City of Melbourne Annual Report 2012–13 We are pleased to present to you the City of Melbourne’s annual report for 2012–13. The report outlines how the City of Melbourne performed during the financial year starting 1 July 2012 and ending 30 June 2013. Our website at provides more information about City of Melbourne activities, policies and plans for the future. We value your feedback on this report because it helps us make our next report better. If you’d like more information about any item in this report, just contact us and ask. Email your feedback or questions to
[email protected]. Write to us at: Corporate Planning and Learning City of Melbourne GPO Box 1603 Melbourne VIC 3001 Speak to a Customer Relations Officer on +61 3 9658 9658. Fast facts Area: 37.7 km² Suburbs: 16 Parkland: 486 ha Residential population: 105,381 ^ Residential student population (higher education): 26,323 * Weekday population, including residents: 844,000 ^ Weekend population, including residents: 563,000 ^ Businesses: 17,709 ^^ Dwellings: 53,437 ** Employment: 428,709 * Cultural backgrounds: 138 ** Languages: 121 ** Greenhouse gas emissions for the Melbourne municipality Emissions per resident: 5.22 t CO2-e/person + Emissions per worker: 4.70 t CO2-e/person + Total emissions: 3,799,000 t CO2-e + * 2010 **2011 ^ 2012 ^^2013 + 20010–11 The City of Melbourne Melbourne is the capital of Victoria and Australia’s second largest city. The organisation, although known as the City of Melbourne, is officially titled the Melbourne City Council and is one of 79 municipalities in Victoria operating as a public statutory body incorporated under the Local Government Act 1989 (Vic).