of these were during the 2005 testing. We simply use other arrest. Mobile units do that. arrested for violation of Federal law the biometric data already in the sys- These systems are now deployed and had warrants out for their arrest tem as well as the tamper-resistant internationally in nine countries and on nonterrorist charges. Some of them card and expansion of the current 20 international airports, including showed up on watch lists, and 60 of Trusted Traveler Program in entry Australia, and process over 700 million them were suspected overstays. What lanes to the exit lanes. If we do the passengers per month. This can be about Atlanta? They processed 20,296 entry, we need to do the exit lanes. done, and I am amazed and frustrated aliens subject to US–VISIT and identi- Nevertheless, my amendment failed it has not happened. fied 131 on the watch list and 90 12 to 6. So I guess Senator SCHUMER When Secretary Ridge was Homeland overstays. and the leaders of the Gang of 8 didn’t Security Secretary, we talked about Since 9/11, at least 36 individuals who give a path to the Republican members this. My experience in law enforcement have overstayed their visas have been who might have voted for my bill. They was that the fingerprint had to be the convicted of terrorism-related charges. had to stick together. Senator SCHU- data because it is the fingerprint the Thirty-six since the 9/11 attacks have MER claimed such a system would cost police officers and the FBI use when been arrested for terrorism charges. $25 billion to implement. Well, some- they arrest somebody for a crime, and They were visa overstays, including body had used that figure, and I had many people flee. Many of the people Amine el-Khalifi, who attempted to only then discovered this 2011 report of who flee like to leave the country. bomb the Capitol last year; the Christ- the exit system in Atlanta and De- The last thing he said when he left mas Day bomb plot; and a near get- troit—this report right here. We just office: I have one bit of advice for my away by the would-be Times Square found out there was actually docu- successors, and that is use the finger- bomber, Faisal Shahzad, who had al- mented evidence that it doesn’t cost print. After much effort and much de- ready boarded a flight leaving the anything like that much. bate and much conflict, he had distilled United States when he was arrested However, when we aggregate the 2008 that down to that simple decision. just before he could take off. U.S. visa impact analysis data and in- Frankly, we are almost there, and we We are once again reminded that bor- dustry data, the greatest total cost for should complete. der security is an essential element of the first year of technology implemen- So in the committee markup, an national security, and exit control is tation at air and seaports would be ap- amendment sponsored by Senator part of that rubric. Tamerlan proximately $172 million to $855 mil- HATCH was adopted that requires yet Tsarneav, the Boston bomber—al- lion, depending on collection and the another pilot program limited to the 10 leged—remained invisible to the immi- units chosen. The most expensive units busiest airports within 2 years, and the gration system, having exited the do not require an attendant to even be FAA designated 30 core airports over 6 country for a 6-month stay in Russia there. Instead, there would be a moni- years. The amendment, which does not because today’s biographic exit data toring attendant who can supervise a serve as a trigger to amnesty or any- was insufficient to identify him as number of mobile kiosks all at once. thing else, fails to require biometric leaving the country—in this case, a In addition, in 2008, an air, sea, and exit at the land ports, which makes the misspelling or he used a different spell- biometric exit project regulatory im- system unenforceable and almost unus- ing and he was not picked up on the pact analysis also noted that the air, able because a person can fly in and list, whereas if we had used his finger- sea, and biometric system was less they can exit from a land port. We need prints, he would have been identified costly than a biographic exit system to record that or we won’t know wheth- biometrically instantly. for several reasons: improved detection er they ever left the country. While S. 744 requires the use of soft- of aliens overstaying visa, 300 ICE As Senator GRASSLEY said at the ware to correct misspellings, it may agents have to do overstays now, and time in the committee: In 1996, we not work for the millions of other cost avoidance resulting from im- passed an entry-exit system, and it is names the software does not pick up. It proved Immigration and Customs En- not law. So what I see before us is a fig will not pick up the fact that there is forcement efficiency; in 2007 cost re- leaf that leaves us to believe we are an arrest warrant for murder out for moval per visa violator was $18,375 per doing more than the bill requires, but him—let’s say in Indianapolis—when individual; improved efficiency and because the bill does a lot less than he is getting on a plane in Boston, but processing of entry-exit data; and im- what we decided in 1996 we needed to it should get picked up if they use the proved national security environment. do, I think this amendment should be entry-exit visa. The individual would Today the cost is significantly lower defeated. But it wasn’t; it passed. then successfully have fled the United because the latest technology requires Finally, we were told that all of the States and may be able to get away less manpower to operate and support triggers would have to be fully imple- completely with a serious crime. The the process. So in an exit system, when mented. If they are not fully imple- only way to verify a person is who they a traveler comes through the airport, mented, there will be no green cards claim to be really is through a biomet- before they board the plane, they go to issued. This is one of the Gang of 8 sell- ric identifier. a spot and for a few seconds—according ing and talking about the bill. It had to During the committee markup, I of- to this report there is negligible slow- be fully implemented—all the trig- fered an amendment to require the im- ing down—they put their finger on it, gers—or there would be no green card. plementation of the biometric exit sys- it reads their fingerprint, and says, So let’s take a look at what the bill tem as required by current law as part yes, indeed, this person who entered actually says about that. The bill says

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:15 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JN6.062 S10JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4067 after 10 years, the Secretary may ad- and for all current employees 3 years and it happens now. But the enforce- just the status of those illegal immi- after the enactment of the bill. So ment that is promised will not happen grants who receive amnesty to lawful, their plan for the E-Verify system is in any effective way. That is clear. If permanent resident or green card sta- far weaker than the plan in 2007, and it we read the bill, we see there is not a tus. So the Secretary can adjust the suggests that by putting it off and not real sense that anybody who knows people who came here illegally from having current employees have to have anything about enforcement was there their temporary legal status to perma- it used for them that they are not very in the room drafting the bill, driving nent resident of the United States, or serious about it. the legislation, to close loopholes and green card, and then be on a guaran- Also, she is using an electronic but make this system enforceable in the teed pathway in 3 years to full citizen- not biometric system exit system at future and end its brokenness today, ship. But that is supposed to only be air and sea but not land ports of entry. end the illegality today, and put us on done when? The Secretary certifies to So another requirement for a trigger is a path we can be proud of for our fu- Congress that her border security that there must be an end use and an ture. The bill does not fix illegality strategy is substantially deployed, sub- electronic, not biometric, exit system that dominates so much of our current stantially operational, and that her for air and seaports but not land. Ex- system. It surrenders to illegality and fencing plans are implemented and sub- perts have told us if we don’t do land, does not stand up and fix it. This is not stantially completed. These terms are we never know when anybody has left what the good people of this country undefined, leaving these determina- the country. want for their future: another long pe- Unfortunately, as are most seem- tions to the sole discretion of the Sec- riod of illegal immigration and another ingly tough provisions in this bill, it is retary, and she said we don’t need any- inevitable amnesty. followed by an exception that swallows more fencing. She gets to decide about the rule. The bill allows the Secretary We can fix the border. We can do fencing. to grant green cards to those given am- that. We can fix our visa system. It is What is she required to do? Her fenc- nesty without satisfying these triggers not that hard. We know how to do it ing plan has to be initiated and ap- if litigation or an act of God has pre- now. We can fix and dramatically in- proved, or her plan has to be imple- vented one of the so-called triggers crease the ability of employers to en- mented. But the plan doesn’t have to from being implemented, or implemen- sure they hire only legal workers and call for a single foot of fencing. tation has been held unconstitutional not hire illegal workers, leaving Amer- Also, the green card status can be by the Supreme Court, or the Court has icans unemployed at record rates. We given when she has implemented the simply granted certiorari in a case can establish a strong interior enforce- new—this is important—employment challenging its constitutionality; and ment system, one that has integrity verification system required under the ten years have elapsed since the date of and fairness. This bill is not close to bill, which is for new employees, not enactment. There are so many loop- that goal. Even though we could do it, current employees. They do an E- holes in it, and so she can certify she it fails to move us where we need to go Verify system to check on something has a plan. She can certify that with to put this system on a sound path. It like that, and it is not mandatory for expanding the system electronically should not become law. all employers until 5 years after the but not biometrically, in airports and I thank the Chair and yield the floor. regulations are published. So the em- seaports but not land ports, we end up ployment effort is not effective for at with what would appear to be a big im- f least 5 years after the amnesty has provement over current law, but it is been provided, and it could take even not. Current law requires biometric in ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. longer for it to become fully effective. land, sea, and air. So this reduces that. TOMORROW The real deadline for implementation The bill undermines the ability to de- of the employment, the E-Verify suc- port people who are in the country ille- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under cessor system they would like to de- gally. There are a whole lot of exam- the previous order, the Senate stands velop, may be as long as 10 years. That ples I could give at this point, and I adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow is less than what the 2007 bill called won’t—not tonight, to the Chair’s re- morning. for, the bill that failed. In 2007 E-Verify lief. Thereupon, the Senate, at 7:44 p.m., was required for all new hires 18 So, as in 1986, amnesty comes first. It adjourned until Tuesday, June 11, 2013, months after the enactment of the bill will occur. The deportations will stop, at 10 a.m.

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HONORING AMMA SRI onstrated the highest degree of integrity. He er, on behalf of the State of West Virginia and KARUNAMAYI has been dedicated to his profession and has the United States of America, I would like to worked tirelessly to ensure thorough, fair, and thank CSM Lawrence Vance for his years of HON. BILL FOSTER insightful news reporting. The employees and selfless service to our state and country. OF ILLINOIS subscribers to the Naples Daily News have f truly been lucky to have such an exceptional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ANIMAL DRUG AND ANIMAL GE- editor heading their newspaper. Monday, June 10, 2013 NERIC DRUG USER FEE REAU- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to pay tribute to THORIZATION ACT OF 2013 Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, it is with great Mr. Phil Lewis for his tremendous service to pride that I rise today to honor Amma Sri Naples, and the Naples Daily News and I ask SPEECH OF Karunamayi, a Hindu spiritual leader who has my colleagues to join me in recognizing this devoted her life to serving humanity. remarkable individual. HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Amma has devoted her life to the service of OF MINNESOTA f others, through her charitable works in India IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES feeding the poor; building free schools, hous- TRIBUTE TO COMMAND SERGEANT Monday, June 3, 2013 ing, an orphanage and a hospital; and through MAJOR LAWRENCE VANCE Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I oppose the her efforts to teach and peaceful Animal Drug and Animal Generic Drug User living. Since 1995, Amma has been making HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Fee Reauthorization Act of 2013 (S. 622). trips to the United States to lead public medi- OF WEST VIRGINIA While the Animal Drug and Animal Generic tation programs and share discourses on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Drug User Fee Reauthorization Act of 2013 peace, tolerance and religious harmony. (S. 622) will improve the FDA’s ability to This weekend she will travel to the Balaji Monday, June 10, 2013 evaluate and process the approval of drugs for Temple in Aurora, Illinois, to share her mes- Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to use in animals, it fails to require the Food and sage of peace, tolerance and harmony. recognize the distinguished military career of Drug Administration (FDA) to also address the Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me West Virginia National Guard Command Ser- growing overuse of antibiotics fed to our na- in honoring Amma Sri Karunamayi, whose geant Major Lawrence Ray Vance. CSM tion’s livestock that ends up on our dinner ta- commitment to helping others has served as Vance’s service is one of honor and devotion; bles. inspiration around the world. to which the people of West Virginia and the According to the New York Times article of f United States of America owe a tremendous June 2, 2013 (‘‘Pressure Grows to Create HONORING MR. PHIL LEWIS debt of gratitude. Drugs for ‘Superbugs’ ’’), America is facing a Lawrence Vance began serving his country worsening crisis in which drug development in 1971 when he enlisted in the United States has not kept pace with the growth of resistant HON. MARIO DIAZ–BALART Army. Following a short stint as a civilian, bacterial strains. More than 70,000 Americans OF FLORIDA Vance joined the WVNG in 1975 and em- die each year from antibiotic resistant infec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES barked on a journey that would take him tions. Scientists agree that antibiotic overuse, Monday, June 10, 2013 around the globe. He began as an Armor including in animals and on farms, is a contrib- Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Crewman at Fort Hood, Texas, and gained ex- utor to development of resistant bacteria. Con- to honor Mr. Phil Lewis, and to congratulate tensive experience as a Tank Commander at gress must start to address the looming public him on his retirement. Mr. Lewis is an out- Camp Casey, Korea; Fort Benning, Georgia; health crisis posed by the combination of a standing individual who has served as execu- Ferris Barracks, Germany; and Fort Polk, Lou- shortage of effective antibiotics and a rising tive editor of the Naples Daily News since isiana. He returned to WV in 1981 as a Motor threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. 1997. Sergeant with the WVNG, later earning the Congress needs to direct the FDA to de- Mr. Lewis began his journalism career in rank of Command Sergeant Major after com- velop better means of data collection and re- Washington Court House, Ohio, as a sports pleting the United States Army Sergeants search on antibiotic use in both humans and editor and city editor of the Record-Herald. His Major Academy Course in June of 2005. In animals. Without this information, we cannot career with the Naples Daily News however the same year, he was promoted to the fourth fully understand the breadth and depth of this began in 1978, when he joined the paper as highest position of leadership in the WVNG, issue and its impact on our health. Reducing a reporter. His stellar work as a reporter State Enlisted Leader. unnecessary overprescribing and overuse of earned him a quick promotion to city editor. CSM Vance has received a host of awards antibiotics in an appropriate manner is an im- From there he became managing editor of the and decorations throughout his service to our portant step to improve both human and ani- newspaper in 1989, a position he held for country, including the Bronze Star, Meritorious mal health. I urge my colleagues to vote no. eight years. Finally, in 1997 he was promoted Service Medal, Army Commendation Medals, f to editor. Achievement Medals, Good Conduct Medals, HONORING MRS. MAJORIE SNYDER Under his leadership the Naples Daily and Reserve Components Achievement Med- STALLWORTH News, and its employees, have been recog- als, among many others. In addition to the nized locally, at the state level, and nationally. federal awards, CSM Vance received state The paper has received numerous awards recognition in the form of multiple WV HON. FREDERICA S. WILSON OF FLORIDA during Mr. Lewis’ time as editor, and has de- Achievement Ribbons, Emergency Service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES veloped a national reputation for excellence. Ribbons, State Service Ribbons, and Minute For example, in 2003 the paper was given the Man Ribbons, as well as a North Carolina Monday, June 10, 2013 Scripps Howard National Journalism Award for Achievement Ribbon for his service to the Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise environmental reporting with ‘‘Gulf in Peril’’, a state. today to honor Mrs. Marjorie Snyder 15-part series documenting the declining CSM Vance lives in Charleston, West Vir- Stallworth, a distinguished woman from the health of the Gulf of Mexico. In 2006 the ginia, with his wife, Ute. Together they have 24th Congressional District of the great State newspaper’s website received Editor & Pub- five children and sixteen grandchildren, many of Florida. In celebration of Women’s History lisher’s EPpy Award when it was named Best of whom followed their father’s footsteps Month, I recognize her many years of leader- Internet News Service under 1 million unique through work in the military or ministry. ship and service. monthly visitors. On May 31, 2013 CSM Vance will retire Mrs. Snyder Stallworth is the Co-Pastor of Having known Mr. Lewis for a little over a from the WVNG after 38 years, 5 months, and the Living Word of God World Wide Evan- decade, I know that he has consistently dem- 18 days of commendable service. Mr. Speak- gelistic Faith Ministry. She has served our

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:46 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JN8.001 E10JNPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 10, 2013 community through civic and political engage- This amendment punishes young individuals Women are still left wanting in terms of equal- ment for many years—fighting against injus- who are Americans in every way but on a ity in the workplace. tices and unfair treatment of the less fortunate. piece of paper. Brought to this country through When compared to their Caucasian counter- In 1996, Mrs. Snyder Stallworth founded no fault of their own, these students are striv- parts, the pay gap for African American and Christian Woman to Woman, a non-profit or- ing to educate themselves and contribute to Latina Women is even greater. African Amer- ganization dedicated to improving the lives of the country that they know as home. Targeting ican women on average earn only 64 cents Christian women. As a mother of eight chil- them with limited immigration enforcement and Latina women on average earn only 55 dren and a lifelong community activist, Mrs. funding is unwise, thoughtless and just plain cents for every dollar earned by white, non- Snyder Stallworth lobbied Congress to stop wrong. Hispanic men. the involuntary sterilization of mothers who re- Just two months after the Marathon bomb- ceive government assistance. She was ap- ings, we should have voted last week on a According to nationwide data, the yearly pay pointed by then Governor Leroy Collins to straightforward bill that funded the department gap is $11,084 between full-time working men serve on his Hawaii Advisory Statehood Com- of Homeland Security, a bill that assisted the and women. The National Partnership for mission, which ultimately helped to influence agencies that performed so bravely on that Women and Families has calculated that Congress’ 1959 decision to grant Hawaii state- tragic day. It is an important bill. It keeps us $11,084 could purchase 89 more weeks of hood. As a native Bahamian, Mrs. Snyder safe. The legislation also included my bipar- food, could cover more than a year’s worth of Stallworth was among the original organizers tisan amendment to prevent knives from being rent, or pay for more than 3,000 additional gal- of the first Miami-Coconut Goombay Festival, brought onto planes for the first time since lons of gas. These are vital and necessary ex- a celebration of the heritage, traditions, and September 11, 2001. penses for American families. contributions of Bahamian immigrants to Mi- However, by passing this amendment tar- Although women are directly affected by the ami’s early history. Mrs. Snyder Stallworth is geted at the DREAMers of our country, Re- Equal Pay Act, it is important to recognize that the author of a book entitled ‘‘Hey Girl, Where publicans attacked everything our country this is not only a woman’s issue. When Have You Been,’’ written to encourage women stands for as a beacon of hope for a better women are paid less, sons, husbands, daugh- and mothers in our community. life. That is why I voted against this amend- ters, foster children, dependent parents—in During Women’s History Month, we cele- ment. This language should be stripped from short families—suffer. It is, therefore, our re- brate the enormous progress women have the final version of the bill. sponsibility, the representatives of these fami- made and the female giants of our past who We need to move forward on comprehen- lies, to continue to support and push for equal- struggled, suffered, and prevailed on behalf of sive immigration reform. That is why I will ity. This is one reason why Democrats strong- the advancement of women. keep up that fight for a better life for immi- ly advocate passage of the Paycheck Fairness Please join me in honoring Mrs. Marjorie grants and for all Americans. Act, which would update and strengthen the Snyder Stallworth who serves as a guiding f Equal Pay Act for the first time in 50 years. light for the next generation of young women. The Paycheck Fairness Act strengthens the COMMEMORATING THE GOLDEN Equal Pay Act, by closing loopholes, including: f JUBILEE OF THE EQUAL PAY ACT Prohibiting employers from retaliating when DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SE- workers discuss their salaries; making gender- CURITY APPROPRIATIONS ACT, HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE based wage discrimination subject to the 2014 OF TEXAS same remedies as race-based wage discrimi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation; recognizing employers for excellence SPEECH OF Monday, June 10, 2013 in pay practices and providing assistance to HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY employers that need help implementing equal Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, today, OF MASSACHUSETTS pay practices; and Enhancing the federal gov- June 10th, 2013, marks the 50th anniversary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment’s ability to investigate and enforce of the Equal Pay Act. By mandating equal pay pay discrimination laws. Wednesday, June 5, 2013 for equal work, this landmark legislation im- proved the standard of living for women A Democratic-led House passed the Pay- The House in Committee of the Whole check Fairness Act in the 110th and 111th House on the state of the Union had under across America. In 1963, when President Ken- consideration the bill (H.R. 2217) making ap- nedy signed the Equal Pay Act, women who congresses but both times Republicans propriations for the Department of Home- worked full-time earned 59 cents on average blocked the bill in the Senate. Fifty years ago land Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- for every dollar earned by men. In a country we had the opportunity to celebrate progress. tember 30, 2014, and for other purposes: where equality, progress, and hard-work are Today, we have the opportunity to fight for Mr. MARKEY. Madam Chair, I rise today in valued, legislation such as the Equal Pay Act continued progress in our country. I stand strong opposition to Representative KING’s continues to stand for those values and pro- today in support of women, in support of fami- amendment offered last week to the Home- mote progress and equality for all Americans. lies, in support of the Equal Pay Act, and in land Security Appropriations Act of 2014, H.R. Indeed the Equal Pay Act has allowed for support of, the Paycheck Fairness Act. It is 2217. This amendment would restrict the use much progress in the work place. Today, time to move forward. I urge all my colleagues of funds to finalize, implement, enforce or ad- women who work full-time make 77 cents on to join me in support of equality, so that 50 minister the Memo authorizing Deferred Action average for every dollar earned by men. Com- years from now, we may all be able to cele- for Childhood Arrivals, or Dream Act-eligible pared to the rate of 59 cents on the dollar in brate the progress we are fighting for today. youth. 1963, this is progress, but not nearly enough.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:46 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN8.003 E10JNPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E831 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Committee on Armed Services Business Act, to address assistance to Business meeting to markup the pro- out-of-State small business concerns. Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, posed National Defense Authorization agreed to by the Senate of February 4, SR–428A Act for fiscal year 2014. 2 p.m. 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- SD–106 Commission on Security and Cooperation tem for a computerized schedule of all 2:30 p.m. in Europe meetings and hearings of Senate com- Committee on Indian Affairs To hold hearings to examine Syrian refu- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- gees in the Organization for Security tion of Yvette Roubideaux, of Mary- tees, and committees of conference. and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) re- land, to be Director of the Indian This title requires all such committees gion, focusing on the United States and to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. international response to the humani- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- SD–628 tarian crisis that threatens to desta- mittee—of the time, place and purpose 4 p.m. bilize the entire region. of the meetings, when scheduled and Committee on Armed Services SD–562 any cancellations or changes in the Closed business meeting to markup the 2:30 p.m. meetings as they occur. proposed National Defense Authoriza- Select Committee on Intelligence As an additional procedure along tion Act for fiscal year 2014. To hold closed hearings to examine cer- with the computerization of this infor- SR–222 tain intelligence matters. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily SVC–217 Digest will prepare this information for JUNE 13 printing in the Extensions of Remarks 9:30 a.m. JUNE 14 section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Committee on Armed Services 9:30 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday of each Closed business meeting to continue to Committee on Armed Services markup the proposed National Defense Closed business meeting to continue to week. Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014. markup the proposed National Defense Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, SR–222 Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014. June 11, 2013 may be found in the Daily 10 a.m. Digest of today’s RECORD. Committee on Appropriations SR–222 Subcommittee on Transportation and MEETINGS SCHEDULED Housing and Urban Development, and JUNE 18 Related Agencies 10 a.m. JUNE 12 To hold hearings to examine crumbling Committee on Energy and Natural Re- 9:30 a.m. infrastructure, focusing on outdated sources Committee on Armed Services and overburdened highways and Business meeting to consider pending Subcommittee on SeaPower bridges. calendar business. Closed business meeting to markup those SD–124 SD–366 provisions which fall under the sub- Committee on Banking, Housing, and 10:30 a.m. committee’s jurisdiction of the pro- Urban Affairs Committee on Homeland Security and posed National Defense Authorization To hold hearings to examine lessons Governmental Affairs Act for fiscal year 2014. learned from the financial crisis re- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- SR–222 garding community banks. 10 a.m. SD–538 tion of Daniel M. Tangherlini, of the Committee on Appropriations Committee on Foreign Relations District of Columbia, to be Adminis- Subcommittee on Department of Defense Subcommittee on International Operations trator of General Services. To hold hearings to examine voluntary and Organizations, Human Rights, De- SD–342 military education programs. mocracy, and Global Women’s Issues SD–192 To hold a joint hearing to examine Rus- JUNE 19 Committee on Homeland Security and sia’s human rights situation. 2 p.m. Governmental Affairs SD–419 Committee on Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Committee on the Judiciary To hold hearings to examine the nomina- tion of Howard A. Shelanski, of Penn- Business meeting to consider S. 394, to tions of Geoffrey R. Pyatt, of Cali- sylvania, to be Administrator of the prohibit and deter the theft of metal, fornia, to be Ambassador to Ukraine, Office of Information and Regulatory S. 162, to reauthorize and improve the and Tulinabo Salama Mushingi, of Vir- Affairs, Office of Management and Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Budget. Crime Reduction Act of 2004, and the ginia, to be Ambassador to Burkina SD–342 nominations of Derek Anthony West, Faso, both of the Department of State. Committee on Rules and Administration of California, to be Associate Attorney SD–419 To hold hearings to examine the nomina- General, Department of Justice, and Special Committee on Aging tion of Davita Vance-Cooks, of Vir- Valerie E. Caproni, of the District of To hold hearings to examine paperless ginia, to be Public Printer, Govern- Columbia, and Vernon S. Broderick, of Social Security payments, focusing on ment Printing Office. New York, both to be a United States protecting seniors from fraud and con- SR–301 District Judge for the Southern Dis- fusion. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs trict of New York. SD–366 To hold hearings to examine pending SD–226 benefits legislation. Committee on Small Business and Entre- JUNE 20 SR–418 preneurship 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Business meeting to consider S. 511, to Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Committee on the Budget amend the Small Business Investment sources To hold hearings to examine the Presi- Act of 1958 to enhance the Small Busi- To hold an oversight hearing to examine dent’s proposed budget request for fis- ness Investment Company Program, S. cal year 2014 for Defense. 289, to extend the low-interest refi- water resource issues in the Klamath SD–608 nancing provisions under the Local De- River Basin. 2 p.m. velopment Business Loan Program of SD–366 Committee on Appropriations the Small Business Administration, S. 2:15 p.m. To hold hearings to examine cybersecu- 537, to require the Small Business Ad- Committee on Foreign Relations rity, focusing on preparing for and re- ministration to make information re- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- sponding to the enduring threat; to be lating to lenders making covered loans tion of Daniel R. Russel, of New York, immediately followed by a closed brief- publicly available, and S. 415, to clarify to be Assistant Secretary of State for ing in SVC–217. the collateral requirement for certain East Asian and Pacific Affairs. SD–G50 loans under section 7(d) of the Small SD–419

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HIGHLIGHTS Senator-designate Jeffrey S. Chiesa, of New Jersey, was administered the oath of office by the Vice President. Senate passed S. 954, the Farm Bill, as amended. Senate Senator Menendez of New Jersey (Majority Co- Chamber Action Chairman), vice Senator Lautenberg of New Jersey Routine Proceedings, pages S4027–S4067 (Majority Co-Chairman). Page S4064 Measures Introduced: Six bills and four resolutions Frank Lautenberg Tributes—Agreement: A were introduced, as follows: S. 1122–1127, and S. unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing Res. 164–167. Page S4058 that tributes to Frank Lautenberg, late Senator from Measures Passed: New Jersey, be printed as a Senate document and that Members have until 12 noon, on Thursday, Farm Bill: By 66 yeas to 27 nays (Vote No. June 20, 2013 to submit said tributes. 145), Senate passed S. 954, to reauthorize agricul- tural programs through 2018, after taking action on Pages S4063–64 the following amendment proposed thereto: Swearing in of Senator Chiesa: Senator-designate Pages S4043–53 Jeffrey S. Chiesa, of New Jersey, was sworn in to fill Adopted: the vacancy created by the death of the late Senator By 48 yeas to 38 nays (Vote No. 144), Stabenow Frank R. Lautenberg. Page S4040 (for Leahy) Amendment No. 998, to establish a pilot Measures Placed on the Calendar: program for gigabit Internet projects in rural areas. Pages S4027, S4056 Page S4051 Executive Communications: Pages S4056–58 Measures Considered: Executive Reports of Committees: Page S4058 Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Im- Additional Cosponsors: Pages S4058–59 migration Modernization Act—Agreement: Sen- ate resumed consideration of the motion to proceed Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: to consideration of S. 744, to provide for comprehen- Pages S4059–63 sive immigration reform. Pages S4028–40, S4041–43 Additional Statements: Pages S4055–56 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Notices of Hearings/Meetings: Page S4063 viding for further consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill at approximately Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S4063 10 a.m. on Tuesday June 11, 2013, under the order Privileges of the Floor: Page S4063 of Thursday, June 6, 2013. Page S4064 Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. Appointments: (Total—145) Pages S4051–52 Senate National Security Working Group: The Adjournment: Senate convened at 2 p.m. and ad- Chair announced, on behalf of the Majority Leader, journed at 7:44 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, pursuant to the provisions of S. Res. 64, adopted June 11, 2013. (For Senate’s program, see the re- March 5, 2013, the appointment of the following marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s Senator as a member of the Senate National Security Record on page S4064.) Working Group for the 113th Congress:


VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:30 Jun 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D10JN3.REC D10JNPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST June 10, 2013 tions of Anthony Renard Foxx, of North Carolina, to Committee Meetings be Secretary of Transportation, Penny Pritzker, of Il- (Committees not listed did not meet) linois, to be Secretary of Commerce, and nomina- tions for promotion in the U.S. Coast Guard. BUSINESS MEETING Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee ordered favorably reported the nomina- h House of Representatives Quorum Calls—Votes: There were no Yea and Nay Chamber Action votes, and there were no Recorded votes. There were Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 3 public no quorum calls. bills, H.R. 2305–2307 were introduced. Page H3256 Adjournment: The House met at 3 p.m. and ad- Additional Cosponsors: Page H3256 journed at 3:03 p.m. Reports Filed: A report was filed on Friday, June 7, 2013 as follows: Committee Meetings H.R. 1960, to authorize appropriations for fiscal No hearings were held. year 2014 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe Joint Meetings military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and No joint committee meetings were held. for other purposes, with amendments (H. Rept. 113–102). f Reports were filed today as follows: COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, H.R. 1256, to direct the Securities and Exchange JUNE 11, 2013 Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to jointly adopt rules setting forth the (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) application to cross-border swaps transactions of cer- Senate tain provisions relating to swaps that were enacted Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and ment of Defense, to hold hearings to examine department Consumer Protection Act, with amendments (H. leadership, 10 a.m., SD–192. Rept. 113–103, Pt. 1); Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Airland, H.R. 1256, to direct the Securities and Exchange business meeting to markup those provisions which fall Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading under the subcommittee’s jurisdiction of the proposed Commission to jointly adopt rules setting forth the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014, application to cross-border swaps transactions of cer- 9:30 a.m., SD–G50. tain provisions relating to swaps that were enacted Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and business meeting to markup those provisions which fall Consumer Protection Act, with amendments (H. under the subcommittee’s jurisdiction of the proposed Rept. 113–103, Pt. 2); and National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014, H.R. 1947, to provide for the reform and continu- 11 a.m., SD–G50. Subcommittee on Personnel, business meeting to mark- ation of agricultural and other programs of the De- up those provisions which fall under the subcommittee’s partment of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, jurisdiction of the proposed National Defense Authoriza- and for other purposes (H. Rept. 113–92, Pt. 2). tion Act for fiscal year 2014, 2 p.m., SD–G50. Page H3256 Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, closed business Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he meeting to markup those provisions which fall under the appointed Representative Petri to act as Speaker pro subcommittee’s jurisdiction of the proposed National De- tempore for today. Page H3255 fense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014, 3:30 p.m., SR–232A. Senate Message: Message received from the Senate Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the closed business meeting to markup those provisions House today appears on page H3255. which fall under the subcommittee’s jurisdiction of the

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proposed National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal proving outcomes in Federal information technology, year 2014, 6 p.m., SR–232A. 10:30 a.m., SD–342. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Sub- Committee on the Judiciary: to hold hearings to examine committee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast the nominations of Byron Todd Jones, of Minnesota, to Guard, to hold hearings to examine deep sea challenge, be Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and focusing on innovative partnerships in ocean observations, Explosives, and Stuart F. Delery, of the District of Co- 3 p.m., SR–253. lumbia, to be an Assistant Attorney General, both of the Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine sex Department of Justice, 9:30 a.m., SD–226. trafficking and exploitation in America, focusing on child Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to welfare’s role in prevention and intervention; to be imme- examine certain intelligence matters, 1:30 p.m., SH–219. diately followed by a business meeting to consider the House nomination of Michael Froman, of New York, to be United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Energy Ambassador, 10 a.m., SD–215. and Mineral Resources, hearing on H.R. 2231, the ‘‘Off- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: busi- Shore Energy and Jobs Act’’, 11 a.m., 1324 Longworth. ness meeting to consider S. 1094, to amend the Elemen- This hearing is a continuation from Thursday, June 6, tary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and any pend- 2013. Committee on Rules, Full Committee, hearing on H.R. ing nominations, 10 a.m., SH–216. 1960, the ‘‘National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Year 2014’’; and H.R. 1256, the ‘‘Swap Jurisdiction Cer- to hold hearings to examine reducing duplication and im- tainty Act’’, 5 p.m., H–313 Capitol.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Tuesday, June 11 12 p.m., Tuesday, June 11

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Tuesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Tuesday: Consideration of the following ation of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 744, measures under suspension of the rules: 1) H.R. 251— Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration South Utah Valley Electric Conveyance Act; 2) H.R. Modernization Act, with a vote on the motion to invoke 993—Fruit Heights Land Conveyance Act; 3) H.R. cloture on the motion to proceed to consideration of the 1157—Rattlesnake Mountain Public Access Act; 4) H.R. bill at 2:15 p.m. If cloture is invoked, Senate will vote 1158—North Cascades National Park Service Complex on the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill at Fish Stocking Act; and 5) H.R. 723—Wood-Pawcatuck 4 p.m. Watershed Protection Act. (Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for their respective party conferences.)

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue


Capito, Shelley Moore, W.Va., E829 Diaz-Balart, Mario, Fla., E829 Foster, Bill, Ill., E829 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E830 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E829 Markey, Edward J., Mass., E830 Wilson, Frederica S., Fla., E829

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