WITH THIS ISSUE: Tourism Bringing the news to generations of Rea&l Estate The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 501 May 19, 2007 $1.00 : 1.75 EURO George Tenet: The Man Church Facing Yet Another Crisis in the Holy Land And his Legacy - and a Legal Document Claims that Eirineos Look at his New Book Did Nothing Wrong By Antonis E. Diamataris Powell was speaking, and he bore Special to The National Herald no responsibility for the accuracy of By Theodore Kalmoukos the intelligence information Mr. Special to the National Herald George Tenet, the former Direc- Powell presented his speech. tor of the CIA, makes no secret of his For Mr. Tenet, however, it was an BOSTON – The historic Greek Or- Greek background. He is so proud of entirely different story – and a pret- thodox of Jerusalem it, in fact, that he refers to his being ty unusual one. has fallen into a crisis again. Greek at least five times in his new Perhaps never before had the sit- The Jordanian announced last best-selling book, “At the Center of ting Director of the CIA, by his sheer Sunday, May 13, that it has with- the Storm: My Years at the CIA,” presence in public – at the U.N., no drawn its recognition The- which was just released. less – personally and institutionally ofilos III, alleging he has failed to act To his credit, perhaps no other certify the facts presented to the on a pledge to annul an unsanc- Greek American who has acquired world by a Cabinet member upon tioned church property sale to Is- so much power and responsibility which the case was built for going to rael. has proclaimed his ethnic heritage war against a third-world country. The Patriarch of Jerusalem re- to the world as has Mr. Tenet, and Realizing the weight of his ac- quires official recognition from Is- perhaps no other Greek American tions, Tenet unapologetically, and in rael, Jordan, the Palestinian Author- with Mr. Tenet’s level of achieve- personal rather than institutional ity and Qatar to function adminis- ment would mistakenly call the terms, explains how he found him- tratively. The Jordanian Govern- Middle East “the cradle of civiliza- self sitting right behind Mr. Powell ment has withdrawn its affirmation, tion” instead of . at the U.N.: which prevents Theofilos from car- Sometimes, Mr. Tenet would use “Late in the process, Colin asked rying out his temporal duties (e.g., his Greek origin as way to make me to sit behind him at the U.N. signing legal documents) in Jordan. friends – like the time at the house That was about the last place I In a meeting late last Saturday, of the “Greek Orthodox Archbishop” wanted to be… but Powel and his May 12, Jordan’s Cabinet decided to in Bethlehem, where he “sat next to deputy, Rich Armitage, were two of “withdraw its recognition” of The- Arafat. After dinner I happened to my closest colleagues in the Admin- ofilos “for failing to fulfill the obliga- mention that I was Greek Orthodox, istration… Walking into the U.N. tions he promised to the Jordanian and with that news Arafat warmed General Assembly on the morning AP/PETROS GIANNAKOURIS Government.” up even more. Apparently he had of February 5, 2003 was a surreal Austrian President Goes to Greece Jordan renounced its claims to some affinity for the .” moment for me. I sat next to John East Jerusalem in 1988, but it re- Tenet has an extraordinary Negroponte…” Hellenic President , left, and his Austrian counterpart, Heinz Fischer review tains custody of holy shrines in the amount of appreciation for his fam- The problem was that, even the honor guard during a welcome ceremony in this past Monday May 14. Fischer was on a two- city. The in ily, and he shows it. In his book, he is though Mr. Powel gave “an extraor- day visit to Greece. The two heads of state also had an opportunity to view several priceless relics on dis- the Holy Land abides by a 1958 Jor- displaying a great and justifiable dinary performance,” as Mr. Tenet play in the capital of this past Tuesday, May 15. danian law banning the sale of any sense of reverence and indebted- describes it, much of the informa- church property in Jerusalem, ness towards his parents: “Only in tion presented to the U.N. and the which Jordan ruled along with the the United States of America the son world for going to war, information West Bank until Israel seized the ter- of immigrants be given such a privi- provided by the CIA, was “flawed… ritories during the 1967 Middle East lege. I will always be grateful that No one involved regrets that more War. John and Evangelia Tenet, who left than I do.” Synod: Send Katinas to Spiritual Court The Jordanian Government’s de- their villages in Greece to give me And to think that we published cision still needs to the King’s signa- that chance… Even though I have that picture at the U.N., with two By Theodore Kalmoukos bishop Demetrios of America, who Pittsburgh was out of the country at ture, however. This past Monday, met scores of presidents, kings, Greek Americans sitting directly be- Special to The National Herald has been the accused priest’s eccle- the Ecumenical Patriarchate in May 14, Theofilos said he is hoping queens, emirs and potentates, the hind the U.S. Secretary of State, on siastical superior since last June, as a rotating mem- for support from King Abdullah II to two people I still admire most are the top of our front page with such BOSTON – The Holy Eparchial when Father Katinas was trans- ber of the Patriarchate’s Holy & Sa- help resolve a crisis over the han- my mom and dad.” pride. Synod of the Greek Orthodox Arch- ferred, after 28 years, from the Me- cred Synod. dling of church-owned property. Mr. Tenet is proud, even if some- George Tenet, naturally, did not diocese of America has recom- tropolis of Denver to the jurisdic- In the Synod’s previous meeting In an interview with both private how burdened by his humble begin- write his book to declare his pride in mended that Rev. Nicholas Katinas, tion of the Direct Archdiocesan Dis- earlier this spring, a number of and state-run television stations in nings: “Growing up in the New York being Greek. That, to his eternal former longtime pastor of Holy trict of New York, which is under Metropolitans requested that Arch- Greece, Theofilos said he had not City borough of Queens, the son of credit, came as a result of describing Church in Dallas, should be the Archbishop. bishop Demetrios send Father Kati- been given enough time to resolve working-class immigrants, I never who he is. sent before Spiritual Court for al- The Archbishop declined com- nas to Spiritual Court to be de- the property dispute. “I have said re- would have imagined I would find Mr. Tenet wrote the book in an leged sexual misconduct with mi- ment because of a pending lawsuit. frocked, but the Archbishop re- peatedly that the Patriarchate must myself in such a position.” attempt to set the record straight, or nors. Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver did fused, arguing that “Father Katinas be regarded as a purely religious in- His father “managed to do what at least to tell his side of the story. In so recommending, members not respond to the National Her- is 72 years old; he has repented, stitution. And I have said repeatedly so many Greek immigrants did: He He feels wronged by those he trust- of the Synod placed the of Fa- ald’s phone calls to his office or res- opened a diner, the Twentieth Cen- ed, and gave them his best. He feels ther Katinas in the hands of Arch- idence. Metropolitan Maximos of Continued on page 4 Continued on page 5 tury Diner… When things got betrayed. He is a wounded man. So tough, my brother Bill would always he wrote a book demanding to re- say, just think about what the old store his good name. He declares he man would do.” is prepared to carry the entire bur- To this writer, as well as to the den, which he knows to be his for thousands of Greek Americans who both the 9/11 attacks as well as the Alert Diner Owners Thwart Fraud of Elderly Man will be reading this book – and they war in Iraq, on his shoulders. But he should – we can definitely identify does not want to allow the blue- By Demetris Tsakas with Yiorgo when he talks about his blooded children of non-immigrants Special to the National Herald upbringing and his family. We sense to ruin his reputation for things he is that, deep down, he is one of us. argues he was not responsible for. NEW YORK – Vicki’s Diner, a West- Yet when he enters one of the When it become painfully obvi- field, New Jersey eatery owned by most dramatic scene’s in the history ous that his job as the head of the Peter and Helen Rentoulis is not re- of the Greeks in America – one CIA was coming to the end, Mr. ally all that different from your ordi- which might well characterize the Tenet went to the Jersey shore, by nary diner, but it has entered the extraordinary heights the communi- himself, to try and make sense of public eye in recent days, and has ty reached during this period of our what was happening. From there, become a source of interest. history – the day at the United Na- he phoned a man he trusted, An- The couple’s support and love for tions when then Secretary of State drew Card, the White House Chief others, as well as their close relation- Colin Powel made the case for going of Staff at the time: “Andy, I’m call- ship with their customers, led them to war against Saddam Hussein, in- ing to tell you that I’m really an- to investigate a crime committed terestingly enough, he fails to men- gry… We were fairly strident about against an 88-year-old man, result- tion the obvious: that on the one the fact that we believed Saddam ing in the arrest of Janet Garcia, 51, side of Mr. Powell sat Mr. Tenet, and had weapons of mass destruction. her daughter Jacqueline, 31, her son on the other sat John Negroponte, But what you guys have gone and Richard, 26, and his fiancée, Louisa another Greek American, then the done is make me look stupid, and I Haynes, 23. They all face a variety of U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., and just want to tell you how furious I charges, including conspiracy and now Deputy Secretary of State, the am about it. For someone in the Ad- theft. highest-ranking Greek American in ministration to now hang this Police and county prosecutors al- the State Department. Surely it around my neck is about the most leged that the quartet drained an el- could no have escape him the obvi- despicable thing I have ever seen in derly man’s bank account of more ous conclusion that the Greeks in my life.” than $100,000 over the course of a the service of the Bush administra- What they had hung around his year. Much of the cash has been re- tion provided cover to the less than neck was the infamous jock expres- covered, police said. TNH/COSTAS BEJ truthful statements made by Secre- sion, “slam-dunk.” The National Herald paid the Helen Rentoulis (2nd from left) of Westfield, New Jersey became a hero when she uncovered a plot against tary of States. As for Mr. Negro- During a meeting in the Oval Of- Rentoulises a visit at their diner, and one of her most loyal customers, an 88-year-old man who was being defrauded of more than $100,000. ponte, his position demanded that She is pictured here at Vicki's Diner in Westfield with (L-R) her husband Peter, waitress Katie Czado and he sit next to his boss when Mr. Continued on page 8 Continued on page 3 another diner employee, Kostas Christou. Get Out the Vote: Acropolis National Benefactors and Traveling Down Under 8th in New 7 Wonders Race By Yannis Sofianos Mr. Karamanlis’ trip to Oceania inviting members of the Diaspora Special to the National Herald will begin in New Zealand’s capital to participate in professional con- of Wellington. He is scheduled to ferences, it also honored the mem- By Christopher Tripoulas It’s never been done before. Culture ATHENS – This past week was sig- fly into Sydney this coming Mon- ory of the Hellenic Republic’s na- Special to the National Herald is one of the few things that would nificant for the . day, May 21. He will subsequently tional benefactors, the majority of be relevant to a global vote,” said The Hellenic community in Aus- visit the Australian capital of Can- whom are Greeks from the Diaspo- NEW YORK – Did you ever want a Tia Viering, spokeswoman for the tralia is feverishly preparing to wel- berra, where he will meet with his ra, who made their fortunes abroad say about what goes into the histo- Zurich-based New 7 Wonders cam- come Prime Minister Costas Kara- Australian counterpart, John and helped lay the foundations for ry books? Now you can. The largest paign. manlis, who will arrive in Sydney Howard, before heading for Ade- the nation’s infrastructure. global poll ever conducted is going Greece is among the 21 finalists, early next week, following a visit to laide. Greek political leaders gathered on right now for naming the great- represented by the Acropolis. The New Zealand. The Prime Minister is set to ar- this past Monday, May 14, to cele- est existing architectural marvels in other finalists include Hagia Sophia Deputy Foreign Minister rive in Melbourne on Thursday, brate their contributions. This spe- the world – the New 7 Wonders of in Constantinople (present-day Is- Theodoros Kassimis is already in May 24, for meetings with the State cial Government ceremony was the the World. tanbul), also built by Greeks, dur- Australia, visiting the cities on the Government of Victoria and the first of its kind in the history of the With over 200,000 people vot- ing the reign of the Emperor Justin- Prime Minister’s itinerary to assist large Greek community living State. ing online or through mobile phone ian in the Sixth Century; the Krem- with preparations in anticipation of there. The Finance Ministry organized text messages daily, it is estimated lin/Saint Basil’s in Rus- Mr. Karamanlis’ arrival down un- On Friday, May 25, Mr. Kara- a special ceremony at the Zappeion that more than 100 million votes sia; the Colosseum in Rome; der. manlis will speak at a public meet- Conference and Exhibition Center, will be cast by July 7, when the new Neuschwanstein Castle in Ger- According to Greek Australian ing in Rod Laver Arena, a 15,000 as part of the framework of a new seven wonders will be announced many; Eiffel Tower in Paris; Stone- newspapers, the Prime Minister seat stadium which is part of the Government initiative, which be- at a ceremony in , . henge in England; the Alhambra in will sign a Joint Agreement for So- Melbourne Park Complex and cur- gan this past January, when the “This is the first ever global vote. Spain; Great Wall of China; Kiy- cial Security between Greece and rent site of the Australian Open, President of Greece signed a bill omizu Temple in Japan; the Sydney Australia, which will safeguard so- one of professional tennis’ four ma- proclaiming September 30th To subscribe call: 718.784.5255 Opera House in Australia; Angkor cial security benefits of Greeks liv- jor tournaments. Greece’s annual National Benefac- e-mail: in Cambodia; the Taj Majal in In- ing in Australia and allow repatriat- A concert will follow the Pre- tor Day. [email protected] dia; Timbuktu in Mali; Petra in Jor- ing Greek Australians to collect mier’s address. The site of this ceremony, dan; the Pyramid of Cheops in their monthly stipend in Greece. The current Greek Government Zappeion Hall, was itself funded by Giza; the statue of Christ the Re- The agreement is set to be has repeatedly asserted its high re- a major Greek benefactor, Evange- deemer in Brazil; the Easter Island signed by Greek Foreign Minister gard for Greeks of the Diaspora. In los Zappas, who was born in Epiros Statues in Chile; Machu Picchu in Dora Bakoyanni, who will be ac- TNH ARCHIVES addition to proceeding with plans and made his fortune in Romania. *051907* companying the Premier on his Costas to allow Greeks living abroad to Continued on page 5 trip. Karamanlis. vote in future Greek elections and Continued on page 7 2 COMMUNITY THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007 Charlie Crist Pushes for Gas Station Owners to GOINGS ON... ■ MAY 19-20 Thursday, May 24, at 8-9:30 AM. NEW YORK – The Hellenic Times Kindly RSVP to AHI at 202-785- Install Generators Before Start of Hurricane Season Scholarship Fund cordially invites 8430 by May 23 (e-mail: info@ahi- the community to its 16th Anniver- world.org). MIAMI, Fla. (AP) – Florida Gover- sary Gala at the New York Marriott nor Charlie Crist is going after gas Marquis Hotel in Manhattan (46th WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Society stations along hurricane evacua- Street & Broadway, TEL. 212-398- for the Preservation of the Greek tion routes which haven't complied 1900) on Saturday, May 19. Cock- Heritage cordially invites the com- with a new law requiring them to tails will be served at 6:30 PM, fol- munity to “Greek Political Thought install generators so they can still lowed by dinner at 8 PM. Black Tie and the American Regulatory Prac- supply fuel if a storm knocks out preferred. This year’s honorees are tice,” a lecture by Dr. Cornelius Ker- power (hurricane season begins on humanitarian and business leader win, Interim President of American June 1). Nicholas J. Bouras and American University, at the Carnegie Endow- Crist asked his staff this past Idol 2005 Finalist Constantine ment for International Peace in Monday, May 14, to send a letter to Maroulis. Greek pop singer Thanos Washington (1779 Massachusetts each of the 254 gas stations along Petrelis and Grammy-nominated Avenue NW) on Thursday, May 24, hurricane routes to make them singer Taylor Dayne will perform at at 7 PM. The lecture will focus on aware of the requirement, which the event. HTSF was founded in Solon’s influence on modern U.S. the passed last year. He 1990, and has awarded more than government and policy. The lecture said only about 45 percent of the $1 million in scholarships to Greek and discussion will be followed by stations have complied with the American students throughout the a light supper. Admission is $12 for law. United States. The sole fundraiser members, $15 for non-members, "That's a lot of stations that need for the organization is its annual and $5 for students. Kindly RSVP at to get busy in a hurry to have them Awards Gala each May. Every cent 202-363-4337. in place by hurricane season," Crist raised after the event and operating said. "This is the law, and it will be expenses goes directly to scholar- CHICAGO – The Hellenic Museum enforced to the fullest extent of the ships. For more information, call & Cultural Center cordially invite law, including, if need be, taking 212-986-6881 or 212-333-7456, or the community to attend “Beside them to court." visit the web at www.HTSF.org. the Hallowed Olive Tree: The Gas shortages and long lines at Greeks and the Early History of stations are a frequent site after ASTORIA – Theatron and the Ellop- Olive Oil,” a lecture by Dr. Anthony hurricanes. In past years, some sta- ia Media Group cordially invite the F. Buccini, a University of Chicago tions have had gas in their tanks, community to the final perfor- researcher and a recipient of the but no way to pump it out because mances of “Giatros… Me to Zori (A 2005 Sophie Coe Prize in Food His- of power outages. Doctor… in Spite of Himself),” a tory, at HMCC in Chicago’s Greek- "This is a health, safety and wel- play at the Archdiocese Hellenic town (801 W. Adams Street, 4th fare issue. It's important to be pre- Cultural Center in Astoria (corner floor) on Thursday, May 24 at 6 pared for an emergency," Crist said. of Newtown Avenue and Crescent PM. The lecture coincides with HM- "It's not like they're not getting a Street, TEL. 718-626-5293) this CC’s current exhibition, “Nourish- whole bunch of dough for the gas weekend. Saturday, May 19 at 8 ing Culture.” Admission is $5 for they've got in their tanks. They PM. Sunday, May 20, at 2:30 PM members; $10 for non-members. should be well able to afford to put and 7:30 PM. The play was written For additional information, call these generators on site. Gas is by the renowned 17th Century Gregory Pappas at 312-655-1234. through the roof." Parisian playwright and classical PROPERTY TAXES poet Molière, and is directed by ■ MAY 25-28 Crist is also dealing with tax AP/WILFREDO LEE Ioanna Xanthopoulou. The story WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Ameri- concerns. This past Tuesday, May Florida Governor Charlie Crist, right, speaks with C. La Fel Buford after a town hall meeting about proper- revolves around a scorned woman can Hellenic Institute cordially in- 15, leaders of business groups and ty taxes this past Monday, May 14, in North Miami. Crist fired up a crowd of more than 500 before taking who is fed up with her husband’s vites the community to “The Battle their lobbyists cautioned the Gov- questions, saying they need to let lawmakers know something needs to be done to address escalating taxes abusive actions and drunken of and Greece’s Role in World ernor against shifting more of the tirades, and decides to give him a War II: American Perspectives Then tax burden their way in his drive to stantial property tax relief. House Democrats and Crist. They homeowners abandoned their role taste of his own medicine. Antenna and Now,” a forum presented by Dr. slash property taxes. Lawmakers again will take up instead favor rolling back taxes and as tax watchdogs. That's because Satellite is the media sponsor for Constantine G. Hatzidimitriou of They voiced support for proper- the issue in special session June 12 then capping them with allowances the existing Save Our Homes this play. Performances are made St. John’s University, at The Hel- ty tax cuts, but were worried other after failing to reach an agreement for growth and inflation. There has Amendment already caps their an- possible by Cosmos FM, Parea lenic House in Washington (1220 taxes or fees would be increased to during their regular session, which been no consensus, though, on how nual assessment increases at 3 per- Restaurant and Ellopia. For more 16th Street NW) on Friday, May 25, make up for losses. ended May 4. far back they should be rolled. cent. information, call THEATRON at at 12-1 PM. Light refreshments will Associated Industries of Florida Homebuilders told Crist they House Speaker Marco Rubio (R- "The boss was not looking," 718-721-7610 of Ellopia at 718- be served. Kindly RSVP to AHI at President Barney Bishop also told were afraid local governments Miami) is now pushing another Miller said. "We've got to put the 545-9788, or e-mail info@ellopia- 202-785-8430 by May 23 or send e- Crist the cuts shouldn't be so deep would adopt or increase impact plan which would offer varying ex- voters back in charge." mediagroup.com. mail to [email protected]. that they harm the ability of cities fees on new homes while restaura- emptions for homes and businesses That could be done by giving and counties to provide vital ser- teurs and hoteliers feared the state alike based on percentages of each bigger tax cuts to non-homestead PARAMUS, N.J. – Saint Athanasios PALOS HILLS, Ill. – The Greek Or- vices. might increase taxes on the hospi- property's value. Only homesteads properties, but others told Crist tax- Greek Orthodox Church in Para- thodox Metropolis of Chicago cor- "It's popular right now to beat tality industry to make up for prop- currently get an exemption – a flat es were contributing to high hous- mus cordially invites the communi- dially invites the community to its up on local government and say erty tax cuts. $25,000 regardless of value. ing costs which have made it diffi- ty to its 33rd Annual 26th annual Junior Olympics, host- they're the bad guys on the spend- Many businesses opposed a Re- Crist praised Rubio for offering cult to find employees. Crist later at the Church (51 Paramus Road) ed by Saints Constantine & Helen ing," Bishop said. "I've got to tell publican-sponsored proposal the new proposal: "Without that said he still is committed to sub- from Saturday, May 19, to Sunday, Church in Palos Hills (11025-45 you, as far as we're concerned – the which would have increased the 6 move it would have been very diffi- stantial relief for all taxpayers, in- May 20. Hours of operation are 11 South Roberts Road, TEL. 708-974- feds, the state, local – everybody percent statewide sales tax to as cult to come in here June 12th," he cluding homeowners. AM to midnight on Saturday and 3400) from Friday, May 25, to Sun- shares a lot of the blame." much as 8.5 percent in exchange said after the meeting. "But with NO TO IRAN, noon to 9 PM on Sunday. Fun for day, May 27. This year, more than Crist met with banking, con- for slashing, or possibly eliminat- that move, I'm enormously confi- In Tallahassee, state lawmakers the entire family includes indoor & 2,200 young people, ages 7-18, struction, industrial, real estate, re- ing, property tax on primary dent." sent Crist a bill requiring Florida's outdoor dining, raffles, live Greek from over 30 different parishes in tail, hotel, restaurant and chamber homes, known as homesteads. Florida Retail Federation Presi- retirement funds to stop investing music & dancing and games. For six states are expected to attend the of commerce representatives in the The proposal also drew opposi- dent Randy Miller told Crist, who in firms which deal with Iran and more information call Paul Toroni- annual Memorial Day weekend Capitol as part of his push for sub- tion from the State Senate, most refers to citizens as "the boss," that Sudan. The bill sends a strong mes- dis at 201-368-8881 (e-mail at event, which will include individ- sage to the governments of Iran [email protected]). ual and team sports (e.g., swim- and Sudan to play by international ming, track & field, basketball, vol- rules, urging that no part of the ■ MAY 21 leyball, soccer, tennis, chess, check- $118 billion of Florida's pensions NEW YORK – The American Hel- ers, bowling and ping pong). Sever- for teachers, firemen and police- lenic Institute Business Network al collegiate scholarships will be men should be used to subsidize and AHI’s New York Chapter cor- presented to athletes showing a companies which assist Iran in de- dially invites the community to “In- strong spiritual life, academic veloping nuclear weapons or assist vestment Opportunities in Residen- record, community involvement Sudan in continuing state-spon- tial Manhattan Real Estate: Co-ops, and writing skills. Registration sored terrorism and genocide in Condos and Townhouses,” a semi- must take be done at the local Darfur. Florida would be the first nar hosted by Dr. Olga Alexakos parish level. For more information, state to take action against Iran. and Nicholas Colombos at Pruden- contact your local parish; Chris Florida lawmakers believe that tial Douglas Elliman in Manhattan Avramopoulos at 773-626-5400; Iran's nuclear capabilities would af- (575 Madison Avenue, between Tom De Medeiros, Jim Stavrou or fect the Middle East, Europe and 56th and 57th Streets, 3rd floor) on Rev. Nicholas Jonas at 708-974- the United States. The United Monday, May 21 at 6 PM. Presenta- 3400; or visit the web at States has been concerned about tions will be followed with a ques- www.stconstantinehelen.org. Iran's nuclear capabilities getting tion-and-answer session. Appetiz- into the hands of terrorists poten- ers and refreshments will be SAN FRANCISCO – The Pan-Arcadi- tially having catastrophic effects on served. Kindly RSVP to Dean Siri- an Federation of America cordially U.S. security. Iran has failed to sus- gos at [email protected] by invites the community to its 3rd an- pend its uranium-enrichment activ- May 15. nual “Carry the Torch” Young Adult ities. The United States and the Conference at the Hotel Whitcomb United Nations have put sanctions ■ MAY 23 in San Francisco (1231 Market on Iran. NEW YORK – The Children’s Muse- Street, TEL: 800-227-4747) from The situation in Sudan likewise um of Manhattan cordially invites Friday, May 25, to Monday, May 28. continues to be intolerable. The the community to attend an exclu- The Conference will take place on U.S. State Department believes that sive preview of “Gods Myths and Saturday, May 26, beginning with 2.5 million people are in displaced- Mortals: Discover Ancient Greece,” registration and breakfast at 8:30 persons camps. Humanitarian aid a spectacular interactive exhibition AM, and followed by a meeting from has been blocked, and the camps at CMOM (The Tisch Building, 312 9 AM to 3 PM. Special group rates are a breeding ground for rape, tor- 83rd Street) on Wednesday, May are available for individuals attend- ture and murder. And the Sudanese 23, at 6-8 PM. Space is limited. ing the Conference (per night: sin- government continues to be a Kindly RSVP to [email protected], or gle/double occupancy, $99; triple source of state-sponsored terrorism call 212-721-1223, x302 (the exhi- occupancy, $119; quadruple occu- with continued cooperation with bition itself is opening to the public pancy, $139; suites, $199). The terrorist organizations, according on Friday, May 25). deadline for group rate reservations to a 2006 State Department Report. is May 11. All PFA members plan- The proposed legislation in NEW YORK – The Hellenic Univer- ning to attend the Conference must Florida directs that all public funds sity Club of New York cordially in- mail their $50 registration fee, under the State Board of Adminis- vites the community to “Terrorism, payable to Pan Arcadian Federation tration, which includes the pen- Religious Extremism, and the Clash of America, by May 5 to Pan Arcadi- sions of public employees under its of Civilizations,” a panel discussion an Federation of America, Young control, be scrutinized. The bill re- probing new fears and hopes of the Adult Conference (880 N. York quires the SBA to identify all com- post 9/11 era at the Cathedral Cen- Road, Elmhurst, IL 60126). For panies which have material trans- ter of the Holy Trinity Archdiocesan more information, call 630-833- actions that are scrutinized. This Cathedral in Manhattan (337 E. 1900 or send e-mail info@panarca- would include business operations 74th Street, between First and Sec- dian.org. For more information involving the Iranian or Sudanese ond Avenues) on Wednesday, May about the hotel, visit the web at Governments, or involve oil or min- 23 at 6:30 PM. Panel members in- www.hotelwhitcomb.com. eral related extraction in those clude Nasir Farouqui, president of countries. the Long Island Islamic Center; Dr. FLEMINGTON, N.J. – The Greek These companies are to be given Thomas Mallios, psychologist; Dr. Orthodox Parish of Hunterdon notice of the listing, and that Flori- Robert Saunders, author and ex- County cordially invites the com- da may divest itself of ownership. pert on global terrorism; Dr. Aris- munity to its 3rd Annual “OPA! Big No new investment can be made in tides Scoufelis, historian and econ- Fat Greek Festival” at Razberry’s such scrutinized companies. The omist; and Rev. Dr. Robert Banquet & Conference Center (785 company is given 90 days to cease Stephanopoulos, dean of Holy Trin- Route 12) in Flemington from Sat- such operations or face divestiture ity Cathedral and a leading ecu- urday, May 26 (11 AM – 10 PM) to within 12 months thereafter. menicist. Admission is free and Sunday, May 27 (12-10 PM). All No one knows at this time how open to the public. A coffee hour proceeds to help the parish build a much of the $118 billion pension will follow. For more information, Byzantine church in Annan- funding would be subject to divesti- call Penelope Karageorge at 212- dale. The event includes, food, ven- ture. There are some states and 661-8026 or Dean Sirigos at 347- dors, children’s rides and folk danc- universities which have similar 452-3502. ing. For more information, call rules regarding Darfur. No state has 908-782-9741 or visit the web at such a rule regarding Iran, howev- ■ MAY 24 www.go-church.org. er, though similar bills are pending WASHINGTON D.C. – The Ameri- in six states. can Hellenic Institute cordially in- ■ NOTE TO OUR READERS vites the community to “Common This calendar of events section is a The above also incorporates in- Ground for U.S.-Greece Coopera- complimentary service to the Greek formation from a story published tion: Securing Stability in the American community. All parishes, by the Miami Herald on May 14 Balkans,” a breakfast and briefing organizations and institutions are (“Don’t Send Funds to Iran or Su- by U.S. Ambassador to Greece encouraged to e-mail their informa- dan,” by Martin Press, chairman Alexandros Mallias at the Rayburn tion 3-4 weeks ahead of time, and no of the Nova Law School Board of House Office Building (at South later than Monday of the week be- Governors at Nova Southeastern Capitol Street and Independence fore the event, to english.edition University). Avenue SW, Room B-339,) on @thenationalherald.com. THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007 COMMUNITY 3 Alert Diner Owners Thwart Alleged Fraud

Continued from page 1 to the hospital. He had been away From that moment on, the inves- from his home for four whole tigations began and eventually indi- during our hour-long conversation, weeks,” Mrs. Rentoulis said. cated that the accused parties al- customers kept coming up to them Once she found out, she went to legedly siphoned $250,000 from his upon entering, or on their way out visit him at the hospital the next day. account. of, the establishment to congratulate “He appeared well-groomed and Mr. Rentoulis noted that the 88- them for their courage and love, and talkative. He would remember me year-old was an American citizen of their compassion for the victim, who for a bit, and then momentarily for- German origin, and wanted to do- is legally blind and lives in a nursing get who I was. I explained what was nate his sizeable estate to the Salva- home (police have withheld the gen- happening to the nurse, and told her tion Army or the Red Cross. He also tleman’s name). that if anyone should come to visit told the Herald that the elderly gen- Mrs. Rentoulis said that the crim- him, she could give out my phone tleman is now in good health, inal defrauding of the 88-year-old number so they could contact me,” adding that the alleged fraud began began about a year ago, when Mrs. Rentoulis explained. about a year ago and reached its Richard Garcia approached him, os- The next day, she also asked the peak six weeks ago. tensibly out of a desire to help him. police to investigate how the 88- “The investigations showed that Mrs. Rentoulis spoke very highly year-old ended up living at a home they had already transferred about the well-to-do senior citizen, for the aged. $250,000 from the victim’s account who would stop in at the diner at “The police investigated and told to their own accounts, and that they least twice a day. me that someone had power of at- had already managed to steal his ex- “He recently lost his vision, and torney. I replied that he would never tensive stamp collection worth over he couldn’t even tell the difference give someone power of attorney $150,000,” he said. between the bills he was holding in over his finances and himself,” she The Greek American diner owner his hand. He trusted us, and that’s said. from Leonidio, in the Peloponnesean why he would come here twice a “I grew very suspicious, because prefecture of , who came to day, and he would often say that the elderly fellow was independent, the United States in October 1974 Richard helps him when he goes to educated and very smart, and I dis- for a better life, said he was almost the bank or the doctor. As time went missed the possibility that he would mystified that people would try to by, he would come by once a day, be- give power of attorney to anyone un- take advantage of others who are cause he had a hard time walking. less he was gravely ill. Since I knew less able to defend themselves. Later on, they would come by all to- that he was financially well off and “What happened was terrible. gether. I would always ask him if he had savings in the bank, I alerted the Not everything in life is business. needed help, and he would tell me branch manager. I did not ask for a Customers feel at home here, and TNH/COSTAS BEJ that Richard was helping him. I was report of his banking activities, but I we consider them to be members of The apple doesn't fall far from the tree suspicious of Richard, based on his merely asked him to be on the look- our family. In the past, if there was a behavior, but since our friend him- out for suspicious behavior. He told day that he would not come by here, ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos (center) and Rev. Dr. Robert Stephanopoulos (left), dean of the self assured me that he was satisfied, me that there were many things that I would call the next morning to find Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, receive honorary degrees from St. John's University President there was no reason to worry any warranted concern,” she added. out if anything was wrong,” he said. Donald Harrington last Sunday, May 13. The younger Stephanopoulos received a Doctor of Laws degree, further,” Mrs. Rentoulis said, stress- “The next day, when he came to Like many Greek immigrants, Mr. while his father, who teaches courses in Eastern Christian thought at the University, received an honorary ing her astonishment when she re- the diner and asked me if Steve (the Rentoulis worked as a painter when doctorate in sacred theology. ceived a phone call from the police elderly gentleman) had nieces and he first arrived in the United States, some six weeks ago asking about the nephews, I responded that he had but soon set his sights on the restau- elderly man’s whereabouts. never married, and that he was an rant business. He eventually opened “Six weeks ago, a police officer only child, so it would be impossible his own establishment, the Lido Din- called while I was away from the for him to have nieces or nephews. er in Springfield, New Jersey. It was diner to see if the elderly fellow had He became concerned when he there where he first met his wife. Dow Chemical Rift: Dueling Lawsuits, come by here, and our employees heard this. I asked him if his ‘niece’s’ The couple has two children. They told him that he had not been by in last name was Garcia. Even though purchased Vicki’s Diner in 1999. quite a while. A few days later, the he did not respond, I knew what was “I love this town because it is Secret Meetings and Greek Americans police contacted me again, and this happening, and I told him I was go- small, quaint and the people are worried me and led me to ask them ing to go to the police. That is how great,” Mr. Rentoulis said. By Mark Frangos stated that he regarded America’s seeking damages for breach of fidu- if there was any particular reason. the case began to unfold,” Mrs. Ren- And it looks like they look out for Special to The National herald third largest bank and Mr. Dimon ciary duties. The officer told me that, for the past toulis said. each other, too. “on par with their Wall Street ri- Mr. Kreinberg’s lawsuit seeks 15 days, the delivery people for NEW YORK – Two prominent vals.” $600 million for defamation and “Meals on Wheels” had been leaving Greek American CEO’s are em- The dispute began in early Feb- wrongful termination. food at the entrance to his home, but broiled in an unusual scandal ruary with a secret meeting at the “Mr. Dimon never advised Mr. no one bothered to take it inside. So which has lead to lawsuits, coun- Compleat Angler, a luxury hotel Liveris that Mr. Kreinberg was part I tried calling him, and since no one tersuits, secret meetings and the overlooking the Thames. Mr. Krein- of a conspiracy to sell the company, answered the telephone, I suggested firings of two high-ranking execu- berg and Mr. Reinhard apparently or that Mr. Kreinberg otherwise that the officers enter his home be- tives. met with William Winter, the co- identified an intention, or suggest- cause he might be sick and in need of One month ago, Dow Chemical head of investment banking at J.P. ed he had the authority to sell help. A crew of police officers and CEO Andrew Liveris received per- Morgan, and Ian Hannam, a man- Dow,'' Mr. Kreinberg’s suit states. firefighters made their way into his mission from the board to fire two aging director with J.P. Morgan “Quite the opposite. J.P. Morgan home, but they did not find anyone executives, J. Pedro Reinhard and Cazenove, one of the United King- representatives were told by Mr. inside,” she said. Romeo Kreinberg, for allegedly be- dom’s leading investment banks. Kreinberg he had no such authori- In the eight years the gentleman ing involved in unauthorized dis- The men apparently discussed the ty.'” had frequented her diner, she added, cussions with a group of Middle prospects of a Dow buyout with the Mr. Reinhard is seeking $75 mil- he had never indicated any desire to Eastern investors who were inter- Middle Eastern investors. lion for libel and breach of contract. ever leave his home. ested in buying the company. “I am deeply saddened that I “From that moment on, I began According to dueling lawsuits have to file a lawsuit to clear my to fear for his safety. After an exten- TNH/COSTAS BEJ filed by both Dow Chemical and When talk about the good name and restore my reputa- sive search, they found him at a hos- Helen Rentoulis, co-owner of Vicki's Diner in Westfield, New Jersey, Mr. Kreinberg, Mr. Liveris was told deal didn’t stop, Mr. tion against a company to which I pital, where he was being treated for saved one of their customers from being defrauded of more than of the two men’s dealings by J.P. devoted 37 years of loyal service,” the past five days. They also discov- $100,000. She became worried when he stopped coming by and, with Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon, Dimon allegedly told Mr. Reinhard said in an e-mail ered that he was living at a Senior a little detective work and a call to the police, helped officers arrest with whom Mr. Liveris has a close Mr. Liveris that senior statement. “I have and will contin- Residence before being admitted in- four people. relationship. The banking giant Dow executives were ue to categorically deny that I have was apparently working on behalf been part of any secret effort to of investors from the Middle East in planning a buyout take over or acquire Dow Chemi- a potential bid for Dow Chemical. cal.” According to the Dow Chemical Weeks later, reports broke in On Monday, Mr. Liveris pointed lawsuit, Mr. Dimon allegedly told British newspapers about the sale out two recently announced deals Young Boy Cleared for Vital Liver Surgery his friend, Mr. Liveris, that two of Dow. Mr. Liveris called invest- with Saudi Arabia and China which Dow Chemical executives were in- ment bankers and private equity he said were evidence that these is- By Chris Johnson next two weeks at King's College Hos- him since he was diagnosed with the volved in talks with these investors. executives to find out if they were sues have not disrupted Dow’s busi- Croydon Advertiser pital in Dulwich. illness, and kind-hearted Advertiser He eventually named Mr. Krein- part of any possible transactions. ness. "I'm very relieved the operation readers helped raise over 1,300 berg and Mr. Reinhard. When he reached Mr. Dimon, the “We have to put up with a lot CROYDON, U.K. – A brave young can go ahead because there was a British pounds ($2,580) by donating Mr. Kreinberg’s lawsuit claims banking CEO told him that they over the past couple of months,” he cancer patient has been given the go- possibility he might have needed a money to a specially set-up website. that Mr. Dimon never mentioned had been actively pursued by inter- said. “Can you imagine what it was ahead to have an eight-hour opera- liver transplant. But for now, that's Peter's father Harry and stepfa- his name to Mr. Liveris, and that ested buyers, but promised Mr. Liv- like to run a company of our scale? tion to remove a tumor from his liver. not in the cards. They will have to cut ther Paul Gibbs took part in a head- the Dow Chemical CEO fired him eris that he would stop. These deals show we are becoming The courageous 10-year-old’s malig- some of his liver away. At this stage shave fundraiser at Barber Jack hair- because of other disagreements. When talk about the deal didn’t the partner of choice of major com- nancy has shrunk enough for him to we're not sure how much. Peter will dressers on Portland Road in South Analysts agree that Mr. Dimon stop, Mr. Dimon met with Mr. Liv- panies. Our partners know this is a undergo the grueling procedure. be in hospital for five to seven days Norwood on April 25, which raised seems to be in the clear legally, but eris at a private dinner at Dow’s financially strong, people-strong Peter Karmiotou was diagnosed after the operation, and it will take 4,000 pounds ($7,940). being involved in another compa- Michigan headquarters and told and ethical company.” with hepatoblastoma – a rare cancer- him around four to six weeks for him And Peter's 10-year-old girlfriend ny’s legal troubles isn’t an ideal sce- him that senior executives at Dow The deal with Saudi Arabia in- ous liver tumor – in February. to recover. Then he'll need more Rasharna Allen, of Windsor Road in nario, especially when Mr. Dimon were planning to buy the company volved a $20 billion joint venture For the past three months, he has chemo to make sure the tumor is well Thornton Heath, has also vowed to may be pulled into the courtroom out. The next day, he allegedly between Dow and the Saudi Aram- been undergoing intensive and truly gone," the 36-year-old stand by her boyfriend as he battles as a key witness. phoned Mr. Liveris and named Mr. co, the state-controlled oil group, chemotherapy treatment at the Royal mother said. to get well. The pair both attend This past Monday, Mat 14, Mr. Reinhard and Mr. Kreinberg as the to build a petrochemical plant in Marsden Hospital in Sutton in a bid The Advertiser revealed Peter's Saint 's Greek Orthodox Pri- Liveris, who is also on the board of two Dow executives. Saudi Arabia. The second deal is for to shrink the tumor, which is at- plight several weeks ago in an emo- mary School on Springfield Road in Citigroup, gave Mr. Dimon a vote of Both Mr. Reinhard and Mr. a joint venture with China’s Shen- tached to his liver in three places. tional interview from his bed at May- Thornton Heath. confidence. Kreinberg deny both the allega- hua Energy to build a coal-to-chem- A scan on May 8 showed the tu- day Hospital, where he was rushed “I have no qualms whatsoever tions, and that Mr. Dimon named ical plant in the western part of the mor had shrunk from five inches to after developing a temperature. The Croydon Advertiser published on the quality and strength of a them. country. three inches as a result of the rigor- Since then, his white blood cell the above on May 11. Readers who leader like Jamie Dimon,” Mr. Liv- Dow filed a lawsuit against the ous treatment, meaning surgeons are count, which was much reduced after wish to make donations can visit eris said in a statement to the Fi- two men to recover a combined The above incorporates informa- now able to operate. chemotherapy, has increased again, the web at www.justgiving. nancial Times. $50.9 million in bonuses awarded tion from stories published by Peter's mother, Helen Panae of meaning he is less susceptible to in- com/Peterkarmiotou. All funds Mr. Liveris declined comment as in the last three years – $30.9 mil- the Wall Street Journal, Financial Percy Road in South Norwood told fection and strong enough to face the will go to Royal Marsden Hospital, to whether Dow would ever hire lion from Mr. Reinhard and $20 Times, New York Times and the Advertiser her only son is due to surgery. where Peter has received most of J.P. Morgan again in the future, but million from Mr. Kreinberg – and is Bloomberg News. undergo the operation within the His family has rallied to support his treatment.

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To advertise or to obtain rates: tel: (718) 784-5255 ext. 101, e-mail: [email protected] 4 COMMUNITY THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007 Greek Shipowners E.F. Hutton of the Industry: When they Talk, D.C. Greeks: People Listen - President of Hellenic Shipowners Union Recognized We Have the By Demetris Tsakas for young people. This is going on Right Venues Special to the National Herald in a country like the United States, which does not have the Mercantile By Dimitri Soultogiannis NEW YORK – “This honor does not Marine fleet it used to,” he said, Special to the National Herald belong to me, but to all the Greek noting that he was also impressed shipowners who ensure Greece a by the efforts being made for the WASHINGTON, DC – The Greek leading role in the shipping indus- improvement of the training pro- American Youth of greater Wash- try through their spirit of enterprise gram. ington have complained a number and the ingenuity of our people. In a statement to the Herald, the of times in the past about Greek This honor belongs to all those Archbishop also expressed satisfac- performing artists not coming to sailors, Greeks and non-Greeks tion, noting that it is good when the nation’s capital due to its “limit- alike, who serve in the Greek Mer- Greece’s role in global shipping is ed” Greek population. chant Marine,” said Nicholas recognized and reaffirmed, and This Sunday, May 20, two very Efthymiou, President of the Hel- said he hopes other Hellenic issues popular Greek artists, the Dionys- lenic Shipowners Union, upon his could also be advanced as effective- iou brothers (Angelos, Diamandis induction to the Port of New ly. and Stelios, sons of the late York/New Jersey Maritime Associa- “This is a great honor, first be- Stratos), will be performing in tion’s Hall of Fame. cause a Greek – a very important Washington at Saint Katherine’s The 2007 honorees inducted in- figure in the shipping industry – is Greek Orthodox Church Hall in to the Hall of Fame included Mr. being honored, and second be- Falls Church, Virginia. Efthymiou, J. Robert Bray, Execu- cause, in his brief address, he had Young Greek Americans are try- tive Director Emeritus of the Vir- the opportunity to stress that to- ing to convince people to buy tick- ginia Port Authority, Angus R. day’s Greece plays a very large and ets for the event, since a great Cooper II, Chairman of Cooper/T. dynamic role in the global shipping turnout would make most Greek Smith, Captain James J. McNama- industry, and reminded the audi- artists realize that it’s actually prof- ra, President of the National Cargo ence that, when Greece speaks itable to travel to Washington when Bureau, J.W. Park, President & CEO about shipping matters, everybody touring the United States. of Hanjin Shipping LTD, and Alber- listens,” he said. “Let’s get the disclaimer out of to Aleman Zubieta, Administrator “We would like this to be true the way first, shall we,” Melissa of the Panama Canal Authority. for other matters that concern us, Mangriotis, a senior at Georgetown The ceremony was part of the as well. Nevertheless, our shipping Law, told the National Herald. “Ob- Maritime Association’s 14th annual industry truly does do honor to viously, Greek people in Washing- Hall of Fame Dinner, which was Greece today, promotes Greece, ton will be more than slightly bi- held at the United Nations on May and is a valuable resource. We pray ased in trying to convince you to see 9. that God and Saint Nicholas – the the Dionysiou Brothers here in here His Eminence Archbishop patron saint of the seas – be with in Washington, versus anywhere Demetrios of America attended the our sailors and shipowners,” the else.” event and offered the benediction, TNH/COSTAS BEJ Archbishop added. According to Asteria Produc- while Greek Ambassador to the Nikolaos Efthymiou, president of the Hellenic Shipowners Union, pictured with his wife Eleni, was induct- Mr. Vasilakis noted that the tions, organizers of the event, they U.N. Adamantios Vasilakis, Greek ed into the International Maritime Hall of Fame by the Port of New York/New Jersey Maritime Association Greek Diplomatic Corps have a du- are selling tickets online, but they Consul General in New York during the Association's annual banquet at the United Nations last week. ty to support inter- are foregoing their usual commis- Catherine Boura and Captain Pana- ests. “Every Greek ambassador sta- sion in order to benefit the giotis Tsakos, a 2006 Hall of Fame formed. years, this is happening more often right direction. They satisfy re- tioned abroad has a duty to pro- evening’s hosts, Saint Katherine’s inductee, were also in attendance, “This honor is directed to the and more frequently than in the quests we had been making for mote Greek interests, and essen- Church, which will be receiving along with many other Greek and Union of Hellenic Shipowners, and past, because we are clearly an in- decades to many administrations. tially shipping. When the president partial proceeds from this show. Greek American shipowners. I was inducted on account of my tegral part of overseas commercial Now that requests to help us be- of the Hellenic Shipowners Union – “The fact that this is being host- Ambassador Vasilakis, who in- position. In my opinion, this is an shipping.” come more competitive are being which collectively offers so much – ed at Saint Katherine’s makes this a troduced Mr. Efthymiou, stressed honor that Greek shipowners and Mr. Efthymiou also cited met, I am hopeful that we will see is honored, it is a special honor, joy unique show, because their hall is- that Greece is a major player in the the Greek shipping industry justly Greece’s efforts to attract Greek an increase in the Hellenic Ship- and obligation,” he said. n’t some 1,200-person venue that shipping industry, noting that when deserve, and I hope that other im- shipping magnates from all over ping Register in the coming years. Mrs. Boura and Capt. Tsakos you’ll find at some hotel in, say, At- Greece speaks about shipping, the portant associations like this one the world. The fact that approximately 57 ves- agreed. lantic City or New York,” said listens, which is will give us the same recognition in “Our maritime industry is going sels have registered in the Hellenic “It was a very beautiful ceremo- Alexander Mesohoritis of Bethesda, not always the case with other is- the future. I am very happy that this very well, and we have replaced a Shipping Register in three months ny, and we all felt great joy because Maryland. “There simply will be no sues. honor took place during my term, significant number of vessels in the time is a significant indicator.” a worthy Greek businessman and bad seats at St. Katherine’s Hall that In accepting his induction, Mr. and I am very pleased to be sur- Hellenic fleet, including both Earlier that day, Mr. Efthymiou shipowner who represents tradi- night.” Efthymiou expressed his apprecia- rounded by so many good friends,” Greek-owned ships and ships sail- and the other members of the tional Greek shipping was hon- According to Jordan Petrakis, a tion that the ceremony was being Mr. Efthymiou told the National ing under the Greek flag. We are Union of Greek Shipowners visited ored,” Mrs. Boura said. sophomore in Journalism at Ameri- held at the headquarters of the Herald. going through a very good period the Kings Point Naval Academy. “It is my pleasure and duty to be can University, a case can be made world’s most important interna- Commenting on Greece’s role in in international shipping, and all It was the third time he was vis- here, because as our president said, that it is actually better in some tional body, and highlighted the the shipping industry, he said, this leads us to be very optimistic iting the Academy, “and I was left we are not being honored individu- ways to see a Greek concert in DC fact that 60 percent of maritime “Greece is a shipping superpower, for the future.” feeling impressed yet again,” Mr. ally, but our shipping industry as a than anywhere else, not least of transportation is done through the which is why I have stated on many In response to a question Efthymiou said. whole is being honored. Our tradi- which is exposure in the nation’s ’s fleet. He occasions that, just as other nations whether this will increase the num- “You can not help but be im- tion, heritage and generations of capital. also stressed that shipping is a glob- protect their vital interests at every ber of ships returning to sail under pressed when you visit the Acade- Greeks who nurtured us through “Even in this day and age, a al industry, underscoring the need forum in the European Union, we the Greek flag, he stated, “The re- my because you realize the impor- this great profession are being hon- Greek concert in this country is to respect existing international must also protect shipping. I can cent measures adopted by the tance that a country as large as this ored here tonight,” Capt. Tsakos rare,” Mr. Petrakis said. “There are laws, and for new ones to be say with certainty that, in recent Greek Government are a step in the one places in public naval training said. only a handful of tours that ever come through the United States each year, and then they only make stops at some of the larger cities with larger Greek populations like New York and Chicago, or to desti- Eparchial Synod Recommends that Fr. Katinas Go to Spiritual Court nation spots like Atlantic City. So anytime that a concert actually Continued from page 1 nors and innocent children is too When asked how he would have makes it to the Washington area, it shameful even to talk about.” dealt with the issue if Father Katinas should be treated as a major event, and he wants to be buried as a Commenting on the lawsuit, were a priest serving the Metropolis if only because, when these con- priest when he dies.” Some of the Methodios said, “I hope it will not go of New Jersey, Evangelos said, “First certs do well in DC, it encourages hierarchs on the Synod told through because I’m afraid it’s going of all, respecting the Canon Law of other concert promoters to bring Demetrios, “It seems that we apply to do a lot of harm to the Archdio- the Church and the civil laws of our other concerts to DC in the future.” double standards.” cese.” land, I would have proceeded very Detractors typically cite that the Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Asked what he thinks should be differently in following the proper city doesn’t have these large Francisco spoke to the National Her- done, Methodios said, “I have ab- process. I would have notified the venues, or that one can’t couple a ald about the incident. “These pe- solute confidence in the judgment of authorities, and without any doubt, concert with a bad run of luck at a dophilia incidents are a terrible phe- Archbishop Demetrios, and I hope I would have already sent him to casino. nomena because it impacts our faith that his advisors will advise him cor- Spiritual Court to be defrocked.” “The next closest place to DC and the life of the Church. We rectly.” Evangelos also said he believes that Greek concerts typically come should be very careful, and we When asked why the Archbishop that a special meeting of the Synod is Atlantic City, but unless you’re a should have respect, care and empa- refuses to convene the Spiritual is necessary to discuss the issue. high roller getting comped in the thy for the victims,” he said. Court, Methodios said, “As I said, I Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta Rain Man suite, getting tickets to a Gerasimos called the lawsuit “a have confidence in the Archbishop, had a different view: “I did not know show in Atlantic City is going to be terrible development,” and empha- and the decision is in his hands,” Fr. Katinas. I had seen him two or an expensive enterprise,” said Emi- sized that the Holy Eparchial Synod adding that “the matter is in the ju- three times at the Theological lie Sifakis, a World Bank employee. should confront the whole issue risdiction of the Direct Archdiocesan School. I knew his son, Father James “Take a look on the Internet for head-on.” District of New York, and according Katinas better because he was the Dionysiou Brothers tickets in At- In response to the question why to proper order, the Father Katinas Dean of Admissions at the School. lantic City, and you’ll find them up- the Archbishop has so far refused to issue should go first to the Spiritual What has happened is very unpleas- wards of $280 or more. What are send Father Katinas to Spiritual Court of the New York District, and ant, especially as it concerns a you really getting for the money? A Court for defrocking, Gerasimos then it would come to the Holy prominent priest,” he said. Greek concert isn’t a multimedia said, “There was a discussion within Eparchial Synod for the final deci- Speaking about the lawsuit, spectacular with extravagant light the Holy Synod about it, and the sion.” Alexios said, “People today are not shows, smoke machines, perform- Archbishop expressed his thoughts.” When asked if he advises the concerned about ethics, but mostly ers descending on wires, 20 backup Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago Archbishop to convene the Spiritual about their financial gain. If they dancers or anything else that might said, “It is a terrible incident, and the Court of the Archdiocesan district, cared about ethos, they should have justify that kind of price. Greek Church, as the mother of forgiveness TNH ARCHIVES Methodios said, “I gave my opinion been concerned a long time ago. It is shows are all about the artist and and mercy, will confront it properly.” Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, shown above in this to the Archbishop, as well as to the clearly a matter of money.” the music, and sometimes the live Metropolitan Methodios of archive photo, is calling for “respect, care and empathy for the vic- other brother hierarchs at the Syn- When the Herald reminded Alex- band behind them. So in some re- Boston said, “Lewdness against mi- tims” of clergy sexual abuse. od’s meeting,” but declined to dis- ios that the alleged victims were mi- spects, these smaller venues in DC close what he said to the Archbish- nors, he said, “Yes, but today they actually work better for a Greek op. are 35-year-old adults. Why did they concert,” she added. Metropolitan Evangelos of New think of this today, and not at the “A more affordable ticket in a Jersey strongly expressed his disap- age of 18 or 25?” smaller venue in DC helps attract Books from pointment Asked if the Church should show your average young adult to these The National Herald “This whole issue has made me compassion towards the victims, concerts, not just the average sick, and I can’t hide my surprise Alexios said, “Of course, the young adult’s gambling-obsessed and great disappointment for the Church’s concerns are not only ma- parents who get these tickets be- things that Father Katinas has been terial, but also spiritual. The Church cause they can afford to drop more accused of,” Evangelos said. “The should demonstrate love, care and than your monthly take-home pay faithful of the Church, as well as the concern toward the victims, but they in one night,” said George Pallis, a clergy, have been scandalized, and must also show respect for the freshman at George Mason Univer- the office of the holy priesthood has Church.” sity. IKARIA REMEMBERED been completely embarrassed.” But Metropolitan Alexios also For many young Greek Ameri- Evangelos also said, “Many said he believes Father “should have cans, if the act is worth seeing, it’s ICHOLAS ARDAS things could have been avoided if been defrocked from the begin- worth seeing in DC, and it’s much N L the issue was placed on its correct ning.” Asked weather a special Syn- more affordable because there is and proper path from the very be- od should be convened, Metropoli- would be no need to travel several Nicholas Lardas, architect and author from Ann Arbor, Michigan writes of ginning, and I mean that, as a tan Alexios said, “I will answer you hours away or stay at an expensive his childhood on the island of Ikaria during the Great Depression. His Church, we should have taken all with a question. Was a special Synod hotel just for the concert. enigmatic stories have the classical “O’Henry-twist endings” as he propels the possible precautions in order to convened in other cases with even “Save your money. Save that trip reader through intertwined and complex relationships. avoid further bad publicity before heavier accusations? I was not pre- to Atlantic City for the things you $12.00 Utilizing multi-media artworks, his brother Zacharias, a Connecticut artist, the American public, as well as with- sent at the Synod last October, and I can do there that you can’t do in DC, illustrates the doomed Ikarus who flew too close to the sun and fell into the in our own Greek American commu- do not know what was discussed and save your travel time when the Agean Sea. nity.” about the issue.” artists are taking the time to come When asked what he thinks Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit to you,” Miss Sifakis said. “If you ab- This unique collection of stories, poems, myths and artworks creates a should be done from this point for- said, “I don’t have all the details, ex- solutely must make every concert compelling view of the Lardas family’s ancestrial home, Ikaria. ward, Evangelos said, “I wish and cept for what has been made public. an ‘event,’ go to a nice restaurant pray for God to illumine all of us in The understanding is that the man is before the show, rent a hotel room, order to make the proper Orthodox guilty. I will not rush to say any- or do whatever it takes to make you THE NATIONAL HERALD BOOKSTORE decisions, based on the ecclesiastical thing, but when we hold a Synod, I feel like you get the most out of NATIONAL HERALD, INC. 37-10 30th Street, L.I.C., N.Y. 11101-2614 as well as the civil law.” will express my position there.” your concert-going experience.” Tel.: (718) 784-5255, Fax: (718) 472-0510, E-mail: [email protected] Asked why he thinks the Arch- Asked if a special Synod should ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Everyone agrees that the Greek By check or credit card: VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS DISCOVER bishop is refusing to send Father be convened, Nicholas said, “He community in DC and in the sur- CARD NO: ------EXP. DATE: ------Katinas to Spiritual Court, Evange- (Father Katinas) is a priest under rounding areas needs to support NAME:------Ε-MAIL:------ADDRESS: ------CITY: ------STATE: ------ΖΙΡ: ------los said, “I don’t know. You should the direct jurisdiction of the Arch- these concerts, “because the alter- TEL.:------CELL: ------NO. OF COPIES: ------probably ask him. He is the immedi- bishop, and if the Archbishop (who native, having to always leave town www.ekirikas.gr www.thenationalherald.com ate superior of Father Katinas, since presides over the Eparchial Synod) to see a show is not something any Father Katinas belongs to the Direct wants to proceed, we all are going of us like to consider,” Mr. Meso- Archdiocesan District.” to go.” horitis said. THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007 FEATURE 5 Patriarch Theofilos Contending with Multiple Problems at the Church of Jerusalem

Continued from page 1 two hotels, to the Israeli investors. ments each for 300,000 USD. We Eirineos still vehemently denies the could not find any remittances in that I am not a businessman,” he charges, arguing that he had not en- this amount; however, we found a said. “In Jordan, our relations with tered into any agreement, and ac- remittance for the amount of the King are excellent.” cused Nicos Papadimas, the Patriar- $259,929 USD on August 20, 2004. Greece has described Jordan’s chate’s accountant, of falsifying doc- “Third: On August 23, 2004, Pa- decision as “hasty.” In Brussels this uments and performing transactions padimas, acting on behalf of the Pa- past Monday, Greek Foreign Minis- without his knowledge. triarch, signed a lease contract for ter Dora Bakoyanni met with her The Synod of the Patriarchate of 99 years to lease the Petra Hotel Jordanian and Palestinian counter- Jerusalem then requested the inter- building with a company by the parts on the sidelines of an E.U.- vention of the Ecumenical Patriarch name of ‘Petra Ford Investment LTD,’ Arab League Summit to discuss the to depose Eirineos. Former Greek a company registered on ‘Quadinsi’ issue and help alleviate pressure on Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs with anonymous shareholders, for a Theofilos. Panagiotis Skandalakis played an in- total amount for the whole period of But the problem has taken on strumental role in dethroning Eiri- the lease, of 500,000 USD, paid in other dimensions. neos, convincing Bartholomew to two equal installments, the first According to information ob- convene the Pan-Orthodox Synod, within 30 days from the date of sign- tained by the National Herald, Jor- which stopped recognizing Eirineos ing the agreement, and the second dan has also informed the former by an 8-3 vote (with 3 abstentions). after 60 days as of signing. This Patriarch Eirineos that it once again DOCUMENT EXONERATES amount was remitted to the Patriar- recognizes him as the canonical and EIRINEOS OF WRONGDOING chate Account at Leumi Bank Branch legitimate Patriarch of Jerusalem. In March 2005, however, the No. 80, Yafat St. Jaffa, the first on Jordan apparently considers The- Palestinian Authority charged its le- September 29, 2004 and the second ofilos persona non grata at the mo- gal advisors, Elias Khouri and on October 22, 2004. On October ment, and barred him from entering Jaward Bulus, to investigate the is- 19, 2004 Papadimas withdrew the country last Sunday. Jordanian sues concerning the Patriarchate of 150,000 USD in cash. He also with- authorities also blocked Archbishop Jerusalem and the property dealings drew another 150,000 USD on No- Dorotheos of Avilon from entering under Patriarch Eirineos. The Pales- vember 2, 2004. There were also the country, even though he holds tinian Authority produced a 26-page withdrawals in Israeli currency from both Greek and Jordanian passports, document, which clearly exonerates this account to unknown quarters. and reportedly told him that next Eirineos and lays the blame squarely “Fourth: On October 19, 2004 Pa- time he wishes to enter the country, on Papadimas who it clearly charac- AP/EMILIO MORENATTI padimas, acting on behalf of the Pa- he must notify the Ministry of Exter- terizes as duping the former patri- Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theofilos III takes part in the Easter Mass at the Church of the Holy triarch, signed a lease contract for nal Affairs in advance. arch. Sepulcher in Jerusalem's Old City this past April 8. Theofilos is under pressure. The Israeli Government real estate plot No. 45, lot 30859, in- Israel also continues to refuse The National Herald has ob- has refused to recognize him, and the Jordanian Government has just revoked its recognition. The Pales- cluding the house built on it in Al- recognizing Patriarch Theofilos, tained a copy of the document, tinian Authority was expected to follow suit at press time. Mo’athamiyya Str. No. 18, Bab Hut- since his election almost two years which says that, “on March 19, 2005 ta – Old City. The lease duration is ago, and still considers Eirineos the the Palestinian Cabinet decided to been one of the reasons that led to military attaché at the Greek Em- arrested while entering Greece. She 99 years for the amount of 55,000 legitimate Patriarch of Jerusalem. set up a fact-finding special commit- the case in question.” bassy in Tel Aviv visited Bishop Kyri- was carrying 120,000 euros USD in three payments, the first in- Theofilos has petitioned Israel’s tee to investigate a report published The report states, “Eirineos’ path akos, Bishop of Nazareth. He was ac- ($160,000) and various jewelry. The stallment of 10,000 USD, to be paid Supreme Court to force the Israeli by (the Israeli newspaper) Ma’ariv was not paved with roses when he companied by a young man named Ministry inquired if her husband within 30 days; the second payment State to recognize him. The regarding a deal to sell property be- assumed the leadership of the Patri- Nicolas Papadimas, a Greek from was actually working for the Patriar- for 15,000 USD, to be paid on Janu- Supreme Court is expected to an- longing to the Greek Orthodox Patri- archate. From the beginning of his , living in Tel Aviv and mar- chate. The Foreign Ministry instruct- ary 1, 2005; the third for 15,000 nounce its official decision concern- archate in Jerusalem. The afore- election to the post as Patriarch of ried to an Israeli immigrant from ed the Patriarch to seal the treasury USD, to be paid on February 1, ing Theofilos’ recognition this com- mentioned property is located in the the Holy City, he found himself en- Russia. The attaché claimed that Pa- and deny Mr. Papadimas any access 2005. The fourth payment for ing Monday, May 21. court of Omar Bin el Khattab inside gulfed with strong and shrewd op- padimas had applied for a job at the to it. He complied (Mr. Papadimas 15,000 USD was to be paid on The Herald has also learned that the Old City of Jerusalem. This prop- position and contenders having Embassy, but the Embassy turned disappeared during this period)… March 1, 2005. These payments the Palestine Authority is also con- erty included the Imperial Hotel and close contacts with countries, offi- him down for lack of a vacancy. The “First: On August 16, 2004 Pa- were supposed to be transferred to sidered lifting its recognition of The- the building of Petra Hotel.” cials and strong politicians in Israel, attaché requested that Bishop Kyri- padimas, acting on behalf of the Pa- the Bank Leumi account. But there ofilos. At press time, an official an- The report states, “The commit- Jordan, Greece and Russia, etc… His akos help Papadimas, being a Greek, triarch, signed a lease for 99 years was no mention of these amounts in nouncement was considered immi- tee pursued the probe, which was detractors did not concede his victo- get a job at the Greek Orthodox Pa- for the property located in Al-Moris- the accounts we received, bearing in nent. difficult and ramified, during which ry and election as a Patriarch. They triarchate in Jerusalem. He showed tan Aftimos Market – Al Dabbagha – mind that, despite our request to the Sources from within the Holy 17 personalities and official circles continued their attacks on him from his desire in finding him a job. Bish- Old City, known as Saint John Hotel. bank, it didn’t deliver them to us. Pa- Synod and the Brotherhood of the related to the issue were investigat- all directions. They managed to con- op Kyriakos agreed to recommend According to this contract, the prop- padimas was authorized to sign for Holy Sepulcher told the Herald that ed. The investigation included some vince the Israeli Government that Papadimas to the Patriarch. In fact, erty was leased to a company in the the said account, as well as for all members of the Synod are skeptical clerics and advocates currently Eirineos is anti-Semitic, and is not an appointment was made with the name of (Humberstone Ventures the Patriarchate’s accounts at the about the recent developments. working at the Patriarchate, as well comfortable with the Israeli Govern- Patriarch, whom he visited with Pa- SA). It is a company registered in the banks, in the capacity of the position Some hierarchs said they are wor- as advocates who used to work for ment. No, on the contrary, that he padimas. He suggested to the Patri- British Virgin Islands, with anony- he held at the time. ried that, in the event they cooper- the Patriarchate, and who were in was a pro-Palestinian. They rein- arch to employ Papadimas, explain- mous shareholders, for the amount “We could not find in the docu- ate with Patriarch Theofilos, the Jor- contact with dignitaries involved in forced this claim by showing copies ing that the Greek Embassy was of 400,000 USD, paid in two equal ments, which we received and re- danian Government may also with- the case.” of letters and meetings with the late keen on finding him a job. The Patri- installments to the Patriarchate. In viewed, any signature or any evi- draw their recognition, as well. The investigators stated, “We did President Yasser Arafat. The refusal arch approved of the recommenda- addition to this amount, the compa- dence indicating that the Patriarch Concern was also expressed not rely on one source of informa- of the Israeli Government to recog- tion, and assigned Papadimas to the ny paid 7,500 USD in rent every received any amount of the trans- among hierarchs at the Ecumenical tion. We tried to verify it from vari- nize him after his election impeded post of accountant in the Patriar- three months. ferred payments. In addition, the Patriarchate in Constantinople, due ous sources and directions. We were him from executing his basic duties chate’s Financial Department… The “Second: On August 16, 2004 Pa- buyers’ lawyer acknowledges that to Ecumenical Patriarch objective, despite taking a foregone as Patriarch. He was unauthorized Patriarch neither speaks, reads nor padimas, acting on behalf of the Pa- he did not remit any amount to the Bartholomew’s decision to convene stance by the media and through even to sign a check drawn on any writes English. One day in April triarch, signed another lease con- Patriarch.” a Supreme Pan-Orthodox Synod on various attitudes in Palestine and bank in the name of the Patriar- 2004, Papadimas came to the Patri- tract for 99 years with a company in The report concludes that, “in ac- May 24, 2005 to remove the Eiri- outside.” chate. Neither was he allowed to arch with a pre-prepared text for the name of (Richards Marketing cordance with the information and neos’ name from the Church Dip- The investigators conceded that, sign any order or contract or under- power of attorney and asked him to Corporation) registered in the data we received, we have not heard tychs, placing him out of Eucharistic “Our attention was drawn in partic- taking before any official circle or sign it. The advocate claimed that he British Virgin Islands with anony- or received any evidence or proof in- communion with other Orthodox ular to the organizational and ad- any official papers. As a result, he needed the power of attorney in or- mous shareholders. In accordance criminating Patriarch Eirineos… He Churches. ministrative situation in the Patriar- suffered from a financial crisis der to lease a shop in the Old City. with this contract, the Imperial Ho- did not participate in the proceed- Eirineos was sacked over an al- chate. This situation reflects a nega- which affected not only himself, but The Patriarch signed the document tel building located in the square of ings at any stage. He did not receive leged land deal with Jewish interest tive image manifested in deeply- also all those who collaborated with based on the explanation made by Omar Ibn Al Khattab, Baab Al Khalil, any amount from any deal, despite groups in East Jerusalem, which en- rooted chaos and corruption. This him from among his followers or Papadimas of its contents. By sign- Jerusalem, was leased for the the fact that all the payments were raged Palestinians and sparked a makes it imperative upon the in- companions, be they monks or secu- ing the document, the Patriarch’s amount of 1,250,000 USD, trans- made to the account of the Patriar- church crisis. The crisis began in ear- cumbents to take immediate action larists alike.” role came to an end… ferred to the account of the Patriar- chate. The deals were never present- ly 2005. Eirineos was accused of to put an end to this deplorable situ- The report on Papadimas is par- “The Greek Foreign Ministry chate in Leumi Bank in Jaffa in four ed to the Synod of the Holy Tomb selling and leasing the Patriarchate’s ation. We would not have touched ticularly revealing: “In the summer called the Patriarch, and notified installments, the first of which was Brotherhood, because the Patriarch properties in Jerusalem, including upon this internal issue, had it not of 2002, or around that time, the him that Mr. Papadimas’ wife was 350,000 USD, then three install- was not aware of them.” Get Out the Vote: Acropolis Currently Running 8th in New 7 Wonders Race

Continued from page 1 The number of votes probably so strong. As we were doing the in- makes this the largest poll ever un- terviews with local people who live Peru; Chichen Itza in Mexico; and dertaken on a global basis, said and work around the Acropolis, the Statue of Liberty. pollster John Zogby, but that did many of them shopkeepers and 8TH PLACE not make it a scientific exercise. “At waiters, it came to my mind to ask Friends of the Acropolis are en- the very least, the pollster has to them for how much they would sell gaging in a publicity campaign urg- create some kind of sample. How- me the Acropolis if they could (just ing recipients to place their vote for ever, that doesn’t reduce the fact like some smart guy went around the “Sacred Rock” to ensure that that this is an interesting and in- selling the Eiffel Tower last centu- this ancient marvel will be named triguing project,” he said. “It’s an ry). This question provoked almost as one of the new seven wonders. awful lot of people. I can’t recall an outcry and upset people – it was According to recent figures, the anything of this size.” extremely interesting to hear why Acropolis was running eighth, trail- MAJESTIC MOMENT they would never sell the Acropo- ing the Colosseum, Great Wall of Mr. Weber visited Athens last lis.” China, Machu Picchu, Petra, the September to officially give Hel- Mr. Weber has had a varied ca- Great Pyramid of Cheops, Statues lenic Republic President Karolos reer as a filmmaker, museum cura- of Easter Island, and Taj Mahal. As Papoulias the official certificate of tor, aviator, and explorer. Fluent in a result, it is in danger of being left candidacy for the Acropolis. In his five languages, the Swiss-born off the list of the New Seven Won- online blog, Mr. Weber writes, “It Canadian adventurer has spent ders of World. was breathtaking to watch the sun most of his life traveling the world This would mark a shocking de- slowly appear to the right of the and experiencing the rare sense of velopment for Greece, since the Acropolis, lighting up this majestic adventure and inspiration which original seven wonders of the an- monument. What strikes me most comes from meeting different cul- cient world, or “marvels,” were se- is the open friendliness and tures. lected by a Greek – believed to be warmth of the people in the city “The beginning of the new mil- Philon of Byzantium, in 200 BC – streets. Many Greeks have come lennium is a poignant historical and include at least five marvels at- back to Greece from other parts of moment for determining the New tributed to Greek engineering and the world where their parents had Seven Wonders of the World. The architecture. The original seven The Acropolis is currently in emigrated. I have met Greeks from Internet is perhaps the only democ- wonders were supposedly com- eighth place for a spot as one of Australia, from Canada, USA, Ger- ratic means of distributing informa- piled as a sort of travel guide for the New Seven Wonders of the many; even an 80-year-old Greek tion around the world, since it is worldly Greek voyagers. World. With more than 200 mil- man from Tanzania. They all have free to everyone who has access to Many people are surprised to lion votes expected to be cast returned to their mother country to a computer and telephone net- learn that the Acropolis was not worldwide before the winners enjoy the quality of life back at work. That is why we are urging one of the original seven. Philon’s are announced on July 7, Hel- their roots that they had missed by the world’s population to partici- list instead included the Lighthouse lenes of the Diaspora are urged being born in a distant country. pate in this free vote, which pays of Alexandria, the Temple of to vote for their “Sacred Rock.” Quite amazing to me. I never tribute to our collective global cul- Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Hagia Sophia, the Church of Holy thought that these bonds could be tural heritage,” he said. Zeus at Olympia, the Colossus of Wisdom in Constantinople, is al- , the Hanging Gardens of so in the running. Babylon, the Mausoleum of Hali- carnassus and the Pyramids of . Of the original seven, only tures – ancient or modern – finds its •ANNOUNCEMENT• the Great Pyramid of Cheops re- due place among the New Seven HERA SAMBAZIOTIS, MD, MPH, FACOG mains. It has been removed from Wonders of the World. is pleased to announce to the communities the voting process, and has been Voting is open to everyone, and of Queens and Long Island the opening of her practice. granted honorary status on the new can be done through the Internet or She is available for consultation at the following addresses: list. with a text message from a mobile The campaign to name seven phone. Internet voters must visit ΒAYSIDE LAKE SUCCESS new wonders was started by the By the end of 2005, the Sophia, the Kiyomizu Temple, the the web at 44-01 Francis Lewis Boulevard 2800 Marcus Avenue, Suite 204 New7Wonders Foundation, found- New7Wonders Campaign reached Neuschwanstein Castle, the Statue www.new7wonders.com, where Bayside, NY 11361 Lake Success, NY 11042 ed in 2001 by Swiss adventurer its final and most exciting stage, as of Liberty, the Sidney Opera House they will be asked to choose seven Bernard Weber, with a mission to the final 21 sites – ancient and and Timbuktu. At the moment, it of the 21 sites, after providing an e- Tel. 718-352-1400 Tel. 516-437-2020 • Fax 516-437-2019 protect humanity’s heritage across modern – were selected from appears as if the Acropolis will mail address and some basic regis- the globe. The initial stages of the among 77 nominees. Since then, compete for a spot on the tration information. Their vote will The practice offers the following: New7Wonders Campaign were fi- these 21 sites have been vying for a New7Wonders list with the Statues counted once they reply to a confir- • Obstetrical and Gynecologic Ultrasound •3D and 4D imaging nanced by Weber himself, aided by spot among the top 7, and a new of Easter Island and the Taj Majal, mation e-mail sent to them by the • Gynecologic surgery •HPV testing •HPV vaccine a small number of committed N7W place in history. which are currently running sixth website, to avoid voter fraud. There • Family Planning/Contraception •Evaluation & Treatment of Infertility members. Fifty percent of all net Trailing the Acropolis are and seventh, respectively. are instructions on the website for • Preconception Counseling & Complete Obstetrical Care, etc… revenue raised by the New7Won- Angkor, Chichen Itza, the Eiffel The Greek Diaspora can play a voting via telephone as well, by • Appointments preferred ders Project is to be used to fund Tower, the Kremlin and Stone- significant role in assuring that the calling either 011-42-366-390- • Convenient office hours, including evenings and Saturdays, available restoration efforts of famous archi- henge. The last six spots are being Acropolis, one of the world’s most 0299 or 011-44-870-062-3748. • Most insurances accepted tectural sites worldwide. occupied by Alhambra, Hagia famous and recognizable struc- The code for the Acropolis is 01. 6 OBITUARIES CLASSIFIEDS THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007 Katherine Pappas, Volunteer for Church, School Groups Mary Papageorge, Loved to

By Dan Muse heart failure last Saturday, May 12, organization's president. In addition to her daughter Work, Tackled Life Head-On The Boston Globe at her home in Canton. She was 96. She was a trustee of Hellenic Georgia, Mrs. Pappas is survived by Born in Winthrop, Mrs. Pappas College/Holy Cross Greek Ortho- her daughters, Valerie Sapounakis By Holly Crenshaw stream of clients, mostly from her CANTON, Mass. – Katherine A. was married to the late Judge John dox School of Theology in Brook- of New York and Diana Hamilton of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Buckhead neighborhood. Pappas enjoyed time spent in her C. Pappas and spent most of her life line, and became the first female re- Greenwich, Connecticut; two sons, Once the customers were taken garden and organizing Sunday din- in Milton, raising a family of seven cipient of the Alpha Omega Coun- James of Boston and T. Peter of GREENVILLE, S.C. – Mary Papa- care of, the hardworking Mrs. Papa- ners for friends and family, but she children. cil's Lifetime Achievement Award in Washington, Connecticut; ten george's lively, laughter-filled george would garden and sew and always counted her lifelong dedica- According to her daughter, all 1993. grandsons; five granddaughters; childhood was bounded on all sides cook Greek food for her family, in- tion to philanthropy as her greatest seven children attended Milton Mrs. Pappas's strongest commit- three great grandsons; and one by the Greek community which cluding pastitsio, a layered dish of achievement, according to her Academy, where Mrs. Pappas could ment was always to the Church. Her great granddaughter. She was pre- once flourished in downtown At- ground beef and noodles which daughter, Georgia of New York City. often be found during sports events daughter said she was a member of deceased by her husband John C. lanta. "was something to die for," her son In 1974, Archbishop Iakovos and school functions. Her daughter the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Pappas, and her sister Sophia With her immigrant parents and said. named Mrs. Pappas the national di- said much of her time was con- New England in Boston and the for- Martha Tsiros. five boisterous brothers, she con- In the back of her beauty salon, rector of the Greek Orthodox Ladies sumed in child rearing, but every mer Saint Catherine's Church in Funeral services were held this gregated at the Greek Orthodox she set up a kiln and cranked out Philoptochos Society, a philan- spare moment was put to use in vol- Quincy, which has recently relocat- past Thursday morning, May 17, at church on Pryor Street and soaked ceramic vases, dishes and other ob- thropic organization in the Greek unteering and philanthropy. ed to Braintree, and attended Di- the Annunciation Cathedral in up its exuberant spirit. jects that she'd hand-paint and give Orthodox Church, according to "She was a worker, not a writer vine Liturgy services every Sunday Boston. Burial was private. Memori- "It was a very tight community away to friends, along with her oil Paulette Poulos who was an admin- of checks," her daughter said. "If with her children. al donations to Hellenic and very family-oriented, like a gi- paintings of landscapes and still- istrator for the late archbishop at you have some money in your pock- A family friend, Mary Philopou- College/Holy Cross (50 Goddard gantic extended family," said her lifes. that time. et, some people think you can just los, said she and her husband were Ave., Brookline, MA 02445), son, Thomas Papageorge of Sandy "She was extremely good at it," "She was an ambassador of good write a check and say ‘I've done my neighbors of Mrs. Pappas for more Philoxenia House (152 Goddard Springs. "When church let out on her son said, "and I was shocked, will," Poulos said. "She would go part.’ That was never her." than 30 years in Milton and Canton. Ave., Brookline, MA 02445) or Old Sundays, everybody would pour frankly, because most of the time from district to district and work Mrs. Pappas was a member of the "You won't see this kind of lady Colony Hospice (1 Credit Union out onto the sidewalk and hug and when she wanted to get something with the archbishop in the local Hellenic Women's Club in Boston, again," Philopoulos said. "The Way, Randolph, MA 02368) appre- kiss like you hadn't seen each other done, like painting a room in the churches." and served for more than 30 years stature, the dignity, the presence. It ciated. in years." house, she would go at it and get it Mrs. Pappas, a longtime Canton on the National Board of the Greek had nothing to do with jewelry or After she married her late hus- done quickly. But with her ceramics resident and national figure in the Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Soci- clothes or makeup. It was some- The Boston Globe published the band, architect Euripides Papa- and painting, she showed enor- Greek Orthodox Church, died of ety. From 1974 to 1982, she was the thing in her." above on May 15. george, in the late 1930's, she mous patience in all the detail." moved to Buckhead and operated a She read everything from histo- tiny beauty parlor out of her base- ry books to Reader's Digest articles ment for 40 years, injecting it with and loved traveling to Europe to that same spirit of warm laughter study architecture or to visit rela- DEATHS and nonstop patter of family sto- tives and friends in Greece, he said, ries. and there wasn't any project ■ ANDRIANOPOULOS, devotion and expression of love of by Zachary and Isaiah; her brother worked at Paul Revere Insurance "She was very funny," said her around the house she wasn't will- KATHERINE her children, grandchildren, great George; and many nieces and Company before retiring. He was a former neighbor, Jean Culver of At- ing to tackle. KINGSTON, Penn. – The Times grandchildren, friends and neigh- nephews. She was predeceased by member of Saint George's Greek Or- lanta. "Everybody in the neighbor- "Mom loved to work, and she Leader reported that Katherine K. bors was apparent as they attended her husband Angelo; her sisters thodox Church in Hyannis and a for- hood knew Mary, and everybody was a thrower-outer," her son Andrianopoulos, 78, of Albrightsville to her as her life ebbed in the final Mary and Helen; and her brothers mer member and chanter at Saint loved her." added. "She kept a well-organized passed away on Thursday, May 10, days. Stella loved her home, where John and Bill. Tina was the owner of Spyridon Cathedral in Worcester. Mary Vismor Papageorge, 93, house. Her philosophy was, if you 2007 at Kingston Commons in she lived for 68 years and particular- H&H Restaurant in Homestead and The funeral was held on May 11 at died of complications from demen- can't find it, you don't need it. If Kingston. She is survived by her hus- ly the garden she worked on and en- the Coffee Cart at the Allegheny Saint Spyridon Cathedral. Burial was tia last Friday, May 11, at Rolling there was something she set her band of 46 years, Kostas; three chil- joyed, and from which she unselfish- County Courthouse. Her funeral was at Hope Cemetery. Arrangements Green Village in Greenville, where mind to, she never pondered over dren George, Pete and Maria (Al- ly shared the produce with family held on May 15 at Holy Trinity Greek were by O’Connor Brothers Funeral she moved five years ago. it. She just got in there and got it varo) Andrianopoulos; three broth- members and thousands of friends. Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh. Home. Memorial donations to Saint The funeral for the Atlanta na- done. If she had been a man, she ers George, Markos and Nicholas The family thanks the staff at Sutter Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral tive was held at the Greek Ortho- probably would have been an exec- Gargasoulas; and two grandchil- General Hospital for the comforting ■ GUMAS, JOHN V. Building Fund (102 Russell Street, dox Church of the Annunciation utive of a big company." dren, William and Irene. She was care they gave and the patience and PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. – The Lowell Worcester, MA 01609). this past Wednesday, May 16. In addition to her son, survivors predeceased by two brothers, understanding they exhibited for our Sun reported that John V. Gumas, Arrangements were by the H.M. include two daughters, Evangeline Christopher and Demetri Garga- sometimes-spirited expressions of 86, of Port St. Lucie and formerly of ■ MANIKAS, HARRIET Patterson & Son Funeral Home. Wilbanks of Greer and Connie soulas. She and her husband owned love.” She was a longtime member of Lowell, Massachusetts passed away PLAINSBORO, N.J. – The Home Mrs. Papageorge hit on cosme- Stires of Youngsville, North Caroli- and operated Astro Dry Cleaners in the Annunciation Greek Orthodox on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at the Hos- News Tribune reported that Harriet tology as a way to balance family na; eight grandchildren; and 16 Newark, New Jersey for 40 years. Church in Sacramento, and a charter pice House in Stuart. He is survived Manikas, 66, passed away on life with a career. From morning great grandchildren. She also hand-sewed wedding dress- member of the Daughters of Pene- by his niece, Maria Annette Gumas; Wednesday, May 9, 2007 at the Pavil- until early evening, she would es for ten years. She was a member lope and the local Pan-Arcadian his nephew, Vasilios C. Gumas; his ions at Forestall Village in Plainsboro. wash hair, cut hair, dye hair and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution of the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Club. The funeral was held on May grandniece Sophia Gumas; and his She is survived by her three daugh- give permanent waves to a steady published the above on May 16. Church in Stroudsburg and a former 14 at Annunciation Church in Sacra- grandnephew Christopher V. Gumas. ters Anastasia Manikas-Eyler, Maria member of Saint Demetrios Church mento. Burial was at East Lawn He will also be sorely missed by his Manikas and Dina Manikas; her in Union, N.J. where she was active Cemetery. Memorial donations to dear friends, William and Clemen- brother Nicholas Manolakos; her sis- in the Philoptochos Society. The fu- Annunciation Church appreciated tine Alexis. He was predeceased by ter Geraldine Yanuzzi; and her CLASSIFIEDS neral was held at Holy Cross Church. (600 Alhambra Boulevard, Sacra- his brother, Christopher V. Gumas. granddaughter Jacqueline. She was a Arrangements were by the Donald mento, CA 95815). He served in the U.S. Army during volunteer for the Multiple Sclerosis N. Gower Funeral Home in Gilbert. World War II and then worked at Society and was a preschool teacher HELP WANTED (718) 728-8500 ■ DOURDIS, ATHENA General Electric in Lowell for many at Saint George Greek Orthodox Not affiliated with any ■ ARGYRIS, THOMAS A. MIAMI, Fla. – The Miami Herald re- years before moving to Annapolis, Church in Piscataway. Memorial do- JOURNALISTS WANTED other funeral home. MARCO ISLAND, Fla. – The Star ported that Athena Dourdis, 87, of Maryland where he owned and op- nations to the Multiple Sclerosis Soci- Nation’s leading Greek American Ledger reported that Thomas A. Ar- Miami passed away on Thursday, erated the Dinner Bell Restaurant. ety appreciated (700 Broadway, newspaper needs reporters and as- APOSTOLOPOULOS gyris, 93, of Marco Island passed May 10, 2007 surrounded by family. He moved to Port St. Lucie in 1971, Suite 810, Denver CO 80203). sistant editor for English weekly Apostle Family - away on Friday, May 4, 2007 in Shell She is survived by her children, Trudy where he worked in the hospitality paper. Exceptional writing/report- Gregory, Nicholas, Andrew - Point Hospice. He is survived by four (Richard) Burton, Sandy (Frank) De department in Sandpiper Bay Coun- ■ MEKUS, NICK ing skills and bilingual fluency a Funeral Directors of sons, Archie (Maritza), George (Mar- Luca and John (Rindy) Dourdis; her try Club, as well as at Publix Super- EAST MOLINE, Ill. – The Quad-City must. Car a plus. Fax or e-mail clips RIVERDALE cia), Thomas (Kathleen) and Philip grandchildren, Matthew, Marc, markets. He served as past comman- Times reported that Nick Mekus, 92, and cover letter to 718-472-0510 FUNERAL HOME Inc. (Alexandra) Argyris; and eight Steven, Justin and Elan; and her sis- der of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of East Moline passed away on or [email protected]. 5044 Broadway grandchildren, Christopher, Andrew, ters, Eleanor Grivakis and Artemis Post of Annapolis, and was a 50-plus Wednesday, May 9, 2007, at Genesis 111609/01 New York, NY 10034 Alexis, Thera, Phillip, Alex, Michael (James) Sarayiotes. She was active in year member of AHEPA. He was also Medical Center in Silvis. He is sur- (212) 942-4000 and Meredith. He was predeceased her church for more than 50 years; a member of the Order of Elks, vived by his children John (Linnea) FUNERAL HOMES Toll Free 1-888-GAPOSTLE by his wife of 63 years, Maria Z. Ar- had many loving friends; and en- American Legion Post #1 of Lowell, Mekus, Georgia (Andrew) Froumis, gyris. A private graveside service was joyed holidays and social occasions and Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox and Kathy Lage; his grandchildren, CONSTANTINIDES LITRAS FUNERAL HOME held at Hollywood Memorial Park in with her family. She and her late hus- Church in Fort Pierce. Jim (Despina) Froumis, Nick (Stacy) FUNERAL PARLOR Co. ARLINGTON BENSON DOWD, Union, New Jersey. He was an ac- band Harry were founding members Froumis, Gina Mekus, and Irene 405 91st Street INC FUNERAL HOME complished attorney and judge, and of Saint Andrew’s Greek Orthodox ■ KOUNALAKIS, GEORGE M. Mekus; his great-grandchildren, Bay Ridge - Brooklyn, NY 11209 83-15 Parsons Blvd., was general counsel for Prudential Church in Miami and sang in the SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – The San Andy Froumis Lukas and Angelica (718) 745-1010 Jamaica, NY 11432 Insurance Central Atlantic until he choir for many years. She was a loyal Francisco Chronicle reported that Froumis; and his brother, Charles Services in all localities - (718) 858-4434 • (800) 245-4872 retired in 1978. He was a veteran of member of the Philoptochos and George Markos Kounalakis, 82, Mekus. He was predeceased by his Low cost shipping to Greece World War II who proudly served the Ladies Cancer Societies, and was passed away in his sleep after a long wife Irene; and his brother John. He United States Army 1st Division in named Member of the Year for out- battle with cancer on Saturday, May was born on March 23, 1915, in East ANTONOPOULOS TO PLACE YOUR Normandy, France, Belgium, Czecho- standing service. She was generous 12, 2007 surrounded by his loving Moline, to Demosthenes and Geor- FUNERAL HOME, INC. CLASSIFIED AD, CALL: slovakia and Germany from 1941 to of spirit; a wonderful cook and host- family. He is survived by his two chil- gia Angelopoulos Mekus. He mar- Konstantinos Antonopoulos - (718) 784-5255, EXT. 106, 1945. When he returned to the U.S., ess; and had a terrific sense of humor. dren, Markos (Theodora) ried Irene Gartelos on June 23, Funeral Director E-MAIL: he served as president of Saint She loved her family and friends Kounalakis, Koula (Panagioti) Alex- 1946, in Rock Island. He was em- 38-08 Ditmars Blvd., classifieds@ thenationalherald.com Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in dearly, and they also loved her. The iou; six grandchildren, Georgette, ployed at the John Deere Foundry in Astoria, New York 11105 Newark and the Annunciation funeral was held on May 15 at Saint George, Nicholas, Antonios, George various positions till he retired in Church in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Andrew’s Church. Burial was at Mia- and Pantelis; two brothers, Antonios 1974. He was a World War Army vet- He was a cofounder of the Annuncia- mi Memorial Park. Arrangements (Vasiliki) Kounalakis and Vardis eran, serving from 1942-1945 with REAL ESTATE tion Church of Fort Myers, Florida were by Panciera Van Orsdel Funeral (Aristea) Kounalakis; and many the 833rd Engineering Battalion in and an Archon of the Ecumenical Pa- Home in Pembroke Pines. nieces, nephews, grandnieces, England, France, Belgium, Austria triarchate in Constantinople. Memor- grandnephews and godchildren. He and Germany. He was a former ial donations to the Parkinson’s Asso- ■ DULIOS, JOAN will be missed by many friends. Born member of the East Moline Ameri- ciation of Southwest Florida appreci- HOBART, Ind. – The Post-Tribune re- on June 9, 1924 in Vrisses, Apokoro- can Legion Post #227. He loved mu- ated (P.O. Box 770820, Naples, Fla. ported that Joan Dulios (nee Sacke- nou in Crete, he was a decorated sic and was a long-standing member 34107). tos), 76, of Hobart passed away on World War II veteran as a member of of the Q.C. Banjoliers. He played gui- Wednesday, May 9, 2007 in Los An- an elite underground combat unit tar, banjo, clarinet, mandolin and ■ CALLAS, GEORGIA L. geles after a courageous struggle during the famous Battle of Crete in . He enjoyed carpentry, and MOLINE, Ill. – The Quad-City Times with liver cancer. She is survived by 1941. He continued to fight valiantly extended his services to anyone who reported that Georgia L. Callas, 93, her beloved daughters, Kathryn and with bold courage for years as a needed home improvements. He al- of Moline passed away on Tuesday, (Ron) Jones and Jamey (John) Pou- freedom fighter during the Greek so enjoyed gardening and spending May 8, 2007 at the home of her los; her grandchildren, Ronald Civil War. He always lived his life time with his family. The funeral was nephew, where she had been living (Tosha) Petronicolas, and George, with dignity and heroic resistance. held on May 14 at Saint George for the last eight years. She is sur- Nick and Katerina Poulos; her sister He truly defined the famous phrase Church in Rock Island. Burial was at vived by her sister, Dolly Kokinos; in-law of Sophia; her brothers in-law of Winston Churchill, “Until now, we Riverside Cemetery. Memorial dona- her sister in-law, Georgia Callas; 15 Stavros Papavangelou and Phil Mo- used to say that Greeks fight like he- tions to Saint George Church (2930 nieces and nephews; and many great nanteras; her cousins Toula roes. Now we shall say, that heroes 31st Street, Rock Island, IL 61201). nieces and nephews. She was prede- (George) Thiros and Gerry Gerisi- fight like Greeks.” After the war, he opened his own business in Athens, ■ NICHOLAS, JAMES subscribe ceased by her sisters, Pauline H. mos; and her many nieces, nephews PRINTED EDITION OF THE NATIONAL HERALD Corelis, Catherine Varlas and Irene and lifelong friends. She was prede- but his passion for Crete was instilled PARLIN, N.J. – The Home News Tri- via the post-office: Rensink; and her brothers, John, Pe- ceased by her parents, James and in his life and in everyone he bune reported that James Nicholas, ❏1 Month for $9.95 ❏3 Months for $19.95 ter and Spiro Callas. Georgia was Bessie Sacketos; her husband Nick touched. He came to the San Francis- 74, of the Parlin section in Sayreville, ❏6 Months for $29.95 ❏One Year fo $59.85 born in Muscatine, Iowa, the second Dulios; her sisters Blanche Monan- co Bay Area in 1973, where he began passed away on Friday, May 11, 2007 of eight children. She was a member teras and Lillian Levantis; and her his 30-year career in trucking with at St. Michael’s Medical Center in VIA HOME DELIVERY (NY, NJ & CT): ❏1 Month for $12.95 ❏3 Months for $29.95 of Saint George Greek Orthodox brother in-law Elias Levantis. To- his son Markos. He lived his whole Newark. He is survived by his wife of ❏ ❏ Church and the Philoptochos Soci- gether with her husband, she was life surrounded by his children and 40 years, Elaine; his son Michael N. 6 Months for $43.99 One Year for $80.00 ety. The funeral was held on May 11 the owner and operator of Interna- grandchildren, nieces, nephews, (Amber); his daughter Nicole VIA HOME DELIVERY (NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA & at Saint George Church in Rock Is- tional Music & Gift Shop and later In- grandnieces and grandnephews. He Nicholas; his grandsons Christopher WASHINGTON D.C.) land. Burial was at Riverside Ceme- ternational Tours & Travel in Gary, was loved and admired by many M. and Brian W. Nicholas; and his ❏1 Month for $15.95 ❏3 Months for $37.45 tery. Memorial donations to Saint Merrillville, Crown Point and friends and family members from brother George. He was predeceased ❏6 Months for $51.75 ❏One Year for $99.00 George Church appreciated (2930 Chesterton From 1960 to 1985. She every corner of the world. “George by his parents, Theodore and Anthu- ON LINE SUBSCRIPTION www.thenationalherald.com 31st Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201). was a lifelong member of Saints Con- had a passion for current events and la Nicholas. Born in Elizabeth, he had ❏ stantine & Helen Greek Orthodox politics. Throughout his life, he en- resided in Parlin since 1971. Before NON SUBSCRIBERS: One Year for $29.95 ■ ❏One Month for $3.95 DEMAS, STELLA Cathedral in Merrillville. Joan and riched all of our lives with stories of his retirement in 1991, he was em- ❏ ❏ SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Sacra- her late husband operated a weekly his life during the war, and how hard ployed as a cement finisher with La- SUBSCRIBERS: One Year for $19.95 One Month for $1.95 mento Bee reported that Stella De- radio program known as “Greek he fought for our freedom today.” borers International Local 394 for mas, 97, passed away on Thursday, Voice” throughout Northwest Indi- The funeral was held at Holy Cross more than 40 years. He was a U.S. Air NAME: ...... May 3, 2007 after suffering a hemor- ana for more than 20 years. She en- Greek Orthodox Church in Belmont. Force veteran of the Korean War. His ADDRESS: ...... rhagic stroke. She is survived by her joyed reading, movies, sewing, trav- Memorial donations to the American funeral was held on May 15 at Saint CITY:...... STATE: ...... ZIP:...... sons George, Panagiotis and Louis eling and watching the Chicago Cancer Society appreciated Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church TEL.: ...... E-MAIL:...... CELL...... (Marilyn) Demas; 13 grandchildren; Bears and Chicago Cubs with her (www.cancer.org). in Perth Amboy. Burial was at Chest- PLEASE SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: 19 great grandchildren; and many children and grandchildren. Her fu- nut Hill Cemetery in East Brunswick. NAME: ...... other relatives here and in Greece. neral was held on May 14 at Saints ■ LIANGOS, PAUL J. She was predeceased by her hus- Constantine & Helen Cathedral. WORCESTER, Mass. – The Worces- ADDRESS: ...... CITY:...... STATE: ...... ZIP:...... bands Angelo Ballis, who died in Arrangements were by Savich & ter Telegram & Gazette reported that This is a service 1935, and Peter P. Demas who died Semplinski Funeral Directors. Paul J. Liangos, 93, of Marston Mills to the community. TEL.: ...... E-MAIL:...... CELL...... in 1973; and her daughter, Bessie passed away on Monday, May 7, Announcements of deaths Please specify method of payment Pappas. She was born on March 25, ■ GEANOPULOS, TINA P. 2007 at Cape Cod Hospital. He is may be telephoned to the I enclose a check/money order for $ ...... made payable to: 1910 in Palandion, Greece. “Her PITTSBURGH, Pa. – The Pittsburgh survived by his wife of 66 years, The National Herald, Inc., 37-10 30th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101 - 2614 Classified Department of ❏ ❏ ❏ family was her greatest treasure, and Post-Gazette reported that Tina Ethel Liangos (nee Pespeni); and The National Herald at or please debit my Mastercard Visa American Express the greatest treasure to the family Geanopulos (nee Petredis), 81, several nieces, nephews, grand- (718) 784-5255, CARD NUMBER: ...... was her. Deeply religious, she did passed away on Thursday, May 10, nieces and grandnephews. He was Monday through Friday, EXPIRATION DATE: ...... SIGNATURE:...... not focus on her life ending, but 2007. She is survived by her daugh- born in Volos, Greece, the son of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST rather, she looked forward to a new ter Electra; her grandchildren, Re- John V. and Calliope (Stavros-Kol- or e-mailed to: beginning. We all celebrate her life nee, Victoria and Shawn; her great lios) Liangos and moved to the Unit- [email protected] and carry her love in our hearts. The grandchildren, Olivia, Angelo, ed States in 1914. Mr. Liangos THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007 GREECE CYPRUS 7 Greek Economy Grows Pete Sampras in Greece for Athens Tennis Tourney

By John F.L. Ross more money." 4.6 Percent in 1st Quarter Associated Press Despite lacking showbiz appeal, Sampras made up for it on the court, ATHENS (AP) – All the travel, all the finishing as the top-ranked player ATHENS (AP) – The Greek gross E.U. report is a relief for Germany, the tournaments and all the titles, and for six straight years. domestic product grew 4.6 percent region's largest economy, which final- not one trip for Pete Sampras to his "It's one thing to reach number-1, on the year in the first quarter of ly exits the doghouse after breaking ancestral homeland – until now. but another to stay there; to domi- 2007, up from a revised 4.3 percent E.U. budget rules since 2002. The retired 14-time Grand Slam nate your generation; to stand the growth rate in the fourth quarter of E.U. Economic & Monetary Af- champion has come to Greece for test of time," Sampras said. "It was 2006, the National Statistics Ser- fairs Commissioner Joaquin Almu- the first time – both to play tennis, stressful. There were sleepless vice said in a flash estimate this nia acknowledged this, saying Ger- and for personal reasons. nights." past Wednesday. many's efforts to come under the "This is about sharing some time One of his most memorable mo- The agency said consumer de- limit were very important for the with my folks in my mom's home- ments came at Wimbledon in 2000 mand rose by an estimated 2.7 per- credibility of the budget rules, land," Sampras told the Associated when Sampras, battling injury, cent on the year to 32.1 billion eu- which are designed to keep the Press in an interview this past Tues- broke Roy Emerson's record of 12 ros ($43.5 billion). shared euro currency stable. day, May 15. major victories. Growth in both investments and "The challenge now is to make "I'm going to go out and enjoy it. "It was pretty painful. I almost exports jumped sharply in the first use of the good economic recovery It's a personal trip and obviously a had to withdraw from the tourna- quarter compared with a year earli- to progress further toward a bal- professional trip, and I didn't want ment," Sampras said. "I got injected er. anced budget, and to bring the debt to lose sight of either one. I'm here (with cortisone), but it was raining, Investment spending rose 15 to more sustainable levels," he said. to explore my heritage more," the and it wore off. I remember just the percent on the year to 13.0 billion E.U. finance ministers must for- 35-year-old Sampras added. "I'm pain; just getting through it; tough- euros ($17.6 billion), while exports mally clear the three nations of proud to be here for the first time." ing it out. I was pretty amazed my- were up 9.4 percent at 7.2 billion breaking the rules when they meet Sampras' mother, Georgia, left self when I got through those two euros ($9.8 billion). in July. Greece with her six siblings when weeks." Imports were also sharply high- The German deficit fell to 1.7 she was 25 and moved to Canada, Professional Tennis legends Pete Sampras, right, and Jim Courier Sampras is the marquee player of er, up 14.4 percent on the year to percent of gross domestic product and then to the United States. pose for photographers before an exhibition match under Acropolis the star-studded round-robin field, 12.4 billion euros ($16.8 billion). in 2006 from 3.2 percent a year "Very much a big Greek family," Hill in Athens this past Thursday, May 17. Sampras, who is of Greek but also headlining the field will be Since mid-2004, the Greek earlier. The E.U. forecasts that to said Sampras, whose father, Sam, heritage, and Courier will play at the Athens Champions Cup tourna- former U.S. Open and Wimbledon economy has been buoyed by a fall to 0.6 percent next year and 0.3 was born in the United States to a ment for retired tennis greats between May 17 and 20. finalist Mark Philippoussis of Aus- surge in consumer spending which percent in 2008. Greek immigrant father. This trip is tralia, another standout player of has helped fuel growth. Overall public debt is still above coinciding with Sam Sampras' 70th who ruled out a return to the All as working his golf game down to a Greek heritage who will be the first- According to es- a 60-percent threshold, but it is ex- birthday. England Club for a chance to win an four handicap. ever current ATP singles player to timates, the country's current ac- pected to fall from 67.9 percent last Sampras, who is playing in a eighth Wimbledon title. "I don't When he was still playing, Sam- play in an ICS event, a collection of count deficit is expected to reach year to 63.6 percent in 2008. tournament in Athens this week, a want to tempt it." pras' stoicism was legendary. He tennis events featuring the greatest 11.5 percent of GDP in 2007. Greece's deficit fell to 2.6 per- new International Champions Series On that score, John McEnroe, once beat Alex Corretja at the U.S. names in tennis age 30-and-over. The revised first-quarter GDP cent last year from 5.5 percent in tennis tournament on Thursday- himself a three-time champion on Open after vomiting on court during Other players in the field include estimates by the National Statistics 2005, but its debt is the second Sunday, May 17-20, and the first- the lawns, does not share Sampras' the fifth-set tiebreaker. Courier, former U.S. Open and Aus- Service will be released May 31. largest in the Euro Zone (after Italy, ever international event on the opinion, and said he is prepared to "I'm a bit like my mom as a com- tralian Open finalist Todd Martin, In Brussels this past Wednesday, at 4.5 percent last year). It first champions' tennis circuit co-found- advise the Greek American tennis petitor," he said. "That toughness, 1996 Wimbledon champion Richard the European Commission recom- broke the 3 percent rule in 2003, ed by Hall of Famer Jim Courier, great to make a one-off return to dedication and competitiveness – to Krajicek, three-time French Open mended lifting the threat of budget and was ordered to make changes played his last professional tennis Wimbledon this year. leave your homeland and not speak champion Mats Wilander and 1987 sanctions against Germany, Greece to the way it collects data after run- match in 2002, when he beat Andre "To tell you the truth, I'm sort of a word of English – that's where I get Wimbledon champion Pat Cash. and Malta, as all three saw budget ning into a row with the E.U. statis- Agassi in the U.S. Open final. tempted to push him to play it, be- a lot of my toughness, deep down in Greek American businessman deficits shrink below the 3 percent tics agency. "I kind of regret stopping," said cause it would be interesting," my belly." Constantine S. Macricostas, Chair- limit last year, buoyed by tax wind- Malta entered the European Sampras, who will be inducted into McEnroe said. "You forget until you But his dour demeanor kept man of the Connecticut-based falls from the European Union’s ac- Union in 2004 carrying a budget the International Tennis Hall of see him because he hurts you with Sampras from becoming a media Photronics, and a member of the In- celerating economy. deficit that it had to cut to meet its Fame in Newport, Rhode Island, on one shot. I would seed him in the top darling throughout most of his ca- ternational Tennis Hall of Fame But the E.U. warned the three goal to join the euro next year. July 14. five in Wimbledon, without a doubt. reer. Board of Directors, is the man cred- countries that they still needed to From a 10-percent deficit in 2003, Sampras will play in three Cham- Name five guys that could going to "They wanted me to be someone ited with bringing the event to do more to cut debt to ready their it has scaled that down to 2.6 per- pions Cup events this year. He won beat this guy at Wimbledon." I wasn't, on and off the court. That's Athens. economies for the expected burden cent last year. in Boston earlier this month and will Since retiring, Sampras has di- not who I am. I've never been abra- of increased numbers of elderly Seven other countries still have head to Charlotte, North Carolina in vided his time between a growing sive or brash," Sampras said. "I just The above incorporates informa- people, saying this should be a par- excessive deficits: Great Britain, September. family – he and actress wife Brid- kept it pretty simple, pretty quiet. I tion from reports posted by the ticular priority for Greece. the Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, "It is flattering knowing that I can gette Wilson have two young chil- wasn't going to sell out how I was French Press Agency and Inside- Although long anticipated, the Poland, Portugal and Slovakia. still be competitive," said Sampras, dren – and non-tennis pursuits, such raised, for more media coverage or Out Sports & Entertainment. Cyprus Gets Green Light to PM Honors Benefactors Before Heading Down Under Join Euro Zone Next Year Continued from page 1 In the mid-1880’s, Constantine By Aoife White creases later this year when sales Zappas, the former’s cousin, as- Associated Press taxes go up. signed Danish architect Theophil E.U. Economic & Monetary Af- Hansen to create a new design for BRUSSELS (AP) – Cyprus and Mal- fairs Commissioner Joaquin Almu- today’s Zappeion Hall, situated in ta cleared a major hurdle to joining nia said Malta's early preparations the heart of Athens. The corner- the euro currency zone this past for the January 1 changeover were stone of the auspicious project, in- Wednesday, May 16, when the Eu- going "very, very well," but said tended by Zappas to be “a proper ropean Commission and the Euro- Cyprus needed to step up efforts. and spacious establishment for the pean Central Bank backed their Cyprus and Malta now need to Olympia near the stadium,” was membership applications. win approval from E.U. leaders in laid on January 20, 1874 and the The two Mediterranean islands June and E.U. finance ministers in building was eventually inaugurat- would become the 14th and 15th July to allow them adopt the euro, ed with all due pomp and circum- nations to use the currency next decisions which will also fix the stance on October 20, 1888. January if European Union leaders conversion rates for the Cypriot This past Monday, almost 119 and E.U. finance ministers approve pound and Maltese lira. years later, Zappeion Hall – still one them to adopt the euro in the next In size, the two won't add much of Greece’s most famous venues, two months, which is seen as likely. to the euro economy: just over a with its replicas of ancient statues The European Commission, the million extra people to the 318 mil- and imposing winding staircases – E.U.'s arm, said both lion now in the currency union, was decked out once again to wel- achieved "a high degree of econom- with their economies totaling come Greece’s political and state ic convergence with the euro area," around 0.2 percent of Euro Zone leaders, in a unique celebration. as their average inflation over the gross domestic product. Those in attendance, including past 12 months was below the 3 The European Central Bank re- Hellenic Republic President Karolos percent limit, and would probably port warned that a possible reunifi- Papoulias, Prime Minister Karaman- EUROKINISSI stay that way in the coming cation of Cyprus could entail extra lis, former Prime Minister and hon- (L-R) Former Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis, Internal Affairs Minister , months. costs, but did not make more than orary chairman of Greece’s ruling Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis, President of the Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias and Finance Min- But both countries must do passing mention to the northern New Party Constantine ister George Alogoskoufis during the first ceremony honoring Greece's national benefactors at Zappeion more to cut public debt, which will breakaway Turkish Cypriot state Mitsotakis, Greek Government min- Hall this past Monday, May 14. stay above E.U. guidelines even which the E.U. does not recognize. isters, representatives of Greece’s though it will not bar them from Only the southern Greek Cypriot political parties and modern-day “It is with great joy I share the commerce,” Mr. Papoulias said in by national benefactors, great and adopting the euro. Both have debt side of the island joined the bloc in national benefactors paid homage touching sentiments with you that his address. small. We want to work all together above 60 percent, but are likely to May 2004, a month after it voted to the legacy of Apostolos Arsakis, the phenomenon of Greece’s na- “The list of Greek benefactors is to convince the people that a new meet the target soon (even the against a United Nations plan John Varvakis, Simon Sinas, Evan- tional benefactors brings to the so long it is touching,” he added. generation of national benefactors largest euro economies have had which called for reunification with gelos Zappas, Michael Tositsas, hearts of all sensible citizens. The “We therefore deem efforts to pro- can rest assured that their contribu- trouble with these rules, and euro the northern state. George Averoff, Gregory Marsalis, history of these benefactors in tect and promote the legacy of tions to Modern Greece are being candidates can be accepted if they Almunia said his analysis had fo- Andreas Syngros and others, all of Greece is truly compelling, and in- Greek benefactors to be of particu- utilized in the best possible way for can show that they are on track to cused only the part of the island whom lived and worked abroad, extricably linked to our Diaspora; lar importance, not only as a duty to the greater common good. A new meet the limits). that is an E.U. member, even but made significant contributions the hardships and heartache of liv- the memory of those who have generation of national benefactors The Commission praised Cyprus though his officials had separately to the Greek State which still re- ing abroad; nostalgia for the home- come before us, but to inspire oth- can provide a fitting continuation to and Malta for keeping wages sta- assessed reunification scenarios, main and continue to impact the land; the greatness of altruistic con- ers and remind them at every op- the long philan- ble, but warned Cyprus to restrain but he would not be drawn on de- lives of the Greek people until the tribution to the formation of the portunity of these benefactors’ shin- thropy,” the Prime Minister noted. credit growth to avoid price in- tails. present day. Modern Greek State; and Greek ing example in times like ours, Mr. Karamanlis began his ad- when goals that surpass the bound- dress recalling the words of the aries of the individual are not com- great Modern Greek poet, Constan- monplace.” tine Cavafy: “ ‘When the Greeks From the 16th Century until the wish to boast, they shall say, such years just before the Greek War of people arise from our nation.’ And U.S. Embassy Opens Its Independence in 1821, and imme- truly, these words of praise are wor- diately following the formation of thy for people who taught us about the Modern Greek State and giving to the nation, our fellow man New Facilities in Athens throughout the entire 19th Century, and culture by virtue of their own prominent Greeks worked for the example. These were people with a good of the country, identifying great sense of patriotism, philan- ATHENS – The United States Em- architecture firm, Kallmann McKin- their individual prosperity with the thropy and social solidarity,” he bassy inaugurated its new office nell & Wood. The main contractor common good. said, noting that Zappeion Hall is building and other facilities in was J.A. Jones International of Most of them left their birth- the first building in the entire world Athens last week during a special North Carolina, and the main sub- places, but fiercely held onto the which was built for the sole purpose ceremony contractor was Pantechniki of memory of their homeland wherev- of serving the needs associated with The new building, and addition- Athens. The total cost of the pro- er they went as a priceless heir- hosting the . al facilities enable the Embassy to ject, from the purchase of the land loom, dreaming of the day of their “This proves that one of the basic bring employees who have been to the last light bulb, was about $78 return, while seeking their personal issues that national benefactors working in leased space for many million, of which about $50 million self-actualization through the gen- were interested in was culture,” Mr. years onto the compound, and to went to Greek businesses and erous donation of their fortune for Karamanlis said. “They actively provide employees and visitors workers. benevolent purposes. contributed whenever the need with more comfortable working Many environmentally friendly There, amidst the grandeur arose for the enhancement of the space and easier access, according elements were also an important which rises from the atrium sur- Greek people’s education; war ef- to U.S. Ambassador to Greece part of the construction project. rounded by marble columns at the forts for Greek Independence; the Charles P. Ries. These include more than 16,000 Zappeion Hall, which is itself repre- development of national infrastruc- The inaugural ceremony includ- plantings and a low-drip irrigation sentative of the contribution of ture with hospitals, schools and so ed the participation of Acting Min- system with moisture sensors, gar- Greek national benefactors, the forth. In the meanwhile, our coun- ister of Foreign Affairs Yiannis Vali- den terraces, premium efficiency Prime Minister spoke about the try continues to receive contribu- nakis, Ambassador Ries, General climate control and lighting sys- plan formulated for the utilization tions – small and large – from Charles E. Williams, director of the tems, paints, carpets and floor tiles of Public Benefit Endowments – Greeks in Greece and abroad. I State Departments’ Office of Over- with reduced levels of chemicals. which number 11,000 – through would like to congratulate all these seas Building Operations, and Rev. The new building has 20 works the compilation of contributions people.” Thomas Synodinos. Greek Defense of contemporary art by 15 artists of made by public benefit foundations, The Ministers of Finance and In- Minister Vyron Polydoras, Rabbi Greek American and Greek her- and the preparation of a complete terior, George Alogoskoufis and Jacob Arar, representatives of the itage on display, including the presentation of the work, services Prokopis Pavlopoulos, respectively, business, academic and cultural works of Stephen Antonakos, and opportunities being offered, as also spoke about the sacred tradi- communities, and many of the Em- William Baziotes, Danae Stratou well as the National Endowment Di- tion of philanthropy. Several videos bassy’s neighbors were also present and Niki Kanagini. And a 21-meter- rectory, the legislation for which has were also shown as part of the pro- (L-R) General Charles E. Williams, director of the State Department's for the inauguration, which was long garden sculpture by Michael already been drafted and will be gram. Office of Overseas Building Operations, Deputy Foreign Minister Yan- held on May 9. The new office Singer pays tribute to Greece’s rich sent to Parliament for approval. nis Vallinakis and U.S. Ambassador to Greece Charles Parker Ries in- building and surrounding struc- archaeological history and provides “Our goal is to promote and uti- Aris Papadopoulos contributed to augurate the U.S. Embassy's new facilities in Athens. tures were designed by the Boston a soothing place to sit. lize the vast endowments left to us this story. 8 EDITORIALS LETTERS THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007

The National Herald LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A weekly publication of the NATIONAL HERALD, INC. (ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ), reporting the news and addressing the issues of paramount interest TNH’s Interview With Pattakos postponing it die to severe weather, can tell, this worked very well. it cost a lot of money to stage the to the Greek American community of the United States of America. Clears Up Many Misconceptions was very important. Your statement that more of the Parade, and a great many Greek program should have been in Greek Americans were asked to help, but Publisher-Editor Antonis H. Diamataris Gene Rossides is also off the mark, I believe. I only four stepped up. Atlantic Bank To the Editor: Washington, D.C. might point out that the Puerto Ri- President Spiros Voutsinas was the Assistant to Publisher, Advertising Veta H. Diamataris Papadopoulos I look forward to reading the can Day Parade is not broadcast in fourth major sponsor, and I sincere- Managing Editor Evan C. Lambrou National Herald every week, but Mr. Rossides is President & Spanish, nor is the Columbus Day ly thank these great benefactors. Production Manager Chrysoula Karametros this past week, your exclusive inter- Founder of the American Hel- Parade broadcast in Italian. I mean, In conclusion, you must agree it Webmaster Alexandros Tsoukias view with former Brigadier General lenic Institute. after all, this is a Greek American was a great day. Your editorial The National Herald (USPS 016864) is published weekly by Stylianos Pattakos was drop-dead event. aside, I have heard nothing but The National Herald Inc. at 37-10 30th Street, LIC, NY 11101-2614 stunning. The theme of the Parade was re- praise for the Parade, and everyone Tel: (718)784-5255, Fax: (718)472-0510, His insight into the behind-the- ligious freedom. As far as I’m con- seems to be proud of the respect e-mail: [email protected] scenes of the making of a coup Setting The Record Straight On cerned, this is a message we want- and admiration our culture and were fascinating and revealed so ed to broadcast to the world. We heritage received as it was broad- Democritou 1 and Academias Sts, Athens, 10671, Greece Greek Independence Day Parade Tel:, Fax:, e-mail: [email protected] much. I was just stunned. I hope want to get this message out to all cast to the world. I am especially that you put this in front of the New Americans, the Congress and any- proud to say that the Parade was Subscriptions by mail: 1 year $59.85, 6 months $29.95, 3 months $19.95, 1 month $9.95 York Times or other groups. It strips To the Editor: one else who will listen and accept number-2 in the ratings that Sun- Home delivery NY, NJ, CT: 1 year $80.00, 6 months $43.99, 3 months $29.99, 1 month $12.95 away so much of the mythology of First of all, I want to thank you the concept of religious freedom day afternoon (April 22) – no easy Home delivery New England States, Pennsylvania & Washington DC: the U.S. dominance of Greek poli- for your kind words regarding this and tolerance. Would you not agree task in this market. 1 year $99.00, 6 months $51.75, 3 months $37.45, 1 month $15.95 On line subscription: Non subscribers: 1 year $29.95, 1 month $3.95; tics. year’s Greek Independence Day Pa- it is highly likely that only Greeks It was a coup for Greek Ameri- Subscribers: 1 year $19.95, 1 month $1.95 I might add that I have also rade. It was a remarkable feat to watch Greek television, and that cans, and I believe our message of found this to be the case as I go reschedule the Parade (something Greeks have been practicing reli- religious tolerance was very well Periodical postage paid at L.I.C. NY and additional mailing offices. about interviewing for the Cyprus which has never been done before) gious freedom since the dawn of received throughout the Greek Postmaster send change of address to: documentary. Again, congratula- and save our young children from civilization? It is the rest of the American community and well be- THE NATIONAL HERALD, 37-10 30th Street, LIC, NY 11101-2614 tions. near-hurricane conditions of the world we need to convince. yond. George Veras previous week. Because of the live broadcast, I want to once again personally Brecksville, Ohio I also want to thank Mayor we had to be prepared for slow pe- thank everyone involved in this Bloomberg for his help in resched- riods during the Parade, and we year’s parade, and I say once again, Mr. Veras is president of Veras uling the Parade, which allowed therefore had to supplement the I am so proud to be Greek. Communications Inc., and a 12- our Parade to take place in glorious Parade with a stage and profession- John Catsimatidis Tenet: The Man & His Legacy time Emmy Award-winning pro- 70-degree weather the following al performers. Regrettably, you did New York, New York ducer. He is currently shooting week. not like Anna Vissi, who also gener- Continued from page 1 dent that story, and Mr. Bush called for a documentary scheduled to I also want to commend and ously volunteered her time. If the Mr. Catsimatidis was the 2007 John Michael from Air Force One air on PBS this coming fall. thank FOX TV for rescheduling the Parade is televised again, I’m sure Greek Independence Day Parade fice in December 2002, the celebrat- “to assure him that he was not mad two and a half hour broadcast the the Federation of Hellenic Societies Committee Chairman. ed reporter of Watergate era fame, at him… That wasn’t the first time following Sunday. This was no is open to any suggestions you or Bob Woodward, reported in his George Bush had gone the extra small task and was accomplished your readers might have in the fu- book, “Plan of Attack,” that Mr. mile for my son… Back in February GID Parade 2007 Committee To due to the gracious help of Ernie ture. Tenet had assured the President the 2004… I had told the President that Be Commended for TV Coverage Anastos, Rosanna Scotto and Nick I’m sorry you felt your newspa- case for Saddam having weapons of John Michael was having an espe- Gregory, who were also willing to per was slighted during the broad- TO OUR READERS mass destruction at his disposal was cially rough time watching me get reschedule their volunteered time cast, but I can assure you it was not a “slam-dunk.” pummeled, and the President invit- To The Editor: for the good of the Greek American intentional. The Hellenic Times The National Herald welcomes “Many people believe today that ed him down to the White House for Congratulations on your excel- community. I feel special thanks is float was paid for by me, as was the letters from its readers intended my use of the phrase, ‘slam-dunk,’ a chat. John Michael never told us lent coverage of the 76th annual due these three very talented peo- Hellenic Medical Society float, and for publication. They should in- was the seminal moment for steel- about the conversation, but he came Greek Independence Day Parade in ple. I was also one of four sponsors of clude the writer’s name, address, ing the President’s determination to home feeling a lot better about life.” New York and your recognition of If I may, I would like to take is- the program. My end of the spon- and telephone number and be remove Saddam Hussein, and to To a Greek father like George the exceptional roles of Parade sue with a few points in your April sorship – including advertising in addressed to: The Editor, The Na- launch the Iraq war. It certainly Tenet, the value of what President 2007 Committee Chairman John 28 editorial (“one week later”). the New York Post, the New York tional Herald, 37-10 30th Street, makes for a memorable sound bite, Bush did, and the gratitude he Catsimatidis and the Federation of Your comment about excluding Daily News and many other New Long Island City, NY 11101. but it is belied by the facts… That earned by taking the time to attend Hellenic Societies. Greek media outlets from the live York area papers – was more than decision had already been made,” to his son’s issues, should not be un- Your news coverage and editori- broadcasting of the Parade is not $50,000. Letters can also be faxed to (718) Mr. tenet writes in chapter 19. derestimated. al properly commended Mr. Catsi- correct. The only stations excluded Also, your comment that the 472-0510 or e-mailed to matidis for his role in obtaining the were the commercial networks, Church took over the Parade or english.edition@thenationalher- first live U.S. television coverage of Channels 2-11 in the metro New contributed money is in error. The ald.com. We reserve the right to the Parade on FOX TV’s affiliate, York area. The Greek channels Archdiocese Faith Endowment was edit letters for publication and re- Channel 9. It was an historic were welcome, as they always have sponsored by an anonymous gret that we are unable to ac- achievement for our community. been; however, they were asked as $30,000 donor, and the Archons’ knowledge or return those left Also, the fact that he was instru- a professional courtesy to stay out $30,000 sponsorship was paid for unpublished. mental in getting the Parade of My9’s camera range between by that great Hellene, Nick Bouras. rescheduled one week later, after 67th & 68th Streets, and as far as I You are correct to point out that

PRESS CLIPPINGS He’s Undoing Much of What Jeb Bush Left Behind in Florida

By Tim Padgett who complete their sentences which revived prison labor in leg and conservative Republicans (by TIME (which he did last month). At one irons. But Crist says his hard line on limiting embryonic stem cell re- point during Crist's State of the criminals is simply part of what al- search to the existing lines ap- Is that why the new Republican State address in March, delighted so drove him to renew ex-convicts' proved by President George W. TNH ARCHIVES Governor is so popular? African American legislators broke voter rights. Bush in 2001), has instead irked Then CIA Director George Tenet, left, and then U.S. Ambassador to As if the state had not caused into call-and-response chants with Instead of ideology, "fundamen- both. On other matters, such as the U.N., right, sitting behind then Secretary of State Colin Powell enough trouble in 2000, Florida the Governor, as if they were in a tal fairness was always spoken Crist's support of gay civil unions, during the General Assembly on February 5, 2003. now wants to assert its primacy as a black church. about in our home," says Crist, 50, conservatives like his 2006 primary presidential kingmaker by jumping That across-the-aisle lovefest sitting in shirtsleeves in his office, opponent, former State Chief Fi- And he makes a convincing pre- Perhaps the most important to the head of the line to hold its couldn't be further removed from beneath a painting of his Greek im- nancial Officer Tom Gallagher, sentation of facts to prove that the chapter of the book is the last one, primary ahead of Super Tuesday. If the proudly partisan crusade of migrant grandfather when he was a have blasted him for "taking every “slam-dunk” phrase, beyond its the one with the unfortunate title, Florida commits to January 29, Crist's predecessor, who fought shoeshine boy. He speaks daily on opportunity to disagree with the “marketing” value to the Adminis- “Afterthought.” It should be called that would mean a line of candi- hard against many of those initia- the phone with his father Charles, mainstream of the party." tration, played no role in Mr. Bush’s the “Tenet’s Tenets.” dates forming in Tallahassee to tives. who in the 1960’s was the only But that, Crist suggests, is pre- decision to launch the war. He points out that there are lim- seek the blessing of the state's re- Crist's amiable tack is even more white physician in Crist's home- cisely the point – pulling the GOP Mr. Tenet makes it very clear that its to power, even for the world’s on- markably popular new Republican surprising since Bush, who was lim- town of St. Petersburg to volunteer mainstream back to "the more in- he wrote the book to refute those ly superpower, “there are some Governor, Charlie Crist. Another ited to two terms, left office in Jan- to help sports teams at segregated, clusive roots of the party of Abra- two words, in fact: “I was asked dur- mountains too high for it to climb,” election, another Florida chief ex- uary with approval ratings about all-black high schools – and who ham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and ing that December 2002 meeting if and that “military might alone can ecutive on the spot. 60 percent and the GOP still in con- advised his son during the Terri Ronald Reagan. It's important that we didn’t have better information to not solve the endemic political and But Crist is no Jeb Bush. In fact, trol of Florida's legislature. But Schiavo spectacle in 2005, when our party grow," he says, noting add to the debate, and I said I was social problems of other nations.” his record so far is undoing much of while Crist calls Bush "America's Crist was Florida's elected attorney that he won more of Florida's black sure we did… If I had simply said ‘I As to how the war in Iraq is going what the younger Bush son started. greatest Governor," he's also aware general. "I told Charlie, 'Look, I've vote (almost 20 percent) than any am sure we can do better,’ I would , he gives one of the most pes- In his first 100 days, Crist an- that another famous GOP state- seen the brain scans on that girl,' " other Republican gubernatorial not be writing this chapter – or simistic appraisals, so far: “,My fear nounced efforts to provide hurri- house occupant, California's says the elder Crist, also a Republi- candidate in recent history. So far, maybe even this book Ιnstead, I told is that sectarian violence in Iraq has cane-insurance relief; ditch contro- Arnold Schwarzenegger, is prosper- can. " 'There's nothing there any- the Crist approach is working: His them ‘slam dunk,’ a phrase that was taken on a life of its own and that versial touch-screen voting ma- ing by trying to cut deals with De- more.' " Crist backed off, helping approval rating is at 73 percent. later taken completely out of con- U.S forces are becoming more and chines for ones with a paper trail; mocrats. Bush in his bid to keep Schiavo on That's one more reason the presi- text and has haunted me ever since more irrelevant to the management create a "children's cabinet" to fix "I've got two ears and one life support. dential candidates from both par- it first appeared in Bob Woodward’s of that violence.” Florida's dysfunctional child-wel- mouth, and I try to respect that ra- Still, Crist is learning that, when ties will soon be showing up at book.” But where his assessment is fare services; increase teacher pay tio," Crist told TIME. you try to build bipartisan bridges, Crist's door, where they will find a A natural question to ask is, who downright scary is when he cites the by $300 million and reduce the Like Schwarzenegger, Crist was- you can just as easily burn them. new power broker both parties can leaked that phrase to the reporter? possibility of a terrorist nuclear at- state's overcrowded classrooms; n't always known as an ideological His $20 million stem cell research talk to. If Mr. Tenet knows, he doesn’t say. tack: “Terrorism is the stuff of convene a summit on global warm- moderate. As a state senator in the proposal, which he hoped would Judging by the jabs he takes at Vice everyday nightmares. But the added ing; promote stem cell research; 1990’s, he was called "Chain Gang appease Democrats (by finally get- TIME magazine published the President Cheney or then National specter of a nuclear-capable terror- and restore voting rights to felons Charlie" for co-sponsoring a law ting the effort moving in Florida) above on May 14. Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, ist group is something that, more one is left with the distinct impres- than anything else, causes me sleep- sion that they are his top suspects. less nights.” But who can tell for certain? The on- Intelligence has established, be- ly definitely conclusion Mr. Tenet yond any reasonable doubt that al draws is that “there are no private Quaeda’s intent is to do precisely Sloppy Analysis and Imprecision: How the CIA Failed America conversations, even in the Oval Of- that, he adds. “There is an abun- fice.” dance of nuclear material in the By Richard N. Perle Robert D. Novak on September 17 and to others, statements which da), he continues to minimize it Still, George Tenet is the ulti- world, some of which may already The Washington Post and a letter to President Bush that I were never made. while targeting critics of the CIA. mate stand-up guy who, no matter be within reach of terrorist groups.” signed, with 40 others, on Septem- Careful readers will see at once But the greatest intelligence fail- how much he is hurting, he protects Not a particularly reassuring George Tenet sets the stage in ber 20. that what Tenet calls "corrobora- ure of the past two decades was the his boss, the President of the United thought. his memoir by recalling a conversa- But my 10-word comment to tion" is nothing of the sort. But CIA's failure to understand and States: “In a way, President Bush Finally, after all is said and done, tion he claims to have had with me Novak made no claim that Iraq was Tenet is not a careful reader – a se- sound an alarm at the rise of ji- and I are a lot alike. We sometimes how is history going to remember on September 12, 2001: "As I responsible for September 11. Nei- rious deficiency in a CIA director hadist fundamentalism. It is Wah- say things from the gut, whether it’s George Tenet, the first Greek Ameri- walked beneath the awning that ther did the letter to the President, and a catastrophe for an intelli- habi extremism and the call to holy his ‘bring ’em on’ or my ‘slam-dunk.’ can Director of the CIA? leads to the West Wing, I saw which said that "any strategy aim- gence organization. Indeed, sloppy war against infidels which gave us I think he gets that about me, just as In his book, “State of War,” New Richard Perle exiting the building ing at the eradication of terrorism analysis and imprecision with evi- the perpetrators of September 11 I get that about him. What’s more, I York Times Reporter James Risen just as I was about to enter… Perle and its sponsors must include a de- dence got Tenet and the rest of us and much of the terrorism which think each of us regularly factored writes, “No other institution failed turned to me and said, 'Iraq has to termined effort to remove Saddam stuck in a credibility gap which has followed. that into his understanding of what in its mission as completely during pay a price for what happened yes- Hussein from power." continues to damage our foreign In his attempts to blame others the other was saying.” the Bush years as did the CIA.” terday. They bear responsibility.' I Tenet insists on equating two policy. for CIA shortcomings, Tenet can And to make certain that this This might very well be an exag- looked back at Perle and thought: statements that are not at all the For years, the American intelli- not say, "I told the President that point was not missed by anyone, geration. But the fact remains that, Who has he been meeting with in same: that Iraq was responsible for gence establishment has failed to our Saudi allies were financing particularly by the President, Mr. personal considerations aside, un- the White House so early in the September 11 – which I never said show meticulous regard for the thousands of mosques and schools Tenet writes on page 480, “I like the der George Tenet’s watch, the CIA morning on today of all days?" – and that removing Saddam Hus- facts which are essential to its mis- around the world where a hateful President, plain and simple. We had failed to foil the attack on the World But I was in Europe on Septem- sein before he could share chemi- sion. The CIA's assessment that doctrine of holy war and violence were bound together after 9/11 by a Trade Center and the Pentagon, and ber 12, 2001, unable to get a return cal, biological or nuclear weapons Hussein possessed chemical and bi- was being inculcated in young po- national trauma and a common pur- failed to fully understand Saddam’s flight to Washington, and I did not with terrorists had become an ur- ological weapons was only the tential terrorists." pose.” bluff, thus believing that the Iraqi tell Tenet that Iraq was responsible gent matter, which I did say. He most recent damaging example. Fatefully, the CIA failed to make But there is another reason, a dictator possessed WMD. And this for the September 11 attacks – not continues to assert falsely that the The President, the Vice President, our leaders aware of the rise of Is- very personal and powerful one, assumption – “I believed he had then, not ever. President's decision to remove Hus- Congress and others relied on intel- lamist extremism and the immense why Mr. Tenet likes Mr. Bush: Be- WMD, and said so,” Mr. Tenet writes That should have been the end sein was encouraged by lies about ligence produced by Tenet's CIA – danger it posed to the United cause of the loving, caring manner – provided the pretext for going to of the story: a faulty recollection, Iraq's responsibility for the Septem- and repeated CIA findings which States. the President demonstrated to- war in Iraq. perhaps attributing to me some- ber 11 attacks. never should have been presented George Tenet and, more impor- wards the former CIA Director’s George Tenet, a personable, en- thing he may have heard else- Understandably anxious to as fact. tantly, our premier intelligence or- beloved son, John Michael. ergetic man who reached the high- where, an honest mistake. counter the myth that we went into When Defense Department offi- ganization managed to find When Mr. Tenet told his son est echelons of power and responsi- So I was surprised when, having Iraq on the basis of his agency's cials pressed the CIA to reassess weapons of mass destruction which about his decision to resign from his bility, obviously tried to serve the been made aware of his error, Tenet faulty intelligence, Tenet seeks to whether Hussein's intelligence ser- did not exist, while failing to find post, he said, “He was the main rea- country the best he could, and that reasserted his claim, saying, "So I substitute another myth: that the vice supported terrorists, and had links to terrorists which did – all the son I was stepping down. I had should be recognized. But judging may have been off on the day, but decision to remove Saddam Hus- links to al Qaeda, Tenet first resist- while missing completely the rise of missed too many good times with from the facts, his best simply, and I'm not off on what he said and sein resulted from the nefarious in- ed, then treated with derision the Islamist fundamentalism. We have him.” unfortunately, was not good what he believed." fluence of the Vice President and a evidence of such links that CIA ana- made only a downpayment on the Upon hearing it, his son “ex- enough. And that will continue to On "Meet the Press" last Sunday cabal of neoconservative intellectu- lysts had ignored. price of that failure. pressed the fear that the President follow him, as it will follow our (May 6), Tenet argued that his ver- als. While he later acknowledged would be mad at him for causing my community, however unspoken the sion "seems to be corroborated" by To advance that idea, a theme of some of that evidence in a letter to The Washington Post published departure.” Mr. Tenet told the Presi- stigma might be. a comment I made to columnist his book, he has attributed to me, then-Senator Bob Graham (D-Flori- the above on May 11. THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007 VIEWPOINTS 9 LETTER FROM ATHENS Impressions from a Recent Visit: Legal Fictions and The Glory that Was Ever-Shrinking (or Growing) Percentages in Cyprus

In a short visit, one can sense sands who came from of Morfou is of partic- been made to establish a bi-zonal Greece Still Here Today more than learn. From what I saw mainland Turkey as ular interest. This federation. Few people notice that in Cyprus during a recent visit, I settlers do not share Greek Cypriot town this inertia is being tacitly accepted So how did a dyed- the time we arrived. gathered that most of the people in the same cultural back- was to be returned to by the European Union, as well as in-the-wool “Born In Athens gave way to the free part of the island are doing ground with the native the Greek Cypriots un- by the United States. The USA,” third-gen- the tenderness of ar- rather well, at least economically. Turkish Cypriots. In der the Annan Plan, The Greek Cypriot inertia means eration Greek Ameri- riving, after a long This is not necessarily a blessing, fact, many Turkish which was rejected by tranquility on the island, and this can who grew up in train journey, at however, because this feeling of Cypriots have left the the overwhelming ma- suits European and American poli- the 1950’s and 1960’s Kalambaka, where my satisfaction makes people forget island and continue to jority of Greek Cypriot cymakers just fine. Those policy- near Boston loving grandfather had left the problem they face with the con- do so, seeking a better voters in the 2004 ref- makers know that the majority of baseball, apple pie, his life behind so many tinuing partition of the island. life in Great Britain, erenda. At that time, the Greek Cypriots do not favor a Chevrolet and mother- years before, never to Many Cypriot people, apparent- Australia and other the Turkish Cypriot federal solution because they do hood; who was a U.S. see it again. It was a ly, feel no sense of urgency to pur- countries. by DR. D.G. residents of Morfou not want to share the table with the Air Force officer; who bustling village with a sue a way out of the current reality For the time being, KOUSOULAS had voted overwhelm- Turkish Cypriots and pay for the was nurtured on million tourists a year, of Turkish occupation. President most of the govern- ingly in favor of the cost of reunification (a recent arti- cheeseburgers and hot by ANDY and five minutes after Papadopoulos is evidently fully ment leaders in the oc- Special Annan Plan, although cle in the Financial Times showed dogs and the Fourth of DABILIS arriving, we found a aware of this public mood, and has cupied territories are to The National Herald it provided for the re- that the unification of the island as July; summer vaca- meat market bearing tailored his policies to fit the gener- Turkish Cypriots be- turn of the town to the a federal state would be very costly tions on Cape Cod and Special our name, and that of al feeling of tacit acceptance of the cause, for political reasons, Turkey Greek Cypriots (and eventually for for the more affluent Greek Cypriot the White Mountains to The National Herald our relatives, whom status quo. Yet from the streets of does not want to push settlers to their own relocation into the south). It is also a telling sign that of New Hampshire; we had never met. Nicosia, the average Greek Cypriot the top ranks. Turkish sector). neither Europe nor the United parades and “Leave It To Beaver” Once we introduced ourselves, and can see a gigantic replica of a In a clear indication of the twist- Now, in an opinion poll conduct- States are seriously pressing for a television shows picturing an inno- it was discovered I was an Ameri- Turkish flag on the slopes of the ed logic some Greek Cypriots use in ed by the Greek Cypriot television solution through a federation. The cent way-of-life that was more im- can journalist, we were promptly Pentadaktylos mountains every assessing such developments, one station SIGMA, almost every “peace” of the de facto partition is age than reality; Roy Rogers and feted at our relative’s house, at day, visible from miles away and government-connected commenta- Turkish Cypriot living in Morfou re- good enough in their eyes. cowboys and westerns; Elvis Pres- those of my father’s cousins, who shouting with its presence that the tor, who was discussing this demo- jected the idea of Morfou being re- Yet without the unification of ley and rock ’n’ roll; Hollywood and lived in Manchester, New Hamp- occupied area is and will remain graphic change in the occupied ter- turned to the Greek Cypriots. Their the island in the form of a federal John Wayne movies (before discov- shire and whom he hadn’t seen in Turkish. ritories, saw this as a setback for argument was that the Greek bi-zonal state, the de facto partition ering the Duke had been a World 20 years before bumping into them Although the country is heading the Turkish Cypriots, rather than as Cypriots had rejected the Annan will go on. In the light of this, one War II draft dodger despised by real again, and then taken on an anx- for a presidential election next a dangerous population shift for Plan and, by implication, the return may ask, is this in the interest of the soldiers); and whose only early im- ious ride on the narrow, winding year, there is little debate over a the Greek Cypriots. Yet this contin- of Morfou. This is an argument that Greek Cypriots? Why should they ages of Greece were that it long ago mountain roads of the Meteora by strategy which could lead to a “just uing increase of settlers from main- the Turkish side uses constantly – allow the de facto partition of the had a glorious culture, wind up in the mayor himself. It felt like home. and viable” solution of the Cyprus land Turkey is bound to make a so- with significant success. They re- island to become a permanent real- Greece? Then came the joys of Skiathos, problem. This attitude might have lution favorable to the Greek mind Europeans and Americans, ity? Admittedly, they can not end It was a long-dormant calling our first Greek island, which even been justifiable if time was running Cypriots more difficult and more and anyone else in sight, that they the partition by force. Then why because I was only half Greek then was showing signs of becom- in favor of the Greek Cypriots. But, remote. The Greek Cypriot govern- voted in favor a plan which was not turn the de facto partition into American, my grandfather by the ing overcrowded, but which had is it? ment of the Republic of Cyprus has prepared and submitted by the a de jure partition – for a price? same name coming to the United the glorious Koukounaries beach While I was there, I came across no way of regulating the influx of United Nations. The Greek Cypriots The Turkish Cypriot side wants States in the early part of the 20th and the languid pace in spring a report I found ominous. The Turkish settlers. This is left to the rejected it, they note. Therefore, to achieve legitimacy. The Greek Century from Kalambaka, famous which shows off the way that Turkish Cypriot administration of discretion of Turkish authorities. according to their reasoning, they Cypriots can provide this, plus pave for its Meteora. My paternal grand- Greeks like to live, to embrace life the still-divided island republic’s President Papadopoulos often can now take care of their affairs as the way for the north’s full integra- parents died while I was still a boy and squeeze happiness out of it, an occupied territory published the cites, as a deciding factor, that he they see fit. tion into the European Union. They who could speak Greek, a language infectious feeling which consumes outcome of its latest population represents the Republic of Cyprus In the meantime, the influx of can do so in exchange for the re- which lapsed when they passed you with the desire to do the same. census. Out of the 265,100 people which is – as a whole – a member of investments in the occupied territo- turn of territory as provided by the away and my parents were no It took another ten years and be- living in the occupied territories, the United Nations and the ries – mostly for the purchase of Annan Plan; the return of refugees; longer living with them, before my ing invited to participate in a pro- only 87,000 were native Turkish European Union. But this is just le- land and the construction of tourist the settlement of property values; English-Irish mother instilled a love gram for foreign journalists of Cypriots. More than 178,000 are gal fiction. He has no authority facilities and private summer the control over settler influx; and of learning and reading which Greek descent before I would come Turkish mainland settlers who over the occupied territories, and homes – continues at a growing the removal of the Turkish troops. would, coincidentally, bring me back to see a Greece being trans- came to Cyprus after the Turks in- on this particular issue, he has no rate. Before long, a settlement for Then, with the entire island being back to my Greek roots. formed into a modern country, but vaded the island in 1974. To this way of ending or even slowing properties Greek Cypriot refugees part of the European Union, many As an adolescent, there was a with the same sense which the pas- number, one may add several thou- down the influx of settlers. were force to leave behind in the intractable problems of today will tingling moment when seeing the sage of time could be beaten back if sand who are not legally registered, That the sovereignty of the occupied territories will become become more amenable to solu- mesmerizing Melina Mercouri in only you’d understand the pace of as well as the families of occupa- Republic of Cyprus is largely legal even more difficult or even irrele- tions. “Never On Sunday,” and then in life is to stop and, as Melina Mer- tion officers and soldiers (40,000 fiction is shown by the fact that, vant. I realize that many Greek high school in Chelmsford, Massa- couri defined as happiness, to let troops) who may obtain citizenship since 2004, when the Republic of These are just straws in the Cypriots will reject this suggestion chusetts when discovering Nikos the sun smile on you, to eat a good and acquire land. Cyprus became a member of the wind, but they show that, as long as with holy indignation. But if they Kazantzakis and “Zorba the Greek,” fish. Along the way, as a writer, I 34 PERCENT! European Union, no European gov- there is no serious effort to turn the do not want a federation, what is and reading it until it was dog- had discovered, with my co-author Until 1974, the established ratio ernment – and no high-ranking so-called federal formula from a the alternative? The partition will eared, enthralled by the notion that and best friend Nick Tsiotos, the between Greek Cypriots and European Union official – has ever slogan to a functioning reality, the go on and on, and the Turkish side someone could understand life and amazing story of Greek marathoner Turkish Cypriots was 77 percent raised the issue that Turkish troops partition which was the main goal will continue to call the shots as dispense aphorisms like “life is Stylianos Kyriakides, whose tri- Greek and 18 percent Turkish (5 are illegally occupying the territory of the Turkish side from day one they see fit. Is that a winning strate- trouble, only death is not trouble,” umph in Boston in 1946, after hav- percent were Armenians, of a member state, territory which continues unchallenged, becoming gy for the Greek Cypriots? I don’t and mean it. ing narrowly escaped execution at Maronites and others). This gave is legally part of the European more and more solid and a fact of believe so. the hands of the Nazis in World War the Greek Cypriots an overwhelm- Union, in fact. life. II, had so many uniquely Greek ele- ing preponderance over the Turkish Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Three years have already passed Dr. Kousoulas is professor emeri- Seeing Theodorakis ments of resistance to tyranny and Cypriots. Now, according to this re- Ali Talat is not unaware of the since the spring of 2004, when the tus of Political Science at Howard perform “Axion Esti” death, and then writing a book port, the Turkish element on the is- Greek Cypriot inertia and takes ad- majority of Greek Cypriots rejected University in Washington, DC. He about it. It sold in Greece, too. land no longer is 18 percent, but al- vantage at every turn. Only a few the Annan Plan, and since the is the author of several books, under the Parthenon The next year, on the same pro- most 34 percent (close to the per- days ago, he declared that the town Republic of Cyprus became a full notably “The Life and Times of was incomparable, and gram, I was back again, and fell in- centage of the land they occupy)! of Morfou would be made available member of the European Union Constantine the Great (1999),” a lure that was too to a renewed and special kind of Even more disturbing is the fact to mostly foreign investors. In prac- (and 30 years have passed since and numerous scholarly articles. love, one which would produce the that the native Turkish Cypriots are tical terms, this means that proper- Archbishop Makarios embraced the Readers are welcome to send strong to resist tug to return, this time to teach at a minority population in the occu- ties belonging to Greek Cypriots federal solution). During those their comments to dkous@com- the American College, to meet a co- pied territories. The tens of thou- may be sold to developers. The case three years, no serious effort has cast.net. The odyssey began in 1988, terie of friends – some expatriate with a desire to go to Greece with Americans who had heard the call- my father, who had grown up ing long before – and see that speaking Greek fluently, but who Greece, for all its eccentricities, its couldn’t read or write it (something insane and labyrinthine bureaucra- I was able to do better than speak cy, can have a special hold on you. Turkey at the Crossroads Again: Greek and Cypriot it, having resumed Within a couple of years, I was studies), fascinated once again by back, in a rapturous affair with what still seemed to be living a Greece, illustrated by the perfect Policymakers Should Be Moderate Toward their Neighbor myth and seeing my grandfather’s spring night of seeing Mikis land, titillated some years before by Theodorakis, the world-renowned By Dr. Theodore Couloumbis remain the primary concern for the Turkey plunged in the chaos of in- uneasy and turbulent Turkey must the booming Greek pride of people composer, perform “Axion Esti” at next Erdogan Administration, due ternal strife between the under- remain the alpha and omega of like Telly Savalas whose brother, the Herrod Atticus Theater under Once again, Greece’s largest to an enhanced Kurdish People’s privileged (represented by Mr. Er- Greek foreign policy. At the same before passing away, said he had to the Parthenon. It was incomparable neighbor is at a crossroads, and is Party (PKK) operating from the dogan’s party) and the secularist time, Greece must continue to sup- see Greece again because the soil and moving to the point of tears, faced with difficult choices. It is dif- part of Kurdistan which is within forces of the so-called deep (Kemal- port the requests of all its neighbors was special. and a lure too strong to resist any- ficult for anyone to formulate a de- Iraqi borders. Turkish relations ist) state. Here, the Turkish night- for their entrance to the European There were the works of the more. finitive outlook as to where each with Greece should remain on a mare of the “Sèvres Symptom” (the Union and NATO. Greek American writer, Harry Mark I remain a dyed-in-the-wool path will lead. Today’s situation is path of controlled moderation, loss of territorial integrity) begins It goes without saying that Petrakis, and his novel “A Dream of American, who loves Greece very reminiscent of the previous marked by increased economic co- to appear as a possibility. Great care Greece’s support is contingent up- Kings,” in which the protagonist enough to point out what is wrong decade, when the Turkish armed operation, while Turkey’s relations must be shown by the Greek and on the satisfaction of firm condi- plotted to bring his dying son to so that it may change for the better forces forced the country’s Islamist with Cyprus will remain in a state Cypriot Governments, so as to re- tions – without exceptions – for the Greece to feel the sun. and be the kind of Greece whose prime minister, Necmettin Erbakan of controlled tension. sist the temptation of becoming in- peaceful resolution of bilateral dif- With my father in hand, we hit majesty will not always be in the to resign from his position in Febru- 2ND SCENARIO volved in the great upheaval taking ferences. If Turkey retains hopes – Athens on a hot May day, settled in- past, so that the world will remem- ary 1997 through a so-called post- In the second scenario, in keep- place inside Turkey. Any form of albeit long-term – for E.U. admis- to the Athenian Inn in Colonaki and ber the debt it owes to this tiny modern coup d’état (through a ing with the history of the chain of Greek intervention would rally ri- sion, it will be less of a threat than if set off by foot for our first trip country. public proclamation of their inten- coups in Turkey (1960, 1971, 1980, valing sides in Turkey together. it becomes an extreme nationalis- around a city whose initial impres- Shelley said it best: “We are all tions). 1997), the military would openly The best position for Greece and tic, or Islamic fundamentalist and sion was of chaos and heat and Greeks. Our laws, our literature, The difference between that sit- intervene following the upcoming Cyprus to follow would be that of internationally disparaged nation. noise and motorbikes, only to be, our religion and our arts all have uation and the current one is that elections to block the selection of favorable neutrality in the face of With regard to Cyprus, the time like so many millions before us, their root in Greece. But for Greece, any direct intervention by military Mr. Gul or anyone else it considers these extremely dangerous possible has come for the island nation to awed by the jaw-dropping sight of we might still have been savages officers in the present political state to be overtly adherent to Islam (es- developments. remove itself from the polarization the Acropolis and the Parthenon, a and idolators.” of affairs will lead to the freezing pecially if his wife appears wearing and fanaticism brought about by holy grail of freedom and wonder But now I am Greek too, a citi- (or even cessation) of Turkey’s at- the traditional head scarf). A mili- the 2004 referendum for the Annan visited, sadly, mostly by foreigners zen who still loves America and re- tempts to join the European Union. tarily appointed government of Great care must be Plan. and tourists, and too seldom by members his mother’s love and wis- The media, universities and oth- technocrats would take power for shown by both Greece Today, free Cyprus is an E.U. Greeks who take it for granted. dom enough to want to see her par- er research institutes have been the purpose of holding the next member-state with an established There was the wonderful mo- ent’s homes in Liverpool and endlessly discussing many possible elections, after several months and Cyprus, so as not democracy and a flourishing econ- ment we learned so much about Dublin and, like Greeks, to reach scenarios. Three different scenarios have gone by so that the Kemalist to get caught up in the omy. The larger picture is for the is- our own Greekness when, weary of out for knowledge and understand- are examined below, in order of regime may recover its stability. In great upheaval taking land’s two communities to arrive at not being able to get a taxi, we fi- ing, tolerance and acceptance. their actual likelihood of occur- the meanwhile, the E.U. would cut a mutually acceptable solution nally succeeded by stepping in And now, I have lived in the two rence. off accession negotiations with place inside Turkey based on a bizonal and bicommu- front of one and my father, rapidly countries which, more than two 1ST SCENARIO Turkey and the Bush Administra- nal federation. The solution, which speaking Greek, pointing out millennia apart, embody what we The first and most likely sce- tion would express its hope for a As improbable as the possibility only the two communities can where we wanted to go. all search for, one where work is nario is as follows. Following the speedy return to democracy for its of Turkey breaking up might seem, reach, will secure the removal of The driver declined, saying he king, and the other where life is. May 1 decision of Turkey’s traditional ally, which has a signifi- this must be viewed through the the Turkish army from the occupied didn’t want to go that way and no- Supreme Constitutional Court, cant strategic mission in the Middle prism of post-Cold War develop- territory and the inclusion of all body could make him, whereupon Mr. Dabilis was the New England which could be called a judicial East, the Black Sea and the Cauca- ments which led to the dissolution Cypriot territory under the acquis my father waved a 1000-drachma editor for United Press Interna- coup d’état, Turkish Foreign Minis- sia. of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, communautaire of E.U. legislation. note as an incentive, only to be told tional in Boston, and a staff ter Abdullah Gul, the presidential Greek-Turkish relations would and which are leading Iraq, Mentalities which perpetuate isola- by the driver that he would rip it up writer and assistant metropoli- candidate chosen by Recep Tayyip once again go through a period of Afghanistan, Pakistan and other ar- tionism and simultaneously open instead, prompting my father to rip tan editor at the Boston Globe for Erdogan’s ruling AK party, with- heightened tension, due to the lack eas of the Islamic world down a fronts with Turkey, the U.S. and the it up and throw it in the direction of 17 years before relocating to drew his candidacy, and general of self-restraint which accompa- similar path. “indifferent Europeans” are rem- the driver, who smiled and said, Greece. His column is published elections would be held within the nied Turkey’s bid to join the E.U., The three aforementioned sce- nants of a heroic but tragic past. “Okay, I’ll take you.” weekly in the National Herald. next two months. The public warn- and economic interdependence be- narios are admittedly general and They settled into a discussion of Readers interested in contacting ing issued by the armed forces to tween the two nations would cease. absolutist. Reality always has a The above is translated from an Michael Dukakis’ chances to be him can send e-mails to andydab- respect the secular composition of Turkey’s relations with Cyprus will great ability of disproving myths article published in Kathimerini’s president, and were best friends by [email protected]. the state would remain as an ever- enter a new period of crisis, since fashioned by the so-called experts. Sunday edition on May 6. Dr. present threat against any attempt the Turkish Cypriot leadership With this in mind, I consider the Couloumbis is Professor of Inter- to alter the nation’s secularity. The would come completely under the first, least irregular scenario to be national Relations at the Univer- GUEST EDITORIALS door to Europe would remain open control of the military establish- the most beneficial for Greece and sity of Athens. He is vice chair- for the time being, while the possi- ment in Ankara. Cyprus – because the second and man of the Hellenic Foundation The National Herald welcomes manuscripts representing a variety of views bility of the formation of a new sec- The Kurdish issue would remain especially the third scenarios con- for European & Foreign Policy. for publication in its View Points page. They should include the writer’s ular party with a politically untaint- at the top of the list of Turkey’s pri- tain many uncertainties and great His work focuses on conflict reso- name, address, and telephone number and be addressed to the View ed figure at its helm can not be dis- orities. A possible decision by Turk- dangers. lution in the post-Cold War inter- Points Editor, The National Herald, 37-10 30th Street, Long Island City, NY counted. Parliamentary representa- ish generals to invade the neigh- Regardless of the developments national setting, and on certain tion of more than two parties after boring area of Kurdistan might in Turkey over the coming days, aspects of Greek foreign policy. 11101. They can also be faxed to (718) 472-0510 or, preferably, e-mailed the next election is nearly certain to open Pandora’s box, with respect to weeks and months, policymakers in He is co-author of “International to [email protected]. Due to considerations of space decrease the number of members their relations with Washington, Greece and Cyprus should follow a Relations: Power and Justice” we enforce a strict 1,400-word upper limit. for the governing party, despite the since the Kurds are (supposedly) mild, prudent and steady policy to- and author of “The Troubles Tri- We reserve the right to edit for repetitiveness, diction and syntax. We re- fact that it would place first among the United States’ closest allies in wards their troubled neighbor. angle: U.S., Greece and Turkey.” gret that we are unable to acknowledge or return manuscripts, published Turkish voters. Iraq. Maintaining the balance of Greek- He has also taught at American or unpublished. With respect to foreign affairs, 3RD SCENARIO Turkish relations and the deter- University’s School of Interna- the so-called Kurdish danger would A third less likely scenario finds rence of the use of violence by an tional Service. 10 THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 19, 2007