Leaves in January Cadets from Its Rolls
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Hubert, Catlett Named VMI Graduate To Lead Squadron Army War Plans' Next Year Division VOLUME XXXIV—Z-778 LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, DECEMBER 9, 1940 NUMBER 13 General L. T. Gerow Kilbourne Averett Aeolians Hold Purdie Called to Duty Explains Glee Club Fifth Meeting Named to Head Army ROTC Cuts To Sing Here In Alumni Hall With 29th Division; Several weeks ago, the ROTC Keith Willis, president of theVMI Over fifty people, including of- office here announced that it would Glee Club, has announced that the ficers and their wives, citizens of War Plans Division be necessary to drop a number of Glee Club of AVerett college, of Lexington, and cadets, attended the Leaves in January cadets from its rolls. The Superin- Danville, Va., will be presented to Aeolian's fifth concert, held in One of Army's tendent wrote to Washington in the Corps in a Joint concert with Alumni Hall Saturday, featuring an Several Alumni order to attempt to obviate this the VMI Glee Club on Caturday, all-Tschaikowsky program. Newest Generals Faculty Shift necessity. For the information of March 29, 1941, in the Jackson Mem- The program included several Also Summoned all cadets, the following letter from orial Hall. selections, from which many modern the Superintendent is published. Averett will send its singers tp arrangements have been adopted, Succeeds Strong Made to Fill The Editor of The Cadet Lexington for a concert in the Bap- such as "Andante Cantabile," from To Ft. Meade Dear Mr. McCauley: tist church, where they have sung String Quartet No. 1, from which Brigadier General Leonard Town- Several inquiries have been made in the past. The concert in the came "The Isle of May," and The Lieut. Col. Kenneth S. Purdie, send Gerow, '11, was appointed Vacancies as a result of dropping from the church will be held on Sunday of Overture—"Fantasia," to Romeo associate professor of mathemaUcs chief of the War Plans Division of ROTC rolls certain cadets. This ac- that week-end. On the night before and Juilet, from which "Our Love" at VMI, will leave the Institute Following General Anderson's the General Staff of the United tion was taken because the appro* they will combine with the VMI was taken. temporarily in January in order to recent leave of absence, to become States Army last Saturday. In his priation was insufficient, being based Glee Club to form one of the great- proceed to Fort Meade, Md., where Coordinator and Executive Secre- During intermission an entertain- new position, General Gerow will l allotment of 690 cadets, est and most unusual concerts ever he will be on active duty with the tary of the Virginia State Council ing commentary was given by E. S. work directly under General George whereas we actually had present held in Lexington, a composite Glee 29th Division of the National Guard. for Defense, numerous changes in Granger. C. Marshall, '01, the Chief of Staff. 729. Club of over one hundred voices. Colonel Purdie holds the rank of the faculty have been carried out The complete program was: General Gerow, a veteran student This will probably be the first con- lieutenant colonel on the division in order to include the duties of the Representation was made to the "Waltz from String Serenade;" of strategy, is one of the Army's cert of the VMI club before the staff. vacant office in the schedule of the War Department that all would introduction by C. T. Dorset to newest generals. He was promoted corps for this year. Colonel Purdie, a native of Nor- members of the present Academic like to be enrolled whether they "March Slav"; introduction by G. temporarily to the rank of brigadier folk, Va., obtained his B. S. de- Board. Since General Anderson is receive compensation or not; that At present, the executive com- H. Esser to "Andante Cantabile," general this fall, and his recent gree from the Virginia Military In- expected to be absent for approxi- eligibility for a Reserve commis- mittee is very busy making plans from the string Quartet No. 1; in- appointment puts him in charge of stitute in the Class of 1912. Com- mately two months, the resulting sion meant more than the money for the entertainment of these young trduction by H. M. Thornton to one of the Army's most important pleting the course in three and one- changes are considered to be tem- consideration. Request was made ladies after their performance. Ten- the Overture—"Fantasia," to Ro- divisions. The War Plans Division half years, he took ninth academic porary. to enroll all physically fit cadets tative plans call for a banquet in meo and Juilet; intermission com- has the job of making plans for regardless of the allotment of funds. mentory by E. S. Granger; intro- stand in his class. He returned to The executive and academic duties the mess hall, followed by an in- military action in any part of the duction by W. J. Dance to "The the Institute in 1913 and served as of the Academic Executive will be To this request reply was re- formal dance. world, where the forces of the Pilbrim's Song;" and an introduction LT. COL. K. S. PURDIE captain and assistant professor of carried out by the Superintendent's ceived. It is stated that the number As customary, the Glee Club will United States might be concerned, by J. S. Gillespie to Concerto No. mathematics for one year. In 1918, office, while Capt. John B. Cabell authorized for ROTC is based, not sing Christmas Carols in the court both offensively and defensively. Colonel Purdie, a major in the Coast on the appropriation, but on the yard the night before departure 1 in B Flat Minor. A recent article in Life Magazine W,U1 ®SSiSt in th'e handlin« of aP" Artillery Corps of the United States estimated requirements for main- for the Christmas furlough. The cited this position as one of the six p,hcat'ons and admissions. He has Next Saturday evening, Dec. 14, at Two W-L Men Army, served as Commandant of taining the Officers Reserve Corps. entire list of the numbers has not also been transferred from his post 7:30 o'clock in Alumni Hall, the Cadets and Professor of Military most important posts in the Army. A total of 19,000 was allowed for yet been completed, but cadets may in the Liberal Arts Department to Aeolians will present the following Science and Tactics for two years, The new assistant chief of Staff the entire United States. Those not be sure it will be one of the best In Automobile the Civil Engineering Department, program of Christmas music: He returned to VMI in 1926 and has succeeds Brigadier General George enrolled cannot, under the Nation- performances yet. Because of the where he will devote his time en- Prelude, "Christmas Bells, per- since been in the mathematics de- V. Strong, who was assigned to al Defense Act, be made eligible fine work of W. E. Bell, acting di- tirely to instruction in the courses partment. command the Seventh Corps Area for commissions. rector of the Club, this long-honored formed by William H. Heitz; "Stille Crash Here 16ft open because of the recent re- Nacht," Gruber, solo by Ernestine with headquarters at Omaha, Ne- Cadets omitted from the rolls be- custom will be continued, to furnish Since Colonel Purdie's absence vision of instructors. Schumann-Heink; Medley of Christ- Tragedy struck yesterday on the braska. Although not announced in cause of an insufficient quota need the corps with this excellent year- will depend upon the length of serv- Lieutenant Alexander H. Mor grounds of the Institute when a official communiques, reliable not be discouraged because by nor- ly entertainment. mas Carols, performed by Marek ice of the 29th Division, which is at rison has been transferred from the car driven by George Barrows, 19, sources have informed The Cadet, mal attrition in the Corps it is prob- Weber and his orchestra;introduc- this time very uncertain, it is not English Department to the Eco- of Lexington was almost completely that General Strong will probably able that all physically qualified tion, by T. C. McLeod, to "Nut- known how long he will be away. nomics Department, where he will demolished in an early morning ac- be promoted to the rank of major will sooner or later be enrolled. cracker Suite Ballet," Tschaikow- Provisions are now being made by assume the duties which he had last sky Op. 71, performed by Leopold cident. Accompanying Barrows was the Superintendent to appoint a general. C. E. Kilbourne, 'Messiah' year. Lieut. William A. Tidwell Stokowski and the Philadelphia Or- Howard Brooke, 20, also of Lexing- civilian instructor in mathematics General Gerow, a native of Superintendent will act as a part-time Instructor in chestra; intermission with commen- ton. for the period of Colonel Purdie's Petersburg, Va., graduated from VMI As the Superintendent's letter in- the History Department instead of To Be Sung Both men were taken to Jackson absence. in the Class of 1911 with the degree dicates, the dropping of these ca- tary by Dr. H. V. Shelley. full-time in the English Depart- Memorial hospital, in Lexington, of Bachelor of Science and stood dets from the rolls of the Reserve Introduction by Mr. E. G. Bal- Prospective plans for the calling ment, where he has been an in- where it was determined that Bar- twelfth in his class. He entered the Officers Training Corps does not lard to selections from "The Mes- of the 29th Division in January -will structor since early in the academic On Sunday rows was suffering from fracture of Army in 1911 immediately after mean that these cadets may not be siah," Handel, performed by Leo- affect a number of alumni.