1940-08-31 [P

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1940-08-31 [P •' •' '• :' AS •. •Si V-v /mS'' SSSiSS-iSSi Si Si SSi ••••. !•• SiSSfiSiSSS SS ■' .x‘- •■*•• ••• '!.:. .• •.. •!•:•. Si A*. .'•••• ■! •'•’':: .SS\v.: •... iSSS'S-AvA.... Saturday Hours ll Mi r& v: SmB 9 A-M-to 3 p-M- tgfLU!I •:jA | dial 3311 jj»y.■...■!!■■ ■■■■■■;■ jt.y«n.....i^^TWWWfWWWW>^ .. ->-—-- ---- Sorosis PERSONALS Holmes Croom, of Raleigh, visited ing bankruptcy after mortgaging Junior Ham Is Versatile ■elatives here this week, returning their properties to complete a vital to Raleigh Thursday night. —W. C. railroad spur. The rustlers not William Hewlett is MODES J,k visiting Haton, here promoting the Pender only are decimating the herds of On fiends in Mount this week- Plans And Rocky will leav to th# but unknown Party T — MOMENT| Meat :ounty fair, Friday cattlemen, also, -; -■-«- by Amy Porter- ....... Thrifty \ nd. the week-end with his fam- to them, hold the In * * * spend mortgages. 24 ly in Kinston. He expects to re- breaking up the gang, Starrett In Friends of Mrs. Louise C. Tay- urn September Summer Season to Burgaw Monday. temporarily turns rustler, engages ] or will be to learn that she glad Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Wagoner in a series of hair-raising adven- j as been moved to her home Be Given At Club- on snd daughter, Lorena, of Lexing- turers and eventually, with the as- To By MRS. GAYNOR MADDOX ] forth 16th jvent street after suffering :on, arrives* in Burgaw Thursday sistance of the Sons of the Pio- North Third 1 On NEA Service fractured knee. Eor a brief visit with Mrs. J. F. the criminals and house Staff Writer * * * neers, traps were from Miss in the Show Slated A whole or half ham offers Herring. They returning wins Gray’s affections Street; many Miss Snead and delicious Virginia Edley Manteo where they attended the process. economy uses. For one ( Iraighill, arrived yesterday from play, The Lost The current of “Winners major cooking you get materials Colony. Together chapter Carolina Junior Soro- j ..ynchburg, Va., to spend the La- Tiie North for several other meals. Its flavor with Mrs. Herring they went to of the West” and a Stooge Comedy at a benefit bridge | (or Day holidays with Rye Page, are ^1 entertain is decided enough to give charac- Wrightsville Beach Thursday even- “Rockin’ Thru’ the Rockies” on at his home on Harbor Island. fashion show Tuesday ter to rr., ing. They were joined in Wilming- also on the program. 1 fStv and dishes made of left-overs. * * * ?ar'jn„ September 24, at 8 o'clock It can be served cold, sliced, with .on by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Humph- Mrs. B. H. and Sorosis clubhouse on North hot vegetables. And for these hot Marshall, Jr., rey. —Miss Laura Bibberstein will “RIVER’S END” FEATURES f'e()le= 'oung son, are visiting her parents, the A!1 Proceeds raised ■ spend week-end in ROYAL THEATRE’S BILL Thi'd street. days of late summer, it can be Wilmington 1 dr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller in Ashe- is the of event will be used by the cooked early in the day and served guest Miss Bettie Harriss. “River’s End.” the most action- “ this rille. in the wards cold as a or in —Jephtha Casey, of Rocky Point, adventure to ever for wVk charity baked ham, sliced, * * * jammed story Walker Memorial hos- aspics for the warm weather las just returned from New York come from the of James Oli- c. the james sup- pen Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Shipley, where he went to other clinic projects spon- per. attend the ver Curwood, made its local bow aI1(i < if Columbia, S. C., are Mr. It visiting World’s Fair.—Miss Inez Lewis, at the Royal theatre yesterday. by ,he cI,lb' you use regular cured ham, ind Mrs. P. !ored Joseph Russ at their who has been in the home America’s teller tourna- it must be boiled first. Scrub ham visiting greatest story bridge ] tome in Brookwood. her t championship and cover pf brother, Jimmie Lewis, for reached the peak of his career held next with with boiling water. Add * * * t wm be spring the two when and 1-2 cup brown a few whole past weeks, expects to re- he wrote “River’s End” have been high scorers sugar, Friends of R. C. MacMahon will ,l0se who cloves, 1 tablespoon turn to her home at Erwin Sunday. Warner Bros, have brought the the season competing. pickling spices | >e sorrow to know that he is a and a raw Simmer The first meeting of the local thrilling tale to glowering life on rtuiuffhout be awarded the apple. gently >atient at the prize will Veterans’ hospital P. T. A. is scheduled the screen. orand for about 20 minutes per pound for next Tues- at this party. | n Columbia, S. C. Mrs. MacMahon highest scorer for small hams and 25 minutes for day evening in the school auditor- Starring Dennis Morgan, George md children are in Gaffney, S. following committee chairmen large hams. Cool in the stock it ! C., ium. It is desired that a large at- Tobias and Elizabeth Earl, the The dsiting her mother, Mrs. W. G. for this event: was cooked in. Remove outer tendance of the parents of the com- picture relates the of Riv- e making plans rowier. story Vivian Hiers and Gerda skin. It can be served cold sliced munity may be had. er’s End, of the North Misses * * * Dodge City Mrs. Waddell this or else baked. Miss Bettie Winslow, of Hertford, where civilization ends and Ouelcli, decorations; way, Miss Richeleine Rainey, has ar- arrived a few days ago and will adventure and Miss Betty Lvtton, HAM MOUSSE •ived from begins. L'orbeti Washington, D. C., to spend an indefinite period with her Allie Morris Jones, par- risit her Chapter four of "Red Ryder” is wises-Mrs. grandparents, Mr. and sister, Mrs. Giles R. Kornegay.— Miss Dorothy drs. T. W. Weaver. up to the standard set by previous appointments: Two cups cold cooked ham, 1 George W. Carr, has been fashion show; Mrs. Harold * * * whp issues of this serial play. A Stooge Pwbes. tablespoon gelatin, 2 tablespoons here this week refreshments; Miss Eliza- visiting relatives, comedy keeps the audience in an Wells Jr- cold water, 1-2 cup bouillon or leaves today for Charlotte. soft drink sales and MRS. ROBERT PARKER, uproar and the Varieties are com- beth Farmer, stock from cooked vegetables, 1 Officers of the county federation sales. pleted with Movietone News. It is Sara Bradshaw, table teaspoon prepared 1-2 RECENT FETED of home Miss mustard, BRIDE, demonstration clubs elect- a week-end show. be made by call- great Reservations may teapoon paprika, few grains cay- ed at Croom’s Bridge recently, to of the following chairmen; enne pepper, 1-2 cream or Mrs. serve for the inc any cup George W. Holland and Mrs. ensuing year are: Omega Is the last letter of the Bradshaw, 3547; Mrs. A. evaporated milk. rhomas E. Holland Mrs. Wirt of m Sara delightfully en- Casey, Rocky Point, Greek alphabet. Miss Octavia B ‘hove. Jr., 9879; Put ham through food chopper ;ertained at the home of the latter, president; Mrs. Ray Humble, Wa- Taylor, n Smith. 3196: Mrs. Claudia using fine knife. Soften gelatin in East Wilmington, Wednesday tha, vice-president; Mrs. Glenn Schaeffer, 3486: cold Taylor, of jjj.. Miss Hattie water, then dissolve in boil- evening, honoring Mrs. Robert C. Rileys Creek, secretary; 3203. water. Add to Parker, who before her recent Mrs. Lacy Bell, of treasur- or Miss Hazel Kimrey. ing ham. Season Currie, with was er. mustard, paprika and cay- marriage Miss Juanita Rol- 4 enne. Stand until cold, then fold and. Chadbourn in cream which has been whipped The bride was presented with • TODAY • until stiff. Turn into mold and many lovely and useful gifts. Priz- Movie Revues CHADBOURN, Aug. 30.—M r s. chill. Garnish with parsley or es were won by the following: Mrs. left l>. C. .Vavland Taylor, of Norfolk, watercress. Hawkins, Mrs. S. W. Mur- “SOUTH OF PAGO PAGO” a visit to ray, Jr., Mrs. Lawrence Sunday after ten days Sandwiches are not just some- Nichols, TO CLOSE AT CAROLINA Mrs. F. T. Wooten. Mrs. Oscar Flowers, Jr., Miss Ger- her mother. thing extra. They must be re- “South of Pago Pago,” a story Mr. at aldine Carroll, and Mrs. Robert Sr She will join Taylor garded as an integral part of your of love and adventure in the South return to Nor- Parker. Seven Springs and budgeted menus. Every sandwich seas, starring Jon Hall, Victor Me- Wooten ac- Those attending were: Mrs. Rob- folk from there. Mrs. must earn its keep in nutrients Laglen and Frances Farmer, will visit.— ert C. Parker honoree, Mrs. W. companied her home for a supplied to the family. For our end its engagement today at the M. Holland, Mrs. L. S. Hiss Myrtle Koons, of Spartan- left-over cooked ham ecor.omy, try Holland, Carolina theatre. end with her this sandwich Mrs. Beatrice Walter Baker, Mrs. ourg, spent the week recipe. The next attraction at the Caro- Robert Merrit, Mrs. Ida of Koons.—Mr. and FRIED HAM SANDWICHES Thorpe lina, starting will be the brother. Ralph Miami, Fla., Mrs. Monday, T. Newland and daughter, One and one-half cups ground Verney Carroll, screen’s first musical Mrs. H. tummy is the word a college girl would use to describe those evening frocks. Molded, figure-revealing bodices, Mrs. Oscar B. big comedy cooked 1 Flowers, Jr., Mrs. of the of Wilmington, spent Sun- with full taffeta skirts—the romantic silhouette.
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