Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-08-18
Yanks Club Warmer Phlladelph. Athle~C8 IOWA: Contbl1lecl clear with 11 to 0 JlIchtIJ w...-r UmJ)erat\ll'tII See 81er, on Pile 4 THE DAILY IOWAN today and tomorrow. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper , fIVE CENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. AUGUST 18. 1942 '1'81 A8&OClATID ..... VOLUME XLn NUMBER 280 'Scets Will , ciVilian e ~l, 5, and will fin. Elmer C' i"eonau~ eunlver. tEe, rUn. es In on ~ Offered ne nlisted here by * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * radlla Uon Jurse are 001 work hours of 1nts, in. 'ompleted ret Deci:sions !ld a pri. 140 houri Dnd 40 Winnie-Stalin, 8 for the Bomb ·Fren'ch City' MarineOccupalionForcesHold 1I0t YeL Indqulat for the Duo Presages, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~ell~tablished' bland Posb Inber ot MORE BAD NEWS FOR JAPS ARRIVES AT PACIFIC BASE First All-U.S. Raid By JOHN M. mOnTQWER rked the Big Offensive WASHINGTON (AP)-Th fi t pha.~ r the An1Prican in ling had HJts Rouen Railways vasion of Japanese·held t rritory in ! he !;olltliwest Pllcific h8.8 niversity nded victorion Iy, the navy ill cto. d )'1\ Icrday, with marine , cadets, Discussions Reaffirm o cupation forces in the Guadalcaual-'rllla -i nrl'u of thp , olomon ner Were Friendship of U.S., With,Precision Attack island hotdjng "well established" J)osi tions. 'Iods, in. Th victory wru not won without 10. ., a navy commnniqu 16-week Britain, Soviet Union Gen. Eaker Reports Readiness of U.S.'s made clear, but thp .JapanPse, in addition 10 lwing' fO I'c d 10 reo linquiRh territory of gl'cat strategic vnlu , lost at lrallt 36 nirCI'aft, IUSed in By EDDIE GILMORE Mission Carried Out Egyptian Air Squads ner, The Gives Hopeful Turn suffered damage to their navnl forces uud hnd "a 11umb I'" or elemen· MOSCOW (AP) - Winston 'Nonchalantly, Coolly' troops taken pri oners.
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