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, • The Christmas Gift That Repeats Itself 52 Times a Year ••• Give a ros.s.e Subscription to The News Hom, oj 99 K.ercheval Phone TUxedo 2-6900

VOLUME 13-NO. 48 fuMy Paid Circulation

~ . ' NoC~usefor 'Worry About'Than'ksgivi n.~,Dinner DEADLINES . , " '.' .. . -; , Progress'Reported December 8 - " Reserved for' \VEER A.sC~mpit.4 b, lb. In Solving ...City's Pointe Males GrO$i" Paintll New$

Thursday, November 20 Parking Proble~s "'::~~:ro~eE:een:th;hj~ha~~. SIX CONVICTS suspected of '~ ' Become Institution setting off Jackson Prison riot Plan "Ap~;o'v,ed, N~arly---'T-h-r-ee-Y-e-a-r-s Ago' Moves Toward ,I 1\1 -- Tuesday placed in solitary con- . en's Night will be obser- finement. The uprising, staged Eventual Completion;. Two New Stores Provide I'ved on "Christmas Street in by 2.200 prisoners, marked the third major disturbance this year Much ~~di!ionaJ. O,ff-street Space The Village" on Monday, De- at the prison. The' gen~ral plan fo! aff~~t~eet parking areas in the City cember 8. This. will be the .. .. '" of GrossePomte, adopted after' a thorough survey and study seventh annual observance of GENERAL EISENHOWER and of present and future needs some three years ago, is gradually the custom that became an in- Senator Taft meet to discuss fu- nearing eventual realization. i'------ture of Taft-Hartley labor law. Under the zoning regulations B' stitution by popular demand Believed the president-elect has IF no proposed revisions in mind in .the City, .. eve~y structure, I ree arge ~ifo~~e Pointe's male popula- that would drastically change 'busmess or resIdentlal, must pro- I G d · law. vide. a minim.urn of self-contained I roun .ed In The first Men's Night was held .. . '" .... on December 16, 1946, with, 19 COM M U N 1ST MILITARY vehlcle parkmg or garaglI~,g. The , e shops in The Village's business headquartc1's and oil storage advent during the past few Lake St. Cla:.r s~c,ti0li:of Kerche,val avenue P,ar- plantchurianlocatedborder25 milesleveledfrominMan-al'r ~onths of two new, large estab.. - I t1Clpatm~. Tl,.1e 1dea was glV~ hshments on Kercheval in the i such a 10usmg welcome that It blow by UN Thunderjet fighter "Village" shopping center, would' Squalls Drive Craft loaded: l1C~sbeen repeated each year, bombers. 'O'O.. have posed a real problem had 'W'th' SlOt f Ch I IWIt.~ ever larger crowds of stags it Rot been for this requirement,. I • ag u 0 a.nne t~~mg advantage of the break PRESIDENT-ELECT E i s e n _ officials stated. Thes,e two stores,~ Off City of Grosse Pomte , gl\ en them by the merchants. hower and top Republican lead- Jacobson's and Himelhoch's, have I Many Extra Services ers may have reached agreement S 1 k d on general outline of legislative al:e~dy provided mor~ than the J a :rage crews war e into I On this one night of the pre- program, it appeared ye£terday. mmllnum ar~as,whIch when the !lIght, MondaY1 November Christmas shopping season the Primary aim includes cutting completed, wlll assure adequate 24, m an effort to re-float a participating business houses turn taxes and Federal spending. parking ~pace for the needs ,0£ barge loaded with 1,500 tons over all facilities and add many ,. .. .. the pubhc on clean, hard sur- 1 of slag that had been driven I extra services to make the male's WASHINGTON ORDERS Sen- faced lots. i aground nearly a half-mile I s~opping devoid of the chore ate investigation into charges .~nother Lot Graded i off, the pier p.ark in the City I~~~::~~: All women shoppers ~re voiced by Democrats that irregu- It looks as though pheasant might very wen replace, the traditional turkey on the Thanksgl ving tables of this DUl mg the past week, one of I of Grosse Pomte. ' larities were apparent in Mich- group of Pointers a~ the result o~ the annual Pelee Island, Ont., shoot. Standing are WILLIAM FORS, left, and JOHN the City lots, that just at the' The barge was peing towed I'.. , Of co~rse the:e are p;.:nty of igan's senatorial race. I MAXWELL. Kne~lmg, left to rIght, are JACOB HOUGE, MARVIN MOESTA and WILLIAM PACE. George Jaglo- rear of the Notre Dame~Kerche- from Port Huron to the Peer. ",vomen In the stores, the. regu- __ wicz took the picture after all had shot their limit. They went to the island aboard the yacht Rah Jam, owned by Mr. val corner, was graded and the less Cement Co. docks in Detroit, lIar employes ,a,nd extras hlred .as Friday, November 21 Maxwell. All of the party are Pointe residents excepting Mr. Pace, a g11l.estfrom Washington, D. ,C. stone- base put down for'. final Saturday. November 22 when the Imode~, additlonal clerks, glft PRESIDENT _ ELECT Dwight I com~letion next spring. T_hi~ lot towing line broke a~d. squalls wral?pers! and pers?nal shoppers O Eisenhower names cabinet ap- A 1 ' P Th k D N hI T- k \A ,provlde~ space for, the busm,ess carried the barge' into waters I i ~lve ald and adVIce on the se-, pointments before co,mpleting, I an s ue to 0 e ur' ey 11 group In the SJem propertIes, only about 10 feet deep. ! ectlO1(s, etc. plans for Korean tnp. GM's I ger ost .' poze'ntes'.' and provides access through to The barge and tug are owned. Has Grown Greatly Charles E. Wilson, 'secretary of Entertaz-ns For Sltunnl.ng Prl.ce Spl-r,als 'Pas's' .To'"rch the ,Jacobson lot just west of St .. by the Frank J.; Becker Towing: Since the inceptio:tl. of the Men's defense; John Foster Dulles, Re~ . ,. Clalr ~venue. i Co. '\Night tradition, the opportunities publican foreign affairs expert, " .. The public .alley north' of Ker- \ ----' --- for easy shopping have been im- :~~~~ta~l~I::a~~~:;~g~~:r~;; AAA Soldiers IThat "'Tould Blacken.::II()lid:3:y"n~!7:ive>~~~utita's:'~ae~:~'h~:t~:::r~:~~~~~d~~~~IAc~JqeJl~ ,Rate '~:;:~~:~Z~~~~~f~~~h~:~:~6~~, of the interior. '" I ---,---- " '.1' alley opetls onto the large park- D" , .. P' k hood, others 'have expanded ex- .. • • ,-- S PI' C t P ;, R . . d U t B G t f I Th t T Sf ! Sh' 'H ~B"- .d ing lqt Adjacent to the Maire 'J 0PS .'''In ar te:lsively. The selection of gifts, CONGRESS APPLAUDS Ike's Dancing Party int, au. 1 urren rices emln s .o,e ra e u . ,a exas eers I' ores as est Recor, school, and also serves the Maire large six years ago, has been ftrst three cabinet appointments. Avenue Clubrooms At- Stayed Away from Plymouth Rock and Didn't With Total of $290,859 school yard and parking lot. The Accident~ummary reports for Vastly enhanced. It would be Republicans and Democrats be- tended by 75 Officers Become National Viand Being Raised in Board of Education, closely co- the first' 10 months of 1952 re- difficult for a Pointe man to lieve all three will get quick d Me" operating with ,the City, has veal an over.all reduction in ac- think of anything in the lina Senate confirmation an en . . .., omrnumty agreed again to the use of the cidents in Grosse Pointe Park of a' Chri~tmas gift which cant...... ' . . pespIte the pnce spual that has dnven governmen.t " space outlined by the tennis court against the same period duri.ng be fou~d In, one. of -more of the BRITAIN SWINGS its support i The Post and AuxIhdry to ! ~edlators t.o the co.nferen.ce tables of labor and management Fmal fIgures released on, at tjle e,xtreme easterly corne~ of 1951, Park Police C~ief Arthur i shops In The Vlllage. to plan proposed by India as I Veterans of Foreign Wars, ItIme an.d time ~gamdun~g past years,' Mf. and .~rs, JOhnl Monday revealed that all five I the ,1Y.1alre grounds for parking: Louwers decl2r~d thlS week. Like Men's Smoker solution to prisoner of war issue' General R. A. & COlone.l F. IQ. PublIc ,may SI.t down t~IS year at t~elr ThanksgIvmg table of the Poirites had gone over I ?egmmg about December, 5, or . In. :951. thele w~r~ .274 ac- In addition to making this in Korea. U. S. may insist upon I Iand partake of a turkey dmner that WIll not have skyrocketed . ' : . . m a~vance of the Chnstthas cldents, 76 persons mJured, a?d Cbristmas shopping duty pleasant

certain revisions, W I M. Alger Post ~o. 995, spon- Ibeyond their pocket books. '~'. th~lr quotd l~ the annual ~m- shoPPIn~ demands" one death. In 1~52, ~le repo,rt dlS- and easy to discharge, there is .. '" • I sored an evenmg of enter- I A It h 0 ugh the diastrophic i Mentioning Texas in the same ted Foundatlon Torch Drtve., AcqUIre St. ClaIr Property clo~e~, t,here were _34 a.c~ldeFlts, always the atmosphere of a men's NUMBERS SYNDICATE which' 'I tainment and dancing on N0-I' rLljl1blings of world PO.liticS has I: context with Plymouth Rock may Combined figures showed that The 60-foot property at 618 I 49S1tnJturldeLs,and no !.aotalltlelsl. smoker attached to these occa- ' $4 000 000 h d t' lk' ' . ' 'I St Cl' h b a e ouwers: ver-a ac- sions Reunions can be witnessed ha.d been domg , , a y~ar I vernber 21 at the Club Rooms, a na IOns w~ mg. precarlOus- hm~ at some chronological con- I the Pointe area had subscribed '. all' avenue. as .een ,ac- cident decreases may be attribut. ' . ..' . bUSlh~SS ?roken ~p after senes 17145 St. Paul avenue for the ly along the hI~h \~lre, Mr. and fUSIOn, but Thursday is_ Thanks-I t t 1" f $290859 . t I 9-Ulred and as soon as the bUIld- d t th tr ff . i t en ine r- b~ the score. Clgarets and clgars of rald~ m DetrOIt and Warren I 'th Ad' Force I Mrs. John Q. wlll fmd that Tom giving and it seem" fair to say ~ a a a " as agams I mgs have been removed, the lot ~ 0 e a IC, sa e y d g t e t are on the house. A German band Township. Ninetee~ jailed in 7! ~er: -1~ f~ U r~e h t ' . s Turkey .. has, accep~ed ~is ro~e that ;"e can .even ~offer thanks lts quota ?f $288, 490. : ~il~ be placed in :at Iea,st pre- ~~gh 'progr~m; !mproved t l~~~ gives forth' with gay 1?usic as hours. i nt~ Ircra nl s t a ~ ale as a hIgh wHe ,artIst Wlth rela- for Texas. ' I Mrs. Richaro Jacl.;:son was,' IunInary shape, perhaps In time ~g tl~g. s ~p slg.lS an. l.a. ~c the stags wander hapPlly from ...... :statlOned at the Chalronte tive unconcern, and that ,the . E t1' El U chairman for. the" Pointe area. for much needed space for the I llghts, marked lan~s fOl ~raff c store to store. WORLD SPEED RECORD for' road and Three Mile drive i price on his head has not varied A 1 very ung SC P i Grosse Poirite Shores, with Mrs. I above-mentioned seasonal needs. I flow, and safdety Wlse trafflc ~n- Get Lists Ready • ..1 . t t' 'I oncampments : much in recent years g ance at the flIes of the Richard J Marton as chairman The 'great need of adequ te If I forcement an court program. meaSdrell race agams lme In _. . , . Grosse Pointe New of six veal'S . , . " ,., a ,0 ------It is time.to get the lists ready, jet plane claimed by Capt. Slade About 75 men accompanied by : Bit of a' Blessing . 1 d th t S • I . "'.t k ralsed $34,5,37, 01'115 percent of street parking was graphically I men. Make arr"ngelnents to be " . ff' "I. ' ago revea e a Slr om sea 't t f "30022 h t th N ' hb Nash, 31 at Thermal, Callforma. a numbel of 0 Icers wel e pi CS- i A qUlck glance at comparatIve th. II' . Ilk t 1 s quo a JO ;p, • s own a e elg orhood Club" $17 000 Da.mage . I free on Monday - night. December . . I • I was en se mg m oca mar e's Grosse Po' t Wood' M'- th .. C't' II' I h . Flashes o\'er cours'! at 699.9 mIles en.. " ,i pr!ces showed th,at in 1946 and for 55 cents. per pound. If this . ~n e, , s, ,.' 1:\... e 1 y S. po mg ~ ace, w en .on 8, Have an early dinner and get than R It' f F- an hour. I h,The e\etnIn ~ startted bWlth ha thiS year, the pnce of a turkey doesn't indicate that the turkey ~a,mee~$;;:"8 J..ee,10~I7 c~alr~a~ ~ovembder ~" IIDole d Ctlhlbe.e! esu 0 IreS Ion down to The Village. All 's ort en er tammen y t e per pound is about 59 cents. With has h t . t. d t tl 1alS ,I, I ,or . pel cen 0 ousan ve IC es use the us'. "your pals will be there and your '1 f th M tel S hi' ewn 0 01 re ume 0 le its quota of $6948 f T1' d . th 1 t' d ' Saturday, November 22 I, PUpl s a e on e ar 0 C 00 prices on other items enough to straight and fiarrow then you ' " " aCI lies unng e e eClOn ay" William H. Newport, Chief of I shopping can be done in a hurry WILLIAM F. GREEN. presi- i ~f D;ncing,. foll~w~~d?y gancin,g have b~come some:vhat snow- haven't visited a b~tcher shop Ch~~'~~~~s~~~n~~~~.~kF~:ntl~~~: ------I the Grosse Pointe Farms Fire' with all gifts beautifully wrap~ dent of the nation's largest labor 0 t e mUSH; 0, , le asper s capped, It seems a blt of a bleSS-lately, or you have so much :,' d $ 0039' 1024 . Department disclosed, in his Oc- ped and ready to be tucked un- organizatIOn, AFL, died Friday or~hestl'a. At mldmght ~he group jog that no Texas steer driven money that you just don't care. zens, 1al~e4 I I ,or .' pel' Police Seeking tober report to the city council, del' the Christmas tree. afternoon at his home in Cosh- enJoyed a lunch and pnzes were by wanderlust strayed too n,ear Prices of many other food cent of. ItS ~ut03. of $3~,083. Ivlonday night, November 24, that Approach the last usually hec- octon, Ohio, following a heart at- presented. , Plymouth Rock 332 years ago. items have risen in about the CIty GIftS Top PaI:k Hit- R un Driver there had heen three residence I tic period before the holiday free tack. He was 82, Mrs. Mary ~eller, chairman of i ---.------~--- Same proportion as beef in the Grosse Pointe City, with Mrs. fires in the community during, from that harried feeling that. ac- .. .. '" the party, WIshes to ,thank .a111 Sl- 8t t past six years. Which is all the W~lliam P. Fisher as ,chairman" ,--- , ,.,' the month. I companies the thought.s of sl1op- GM PRESIDENT, Charles E. I those w.ho coopcr,ate.d In makmg I\.. Ippery.. ree more ca.~lse to gi,ve a lOW.. salaam rals,ed $53:781,. or 101..8 p.el.'cent F~rms P?lIce a~e mvest~gatll1g II Total damage to the building~ I ping ~ut off to the last minute, Wils~m. ''lho has, been named by I t?e pal,t~ a success. She als~ IC. 'f C" 'h' to the kmg of. buds. A PIty that of l~S quo~a. of $52,794.. .' a hlt. and 1un a7cldent whlch oc'. was est.imated at n:arly $10,000 sans Jdeas and energy. Presldent-elect EIsenhower to be~ would lIke. to ha,ve an.yon~_ tele I ,ause 0 {as we have to ,celebrate our thanks . Gro.sse POl~.t.eF.arz:ns,.w1th. ~rs, curr~d o~ the mght of Noven:ber '.The, est~m~ted combll1ed value of :.. ------~ come next Secretary of Defense, I phone hel ,a: rU~e~o 2 3443,. by be-~~admg our noble feath- An&us Goetz as chmrman,l als~d 22" m f1 ont of a Stephens load I the bul1dmgs was reported as, will accompany Ike on Korean. who would I~ke to ,wvlte one ~l. Wet pavement figured in an ered fnend. $137,945, or 101;3 ,percent of Its resldence. . , : $106,000. Damage to the con!ents !Adolf Rossels trip. I more of t~e soldlers to then accident on Lake Shore drive in ------quota ,0£$136,112... John W.Fauver, of Blrnung- I of the three homes totaled slIght- ' .. • • home for dmner. front of. the\ St. Paul Church, R I R · d I" . , ham, Michigan, owner of the ~am.ll~' over S?,OOO. : Both Bag Deer PRESIDENT _ ELECT Dwight ------~ November 22 which resulted in U es eV1Se Cen/ter .to. Hold aged car, rep~rted the accldent Four mlscellaneous fires caused: Eisenhower names industrialist PURS~ PILFERED ! total damage~ to the' two autos B M .t B . d ,.., to the ,p,o~ice. He st~ted, he had damages estimated at S85. The: George M. Humphrey next sec- Mrs. Edward Sudhoff, of 32926 involved of about $300. . Y 1 erl oar Studen,t. Dance been vIsltmg at a fn~nd s home. department answered 30 calls I Mrs. Adolf Rossel. 85i Berk- retary of the treasury: Herbert East Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, Paul V. Hey, 521 Hampton road;' , , when, someone .droye mto the left during the month, Chief Newport' shire. bagged her first deer on E. Brownell. Jr., New York bus. employed at the Grosse Pointe told police that he had been un- The third revision in the past. Th W 'M---' 1 C' t. '11 front door of hlS car. stated. the season's opening day. Novem- iness lawyer, ne>..1;attorney gen. II Clinic at Mack avenue and Haw- able to stop in time to avoid col- year and a half of Grosse Pointe if t e arJ. etr,lBor]lah;llener 'W1' ,------.---~---- bel' 15. while hunting at Mid~ 1 " " • P k' 't t 1 f 'ts ea ure 1m .as 1 cal mg If' ' L d H ht era". I thorne road, reported to Woods l1dmg WIth another car that had ar s men sys em ru, es or 1 I f th "M. fl Nt. '1 Ch tAd d 01est 0 ge, near oug on '" • .. , I police, November 22, that while come to a halt in front o! him emp~oyes was aired at a spe?ial ~?ar. e~ 'tor ~,; .ay °h~;~ ' a 10na ar er IVar e Lake. M.ichigan, TRUMA~ HANDS ov~r to ~IS I in .the offices, over $20 in bilis and because Of the slippery condition hearmg last Monday evenmg, sq~::~d~~ce ...l[~is ::~l;:ter, lon '. . She !?ot, the b21ck. four points successor ~op secre~ bnefs ple- COl~Sw,ere ta,ken, frOl:n }lter p~rse. of thestree~. Damage to.the Hey ,November 24, I November' 28. ' '. I New Poznte Exch CI band welghwg 12;) pounds. wlthm pared to .1I~form, ~Isenhower of Police mvestlgatlOn IS pendmg. car was es1Jmated at $200. The rules govern the employ- Barbara Marco, dance chair-'. ' /, . ' ange. U II an ho.ur after. her husba,nd the AdmlnIstratlOn s plans and ------~ ,------'---"'-- ment stipulations for employes ma 11 t tt d For ------. brought down a splke buck \VhlCh policies in critical areas of Beach Park Imp'rovements o,ther than those who hol~ posi.- beg~nn~~~~sJi~ wi~ ~v:~n'struc-'" A mitional charter estdblis?,ing 1 schools and libraries, and re-I weighed 135 pounds. . world. bons o,n boards or commlSSlOns, tiims as he calls. . i th~ Exchange n Club of Glosse, search on gerontology to proyide They had been huntmg the ...... supen,?sors or department heads, \ The dance will continue from' ~?mte as th.e ..9~h member club more abundant and worthwhile i area separately, and Mrs. Rossel m STATE BOARD of Canvc.ssers Reported to Farms Coune/le,'Z. tl1e.. Clty manager, and elected 9 p.m. until midnight. ,Tickets. th~ Me~rol?olltan Ar~a .and living for the a ed. .: dressed and dr~gged the deer. a certifies election of Republican offICIals " 50 t. " 1 35 t.<; 59th m Michlgan was recelved g ! quartcr of a mlle to the famIly Senator Charles E. Potter despite Th .. 1 . tl. '11 dTo ,., ;r~ .. ,Ctn s per coup e; cen by President Wynn Walters Sat- Victor Ferguson, of Benton! car where she was gre~ted by request from Washington to de------,. e r~.es ,J~hme a 1 con 1; ~i o~ smg es." urday night, .November 22. I Harbor. presented a National Mr' Rossel and her son-in-law lay action. Vitally concerned with the e~ tr~om wa~, raise:l. an~ cotr::- .surroun Ibngth' e em~ ~Yl~~: 0 ., The presentation was made by Flag in behalf of the Exchange JaI~lPs Cbrk with their kill. ' condition and extent of recrea- pee a. wee ago. ans or, e person~, '! e r:tumcII;>a1 y ,on Threat.e. ns llTlfe S Arthur W. Taylor, National Edu- Clubs of Michigan, of which he - • ' Sunday, November 23 hon facilities available to resi- mstallatIon of. 200 lockers, wer~',.an obJectlve. merl~ baSiS' It m-. ,',. • cation Committee Chairman from is president. A bell and gavel! ------ENA SUBCOMMITTEE t 'dents of Grosse Pointe Farms, ihe made, and pl'lces fo~ steel and eludes a systema.bc wage plan. Llf .W.t'h' R fl.e Toledo, during a gala Charter was presented by Paul Gruber,; C I T 1 S 1. TE . 0 city council once again reviewed plywood lOl:kers, whIch can be The Park Ment Board Itself e I a.. I dinner and dancing party at the president of the sponsoring club, i ars n ang e n1eet ~n Washmgton on Monday the progress made at the city's knocked down .. ~n<.l re-ereeted, ~,er,,:es as a b"oat:d of app~als for Grosse Pointe War Memorial. Northeast Detroit, :I P ki L t to de:lde whether or.not to order pier park at its meeting Monday should the. faclht,les ,b~' eh!lnged . ~dJustments an.~ al~o Sl~S.as"a . Farms police 'held a 21-year- Over 200 lo.cal a,nd. visiting _Preside~t W~lters will b,e as-I n ar ng 0 H'?OU,nt of S~natc race between night, November 24. to anothel locahon, have been trIal board ,for lrregularltle~. ~ old Poil)tehusband,' November friends' and .dlgnital'les attended sisted dunng hlS first term m of- I ' _ l\llf'l'\....rln a~pIrant~. Charles Pot- I In a report prepared by Murray l'equeste~., . It was bel1eve~ by som~ officl-, 20, for .investigation' of felonious to honor the 60 members of the 1 fiee by'-Richard -Kadlec as vice- i. -"I tel' and BlaIr. M~od~. I~' Smith, city engineAl', it wa" In preparatIOn of the 1952-53 als that the reVIsed merlt rules assault with. a dangerous weapon. newly organized club., J. Otto Ipresident; Henry C. Bartone as! He1.en VV. Cokley.. of 211",_9 , . estimated that the clay fill being budget, an appropriatio~ in the would tl1is time be adopted. He was pi~ed up' after threaten: Ortwein, Governor of District 1 , secretary, 'and Arthur C. Dan-j Englehart, ,St. Clalr Shore~. STR~G~LE FOR POW~~ ap-I graded on the recently purchased am?unt of $1,500. was m~lude.d. ing to take ,his wife's life with a of Michigan, presented a servi<:e necker as treasurer. Other mem-l struck. the nght .fro~t fender ~~ ~ears In Elsenhower AdmmI~tra- Woodhouse property adjacent to It IS contemplate,d that thIS w111 AUTO FIRE EXTINGUISHED' .22 calibre ,rifle. , award to the Northeast DetrOlt bel'S of the board of. control are: j' ~nother automoblle In the pa:k hon as D~wey and ~a(t factlOns, the park wiIi be completed with- be used for the purchase of snow City firemen extinguished an The police attempted. to get a Club, sponsors of the Pointe Dr. Ross F. Scharfenberg, RaY-I mg lot of a Mack avenue market, ~epr7sentmg- two wmgs of Re~ Iin, the next two months. AI'- plowing' equipment. In addition automobile fire on Kercheval warrant fromth~,l:qunty Prose- Club. .• ' . mo~d J. Lynch, Harry W. Short, November 22. , publica? .Par~y, attempt to chan- rangements are being made to to snow plowing, it was sug- avenue, in the City shopping dis-cutor's .office, but'were advised. During his presentation ad:- IStanley A. Gitre, Kenneth W.. ' Owner of the second. car IS nel pohcj(~s t,.nto.o~vn pattern. I I dig (IUt the large amount of con- gested, the vehicle could be u~ed hid, November 22. Owner of the that it was impossible' without dress Ar~htir T,aylor ~e~unted Carter and Robert R. Shannon. I Bern~:? ~A,.. Gaw~yszewskI, 20~01 : crete and broken ('urb along the for such, other work as haulmg car, a 1952 Cadillac, is C, C. proof that the gu'nhad been the pubhc servl~e actl\T1tlc:s of I G,eorge M, Cooper .was general j Lancas~el, Detrolt. Wood~ pollce U.S. AND BRITAI~ ,prepare to i lake side of this fill, which pro- 'park eqUlpment and cleaning and Hicks. of 422 St. Clair. Firemen ~oad~d. The ,man is presently Exchange which mclude natlOnal chaIrman. of the entlre program. l state,d that $80 damage .lesulted battle for. clear declslOn at 21°1 tects the sn;all rowboat harbor. maintaining the grounds, in the said the ,fire started in the auto- under, observation at Wayne model plane pr?gr~s for yout~, and Lesl.le S. GIllette acted as I' to ~15 car .. N~ damage was done (Contmued on Page 17) The floor in the boathouse lock- summ~r. mobile's wiring system. County General HospItal. I"Freedom Shrmes fur pubhc I toastmaster. to Lhe CokleJi car .

. 'siR' ' . .-trim.6 " '. - - --. ,-"'.(5 .,-.----r~--."".. ..~~---_- _:_co \ --",'.-,

• Page Two G ROSSE P.OIN.'T E N EW S Thursday, November 27,.'952 Thursday. Noveml:: Monteith P.T.A. HOUSEHOLD HINT .Pointe Fen. Officials Gather a-f 0penin.9, of ,.New' .Post'Office P.T~A.atRichardMeets 'on Dec. 2 As a general rule, leftovers do The click. click, cl HoldsMeeting The 'next -meeting ot'tAe Rich- Refreshments will be served by not freeze successfully, according and stomp-stomp on t ard School Parent Teacher As-I,a committee of room' parents to Michigan State College home wood .gymnasium floo. With 80% of its families rep- socia.:ion :comes. on T;ue~d.ay eve- headed by Mrs. Hughes. Parents econo:nists. This is especially Neighborhood Club w familiar sound next ~ resented in the P.T.A. and with ning, .Dec~mber 2,' at 8 p.m. An Iand friends of the school are most I true If the left-over 1S a vege. a membership of nearly 900, the excellent .program has been ax- cordially i~vited to be present. table or contains vegetables. November 29, when tl": Pointe S\vord Cluo pIa) Monteith group moved into. a: ranged .bytheprogramchairman, . Like Old Keepsake a 12-man fencing te, successful year with ita second i Mrs. Bartholomew .. an - .. Cleveland, Ohio. . meeting Wednesday, Novem-I .There wiUbe a brief business This will be the first I ber 19. I meeting presid:ed', oyer by .'.Mr. meet of the season whic Koning; .the: 'presidentoL, the A flute solo was pres~nted by es to be a busy one for P. T.A;:~Miss Bourg,;a.te~cher of fencers. Thomas Moore, Music Director at Grade ..Four,,~.th~ secret~y .'.: The local team is h. Mont~ith. He was accompanied The progr;l.m~ will consist of a Greg Flynn, four tir by Malcolm Johns, a member presentation of the ..work .of'the . of the PTA. Epee champion. Dick Vh DepartmenL'of. ':Pupil,Persoririe1. Campoli and. Dick Y. Marshall Jameson, Principal of Mr.' Bartletf;;whois .the;head of Monteith, told the group of the These four recentb ... that'. depa:rtmentlocated at' the Michigan State Epe~ t, staff's beliefs in the teaching of boardO:fffce',-will' bechiifman and Rounding out the mal boys and girls. He emphasized In'ake . general _ coxnments ..,:'Mrs. the team will be Art. cooperation between the school Bowmari,:'vh6~asthe' sPeech. cor:' ' Ji.-:.1. Williams and Joh; and the home, working together rectionist \vo'rks with a'number' to further understanding. The local wo;;~cn fence: of' children weekly at Richard.: headed by Donna R: Parents were interested in see- .:Miss Fo;rsythe, who a~ thepsy- . ing the artistic talents of their 'Roberts. Helen Smith ; chologist,gives.special,kinds of ' ley Stein. children displayed on large bul- examinatlons"to.pupilsin' neec(of letin boards in the hall.. The The local fencers wi speciaJ'.Jl~lp,; will review' her exhibit represented various grade tough job on theIr hane a~tivities; .'The ...interesting work levels of the children at Mon- done ,by ,the-visiting, teac;her,who teith. Parents and friends who helps 'parents arid ...teachers~in. have not seen the display are solving children'semotio al prob- invited to view it during the ll lems, will be discussed by Dr. next few weeks. Hourihan. To Hear Talk By Edgar Guest

The next regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Asscciation ...... I. " -Picture by Fred Runnells Let Your Savings EA]:~NMore of Mason School will be hdd on City of Grosse Ppinte, Grosse Pointe Farms'and post office offiCials gather at the formal opening;of new Tuesday, December 2. Grosse Pointe branch which opened November 10. LEONARD REPP, senior as~.istantsuperintendent 'ofmails in charge Classrooms will be open from of stations (second from left), points out zone 36, whic~' the new station will service;'Stahding(Ltor;) are LELAND 7:45 to 8:15 p.m., after which all LINDOW,superintendent of thenew branch; REPP; LEDGER CHAUVIN, CityFiI:e~hief; JOHN KELSO,assistant By Putting Them to Work at will adjourn to the au:Iitorium. superinterident of the new branch; City Police Chief THOMAS TROMBLY,.NORBERT NEFF,dty clerk of the City of A short business meeting will be Grosse Pointe;. GEORGEELWORTRY, director of the Neighborhood' Club;: NEIL BLOND~LL, City treasurer;. LT. followed by an hour with Edgar JAMES FURTON, Farms police. Seated (1. to r.) Farms Police Chief WALTER HOYT; Farms city engineer MURRAY Guest, Detroit's t.eloved' poet, SMITH; ',Farms city clerk HARRY FURTON; Farms treasurer D. F.. NACY; SIDNEY de DOER. The new station is who will bring a program of I THE MICHIGAN BANK homey philosophy al~d POf:l.i-Y. located on Mack avenue at the head of Warren avenue, ". Ministers' Group REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Three Injured Scout Ceremony' -11% Up To $5,000,00-11'0 Over $5,000 i I In 2-Cqr Crash' Beidat Mason'. Etects Officers 1i% I WHALING'S KNOWS Park police~ed three per-I At an impressive ceremony at' At a recenf. meeting of the Gold Seal Sa.vings Certificates sons to Bon Secour! nospitalNo- Mason' on Monday evening, No- Minist~rsof. Grosse Pointe, the ,I' What a Man Wants vember 19, following a two-car vember 10,fou! Boy Scouts of followmgoffIcerswere elected: Per Year For Five Years 2~% accid.ent at the intersection of Troop 290,.. RIchard Burchby, The Re.v~rend. Marcus W. John- . .. Merle Henderson, Lee Henderson son, MmISter of the Congrega- CharlevOl~ and :three MIle d~lve. a~d Kent ,Shortz, were presented tional Church, as president; and' for Christmas On theIr arrlval, the offIcers wIth Eagle B~dges by Mayor the Reverend Paul. F. Ketchum, Star! Saving :JoJa'j at found George V. Fournier, 1367 Pau]-W, Rowe. Assistant Minister of Memorial'. FOJ Balfour, lying partly under his Eagle rings were p~esente? to Church as secretary and treas- car in the street and Elizabeth these boys by Vern !3aIleY,J;'lrec- urer. These men will take office BORROW WISEL YI • , . tor of Safe~', whIle ChaIrman. on January 1, 1953. Plan to Fadool, 18951 Rowe, DetrOIt, John ,Knoob J.::!dthe recitation of The Grosse Pointe Ministers' THE SAVE WISELY! sprawled across the front seat of the Eagle pledge. The Voice of' Association attempts to coordinate her 1949 Buick, WhiCh, had been th~ Eagl,e was that of Al Ghesw a?d spo~sor those u,nit,ed activi- '\ MICHIGAN driven partly over the curb a few qUIere, narrator. tIes which the churches of the BANK ieet away. The Tender~oot. ceremony was a.rea wish to accomplish. In addi- Fournier told police that the under. the dIrectlon of ~cout- tIon the. organization .iurr.ishes a 600 Woodward Ave. WO: 1-5300 Himelhoch's and O~ Fadool car had failed to stop for master Byron Burchby. ASSIstant fellows~p for the clergy of this Charlevoix, crossing into his path. Scoutmaster Joe K~utell awar~ed commumty. • iii from i SIX CONVENIENTLY LOCATED BRANCHES Police ticketed Miss Fadool for the Tender;Eo?t ..pInS to MIke ------;. t t t . Beshke, Wllhilm, Burns, Art Exp.erience pr.oves that when runnmg a s op 5 ree ,ca\1sIng an C 11 D.' D "If . 1 I a.ccident. ornwe '. enms eJ.namgo d, the mercury skids so does your, DEPOSITS INS URED .ro $ 1 O.0 0 O.0 0 B:t FED ERA L DE P 0 S 1 l' L N SUR A NeE C 0 K P. A passenger in the Fadool car Allan ErIcson, Gary ~~oard, car. ... . I was also taken to the hospital. Wayne ~raus~ Larry .McElroy, Fournier suffered cuts about the Bruce PrIce, RIChard Pn.ce, Greg- forehead. None of the in "uries ory. Rhodes, Henry SmIth, John . ••. J . SmIth and Harry Trout. I was______sel'lOUS, polIce saId. J 0 hJ n L'apIS,h N'eIghb orh.00 d Commissioner, awarded .. a Star Badge to Jack Goodhand and. presented Recruiter Awards to I Charles Williams, James Nowicki, Russ Beaupre and Jim m y FINE SPORT SHIRTS Kuntzler. •

Ed Nowicki presented a Sec- ,-- .. .4ll Washable ond Class Badge to James Lapish and Merit Badges to Richard Top left: Light weight Osmalene Flannel Plaid Burchby, Merle Henderspn, Lee in Blue, Tan, Grey-50 % Australian wool, 50% Henderson, Kent Shortz;. Jack Egyptian cotton, 15.00 Lapish, Charles Wi-lliams and our sensibly dis. Jack Goodhand. \ Center: Osmalene Flannel Button-down striped . played ,i1ver collection Explorer. Adventure - Patches shirt-Red, Brown, Blue, 15.00 were awarded to the boys who ••• and begin a Proposed New Bus Fares Lower left: Rifle Club checks of fine cotton and went on the Algonquin National acetate-Green, Grey, Blue. 7.95 collection of your own! Park canoe trip last August. In this connection, Mr. Harry Find- Passenger Fares' are in Cents Single Fare Rate Rat£ for Ten Fares Lower right: Single-NeedleStitched Gabardine- Plece-by.piece lay who was on the trip, received Sandune, Grey, Navy, Beige. 8.95 or Setting-by-Settlng a Special Award. Detroit to City of Grosse Pointe Park . 20 cents A 10 tickets for $1.75 A plans available The arrangements for the luncheon served after the cere- Detroit to Grosse Pointe City ~ . 20 cents A 10 tickets for $1.75 A mony were madeby John Lapish, Detroit to City of Grosse Pointe Farms .. 20 cents A 10 tickets for $1.75 A VALENTE Henry Smith and Ed Nowicki. Detroit to City of Grosse Pointe Wopds . 25 cents A 10 tickets for $2.25' A MICHIGAN CONCERT Detroit to Grosse Pointe Shores Village .. 25 cents A 10 tickets for $2.25 A The University of Michigan Detroit to 9 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores .. 25 cents A 10 tickets for $2.25 A Symphony Orchestra, will appear Detroit to 11 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores . 30 cents A JEWELRY in a Detroit concert on Monday, I December 1, at 8:30 p.m. at the' Detroit to 13 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores .. 30 cents 16601 E. WARREN Rackham Educational Memoriat Detroit to Deanhurst Terminal . 30 cents -at Kensington. The orchestra, consisting of 100 Detroit to Venice Beach .. 30 cents 617 Woodward 6329 W. 7 Mile RQad University students, is directed TV. }.4800 Pl'of. Open 9 A.M. '0 6 P.M. Daily Opc:"n Thu rsday and Friday EveninlJ1 by Wayne Dunlap. of the Open Thursday and FrIday School of Music. The concert is 'till 9 p.m. complimentary to the public. The above quoted fares ara one way single fares 'only, and the fares apply within the c6rporate limits of the City of Detroit to through passengers only, going to and from Detroit to City of Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe City. City of Grosse JOIN CHESTER'S SHOE CLUB . -. ~ Point,',) Farms, City of Grosse Pointe Woods, Village of Grosse.Pointe Shores and J3th Pai, FREE! City.of St. Clair Shores.

LOCAL FARES IN GROSSE POINTE Local fares within the corporate lir41itsof the Cities of Grosse Poi11te ~nd the Village ~f Grosse Pointe Shores. Ten cents.

Be Sure of Satisfaction LOCAL FARES IN ST. CLAIR SHORES Local fares within the corporate limits of St. Clair Shores City. Jen ••• Choose Numl.Bush f. cents, . Only NUDn-Bush .hoes give you Ankle-Fmhioning. , Ankle-FR8hi~ning gives you better fit *at the instep, greater snugrtess at the heel, closer fit Thl' AbOYI' QuoledFares Are One Way Single Fares Only around the ankle. _.• through many extra No local passengers .carried within the corporate limits of the City of Detroit. DOLLAR SAVING mile. of smartness_ Ien't this • competent looking style for, fall and winter? Issued by John J. Tier~ey c;UES.TER BOOT SHOP Vice President, Lake Shore Coach Lines, Inc. 15911 E. Wilrren~ ..t 'Buckingham . . TUxedo 5-0863 11840Edlie Street, Detroit 14, Mich. $17.95 Other Nunn-Bush Shoes Erown Engl1all from $16.95 Open Friday .nd S#turdajl Jtll 8:30 p. m. - Grain. Edgerton Shoes from $10.95 "A II Denotes increase.

, !I .;-,. • • t pz - - 6 -

Thursday, November 27, 1952 6ROSS,~ PO'NTE .0 NE'WS'.'. Page Three 27, 1952 " ' • HINT , .Pointe Fencers To Meet Ohioans St. Paul Evangelical Church Plans Special Service !, leftovers do Anti-Air.craft. Soldiers' H,on'ored, at. 'Dance ' Thanksgiv~g' Worship will be t day evening~ 'The pastor, Rev. The click-click, clack-clack I the Cleveland team boasts the ny, according and stomp-sto,mp on the hard-! National Championship,' Epee I, College home, wood gymnaslUm floor at the: is especially Neighborhood Club will be a! qu~rtet of Walter Henry, Howard " ~r is a vege- familiar sO\.lnd next Saturday, \Fned, Donald S. T.hompson and I legetables. November 29, when the Grosse William Durret. This quartet :is Pointe Sw'ord Club plays host to Ithe only Mid West team to cap- a 12-man fencing team from I tura a National Trophy this year. Cleveland, Ohio. ; As secretary Shirley Stein TU. 1-6022 This will be the first inter-dub I says, "We hope to arrange, more meet of the season which promis- i meets as the season progresses

es to be a busy one for the local I but as you know all the con- fencers. ;testants p'ay their own way on The local team is headed by these trips, which makes it Greg Flynn, lour time State a truly amateur sport" Epee champion, Dick Wegert, Jim ' ---' --- •••'~a r pet ill 9 ~ Campoli and Dick Yasenchak"1 AVAILABLE FOR TALKS • These four recennv won the, Miss Joyce Wiek, a senior at Michigan State Epe~ tcam title. ' Albion College,' is available Rounding out the male side of through the speakers bureau at the team will be Art, Schankin, the college fGr three talks this Jim Williams and John Spiper: year to communities in southern The local women fencers will be ; Michigan, Her top.i~s are the :foJ~ headed - by Donna Hill, Jan~t: lowing "Your Speech is Show- 'Roberts, Helen Smith and Shir- I ing," "Paint, Powder and Pews," CARPETING CO. ley Stein. i and "A Bed for the Night." Miss The local fence'rs will have a I Wiek is .the daughter of Mr. and 15839 E. W~RREN, near Buckinghem tough job on their hands because Mrs. Harold Wiek, -of 244 Fisher.

MICHIGAN'MOVIE "We'll Rem~mber Michigan," a color film pictnring some' of the most interesting. and ' colorful aspects of life on the University " ' ' -Picture by Fred Runnells of Michigan campus, is one' of The Anti~Aircraft Artillery batteries stationed in the, two camps in tile,'Pointe were, two. films to" be shown' at the honored guests, on Friday, night, November 21, ata dance ,given by, the Alger P~st, 995, Rackham Memorial on Tuesday, Veterans of Foreign War, in'the clubhouse in St. Paul avenue. Pictured from left to' December 2. '''SymphonY 6f Arts" is to be the second. The program, right: MRS. F._ W. JACKS, JR:, and her hU5band, LIEUT.-COL. JACKS, thanking mem- sponsored by, the University's ( bers of the auxiliary for their hospitality. MRS. OSCAR KELLER, chairman; MRS. WIL- ,, Extension Service, will be shown , LIAM MOORE, president; MRS. RETTA POOLE, MRS. RONALD SLATER, MRS. L. at 3:45 and 5:45 p.m. There is no A. BARITEAU, MRS. 1. A. BA9KMAN, co-~hairman. charge for admission . .' . t' ''p' t d J 1ClC~~l$C~IC.~C./.C--._te:~.te~~~~~.c:~!li:li:~~lClCl(li:1C11 TWOPOln ers romo e ,; ",' '~ By Detroit Edison Company I .,.;1iI!. II At {l meeting of the hoard of the Detroit Edison Co. since 1913,'J!. ~ : l directors of the Detroit Edison Co. when he came to the company as ii' on November 20, Paul W. Thomp~ an experimental engineer at Del- ~ ~ son was elected to the position ray Power Plant. Previously he ~ l;!; of executive vice president, to had been an instructor in engin- ~ Announcing our ~~ sl~cce7d:cJames H. Lobban, who eering at Corn~l1 U~iversity. ~ ~ Will letIre on December 1, after In 1931 he was made Chief'~ ~ ' 42 f' '- ~ years 0 serVIce. Engineer of power plants. In 'Jl. H I.d Sf H ~' .Mr. '~hompson, will r~linqui~h 1943 he was elected vk,e presi- ~ 0 I ay ore ours ~. hIS duties as Vice preSIdent In dent in charge of engineering !iI !iI' i h f . . , I !:f ~c c. arg~ 0 engme.ermg, construc- construction and operations. ~ Startin9 Friday, November 28 ~ ' tlOrJ, and operations, to, George Mr. Thompson who lives at 1119~ ~ FOR l\'IEN ONLY ••• W, Port:r, present manager of Devonshire road, ,will retire after '!d ~' constructIon, 39 years active service with the ~ 9 a m to 9 p !\l' Mr. Thompson has been with company at the first of the year. J ... . m. ~ the ultimate in fine neckwear: beginning at $7.50 Plan to do your Christmas Shopping At the same meetin~, it was W ~ announced' that Everett E. Roll: l~ Monday through Saturday ~ Tomatsu Nomura Earns exclusively in' the New Center area Air Force Promotion . of 68 Hawthorne road, was ap- i~ ~ pointed as~istant general' ac- ~ U 'II t at LeClair~Sterr Men"" Night - ~Ionday, Dec. 8th CLARK AFB-A new airman countant of the company. Mr. 'I nt Chr',s mas i~ first class in the U. S. Air. Force Roll affiliated himself with the ~ ~ . 1-5300 is Tomatsu Nomura, son of Mrs. company in 1928, upon gradua- '!! !ir I Himelhoch's and other Grosse Pointe stores will be open T Nomura 619 Lake Shore drive tion in business administration ~ A ~: Grosse PoiIate, Mich. ' from the University of Illinois. ~ ~ !l!' i from 7 to 10 p.m. - for meo only. I Mr. Roll holds a CPA certifi- ~ A/IC Non:lUra was promoted to cate from the state of Illinois. In ')1 9) ,' men ,5 ~:!It ! his present grade' while perform- 1942 he became assistant super- ~ ' wea r ~ l~E CORP. ing armament technician duties visor of the company's general I ~ for the 6200th Air Police Squad- accounting department., in 1949,i . ~ GENERAL MOTORS BUILDING ron, Thirteenth Air Force on ~ 92 Kefche't'al -: on the "Hill" - Clark Air Force Base in the Phil- assistant to the general account- ~ ~ . . ant, and in 1952, an assistant sec- ~ !It . SHOP DAILY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. 1Ippmes. t:\'. !If ' Graduated from Mt. Clemens: re sry. !l! ~~~1*)l~)!lt:it~~~~~:Jt~~~~~~~~,i;b-~~~~r~~~!!i ' , .High School, he worked for Mur- ray Corporation, Detroit, before joining the military service in October of 1950.

", Grosse Pointe store - hours: 9:30 to 5:30 ' GIFTS • • ' .that bear fruit Rare, delicious and practical are gifts from the HOUSE OF SALADINO,' unusually presented in masterfully woven, colorful baskets and other beautiful containers ... In'dividualized by our Christmas trademark "Greeting leaf" handlettered with your name. These' are gifts enjoyed by the entire family, gifts that are remembered Eves by •• , Gifts that Bear Fruit! ~ Van Raalte '1"he Gift . Pa~kage, ••• (PICTURED HERE)

Nylon tricot nightgowns Adventure in flavor! Twelve $un soaked gems d perfection ••• made lovelier than ever , by nylon lace' and G:' ,PEFRUIT that wins the aprroval of the most pleating and net fluff. c:bl' ~rn;nating epicure •.. worthy of your most impol-tant

In colors such as business acquaintance or your most cherished friend.

dawnglow, blue horizon, Handsomely decoated, economically priced! white Christmas, mimosa, delphinium and black, Sizes 32 to 40, Box of 12 Golden Marsh Seedless GrapefrL:Jit, 3.75 Box of 12 Scarlet Blush Red Grapefruit, 4.90 •.. (PRICES lNCLUDE DELIVERY) Your orders will be promptly filled with exclusive prime fruits, postage prepaid, shipments guaranteed sati~factor)'. You are notified of shipping date. Order these items for friends on your Christmas list ..• or send for fully colored circular and price list. for others including band made Mexican reed baskets, round palm leaf baskets, de luxe. palm leaf baskets, hand made rattan hat boxes and others.


10.95 of -Saladino . House ,/'~ Highest Quality,Numb~r , ,Grade" Short Sh~nked HICKORY SMOKED , .Chorles Saladino • Pioneer Shipper Since 1926 FineST Hickory HAMS. A product of the HOUSE OF SALADINO. ' ", . ' Mercedes, Texas /\ I 12 to 16 Ibs, 1,35 lb. deliv.... d . ,

~ ~ ",-"",_~_""""_~",-""",:,,,'I:""""""'" I'b 'M') -& iei.e - ogre 7 7 sf s . Thursday, Novemper 27, 1952 Page Four GR 0 SSE POI N T E Thursday,' Novemb James M'artin Returns Eerger to Talk 4 Cars Tangle'. Earn :Scouting' s Highest Award;' From Training Exercise Kerby Parel To Camera Club At Intersection WITH THE ATLANTIC .FLEET To Attend ( ->-~ '(Delayed) (FHTNC)-After par- Isadore Berger, well known. A four-car accident at the ticipating in Training Exercise Parents of the Kerb: amatl!lur photographer and globe- corner of Kercheval and 'Fisher II, the amphibious force flagship will ex~hange places w trotter, will give a rambling, ad- road, November 20, resulted in USS Taconic is scheduled to re- children on the eveninj dress on his world ramblings, to total damages of nearly "$700. ~ turn to the. United States. the Grosse Pointe Camera Club cembe~ 2, when the p-' at its meeting on Tuesday even-! Farms police ticketed Mrs. Serving aboard her is James A. its second meeting of : Martin, fireman, USN, son of Mr. ing, December 2. I Helen L. Dykstra,. of. 32002 East and Mrs. Alfred Martin of 1260 Mr. Charles Haynor, Mr. Berger, who is noted for Jefferson, ~~. ClaIr, ~hores, for chairman, has announ his ability to meet and picture reckless drlvIng. DrIVIng east on Beaconsfierd, G r 0 sse Poi n t e, the peoples and countries far Kercheval, ~he had. ~U:n.thro.l1gh Mich. teachers will meet with from the beaten path, will spend an am~er 11ght strlku:g ano.her Under the command of Rear, Mothers in each classroo the ent\I'e ev'ening talking and auto dnven by Don .RIchtenburg, Admiral Leon J. Huffman, USN, cuss the program of ir a task force of Marine Corps per- showing slides of the many S047 Ashl~y, Detrolt, w~o had in each room, techn;;:: places and people he has visited been headIng north on FIsher. sonnel and Navy amphibious ships made landings on Vieques, methods of teaching, r"'p in his wanderings around the The Dykstra car skidded after P. R. and Onslow Beach, N.C. or topics about the , globe. He returned f;om some of the impact ~nd slammed into a Liberty calls were made in work which are of in his adventurous trlPS a short City of Grosse Pointe Scout car San Juan, P. R. and Havana, time ago, so he will have many \ and a 1950 Oldsmobile owned by parents. new pictures of interest to show Mrs. Eleanor Schneider, 768 Neff .Ch'risfmas C0J.cktaii. Party, Cuba. President Robert G the members of the club. . road, that had been parked at the scheduled this tYPE: of Wayne Donaldson, president of curb. . To "Be Given tsy Klings . because it was high on the Camera Club, has announced requests by parents. In to the members that there will Damag~s to Mrs. Dykstra'~ car Jotted' in fashionable engagew I on Parent- Teacher A be no print competition on Tues~ were estImated at, $500; to the ment books at the Pointe .;S the I matters was obtained b Dec. 7 cocktail party which Mr. day night because of the .1engthy scout car, $150.. and to Mrs. i tionnaire circulated tc program that has been planned. Schneider's c~, $35. No,damages and Mrs. Philip Kling of ste-[ earlier in the year. ParE The meeting will be held at the resulted to Rlchtenburg scar. phens road, will give in their i ed these programs as club rooms at the Neighborhood new home. Su,pper will follow ! Parent-Child Relationsh HOT HOSE BACKFIRES' cocktails and about 100 have been I Club and will commence at 8 p.m. I discussions by parents a invited. ! sharp. Olga Hagg, aged S9, of 1361 I ers on instruction. re Lakepointe, was treated at Bon of child growth and de\ Venison is a rather dry meat Secoours Hospital, November 23, RUSSIAN BOAST I to juvenile delinquency. and its flavor will be improved for burns on her wrist and abdo- ! by after-school recreatic with addition of suet, butter or men. Park Police stated that she 1 physical health, and other fat when using dry heat had been attempting to restore bet it isn't: TU.5.7510 I progran'ls. pressure to her hot water tank ;~ j cooking methods, according to :~ Parents are asked, to when a hose burst and a jet of Michigan State College' foods At ceremonies at' the Mason $chool" November 10, Woods Mayor Paul W. Rowe pre- I the auditorium at 7:45 f specialists. ~tearn shot out. MARCH OF PROGRESS I \\ A V ~\. ! business meeting. The n sented !Eagle Badges to four members of. Boy Scout Troop. 290.. Recipients are (left Local advertisers are the peo- ~ • 11- instructor, Miss Marie ~ to right) LEE HENDERSON, KEl'1"T'SHOR TZ, MERLE HENDE:BSON and RICHARD i E31-1 pIe who lead in the things that - " will play a solo for t . BURCHBY., The ceremonies were part of th e District 3 annual meeting. Stuffed eagle is ,keep do city moving forwarrl. in S e I ,.. ! on the marimba. rvleet symbol of award. . the march of prog:'::~_, E I teachers will be from "V "~ i 9 p.m. Refreshments I I . I served by Mrs. Frank I, and her Social Commit f Wayne Offers Educational TV Ii DECEMBER BOOK i Do You Like To A series of half-hour television each 'tracing the develpoment of I immediately Jo Weitzmann No] ~ pro g ram s entitled '!March a single trend :from past civiliza- i • Through Time: A History of tions .up to the present. The if you plan For Water Show ( • See Things Clean ••• ? • stories are based on the results H • • Culture" is currently being pre- Deposits made on or before... I • • sented by Wayne University. over of studies lnculturai anthropol- to visit I J 0 Weitzmann. 1042 • • I road. Grosse Pointe • It so, it IS ~nother re~son to ~dmire the pre- • WJBK-TV from 2 to 2:30 p.m: ogy, archeology, and history, as Hawaii • • each Saturday. will as studies of xpodern times, 5 M.S,C., was nomina Led • scription fac:lities ~t the Tr~il Ph~rm~cy. We • • "Democratization 0 f Know- this of the Porpoise wat • • A similar group of discussions 5t . I "Aqua Maniacs, Olyml= ~ave built thElm to be attractive and cleon. • ledge: The History of Printing" earn interest from the 1 • • was carried over the same station Winter held November 20-22 at a• • last spring and its popularity from hand-copied books to the ,gnd keep them th~t w~y, • modern press will be discussed or State. • proved so great that the idea is Each year Porpois' • • this Saturday, November 15. Open your savings account now at the begir.ning of the I • • being continued this fall, I swimming honora' ..y' • Careful and orderly pro!letices,. o!lnd ~ttention • .... Other topics include the histories Spring • • The series, which began last of photography, artificial light, new interest period - or increase your balance - and let Special . A selects a queen to reif.! • to det~ils make our Ph


We/come Wagon L "W' e/coming Ser1 new comers to Grr. It acts ou.behalf of minded merchants, ommelld that jOlt

Patrot Lac, Busin

th~ill a young and happy Christmas" heart with F

l lovable, huggable, adorabl,' gif.t.lik. these Srle • • • at!

A. Tiny Tears baby doll that cries real tears. Complete with bathing and feeding needs ..•••••••••• ~••• t.', ••••• ,. , ••• t ••. 5,95 l-IOJ\~1 , B. Dy-Dee Ellen, a tousel-head dol~ that looks and acts li~. a real baby: complete with baby needs , ..•...... " ,. ,. • 9.95'

C, Nancy Ann "Storybook" bdde doll, magnificently dressed in satin, lace, net and flowers •....• ,"', •• , •.. , .•• , •...• ,... 2.25

D. Nancy Ann "Storybook" bridegroom doll, formally attired in black tails, white tie .lllnd top hat •....•• , • , , , . , •.. , . , , '. ", 3.25 . E. Nancy Ann "Storybook" bridesmaid doll, beautifully gowned in ribbons, lace and satin, ... , .• , • ,', . , , •..•.. ', , ..• , .• , •• , ~ 2,25 ~lELCO' {" ,f F. Freckle-face rubber doll, all ready for sleep in a cotton flannel nightgown and. night cap, ...... ;.•••..••.. , .... , •.••.. , •• " 2.00 H G WAG(I ~ G, Floppy. sleepy softy dog with bells in his paws io amuse ti.ny tots or stuffed.toy collectors .. , , , , , ,. , •.• , •. , , ;., , , •. ',' ~• , • 4.95 I If/e ask 1\~HVS H. Nar.ette walking doll with Saran hair that can be wa$h~d, combed and set. Washable plastic, •. ,., .• " .• , .•• ,., ••••• ," 13.95 please phone tJS'l j ad.d,'ess of 1teWCP Pointe. ED. 1-~. I :!.0295 • • Il!l.. I,' t

_ ~ ~_~~ ~_.L..~ ~ ~ .• _~ __ • _ 1 \

27. 1952 Thursday,' November 27. 1952 Page Five " ~eturns Exercise Kerby Parents' Judge C. Joseph B:elanger' Hears'~11 Court: Cases Sgt.'JohnA. Keyes Co~plete.. ",. Far~s Police Report, Submitted , . .' .' " , , ' " ',' , , , .,' " . ALASKA~g.t:,J~hn,A. Keyes, Pa.radrop of more ,thf!Il 300 501- '. .' ------., • " ~NTIC FLEET To Attend Class Judge ~. Joseph Belanger dll;- am~unted to. $10.. The, c~ses LInkster, an~ 'Haze,n L. Wyman, of, whose wife,. ~us~na,:,lives at diers from his regiment., :. ,I. In hIS m.onthly report to the I Tv..elve cases of slmple larce?y ~)-After par- posed. of 1.1 court, cases a~ .the I agamst Cormsh' and Stephensj East J)etrOlt. B()gdan was fined 707 St. Clair, 't~ro~~t Pointe," He has ,pa~ti~ipated with ele~ iCityCOunC11, released. Mond~y :were reported. $270 of the ong- ning Exerc~se Parents of the Kerby School Grosse P?lnte P.a,r~ ,mumc1pal were dated 11)50. , ' 1$50; Wyman,,$20'e " I ' Mich., has wound ,up the: :final ments trom:;Ai~,Force, Navy and' Nov~~ber 24, Farms Police Chief! mal losses (over $290) were re- force flagship will exr.!hange places with their court Sel)Sl~nh~ld Novem1:?er'19. Bonds of $10. eachv.:ere :for- A $65 firiewas :placed a~a1~1l~phase of his partiCipation iri Ex-'civil'deibse,'.:uliitS of-Alaska 'ip. I,wa:ter R. Hoyt reveal:d ~hat c?vered. No recovery was mad~ 1cduled to re- States. children on the evening of De- In four .Instances the defend- feited by, Harry S. Styles, of I' Lorne MacDo?ald, .22~29fH~ '.:.' ercise' Warm Wind" a teSt '. of I a ~igid' exercise to test enuip~ durmg October, 195 v10latlons however, of the $3,323 loss re- " cember 2, when the P-TA holds ants failed tel appear to answer Royal Oak and Ronald E. Mil- ~ourt" St., Clalr,.Shores,. o~ eav U't d St Al' ", '",' , ,', ".,' '. '.' ~" brought . a. revenue of $5'95 sultingirom 4 cases of grand: er is James A. . " • ' , ,' •• ' ' "I mg the scene: of 'ar~ accldent.',:, ,m e ,ates askan. defen~e!. m~t, sup~lies'and ,logIstical ~up- through fmes. la~eny. 5N, son of Mr. its second meeting of the year., charges placed agamst them and loux',11)61 Brys dIlve. Styles ha~ I For making" an Improper: turn,. The exercise began for him a1. port for arctiC fighting. He' was Chief Hoyt disclosed that 23 The deoartment arrested 15 1:artin of 1260 Mr. Charles Haynor, program' consequently ,forfeited the i r run a signal light, and Mi~()\.l.xI that : resu~te~, in' an accldent, ~o~t a month. ago wh~n he was fully equipped with ihe latest traffic accidents occ.urred during adults and ~12juveniles on charges .. sse Poi n t e, chairman, has announced that bonds. h~d failed ,to stop at a~stop stx:~et. ThOmas .M1lton, 3981 Lawton, re- alrlifted from ,Fort Campbell, ,cold-weather and special cloth- the month; although no injuries that ranged, (adult), from a bad-, teachers will meet with Dads and Klenzo Stephens, 14860 War- Sentence against ,Marie :Baller-' ceived a :fine'.of $35. Ky., to Alaska. in the longest jng. resulted. The total damage was check count, to violation of the' nand of Rear. Mothers in each classroom to dis- 'wick, Allen Park, had been ini, 1031 Whittier, wassuspena~ Paul J. Heidelberg, 951 Cenner, milita~y airlift on 'record~:Since;, . A s,!pply ser~eant in Battery A set at $2,172. liquor laws, and (juvenile), 'from luffman, USN, M th g f. t t' charged with speeding. He for- ed. She had originally, been received 8.$5 fine for apowmg an that hme he has been given cold of the 457th F1eld, Artillery Bat There was one attempted and disorderly person to simple in-., ine Corps per- cuss. e •nro ram 0 ms. rue Ion felted. a $20 bvnd. charged'., w1th reckless d'"rlv1Og, Unl'Icensed driver'. t0 d'rn:,e. _. we~ther In. doct'r.1OalOnant" 'd 'pl'tt ed taI'lon, Keyes 'en't ere d"h• e, .n.rmyA one successfuJ case of breaking.. vestlgatIon.. Of the 27 arrests, _. i amphibious 10 each room, technIques and John Cornish, 507 Piper, had Others chal'ged' with reckless On a chArge of' speedmg ,Wi}- ',agamst an. enemy. aggressor" in, MaJ'ch, 1951, after attending and entering during the 31-day only one was a iemale. !s on Vieques, methods of teaching, report cards, been charged with having no driving that resulted in acci- liam 'G.' Kirby" of 61 Morossroad, force, in realistic" cold weather th~ Uni,versity of Chicago and the period. A loss of about, $50 re- Total. police calls answered' Beach, N.C. or to?ics about the children's, public vehicle license. His ,bond dents were Walter S. Bogdan, of was chai:ged,~5 in court costs. maneuvers which. included-. a University of Pennsylvania. sul~ed from the one case. during the month numbered 242.' 'ere made in work which are of interest to , and Havana, parents. President Robert Grow has scheduled this type of meeting because it was high on a list of requests by parents. Information on Parent-Teacher Association matters was obtained by a ques- tionnaire circulated to parents earlier in the year. Parents rank- ed these programs as desirable: Parent-Child Relationships, panel in discussions by oarents and teach- ers on instruction. relationship acobson's of chIld growth and development • to juvenile delinquency, programs by after-school recreation groups, physical health, and children's 510 prograrils. \ Parents are asked to meet in the auditorium at 7:45 for a brief business meeting. The new music instructor, Miss Marie Stageman, will play a solo for the group on the marimba. Meetings with teachers will be from 8:15 until 9 p.m. Refreshments will C)e served by Mrs. Frank Taugner and her Social Committee. Book • e • immediately Jo Weitzmann Nominated jf you plan For Water Show Queen to visit Jo Weitzmann, 1042 Whittier -- road. Grosse Pointe senior at Hawaii M.S.C., was nominated for queen this of the Porpoise water show, "Aqua Maniacs. Olympic Style," Winter held November 20~22at Michigan or State. Each year Porpoise, M.S.C. Sp,ing swimming honorary fraternity, A selects a queen to reign over the water show from candidates chosen by each women's living unit. She was a nominee from Chi Omega. I Air Force Reservists Receive Questionnaires

Tenth Air Force Reservists in Wayne county have been mailed From America's Oldest Ma,ker Of Fine Cars NEW! Packard Offers A,n Entireljj New pIUSI:0" ~5 invel"tory questionnaires accord. ing to Major General Harry A. Comes Today's'New Leader In the ,Quality Field Line Of Fil?eQuality-!!uilt ~ackard CLIPPERS Johnson, Commanding General. Tenth Air Force, Selfridge Air -The Advanced Contour-Styled PACKARD For BIG-Car Value At Medium-Car Cost Force Base, Michigan: General Johnson stressed that resoonse to the inventory ques- ERE'S EXCITING NEWS to thou- full year of actualuse--and the in- owPACKARD introduces :fivebrilliant high! Their cushion-mounted safety tionnaire does not increase the sands who have been waiting dustry's finest no-shift drive ... Packard Clippers-a brand-new line bodies, direct-acting shock absorbers and reservist's vulnerability to active H • N military service, and the inven- for a truly fine automobile! The great these are America's most advanced • bringing BIG-car value to the medium, road-to-roof soundproofing assure the tory is specifically for the pur- name PACKARD-once 'seen on caIs-engineered and precision-built field! True products 'ofPackard engineer- matchless comfort and quiet of the famous pose of bringing Air Force re- to outperform"an others! And Pack- •iI serve records up-to-date with three out of fiveluxury cars in Amer- ing, experience and 'craftsmanship, these Packard ride'.So no matter what you plan ard's a.dvanced contour styling is current data which only the in- ica-again distinguishes the very best • remarkable buys are the roomiest cars in to spend, Packard-with two great lines dividual reservist can supply. now setting the new trend in auto- Each reservist is urged, for his of the top-quality cars. • their price class-with postureMcontoured of new cars now available-offers you own personal benefit, and the mo bile design. • your best motorcar investment. •• For unrivaled motoring com~ seats as wide as the Packard Clipper~are benefit of his family. to accurately • • If you want a truly distinctive • complete all forms and return fort, convenience and pleasure, them within thirty days. car-and want it now-see the 1953 • Reservists who have not re- drive the brand-new Packard Patri- Packard. It's today's great new • ceived inventory questionnaires cian, Cavalier, Mayfair,"Convertible • are urged to' communicate with pace-setter in the' quality field . . . • Headquarters Tenth Air Force, or one of Packard's custom-built from America's oldest maker of fine • Selfridge Air Force Base, Michi- cars. With more power than you'll cars. The record shows that more gan. • _.~-_.- ~. ever need, .. and with the am!3-zing tha,n 53% of all Packards built since • ease of Packard Power Steering, 1899 are still in use. Yes, «Built • Packard Power Brakes-proved in a like a Packard" means built to last! • • ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE • • NEW PACKARD CLIPPER Outvalues The Medium Field! Welcome Wagon Maintains a • For just a few hundred dollars more than the very lowest- .'IF eicoming, SerlJice" f 0 f priced car, you can now enjoy real Packard quality. See, 1'leW comers to Grosse Pointe. drive and compare the new Packard Clippers with their It acts on .behalf of local, cide mighty Packard Thu..l'l.derboltEight engines. Get BIG-car 'minded merchants. They rec- value at medium~car cost! ommend that JOlt - ••

Patronize Local Business

5l-l0P NEW '53 PACKARD at Outclasses The Pin~-Car Pield! • Here's America's most advanced new car-~th more power than you'll use, with famous Packard mtramatic. Drive, with, th~ ..IOI'I\E only direct-action Power Steering 'and with, PacKard, Power. Brakes -proved faste,..acting in more than a ~ year of actual use!

"BUILT LIKE A PJ.4.CKARD" Means Built T!!.l!ast! White ,idewcU tires option4l at eZitTaooIit


W.e ask NEWS readers 10 Grosse. Pointe Packard, Inc. please phone us"'the name and address of newcomers to the Pointe. ED. 1.7590 or Y A. 15205 E. Jefferson Ave., Grosse. Pointe, Michigan 2-0295. ".

______...... ;....-..iI ...... IIIIiIIIiiIlIl IiIi.Iiij... ~ ...... _..iIIIIiIrIl __ ...... •• -.. - • _ ,_e+_. rin-_ ~OM "&Hiriz" "p "ri'- "; . s' + . cis '& ' # Il; ri _ __ _ ".tr.-.-• .-..._ Thursday. November 27. 1952 Page Six G R 0 SSE PO' N T E NEWS Thursaay, Novembe! ' M Fez R /- tON C let e F h. with'a new, low back, cut to a seen fr~uquently over a trim! frequently in the full,~ length rics such as sharkskin and re. a.ry organ,' l es, epo,f n, ew,' a lornla', as, IO~S' W~~~E'~::~:~'glaSSEdwardian sh~a~~. : (n~sters. a~e.'Ae~ir:it~ly',~tegory~., '. verse twist, and suits designed .• Jo.hn .N ewber M. sl'lhouette,- is doing' thin' 'g's" wl't'h OUT...' costt;tme"coats bemg," , . Attenbon to DetaIl from these fabrics have hit a new John S. Newberry, Jr., ' SpecIal to the Grosse Pointe News: just the right pitch to inflate the with newly acquired suntans, in sons. Very popular among Cali- s t . h ., . . from CKLW's Fashion Editor" female ego because their clothes smart resorts. forniadesigners is 'thei,nevi Straw stays that nature. ,nE~yer.dreamea ralg, tand cocoon-like; or fitted SUITS of the classic type are high in svelteness of fit and siro- pointed vice-chairman. I Mary ~organ,_ Covering Capfor- t are definitely ~gure-proud fash- But there will always .be some _Cloth, "whJch looks' very mucho~; and' fancy hlbriC#are' ruriii.ilig at the waist., tailor~d with much attenti~n to I pIe elegance. newly formed National ; ma FashIon Openings. I ions. color in California. ~ .. yellow, like its namesake'in''the origiIial,>rlOt on thep~acp,es!, Ma~~rlals. ({hie and 'Smooth, detail,the jacket either fitted to With attention to tans not yet o~ t?e Metropolitan Opel'; • .. .. . Black and White Tops' I coral, lime 'arid pink are favorites and has been cut and, woven into :he~etofo:e. "~r~lgnto .th~ Sf';d' . The line in dfess~s is m~stly Ia sophisticate's taste, or tapering touched, bv the sun, but-in the c~at~onat a meeting of tr California fashion creators won THE BIGGEST COLOR Trend among the paste(shades, thecol~ the m'ost. exciting. of the new :.n::,Wlson e ~se~~tlmq,uandI'.chic and ~m6Jth' . ' elther the {,gently to the back for the more making fo~ a season not yet on clatlOn ,held in New Yo new laurels during NatiQnal Press from California is Black and or$" themselves varying' accord~ c1othes,as both trim and body ,les IS sea ,... : ~ e ~rgan y ", .',' ,<,.... " 'J casual' effect. Skirts are trim and the-calendar, California designers month. Week when spring- and summer White. Surprising, be.cause you ing.to.the 'temperature .they take,' cloth '.of .a.. garme.nt. ' Jackets,d litt water-provenf th velvets,.' fitted. . tube"," "'.or the fitted bodIce," narrow. There is a defiill"t'e trend have made much 0f th e necklI'ne The National, Counci collections were shown to top think in terms of color when you the whitened "cool" colors for ' Cottori~~'::al'e.new ana different an g e! :0: e sea .are,am~.ng?nly,with a full skirt acc.entuat'7 to the return of'smooth suit fab- (Continued on Page 17) formed to act as a count~ fashion editors of the nation. think of California. This smart afternoon and the "hot" shades this yeart-,too ... with an "ice,d" the ocean-gomg fav~rltes WhICh mg the slimness .ofthe top. The ------org~nization serving the Still unchallenged. these de- combination has been well han- for playclothes and late evening; ,eflect.Many' sculptured fabrics will. put the fanciest of fishes to "exaggeratedlook" is no longer '- '\ \ '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , I I / / / / .;/" /'"/' politan Opera in an advi<: signers of this Golden Scissors dIed with a flavor of chic which The costume look is furthered by wil1bespen especially: in floral shame!-', in vogue. In itsplaceis the effect " pacity to give su p p ~ State otIer the best in swimsuits, makes these clothes right for using the sam'e, or near-match prints, which are prettier this They're Very V~rsatile of natural: appeal. '.' the Ameri-, "",~!)4'11fEj1l'.~~~~flr'-:- throughout the coun~ and their fresh, newer aproach to later-in-the-summer as well, as shades of a color in different jab- year than ever before,~ varying . Noto~ly;the admitted.lead7f can' !V0man's most. outstanding ...,' _: in its affairs. sportswear keeps it top ranking resort wear at the moment. rics. from the. largehright ones to the In playtIme, apparel, . CalifornIa feature. ", Mrs. John Barry RYe favorite with the most well dress- Equally disper~ed, or with de- Fabrics Create Interest diminutive daintY prints that designers." of dresses, coats and THE SWEATER INFLUENCE , Call Faultless How named chairman oi the l' ed women. signer-planned combination ef- Fabrics themselves are creating Grandma knew so well. suits are not to, be O:'tU~rl90ked; is strong in coats and'jacketsthis Council. CLEANING SPECIALISTS ON' As the collections unfolded it feet, designers temper their ex- much of ,the interest' in clothes. In Winner's Circle This ye~r they proclaim that the' year, giving them a cardigan look, At present the Nationa - Curtains - Lamp Shadel \va~ qui~e aPI?arent these smart travagant desi~ning to a'chieve a They are smoother in texture I Stripes, checks and polka. dots trend IS. to th: ENS~MBLE emphasized frequent1y' by.ribbing eil comprises 59 members CalIfornIa deSIgners have hit on ~most dramatic effect especially than those of the last several sea- are also-,in "the winner's ,'circle, LOOK. No longer IS the mIX-and- at the' necklines. Sweaters them:: associate members repn __ .---'------.either alone or, more newly-come match idea first.,rate, on the fash- selves are much in evidence for - Drapes - Bedspreads 24 states. The group aire in combin,ation. Stripes have new iob. sch~dule,i~'s the .outfi.t.~~~hsP,ringandsummer .. . dyed to, - Slip Covers - Blankets succeeded in financing a n appeal .when worked with dif- a. SIngl~}}leIl1:e,tha; IS hIgh m. match or with tufted :flowers and duction of "La Boherne' ferent widths of the stripe into, your faslnonfutw;e: .,... jewels blended into the colors presented in New Yorlr.' the same fabrlc, or treated v,ritll Dresses are the :greatest ex-of the .coordina'ted garment. and to be broadcast nati( a sUJibursteffeet,. breaking from amp'le of this"p~t.-~ogetherlook," Shortie coats atid suit jackets Mr. Newberry auton For COlnplete Winter Protection .•. ~.• Our the waist into 'a full soft skirt, or many of. them glvmgthe effectof are boxy, tapering to the back' f737 Elmhurst near Broadstreet . becomes a member of ti, upwards into'thebodlce. ~uits, WIth a separate removable 'With a smooth barrel silhoutte' CIty and Suburban De1i\,cry of directors of the Metr Polka dots come in all sizeS... Jacket. The coat or coat dress is and 'fitted coats. are seen quit~'~~~:nlt Xil!, WE. 3.1010 Opera Association. GIRLS' PLAID 'n' PLAIN SNOW SUITS from huge circus dots "to the tiny pin-point, and frequently hi a combination of both, starting • VIatar-repellent • Full zip front . small at the waistline and gradu- ating int~ larger sizes at the hem. Worker's fabdcs have been an • Spot and stain resistant • Snug knit wristlets inspiration to many ,of the Cali- fornia designers ... using fabrics • Quilted wool lining r that bear a resemblance to those I worn by railroad engineers or i .Jacobson's Guatamalan plantation labOrerS,\ I Sportswear Trend I THE NEWEST SPORTSWEAR I trend is the oldest story in the Three-piece snowsuits that scoff at 5ub-zero i world~... boy versus gi,rl! Cali- : ; fornia designers of playclothes' AFTER- THANKSGIVING. weather. _ a plaid cotton poplin wjnte'l:'- have fashioned togs for both: ladies with a leaning to the tail- ; I ored, and those who are fond of : resistant jacket, Hned with quilted satin.covered being fancy! This adds up to the Tom Boy wool; lined solid slacks and matching versus the feminine in sports- wear, .and there are clothes from , California to delight both tastes- ~ jockey cap with earflaps. Red plaid with some of them even a mixture of : the two trends, like the little: navy blue. straight black boy shorts with i I a fancy ruffled pink shirt seen' I in one collection. Sizes 3 to' 6x, 16.95 Sizes 7 to 14, 19.9S Bloomers and little short-length playskirts are bein.g seen in the Sissy-Girl group, while pedal pushers and tapered slacks are strong for the more masculine approach. VeJ~YSubstal1tial Reductions on South. American Influence Many of the. playclothesfeel a

I South American inspiration, tas- t sels and ruffles providing the ex- : JaenbsonS•• ' .~'''.'' ~ l' ".' '" ' I citement. Special features, like: Kercheval at St. Clair I suspenders, add individuality to designs for play, and are to be seen in several collections. I " " I PLAY CLOTHES tend more COATS - DRESSES 'than ever to the leisure look, \ and indications are that a lady will be at her loveliest when re- , laxing. BATHING SUITS ar~ indeed; a credit this year to the vers'atili- I ... ty of California Designers. Whet. i SUITS BLOUSES her your concern is fabric, figure. ' - , or frou-frou, there's a swimsuit to .. i suit your taste. : , Tailored Look ! The Tailored Look is achieved : I,in the shorts-suits, frequently with much attention as to cuffs, both at leg and top of the bodice, SWEATERS SKIRTS as well as to the reed-slim classic , - number, this yearglamourized I


.Fosh ion-favorites of the season

The quality, fit all

'<~1~~vo" ...... -.;>,.;,.:.~:''. '.-.- ..~.hs'o"", -.~-,,_.'.. n~'_.T • • in an excellent collection of KercneVdl at SL Ciair remarkably omsta(

colors, sixes and fabrics to wear arrd adapt

great turn back 1.:1 Enhance Hi 21 ••• NOW IN BLACK! 8 to 18, 7 to 17. Th~ wonder girdle that trims .~~._~-. \ one to three inches from your hips, PALIZZI.O SHOES 85 whittles one whole inch from 14 your waist .•• in beautiful black .. Orig. 18,95 -to 22.95

sheer nylon Lastex, to mould 3lack, brown, n,avy or red suedes, 'calf or reptiles in pump or sandal' styles ••• with high or me~ium heel heights. your figure to fashion's ~:~

new lean line. Sizes 26 to 32~ $15. Beautiful I. MllLER FOOTWE'AR, 1685 Orig. 19.95 to 24.95

I Two to go with it, the nylon lace ' Black, navy, red or green 'suedes or' calf. sandals or pumps with LILY of FRANCE . i medium or high heels.

and net bra; sizes 32 to 38. $3.50. )' l i ; . ' And, thE wired sfrapless bra of " \ " \1"" satin and nylon bee. '\t\

Sizes 32 to 38. $5. , BCO sons". ~

------_._------~------~~------~.~-~~-~~-~--~~-~-~------,-,' - -.:~-.....-;-.


ThursCJay, November 27, 1952 l re. ,Page Seven gned Domi'nican,' f-iigh ,MoThers new John .Newberry 'Honored 'in East \ 'Betrothal Iold William Breers. Floliday Hosts. sim- \A{iIISeeTalentShow " John S Newberry Jr wa ' ~l'" 1 t' . . ,', " . . . . ." ., s ap- =18 e ec Ion IS not only a per- ' . Mrs. Clifford'H,"at~h,'of ~inds()r",'fr6mI her' Jam,'a"ci,~'weddm,'"g",trip. Early holiday hosts will be Mr. Filty guests have been aSked:.' ~:~ted Vlc~.chair~an, of th.e: ~onal ~oil~l'but also' gives Mich- - .. -""'V' "';"~"X"'~'":Wy;~1!~i~!:~:~1¥0:~Ax,~,;,will be.th~, first Dece.mber hostesS., The briaegrCi6m-elect and his I ,The"D0minic~, Hiih School and Mrs. William Zeder Breer of . ' .. ., t yet ly formed Natlonal, CouncIl IlIgan slgmfioant recognl.tl'on and "~",\'i~,,",;;'h.i;;.":~~:~~:';'~;:.s.'~:;for l;>rlde-elect Gertrude Ford, parents, Mr., and Mrs. S.E. Cut- Mothers' Club wl11meet Wednes- GraytQn road who have issued to the party which will have a . the o~ t!Je Metrop01itan Opera Asso-, representation inthe national af- ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs~ Bur': ler of Newton, ,Mass.: ~ill bi day evening, December '3 at 8 invitations for a cocktail party Christmas red and white' color ~t on c:att~onaht }a~eeting of the asso- fairs of the Metropolitan Opera dette~: Ford,' of Sunningdale h~re, for the cocktaiiparty bemg! >o'clock'in:the 'school aUdit6rium. Dec. 6 at the Gross~ Pointe Clul? ' scheme. :ners Cla Ion e d 10 New York this of New York. drive. "', , ", gIVen.Dec. 17 by ,Mrs. Gebi'ge,.E. Mr" R'b t. ,M' t' ,'I ,------:...------"M .' H t h has Lack ' d''-Mr'" ',,',' s. , 0 er ar, In, program kline month. . George A. Sloan is chairman of Onee.D 4 rs. a c, " ey an" . and Mrs. Her- h' h " , The National Council was the board and Mrs. August Bel- planned a luncheon' '.for Gertie, bert B.Trix.' ',. ' , :c aIrman, as announced that the forme~ t? act as .a country-wide 'mont is founder and president of who will marry Sam Cutler, Jr., The Cutlers wili give the re" entertainment of .the evening will . Clearance of org~mzabon servmg the Metro- the Metropolitan' Opera Guild. on pec. 20."" , ' h~arsald~~er for their son, and ,be }he Junior, TalentShqw 'pre- ! poll.tan Opera in an advisory ca- Mrs. HarryW. Fros~,. Jr.,. and hIS fiancee at the Country Club sented by, the Junior Class of! paCIty to give sup p 0 r t e r s Alpha Gamma' Delt~ Mrs. Harold'B; Tyree WIll gIve a ~n Dec. 19. i . 1, ' Do . :-- " . , - ~hr~>ughou~the country a voice paper shower for the' bride-elect Earlier that evening, Mrs.Sher- Immc~nHigh." ," VELOUR HATS 10 l18 affaIrs. Alumnae' Plcln Party on Dec. 6 ana op:the tenth of.the wood Reekie., and her daughter,- Tea will be served. The hostess Mrs. John Barry Ryan was month, Penny Kemp will be host- Sue,' .wilL fet1t members .of, the of the evening will be Mrs. Ar- One-Half Off named chairman of the National , The East Side Alumnae group ~ss at the spinster dinner .in her :"eddl~g party, at a cocktail~arty, mandTosett~, assisted' by the! Council. of Alpha Gamma Delta will hold home on Country Cl~b' dtlve." 10 thelr home, on Renaud road. ',', ' ' I .. At present the National Coun- a luncheon at the home of Mrs. ' , Co-hostess' at the spinster dill;; The day oithe:w.edding'Mrs~ sophomore mothers. I WOO'TfON Millinery cil comprises 59 members and 26 Richard McMahon, 679' West- nel' will be Mrs. TomiW:hitting~' HowardR: Walton: will, give a Mrs. Albert Spreder, president,,! associate members representing chester, on Tuesday, December 2, ham (F:r~ces ".MCMahOn),'who brunch, for the wedding party, in will presi~e at the regular bUSi-I' , '17008 :Kercheval, in the Village 24 states. :rhe group already has at 12:30 p.m. \ by that tIme w)ll haye returned' .her, Lothrop road; home~' ness meet1Og~ " ' ~QDQQOOooogooooggooooo succeeded 10 financing a new pro- duction of "La Boheme" to be HOUSEHOLD HINT \ ' presented in New York'Dec. 27 Here's a way to use wholesome and to be broadcast nation-wide; honey so prentiful on the mar-' -Picture by Paul' Gach Mr. Newberry automatically ket this season. Drizzle warmed Mr. and Chl:.l.rlesLeavitt., becomes a member of the board honey over ice cream and cover Mrs. of directors of the Metropolitan with rice krispies or other crun. of Somerset road.. announce .the Opera Association. chy c~real. engagement of' their" daughter, 'I, JEAN, to Robert L. Brown, son '\ ' . '. of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd S. Brown, of Archdale road. A Tribute To Her. Loveliness The bride-elect is a graduate ,. : of Michigan State ;'College '\and I her, fiance is' a graduate' of the a gift of fragrance' 'I University of Michigan. -, The couple plans a January 'wedding.';

'1I --'-- ' , by AlexQnd ra de Ma rkoff I Pointe' Musicale

Presents Pianist "Tribute" .... fragrance of lasting beauty combining the \-_. Members .of G r 0 sse Poirite 10v.liest,Moods, memoriesancf exciting moments • '.... ' : Morning Musicales are looking I forward to Dec. ~ when they will toast to her distinctiv~ femininity. Tribute perfume , hear, Robert McDowell, pianist, in recital' at the Countr.y, Club: packaged in a white satin-lined garnet box with a jeweled The recital will begin at '11:30 crest. Dram, 3,50. Half-ounce, 12.50. Oval compact o'clock . and' is followed by . . ' . luncheon at the, dub~ I with Tribute flacon, 8.50 the •set. Tribute toilet witter. Two-ounces, $3. Dec. 14 Br~akfast Fete Planned by the Wellings

There's going to be a Christmas carols background at the holiday breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Cletus J. Subject to Fed. tox I.Welling will give on Dec. 14. Their guest list will number' around 75 and ,the party 'will take Jacobsons, place at the Grosse Pointe Yacht . Club: Kercheval at St. Clair

~ Leaves For New York { \ { Weekend With Daughters ,I "- -1 I Mrs. Sherman J. FitzSimons ! Jr. will take off for Willow Run , ; .. right after her Thanksgiving dinner. She's bound for New York to spend the week-end with '! 7. her deb daughters, Fay and Joan, 1- Famo.U3 makers, help" -.;... Fay p.?es to Manhattanville 'Coll- ~;¥ ege c:.nd Sl,le is a student at ).} Georgetown Visitation in Wash. ';you add dramatic ,~ ington. ,12 ~. I ----- ~ new :Character to j" Mrs, Charles Wright Jr. 1 J 'j, On Junket to the West ,I your bedroom .'. ! ~ It will be well into December when Mrs. Charles Wright Jr. returns to her home on Beverly road: She left this Wednesday to spend a :fortnight in Mountain ~.• CABIN C.RAfT BEDSPREADS View, Calif. where she'll visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. • NORTH STAR BLANKETS and Mrs. Williapi Callery. On Success Coat Of The Season ! the journey home, she'll stop off in Liv1ngston, Mont., for a • FIELDCREST brief visit with her brother and I CROSS-DYED WOOL POODLE sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- .ELECTRIC BLANKETS iel Miles. 4 • WAMSUTTA'SHEETS $55 ElIzabeth Cass Chapter Plans Christmas Meeting The quality, fit and fabric of our tri.button coat is as • CANNON AND 'PEPPERELL The Elizabeth Cass chapter" DAR, will hold its Christmas PERCALE SHEETS remarkably outstanding as the price is modest! Ea~y meeting on Monday, December 1,

at the Women's City Club of De- '';'' . to wear and adaptable, it has a high rolled collar and troit. • PLAYTEX FOAM The executive board will meet '~:<11JI~I:::j~::t€lm:&k RUBBER PILLOWS great ttun back cuffs. Red, blue, grey or rust. Sizes at noon, and a subscription lunch- eon will follow at 12:30 o'clock., Mrs. Walter R. Fruit, regent, will 8 to 18, 7 to 17. preside at the regular monthly Also It complete selection of quality business meeting at 1:30. Year ',oundspringtime for your bedroom I Christmas philanthropic work feather* and down pillows, and designer- done by the chapter includes many holiday-wrapped gifts for inspired accessories for the bedroom- the children of the mountain schools at Crossmore in North NEEDLETUFT BEDSPREAD beautiful. Carolina, and Kate Bunean Smith trlttt:' I, in Kentucky. Gifts will be accept- ed at this meeting by Elizabeth Sumner, chairman of the DAR approved schools.' As goy as sunlight str~amjng in the window .•. this pretty and pr~etica' • . Guest speaker of the afternoon will be Mrs. Robert H. Peterson, KERCHEVAL ot ST. CLAIR Get ~ flying start on Christmas right now State chairman of the "Correct, NeedletuH bedspread with a garland of colorfulPunchwork flowers on Use of The Flag." Her subject -choose from our wonderful stock '.of will be "Our Flag". top. For added sauciness; a deep full 'flounce trimmed with snow white linens, blankets, towels, curtains, draper- W~~~~~$~~~$~~~A$$@'~.@7~ beading. Pre-laundered, pre-shrunk, and c~lorfast. On :Cabin Crafts extr~ ies, and sp,",ce.saving closet accessories. . ,'!V . I r fine glazed muslin in blue, brown, rose or yellow.' Visit our' custom shop an~ inspect the ex- I ('OIII~1' ST"'RTlU~M. OlJI 01'\.1 tensiveselee:tion of beautiful new fabrics DOUBLE BED SIZE-$J5.95 I '"· ~RltIIT fOOT ! TWIN BED SIZE-$14.75 .for slip covers and draperies-expertly I tailored in our own workrooms. I ~~~ ~

.tm,~ , .,'.:"- J.,~. ~ / I \ i 1J~~~1 RIMef)etlfMJhp ~ ,~OJ'~ ~-~ - &fd.i.W~. I 17141 K,ERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE

,.. 1, .\ Ii'

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Page Eight GR 0 S SE P OJ NTE NEWS ThUr:sdLllY, November 27, 1952 > - .' Society News All of. the Pointes

t Fr.om Anoth'er JPointe Thomas Whittinghams , ,

>I< >I< •

Sub Debs In Whirl I N~Y T. MILLER, II~, who a;'e I turned to her home on East Jef- son FRED who is a student at I SEPH FRANCIS, of Washing~ =_=-=_=-="1111111I1111I11111111I11111I11I111111111I111111111111I11I1111I11111111I111I11I1111I11I1111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIII"II"II"III11I11I1I1/1f~:-:=_'==_'" gomg down from. thoell' home In ferson avenue from New York ' .'. ., Iton, D. C., arrived this week to .. = Alf d R Gl J. hId' d'l f 'th New Haven Conn. .' ,City, where she spent several the UnIverSIty of MlChIgan. . . . re . aney, r., IS 0 mg al y con er~nc~s WI '>I< • ".j" .. , I days. 'Mary attends Smith College and spend: t~e ThanksgIVIng holiday == S'

St. NICk headquarters to plan the party for club JUnIors on \ S EDWIN FISH ' * * ... J C' C 11 ! week wIth Mrs. Marks' parents WE AR.E HAPPY TO EXTEND OUR =_;;;=====_= Dec'. 20 . . . , ," E:R.f a~ ~i~ t. n'roa:d"enter~ This week~end MR. and MRS. i ean ~o~s.to onnectlcut 0 ege i' MR..and MRS. PAUL F. ;McNally; ~ And on the twenty-second of the month ••• a quintet of I tai~ed at :~mafl °dinner party in EDWA~D H~USE of C~ntu~y, for Women. .. * • , of Ida Lane court. (Continued on hge 9) their home last Saturday eve- Fla., w111arnve for a vlSlt WIth Also arnvmg Thanksgiving I ------GOOD WISHES TO YOU AT ~_:=__ ------~------ning. ' I MRS; THEODORE G. FLETCH- . '11 b h t f I' E * * * 'ER of Rivard boulevard. Also mornmg WI e a ousegues or uropean Travelers Due the Bahrs: MARY BROCK of ~ THANKSGIVING.• -~

hasCOUNTESSreturned toCYRILher TOLSTOIhome on ter;visiting,MRS.Mrs.GORDONFletcher isBEAHAMher sis* Hinsdale,bridesmaid m.,Saturdaywho willafternoonbe a InANrreivWinYgOinrkNTehwi.S.yMorOkrnTihnagnks_-_~======~====::'= iE 8eginning Monday, December Jst Lewiston road. The Countess of Kansas City, who arrived for in the wedding party of SIGRID spent a few days in New York ThanksgiviIl;g~. >I< '" K 0 E BEL and ENS I G N giving morning' will be a four- MRS. ANDREW D WIG H T CHARLES EDWARD MOSHER. some of young Pointers who've A R 1~H TTR J R 0 'H DE lEST SHOES yOU CAN BUY ARE THI The wedding takes place in been traveling in Europe since _. ONE WEEK ONLY CD HOTCHKISS, MRS., JOHN H. Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, early last Summer, They include AND COMPANY Cl POTTER anp WILLIAM K. followed by a reception at the Molly Moll, Janet Van Osdol ~ -4 MUIR were hosts at a birthday " .. Country Club being given by the Ann Stringer and Elaine Kramer, ~= c: tea last Friday honoring their ,bride's parents, MR. and MRS. I =_~ rNSURA,NCE -< mother, MRS.. W. HOWIE MUIR CHARLES J. K0EBEL of Clov------I ~ who observed her eightieth birth- erly road. . Main~aining a. private opinion I~ 2711 Ecst Jefferson, Detroit 7, Mich. LO. 1.6100 ~ day.' • * * 10 SovIet RUSSia makes one a ~ ~ ~ MRS. wodn ~I~LIAMS .gave .~A;YE McCARTRY,a senior at public enemy. ~1I1l1111111J1I1I11I1II1I1II1I1I1I1I1IlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIIllIIllIlIlIlIlIllIllIllIIllJlIIIIlIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIll1I1111111/111111111111111111111/11I1I1I1I1II11I1II1I1\1I11I11I1I11I1I11IiIl1~ =: a tea lashWednesday ~fternooO', ~'v1~c~ll:an~tate College, has bee~ I . ~ for 40 oL,her f('llow-workers at ImtraLd l~tO Kappa. D;elta PI, '" the Paris table in the recent the EducatIOn Honor SocIety. t = . - .'"I' ,. .,: • o Christ Churc~ fair. The.I?arty, MISS SUZANNE KOTTEN- ~ took place 10 Mrs. Wllhams'.1 .' home on Stanton lane. ," STETTE, daughter of" MR. and ~ • • ... MRS, FRANK KOTTENSTETTE, : c: 'MR. and TvIR'S.GILBER'T PrN- of Harvard road,has been named' ~ GREE w~ll be hosts at a holiday to the ~ean's List at Marymount Z party in their home on Voltaire College In Tarrytown, New York. ... place on Dec. 20. The honor was annou71ced at a; SUITS ~ .. • '* >I< recent honors convocatoin on the " Exclusive with Us ,.. MRS. HORACE E. DODGE has college campus. Miss Kotten- I := closed her' home on East Jeffer- stette, a graduate of SacrtidHeart I and in Michigal1 ... son avenue to spend. the Winter Ca'nvent High School, is one of ~ at La Playa Riente, her home in eight girls of the Junior Class .. Palm Beach, Fla. at Marymount to be so honored. ~ '. *** ,"' ...... After spending a few days ili MR. and MRS. W. THOMAS W AITOn. P.IERE E the Pointe and in Lapeer, Mich., ZURSCHMIEDE, of Touraine MR. and MRS. ANDREW AN. I road, announce the birth of their HATS SOIl, • DERSON, owners of the A Bar A second ROBERT FRED .. Gross. Pointe . - -t 1 Ranch------_..near Encampment, Wyo., ERIC,- on-----"_...Noyember 22..._--,--Mrs. Zur- !' YOUR GIFT FROM I THE JUNIOR LEAGUE SHOP MEANS MORE

Gh ristmas isn't Christmas without a gift . ( " from THE JUNIOR LEAGUE SHOP • Recent Arrivals for Fall and Winter From the four corners of the world we bring you the new, • Hats fOf Casual, Town and Dress Wear the original, , • Suits-Sizes 9 to 44 are in the' Group the out-of-this-world, ery ., the smart, , the g,ifts for th;e people who "have everything" It's smar{if it's fro'm THE JUNIOR LEAGUE SHOP Manybeautiflll hanci;~cr:aftedoriginals from our own League for the" Handicapped JUNIOR LEAG'UE SIIOP WALTon-PIERCE ~ \ .., OF- GROSSE, POINTE II'CHEYAL .AT ST_ CLAII GROSSI 'OINTI TV, 5-5062 72 Kercheval, on the Hill

" i

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Thursday, November 27, 1952 GROS SEPOI N',!e NEWS Page Nine. Woman's Page • • .0 by, of, .andf'or .Pointe Women

Mrs. Priest To Speak Showers Fete Mrs. Donald A..Allen .Baat.Club Plans 8uzaltne'Reekie . Speczal Party Home.. in New Mexico, One of the }>ointe's first .brides On Friday,-Nov.28, there will -ItS To Pointe Republicans in the New Year iclb,eing honored be a special party. for Boat Club .A..wa Don.aId Aliens• at a whirl of. parties. . . young people and their guests in . . She is Suzanne Reekie,daugh- the form of a square dance for IForme" Jane Katherine Stewart and Bridegroom to Live Assistant to Chairman of. Republican National Committee ter of Mrs. Sherwood Reekie of the teen-age group. • R II N Wh H . d . h U to be Featured Speaker at Tuesday Meeting o~ the Renaud road and. the l~te Mr. Chairmen for this event are In oswe, • M., ere e Is Statlone WIt • S. Mr. Reekie, who'll be ..married. Repu b lican Women's Club of Grosse' Pointe Jan. 10 to William,CoddBoydell: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meyer, as- Air Force; Married Nov. J 5 sisted by Mrs. Carlisle. Rueger, A dl l' h . P' C' . Members of the Women's R,epubllcan. Club of Grosse Jr. at services' in Grosse Pointe Mrs. Paul Nagel and Mrs. Ed- can e 19 t ceremony m Grosse omte ongregahonal Memorial Church: ward R. Harrigan. Church, Jane Katherine Stewart bec'ame the bride' of Donald Pointe ar.e eagerly an~icipating the December meeting (next A reception'\Villbe held in the Tuesday) when guest speaker will be Mrs. Ivy B. Priest of Country Club. Wes and Julie Rea will call for A. Allen Saturday evening, Nov. 15. Bountiful, Utah, assistant to the chairman of the Republican Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. the dances and refreshments will The bride is the daughter ~------National Committee and head of the Women's Division. Clarence W. Boydell of' Berk- b~ servt:d throughout the eve- of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander co~onet of ~iature mums ~ her mng. . haIr and earned an old fashioned Already reservations are ~. , shire road. Among those who will enter~ Paul Stew~rt of LOl.'.ame road bouquet. . pouring into. Grosse Pointe Uta,h. SHe attended elementary Mr. and Mrs.. James Downey tain at dinner parties preceding and the bridegroom IS the son Drew Colvert came from Pitts:" War Memorial Center for the schools there an,d was ,graduated Beyster will. give aIi evening' the dance will be Denice Carne, of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D, burg to be best man for Mr. one o'clock luncheon which from Bingham Hi~h School. Later shower ... interest centering . she took extenslOn courses at . whos guest~ includ.e Adelaide Allen of North Carolina. Allen and seating the guests were prece des th.e meetmg a.t2 p.m., the University of Utah. on kitchen gifts ... for Sue and Eades, Manon Dettinger, Mar- George E. Gerow and Kaye Wal- Bill on Dec. 12 in their home on garet Roberts, Jerry Cavanaugh, ~ft,er the churCh. se~ice, the lace. . Mrs. PrIest. was apPOInted to The eldest of seven children, Port drive. Frank Girardin and Price Wal- brIde s parents InvIted the M St' t tt d d th d her present l~portant post in she left college in her freshman Mary Lou Cudlip has asked a . ters.' guests to a reception and din- . rs: e~ar a en e. e we - August of. thIS year. She has year to assume family respon- '. ". ner in Hillcrest Country Club. dmg. In ~Ine taffeta .wlth opera ~een. a m~mber of the Repub- sibilities when her father became group to a milk punch party in Kathy HarrIgan has InVIted . length skIrt. Her whIte felt hat bean N.atlonal Committee for m. Startl'ng as a telephoneoper- her' home on Lake Shore road on Sharon HaIry, Cathy Chester, !he Rev. Marcus. Johnson of~ was richly trimmed in pearls and Betty Ann Alter, Roger Arbury, ficlated at the wedding. she pinned rubrum lilies to her Ut~h s!nce 1944. and .has been at or, she became a supervisor. New.and Bill.Year's Day in honor of Sue actIve In her party SInce 1932. Later she. went into the mer- John Lette, Wilson Murphy and Jane's gown of hand-clipped govvn. It was with the Young Repub- chandising field, at the same time On January 2, Mr. an~f ~rs.' J. Robert Murphy. ivory C~antilly ~ace over sa~in After their wedding trip, the licans that Mrs. Priest first be- teaching night classes. in Ameri- Lawrence Buell Jr., of Vendome Induded in Marcia Mower's was deSIgned wl~h hoop skIrt. young Al1ens. will make their came associated with the Repub- can history and citizenship. road, will fete the pairatacock-' . party will be Mary Warle, Gail Seed pea~ls outlIned. th~ d:ep home in Roswell, N. M., for the lican party. She VIas president 0.£ She l'S the mother of three tail. party and bar shower., Mr. Schleicher, Roland Austin, Kim yo~e of. Imported sl.lk IUUSlOn next two years. The bridegroom h Ut h St t Y R bl and Mrs. JohnR. Sutton and Mr. Mast, Charles Mihaliz, 'and Steve which fimshed the bodice. Sleeves is a staff sergeant with the U. S. t e . a a e oung epu 1- children: Patricia Ann, 15, Nancy. a.nd. Mrs. Albert C. Dickson will Earle. were long and fitted. Air Force and recently returned cans m 1934. Ellen, 10, and Roy Jr., age nine. be co-hosts with the Buells at Two ,years later she was made Among those who will. h~ar ' Preparing their own meal at F!om a .silken coronet, ern- from two years service in Korea. western regional director of the Mrs. Priest in her Grossfl Pointe this party,. the home of Marylin Meyer will ?rol~ered .m see~ pearls, the When they left on their wed- Young Republican Federation, appearance will be: Mrs. MurielW.Lane and Ray- be Sue Johnson, Pat McCoulough, illUSIOn bndal veIl fell elbow- ding trip, the new Mrs. Allen 'mond Smith have reserved Jan. Margaret Slinger, Bob Standish, length. chose for traveling ,a gold jersey In the years 1940-44, Mrs. Mrs. Frederick S: Ford, Mrs. 4 for. the cocktail party they'll • -Picture by Agdan Nancy Smyly, Linda Larsen, The bride carried white sweet- frock with black velvet coat and Priest was a member of the Utah Wallace S. MacKenzie, Mrs. John give in. Mr. Smith's home on , The former JANE KATHERINE STEWART, daughter June Deimer, David Whitting- heart roses and bebe mums. matching chapeau. State Republican Committee. In Keyes, Mrs. Fred T. Murphy, Lake Shore road. of, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Paul Stewart, of Loraine road, addition she has been vitally con- Mrs. Mark K. Edgar, Mrs. James ham, Ray Per~'y, Donald Lock- Ruth Applegate was maid of cerned with problems pertaining O. Murfin, Mrs. Charles' A. Dean The bridegroom-eiect's parents was married to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen, oi wood and' DaVId Laffrey. honor and the bridesmaids were to the West and has served as Jr., Mrs. Harold B. Tyree. will give the rehearsal dinner at North Carolina, at. a candlelight ceremony in the Grosse Priscilla Engle and the bride's Mrs. Emily Young LeGro vice presid.ent and s.ecre.tary of Mrs. Stewart Baits, Mrs. Theo- the Country Club on January 9 Pointe Congregational Church, November 15. Following a sister, Mrs. George E. Gerow. Gives Cocktail Party R bI t f 11 and the same evening, Mr. and Pointers East All were in frocks with deep the epu lcan orgamza Ion 0 dore G. Richter, Mrs. James Mrs, William R. Hamilton II have reception at Hillcrest Country Club, the couple left for purple velvet bodices and hoop Western states. Keena, Mrs. Clifford Merill, Mrs. planned a cocktail party. Roswell, New Mexico, where they will reside. Mr. Allen Mrs. Emily Young LeGro, of For Holidays skirts of orchid silk net. They Besides her participation in Bagley Wallace, Mrs. Howard Among those who have already is a. Staff Sergeant in the U. S. Air Force. Lakeland avenue, invited 200 wore small matching hats of vel- politics, Mrs. Priest has been Earl, Mrs. Lyman Lilley, Mrs. entertained for Sue are Mrs. guests to a cocktail party in her MfS. George P. Richardson, Jr., vet and tiny capelets of the same president of the Utah State Otto Lundell. George Villerot and Mrs. Elroy home on Lakeland avenue last of Rivard. boulevard is spending material. Their flowers were Sunday afternoon. Women's Legislative Council, Mrs. Eva Doty Worcester, Mrs. O. Jones who on Tuesday gave the Thanksgiving week-end in sweetneart roses and butterscotch vice president of the Utah Safety Joseph B. Schlotman, Mrs. Darius a' 'round -the-clock shower for From Another Poi'nte of View Westfield, N. J., where she is toned mums. Council, as well as having worked Franche, Miss Mary Woodruff, Sue at Mrs. Villel"ot's home on lvisiting her mother, Mrs. George To gain best value from a bath with the General Federation of Mrs. Butler Higbie, Mrs. Theo:' Beacon Hill; Mrs. Alfred R. Glan- J. Morgan. Little Sandy Reid, cousin of softener-bath salts, bubbles, oil, (Continued from Page 8) Women's Clubs and the Ameri..- dore H. Hinchman, Mrs. Frank cy Jr. and Mrs. Loais A. Fisher, Deb daughter, Susie Richard- the bride, was flower girl in a etc.-place it in a dry tub di.. miniature costume duplicating can Red Cross. Kuhn, Mrs. Jewett Dwyer, Mrs. who gave a luncheon and linen sub debs will give a dance and supper party at the club. son, a student at Wheaton Col- rectly beneath faucet and turn She was a leader in the move- ;Edward Chaffin. shower for the bride-elect on the bridesmaids. She wore a on the water full force. The young hostesses include Susan DenIer ..• Laur-en lege in Norton, Mass., and Gayle ment which resulted in the first Mrs. James P. Danaher, Mrs. Nov. 18 at the Glancy home on Richardson, who is working. in minimum wage for working Lester S. Moll, Mrs. Ernest Lake Shore road. The Robert G. Edgar ... Julie Watson, •. Jane Bragaw and Karla Scherer. New York this Winter, will join women in Utah and has had an Kanzler, Mrs. Howard Ballan-Waldrons also have been hosts The next evening ... Lallie and Llwyd Ecclestone will the family party. importallt role in establishing the tyne, Mrs. Joseph G. Standart, for Sue and her fiance. be hosts to the prep school set at a dance ... Youth Center for David County, Mrs. Harley J. Earl and Mrs. Salt Lake City. Joseph Carr. And on Dec .. 27 .. , theJ erry Kahlers of St. Clair ave- Go to Cleveland lhe thoughtful A miner's daughter, with a nue . : . will take over the club for a cocktail party, com- business and teaching career be- Don't worry, fuss or lose your Owell-Frye Rites plete with elegant oyster bar for the occasion ... For Lau.nching fore her marriage in 1935, Mrs. temper-optimism and .cheerful- * ... * Priest was born in Kimberley, Set for Dec.' 20 git "n a ness are the world's best tonic. New Year's ,Day Horse Show Traveling down to Cleveland Helen Owen, daughter of. Mr. last week were Mrs. David M. ~ and Mrs. John Owen III of Ste- A supper dance for their friends will be given on Dec. 29 Weir of. Grq~!?e P.ointe, Cat Cay, phens road, and James C.Frye by Susan Mulford, Julie Cudlip and Betty Zimmerman ! •• and Steubenville, O. and he.r .~~ daughter, Mrs. Allan Sheriden II. son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. And the sub. deb set is anticipating a whirl on Dec. 30 WHEN THINKING OF CHRISTMA~ ~ Frye of Chicago and formerly of III who attended the launching of at the dance to' be given by Nanette McMahon and Rose- the Great Lakes' ore carrier. The Detroit, will be married Dec. 6 mary Rohde • , • .' ••• THINK OF THE DANTS ~ in Grosse Pointe Memorial Ernest T. Weir. Church. New Year's Eve there'll be a form~] Watch Night Party The ship is named in honor of I • • • with breakfast at midnight. , • Mrs. Weir's brother-in~law . The bride-elect's twin sister, I' Mary, will be her maid of honor And New Year's Day will find members up bright and Mr. and Mrs. William P, Bon- 'I STORE and' Mrs.' John A. Pidgeon of early to start the New Year over a Tom ,and Jerry bO'\.\"lin bright II (the former Frances Deerfield, Mass. will be brides- the Riding Ring • • , ,. Weir) also were on hand fo'r the maid. launching ceremonies. ."'// I HOURS Jim has asked Charles Malo- They'll watch a horse show.. • . ney, of Bloomfield Hills, to assist And return to the club in the late afternoon for a buffet Wally Weber to Address him as best man. supper ••• Now until Christmas Chi Omegl!s at. Center The guests are to be seated by >I< gift package. Charles A. . Dean III, Bradshaw '" '" Chi Omega Alumnae, will hold McKee, Woodruff B. Crouse and Saturday MorniM9 Hunts Monogrammed Cashmere Sweaters Ernest Kratzet. '. . an open meeting" for members Last Friday afternoon, Mrs. Every Saturday morning fun loving members of this and guests at the Grosse Pointe Monogrammed Blouses, Shirts Robert Stoepel of Lakeland ave- smart club .•. take part in a drag hunt ••. followed by Memorial Center on Wednesday nue, and her daughter, Susie, breakfast at the club .•. evening, December 3 at 8 o'clock. Terrific Skirts-We Monogram Them, Too! gave, a 'kitchen shower for Helen. Last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart The speaker will be Walter Open Daily until &:00 P.M. Slac1ts and Bermuda Shorts Mr. and Mrs. Harley G. Higbie were hosts at breakfast .. , Weber from the University of Michigan football coaching staff. are to be hosts at a dinner party' These. are always buffet breakfasts in English tradition Cocktail and Evening Separates Fridays until 9:00 P.M. for the bridal couple on Dec. 3. Reservations may be made by Hosts at the rehearsal dinner, .•• with 'covered dishes steaming with such ,delightful items calling Mrs. William Rossiter of Moran road. . Monogram Orders by December 15th for Christmas which will 'take place in the as steak and kidney pie ... scrambled eggs and sausages ... Following the program, re- Little Club, will be the bride- eggs Benedict ... sometimes little ch.icken. pies. , . gallons elect's uncles and aunts, Mr: and freshments will be served. All Mrs. George M. Black Jr., Miss of coffee . ~ . milk for the juniors and calorie dizzie baskets Chi Omegas in the Grosse Pointe! 76 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms TUxedo 1-7020 5lteD Mary Woodruff and Mr. and Mrs. of hot blueberry muffins • .. fresh-from-the-oven Danish area are invited to' attend. I ants Charles Beecher Crouse. breakfast pastries •.. Makes us want to saddle old Dobbin' and race to the 88 Kerche1)al ••• Grosse Pointe Farms A man remembers the frag- rance you wear long after he Hunt Club! has forgotten the color of your This Saturday morning , .. Mr.:andMrs. Merlin A. hat. Cudlip will be hosts at the hunt breakfast .. , ~ ., . 00. ..oadloom Carpet •••. Catering created by the leading mills in the counfry. i' flawless, gracious service Choose this loveJy Modern leaf design by DELICIOUS HOT AND COLD FOODS .:, .... in Gray, Green, Beige Food that is simply superb, the same as you have always enjoyed at Al Green's, is available or Rose. See our wide selection from ,whenever you have that special home party or formal function. such famous mills as Bigelow,

" Peter D. Luzi, our manager and supervisor of Karastan and Wundaweve. catering, will have tempting suggestions no matter how large or small your event may be. Many colors available for immediate delivery

\ diaL/don d/-OUi£} tJn4. Ectst Jefferson et Beaconsfield elJ.~tem[Jnu'tlo't~ byE~li"9f. VA. 2.4118



, ::.-\ • '4 p . in '. p . ( " ' ~.

/ GROSSE ThlJrsaay. N~vemJ?er 2r. '195~ Thursday. Nc "Bourke Gro~!tPointf Ne.WI Thanksgiving 1952 SHE'KNOWS ABOUT THIS 'PUBLISHED .EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO. PUBLISHERS, What f.o~s on T alee &otl1'age,gentlemeJ', htl'IJefaith Margaret BOll: 'INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT)WESTWARD. FM 0. Mondisy, Decefn.ber the E;.ghth photographer for The observance of purelyAIDerical?-holiday:,Thanks- ' . ' and world repor OFFICES UNDER THE- ELM AT 911 KERCHEVAL,'GROSSE that' 'at The litlle woman will chase you out .,. _ POIN~ FARMS 30, MICHIGAN giving, was originated in 1621 by the Pilgrims' w};u>, wished her recent trip to Down to the Village 10, go "bouJ. Phone TU. 2-6900 34 .... 5% to thank their Creator for theiifirstharvestinthe new land~: Orient at Detre T hflt yearly task of Xmas shopping Wednesday morr ::! Three Trunk Lines They had survived 'a frightful Winter..of.hardslnps'afterthe Library 39, at 11 o'clock ~emb~ Michigan Press Ass'n and NatiQnal Editorial Ass'o landing ofthe:Mayflowe~, .and ,ferf'anexpressi~~,.CI~,gra~tu4~c' b, ]ell1l T"yiM was due the Great ;Power;whichhad 'given:theriltlie strerigth My! What" big iob you've got atre . To liuy ,her" gift, but what? ' The vivacions r. ..; ROBERT B. EDGAR :,EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER to endure. " " , '"' the first woman 1 MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISINGMANAGER . Most of the Thanksgivings which' have ,been obserVed, Thiulksgiving . teacher, 'three.years in the Cana- Hmmm, that model in mink ••• JANE SCHERMERHORN M .. M FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY, down througH the foll,owing cent~ies,'~avestressedtheap;, thoughtis a. time, ,however, professional libi'ary experience, That she was a part of the plot! . ~TOM HUNTER M ! ,..:: ; .NEW.S _ ARTHUR R. BLYLER. ADVERTISING of material blessings which. have ,been . heaped niUy, December the eighth , FLORA HARDING _ CIRCUt.ATION world-wide ,affairs has given uscau~e to compare our lot 'interest" cannot be denied; . Welcome to Grosse Pointe Mr. All o/your cronies you shall meet with that of the other peoples ot the' earth. ' From r~ow:u~tiltheNew: Year Jones; " ' Tween Neff and CtUlieu.xon Christml6s Street Undoubtedly our most' fervent ,outpourings of thanks there is a: festivespirit:abroad' A, happy Thanksgiving to .all TAKE ~ Entered as second-class matter at the post office, Detroit, During that yearly task of Xmas shopping! . . Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1897. ' came in 1945 just alter the compI~tion'of.World Wa~:.II.. The that is irifectious' and~'promotes our friends ,from. the' Library country had triumphantly surmounded ~he :greatest peril true hospitality; ,the sharmg of staff. .If. shMt one with soda, please FULLY"PAJD CmCULATlON which had ever threatened it. .The forces, of evil in .Europe ourhomes~ ,be they; 'large. or Subscription Rates: $3.00 Per Year by Mail. All News and and Asia ..which preached and. practiced the doctrines ..of ,small,. viith ;our ..,friends. $35,000 VIOLIN LOANED (She'd 1Iever want me to freeze) Oom-pa-pa, thllt's a German band WORe Advertising Copy Must Be in The News Office by human degradation, and planned and a1most,accompIished ' According to Mr. Webster, to A $35,000 Guarnerius violin Nothing wrong ulith this man's land! Tu~"day Afternoon to Obt"in Insertion That Wet"k the destruction of the Christian 'civilization which had been enteriain:means "to.:give hospita- from. the collection of The, Henry 2000 years, in .buUding, had beenoverwhelnie&.. ble reception to guests" and "to Ford Museum has been loaned Ah, this yearly FUN of Xmas shopping! Since the end of this war anew threat to the world provide for their:ru~eds". A fore- to .Ass i s tan t .Concertmeister r of Free Men has devel.oped .un.der th.e.goading' pow.er of .our. word.' in Blanche. Halle's new Henri Nosco of the Detroit PS. Now 'courage gals, let's pray book THE ART., OF ENTER- Symphony Orchestra. The price-:- , That ma),be THIS Xmas Day Grosse" former ally, Communist Russia. There has been. reaspn to TAmING saysentex:taining' is less Guarnerius. was heard in its We'll open a gift SO right believe that the danger from this atheistic government has fundamentally 'giving', not only first public app~araricethis year The O'tJehe chose MEN~S NIGHT overshadowec;lany of the great tribulations through which of your foods and the comforts on -Thursday evening, November (Well, we can take it right back, a.".,'wa)I!) EEaggeratiolltls we have previously passed. 'of your. home, but of' yourself, 13 and will be played by' Con- -by Dorothy Ann M.,.ks ' We should give thanks for the untold blessings which and the best of ,yourself." certmeister Nosco at each con- * A.PRYOR have enabled this country not only to maintain its own In this comprehensive little cert this, season through March strength, but to contribute. to the strengthening of other na- book, you will find friendly ,coun- 12, }.953. Mr. Nosco is familiar tions towards the creation of such combined power th~t.the sel for both 'the novice and the with the' instrument, having UFM the whole earth is the sepulcbre of played it last .year in Detroit Russians 'have so far not dared to convert the threat into an more seas(lI~ed hostess. famous men; and their stMY is not graven Symphony concerts. For'happier workers only on stone over their native earth, but actual full.scale attack. .. .• ... W h ld I. th k f th h t f \ HOME ENTERTAINING, A Uves on far away, without visible symbol, e s ou give an s or e enormous arves s 0 COMPLETE GUIDE by Charlotte How. to .Avoid 'woven into the stuff of other man's lives/' foodstuffs that have annually permitted us to help keep Adams is an. excellent all round pulliag for higher profits The above is part of the oration by Pericles, over the starvation from so many millions' of unfortunates in far manual. All types of entertaining Turkey Hangover dead in the Peloponnesian war. It was delivered in 431 BC corners of the world. . . are considered from the simplest ill YOUR COMPANY , e •• We should give thanks that the trials through which We to the more elaborate. and the context can be found on a plaque in the lobby .Avoid a turkey hangpv.er at of the National Art Gallery in Washington, D. C, have been put have demonstrated that the inherent virtues " ... • your house this Thanksgiving • • of patriotism and patience and courage which were the Mrs. C. R. Coggins has a new time. Don't bring in the .turkey * sinews of our national birth, have endured to carryon for book, . SUCCESSFUL E'NTER- meal after q1eal in its, original • If you are as interested as we ~ the weekly recipes that appear its protection and security. . TAINING AT HOME, which will roasted form-try some interest- In the Grosse Pointe News, you deserve to know the story about' As this most favored of all lands sends up its thanks inspire the career girl, the bride ing variations on the tradItional the recipe for "hash" that appeared last week. To refresh your today for the mercies which have been bestowed upon us, or the experienced homema~er theme. memory, it consisted of left-over ,beef which had to be in the refri .... let there also be an abundance. of prayers for Divine guid- to drum up a party at the drop Dr. Pauline Paul of the Michi- e , of the hat, just for the fun of it. The erator for at least TWO DAYS; hard cooked eggs, minced onion, ance and strength and a willingness to continue to sacrifice ...... • gan State College foods and nu- See them brigh1 trition department ofters three })lack bean soup, milk and garlic salt completed the picture. We towards the end that all men shall become free. ' Amy Vanderbuilt's r e c en t ways to use left-over turkey. She were also advised that it should be baked in a moderate oven or COMPLETE' BOOK OF ETI- suggests freezing it for later. use, "Brig":.r pi,. ell Ad ., Off d UETTE also has many up-to-date making a' turkey loaf or heating . malee 500-..... could even be whipped together in a double boiler! practical pointers on present day Korean GI B1.. VICe 'ere turkey slices and covering with * BlIilt';" ,o.t The concoction was purported to come from Mrs. A, D. Hotch- Veterans with service since GI Bill are $100 for those with- entertaining. an interesting sauce. * kiss, whose byline the reci~ carrl'ed. Our local spy tells us that not d d ts $135 f 'th All of these books, in accord- ,y- the start of the Korean Cam. out epen en ; or ose ance with today's thinking, To freeze turkey Dr. Paul 9ft]y had Mrs. Hotchkiss never HEARD of such a recipe •. ,but paign who are planning to go to with one dependent; and $160 for stress simplicity and informality. urges you to bone the bird and HERE'S A PlAN THAT: .he is supposed to have declared that she wouldn't be caught serv. school under the Korean GI Bill I those with more than one de- Focmality and a rigid code of have the meat ready to serve CImOItg .•• ~g it for all the tea in China. On checking into the mystery, ~e were advised ,today by Guy, F. I pendent. Allowances for part- rules is fast disappearin~. Com- when you remove it from the 1. Encourap5 increased loyalty "pIc,•• freezer. , found the author right in our own office! Palmer, Manager of the Veter-I time training, on-the-job train- mon sense and an open-hearted • 2. ~Helps reduee employ.. tumo ... It t ans" Administration regional of- ing and institutional on-farm desire to make people happy and Turkey loaf will make a "com- . seems hat Tom Hunter (our "man about ne~s") who alonr fice in Detroit, to ta~e along: trair.ing are somewhat lower. comfortable are given again and pany dinner". Chopped turkey, 3. PYovides • __ to. ~ tile ptebt_ ., ••• • with the rest of the oftice staff appears at the prmt shcp at the €?ough money of theIr own to I The GI allowances are, paid again as the real basis for the cooked noodles or spaghetti, employees u;nseemly hour of 6 a.m. every week, was screamed at last week by tIde them over for about two' directly to veterans, and are the I best .entertaining. chopped stuffed olives, chopped 4. Gives more illtcellti .. __ ,...... pie, .. the Editor that there was no recipe. In newspaper business one months. . I only payments ma.de under the Your library has also a wide celery, a. little grated onion, salt c{oesn't argue with the editor, especially at 6 in the morning. .• . The reason, ;Palmer e~plamed. new Korean GI ,~Ill. They are variety of cook books to put zest and pepper mixed together and 5. hilds gr*Jtet fkMnteiaI security ...... 1.,... 110 our hero Tom decided to GIVE him. a reCi.pe even if he had to 1 that under t~e. law, GI educa- for the. purpose. of assisting vet., into Y9ur. planning. Call us if moistened with turkey gravy or 7 6. Improves pvWk ~ make one up. Like most young men who ~ream of things they'd tlP~ and ~rammg. al1owa~cesI era~s I~ .meetmg the costs of you are interested in atny of white sause will do' it. Turn the like to eat but neve get M H t t h; d d can t be paId untIl, sometIme theIr trammg. these titles and we shall'be 'glad mixture into a loaf pan and bake Hundreds of ,Arnericaa Dr:rns m- ~ ~ ~ ..... , . ,~, ! r. un er. pu, IS ream o.n paper a.n . ,after a .veteran actually com- I dd d h th t th W h th I ------to reserve them ~ol' y'.)u. with a layer of buttered crumbs asked foto the help of The Coo- me speci6c oeed& ol ..., .". a e IS mo er S name 0 e reCIpe. e, ope IS ,clears the ..' pletes each month of training D D Z b I .. d • * I. on top. oectiaK Mutulll ill setting tIP of cqaoizati005. 'hie'f:Gcne - ~ystery up for Mrs. Hotchkiss and we would also like to' s.ugg~t Therefore, one month of the de-j ean • ee ~l1t1ate We are pleased to introduce Turkey slices can be heated on Peosioo and Pr06t Sblwiog A.m wftte, 1lOdra,r, 'or • CIOPf .. - f 7114 Kerc~ that she serve this dish to her imaginative son.' We tried Jt ••• and ' lay will be caused by the veter- Into Gamma PhI at RIT the most recent addition to your top ,of the stove in a double to ~ • these ~ iree book. "Pemioa Tl_ IhIIir 'The CoonectiaIC: MQtua{ _. adnouges to ~ ..... OPEN EVE ii's DARN GOOD! Happy Gastronomy Tonomy! " .: an completing his initial month I librarY staff, Mr. George Freder- boiler. Or do them in the oven, specie .1epICtmeot iat fttiIof. ~ .. ND ... « ,t58 s' .. * * * 01 training. .' Dean D. Zeeb, son of Mr. and ick Jones. Mr. Jones has be~n but take care to avoid drying' ...... >The law also required that both Mrs.' E. G. Zeeb. of 1747 Severn identified with both schools and out the slices, Dr. Paul stresses. Gettmg mto rIdIculous hassles WIth phone operator~ IS., not ne"!.", the veteran and his school or road, was recently initiated into libraries. Slices placed in the oven may CHARLES E. STUMB be covered loosely or kept moist with us but last week for the first time we found ourselves eni~' training establishment submit a Gamma Phi fraternity at the He is a graduate of the Uni- GEH.ERAL AGENT broiled in a jigsaw conversation with an operator aCt a radio station. ' certification to VA-after the end Rochester Institute of Technology versity of British Columbia with with a sauce. , . of the month-to the effect that (N. Y.) where he is a freshman an economic major; has a teach- Left-over turkey gravy 01' 1234 National Bank Bldg. We noted m the newspaper on the eveI'Jng in question that Senator the veteran actually was en- in the Photographic Technology er's certificate from Vancouver stock or a little milk would give WOo 1..0922 Moody would speak at 10 p.m. over such and such a station. How- rolled in training during that Department. . . " Normal College, a Library of variety to warmed turkey slices ever, when we tuned in 'we were greeted with studio music. Not. period: I ~eeb i~ a graduate of Grosse Science degree from Columbia the day after Thanksgiving. For l.o..- . • ..; , This too takes time so Palm~r II Pomte-Hlgh School where he was University

.... 'I • , -_-...... -----~--~------_-...... _------/' / ' ,vember 27,f952 Thursday, November 27, f 952 G R"0 S SE P'O IN T E Page Eleven

. - ~UT THIS 'Bourke-White to Give Lecture ValparaisoGll.ild CoHege '-Group' f.oDance Voters'League . 'I Yule' Meeting P_la_nn_ed_B_y_M_emorials Society Margaret Bourke-White, ace ' W k -h The-Detroit Historic Memorials through the New England States , faith be credited to the'U. S:Ar~y Air, Plan Yule Party Pi Society hold their Christmas and her visit to all the famous photographer for Life magazine, -.ansors Op 'will Eighth Forces. Typical of her far~flung _,_' , meeting and luncheon on Friday, shrines. and world reporter will tell of .11 (Jut .experiences was an, assignment Christmas music ,Christas dec- Mrs. Taylor, Seeber, of Merri- December' 5, at, the Detroit The title of Miss Jones talk her recent trip to Korea and the u lut for Life during 1950 in which ,she orations and' Chrlstmascookies weather road, will conduct work- Athletic Club. Mrs. Paul D.Aird, "Historical Tour". Orient at Detroit Town Hall, spent five months on an intensive will, be' featured" next Monday, shops in Leadership Training, on preSident, has called an executive Mrs. Raymond H. Berry is pping Wednesday morning, December co.ver.ageof Sou~h Africa. In 1948, afternoon at 1 in, the parish, December 3 .and 4 'at Memorial meeting for 11 o'clock ~.-with hostess and the reception COIn!- 39, at 11 o'clock in Fisher The- wmdlI~g up a. s!x~n:onths surve~ hall of Holy" Cross Lutheran Center for' members. of the luncheon served at noon. mittee includes Mrs. Robert Hen. atre. of India, she mtervlewed GandhI church ','Grand River "at Whit- League of 'Women Voters. Lovely Christmas decorations kel, Mrs. D. D. Spellman, Mrs. The vivacious newswoman was but a few hours before his as- comb. The occasion is the tradi- Following the lines. of similar ar.e being planned for the lunch- William C. Oddy, Mrs. Millard H. the first woman photographer to sassination. tional- annual \holidaytea and, ' workshops presented by Mrs. eon table' and during the after- Toncray and Mrs. George Parker. musicale. of. the Detroit chapter Seeber in Sept.ember, these meet~ noon Miss, Sarah Van Hoesen Mrs. Walter W. Fleming and of the Valparaiso University ings will emphaSize organization, Jones has been asked to tell the Mrs. Elias B. Lyons are in charge Guild. \ procedure, and personnel' func- members about her recent tour of reservations. ~h Mrs. Wilbur Rieck, 1650 Ford tions of groups. ghth court, is serv.ing on the/general Although operating t primarily :eet committee, .along with Mrs. Ted for members oftheLWV to assist ,ristmas Street Behnke. Mrs. William Fenske, in unit leadership, the meetings TAKESA~S 1520 Torrey road, and Mrs. H. A. are-'open to' anyone in the com- : shopping! Eberline, of Stahelin avenue, munity who is interested in group will presid~ over the tea urns at activity. the candle"lit tables. On Wednesday, December 3 'e) Harp music by Mrs. Ruth the workshop will meet at 1:15 WOROFO Janes will share the prQgram p.m. in the Board Room at Grosse 'and s land! with vocal numbers by the girls'. Pointe War Memorial ,Center. On shopping! sextet from Detroit Lutheran Thursday, December 4 the pro- MAKE A High -School. The program has .cedure will be repeated at 9:30 IT! been arranged by •Mrs. Frank a.m. BEAUTIFUL W'f ray Selle, Mrs. Leonard Aumann ,and Day Mrs. Erwin Kurth .. Inf~ation is easy-you just, rob Mrs. Calvin Gauss is in charge the guy who haved money to help' NIGHT of the sale of packaged home- . -Picture by Fred Runnells to guy who.....lived too high. back, a1Jyway!) baked Christmas cookies. College students home for the Thanksghring holiday Blue Grass; Jasmin J M,.,.ks ' wili be made welcome at the Pilgrims' Progress Dance to ••••••••••••••••••••••• or Rose Geranium be held in the War Memorial Center Saturday night from TELEVISION Bath Salts, granulated, In 9 to midnight. NANCY SHARPE, right, tries a pilgrim hat on HOWIE CLARKE, dance chairman, as ELIZABETH RADIO handsome and handy ken JONES, decorations chairman, adds a touch of autumn Sales andSer~ice plastic bottles that color to Howie's lapel buttonhole. Complete Line of Records shrug off being dropped profits \lACK O'OONNOR on the bathroom floor. Week Set Asid~ for Handicapped' 17001 Kercheval TU. 1.1655 ; 1 lb. 4 0:., $5.00 ~KY National Employ the Physical-l spite handicaps whic~ ~1!g~t well ,•••••••••••••• ~~ •••••• 2 lb• .4 ox., $9.30 ly Handicapped Week, October ha.ve destroyed the mItIative, or I----~------prlc.s plustu 5 to 11 inclusive was the demon- I drIve of less determined people, TUXEDO, . ' , . ' I Horton named the followmg:- strahon week' . of a process whIch St.emmetz was a hunchb ac.k I RENTALS has been' gomg on for years Ed' d B th Call for ff" f th I ISon an ee oven were Appointment .rbeitler'li .. through the branch 0 Ices 0 e deaf. 'TUxedo 1.3530 337 PISHER RD.,GROSSE POINTE Michigan Employment Securit.y I Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Tailoring ok Commission, Max M. Horton, dI- polio victim. _ Alteration~ WE ARE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS ••• TUXEDO 5-3453 The best movies are your own movies! rector of.,;the Commission Sal.'d I Lord Byron had a club foot. TuxedoCusmanoRentals CoULD you dig down il"1 yoUI' Week Day Hours:-8:30 a.m. to TO p.m. See them brighter, clearer than ever before! See them with Pocket and pull out $5,114- "Our branch offices, working Julius Caesar was an epileptic. 16233 Mack the all-new 221! with all the other public and 'I John Milton and Louis Braille at 3 Mile Drive to .. p.m. Sunday. Hours:-TO a.m. to TO p.m. the average cost of a .f-year ' d Open 9 a.m. • private agencies serving the were bl 10. ~ _ "8tig"t.t pidllres thall allYof".r Easi.r to IIse-.o.i., Ie college eduoation'1 More and * * phy!kally handicapped, within I . make 500.wott proj.ctor ••• " ha"dl •••• o"'Y J2 Ibs. more parenu are finding OUl' the pa::;t 12 months have placed UI.lim. f/IiOrollt.eJ 10,alii."",. Education -Plan. the .. ant 81111t.jllcase at no ext,a costl * in employment for which they * 01more elljoyolli. hom. movi... way to provide fOt' 1h•••• - ~ are suited 10,161 workers suf- pense •. Easy payments-Ukra' lraJ ... fering from some degree of I For '. li.t of costa at more physical impairment. This num- \ / than 250"(lol1ege., write 01' ber includes 4,239 veterans, or .. 11 for your copy of, "It about 41 % and apout 300 wo- T.k~1 More Than Bram ••" men," he said. "At pre s en t, approximately .. ., D'U 8' 3,300 handicapped workers are Charles E. Siumb on our active file of workers 1Itpio, •• seeking employment. The pres- GENERAL AGENT ent labor market, wi~h its ..... plo, •• 1234 National Bank Bldg". dwindling supply of manpower, WO.1-0922 is one which lends itself admir- ably to the placement of these people in substantial, standard ~ of -." .,.. ioos. Tclt.p...... -_ ~ jobs at good pay, jobs for which they are qualified, in Which they 'ot II eopf crl .. /71 14 Kercheval In the Village TUxedo 1-4096 ., msioa Tf_ t- ~ae can be happy and have some op. ' , EmpIo,oea .... OPEN EVERY FRIDAY EVENING TO 9 P. M. ~Irr INSU~ ,,'NCE COM~"'NY portunity for ad"ancement. I , ~ « ,'fiB •• a "During the p3.st eight years \ our agency has placed approXi-\ AB mately 85,000 disabled workers in jobs, and during the same 'I period, the national public em- ~. ployment services have placed ~ II 2,400,000 handicapped workers. This means that one handicap- ped worker has been placed in employment for every ~n and woman working in this State to-I day. "The, n a t ion a 1 slogan . of N.E.P.H. Week is "Ready, Willing KERCHEVAL at ST. CLAIR. and Able." "This is pecularily apt," he said. "Our experience in placing handicapped workers and our observation of the ap~ proximately 250,OOp workers in I Michigan's labor force today" FINE LINGERIE who are suffering from some 1 form of physical impairment, has shown this slogan to be .very fitting. '-I I. "When placed in jobs their !f System. capacities can match, the dis:- 'ilalrree- abled do as well or better than o . their unimpaired brethren. They e world in are reliable, productive, careful, I oday....;.to- and are superior .in attendance I and job turnover. They take nO chance on increasing their exist- ing handicaps, so they are! among the safest -of employees," I he said. I Among some of the famous: B. persons of history whom.. the i i world will long remember" and i l who gained their eminence de- I styling features MW .. '3uide" fenders to give an aiming point fa' I D. 2rking and passing. f. couple your 2. 'ermanenf pluting - 32 to 42, .Formal Separates fashion's assorted corors. $10.95 MENU for custom-made holiday originality Ch111ed Fruit Cup or Fruit Julc. Consomme Royale or Clam Chowder

ROAST, TURKEY. Take a blouse, add a skirt •• a chic formal of your own design, to ROAST BEEf transform as often as you wish with another blouse or skirt. /rporates enclosetl lir drag. Exclusive BAKED HAM Creamy WhIpped Potatoes ~ Candied eM/on levels rood Sweet Potatoes - Fre~h Garden hocks and 1101#. Peas - Sauteed Corn ~ Assorted ReUshtt - Freshly Baked Roll. A. Black rayon jersey blouse; sizes 10 to 18 : , , 14.95 I. with Butter Th. Charm .Iip - Choice of - -::zes 32 to 42, Hot Minee, Pumpkin or APple PI. , . B. Black, white, red or aqua skirt, nylon net over taffeta; sizes 9to 15.... 10.95 proportion.d Fan10ul Ice Cream or length., Sherbet or Fudge Cake rainbow 01 Coffee, :rea, Milk, or Orange Juic' C. Black velvet halter blouse; sizes 10 to 16 .. 8.95 colors. ,. 57.91 $].'0. 8.95 .~' Children - $1.25 ~~ D. Black rayon taffeta skirt; sizes 10 to 16 ~ . ""~oll for ReMrv.tiona New1 , Sportswear 20445 MACK AVE. opposite Howard Johmon's ~OWAPtD JOW nson'S

TV. 4-1540 grosse pointe woods Mack Ave. at8 Mile Rd. .rlvat." Dlnlnl aoom, AvaIlable -

, ~.. 1

- .,1 z't& be 'M 2F q 5 5 CD t .... ,.. , .,,. - ~q;;; ,.r t. ,. .. p ~... . . i. ,'-- ...,'. • - p '., P"'\',~ S4.,"!"" _* f '(If r.1'Yo., .. .>.1 . » 4 eo

Page Twelve'. .GR'OSS"E POINrE NEWS .Thursday, November 27. 1952 Thursday, ) Enioylng,Tropic .••.•...Holiday OATH OF ALLEGIANCE" News About Point.eGirl,Scouts TV Comlftittee Out .of Infancy People who yelp so loudly The Grosse Pointe Leaders' F. Klein, will demonstrate and three Mondayevenirigs atPar~ The TV committee. of; the, p-itiqued programs of the three against taking thE' oath of al- r Association will hold the second exhibit silver craft. .Mrs, Klein cells Schoof .under the guidance Grosse Pointe Motion Picture' Detroit channels~, prepare fu- IllegianCe to their country make it B~ meeting of the new season on has been inst:rtictor in .this .tii~ld of Mrs. Frank Hevonkowski,~O and Television Council was one I ture recommend~tions. ..' , sound like a good idea. Tuesday, December 2, at 1 p.m. at in Grosse Pointe adult education 'tweenage Girl ScoutS made:AA, ye~r old this month. Set up as a' ,Members of the Tele~lon A,d-, ..-;;,;;- . _ Neighborhood Club. work .at the high school for five all-day trip .to the ,Rochester:- . y 'Much of interesLand value has years. Utica Recreation Ar.ea onSatur'; special cottlmittee of the original 1,vIsor ,Board, o~ ~e Motio~ PlC- APTITUDE TESTS IMotion Picture Council in reco _i ture .and TeleVISIon Council are . Recently we v, been planned for the leadel:s who Mrs. Charles E. Lytle, twho is day, Nov;8.to plant trees. I 't' 'f th "t." "d' . g i Mrs. Bayard Kurth Mrs. Edward enable you to learn the Idnd 01 attend this gathering. A program an occupational ther~pist, and After. Ha:rold Guiilaume, the m IOn 0 ' e remen, ous. Impact IW. " M. ". work YOU can best succeed in or a few of the loe of television its main 'objective unsch, rs. Kenneth Yager, the kind of stucUes, YOU shoUld that take the tr, introducing six people, all au- former instructor in crafts at Conservation 'officer, had told 'S to e'val t', ',. ,'b d' i Mrs. Ralph Steffek and Mrs. follow (For men and women. bon thorities in their own craft fields, Camp Edith Macy and ..Camp the girls how to identify the I ua e programs eame 'w' and lirls). . . record of the st; will be the nucleus of the meet- Andre Clark will demonstrate Scotch Pines and showed them .to young viewers'. i anda D~meL . Vocotionoj Counseling Institute boats in the PR- Initial steps taken by th c _! Those mterest~d may contact., DanIel L. Beck, Director in some cases thf ing. leather craft.' . how to prepare •.the ground and ... . e om I Mrs F M Tousl.ey 264 Hamilton 958 Maccabees Bldg. TEmple 11-55-1 I hold. Individual tables will be set Al Guimond, head of Geemo plant small trees, .they spr.ead out I mlttee were to compile informa-,. .... , ., i Woodward Near' Warren up for the craftsmen, Mrs. John Ceramics, will demonstrate his across the. large fIeld across .from I !ion from individual~ ~nd groups! court, at TUxedo 5-0..68. 11------..' One of the fie. me.ntion was the ---~~~~~-~--- craftior the leaders. Mr. Gui- C,onservatlon Headquarter~ .~o i mother commumtIes where; similar studies had been made;! fleet that for . mond teaches classes in baSIC gwe Mother Nature an aSSIst m struggling along I discuss programing with the I ceramics at Detroit. Educational starting a forest. than four boats ; Center and adult classes' at At noen the girls enjoyed their I three television stations in D~ didn't know the American Turners. . Inose-bag lunches and. hot cocoa. i troit and. the National Broad- . .. When they were ready to. start casting Co~pany, and to arrange the trouble to MISS Betty, Rypsam, .who WCiShome in the afternoon, Mr. Guil- contacts with groups which record but we \\ puppet.eer a.f.tlst on th;, ~~ sho:w, laume gave each girl a tree of her I would rate pictures and pro- this by a Ieter f: FarnO,lS FaIry Tales, Wlll dIS- own to bring home arid plant in MR. an~ MRS .. R, BLISS WOLFE .o~Ellairplace,' grams for the Council. Square" himself. play her puppets, :m.d make ~ne her yard, so its growth may .. be Gross'e PointeParklseeri. relaxing in. the. patio ..of. Jamaica's During the past year, the com- Said Ray, "I de ;?r the .learlers durmg meetmg checked from year to year. new Montego Beach Hotel. . mittee has been instrumental in' Banter in the Grc .Ime. MISS Rypsam has been a • •.• I returning to the screens some I We' have the kind of gifts that every man likes and enclosed y I letter with the profs:lional puppeteer for 12 Parlor games .and relays .were excellent programs which .were . . . at the thrifty price every woman loves. Walk years, and makes all her own part of an evening of fun Novem- to be discontinued: results. S.A. Auxiliary Gift Wrapping. in with an idea.. • • walk out with the just-right Ipuppets. bel' 7, when Mariner Troop 385 To determine the TV pref- On scanning t: gift! terial we disco, ' Miss D.oris Smith, who is an entertained the soldiers from the Holds .Bazaar Demonstration erences of Pointe children, Mr. I instructor of design at Lawrence AAA Batteries' on Chalfonte 'James Bushong, superintendent nine 30-squares i area, eight in _ Institute, will dem-onstrate Christ. next door to the Congregational The Auxiliary to the Salvation The a t 0£' g'ft . g 'n of Grosse Pointe Public Schools, I ...... mas eards and wrappings, to be Churehwhere the troop meets. . .. '.... . r I, wrappm WI I authorized a poll of children. in I includes four in made within the scope of Brownie Dr. Lyndon Babcock MC'd the Army con.ducted Its fourth annu- be demonstrated at the Parcells. Kindergarten through the sixth' Open till in Mount Clemer and -In-between age groups. games and Mr. Alfred. Tapert al bazaar m the Jade Room of the 1 Junior High School, Mack and grade at Kerby School to try to The season ch Mrs. Arthur Peacock, who is showed movies during the eve- Detroi~-Leland Hotel on Friday, Vernier road, on Thur:;day .eve- : get .~..representative sample. ~im- i won by Ray ~ co-owner of Plaid Corner, and ning, which concluded with re- November 21, from 10 a.m. to Ining, December 4, at 7:45 o'clock. ultaneously the TV commlttee. SHIRTS SLACKS Singva" with c does many interesting things freshments. P. M. points. Al Greg!, 10 p,m. ! Mrs. Marion. Sober will explain ' . I 9 16601 E. WARREN with materials, will show many Girls who planned the evening was second witl The funds raised by the Aux- I an~ demonstrate the ways. in, Mrs. Hei+ to be Hostess I NECKWEAR JACKETS at Kensington things that can be done fur in- and. made the cakes are Irene every evening by Dick Sulliv; iliary supplement the work of the. whIch .packages c~n ~e wrapped! At Meeting of Sorosis I until Christmas (St. John's old TU. 1.4800 termediate crafts. II Hendrykowski, .. Glenda Geyer, . .'. attractIvely and mtncate bows I I moved), 17 point: Open Thursday and Friday • • • Shirley Pressel;' Judith Rowe, SalvatIon Army In connection and decorati~ms apj:llied. I. . --~. , .till 9 p.m. Climaxing the Conservation Betty Brownson, Ellen Dansbury, with needy women and children" Mrs .. Sober is a graduate of! Mrs. Arthur Helt WIll open her; skippered by L: Harold Knubbe' I Workshop which has met for Jane Pressei, Irene Stempfle, d th d f th' b J Wellesley College and Wayne Lo:hmoor ~oad h0t?e for. the De- . ;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:=;;:=::;;;;;;;;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:=;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;.;=;, Susan Newton, Frances Babeock, an e procee s 0 1S azaar . . . trOlt SorOSlS meetmg December ished fifth with will be used to complete a pro- UmversIty where she served as. 2 A . t' h f th' 1 h Lynda Gaskill, S'lie Pressel and . . . an instructor in design. " SSISmg er. or e. unc eon Offer brought u] Carolyn Crain. ' Ject at the Salvatlon Army WIl- This lecture is being held in WIll be Mrs: Ralph Nettmg, Mrs, 5 points. ! Other adults on hand to assist liam. Booth Memorial .and Hos- response to the many requests Rauland DIll and Mrs. K. D. Al Gregory's . i were Mrs. Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. tured the Put-In ONE DAY pital and to replenish much need- made to the Department of Com- Pa;t~l~' th b . . two tenths of a r : Harold Beattie, Miss .Elizabeth ed eqUIpment at the Salvatlon mU~tIYt elrVICE:' ItS an lOPPtohrMrs.-. . Carleton Leonhard will cis Merritt's "H, ! Wright,. and leaders of the troop, t h Army Summer Camp. um yo. earn ow 0 ma {e e k "L t' T k Th M t Port Huron. Gr, I Mrs. Paul Blackburn and Mrs. The bazaar committees were as most of materials, minimizing, ~peaO °tnf We'lsl"a e e ys er- 19129 MACK ••• TUxedo 1-3910 I y t d .. d' 'd 1 lIes u 0 IS. first two races , SERVICE IEdward H_._K_a _. _ fullow~: Honmary Cha~man: ~~e an expre~mgI~NI ua-,_~~~~~_'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ to drop out of tl: NO EXTRA CHARGE Mrs Charles W. Wing; Chairman Ity. . . cause of rigiing Richard H~Morketter and Co-Chairman: Mrs Fred G Attendance at thIS d,=monstra- --4. ~__ . Hissing from Special for Friday and Saturday Earns 'Navy Promotion Cutler and Mrs. John' M. Cie~ tion will be limited to 75 people. local sailing pic chanowsky; Finance: Mrs. Mal~ There will be no charge. Reser. ARE YOU SURE familiar blue hL Richard H. Morketter, son of .colm D. MacQueen and Mrs. yations should be made by c~l1. Ha~son sold "Ma John F. Linehan' Decoration-' mg the Department of Com- to a Cleveland Y I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Morketter, I M F k J Q ~ P bI' ". munity Services Grosse Pointe YOU KNOW rs. ran . umnan; u IC- , . who answers to t I, 1429 Balfour road, has bee~ ~d- ity: Mrs. George M. Kelly. Board of E~ucahon, at TU. Glore. vanced to the rate of AVIatIon Many interesting booths were 5-2000, ExtenSIon 25. WH,AT TIME PANTS Eleetronic~ Techn~cian, ~rd Class, featured with the following chair- ~----- Cleaned ai1d Pressed • Cash and Carry USN, whIle servmg WIth F~eet men in charge: aprons and linens, MORE ACCIDENTS Aircraft Service Squadron FIve, Mrs. James R. Law and Mrs. Hunting accidents are alwaYII 4-Day Laundry Service - Shirts - Family Bundles at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Gordon F. Bennett; baked goods, more numerous when both the Oceana, Va, (FHTNC.) Mrs. H. E. DeWick; cards and gun and hunter are loaded. n y eo ners I M.orketter entered the Navy wrappings, Mrs. A. Warren -~~------De b CI . AP~'ll 5.. 1951. He at~ended ihe Brock' country store Mrs. George Your Shirts ~ h I TU 2 6189 UmversIty of DetrOIt. ' '. , Ii Beautifully _20081 Mack, at Fair 0 me . - The advancement is a result W. St~rk; c~ndy, Mrs. BngadIer, The time.keeping dependability which you may 'rely upon .--~-----, 11609 E. McNichol, of competitive examinations con- Ira FItzpatrlck; g"ab bag, ~rs. G..-I!..tl£! Hand Finishe Plant DENBY DOES ducted this summer on all ships George W. Cragg; ~andkerchlefs, • ~ in yovr Longines or Wittnauer watch is assured by the 10315 E. Wrmen GOOD WORK 16306 Harper and Naval establishments Mrs. Burt T. W7yhmg; ha~s and precise skill developed in nearly a century of fine watch~ Grosse Pol! \ Ithroughout the world. 'purses, Mrs. MIchael WeIsman; of Distinction .•• making history. Each of our appealingly designed _~_~~~~_~~.~_~~~~~_~~_~_~~~~~~.~~ ~ ~_~~_____ refreshmen~, Mr~ Major Clyde Cleaners & Sj •.. for EVERY Longlnes and Wittnouer watches is backed by our 000000 tl 0 0 lo 6 0 0 0 tl 0 0 II 0 IS" 00 0 0 co 0 60 0 0 0 0 1\ 0 1\ 0 If"6 0 0 0 6 6 err Cox; variety, Mrs, William E. Starchlcs5 '. .,.- Brownlee and Mrs. Charles C. OCCASION. endorsement of Longinf7s-Wittnauer quality-guarantee • Crawford; white elephant and Stop in' ond see 14


17732 MACK near University



Tbue's a worry-free. work-In:oe W2Y Sensitive skin has robbed many women of the to have bot water 3(; the turn of a beauty that can be supplied by cosmetics. tap, when ~ waot it ... aod ~. ALMAY COSMETICS, perfected to ELECTRIC! .An a~ eIectt:ic meet this obvious need, are hypo-allergenic, water heRet" giVe6 the ~ tlffn'a in so that even the allergic woman can emphasize her bot watef' service. It's dean • • • natural loveliness. ALMAY beauty preparations ~ • , • dep.mdabk., • , • well include powders, rouge, lipstick, nail polish, - bifty .•. modern ••• and ~ makeup bases, eye shadow, astringents, hand creams, able. TaIRa mioaee to look K.o the SWI and soap substitutes. Ask your doctor about th~m. alaoy odJet CXMl'reoieoces of 8tl aaco- The A. J. Meyer Pharmacy will cooperate with ~tic electric water heater. Ask)lOw HA your physician in developing individual cosmetics eiecttic appliance dealer or neigh- FROI' for any unusual sensitivity. borlloodEdison office foe ~ and $- detatls 00 the tigbt~ized wara' heafIeC - 1O"W home. . PLUS C

ellANID ANO,..usn Get Yon SHIRTS "'tIAll ..... If.I" S for erN. _. fi-.ith , Week Ending DEC. 6 Detroi:. SPORT SHIRTS .." ..44c iMivid .. ll,. WI.• P- $10 9 .-M "' ceu.,.Mf'e. SWEATERS "" ,,39c See Us Service to All the Pointe. end Across the World

TU.2-1040 SEEYOUR DEALER'or Detroit Edison ..- -0" ..... ,';- f

ovember 27, 1952 ( Thursday, November 27. 1952 GROsse: POINTE. NEWS Page Thirteen [ OF ALLEGIANCE • " I who yelp so loudly - RaceTight~ns .. aking th~ oath of al- Cast 'Casts Shadow on .Flyers!. Hopes Runnells Voices Objectio~.s o their country make it Boat ,In Ladies LOQp ~ a. good idea. To Basketball Experiments By Fnd Runnells . The Kopp~sPh~rmacy ladies' powling team ran into. a snag in, By Fred Runnells the game for unsportsmanlike ITUDE TESTS ~------_._------"I the St. ,Paul Ladies league last conduct. 'U to learn the kind OJ Recently we wrote about just Seems Glore had been havj;lg Wed'nesday, November 19, when We noted with much inierest, IJ can best succeed in or the report on the inter-squad No, I don't believe we needany of studlell YOU should a few of. the local sailing fleets pretty fair luck with a Malabar they dropped iourpoints for ~r men and women. boy. that take the. trouble to keep a Junior but hadn1t been winning their first. whitewash of the sea- game at Tulane University which new rules for the court game or I. record of tM.standings of their any races so he decided to pick son.Bllt despite, thef~ilure to' stemmed from Cliff Well's idea of the elimination otthe clock to IGI Counseling Institut. playing "basketball without a lesson the strain on the f,ans.Let 1'/ L. Beck. Director boats in the I:?RYA regattas and out a fast boat and sail in the score a .single. point they re- bees Bldg. TEmple ll-SS-I in some cases the fleet races they Cruising C division in the Cleve- mained at the top of the stand- clock." It was an innovation de- the fans judge for themselves ~waTd =,esr. Warren hold. land regattas. ings when the, second place signed to lessen the strain on the when the strain of the contest One of the fleets we failed to He sure pi~ked out a good onc 'Silver Crown Ballroom keglers fans and to keep -the sport clean. tghetstoo lmuch Nfor tehel.m~orTchm'en. _ . . ey can eave. 0 on .LS g mention wa.s the 30-squal'e meter and most of the local Pilot class also' went for the cellar. . The, only way the clock was Jo~ Fan to remain in his se~t fleet that for years hi3S been skippers are sorry.to see, "Mar- Howe~er the third. place used In the game was to keep I when the game gets tight and struggling along with no more bill" leave ,the local sailing scene. Grosse Po~te Woods 'Recreation track of how long the ga~e exciting. . than four boats at'"any time. We She was .always well sailed and team and the fifth place Kammer would run. The first half, which ff th ' l' . t' f the lock' ' . t. 11 . e e lmma lOn 0 c didn't know the 30.squares took Iwas excellent coml?~tition under Beauty Salon squad scoreq three under We11s plan automa lca y, . t 'I th thrilling ten- the trouble to keep a sailing the experienced tlller han~ ;,f and four points resp~ctively to ends when one team scores fortv 15 gomg C SPOI e te~ record but we were informed of Bill Hanson and his boy Frlday, move'- into 'second and third points took only fifteen minutes sion built up by a close ball game, this by a Ieter from "Mr. Thirty Pete Beyer Incidentally, Beyer plac~sand turn the'race into a and 59 seconds. The entire game then let's all tur? thumbs down . d' on Wells' experIment or better Square" himself. Ray St. JOhn., bought a boat and promises to nip and tuck affair. WhIChended when a team score t'll 1 t' . t . 't That'..s PMEN! . t k 37 . t d s I, e s JUS 19nore I. Said Ray, "I do read your Boat I have her all rerigg~d ~nd rac-. Winnie Camacho 'turned in "the 80 pomts, 00 mlDU es an what I should have done but I Banter in the Grosse P~inte News ing ..in Cruising C dlVislOn next high single individual score of three seconds. couldn't resist & comment against .err man likes and enc~osed you WIll find a summer. . the night by spilling 194 pins, I .Well's report stated "It :V~~ a a' "crackpot experiment" tha:t in loves. Walk letter WIth the complete 1952. "Marbill" bec..ame part of the w.hichhelped give her ....t.h.ird...Place bIg success. The fans, vlSltmg made its debut at Tulane Uni- I the just-right results. . Hanson family back in the Fall in the high three game indi •. coaches and the player,S'all seem- versity way down yonder in New On scannmg the enclosed ma-. of 1947 when she slipped down vidual bracket which is headed 1 ed'to like the idea fine." Orlea~. t~rial we disc0.vered there are I the ways at Fisher Boat Wor~s by Virginia Palombit's. 468 series. Maybe so, but fr_om where we mne 30-squares m the Inter-Lake I and in her first year of competl- Florence Rad,ke held down sit we would like to see the bask- One fair test of a patriot is ~rea, eight. i~ Michi~an which I tion almost mad.e. ~hambles .of second place with a 466 three -Picture by Fred Runnells etbalI rule changed and e:h-peri- whether he'll do as much for his ~nc1udes four m DetrOIt, and one! the Cruising C dlvlSIOn b?, WlD- game series. Florence also won COACH EDDIE LAUER of the St. Paul basektball team holds the br?ken wrist ?f ments come to a sudden half for country as his country has done. In Mount Clemens... i ning eight races. These mcl,":d- one,of the Thanksgiving turkeys JIM AYRAULT as TIM CHAMPINE scratches his head as though wo~derlllg what WIll at least one year and let the for him. The season champIOnshIp was ed the Mills Trophy race and tne in the over-125-division with 97 happen to the team in the coming campaign without the services of thIS valuable player. players, coaches and fans get ac- , _.- _ SLACKS won by Ray St. John's "Lill Barnacle Trophy for overall pins and Arlene Schultz won the GLENN WALTERS, left, and BOB BARRE TT are also pretty concerned over the bad customed .to them. Rules are shut- : Singva" with a total of 28.6 honors in Bayview Yacht Club's other one in the under-125- break ' , tIed. into and out of the game of points. Al Gregory's "Typhoon" annual regatta. Despite this w.on- average, with 97 pins over her basketball with monotonous reg- JACKETS was second with 23.2, followed derful record "Marbill" had to average. u1arityand in some cases a rule by Dick Sullivan's "Starling," take second. p1a.ce behind Hank Standings has lasted only one season. (St .. John's old boat twice re- Burkhard's "Me~:eorJJfor the sea- Kopps Pharmacy , 31 Two Teams Tied moved), 17 points; "High Winds," son championship in Cruising C. G. P. Woods Recreation 29 We can see where the elimina- Neighborhood Club News tion of the clock in basketball skippered by Les Rutter, 10.2. In 1949 "Marbill" managed to Kammer Beauty Salon 28~ In Rotary Loop would relieve the strain on the I Harold Knubbe's "Nordic" fin- win seven races and the Pi1o~ Silver Crown Ballroom 28 The Grosse Pointe Rotary fans, but isn't it better to have! ished fifth with 6 points and Ed Class championship and the WiI- Groves Buick Ine , 27 Bowling League was all tied up Old timers ..~. Friday, Nov, 28 the fans get excited and bear a Offer brought up the rear with liam P. Fisher Trophy for being Glenn Walker Motors, 26 after the Friday, November 21, 2-5 p.m. Men 65 and over- little strain while rooiing for 5 points. the first Pilot class boat to reach Mondry CI~aners 25 session. The Piche Barbers clip- Social their favorite team, than to have Al Gregory's "Typhoon" cap- Mackinac in the Bayview.Mac- Kirby Vacuum Cleaner;"; 25 ped the third place Kopp's keg- Boys' Gym Class 4-5 p.m. a big crown just sit in the stands tured the Put-Tn-Bay regatta by kinac classic. Woods Florist 25 lers for four points and moved ,Ceramics A 4-5 p.m. Girls 8.12 like a bunch of dummies? t,:vo tent~s ,of,~ point .ove~,Fran- Skipper Hanson was a bit hazy Edgewood Inn 24~ into a two-way tie"for first place I Dance & Theater Party 7-8 p.m. Boys and Girls If Wells likes his basketball C1S Merrltt sHell DlVer from on "MarbilI's" performance but SC):uareDeal Clea~e~ ,. 24 with the Middle Atlantic Trans- Sr.Men'~ Gym Port Huron. Gregory took the he did remember finishing second RIghtlmberg TeleVISIon 24 portation 'team tt,at could only 7-9:30 p.m. that way, he can have it. Let him first two races and was forced to Nick Geib's famous yawl Cele's Beauty Salon 23 squeeze three points out of the NEIGHBORHOOD keep his schedule a secret and play his games in an empty gym to drop o~t 0.£ the !inal race be. "Fleetwood" in the Mackinac Tracy Motors 21 ninth place ,Grosse Pointe Camera DANCE PA~TY 7:30p.m. Jr. High School Age Saturday, Nov. 29 if he thinks the strain on the CaUSFof ngiIng faIlure. races in both 1951 and '52. In T. Dierieckx R. E 19 Shop squad. Children's Creative fans has been too much in years Missin~. from. nextsymmer's 1951 the Pilot Class championship Woods Bike Shop 19 Only three 200 or better score Theater 10-12 Noon Ages 5-14 gone by. ~~\ local sallIng plcture w,tIl be a went to "Marbill" but the 1952 Perfection Pattern 19 were posted as compared to the Playmates 1-2:30 p.m. Ages 5-7 As for the "eliminated clock" familiar blue hulled Pllot. Btll season was somewhat of a night- Alt~s Brewing (\0 ,.. 14 11 rolled on the week previous. F. p.m. Ages ~&- 1 1:30-2:30 7.9 keeping the game clean, I can't Hanson sold "Marbill" last w~ek Imare with a disqualification in! ------Piche topped the 200 list with a Boys' Gym C ass 2'.30-3:30 p.m. Alles 13-16 AMERICA'S MOST to a Cleveland Yacht Club saIlor one of the inter-club weekly reo C . t L ' 222. Marchand followed with 211 Open Gym ~ buy that one. I have seen hun- who answers to the name of Ken gattas that nullified all chances and R. Piche had a 207. Open Gym 3:30-5:00 p.m. Ages 17-21 dreds of basketball games in my our eague s career and the only time I have ~ Glore. "Marbill': mi~ht have had for 11 ell-fll-C Draws 100 The four turkeys, extra prizes, Monday, Dec. 1 ever seen a game get dirty is GARAGE DOOR .••••••• -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--...... season htle In her last season . were won by F. Piche, Thompson Open Gym 2-4 p.m. when one or two of the players This is the door you'll see on th~ DeW': un':ler skipper Bill Hanson. Patrick and Meyer. Midget Basketball 4 p.m. lose their self control. The rules est, smartest homes. New S.secUon de-', Bill says he wants to get a back Close to a 100 rnter.Ch~rch F. Piche and Peplinski tied for Open Gym 6:30-9 p.m. are in the book for the officials to sign with long, low lines to mat~ new . yard boat (a Thist~e) to play I basketball p~a~ers turned out for the evenings, high three, game in. Tuesday, Dec. 2 style trend as well as blend beauufully: around with for a whIle and may- the cage chmc held at Grosse dividual honor when both posted 2 4 use in case a boy gets out of hand ;:""d believe me the referees I wlth older styles. Ideal for ~ch homes.:. be sail on someone else's big Pointe High last Saturday, Nov. 568 series. Wilson 'was a scant Open Gym - p.m. Famous Crawford Marvel.Lift Mecha-' Your Shirts boat in. the important long dis- ember 22, and enjoyed an in- 9 pins behind with a 559. Midget Basketball 6:30 p.m. . ..vvv waste no time in exercising num glides door up and ~sicU:. garage: tho i.r rights to thumb a boy out of leaving dear opetung. Quick UlStalla•• Beautifully tance races. He says there is too structive movie on rules and STANDINGS W. L. Mystery Club I, 4 p.m. Girls 8-12 much work to do around his n~w fundamental basketball provided Middle At!. Transp 31 9 Beginning Ballet 4 p.m. tion all sizes. One year guarantee. FHA . Hand Finished at Girls 6-12 terms. Call Garage Door Headquarters..; • house to permit him to dnft by the Wilson Sports Equipment Piche's Barber. S'p 31 13 Grosse Pte. Sword Club 7:30 p.m: Ramrod Hunt Club PI~ns Grosse Pointe Woods around Lake St. Clair on 'sunny Company through_ Grays Sports Kopp's Pharmacy ,,27 13 Camera Club 8 p.m. ~ afternoons, as he did when he Shop.' Auto Club "."" 25, 15 Wednesday, Dec. 3 Squ~re Dance for Nov. 28 Cleaners & Shirt laundry • was a bachelor. Coach Ed Lauer and his St. Mondry Cleaners 23. 21 Open Gym 2-4 p.m. The Ramrod Hunt Club will ~~oor Starchless by request Bayview Yacht Club has a Pa~l Flyer quintet ran through Cox and Baker :;; 20 22~ Midget Basketball 4 p.m. whale of a show on tap for the baslc ba~~etball plays after Steiner Ford " 20 Beginning Tap 4 p m sponsor a square dance at the local tars next Saturday, Decem. league offlclals had measured th.e Pongracz .Jewelers ,,19~ 24;1z d T 4 . . Girls 8~12 Kerby School, on Saturday, No- SGlu eo. ber 1, which should pr.ovide C:hurch ~eag':le. ~l~yersa~d. verI- Gr. Pte. Camera Crn 18~ 211;2 Advance . ap p.m. 'Girls 8-12 vember 28, from 8:30 p.m. until 465\ BEAU FAIT 11:30 p.m. plenty of interest. There WIll be fled thelr. ehglblhty certIfIcates. De Keyster Plmg. Sup 18 22 Girls' Basketball 6 :30 p.m. Junior Girls Detroit, Mich. movies of the Bayview-Mackinac ,Managers who are entering Bolzbaugh Motors 12 32 Boys'. Pool Club 6:30 p.m. Boys 14-16 An open dance, the charge per race narrated by none other teams in the le~gue for the 1952. Village Wine Shop 7 37 Badminton 8 p.m. Adults person win be $1. Wes and Julie Phone W A. 4.9300 than Alf (Himself) Lc,omis. 53 season, which gets underway ------Chess Club & Lessons 7:30 p.m. Rea will be the callers. a ged Loomis sailed or. Paul Smiley's Saturd~y, Decebm.b~r6 'h :€ Ut Eddl.e. Anderson . ..Thursday, Dec. 4 gJlIIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIllIIlIlIlIllIIllIIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIIIIIIlIIlIIlIIIIlIlIlIlIIIIlIIlIIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIlI1I1II1111111111111111J11II11I11!11I1I1I1I11I1111l11l11l11l11l11nlll~ "Orient" the winner, natcheral1y, to mall or . :II:~ t elr ... eam Knitting Ladies 11-3 p.m. and sh~uld have some interest. rtosttehrsaNndehglfbf~hty.certl1lcate s Star at We.stern Jr. Girls' Gym 4-5 p.m. npton Road ' . 'd l' httoS tell about the 0 e ews 0 Ice m care 0f b Cl b 4 5 Girls 8-12 'mg sfl e If h h sat He was League Director Fred Runnells Boys' Hob y u _ p.m. Boys 7-12 FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL... i I race rom were e . 1 th' S t d N Basketball 7-10 p m i . th local classic for the no ater .an aura y, ov- Eddie Anderson has been mak.. G'lr I's . . Senior Girls firstcovermgtime ande,. hIS arhcle appeare d emberTh t29. t b. ff.' 11 ing football news' at Western Boys' Poolk L Clubd 6:30.8 p.m. Boys 16 and over i in Motoring l . .. ently e eams mus e 0 lCla y Michigan this Fall. Cub Pac ea ers . H. h ~ ~ ~' :TNAUER WATCHE~ in Yachtmg magazme Iee . entered by the November .29 Eddie was a standout perform- On Starlit Stairway borhood tCdlubt for J~~:y ~~_ i .MG. MORRIS • VOLKSWAGEN ~. - date to enable the League offici. er bn. the Grosse Pointe Blue On Sunday, November 16, our Schobol s2u8en s7'300p.mn A'dmis- 1 t ake up the play ing '1 'd tIt d . 'h "F' J. "vem er a t . .. . a s 0 m De~Igrl earn as .year an Dixieland Band, t~. IV~ lves, sion will be SOc per couple and ~~~~tERR : :~~~~-~~YCf : CARPETS and schedule. Also the eligibility eer- declded to carryon hIS footba~l appeared on StarlIt Stalrway, a 75 t This dance is being I : ~t~~~~NI tificates MUST be turned in by career at .the school where hls television program on WXYZ- he~d St~!'day after Thanksgiving, = 5 'S BOUND I this date to make the player Blue DeVIl coach, Ed Wernet TV, at6 p.m. They were on the so we hope to see a good crowd RUG eligible for ,the first game one gained fam~. Mt. Clemens .team and word has f ou boys and girls there. week later. . Ed was elected captain of the just been received~hat the team I 0 Jusic will be provided by the ~~h~ : I: WE MAKE PHOTOSTATS c Coaches, manag;rs andatchplayers Western Michigan freshman foot- won!! thUS. enablmg them to I "Five Jives." I ~; ~~t~;s per are requestedm :-v the ball sauad and it appears the make a return appearance on. . . ,3 5 yard Sports page of the News on Dec. choice 'was a wise one because Sunday, November 23. We hope ~nIttlng Ladles ,. ~ THE MIDWEST'S OLDEST SPORTS CAR DEALER ~ . USE OUR LAY-AWAY ember 4 for the schedule of the frosh. beat Percy' Jones, ,Ionia all their "fans" will send in their .The Nelghborhoocl Club WIshes I WO", FAST SERVICE I games to .be played on the open- and Grand Rapids Junior Col- votes in case they win a second to state that due ~o an error the ing day. lege by shutout scores. The only rIme, namesMitchellof wereMrs. omittedFlttes andfromMrs.a McCOY & SONS I ------game they dropped was a close. Neighborhood Dance very fine article printed by the .rgetting i John Valentine Playing i9 to 18 decision to the University Another Neighborhood. Dance Grosse Pointe News on Thurs- ~~p- OARPET COMPANY In Notre Dame's Band of Detroit Frosh. . party will be held at the Neigh- day, November .20. Mrs. Fittes is IUllllltlt:::::':::'::~":::':'i"lt"III"I"lt"IIII11""lt"""'''''''"I11'''''':::::''':':'::::11I"",,1 eAMER.~ Anderson was the only 60 mm- one of the original members of We have the magic new PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES 15720 HARPER John D. Val en tin e, 1353 ute man on the Western frosh; N. . B d the group and has done a great (At Baifoul') Cadieu~ road, plays the trom- squad and the varsity coach has ,Big ame an. deal of work on the afghans. I turn 11)AV PHOTO 6088 bone in the University of Notre big plans for Eddie on the varsity FINISHING TU.1M , Dame's nO-man Marching Band. squad next season at center, This At Book Cas.ln.o DAWN.AIRE~ ~\~~~ 16351.E.WAIlHN'''OP£NEVENIIrGS OPEN THURS. AND FRI. Valentine is majoring in geology marks the second Blue Devil 25 YEARS OF EXP.ERT FITTING TU.5-74'8 UNTIL 8:30 P. M. at Notre Dame. . center who has grabbed .the spot. the amazing Westinghouse ------==--- Under the direction of Robert light in college ball at center pos- off F. O'Brien, the band presents ition. Bayard Johnson recently Rafael Font, }:l.ispiano and his electronic lamp that half-time shows at each of Notre completed his second season as orchestra, opened an eight w,:ek Dame's home games and recent- regular center on the Dartmouth engagement in the Book CaSInO ly traveledtbCleveland to per- team this year. of the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, SKIERS on Novembet 10. CaneU Cortez is' SHOES for the ENTIRE FAMILY form at the Navy game. During ------th~ . featured vocalist with the tank? Easter vacation the band will HOUSEHOLD HINT Airstep .. American Girl band. FOR WOMEN Really Destroys make a concert tour through Ken- 'Game meats as a rule require , T G' d more attention when cooking - Specializing in Latin American BOOTS II ~~~~kia. ennessee. eorgla an but the result will be worth- rhythms, Font succeeds in pr~- NUNN-BUSH .. ROBLEE ree. work-bee W1ItY ------while. Young wild game will be serving the authentic Latm FLORSHEIM r at the torn of a HANDKIE Silence may be the only argu- tender and require less care, say flavor, yet produces the beat that FOR MEN .'~r nt it .•. ~ that's the American public demands- • l~t; ~ I. Odors. DARTMOUTH , ment that can't be answered, but Michigan State College home aocomacic electric that commercial touch that BUSTER BROWN & OFFICIAL • SANDLER I,most people would rather talk I ~conomi~~s, while ~l~~r wild, an. SCOUT for Boys and Girls I' ~~. ~ Inhibits Mold-Mildew' 5 the J.-t WO'fd io than win an argument. . lmals WIll take alldlt10nal time. makes the rhythm dance able and i FLORSHEIM SHOES ~.Ic's dean . • • the music listenable. Fontls engagement in the Book AT MACK STORE ONLY • Keeps the air out-door fresh con- Ildabk ••. 85 well Casino, where the orchestra plays • tinuously ••• sunshine sweet and dero . . • aod d0P- SHERMAN SHOES :for dinner and supper dancing • cleon smelling. e 10 look irAo the CLOTHn~G 13300 E. Jefferson 20275 Mack SWEATERS six nights a week, marks his : Safe-Easy-Clean-Convenient. menc:e. of aa auto- VAlley 2.0868 TUxedo 1-1191 WHITE STAG first Detroit appearance. ~ heater. AK )"Olif HAND.KNIT THE ROCKET OLDSMOBILE • Far superior to any other dealer or neigh- FROM QUEBEC SUN VALLEY • room deodorizer .tDce foe compIeu and NORWAY WHITE STAG SWEATERS • Say goodbye to messy chemiea~s" t-si2ed wakl' beaeec FIRST I~ PERFORMANCE ideal fot • f~ever! Plug it in and forget It! PLUS COMPLETE LINE OF SKI ACCESSORIES Stop Climbing Staipo • Costs less than 5c a week in con. , • KITCHENS • NURSERIES • tinuou$ operation. • CLOSETS • iASEMENTS BEAUTY, COMFORT AND i~ • 1 BULB MODEL $795 Gel Your Skis Rewaxed & Refinished Earl~ ..•....•...•.~..14...~'.•.~ Yes, Ride the • OR WHEREVER UN. • 1000 cu. ft. room copocily I "-d.;"1.' I' Stairs _ WANTED ODORS EXIST : 2 BULB MODEL $1095 POWER! • 1750 cubic feet ' • Detroit's Most Complete Ski Sltop ...l.This Is the INCLIN-ATOR, the unique, electrically operated Order •••••••••••••••••••Yours Todciy! See Us for All Your Sporting Needs "stair lift," operating from the house-lighting circuit. Folds against the wall when not in I~ use. Absolutely safe end e<:lSY OLDEST • KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO. to operate. ~ BUSINESS Phone or write. office f0l;" fur. ESTABLISHMENT CADILLACMOLDSMOBILE ther information and estrmate. . tN. 15554 E. WARREN TU: 1-6600 .#:1:2' l GROSSE J POINTE EAST SIDE DETROIT'S PREFERRED DEALER ACME ELEVATOR CO_ 20099 Mack. . 10542,,1. Warren Ave. , WA. lM9424 ,,~

""10 :" i

..t t- l' .. 13) ..'. 'O"S' f ins .., ..... • ... b * 0'" It .. ', .... '1t+.'6eiitf .e. -.a.$I!:!'!'l!.,~"'!",..!!I'!-p..r~~''''!~''''_~'-'-_'.~-C-,">-,_r~'-

;. thursday, November 27, 1952 Page, Fourteen S R.O SSE POt NtE~. NEW S Thursday, Nc Jamel Degnan Selected AFROTC Flight Sergeant' HARD TO ESTIMATE It would be hard to estimate New~ - DeSoto- - -, Bows' .to... Public . Boutin Bo All Eyes. and Ears James Degnan, son of Mr. and to head the 2l1'-man detachment, the' true worth of Scouting to Mrs. JamesM.' Degnan; of 1100' ~hich ~asestab1ished at the wholesome, useful. and happy Hold Leag ' .'. . . school this fall. IIarvard road, has been selected -- living . by . - ., flight sergeant in the Air ' Force COULD BE RIGHT Boutin's Sen.'icf Dorot!,y PhyJlis Hannah . ROTC detachm.ent at Dennison It isn't the fear of c~iticism that I continued to pa" . . .' '. . . bothers most of US-It's the fear Pointe Businessp UmversIty, Granyille, OhlO. . thl:tt our critics may he right. Degnan, a sophomore at'Deni- ..;_--_-_-_-_-_- League by takin Detroit was honored at last Thursday's Detroit .Sym- from Pointe Insu' son and currently enrolled in Air phony concert by visits of two very distinguished .musicians day. November 2 ••• one a participant in the .:oncert ... the other a person Science III of the AFROTC pro- gram, is' one of 21 officers chosen B!.nkes Archite~ who had journeyed from Columbia University to hear the second place wh world premiere of his own composition ... three points frO! . These two men were Leopold Stokowski, world re- place Adam-Sirnn nowned conductor. . . and . Jacob A vshalamov, the com- Jack Paterson p~ser of the new work, "The Taking of Tung-Kuan" ... ~OW! vidual scorel'S wi t This composition has a distinct Chinese flavor, due to and was followec We will gJadly No more shovermg - get a'.new tlfe fact that Mr. Avshalomov has spent a large porti~>n of CRISSCROSS Sarkison 231. Bak( YOUR TffiES berg 224. Kopp 21 his life in China and he has learned the varied. customs; WIthout moods, and figurations of oriental music . . . . Featuring a. completely new body, the. beautiful 1953.,DeSoto went on display at Charge! Krau 213. Steine Mr. Stokowski radical~y re-arranged the. Detroit Orches- DeSoto-Plymouth dealersh~ps'fhursday,Novemher 13. Shown'~hel'e iso, a .Fir~,Dpme V-8 Carroll 210, Janso Thompson 202. Gl 4-Door Sedan, which ispowered,by DeSoto~s sensational' 160-"horsepower Fire Dome en- tra for this performance ... the woodwinds.and some brass 201 and Genca 2 sections down front ... and strings and other brass behihd gine. Six body styles are. offered-in the Fire DomeY.8series, while five body types are • .' . because he believes that the tones of the various choirs available in DeSoto's'Power::tnaster Sixline./The 1953 DeSoto offers such features as STAND1 should be brought to an optimum. We believe that this. Full Power Steering; Power Bra~es; Fluid-, Torque Drive; Solex;glare-resistant glass; Boutin's Service orchestral arrangement has its merits ... because the voices electric window lifts; curved' one-piece windshield, and sweep-around rear windpw. The Bankes Archt . Testa Cement . of each of the different instruments, turn and go off on dif- smart styling and long, lo.wlinesof the 1953 DeSoto makes the new car longer, lower, Kennelly Caterin ~ ferent angles ... this is partially due to the construction of wider and lovelier than ever before. Belding Cleaners the instruments themselves. Barrett's Flo .....ers The remainder of the program was interesting inasmuch Martha Haggarty Elected H. M. Seldon Co. as the selections encompassed the'18th, 19th, and 20th cen- -- Art Young's Bar turies ... and included such works as Bach's "Toccata and To Alpha Kappa Chi Revere Cleaners Fugue in D-minor," Schubert's "Entr'acte, Ballet from Rosa- OBITUARIES Norm Hall .. Pointe Insurance . mtmc!e," "Wotan's Farewell and The Magic Fire Music from I Miss Martha Haggarty, daugh- A",.,lce's favorlt. tovrintl bifral I.I,h~ __ .ht, sl•• k and smHth. Look et tIla Adam-Simms .._.... :QieWalkure," by Wagner, and Tchaikovski's "Symphony No. WILLIAM SINGLETON and _ four great-grandchildren, tel' of Mr. and Mrs. George' Hag- -:p let a TORO Bruce Wigle Co .. ~n E-minor." William Sin g 1 e ton, of 114 died November 20. garty of LaSalle 'place, has re- Deluxe Quality Tires ... Buy ... utplt'l.nt: sacidl. bait callp., brake .. 3 .,.ed rear hub. Dlstlnctl". Dr. Tuttle . ~, Mr. Stokowski's performance as a conductor is beyond Kerby road, husband of Anna; Funeral services were held at centlybeen made a m'ember of ONE at Regular Price, and Schwinn stytln,. Whet a buy at thl. Eva Melucci . ~paris~m and we sincerely hope that he will return to con- father of Mrs. Richard Macauley the St. Clare de' Montefalco Alpha Kappa Chi at Wellesley SNOW HOUND prlc" Bill Engel .. _ . duct another concert of our Detroit Symphony Orchestra. .. and William H., died November Church, November 24. Interment College where she is a junior Pay Just ONE-HALF for . Mal' majoring in English. «:;ome next season. 17. was m t. lvet Cemetery. Your Second Tire* do your work! FOUR OF .. -' Funeral was from the Verhey------This is an extI;'a~curricular • EXCHA;:'~GE Unlike moden ~lIl11l1l1l1l11ll11l11ll1l.III1I1I1I11f1l11l11illlllllllllllllllJlllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1III1I11I11I1I11I11IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIg=l~ den Funeral Home, Thursday, D.am.man. Show organization open to juniors and • QvKk.Stort~ 2.5 h.p. Engine jj November 20. seniors interested in classical Easy Budget Terms TOYS are satisfied to J • Carburetor Hea*,-Stops kint sake. the Smpe: "NEW CAR" NEW'" Attracts 1,000 literature. Miss Haggerty is a You Can Take Months to Pay • Throws Snow to fright or l.ft had three. They L of all kinds' Constantine II, ( SEE fT Constans. When leDAY! died ill 337 A.D .. ~,K~~s :~~~e:~~scratchesand tust spounow •••• ; ~;~:.;!~:~:~~~ill:~~~::t~~br~f£::£:n~~~t:~~ ~:~::~~_:er_fE-:-~-~-';-t~_~:_d;_~~ti::~HOUSTON pin~ was divide ~-. . . ~ Knowles, Erwin, Harry, Stanley Co., Inc., November 21 and 22, ham road has won one of the IU WOODS Gaul and the before wmter weather makes- them major repaus. ~ I a~d the late. Alb7rt; also sur- and held at the store, at 9941 $100 scholraships at IndianaUni- Constantine H, I . . ~ vlved by 9 grandchildren, 4 great Hayes boulevard, Detroit. . A 1 f $ BROS. Nelson.C. ~ 'BIKE SHOP and the East to ( ~. AT WOOD MOTORS, every Job-large or small-1s ~ grandchildren and 2 br:others, Division winners w~re revealed versity.. tota 0 8200 distrib- I Italy to Constan!' - = l' d N b 20 last Monday, November 24~ Sen- uted in scholarships .was raised I lSQ11 Kercheval 120377 Harper, near Lochmoor 20373 Mack, near ~ expert,ly done. ~ I C Ie ovem er . by the students themselves at last I ~lllloallllll15llll111' i ~\ Funeral was from the Ver- ior Model, ftrst prize: Clarence ., "L.tti 500" b' 1 VA 2 2513 TUxedo 1-6233 Country Club TU. 1-3402 I. ~ heyden Funeral Home on Satur- Woodward, 11327 Balfour; second ~~r~~~;sMe:Uo:ial Stadi~~.e race • .. ~. WOO D MOT 0 RS ~I day, November 22. prize: Robert L. Rubl; .third ------~. ~I * • • prize: James Dodge, 1108 Audu- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \Iv .,! QUALITYBUMPINGANDPAINTING I ViolaV~~L:ar?'~fA~~~l1Not. :i:~~:o; ~~~~isfi~~~~~~,~;:f8 II~: i TUxedo wood, wife of Wil-liam; mother Radnor; second prize: Leroy J1. GIFTS. Fa R E ,OM E! I 19770 MACK AVE. 1-6806 ; T-H. H' ~ of Mrs. William Wilkie, John, Ward, 5738 Radnor; third prize: DELI ~ Grosse Pointe Woods TUxedo 1-6808 ~ William, Mrs. Paul Smith, IJ/ I ~Donald, Robert, Mrs. James Jack Simpson, 14914 Chelsea. !l' ii1UlfIlIIlIIlIIlIIllIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIllIIlIIllIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIllIlIIlIIlIlIlIIlllIIlllllIIlIIlI1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iE Senior Woodworking, first ! ON FAMIL ------Menke and Douglas; sister of prize: Edward N. Page, 11035 "f. OF $5.00 Mrs. Samuel Kalis and Mrs. Ray- Worden; second prize: Elmore ~ mond Gay, died November 21. Girardy, 12033 Longview; third "Ii * Funeral was from the Verhey- prize: Walter Boese, 22103 Bir- i den Funeral Home, Monday, wood. !1 OPEN Sl. November 24~ • * Four Honorable mention i 7 PIECE awards were also made. 0Pe1l T hut'.- LUCIE VAN DAMME Prizes were awarded for models ~ For I SaI, Etlfflin." I' ranging from sailing ships zt; Only Clair,LuciewifeVanof Damme,the late Eugene;618 St. through fire engines and. doll :~:!l".., ALL mother of Valere, Emil and Mrs. houses' to chairs and tables. I Here's How You Save ••• PLUS Elida Joye; sister of Emil Verly, ~ Pay Only $4.95For 10 Lubrications Benjamin Verly ;'and Petrus I The average man on the street ROS (No Time Limit) This Prepaid 12 COURTESY FREE Special Saves You $7.55. SERVICE CHECKS MA~1 21020 MACk ADAM ~ SIMMS TU. #~ INCORPORATED It SALES and SERVICE t i Solid brass dndirons •.HUU02ll0U Authorized Salesanc1 Service '," Factory Authorized Parts j ~ 19Y2" high I 15401 JEFFERSON Cor. NOTTINGHAM , ~ Solid brass tool set AI' !j Complete Line of Accessories .. I 29" high ! GNU TUn - j::: ,I' STOTTS & ~'1URP.HY 'j iI Brass plated frame, pul~ "f ; An ,Old Name in a New Location , ehain screen-38x31. I{I !t 13333 East ,Warren VA. 2-1450 , i FRESH 95 ! BE SURE••• ! ~.~~_~~~_~~~------JI Only $49 i EGGS ~ ~ f;', $4.95 Down iii Detroit's Most Modern Sales &- Service ; iii w Balance on Easy Monthly " ~ 4 1S2.~' CHECK HUDSON i Payments, i Verb~I LAVIGNE AUTO SAI~ES i I ------Open daily 8 a.m. to .9 p.m. 'Saturdays tin 5 p.m. I i 1420 I E. Warren V 1\' ~ 3459 Ii i at Lakewood r • IiiiI 3460 i i BUICI{ I ii ~ ~ A T' YOUR SER VICE ~ ELECTRIC fiRE LOG CARRIER, i ~ LOGS $6.65 . Solid Brass $12.95 i MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ..... 7:30 A.M. to 9, P.M. ~ ------~ u. lor SATURDAY 7:30 to 3 P.M. '52 Complete Collision Service i SOLID Fire CAST IRON i i BRASS Lighter i Factory Trained Experts ~" All FIREPLACE " LE~ Genuine Parts and Accessories E ANDIRONS Solid i TURNER BUICK, Inc. I Brass GRATES TOOL SET ~ Massive Construction Solid Brass Grosse Pointe's Buick Dealer WHYTE OLDSMOB'ILE i $695 ! i 566!! $1J~ 27 inch • . . . - 2.9 I 15103 KERCHEVAL COMI'ANY I $ II i 14800 E. JEFF~RSON VA. 1-5000 I COMPLETE ASSORTMENT FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT! ~

USE OUR L~Y-AWAY PLAN. FREE GIFT WRAPPING ~ ..- r------:===.::;;:.~~======::-=.I ~, ., •I 10% DOWN WILL HOLD ANY ITEM UNTIL CHRISTMAS i f',. 4 ("0 Shop with a Convenient Charge Account! ~. I ~. m pIe te ~ .! i J . . .1 i J PONTIAC SERVIr~ U 9941 Hayes

Open daily 7:30A.M. to 6 P.M. f j Friday 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. , , . 1.5210 Mack Avenue I ~ FIV

L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~J'~.~~~MNN~OO~~~~~~~~-~~~~»NNN~~OO~~~~~~~~MNN~OO~~~~~,""- , .. , ::---- ,.. ) ...

1952 Fiftee.. Tnursday, November 27, .'1952 pag.' ATE ) estimate :outing to Boutin Bowlers 'Whe're' Stars Are Born Id happy Hold League. Lead New8.Notes Ne.ighborhO:odEI.ubBasketba1.1 .. Boutin's Service bowling' team 'FroIiJ.D"U~S•. SchedUfesifor1952~53:S.~i:lSOrl continued to pace the' Grosse : ~':;'- ~.; ,

Pointe Businessmen's Bowling I

League ?y takit:lg th~ee points Mr. Grimes was in Ann Arbor' _., , .. , from Pomte Insurance last Fri- recently to take part in Prin~ GIRLS~ JUNIOR LEAGUE day, November 21. cipals' Day meetings. While there (1) 6:30.,,-Fisher Recbrdvs. 'Cel~riters; ,.. . Bankes Architects remained in I he visited with Donald .Ohmart -Dec. 3 7:15-St. Paul Freshmen ys:Qpt~I,h~st.Cltib: second. place when it grabbed -, three points from the tweHth, and DavId R.en~schler,both fresh- Jan. 21 -St. Paul Grade, School__By~. ... .•..c. • place Adam-Simms quintet. : men at MIchIgan' and D.U.S. (2) 6:30-0ptimist Club v~. St.'Paul GraaeSchobL .Jack Paterson led the indi- f grads of last June. They were Dec. 10 7:15-St. Paul Freshmen vs.Fish.erRecord. Vidual scorers with a 235. game I asked, as is the, annual practice, Jan. 28 -Celeri ters-Bye. and ,was followed by Hall 232, to look back over their high (3) SarkISber 224on 231K' Baker. 229,.'R Lun d- school days and to evaluate their Dec. 17 6:30--,-St.Paul Grade School vs. Fisher Record. g • op~ 216, Mortson 213, preparation and to indicate their Krau 213, Stemer 211 and 203 fi . .. Feb. 4 7:15-Ce'leJ;ites vs. St. Paul Freshmen. Carroll 210 Janson "06 G tt' 204' rst .reactIOns to college life and Optimist Club-Bye. , ... a I ,studies. . Thompson 202. Gross 202 Combs I ...... (4) .6:30:---C'eleriters vs. St. Paul Grade School. 201 and Genca 200. " :! Followmg, ' the national trend Jan. 77:1~:Fisher Record vs. Optimist Club; STANDINGS" I D.U.S. gave General Eisenhower Feb. 11 ...,...St.Paul Freshmen-Bye. Over 75 Gr0s,sePoin;e ~ys turned out for the Bas ketb;UlClinic,Tuesd.y night, Novemb.r-:-ri:~t"t~ Boutin's Service 28 a land'slidevictory, 110.10, over (5) 6:30-St. PaulFreshinenvs. St. Faul Gd. Sch. ~~M~.bo1-'" Bankes Archt , 27 Gov~rnor Stevenson in the mock hood. Club. Hours ofmstruchon for these young hoopsters promIse to make the new-formed Midget League fast and!)'" Jan. 14 7:15-Celeriters vs. Optimist Club. funous. . . . ,1(' Testa Cement ., 26 election conducted by the 9th , ro Kennelly Catering 24 grade Civics class of Mr. Norman' Feb. 18, , -FisherJ;\ecord-Bye. Belding Cleaners 23 P1atine. Standard election pro~ Playoffs begin February 28 for teams flnishing Barrett's Flowers ?-3 c~dures were fO.Howed.. Registra-, 1-2-3-4 in final standings, Accidents Drop; Death Toll Gains:~'~ H. M. Seldon Co 231 hon was required in advance and All games start on time. Any team without 6 play- Art Young's. Bar 23 voting booths with curtains, were St. Pauloscope Michigan's September highway I Revere Cleaners 21 I set up. ' I ers on floor 5 minutes after playing time will forfeit by fatality toll reached 191, a daily Norm Hall 20 •. • • I game. KATHRYN ANDRE average of more than six, and Pointe Insurance _ : 20 On Thursday, Nov. 20, anti Sat. . )llc.1 u,h"" 33 more than were killed during Adam.Simms 1 Ul'day, Nov. 22, the 7th and 8th ., look at the 17 Class day at . St. Paul School Joseph Bejin, social chairman, the same month last year. It also Bruce Wigle Co graders of D.U.S. and the Coun- J. calip.r 131 GIRLS' SENIOR LEAGUE was celebrated' on Wednesday, explained the meaning that their I Distinctive Dr. Tuttle _ 13 try Day School presented Gil- November 24. Each class .. pre- colors, red and white, hold for was the highest toll of September i )1T1 at thl. Evo Melucci ; 10 bert and Sullivan's "Iolanthe" (1) 7- 8-St. Paul Varsity vs. Merchants. sented its history 'up to the 'pres- them. Barbara Unli, social chair- traffic deaths. since 1937, when 1 Bill Engel...... 9 t under the direction of Mr.Neale Stahl of D.U.S. and Miss Marie Dec. 4 8- 9-Metro Club vs.' Sf. Paul Sr. ent time, boasting. of its accom- man, gave the Junior's outlook there were 202. FOUR OF A KIND Sansone of C.D,S. "Leads" from Jan. 22 9.,10-St. Paul Flyerettes vs. Drewry Queens. plishmentG, officers, and various on their future. Despite the sharp fatality in- (2) 7- 8-St. Paul Flyerettes vs. Et. Paul Sr. activities, '. ... • crease injuries and accidents Unlike modern fathers, who I s. were "Sandy" Wiener, g~.. Dec. 11 8- 9-Merchants vs. Drewry Queens .. In the Freshmen section of the The Senl'or's compee1 t d th e pro- were both down compared to \ S are satisfied to have one namp- leI Goodenough, and Ned program James ,McCusker, presi- gram with a prospectus in which September of 1951, according to. . - Evans. Jan. 29 9-10-Metro Club vs. St .. Paul Varsity. sake, the Emperor Constantme ... • .. dent, iritroduced his classmates the entire class recited. Edward the State Police monthly stabs- I had three. They were his sons, R b (3) 7- 8-:-St. Paul Sr. vs. Drewry Queens. to the school. Ted Zemper, vice Heck, president, introduced. the tical report. rids 0 H. WEtS Constantine II, Constantius, and! ert Isbell ~hairman Dec. 18 8- 9-St. Paul Flyerettes vS.' St. Paul Varsity. president,. stated.why the Fresh- senl'ors. Ellen. Connelly. pal'd trl'b- InJ'uries decreased 301,'01' seven Constans. When .the emperor and ,parent representatIVe at a I Feb. 5 9-l.O-Merchants V8. Metro Club. men are,.dedicated to Our Lady of ute to the prl'ests and f acu. Ity. per cent, 4,2~7 under 4,558 and 'led l' 1 33"' A D th R E meetIng of 9th grade parents at d 1 , I ••• e oman m- IOU SIt (4) 7- 8-Metro Club vs, Drewry Queens. Fatima .. Carolyn OIds, secretary, The class flowers, the yellow and accidents decreased 1,992, or 14 pi.re was divided among thew I . , . ,as week. The parents explained their motto: "United whl.te' carnatl'ons',eth pat ron, St. TIercent, 12,]04 under 14,096.The Gaul and the Wes. going t,~ I m,et w1th t,he grade advisors. Jan. 8 8- 9-St. Paul Flyerettes vs. Merchants. )5 Feb. 12 '~-10-St. Paul Varsity vs. St. Paul Sr. we stand,' divided we fall." San- Jude' , the motto ,mper"Se F'd1 e1- '"decreases were in both rural and Constantine II, Constantinople Pctul C. Dl?gles and. Samuel -dra Wines, treasurer, to.ld why is'"• and the colors, go.ld and ilrban areas w.hile the fatality. and the East to Constantius, and ,~eelel', Wellmgton GrImes, as- OP (5) 7- 8-St. Paul Sr. VS. Merchants. the white rose 15' dear to the \"hl'tev , .were ex de.d b K th Italy to Constans. slstant headmaster, addressed poun y a - increase occured on. rural{trunk- ______. _,_ I the group. Jan. 15 8- 9-St ..Paul Varsity vs. Drewry Queens. Freshme)1. Kenneth Oxley, social rine Mullaney. The history of the lines. Feb. 199-10-Metro Club VS. St. Paul Flyerettes. chairman, interpreted their col- class was given by William Ross- ~'"'0"'0>r'JC"0""0....0.,...0-,,0....0 .....15...0....0....0.....0....0-0-0 ...... 0 -0 ...... 0 bQlS"'lt.'~. • .. • ors, green and white. ma~, Lawrence McCormick, Paul Michigan's traffic record for 1 Dr. Hugh Stalker, 25 Radnor ...... Geist, and Gene Kornmeier. An the first nine months of this year I circle, addressed the upper Playoffs begin Feb. 26 for teams finishing 1-2-3.4 in I school assembly on Friday, No- final standings. . James McKillop, Sophomore investory of the class was check- ~nc~udes 1,236 deaths, 34,8~6 in- e..: vember 14.' He showed slides of president, presented the program ed by Mildred Hanzel and Svndee Junes ,and 115,3?4 acc.dents. W E All games start on time. Any team without 6 play- of his class. Eugene Graham, Smith. " ! Deaths Incr~ased 3n. or three per ers on floor 5 minutes after playing time, will forfeit vice president, greeted. the facul~ As a fitting number in the ?ent :1Ver1,201 for the same per- . ' I lOd In 1951. :1 DEL IV ER '~~~i~~~2n~;:~t~m~.'~;i~~:game. ty. Treasurer Robert Brooks told sernor program, a class oratIon, I .. . .. what their colots, red and white, composed by Janet Wrubel, Mar- I. and their flower, the white car- ily B~ehne: and Elain~ Barb:et, \ A IRe 0 N D I T ION E D Eder's Ready +0 Serve BOYS' MIDGET LEAGUE ON FAMILY ORDERS nation, meant to them .. Secretary was glV'.mIn verse chOIr fashlOn Regiena Koch summarized the by the class. First Round Team ~ANKSGIVI~n OF $5.00 OR OVER ~VK~D HAMS. • motto: "Death rather than Sin." The, Seniors then introduced a I Yau bel we're Clyde Schwartz, social chairman, new Alma Mater song. Thursday, November '27 Boned Mon., Dec. 1~4:00 p.m. Kiwanis vs. Lions proud of our Hickory-Smoked told of the class's special devo------From 12 noon a. real old ra.sh~ Rot.ary vs. G. P. B. M. ft!{1utatiof1, tot' loned.. complete Thanksgiving I OPEN SUNDAYS and Over.-Baked Tues., Dec. 2-6:30 p.m. lion to Maria Goretti, its patron, FOR THE HOSTESS' i I dlnl'ler wIth all the trimmings. In our own V. F. W. vS.Post. ,303 establlshmen t Wed., Dec. 3-4:00 p.m. and Gail Gitre, social chairman, Every woman feels flattered 1 Bring the Family .' ,I Hth Optimists vs. Metro Club remarked on, the Sophomores' co- when she receives a feminine E Ope." Thun'l Fri. t:1td Fri., c Dec. 5-4:00 p:r\l. Mixed Drinks . Mod_rete Price. --I YeAr ,:A\ operation in activities. The class gift from her guest. And when Mon., Dec. 8-4:00 p.JP. Lions VS, Post. 303 . '. L history was given by a group that gift is practical, too, it is! " and Sal, Evenings Till 9..00 :oJ I V. F. W. ,V8. Optimists of town criers. doubly appreciated. So why not Cocktails 2ND GREAT W!EK! ~Q Tues.) Dec. 9-:-6:30p.m. . t'l"O ...... ,take a get of fragrant bath' ~tt:l Wed., Dec. 10-4:00 p.m. Kiwanis vs, G. P. B. M. The Juniors, proud of their I toiletries to your next week-end Note-We use only LENNY BRUCE. Z Z '. "" Rotary v~. Metro ,Club the C H 0 ICE S T ~ E'ri." Dec. 12-4:00 p.m. numerous achievements, both as hostess. (She'll remember you liquors and FRESH A Great Hollywood ROSLYN CIl fruit juicelS. Delivered Mon., Dec.15-4:00p.1n:' , Rotary vs. V. 'F. W. under classmen and as new up. kindly for many weeks to come Comedy Favorite s Oyen-Hot Tues.: Dec. 16-6:30 p.m. Kiwanisvs.' Post. 303 per c1assmen, were not to be out- -::-whenever she has the pleasure ~AARKET done by the others. The class of a luxurious bath. Honey Michell. Eder's G. P. B. M. VS. Metro Club Wed., Dec. 17--4:00 p.m. members placed themselves in ------Il J "Southern' Bell. of Songs 2 J 020 MACK at Roslyn Rd, WHITTIER Phone Fri., Dec. 19-4:00p.m. Lions vs. Optimists the future, reminiscing on their N~ ever put perfume directly on .. (\CJ8 SET high school activities. President the fabric of your dress or suit. cocktcsi\ :IOU R.alph Bari-His Trumpet & Orch. TU. <4.9821 MARKET LA. 1-0100 Mon., Jan. 5-4:00 p.m. Post ~303 vs. Optimists 11326 Whittier, at. WhltehUJ . Richard Dowd boasted of their The sweet-smelling liquid might Wed., J~m: 6-4:00 p.m. Kiwanis, VS. Metro Club class spirit. Beverly Cadieux, vice spot the material or might even TU. 5-9657 [JOpen 7 Day. a Week, 30000000000000RgQR2000~ Fri., Jan. 8-4:00 p.m., G. P. B. M. VS. V. F. W. president, elucidated on the mot- injure the threads. Better to Beginning DEC. 1 to: "To the Sacred Heart of ,Tesus spray perfume so that a fine' I b 3 90 E AS T WAR R EN, Sat., Jan. 9-3:30 p.m. Lions vs. Rotary through the Immaculate Heart mist of scent clings to the fabric. OHICKENS PosC303vs. Rotary I HALF TURKEYS Mon., Jan. 12-4:00 p.m. of Mary." Secretary J Dan Marks ~' TURKEYS , DUOKS, GEESE Tues.,' Jan. 13-6:30 p.m. V. F. W. vs. Metro 'Club explained the significance of t,..,..ltlt-,..,..,..,..lt- ..,..•• ,..,..•• ,....,..,.., I~~~1'~- Wed., Jan. 1~:OO p.m. G. P. B. M. vs.'Lions their flower, the yellow rose, * : I'i Y I'. ' while treasurer Ted Monahan ~ \ : I~ our nVLtatLon to .~"' : Fri., Jan. 16-4:00 p.m., Kiwanis vs. Optimists gave r-easons why the class chose * )(.1~ ' ... • ALL Mon., Jan. 19-4:00 p.m. G. P. B. M. VS. Post 303 FRESH the Sacred Heart as its patron. ::* 1 \~. DID S Tues., Ja1). 20-6:30 p.m. Metro Club vs, Lions i Capt. Sh way~ FRESH Serving the Finesl ... ~ Kiwanis 'VS. V. '.F. W. EGGS Wed., Jan. 21-4:00 p.m. t CANTONESE and : I ~ ' 14949 East Jeiferson:'< ,DRESSED Fri., Jan. 23-4:06 p.m. Optimists 'V5,' 'Rotary Mon., Jan. 26-4:00 p.m. V. F. W. vs.'Lions ! AMERICAN DINNERS :1~ SPECIAL t Open Da1ly 3 p.m. to a 8.m r!~ I 15215 MACK TU.5-4664 Tues., Jan. 27-6:30 p;m. Kiwanisvs. Rotary D m Wed., Jan. 28-4:00 p,m.' Metro Club vs. Post 303 I: 5 FSU;Y1I R • to. 1 a.m. !i~ Tha n k 59 iv ih9 Din n e r 5 ~,' Verbeke Poultry Market Fri., Jan. 30-4:00 p.m. Optimists vs. G. P. B. M. IE: ~ :!~ ~ !•. ST.A8 iI~ No.n~::vL:~C:~::3P.M.~~~~~s::g4p.m. ~ PERFUME AND FURS! Spray the lining of your coat- i.o-< INN ~~ Dinners ..... ," ,4 p.m. to I a,m. I or stole-with perfume, but *. ¥ ~ NEVER pour fragrance directly : I b209 E. WARREN : ¥ C,hoice Food and Liquors. " • Alwa~'$ , 'at Bedford :If. 'f. ' .,J . on the fur. And never spray *. ~•••••••• «««.~•••••••••• ,Z ~ perfume on .white or light color- I, ed furs. Some women have a I special pocket sewn on the lin- I iqg at. the shoulder and place i in it a piece at cotton or flannel, .- U. 5, Graded U, S. Graded impregnated with a favorite U. S. Graded scent. CHOICE .. CHOICE CHOICE I Round or Beef WE WILL BE LEG 0' LAMB POT ROAST , SIRLOIN STEAK Hay ~ide Parties 77ft,. 89ib. 69ft" (;LOSED All Day Thursday

Hills Bros. Domi"o Pure Cane Gold Medal so THAT. OUR EMPLOYEES WILL BE ABLE TO SPEND THANKSGIVING AT HOME WITH COFFEE SUGAR FLOUR THEIR FAMILIES. Reg. or Drip Grine! & lb. lib. 43, c w. are thankfulfor the wonderful response Bag Bag you hove given Chicken Delight ••• and 69lli. L look f~rward to your continued patronage. If/8 Re5e1'V~.the Right to Limit All Quantities THERE'S REAL SPORT AND LOTS' OF FUN , ON A HAYRIDE, WITH DANCING. AFTERWARD IN OUR LARGE ::::::::r,. TU. 1-9390 CLUBROOM -Corner of Canyon For Informatioll alld leservatfonl-Cal~ 18411 MACK -near Warren Ave 14828 EAST JEFFERSON, AT MANISTI'QUE K,NACK RIDING S~TA,BLES For your convenience, telephone orders may be 1810 J E. TEN.MILE RD. , • EAST- OF GRATIOT FIVE PHONES AT YOUR SERVICE-FOtJRDELIVERIES DAILY PR 5.926i ~R. 5-3109 caned for .t the ChtckenDeUght Shop without delay V~. 2.6'00 VA. 2..690.1 VA. 2.6902 VA. 2-"03 VA, 2.~621

______...... __•• _ •__ ...... __ *d. S 7 Dr - ••• t $S • M " $°52 2 or 2 5 .5 •• m • • sts 7 F 7 7 77 7 7 7 • au _ . a...-c _. • • .2 ~- , It> • ,. ,-" -.- •• " ..... '.

thursday, November 2', 1952 Page Sixteen P,O' N rE,' .Thursday, N • TwoFi Use. THE Being j Packard Motor two new lines of 3 Trunk Line.s now on display i DEADLINE 5 P.M. TUESDAY er showrooms YOUR AD CAN BE 'CHARGED CALls T'UxerJo",2 -69'00 To Serve. You Quickly United States. '1 ' .. , are:.appears on a ", 21p-.Furniture Repairs 4-HELP WANTED 7-WANTED TO RENT, ... ',B--ARTICLES FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 21A-GENERAL SERVICES 21i-Paint and Decorate upper~priced ca~ tom-built models CLASSIFIED RATES (Male and Female ) PAINTING and decorating. Wall FURl-t"ITuRE REP Am. Refinish- " I UNFURNISHEDhouse,3 b~d_LEATHER 'TOP deSK and chair, j car .field: the F If You Have Property to Sell. NOW washing. General handyman. ing, reupholstering, springs re- Cc!lsh Ado;-I S ordws for BOc. TEEN-AGE white girl, assist rooms or larger. East;, sid~,like new. Child's stroll~. TUx- line is the comp. Storm windows and screens tied. Antiques a specialty. 'with housework after . school under $100:, TUxedo '5-0936 _e_d_o.....,--5-_5_0_,5_7._.__ .....,-- _ Call Us IS THE the mecliu~n-pric Charge Ads-IS words for 90c painted, repaired and installed. Pick-'Up and delivery. Duall. and Saturdays. TUxedo 5-6318. after 7 p.m. ' BABY GRAND piano,. % length I TIME Immediate service. VAlley 2- LAkeview 1-8249. The adoption ( Sc for c!ldditionat words. '.II'I _ RETIRED middle. _'.aged, pretend persian CO&t, single Tappan- 2809. major change ir: ! TWO WOMEN, one t~ cook ,.and SE ~.~ breasted tuxedo 39 long. To repair on<'! re-place your eaves- FREE estimates on furniture - and marketing I do downstairs work. other to Grosse Pointe' couple desire .VAlley 2-9480. Call troughs. Expertly done by Insured PAINTING and decorating, wall reupholstered, re-styled, r~ . Packard. The m ! do upstairs and help care for smaller quarters. Would,' like workmen. TUXEDO 2-6900 Champion washing, screens. repaired, gen- paired. Terms. Mrs. Marion the luxury tYF i, three school age childl'en.Live 6-room lower, automatic heat, REFRIGERATOR and gas stove. eral handyman, Immediate which establishe, in. Good wages.' ..Must have JACK THE TINNER Chadwick, PRescott 6-6825, 9-9 3 Trunk Lines rental- not over $J,OO; excellent .Reasomible."Both good condi- service. VAlley 2-2809. reputation amon I references. Call between 4 and' references, ,including pres~nt .tion: TUxedo 1~143~; . 128 Kercheval PRescott 5-0390 daily. . KE~CHEVAL AVENUE buyers during th ! 6 only TU. ~-1530. .- landlord. Call after Thursday, PRescott 5.6932 A-I Painting and Decorating j ~w~ , __ 21q-Plastering dominated the GIRLS FORMAL .. teen-size . 12, TUxedo 4-3030 Basement sprayed . KOPP'S PHARMACY TUxedo 1-6018. Each of the two 16925 Kercheval at Notre Dame i VEGETABLE CLERK, neat ex. worn once. TUxedo 1~9515. Storm windows and FISKE DRIVE, near Whittier PLASTERING, perfect repairing, complete set of CUNNIN~HAM'S DRUG'; VENETIAN BLlt.JDS screens perienced young man. Henri's DUPLEX or terrace, family of BEAUTIFUL silver fox muff and Hotel. Special price for quick ceilings, foI" clean responsible The Packard Ii Kercheval at Notre Dame Skilled colored worker : Market. 17027 Kercheval. three adults, must locate by extra fur. TUxedo 2-2671. sale. Carpets, drapes. Call eve- work, VAlley 4-3022. en cars and rang NOTRF DAMF. PHAR'v'tACY ~v'INDOW City-wide references 17000 K;::'cheval at Notre Dame COUNTER GIRL; par~ tim;'-for January 15th. TUxedo 2-2247. nings. Root. TUxedo 2-4645 .. SHADES hardtop and a SI ! Free estimates GROS5E POiNTE DRUG CO. INSURANCE. COMPANY paid 21r-Cement Work coupe to two lu I dry cleaning business. Queen I a-ARTICLES FOR SALE" $3500 for finger-tip wild mink ~ ED 1-0182 or WA 3-5569 17051 Ken'heval at St. ClaIr 665 SHOREHAM, 4 bedrooms, 2 PORCH SHADE dans, and three TITU:, I)RUG 5TOR~ Cleaners. 19834 Mack. ------coat, ,size 16, will sacrifice for - 'oJ BRICK, stone and cement work. . BEAUTIFUL CHROME FORMICA baths, new Cape Cod, disposal, PAINTING, papering. paper re- New or repairs. Arthur De Roo. including chauff, 1 Kercheval. at Fisher Road $2000. Call, Mr. Gordon, WOod- 2 car garage, quality through- els priced up to I itar.iP": CORNICE BOARDS moved. Neat. reliable. Work, TUxedo 1-2450. ward 5-3033. out. . MILLER PHARMACY . S' I guaranteed. Mertens. 122 MUir.j------.------tom cars will t ,YOU N G LA DY MADE T~R~;;::~ltle:eE~~s can be C 1 t R I first of 1953. Wayourn and Kercheval 'lstmas made up l\n all colors, includi~g yel- TUXEDO, like new, size 38. Floor omp e e epatr, ervlce TUxedo 2-0083. ALL TYPES cement work: resi- HUNT CLUB DRIVE, 1819 Cleaning, Repairing, .at The other lit: For Chr low. blue. red. green, tan. Chairs are d 1 d' TU d 1 4'394 I 'ng, \"all dential, industrial,. commerCl MACK AVENU E upholstered in Duran r>lastlc mater~al. mo e ra 10. xe 0 - . California, mpuern 5-room brick. PAINT!NG alld decora~l . Clippers, provi W k while tables can be made to any Size. Reconditioning .~ Bonded. TUxedo 5-8292 or BLUE CROSS DRUGS S a Ies or shape and material. You can select. TILT-A-DOOR: 7 feet, good con- Steel casement corner windows, ' S D CO washmg. screens re.p~l1'ed. ~en- TUxedo 1-8587. Packard big-car 17511 ",rack Ave, at Neff Road from 26 different styles. Visit our fac- dition. Best offer. TUxedo marble sills, custom storm and ESQU IRE HA E -' . eral handy man. ImmedIate, five models for WOOD'S DRUG CENTER i 'Ne have an opening for a young torY display and see these beautiful screens, 12-ft. mirrored mantle, 14000 t 7 MILE RD. service. VAlley 2-2809. 12-1-S---C-a-rp-e-n-t-e-r-W-o-rk---- not desire the , I d' .t d' h J h sets. Buy direct from manufacturer. 1-8028. Iformerlv Cavalerl ,,<3 Y ,ntere, e, In p o,ogrdp y. save 33 per cent. Odd chrome chair!! tile bath (colored fixtures), gas cars. The line ir 19291 Mack Avenue at Starr now and continue "hrough only $5,95, MOUTON LAMB finger-tip coat. Bournemouth. furnace, recreation room, 2 car Open Friday Until 9 P.M. OU!SIDE PAINTING, ~ave8-1 ATTIC, recreation rooms addi- and four-door s HARKNESS PHARMACY Christmas. 40 hour week, pleasant METAL MASTERS MFG. CO. Very good Condition, $35. garage. Beautifully landscaped LA. 1-1515 LA 7.3700 troughs ~leaned and pamted, tions or minor repairs by in both stand a . roof repaIrs. TUxedo 5-3590. lie ens e d contractor. F. St. 20313 Mack Ave..' at Lochmoor working conditions. i 24802 Gratiot Ave., East Detroit TUxedo 1-8322. and fenced. Extra lot available. models and a H Blvd. . . I Near 10 Mile Road------,- By appointment. CUSTOM-MADE draperies, and Amour, TUxedo 2-8324. :ranging from ______; Apply any r"ornlng ne).t week Open Dail)' 'UI ~ p: m. WICKER STROLLER, $5; 4 yds. PAINTING,. DECORATING HAWTHORNE, 1512 upholstering. Beautiful selec- $2,500 to $2,800. --- I:from 9 :30 to II :00. I East Detroit, MIchigan beige stair or hall carpeting, New 8-room brick, semi~l'anch, tion of fabrics. Reasonably Wall Washing, Storm Windows ADDITIONS, alterations, cabi- .. The 1953 Pac!: 1..a-PERSONALS PRescott 5-5200 $10. TUxedo 5-8738. 5 bedrooms, 2 tile baths with priced. Workmanship guaran- and Screens painted I'nd put nets and stairways. General contour styling ',; ... % MORTGAGES-=-If you are THE Open SlIndays.I2 to D p. m. FOR CHRISTMA~S-- colored fixtures, 'living room, tee. TUxedo 2-5000. up! Cdulking. No job too small. modernization and repairs. Ot- troduced in 195J fice partitions. Formica table 'sign \....ith a 10\\ building a new home or if YOli nte r . dining room, sunroom, large Terms. want to re-finance your present i C C LAMPS.SHAD~S - Buy direct, SEE THIS! am e ra e recreation room with natural }I~IREPLACE fixtures and brass ED BISCHOFF tops. TUxedo 5-2840. fenders is a syn'- mortgage for extra cash. find. 171 14 Kercheval, in the Viliage from mdanutatcturer . dShad~ .. Complete Lionel 0-27 Electric Train fireplace, garage, 100-ft. lot, lined low Halia h lamps repolished and relac- WAlnut 5-1442 REPAIR porches steps doors, out about our 4% insured resi. parts. an eus om s a e Ill.a - : mounted, extras, large transformer, many more good features. quered. 2689 Lycaste. VAlley. , , and the massive dential mortgage. H. P. Rich-: S-----S-I-T-U-A-T-.-O-N-S-W-A-N--T-E-D---mg. mountmg and repaIrmg. cool elevator etc. Sold as, complete Open Sunday 2 to 5 2-46.55. i M. BROWN, Decorator. Clean! windows, kitchen cabinets, of American en, ardson. Equitahle Life Assur-' ------Best selection of lamps and. unil $95, May be seen 11 to 7. Sat- WALTER H. EBERT decorating. Long' experience.! bookcases. Good work, prompt Both lines hav' ance Societv. 25th floor Penoh- RUFFLED CURTAINS expertly shades in to"vn. Lamps by Mar- urday only. TUxedo 5-5840 TUxedo 5-2113. , service. S. E. Barber, 20380 optional equiprr, scot Bldg .. TU. 2-0895, VE. 9- done. Priced reaso!,?ably. Called tin. 14637 Kercheval and Man. TUxedo 5-5152 21b-Watch RepaIring Nesbit, TUxedo 4-0051. most recent c 6434 I for and delivered. Mrs. Van istique Weekly 10-6, Friday and ------,---- IS YOUR HOUSE FOR SALE? COMPLETE interior painting and easier motoring: __ ,______, i Haverbeke. VAlley 4-0661. Saturday till 9 p.m. VAlley 2- '-ARTICLES WANTED Th I.. EXPERT WATCH and clock decorating, over 35 years. ADDITIONS, alterations, and power brakes, CATIONAL 8151 Over rea Mi lion Oolli'lrs 10 repamng. Pro m p t service. other improvements for your . shift automatic . 2A-EDU 1AWNiN-GS~--'.-- -.------d' ----- BOOKS bought in any quantity. GROSSE POINTE Heasonable prices. Bra dIe y Quick service. Free estimates. Wm. Loader. EDgewater 1- home. Kitchens modernized. conditioning. 1110 ....--PRIV A~ETUTORING :1 V';' d ' s~reens remo~e d' TRADE-IN sofas and chairs. All Entire libraries, bookcases, art REAL, ESTATE Jewelers, 7.0926 Mack at Hamp- • In ows, s 0 I' m s was e , ob]' ects. Mrs. B. C. Claes, 1670 4086. Anything in the building or re- gines and many IN I eavestroughs cleaned, walls in nice clJnditions. Reasonably ton, TUxedo 2-9309. pair line. Best materials and provements. Th YOUR OWN HOME washed. VAlley 1-4127. priced. Van Upholstering Co., Leverette. WOodward 3-4267. Pu\'cha~ed Last Year ---.------PAINTING and Paperhanging workmanship. No down pay- which were fin All subjects; all gradE'S. Adults i - . T • . 13230 Harper. Open 9 'til 9. -POSITIVEL y_ Through 21,F-Electrical Ser'Vice complete decorating service. ment. Call us, TUxedo 4-0945. the 1952 Packa; and children. Certified teachers.: A1:L KINDS o~ typmg, address------. .. --~,----- MAXON BKOTHERS ------"-. materials and workmanship practicality and Call' i lng and mallmg. Lowest rates. AUTO DRIVERS! Save 30 per HIGHEST PRICE5--PAID for . I BROWN ELECTRIC AI:- repaIrs, guaranteed. LAkeview 7-5930. FINE CARPENTRY-Residential through millions Rosemary Gant, TUxedo 2-3283. cent~ Only $7.26 quarterly buys furniture and appliances, DICKERSON-O t . D" 2 fl t I replacements and mamtenance. , ---~------, and commercial. Porches, ree. . I ing during the t: DETROIT AND SUBURBAN '---~------.-,---~- $5,000/$10.000 Public Liability "I-Piece or d Houseful." (6 and 5) 3~::~:~ge~ fa~~ II Ir.amp repair. Since 1920. TUx- ,PAINTING, wall was'hing, all reation rooms, attics, etc. Re- g The new pow' TUTORING SERVICE 7 MlDD LE AGEDLA.Wild~~MOwants with $5,000 Property Damage. PRescott 5-5733 b 'k '1 t d '1' edo 2-7550. ! work guaranteed. very reason- modeling of any kind, by developed by P~: WOodward 2-6632 T~~as 4-13 8 ba by sitting. . - I. TUxedo 1-2376.' 1'1 C , P as ere recrea Ion .______able. best equipment used. 11 B k 1 FHA ------.------~~ . . ADD-A-PEARL necklaces . .John room, 3 fireplaces, sunroom, 21e-Custom Corsets VAlley 4-8329. Wi iam roc e. terma. takes about 80 COMMUNITY EXPERIENCED colored couple, FIR E PLACE EQUIPMENT, - J. Lane. WOodward 1-8762. fbaseS010eontla'h'atL.ory. Should rent , ~_____ PRescott 6-7083. effort out of dr. RVICE \vife good (ook. husbanci chauf- screens, all_ types. grates and. ----,------01"1 eac. Akeview 6-7800 , SPENCER CORSETS PAINTING and decorating, wall H. F. JENZEN, BUILDING the driver to r' SE TUTORING, feur. serve, willingly to go to irons, tools. See display, at WA NTED I H. M. Seldon Co. I INDIVIDUALLY designed. Dress washing, screens repaired, im-! or control of th 1 MRS. LOUIS MARfCK, DIRECTOR t Florida, arrived from Ne\v: SMITH. MATTHEV/S 6640 -'------ot n1ediate service. VAlley 2-28U9. HOME AND INDUSTRIAL REPAiR Other advant~, l lutoring b'l degree teachers avail-! Jersev. TR. 2-0965. , Ch 1 . A WA 2-7155 GROSSE POINTE SHORES and surgical ga.rments. Over ----~------Additions, Attics CompTeted, Porches, for Packard PO\. oble in ol~ subjects for grades, high i -- ~---::_- - ~---_.-- ..---- I ar eVOlX ve .., . . Id I h' I C 1 . 1 b I 18 years' experIence. Maude 211-Window Washing Recreation Rooms, Garages Built. The car's stabili' II d d J d t' I - 0 C t 0 onlR.' ,4 ed,r.ooms, .2, baths,' I Ban. nert, 368 McKin, ley, Grosse proved, road she' sc.h':)ol, co cgc an 0T~;C~~'~~ Ion. : EXPERIENCED cOlf:red lady FOR A BETTER grade of used plus extta beoroom \':'lth la\'j Pomte. Call TUxedo 5-4027 ar Wl-N-D'-O-W--C-L-E-A-N-'N-G- 1152 Elford Ct. TUxedo 1-97+4 OR I 0 In9 ed at the wheel, OPENING s F \ wants Tuesdays or Wednesdays. furniture see Neatway Furni- S PR CES P ID Cl?s.e to lake. Good famIly home,. TO\vnsend 7-4312. ------339 Merriweather, Grs. Pte. Forms 1 and. every other Thursday, ture, 13930 Kercheval: We al- BE T. I A utlltty room on 1st. 829,500. IN ALL WASHING CUSTOM KITCHENS, cabinet.oJ, of rough road reach the steeri~ TUxedo II clean mg. dependable, refer-I ways have the things yoU are, FOR MEN'S SUITS IN THE FARMS .-2-lf--R-f-.--t.-.------Service on Screens and Storms formica'tops. bars, recreation 4.2820 .8teadying facto ~~ ----- ences. TW_~~,~rook 3-1697_. ~_ looking for. VAlley 2-2115. TOPCOATS and SHOES - e rJgera Ion Brick washing expertly done ro-:.ms. Excellent work. Call w. . danger from blc r-pA"'IISH ~---- ,------~- --"---- TUlsa 3-1872 3 bedrooms. 2~ baths, powder COMMERCIAL AND Domestic. Basement Pointing B. Evans, TWinbrook 3-5438. LEARN ~ I'" ,EXPER[ENCED baby sit tel' ! Bicycles, Toys, Trains. . I . room, den, $26,;)00. ------fewer turns of tl . .. I available evenings and week-I Santo's Wanderland at A telephone .call w:" orl,ng us to I Ann Bedford Goodman Complete installations and I H. E. GAGE & SON 2lt-Dr~ssmaking for parking; ar. ~ Increase your bus,ness opportunIties, d~ TU' 1 n ~262 W.OOO'S BI.KE SHOP IIOU ImmediAtely service, Hom/-) freezers, sealed ------simplified desig1 '.e, fast 26-wee" basic Span- en;,. xec 0 .:,-;) . I v. TUxedo 5-6063 LOrain 7-4706 TUxedo 4.0136 . - Cample " I ------units, motors, belts, controL,;. FUR COATS, repaired, remo.d- icing. ish cour;e. by form~r LotIn-Amen-, t' Woods Blk.e Shop offers you 0 com- OLD JEWELRY' rl'ngs brooch": JOHN S. GOODMAN All k \11 k d ------d RELIABLE woman w111 care for f S h . d " ""', ma es. IV or .guarantee. WINDOW cleaning, awnings and eled. relined, cleaned and glaz- The Packard: con diolomot and UnIversity g' a u- I 'tU d 5 2~3~ i p:ele assortment 0 C WInn an necklaces earings etc John J Realtor Ge,v.man Ref-, J"'eratlon ServIce. SCl'een!" rem 0" ed, storms ed. Reasonable. TUxedo 2-4651. ote, nOw employed by a leading De-: chi dren. xe 0 - t {. i English bicycles, tricycles, pedal cors, . ,.,., . .... '" y power increasec trait corporation. Call: ' ------~.- ...~.---._--- : Toni dolls and accessories, Lionel and I' Lane. WOodward 1-8762. Member of Grosse Pomte 447 MorossRoad. TUxedo 4- \.....ashed and installed, eaves ------on the Packard EXPERIENCED colored I a d y : Flyer trains of Holgate, Fisher" Price FURNITUREWAN-TED-If you Brokers Association 1430. cleaned. wall washing. Insured "VALET SERVICE FOR GALS." 160 on the Cli:1 TUxedo 2-5064 wants day work. Good ref-, toys, All famous brands, Why not ,------~------workers, 12 v,ears experience, Expert alterations,. hems, fur frem 135 to 15 I Evenings and Saturdays erences. S8 and car fare TYler stop in today, an d browse ond get have anything in the line of! 103 M ap Ie t on 21 g- R.t.oo"ng TUxedo 5-8629, evenings. repalrmg,, . remo d el'mg, re l'mmg.. models, has th.~ ____. . .._._.____ f f t book? household furniture and rugs!, .. . . ------TtT d .2 4651 ----- 7-0667. your copy 0 our ree oy . and miscellaneous items. Call' All brick, Charming liVing, room With ------xe 0 - . tion needed for :.3-LOST AND FOUND I-"-~------~--~----- WOODS BIKE SHOP . ; notural fIreplace, lorge mirror above. HOME OWNERS! CaD TUxedp 21n-Clay Tile Installation der difficult tr<,: ,------,. 'REFINED German lady, expel'- 1 The Isa~ac Neatw~lY Furmture" Op"n staircase, full dining room, 1-8170 for gutter repair, rea~ ------MARIE KARSCH:t>.TIC}( - Dress- The Packard ( .. LO?T - BO;';,e;. m~le. m?sstng ienced in cooking and house- L0373 MaCK 13930 Kercheval, VA. 2-2115. cheerful, handy kitchen, break fast sonable prices. Richard Willertz I CLAY TILE-Beautiful kitchens, making, tailoring and altera~ tic no-shift trar;~ ;', smce last Fn~ay nl,ght. Llhf'l'a~ work. wishes p()sition (prefer Ooposlte Food Foir ------nook, 3 good sized bedrooms. tile 50 Roslyn road. bathrooms, sinks. stall showers. tions. LAkeview 1-8240. eral improvem': ~eward ~or hIS retur.n or any downstairs,) Prefer to go home ~~xedo '1-3402 I BOOKS .purc,~ased for. cash. En- bath with shower, lower flaor and ~------Free estimates. FHA terms. ------~------acceleration aT_! ',. mformatlOn, as to. hiS where,-,' nIghts. Box L-269, Grosse " C l,'f I l~tlle.ems.lrb,Mral'dr~,:se!'torBooflkneSe~Llvnl.gclee,sair\f;oy carpeted in gray. Attractive EAVES TROUGHS cleaned and Mather, VAlley 4-3707. CUSTOM Dressmaking: sui t s, proved perfcrn ,; ~~ abouts. Answers to "Duke. LEA V!NG fOl a ~. Must sell w - cornice boards, Decorated in good painted, caulking, odd jobs. coats, dreses. Alterations ex~ I : '. There are sev ~ .;.; . - 04- l' Po,nte NC\\ S. I II-pIece bedroom import~d 4301 Kens:ngton. TUx e d 0 lasle, aasement la'~., gas heat, side TUxedo 5-3590. 21o-Expressin9 pertly done. TUxedo 1-3593. '/ Please call TUxedo ;)-9 I. ,a1- ---~----, - , ,------. l' Ii 1 M b'l top on' 5-2450. '. drive garage. Co;wepient to schools contribute to : ,/, ~on '2 COLORED . t d I rom ,a y. ar e I CALL Grosse Pointe Cartage 21 B' k R . pearance. Roof " •• , ' j wnmen ,wan ays'i dressers verv large mirrors. '. . -.---~-- and shopping. Excellent transporta-' 21h R CI . , f k' v- rlC ,~epalr 4--HELP WANTED Good Ironer. cleaning. Grosse i w th' 'g Ole in USED two wheel bIcycle for 5 I tion. Open to reasonable offer for - ug eanlng Express and Movmg- or pac -. ------models follow 1 , (Mal"" ....., d Female) ~oin_te reference, W A 1 nut i (j~i~Cd SSt~~:. '\Villns~cri~nce for!, year old boy-training wheel. 'j quick sale, R-U-G-S-.-ta-c-k-e-d-c-a-rp-et-,-!'-n-d-f-u-r-n-i- ing or crating. Baggage to all ALL ~RICK, block and stone aedans, a xevi~ ...... " 30"~ I VAlley 3 1336 MARTHA BACHERS '" depots. Established in 1895. repaIrs. Porches, steps, etc• the silhouette .._- ;)- 0,. ,S600. Cost $3,000-01' make an, -. I , tur.e cleaners. Home servI'ce. f' d 1 ---~~------~ I . - . TUxedo 2-5540 or TUxedo l Waterproo mg an sewer c ean- tel' visibility. ALTERATIONS At'JD : SA-EMPLOYMENT offer. WAlnut 1~1256. 'WANTED: Piano in good condi------V A. 1-7710 Satisfaction guaranteed. Free 2-5430. ing. Reasonable. Work myself. BUREAU- .quare inches '1 ------I . tion. PRescott 5-3353. 19 PETS------estimate. Call: ------Marchese. LA.6-9300. SE.A~ASTRESS . COLORED cnUPLES, cooks. i A PRACTICALLY new boy 5 - RE-NU CARPET CLEANERS 21p-Furniture Repairs ------malC.S. chauffeurs. caretakers.! Rollfast bike, equipped with ONE PAIR skiis for 10 year old ------~---- VAlley 2-8085 ------'- 21y-Piano Service Experienced on a1terat;""'5 of dresses, janitors an-' porters. Day or' headlight, horn, white-walls, I boy. TUxedo 1-0870 after 5 p.m. BOARDING _ TRAI~~ING ATTENTION! Chairs - sofas reo ------SUits, end coots, Apply: . weei<, Field'~ Employment. TR. carrier and reflector. Only $35.1 BABY-CRrn--c-'i-1 -KE--ci I Br,1l1d new, - heated kennels, indi- 21i-Paint and Decorate paired, springs retied in your COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE- rRCE 3-7770. VAlley 1-1921. I" a nwoo j vidual nms, best of food and core. --'------home! Save! Guaranteed! Rea- Tuning, repairing, refinishing C~ WALTON - Pl C _~, ------. I 4-43_~:__ Free Pick-up and Deliv~ry I PAIt-~TER n~eas wOl:k; interior i sonable! Call Citywide Service. I and mothproofing. W A I nut 21 v-Piano S~ SHOP o-FOR RENT I IR

. or __ ' _. .' 3 fal1\!ly bedro0ms. maid;;225I and l'2A-BOATS FOR SALE JAGERSBO Will you favor us with a coli P.NTE TAILOR'S o. CLEANERS ~IOTHER.Sh~l-p~~, ~x;erienced, quartthcl'sc, nlel\'M'ly.d ecorate.d,v$E ., FIREPLACE LOGS . For Free Estimate and Advice 01 . ex neat, dependClblf". \()ve child- .~onl) ~'-O a t. M ooney, n- ! ~ut to any length desired. $12,50 per NEW home built strip planked BOARDING KENNELS ren live in f;nme nighL<;, S30. ,ee. -;)1 O. 'Sing, Ie cord, or $37.50 per truck load mahogany hull, 21. ft. 'al'row- Offe!s for sale ?n litter Chesapeake: J. F. TROMBLEY VA. 4-3227 Men's 'and Ladl'e-' (S'~~~s'D~X;I.rO:e~L"t:) Order 'VA. 2-3040 , ------,~. , ---.-.---~------.- : delivered (opprox .4 'cords) Maple hea1d slQop, copper, brass and I Retrlevers~ one fitter Dashshunds. All ------.. u - GOO Steady ~a,?d opportumty. VAI-; DUPLEX on' NottinghaJ? near: Sycamore, Oak, Ash, etc.' , glue fa~tened. Includes ma-! 8 weeks 010, PAINT:tNG and DECORATING Alterations, Relininl:'. Cleanin~ and Pressinj! • FIREPLA ley 1-8<>81. Morang.' perfect condItlOn, 2 i CALL- . terial for finishing. Lumber - Midwest 4-77.17 EXPERT PAPERHANGING 14931 EAST JEFFERSON al Oity Limits • BEAUTIF CHRISTMAS Sal~sp~~-r;: I bedrooms. gas heat,. stall shOW-I MT. CLEMENS 5674 COLLECT fittings, sails, etc. Must be see~ 3520 North Adams, Birmingham WALL WASHING .SERVICE , 16~24"l D'oubleday Book Shop, 40 hour' er. tIle bath. fInlshed base- --r----.------to be appreciated. Owner leav- 21A-GENERAL SERVICES .F:-ee Estimates «"red M. Schuman Established 1925 Open Eves. 'till 7:00 week. some knowledge of ment. 11:2 ga r a ge. simhme~~atc BABY CARR1AGE, and acces- ingstate. Will sacrifice. Phone HUGHES PECORATORS • COLORE 9 books and records. Apply man- occupancy. S.' 5 c nel er, sories; also apartment size TUxedo 2-0018." UPHOLSTERED BOOTH,S 5293 Yorkshir~ TV. 5-1165 • HICKOR aget';' 17116 KeY'rhpval (in the' TUxedo 4-18~~: __ ~ ... Easy Spin washer. TUxedo 4- . _ In Grosse Pointe Woods It's VillagE'). FIVE ROOM apartment adjoin- 0216. 13-REAL ESTATE Beautiful upholstered booths EXPERT {>amting, paper panging . ideal for breakfast nookS, rec. IADUR'S STANDARD STATION GiOCERY-C'LERK- ..~-e-at--a~d ex-. li:,~ Grosse Pdo~n~e. 2Lb~~ro?n~~ lONE AUTOMATIC shuffleboard For a complete seledi~n of 'reation rooms. and dens. These vbYanm~:.~~~~~s.Tt~~d~stiZfi~', 1'1721 M . d' I lvmg room, mmg ,Ie oa b r g h'. Is huffl d d h" booth's are up,holstered, in Duran .=.= pene~ce (oun[_02;v ~ m ~ n,: and shower combination, Closets I b ow ~n b ma~ l~ne, a h? s B ~- new an . u.se . ames-in the TUxedo .4-2714. ALL STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CAR'S SAKE . n a c We Do Welding Mack A.ve., Cor. Roslyn Rd.. Henn s Mar et. I j ere e-: etc. Rental including heat, $130. o~r TUased a 1 3 2')6 6me. ar~ Grosse Po..in, te area-call us Plastic material aval1able in 32 val. Adults only. Call or see man- .gam,: xe 0 -. . colors and patterns. FOR FINER HOU-SEKEipER-\~hit~~-]-;~~-i;: ' agel" 2-1325 Sloan Drh'e, TUx- CHINTZ dust ruffles 'white Ta"p. pan-:-, We can build any type, size or !NTERIOR & EXTERIOR with mother and th)ree little \' _ ..edol-9~.,B~. , ,,' __ I spreads,. taffeta sho~er and . style of booth to fit, any empty Goo . 1 k h h th - - Ch'" . nook or croner, also matching PAINTING & DECORATING glr s, eep ou~e w l~e t;l10 er; NEW MODERN 5 room ,upper window curtain, antique' sa~in amp Ion Formica tables to harmonize with TELEVISION Peat Jloss works. must like children - i flat. garage. disposal, large sofa slip-cover, expensive liv- . ' . CHRIS C. CHARRON & CO. (Bulk and Baled) , must have references, $35. I va rd. Broker, TUxedo 5~4100. jug room lamps cheap, high 128 Kercheval booth. WAlnut 2~3986 Specialists Top Soil Seed$ TUxedo 2-0264. : - '------chair, car bed. 18928 Mallina, TU d ' Visit our factory display and Highly Dependable Service Pea Humus Fertilizers OCCASIONAL~-Y-Ray \Vh~;.t~6A-FOR RENT (Furnished) between .Mack and Harper off xe 0 4-3030 see these gorgeous booths and Satisfaction Our Guarontee Installation , . ,'----, - . --- --_.- East 7 MIle ------table. Price range $79 and up. ------RADIU~ ..:;.~~-'_dRED Manure Insecticides Chevrolet has pOSItron avall- RIVARD BLVD., Grosse Pointe. ' '. . GROSSE POINTE WOQDS""':"2079 CALL: OLSON, VAlley 1-9346 All Work Fully Guaranteed Fill Sand able. for young won'lan, for, Well furnished 6 room house, 11939 NORGE refrigerator, '6 cu. Rolyn: 5' room frame ana utili- METAL MASTERS MFG. CO. for your decorating, painting clerl~al work ne,;r home., .rhe, (gas heat), until June 1st. i ft" with separate defroster, in ties, garage, tile features alu- 24802 Gratiot Ave., East Detroit and paperhanging. Reasonable. G"rOSSe Pointe Television fOR DELIVERY pay IS good, WOrkl~g condl.tl.ons ; TUxedo 5-4124. running order, $50;00 as ,is, minurn storms and'scre~ns '> 9 Near 10 Mile Road Free estimates. . Specialties Co. CALL TU. 4.9859 excellent. lnterestmg posItion.; - ----.-~----.----._-- where is. TUxedo 2-6216. years old .. $9,900. For sale. o~. Open Daily 'til 9 p.m. ------Contact Mr. F. X. Hildebrand at fISKE DRIVE - near Whittier will trade my equity for brick FOR YOUR outside painting and 5021 Cow'ville, at Warren VAllev 1-2000 or drop in at I Hotel. December 15th. 5.150 ELECTRIC STOVE, four burner, ranch or bungalow in Grosse East Detroit, Michigan inside decorating call TUxedo Phone TU. 4-2990 D. E. Leydet l FullV' Bond~d ~:m(lInsured. 15175 'E. Jefferson for a person-.( monthly. Call evenings, Root. good condition, light and timer. Pointe or south. of, Harpe: PRescott 5-5200 1-452'1. Free estimates. No job Particlpa.ing In Better Business 17151 Mock, at Marseilles al interview. TUxedo 2-4645. VAlley 2-2886, Woods. TUxedo 4-2553. . . Open Sundays' 12 t6- 6 p.m.. 'too smalL . Practice .

es' • rr*. .°tto t ,...... - - .. - • :-" • , ' 952 -, ..-: niursday, Novem!:)~r 27, ,1952 Page Sevenfeen

7:30 p.m., Youth Choir rehearSal; Two Fine New Lines of Cars Headlines of The Week 1~~~~~~~;ie'~'~;30J~r:;:~~8 p.m., Men's Association Board , '.,., , . . !Club. meeting.' , Thursday, December 4:-7 p.m•. •p.m., ow 109 teams; 7:30 p.m., -, two new lines of automobiles are Clipper models are of the "wrap-, "'. . ' .« • , .. POINTE.CONGBEGATiONAJ:,~: , for l .Nurs~ry, Kindergarten and :Boy Scout Tr~op. 96~ . EBENEZER BAPTIST ~~w.s~~w~~~~; i~:c,~::~~t d~~;:~~~~:" i~~~:s a;~reha~:s/~~~~ W:I;~~~~~r~:'t~L;;i~a~~i,~~~ SECRETARY OFSTATEDean: 24~Cha~o4teatLothio~;;, ~ri~ary ~asses; .11 a.m.: Morn- : Tuesday, December 2: 10 a.m., Z1001 MorG81SRd. at Harper Ma &u.E.ArihmMc~,P~r AY U t d St t Th killed in ac',tion, or diM. of Acheson insists,. on safeguards ,rc~s 'Wm; Jo~nsoli;Mitdster lrig ;Wors~lp .andSern::on, 7.p:m"iWomen's Association Social Serv- n} e a es. e name Pack- than previous ,similar models. . '. '. ' " aga;"'.".t'.. forced repatriation. of Y th S-'d 9'30 W. JUDlor High FellowshIp' meetmg' , , G' 10 W 'As arc;. appe:u-s on all the company's ,The Packards and the Clippers wounds, and at ",,least,, another . ~ ' fKWar in final' ou un ay, : a.m., or-, ' . '...... 'ilce roup; a.m" omens - A Thanksgiving Day Service upper-~rIced cars, topped by cus- are availahle in .11 body colors, 1,~11. wounded and 62, reported bP:dlStOneUrNsof ,,,ore: withhonor;" ship Service: The JunIor choir ,7:~0:,p.m.,.Semor High Fellow- ~sociation Board Meetll'lg; 10 a.m.• will be held at Ebenezer Baptist tom-bwlt models for the luxury eight of which are new. A wide mlssm~.. I o. or. p:a :;ill sing at .this service. Sermon: ShIP m~~tmg. IWomen's Association Sew in g Church, Morass road at Harper ~finish- car field: the Packard CUpper selection of upholstery carpeting, '. • . .. ' , . '.'. At the Word: Go." Wednesday, December 3:-10:30 Group; 12:30 p.m., Women's As- on Thursday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. , NATION'S MANPOWER. under . '.' • .... ',.' . WSCS E t'C 't '. L h' '" Rev. Herman Riffel, of Kankakee. ngs re- line is t1;e company's entry into and fiMr mats provides colors ARMED FORCES. to speed up study to pro,vl,;deup-to-date' p..ic-' 9.30 a,m.~hurch .. Scnool for a.m., ,. , xecu }ve' omrm - soclatioll unc; 7:30 p.m., ,e,X- ecialty. the medIUm-prICe field. which complement the shades se- discharges of men whose terms ture of number of . 20-year.;0Ids Grades 4 through 10... , " tee meeting; 12:45 p.m.; Annual plorer Crew 96. Ill. will be guest speaker. Special Duall, The adoption oi two lines is a lected for the body. Upholsteries of 'service ,are nearing en~. in 11 W h' S Christmas Luncheon. Speaker: Wednesday, December 3: 7 p.m., music will also be rendered. The . I d h order to' get, them' home for available for armed services. 19- . a.m.- ors Ip Service. ' er- Mrs. 'Hartman, A. Lichtwardt,' I Jnn;or' Basketball pract1'ce', 7'.30, public is invited. major change in manufacturing mc u e hand-buffed leat er, ,ny- , " '1' t b mon° "At thW d G'" ,I ...... and marketing procedures for lon, bedford cord, and solid or Christmas holidays. ' year-~lds will definite y no' ,. e, . , ~ ?~,: 0-,,' topic:, "Iran-A Woman's View."!1Fortnighters; . :ure - k d Th t. d b d I th drafted before end' of Janu~ry, '11 a.m;' ~,Churc:h &hool,for Thursday, December 4:-8 p.m., BAHA'I WORLD FAITH :I, reo- rha~ ~~Ury et~~vep~~~a~~ b~~~ Is rIpe roa c 0 ~. MOnd~y,Noveniber 24 SelectiVe Service offiCial reveals. Nursery, Kindergarten,' Grades ,1: Choir Rehearsal.' 'WOODS PRESBYTERIAN TU. 2-3310 Marion bI" hiM M ' STATE DEPARTMENT re- • "'. " ,: t~c:lugh 3: NUn;erY .for., irifa:il't, 19950 Mack ,Avenue at Torrey Friday, Novr 28-Specia1 Baha'i which ~sta IS ed t~e c.o~pa~y's '1 th t S' ,e U' 'd h REPUBLICAN ,~d pemocratlc care at 'llie 11 a.m. service onl"Y, ST., PAULEV; LUTHERAN Andrew Rauth, Minister adult gathering. 8 p.m. Baha~i ~25,9-9 reputatlOn among dlScrImmatmg, ary organ s Ivea s a OVlet mon .an er t' b th' tin. g plans to at th' "f M ' d M 'R' C buy~rs during the years, Packard satellites have deployed 491,troop par les 0 "con urn .' ., ' .. e,llomeo', r..an rs." 37.5'Lothrop 8:t Chalfonte : Sun.d a y, Nov~mber 30::-10 I youth meeting. ' Fashl*On Report ' M1 an dommated the top prlce field. divisions in Europe and Asia.' seek vote !ecount of' c:lti.g s, Velt, 243 Chalfonte. " .', Wednesday November 26:-4: a.m., FIrst WorshIp' S e r vIe e f '" '" • Each of the two new lines has a Warns that Russia is ,channeling gubernatOrIal and senatorIal con-' Pilgrim Fellowship Group. ~ Ch!ipel' 'Choi~;' 8.~, Thanksgiving ICmirsery 3 yr, olds), 10 a.m., First' Sunday, Nov. 30-10:30 a.m. )?iring, complete set of models. this year, by making it less. half its natfomil production to tests. p;m.-ClHU meeting ~n church WOI:ship. ,section of Church School (chil- Children's Class. Subject: "The onsible The Packard line includes sev- Halter' Neck Big News "war 1l,se. '" • • social halL 7,. p.m.-Club .. 240 F r i da y November 28:-9. dren 4-8 years of age); 11:30 Source of all Good is Trust. iri. en cars and ranges from a deluxe THE HALTER NECK IS THE * '" *. UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin se- meeting in church social. hall. Bowling.' . I a.m., Second Worshil? Service God," : hardtop and a sporty convertible BIGGEST NEWS ... whether ARMY, TRANSPORT plane lected by 'Big Ten athletic direc- Saturday, .. November 29:-111 (nursery 3 yr. olds); 11:30 a.m., I ' coupe to two luxury family se- treated as only a single velvet vanishes over Alaska's moun- tors over'Purdue. to represent the ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL Junior. Choir. ! Second Section of Church School dans, and three cltstom-built cars. ribbon rising to encircle the neck Itainous "Graveyard of Airplanes" conference, in, the Ros~' BoWl Rev. Edgar H.;iYeoman, ',ReCtor Surida'y, November 30:-9:30,. (boys and girls 9-18 yrs. of age). Sixth Church of Christ, ~ work. including chauff~ur-driven mod- from a strapless bodice, or an in- while' trying to land in heavy against. Southern CalifOrnia. on Audrey McAnulty' Jennings. Sunday ,School; '10:45, Worship; O.bse:rvance of the Ses9-ui-cente.n- )e Roo. els priced u~ to $6,900., The cus-I verted basque halter ... the bare fog and high wirids with 52 ser- New Year's Day. Organist and Choir Direct~r 10:45, Children's Church for chil- mal of Board of NatIonal MIS- Scientist, Detroit tom cars ;vlll be avaIlable the neck, shoulders, and arms will be vicemen aboard. Third to crash ------Sunday, November 30,.8 a.m.- dren 3-6 year. sions at both Services. Sermon 14730 Kercheval Avenue first of 19;)3. ' Ivery much in evidence this sea- or vanish in the Alaskan area State Artists . Holy Communion, 9:30 a.llv _ Tuesday, December 2:-8:15,' theme "Our Task in America."; c resi- The other line, the Packard son. Other smart necklines are within three weeks. ' Church School, Grade III and Sunday School. Teachers' meet-, 7:30 p.m .• Tuxis Club meeting. Sund.y Services, 10:30 a.m. nercial and 5:00 p.m. Clippers, .provides ~rad~tio~al the scoop and deep V ... all • • '" Hol,ain,g Exhibit over, 11 a.m. _ Morning Prayer 'ing..- Monday, December 1:-1 p.m., .unda.~' School, 10 :30 a.m, :92 or Packard bIg-car qualIty 10 Its conducive to the more natural PAUL HOFFMAN. president d S Wednesday,. December 3:-4 ..1 Women's Association Board mee.t- fi d 1 f h d an' ermon: Nursery. Kinder- liednesday EveDing TesdUnon~ ve mo. e s or owners w 0 . 0 look for the lady fair' ... and and director of Ford Foundation, garten. Grades. I and II. Chapel Choir.' ing; 8:30 p.m., Cub Pack Commit- Meetln~ at II p.m. not deSIre the most expenSIve showing more than "fairly well" announces he cannot accept ap- The 43rd annual Michigan Ar- ,tee meeting. Readillr Room Open lieek Days 16348 E. Warren cars. The line includes two-door what nature has done for the pointment to Eisenhower cabinet tists Exhibition opened at the POINTE METHODIST 1 ' ST. JAMES LUTHERAN Tuesday, December 2:-4 p.m., 11l:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. : adell- ~nd four-door sedans, available lady! or any Government appointment Detroit Institute of Arts Tuesday,. 211 Moross Road McMillan at Kercheval Happy Helpers Bluebird meet- Wednesday IG:OOa.m. to 6:00 p.m. irs by m both standard and del~xe Sleeves .re extreme. Either "because of unusual circum- November 18, at 8 p.m; and con- Hugh C.' White, ' Pastor. George E. Kurz. Pastor ing; 4 p.m., Campfire Girls meet; Sunday 2:00 p.m. to {:30 p.m. F. St. mod~ls and a Hardtop at. prIces fancy with ruffles and extreme stances," tinues through December 21. Thursday, November 27:-An.. ,Thursday, Nov. 27: Thanksgiv- 4 p.m., Detroit Presbytery will rangmg from approxImately shapes, or not in evidence at all. .. • .. There are also pieces' of sculp- l'ng Day 8ervI'ce, 9'.30 a.m. meet at Dodge Community ------.... $2.500 to9'$2 8P00. . The sleeveless tube continues SISTER KENNY, 66, Aus- ture In. th'IS year"hs s ow, a larger nual, Thanksgiving S.ervice spon- • '" '" House', 8 p.m., Den Mothers, Cub , , Th 1 53 k d t th ' b f 133'1 sored by the Grosse Pointe Min- cabi- e • ,ac ar. r~ ams . e popular with the sleeves cut out tralian nurse, near death after num ber th an ever e ore, 01 Friday, Nov. 28: Adult class, Pack 546, meet; 8 p.m., Torrey GROSSE POINTE contour stylmg WhICh,It first m-' " stroke. Had devoted her> life to paintings and 70 water colors. isterial Association. Our church CI b t' :;eneral t d d. 1951 Th' b d d even more than last season, some- Th" t t 1 f 263 k b will be host church this ""ear The 8 p.m.; Senior choir, 8:15 p.m. u mee mg. METHODIST CHURCH ro uce m . IS 0 Y e- t' t V h th t f fight f t,..", f h r n IS IS a 0 a 0 war s, y , ;T' '. • • Wednesday December 3'-4 irs. Of- sign with a low hood and high Imes 0 a -s ,ape on e, op 0 or acep an~ 0 e co. speaker will be the Rev. Marcus ,. 21' MOROSS ROAD l table fenders is a synthesis of the fine the sfhoulder'ILlttle shru.ghJatchketstroversial pO:io.tre:tment. ~~Oa~~~st~:6~~e~~~~i:~.0~a~¥P;~=;William Johnson, pastor of the . Saturday, Nov. 29: Children's Ip.m., Children's Choir rehearsal; Sunday, Nov. 30 lined low Italian styling theme ~r.e requent y se~n .Wlt ese HOUSE REPUBLICANI:.eader the exhibition contained 182 en- Grosse Pointe Congregational con~irma~ion class, 9 a.m.; Junior, ~ ~~~~~ _ 10 a.m.-ehurch School for and the massive powerful styling httle-or-~o.s,leevepleces. tries and 17 sculptures, chosen Church. . chOIr, 11.15 a.m. . fl ~~ " Junior, Junior Hi g h end doors, of American engineers. The wal~tlme has ~ecuperated Joseph W. Martin advocates par- from 2,000 entries. Sunday, November 30:-10 a.m...... ~ " High SchoolOepts. abinets, Both lines have as standard or almost entIrely. f1'Om It.S.eleva.tor ticipation of Japan in fight , I Ch h S "Monday, Dec. 1: Vestry meet- 11 a.m. Church School for prompt 1 d t against .. North Korean Com- The jury which selected the ex- , urc cho~l for JUDIor, JUDIor , Nursery, Kindergarten end optional equipment all of the comp e~ an ,IS, remamIng JUs . hibition was composed of Philip HIgh and HIgh School Depart- mg, 8 p.m. Morolli Rd. at Harper Primary Classes. 20380 most recent contributions to where It was deSIgned to be .. mUnIsts. ments 11 Ch h School '" ... '" Rev. E. Arthur M«:Ash, 11 a.m. _ Morning Worship easier motoring: power steering, it~ diminutive size accented. by R. Adal1lS, Director of the Cin- ; a.m" urc __ Tuesday, Dec. 2: Women's Minister and Sermon. power brakes, ultramatic no- WIde belts ~nd full soft sk~rts, Tuesday, November 25 , cinatti Art Museum and Aaron Bowling League, Maple Lanes, 10:()()a,m.-"Nelther Hot 0 T REV.HUGHC. WHITE,Paltor I, and . shift automatic transmission, air no longer stIffly held by crmo-, 'YEEK - END . RIOTING m Bohrod, one of the country's best 40 MI*III*on Seals 1 p.m.; Sunday School staff meet- Cold" TUxedo 1~7878 Ir your conditioning. more powerful en- lines, but bobbing gently with wh:ch at ~east 11 persons were known artists and a member of ing, 7:30 p.m.' I' 11:15 ~o~'-;iP.unday S eh 0 oj ~ ernized. gines and many mechanical im- their ruffled can-can petticoats ?elleved kIlled and,.58 w~unded the faculty of the University of Mal*led to' Homes 7:3':> p.m.-"The Second ======~ or ra- provements. The po'.';er brakes beneath. . 10 Baghdad results m actIOn by Wisconsin as "artist in residence." CALVARY LUTHERAN Comingof Christ" lls and which were first introduced on Whichever California trend you They described the exhibition as Gateshead (K;erby) at Mack Thursdey Thanksg,ivlng Day n pay- the 1952 Packard proved their care to make your own ... the 4'7 Hz.•Y Clubs "extremely diverse'" and "able Fort y million Single - Bar Rev. Paul H. Wilson, Pastor 7:()()p.rn.-8pecial Service 4 0945. practicality and reI i a b i lit y final analysis will be the same to hold its own with anything Christmas Seals have been mailed Saturday religIous instruction ALLWELCOME through millions of miles of driv- ... a lady dressed with a leisure- Hold Inductz*on' on the national scene.'" to homes in Detroit and Wayne at 9:30 a.m. ~. , J :idential ing during the past. year. ly, natural look. California de- Ninety-five of the artists whose County, it was announced by • .. • es, ree- The new power steering unit, signers incorporate into their .' -- works are included reside out- 1952-53 Chairman, Mrs. George Sunday School and Adult Bible The Grosse Point. ~tc. Re-- developed by Packard engim:ars, clothes a feeling versatile enough A rally of youth, 500 strong, side Detroit and 115 are De- O. Johnston, of Lothrop road. Class at 9:30 a.m, nd, by takes about 80 percent of the to go with any personality, with- representing 47 Hi-Y Clubs of ,troiters, Sponsors of the 42 year old '" '" • JEFFERSON AVENUE Me.rial " ternu:. effort out of driving but allows out changing the. individuality of Ithe Detroit YMCA observed "Y In the foreword to the catalog, Seal Drive, the Detroit 'l'ubercu- Tuesday at 8 p.m. The Brother- the driver to retain the "feel" that woman. Whether you favor Youth Day" with an Induction Art Institute Director Edgar P. losis Sanatorium, 12th Street and hot;ld meets. BAPTIST CHURCH Church INCi or control of the car. the "Ensemble Look," the "speC-I Service of new members Sunday, Richardson states: Tuxedo avenue, declaU!d that an • • • 13337 E. Jefferson at lakeview (Presb~rian) Other advantages poin,ted 01.\t tator Sports Look," or just an un- Novembe.r 16,. at 3:30 p. ~., at "The exhibition, which began intensive, campaign will be Wednesday at noon Ladies Aid IS Lake Shore Rc!, P.EPAIR for pac~ardt bP.ol:Vter.stfeertm g~re: commonly w~ll-dressed ~'Look". tMheSc?ttIsThRltle caFt~erd~l lDdthdeas a local project, has developed carried on from Thanksgiving Luncheon. At 4:30 Intermediate Homer J. Armstrong, Miltister MINISTERS Porches, h The car s s a I 1Y l~ ur er 1m- designing Cahfornia has a style ~SOD1C emp e. Ive nun re into an.' important regional sur- through I Christmas. Choir. 7:45 Senior Choir. I Built. proved, road shock 1Scounteract- for you HIgh School boys who have been A' . t. Plans. it..dude a party for sev- I Church Sc:hool ) !-9744 ed at the wheels and the bumps ' added to the fellowship and the vey: mencan. pam mgs .as a eral hur\dred under-privileged ,POINTE UNITARIAN Sunday, 9:45 A.M. of rough road driving do not MS. inspiration c~ the Hi-Y ranks dur- natIOnal phenomenon h.as, Itself, children at Christmas time, and 17,4110.,EastJefferson :abineta. reach the steering gear; it has a essage erVlCe ing the past year \yere formally devolped enormously In for~- Seal committee drives in down- Rev. William Hammond, Minister MORNINGWORSHIP creation steadying factor which reduces Offered Hunters welcomed into this YMCA-High three years. Few people real.lze town hotels and other establish- November 30, Sunday: 10:30 , Sunday, 11:00 A.M. Call W. d~nger- from blowouts,' there are School organization. Iiit.o what,f thi~n extentt theh creatIveb ments. a.m., Churc h Sch00.I 11 a.m., :-5438. fewer turns of the steering wheel Parents and friends were I'n- eo. s cou~ ry as ecome Church Service and Sermon: f de entrallzed Smce 1910 The Ralph Lane is president of the fo::' parking; and the unit is 0 PreparatI'ons ,have been com- vited to attend the colorful cere- goCd wor k the meres. t t"mg work Detroit Tuberculosis Sanatorium, "The Hardship' of Prosperity." 8i~plified design for easier serv- pleted by the Michigan State Po- money. which was in charge of t~e s'gnifi~ant work of 1952 i~ and the Seal Committee consists 7:30 p.m., Pointer' Calendar Pro- Residential and Commerc:ial. remo~- icmg. ,. lice Conservation Department to the Grosse Pointe Hi-Y Blue and b' Ide b ai tel's and of Mrs. Harold R. Boyer, Mrs. ject. The Packard engme, Its horse- register deer hunters who desire Gold Clubs representated by emg on y p n WI'l_ll'amM. Joy, Mrs. Charles B. od glaz- .' d from 155 to 180 'R" sculptors spread all over the con- '" '" . power Increase _ I emergency message serVice dur- Ichard Anslow, Charles Schaller, .. . W M J . B W bb December 1, Monday: 8:15 p.m:, I 2-<1651. on the Packard line, fro~ 13:>to in the huntln 'season. ' Wayne Miller, Peter Gall and tlDen~al U:D1~ed,State? DetrOit arren, rs. ames'. e er, Church School Staff meets to 160 on the Clipper Deluxe and g. g , Randy Fitch. William L: Miller of contams wlthm Its regIOn a gen- Jr., Mrs. W. H. Meagher, Mrs. plan Christmas activities. GALS." from 135 to 150 on the Clipper .As m the p~st, .the serVIce prO-I the Blue Club was president at erous share. Burt J. Friedman, Mrs. Frank A. TIS, fu~ models has the rapid accelera- vldes for dehV'~rmg mes~ages to th 11 Off" I b h' "The ~ury was again formed of Morrison and Mrs. Lewis E...... ' * ,elinjng. " . . hunters at theIr camps In the e ra y. lCla mem ers Ip , j . . ,Schultz. December 2, Tuesday: 10:30 tIon needed for safe drIvmg un- t f . t h [cards were presented by faculty a museblm Cl(ItICand a working a.m., to 3 p.m., Alliance Sewing. ;'.~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~i~ii~~~iiii~~~~~i~~~~~~~~i~iiii~~ der difficult traffic conditions. eL~ken,0 emergenCIes ~ l' om~ representatives of the high schools artist. Philip R. Adams has made - Dress- The Packard designed automa- 1 eWI.se,messag~s are. e Ive~e involved. a remarkable record for himself Galloways Weekend Guests 11 a.m., Alliance Board meet.\;. PLUMBING & HEATING SERVIOE altera- tic no-shift transmission has sev- to theIr. home~ If they are lD- W. Romaine Barnard, Wyan- as one of the most, energetic, eral improvements for quic~er volved In aCCIdents or become, dotte High School, was the teacher creative and forward - looking Attend Game at Ann Arbor Pl~~;:e~:o~O~~ VAlley 2~9070' acceleration and generally Im- lost. h d' t th' honored iO!" his past 25 years as members of the museumprofes- Week-end guests at the home ThUrsday, November 27: 10:30 sui t s. proved performance, Ht:tnters w 0 es~re 0 ~se 15 an advisor. Ralph Hileman, gen- sion in our region. Aaron Bohrod of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar B. Gallo- a.m., Union Service at Christ Complete plumbing and heating service.' :ms ex- There are several factors which serVIce s~ould regIster WIth ~he eral secretary of the Detroit "Y" is one of the best-known painters way of Oxford road, were Mr. Church. sermon by Dr. Fitt. Installation and service for gas and .3593. contribute to t?e external ap- State PolIce post or Con~ervatlOn presided at this recognition rite~ who has made the Middle West and 'Mrs. John E. Hollett Jr. and ...... oj< oil fired water heaters and boilers. pearance. RooflInes of all closed headquarters neares~ theIr camp~. Dr. William J. MacLeod, chair- his home. His position as artist- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roberti Saturday, November 29: 9:15 models follow those of hardtop The~, also should ;Inform th,eu mati of the Philosophy Depart- in-residence at the University of Jr. of Indianapolis. The Gallo. a.m" Junior Choir; 10:30 a.m., :i stone &edans, a revision whi~h alters famllIe~ of t~e statIOn at WhICh ment, Baldwin- Wallace College, Wisconsin comes under the Coll- ways took their guests to Ann Senior Choir. BRUCE' WIGLE CO. ;)5, etc. the si~h,0':l~tte and prOVides bet- th~y wIll reglste7" . Berea, Ohio, was the guest speak- ege of Agriculture and'is part of .l\rbor Saturday for the Michi- * • * ter VISI,blhty. There are, 31.42 Prevent h~ntmg tragedIes, be er of the rally. A. Douglas Jamie- an interesting program of rural Conversion Gas lurlte,s !r clean- gan-Purdue game. Sunday, November 30: 9:30 15304 KERCHEVAL myself. square mches more glass In the extra careful. son, president. of the Detroit education in the arts. a.m., Church School in all de- YMCA Boy~' Work Committee, "The development of the Mich- COOKING HINT partments; 9:30 a.m., Sunday mtro~uced bl:t;J. A m~mber of t.he igan Artists. Exhibition in our Rein(~,mber, it is not necessary IMorning Forum, the Rev. ,Paul ~merlcan Phllosc,phlCB:1ASSOCla- own time is remarkable. It is a to add nonfat dry milk solids F. Ketchum; 11 a.m., Church ~VICE- CLASSIFIED t~on. and of t~e A~erIcan Asso- pleasure to watch in it the ma- (powdered milk) to water before Hour Groups for children; 11 a.m., 'inishing ClatIon of Umverslty ~r~ofesso~s, turing of familiar talents and.the using it in baking or cooking. Morning Worship; second service, A. G. MARX «;0. 21z-Landscaping as well, as the ChurchIll Club ~ appearance of new ones. We hope A In ut 21v-Piano Service Commne the dry milk to other Dr. Fitt, preaching on "Making ASPHALT SLATE TILE r early. PIANOS TUNED, cleaned, moth- A-I CLEAN TOP SOIL. Lo~don, England,. Dr. Ma,;;:"e.ods that the people of Michigan will dry ingredients and add the the Best Use of Our Time"; 12:15 d' l' tOjJICfor the meetmg was: Mmd- h th t leasure" .proofed and repaired Satisfac- Nursery sod, see mg, p owmg ing Your. Own Business." sTare tya p ,. warded water as you would milk. p.m., Committee on Christian ROOF REPAIRS tion guaranteed. Reasonable and grading. Commercial or resi. D' th S . G t W wen -one prIzes are a Ot' d d unng e econd rea ar, 11' I d' th coveted rates. Seibert. Edgewater 1- dentiat Lawns recon d1 lone an Dr.. MacLeo~ was ch~plain for a~nua y, rncy mg. e A "Po - TV d R d. S • RE-ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK ••••• 4451. dirt removed. .four years WIth the Umted States } ounde~S' ~oclety PrIZ~, b ~ . 10 an a trvlce ALUMINUM TIN OR COPPER SKYLIGHTS GUTTER CONDUCTORS .INKS GREENWAY LANDSCAPING - Army. and as a minister and ular -Pnze .of, $1~5 gIven Yded Guaranteed Repair Work Combination Doors 21%-Landscaping SERVICE teacher has always been identi- Ra~mond FIeld. WIll be awar. . xh bl - Television - Radio Th~ "DURAN Deluxe" ARTHUR G. MARX Estab. 1914. rUxedo 4-26.60 PRescott 5-0456 fied with service to youth. at the co,nc1USIon 0f th ~.e 1 - has them aU beat D ROTO-TILLING. light bulldozing. 8106 Mack Avenue service licensed landscaping. L. W. The 1952 Hi-Y Induction Cere- tlon for'the work recelvmg t?e - Sound Equipm~nt FULL. INCH-THICK WAlnut 1.4330 COMPLETE money has a special significance. ~argest number of votes from VIS- ad DuBay. TUxedo 5-2945. East End ALUMINUM JAMB ,--- Lown-Garden- Tree as an event, of the Centennial Itors. " . " Choice of one, two or FILL DIRT for sale. Day call, year of the Detroit YMCA. Wal-. Four ,Meet Your ArtIst 'pro- Service and Maintenance three-Ute inserts a Co. TUxedo 1-9828; evening call, ter Van Hine, Metropolitan Hi-Y gram~ WIll be conducted on con- TV AND RADIO Free estimates on any 1.151&' type ,wrm or sere'en LA. 1.3100 LA. TUxedo 5-5892. CAL FLEMING TUxedo 1.6950 Secretary, announced three othersec~t1ve Sundays. at 4 p.~. by. Sales & Service special youth events, which will artI~t~. whose :wo~ks are 10 tlie round out the Hi-Y's preparation exhIbItIOn, begmnmg on Novem- 13940 Kerc:hevalnear Eastlowlt Duran Sales 00. in the celebration of the 10th ber 23, with Lindsay Decker, 1520l~MACK, at t.akepointe I ru, "1-3986 TU. 1-8122 Anniversary 'of the local "Y" sculptor, and continuing with VA. 4-9823 CITY GOODS from the WOOD,S namely Pre-Hi-Y. Legislativ~ Constance R,ichardson, painter, ~040 • FIRE'PLACE LOGS • CHRISTMAS TREES Session' at Wayne University, Charles Culver, painter, and Wm. SASH and SCREEN CO. • BEAUTIFUL BIRCHWOOD • CHARCOAL November 22; Hi.Y Legislature McVey, sculptor. ' at Lansing, Decemqer 5 and 6; .' On November 21 at 8 p.m., t~e "YOUR STORM SASH CENtER" Mils 16x24" LENGTHS • KINDLING WOOD U. N.. Training Session at Fisher Michigan Sculpture SOCIety will 14000 East 7 Mile Rd. • Just West of Gratiot I 7:00 • COLORED LOGS .' PACKAGE ~OAL Branch YMCA, December 10; and conduct a panel discussion, open AFRICAN VIOLETS, Owened by GROSSE POINTER C. D. CAMPBELL-TU.2-9792 • HICKORY BRIQUETS • CANNEL COAL Hi~Y U. N. Study Trip, New York to the public, on the sculpture in City, December 14-17. the exhibition' gallery. • . ALL ALUMINUM 15,000 ON DISPLAY NOW! COMBINATION Guaranteed ANODIZED EXTRUDEDtOVERLAP WM. J. ALLEMON A GORGEOUS SIGHT 95 11721 Mack Ave. "rUe 2-9085 Fixtures More than 68 varieties in full bloom in our greenhouses Doors $49 AL. WINDOWS ;AKE Firepla~e Door Decoration £: and up during our big African Violet Show and Sale this week Installatlon Extra , 11 QUICK DELIVERY n Rd. Imm.edlate Delivery CURTAIN SCREENS , See the varieties youive been reading about in all the leading mag- azines! This is America's favorite house plant and the only crop Good Fences for 43 Years FIREPLACE TOOLS that we grow! Our violets are ot their best RIGHT NOW, ,Tr~at 4-PC. COMB. If~f::e~~e~~W~~r~~~~~~~le $1120 yourself by visiting tls during this special showing of ~are vanet~es, Wood life treated. - style beautiful double-floweredkind~ in mony colors, and glont flowering WINDOWS We AJso Carry 3-pc Comb Windows !is Every 01 Fence ANDIRONS sOrtsbigger than Silver Dollars! Thousandsof plonts in bloom from I,f' erected lor you 75c up, and you can pick out the ones you w~mt! Seech Basement Combination .lncludJn. GAS LOGS We're ,Open Till Dark, Every Day Including Sundays Wood Combination ~rtilizers Chain Link AII-St •• lan" etieide~ FIREPLACE GRATES How to get here: We're located at .the corner of Schoenherr and Rustle Stylu Moi'a.vian.Drivebetween 14 .and 15 Mile Roads. Schoenherrstorts at WINDOWS S2!l Gratiot (Jnd 6 Mile Road In- Nartheasf Detroit. Pho,:e: Warren 5011. 30).110 Doweled. 33x15 BronOl:e Screen. Vi~it Our Disr.:-.dY Rooms or Phone Wood lif" tre.ted. Wood life tre.ted. WA* '1-62.82. SI!OUTZ AFRICAN ,VIOLET GREENHOUSES 34361J~'ORAVIAN DRIVE FRASER.. MICHIGAN FHA Terms - Free Estimates - Free Delivt;ry, Come in our store and see the full size window. Try it yours~U! Smitll-Mattllews Frlr'y.. CO. "~.Spec:i~lize in Africa" Violets for Beginnersand Collectors". MEHLENBACHERFENC~ CO.' Do you know we are the only storm Sash company 'that lives 10403 HARPER AYE. RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL 6640 Charlevoix Phone WA. 2-7155 CLIP THIS "S & H" Green stamps? - --~

Page Eight!en * * 'Pa ge ------..;------_-:.-_------~* * * * Pointer of Interest I who~ where~ and whatnot Good-Taste Memorial, . - Center Schedule ' b, whoo%# FilfJorit. Recipes' -. of At a recent swank dinner party given at Grosse Pointe People ;" the Know NOVEMBER 28-DECEMBER 4-OPEN-SUNriAYS1~-5.P.M. Hunt Club, continental customs were obser\!'ed ..• the gentle- *All Center Sponsored Activities. Open to Public NOTICE: Please call for lost articles at the office. men had cigars and brandy' at the dinner table while. the WESTERN CHEESE BUN'S They will be held for days. ladies retired to the lounge for demi-tasse ... and at dinner Contributed by 30 - •• great and colorful platters of vegetables were served as Grosse Pointe Garden Center Room and Library Mrs. 'Valter H. Allen, Jr. a separate course following the meat course .• , . open.for Consultations from 10 A.M. to (P.M. Mondays , * * * Mix: through Fridays. (Call TU.. 1.4594.) . Still at the Hunt Club •.• ever so man)' of the members ~ lb. shredded American cheese . Friday, Nov. 28-Village Garden Club-Luncheon and are paying flying visits to New York, these days • . , espe- 2 Tbsp. chopped green pepper Meeting7'12:30 p.m. . cially to see Master of the Hunt Ernie Putnam who's beeu 2 Tbsp. chopped onion.. Friday, Nov~ 28-*Senior High School Square Dance- in a hospital in Manhattan. , . and to cheer Mrs, Putnam who 2 Tbsp. chopped hard boiled 9 til I:~p.m. . . egg is remaining there to be near her husband , •• Friday, Nov. 28-No Ballroom Dancing Classes until De- * * * ~ c. chopped, stuffed olives cember 5th. F~shion Note: Mrs. William C. Ford, looking like a 2 tsp. prepared mustard ...... school girl ... in a black and red tartan sheer wool ... with 3 Tbsp. chili sauce \, Saturday, Nov. 29-*Ballet Classes-Olga Fricker, In- .bands of black grosgrain ribbon bands' circling t.he bodice, Salt and pepper. structor-9:30 a.m. ending in tiny black bows in center back. ... . Slice six. sandwich rolls in Saturday, Nov. 29-Art Class-Edgar Yaeger, Instruc- '* '" * half. Spread each with. mix- tor-I p.m. . LOVE the combination of pale blond locks and deep ture. Place under broiler for Saturday, Nov. 29-*Young Adult College Dance-"Pil- brown eyes possessed by Mrs. James :Earl . 12 minutes in 400 degree grims Progress"-9 til 12 p.m. Dress Informal. , * * * oven. * * * . An early Christmas present . the wonderful wink Monday, Dec. I-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Lunch- .. The best way for a business mastered by Lisa Shelden . . . eon and Meeting-12:15 p.m. man to handle hard liquor is' '0 * * * let his competitor do the drink- Monday, Dec. I-Art Class-Renee Kautiz, Instructor- , A Pointe family made all m.anner of elaborate prepara- ing. 1 p.m. . tions before a GI nephew arrived from his army base for a MARY AND MARTHA BURGESS, DAUGHTERS OF MR. AND MRS. DAVID E. Monday, Dec. l-*Ballet Classes-Olga Fricker, Instruc- week-end. They planned every second with fun things and BVRGESS OF WASHINGTON ROAD tor-4:30 p.m. . ~ plenty of wonderful food. The young man arrived; announce~ Monday, Dec. 1-* Adult Ballet Class-Olga Fricker, In- he hadn't had a bath in three months, took one and then took By Jane, Schermerhorn . I' I kin tt . When you visit Grosse Pointe Congregational Church's . c~cu ar. s _ pa erned WIth structor-8 p.m. to his bed. He slept for 17'straight hours, by which time he Holiday Food Fair 011 Friday, Dec. 5, we are sure YOll'll be as smglelInb of black and scar- '" * ... just made it to the depot and his train back to camp. enchanted by the Sugar Plum House as those two sweet let and ~he blouse top fash~ by paul gach' Tuesday, Dec. 2-*Service Committ~e-Meeting-10 a.m. * * .,. little girls you see bending over. it on these pages toda.y. ioned entlfely o~solid gray., Tuesday, Dec. 2-0ptimist Club of Grosse ..Pointe- When that distinguished Austrian Archduke Franz Josef The Sugar .Plum House is0-- . J:Ier wardrobe.mcludes several TURKEY Luncheon and Meeting-12 Noon. visited in the Pointe he paid a call on another distinguished th k f M D ld M. ,.' . kmtted dresses and dark-eyed Tuesday. Dec. 2-Women's Republican Club of Grosse e wor 0 . rs. ona or- cmnatl last year and it arrived Carol can' boast that her own CRANBERRIES Pointe-Luncheon and Meeting-1 p.m. former Austrian ••• Joseph de Grimme ••• gan, .of Nottmgham road, ,,!,ho perfectly!) I mama makes ~any of'her clothes * * * has been a candy archItect Thin pretzel twiglets make a as wen as a princess' treasure of PUMPKIN PIE Tuesday, Dec. 2-Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe-Din- Grosse Pointe realtors tell us they are sooooo glad they for two years now. , ~ flagstone path leading to the sweaters. ner and Meeting-6:30 p.m. no longer have to listen to those pre-election plaints: "Well, Quite naturally she got into front door of the candy house: Holiday Food Fair BURP! Tuesday, Dec. 2-Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe-Din- we'll have to withhold our decision until we see if the the building of candy hous~sto ' Girl Sco~t Carol . But Mrs. Morgan was insistent ner and Meeting-6:30 p.m. Republicans get in". . . and, "Of course, the sale depends please her own pr~tty lIttle C:aro1 came mfro.~ sCho?l we.remind you of theCongrega- BICARBONATE. Tuesday, Dec. 2-Junior Optimist Club-Meeting-7:30 p.m. upon the Democrats winning the election" ••• daughter, Carol, whos 10 y'ears whl~e we were, admmng thIS tional Church's Food Fair. We're ... '" * * old, and who takes aSu~ar ChrIstm~s-ywork of art. She w~s going to tell you more about it Happy Thanksgiving * * PILFERfNGS Plum House to :schooleach dressed m, h~r green Scout UDl- on the society pages next week .Jlednesday, Dec. 3-Red Cross First Aid Course-Edw. year before ChrIstmas holi- form (she s. Just graduated from but just a few hints: A great American holiday to Schnaubelt, Instructor-12:30 p.m. Harold Helfer in the New York Times tells about a wash- days. the BrOWnIes). Her mother is It t 10 D 5 d 1 d f th . tN. 703 II opens a a.m., ec. , an rest, gather the family, rejoice, Wednesday, Dec. 3-*Ballet Classes-Olga Fricker, In- ing machine concern in Chicago which announced its product It's a depar~ure.from custom fi~~her 0d. e tf~Pf- ~.h i a runs. through 9 p.m., in the struetor-3:45 p.m. to .have othe:r:'than .the day's gra ers a e er c 00. church's social' halL and reflect.We have such great was a very handy instrument to use as a cocktail ,shaker Wednesday, Dec. 3-Art Class-Edgar Yaeger, Instruc- when you have a sudden influx of 1-'10 or so guests ••• P~lIiter. of Inte:rest posed atop She told us what fun ~heand You'll b . bI t h lunch' ,quantities of so many things, thIS artlcle but]t was .Mrs,Mor- her classmates have eatmg the e a e. 0 ave. tor-7 p.m. ... * *' gan's decision. We truly feel Sugar Plum House on last day an~ ta~ean! of the wonderful so much of the time. Let's all Wednesday, Dec. 3-ehi Omega Sorority-Meeting-8 During National Education Week: you're being cheated not to have of school before Christmas va- dehca~lesbemg sold at a Coun. be Thankful! .'p.m. Voltaire said: a picture of her, too, for she's cation. It was only because try Kitchen. "The more you know, the less sure you are.". young, brunet and lovely looking Church's Holiday Food Fair An "Oven" will bake bread b~- G. M. Young said: ....,.justthe kind of a gal you'd would be a great success that fore your very eyes and you WIll "What the schools failed to teach is that a man has no imagine building Sugar Plum she was ab'Ie to resist the one see bread kneaded and formed Houses to make Christmas mer- before uur eyes. into loaves and popped into the more right to an opinion for which he cannot account than rier. Roxie, handsome big boxer of oven while ~ou wait. . to a pint of beer for which he cannot pay." • • ... the family stood before it re- A Sweet and Sour shop..WIll * * For Food Fair spectful1y 'too and drooled. provide you with salad dressing, They tell o~ the American tourist, strolling down White. When the women of the Con- ~xpe~ Knitter shrimp cocktail sauces, crepe hall, who halted a British gentleman and courteously in. gregational Church planned their Mrs. Morgan says she rarely suzet~e sauce, reducer's salad quired, Holiday. Food Fair, they called makf:s two Sugar Plum Houses dressmg, etc. . on Mrs. Morgan to make. one of the same ... there are all man- All the foods have been. pre- "Would you mind telling me which side the War Office these delightful conversation ner of variations which is part pared by the women of. the is on?" pieces. of the fun.' church who tasted 100 different , ". d.;.j ':' "Heavens," responded the Briton, looking startled, "Ours, A house made of Sugar In addition to this talent the varieties of mince meat before I hope." . ' Plums. was certainly fitting for charming young Pointer is a~ ex- deciding on the one elegant one a F'air devoted to all good pert knitter. She had made the that'll go into the pies being sold. • * * things to eat at holiday time. attractive sweater and skirt she Remember, it's Dec.'5 , •• Always looking on the Brighter Side: Scientist Fred (That's what makes the Dec. was wearing the day we visited Grosse Pointe Congregational Hoyle of Cambridge University is quoted: 5, Fair differentfrom the other her. Church ... and you'll meet the "Within a couple of years it will cost only about $2.80 ~~~~~)Christmas bazaars this It was d~ne in lightgray, the Sugar Plum House there, a head to kill people with atomic weapons instead of the Mrs. Morgan found directions several thousand dollars a head it costs to kill people in war for making these houses .in a today." Chrlstmas. edition of a national Open Every. Friday Evening 'Iii 9 p.m. r------.magazine. The one she's made for the until Christmas Fair uses the ,cardboard box which originally housed a little Cremel table radio set. ° Any sturdy card- board box. will do. Molo- Tool' Kit

The four sides of the box form ...-, the house and another piece of corregated cardboard, taped on, makes the arched roof. Still an- tHE USEFULNESS O' other rectangle of cardboard is GLUE WITH THE . CON- used for the chimney. She pastes- VENIENCE AND NEAT- the house to a larger flat card- NESS OF It. PENCllI MY FAVORITE board base. How to Frost House Indispensable In the tiThe private and per 80 n a l Book Madame Curie Now you are ready to frost the office, wonderful In Author :...... Pearl Buck house. the hcm. for gift Character in a Book : None "One side at a time," advises wropping, nropbooks, i.iay South Pacific ~rs. Morgan, who uses for frost- .h.lf paper. No sticky $23.50 At' mg: two cups of powdered sugar fingers; "eot ond blessings we enjoy, the blessings cress Helen Hayes mixed well with two tablespoons dean for dlildr.n. The sturdily - built Moto~ Actor None of gum arabic (bought at any ADHESION IS IMME. Tool in a fine, wood case Movie : Gone With the Wind drug store) and four tablespoons DiATEl with 23 high grade acces_", Mov~eActress Vivien Leigh of hot water. Mix the dry in- sories. Will do. dozens of. of immull,ity, safeguard, liberty MOVIeActor James Mason gredients and add the water. workshop and household TV Show Pulitzer Prize Playhouse The Sugar Plum House she jobs faster and better, from TV Acresst Imogene Coca thismade'recipethis butyearshetooksugg~stssix timesit be grinding to finishing, fr~m TV Actor John Forbes made in the smaller .quantity drilling.to inlaying. and integrity, deservethe Thanks- Radio Program : Swampy Joe each time. Commentator John Daly Placing the side of the house Kit No. 2 TIlu~~~ted $17.50' Columnist Dick Osgood she frosts face up, she puts on Magazine Ladies Home Journal the frosting, and' when it is giving of a whole life." Music Chopin nice and sticky,.begins to out- Song Brahm's Lullaby line windows and doors. with bex Sport : Golf a variety of bard candies. , Corn candies give a cobble- "Boot Valet"- Game Canasta stone effect to roof.and chimney -JEREMY TAYLOR Perfect gift for business Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay of the sugar plum hOuse~Win-. and personal friends ••• Painter Sir Joshua Reynolds dows are ..designed. with_ hard Cartoon Penny white candies outlined in bright Indc'u.,entwo...$]'..95Plcklved....UtlfuI.I,III Animal : ;..... Horses red cinnamon squares..' glue car.. specIally d•• Person (exeludl'n'g' famI'ly) ...... ,...... Th omas E:""ulson The roof and sides of'thehous'e . trldges . .19ned box C1.ty New Yor1~ are gay' and bright.wjthvari- 'V\ acat'IOn Spot Fort Lau derdale. colored littleP Cgumdrops.S Jewel Pearl The .lar~~c~~bQ:~;base is The easy way to produce'a Color , Blue" also frosted.a.nd.heapedwith .pop profe'ssionalshine oumen's Perfume Moment Supreme corn which makes it ever so or ladies' shoes'.iJust step, Costume Matched sweaters and Skirts sno'\1ry. on the switch,It's. a. prac= Dance : ;...... Samba ~fn y: ..Ch r is tmas ..trees tical appliance.!or the home, Food Caesar Salad (clIpped ~rOni. the on~. that . office or club: Name Moira grad .c.)Ut:~deat the ~o~f~ns') Kercheval 41t St. Clair Ayersi~m :...... Affectations s(I~ciet~nta.:lyPO~~~.,r Mo'rgah Ify~"ii';,play .'•. See Gray!' DIVe~S!On Parties packed a Suga'r Plum House'all 106 Kercheval TUxedo , -5262 AmbItIOn To Be A Good Host~ss in popcorn fora little girUn ,Cin. /

1.',. C'OMPLETE TRUST SERVICE DETROIT TRUST COMPANY Namin~ Detroit Trust ~ompany' as executor or trustee under 1- .• your Will provides assured availabiljty, proven skill and admin- ist~ativ.e experience without adding to costs. Ask for our folder Fort at.Sh~l~y • WOodward 2-5670, "Exploding 8 Mistaken Ideas'.' . .
