Water Market Asia “In shallow waters, shrimps make fools of dragons.” Chinese Proverb (C) GWI 2006 - Reproduction Prohibited i Water Market Asia This report was researched, written and edited by Jensen & Blanc-Brude, Ltd. for Global Water Intelligence Jensen & Blanc-Brude, Ltd. Global Water Intelligence 22 Leathermarket Street, Unit 6 Published by Media Analytics, Ltd. London SE1 3HP The Jam Factory, 27 Park End Street United Kingdom Oxford OX1 1HU
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[email protected] www.globalwaterintel.com While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report, neither Global Water Intelligence, Jensen & Blanc-Brude Ltd or Media Analytics Ltd, nor any of the contributors accept liability for any errors or oversights. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of the contents of this publication is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the publisher and authors. Contact Media Analytics Ltd or Jensen & Blanc-Brude Ltd for permission. Opportunities in the Water & Wastewater Sectors in Asia & the Pacifi c ii Water Market Asia Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following contributors to this report: Seungho Lee researched and wrote the South Korea profi le Michiko Iwanami researched and wrote the Japan profi le Marie Hélène Zerah researched and contributed to the India profi le Kathy Liu contributed to the China profi le The GWI team provided helpful comments and support. The authors also wish to thank the following practitioners