San Newspaper, in His Hose Sparks Circus the Revolt of Fr.Rnk R

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San Newspaper, in His Hose Sparks Circus the Revolt of Fr.Rnk R ROSTAt RECEIPTS SHOW THE RECOR& ClRCULAfiON THE LARGEST In THE COUNTY. THEY DONiT LIE. |d Fio #: URED “HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.1 VOLUMN XXX. UNTY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 1928 N U M B E R 8 NEWS OF LONG AGO. publican, the highest seat in De Y P E O ' P lei An Eloquent Revolt. mocratic councils. Wall Street Betting. Trained Wild Beasts To Josephus Raps Al Smith The most interesting and signi­ "With a. wet Republican, Mr As usual in presidential years, Josephus Daniels, editor of the M ^uaranigg ||» What Was Happening In Davie Before ficant political delevopment of the Raskob, leading the fight, another the betting market on Wall Street Be Big Feature Of Democratic News and Disturber, a The Days of Autom obiles and Rolled past week in North Carolina was wet Republican, Mr. du Pont, as­ is opened, and it is stated that the red-hot partisan newspaper, in his Hose Sparks Circus the revolt of Fr.rnk R. McNinch, sisting in the direction of the cam­ odds at this time are 3 ^ to I that comments on Al Smith’s accept­ [tiling Co. (Davie Record, Sept. 2 , 1 9 0 3 ) Democratic warhorse, of Charlotte, paign and chipping in the tidy sum Hoover will win. The Watertown Come To Winston-Salem ance speech, gets the following out Mart Godby, of County Line, who announced that he would o f $5 0 ,0 0 0 to help ‘educate’ 11s Times, up State paper, suggests of his system: t, N. C. Monday, September 10 was i" town S a tu rd a y . stump the State against Smith- Southern Democrats to vote for that in Smith’s home town senti- “In the judgment of hundreds of Mr. McNinch stands by the State meut "does not rule the profess­ DAVIE PEOPLE” A. T. GraotvJr., made a busi- liquor, and with the ticket headed Mgr. Chas. Sparks, of the Sparks thousands of Democrats, Governor county and district tickets, but ional betting syndicates," a fact Smith should have gone no further nesv trip to Winston Monday. by a wet bolter, the campaign is Circus coming to Winston Salem, on s n a m m m t lllWtumiiasiH1 thinks the only ways to save the not one between political parties manifested in past campaigns. But Monday September 10 is of the firm than the Houston platform on pro­ Mrs. P. H . D a lto n h a s g o n e to Democratic Party in the South and but is a giganic contest for and a- it is early in tne game, and what conviction that varity is not only tl e hibition, or, if he felt constiained Iliddenite S p rin gs. in the Nation to give Smith, Ras- gainst the Eighteenth Amendment these odds may be along in Novem­ spice of life but of a modern circus to say more, to have said that, if, Mr. and M rs J. B . Jo h n sto n e kob, d u Pout and their LiquorPro and prohibition ber is a different thing. The odds as well, and ha9 this season deviated after a sincere attempt over a pe­ and little son Knox, visited rela­ from the straight and narrow circus gram the worst licking any crowd The South will never barter its may be longer, or they may have riod of a few years, he found there tives in Mebane last week. traditions of the past by augmenting ever got at the hands of the A- proud political birthright nor its been shortened up a bit. In this was need of change to secure en­ his two hours’ program with a vast Miss Daisy Hampton who has merican electorate. rich heritage of political ideals for early projectment of election bet­ forcement, he would make such re­ number of trained wild animal num­ been spending so m e tim e at H id d e The thing that made Mr. Mc- ting our New York contemporary commendations. That was what a mere mess of political pottage, bers of a thrilling nature, among nite Springs has returned home. Ninch’s revolt big news in North recalls an historical incident of the was expected by the delegates at whatever the name or label, and them being a group of five real for­ Jake Douthit, of Bower, came 1924 campaign which was a mix- Carolina papers Sunday was not so we shall serve notice on Mr. du est bred African lions One thing the Houston convention and most over M onday to v isit h is sister, much his refusal to support Smith Pont and his kind that there is not ture of tragedy and comedy. It that, according to newspaper reviews of their constituents outside the Mrs. E. H . M orris. — many other good North Carolina money enough north of the Ma­ was then no one thought Davis, iamresses the public in watching, the big cities. Instead of standing on Mrs. H . H . Jordan and ch ild ren Democrats are doing that—as the the unfortunate Democratic nomi­ exhibitions given by this remarkable the platform, Governor Smith takes I-V son and Dixon Line to tempt or, in ! 'I arc visiting friends in Mocksville. nee, had an outside chance to win group of lionsis is the untamed fier­ his stand practically on a repeal of ; ll manner iu which he flayed the his language, to ‘educate’ the man­ ' I il Kimbrough Furches, of Smith ceness of the animals. While yield­ LESS group of Eastern Republicans and hood and womanhood of the South and this was accurately reflected in the Eighteenth Amendment and a Grove, was a visitor here last week. ing to the persistent efforts of their Democrats who are running Smith’s to march with liquor cohorts. the betting odds which were 9 to 1 substitution of separate actions by trainer, John Guilfoyle, to train Miss Lucil Garrett who has been campaign. If Mr. McNinch’s state- "I have crossed the Rubicon, I on Coolidge. Davts had some per­ th e 4 8 States, with safeguards a- them the tricks that primarily make visiting Miss Grace Coley left last ment for the press is a sample of sonal friends who had some money gainst sale by saloons and prohibit- know this is revolt. Itisso intend­ their performances so interesting, week for her home at King’s tne line of the argument he will and this lack of confidence in him iou of interstate shipment. This ed. More than a 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 o th e rd ry there is‘abundant evidence that their Mountain. grieved them. They felt that the is In substance the proposition sub­ use on the stump, the voters of Democrats in North Carolina are native wildness has not been subdued J. J. Eaton is able to .be out a- North Carolina have, some redhot long odds were sapping' the confi­ mitted by Senator Tydings to the 'EST likewise crossing over. Another and that they are still "kings of the gain after an illn ess w ith fev er. political oratory in store for them 1 0 0 .0 0 0 will refuse to march under dence of the Democrats throughout forest” despite their enforced cap­ Platform Committee and not ap­ [PORTABLE R. D. W . C onnor, o f W ilm in g ­ this fall. Even those who disagree the Smith banner or rally to the the Nation. They understood the tivity. Cleverly asthey have been proved by the committee. It would ton, spent part o f la st w eek h ere with the Charlotte anti-Smith battle cry of the Little Brown Jug psychology of elections enough to trained, it would be quited unsafe be to revert the whole prohibition iE X lA B L l * with Mrs. Connor, who is visiting leader must admit that he is dead to the tune of ' The Sidewalks of know that lack of confidence was tQ exhibit these lions on an open ring, question back to the condition-that and consequently they are presented her mother/ Mrs. PbilHp Hanes. in earnest, feels this cause deeply New York. That will be revolu­ fatal. existed prior to the World War, Icftcw sc»d daily Dr. E. M . G riffin, o f F a r m in g ­ One of the friends of Davis pro­ in a great Safety First arena, in and g iv e 4 8 different sorts of alco­ |)tn d a te Sdte • O ne sntf n Ciirtl and states his position with rare tion. But by this revolution we which they can be seen to take ad­ ( I a n d I) (orb ton paid us a pleasant call Friday. eloquence and facility. As an ex­ shall save the Democratic Party posed that they make up a big pool holic content. New York with li­ for* round Kip vantage with absolutely no danger o n ly 2.4c a tnilo Mrs. Zeb B - P y a tt’s m o th er and ample of good political writing, if o f $5 0 ,0 0 0 or more and offer to' quor of the highest content with from humiliating surrender to the to the audience The-Sparks Fight­ Joro date *otc • One and a ItaU sister Mrs. S . A . P . B v a n and M iss cover these long odds. He said Kansas the smallest and all vary­ (2 a m i I] faro nothing else, we quote the follow­ liquor interests of the North atid in g Lion 3 are in worth company,-for f o r round trh Barbara, o f K en a u sv ille, are v isit ing extracts from’ Mr.
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