Progress'reported December 8 in Solving ...City's
,---, -.;:.~," ~-.' , "" , • The Christmas Gift That Repeats Itself 52 Times a Year ••• Give a ros.s.e Subscription to The News Hom, oj 99 K.ercheval Phone TUxedo 2-6900 VOLUME 13-NO. 48 fuMy Paid Circulation ~ . ' NoC~usefor 'Worry About'Than'ksgivi n.~,Dinner DEADLINES . , " '.' .. -; , Progress'Reported December 8 - " Reserved for' \VEER A.sC~mpit.4 b, lb. In Solving ...City's Pointe Males GrO$i" Paintll New$ Thursday, November 20 Parking Proble~s "'::~~:ro~eE:een:th;hj~ha~~. SIX CONVICTS suspected of '~ ' Become Institution setting off Jackson Prison riot Plan "Ap~;o'v,ed, N~arly---'T-h-r-ee-Y-e-a-r-s Ago' Moves Toward ,I 1\1 -- Tuesday placed in solitary con- . en's Night will be obser- finement. The uprising, staged Eventual Completion;. Two New Stores Provide I'ved on "Christmas Street in by 2.200 prisoners, marked the third major disturbance this year Much ~~di!ionaJ. O,ff-street Space The Village" on Monday, De- at the prison. The' gen~ral plan fo! aff~~t~eet parking areas in the City cember 8. This. will be the .. .. '" of GrossePomte, adopted after' a thorough survey and study seventh annual observance of GENERAL EISENHOWER and of present and future needs some three years ago, is gradually the custom that became an in- Senator Taft meet to discuss fu- nearing eventual realization. i'-------------- ture of Taft-Hartley labor law. Under the zoning regulations B' stitution by popular demand Believed the president-elect has IF no proposed revisions in mind in .the City, .. eve~y structure, I ree arge ~ifo~~e Pointe's male popula- that would drastically change 'busmess or resIdentlal, must pro- I G d · law.
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