4770. (jONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE J MAY 19 POSTMAST!:RS James Asa Marmon to be lieutenant colonel, Finance De· The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nomina­ partment. tions of postmasters. Walter Davis Dabney to be lieutenant colonel, Finance Mr. ROBINSON. I ask that the nominations of postmas­ Department. ters on the calendar be confirmed en bloc. William Alexander MacNicholl to be lieutenant colonel, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the Finance Department. nominations are confirmed en bloc. Carl Halla to be lieutenant colonel, Finance Department. m THE ARMY William Maynard Dixon to be lieutenant colonel, Finance Department. The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry norillna­ Richard LeRoy Cave to be lieutenant colonel, Finance tions in the Army. Department. · Mr. SHEPPARD. I ask that the nomiriations in the Army • be confirmed en bloc. · Riley Edward McGarraugh t!) be major, Coast Artillery The PRESIDING OFFICER* Without objection, the Corps. nominations are confirmed en bloc. Egbert Frank Bullene to be major, Chemical Warfare That completes the Executive Calendar. Service. Mark Gerald Brislawn to be major, Infantry. RECESS Carleton Burgess to be major, Cavalry. The Senate resumed legislative session .. John Edward Brown to be major, Ordnance Department. Mr. ·ROBINSON. I move that the Senate take a- recess Arthur Eugene Fox to be major, Field Artillery. 1 until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. Carleton Smith to be major, Infantry. The motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and 53 min­ Paul Conover Gripper to be major, Signal Corps. ; utes. p .. m.> the Senate took a. recess until tomorrow, 'Iburs- LeCount Haynes Slocum to be major, Field Artillery. 1 day, May 20, 1937, at 12 o'clock meridian. Herbert Towle Perrin to be major, Infantry. Edwin Fry Barry to be major, Ordnance Department. NOI\flNATIONS APPOINTMENTS IN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF nn: UNITED STATES ; Executive nominations received liy the Senate Ma1!19 <legis· William Shaffer Key to be major general. · Zative day of May 13) ~ 1937 Raymond Stallings McLain to be brigadier general. UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE Raymond Owens Smith to be brigadier general, Adjutant Sumner Welles, of Maryland, now an Assistant Secretary General's. Department. \ of State, to be Under Secretary of State. Lewts Manning Means to be brigadier general, Adjutant General's Department. COUNSELOR Oi' THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POSTMAS'IERS R. Walton Moore, of Virginia, now an Assistant Secretary M:[CmGAN 1of State, to be Counselor of the Department of State. Peter F. Nieuwkoop, Manton. DIPI.oMArro A.MD FoREIGl'l SEllVICE Everett S. capron. Oxford. John Cudahy, of Wisconsin, now Ambassador Extraordi­ Benjamln McClure, Sandusky. nary and Plenipotentiary to Poland, to be Envoy Extraor-­ dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Irish Free State. · . WITHDRAWAL Alvin Mansfield Owsley, of Texas, now Envoy Extraor­ Ex-ecutive nomination withdrawn Jrom the Senate May 19 dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Irish Free State, {legi3Zative day of May 13), 1937 to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of 1 the United States of America to Denmark. ME:MBER, UNITED STATES EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION CoM- Edwin L. Neville, of Ohior now a Foreign Service officer 1\diSSION of class 1 and counselor of Embassy at Tokyo, Japan, to John J. Keegan to be a member of the United States be Envoy- Extroa.rdinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Employees' Compensation Commission. United States of America to Siam. · MEMBER. UNITED STATES EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION COMMISSION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John J. Keegan, of Florida, to be a member of the United States Employees' Compensation Commission for the term WEDNESDAY, MAY 19,. 1937 , of 6 years from March 15, 1937, vice Harry Bassett, term The House met at 12 o'clock noon. expired. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., UNITED STA'l'ES ATTOltNEY offered the following prayer: J. Cullen Ganey, of Pennsylvania, to be United States at­ Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, when we consider the , torney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. vice Mr. work of Thy hands, the moon and the stars which Thou bast Guy K. Bard, resigned. orda-ined, we tremble be!ore the revelation ot our littleness. Yet more than all Thy works or spheres of light is man, be­ CONFIRMATIONS cause Thou bast crowned him with glory and honor. We ~ Executive nominations confirmed b'!l the Senate May 19 rejoice that we are linked to Thee by bonds stronger than (legislative day of May 13), 1937 death and greater than the glory of the ultimate skies. We APPOINTMENTS, BY ~ IN THE REGULAR ARMY pray that we may be brought nearer to Thee by the abund­ Maj. Harlan Leslie Mumma to Quartermaster Corps. ance of Thy love and by a sense of duty and obedience. Help Capt. George DeGraaf to Quartermaster Corps. us to realize life in its fullness-the flow of the emotions, the visions of ·the intellect, and the raptures of the spirit. We PROMOTIOM" m THE REGULAR ARMY live in our Father's house with its unlocked treasures. Bless Theodore Kendall Spencer to be colonel, Infantry. those who sacrifice pleasure for the comfort of others and Edwin Martin Watson to be colonel, Field Artillery. those who labor in the desolate and the wasted places of Charles Dudley Hartman to be colonel, Qu~rmaster human life. Do Thou direct and harmonize the counsels of Corps. this honorable body. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Edgar Simpson Miller- to be colonel, Infantry. Albert Lee Sneed to be colonel, Air Corps <tempcirary MESSAGES FROM. THE PRESIDENT colonel, Air Corps) . Sundry messages in writing from the President of the Lester David Baker to be colonel, Infantry. United states were communicated to the House by Mr. I£tta, 1937 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4771 one of his secretaries, who also informed the House that on H. R. 3636. An act for the relief of Margaret Scott Bayley; the following dates the President approved and signed bills H. R. 4287. An act to authorize the Attorney General to and joint resolutions of the House of the following titles:_ settle outstanding claims against Chapman Field, Fla., and On May 6, 1937: for other purposes; H. R. 417. An act for the relief of Arthur C. Knox; H. R. 4522. An act for the relief of John J. Warner and H. R. 561. An act for the relief of Fay Pledger; W. B. Warner; and H.R. 986. An act conferring jurisdiction upon the United H. R. 5304. An act for the relief of the Polygraphic Co. of States Court of Claims to hear the claim of the Canal America. Dredging Co.; On May 14, 1937: H. R.1281. An act for the relief of Harold Wright, a H. J. Res.185. Joint resolution to authorize Capt. Harry G. minor; Hamlet, Capt. Edward D. Jones, Lt. Comdr. Louis w. Per­ H. R. 1859. An act for the relief of Etta Natelsky; kins, Lt. Comdr. Frank T. Kenner, Lt. Dwight H. Dexter, · H. R. 1978. An act to authorize an appropriation for con­ and Chief Boatswain Thomas A. Ross, United States Coast struction at Fort Niagara, N.Y., to replace loss by fire; Guard, to accept certain foreign decorations and diplomas; H. R. 2321. An act for the relief of James C. Wilkinson; H. J. Res. 331. Joint resolution to provide emergent appro­ H. R. 2494. An act for the relief of J. E. Midgett, Luther priations for certain Federal activities for the remainder of E. Bozman, and Gordy Z. Parks; the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937; H. R. 2771. An act for the relief of Harold W. Snell; · H. R. 26. An act to amend section 23 of the Immigration H. R. 2909. An act authorizing an· appropriation for pay­ Act of February 5, 1917 (39 Stat. 874), as amended <U.S. c., ment to the Government of Great Britain for the account of title 8, sec. 102) ; N. J. Moosa, a British subject; · H. R. 28. An act to authorize the deportation of aliens who H. R. 2910. An act authorizing an appropriation for pay­ secured preference-quota or nonquota visas through fraud ment to the Government of the Netherlands for the account by contracting marriage solely to fraudulently expedite of the family of Miguel Paula; admission to. the United States, and for other purposes; H. R. 2911. An act authorizing an appropriation for pay­ H. R. 175. An act declaring Scajaquada Creek, Erie County, ment to the French Government for the account of Hem'Y N. Y., to be a non-navigable stream; Borday, a citizen of France; - H. R. 411. An act for the relief of A. Sereiskis <Maxwell A. H. R. 2912. An act authorizing an appropriation for pay­ Rittenberg) ; ment to the Government of Great Britain for the account H. R.1780. An act for the relief of Mary E. Cavey, Joseph of the Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ltd.; C. Kinney, and the estate of J. Edgar Gift, deceased; H. R: 2913. An act authorizing an appropriation for pay­ H. R. 2305. An act to extend the time for applying for and ment to the Government of Canada for the account of receiving benefits under the act entitled "An act to provide ­ Janet Hardcastle Ross, a citizen-of Canada; means by which certain Filipinos can emigrate from the H. R. 2914. An act authorizing an appropriation for pay­ United States", approved July 10, 1935-; ment to the Government of Chile for the account of Enri­ H. R. 3306. An act to authorize a preliminary examination, · queta Koch v. de Jeanneret,·a citizen of Chile; and survey of Santa Maria· River with a view to thf! control H.
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