Thirty-Seventh Winter Bird-Population Study
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POPULATION STUDIES Thirty-seventh Winter Bird-Population Study Edited by Calvin L. Cink and Roger L. Boyd uETOT^L of 101studies submitted totals were 50.9 hours in mixed upland (a 12.6-ha area of suburban farmland in this year represents20 statesand habitat in Washington,D.C., and 48.7 California),and averaged 584. Total spe- provinces,the Districtof Columbia,and hours in mixed mesophytic woods, ciesranged from 0 (five agriculturalplots Colima, Mexico. Indiana toppedthe list fields, and brush, in Putnam County, in Indiana) to 63 (barrier beach and with 22 studies,thanks largely to the ef- Tennessee. saltwaterestuary in Florida), and aver- forts of J. S. Castrale and R. T. Speer, The total area covered this year was aged 16 specieson all this yeaifs cen- while Alaska came in second, with 12 11,922.3 hectares (29,460 acres), with suses. new studiesconducted by J. L. Trapp and an averagecensus area of 118 hectares. The datacompiled in the studieslisted J. G. King. Reportingfor the first time The largeststudy area was 2167.9 hec- below are being storedin a computerat were 32 studies, or 32% of the total. tares, covered on one of the studies of the Laboratoryof Ornithologyat Cornell Ninety-fiveobservers reported a total nearshore marine waters and tidal flats in University. Requestsfor informationon of 1009 hours in the field (not including the AlexanderArchipelago, Alaska. The how to obtain these data should be direct- resultsreported from prior years), and number of birds per square kilometer ed to: Gregory S. Butcher, Cooperative averaged9.9 hoursper plot. The highest rangedfrom 0 (in eightstudies) to 14,834 ResearchProgram, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 159 SapsuckerWoods Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 (Tel. 607/256-4999). We welcome all new studies and wish to encourageprevious contributorsto continue to send in their studies. Please submit them to us at the address below before June 15. 1985. Thank you. Provide for your retirement and protect the environment. Your gift to the List of Participants National Audubon Society can do both. G. E. Alexander, William S. Baker, Youcan makea gift to the Leon L. Barkman, Richard Beidleman, ,ational• 10bonSo•.icw, that wiF -a¾you and gout Karl Beard, Seth Benz, Roger L. Boyd, spousean ;incomeGr life. Youwnl aim receive RaymondJ. Bransfield, Shirley Briggs, • immediate'income tax deductionand have no capital Elizabeth W. Brooks. Steve Brodbeck. gains,gift or estatetaxes to pay. AI Bupp, John Burke, Victoria J. Byre, Youwill receivethe joy of helpingto William Carmen, L. Hartsell Cash, John preserveour mostprecious resources for futuregenerations S. Casttale, Calvin L. Cink, Michael AMubon• staffwill gladlgprepare an example Clark, Charles T. Collins, Harold Con- of how a life incomegift can benefityou. To explorethe nor, Kenneth W. Dance, William E. Da- wagsthat suchan arrangementcan applgm vis, Phil Desenne, May D'lmperio, ß ,•rcircumq• •ces ca!l,•'agne Mo•e• at (212) 546-9212 CynthiaDott. Michael W. Dwyer, Gregg or returnrh• 'COu•n Mlow. Eichman, Vera Evenson, Ann Feather, Neal Fitzpatrick, David A. Fortna, Ben CONFIDENTIAL Fredregill,Ben Fren, JeromeL. Gifford, Piecese• • in[•ti• • •[ts •o theNa6o•l A•ub• Socte• Gilbert S. Grant, Jeff Gulison, Floyd E. • u,i• payme an inc•e [• li[e. Hayes, Lawrence Herbert, Louise Her- ing, Olive Holbrook, Mollie Holtzman, Peter W. Houlihan, G. T. Hunt, Susan Addres• City Hunt, Roy A. Ickes, Sharon Johnson, State Zip Phone JamesG. King, Wait Koenig, Karla J. •ayne Mones,Director, Planned Givinfi Kramer, Ellen Kurtland, Patricia H. Natumal AudubonSociety 950 Third Avenue,New York NY 10022 Lang, Robert Larson, David Lee, Robert 116 American Birds, Spring 1985 W Loftin, PeterMattox, Sara Mayben, Glenna Schwalbe, Paul Schwalbe, Stan Tweit, Don Van Horn, Robert J Watson, Diane McDonald, Audrey Mlnden, Senner,Jeffrey Shaw, RichardW. Sim- Dan Webster,Ken Wong, SteveWood, ChristopherS. Nordby, John Obringer, mers, Jr., Kenny Siporin, Edgar H. Mark Wright, StaceyWright, RichardH Rob Osgard, David Ostrov, Virginia Smith, Steve Sobocinski, Richard T. Yahner. Paige, C. W. Per-Lee, Dale A. Pierce, Speer, Sandy Spon, Hanna Steffian, Vivian Mills Pitzrick, Lisa Rivera, TeddySulger, Bill Swift, Lee E. Taylor, -BiologyDept., Baker Untv, Thomas H. Rogers, A. P. Sandilands, JohnL. Trapp, JoanC. Tweit, RobertC. Baldwin City, KS 66006 List of Studies Years Co.; State or Birds/ Hrs. of Habitat Province Hectares sq. km. Obs. Species Study Contributors A. Forest Habitats 1. Maple--Pine--Oak Norfolk, MA 11.8 42 19.7 12 8 Davis Second-growthForest 2. Oak--Maple Bottomland Middlesex,MA 6.7 135 8.2 9 3 Taylor 3. UplandMixed Pine-- Allegany,NY 16.6 139 14.0 12 11 Brooks Spruce--HardwoodForest 4. Upland ScotchPine Allegany, NY 9.3 215 8.0 7 2 Houlihan,* Brooks Plantation 5. Mixed UplandForest Ulster,NY 42.3 33 15.1 11 1 S. Wright, Beard,Larsen 6. Oak--Maple Ridgetop Berks, PA 19.4 36 9.8 11 2 Senner,Benz Forest 7. Oak--Maple SlopeForest Berks, PA 16.9 53 9.2 7 2 Benz, Senner 8. Aspen(Cut 1980-81) Centre, PA 4.2 0 4.8 1 3 Yahner 9. Aspen(Cut 1976-77) Centre, PA 4.0 0 4.8 1 3 Yahner 10. Mixed Oak (Cut 1976-77) Centre, PA 3.3 0 4.8 3 3 Yahner Trinidad & Tobago P.O. BOX 196 1986 PLANETARIUM STATION NEW YORK, NY 10024 U.S.A. BIRDING TheAndAsa LodgeWright N•tureCentre (212) 866-7923 TOURS A 200-acrewildlife sanctuaryin the rain-- forestedNorthern Mountain Range; home to a colonyof Oilbirds,12 speciesof humming- b•rds, Channel-billedToucan, Crested Why not Oropendola,Antshrikes, Mottled Owl, trogons,tanagers, bellbirds, and others. goto Asia PHILIPPINES Trinidad'sspecies include an impressive 400 birds,108 mammals,55 reptiles,25 withthe The Palawan/Mindanao amphibiansand over 617 butterflies. people 7 Feb.-3Mar. Individualand group tours to the Centre, Tnnidad, and its sisterisland of Tobagoare who Asia Luzon conductedthroughout the year. know 1-20 Mar. Specialtours include our summer work- itbest? Specialists Leaders:BenKing, shopsin Ornithology,Botany, Tropical Dr. Robert Kennedy, Ecology,Entomology and Nature Photo- Write for Tim Fisher graphyand Art; andthe AnnualAudubon Christmas Bird Count. itineraries •, Toll Free:800-235-1216 • •,• In CT:203-622-8989 • •'•.•)'• 405Greenwich Ave. AB-5 WEST CHINA WEST NEW GUINEA Caligo'-' Ventures Greenwich, CT06830 Expedition (Irian Jaya) [ TIIqOC(•,Ir]}•[•C,ITI Travel ß Panda Reserve 12 Jul.-8 Aug. West Sichuan Extension Or The Trinidad& TobagoTourist Board, 19 Apr.-20 May 3-20 Aug. 400 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017 Leader: Ben King Leaders: Ben King And fly with BWIA International David Bishop Volume 39, Number 1 117 .