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Self-respect www.outlookafghanistan.net Self-respect is the fruit of discipline;” the facebook.com/The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan sense of ” dignity grows with the ability Email: [email protected] to say no to oneself. Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: In front of Habibia High School, Abraham Joshua Heschel District 3, Kabul,

Volume No. 4320 Monday November 25, 2019 Qaws 4, 1398 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/-Afs US Resumes Secret Talks with in QATAR - The U.S. Special En- talks for a yearlong until they days after the Taliban released voy for Afghanistan Reconcilia- reached an agreement “in prin- two foreign professors in ex- tion has held ciple”. However, the U.S. Presi- change for the release of three secret meetings with the Tali- dent Donald Trump abruptly Taliban prisoners. In addition, ban representatives in Qatar, a called off the talks after Taliban Taliban released 10 Afghan sol- source close to Taliban said on claimed responsibility for an at- diers following the release of Saturday. tack in Kabul that killed several their prisoners by Afghan gov- According to the source, the se- Afghans including an American ernment. cret talks aims to pave the way soldier. On the other hand, Latif for the resumption of officials President Trump on Friday said Mahmoud, a spokesman for talks between the two sides to that Washington is working on President Ashraf Ghani on Sat- end the 18 years of bloody war an agreement with the Taliban urday told Ariana News, this in Afghanistan. militant group. time, the U.S. in consultation “We have information that in- “You know we’re pulling way and cooperation with the Af- formal talks are ongoing right down in Afghanistan. We’re ghan government, will take now,” said Mawlawi Qalamud- working on an agreement now steps for the launch of a cease- din, a former Taliban official. with the Taliban,” Trump told fire, reduction of violence, and The U.S. and Taliban negotiators Fox News on Friday. ensuring a sustainable peace. held several rounds of formal The new developments come (ATN)

Sex Abuse Investigation in Logar Ghani: ‘No One Can Work in an Education KABUL - No one in education ministry has got the right to work Nearly Complete: Ministry Ministry Post for More Than Three Years’ in the same position for more than three years, Afghan President LOGAR - The Ministry of Educa- story and quoted civil society Ashraf Ghani said on Sunday. tion said on Saturday that its in- members saying “ teachers, head- Speaking in a meeting with the vestigation into allegations of sex teachers and local authority offi- ministry’s officials, the president abuse of hundreds of children cials are implicated in the abuse said that he wanted the ministry and youths in Logar province ring.” to be small in terms of personnel, will be wrapped up soon and the Public outcry followed, and but effective, beneficial and abso- findings will be shared with the members of parliament engaged lutely apolitical. public. in heated debates over the verac- He said that all the appointments In mid-November, a Logar civil ity of the story and what should in the ministry should be through society group claimed that “over be done. MPs and others called a transparent exam. 500” children and youth had been for an investigation, and the Min- He said that all the ministry’s per- sexually abused in six schools istry of Education authorized a sonnel should undergo biometric in the province. Apparently a team to go to Logar. registration process. “ring” of abusers had made vid- “The investigation of our del- The president also said that he eos of their victims and posted egation is being completed. And was not satisfied with the min- them online, causing some of the soon the findings will be shared istry’s current curriculum, as it abused boys and teenagers to be with the Afghan people through doesn’t meet the needs of stu- killed by their parents, presum- the media,” said Nooria Nazhat, dents, market and business, and ably for dishonoring the family. the ministry spokeswoman on called for fundamental change in The UK’s Guardian took up the Saturday. ...(More on P4)...(1) this regard. (1TV NEWS)

KABUL - Asadullah Khalid, act- ing minister of defense, spoke at Forces ‘Will Not Allow’ Violence Afghanistan to Form Military an event in Kabul on Sunday and pledged that that the Afghan forces in Election: Khalid Council of Women “will never allow violence” in elec- KABUL - Afghanistan’s First achievements must not be sacri- tion process. Lady Rula Ghani on Saturday de- ficed at the negotiating table. “We know that our political lead- clared that there will be an initia- At the same event, Habiba Sura- ers will not let the election become tive to form a Military Council of bi, the Deputy of Afghanistan’s a crisis,” Khalid said, “if the election Afghan Women. High Peace Council also empha- possibly went to crisis, we will nev- The Afghan women, especially sized that women can have “a er allow for violence.” those in uniform, gathered in the critical role”, once a peace deal is The Afghan forces have “keep their Ministry of Defense to discuss signed with the Taliban militant neutrality in the election process” “Peace and Security” during a group. and will continue to do so, he said. three day conference. In addition, Asadullah Khalid, Khalid also said that the Afghan Speaking to the uniformed Af- the Acting Afghan Minister of government has always empha- ghan women, the First Lady said Defense warned that Afghan sized peace, but “at the same time that the Council is “very impor- army will not accept a peace that we have to preserve the past 18 tant” so women can have “coor- would mark the beginning of a years’ achievements,” Khalid said. dination” among themselves. She new conflict. Khalid, who was addressing an stressed that women should have “We are carefully observing the event for women in the military, country will have its conditions, but no one will take away the freedom of Afghan women in the military, or women a key role in the Afghan peace situation. We will never accept a said: “Any peace that comes to the in non-military roles.” “A peace that causes another war will not accepted by the people,” he said. (TOLO NEWS) process, adding that women peace ...(More on P4)...(2)

Request for Expression of Interest toms officials after he failed to produce any docu-

Afghan Man Arrested at ment for carrying the relatively large amount of Procuring Entity Ministry of Finance Indian Airport for Carrying foreign currency, the officials added. (KHAAMA Donor World Bank PRESS) Consulting Services for Delivering Technical $14,000 in Unauthorized Name of the Assignment & PP Number Assistance Services on SOEs Status Change AF-MoF-FSP-140085-CS-CQS Manner Deadline for Submitting EOIs Dec 07, 2019 NEW DELHI - The Central Industrial Force (CISF) Interested Consultants can submit their personnel of India arrested an Afghan national on charges of carrying $14,000 in an ‘unauthor- EOIs to the below address: ized’ manner while attempting to travel to Kabul Contracts Department, Directorate of from New Delhi. Procurement, Ministry of Finance The Indian security officials have said the CISF Address for Submission of EOIs From 08:30 am till 03:30 pm (Local Time), personnel arrested Bakhtyari Waheedullah from Or Inhira Gandhi International Airport at 5:30 am Through email local time on Saturday, according to local media address:[email protected] and cc reports. to [email protected] The officials further added that the man was about to board a SpiceJet flight to Kabul when Interested Consultants can obtain the REOI CISF personnel intercepted him and confiscated document from www.npa.gov.af . In case, Website $14,000 which he was in his possession in an ‘un- unable to retrieve, the REOI document can authorized’ manner. be requested from [email protected] The CISF personnel handed over the man to Cus-

2 November 25, 2019 Main News Page Ghor: Female Footballers Exports to : Pine Nut Price Deprived of Practice FIROZKOH - Female footballers “I hace always have secured first Doubles in Nangarhar in western Ghor province say or second position in sports in JALALABAD - Traders of pine the provincial Sports Depart- Bamyan, Herat, Kabul and other nuts in eastern Nangarhar prov- ment does not support them and provinces, but no one supported ince say the fruit exports to China has even given their gymnasium or encouraged us,” she said. has led to cent per cent increase in to the Basketball Federation. Jan Mohammad Haidari, head its price, According to Football Federa- of Ghor Football Federation, Eyeing a similar trend in other in- tion of Ghor, currently 80 girls acknowledged the problems ternational markets, they say there are playing and learning the and said, “This gymnasium was are many pine nut forests in Speen game. built by Provincial Reconstruc- Ghar area and people look after Pajhwok Afghan News inter- tion Team (PRT) for women, and collect the fruit. viewed a number of these girls but women’s exercises have Pine nuts are processed in the and most of them complained been cancelled over the last two Farm Hadda area in the 6th police about lack of exercising place, weeks.” district of Jalalabad, the provincial support of the sports depart- He said the Sports Department capital. ment and bad view of people handed over the gymnasium to Abdul Khaliq, a pine nut trader towards female footballers. Basketball Federation, depriv- from Achin district, said the fruit Nasima, one of the female foot- ing women of their practice. He was processed easily. He added ballers in Ghor, told Pajhwok said the girls will not return to poor women and children were that lack of a proper place for learn football if the gymnasium engaged in the task. practice was one of their main was not given back to them. problems. Ahmad Khan Azizi, head of “We are processing pine nuts un- “We had a gymnasium where Basketball Federation in Ghor, der the open sky and fear possible girls would practice, but the confirmed the provincial Sports robberies at night. A proper place sports department has recently Department had handed the is needed for the business,” he sug- handed it over to another sports gymnasium over to them. gested. federation,” she said. He said football exercises were Syed Mahmood, another trader, She said cultural problems chal- performed in the gymnasium said a kilogram of pine nuts was lenged women footballers as a during winter while basketball sold for 5,000 rupees. He linked the large number of Ghor people team used it during spring sea- price hike to its export to China. were against girls’ sports. son only. According to him, some forests She asked Ghor sports depart- “We should care about all have been damaged due to conflict ment to pay attention to women sports, we have installed two in a number of districts. The forests athletes and support them in pillars of basketball in the gym needed to be rehabilitated, he said. their improvement. in coordination with the sports Inamullah Miakhel, spokesman Parwana Ahmadi, another fe- department,” he said. for the agriculture department, male footballer, also complained Amir Mohammadi Ghori, sports told Pajhwok natural forests of about lack of a proper place for department head, said they did pine nuts existed in 11 districts on He added around 1,250 tonnes of ests annually. Some 24,000 tonnes this year, a surge of 1,000 tonnes exercise and no support of Ghor so in order to promote other 8,255 acres of land. the fruit was collected from the for- of pine nuts have been collected over the previous year. (Pajhwok) sports department with them. sport teams also. (Pajhwok) Explosion Hits 22 More IS Taliban Attack Hong Kong Humiliate Afghanistan UN Vehicle in Fighters Surrender on Kunduz’s in Nangarhar District Repelled in Rugby Event Kabul PESHAWAR - Hong Kong have KUNDUZ - At least 10 Taliban KABUL - An explosion has hit inflicted a crushing defeat -on Af fighters were killed and seven the vehicle of the United Na- ghanistan in a rugby match at the others were wounded after the in- tions organization in the capi- Namdong Asiad Stadium in South surgent’s attack on Dasht-e-Archi Korea. tal Kabul, the Interior Ministry district of Kunduz province was confirmed. With Japan eyeing a coveted ticket repelled by Afghan forces, 217 for the winners in the 2020 Asia Nasrat Rahimi, the Interior Pamir Corps said in a statement. Rugby Men’s Sevens Olympic Minsitry Spokesman said the KABUL - Twenty-two more According to the statement, the Qualifier, Hong Kong are just two blast took place at around 6:20 Daesh () rebels have attack on the center of Dasht-e- surrendered to security forces in wins away from a spot in Tokyo pm [Kabul time] in Bukhar Kha- Archi district occurred at around eastern Nangarhar province, says next summer. na area in PD9 of Kabul City. 11 pm on Saturday night which the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Humiliated 38-0, the Afghanistan According to the initial reports, faced resistance by Afghan forces. squad included players flown in one person was killed and five In a statement, MoD said the re- bels surrendered during an op- 217 Pamir Corps further added from New Zealand for the tour- others wounded in the incident, eration in Achin district. The 22 that Mawlawi Mobashir, Tali- nament. However, they were no Rahimi added. He also said that member of Daesh also handed ban’s deputy military head for match for the opponents. further details will be shared over 18 weapons to the govern- the province was also among the The South China Morning Post later. ment. dead. quoted Hong Kong coach Paul John Reports suggests that the dead Recently, 280 militants, including Meanwhile, Kunduz Police Chief as saying the game had a certain feel person is a foreign national and women and children, have turned Abdul Rashid Bashir said that at to it. “[It was a] scruffy game and to slow everything down so it was Hong Kong trounced Malaysia and the blast has occurred as a re- themselves over to security forces least one Afghan soldier was also we made a couple of errors the first frustrating.” John added. Taiwan, scoring 106 points and not sult of an IED explosion. (ATN) in the province. (Pajhwok) killed ...(More on P4)...(6) two minutes and they really wanted On day one of the competition, conceding any. (Pajhwok) Outlook Horoscope

Aries (Mar. 22-Apr.20) Cancer (June 21-July 20) Libra (Sep 23-Oct. 22) Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan19) Nov 25, 2019 - You should expect to feel Nov 25, 2019 - Today someone might Nov 25, 2019 - Today let your emotions Nov 25, 2019 - If you had to take a test warmth in your contact with other people ask what you’re thinking about. You mingle with your thoughts. What good today and had a choice between poetry today. Your relations will have something often think about things that are inac- is telling yourself that you must like and physics, you wouldn’t hesitate. cessible to others. Today it will be like something if you really can’t stand it? particularly tender and caring about them. Poetry. Today is about interpretation, It’s like people are suddenly much more at- you’ve gone inside yourself on your What good are grand principles if your quest for answers to spiritual questions or the heart isn’t in them? Take the time to put your head not analysis. A change in the atmosphere over the tentive and sensitive. The universe is like one big, happy secrets of life. Just tell him or her you’re trying in sync with your heart today. next few days is going to affect your thinking. You family. You can confide in other people. Don’t be afraid to to rest, as they probably won’t understand what should expect some confusion in your contact with talk about your most intimate feelings with a friend. you’re thinking about anyway. the people closest to you. Taurus (Apr.21-May 20) Leo (July 21-Aug. 21) Scorpio (Oct.23-Nov.22) Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb.18) Nov 25, 2019 - You won’t be disap- Nov 25, 2019 - You love to have very Nov 25, 2019 - Today you may feel Nov 25, 2019 - Do you have a talent for pointed today. Over the next few serious discussions about important is- like going into your past. One half of writing? You seem to have a precise and days you’re going to put your ana- sues well into the night. You rebuild the you feels nostalgia for the “good old clear way of expressing yourself. And it’s lytical way of thinking aside and let world the way you’d like to see it with days.” The other half lives for the fu- possible you use this gift of yours in your your feelings guide you. You’ll be your friends. But now you start yawn- ture and is unafraid to project into the unknown. career. Today you might want to use it to attentive to the people you love. If ing around ten and are in bed within the someone needs your help, you can be counted on Even though this sounds a bit contradictory, both express your feelings about someone. Whether you hour. This is true today, too. Are you tired or do you to come to the rescue. You’ll spare them the lecture these sides of you help the world move forward. write to a family member or compose a love letter, about what they’ve done wrong! need to be alone to think about things? Think about this today. you’ll be particularly inspired. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep 22 ) Sagittarius (Nov.23-Dec.20) Pisces (Feb.19-Mar.20) Nov 25, 2019 - Today is great for crea- Nov 25, 2019 - Do you often act as if the Nov 25, 2019 - You’re sensitive to the Nov 25, 2019 - You have a pleasant tivity, especially the kind that shows world is static and nothing ever chang- world around you. It’s like you’re day ahead. People may be a little less your special style. You’re productive, al- es? Sometimes you may think that hu- thinking with your heart. It’s possi- playful, but they’ll be all the more car- though what you’ve been creating is just mankind is a certain way, the world is ble you’ll be more impressionable and less ob- ing in their relationships. That’s just a reflection of the latest fashions. This a certain way, and so this is what you’re going to jective when your emotions get the better of you how you like them! Everything is on your side for is one of your drawbacks, as it keeps do. Have you ever heard of evolution? The human in your relationships. If you’d hoped to hide you to express your feelings to someone close. Do you from being true to your special style. Today you race is constantly evolving, and so is the world. something from someone, it won’t work. Even if it now! This atmosphere will only last a few days. should use your feelings as your inspiration. Look around! you say nothing, it’s written on your face.

Across Yesterday’s Solution 1. Plank, 6. Catch, 10. Pleads, 14. Seaweed, 15. Ice cream holder, 16. Nanny, 17. Ap- pears, 18. A soft sheepskin leather, 19. What a person is called, 20. Friendly, 22. Per- ished, 23. Carpet, 24. Add up, 26. A type of golf hole, 30. Nimble, 32. Mistake, 33. Gaunt, 37. Era, 38. Death notices, 39. Heavy cart, 40. Farthest down, 42. Deafen, 43. Groin, 44. Less bendable, 45. Forays, 47. Grayish brown, 48. Stitched, 49. Fortify, 56. Vitality, 57. Colored part of an eye, 58. Flora and fauna, 59. Burden, 60. Pig sound, 61. French for “Love”, 62. Mousses, 63. Gestures of assent, ,64. Lukewarm Down abhor adjust approve bold 1. Hit hard, 2. Margarine, 3. Anagram of “Sage”, 4. Incline, 5. Yearner, 6. Scrawny one, 7. break broke canal carve Newbie (slang), 8. Rectal, 9. A branch of biology, 10. Music director, 11. Electronic letters, check creek disgrace 12. Smelling spoiled, 13. Outbuilding 21. Pull, 25. Former boxing champ, 26. Bestow, 27. email feed fence gate Chocolate cookie, 28. Get bigger, 29. Solitariness, 30. Awry, 31. A certain trade agreement, house litter mercy metal 33. Black, in poetry, 34. Streetcar, 35. Overhang, 36. One who colors cloth, 38. Leaving out niche obsess overthrow 41. 16 1/2 feet, 42. Simpleton, 44. Merriment, 45. French for “Queen”, 46. Dreadful, 47. paddle peace plank ready Davenports, 48. Plod along, 50. Threesome, 51. Peel, 52. An indefinite period, 53. A rigid rebellion renegade rights circular band, 54. Decorative case, 55. An aromatic ointment separate sinus stick swore... 3 Editorial and Opinions

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind Why Afghanistan Shall Learn from Economic Development of China’s Xinjiang

by: Hujjatullah Zia November 25, 2019 some of the biggest civilizations of the world, namely, China, o place tells the story of the Belt and Road Initiative India, Greece, Buddhism and Islamic Cultures to one another. (BRI) better in practice than China’s Xinjiang Uygur Islamic culture is seen widely in Xinjiang, which is Muslim Nautonomous region, bordering eight countries includ- dominated region. Briefing delegates from some 30 media in ing Afghanistan, which has turned from a remote border re- Islamic Institute of Xinjiang, built by Chinese government in gion into a forefront for international logistics services. The 2017, Tumaniyaz, the President of the Institute, said that the operation of railroad logistics in Xinjiang started with only Institute had teaching building, administration building, li- Causes and Consequences four international lines in May 2016. Now 19 lines are avail- brary, and indoor stadium and eight branches had been oper- able, covering 24 cities of 17 Asia and European countries; ating under the Institute with the capacity of receiving 3,000 of Weak Political Parties 3,600 tons of cargo are handled per day. The transportation students. He added that Chinese culture and history and re- time of China-Europe freight trains has been cut from 22 days ligious knowledge, including Holy Quran and Hadiths, were efore everything we need to have a clear understanding about func- to 15 days with the improved schedule arrangement. The cost taught in the institute. To my unmitigated surprise, students tion, operation and nature of political party; Scientifically, there are of rail freight is only 20 percent of the cost of moving cargo by could recite Holy Quran and speak Arabic Language. Stu- Bseveral definitions for political party but commonly defined as a group air and it is three times quicker than shipping by sea, In short, dents were also paid about RMB 4,000 to 8,000 per year, the of people having similar ideas about a country’s policies and seeking to gain the once windswept and mountainous route for horseback President said. political power. According to Max Weber, the existential philosophy of politi- traders has now changed into a bustling hub of business and Similarly, the Buddhist culture is widely tangible across Chi- cal party is seeking power and privilege for its members; this feature causes culture as 70 percent of westbound freight trains pass through na, mainly in Gansu province, a sister city to Afghan province a permanent and sound competition among political parties to gain power it, with the roar of locomotives drowning out the howling of Bamyan. I vividly remember when I visited Giant Buddha through providing better programs and political services. This way the nega- wind. and Mount Emei Temple in Leshan City, Sichuan province of tive competitions changed to positive competition and play essential roles in democratic system such as opinion-making, acting as a watchdog, introduc- Historically, Xinjiang was the bridge to link the transport of China, as well as Mogao Caves in Gansu province. ing candidates, bridge between government and people, and propose useful Eurasia Continent, the channel of exchanges of civilization, To put it in other words, the Silk Road has been a route for political programs. and the “Silk Road” that connected the civilizations of the an- not only commercial exchanges but also cultural and people- In fact, the relation between democracy and political party is likened to two cient East and West. Moreover, Xinjiang was the gateway of to-people exchanges. Both tangible and intangible culture has wings of a bird or termed as backbone of democracy. No bird can fly with- Chinese civilization opening to the West. been spread across China through ancient Silk Road, which out two wings and no democracy can succeed without active political parties. Since Xinjiang is rich in wind power, the gradually acceler- is intended to be revitalized in the frame of the Silk Road Therefore, all pioneer democracies are based on strong and lawful political par- ated wind power construction has greatly pushed forward the Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, known ties. As aforementioned, seeking power is the first and most important char- development of Xinjiang’s wind power equipment manufac- shortly as ‘the Belt and Road Initiative’. acteristics of the political parties that make it different from the other groups. turing. Xinjiang, which borders Afghanistan province of Badakh- the issue of power gaining must be said that the acquisition of power is the Similarly, Xinjiang has profound cultural accumulations shan, has much in common with Afghanistan. For example, if goal of the parties and that plans and policies are a means of gaining power. which is reflected in rich ethnic customs and famous historic you visit Aksu City, you will see very similar food to that of On the other hand, macro-party programs and policies may be the main goal, and cultural sites. Having a media tour in Xinjiang themed Afghanistan. It is also very rich in terms of agricultural prod- and power is the only means to achieve and implement party policies and “The Core Zone (Xinjiang) of the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ uct, mostly fruit, similar to many provinces of Afghanistan. programs.The political parties must have useful political, economic and social Media Event”, I have visited Museum of Xinjiang Uyghur Since Afghanistan has joined the BRI, it has to extend its rela- programs for people and country, and so they need to seek power through Autonomous Region, which is a window to scratch the sur- tion with China so as to pursue mutual benefit, not only in sound competition with other parties in national elections. The second im- face of Xinjiang’s ancient monuments and cultural relics. Ex- terms of trade, but also knowledge and culture. It is a highly portant function of political party is political socialization which means that plaining China’s history, an excerpt of a script attached on the appropriate saying which goes in Chinese that if you want parties aware people of values, norms, and political practices. Socialization es- Museum’s wall read, “Tang Dynasty [founded in 618] also to develop, you need to build road first, indicating that con- sentially promotes the growth of political culture and ultimately makes people enhanced frequent exchanges with the Central Asian, West nectivity plays the best role in the development of a nation more active in the realm of politics. The greater participation of the people in Asian and European countries, which formed the economic and country. Thus, as China is ready to share the fruit of its fact increases the legitimacy of the electoral system. The Political parties should and cultural prosperity of China’s feudal society, so the his- development with the world, including its neighboring coun- make effort to create coherence and unity among the people. In the absence of tory of the Western Regions entered a new era”. try Afghanistan, we need to learn from China. parties, people cannot communicate with the government individually and It is self-evident that the ancient Silk Road has been one of the cannot express their wishes and opinions. Thus, the political parties have to Hujjatullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook shape public opinion which includes attitudes, values, and beliefs of the pub- oldest and longest commercial routes for exchanging commer- Afghanistan and freelance writer based in Kabul. He can be lic. cial goods, knowledge, and culture of humankind that linked reached at [email protected] In order to have a successful role, all political parties need to establish vari- ous levels of provincial offices following the structure of the state. The local party organizations are of particular importance for a stable and active party. Here, members can directly be politically active. At this level, they have the deepest contact with their party and politics in general. Local party organi- zations should conduct regular membership meetings, and support, promote Uniting through South Asian Games and integrate (new) members. These should be invited to the party and district meetings and social events, as well as to discussions on local politics issues and local initiatives, for instance, residential redevelopment such as building road, schools, business settlements etc. Moreover, political parties need to hold internal election and introduce pro- by: Dwaipayan Regmi fessional candidates to external election, but in countries where there is no let each other stand for each other from the day of opening strong party system such as Afghanistan, known or unknown individuals ports does not have a language. They don’t have any itself. Staying together, interacting with each other - it lets may be independently elected. Individuals may or may not have long term words. Or, there is nothing communicable within players understand national issues and then realize that commitment to serve the country; that’s why they easily deceive people with sports - but it unites people. It doesn’t matter wheth- political deeds have nothing to do with individual level alluring promises during election campaign. Once they fill their pocket, other S er you are Islam, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist or Christian - it among separate nationalities. And as they say - sports individual usually replace them in next election and this way the wrong cycle lets all of you be within a team and work with the spirit of have the power to cross divide like no other form of enter- continue. While political parties, even after they won the election they try not being one. So, be it Sri Lankan team, or Bhutanese - they tainment letting people unite from different backgrounds, to lose the public trust through providing effective programs and fulfillment play with the spirit of one. classes, ages, and countries. of its commitments. Otherwise next time they will lose the votes of people and South Asian Games (SAG) is the sports event within the face a fiasco. This should be accepted that sports are a big business Legally, In Afghanistan, every citizen holds a constitutional right to form a po- where players are sold and bought like commodities. South Asian Region, basically SAARC. This sport lets the litical party so as to attain some common political goals. The right to form a po- There is a large number of sponsors and advertisers fol- world see how South Asian nations are united and how litical party is derived from the constitutional right of association, free speech, lowed by huge tickets. How much did Russia earn during SAARC has been staying with unity within it. and equal protection. A political party is a voluntary association formed out 2018 is a separate issue - but if it is about unity, sports Even though sports are played with competition at the in- of the free will and consent of those who created it. A political party upholds certainly unites a wide range of mass. ternational level, audiences don’t understand that there is certain principles regarding public policies of a government. Lawfully, it must SAARC leaders come together in SAARC Summit. But, the language spoken within the opponent’s team. Hence, have at least 20 offices across Afghanistan; the purposes of these branches are South Asian Games (SAG) lets people meet people from what we see is different than what it takes place as there to pave the way to get in touch with the people and receive the demands and this community. A runner gets to meet the next runner lies hidden communication with a sense of bonding, ap- supports of the people and also bridge between government and people. In from a different nation. Although they play with each preciation, and respect for the opponent team. After all, addition, it should protect the people from the direct blow of power which other it promotes a sense of belonging along with identity for true sportsmanship - an individual will never be af- may come from the ruling government. by tying people together in the segmented society. This is fected by the way their opponent plays unless it is within Practically, the political parties in Afghanistan do not have offices across the the best opportunity for people to know about each other. the rules and regulations there. provinces as required by law and they are affiliated to individuals and their How would Afghan’s player ever know how Bhutanese Mandela saw this back then when he used sports way to founders. The affiliation of the parties to the individual or the founding mem- culture is - if there were no such games and no such op- unite South Africans. Apart, these games at the regional bers causes the parties to never have a standard organization and select their portunities. level act as a platform for aspiring players to get an inter- leaders on the basis of election and democratic process, and so they cannot South Asian Games provides opportunities to all the national eye. gain trust of people and neither can continue its activities after the death of its sportsmen from the South Asian region to visit the host It’s an honor for Nepal to host this season of South Asian founder. The life of the parties ends with the life of the founder of the party. nation and understand the alt, culture, people, and places Games (SAG). As Nepal has just been into its phase of sta- The lack of organization also makes the parties financially dependent on their of the host nations. Here, the internal tourism of the host bility; it could be possible that there will be a lot of lag- founding persons. Therefore, parties are more likely to struggle for the goals of nation gains space too which is meaningful. These interna- gings - but Nepalese have been working day and night to a person rather than for goal of a group. tional games create friendships among people who would build up everything for this game. Maybe, this would still By and large, the Affiliation of political parties to individuals, lack of common never communicate else. It promotes anti-racism and then not be up to the international mark - but this is far better purpose, the absence of an organization, and the lack of branches across the than previous editions that Nepal held. country indicates that we do not have political parties as it is defined in politi- lets to understand each other individually, regionally, cal science and required by the ruling law. The Political parties are not able to nationally and across the border promoting peaceful ties Moreover, SAG is not about proving best - but about play a constructive role in the country unless they start the reforms from them- among them. showing what we have. We don’t build a new home when selves. Political parties should not be formed on the basis of sectarian criteria There again back in the home, sports lets family and our relatives come, but maintain and clean our house and but merely on the basis of programs and meritocracy. friends enjoy together - from football to basketball - peo- try our best to keep our relatives happy and satisfied. Ne- ple get summarized. An audience sits back at his home pal is doing the same - and we hope our deeds will be with his family members or friends and enjoys the beauty appreciated. along with. Welcome to Nepal and Best Wishes for South Asian There is nothing politically involved in sports. So, it cre- Games! May the deserving team win! ates an opportunity to work with the sportsmanship and Regmi is a freelance writer from Nepal

Chairman / Editor-in-Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Vice Chairman / Exec. Editor: Moh. Sakhi Rezaie Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 www.outlookafghanistan.net

The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authers and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. 4 November 25, 2019 (1) Sex Abuse ... count and audit in the seven prov- use of atomic energy for purposes vote. news organizations, like Berlin- Besides the Ministry of Education, inces, it should declare the audit of war is immoral, so too the pos- An agreement late Friday on elec- based DW News and state-run Ra- the Afghan parliament and Logar’s result of provinces where it had session of nuclear weapons is im- tions between Morales’ party and dio . local authorities have also appoint- been completed. moral, as I already said two years the interim government helped Realizing that they had made a ed teams to investigate the allega- The participants of the gathering ago.” pacify the country. Street block- mistake, police sent another email, tions. urged all presidential candidates While his words in Hiroshima ades were lifted, allowing supplies saying the file was attached “inad- But Akbar Stanikzai, a senator not to make hurdles for the IEC and struck emotional, almost poetic to reach marketplaces Saturday in vertently” and asked the media to from Logar province, said that the let the electoral body complete the notes, earlier in Nagasaki he issued areas that had been short of grocer- “ignore this attachment.” A police allegations are not true. vote recount and audit process in direct denunciations and demands. ies and gas. source told ThePrint that the initial “A joint delegation from the House all provinces. (Pajhwok) He restated his support for a 2017 Sen. Oscar Ortiz said the bill calls blunder was made by a junior of- of Representatives, a delegation (5) Ghani to ... treaty to ban nuclear weapons that for updating the electoral rolls, ficer, while another source admit- was agreed by nearly two-thirds of naming a completely new electoral from the Ministry of Education, directed Afghan diplomats to clear- ted to News 18 that police moni- U.N. members but opposed by big tribunal to oversee the vote. and another one from the Logar au- ly understand the interests of coun- tor Twitter on a regular basis and nuclear powers who say it could un- “We have to generate confidence thorities have all been dispatched tries in the region. (Pajhwok) tweets “critical of the state are col- dermine nuclear deterrence, which in the population,” said Sen. Omar lected.” to investigate the claims, but the (6) Taliban Attack ... Senate has not sent a delegation, they credit with averting conven- Aguilar, from Morales’ party. India scrapped Kashmir’s decades- knowing that this was not the true.” while four others were wounded in tional war. (Reuters) Also Saturday, Áñez rejected a bill old autonomy in August, arguing However, the Afghanistan Indepen- the clashes. (9) Pence Works ... presented by Morales’ party that that it would help to fight terror- This comes as 217 Pamir Corps, on would have prevented the ousted dent Human Rights Commission ing,” Pence said. ism and boost the region’s econo- Thursday, launched a military op- president from being tried for al- (AIHRC) says that if these reports Earlier, Pence received a classi- my. Prime Minister Narendra Modi eration in Kunduz outskirts which leged crimes committed during the turn out to be valid, legal action fied briefing at Iraq’s Al-Asad Air said the move would bring about according to officials will continue exercise of his functions to date. must be taken, and the people who Base, from which U.S. forces are “a new age of political stability,” until the complete clearance of the (AP News) reported the abuse should be pro- believed to have launched the op- from which all residents will ben- area from Taliban militants. tected from reprisals. eration in Syria last month that (11) Colombia Imposes ... efit. Kunduz is a volatile province in “Documenting such cases should resulted in the death of Islamic protest,” he said. “Another very New Delhi also imposed curfew- northern Afghanistan where the not jeopardize those human rights State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. different thing is to take advantage like restrictions in some parts of Taliban insurgents have significant activists who are pursuing the in- Pence also spoke by phone with of the protest to sow chaos.” Kashmir, saying they were neces- presence in its districts and city vestigation of this case, and if sim- Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul- The last time the city imposed a sary to maintain order but will be outskirts. (ATN) ilar results are reached, naturally Mahdi. curfew was in 1977 for a general lifted in the future. (RT) (7) France Says ... the case should be pursued by the Underscoring Pence’s message that strike, before drug-related cartel (14) US Military Drone ... courts,” said Shahzad Akbar, head command center will host around American military partnership with violence became rampant and the governments, one based in Tripoli of Afghanistan’s Independent Hu- a dozen officials representing the Syrian Kurdish forces is ongoing, country’s war with leftist guerillas and the other in the country’s east. man Rights Commission. (TOLO countries involved, she said. In a the U.S.-led coalition said Saturday intensified. Forces loyal to the eastern gov- NEWS) speech to French military person- that its forces, along with hundreds Duque also announced that he will ernment have been trying to wrest (2) Afghanistan to ... nel, she said the next time she vis- of Syrian Kurdish commandos, had open a “national conversation” control of the capital since April. ited the base she hoped the mission jointly carried out the largest op- throughout the country next week that would be the start of a new An Italian drone was shot down would be operational and thanked eration against the Islamic State in to find long-term solutions to in- war,” Minister Khalid said. Wednesday southeast of Tripoli by the UAE for supporting it. eastern Syria since the U.S. pull- equality and corruption. At the conference, Nicholas Kay, forces loyal to the eastern govern- The UAE has tempered its reaction back began in early October. “The space for dialogue exists,” he the NATO Senior Civilian Repre- ment. sentative to Afghanistan, said that to the attacks and has called for de- Friday’s operation in southeastern said. In September, the U.S. military he is “optimistic” about Afghani- escalation and dialogue with Iran. Syria’s Deir el-Zour province cap- The demonstrations follow a wave said it carried out several airstrikes stan’s future. Nicholas Kay saluted On Saturday, Parly said the ini- tured dozens of Islamic State mili- of protests overwhelming Latin against the Islamic State group in the progress of Afghan women in tiative could start early next year tants, cleared enemy compounds America. Large protests in Chile, Libya, killing more than 40 mili- the army. and around 10 European and non- and seized weapons and explo- Bolivia and Ecuador have broken tants. Those were the first U.S. “NATO’s mission here is to ensure, European governments would join, sives, the U.S.-led coalition said. out as citizens voice frustrations pending parliamentary approval. Operations against Islamic State strikes in the North African coun- and to help Afghans ensure that with political leaders. The nation- First announced in July, the plan is militants in Syria had been disrupt- try in over a year. your territory is not used as safe wide protests and strikes were or- independent of a U.S-led maritime ed, but not totally halted, because Oil-rich Libya descended into haven for terrorists,” he reiterated. ganized by union workers calling initiative which some European of the U.S. troop pullback and Tur- chaos in 2011 when an interna- (ATN) for labor and pension reform. countries feared would make U.S.- key’s invasion. tional military coalition helped (3) Beijing Talks ... In the first 15 months of his ad- Iranian tensions worse. Pence’s trip Saturday was his sec- rebels overthrow longtime autocrat ministration, Duque has watched Shahzadah Masood, a political ex- Parly said the two missions would ond to the region in five weeks. Moammar Gadhafi. Islamic ex- his approval rating plummet to 26 pert, told Pajhwok that China did coordinate in order to ensure safety Trump deployed him on a whirl- tremists have exploited the chaos percent and has faced a series of not well manage the Beijing meet- of navigation in an already tense wind journey to Ankara, , to expand their reach in the coun- setbacks. ing as did the Russian government area. last month to negotiate a cease-fire try. (Fox News) “Colombia is facing a set of com- and meetings. “We hope ... to contribute to a nav- after President Recep Tayyip Erdo- plex problems that are as difficult (15) Israel Cuts ... He said there were some differ- igation that is as safe as possible gan seized on the U.S. withdrawal times for figs, 30 for barley, and ences over the list of participants in a zone which we know is dis- to launch the offensive on U.S.- as any in its recent history,” said 220 for tomatoes or strawberries. and the list the government had puted and where there has already allied Kurdish fighters in northern Cynthia Arnson, a Colombia expert Once exhausted, a new request for prepared was not acceptable to been a certain number of serious Syria. Trump’s move had sparked and director of the Latin America access will need to be obtained, anyone. incidents,” she said. She also con- some of the most unified criticism program at the Woodrow Wilson Another peace activist, Mushtaq demned Iran’s latest violations of a of his administration to date, as International Center for Scholars provided the Israeli officials agree Rahim, told Pajhwok there was no 2015 nuclear deal. lawmakers in both parties accused in Washington, D.C. “I think any there is a need for extending the consensus between America and On Saturday, Parly said Paris was Trump of forsaking longtime Kurd- political leader faced with this ar- quota, which is not a certainty. In China on Afghan issues and both sending defense ish allies and inviting Russia and ray of problems would have a dif- fact, the rejection rate for entry suspected each other. equipment to confront low-altitude Iran to hold even greater sway in ficult time.” (Fox News) permits has jumped to 72 percent He said the US and China had not attacks after Riyadh requested help the volatile region. (12) German Police ... in 2018 from just 24 percent four been able to play a positive role in years earlier, the newspaper noted. following a September assault on When the U.S. forces withdrew, beginning on Saturday, according the Afghan conflict as their inter- Pretty restrictive limitations for the kingdom’s oil facilities which Syria’s Kurds — seeking protec- to the BBC. ests clashed in the region. land access existed even before Washington and Riyadh have also tion from their No. 1 enemy, Tur- The 900 men selected for the test Another political analyst, Shafiq the latest change, based on factors blamed on Iran. Tehran has denied key — invited Syrian government were between 14 and 70 years old Hamdard, said the China meeting involvement. (Reuters) and Russian forces into parts of such as seasons. For example, ol- at the time of Ruf’s death and re- was delayed because the Taliban northeastern Syria where they had ive growers are given a month to (8) Pope Urges ... ceived invitations for a saliva swab did not officially recognize the Af- not set foot in years. More are now collect their harvest – regardless hind only shadows and silence,” test at a local primary school to ghan government. deploying along large parts of the of whether a particular family has Francis said at Hiroshima’s Peace have their DNA identified, the out- He said on the other hand the Af- border region under a Russian- enough labor to complete the job Memorial after standing in silent let reported. ghan government was not ready to Turkish deal, including to at least in the allocated period of time. prayer and listening to a harrowing DNA traces of the murderer were take part in form of a group or in- one former U.S. garrison in north- Some farmers have to take lengthy account by a survivor. allegedly found on the body of Ruf, dividually. ern Syria. trips to the nearest gate before Yoshiko Kajimoto, who was 14 at investigators hope the mass testing Faiz Mohammad Zalan, a Kabul The Ankara agreement required backtracking on the other side, the time, recalled “people walk- will lead them to the person who university instructor, told Pajhwok Syrian Kurds to vacate a swath of whereas they had only to walk a ing side by side like ghosts, people committed the crime. Police said that the China meeting was linked territory in Syria along the Turk- short direct path before the erec- whose whole body was so burnt that not all 900 men are suspects. to resumption of the stalled US- ish border in an arrangement that tion of the wall. that I could not tell the difference “After more than 23 years, there’s Taliban peace talks. largely solidified Turkey’s position There are other questionable prac- between men and women, their hair a big possibility to solve the sad He said the National Unity Govern- and aims. (AP News) tices, like dividing a family plot standing on end, their faces swol- fate of my daughter,” Claudia’s fa- ment (NUG) was so far unable to (10) Bolivian Lawmakers ... between members and then deny- len to double size, their lips hang- ther, Friedhelm Ruf, told The As- introduce a delegation to be accept- ing access rights because those ing loose, with both hands held ruling out Morales, whose refusal sociated Press. “The perpetrator able to all and the issue negatively individual plots are deemed too out with burnt skin hanging from to accept such term limits was a has been able for too long to hide impacted the China meeting. (Pajh- small for agricultural purposes. wok) them.” key issue in protests against him. behind all of us.” “No one in this world can imagine Morales’ claim of victory and a (RT) (4) MPs Ask ... Police told the Bild newspaper such a scene of hell,” she said. fourth term in the election prompt- they’ve received dozens of tips to (16) Rioters Linked ... statement said, “The people of Af- More than 100,000 people died ed massive protests that led him help solve the murder thanks to a province. ghanistan would not tolerance fur- instantly in the twin attacks and to resign on Nov. 10 at the army’s renewed interest in the case, and Police said 180 ringleaders of the ther turbulences by some electoral about 400,000 others died in sub- suggestion. An audit by a team men over the age of 14 are invited unrest had been detained across teams as they delayed the process sequent months, years and decades from the Organization of American to take part in the testing. the country. under different names.” of radiation sickness or illnesses. States found widespread irregulari- The Rheinische Post reported that IRGC spokesman Brigadier Gen- The statement said the government “With deep conviction I wish once ties in that election. at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, the eral Ramezan Sharif said the pro- should prevent disturbances of a more to declare that the use of After Morales left for asylum in first men were already lining up tests had been initiated by royalists number of electoral teams who had atomic energy for purposes of war Mexico, his own supporters took to outside the elementary school to closed IEC offices in some prov- is today, more than ever, a crime the streets in protest. seeking the return of the Pahlavi get tested. .” (Fox News) inces. It asked the protesting team not only against the dignity of hu- Officials say at least 32 people dynasty toppled by the 1979 rev- to let IEC officials finish their duty. man beings but against any possi- have died in demonstrations since (13) Indian Police ... olution, and MKO terrorists who The statement added if the IEC was ble future for our common home,” the presidential election, which Shah Mahmood Qureshi, as well have been banished from Iran as not able to complete the vote re- the pope said in Hiroshima. “The would be annulled by Saturday’s as journalists, activists and foreign well as secessionists. (Press TV) 5 November 25, 2019 International

ABU DHABI - A French naval base in Abu Dhabi will serve as the head- Neighbor News quarters for a European-led mission to protect Gulf waters that will be op- erational soon, France’s defense min- Construction Work of Saidu ister said on Sunday. Sharif Airport Completed France is the main proponent of a plan to build a European-led mari- ISLAMABAD - Chief ism, trade and business time force to ensure safe shipping in Minister Khyber Pak- activities in Malakand the Strait of Hormuz after tanker at- htunkhwa Mahmood Division. tacks earlier this year that Washing- Khan says necessary Mahmood Khan said ton blamed on Iran. construction work of the government is tak- Tehran has denied being behind the Saidu Sharif Airport ing pragmatic steps attacks on tankers and other vessels has been completed for the development in major global shipping lanes off the and it will be opened and prosperity of the coast of the soon for flights. province. Speaking on (UAE) in May and which increased Addressing the inau- the occasion, Federal tensions between the , gural ceremonies of the Minister for Commu- Iran and Gulf Arab states. Mobile Health Services nication and Postal Ser- “This morning we formalized that the Unit and up-gradation vices Murad Saeed said command post will be based on Emi- of Civil Hospital Kabal the provision of basic rati territory,” Defence Minister Flor- in Swat, he said civil facilities and resolving France Says Abu Dhabi to Host HQ for ence Parly told reporters at a French work on Chakdra to issues of common men naval base in Abu Dhabi, the capital Madien Swat Express- is a top priority of the of the UAE. way will be started government. (Pakistan European Naval Mission for The Gulf The...(More on P4)...(7) soon to expedite tour- Today) Colombia Imposes Rare China’s Securities Regulator Approves Iran Vice-President Warns of Curfew in Bogota After Consequences If Regional States Violent Anti-Government Trading of New Options Are Involved in Unrest BEIJING - The China Securi- TEHRAN - Iranian the region if clues are Protests ties Regulatory Commission Vice-President Eshaq found that show they BOGOTA - Colombia curfew after three peo- (CSRC) has given the green Jahangiri on Saturday intervened to create has imposed a cur- ple were killed follow- light to the trading of PTA, warned regional coun- unrest in Iran,” said few on its capital city ing the peaceful day- methyl alcohol, rapeseed tries of unspecified dire Jahangiri, quoted by of Bogota for the first time protests in what meal, iron ore and gold op- consequences if it is Fars. time in decades fol- authorities described tions. proven that they med- Iran has blamed lowing a second day as violent looting in- The trading of PTA, methyl dled to stoke unrest in “thugs” linked to ex- of anti-government cidents overnight. Ac- alcohol and rapeseed meal Iran, Trend reports cit- iles and foreign foes protests. cording to police, 146 options will be launched on ing Reuters. - the United States, Is- Violent clashes be- people have been de- the Zhengzhou Commodity “Some countries in the rael and Saudi Arabia tween protesters and tained in the two days Exchange, while that of iron region should know - for stirring up unrest police occurred after of unrest. At least 151 ore and gold options will that they will be not following hikes in gas- an estimated 250,000 police and military offi- be launched on the Dalian have an easy life in oline prices. (Trend) took to the streets to cers have been injured, Commodity Exchange and reject the conservative in addition to 122 civil- Shanghai Futures Exchange, government of Colom- ians. respectively, according to commodities, the CSRC management demand exchanges to make full China’s Hainan to Open Public bian President Iván “One thing is a peace- the CSRC. PTA, methyl alco- said, adding that the listings and lower hedging costs. preparations to ensure the Facilities for 5G Construction Duque. ful expression through hol, rapeseed meal, iron ore of relevant options will fur- The securities regula- steady operation of the Duque imposed the ...(More on P4)...(11) and gold are all major bulk ther meet enterprises’ risk tor has asked the three trading. (Xinhua) HAIKOU - South Chi- communications com- na’s Hainan Province panies free of charge is taking measures to for building 5G infor- Pope Urges Abolition of Nuclear Weapons at German Police Testing DNA of speed up 5G construc- mation infrastructure 900 Men for Unsolved Murder tion by unconditionally such as base stations, Japan’s Ground Zeros opening public facili- transmission lines and ties to mobile operators machine rooms, while HIROSHIMA, Japan - Cold Case and strengthening co- facilitating their entry Pope Francis brought BERLIN - Police in Ger- Her body was found ordination between 5G and use of electricity. his campaign to abol- many asked roughly two days later in Eu- and road networks. Telecom operators are ish nuclear weapons to 900 men on Saturday skirchen, 43 miles The facilities include encouraged to build the only two cities ever to come forward and south of Grevenbroich, public areas, green 5G machine rooms in hit by atomic bombs on have their DNA tested having been strangled, spaces, roofs, lamp- existing spaces of pub- Sunday, calling their to help solve the grue- covered in gas and par- posts, bridges, tunnels lic facilities including possession indefensibly some murder of an tially burned, accord- and other facilities con- sanitation transfer sta- perverse and immoral 11-year-old girl who ing to the BBC. trolled by all levels of tions, sewage treat- and their use a crime was killed 23 years ago. No one has been governments, public ment units, as well as against mankind and Claudia Ruf was kid- charged with her institutions and state- public toilets. nature. napped in May 1996 death. owned enterprises, ac- The 5G infrastructure Francis visited the while walking her Investigators recently cording to the provin- and road network are ground zeros of Hiroshi- neighbor’s dog in the initiated the mass DNA cial government. required to achieve ma and Nagasaki, both dropped there by the War Two. and women, so many western city of Greven- analysis on hundreds The facilities are re- synchronized plan- seared in the world’s United States three days “Here, in an incandes- dreams and hopes, dis- broich -- a case that of men in the area, with quired to be uncon- ning, design and con- collective conscious- apart in August 1945 in cent burst of lightning appeared, leaving be... shocked the country at the first wave of testing ditionally open to struction. (Xinhua) ness after the bombs an effort to end World and fire, so many men (More on P4)...(8) the time. ...(More on P4)...(12) Rioters Linked to Daesh, PJAK, Israel Cuts Indian Police Accidentally Palestinian Farmers’ Pence Works to Reassure Kurdish MKO Identified in Kermanshah: Reveal They Monitor Tweets Governor Access to Their Land Allies in Surprise Iraq Trip On Kashmir, And Imran Behind Separation Wall IRBIL, Iraq — Vice TEHRAN - The provin- hit-and-run attacks in with Yearly Quotas President Mike Pence Khan’s Absolutely On the List cial capital of the same western Iran, where worked to reassure the NEW DELHI - A botched press release by name near the border Kurdish populations JERUSALEM - Palestinian United States’ Kurd- Indian police showed that they keep a close with Iraq was one of the live. farmers, whose land ended up ish allies in an unan- eye on what Pakistani Prime Minister Imran few cities where armed The MKO is a notorious on the wrong side of Israel’s nounced trip to Iraq on Khan is tweeting about Kashmir and have a bandits went on a ram- terrorist cult respon- West Bank separation wall, Saturday, the highest- list of other accounts they keep track of. page, taking advantage sible for the deaths of have had their access further level American trip Police in India’s Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) of peaceful protests more than 17,000 Ira- restricted with yearly quotas. since President Donald state sent out a seemingly standard press against a government nians, including senior Those affected see it as part of Trump ordered a pull- release about arresting three drug dealers decision to hike petrol officials and ordinary a creeping theft of their prop- back of U.S. forces in on Friday. But the email, received by local prices. people. Until recent erty. Syria two months ago. media outlets, had a Microsoft Word file at- Governor Houshang years, the group was In the early 2000s, Israel be- Flying in a C-17 military tached that had nothing to do with the story. Bazvand said on Sun- listed as a terrorist or- gan the construction of a long cargo aircraft, Pence The eight-page document contained screen- day the attackers had ganization by the in- barrier between itself and the landed in Irbil, capital shots of tweets about the situation in the targeted ordinary peo- ternational community, West Bank, saying it was a of Iraq’s semiautono- Kashmir Valley, including those with allega- ple and security forces but the US and Europe- necessary temporary measure mous Kurdish region, to troops from northern ish allies over Trump’s tions of human rights violations. There was alike and destroyed ans are now courting it in response to the Second Inti- meet with Iraqi Kurdis- Syria, leaving America’s actions in Syria, Pence also a list of Twitter accounts “monitored” public property and with much audacity as tan President Nechirvan major economic and a leverage against Iran. fada. Two decades on, the wall Kurdish allies there to said both groups, in- by police, Indian media reported. These in- Barzani. business places in the The recent riots ex- is still in place, and its impact face a bloody cross-bor- cluding Syrian Kurd- cluded accounts of leading Pakistani politi- The visit was meant city. posed foreign support, on the life of Palestinian civil- der Turkish assault last ish forces “who fought cians, such as Prime Minister Imran Khan to hearten the United month. “Saboteurs and rioters meddling and plan- ians is increasingly harsh. alongside us,” had no and Foreign Minister...(More on P4)...(13) States’ regional part- Asked by reporters if the torched many business- ning, Bazvand said, Large sections of the sepa- doubts about the U.S. ners in the fight against United States was facing es in Kermanshah,” he adding residents in ration wall have been built commitment to them. US Military Drone Disappears the Islamic State group a sense of betrayal from “It’s unchang said. “They were linked Kermanshah had ex- across land seized from Pal- ...(More on after the U.S. pulled Iraqi and Syrian Kurd- P4)...(9) Over Libyan Capital, Officials Say to PJAK, Daesh, MKO ercised vigilance and estinian farmers, trapping WASHINGTON - The U.S. military announced and anti-establishment distanced themselves some of their lots on the Israeli groups, but they have from the attackers as side. The owners now have Friday it lost an unarmed drone over Tripoli, Bolivian Lawmakers Approve New the Libyan capital -- the site of a months-long all been identified by they saw their acts of to receive permits from Is- the police and security banditry. rael’s Civil Administration in battle between the Libyan National Army and Elections, Bar Ex-President militias allied with the United Nations-sup- forces and will be dealt On Sunday, people the West Bank to gain access LA PAZ, Bolivia — Bolivian law- she would promulgate the bill into ported government. with legally” for their in Kermanshah were to tend to the land. The rules makers on Saturday unanimously law Sunday morning. The U.S. Africa Command said the remotely crimes. planning to condemn on what kind of access can be approved a measure calling for new “I want to thank our parliamentari- piloted aircraft was part of an operation con- Daesh has never had a the riots and reaffirm granted have been recently presidential elections that would ex- ans for having understood and heard ducted in Libya to assess the area’s security base in Iran, but it has their support for the tightened, the newspaper clude former leader Evo Morales — a the demands of the Bolivian people,” and monitor for violent extremist activity. reportedly attracted a Islamic Republic in a Haaretz reported. key step toward pacifying a nation Áñez wrote. They didn’t give a reason for the drone loss few members in Ira- rally. The changes include a limit on rocked by unrest since an Oct. 20 The Supreme Electoral Tribunal will on Thursday, but the command will be inves- nian towns and villages Officials said on Sat- how many times a farmer can marred by reported irregularities. set the date for the new elections. tigating. close to the Iraqi border urday Iranian troops travel through a wall check- The bill was first approved by the Bolivia’s lawmakers must still select “These operations are critical to counter-terror in the west. and members of the point each year, depending on Senate and then later in the day by new members to the tribunal. activity in Libya and are fully coordinated PJAK is a terrorist Islamic Revolution the type of produce he grows the lower house, both of which are The measure forbids reelection of with appropriate government officials,” ac- group with bases in the Guards Corps (IRGC) on his land. The quota is 40 dominated by Morales’ Movement anyone who has served the last two cording to a statement. mountainous regions of had helped police quell times a year for olives, 50... Toward Socialism party. Interim terms consecutively as president, ef- Since 2015, Libya has been divided between northern Iraq that has the violent unrest in the (More on P4)...(15) President Jeanine Áñez tweeted that fectively...(More on P4)...(10) two ...(More on P4)...(14) perpetrated occasional ...(More on P4)...(16) www.outlookafghanistan.net www.thedailyafghanistan.com facebook.com/The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan facebook.com/The.Daily.Afghanistan Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: In front of Habibia High School, Add: In front of Habibia High School, District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan Back Page Monday November 25, 2019

Jalalabad Partly Ghazni Partly Kandahar Partly Mazar Partly Herat Partly Bamiyan Partly Kabul Partly Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Daily Outlook 19°C 6°C 14°C 4°C 8°C 2°C 8°C Weather Forcast 9°C -4°C 2°C -1°C -3°C -8°C -1°C

IEC Invalidates Beijing Talks Delayed Again, Votes from 1,179 May Not Be Held Polling Stations KABUL - The much- clared. talked about direct talks He told Pajhwok that the between Afghans in the Afghan government sup- Chinese capital of Beijing ported all efforts at paving have been once again de- the ground for Afghan- layed due to some dif- owned and Afghan-led ferences and may not be peace process. held, a reliable source He said consultations were said Sunday. underway with political Chinese special repre- figures on naming the list sentative for Afghanistan of participants for the Chi- met with President Ghani na meeting. along with some govern- He said, “The China meet- KABUL - Afghanistan’s Inde- laws and procedures. ment figures and Afghan ing is like the pervious pendent Election Commission IEC said in a statement said that politicians almost three- meetings held elsewhere said on Saturday it invalidated for the commissioners, only those month back in Kabul and for creating understanding votes from 1,179 polling stations votes are valid that have biomet- visited the Taliban del- and trust for intra-Afghan in the recount and audit process. ric basis. It said that IEC was not egation in Qatar, suggesting groups. unnamed, told Pajhwok Afghan meeting, but not talks.” They are among 2,423 polling sta- making partisan decisions. intra-Afghan dialogue in his The Beijing intra-Afghan talks News that the government did Earlier, the National Security tions which were reported open IEC had started recounting 8,531 country. were scheduled for December not select its delegation for the Council (NSC) had said the Af- on election day, but did not send problematic polling stations on Firstly, the Taliban accepted 28, but the Afghan government meeting and some other issues ghan government will partici- any results, biometric devices or November 9, but the process has the invitation and said their postponed the meeting. also existed in this regard. pate in the China meeting af- biometric data or only sent the been boycotted by several candi- delegation to be led by Mullah However, a reliable source said The source added some admin- ter considering all necessaries results but no biometric devices/ dates. will take the intra-Afghan meeting in istrative and operating works standards. memory cards and biometric The commission said that it com- part in the huddle. China has been delayed again about the meeting were also yet Two weeks back, Chinese For- data. pleted the process in 24 provinces It was a planned meeting in- and unlikely to be held due to to be addressed. eign Minister Wang Yi briefed Earlier, some candidates criticized and urged electoral teams to al- volving representatives of the differences over agendas and President spokesman Sidiq President Ashraf Ghani about the IEC for including the 2,423 low the process in seven prov- Afghanistan government, Tali- some other issues. Sidiqi only said a date for the the intra-Afghan meeting in polling stations in the recount, inces, where they have shut its ban, civil society and political The source, who wished to go Beijing dialogue was yet be de- Beijing. ...(More on P4)...(3) claiming it was against electoral offices. (1TV NEWS) MPs Ask IEC to Unveil Primary Ghani to Diplomats: Spruce Up Poll Result Afghanistan’s Image Some lawmakers on Sunday asked the Independent Election Commission (IEC) to President Ashraf Ghani says Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) diplomats and staff should be familiar declare preliminary result of the presidential election and the government to prevent with the country’s foreign policy and try to spruce up Afghanistan’s image in the world. electoral teams from disrupting the electoral process in provinces. KABUL - The presidential elec- tion was held on September 28. The preliminary result was ex- pected on October 19 and the fi- nal outcome on October 7. But the results were postponed due to slow data entry and tech- nical problems in the commis- sion’s main server. The IEC had earlier promised unveiling the preliminary results from the election on November 14 and the final results on Decem- ber 6. The vote audit and recount pro- underway with the protesting The lawmakers in a joint state- cess has been completed in 24 candidates and the result forms ment read out by Khadija Ilham, provinces and talks with protest- of 17 provinces have reached the a lawmaker from centrak Kapisa ing candidates in this regard are IEC central office in Kabul. province, said: “We are more than KABUL - Assessing MoFA ac- mance and reforms in the minis- familiar with the country’s for- underway, the election body said A group of lawmakers who sup- 160 lawmakers and we once again tivities and reforms, Ghani held try. eign policy in order to promote on Saturday. port the ‘State Builder’ electoral declare our support for the ‘State a meeting with the leadership of After hearing their report, Ghani the image of Afghanistan glob- Supporters of the ‘Stability and team led by President Ashraf Builder’ electoral team.” the ministry on Saturday evening stressed implementation of re- ally. Partnership’ electoral team led Ghani, held a press conference She said announcing the election at the Presidential Palace, his of- forms at the ministry. He said Ghani suggested Afghanistan by Dr. Abdullah Abdullah pre- here and urged early completion results were the IEC job and they fice said in a statement. the basic criterion for working at should be converted from a nega- vented the vote recount process of the vote recount and audit pro- totally supported the IEC in this Acting Foreign Minister Idrees MoFA was ability and efficiency. tive competition ground into a in seven provinces. cess and announcement of pre- regard. Zaman and his deputies briefed The statement quoted Ghani as region of positive cooperation. He However, talks in this regard are liminary elections result. The ...(More on P4)...(4) the president on their perfor- saying MoFA officials should be ...(More on P4)...(5) The State of Votes Polled Pursuing Trust-Based Ties Sherpao Stresses Resumption Outside the Polling Time with Afghanistan: Pakistan of Taliban-US Talks ing started PESHAWAR - The incumbent Pa- from 7:00 kistani government has affirmed am on Elec- its commitment to a trust-based tion Day and friendly relationship with Afghan- continued till istan. 3:00 pm, but Usman Dar, adviser to the prime the IEC on minister on youth affairs, sug- Election Day gested both Afghanistan and Paki- extended the polling peri- stan needed to invest more in their od for another youth. two hours and He told participants of the Pak-Af- announced ghan Youth Leaders’ Summit in Is- KABUL - Pajhwok Afghan that voters could cast ballots lamabad on Saturday it was heart- of the Higher Education Commis- PESHAWAR - A senior Pakhtun swap as a positive development in News has obtained complete for their candidate till 5:00 pm. ening to see young leaders from sion (HEC) to increase the number Pakistani politician has welcomed the . information from the Inde- On October 27, the IEC said the two countries sitting together. of scholarships for Afghans. the release of two Western hostages However, the QWP leader voiced pendent Election Commission that preliminary results of the The gathering was organised by Lawmaker Mehnaz Akber Aziz by Afghan Taliban. his reservations about the delay in Last week, the insurgents set free announcing the results of the presi- (IEC) regarding the 102,012 presidential election would be the Centre for Research and Secu- said if the neighbours had to votes cast outside the official announced on November 16, the two professors of the American dential election in Afghanistan. rity Studies (CRSS) and the Afghan grow in an inclusive manner, they polling time. but the commission again de- University of Afghanistan they had Sherpao called for the earliest pos- Studies Centre as part of its cross- would have to invest in young ‘Votes outside the time’ are layed the date for an indefinite kidnapped in Kabul in 2016. sible resumption of the stalled talks border Track 1.5/II initiative. people. In return, the Ashraf Ghani ad- called for those ballots that of time on November 14 due to between the Taliban and the US to ministration released three senior facilitate the restoration of peace to have been cast before 7:00am the delays caused by opposi- Dar asked the youth of Pakistan The National Assembly member commanders in Afghanistan. and after 5:00pm on Election tion campaigns in boycotting and Afghanistan to work together suggested education diplomacy return for the kidnapped profes- “The violence has taken its toll on Day, September 28, in the poll- the audit/recount process and to carve out a bright future for the -- a contemporary approach that sors. Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) the ordinary Afghans, who have blocking the operations in at next generations. could help bring nations closer ing stations. Chairman Aftab Ahmad Khan been killed and maimed in large In line with the IEC rules and least seven provinces. (Pajh- The advisor promised he would -- between Afghanistan and Paki- Sherpao, speaking to party workers numbers over the past four dec- regulations for polling, poll- wok) personally request the chairman stan. (Pajhwok) in Landikotal, hailed the prisoner ades,” he said. (Pajhwok)