WITH THIS ISSUE: Tourism Bringing the news to generations of Rea&l Estate The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 501 May 19, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO George Tenet: The Man Church Facing Yet Another Crisis in the Holy Land And his Legacy - and a Legal Document Claims that Eirineos Look at his New Book Did Nothing Wrong By Antonis E. Diamataris Powell was speaking, and he bore Special to The National Herald no responsibility for the accuracy of By Theodore Kalmoukos the intelligence information Mr. Special to the National Herald George Tenet, the former Direc- Powell presented his speech. tor of the CIA, makes no secret of his For Mr. Tenet, however, it was an BOSTON – The historic Greek Or- Greek background. He is so proud of entirely different story – and a pret- thodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem it, in fact, that he refers to his being ty unusual one. has fallen into a crisis again. Greek at least five times in his new Perhaps never before had the sit- The Jordanian announced last best-selling book, “At the Center of ting Director of the CIA, by his sheer Sunday, May 13, that it has with- the Storm: My Years at the CIA,” presence in public – at the U.N., no drawn its recognition Patriarch The- which was just released. less – personally and institutionally ofilos III, alleging he has failed to act To his credit, perhaps no other certify the facts presented to the on a pledge to annul an unsanc- Greek American who has acquired world by a Cabinet member upon tioned church property sale to Is- so much power and responsibility which the case was built for going to rael. has proclaimed his ethnic heritage war against a third-world country. The Patriarch of Jerusalem re- to the world as has Mr. Tenet, and Realizing the weight of his ac- quires official recognition from Is- perhaps no other Greek American tions, Tenet unapologetically, and in rael, Jordan, the Palestinian Author- with Mr. Tenet’s level of achieve- personal rather than institutional ity and Qatar to function adminis- ment would mistakenly call the terms, explains how he found him- tratively. The Jordanian Govern- Middle East “the cradle of civiliza- self sitting right behind Mr. Powell ment has withdrawn its affirmation, tion” instead of ancient Greece. at the U.N.: which prevents Theofilos from car- Sometimes, Mr. Tenet would use “Late in the process, Colin asked rying out his temporal duties (e.g., his Greek origin as way to make me to sit behind him at the U.N. signing legal documents) in Jordan. friends – like the time at the house That was about the last place I In a meeting late last Saturday, of the “Greek Orthodox Archbishop” wanted to be… but Powel and his May 12, Jordan’s Cabinet decided to in Bethlehem, where he “sat next to deputy, Rich Armitage, were two of “withdraw its recognition” of The- Arafat. After dinner I happened to my closest colleagues in the Admin- ofilos “for failing to fulfill the obliga- mention that I was Greek Orthodox, istration… Walking into the U.N. tions he promised to the Jordanian and with that news Arafat warmed General Assembly on the morning AP/PETROS GIANNAKOURIS Government.” up even more. Apparently he had of February 5, 2003 was a surreal Austrian President Goes to Greece Jordan renounced its claims to some affinity for the Greeks.” moment for me. I sat next to John East Jerusalem in 1988, but it re- Tenet has an extraordinary Negroponte…” Hellenic Republic President Karolos Papoulias, left, and his Austrian counterpart, Heinz Fischer review tains custody of holy shrines in the amount of appreciation for his fam- The problem was that, even the honor guard during a welcome ceremony in Athens this past Monday May 14. Fischer was on a two- city. The Greek Orthodox Church in ily, and he shows it. In his book, he is though Mr. Powel gave “an extraor- day visit to Greece. The two heads of state also had an opportunity to view several priceless relics on dis- the Holy Land abides by a 1958 Jor- displaying a great and justifiable dinary performance,” as Mr. Tenet play in the Mount Athos capital of Karyes this past Tuesday, May 15. danian law banning the sale of any sense of reverence and indebted- describes it, much of the informa- church property in Jerusalem, ness towards his parents: “Only in tion presented to the U.N. and the which Jordan ruled along with the the United States of America the son world for going to war, information West Bank until Israel seized the ter- of immigrants be given such a privi- provided by the CIA, was “flawed… ritories during the 1967 Middle East lege. I will always be grateful that No one involved regrets that more War. John and Evangelia Tenet, who left than I do.” Synod: Send Katinas to Spiritual Court The Jordanian Government’s de- their villages in Greece to give me And to think that we published cision still needs to the King’s signa- that chance… Even though I have that picture at the U.N., with two By Theodore Kalmoukos bishop Demetrios of America, who Pittsburgh was out of the country at ture, however. This past Monday, met scores of presidents, kings, Greek Americans sitting directly be- Special to The National Herald has been the accused priest’s eccle- the Ecumenical Patriarchate in May 14, Theofilos said he is hoping queens, emirs and potentates, the hind the U.S. Secretary of State, on siastical superior since last June, Constantinople as a rotating mem- for support from King Abdullah II to two people I still admire most are the top of our front page with such BOSTON – The Holy Eparchial when Father Katinas was trans- ber of the Patriarchate’s Holy & Sa- help resolve a crisis over the han- my mom and dad.” pride. Synod of the Greek Orthodox Arch- ferred, after 28 years, from the Me- cred Synod. dling of church-owned property. Mr. Tenet is proud, even if some- George Tenet, naturally, did not diocese of America has recom- tropolis of Denver to the jurisdic- In the Synod’s previous meeting In an interview with both private how burdened by his humble begin- write his book to declare his pride in mended that Rev. Nicholas Katinas, tion of the Direct Archdiocesan Dis- earlier this spring, a number of and state-run television stations in nings: “Growing up in the New York being Greek. That, to his eternal former longtime pastor of Holy trict of New York, which is under Metropolitans requested that Arch- Greece, Theofilos said he had not City borough of Queens, the son of credit, came as a result of describing Trinity Church in Dallas, should be the Archbishop. bishop Demetrios send Father Kati- been given enough time to resolve working-class immigrants, I never who he is. sent before Spiritual Court for al- The Archbishop declined com- nas to Spiritual Court to be de- the property dispute. “I have said re- would have imagined I would find Mr. Tenet wrote the book in an leged sexual misconduct with mi- ment because of a pending lawsuit. frocked, but the Archbishop re- peatedly that the Patriarchate must myself in such a position.” attempt to set the record straight, or nors. Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver did fused, arguing that “Father Katinas be regarded as a purely religious in- His father “managed to do what at least to tell his side of the story. In so recommending, members not respond to the National Her- is 72 years old; he has repented, stitution. And I have said repeatedly so many Greek immigrants did: He He feels wronged by those he trust- of the Synod placed the fate of Fa- ald’s phone calls to his office or res- opened a diner, the Twentieth Cen- ed, and gave them his best. He feels ther Katinas in the hands of Arch- idence. Metropolitan Maximos of Continued on page 4 Continued on page 5 tury Diner… When things got betrayed. He is a wounded man. So tough, my brother Bill would always he wrote a book demanding to re- say, just think about what the old store his good name. He declares he man would do.” is prepared to carry the entire bur- To this writer, as well as to the den, which he knows to be his for thousands of Greek Americans who both the 9/11 attacks as well as the Alert Diner Owners Thwart Fraud of Elderly Man will be reading this book – and they war in Iraq, on his shoulders. But he should – we can definitely identify does not want to allow the blue- By Demetris Tsakas with Yiorgo when he talks about his blooded children of non-immigrants Special to the National Herald upbringing and his family. We sense to ruin his reputation for things he is that, deep down, he is one of us. argues he was not responsible for. NEW YORK – Vicki’s Diner, a West- Yet when he enters one of the When it become painfully obvi- field, New Jersey eatery owned by most dramatic scene’s in the history ous that his job as the head of the Peter and Helen Rentoulis is not re- of the Greeks in America – one CIA was coming to the end, Mr. ally all that different from your ordi- which might well characterize the Tenet went to the Jersey shore, by nary diner, but it has entered the extraordinary heights the communi- himself, to try and make sense of public eye in recent days, and has ty reached during this period of our what was happening.
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