Cash Bonuses and Daily Pay Offeredforsparetimework

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Cash Bonuses and Daily Pay Offeredforsparetimework All the N«w» of BUD BANK SECTION and lUrrqundlng Town* . Told Fearlessly and Without Bias | RED BANK REGISTER ONE Xiauad Weakly. HlnUrtd u B« eond-Clau MfttUr *t th» Poit- Subitslptton Frlcai Onpi Y«»r $2>9f< VOLUME LVIII, NO. 52. offlo* *t E«d Bank, N. J, under thi Act of March I. 1879. RED BANK, N. J,, .THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1936. Six Month* ll.OO. fllnsl* Copy 4b PAGES 1 (TQ 16, Newton D. Ailing Dog Ordinance Restriction For. Catholic School Opens Radio Sales Finishes Work As Introduced By Vets In Saloons Graduates Class Ami Service Store Cash Bonuses and Daily Pay Commissioner D, Frederick Burnett William D. Bradloy's new radio of the alcoholic beverage control sales and service store and residence Receiver Of Bank Rumson Council board, In a ruling- received yesterday Of 39 On Sunday at Newman Springs road and morning by Police Chief Harry H. Shrewsbury avenue has been com- Offered For Spare Time Work He Expreue* Satisfaction Over Police Department Authorized to Clayton, states that "no licensee for Moruignor John J. Bonner 'Tell* pleted, and Is ready for inspection. on-premlee conaumptlon of liquor The building, which ia one story In Progreii Made in liquidation Impound All Dogs Running at ahairextend credit to any person who Students Not to be Pessimistic height, was built by Harold A. Hen- —He and Hit Family Will Re- Large—New Ambulance Ar- la a veteran of tho World war or —Gerard S. Sloyan Wins drickaon at a coat of about $5,000. THE REGISTER HAS MANY VACATION JOBS whom he has reason to believe la a It contains a showroom, 16x30 feet, main Here Thit Summer. rives—Other Public Matters, veteran, or cash any adjusted-service Scholarship and Four Award;. a repair room, 13x30 feet, and a bond for such person or permit said three-room apartment, which Mr. OPEN IN EIGHT WEEKS SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN person to 'set up' or buy drlnkB 'for Newton D. Ailing, who recently re- Rumson's now ordinance, licensing A class of 39, one of the largest Bradley and family will occupy. He logB, waa Introduced and pased on the house,' except for cash then and has the agency for the Fhilco and algned as receiver of the Broad there paid," The ruling was made n the history of Red Bank Catholic Street National bank of Red Bank, ta first reading at last week's meet- high school, received diplomas Sun- Zenith radios, and operates an auto- D. A. R. to Hold when reports were made to the Com- mobile radio service. Mr. Bradley 1500 in Cash Bonuses and Commissions Offered—* stated when asked about the condi- ing of the mayor and council. There missioner that proprietors of cafes day night at the annual commence- tion of that Institution that Uquida- re certain marked' changes In the were extending credit to veterans on ment at the school auditorium, which has a branch store at Atlantic High- JVicky-Tray Party _t!sn hadprngrenaedtQ a stsgejwhere reposed law over the ordinance It lands «i;d has-flvo—persons -in -his £en_and_Women, Boys and Girls -Can Earn Several 1 their bonus bonded was-nlled to *apoelty-by parents and by combining Its supervision with an- 'III supersede. If the new ordinanc friends of the graduates. Rt. Rev. employ. He has conducted a Bhop Shrewsbury Towne chapter, Daugh- other closed bank the expenses of n adopted aa It Is written the police Msgr. John J. Bonner, superintend- on Newman Springs road the past ters of American Revolution, assist- Dollars Daily in Commissions for Spare Time Work separate operation might be avoided. "epartment ia to Impound any dog ing of schools for the arch-dloceae lour years, previously being em- ed by the Hannah Baldwin chapter, He stated that borrowers from tho tinning at large, whether the animal Choral Society of Philadelphia, addressed the grad- ployed as service man by the Plain- Children of American Revolution, iVith 14 Additional Cash Bonuses for Best Workers, Broad Street bank had ahown a dis- s registered or unregistered. Another uates. fleld Radio shop. will hold a tricky-tray party next position to co-operate by paying all irovlalon gives the police committee He advlaed the graduates to dream Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Want to earn extra cash for your igationa of any kind are required they could. The unusual conditions uthorlty by public notice to order Elects Officers Mrs. M. T. Hazelton's at Atlantic pare- time during the next few' prevailing after tho bank holiday had of great things, but primarily to keep if the entrant. And it matters not .11 dogs muzzled for a period not rust In America for as Washington Highlands. The party will be fea- eeks? Today the Red Bank Beg- hether one already la employed. It made it Impossible for some to pay ixcceding three montha. Mrs. Theresa McClintock Chosen Contracts For tured by a colonial tea and Braiile ter announces an eight weeks' sub- at all and others were able to pay and Lincoln had led the country out s a spare time proposition, offering , The license fee of $1 for one dog of trying timea so will someone today exhibit by Mrs. H. D. Wright, Braille ^ription campaign offering liberal laily pay to" local people, and th,e. only in small Installments. nd $2 for each additional dog ia the as President of Thursday ommis5ions and fourteen big cash Morning Choral for New Sea- lead the way to better times for the Gravel And Oil chairman of the Monmouth County ntrant may use his or her own tlms This, Mr. Ailing said, had resulted ame as at present. Failure to pro- youth of the coWtry. He said that Red Oros organization. onuses to those taking part. nd methods, and put In only that In prolonging what would otherwise uro a license makes the owners of son at Annual Meeting. there Bhould be no pessimism con- Much of the Shrewsbury Towne The campaign is open to men, wom- ime which will be found convenient. have been a mucjr faster liquidation. nlicensed dog llablo to a fine of $5 Awarded Monday ii, boys and girls living In Red nected with the commencement for chapter's welfare work is with the Let Home Folks Front. Tho bank had 'experienced serious r five daya in Jail for tho flrat of- blind and a large group of members ank and within the local trading runs in 1031 and 1932 prior to tho Ofliccrs of the Thursday Morning although trying timea prevail there Instead of hiring outside solicitors onae and $10 or ten daya in Jail for Choral were elected at the annual haa been vast Improvement In eco-C. C. Randolph, Jr., and William are qualified to teach the Braille rca. It offers an opportunity for bank holiday. Its most liquid assets tach aubaequenl offenao. Ten dol- system. Mrs, Jamea H. Matlenlee Is eachers on summer vacation, college o work the territory, the Red Bank had been either disposed of or bor- meeting of that organization Thurs- nomic condltiona in the paat year. Register has adopted the plan of glv- lara fine or ten days in Jail la tho day In the Elks auditorium. The Rev. Dr. John B. McCloskey made Mears, Inc., Successful Bid- general chairman of the party and nd high school students, men or rowed on from the Federal Reserve mnlshmont for unlawfully removing her assistants are Mrs. J. Ward Van- omen now working part time or un- ng local people an opportunity to da bank or the Reconstruction Finance new officers are: a short address and presented the ders—Ordinance for Dredging he work. A number of persons in tags from doga. Impounded diplomas and Rev. Thomas Carney derveer, publicity; Mrs. Edwin E. mpioyed, to earn eaey ready mon^y corporation to the extent of half a dogs will be kept for three days, and Pi-CBident—Mt-H. Theioaa McClintock. River. Farrier, traya; Mrs. P. Broadus Pow- uring the next few weeks. hese communities are working only million dollars. It was neceBBary for Vlco president—Mru. John H. Oaborn. presented letters to members of the part time, or else are unemployed, If not called for within that period Hecl-etary—MIBS Gladys L. Shropshire. baseball squad. Miss Mary Elizabeth ers, decorations; Mrs. Herbert H. No experience is necessary and no tho receiver to pay these loans off will bo destroyed. Owners redeem- ibligatlons of any kind required. Not Thia campaign will offer them juat before any c^Hidaratlon to divi- Treasurer—Mrs. W A Hoag delivered the salutatory and A contract for oiling Red Bank Hunter, tickets; Mrs. W. Paul Still- ing dogs will be charged $1 for each man, waiters and Mrs. C. Frank Bor- cent required of any one to enter he opportunity for which they are dends could be g>. N Gerard Stephen Sloyan gave the vale- streets was awarded Monday night looking, to earn extra caBh during day the dog la Impounded. A public dictory. by the mayor and council to C. C.den, reception. Members of the C. A. he campaign or to win a big cash When tho borrowings had been hearing upon tho ordinance will be R. chapter will serve refreshments. ion us. he next few weeks, and also have Sloyan, winner of a- four-year Randolph, Jr., of Bay Head, whose an opportunity to share in bonua paid consideration for a dividend held Thursday night, June 25. scholarship to Seton Hall college, re- bid of $099.80 for the work was the Fourteen cash bonuses In addition could bo begun, but it was decided o the liberal commissions on every awards at the end.
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