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Combined Levothyroxine Plus Liothyronine Compared with Levothyroxine Alone in Primary Hypothyroidism a Randomized Controlled Trial

Combined Levothyroxine Plus Liothyronine Compared with Levothyroxine Alone in Primary Hypothyroidism a Randomized Controlled Trial


Combined Plus Compared With Levothyroxine Alone in Primary A Randomized Controlled Trial

Patrick W. Clyde, MD Context Standard therapy for patients with primary hypothyroidism is replacement Amir E. Harari, MD with synthetic thyroxine, which undergoes peripheral conversion to , Eric J. Getka, PhD the active form of . Within the lay population and in some medical communities, there is a perception that adding synthetic triiodothyronine, or liothy- K. M. Mohamed Shakir, MD ronine, to levothyroxine improves the symptoms of hypothyroidism despite insuffi- cient evidence to support this practice. YPOTHYROIDISM IS ONE OF the most common endo- Objective To evaluate the benefits of treating primary hypothyroidism with levo- thyroxine plus liothyronine combination therapy vs levothyroxine monotherapy. crine disorders, occurring in up to 5% of the population Design, Setting, and Patients Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Hof the United States and the United conducted from May 2000 to February 2002 at a military treatment facility that serves active duty and retired military personnel and their family members. The trial included Kingdom.1,2 Successful treatment of hy- a total of 46 patients aged 24 to 65 years with at least a 6-month history of treatment pothyroidism requires normalizing thy- with levothyroxine for primary hypothyroidism. roid hormone levels in peripheral tis- sues with the use of replacement Intervention Patients received either their usual dose of levothyroxine (n=23) or combination therapy (n=23), in which their usual levothyroxine dose was reduced by therapy. The first available thyroid hor- 50 µg/d and substituted with liothyronine, 7.5 µg, taken twice daily for 4 months. mone preparations came from dried animal thyroid glands that contained Main Outcome Measures Scores on a hypothyroid-specific health-related quality- of-life (HRQL) questionnaire, body weight, serum lipid levels, and 13 neuropsycho- varying amounts of both thyroxine (T4) 3 logical tests measured before and after treatment. and triiodothyronine (T3). Levothy- roxine has become the replacement Results Serum thyrotropin levels remained similar and within the normal range in both treatment groups from baseline to 4 months. Body weight and serum lipid levels medication of choice because it has a did not change. The HRQL questionnaire scores improved significantly in both the con- half-life of 6 days, and because it is con- trol group (23%; PϽ.001) and the combination therapy group (12%; P=.02), but these verted to T3 in peripheral tissues, pro- changes were statistically similar (P=.54). In 12 of 13 neuropsychological tests, out- viding stable and physiological quan- comes between groups were not significantly different; the 1 remaining test (Grooved 4 tities of T3 to the body. Liothyronine Peg Board) showed better performance in the control group. is also available; this form of thyroid Conclusion Compared with levothyroxine alone, treatment of primary hypothy- hormone reaches peak levels 2 to 4 roidism with combination levothyroxine plus liothyronine demonstrated no beneficial hours after oral administration and has changes in body weight, serum lipid levels, hypothyroid symptoms as measured by a a circulating half-life of 1 day.5 Thus, HRQL questionnaire, and standard measures of cognitive performance. steady-state levels cannot be main- JAMA. 2003;290:2952-2958 www.jama.com tained with once-daily dosing of lio- thyronine. Studies in thyroidectomized rats have when infusions of levothyroxine alone Author Affiliations: Department of and are administered to these rats at doses , Nation Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, shown that to ensure normal tissue con- Md (Drs Clyde and Shakir); Department of Endocri- sufficient to normalize plasma TSH centrations of both T4 and T3, continu- nology and Metabolism (Dr Harari) and Department (thyrotropin [thyroid-stimulating hor- of Psychology (Dr Getka), Naval Medical Center San ous infusions of both levothyroxine and Diego, San Diego, Calif. liothyronine are necessary.6 However, mone]) levels, levothyroxine therapy Corresponding Author and Reprints: Patrick W. Clyde, 7 does normalize tissue T3 levels. In the MD, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, early 1970s, before the availability of se- National Naval Medical Center, 8901 Wisconsin Ave, See also p 3002 and Patient Page. Bethesda, MD 20889-5600 (e-mail: pwclyde@mar rum TSH assays, human studies on the .med.navy.mil).

2952 JAMA, December 10, 2003—Vol 290, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


treatment of hypothyroidism used phar- ter and improve the way their body and Figure. Flow Diagram of Participants in macological doses of thyroid hor- mind functions. Patients were not in- Study mone combinations, administering 40 vited if they were taking suppressive

to 60 µg of liothyronine per day in ad- doses of thyroid hormone, were preg- 46 Randomized dition to levothyroxine.8,9 One study nant, had cardiac disease or medical

used a 3:1 ratio of levothyroxine to lio- problems that would significantly affect 23 Assigned to Continue 23 Assigned to Receive thyronine and found anecdotally that renal or function, or if they were Levothyroxine Alone Levothyroxine Plus patients preferred this combination over taking corticosteroids, amiodarone, ca- Liothyronine 8 desiccated dried thyroid. A random- rafate, cholestyramine, or more than 1 Withdrew at Week 17 1 Withdrew at Week 6 ized controlled trial using a 4:1 ratio of 325 mg/d of iron. The study was ap- (Personal Time (Adverse Symptoms) Constraints) levothyroxine to liothyronine found proved by the institutional review board

that more patients preferred levothy- and written informed consent was ob- 22 Completed 4-mo Trial 22 Completed 4-mo Trial roxine alone because of the high inci- tained from all participants. dence of thyrotoxic symptoms with the Patients were randomized to re- 22 Included in Analysis 22 Included in Analysis combined therapy.9 More recently, the ceive combined levothyroxine plus lio- results of another controlled trial, us- thyronine or to continue their usual ing a fixed dose of liothyronine (12.5 dose of levothyroxine (FIGURE). Pa- were again obtained at approximately µg/d) with varying amounts of levo- tients in the intervention group de- 7:30 AM, and at 8:30 AM patients re- thyroxine, suggested that there is a creased their usual daily dose of levo- peated the evaluations described above. subtle benefit on mood and physical thyroxine by 50 µg and began taking Therefore, blood samples were drawn symptoms from the use of combined 7.5 µg of liothyronine contained in a approximately 1 hour after the morn- therapy. However, many patients in this study capsule (Cytomel, liothyronine ing dose of levothyroxine and liothy- study had serum TSH levels below the sodium tablet, King Pharmaceuticals, ronine, and the cognitive testing was lower limit of normal.10 St Louis, Mo) twice daily, in addition started approximately 2 hours after the While most people with hypothy- to their new once-daily dose of levo- morning dose of thyroid medication. roidism are satisfied with hormone re- thyroxine. The control group also de- The pharmacy department super- placement of levothyroxine alone, many creased their usual daily dose of levo- vised the production, storage, and dis- others continue to have significant im- thyroxine by 50 µg and began taking pensing of the study capsules, which pairment in psychological well- 25 µg of levothyroxine contained in a contained either 7.5 µg of liothyro- being.11 We conducted a controlled trial study capsule (Synthroid, levothyrox- nine or, in an identical-appearing cap- to further investigate whether com- ine sodium tablet, USP, Abbott Labo- sule, 25 µg of levothyroxine. Al- bined therapy with levothyroxine and ratories, Abbott Park, Ill) twice daily, though any remaining study capsules liothyronine, while avoiding sup- in addition to the lowered once-daily were not counted, the patients consis- pressed levels of serum TSH, would lead dose of levothyroxine. Synthroid was tently stated on the last day of the study to improvements in quality of life, neu- the only brand of levothyroxine used that they had taken their medications rocognitive functioning, and certain during the study. Treatment duration as instructed. The pharmacy also main- physiological parameters. was 4 months. tained the concealed randomization list, On the first day of the study, pa- which was stratified in blocks of 10 ac- METHODS tients took their usual dose of levothy- cording to a computer-generated ran- Study Design and Participants roxine. They arrived in the morning be- dom number table. All study partici- This study was conducted at the Na- tween 7:00 AM and 7:30 AM in the pants, physician investigators, and tional Naval Medical Center in fasting state for laboratory testing, and psychometricians administering the Bethesda, Md, from May 2000 to Feb- they then ate breakfast at the medical neurocognitive tests remained blinded ruary 2002. Via advertisements posted center. Neurocognitive testing, which throughout the study. Those involved in the medical center, patients were in- lasted approximately 3 hours, began at with analyzing test results were also un- vited to participate if they were be- approximately 8:30 AM. This was fol- aware of patient group assignments. tween the ages of 18 and 65 years and lowed by an interview and physical ex- if they had been receiving treatment for amination and completion of a ques- Biochemical Measurements primary hypothyroidism for at least 6 tionnaire on hypothyroid symptoms. Serum TSH, free T4, and total T3 levels months, including a stable dose of le- Patients began taking the study medi- were measured by immunoas- vothyroxine for at least 3 months. Par- cations the following day. On the last say kits (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott ticipants were told that we were study- day of the study, patients took their Park, Ill). A physician who was blinded ing whether taking another thyroid known dose of levothyroxine plus a to the drug allocation and who had no hormone (liothyronine) along with le- study capsule before arriving at the other contact with study participants vothyroxine would make them feel bet- medical center. Serum laboratory tests evaluated TSH levels at 5 weeks. If

©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 10, 2003—Vol 290, No. 22 2953


rano, Calif), and a serum lipid panel, Box during the preceding month, speci- Box. Symptoms Evaluated in measured by enzymatic colorimetric fying the severity of the discomfort or the Hypothyroid-Specific methods (Vitros 250 Chemistry Sys- problem using a 5-point scale that Health-Related Quality-of- tem, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Roch- ranged from “not at all” (1) to “all the Life Questionnaire* ester, NY). time” (5). Weight gain Physical measurements included Feeling colder than others around body weight, resting rate, and Statistical Analysis you . Prior to the study, we calculated that a Generally unwell sample size of 12 in each group would Needing nap during the day Outcome Measures be sufficient to detect a significant dif- Slower physically Primary outcome measures included ference with 90% power (with a type I No energy to get through day standardized tests of neurocognitive error rate of ␣=.05) between the com- Loss of interest in hobbies or enjoy- able activities functioning. Tests of attention and work- bined therapy group and the control Difficulty remembering things ing memory (the ability to briefly hold group on the Logical Memory subtest Dry skin and manipulate information in memory of the WMS-III. This number was based Brittle nails prior to giving a response) included the on a previous study evaluating levo- Constipation Letter-Number Sequencing and Spatial thyroxine treatment in patients with Need for more sleep Span subtests of the Wechsler Memory subclinical hypothyroidism, in which Exhausted Scale–Version III (WMS-III),12 the Paced a standardized difference of 1.4 on the Slower mentally Auditory Serial Addition Test,13 and the Logical Memory subtest of the WMS Lethargic Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test.14 (1st ed) was observed between euthy- Depressed Tests of learning and memory included roid patients and those with subclini- Frustrated the Buschke Selective Reminding Test15,16 cal hypothyroidism.24 In the con- Difficulty concentrating 22 Muscle weakness and additional subtests of the WMS-III: trolled trial by Cooper et al, they also Puffiness of hands Logical Memory and Visual Reproduc- used a symptom questionnaire with a 12 Tired tion. The Thurstone Word Fluency 5-point scale similar to our HRQL ques- Less energetic Test17 was used to measure written ver- tionnaire to measure the benefits of ad- Sluggish throughout the day bal memory, and the Grooved Peg Board ministering levothyroxine to patients More worn out Test18 was used to measure manual dex- with subclinical hypothyroidism. They Worried terity and fine visual-motor coordina- found statistically significant differ- Discouraged tion. Finally, patients performed the ences with their questionnaire using 17 Deterioration of memory Trail-Making Test Part B,19 which evalu- patients in the treatment group and 16 *Patients were asked if they had experi- ates visual scanning, visual-motor coor- control patients. Parametric (t test) or enced the symptoms listed during the pre- dination, attention, and cognitive flex- nonparametric (Wilcoxon signed rank ceding month, specifying the severity of the discomfort or problem using a 5-point ibility. Study participants also completed test or Mann-Whitney U test) analysis scale that ranged from “not at all” (1) to the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), was used, depending on the results of “all the time” (5). which can be used to measure the de- tests (Shapiro-Wilk test) examining as- gree of depressive symptoms but not to sumptions of the statistical model. A make the diagnosis of a depressive mood 2-tailed .05 significance level was used needed, the dose of levothyroxine was disorder.20 A trained psychometrician, for all parameters. Analyses were per- adjusted to keep the serum TSH level under the supervision of a clinical psy- formed with Analyse-it for Microsoft between 0.5 and 3.5 mIU/L. Thyroid chologist, administered all tests. Excel 2002 (Redmond, Wash), Gen- function studies and levothyroxine dose The other primary outcome mea- eral Statistics version 1.65 (Analyse-It adjustments were repeated every 5 sure was a health-related quality-of- Software Ltd, United Kingdom). weeks, if needed, until the TSH level life (HRQL) questionnaire, modeled af- was in the desired range. If the serum ter hypothyroid-specific questionnaires RESULTS TSH level was in the desired range, then developed by Jaeschke et al21 and Coo- Forty-six participants were random- no further blood tests or medication ad- per et al.22 Our hypothyroid HRQL ized into the 2 groups, and 44 com- justments were performed until the end questionnaire (BOX) asked about symp- pleted the study (Figure). Baseline clini- of the study. toms of hypothyroidism that were iden- cal characteristics of the 2 groups were Initial fasting blood tests included a tified previously among people with similar (TABLE 1). The most frequent basic metabolic panel, a serum sex hor- known hypothyroidism and that im- cause of hypothyroidism was autoim- mone–binding globulin (SHBG) level proved after taking thyroid hor- mune thyroiditis. There were 2 drop- measured by radioimmunoassay at the mone.23 Patients were asked if they had outs: 1 participant in the control group Nichols Institute (San Juan Capist- experienced the symptoms listed in the could not find time at the end of the

2954 JAMA, December 10, 2003—Vol 290, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


treatment period for repeat testing; 1 group with TSH levels greater than 5.0 control group with TSH levels greater participant in the combination therapy mIU/L (actual values: 6.2 mIU/L, 6.7 than 5.0 mIU/L (actual values: 5.6 group withdrew after 5 weeks with mIU/L, and 7.5 mIU/L). At 5 weeks, 8 mIU/L, 6.0 mIU/L, and 5.2 mIU/L) and complaints of tremulousness, fatigue, patients in the control group and 10 pa- 1 patient in the combined therapy group and poor performance at her place of tients in the combined group required with a TSH level greater than 5.0 mIU/L employment (the thyroid function test dose adjustment after review of the se- (actual value, 7.3 mIU/L). There was no results were in the normal range dur- rum TSH levels. At 4 months, there was significant change in SHBG within the ing the time of these symptoms: TSH, 1 patient in the control group whose control group (P=.28) or within the 0.73 mIU/L; free T4, 0.64 ng/dL [8.24 TSH value was less than 0.20 mIU/L combined therapy group (P=.12) dur- pmol/L]; total T3, 148 ng/dL [2.28 (actual value, 0.10 mIU/L) and 2 pa- ing the treatment period. nmol/L]). Apart from these patients, tients in the combined therapy group Hypothyroid HRQL symptom scores there were no other adverse events in with TSH levels less than 0.20 mIU/L decreased significantly in both the con- either group during the study. (actual values: 0.09 mIU/L and 0.12 trol group (PϽ.001) and the com- TABLE 2 compares the changes from mIU/L); there were 3 patients in the bined therapy group (P=.02) (TABLE 3). baseline to 4 months in physical and biochemical measurements. As ex- Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics pected, in the combined therapy group, Ͻ Levothyroxine Levothyroxine Plus the serum free T4 levels fell (P .001) Monotherapy Liothyronine Ͻ and the serum T3 levels rose (P .001), Characteristic (n = 22) (n = 22) although both levels remained within Age, mean (SD), y 45.2 (9.7) 43.1 (11.3) normal limits. The changes in free T4 Women, No. (%) 17 (77) 19 (86) and T3 were the only significant com- Cause of hypothyroidism, No. parative differences between the study Autoimmune thyroiditis 18 13 groups. Of note, serum TSH levels were RAI for toxic diffuse goiter 2 7 RAI for MNG 0 1 similar in both groups at baseline and Thyroid carcinoma treatment 0 1 at 4 months. At baseline, there were no External radiotherapy to neck region 1 0 patients in either group with a TSH level for treatment of MNG 1 0 less than 0.20 mIU/L; there were 2 pa- Dose of levothyroxine, mean (SD) tients in the control group with TSH µg/d 131 (41) 126 (26) levels greater than 5.0 mIU/L (actual µg/kg/d 1.6 (0.4) 1.8 (0.5) values, 7.7 mIU/L and 7.4 mIU/L) and Duration of therapy, mean (SD), mo 78 (79) 102 (99) 3 patients in the combined therapy Abbreviations: MNG, multinodular goiter; RAI, radioactive therapy.

Table 2. Comparison of Changes in Weight, , Blood Pressure, and Biochemical Measurements* Levothyroxine Monotherapy Levothyroxine Plus Liothyronine (n = 22) (n = 22) P Measurement Baseline 4 Months Change Baseline 4 Months Change Value† Weight, kg 85.5 (18.3) 83.9 (18.9) −1.4 (7.5) 74.9 (16.2) 74.6 (16.1) −0.7 (4.8) .72 Heart rate, beats/min 72 (11) 72 (10) −0.05 (9) 73 (12) 72 (10) −1.3 (11) .69 Blood pressure, mm Hg Systolic 134 (17) 132 (20) −1.6 (11) 126 (13) 126 (13) −0.1 (9) .64 Diastolic 83 (10) 79 (10) −3.2 (7) 79 (10) 75 (8) −4.5 (10) .63 TSH, mIU/mL 2.2 (2.1) 2.1 (1.7) −0.05 (2.2) 2.6 (2.0) 2.0 (1.8) −0.6 (2.4) .46 Free thyroxine, ng/dL 1.2 (0.2) 1.2 (0.3) 0.02 (0.28) 1.3 (0.2) 0.8 (0.2) −0.4 (0.3) Ͻ.001 Total triiodothyronine, ng/dL 96 (18) 87 (12) −10 (15) 89 (16) 135 (41) 46 (39) Ͻ.001 Sex hormone–binding globulin, µg/dL 56 (58) 62 (61) 5.7 (23) 60 (32) 75 (60) 15 (45) .38 Cholesterol, mg/dL Total 206 (37) 210 (39) 4.0 (22) 206 (51) 198 (36) −8.6 (29) .11 LDL 121 (32) 128 (33) 6.6 (21) 121 (47) 117 (34) −4.0 (23) .12 HDL 47 (16) 46 (13) −1.3 (8.7) 61 (18) 58 (14) −2.7 (10) .64 Triglycerides, mg/dL 188 (108) 178 (96) −9.9 (26) 120 (55) 110 (49) −9.9 (31) Ͼ.99 Abbreviations: HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone. SI conversion factors: To convert free thyroxine to pmol/L, multiply by 12.87; to convert total triiodothyronine to nmol/L, multiply by 0.0154; to convert sex hormone–binding globulin to nmol/L, multiply by 34.7; to convert total cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C to mmol/L, multiply by 0.02586; to convert triglycerides to mmol/L, multiply by 0.01129. *Data are presented as mean (SD). †P values compare the mean of individual changes from baseline. Statistically significant differences were seen only from decreased thyroxine and increased triiodothyronine in the combined therapy group.

©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, December 10, 2003—Vol 290, No. 22 2955


The decrease in scores was greater in comparing the group means of the in- rectly guessed that they were taking lio- the control group than in the interven- dividual changes in BDI scores. On the thyronine. One patient in each group tion group, but this difference was not BDI, a score of 10 or less is considered admitted they had no idea whether or statistically different (P=.54). normal. Prior to the study, 4 patients not they had been taking liothyronine Results of the neuropsychological in the control group and 4 patients in and refused to guess. The remaining pa- tests are shown in TABLE 4.In12of13 the combined therapy group had scores tients (13 in the combined therapy tests, there were no significant differ- greater than 10; after 4 months, 2 pa- group and 10 in the control group) be- ences between the 2 groups. The one tients in each group had scores greater lieved that they were not taking liothy- test with a significantly different out- than 10. ronine. come was the Grooved Peg Board test, To assess the success of blinding, in which performance declined in the study patients were asked at the end of COMMENT combined therapy group. the study to guess whether or not they Compared with the use of levothyrox- There was a significant decrease of believed they had been taking liothy- ine alone, 4 months of partial substi- the mean score of the BDI in the con- ronine. They were not informed of any tution of 50 µg of levothyroxine with trol group (P=.005) but not in the com- symptomatic clues that might suggest 7.5 µg of liothyronine, taken twice daily, bined therapy group (P=.18, data not the use of liothyronine. In the com- improved neither the scores of a hypo- shown). However, only 17 patients bined therapy group, 8 (36%) of 22 pa- thyroid-specific HRQL questionnaire from each study group were given the tients correctly guessed that they were nor the results of any neuropsychologi- opportunity to complete the BDI, and taking liothyronine. In the control cal tests. There were no changes in body no difference was found (P=.21) when group, 11 (50%) of 22 patients incor- weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and serum lipid levels. The only biochemi- cal change was the expected rise in se- Table 3. Hypothyroid Health-Related Quality-of-Life Questionnaire Scores* rum T3 levels and fall in serum free T4 Levothyroxine Monotherapy Levothyroxine Plus Liothyronine P in the combined therapy group. Be- (n = 20)† (n = 21)† Value cause the blood samples were drawn Baseline 77 (26) 66 (28) .91 only 1 hour after the morning dose of 4 Months 58 (23) 50 (12) .61 liothyronine, serum T levels may have Change‡ 19 (18) 15 (26) .54 3 % Change −23 (21) −12 (35) .27 not yet reached their peak levels at the *Data are presented as mean (SD). Higher scores suggest more symptoms. Score range, 29-145. Mean (SD) score in time of the blood draw. Peak T3 levels 20 healthy individuals without clinical was 49 (18). should have been achieved 2 to 3 hours †Two participants in the control group and 1 in the intervention group were unintentionally not offered an opportunity to complete the hypothyroid health-related quality of life questionnaire either at baseline or at the end of the treat- later while patients were performing the ment period. ‡The difference from baseline to 4 months was significant for both the monotherapy group (PϽ.001) and the com- cognitive testing. This study was well bined therapy group (P = .02) blinded, as demonstrated by the fact

Table 4. Comparison of Changes in Raw Scores of Neurocognitive Tests* Levothyroxine Monotherapy (n = 22) Levothyroxine Plus Liothyronine (n = 22) P Test Baseline 4 Months Change Baseline 4 Months Change Value† WMS-III Logical Memory I 45 (7) 51 (7) 6 (6) 44 (8) 48 (10) 4 (9) .41 Logical Memory II 29 (7) 34 (8) 5 (7) 28 (7) 33 (8) 5 (6) .75 Visual Reproduction I 89 (11) 89 (10) 1 (7) 88 (7) 92 (8) 4 (9) .13 Visual Reproduction II 70 (22) 80 (20) 10 (8) 72 (13) 83 (11) 10 (12) .86 Letter Number Sequencing 12.4 (2.7) 12.5 (2.4) 0.1 (1.6) 11.3 (2.0) 10.9 (2.0) −0.4 (1.7) .19 Spatial Span 16.2 (3.1) 16.2 (3.1) 0.0 (2.8) 17.4 (2.6) 16.0 (3.1) −1.4 (2.8) .10 PASAT 48 (24) 40 (24) −8 (15) 51 (21) 39 (18) −11 (15) .50 Grooved Peg Board‡ 64 (10) 62 (11) −2 (6) 63 (8) 65 (10) 2 (6) .03§ Trails B‡ 52 (16) 52 (15) 1 (11) 53 (19) 47 (16) −6 (15) .09 Thurston Word Fluency 18.2 (7.5) 20.9 (7.2) 2.7 (4.7) 15.7 (5.4) 18.1 (8.0) 2.4 (5.0) .87 Auditory Consonant Trigram 51 (7) 52 (7) 1 (5) 50 (5) 51 (5) 1 (4) .92 BSRT Long-term Storage 111 (18) 113 (20) 2 (18) 112 (16) 119 (18) 7 (12) .27 BSRT Consistent Long-term Retrieval 79 (30) 88 (34) 10 (18) 86 (32) 93 (38) 7 (24) .70 Abbreviations: BSRT, Bushke Selective Reminding Test; PASAT, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test; WMS-III, Wechsler Memory Scale III. *Data are presented as mean (SD). Higher scores indicate superior performance unless noted otherwise. †P values compare the mean of individual changes from baseline. ‡A lower score indicates superior performance. §Statistically significant for superior performance in the levothyroxine monotherapy group.

2956 JAMA, December 10, 2003—Vol 290, No. 22 (Reprinted) ©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


that study patients were generally un- a longer treatment period in our study published after our study was com- able to detect the group to which they to allow more time for any beneficial pleted. Nonetheless, treating to achieve had been assigned. effect of liothyronine to occur, and the a serum TSH level in the lower end of The majority of the measurements of twice-daily dosing of 7.5 µg of liothy- the normal laboratory range may help neurocognitive performance showed no ronine allowed for more sustained se- some patients, and this approach is significant differences between the 2 rum levels of T3. probably safer and less costly than treat- study groups. Only 1 of 13 cognitive Bunevicius and Prange25 found sta- ing with a combination of levothyrox- tests had a significantly different out- tistically significant differences in some ine and liothyronine, which was dem- come. This test was the Grooved Peg measurements of mood and physical onstrated in this study to be of no Board, in which subjects are asked to symptoms, particularly in patients with benefit. The guidelines referred to above insert small grooved pegs into a peg- a history of , which com- also recommend using only levothy- board containing a 5ϫ5 set of slotted prised more than 50% of study pa- roxine when treating hypothyroid- holes. The score is based on the time tients. The majority of these patients ism. This study supports these guide- required to complete the task.18 The took sufficient thyroid hormone to sup- lines by providing sound evidence that combined therapy group demon- press the serum TSH concentration to levothyroxine alone continues to be the strated declining performance on this below the lower limit of normal, which most appropriate therapy for patients test of manual dexterity. itself has been associated with an im- with primary hypothyroidism. We chose to randomize our pa- proved self-assessment of well-being or 26,27 Author Contributions: Dr Clyde had full access to all tients into 2 groups, rather than use a mood. Administering more liothy- the data in the study and takes responsibility for the crossover design, to be able to better de- ronine to a patient with an already sup- integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analy- sis. Study concept and design: Clyde, Harari, Getka, tect any practice effect or placebo effect. pressed TSH level cannot lower serum Shakir. Indeed, mean scores improved in the TSH concentrations further, but it may Acquisition of data: Clyde, Harari, Shakir. control group as well as the combined change serum T and SHBG concentra- Analysis and interpretation of data: Clyde, Harari, 3 Getka, Shakir. therapy group on several of the neuro- tions. Suppression of TSH levels may Drafting of the manuscript: Clyde, Shakir. psychological tests (PϽ.05, with analy- explain the different changes of SHBG Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- tellectual content: Harari, Getka, Shakir. sis of repeat measures, for improve- concentrations seen between our study Statistical expertise: Clyde. ment on 6 of 13 tests in the control and the earlier study by Bunevicius and Obtained funding: Shakir. 25 Administrative, technical, or material support: Clyde, group and 7 of 13 tests in the com- Prange, in which SHBG concentra- Harari, Getka, Shakir. bined therapy group; the combined tions did increase significantly in those Study supervision: Shakir. therapy group also demonstrated de- taking combined levothyroxine and lio- Funding/Support: All funding was provided by the Clinical Investigation Program of the National Naval clining performance [P=.03] on Spa- thyronine. Medical Center, Bethesda, Md. tial Span, a test of visual working No human studies, including our Role of the Sponsor: The funding agency did not take part and in no way influenced the research design, data memory) and on the HRQL question- own, have administered truly physi- collection, data analysis, interpretation of the data, or naire (Table 3). This outcome demon- ological ratios of levothyroxine to lio- preparation and approval of the manuscript. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those strates the significant practice effect and thyronine when treating hypothyroid- of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or placebo effect that can be seen with even ism. Replicating normal tissue levels of position of the Department of the Navy, the Depart- a 4-month period between testing. The thyroid hormone in animal models re- ment of Defense, or the US government. study by Bunevicius and Prange25 used quired continuous infusions of both le- a crossover design with patient evalu- vothyroxine and liothyronine.6 A sus- REFERENCES ation at the end of each treatment pe- tained-release form of oral liothyronine 1. Hollowell JG, Staehling NW, Hannon WH, et al. Serum thyrotropin, thyroxine and thyroid antibodies riod. Because most of the improve- might come closer to achieving physi- in the United States population (1988 to 1994): Na- tional Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ment found in the earlier study was ological serum and tissue levels of T3. (NHANES III). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87:489- limited to patients with thyroid can- Currently, most physicians titrate the 499. cer,25 it may be significant that 13 of the dose of levothyroxine to achieve a se- 2. Vanderpump MP, Tunbridge WM, French JM, et al. 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Experience nevers errs; what alone may err is our judg- ment, which predicts effects that cannot be pro- duced by our experiments. —Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

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