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Karlsplatz & Around Naschmarkt

Neighbourhood Top Five 1 (p94) Rid- Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze at 4 Akademie der Bil- ing the lift (elevator) up to the 1897-designed exhibition denden Künste (p96) View- this mesmerising church’s centre of the Seces- ing Bosch’s impressive and elliptical copper dome for a sion movement artists. gruesome Triptych close-up view of the incred- 3 Naschmarkt (p96) of the Last Judgment ible frescoes by Johann Breathing in the heady aro- altarpiece. Michael Rottmayr. mas of spices, olives, oils and 5 Staatsoper (p95) 2 Secession (p97) Con- vinegars, cheeses, hams, sau- Reliving operatic highs with templating the sensuous sages and much more while a guided tour of this re- shapes, gold mosaics and snacking your way from stall splendent gold-and-crystal- mythological symbolism of to delectable stall. adorned opera house. 00000000 00 0000000000 00 0(R00B 0000000 r 000 00 00000i 0u0000000 t 000 00000 00000n 0r00000 S 000 00000 M 00000g00g 0000 000 0 1 km u s ri r 00000 000000t 00n 000 000 e e# 0 0.5 miles s 00M0a0ri0a-0r00g 000 0000 e a Burg- n u0000000s 0000 0000 t 00Th0er0es0ien0- 0s0000 0000 m n e garten Burggasse 0s00Pl0at0z 000) 0000 r ) 00p 000000 000 ä g e 000000 O s l K n N a p i s 000000 er r

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 (Margaretenplatz. ¨¨Rafael’s Vinothek (p99 ¨Cafe Life Great cafes here range from boho Café ¨¨Café Rüdigerhof (p101) Jelinek (p101) to starkly contemporary Café Drechsler ¨¨Juice Deli (p101) (p102). For reviews, see p101.A ¨Nightlife Hang out with a young and up-for-it crowd on Gumpendorfer Strasse, crammed with bars, cafes and lounge-style restaurants, or find a more laid-back Best Places scene around Schleifmühlgasse. 7 to Shop ¨¨Beer Lovers (p105) Getting There & Away ¨¨Gegenbauer (p99) ¨¨Flohmarkt (p99) ¨U-Bahn Karlsplatz is well connected to all corners of ¨¨Käseland (p99) Vienna, served by the U-Bahn lines U1, U2 and U4. The ¨¨Blühendes Konfekt U4 line to Kettenbrückengasse is handy for Naschmarkt (p105) and the Freihausviertel, while the U3 line (Zieglergasse, Neubaugasse etc) is useful for reaching Mariahilfer For reviews, see p103.A Strasse. Pilgramgasse (U4) is the most central stop for Margareten, and Taubstummengasse (U1) for Wieden. ¨Tram Key tram routes include Nos 1 and 62, which stop at Karlsplatz and pass through Wieden.