THE LESSON FROM JAPAN September 11, 2009 By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

1. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan which had ruled the country since World War II has been trounced by the Democratic Party of Japan in the recent election.

2. This follows the trend which many political parties which had struggled and achieved independence had undergone. The Mashumi Party of Indonesia, the Muslim League of Pakistan, the parties which wrested independence for numerous African countries have all but disappeared.

3. It seems as if the people no longer cared for the struggles and the sacrifices that had been made by those parties and their leaders. It seems as if the beneficiaries of these struggles do not know how to be grateful.

4. But is it true that they are ungrateful? There is some truth but if we care to examine we will find that the independence fighters, and their successors, the builders of the countries after independence have changed almost completely.

5. They have almost all become greedy and arrogant. They no longer care for the country or the people.They are almost invariably preoccupied with their status and their selfish needs. They have lost touch with their followers or the descendants of their followers. The spirit which had moved their founders seem no longer to be there.

6. Will UMNO and the BN - the successors of the Alliance which had wrested independence for escape the fate that had befallen all these pioneer parties? From present showing it is likely that they would share the same fate.

7. That the rot has set in there can be no doubt. Corruption is now rampant in UMNO and the other component parties. Power struggles have emasculated them. Leaders have a strong desire to stay in office even though they have outlived their usefulness.

8. With such leaders the country and the people have been neglected. In the last decade despite talks of billions of Ringgit being allocated for corridors etc. there is no visible or tangible evidence. There is nothing to show for the 250 billion Ringgit extra that Petronas had paid to the Government.

9. It is strange to find that Malaysia has been outstripped by its neighbours. It is no longer the leading nation in the region. Certainly it is no longer regarded as a model.

10. Malaysia's voters, especially the Malays have always been strongly loyal. Yet there is evidence that in 2008 many of these loyalists had voted for the opposition. States which had been Barisan Nasional strongholds are now ruled by the opposition.

11. Will the next election see the same phenomenon as in Japan? It is not entirely impossible. The younger voters are said to be disenchanted by the party that won the independence. That was history and it has less meaning for the young.

12. The only thing that would save the BN is the lack-luster performance of the opposition. The alternative is not a real alternative. But if the performance of the BN Government and parties fails to gain confidence, the frustrated voters might just do what the Japanese voters did - dump the party they had supported for more than half a century.

13. It behoves the BN to take notice of the inevitability of the demise of the party which had gained independence for the country. It had staved off the fate before. Can it do so again?

14. In just three years' time the new elections will be held. Time is obviously running short. Unless some drastic change is shown in the way the country is run and the people are served, the BN will join the other grand old party in the rubbish heap of history.

223 Comments By moy kok ming on October 7, 2009 2:52 PM The moderates and the non-moderates The failure of long ruling parties in Japan and other long ruling governments in Asia has prompted many people to fathom whether Malaysia will confront the same phenomenon in future. In fact if not for the strong support of the two East Malaysian states, Barisan Nasional might have fallen and the opposition took over in March 2008. Actually most Malaysians especially the non-indigenous voters support the moderate political parties especially the component parties of Barisan Nasional. That is why BN and the Alliance have been in power for more than half a century. When the DAP tried to team up with PAS some years ago, it was catastrophic for Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh who confronted dismal failure even in urban areas, because the urban voters punished them for co-operating with the politicians whom they did not like. In Malaysia the moderates were nationalist while the non-moderate has recently become internationalists, who will ban anything against their internationalist ideal including their own traditional culture. (e.g. makyong dance). Turkey is the most modern country in their religious world. The Turks even at one time banned the wearing of head scarf for women, but they cannot escape from the internationalism mentioned. Look at Indonesia, the non-moderates who had embraced internationalism, had created immense havoc for their country. They not only bombed Bali and Jakarta, they even planned to bomb the residence of their moderate President. Even amidst the earthquake calamity of Padang, Sumatra, there were shooting in Jakarta international airport. That is the peril of the existence of non-moderates in any country. Actually, for whatever religion or belief, as long you are a moderate, you are not dangerous to other people. For instance, China was ruled by the non-moderate Communist during the pre- Deng Xiao Ping era and there were much suffering for the Chinese. At that time Malaysian could not go to China or do business there. However, after Deng Xiao Ping came to power, China had been ruled by the moderate Communist until today. Not only the Chinese do not have any more pang, their country prospers and became the fourth largest economic entity in the world, after USA, Japan and Germany. Nowadays, Malaysians can visit, do business or study in China, whenever they want, because China is no more dangerous as in the pre-Deng Xiao Ping era. Even the President of Taiwan (acute foe of Mainland China) Ma Ying Jeou commented we should not compare the present Chinese leadership with the leaders of the pre-Deng Xiao Ping period, for they are as astute as any leaders of the present world power. Dr. Mahathir had written an article entitled “The Modern Middle Kingdom” in his blog which said that during Lee Kuan Yew’s visit to Malaysia, the Singaporean leader lectured to the Malaysians and said that MCA should help BN to win in election. We can fathom his worry. If Malaysia is to be ruled by the non-moderates, what happened to Kuwait might happen to his tiny country. Corruption, inefficient governance, anarchism (high crime rate and large number of illegal immigrants), haughtiness etc may lead to the downfall of the present ruling party of Malaysia. Rectification is significant to maintain their power in future. However, it is difficult for them to countenance the advance of internationalism as mentioned above. The case of Kartika (who drank beer) has made some people open their eye and ponder whether the moderates are advancing towards non-moderation. Just type the word Kartika in any internet search machine and you will see how many thousands of titles pertaining to her, because the Western hypocrites who always talked about human rights are staring at us. We do not know this is a boon or a bane to the Malaysian reputation as a moderate country. In conclusion, if the present legislator wants to avoid what had happened to Japan, the above rectification is not insurmountable, but the internationalism which spread from Iran to Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia etc are the most challenging. . By azizul-ariff on October 5, 2009 2:26 PM To argue that one should remain loyal to a political party simply to its efforts towards independence is weak. BN & UMNO will always be remembered as the responsible parties behind Malaysia's independence - no doubt. But truth be told, they have only their arrogance, inconsistent administration (esp. on corruption matters)and lack of warmth are to be blamed for the recent inclining losses. By threesixtynine on September 30, 2009 10:07 PM salam 1. empayar islam dahulu pun begini, apabila diuji dengan kebendaan, kemewahan, perlahan- lahan ia bergolak & akhirnya terlerai. 2. namun jangkamasa ianya berlaku sangat lama, kerana sahabat, para tabiin & ulama-ulama sentiasa berusaha menjaga amal, ibadah & dakwah. 2. sahabat ra tetap dengan kerja dakwah, membawa kalimah ke pelusuk alam, demi menyebarkan islam, satu-satunya agama yang diterima, diperintah Allah swt. Kasih mereka pada manusia sama seperti kasih Nabi saw pada umat. 3. UMNO silap dalam banyak perkara, namun untuk menceritakan satu persatu tiada berguna lagi, melayu sudah tepu dengan ideologi kebendaan, sehinggakan agama itu dianggap penghalang. 4. Yang lalai itu semakin lalai, dalam hati tersemat cita-cita untuk terus mengorek kekayaan negara untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. 5. Mungkin che det akan lihat, kejatuhan parti memerintah itu bukan kerana kurangnya bilangan pejuang tulen, tetapi bertambahnya bilangan pejuang palsu. 6. Dalam islam mereka ini digelar golongan munafik. 7. Parti pembangkang hanya menunggu masa untuk memperoleh mandat yang lebih besar, tetapi perolehan mereka kerana rakyat tiada pilihan bukan kerana parti itu benar-benar hebat. Apa ada dengan kelantan? 8. sekiranya ia benar-benar berlaku, janganlah che det bersedih, kerana sedar atau tidak che det terlepas pandang ISLAM sewaktu che det diberi kuasa dahulu & perkara ini sukar untuk berulang lagi. 9. semua orang islam diberi masa untuk membuktikan taat setia pada Allah swt & hanya yang bijak mampu mencipta peluang & kejayaan hakiki dalam kesempatan dunia yang sementara ini. By Mubarakh Ali on September 28, 2009 11:34 PM Dear Tun: Me and my family will always be in gratitude to your leadership and to what you have done for us. The few whom speak ill of you are no different than the species that bite the hand that feeds. I pray that we will one day get a leader as competent as you, but I doubt he/she will be superior. Thank you and may god bless you. By sitinur on September 27, 2009 6:48 PM Asalamualaikum...setuju ngan pendapat samurai pd 14 sep.... harap2 bapak dapat mengutarakan keresahan kami yg tidak bekerja ngan kerajaan kepada pm.... By Adam on September 25, 2009 8:03 PM The key for winning back those Malays who has gone over to the opposition is not about equal rights, nor how liberal the government is, you really think the Malays want more scholarship be reduced? in order to win back votes? equality? I would laugh at the government for this. I assure you BN will go soon, if they dont know what is happening - sakit di kepala, di kaki yang diletakkan ubat . Explain about equality to the villagers? explain about F1 to the villagers? and about 1Malaysia to them? Could we all eat the 1Malaysia slogan? when the price for food is rising substantially? could we pray that so that 1Malaysia will born out food for us? if there is such thing, might as well get an alibaba tree. a) Control the rising inflation due to fuel hike Why is that? Fuel hike, what happened to taxi fares? 5km cost passenger MYR25? What happened to the Bus fares? MYR55? included surcharge? Look at the effects of not controlling fuel price, and the cleverest move by the government at the same time.

Yeah, go on thinking that the real problem was unity, DEB, equality, liberalism, with all the 1 Malaysia rhetoric when the real issue that the rakyat really want is not what they are struggling to rectify. Listen to the words of the elites, "Malaysia needs to be united" when they forget that is a trap to see through what is really needed. If they still dont realize what is happening, what made most Malays switch sides,( Yes, MOST MALAYS ) BN will eat that 1Malaysia slogan soon in the next GE (PRU) and cry blood. By aikido_lee on September 23, 2009 11:38 AM Seen from the current trend ..what is happening to the 50yrs ruling party of Japan is possible will happen in Malaysia next election! The government can never deny again that the rakyat in this IT era, wanted to see and hear what is fair and what has been done to them? Be those policy that is specially executed for malaysian's favour itself rather than outsider( foreigners).And also, whether the policy is fair to all Malaysian? (dont mention any race different, because we are now 1 malaysia!). Nowaday, eventhough we are in the globalisation atmosphere, some priority must still for the rakyat itself (so called this is protectionist). But, ask urself, which country doesnt have such protectionist policy??..even singapore in instant, does have lot of those protectionist policy which give priority to their own citizens. for example, the medical subsidise, schooling fees, high car import taxes (eventhough the ASEAN is going to waive the import taxes between the country), and even worse they control those PR (foreigners) by not allowing them to drive malaysian plate vehicle into their country (coz if do so, then their car market will deteriorate. WHY they must "control" the foreigners also? is bcoz of the PROTECTIONIST). Thus,in order to gain more confident from rakyat, by implementing those "good" and rakyat friendly policy by boost up our economy potential, the current government soon communicate more with the nation through mass media by well explaining why government is implementing certain policy and what is the benefit the country or rakyat will gained. FOr the current IT era, the proper and good communication is very very important, bcoz , if not, people will just get those opposite impression or imformation from others sources, which might just want to paint bad about the government or posted those NOT true facts without any supporting document or reason. What government can do in order to bring back our country economy and avoid wastage or indirectly subsidised those foreigners??.... 1. FIrstly and is the most important issue: minimise the petrol subsidy losses,which is only means to our own rakyat,to foreigns vehicle. Especially to those singaporean and thailand. lots of people from the foreign country make a daily trip into our country to steal our subsidy petrol and make a "U" turn back to their own country and use there. hence, frankly speaking, this not only wont contribute any benefit in term of economy, but also is country huge losses of resources. I believe our rakyat wanted to see some control or some measurement to tackle this serious issue since long time. one of them, is imposed entry permit of says RM20 per trip(as per singapore charge sin dollar 20 dollar pertrip into their country)against foreign vehicle and with the register of vehicle detail into "touch n go" card to track their movement and also settlement of payment. with tis measurement, we can avoid any "uneconomy" entry of vehicle and avoid losses of subsidy petrol to foreigners. anyway, if they are a geniune consumer to our country, i believe they dont might to pay this very small of entry charge, bcoz what they spend on the movie, grocery, seafood is still cheaper than those in singaore. in the other word, Malaysia cant "subsidy" the singaporean in all aspect, from the medical, old folk house, grocery, sand & cement(singapore is buying this from us and selling it off in at least two fold profit when there is a shortage and we can see singapore is using our resources to help them make even more profit by keeping huge amount of stock in hand), and worse to say that malaysia is under "unconsciously" help and subsidy singapore to help her blooming. If we a implementing a ban for singaporean vehicle to pump full tank here, then they will feel the pain in shortage of money, then, maybe the country 40cts tax in petrol must reduced. 2. lot of malaysia PR is betray their our country by buying singaporean vehicle. in the other hand, sg government is banning malaysian PR driving malaysia plate vehicle. why is this so?...malaysia PR cant own their own country car. why they cant buy their own country car?....bcoz with the such small market of only the local people, the local car market will never be survived. hence, singaporean come out will such unreasonable policy. Thus, for our own benefit and to protect our vehicle constant grow, we need to urgue the government to ban our own malaysian PR in singapore from drive in singaporean plate vehicle into our country. there will be not impact at all to them, since their main motive to buy vehicle there is for the usage in singapore, hence, as same as singaporean conterpart, we should only allowed those citizen driving their own country car into our country but not our nation go there buy car(contribute to their economy) but all the expenses . petrol, maintenance, is in here. last but not least, in overall,in any way, the current malaysia government still have time to gain back the people's vote by implementing those policy ONLY favour to our own people and development. as those mentioned above as per example, the above policy if implemented, there will not major impact to the people, but in the other hand , it will boost up and sharpen our strength in stay competitiveness in asia..... By Adam on September 22, 2009 1:02 PM It was not really equality that they want, it is stability , if BN could offer this. It would change. Look at the price for fuel. Is this how BN want the people to support them for? want to live with "SATU MALAYSIA"? Can we eat "SATU MALAYSIA"? Can we eat the F1 Team? What the heck is with F1 Team now? When the economy is going down the hill? When so many are abusing the oil hike? If those people really think the vote of change is because those voters wanted equality, BN would fall. I assure you this, heed my word. Those malays who has voted for PR, most of them want stability, unlike those claims by some of opposition about "equality nor rights" - it was not the case.

By Alan on September 19, 2009 7:08 PM A CHANGE IS COMING Tun, Pertinent to this issue, I think everyone has missed a point here. The newer generation of voters, so called Generation X and Y looked at the big picture differently from the others. Together with the conventional opposition voters, these votes increase overwhelmingly. They want truth, transparency, justice, safety and equality. No violence! but they will revolt by demonstration! Everything objectively!! Tun, you can see it as it is not just happening in Japan but I can see it everywhere, be it in US or UK or even in Australia. It's happening right here in Malaysia and slowly growing in Singapore too regardless of education level. They do not see things subjectively, for example, what our predecessors have fought for independence. It is irrelevant now as they see all as one cohesive society. A global society!! The only solution we have is to accept,adapt and improve. I can only hope we will have 2 strong political parties as one dominant party is self destructive to the nation. Now, complacency breeds contempt. We need to change to a capable government for checks and balances. Selamat Hari Raya Tun and others! By Praxis on September 18, 2009 2:38 PM I agree BN has not rid itself of the rot and PR is no alternative. Something new has to merge. What is the basis on which this new alternative has to emerge and be offered to the people? It's better to risk this new alternative rather than side with what we have. 1. Our multiple school system is the root cause of much of the confusion, and is not a great legacy. It has to go, and be replaced with one school system which gets all our resources. Within the single school system, provisions can be made for the learning of sciences in English in areas where there is an expressed demand for such choices. Parents can state their preferences when they register their children (Registraion has to be early enough to respond). Provisions for the teaching of additonal languages should be solid, where again there is such an expressed demand for such choices. 2. While the privatisation has been helpful for development of Malay talent, the state's provisions of basic healthcare for the general populace has been neglected to a point where it stands to be taken advantage of by PR, some of whose component parties have a more dogmatic commitment to adequate social provisons. 3. Ethical guidelines in Societies Acts, etc should be enhanced and enforced so that talented leaders aspiring to serve the people in politics are not hampered by unethical practices. 4. A new self-governing board or act to regulate non-Islamic worship centres based on clear guidelines on number of centres per unit of population, with adequate controls on funds and staffing. 5. The ISA should be replaced with more modern terminology or Police Acts changed to permit unlimited detention as in France. It's better to risk this alternative than the anarchy the PR is offering. By Hanajunn on September 18, 2009 11:21 AM

Salam, Dear Tun

Eid Mubarak is just around the corner and I am wishing you the Happiest Hariraya to you and your family. I am not going to write on politics or economics or whatever the world is out there, I just personally want to thank you deep down from my heart for what I am now. I am one of those who benefited from the Look East Policy program which changed my life from merely a kampung girl to what I am now. I am not a politician or a director of a big company. I am just a normal Malaysian citizen who feels that I owe you the peace of mind, experience I gained overseas (Japan) and the wisdom I have today and I cannot repay you in any form. You have changed my life to the better and I will not forget that. I don't care what others may say about you. I will support you all the way and I will teach my children what a great leader and person you are. May Allah bless you always. Regards, : Hanajunn

By waterlily on September 17, 2009 4:36 PM Tun, As a wise man and ex prime minister, I think you may have some influence on DSN. I agreed with some of the comments here. His wife Datin Rosmah has becoma a liability to him and to BN. Utusan Malaysia has made a point to have her picture on paper everyday. Come on... she is not a prime minister. She is a wife. Even in the United States Michelle Obama is not making herself in publich everyday. All this will only create fitnah, that she is controlling Malaysia. Just like people perception on KJ when Pak lah was the PM. Just a sincere 2 cents thought... By thebigdipper on September 17, 2009 10:41 AM Aslmkm Tun, BN dumped in the rubbish heap of history. This is a fearful prospect indeed. Najib and all component parties must be aware and beware. It is inconcievable that despite the severe trouncing in the last general elections the BN house is much worse off than before. And Rosmah is still no help to Najib. She is only deluding herself if she thinks so. I have friends who say this is one Prime Minister whose wife is a liability, politically. Dear Tun, it is indeed sad that M'sia is not looked up upon anymore. And Najib might be the last PM of the BN Party. By JaneTI on September 17, 2009 5:41 AM Dear Tun, I only want to give a short comment. Many people have responded on the corruption and arrogant issue so I wont go there. If Pak Lah fell because he paraded KJ , DSN could fall because he paraded his wife. I respected Tun Dr Siti Hasmah for being your pillar of strength and not interfering in office. DSN wife always said she is not a politician but she certainly is acting like one. Permata Pintar to stop brain drain ????? BN have many women leaders that can be paraded.The wife ?????? That is all I want to say. Selamat Hari Raya again Tun. Wassalam. By n.ajis on September 16, 2009 11:23 AM Waterlily wrote... Wolla PAS.. please continue to anguk-anguk. Its really help LKS to fulfill his dream Totally agreed with you. Normally ppl will angguk-angguk geleng-geleng. But PAS is weird in the sense that they just angguk-angguk but never geleng-geleng...apa boleh buat...? Inilah parti Islam ala PAS driven by Tok Guru yang kurang cerdik By Edunovice on September 16, 2009 11:11 AM So disappointed with how the presence leadership in Malaysia. I have no comment but deeply sadden with the management. I am hoping to see more.... By shazli on September 16, 2009 10:56 AM Salam Tun, I have always supported the principles of BN where it is supposed to represent the interests of all people and like it or not we are racially and religiously different from eachother. I think the policies have profitted many people such as the options of National, Chinese, Indian and religious schools. Although there were the occasional problems, generally, it was peaceful. Islam is still the state religion. Then came the 98 economic crisis, your holiday cut-short and the DSAI incident and the country has never been the same after this.Now with the proverbial "Opening Can of Worms" people have been disenchanted by BN. I am trying to support the UMNO candidates but they keep putting out flawed people. This is in contrast with PAS candidates which generally, tend to be good. The other component parties are not faring well either with infighting while PKR and DAP are taking advantage of this. With the next by-election coming up, I do not foresee a BN win with the above reason. If PR wins ( which I do foresee in the future), the tightrope will be thinner as DAP and PAS are going in opposite directions and PKR trying to pull them together. The only reason why they have won is their fight against a common enemy. We've seen in Kedah where DAP pulled out of the PAS government temporarily, while in , PAS does not hold much clout with the DAP led government. Selangor for the most part is surviving although not sure for how long. For BN's survival, I would like to suggest a new Muslim based party and more support for Gerakan. There are plenty of Muslims (Malays and non Malays) who are still in support of BN but do not see a 'clean' UMNO candidate. While Gerakan can go head to head with DAP. Datuk Najib has to have this bold move to not only ensure BN's survival but to have his 1Malaysia vision a reality. Selamat berpuasa and selamat Hari Raya, Shazz By wong on September 15, 2009 8:14 PM Salam Tun, 1.Saya ingin menambah terhadap tulisan Mr Chin dan reaksi beberapa pembaca terhadap tulisannya. 2.Saya berpendapat kita sudah lupa bagaimana kemerdekaan diberikan oleh British. Bukankah kemerdekaan diberikan setelah 3 kaum utama berpakat untuk hidup bersama dan berkongsi apa yang ada dinegara ? 3. Sekarang nampaknya kita berdebat siapa yang mendapat lebih dan siapa yang tidak dapat bantuan kerajaan atau yang diabaikan. Bukankah Perlembagaan Negara telah menyatakan dengan terang hak dan had-had setiap kaum ? 4.Sebelum Merdeka, para Nasionalis berjuang bermati-matian untuk mentadbir negara. Tetapi para Nasionalis tak pernah memikirkan samada mereka mampu atau tahu mentadbir sebuah negara yang terdiri dari masyarakat majmuk ? 5.Cabaran sebenar menjelma apabila British meningggalkan Malaya. Banyak parti politik ditubuhkan termasuk Parti Komunis yang popular ketika itu. Sentiman perkauman semakin menebal. Pergolakan politik semakin genting. 6. Selepas Malaysia bentuk, Tuanku Abdul Rahman mendapati Lee Kuan Yew macam duri di dalam daging. Singapura berpisah dengan Malaysia. pada 1965. 7. Saya berpendapat pemisahan Singapura adalah satu nikmat. Spura mempunyai 4 juta orang Cina. Jikalau Spura masih di Malaysia, majoriti kaum lebih kurang sama di antara melayu dan bukan melayu dan ada kemungkinan orang bukan melayu akan melebihi orang melayu. Adalah sangat susah untuk dibayangkan jikalau orang melayu menjadi kaum minoriti di negara sendiri.

8. Keadaan politik sudah tentu huru-hara. Pihak kerajaan sudah pasti kerap silih berganti kerana tidak adanya majoriti mutlak. Hubungan kaum akan lemah dan perbalahan akan kerap berlaku. Dalam hal hubungan kaum, ianya datang dari naluri semulajadi setiap kaum untuk memperjuangan kepentingan kaum sendiri. Orang Melayu akan menuntut apa yang penting untuk kaumnya dan begitu juga dengan kaum lain. Hubungan sedemikian tidak mudah ditangani jikalau kerajaan atau pemerintah itu lemah. 9. Spura lebih maju dari segi ekonomi dan pelajaran. Tetapi dalam kegawatan ekonomi kali ini, ia mengalami kemelesetan yang paling teruk di kalangan negara Asean. Syarikat milik kerajaan Spura mengalami kerugian berbillion dollar di dalam pelaburan asingnya. Semuanya ini tidak dilaporkan dengan meluas untuk pengetahuan umum. Oleh itu janganlah menganggap apa yang di buat oleh Spura adalah baik-baik belaka. Ada banyak kelemahan lagi yang masih tidak diketahui umum kerana pihak Pembangkangnya terlalu lemah. Kelebihan Singapura adalah kedudukan geografinya yang strategik diantara benua barat dan timur. 10. Saya harus menerima hakikat bahawa sistem pelajaran di republik ini jauh lebih baik dari kita. Walaupun, majoriti penduduknya berbangsa Cina, LKY memilih bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar di semua sekolah dan bahasa ibunda sebagai bahasa kedua. Kesemua ilmu sains dan teknologi boleh diperolehi dengan meluas dalam bahasa Inggeris. Kita telah cuba dengan program PPSMI di semua peringkat sekolah tetapi gagal kerana kita tidak menpunyai asas yang kukuh untuk menjayakan program ini. Guru-guru kita tidak pernah dilatih untuk mengajar dalam bahasa Inggeris.

7.Biarlah semua kaum bersatu dan jangan mengeluarkan tuntutan yang tidak berasas yang hanya akan memburukan hubungan sesama kita. 8. Saya sangat berharap agar ada para pembaca yang arif dapat menyumbangan fakta-fakta yang betul seperti yang termaktub didalam semangat Perlembagaan Negara kita.

Sekian By rarunasalam on September 15, 2009 7:04 PM Tun my earlier comment probably touched a raw nerve...anyhow, just to summarise that under your leadership: - cronyism was rife both in public and private sector - no succession planning concept - you, DS Samy and Ling Liong Sik all did not put any such mechanism in place.. - your ambitions were to industrialise the country, however when it came to segregating Government from Judiciary and Police, there was no intent whatsoever - you criticised everyone but could not accept criticism both domestic and internationally - you censured your predecessor Tunku, yet you enjoyed openly criticising your successor At the end of day... some of the reasons why BN dont appeal have been long running and started during your administration... Please accept blame and move on! (Ravi) By waterlily on September 15, 2009 3:27 PM Chin, Can you inform your godfather in DAP to fill non chinese candidate in the chinese majority areas come next general election. UMNO have done this many time. We need proof that DAP is meant for all. Lip service does not mean anything. Aaron aa are just pointing direct to the spot. LKS have mentioned at the STAR that PR have not decided who will become Deputy Prime Minister (read: LKS will be the DPM). When Anwar dies in office LKS will automatically be the ultimate PM and LGE will be the DPM. And that's start the formation of Dynasty Lim in new Malaysia. This can work well with Dynasty Lee in Singapore... Wolla PAS.. please continue to anguk-anguk. Its really help LKS to fulfill his dream...... By Adam on September 15, 2009 1:41 PM Hello Tun, I believe that BN will most likely fall in the next General Election looking at how things are progressing in UMNO, MCA and MIC. I read the postings by; Muzaffar [Sept 11 6:29pm] Dashing [Sept 11 9:27pm] baiyuensheng[Sept 11 12:11pm] I believe that Pakatan will gain power and I think that there are a number of candidates that can lead Malaysia into a new era of efficient administration and one that is corrupt free. These candidates are the best currently to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Candidates who can become the next Prime Minister of Malaysia would be as follows; 1. Lim Kit Siang 2. Lim Guan Eng 3. Tian Chua 4. Jeff Ooi 5. Loh Gwo Burne 5. Elizabeth Wong 6. Hannah Yeoh I believe that eventually, Pakatan Rakyat will choose Lim Kit Siang after an exhaustive search and hours of consultation or syura led by PAS. Answer; That is not quite true, the one who could be leading as PM are as follows; 1. DS Anwar Ibrahim 2. Haji Hadi Awang 3. Nik Aziz 4. Azmin Ali 5. Husam Musa 6. DS Nizar By Adam on September 15, 2009 12:32 PM You and UMNO says Malaysia owes you a debt for achieving independence but we learn from independent sources that it is only true because UMNO made a deal with the British and they didn't exactly fight for it. If anything, the non-Malays especially the Indian Malaysians and working class Chinese are prevented from prospering because of UMNO. Answer; What independence sources? What type of deal? UMNO did fight for it, among those patriots who has fallen was mostly from UMNO, however, some of them are from the other parties as well, but the role UMNO plays in gaining the independence is much significant. Most of the Chinese, and Indian at the time was still with their countries. Hence, they do not think of fighting for Independence, they are the citizens of the British, why would they fight for it? They love the British. British then, made the 'divide and rule' and sent the Malays back to village, and the Indian to estate, whilst letting the Chinese to own shops, companies. Prevented from prospering? If that what you name, "prevented from prospering"? Tell me, prevented from prospering, or they had prospered much in the last 40 years? Who is being left behind? The Chinese?, The Indian? The Malay?,the aborigines?, the Pribumis? Honestly, there are more Pribumis (Iban, Bidayuh etc), and aborigines that resembles the one that you have claim - being left behind.

The British had originally intended to give equal rights to all Malaysian regardless of race. Both UMNO and the royals pressured the British to suppress the right of the non-Malays. And this was the condition for UMNO to ACCEPT independence. Fight ??? who did UMNO fight ? The Malays may owe UMNO for their privileged position today but Malaysia could have done a lot better. Answer; The British intended to give "jus-soli" as well. There was time when "fight" is not necessarily means using weapons, they fought to force the British into Independence. There were newspaper, books that was used as fighting medium. Moreover, there were elections too, those were used to show the British that the people wanted to be free from their rule. ------And it is this debt that the Malays owe to UMNO and its partners that allow BN to abuse the trust and position they have received from the Rakyat. So how long and how much is enough for UMNO and their buddy, 1 trillion ringgit, 2 trillion, judging from the country's annual budget and the actual benefit derived from it, quite a lot has been siphoned off. Answer; There are leakages, it depends on how much and when it happens. Despite that, Corruption happens everywhere, only when to be defined as how much? where? and when? Nonetheless, we could not guarantee that the other ruling parties might not be corrupted as well. ------The distribution of wealth among UMNO and its Chinese and Indian businessman friends does not exactly qualifies as fair distribution of wealth for the rakyat. Answer; Do not qualify as fair distribution even after the rich and poor races becomes too obvious? What are you suggesting then? There are other races that are in greater need than those; the Pribumis (Iban,Bidayuh etc), the aborigines, the Malays. ------And what is wrong with a Singapore type government? When the government is controlled by the majority (please read as by the Malays) and corruption is insignificant and wealth is enjoyed more evenly by all. Answer; I do not quite get what did you mean by controlled by majority. In Malaysia we do have the majority as the rulers - controlling the country. It is different in Singapore where the Chinese is the majority. That would also mean the restricted freedom of speech, the supremacy of the 'kiasuness' of the people that repress any who tries to go against them. ------Singapore may have it racist policies, especially in the army but its economic policies are enjoyed by all, it is a far more socially fair society. And safer and more stable by far. Answer; How do you know they are enjoyed by all? In the book, Singapore: Wealth, Power and Culture control, there is a phrase goes by the saying; "it was in his spirit, in his pursuit for Asian values, that Lee began to tinker with social and educational policies that in many ways actually began to undercut the earlier multiracial policy. By the late 1970's, the Government had begun to tilt markedly in favor of the Chinese and things Chinese" So where is the fairness? This might as well signifies a new version of special rights, but Singaporean version. ------Malaysia is considered a less stable country because of its sectarian influences and it racially divided society. It is sectarian and racially divided because of UMNO. Answer; We just could not help it, unlike the so-called non-racist U.S, we dont have different religions. Things was worse in the U.S back then before they finally end it after the 200 years of struggles. In the U.S, even when those blacks are Christ, they had to suffered under racism, and slavery for years, before the emancipation. Do we Malaysian act that way? no? look at Mamak who is moslem? look at those Chinese moslem? Indian Moslem? Do we treat them racially? some of them even married to the Malays, and among them.

And UMNO promotes this instability to remain in power. It promotes racial politics and threaten violence to remain in power. UMNO was the same party and its government was the same government that was in 1969. These were the very people responsible for the violence. Answer; 1969 is a sensitive issue, do not dabble with it. I would like to clarify, that UMNO was not the cause. Quoted by the Malaysian Bar as saying; "What appeared as punishment of the MCA by Umno became an additional factor contributing to further racial tensions and anxieties. Opposition supporters, especially the Chinese and Indians who had voted for the DAP and Gerakan were jubilant. And they showed it. They celebrated their “victories” by marching through Kuala Lumpur and in their exuberance shouted insulting epithets at Malays living near the city fringes. They even showed vulgar gestures at Malay women. On May 12, Gerakan got police permission for 1,000 party members and supporters to hold their own demonstrations that evening. Word got around quickly and the number swelled to 4,000 which later broke up into smaller groups that conducted their own “demonstrations” away from the restrain of party leaders. They, too, taunted the Malays with insults, using similar words that had been hurled by the previous day’s demonstrators, such as: “Melayu balik kampung, kita sudah berkuasa sekarang” (“Malays, return to your villages, we are now in power”) and “Hey Sakai bolih balik ke hutan” (“Hey Sakai, you can return to the jungle”). "

------And for 40 years after that, they threaten race violence if it is not voted to power. That is right, pay me for protection from me! Now I ask you, why would non-Malay want BN to remain in power, if UMNO suppresses their rights and threatens their lives. Answer; If they suppress your rights, do you think there will be Chinese school? What is this "rights" you are trying to say? or you mean, abolish the Malay special rights? When the Singaporean policies is in favor of the Chinese? When the British had intentionally gave Chinese more wealth and advantages? And why would Malays want to trust UMNO if PAS would be a better choice for sectarian Malays and PKR would be better for more secular Malays. And yes I believe even Malays should have freedom of choice. If Malaysia is to move forward, UMNO is more of an obstacle than a leader. Answer; I am considered as one of PAS-to-be, due to the fact that my family is PAS, and PKR. But I do not see it blindly. In fact, I am also one of the opposition who fought the government during the last GE. (PRU) - Helping PAS at the time. By Syuhairi on September 15, 2009 12:07 PM Salam to you Tun and to all members of the forum. i just make it simple and short pertaining to the issue that had been argued by some other members of the forum. Ibn Taymiyyah, the most prominent Muslim Scholar (1263 AH-1328 AH) once had said;

"al-Siyaasa al-shar`iyya fee islaah al-raa`ee wa al-raa`iyya". 1. Meaning that, "the Governance according to Allah’s Law in reforming both the ruler and his flock". 2. So, there must be a purification of heart n souls in the life of the leader. He must be the one who the people can trust, can count with, the one who can benefits all members of the house (rakyat) etc. 3. For Muslim of Malaysia, i firmly believe we studied history of Nabawi (Tawarikh or some might say Sirah of Prophet) and familiar with the history of Khulafa' ar-Rasyidin. 4. There, we behold after the demise of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. The prophet never elect a successor to replace and govern the administration of him. He left no apprentice and let the people to choose who they want to become their leader but yet indeed there were certain criteria needs to be followed in accordance of Islam. 5. We know about it and it is our obligation to choose a good leader in order to administer our country well. 6. We hope the restoration of Islam must indeed kick-starts in the hearts of Muslims esp the so- called politician, young and old. 7. As a Malaysian, i need and we need a good government in order to ensure the legacy of our country get well soon and be back to normal again. May Allah bless us and give us strength and purification of heart disease. Ameen. By Alibabamahathir on September 15, 2009 11:46 AM Pakatan Rakyat is no saint. No politician can be trusted. The saint politicians simply has no money to fight the greedy politicians who get so much money from projects they get from bribing the people in power. But between a no saint and a greedy devil of BN I know, I choose the no saint just to kill the greedy devil of BN. This is the essence of Dr Mahathir blog today. Base on this logic, will Dr Maha Thir vote PAS if by-election is held in his constituency? Guess not, there is no political will to change in BN including Dr M. BN is heading to PRU13 defeat. By jizurimin on September 15, 2009 9:37 AM The loss of votes and fall of political old giants in Japan, Indonesia and many African nations for me actually was expected. For new generation voter like me who born and raise with luxury and full education provided, our main aims sorry to say is self satisfaction. I have asked many colleagues and friends from different part of the world and patriotism was no more the primary cause for voting. A lot of aspect taken into consideration and thus making it heavier for old parties that still stick to broom instead of faster more effective vacuum for working with young mind. Upon discussion and observation, I can put this few points: 1. The leader : Most of modern voters wanted leader that act and do things fast, accurate, well-done and complete. No more have to wait for a leader to plan a lot of things then failed to do anything. A good oratory make a lot of difference for me and few others. A good leader must know how to tackled issues from personal to world matters. A confidence leader with strong voice like Obama, Dato Najib and Anwar Ibrahim have the edge nowadays if they used this strong feature appropriately. I would like to stress 1 example of how Mr Obama handled defiance with cunning oratory during his speech recently when 1 congressman accused of him of lying, he quickly said that he is not and continue with his speech. This act although seem minor but for me it showed the world how he handled smoothly an unexpected incident. 2. The Party : The party must change frequently. What I meant is the leadership and non-core issues. The limitation of term are good in ensuring new blood of leaders continue to enrich the party like what they do in USA by the republican and democratic party. The core issues should be kept while the current issues must be debated and presented as frequent as possible. There are a lot more factors but I will leave it for debate._Jizurimin By RazlanIsa on September 15, 2009 1:17 AM Salam Tun, My apologies, maybe your article should read "Lessons For Japan". You see, although there are similarities with the recent Japanese election and the Malaysian election, the causes are totally different. However, the effects may be the same. The glaring similarity is "voting by emotions". The Japanese voted out of desperation, mainly because of the economic crisis. This desperation has clouded their minds and the tentacles of the opposition party takes advantage of this. The Japanese somehow forgot that the economic crisis was born and bred by the good 'ol US of A. Six months down the road after the election, most Japanese will silently say "Oh no, what have I done?" and regret their decision of voting out of emotions. They may even not have to wait that long to realize, already the corporations in Japan are starting to regret. Much like Malaysia. One year on and the oppositions are going round in circles tripping over themselves. The Japanese did not go to the polls wanting a change, they went to the polls in anger and desperation. Like the Malaysians. In Malaysia too, the voters did not specifically go to the polls for a change. They went because they were fed up with an idiot and his son-in-law who screwed everything up during his one and only term in office. So, to the Japanese people, we used to learn from you, but now you should have learned from us! By samuraimelayu on September 14, 2009 11:01 PM SALAM PENUH KASIH SAYANG AYAHANDA RAKYAT TUN IZINKAN, ..... 7. That the rot has set in there can be no doubt. Corruption is now rampant in UMNO and the other component parties. Power struggles have emasculated them. Leaders have a strong desire to stay in office even though they have outlived their usefulness. INI PULA VERI DALAM BAHASA MELAYU (CAMPUR LOGHAT NEGORI) SEPENUH NYA KOMEN KAMI SEPT. 13.. DEN HARAP AGAR PUCUK KEPIMPINAN UMNO DAH BUANG TABIAT ‘AAB’ (ATAS ADA BATU) MEREKA. SUPAYA MEREKA TIDAK ULANGI KESILAPAN MEMILIH CALON YANG BERMASALAH UNTUK PRK BAGAN PINANG. JIKALAU PUCUK PIMPINAN TUNDUK KEPADA KEHENDAK AHLI BAHAGIAN TELUK KEMANG YANG MENCALONKAN TAN SRI ISA SAMAD YANG BERMASAALAH YANG TELAH DIPECAT DARI KERUSI VICE PRESIDEN NYA KERANA RASUAH UNTUK BERTANDING, ALAMAT DIJADIKAN ‘BABI PANGGANG’ LAH DEK ‘CHEF’ TERESA KOK SEBAGAI HIDANGAN KEPADA PARA PENCERAMAH MEREKA …ISU RASUAH ADALAH SATU SATUNYA HIDANGAN YANG TINGGAL DIMEJA UNTUK DIHIDANGKAN KEPADA PENGUNDI BAGAN PINANG.. JANGAN PULA NANTI PARA PENGUNDI TERPAKSA BERTOPENG ATAU BEREHAT DIRUMAH KERANA TAKUT DIJANGKITI OLEH KUMAN DARI CALON ‘BN’ (BADAN NAJIS). MAKANYA PUCUK PIMPIUNAN UMNO MESTILAH MEMILIH SEORANG CALON TEMPATAN YANG BERWIBAWA, YANG BERSIH DARI GEJALA RASUAH DAN BERMASALAH,. YANG AKAN MEMIMPIN DENGAN PENUH DEDIKASI, JUJUR DAN IKHLAS, MEMBANGUNKAN KAWASAN BAGAN PINANG KHASNYA BERSANDARKAN KONSEP SATU MALAYSIA… ‘ RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, PRESTASI DIUTAMAKAN



KAMI BERASA YAB MENTERI BESAR NEGRI SEMBILAN BERSERTA WAKIL2 RAKYAT BN MAMPU MELAKUKAN SUATU ANJAKAN PARADIGMA DALAM PENTADBIRAN NEGERI, MEMBANTU MENINGKATKAN TAHAP SILLATUL RAHIM ANTARA ISTANA DAN RAKYAT DIBAWAH NAUNGAN BAGINDA DAN MEMPERHEBATKAN JENTERA KERAJAAN DAN MENINGKATKAN PEMBANGUNAN UNTUK RAKYAT BERBILANG KAUM DEMI KEMAKMURAN NEGORI DEN YANG DIKASIHI.. MUDAHAN2 BUDAYA HIDUP DENGAN PENUH KASIH DAN SAYANG ANTARA SEMUA LAPISAN MASYARAKAT AKAN TUMBUH SUBUR DAN MENJADI TUNJANG KEPADA PEMBANGUNAN FIZIKAL DAN MENTAL... NEGERI SEMBILAN KE ARAH NEGERI MAJU DAN PROGRESIF HIDUP AMAN DAN DAMAI..INSYAALLAH. RAJA DENGAN RAKYAT NYA RAKYAT DENGAN RAJA NYA KERAJAAN DENGAN MASYARAKATNYA MASYARAKAT DENGAN KERAJAAN NYA WAKIL RAKYAT DENGAN PENGUNDINYA PENGUNDI DENGAN WAKIL RAKYAT NYA PAK IMAM DENGAN MAKMUM NYA MAKMUM DENGAN PAK IMAM NYA TOK PENGHULU DENGAN ORANG KAMPUNG NYA ORANG KAMPUNG DENGAN TOK PENGHULU NYA KUNCI KEJAYAAN UNTUK MENCAPAI KEBAHAGIAN YANG DIIDAMKAN...SIKAP INSAF DAN SYUKUR ATAS SEGALA PERJUANGAN PARA PEMIMPIN TERDAHULU DAN SETERUS NYA MENYAMBUT PANGGILAN SATU MALAYSIA MEMPERKASAKAN INSTITUSI RAJA BERPELEMBAGAAN KEARAH WAWASAN 2020..MALAYSIA NEGARA MAJU DAN BERTAMADUN. DAN HANYA DENGAN SIFAT JUNJUNGAN NABI MUHAMMAD IAITU IKHLAS, SUCI, JUJUR DAN BENAR SAHAJALAH KEMAJUAN DAN KEBAHAGIAN RAKYAT DAN KEDAULATAN NEGARA AKAN TERJALIN DAN TERJAMIN.. INSYAALLAH. SIFAT SYAITAN LAKNATULLAH IAITU KHIANAT, HASAT DENGKI TAMAK DAN HALOBA HENDAKLAH DIHAKIS DARI FIKIRAN DAN HATI SANUBARI KERANA AKHLAK YANG TERKUTUK TERSEBUT AKAN MENGGAGALKAN DAN MENGHACURKAN SEGALA BENTUK USAHA PEMBANGUNAN BAIK SEGI FIZIKAL MAHUPUN MENTAL DAN KEMAJUAN DAN KEMAKMURAN RAKYAT MASAKINI DAN JENERASI MENDATANG AKAN TERJEJAS…NAUZUBILLAH EDEN BERHARAP PAK DATUK MENTERI BESAR DAN SELURUH RAKYAT NEGORI DEN DAPAT BERSATU PADU MENGHAPUSKAN SEGALA KEMUNGKARAN DAN MEMBUANG SEGALA YANG KERUH DAN MENGAMBIL YANG JERNIH DAN BERSAMA MENGHIDUPKAN SEMANGAT TALI PERSAUDARAAN DAN MENYINARKAN SEMANGAT KASIH SAYANG ANTARA SEMUA PERINGKAT MASYARAKAT MAJMUK NEGORI DEN. KATA2 SEMANGAT YAB DATUK MB KAMI PEGANG...BIAR MATI ANAK JANGAN MATI ADAT KERNA ADAT ITULAH MENENTUKAN KEDAULATAN SESUATU BANGSA DAN TAMADUN NYA.. TERIMA KASIH KAMI UCAPKAN. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM (ALLAH SWT YANG MAHA PENGASIH DAN PENYAYANG) ALFATIHAH, AMIN. Ps. Kami bukan ahli mana2 parti politik tetapi seorang melayu anak Malaysia yang inginkan kemajuan dan keamanan yang telah TERCAPAI akan berterusan dan tidak RELA dimusnahkan oleh pihak pembangkang yang hanya pandai meracun jiwa rakyat, yang tidak mahu menerima hakikat kejayaan kerajaan BN selama 52 tahun mengharumkan nama Negara kerana rakuskan kuasa sanggup menghianat bangsa dan agama..Kepada kepimpinan UMNO/BN yang memerintah KAMI LAUNGKAN.. KAMI RAKYAT MALAYSIA TOLAK PEMIMPIN2 KORAP DAN BERMASAALAH! BERWASPADA LAH MEMILIH CALON... By hamaz on September 14, 2009 10:30 PM To MR CHIN: Before u write, please do investigate 1st what had happened on 13 May 1969 and before that. Who's started the violent act? Who's started the provocation after winning the election at that time? Who has started creating several serious scene before 13th May? There are several writers wrote about 13th May including an Englishman (if u dont want the malay writers) available in famous bookstores. The fact is there are many scumbags in politic in all parties including the opposition especially. Dont think that PAS is sooo sincere in joining the PR. Please state any fact, dont just write just like a pussy without any real evidence & fact. u r totally a ungrateful malaysian By fawz on September 14, 2009 9:15 PM Things PM Najib can do to try and save BN, 1. Don't parade his wife on T.V. or the Media, his wife should stay out of the news! 2. Remove, and or punish corrupt BN leaders, starting with ABB & KJ. 3. Kick start the corridors project! start building, just build, build and build. 4. Insha'Allah if the economy improves, BN can survive! ...but can PM Najib do all this? By shafinaz on September 14, 2009 5:57 PM Tun, Izinkan saya menjawab komen Chin pada 14 September, 2009 2:30 PM. Quote "And what is wrong with a Singapore type government? When the government is controlled by the majority (please read as by the Malays) and corruption is insignificant and wealth is enjoyed more evenly by all. Singapore may have it racist policies, especially in the army but its economic policies are enjoyed by all, it is a far more socially fair society. And safer and more stable by far." Dear Chin, what a joke!Singapore is stable because the Malays and Indians there are being oppress by the Singaporean goverment!And wealth enjoyed more evenly by all?Kindly tell me the figures and ratio of how many wealthy Malays in Singapore compare to the majority Chinese.Come on la Chin, Singapore is a Chinese dominated country that suppress its fellow Malays and Indians citizen. A Singapore PM once even express a threat against its Malays citizens because the Malays there votes an opposition party. And to the questions "Now I ask you, why would non-Malay want BN to remain in power if UMNO suppresses their rights and threatens their lives?" Dear Chin, because if Pas wins the next GE, there is no putting back the jinnie into the bottle once it is set loose and no stopping it from causing havoc and anarchy first towards the Muslims then the non Muslims in this country.So Chin please be grateful for being a Malaysian citizen in this country. By priss01 on September 14, 2009 3:43 PM As long got ISA , Police, MACC, EC and the Malaysian Courts with correct, correct judges BN will remain in power forever. Don't worry. By chin on September 14, 2009 2:30 PM You and UMNO says Malaysia owes you a debt for achieving independence but we learn from independent sources that it is only true because UMNO made a deal with the British and they didn't exactly fight for it. If anything, the non-Malays especially the Indian Malaysians and working class Chinese are prevented from prospering because of UMNO. The British had originally intended to give equal rights to all Malaysian regardless of race. Both UMNO and the royals pressured the British to suppress the right of the non-Malays. And this was the condition for UMNO to ACCEPT independence. Fight ??? who did UMNO fight ? The Malays may owe UMNO for their privileged position today but Malaysia could have done a lot better. And it is this debt that the Malays owe to UMNO and its partners that allow BN to abuse the trust and position they have received from the Rakyat. So how long and how much is enough for UMNO and their buddy, 1 trillion ringgit, 2 trillion, judging from the country's annual budget and the actual benefit derived from it, quite a lot has been siphoned off. The distribution of wealth among UMNO and its Chinese and Indian businessman friends does not exactly qualifies as fair distribution of wealth for the rakyat. And what is wrong with a Singapore type government? When the government is controlled by the majority (please read as by the Malays) and corruption is insignificant and wealth is enjoyed more evenly by all. Singapore may have it racist policies, especially in the army but its economic policies are enjoyed by all, it is a far more socially fair society. And safer and more stable by far. Malaysia is considered a less stable country because of its sectarian influences and it racially divided society. It is sectarian and racially divided because of UMNO. And UMNO promotes this instability to remain in power. It promotes racial politics and threaten violence to remain in power. UMNO was the same party and its government was the same government that was in 1969. These were the very people responsible for the violence. And for 40 years after that, they threaten race violence if it is not voted to power. That is right, pay me for protection from me! Now I ask you, why would non-Malay want BN to remain in power, if UMNO suppresses their rights and threatens their lives. And why would Malays want to trust UMNO if PAS would be a better choice for sectarian Malays and PKR would be better for more secular Malays. And yes I believe even Malays should have freedom of choice. If Malaysia is to move forward, UMNO is more of an obstacle than a leader. By ,Melayu merantau on September 14, 2009 2:12 PM

AYAHNDA Tun,,, Please give more comments and critics on SAMY VELLO.. KUALA LUMPUR: Delegates to the MIC general assembly took former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to task for criticising party president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu in the run-up to the party polls. One delegate said MIC leaders were capable of handling party affairs by themselves and did not need external interference. “Please mind your own business. We know what we are doing. MIC is a big banyan tree and he (Samy Vellu) is the protector,” he said. He said if there was no MIC, then the Indians would be orphans without an effective representation for them in the country. Another delegate said the party elections had strengthened Samy Vellu’s position and was a strong rebuke to Dr Mahathir By FAUDZI on September 14, 2009 12:54 PM Salam TUN dan semua kemungkinan BN kalah itu ada, tapi dari pengamatan saya sokongan terhadap UMNO dah kembali kuat semenjak Dollah Badawi letak jawatan. Cuma masalah dalaman MCA dan MIC harus diselesaikan secepat mungkin. Masalah MIC ini adalah soal Samy VEllu aja.. kalau Samy berhenti mungkin sokongan kaum india akan bertambah sbb rata2 kaum india tidak suka dan fed up dengan Samy Vellu. Bukti yg jelas dalam pemilihan timbalan presiden baru2 ini dimana cuma 45 % perwakilan meyokong palanivel(blue eye boy Samy) dan selebihnya adalah penentang kepada wawasan Samy. Berdasarkan kpd ini dan hasil perbualan saya dengan kawan2 india. Boleh dikatakan 70% dari kaum india di malaysia ini tidak menyokong atau fed up dgn Samy vellu dan beliau harus undur dan beri peluang kpd orang lain. Jikalau Samy tidak berundur, Maka Ds Najib dan parti komponen BN yang lain harus memikirkan untuk membuang MIC dari gabungan BN kerana MIC adalah merupakan barah kpd BN dan lebih baik mengangkat PPP dan IPF serta lain2 kaum india selain MIC yg hanya tinggal nama tapi tidak memberi apa2 kebaikan kpd BN. SAMY ADALAH BARAH KPD BN (SAMY TIDAK AKAN DITERIMA DALAM PAKATAN RAKYAT ATAU MANA2 PARTI KERANA BELIAU ADALAH BEBAN KEPADA MANA MANA ORGANISASI) DAN MIC HARUS DI PERBETULKAN KALAU TIDAK NASIB YANG SAMA AKAN MENIMPA BN. By drnurdin on September 14, 2009 12:45 PM BN tumbang di 4 negeri dan juga WP bukanlah kerana rakyat tidak suka BN tapi mereka memang marahkan pemimpinnya. Mungkin kita kena betulkan statement Samy Velu bahawa orang India sebenarnya tidak suka BN bukannya Samy Velu. BN itu hanya sebuah organisasi tanpa nyawa. Kalau orang bencikan BN tentunya kerana tingkahlaku arrogant pemimpinnya. Orang seperti SV yang masih tak mahu turun. Lihatlah MB Terengganu TS Wan Mokhtar akhirnya kehilangan Terengganu kepada PAS kerana semata-mata hendak terus berkuasa. Begitu juga Lim Chong Eu dan nama-nama besar. Turunlah takhta ketika orang sedang sayang. Ini juga saya tujukan kepada pegawai kerajaan yang memegang jawatan ketua jabatan. Turunlah sebelum orang benci. Apabila rakyat tidak suka pemimpin BN/UMNO maka mereka perlu mencari alternatif lain. Kalaupun calon pembangkang ditohmah dengan pelbagai tuduhan dan skandal, kalau mereka masih menolong rakyat maka tohmahan itu tidak memberi apa kesan pun. Malah adalah lebih baik dari memilih pemimpin kompeten tapi tak mendekati rakyat, tak tunai janji. Apa salah mencuba calon lain daripada terus memberi laluan kepada orang yang tidak membantu. Pulang mengundi dari jauh tapi claim tambang balik disonglap oleh inner circle dengan meniru tandatangan. Menjelang puasa, saya sempat hadir satu program menyambut puasa di Kuala Klawang dalam Parlimen Jelebu. ADUN Kuala Klawang selaku tuanrumah telah menunjukan sikap yang amat saya kagumi. Program solat dibuat di Masjid tetapi jamuannya dibuat diluar masjid dan turut dihadiri oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat termasuk yang bukan beragama Islam. Satu perkara tentang YB ADUN Klawang ini adalah beliau adalah orang terakhir meninggalkan majlis setelah semua orang balik. Malah saya begitu segan untuk meninggalkan majlis kerana YB Yunus masih ada disitu. Ketika jamuan beliau tidak duduk dikerusi VIPnya sebagaimana pegawai kerajaan yang ada tetapi YB terus berlegar berjumpa bersalaman dengan rakyat. Ketika pegawai kerajaan yang hadir bercakap tentang protokol letak sudu garpu dikiri atau kanan, YB hanya makan dengan tangan saja. Ini kerana menunya memang masakan tradisional seperti ikan bakar, udang yang susah kalau pakai sudu garpu. Tidak seperti pemimpin kompeten kita yang membiarkan rakyat beratur untuk bercakap sepatah dua masalah dengan YB kompeten. Kata Nabil, " Lu Fikirlah sendiri" By mgpunya on September 14, 2009 12:35 PM YABhg Tun, BN akan kalah pada Pilihan Raya akan datang sekiranya rata - rata semua orang Melayu tidak lagi undi UMNO/BN. Orang Melayu sekiranya tidak lagi undi UMNO/BN akan undi PAS. Majoriti orang Melayu tidak akan undi DAP. Sekiranya Pembangkang memerentah. PAS akan menjadi tulang belakang Kerajaan tersebut. PAS akan menganti tempat UMNO selaku tonggak kerajaan baru. Should BN looses the next General Election, the most likely scenario would be that majority of the Malays did not vote for UMNO/BN. If that happens, it will only mean that majority of the Malays had chosen to vote for PAS. Malays will never vote for DAP. Should the Oppositions win the next election, that Opposition Government would be a PAS led Government. ..SO BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU WISH FOR..!!! By drnurdin on September 14, 2009 12:07 PM

Saudara JB_FROM. Memetik tulisan saudara "There are good and competent leader like ...... , Mustafa Mohamad,...... "

Memang Mustafa kompeten sebagai seorang ahli ekonomi. Tapi sebagai wakil rakyat rasanya kompetensinya amat rendah. Kebijaksanaan beliau akhirnya membuat beliau terlalu sibuk dan kurang sentuhan dengan pengundi setianya yang beberapa penggal menyokong beliau. Beliau hanya bergantung kepada beberapa peti undi sahaja terutama sekali undi tentera. Sokongan dari masyarakat makin berkurangan berpunca dari sikap pemimpin yang tersilap prioriti kepada bukan oengundi atau lebih tepat lagi lebih tertumpu menjaga inner circle sahaja. Tidak seperti pemimpin veteran seperti Arwah Tan Sri Mohamad Yaakob, Tan Sri Husin Ahmad, Ku Li yang ada hari pada setiap minggu bersama rakyat mendengar permasalahan. Tok Pa ibarat kad Touch N Go. Selaku tuan rumah sebarang majlis, beliau hanya muncul pada awal atau akhir program saja atas alasan ada komitmen lain. Ini membuatkan pengundi dan penyokong tidak lagi berminat memenuhi jemputannya. Sesi dialog pengundi bersama beliau pun hanyalah satu hala kerana beliau tidak gemar menjawab soalan. Malahan inner circle beliau akan mengganggu sekiranya ada soalan yang sensitif. Ini merupakan contoh kecil terhadap seorang pemimpin yang dikatakan kompeten. Tidak hairanlah penjual ikan boleh mengalahkan calon BN yang berijazah di Manik Urai. Begitu juga peniaga kedai makan boleh mengalahkan seorang jurutera di Tanah Merah. Dan banyak nama- nama besar yang tumbang dalam PRU 12 lalu termasuklah kepada jurugambar video kes lingam. 'Arrogant' yang disebut oleh Tun M mungkin juga melibatkan arrogant inner circle pemimpin itu sendiri. Inner circle terus membolot projek dan kemewahan dan menyekat penyokong dari mendapat manfaat dari wakil rakyat mereka. Penyokong hanya mahu perhatian. Ku Li dan pemimpin sebelum ini tidak memberi kemewahan kepada penyokong tapi mereka banyak menolong penyokong menyelesaikan permasalahan. Kerana itulah mereka masih disayangi oleh rakyat sehingga sekarang. Bukanlah wang atau projek yang diminta tapi sentuhan dan janji yang dipenuhi dan ditunaikan yang ditagihkan. Penyokong akan hanya melihat tingkah laku wakil rakyat mereka sambil tersenyum. PRU 13 nanti mereka akan mencari menu terbaik seperti memilih seorang penoreh getah. Setakat kompeten, tidak cukup untuk meyakinkan rakyat di negeri Kelantan yang serba daif ini. Tidak rugi menukar pemimpin di Kelantan kerana kalau BN kalah pun Manik Urai tetap dapat jambatan. Sentiasa YB. (Yang Berkhidmat) By wajaperak on September 14, 2009 11:18 AM Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih Surat Terbuka Untuk Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abd Razak Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abd Razak Perdana Menteri Malaysia Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan Putrajaya Melalui: Blog Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Mentor Anda Dato' Seri 10 Principal Causes of Wining The People Heart And Mind 2.Adalah saya ini seorang rakyat biasa Dato' Seri.Sebermula saya tidak ingin masuk campur urusan Dato' Seri mentadbir negara ini.Tetapi ayat Al Quran ini kuat meruntun hati saya dari Surah Az Zariyat "Tetaplah memberi peringatan kerana peringatan itu berguna bagi orang-orang mukmin".Maka bersama-sama ini saya menyertakan 10 senarai perkara tersebut.

1.Bersyukur - Rakyat bersyukur kerana dapat rm500.Tapi marah kerana duit berbilion- bilion telah hilang kerana PKPFZ,harga minyak dan barang naik dan lain-lain.Jangan bagi alasan gawat dan lain-lain.Pekebun getah,peladang,nelayan dan lain-lain tak mahu tahu apa sebab musababnya..Kata mereka We elected you to deal with this kind of problem.Managing them is YOUR BUSINESS.It was what it was designated in the first place.Now we just want our bonus on your budget coming October.What was that..reality?..It is your reality check and not our's!! 2.Orang-orang Dato' Seri di kelilingi oleh mereka-mereka yang kurang berkelayakan.Mungkin mereka ada PHD dan bermacam jenis Ijazah tetapi adakah mereka tulus ikhlas membantu masyarakat kelas bawahan seperti kami?Kata orang banyak "daging" di agih-agihkan di Putrajaya.Tinggal tulang di peringkat Negeri dan tinggal kuah bila sampai pada kami...:( 3.Saya cadangkan Dato' tubuhkanlah 'Networking' dan 'Contact Person' yang bersesuaian.Prasarana sedia ada tidak memadai. 4.Wujudkanlah 'Ombudsman' dan 'Watchdog' di kalangan mereka yang berkelayakan dan berkemampuan seperti dari MUBARAK. 5.Dato' Seri wujudkanlah Sistem Jaringan Maklumat yang cekap.Broadband janganlah Telekom sahaja yang bolot.ISP yang lain mesti lebih giat memberi perkhidmatan.Ambil untung berpatutan.

6.Memastikan pencapaian Wakil Rakyat di nilai mengikut penggal.Suku Tahun,Setengah Tahun,Suku Tahun Kedua dan Tahunan. 7.Mewujudkan Integriti dan Jati Diri di kalangan Penjawat Awam.Sikap malu bila tidak progresif dan bersaing sesama sendiri dalam peningkatan prestasi. 8.Memastikan kesemua pemberi perkhidmatan "Service Provider" tidak menindas dan menekan rakyat dalam urusan perniagaan mereka.Mewujudkan Pasar Rakyat di Daerah dan Negeri sebagai "check dan balance" kesemua produk asas rakyat.Sekali lagi..untung tu patut-patut sudah la.. .9.SEMARAK bersama rakyat seperti yang di lakukan Tun dahulu.Edarkan borang- borang maklumbalas kepada rakyat tanpa mengambil nama mereka.Bagi soalan popular seperti.."Adakah anda menyampah kepada kerajaan BN? Jika benar bagi 10 sebab untuk memperbaiki Sistem Penyampaian.." 10.Provocateur Impression.Setelah selesai persidangan Dewan Rakyat..Dato' Seri pergi dan duduk di tempat Anwar Ibrahim.Lihat ke tempat Perdana Menteri duduk..Di situlah Dato' Seri akan melamun 3 tahun akan datang dan bertanya..If I could turn back the clock.. Yes you could.The time is now.Berapa lama masa di ambil untuk buah betik mengeluarkan hasil? 3 minggu ? Berapa lama masa di ambil untuk padi cukup masak ? 3 bulan ? Dan berapa lama masa di perlukan untuk menyelamatkan BN?..3 Tahun?.. Terserahlah kepada Dato' Seri untuk menimbangkannya. Ignore rakyat at your own peril. Akhir kata saya percaya perkataan yang sesuai untuk provocateur impression ialah

Impress on it. Sekian, di maklumkan. Di sudahi dengan wabillah hi taufik wal hidayah.Wassallamualaikum warah matullah hi wabarokatuh. BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA Saya yang menurut perintah wajaperak rakyat prihatin anda

*Better you the Devil I know than the Angel ( Anwar ) I would never acknowledeg.. Terima kasih Tun.. By RA on September 14, 2009 11:16 AM Salam Ramadan dan Aidlfitri, maaf Zahir dan Batin untuk Yg Bhg Tun, Isteri dan seluruh ahli keluarga yang tercinta. Isu yang Tun bangkitkan begitu indah dan menarik untuk difikirkan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia dari berbilang kaum. Tajuk Lesson From Japan atau Pengajaran Dari Jepun boleh mengundang berbagai persepsi masyarakat Malaysia. Mengikut sejarah orang Jepun mempunyai tahap kesetiaan kepada negara, institusi pekerjaan dan lain amat tinggi. Saya berpeluang menimba ilmu pengetahuan di negara Jepun pada awal tahun lapan puluhan dibawah tajaan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia dan melihat sendiri bahawa sejarah seperti yang diperkatakan di atas adalah benar. Tetapi melalui perubahan masa dan zaman mungkin tahap kesetiaan ini tidak boleh bertahan lama dan beterusan. Walau apapun mengikut keperluan semasa sesuatu itu perlu berubah, tetapi sebarang perubahan tidaklah seharusnya meruntuhkan struktur kuat yang sedia ada. Apa yang perlu berubah mengikut tuntutan masa hanya kaedah sahaja. Membina struktur kekukuhan sesuatu kaedah pemerintahan dan kepimpinan untuk sesuatu negara sudah pastinya melalui satu tempoh masa yang lama. Dengan hanya berasaskan keperluan perubahan untuk disesuaikan dengan tuntutan masa dengan meruntuhkan struktur yang ada sudah pastinya mengundang berbagai masalah besar kepada sesebuah negara. Inilah satu perkara penting yang amat perlu difikirkan bersama. Mengambil contoh negara kita Malaysia selepas mencapai kemerdekaan dahulunya Parti Perikatan yang menggabungkan berbagai kaum utama Persekutuan Tanah Melayu telah berjaya membina satu struktur pemerintahan dan pentadbiran yang kukuh sehingga boleh bertahan lebih dari 52 tahun yang lalu, dan telah terbukti mencapai beberapa kejayaan bagi membangunan negara Malaysia untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. Wajarkah struktur yang kukuh yang telah dibina dalam satu tempoh yang agak lama kita runtuhkan dengan begitu sahaja kerana mahukan perubahan seperti yang diuwar-uwarkan oleh parti-parti pembangkang. Pengorbanan pemimpin- pemimpin terdahulu yang membina dan memperkukuhkan struktur pemerintahan dan pentadbiran negara haruslah diberi penghormatan yang tinggi dan tidak dilupakan begitu sahaja atau dengan mudah dipinggirkan oleh generasi hari ini dan akan datang. Kecuali struktur itu telah mendatangkan kemudaratan yang amat sangat kepada negara dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Dalam keadaan sedemikian pemimpin terkini wajarlah membina semula struktur baru yang memerlukan satu pengorbanan masa dan tindakan yang konstruktur bukan destruktif. Kita juga perlu ambil iktibar apa-apa yang berlaku di negara lain untuk disesuaikan dengan keperluan negara kita. Oleh itu sama-samalah kita fikirkan. Sekian, terima kasih. Salam hormat Yg Bhg Tun dan Isteri. By Mango Mix on September 14, 2009 11:14 AM I don't get what "kamal ahmad, September 12, 2009 5:23 PM"'s comment about Bernama is about. Is Kamal saying that Bernama is now bad because they are lending a bit more objectivity in reporting the news? So the purpose of Bernama is just to spew BN propaganda only? Is thus Bernama one of the reasons to blame for BN's decline, corruption and general failure to govern and develop Malaysia? Isn't this a bit of denial of the real state of affairs? As for the comments by Kamal on " September 11, 2009 9:53 AM", it is still based on the premise of the need for supremacy of Umno and race to protect the Malays, and that Malays are at a 'disadvantage' due to some bogeyman (since the Brits have left, who could this be?). The progress of Malaysia need not be at the expense of the Malays if that is what is implied. In fact, the positive progress of Malaysia hinges on the unity of all Malaysians as a single race. Even TDM in his retirement days has said the need to remove the 'crutches'. In any case, it is sad that Malaysia needs Malays to choose between being rather racist (as in Umno) and rather theocratic (as in PAS). For the good progress of Malaysia, either are the best options. However, between the BN in its current form and PR which looks like a fresh breather, I think most are willing to take the chance with PR. BN needs a good spanking to wake from its reality denials. It is understandable this may not go down well with Kamal, being an Umno and BN fan, but it is exactly what's needed if Malaysia is to not regress into another petroleum/palm oil village. May not be good for the BN party, but most likely will be good for Malaysia. By Mango Mix on September 14, 2009 10:52 AM BN had its day in glory and fudged it badly. The thing that most Malaysians don't realise is that BN is not Malaysia. The party is not the country! All these talk about ungratefulness and general Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt about BN losing and how BN needs to buck up to govern better are all based on the premise that BN is the only party to govern Malaysia. Citizens are not obliged to be 'grateful' to a party. They are afterall the composition of a country. A party such as UMNO, BN etc., are just 1 of many parties convincing citizens that they are the better trustees to govern and develop the place they are living in. At one time, BN was convincing enough to be that trustee. Then instead of using that trust to develop stronger, it relied upon 'cheat cards' to continue its hold on power. BN never did become stronger in reality. It built fences around it in the form of the reliance on the ISA, gerrymendering, propaganda media, sedition laws and all other forms of unfair advantage to shield itself from the realities of the world, and the very people it governs. Witness the number of declining events in the past 3 decades: o The loss of MU medical degree recognition. o The imposition of visa from more and more countries (Japan, Australia, Canada ... and almost UK). o The loss of English fluency. o The lack of real GDP growth. o The decline of the Ringgit's value. o The loss of inter-racial harmony (it used to be friendship - now it is more respect and/or tolerance towards each other). There was a time when BN clearly could say they stood for and practises: o Moderation o Secularism o Fairness and inclusion of all o Progressiveness Today, BN cannot be said to stand for the above. o Moderation morphed into corruption. o Secularism morphed into theocratic competition. o Fairness morphed into communalism. o Progressiveness morphed into status quo. Malaysia should not be governed by such a sick creature. It is time for a time-out for BN to mend itself if it is to become stronger. The only way for BN to become stronger is that PR comes into power and BN licks its wounds. That is the only way BN can purge itself of its illness. By Alex on September 14, 2009 10:01 AM Tun yang saya hormati, Saya rasa adalah sudah terlambat bagi BN bangkit semula apabila rasa ketidakpuasan rakyat selama ini tidak dipedulikan oleh kerajaan BN. Khususnya rakyat bukan bumiputra, saya masih ingat lagi apa yang dikatakan oleh Datuk Ali Rustam(Ketua Menteri Melaka) ketika berucap dalam Perasmian perhimpuanan Parti PPP sebelum pilihraya ke 12 iaitu beliau dengan sombong mengatakan bahawa UMNO tak perlukan sokongan pengundi bukan melayu sebab UMNO mampu memerintah dengan sendiri.

Jadi kenapa UMNo hari ini nak salahkan bukan bumiputra apabila mereka memberi undi kepada pembangkang ? Orang melayu salahkan orang bukan melayu tak kenang budi, tamak, dan banyak lagi. Siapa ker yang mulakan semua ini ? Tak tersebut lagi apa yang di lakukan oleh Datuk Hishambudin(bekas ketua Pemuda UMNO) semasa perhimpunan pemuda UMNO dua tahun berturut-turut dengan menghurus " KERIS ".

Keadaan menjadi parah apabila apa pulak perwakilan tanya kepada Datuk Hishambudin bila nak gunakan ' KERIS ' itu kepada kaum bukan bumiputra. Begitu sombong dan ego para perwakilan UMNO, mereka semua sudah lupa di mana kedudukan mereka sebelum kedatangan kaum bukan bumiputra. Saya nak tanya adakan melayu jadi kaya raya pada hari ini disebabkan usaha mereka sendiri ????? Kalau bukan kerajaan yang laksakan DEB apa yang ada pada melayu hari ini, apa yang nak dibanggakan sangat lagi pun semua kekayaan ini bukan dari hasil titik peluh anda semua atau kebijaksana sendiri ????

Kalau melayu kata itu adalah hak-hak keistimewahan mereka, ok kalau itu adalah benar pun apa gunanya kalau ada hak-hak itu sedangkan kerajaan tak ada wang untuk diagihkan kepada anda semua. Dari mana datangnya sumer kewangan kerajaan sehingga mampu untuk diberikan kepada melayu ??? Cuma bayangkan kalau Malaysia hari ini tak orang Cina datang dan bangunkan, mampu ker melayu menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara ?

Tak habis-habis melayu kata orang cina tak kena budi sebab melayu sanggup kongsi kekayaan dengan mereka dan memberi kerakyatan kepada mereka. Kalau bukan persetujuan ketiga-tiga bangsa saya percaya Malaysia hari ini masih tak merdeka, jadi apa besar sangat melayu ini sehingga pengorbanan bangsa lain tidak diingati lagi.

Orang bukan melayu pun sanggup berkongsi apa sekali pun dengan mana-mana bangsa asalkan kita sama-sama capai sasaran kita. Yang penting rakan kongsi kita betul-betul berusaha dengan kami dan bukan nak cepat kaya sahaja tanpa berusaha langsung.

Orang Amerika atau pun rakyat Britain sekali pun tak pernah kata orang Cina adalah pengdatang di negeri mereka, sebab mereka tahu apa sumbangan yang mereka akan dapat dari kaum Cina. Tak ada apa-apa kerugian kalau negara mereka menyambut kedatangan mereka. Pasal itu negara berkenaan maju.

Hari ini orang melayu tak habis-habis kutuk bukan sahaja kaum Cina tetapi orang barat seperti Amerika dan British tetapi orang melayu memang mudah lupa pada masa yang sama mereka gunakan ciptaan dari negara berkenaan tiap-tiap hari. Kita marah orang tetapi berani pulak gunakan barang ciptaan musuh kita, tidak ker orang melayu berasa malu. Kalau orang melayu rasa mereka ini adalah bangsa yang mulia dan agung sangat jadi cubalah cipta sendiri apa sahaja barang keperluan anda, tak perlu lagi nak kapal terbang ciptaan Amerika atau apa-apa alat perkakas rumah. Cuba lah bayangkan kalau dunia tanpa orang Amerika atau British, apa yang ada di dunia sekarang, kita masih naik kereka lembut lagi, naik perahu lagi, masih kata di bawa tempurung. Walaupun negara China begitu pesat membangun tetapi saya tak berani tepuk dada dan katakan oh kami orang kami sudah berjaya sebab utamanya kita kena kenang budi dan jangan lupa sejarah dari mana datangnya kebijsaab kita atau bantuan yang diberikan oleh orang lain ketika kita masih lemah dan tak berupaya.

Semoga rakyat Malaysia dapat sedarkan diri demi kemajuan negara kita.

By Suhaimi on September 14, 2009 9:01 AM

Semuanya akan hancur atau mati. 1. Dunia juga bila sampai masanya akan hancur. 2. Manusia. Tidak kiralah dia hebat macamana sekalipun. Atau mewakili apa atau pernah mewakili parti politik apa sekalipun. Kita semua manusia kan???? 3. Apatah lagi parti politik. Apa yang hebat sangat tentang sesebuah parti politik? UMNO, PAS, PKR, MCA, MIC, LDP, PDI-P, PAP dll. Lagi banyak kebobrokan dalam sesebuah parti, lagi cepatlah kehancurannya. Kerana kuncinya ialah yang tidak hancur atau mati hanyalah kebenaran. Kebenaran akan tetap MENANG, kebathilan akan LENYAP. Kita kalau nak cakap pasal orang ni betul, orang ni salah, buat macam ni betul, buat macam ni salah, orang tu tak boleh buat macam ni (tapi dulu dia buat takpe), sampai kiamatpun tak habis. Kita kena berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran. Yang ramainya sekarang, kita berpesan-pesan untuk mengatakan kita yang lebih bagus daripada orang lain. Wallahua'lam. By Terima Kasih TUN on September 14, 2009 8:49 AM Salam, Ini dia nasib orang melayu yang dikatan UMNO bela selama kira-kira 52 tahun. Inilah habuan UMNO kepada orang mealyu. dapan&pg=mh_03.htm Masih ada beribu-ribu yang berselerak tinggal di celah-celah KLCC dan bangunan- bangunan pencakar langit. naiklah KLIA Transit tengok sendiri nasib melayu yang ada hak keistimewaan. Tidak ada satu sistem yang memberikan bantuan kepada seluruh penduduk miskin di malaysia. Kalau nak dibandingkan dengan kekayaan negara. Malaysia tidak patut mempunyai penduduk setinggan yang tinggal di celah kota metroplitan. By abd_nasir on September 14, 2009 8:22 AM Assalmualikum Ayahanda Tun Mahathir. Sealamat Berpuasa & Selamat Hari Raya. Jemput le datang Beraya ke rumah. Sabar itu separuh daripada imam sunah nabi Muhamad Merajin bukan Melayu -kata anak saya. cukup-cukup - kata ayahanda Tun dlm mimpi saya. Pelahan- lahan - kata arwah ayah saya. Berterusan tapi jangan gopoh gopoh. Sesuatu perkara itu mesti dipertimbangkan secara betul sebelum keputusan dibuat- kata Ayahanda Tun

Saya rasa lagu Anak Kecil Main Api harus di ubah sedikit senikatnya. "Bumi dipijak milik Orang" tukar kepada "Bumi dipijak mesti dipertahankan"

Maaf Zahir Batin Berkat Selamat Anakanda Abd Nasir. By SPANA HIDUP on September 14, 2009 8:18 AM Salam Tun, Ada responden blog ini yang merayu agar Tun kembali semula ke alam politik secara aktif untuk menyelamatkan UMNO/BN. Secara ikhlas saya berpendapat Tun tidak akan berupaya menarik sokongan dari pengundi2 bukan Melayu seperti dulu lagi. The non-Malay voters have tasted blood in PRU12 and they are loving it. Selain dari itu Tun juga terpaksa berhadapan dengan ahli2 UMNO yang melihat kehadiran Tun sebagai pemusnah agenda politik peribadi mereka. Banyak juga responden yang mengaitkan kejatuhan UMNO/BN dengan isu kronisme, rasuah, kehakiman dsbnya. Peliknya isu2 ini wujud dizaman pemerintahan Tun lagi, tetapi rakyat dapat "menelan"nya kerana mereka menyanjungi keikhlasan dan kesungguhan Tun memakmurkan Malaysia untuk segenap lapisan masyarakat. Semua tindakan menyerlahkan sifat Tun sebagai seorang "Statesman" dan bukannya seorang "Politician". Tidak kelihatan ciri-ciri in dalam DSA dan DSN. Inilah faktor "WOW" yang telah kehilangan dan tercari2 oleh TPM Mahyuddin. Saya percaya rakyat terutamanya orang Melayu sedang dahagakan kehadiran seorang wira yang ikhlas, rajin, bijaksana dan berani untuk menerajui UMNO/BN dan seterusnya menjadi penyelamat dalam PRU13. Sayang sekali saya tidak melihatnya dalam kepimpinan tertinggi UMNO masa kini.

By kamal ahmad on September 14, 2009 7:53 AM Salam kasih dan hormat Ayahanda Tun. Kita mesti jujur mengatakan bahawa seseorang itu benar jika apa yang mereka telah perkatakan adalah benar dan ikhlas. Justeru saya menyokong Pak Lah apabila beliau berkata bahawa sistem kouta dalam UMNO harus dihapuskan. Ini pada pendapat saya perlu dilakukan secepat mungkin dan juga kuasa mengundi bagi jawatan-jawatan tertinggi dalam UMNO akan kembali kepada ahli akar umbi yang lebih ramai, ikhlas, berani, jujur dan berkredibiliti. Proses menghentikan sistem kouta penamaan dan proses pengundian yang lebih besar ini akan akhirnya berjaya menghapuskan para perasuah, unsur-unsur “money politics” dan para penjahanam parti seperti saudara Khairy Jamalludin. Saya sokong penyataan Pak Lah ini. Sudah lama saya tak mampu nak berkata sebegitu. Terima kasih Pak Lah. DSN perlu sangat memberi perhatian kepada apa yang tersirat dalam sokongan Tun Abdullah ini. Menginsafi hari lalu adalah kemulian yang tidak ternilai pekertinya. Ianya sangat baik untuk dicontohi oleh semua para Pemuda UMNO hari ini. Tumpuan pembaikpulihan juga perlu diberikan lebih perhatian pada peringkat Menteri Besar di Negeri masing-masing. Kerana mereka inilah sebenarnya yang paling sarat dengan unsur kronisma dan rasuah sesama puak dan sakat mereka. Kebanyakkan yang kami dengar adalah sikap marah rakyat biasa kepada sikap angkuh kroni dan sakat para mereka ini. Disini juga paling tinggi berlakunya “abuse of power” oleh para kroni dan sakat ini kepada sekelian rakyat “jajahan” mereka yang lain. Mereka boleh diibaratkan sebagai “Little UMNO Napoleons”. Maka jika rakyat marah pada segelintir mereka ini, rakyat akan kata “itu kroni/sakat MB!” dan akhirnya rakyat akan menolak UMNO juga di peti undi. Saya rasa kepimpinan tertinggi lebih faham dengan masalah ini dan akan membuat pembetulan drastik "at any cost" sebelum terlewat. By 'Manusia Biasa' on September 14, 2009 7:06 AM YABhg Tun Mahathir, I would like to share some of my political opinion about MIC. Eventhough I couldn't say much as I am not a member of MIC but face the fact that: PKR, Hindraf and Makkal Sakhti are more influential than you guys. MIC generally now only belongs to the members and few elitist. We support Tun Dr. Mahathir views on this. Look at the history and this is not the first time in giving such comment. Wake up! & Well done MIC. Manusia Biasa By kamal ahmad on September 14, 2009 5:40 AM Daim: PKFZ fiasco provides best opportunity Kong See Hoh KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 13, 2009) : Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin says the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) fiasco provides the Barisan Nasional (BN) government the best opportunity to fulfil its promise of cracking down on corruption, abuse of power and mismanagement. He sees the government's move to make public the PKFZ audit report as a "good thing" as there is little need to cover up. But he said what is more important is follow-up action i.e. punish the wrongdoers. Daim said said this in an interview with China Press which was published today. "It is a good project but because of the lack of proper overseeing it has resulted in the current state of affairs. The government cannot leave the issue hanging, it cannot allow them (those responsible) to do as they please." "The government must punish all those lawbreakers, only then can it regain the public's confidence." Daim said the government made history by announcing the PKFZ audit report but felt that what is more important is the follow-up action, including punishing the wrongdoers to make them shoulder their legal responsibilities. "In the past, the public did not see those who abused their power getting punished, resulting in more abuses of power. As such, it (making the PKFZ audit report public) is a good start." He said no matter how, the public want the wrongdoers punished. He believed that since the government has taken the first step to address the fiasco, it would follow through to its conclusion. Daim, an Umno veteran, also touched on a number of subjects in the interview: Changes in Barisan Nasional Daim said although BN is changing, the changes taking place are too slow to meet the people's expectations. "Changes in BN are moving at a slow pace. People hope to see faster and bigger changes." He said it has been more than a year since the March 8, 2008 general election and more than 100 days since Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak became the prime minister, and although the economic situation has improved, a lot more needs to be done. He believed the people has not lost confidence in BN completely but BN must reform and do it immediately. "The people want to see changes, be it BN or Pakatan Rakyat (PR), whoever becomes the first to succeed in carrying out reforms will win their support. "You (BN) have to understand the people's needs. Take care of their needs and understand their worries and expectations, these are important considerations (for reforms)." Majority of youth do not support BN Daim said as far as he understood, 80% of the youth do not support the BN. "This is because the government does not nurture the right talent for the market needs. Universities do not provide courses to match industry requirements and many graduates are jobless as what they learnt does not meet the needs of the job market." He said these jobless graduates, who are mainly Malays, take up politics, and they join PAS because they are angry with the government for being unemployed. "The government should listen to the worries and expectations of youth to win their support." He said not only are the youth against the government, some one million of the three million Umno members do not vote the party. He said BN cannot depend on Umno to win the general election when the latter only has the support of two-thirds of its members. Daim said the Umno leadership must instil confidence in members, many of whom have lost confidence in both themselves and in the party. "BN needs to win the support of the people. If Umno is united, strong and listen to the people, the people will still support the party." On Umno amending its constitution to put an end to money politics, Daim believed that it would help the party win back the people's support. "Money politics and corruption are the biggest problems facing the party. Once these problems are resolved, other problems will not be much of a problem." PR not better than BN Daim said the public generally hold high hopes in PR but sad enough, the PR-led state governments continue to play the roles of the Opposition. "Don't waste time levelling accusations at the BN, you (PR) are the governing coalition (in these states), you should focus on how to fulfil your election promises," he said. He said the people are beginning to see that even given the chance, the PR cannot do any better than the BN. This is the public's greatest disappointment, he said. MCA split affects BN's reforms Daim believed that a split in MCA will affect efforts for closer cooperation and reforms in BN. "As such Umno should unite and strengthen itself even more so that other BN component parties will listen to its opinions and advice. Any party which is split, be it MCA, Gerakan or even DAP, will not be united, and the people do not respect a disunited party. Teoh Beng Hock incident Daim felt that no matter what the cause of the political aide Teoh Beng Hock's death was, the undeniable truth is that a life was lost. As such, the government needs to to take a serious view of the case, he said. "I life is lost, the family members are definitely very said. The government should look at the problem seriously to avoid a repeat of the tragedy." Najib and Muyhiddin the perfect team Daim said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak and his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is the perfect team given their experience in politics and in the cabinet. "If Umno and BN want to change, you cannot find a better combination than the Najib- Muhyiddin team." By anak tanah merah on September 14, 2009 3:23 AM Ayahanda Tun sekeluarga, assalamualaikum ………….. Ayahanda saya pesara pegawai kerajaan. Umurnya genap 83 tahun pada 15/10/2009. Tahap kesihatannya alhamdulillah, masih sihat, dapat berfikir dengan waras dan masih boleh memandu kereta antiknya. Beliau merupakan seorang penyokong kuat/pengundi Umno/BN semenjak dari dulu lagi. Mempunyai sembilan orang anak dan kesemua anaknya boleh dikatakan berjaya dalam hidup walaupun tidak sehebat seperti orang lain. Antara pesanannya kepada anak – anak ialah jangan buat apa yang tuhan tidak suka dan apa yang undang – undang larang. Beliau mempunyai pengalaman hidup yang amat istimewa. Anak seorang petani yang amat daif semasa kecil. Pernah mengalami pengalaman pahit terutamanya zaman penjajahan Jepun. Beliau juga pernah menetap di Kuala Lumpur dan Pulau Pinang semasa berkhidmat dengan kerajaan serta pernah bergaul dengan pelbagai kaum. Beliau bersyukur kehadrat ilahi kerana dengan keizinanNya orang melayu telah bersatu dibawah naungan Umno untuk memerdekakan tanah air. Jika dibuat perbandingan kerajaan Umno adalah yang terbaik dan amat berjasa kepada rakyat. Selepas bersara pada tahun 1981 beliau telah menyertai Umno dan memegang beberapa jawatan penting di peringkat cawangan di dalam bahagian Jeli. Tahap kesetiaannya kepada Umno tidak perlu dipertikaikan lagi, sehinggakan anak – anaknya juga diasuh supaya menyokong parti pemerintah walaupun pemimpin Umno tidak pernah membantu beliau dan anak – anaknya. Anak - anaknya amat patuh pada saranannya. Semasa Ayahanda Tun mengisytiharkan keluar dari parti beliau amat bersedih tetapi apakan daya, sebagai rakyat marhain beliau tidak berupaya untuk menahannya. Apabila Ayahanda Tun kembali ke dalam Umno beliau diantara ahli Umno yang amat gembira dan terus mendaftar untuk menunaikan umrah kerana bersyukur kehadrat ilahi. Alhamdulillah saya telah membawa ayahanda saya ke Mekah pada penghujung Mei lepas. Pada awal Ramadan baru baru ini beliau telah bertanya kepada saya adakah menjadi kesalahan dari segi undang – undang jika beliau tidak keluar mengundi pada masa akan datang. Apabila ditanya secara detail didapati beliau kecewa. Beliau amat menghormati Ahli Parlimen/Ketua Bahagian Jeli tetapi teramat kecewa dengan segelintir pemimpin di cawangan dan bahagiannya yang bersikap sombong dan angkuh serta cakap tidak serupa bikin. Mereka ini hanya retorik sahaja. Pada pengamatannya tingkah laku mereka ini menyebabkan pengundi akan berjauhan dengan parti. Jika pemimpin di pusat sedang memikirkan cara – cara untuk memancing pengundi muda menjelang PRU akan datang tetapi sikap mereka ini bukan sahaja akan menggagalkan perancangan parti tetapi akan mengurangkan lagi jumlah pengundi Umno/BN yang sedia ada. Mungkin mereka bersikap demikian kerana beranggapan menterinya amat istimewa dan sukar untuk dikalahkan oleh pihak lawan menjelang PRU nanti. Perlu diingatkan tiada siapa yang mampu melawan takdir Ilahi. Dalam politik tiada yang mustahil. Dah terbukti di Manik Urai dimana peniaga ikan yang tidak pandai menggunakan calculator boleh menewaskan pemegang ijazah walaupun pelbagai janji ditabur kepada pengundi. Dalam hal ini bukan pemimpin atasan yang dipersalahkan. Pengkhianat parti di cawangan dan bahagian perlu disingkirkan jika keadaan memaksa. Sesungguhnya masih ramai lagi rakyat yang sayangkan Umno/BN tetapi MT perlu proaktif dengan sikap mereka ini. Bahagian Jeli hanyalah sebagai contoh. Tidak mustahil keadaan sebegini juga berlaku di bahagian - bahagian lain. Persoalannya, adakah mereka yang bersikap sedemikian ini dilantik/dipilih kerana kelemahan di dalam system demokrasi Umno atau sengaja untuk melihat Umno/BN tumbang menjelang PRU nanti. Untuk pengetahuan pemimpin Umno/BN tahap kebencian pengundi terhadap jentera parti terutamanya disaat – saat akhir adalah salah satu punca kekalahan yang tidak diduga. Insyaallah, walaupun tahap kebencian ayahanda saya terhadap segelintir dari mereka ini amat kritikal tetapi beliau masih tidak tergamak untuk memberi undi kepada pembangkang. Mungkin kehilangan satu undi dari ayahanda saya tidak memberi kesan kepada parti kerana beliau tiada pengaruh, maklumlah orang tua tetapi bayangkan jika berlaku kepada mereka yang amat berpengaruh. Harap – harap mereka yang berkenaan dapat mengambil iktibar setelah membaca tulisan ini. Yang pahit itu ubat,yang manis itu penyakit. Umno memerlukan pejuang tulen yang sentiasa sehaluan dengan hasrat kepimpinan di pusat. anak tanah merah 013-9231436 By samurai on September 14, 2009 2:52 AM Tun yang dikasihi, HARAP TUN BACALAH CORETAN SAYA INI..TOLONGLAH TUN...... SAMPAIKAN KEPADA PM DAN TIMBALANNYA DEMI UNTUK NEGARA. Ikhlas Saya katakan disini bahawa PRU 13 nanti BN pasti jatuh. Sebabnya... ini hujah saya:Apa yang dilaung laungkan oleh najib samalah seperti 'cakap tak serupa bikin'. "1 Malaysia, rakyat didahulukan pencapaian diutamakan". Siapakah yang dimaksudkan dengan RAKYAT.Apakah kakitangan awam sahaja rakyatnya?. Apa yang saya nampak disini yang dikatakan rakyatnya hanyalah KAKITANGAN AWAM sahaja kerana apa-apa ganjaran, apa-apa bantuan, apa-apa kemudahan,apa-apa kenaikan, apa-apa bonus semua dicipta untuk kakitangan awam sahaja..sampaikan kakitangan awam yang banyak hutang pun nak dibantu! masyaALLAh.... Siapakah kakitangan swasta pula. Adakah mereka ini bukan rakyatnya..adakah mereka ini pendatang asing, pendatang haram kerana tidak ada satu pun keistimewaan atau pun kemudahan yang diberikan kepada kakitangan swasta ini. Apa-apa permintaan yang dibuat oleh kakitangan swasta sedikit pun tidak dilayan, seperti kenaikan gaji minima RM900, pencen untuk kakitangan swasta, sampai sekarang tidak ada apa pun keputusan dibuat seolah olah melepaskan batuk ditangga sahaja. Kenapa segala permintaan dari kakitangan awam semuanya dilayan sehinggakan duit raya pun nak diberikan sehingga habis berjuta ringgit duit kerajaan. Disini Tun saya ingin bertanya dari manakah datangnya duit kerajaan ni..tidakah dari sumbangan pihak kakitangan dan majikan swasta juga, kenapa hanya diagihkan kepada kakitangan awam sahaja....Disuap, dilayan, dibelai dan ditatang sampaikan kakitangan awam tidak boleh berdikari..tak habis habis asyik meminta. Keadaan ini amat berbeza sekali semasa pemerintahan tun yang dikasihi. Tun benar-benar seorang pemerintah yang adil dan bijak. Tun tidak pernah membezakan antara kakitangan awam dan swasta.Bagi tun semua orang perlu berusaha untuk mendapatkan kesenangan dan tidak semua permintaan kakitangan awam yang tun layan. Tun mengajar rakyat agar berusha. Inilah pemimpin yang sangat saya sanjungi dan hormati. Tun, ikhlas saya katakan disini semasa pemerintahan tun selama 20 tahun setiap PRU, BN lah yang menjadi pilihan saya tanpa ragu-ragu, tetapi bermulanya pemerintahan Paklah saya rasa cukup kecewa kerana bermulalah jurang perbezaan yang cukup ketara antara kakitangan awam dan kakitangan swasta. Kenaikan gaji yang diberikan kepada kakitangan awam dari 30% hingga 45% cukup membuatkan kakitangan swasta merana dan menderita kerana kenaikan barang yang mendadak dan menggila. Tun fahamilah bahawa bukan semua kakitangan swasta yang mempunyai gaji yang tinggi. Macam mana dengan pekerja kilang, pekerja buruh, bekerja sendiri, bekerja kampong, nelayan malah macam saya sendiri pun yang bekerja di syarikat GLC pun tidak mempunyai gaji yang tinggi walaupun telah berkhidmat selama 26 tahun tapi gaji masih belum mencapai RM2000, sedangkan senang senang saja kakitangan awam yang baru bekerja kelulusan SPM pun dah mempunyai gaji starting RM1400 setelah dicampur dengan macam- macam elaun dan elaun elaun ni dinaikkan pula. Tapi tak mengapa tun saya dan kawan kawan saya kakitangan swasta masih menaruh harapan agar pengganti pak lah nanti iaitu najib dapat membela nasib kakitangan swasta pula setelah paklah taburkan segala duit kerajaan untuk membayar kenaikan gaji kakitangan awam. Malangnya harapan saya hancur berkecai apabila najib pun sama menyambung dasar yang tak tahu dari mana belajar dengan menatang bagai minyak yang penuh kakitangan awam ni...tahukah najib bahawa boleh dikatakan separoh dari kakitangan awam adalah pembangkang..merekalah yang menjadi duri dalam daging terutama sekali dikalangan pendidik dan golongan profesional. kenapa saya berkata begitu kerana terus terang saya katakan bahawa dalam keluarga saya sendiri yang terdiri dari golongan pendidik lah yang tak habis habis mengutuk kerajaan sedangkan mereka berkerja dengan kerajaan. Golongan kakitangan awam ini lah yang sering mengadakan perhimpunan, rusuhan. Kakitangan swasta tidak bertindak sedemikian kerana mereka tidak menyebelahi pembangkang, mereka masih kasih pada BN tetapi kerana kecewa dan tak puas hati seperti yang tun katakan bahawa PRU 12 jatuh kerana rakyat tidak ada pilihan itu memang benar!...Dan jika najib masih mewarisi dasar menganaktirikan kakitangan swasta maka tunggulah dan terimalah jawapan yang saya katakan dari awal tadi bahawa BN pasti kalah..... Tun saya ingin bertanya kenapakah kerajaan tidak pernah memikirkan apakah sumbangan yang boleh diberikan pada kakitangan swasta kerana kakitangan dan majikan swasta juga banyak memberi sumbangan kepada pembangunan negara. Tidakkah terfikir oleh kerajaan untuk menghargai segala usaha dan sumbangan yang diberikan oleh pihak swasta selama ini. Dimanakah keadilah..dimanakah laungan 1 malaysia yang dimaksudkan. Saya masih teringat dan tidak lupa atas jasa tun yang memberi sama rata tidak kira kakitangan awam atau kakitangan swasta suatu ketika dahulu dimana tun mengishtiharkan bahawa pemegang ASB diberi 60% kenaikan. Inilah pemimpin yang bijak. Pemimpin yang tidak membezakan rakyat. Pemimpin yang tahu makna istilah RAKYAT yang sebenar, apa yang nak diberikan, diberikan pada semua. Siapa yang berusaha dan pandai menyimpan dia lah yang kaya! Tun yang dikasihi, kadang-kadang saya rasa seolah olah saya dan kakitangan swasta ini duduk dinegara orang bukan dinegara sendiri. Kenapa saya berkata begitu kerana walau pun duduk dinegara sendiri tidak ada kemudahan kemudahan yang diberikan kepada kami kakitangan swasta, segala kemudahan hanyalah untuk kakitangan awam! contoh yang ketara ialah pinjaman bank. Nama sedap..Bank Rakyat,tapi apabila kakitangan swasta ingin membuat pinjaman, "oh anda tak layak, kerana anda kakitangan swasta..hanya kakitangan awam sahaja yang layak membuat pinjaman". Kalau Tun lah ditempat saya apa yang tun rasakan pada waktu itu..waktu kita sangat sangat memerlukan wang.Oleh itu wahai najib fahamilah istilah RAKYAT yang sebenar. Kalau sesuatu itu dibuat untuk sesuatu golongan sahaja tak payah lah namakan BANK RAKYAT..tukarlah nama 'BANK KAKITANGAN AWAM'. Dimanakah laungan '1 Malaysia'...yang saya tahu bukan '1 malaysia' tapi '1 GOLONGAN...KAKITANGAN AWAM DIDAHULUKAN...PENCAPAIAN KAKITANGAN AWAM DIUTAMAKAN...KAKITANGAN SWASTA DIANAKTIRIKAN..'. Tun ada beberapa cadangan yang ingin saya sampaikan dan saya amat berharap sangat agar tun dapat mencetak atau menyampaikan luahan hati saya dan kawan-kawan yang seangkatan dengan saya dalam tulisan ini yang telah lama tersirat dan terpendam. Sebelum ini kami sentiasa menaruh harapan yang tinggi agar akan berlaku perubahan pada perbezaan jurang ini apabila pemimpin yang baru dipiih. Tapi kami cukup kecewa apabila jurang itu masih diteruskan. Hari ini saya dan kawan kawan tidak dapat memendamkan apa yang tersirat lalu terpaksa meluahkannya kepada tun agar Tun lah yang dapat menyampaikannya kepada Dato Najib dan Tan Sri Muhyidin. Cadangan saya laungan'1 MALAYSIA, RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKAN' hanya boleh dilaungkan jika perkara perkara berikut dilaksanakan: 1. Kemudahan pinjaman bank (contoh:pinjaman rumah, kereta,pinjaman peribadi) kepada kakitangan swasta sama seperti kakitangan awam dengan kadar 4% (Lone kerajaan). 2. Bonus hari raya kepada kakitangan swasta setahun sekali sahaja sebagai menghargai sumbangan kakitangan swasta kepada negara. - Untuk makluman sejak 4 5 tahun kebelakangan ini kebanyakan dari kakitangan swasta tidak mendapat bonus, alasan majikan, syarikat mengalami kerugian. kakitangan terpaksa terima alasan majikan tetapi tidak tahu samada benar atau tidak. Oleh itu saya ingin memberi pendapat kepada kerajaan untuk bonus kakitangan swasta ini pihak kerajaan boleh lah mengambil beberapa % dari jumlah cukai yang diberikan setiap tahun oleh pihak semua majikan swasta kepada kerajaan dikumpulkan dan diagihkan kepada kakitangan swasta sebagai duit raya dan mungkin tambahan sedikit duit kerajaan. Kerajaan perlu membuat pilihan kategori syarikat kerana terdapat juga syarikat yang boleh memberikan bonus 4 bulan kepada kakitanganya. Syarikat yang sebegini tidak perlu pihak kerajaan agihkan. 3. Elaun COLA - perlu diberikan kepada kakitangan swasta. - Pihak kerajaan perlulah membuat pilihan kategori syarikat. 4. Pencen - Mengenang jasa kakitangan swasta yang sama-sama menyumbang untuk pembanguan negara 5. Apa apa yang dirasakan perlu diberikan. Tun terima kasih banyak kerana membaca tulisan saya ini. minta maaf kerana terpaksa meluahkannya kepada tun kerana tunlah tempat saya mengadu sepertilah bapa saya. Besarlah harapan saya tun dapat memanjangkan harapan saya ini kepada kedua pemimpin negara kita demi untuk keharmonian dan kemajuan negara. By Aaron Naga on September 14, 2009 1:33 AM Hello Tun, I believe that BN will most likely fall in the next General Election looking at how things are progressing in UMNO, MCA and MIC. I read the postings by; Muzaffar [Sept 11 6:29pm] Dashing [Sept 11 9:27pm] baiyuensheng[Sept 11 12:11pm] I believe that Pakatan will gain power and I think that there are a number of candidates that can lead Malaysia into a new era of efficient administration and one that is corrupt free. These candidates are the best currently to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Candidates who can become the next Prime Minister of Malaysia would be as follows; 1. Lim Kit Siang 2. Lim Guan Eng 3. Tian Chua 4. Jeff Ooi 5. Loh Gwo Burne 5. Elizabeth Wong 6. Hannah Yeoh I believe that eventually, Pakatan Rakyat will choose Lim Kit Siang after an exhaustive search and hours of consultation or syura led by PAS. Lim Kit Siang has worked doubly hard after Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's initial landslide win to shatter Malay unity and at the same time ensure that Non Malays vote for the Opposition. Lim has worked his magic to ensure that political power in Malaysia will forever fall into the hands of non Malays. Gaining control of political power for the Non Malays, in addition to 90% of the economic pie which is already in the hands of Non Malays in Malaysia plus the fact that 36 of the Top 40 richest people in Malaysia are non Malays, Lim is indeed the Superstar! Kit Siang wins the competition hands down. He is Prime Minister material. A wily politician that even Machiavelli will honour. Lim Kit Siang should rule until he is in his 80s and then he should hand over power, Lim Kit Siang knows when to let go unlike other politicians and the best candidate to be Prime Minister next is obviously the only intelligent one around, Lim Guan Eng. Lim Kit Siang can then be a Minister Mentor. His vast experience in splitting the Malays is valuable. With the support of Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng can then concentrate on total annihilation of all opposition and to consolidate their power. But Lim Guan Eng is not that bad, he will allow the the Oppositin to win 2 or 3 seats in Parliament. Malaysians will no longer be able to enjoy chewing gum and if Malaysians want to spray graffiti, there will be a designated area at a local park that they can go to spray all the nonsense that they want. Lim Guan Eng is democracy. Just like Lim Kit Siang. Congratulations Anwar and Tok Guru for all your efforts in making Malaysia an efficent administration and a corrupt free country. Many Malays forget to thank the two of you for all your efforts in ensuring that political power is also given to the Non Malays. I hope both of you sleep well at night. Again, thank you. However, for Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng to be the next two Prime Ministers of Malaysia, Malays need to continue fighting. Malays, please fight, please blame each other for everything and please prove who is the better Muslim! Malays, please fight as our future, the future of Malaysia depends on your community breaking up! Malaysia is currently lagging far behind in its implementation of democracy and the US and the Western World are disappointed with us. China has had a few non Chinese Prime Ministers throughout their modern history [they were born in China though, these Prime Ministers]and India too, their last 3 Prime Ministers have been non ethnic Indians [they were born in India and this is an important criteria] What great nations China and India have proven to be in modern history. I am sadden by the fact that Malaysia has not yet chosen to follow the example set by the 2 countries. Malays, please continue to fight. Please. Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng will never forget the Malays and they will make sure that once that they are in power, the first President of Malaysia will be a Malay [most likely, one of our recent Prime Ministers] and they will also make sure that former Prime Minister's face will be printed on all ringgit notes in future to forever honour his contributions towards making Malaysia a better nation during his tenure as Prime Minister. Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and all of their supporters, thank you for fighting for freedom of speech for Malaysians. That led me to post this one. By sysalq on September 14, 2009 1:26 AM Salam kepada Tun, Saya meminta maaf jika komen saya di dalam blog SAYANG MALAYSIA akan menyinggung perasaan Tun. Walau pun saya adalah seorang yang menyanjung Tun sejak Tun mula muncul dalam sejarah politik negara namun kebelakangan ini saya merasa terkilan di atas banyak perbuatan Tun. Bacalah tulisan saya sebagai renungan. Jika perlu berilah penjelasan untuk menjawab kemusykilan. Berikut ialah sedutan sebahagian darinya...: "Salam, Adakah BN atau UMNO akan lingkup seperti LDP di Jepun? Jawabnya tidak, kerana UMNO telah terbubar lebih awal dari tarikh kejatuhan LDP. Rakyat mengetahuinya bahwa UMNO telah tiba-tiba hilang dari kewujudan akibat percakaran pemimpin yang tidak sedar mereka sedang menjahanamkan UMNO. Mereka berebut kuasa bertelingkah mengenai undi sehingga Mahkamah mengisytiharkan UMNO sebagai parti haram! Yang ada sekarang ini ialah UMNO Baru yang perkataan Baru dikelabukan dan kemudiannya hilang. Maka semua orang 'menyangka' UMNO 'lama' masih wujud! Tun Dr Mahathir (DM) dan YM Tengku Razali amat mengetahui ceritanya! Memang benar, seruan supaya para pemimpin UMNO dan BN mengelakkan pertelingkahan kerana kepentingan perjawatan dan kedudukan tetapi soalnya adakah pada zaman dimana UMNO diharamkan itu tiada fenomena sedemikian? Bukankah malapetaka yang memalukan itu berlaku akibat ego kepimpinan pada masa itu? Bukankah pada waktu itu Dr Mahathir berdiri seorang diri atas kapasiti peribadi sebagai Perdana Menteri yang dibaiah oleh parti bukan Melayu. Bayangkan kalau parti bukan Melayu tidak setia pada masa itu? Apa akan jadi.. jika DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agung pada masa itu mempersoalkan kredibiliti Perdana Menteri pada ketika itu dan menerima perlantikan PM baru?...... " By Mas Merah on September 13, 2009 11:32 PM Salam Ramadan buat Tun yg dikasihi. Mungkinkah BN akan menerima nasib yang sama spt LDP di Jepun? Bagi saya ia amat mungkin sekali. Rata-rata orang bercakap nak menumbangkan BN dalam PRU akan datang. Alasannya seperti yg semua orang faham- pemimpin BN/Umno korup dan salah guna kuasa nombor wahid. Dulu kepincangan pemimpin Umno orang tidak tahu, tetapi hari ini dengan kecanggihan teknologi dalam 10 minit sahaja salah laku pemimpin berlaku, dah dibentang dengan detailnya dalam internet dalam pelbagai blog. Rakyat mendapat maklumat dengan cepat dan mungkin sekali "tepat" seperti yg dikatakan. Ingatlah wahai pemimpin- ribuan mata tertumpu kepada kamu setiap saat berlalu memerhatikan setiap tingkah laku kamu. Rakyat benci dengan rasuah, rakyat benci dengan salah guna kuasa, rakyat benci dengan pemimpin yg tidak bermoral(Umno), rakyat benci dengan wakil rakyat yg kaya dengan tiba-tiba, rakyat benci dengan wakil rakyat yg sombong- yg lupa bahawa marhain- marhain inilah yg mengangkatnya di kerusi empuk yg diduduki kini. Wakil rakyat dan ahli politik yg terbukti rasuah perlu dan wajib disingkir dapd Umno. KJ memang perlu disingkirkan, Rohaizad tak perlu dipilih untuk pilihan raya , Isa Samad tak wajar dipilih untuk jadi taruhan Umno di Bagan Pinang- mereka kotor dan rakyat tidak bodoh, ini bukan tahun 60-an. Kalau calon pilihan dah tak bermaruah maka bayangkan apa akan jadi bila dia jadi YB nanti, dapatkah dia jadi YB yg bermaruah. Calon -calon seperti itu membuka peluang seluas-luasnya kepada lawan untuk mencerca Umno. Kalau tak ada calon yg sesuai beri kemenangan percuma sahaja, bagi saya itu lebih bermaruah. Apa pun orang Melayu tidak perlukan orang seperti Anwar Ibrahim, yg semakin hari semakin banyak jasanya melenyapkan orang Melayu dari bumi tercinta ini. Orang seperti Anwar itu sanggup berbuat apa sahaja untuk "reformasi"- untuk menjadikan dirinya pm di bumi tercinta ini. Kalau kamu Melayu maka tak usahlah kamu termakan dengan kata-kata bermadu si pengkhianat itu. Sekali maruah Melayu tergadai maka hilanglah Melayu dari dunia ini. mas merah By crazy diamond on September 13, 2009 11:32 PM Dear Tun, Samy Vellu says Indian upset with BN, not him. Apparently, living in denial syndrome which was affected UMNO during DSAAB rule, now has affected MIC and Samy Vellu either. Good bye MIC. By Melon on September 13, 2009 10:40 PM UMNO is heading towards disasater if the MACC unable to function effectively on corruption otherwise they should goes back to old days ( Low Profile ) as it , they are not exist at all. Corruption is not merely give and take. They should look into whether the Purchased Price is reasonable or not. By mri78 on September 13, 2009 10:12 PM Salam Tun; Sy agak hairan dan pelik mengapa Melayu Mudah Lupa? Mungkin Tun cukup memahami situasi ini, dimana sy lihat rata-rata yg tulis didalam blog Tun mengatakan BN akan kalah. Mengapa? Kerana kelemahan kerajaan sekarang atau kekuatan Pakatan pembangkang. Jika dilihat pembangkang juga ada kelemahan didalam pentadbiran, tetapi mengapa kita tak boleh nampak? Kenapa kita tak boleh bersatu menyuarakan pendapat. Sy tak pasti jika PR menang harga minyak tak naik langsung. Harga Gula, tepung juga tak akan naik, fikirkanlah. Masa depan anak2 kita ditangan kita. Adakah PAS sebuah parti yg kuat? dimana kekuatanya? NIk Aziz? Nik Aziz jg bercakap cara org politik. apa bezanya Nik Aziz dan Tun dan Najib skrg. Ketiga2nya adalah org politik. Adakah kita terutamanya Bangsa Melayu yang sudah 52thn merdeka tetapi masih mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan. Sampai Bila? Sesama kita masih ada perasaan Hasat Dengki. KIta takkan maju sampai bila2 jika kita hanya berpolitik. Cukup masa nanti kita sama2 pergi mengundi dan fikirkanlah mana yg terbaik buat kita. Terima Kasih Kepada Tun, dan Selamat Berpuasa. Selamat berpuasa kepada pembaca blog TUN. By 64jengking on September 13, 2009 3:39 PM Assalamualaikum Yg.Berbahagia TUN, Selamat berpuasa, saya tidak mahu membuat komen yg panjang lebar mengenai masa depan politik UMNO atau Barisan Nasional. Tetapi rasa merasakan bahawa UMNO dan Barisan Nasional pasti akan melalui noktah terakhir sekiranya trend dan dasar tidak berubah. 2 hari yg lalu Yg Amat Berhormat PM telah membuat kenyataan bahawa pemansuhan sistem kuota dan menambah bilangan perwakilan bagi perhimpunan pemilihan yg akan datang. Syabas kpd PM kerana cuba melakukan perubahan dasar konon nya akan menyelamatkan UMNO dan memberi keyakinan dikalangan ahli Umno terutamanya di peringkat akar umbi. Secara peribadi saya merasakan perubahan yang dibuat hanya sekadar melepaskan batuk ditangga kerana ianya tidak mewakili kehendak seluruh ahli. Apakah dengan hanya menambah bilangan perwakilan UMNO akan lebih telus ???? Jawapannya semua orang tahu, cuma pemimpin UMNO saja yg buat tak tahu. Mereka merasakan bahawa ahli UMNO di peringkat akar umbi terdiri dari petani, penoreh getah dan golongan yg tidak berpelajaran tinggi. Dibenak hati pemimpin UMNO pasti berfikir sebegini takpe buat aje depa semua bukan tau apa Hari ini UMNO sudah hilang arah tujuan tak guna buat ucapan dasar yang berapi2 hanya utk menang sorak satu dewan. Bukan dewan merdeka yang jadi penentu masa depan.

Peralihan kuasa PM, rakyat mengharapkan perubahan yg membawa kesejahteraan. Jadi DS Najib diterima dgn hati terbuka, tapi ingat jgn buat sesuatu dasar berpandukan pandangan ahli politik tep kain. Dengar dan fahami rintihan rakyat kalau mahu terus duduk di kerusi no 1. Tolonglah jangan asyik dok nak angkat ahli politik yng dah tua ( ISA SAMAD )dipilih lepas 2 bulan kena ada pilihanraya kecil semula kerana masalah politik wang atau dah samapai masa untuk pulang kepangkuan. Berilah peluang muka-muka baru dan golongan pelapis muda untuk menaburkan bakti pada tanah air. Dengar ke tidak.... kalau tidak 2012 akan jadi bukti sejarah...... bukan melayu tidak setia hanya pemimpin mereka yang lupa diri Saya dan keluarga mengucapkan selamat berbuka dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada TUN berdua serta seluruh warga rakyat Malaysia Maaf Zahir & Batin aroma64 By Adam on September 13, 2009 2:56 PM When I said of what Tun Abdullah had done in his years of rule, I did not mean to say that he was totally useless. However, some of his actions was like, jumping into the cliff - suicidal. I do respect him as one of the leader that was once serve the country, and as a fellow Malaysian,a Malay and Moslem. By orang kampung on September 13, 2009 2:00 PM Salam Tun yang di hormati, UMNO mengatakan ahli nya seramai 4 juta lebih. Kalau UMNO dan Wanita UMNO yang mungkin hidup semasa penjajahan, makan ubi kayu semasa perang, merasa kemanisan kemerdekaan, tidak salah jika mereka ini mengatakan perjuangan UMNO dalam kemerdekaan adalah relevan, patut di hargai. Cuma perubahan perlu juga. Masa akan datang perlu di tangani dan di hadapi. Bagaimana pula dengan Pemuda UMNO dan Puteri UMNO? Rasa nya kebanyakan mereka lahir selepas kemerdekaan, tidak merasa di jajah, tidak rasa keperitan peperangan. Tidak makan ubi kayu, mungkin makan keju. Adakah mereka ini juga masih hendak melaungkan UMNO masih relevan dengan kemerdekaan, UMNO patut di hargai dengan jasa-jasa masa lalu. Kalau ia, benar kata Tun, memang UMNO akan menerima nasih macam LDP. By SNasir Alkadri AlHaj on September 13, 2009 1:47 PM Assalamualaikum Congratulates His Excellency Mr Yukio Hatoyama, President, Democratic Party of Japan My warmest congratulations on the Democratic Party of Japan's historic victory in the Lower House elections. It is a clear reflection of the Japanese people's desire for change, their confidence in your leadership and support for the party's vision. Singapore and Japan have worked closely to promote regional peace and security in regional forums such as ASEAN and APEC. Singapore will be hosting the 17th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting (AELM) from 14 to 15 November 2009 on the theme "Sustaining Growth, Connecting the Region". I hope that this meeting will contribute towards accelerating regional economic integration, promoting inclusive growth, and strengthening APEC. I look forward to welcoming Your Excellency to Singapore in November on the occasion of the AELM. I wish you good health and success as you lead Japan forward. Wassalam By bulan on September 13, 2009 1:24 PM Tuan Tun Dr Mahatir yang amat dikasehi oleh kami sekalian Dalam perenggan ka-11 ada kebenaran akan berlaku di Malaysia melainkan Datok Najib dapat menghapuskan segera dan mengambil tindakan terhadap musang berbulu ayam dalam UMNO. UMNO adalah Lambang kekuatan Melayu. Kepercayaan dan ketaatan Melayu bersatu dalam UMNO tidak berbelah bahagi tetapi sekarang samacam ada kuasa ghaib untok mengubah Lambang itu menjadi Lambang kelemahan Melayu. Lambang ini lah yang nampak hendak dikuburkan. Kuasa ghaib sengaja membentok ahli-politik UMNO menjadi begitu corrupt. Apabila mereka terlalu corrupt, kepercayaan dan ketaatan kaum Melayu bumiputra mula berkocak dan terus berpecah belah. Andainya terkubur, hilanglah nama parti keagongan Melayu yang telah melukis sejarah sekian lama dalam membela nasib nasib Melayu bumiputra. Parti pembangkang lebeh terok kalau diberi perhatian. Mereka sudah lama terdedah kapada kuasa ghaib dan mereka sentiasa gagal dalam mengambil aleh kuasa kepercayaan Melayu bumiputra kerana selagi UMNO tidak dikuburkan. Apabila semua parti pembangkan bersatu, mereka akan menubuh kerajaan mengikut selera mereka dan akan menjemput mana sahaja negara luar untuk bersatu menjajah negeri Melayu yang selama ini bebas dari kuasa asing. Dengan kelakuan serta kebodohan Abdullah Badawi dan Saudara-mara, kroni Berhadnya, gugurlah kepercayaan Melayu terhadap UMNO. MCA dan MIC pula menunjuk bulunya. Permainan politik demikian bukan sahaja terjadi di Malaysia malahan di merata dunia sekarang ini. Ada orang tertentu yang akan memilih siapa harus jadi ketua sesebuah negeri itu. Jika orang yang jadi ketua itu tidak mahu menjadi boneka. Maka akan ditumpaskan dengan cara meracun pemikiran para-pengundi. Kata Shakespeare ‘All the world’s a stage and all men and women are players’ – ‘Dunia adalah pentas dan semua manusia adalah pelakun belaka’. Mereka akan berlakun sebagai apa jua watak yang disediakan oleh director. Tuan director selalunya berada di background sahaja. Dalam filem nama directornya kita ketahui tetapi dalam filem politik ini siapa tuan directornya kita boleh agak-agak saja! Kini Jepun sudah jatuh ketangan parti sukairamai, bukan sahaja oleh rakyat Jepun tetapi juga oleh tuan director yang ghaib. Ini adalah sebahagian dari hasiat yang dikatekan globalization. Semua boneka ketua segala negeri dalam dunia ini akan tunduk pada jari telunjuk tuan director yang ghaib itu. Banyak negeri, satu dunia. Banyak ketua negeri, satu ketua dunia. Terimakasih dan Selamat Berpuasa Tun Dr Mahatir Sekeluarga dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. By wong on September 13, 2009 1:20 PM Salam Tun, 1. Sistem politik kita berasaskan perkauman. Setiap kaum membentuk parti politik masing- masing dan bergabung untuk membentuk kerajaan. Ini adalah asas sistem politik kita sewaktu hendak menuntut kemerdekaan daripada British. Semangat nasionalisma rakyat melangkaui segala-galanya. 2. Selepas itu banyak lagi parti politik dibentuk. Walaupun parti-parti ini dikatakan parti "multi- racial" tetapi hakikatnya ia didominasi oleh kaum-kaum tertentu. 3. Parti-parti politik yang berasaskan kaum dengan kepentingan ideologi kaum tertentu adalah tidak sihat. Hakikatnya hubungan perkauman dinegara selepas 52tahun merdeka boleh dikatakan masih rapuh. Saya ingin meminjam istilah yang disebut oleh Dr Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, bahawasanya hubungan perkauman negara sekarang berada di dalam keadaan "STABIL- TENSION". Ianya ibarat tali guitar, jikalau tension tali guitar itu tidak betul, maka ia tidak dapat mengeluarkan bunyi yang betul! 4. Para pemimpin harus mengawal tension itu dengan berhati-hati. Janganlah memainkan isu-isu perkauman untuk meraih undi. Jikalau tali guitar itu putus kerana tensionnya terlalu tinggi, malapetakalah yang diundang. 5. Isu berarak dengan kepala lembu sebagai bantahan terhadap pembinaan kuil adalah satu manifestasi hubungan kaum yang dihadapi sekarang. Tensionnya dikendurkan apabila pembantah yg berarak di dakwa di mahkamah. Satu fenomena yang menarik ialah apabila tapak kuil baru yang dicadangkan dipindahkan beberapa ratus meter dari tapak yang dibantah, ianya boleh diterima oleh penduduk setempat. Isunya adakah tapak kuil itu yang menjadi masalah atau penerimaan agama kuil itu sendiri ? 6. Kita tidak boleh terus hidup dengan aman dan damai dalam situasi ini. 7. Kita mempunyai Perlembagaan yang mengikat permuafakatan pelbagai kaum di negara kita. Perlembagaan kita adalah luhur. Saya berpendapat, penghayatan atau pemahaman rakyat terhadap Perlembagaan Negara sangat minima. Maka timbulah pelbagai masalah yang tidak sepatutnya berlaku. 8. Nasib BN bergantung kepada pengembalian penghayatan RUKUNEGARA sewaktu negara Malaysia dibentuk. 9. Rasuah, penyelewengan kuasa, tamak, salah guna kuasa dsbnya berlaku di dalam semua bentuk pemerintahan di dunia. Ianya banyak dilaporkan dalam mana-mana sejarah daripada sejarah tamaddun awal China hinggalah ke Eropah. 10. Amalan buruk tamaddun negara awal telah menberi kita pengajaran. Amalkan 5 Prinsip RUKUNEGARA kita dengan seikhlasnya dan nescaya kita dapat menbina sebuah negara dan penghidupan yang aman dan baik.

Terima Kasih By Adam on September 13, 2009 1:08 PM It is not too late to save UMNO and BN. If they know what cause the people to reject them. Best if you return to politics, this might sound weird but if the situation continue until the next GE, then all is doom. By Adam on September 13, 2009 1:05 PM Dear Ayozzhero, It has been quite a white I haven't been here. Today, after selecting "" from my bookmark, I received this message: ------Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Access denied The requested URL could not be retrieved URL: Blocked by Web Traffic Protection Reason: phishing attack Generated: 9/11/2009 4:51:39 PM Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 ------Well, as a person who lives in the IT industries, I can manage to at least temporarily disable the Web Potection setting of Kaspersky. What about others? Maybe someone made a false report to Kaspersky, stating that this is a phishing website, I do not know. Hopefully the admin can explain and discuss the matter with Kaspersky and remove the block. Otherwise, more and more people will be denied from browsing the site.

Answer; That was not from reports, Kaspersky use a mechanism that detects any sub-link as phishing. Not really know how to explain it to you, I am not an IT guy. By cinmalaysiam on September 13, 2009 1:03 PM Salam sayang Tun, Dah panas isu UMNO nak tumbang. Tun tau takkan tumbangkan? Pokok tua bukan calang2 senang tumbang kalu takat angin kat Malaysia ni, urat-marat pokok tua kuat mencengkam sedalam-dalam bumi. Takat patah2 ranting sana sini adalah kut. Saya tak yakin masa UMNO akan tiba PRY13, belum masa lagi. Najib dok juai 1Malaysia, dia ada masa dan nama dia ada bin Tun Razak (aruah) . Mak dia pun ada lagi. Orang melayu kenang jasa2 depa, jadi nanti 1malaysia sokong dia. Orang melayu jangan marah nyamuk 2-3 ekor, bakar kelambu, silap2 terbakar rumah. Nanti nak beli kelambu, cina juga untung. Kalu beli kedai melayu pun, kilang kelambu/impot cina punya. Nak buat rumah, cina juga untung kalu beli kat hardware melayu pun, supplier cina gak. Sabarlah orang melayu, sabarlah sejenak lagi. p/s kalu sesat tanya lah arah jangan menujah bertalu-talu tak semua nyamuk penghisab darah tak semua melayu pakai kelambu cina jangan nak jadi nyamuk nanti terbakar bersama kelambu lagilugila mmaaa wasalammu....

By Capt.Jag2020 on September 13, 2009 12:52 PM Asslamu'alaikum Dear Tun, 1) Sir..., Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan or several others could always afford to change the govt. since they are included among the single racial/religious nations or at a very least, one single race/religion forms a very high majority percentage (for example Indonesia : 90% Muslims). In our Malaysian context, so far the Malays/Islam merely forms 60% of the total population or might be slightly lesser. So, how Sir? 2) Throughout the history, there are lot of examples that the country taken over or changed by the anarchy movement could only spell the disaster for the whole nation. So in our scenario, and we even have the living example of the states taken over by the opposition, in which has really spoiled the development over several years of hardwork (especially Selangor, from the developed state status into such a bad shape to the extent where the admin. tried to use the Wang Zakat for administrational purposes). :-(Correct me if I am wrong....) 3) Certainly, the imagined new govt. will have to take a lot of time to cooperate and collaborate among themselves (the allied parties) before they could actually rule stably. And by the time they managed to do that, we will be behind our neighbours by several years of valuable economic and other precious developments. (We are already outstripped in some areas now) 4) So, how could we come out of this befallen calamities, My Dear Sir??? 5) And I believe as you said, that we are running short of time.

May Allah Be With Us. Thank You. Wassalam By samuraimelayu on September 13, 2009 12:43 PM By samuraimelayu on September 13, 2009 12:04 PM SALAM PENUH KASIH SAYANG AYAHANDA RAKYAT TUN IZINKAN, ..... 7. That the rot has set in there can be no doubt. Corruption is now rampant in UMNO and the other component parties. Power struggles have emasculated them. Leaders have a strong desire to stay in office even though they have outlived their usefulness. WE HOPE THE UMNO LEADERSHIPS HAVE WILL RID THEIR BRAINS OF THE 'AAB'(ARROGANT, AIMLESS BONEHEADED) DISEASE AND WILL REFRAIN FROM CHOOSING A CANDIDATE FOUND GUILTY OF CORRUPT PRACTICES BY UDC FOR THE FORTHCOMING BY-ELECTION IN BAGAN PINANG, NS. THE CALL FOR TAN SRI ISA SAMAD TO STAND IF ENTERTAINED WILL SURELY BE SERVED AS 'ROASTED PIG' BY 'CHEF' TERESA KOK FOR THE PR CAMPAIGNERS TO FEAST ON.. THE ONLY MENU LEFT ON THE TABLE FOR THEM. AND THE VOTERS WILL SURELY WEAR THEIR MASKS WHEN APPROACHED BY THE 'BN'(BADAN NAJIS) CANDIDATE OR STAY INDOORS TO AVOID CONTACTING WITH A 'CONTAMINATED' UNMO/BN CANDIDATE . UMNO MUST AND WE REPEAT MUST SELECT A CLEAN( IN MOST WAYS) AND DEDICATED CANDIDATE FROM THE BAGAN PINANG CONSTITUENCY..A 'WAKIL RAKYAT' WHO IS HONEST AND WILL SERVE THE VOTERS WITH DEDICATION AND SINCERITY TO THE CALL OF 'RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, PRESTASI DIUTAMAKAN' WE WUD ADVISED THAT ALL LEADERS OF UMNO/BN WITH THE IMAGES OF' ‘KORAP JANTAN', 'KUTA TEMPE', 'AHLI RASUAH', ' TATAK SOLEK' AND 'TATAK VALUE' TO STAY AT 'HOME' AND PRAY FOR A BN VICTORY IN BAGAN PINANG.. IF THEY REALLY WANT TO SEE A BN VICTORY... BELIEVE ME, THE RAKYAT HAS HAD ENOUGH OF THOSE CONTAMINATED IMAGES. LET THE STATE AND LOCAL LEADERS AND PARTY WORKERS SING THEIR PRAISES FOR THEIR BELOVED YANG DIPERTUAN AND THE GOVERNMENT IN THE SPIRIT OF 1 MALAYSIA.. HEARD THE DYMM YANG DIPERTUAN NEGERI IS ALL HEART OF THE RAKYAT... 'ISTANA DAN RAKYAT DIPISAH JANGAN'....DAULAT TUANKU! SEMBAH UMNO/BN NEGERI KEPADA DYMM YANG DIPERTUAN ADALAH SEMBAH MULIA KEPADA RAJA YANG BERDAULAT DAN MEMPERKASAKAN INSTITUSI DIRAJA SEBAGAI TUNGGAK KETUANAN ADAT PERPATEH DAN PELINDUNG RAKYAT DIBAWAH NAUNGAN NYA.. BUKAN NYA MERAPAK SEMBAH DURHAKA KEPADA SULTAN NEGERI YANG BERDAULAT YANG DITUNJUKAN OLEH PIHAK PEMBANGKANG. KAMI BERASA YAB MENTERI BESAR NEGRI SEMBILAN BERSERTA WAKIL2 RAKYAT BN MAMPU MELAKUKAN SUATU ANJAKAN PARADIGMA DALAM PENTADBIRAN NEGERI, MEMBANTU MENINGKATKAN TAHAP SILLATUL RAHIM ANTARA ISTANA DAN RAKYAT DIBAWAH NAUNGAN BAGINDA DAN MEMPERHEBATKAN JENTERA KERAJAAN DAN MENINGKATKAN PEMBANGUNAN UNTUK RAKYAT BERBILANG KAUM DEMI KEMAKMURAN NEGORI DEN YANG DIKASIHI.. MUDAHAN2 BUDAYA HIDUP DENGAN PENUH KASIH DAN SAYANG ANTARA SEMUA LAPISAN MASYARAKAT AKAN TUMBUH SUBUR DAN MENJADI TUNJANG KEPADA PEMBANGUNAN FIZIKAL DAN MENTAL... NEGERI SEMBILAN KE ARAH NEGERI MAJU DAN PROGRESIF HIDUP AMAN DAN DAMAI..INSYAALLAH. RAJA DENGAN RAKYAT NYA RAKYAT DENGAN RAJA NYA KERAJAAN DENGAN MASYARAKATNYA MASYARAKAT DENGAN KERAJAAN NYA WAKIL RAKYAT DENGAN PENGUNDINYA PENGUNDI DENGAN WAKIL RAKYAT NYA PAK IMAM DENGAN MAKMUM NYA MAKMUM DENGAN PAK IMAM NYA TOK PENGHULU DENGAN ORANG KAMPUNG NYA ORANG KAMPUNG DENGAN TOK PENGHULU NYA KUNCI KEJAYAAN UNTUK MENCAPAI KEBAHAGIAN YANG DIIDAMKAN...SIKAP INSAF DAN SYUKUR ATAS SEGALA PERJUANGAN PARA PEMIMPIN TERDAHULU DAN SETERUS NYA MENYAMBUT PANGGILAN SATU MALAYSIA MEMPERKASAKAN INSTITUSI RAJA BERPELEMBAGAAN KEARAH WAWASAN 2020..MALAYSIA NEGARA MAJU DAN BERTAMADUN. DAN HANYA DENGAN SIFAT JUNJUNGAN NABI MUHAMMAD IAITU IKHLAS, SUCI, JUJUR DAN BENAR SAHAJALAH KEMAJUAN DAN KEBAHAGIAN RAKYAT DAN KEDAULATAN NEGARA AKAN TERJALIN DAN TERJAMIN.. INSYAALLAH. SIFAT SYAITAN LAKNATULLAH IAITU KHIANAT, HASAT DENGKI TAMAK DAN HALOBA HENDAKLAH DIHAKIS DARI FIKIRAN DAN HATI SANUBARI KERANA AKHLAK YANG TERKUTUK TERSEBUT AKAN MENGGAGALKAN DAN MENGHACURKAN SEGALA BENTUK USAHA PEMBANGUNAN BAIK SEGI FIZIKAL MAHUPUN MENTAL DAN KEMAJUAN DAN KEMAKMURAN RAKYAT MASAKINI DAN JENERASI MENDATANG AKAN TERJEJAS…NAUZUBILLAH EDEN BERHARAP PAK DATUK MENTERI BESAR DAN SELURUH RAKYAT NEGORI DEN DAPAT BERSATU PADU MENGHAPUSKAN SEGALA KEMUNGKARAN DAN MEMBUANG SEGALA YANG KERUH DAN MENGAMBIL YANG JERNIH DAN BERSAMA MENGHIDUPKAN SEMANGAT TALI PERSAUDARAAN DAN MENYINARKAN SEMANGAT KASIH SAYANG ANTARA SEMUA PERINGKAT MASYARAKAT MAJMUK NEGORI DEN. KATA2 SEMANGAT YAB DATUK MB KAMI PEGANG...BIAR MATI ANAK JANGAN MATI ADAT KERNA ADAT ITULAH MENENTUKAN KEDAULATAN SESUATU BANGSA DAN TAMADUN NYA.. TERIMA KASIH KAMI UCAPKAN. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM (ALLAH SWT YANG MAHA PENGASIH DAN PENYAYANG) ALFATIHAH, AMIN. Ps. Kami bukan ahli mana 2 parti politik tetapi seorang melayu anak Malaysia yang inginkan kemajuan dan keamananyang telah TERCAPAI akan berterusan dan tidak RELA dimusnahkan oleh pihak pembangkang yang hanya pandai meracun jiwa rakyat, yang tidak mahu menerima hakikat kejayaan kerajaan BN selama 52 tahun mengharumkan nama Negara kerana rakuskan kuasa sanggup menghianat bangsa dan agama..Kepada kepimpinan BN yang memerintah KAMI LAUNGKAN.. KAMI RAKYAT MALAYSIA TOLAK PEMIMPIN2 KORAP DAN BERMASAALAH! BERWASPADA LAH MEMILIH CALON. By tengkolok on September 13, 2009 12:37 PM I wonder whether those who still supporting UMNO is supporting it for the slogan or for their pocket? Secara terang-terangan, UMNO sekarang hanya pandai berkokok tetapi perbuatan mereka tidak lansung melambangkan slogan perjuangan mereka. Bagaimanakah orang-orang muda harus merasa terhutang budi kepada UMNO lagi? Setelah lebih 50 tahun memerintah, dengan segala kekayaan yang ada di bumi bertuah ini, tidak sepatutnya terdapat rakyat yang miskin tegar di negara tercinta ini. Tetapi sebaliknya, orang-orang kuat UMNO/BN menjadi kaya raya hasil dari bumi bertuah Malaysia. Kekayaan negara dikaut oleh segelintir yang mempunyai kuasa sahaja. Tiada sebab untuk kami merasa terhutang budi... By etp2020 on September 13, 2009 12:29 PM Politik Umno kemana arah tujunya?Perjuangan Umno dulu dan sekarang sudah berbeza,dulu ingin berbakti terhadap ahli,sekarang susah untuk mencari orang yg ikhlas ingin membantu kecuali ada udang di sebalik batu...... My biz around the world By arik on September 13, 2009 11:22 AM Pandangan saya tidaklah menjadi kisah jika sesiapa yang memerintah dinegara malaysia ini . Apa yang orang seperti saya mahukan ialah ianya boleh memberi manfaat kepada negara serta juga masyarakat asalkan niat dan tujuan mereka untuk kebaikan . Selagi menguntungkan rakyat tidak lah mengapa tetapi kalau hanya untuk kepentingan diri sendiri sudah pasti akan merugikan semua pihak . Rakyat Malaysia seperti saya sudah tentu mendapat manfaat serta keuntungannya dari kedua-dua belah parti yang bertanding dan kalau boleh saya mahu kedua-dua belah parti bersaing dengan cara yang lebih sihat dan bekerja keras untuk rakyat untuk kebaikan semua pihak . Tidak ada sesiapa pun diantara kita ingin melihat kehancuran didalam negara kita sendiri lagi-lagi kepada orang yang cuba ingin mengambil kesempatan dan mereka itu lebih banyak membuat kerosakkan dari kebaikan . Negara kita sudah merdeka 52 tahun dan terjadinya perkara-perkara sebegini hanyalah untuk mematang kan rakyat dan juga kepada kedua-dua belah parti yang bersaing sebabnya kita akan menempuh hari yang lebih hebat dimasa akan datang dalam sekali harung ianya akan mencorakkan kehidupan sebuah negara yang merdeka yang berdaya maju serta mampu bersaing dan mampu melahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang berkualiti dari segi mindanya . Rakyat pula sudah tentu mendapat faedahnya . Walau apa pun saya mahu orang melayu beragama islam yang menerajui negara yang tercinta ini kerana , ini negara tanah melayu yang punya . Mudah- mudahan pihak pembangkang mengerti dan memahaminya . Kepada kerajaan pula nasihat saya . Dasar kerajaan yang sedia ada selalu memberi tekanan kepada rakyat seperti saya ...tolonglah ubah dasar contoh nya seperti minyak , bonus atau apa apa yang menyusahkan rakyat kerana rakyat bukan tidak mampu mengharunginya cuma rakyat beranggapan pendapatan yang diperolehi tidak setimpal dengan apa yang dibebankan . Saya rasa itu lebih banyak mendorong kepada kekalahan kerajaan sebenarnya jika kerajaan mengetahui . Dan ianya bukan disebabkan parti pembangkang seperti yang digembar-gemburkan ianya lebih kepada kesalahan diri sendiri kerana tidak mahu menerima pandangan rakyat sendiri . By kpilah on September 13, 2009 10:13 AM Salam Ayahanda, Nak letak Tok Isa kat Bagan Pinang? Maybe boleh menang sebab dia memang stuntman yang licik.And then what? Corruption all over again? When will we ever learn? Wakil rakyat kat sini kerja dia merasmikan mesyuarat etc,attend jemputan majlis anjuran rakyat.Tu aja.Dia sendiri tak ada creativity and initiative nak fikir dan buat apa apa.Just merely "holding the fort" so to speak. Dulu boleh nak dapat macam macam 'opportunities' dari MB.Sekarang dah takut.So,they are just living from day to day attend mesyuarat. I pernah attend mesyuarat Majlis Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri.Ramai anggota majlis.Usahawannya adalah 3/4 orang.The rest pegawai kerajaan. Exconya jadi helpless sebab pegawai kerajaan semua malas.Usahawan cuma jadi penonton aja sebab takde siapa nak pickup idea kami. Macam tulah perjalanannya each time.Apa nak jadi? Kalu bukan BN yang perintah pun , sama aja.Tu juga pegawainya. Sistem dah berkarat under Tok Isa.Payah nak bergerak.Semua malas... Kesian Tok Mat.Sebab tu bila dia nak get anything done...terpaksa suroh adik beradik..kesudahan jadi kronisma.Check it out ...saya ikhlas. TQ, Salam pada Bonda. By akee on September 13, 2009 9:10 AM when someone started a lie, that someone will have to keep lying if the topic is related to the first lie so to make it tele to make it look real. 2nd lie needed to cover the first, 3rd lie needed to cover the 2nd lie & it goes on. this is what happen to BN. they have got LOT of lies today & you can hardly see Truth in them. sayonara BN. i'm 100% sure i wont vote for BN in the next GE. By HBT on September 13, 2009 8:41 AM Dear Tun, Chua formed a new party last month, says MCA president. Even though Dr Chua denied it and labelled OngTK as "father of all lies". Dr Chua stated clearly that he only want to retire as an ordinary MCA party member. It looks like OngTK has started to speak like Samy's Bahasa Melayu after he has got assurance from PM Najib right after the MIC election. OngTK was there with PM Najib and Muhyiddin. Like the MalaysianMirror Bahasa Mandarin news said in Cantonese, "Hong Jong Mou Kim, Ji Choi Pui Kung". The next victim to be outhrown is Dr Chua SL. Malaysia now is like a "kangkaroo" nation in the region, under PM Najib in 1Malaysia. May I ask, can Rakyat change PM ke without going through the crony parties since Constitution formed our Parliment, Tun?

By kijang on September 13, 2009 6:07 AM Ybhg. Tun, Ingatan untuk pemimpin drp DS Najib semasa merasmikan persidangan MIC : “Rakyat benci sekiranya kamu berlagak, salah guna kuasa dan tunjukkan kekayaaan. Rakyat sayang jika kita jadi pembela rakyat yang sebenarnya," "Rakyat sudah membuka pemikiran. Untuk menjadi parti terus relevan, kita mesti mempunyai hubungan dengan rakyat, mempunyai sentuhan dengan rakyat. Sekiranya ada sentuhan, kita akan mendapat sokongan," "Kata pepatah, kalau ular menyusur akar, tidak akan hilang bisanya. (Amalkan sikap) rendah diri, kita tidak akan kalah," "Parti komponen jangan lupa kepada perspektif ini, kalau lupa, rakyat akan menghukum kita masa pilihanraya yang ke-13 akan datang," Tetapi apa kata Presiden MIC : "Ketika masa saya (menteri dan ahli parlimen), mereka kata rakyat menyampah dengan saya (dan) itulah sebabnya masyarakat India tidak mengundi BN. "Mereka bukan menyampah dengan saya. Mereka menyampah dengan BN," katanya yang gagal mempertahankan kubu kuatnya di parlimen Sungai Siput dalam pilihanraya Umum Mac tahun lalu. Hai...tetap begitu. Tak pernah mengakui kelemahan diri. Orang lain juga yang salah. Pemimpin beginilah yang Tun maksudkan. By crazy diamond on September 13, 2009 3:55 AM Tun, Hopefully UMNO will not pick Tan Sri Isa Samad as candidate for DUN Bagan Pinang by- election. He will be liability to UMNO/BN as a whole. UMNO/BN should learn it lesson from Permatang Pasir by-election, they can't afford to lose another by-election due to wrong pick of candidate. Everybody knows who is Isa Samad, his past misdeed still fresh in our mind. I'm sure Bangan Pinang folks would have the same feeling too, even thought he had received strong backing from UMNO Teluk Kemang constituency. Popular among constituency doesn't mean he will get strong support from Bagan Pinang folks. For me, UMNO Teluk Kemang constituency still not wise and mature enough in picking right candidate. UMNO/BN stand to lose this by-election if they failed to acknowledge this. The bad karma seems haunting them again. By m'cho76 on September 13, 2009 3:11 AM Assalamualaikum. Tajuk yg cukup menarik untuk dibincangkan dan seharusnya di ambil ikhtibar oleh semua kompenen BN.Apa yg berlaku didalam senario politik Jepun peluangnya cukup tinggi berlaku di negara kita, Parti yg memerintah sejak berdekad akhirnya tumbang kepada pembangkang. Tidak payah tunggu sehingga PRU13, bayangan nya pun dah nampak iaitu beberapa pilihan raya kecil yg dijalankan dlm tahun ini semuanya memihak kpd pembangkang, sehinggakan yg terbaru yg dulunya milik BN telah jatuh ke tangan PR. Apa sudah jadi??????? Sebagai generasi muda, saya secara peribadi tidak nampak yg pakatan pembangkang akan mampu membawa kestabilan politik apabila memerintah kelak kerana setiap parti ada agenda tersendiri. Pas dgn kerajaan islam dan hukum syariah nya,sedangkan DAP terang2 menolaknya, DAP kita pun tau apa matlamat utamanya, PKR dgn selogan KEADILAN dan bebas rasuah, tapi sejauh manakah ketelusannya andaikata memegang tampuk pemerintahan. Sakit hati, marah, kecewa...... apakah ini faktor yg membawa kemenangan kapada PR kelak.Jangan lah disebabkan rasa x puas hati di dalam diri kita org melayu kita berpecah belah, kerana bak kata pepatah " Turut kan hati mati, turutkan rasa kelak binasa".Kerana sikap MERAJUK itu akan membawa padah yg kesannya bepanjangan takut di sumpah anak cucu akan datang. Dulu semasa d sekolah tadika, ada satu pantun yg kami nanyikan " Buah cempedak di luar pagar, Ambil galah tolong jolok kan, kami budak baru belajar, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan". Kalau kita hayati betul2 pantun ni walaupun nampak ringkas tapi cukup besar makna nya. Bukan senang untuk menjadi seorang ketua @ pemimpin, amat berat tanggungjawab yg harus d pikul lebih2 lagi di dalam negara yg berbilang kaum dan agama seperti malaysia. Bagi saya tidak salah klu pemimpin atasan kita meminta pandangan atau buah fikiran org yg arif atau berpenggalaman di dalam urus tadbir negara kita lebih2 lagi org seperti tun, klu pandangan itu membawa kemakmuran dan kestabilan kenapa kita tak terima pakai, bukan saya cakap bahawa PM DSN tidak berwibawa...... tapi dlm sesuatu perkara kita kena juga bertanya dan menerima pakai pendapat pemimpin terdahulu untuk kemakmuran negara. Jangan lah syok sendiri, bila duduk di kerusi PM sehinggakan apa pun pandangan org lama d anggap x relevan, bila kena kritik org yg buat kritikan d anggap nyanyuk,sebab kata nak ikut acuan sendiri. Itu lah yg berlaku sedikit masa yg dahulu dan sekarang kita nampak akan kesan nya...Saya harap DSN dapat memulih kan semula keadaan yg seperti sedia kala. Saya juga berharap agar pemimpin2 umno dan BN dapat menghayati semula apa sebenarnya perjuangan mereka dan x terlampau taksub dgn jawatan dan kekayaan sehingga menyakitkan hati rakyat. Kepada rakyat malaysia,jangan lah kerana dakyah politik kita berpecah belah sesama kaum, syak wasangka sesama kita sehinggakan menghancurkan keharmonian negara sedangkan sebelum ini kita hidup aman dan harmoni, hormat menghormati tidak kira bangsa dan agama. Apa kah kita terlampau rasa selesa hidup senang sehinggakan keamanan, keharmonian dan kestabilan negara kita seakan tidak bermakna. Yang d kejar x dapat yg d kendong berciciran,sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian x guna. semoga Tun di panjang kan umur dan di beri kesihatan oleh Allah swt,agar terus dapat memberi pandangan dan kritikan walau pun kadang2 menyakitkan bagi sesetengah orang By MALAYSIADREAM on September 13, 2009 2:51 AM ************************************************************** BN tidak akan MENANG HATI RAKYAT ...kalau-kalau Orang KUAT DULU TUNJUK KAYA TUNJUK GAYA..masih dipilih ...Wakil Rakyat..walau Popular..! Wakil Yang Bersembunyi dalam Orang Kuat 52 tahun lamanya...Dah cukuplah.....! Yang Terlalu Kaya Terlalu Bergaya.. walaupun satu dua..dah cukup buat orang meluat nampaknya..sampai masa perlukan Rakyat....baru gerak kasi sikit-sikit sini sana..lepas tu.. rebut Masuk TV..Masuk Pres...Masuk akhabar...! ******************************************************************* By fib on September 13, 2009 1:49 AM Salam tun.. 1)Apa pilihan yang masih ada pada kami Tun? 2)Adakah kami akan terus menyokong kerajaan BN yang lama-kelamaan akan menjadi penyebab kepada kehancuran negara? 3)Kelemahan kerajaan sekarang membuatkan kami menolak mereka adakah adil kami dilabelkan rakyat yang tidak bersyukur dan tidak menghargai erti kemerdekaan? 4)Mungkin kami masih selesa sekarang tetapi bagaimana dengan nasib anak-anak kami? 5)Adakah kami bersalah menolak pemimpin yang rasuah? 6)Adakah kami bersalah menolak pemimpin yang tidak layak? 7)Adakah kami bersalah menolak pemimpin yang tamak dan pentingkan diri? 8)Tidakkah Tun sedar bahawa mereka begitu sukar untuk mencari calon yang sesuai dimata rakyat dek kerana ketandusan calon dan kepimpinan sudah dipenuhi oleh orang yang tidak layak,hanya dipilih dan diangkat oleh ahli disebabkan berharta dan berwang? 9)Adakah kami masih ada harapan?Tidakkah Tun lihat bagaimana mereka itu masih tidak sedar walaupun kedudukan telah terancam tetapi masih mengamalkan budaya yang sama dan semakin mengila sejak akhir-akhir ini. 10)Adakah Tun sanggup memberi idea kepada kami apa pilihan yang ada pada kami?Akan kami tunggu pandangan dari Tun.Jika bernas akan kami ambil sebagai panduan. By FAUDZI on September 13, 2009 1:29 AM Salam TUN dan semua saya bersetuju dengan komen TUN terhadapa Samy vellu. Banyak dikalangan kaum India yang saya jumpa bercakap benda yang sama.. Samy perosak kepada perpaduan kaum India dan Samy perosak kepada BN dan kebencian kaum India kepada BN. Tapi apa nak buat Samy vellu is still living in the past. Cakap macam gangster dan macam tak de otak, dulu kaum india tidak ramai yang cerdik tapi sekarang orang semua sudah boleh nilai siapa Samy vellu. Untuk menang jawatan dalam parti memang tidak susah untuk Samy Vellu kerana perwakilan cuma 1400 orang lebih, tapi apakah mereka ini semua mewakili suara kaum India yang lain yang sudah fed up dengan SAmy Vellu. Akhir sekali buat Samy Vellu agar sedar dan tidak payah berdolak dalik lagi. Lagi banyak SAmy cakap lagi banyak bodoh kelihatan. By Fuyoh on September 13, 2009 1:05 AM Assalamualaikum Tun Dr. Mahathir Sekeluarga, Juga Pada Rakan Pembaca Sekalian. Realiti: Saya lahir, membesar, sekolah, belajar dan bekerja dalam zaman UMNO dan mengambil berat hal ehwal UMNO sejak sekolah lagi kerana keluarga saya adalah keluarga UMNO. Walaupun ayah saya marah kerana masalah bekalan air di FELDA Jengka 2 masih berulang sampai sekarang, tetapi dia tetap undi UMNO kerana dia tidak mahu menjadi pemusnah kemerdekaan. Pernah saya bertanya adakah yakin dengan UMNO. Jawapannya "UMNO adalah perjuangan bangsa kita, pertahankanlah. Tapi ayah juga sudah hilang keyakinan kepada PEMIMPIN UMNO SEKARANG." Waktu itu zaman Pak lah. Orang tua - tua di kampung dan bandar yang masih mengundi Barisan Nasional khususnya UMNO adalah kerana mereka mengenang budi UMNO, terutamanya di FELDA - FELDA seluruh Malaysia, kecuali beberapa rancangan FELDA yang kecewa kerana masalah mereka tidak diambil berat oleh wakil rakyat. Orang muda di kampung, lebih 3/4 sudah mengundi Pakatan Rakyat, adakah Barisan Nasional tidak mengambil iktibar? Adakah budaya tidur Pak Lah masih berkuasa hingga merosakkan UMNO? Adakah kerana Khairy Pemuda sudah jahanam? Dato' Sri Najib harus mengambil berat hal ini kerana Belia & Beliawanis adalah sebahagian besar undi. Golongan veteran Melayu sebenarnya gagal mendidik anak - anak supaya menghargaai jasa pemimpin, menghargai nikmat merdeka, keamanan dan mendidik anak supaya tahu batas perjuangan. Jangan biarkan anak - anak kita berjuang cara Pakataan Rakyat. Merosakkan negara. Golongan PEMIMPIN UMNO DAN BN adakah masih tidur dan tak sedar diri lagi? Zaman sudah berubah. Rasulullah S.A.W telah menasihatkan kita supaya "Didiklah anak kamu sesuai dengan zamannya bukan dengan zaman kamu" lebih kurang begitulah. Jadi pemimpin UMNO kena ambil hati golongan muda kerana golongan muda juga lah yang akan menentukan kuasa BN. Jaga rakyat kerana kamu memegang amanah rakyat. Saya memerhatikan pemimpin sekarang ghairah mengejar kontrak, mengagihkan kekayaan negara kepada sanak saudara. Tak kira pemimpin politik, P & P kerajaan, hatta swasta sekalipun. Kronisme sudah merebak dengan cepat. Kalau tak dapat kat sedaara mara maka mereka tak dapat komisen atau tak boleh tumpang sekaki. Jangan menafikan perkara ini, banyak sudah khabar angin terutama di selatan Johor, semua kawan Khairy dan Jeanne yang dapat. Wallahualam. Siasat la SPRM, jangan ghairah nak sisat kerajaan Selangor tu. Memang kerajaan selangor akan tumbang. Percayalah. Saya berani kata begitu kerana rakyat Selangor sudah bosan. Baru suku tahun dah habis peruntukan. Kantung kerajaan negeri pon dah kering. Siasatlah. Simpanan pun dah dikorek Khalid yang tak puas nak kaya. Kene saman, pinjam duit Bank Islam pon tak mahu bayar. Bank Islam tu hak siapa ya? Mak bapak dia punya ke?

Sekali lagi saya mengingatkan kepada pemimpin BN. UMNO , MCA & MIC. Jangan nak duduk atas kerusi presiden tapi tak jaga kebajikan ahli dan pengundi. MIC Samy Vellu tu turun lah tak tahu nak turun ke? Atau tak sedar dah kalah nak jadi presiden lagi? MCA janganlah gaduh. Betulkan diri sendiri. Itu sahaja. Harapan saya anak muda supaya kerajaan jaga kebajikan anak muda Malaysia. Kami nak hidup pun susah. Gaji kecil, belanja besar. Macam mana nak undi kerajaan ? By JB_FROM on September 13, 2009 12:22 AM Tun, There are those who believe that in order for UMNO to change, it has to lose the next GE. Otherwise it is unlikely to change. In analogy, it has to undergo a process of detoxification or cleansing itself from within only when it has fallen. They are good and competant people in UMNO such as Mahyudin, Mustapha Mohammad, Rais Yatim, Shahrizat but there are those who shouldn't be there at all or at least not holding such high position. Some of them inherit the legacy of their forefathers. The tune of BN do not change very much since the last GE. Perhaps it can still win the next GE but I doubt it can achieved the two third majority like before. Like Japan and the rest of the world, no Party will last forever without losing to opposition. This probably is how it works is a democracy. JB_FROM By Azmi on September 13, 2009 12:22 AM YAbhg Tun, Harap-harap Tan Sri Mohd. Isa Abdul Samad tak terpilihlah sebagai calon untuk DUN Bagan Pinang. Kalau dipilih jugak, nanti jadi modal politik pembangkang. UMNO perlu mulai sekarang membuat pembersihan didalam imej mereka. What a better place to start than at Bagan Pinang. PRK yang lepas-lepas kena jadi pengajaran kpd UMNO. Sudah kerap kali UMNO vs. PAS, tapi PAS yang menang. By retomanic on September 12, 2009 11:42 PM Salam Tun, Saya sokong Tun.. Hoping that they wont be blaming us youth again, the next time they fall... How will they ever understand that, to move the world, they have to move themselves 1st? By nase2 on September 12, 2009 11:26 PM Salam akhir Ramadhan buat YABhg Tun, Saya tidak terkejut dengan musibah yang menimpa parti LDP di atas kerana Umno-BN pun tak lama lagi akan menerima nasib yang sama. Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman sedikit bagaimana bibit-bibit Umno-BN akan tumbang. Minggu lalu, saya berpeluang pulang ke kampung, tempatnya selayak dipanggil tempat jin bertendang. Saya tiba jam 8.10 malam selepas 3 jam memandu dari K.L dan singgah di masjid kerana kebetulan ada majlis berbuka puasa beserta tahlil tajaan penduduk setempat dan sunat terawih. Antara tetamu yang datang adalah ketua bahagian UMNO dan orang kuatnya. Selepas maghrib, saya langsung keluar mencari mereka ini (sebenarnya mereka adalah rakan baik saya juga) untuk bersalam dan bertanya khabar. Malangnya mereka dah tiada, dah balik. Tak sempat pun bersolat isyak. Jelas sekali, para pemimpin ini tidak mempunyai 'hati dan perasaan' dengan penduduk yang mengundi dan memberikan majoriti yang besar kepada mereka. Inilah bakat-bakat pemimpin masa depan orang melayu. Sampaikan tuan imam masjid pun berkata, Tok Najib pun kalau berbuka dengan rakyat, dia tetap bersama sehingga akhir majlis. (sebenarnya masjid kampung ini dirasmi batu asasnya oleh Dato Seri Najib semasa beliau menjadi Menteri Besar dahulu dan ia terletak di daerah kelahiran beliau). Jelas sekali, era sekarang pemimpin sudah 'lupa' rakyatnya atau dalam kata lain, dah 'berlagak sombong'. Terlalu syok di zon selesa. Mereka ini alpa bahawa ikatan hormat antara Y.B dan pengundilah yang menyebabkan seseorang tok wakil (Y.B) boleh kekal berpenggal-penggal lamanya - macam di banyak tempat di Kelantan khususnya walaupun Tok Wakil tak lah sebijak dan sekaya mana.

By nash on September 12, 2009 10:52 PM Salam Tun,

My opinion if BN is to gain confidence of the people all the corrupted leaders should be charged in court and no coverage should be given. Dato' Isa Samad known to be corrupted looks like he is to stand in election for the coming DUN. Apa ni? Previously KJ spoiled BN.It look like nowadays Rosmah to do the same thing. Almost everyday she appeared in media acting like politician. People are getting fade up. Sampai beliau baca Koran pun nak keluar Utusan.

KJ secara lain Rosmah pula cara lain. At the end BN becone victim. Thanks By abs on September 12, 2009 10:47 PM Salam Sejahtera buat YBhg Tun dan keluarga, 1.0 Apabila kuasa ekonomi berpindah tangan ke China, ekonomi Jepun jadi terbantut. Ekonomi Jepun pada keseluruhannya bergantung pada Corporation dan Shogususha. Jepun tak banyak Entrepreneur seperti Amerika dan China. Sebahagian besar rakyat Jepun adalah 'Employee' kepada syarikat2 besar seperti Sony, Marubeni, Sumitomo. Mitsui, NEC, Fujitsu, Panaonic dan lain-lain.Budaya 'Employee' inilah yang membenam eknonomi apabila kebanyakan Corporation ini mengalami financial crisis yang teruk dan terpaksa memberhentikan banyak pekerja mereka sekali gus memberi kesan buruk pada scenerio ekonomi Jepun terutama apabila buying power rakyat Jepun menurun. 2.0 Manakala China pula telah menjadi OEM Terbesar didunia. Pertumbuhan entrepreneur dalam bidang pembuatan dan perkilangan bertaraf dunia begitu pesat. Dengan adanya volume dan economic scale membolihkan product keluaran China menjadi very competitive dipersada dunia serta memberi saingan yang begitu sengit kepada pengeluar Jepun dab negara barat. Banyak syarikat ternama dan berstatus conglamorate satu masa dahulu terpaksa gulung tikar atau terpaksa bergabung untuk menjadi lebih competitive. 3.0 Olih itu, ekonomi yang bergantung pada corporations dan conglamorates ada kalanya membawa padah dalam masa panjang kerana psychology rakyat hanya mahu bekerja sebagai employee disyarikat gergasi untuk income stability. 4.0 Rasuah yang begitu tegar dalam pentadbiran negara dan juga syarikat conglamorate adalah salah satu punca utama mengapa Jepun menghadapi masaalah demi masaalah dalam pentadbiran kerajaan. 5.0 Olih itu, Kerajaan Malaysia yang ditadbir olih BN mesti akur bahawasanya, pengambilan rasuah berlebihan dan meggunakan wang dari tax payers (Wang Rakyat)secara boros dan tidak prudent akan membawa padah.Apabila rakyat melihat ramai diantara Menteri2, kroni2 dan proxy2 mereka yang mendapat kick-backs yang tak menasabah banyaknya tiap2 kali kerajaan membuat projek atau membeli peralatan serta memperagakan kekayaan mereka kepada rakyat jelata menyebabkan rakyat naik bosan. Apa tah lagi apbabila, terang2 seseorang pemimpin itu Rasuah 'Gile' tapi kerajaan masih membela mereka ini. Masih mahu menyimpan peruah ini sebagai ketua masyarakat. Sifat mempromosikan pemimpin rasuah ini menyebabkan rakyat makan hati dan bertindak memilih party pembangkang kerana telah meluat melihat telatah pemimpin BN terutama dari UMNO.Kerajaan tajaan BN sudah menjadi angkoh, tak telus dan tidak mahu mendengar rintihan rakyat. 6.0 Olih itu kalau BN tidak mahu tersungkur seperti apa yang dialami olih party tertua diJepun, mereka mestilah menunjuk sifat humble pada rakyat. Kalau kaya sebab rasuah janganlah tunjuk2 sangat sampai beli rumah sampai RM 24 juta dan bila bercakap tu terlalu angkoh dan sombong...Olih kerana seekor lembu membawa lumpur semuanya terpalit..take out immediately those leaders perceived to have living beyond their means..They're liabilities to BN or UMNO. By chewchew on September 12, 2009 10:28 PM BILDERBERG SOCIETY,UNITED NATIONS,WORLD BANK, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC,etc is agents of the illuminatis! national geographic that recently broadcasting 'tarian pendet' as malaysian original tradition, is INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO PLANT HATRED BETWEEN MALAYSIA & INDONESIA! THIS IS A DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO START ANARCHY IN MALAYSIA & INDONESIA! WAKE UP PEOPLE! 3 MORE YEARS FOR ILLUMINATIS TO BRING NEW WORLD ORDER. TOKDET PLEASE JOIN DR RON PAUL IN THEIR FIGHT FOR THE CONSTITUTION & TO STOP NEW WORLD ORDER! By Masceyus on September 12, 2009 10:18 PM tidak ada makhluk yg kekal didunia ini, kalau sesuatu organisasi sangat teruk ia akan hancur dengan teruk.....ini menunjukkan umno adalah parti yang teruk.....tidak mempunyai asas yang kukuh, begitu juga dengan semua ketua-ketuanya tidak kukuh, jadi tak perlu hairan...nak repair pun tak boleh sebab ketua-ketua nya semua dah rosak sejak zaman tun dr mahathir lagi termasuklah tun...jgn buat-buat lupa secara berpilih....umno tidak rosak dalam masa sehari.....banyaklah kita beristigfar dan membetulkan diri sendiri bukan tai ci kat parti lain, atau org lain.....tapi jgn buat-buat lupa pulak BN bukan segalanya baik.....yang zalim pun banyak itu yang akan melingkupkan tu....bukan sebab lain. By speedbird on September 12, 2009 10:01 PM Dear Tun, I grew up loving UMNO and admiring your leadership. Yes umno helped a lot of malays, you developed malaysia and UMNO struggled to gain the country's independence. However, is no longer headed by the uncorrupted people like you or Tun Hussien etc. It is very different now. Umno is still umno but the leaders are totally dufferent. People joined Umno to reap the profits as businessmen. The only way UMNO will regain the trust of malays, the people is to really take action against people like KHIR TOYO, KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN when universally known that they are corrupted. As long as nothing is done to honestly investigate and put them responsible for their actions, UMNO will keep sinking like the Titanic. Punish people like khir toyo. People are looking and waiting. Make umno clean and we will come back to umno. at least settle the high profiles cases like khir toyo's. If no actions taken, sadly our vote will not go to umno. unfortunately there is no other better choice too, my vote for the opposition is exactly like what you said: VOTE OF PROTEST By HBT on September 12, 2009 9:43 PM Dear Tun, May I..... //By pakpandir08 on September 11, 2009 11:41 AM// Dear Pakpandir08, I agreed with you that if the telur is busuk dan tidak boleh dimakan, tiada gunanya menghiaskan telur secara warna-warni. After Samy and his cronies swept the VP and CWC posts in MIC general election, demon can become angel bila "DUIT TARAK CUKUP BAYAR BALIK RAKYAT KAUM INDIA".. You have made a good choice for abanding MIC to join PR. Dear PM Najib, Good luck and all the best, it looks like Samy tarak kasih muka kat UMNO, kalau KM tarak kasi duit, MIC's Samy tak mahu support BN, ha...ha.... PM Najib, don't worry about the chinese votes because chinese will never like their leaders to utilize "force and pathetic strategy" to ask government to fund our community because of our strong Confucius teaching foundation . You said clearly that "Party leaders must be popular with people, not just party members", Samy did it his way. Today he blamed his ex-boss (Tun Dr Mahathir) for his failure, tommorrow he will blame "UMNO", not you, not Barisan Nasional, for his failure. Also, never2 underestimate Dr Chua SL, monies, power and cover-ups may not be the best options to win the chinese votes. Good night Tun. Next show will be MCA, OngTK vs ChuaSL, dah tak sabar nak tengok.

By dysh.shdy on September 12, 2009 9:15 PM Salam Tun. Apa yang berlaku di Jepun tak mustahil berlaku di Malaysia. Rakyat tidak tahu berterima kasih, adalah salah satu faktor. Tetapi, faktor utama adalah, kelemahan BN pada masa kini. Baik UMNO, MCA, MIC dan parti komponen yang lain. BN tidak dilihat melakukan satu perubahan yang amat drastik selepas rakyat menegur dalam pilihanraya ke 12. BN dilihat hanya melakukan 'restructuring', bukan 'changing' atau 'transforming'. BN keseluruhannya kena BERUBAH dengan cepat. Tinggal 2 tahun sahaja lagi. Kata orang, setiap kejayaan perlukan pengorbanan. Dato Najib harus segera menyingkirkan mereka yang dilihat jahat pada mata rakyat. Dato Najib harus BERANI, BERANI dan BERANI. YAKIN dan penuh KEAZAMAN POLITIK yang pernah diberitahu dulu.Siapa yang harus disingkirkan...??? saya tahu Tun tahu. Bukan sahaja Khairy, malah banyak lagi. Mereka ini adalah individu yang telah memimpin dengan sombong, bongkak dan ego yang tinggi. Apa dato Najib perlu buat lagi?? Segera perkenalkan orang muda dalam kabinet kerana majoriti pengundi selepas ini adalah tediri daripada golongan pasca merdeka. Dan mereka ini percaya dan yakin dengan golongan yang seusia mereka. Fikirkan nama Mejar Faiz Khalid, Joel Neoh. (antara nama yang saya percaya mempunyai kebolehan kerana saya telah mengkaji keperibadian mereka ini. Mereka ini juga tidak tergolong dalam golongan 'Orang Kuat BN', ) Kalau perlu lantik mereka sebagai senator, maka ianya HARUS demi survival BN. Pilihanraya akan datang juga, Dato Najib haruslah melantik calon dikalangan mereka yang tidak terkenal sifat keUMNOannya, tetapi masih ahli umno. saya percaya, Dato najib mungkin terpaksa berfikir 2 3 kali untuk menyingkirkan mereka yang dilihat jahat oleh rakyat berada dalam BN. kerana mereka ini mempunyai sokongan dalam kawasan/ adun mereka sendiri. Tetapi fikirkanlah juga, undi setiap rakyat malaysia adalah berdasarkan kepada "masih adakah lagi orang ini dalam BN. Ini bahaya, kerana mereka mungkin akan memimpin kita pada masa akan datang. baik kita tolak BN terus". Saya tak harap post saya ini disiarkan. Tetapi memadai untuk dikhabarkan kepada dato najib demi survival BN. Tun, selamatkan Malaysia dari tangan- tangan kotor orang seperti Anwar. Lakukan SESUATU demi generasi akan datang. Sekali lagi, saya harap post ini tidak disiarkan kerana saya tak berharap ia disiarkan. Saya tidak mahu pengundi atas pagar akan salah tafsir tulisan saya dan memilih pembangkang pada election akan datang. By calot on September 12, 2009 9:03 PM Salam Tun, I guess this is just happening. I like the charismatic way of our PM talked during the MIC Gathering today, but is he addressing the nation's issues well? Please, if the government is "cakap tak serupa bikin"... sooner or later what happened to Japan will surely happen to this nation as well. That is all that I have to say. By somethingstirring on September 12, 2009 8:12 PM Salam, Saya telah membuat keputusan untuk tidak mengundi BN pada Pilihanraya Umum yg akan datang walau macam mana pun BN berubah. Rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya tidak lagi menaruh harapan mereka hanya atas seseorg ahli politik(samada Najib atau Anwar) atau satu parti(samada BN atau Pakatan) ttp pada satu system di mana kedua-dua BN atau Pakatan mampu memerintah.Ini satu sebab. Sebab yg satu lagi saya telah jemu dgn politik perkauman. Dalam insiden pemindahan kuil, boleh difahami bahawa terdapat unsur-unsur dalam masyarakat majmuk yg ingin menimbulkan rasa benci sesama kaum tetapi adalah tidak disangka bahawa seorg pemimpin kerajaan sanggup mempertahankan tindakan sedemikian. Nampak seakan-akan beliau ingin rakyat Malaysia membunuh sesama sendiri. Kerajaan sesebuah negara seharusnya tidak berbau perkauman. By PencintaNegaraku on September 12, 2009 7:54 PM Askum Tun, apakah komen Tun tentang kesan lagu Negarakuku ( kepada slogan 1 Malaysia? Sekian, terima kasih. By RajaChulan on September 12, 2009 6:53 PM Dear YABhg. Tun, Politicians and political parties are supposed to serve the rakyat unlike the present situation here in Malaysia where UMNO and BN leaders seek high office to "sapu the duit rakyat"!! The above must change definately!! However the above cannot change overnight,(unless, a revolution takes place, which is quite unlikely in "Kiasu" Malaysia)as the problem is quite deep rooted. As for me, I think We have to take the first step by supporting a two- party type of politics in Malaysia. What has happened in the 12th GE is therefore a refreshing outcome and the rakyat got to again collectively strengthen the formation of a 2 party-system come the 13th GE. Once we have a solid 2-party type of politics in Malaysia, I believe who actually then governs becomes quite unimportant. Ada good government and ada strong opposition at the same time. Rakyat will have a choice to pick the correct side to govern and the correct side to become the opposition to check on the governing side. I sincerely believe the above to be more important (to me, at least) than the Vision 2020 or 1Malaysia!! Cheers!! By observer12 on September 12, 2009 6:52 PM I think Tun should take period polls here on the BN's performance according to certain issues which Tun could choose. If you track the results, it will probably reflect relatively accurately the real voter sentiment. Probably right now the new PM is doing well in people's opinions. But over the next 3 years, if things don't change dramatically, we would probably see his approval ratings fall quickly in Tun's polls. By Planetaman on September 12, 2009 6:25 PM Salam Tun dan sekeluarga.

Cuba Tun google: insiders selling stock Ada petanda buruk ekonomi pada september dan bulan2 mendatang....harap Tun cuba perhatikan hal ini Wassalam By Mohd Suhaimi on September 12, 2009 6:06 PM I think the major problem in UMNO is the behavior of its leadership starting from the top down to the bottom. Majority of them are not honest anymore to UMNO. They use UMNO to achieve their own objective rather than other way around and the rakyat can see it very clearly. When they are given the trust they prefer to use it to rich themselves. The problems are other party members also ask for what they have and finally everything need to be paid. No money no work. And the same thing happen to rakyat on the fence who are not the member of UMNO but more symphatize to UMNO during election. They are asking for ringgit before casting their poll to UMNO candidate . No more genuine fighter in UMNO, and if there are,the numbers are very small. That is the perception of rakyat which grow everyday and something have to be done by UMNO to instill the confidence of rakyat back to UMNO. If this is successfully carry out I believe UMNO will continue to serve the country and I really hope and wish to Allah to open the heart of UMNO leaders and its members to work honestly to bring malaysia to prosperous country. By kamal ahmad on September 12, 2009 5:23 PM Salam Ayahanda Tun, I seriously think that DSN needs to take back BERNAMA come January, and put some real talent and brains into it. The same could be applied to most other mainstream media joint in the country. Some of the lesser known scribes are actually running agendas of their own or worst, they are promulgating the oppositions, in subtle mild mannered ways. Through on line votes, through carefully placed news lines, through degrading head lines, through demeaning sentences – these gentle propagandas goes almost unnoticed to the eyes but read by the mind. Deep and lasting. Beginning with the BERNAMA Chairperson (Bangkuorang), a complete overhaul is in calamitous (an exaggerated point) need. Ok Tun, enjoy the Bazar Ramadan. Wear a mask. Zorro knows best. By samurai on September 12, 2009 4:47 PM Tun, Saya rasa pun BN jatuh, Najib ini pun sama tidak menjaga rakyatnya seperti yang dilaungkan, rakyat diutamakan tapi rakyatnya pekerja awam sahaja tidak pekerja swasta. Salah satu faktor kekalahan BN dalam PRU12 adalah tidak adil pada rakyatnya yang menjurangkan diantara rakyatnya. Pekerja awam dijaga dinaikan gaji tapi pekerja swasta bertambah susah bila barang- barang naik sedangkan gaji mereka tak naik. PM baru Najib juga sama tidak buat apa-apa tapi dia hanya asyik dengan pekerja awam sahaja. Najib harus ingat pekerja swasta lagi ramai. Harap dengan rintihan ini dapat Najib membantu rakyatnya pekerja swasta ini dan seterusnya BN dapat kepercayaan daripada semua rakyatnya dan menang dalam PRU13.Insyallah. By bayu on September 12, 2009 4:44 PM TEPAT..APA TUN TULIS.AKAI TUN KALU NAK BELI TAKDAK JUAI..MACAM GULA.MANA KATA TUN TAK TEPAT...TENGOK LANGKAWI SUDAH DAH 4 PENGGAI TOK BAKAR JADI AHLI PARLIMEN TAKMAU BAGI LALUAN KAT DATO MUKRIZ.LAST2 DULU MENANG MAJORITI 10RIBU .PILIRANRAYA LEPAS MENANG 4RIBU .MAJORITY BOIKOT PANGKAH PKR DAN PAS PASAI..TOK BAKAR TAKMAU BAGI LALUAN KAT DATO MUKRIZ.PRU 13 TAK BAGI DATO MUKRIZ DILANGKAWI ..SAYA NAK TANDING BEBAS LAWAN BN..GERAM By sandakanboy on September 12, 2009 4:16 PM Salam Tun the rise and fall of political parties is the result of faith and confidence of the members and the voters. Members join cos they want to achieve something.Maybe personal maybe public goals but still they want something. In the days when all they want was so basic.....just good simple life which is what BN gave. But now they see there is no faith and confidence in the people running the party.What they see is everyone want a cut for himself or herself. When they cannot change the party they lose all faith and confidence and became disillusioned . A easy target for anyone who offer some hope ...... even if its FALSE hope. So where can we go from here but to more divisive political agenda. WE NEED A NEW POLITICAL FORCE WHO CAN CLEAN UP AND CHANGE OUR POLITICS INTO MORE OPEN PARTICIPATION WITHOUT MIDDLEMAN...... Change must be directed to open society and those who administer our nation need to push society to clean and transparent system where the core is open to ideas . Maybe Tun can help...... for our childrens future By gubelin on September 12, 2009 3:16 PM Yang amat-mulia lagi dihormati Tun Dr Mahatir Most domesticated animals, including dogs are faithful and grateful to their masters or minders who give them protection and freedom, while enjoying a comfortable life. In return, they have to give back a certain amount of work or responsibilities. They are governed by instinct, unlike human-beings who are guided by common-sense. Unfortunately most of the time, generally people fail to make use of their common-sense correctly or are too lazy to think. They just accept anything that is superficial. Even though the freedom fighters came from BN but they were all gone, replaced by fighters fighting for a different cause: emptying the government’s coffers and robbing the wealth of the country and her people. Not only the youngster but also, the elderly will shun BN and turn- around to vote for the opposition parties, not because the opposition parties are better but they appear to be squeaky clean and fighting for the rights of all Malaysians. Only time will tell, since it will not be too long from now, the poor Malaysians will definitely be out of the frying pan but into the fire – terlepas dari mulut harimau, termasuk pula dalam mulut buaya. These crocodiles are now sleeping but with eyes opened. Tun Dr Mahatir is correct, since he could foresee the days to come when, inevitably Malaysia will follow the foot-step of Japan and also, other countries where the original fire-power patriotic political parties have been buried alive. Those no-nonsense parties managed to chase away those colonists who invaded and plundered the nation. Neo-colonialism is returning but subtly. It will be in the form of money-politics instead of fire-arms. Some while ago, it was all right to buy milk from the farmers but today, those entities with money would rather own the cows and also the farmers, as well. Not only the cows but also the farmers would become slaves for the rich and powerful. Just observe what is happening around us and the likelihood of Malaysia escaping is very slim indeed. Gone are the days when the super-rich will wait for a goose to lay its golden egg, once a day. With all the propaganda factories set up around the world and play-acting rampant, it will be a miracle if any country, ear-marked for a take-over can escape the heat and not be ensnared. Tun Dr Mahatir and his small group of followers will not be enough to fight the onslaught of the high and mighty. We need all politicians world-wide to think and behave prudently, just like our Tun & Company. However, there is nothing like trying and hopefully, all Malaysians will stop dreaming of better days to come, under the regime of Pak Pandir & Saudara-mara Berhad (or Terhad??) Thank you dan terimakasih Pahlawan-ku Tun Dr Mahatir dan Warriors-nya. By pro umno on September 12, 2009 2:27 PM SALAM BAHAGIA TUN, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini mengingatkan pemimpin parti komponen BN supaya menjadi popular di kalangan rakyat untuk memastikan BN terus relevan di mata rakyat. "Saya ingatkan, tidak guna jadi popular di kalangan ahli parti sahaja, tetapi tidak popular di kalangan rakyat. DIA ITU MERUJUK KEPADA DIRINYA SENDIRI, KALAU BN MAHU MENANG DI PILIHANRAYA AKAN DATANG GANTI NAJIB DENGAN Tengku Razaleigh. By JJJ on September 12, 2009 2:09 PM salam Tun, I believe in order to survive the next GE,BN leaders especially from UMNO must LEARN TO BE HUMBLE. When you do a service to the community,please DO NOT POSE FOR PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES.YOU WILL LOOK LIKE FAKES! Walk the talk.Change your lavish lifestyle and learn to live moderately like ordinary folks. Issues like sending your children for private studies instead of government schools are undermining your credibilities. RELIVE THE SPIRITS OF OUR FOREFATHERS WHO WERE GENUINE AND SINCERE. Wassallam Jeng3 By Mango Mix on September 12, 2009 2:09 PM Dear Tun, As much as you're a BN man, you are also a patriot. As a patriot, you should know that the Country should be above all else, including loyalty to a party -- UMNO or BN. I guess you wrote this piece in the realisation that the only way to bring good to the Country is none other than a change. There is no other way to save Malaysia except for a change of government. BN may have had its day where the Country should be grateful, but at the end of the day, BN is not the Country, but only a trustee of the welfare of the Country. It is so obvious BN has at one point turned oppressed Manor Farm (of "Animal Farm") into utopian Animal Farm, but has now come full circle and turned it back to horrid Manor Farm. In so many ways, we are now back to colonial days, where BN are now the Brits. We wonder today if we're any better off than with the Brits. With the Brits we were the most advanced Country in South East Asia. With the Brits, we were respected and our institutions were recognised. With the Brits, pepertrators of cow-head protests would have justly been brought to justice.

Let democracy take its course and perform the remedy the way it was intended for the good of the Country built on it. As a patriot, you know that the change of government needs to happen. BN is beyond repair now, and even your old 'loyal' colleague from MIC (Samy) is turning against you. BN is broken. It needs time to be fixed. A broken BN cannot govern, let alone develop this Country. PR for better or worse, and many of us will take that risk -- needs to be in power. Malaysia needs to get rid of the mindset that BN and only BN can govern. If PR does come into power, it will only be better for BN as it gets a good slap in the face to wake itself from its arrogance. Then it can mend itself. So what if the Country then goes through a period of uncertainty? The Country will emerge stronger from it -- and that is more important than keeping BN in power. Democracy needs to take its course for the betterment of the Country. By bungateluki on September 12, 2009 2:01 PM YAB Tun, tepat sekali apa yang Tun katakan itu. HARAKAH telah pun mengutarakan perkara yang sama tempoh hari.BN akan pasti mengalami nasib yang sama dengan LDP Jepun. PRU13 akan menyaksikan BN hilang kuasa selepas 54 tahun berkuasa,sama seperti LDP Jepun. Rakyat bukanlah sukakan sangat Pakatan tetapi sangat bencikan BN kerana tindak tanduk semua pemimpin BN yang syok sendiri, cakap tak serupa bikin, dan pentingkan diri sendiri sahaja. Parti parti dalam BN masih dalam "denial stage" Rakayat akan pilih Pakatan bukan kerana ia lebih baik dari BN tetapi ia tidaklah seteruk BN. Pakatan is the BEST of the WORST avaiable to the Rakyat. BN tidak boleh diselamatkan lagi. Nasi sudah menjadi Bubur (kalau bubur lambuk sedap juga d makan di bulan ramadahan ini). Selamat Hari raya kepada YAB Tun sekeluarga. By JJJ on September 12, 2009 1:56 PM salam Tun, I am very happy that Proton has shown you respect by consulting and asking you for advise. To Proton, never take lightly advise from the master.You owe your existence to his visionary ideas. Wassallam Jeng3 By sylyester kuan on September 12, 2009 1:40 PM Dear Tun, BN has ruled this nation since independence and we all had went through a lot of adversities. However,due to the weak leadership of BN,people have shown their dissatisfaction to BN by boting to opposition in the previous election. Eventhough we have seen so many efforts and amendments have been implemented by Najib but seems like it still fail to claim back the confidence of people based on the failure of BN in several by-elections. In my opinoin,it is due to less amendments have been done to the law enforcement.Government should let the court to run freely as an individual parties.They should be given a full authority to impose any legal punishments to those guilty including police.We have never seen any police ever punished by the court before but we still evident offences committed by police again and again. Secondly,we are so dissatisfied to the bad behaviour and nonsense things that had been voiced by BN YB's whenever the opposition YB's asked them serious matters.It is indeniable that oppositon sometimes did the same offence but as a ruling party,they should put people's benefits as their priority not to quarrel with others.As an example,Hong Kong Legislative responded positively even when scolded by opposition members. By JJJ on September 12, 2009 1:33 PM salam Tun, I don't have much love for BN left in me,but the alternative is 2X5. PR shut one eye to each others conflicting ideologies for the sake of power is deplorable. Wassallam Jeng3 By SPANA HIDUP on September 12, 2009 1:21 PM Salam Tun, Orang2 Melayu telah membuktikan selama 50 tahun mereka sanggup bertolak ansur dengan bangsa2 lain berkongsi hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Persoalannya sekarang sanggupkah bangsa2 lain itu bertolak ansur dengan orang2 Melayu seandainya ditakdirkan mereka memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara ini? Persoalan ini dah terjawab. Mereka dah dapat semuanya ... tetapi mereka mahu lagi ... dan lagi ...dan lagi ...sehingga tiada apa lagi yang tinggal untuk bangsa Melayu. By Nothing but wind on September 12, 2009 1:14 PM Dear Tun Dr M, I am sure you are now aware the complexity, vague and gray areas surrounding the . I Peninsular Malaysia if you are identified and A/L or A/P in your MyKad then you are deemed to be a Malaysian Indian. However, many of those individuals claim to be otherwise. The reasons given by some of them is ridiculous and stupid. I happened to talk to one Malaysian North Indian. When I asked him whether he is an Indian (thinking that he might be a Pakistani), he said no I am not an Indian, I am 'Hindustani'. Doesn't he know that Hindustani is the reference to Indian in Hindi. Many of these 'non' Indian communities are pressuring the BN to be admitted in its fold. Referring to all this, we can conclude that only “The Malaysian Tamils who are Hindus “ do not have acceptable or non acceptable excuse not to claim as Malaysian Indians. However, these so called 'Non Malaysian Indian' are the front runners to seek assistance and benefits from the authorities which is specially for the Malaysian India. They also fill up in the official forms and documents as 'Malaysian Indians'. The should be ashamed of themselves. Thank god that the racial identity would soon be fade as promised by YAB Najib. Until then,the so called ' Non Malaysian Indians' should fill up as “Others” and not as “Indians”. This is to ensure that they do not steal the opportunities and privileges of Malaysian Indiians. By cakkuncak on September 12, 2009 12:56 PM Dear Tun, I have been waiting for a long time for you to comment about UMNO since DS Najib took over from Tun Abdullah. Many of us hate to admit that Tun Abdullah was the wrong successor. At least on your part, you had admitted it was your mistake to choose him, but other than you not many leaders care to admit that he have done more damage than good. Its nothing personal with regards to criticism on Tun Abdullah. I am sure he is a good person, but that does not discount that he was the wrong successor and the damage he had done was catastrophic to say the least. He obliterated Wawasan 2020 when he should have affirmed it further to the nation. He amplified cronyism in the worse form with involvement of family and son-in-law in the country administration, when he should have eliminated it adamantly. He allowed corrupt practices in his own party when he should have continued to be strict on corruption and eradicate it effectively. Suffice to say now the damaged have been done and the task is extremely difficult for DS Najib and his team to regain the confidence of the people, especially so the younger generation. Your analysis is right on the mark Tun, but as you yourself can see, UMNO does not listen anymore. DS Najib is trying very hard but I am not sure if a new slogan (1Malaysia) or implementation of KPIs can effectively indicate the seriousness of the UMNO led Government by the time of the next General Election. What does KPIs achieve when people (Malays especially) are finding it harder and harder to get credit from banks for various purposes. Instead we see the richer gets richer and in many cases these rich people are people linked one way or the other with UMNO. I agree that not all are cronies Tun, but the fact is when you see all the examples, those struggling are not supported by the Government. Agencies like MARA and others have failed the people on so many occasions. This is only cases with regards to financing facilities. There are so many examples where the Malays are not championed. The people do not need the leaders to come to villages and eat lunch in their houses. The people want to feel and see progress. They want to feel it is not hard to buy things that they want like houses, cars etc. They want to see politicians working and giving ideas,not chanting slogans or singing or writing in blogs because everyone writes in blogs. They want to feel proud of a country that is moving on a singular vision towards something that can be felt in their daily lives. They do not want to see young leaders strutting out expensive cars and demonstrate their polished oratory skills. They want to see young leaders having the same spirit as the previous true leaders that have struggled for the nation. UMNO does not understand this. I am an ordinary UMNO members and I agree corruption in rampant in UMNO. Almost all leaders in UMNO must be well financed or have an abundance of financial resources to even maintain the status as a leader. Ideas, spirit and sincerity are no longer relevant. I am saddened with this analysis and despite my own wish to denyl on the fact that UMNO is still sleeping, I must agree with your analysis that UMNO have lost the confidence of the rakyat. UMNO can only regain is if DS Najib have the courage to take the difficult road to weed out all leaders who are no longer relevant and eradicate greed from their hearts. By Adam on September 12, 2009 12:33 PM Tun, I think it is best for you to return in politics. By kokdin1 on September 12, 2009 12:22 PM Dear Tun, It would indeed be very sad for me at least if BN fell in the next GE. Why the malays are not supporting it anymore? This is what the present government shd study. When DSA took BN to the GE11 BN won with more than 2/3r majority, even better than during your time said one boastful person. Then came the GE12 BN lost 5 states plus one, the worst ever in the history of mankind!!The end result, DSA was removed from office. Now DSN is picking up the pieces thro his one malaysia. WHAT malaysia needs is a firm hand at the helm, not softies. Softies wld not be able to govern this country. I dont really understand why the leaders cannot follow your footstep. During your time, there were times when you become very autocratic and there were times when you let democratic process takes its role.You have already shown the right leadership style. It amzed me why people cannot do as you have done in running this great nation! regards,DK By Black8 on September 12, 2009 12:10 PM Assalamualaikum Tun Dr Mahathir, Bilakah orang kita akan sedar.... Apakah yang difikirkan oleh mereka.... Peluang tak akan muncul setiap hari.... Hanya UMNO yang akan membela nasib kita(percayalah) Dengarlah cakap tun,pemimpin kita yang Allah anugerahkan khas untuk kita sahaja. Takde orang yang lebih sayangkan Umno drpd Tun Dr Mahathir!!!! Percayalah!!Percayalah!!Percayalah!!! Tolong jangan gadaikan kami!! kami tak bersalah,kami sokong UMNO selama keturunan kami!!! Janganlah campak kami ke tempat yang kamu sendiri belum pasti!!!! Dengarlah nasihat Tun,kami yakin tun lebih arif dalam perkara sebegini!!! Dengarlah nasihat Tun!!! DEngarlah nasihat Tun!!! Dengarlah nasihat Tun!!! Assalamualaikum wtw. By respublica on September 12, 2009 11:38 AM Salam Tun, Money & Power has always caused great good and great evil. Negara-negara di Asia baru baru membangun dan maju... tak leih 100 tahun merdeka. Sehingga sekarang, di Asia ini, kita boleh lihat contoh negara yang makin maju dan yang makin merosot. Yang makin maju, kerana rasuah dan salah guna kuasa tak terlampau, institusi kerajaan dan demokratik di pekuatkan dan taraf institusi dinaikkan. Yang makin maju, kerana pemerintah jujur dan ikhlas lebih daripada yang tak. Terpulang kepada orang yang teratas sekali memilih ketua ketua di bawahnya. Kalau yang terpilih tak ada integriti, mereka akan pilih orang macam mereka. Kalau pilih orang yang ikhlas dan berintegriti, memang akan dedahkan kesalahan orang atas. Masalah negara kita ini boleh diatasi, tetapi prosesnya memang panjang dan memang tak senang. Tetapi, paling penting ialah orang teratas kita mesti mulakannya. Mula dengan institusi kerajaan dulu...kerana ahli politik mesti jawap kepada rakat tiap-tiap pilihanraya....tetapi pegawai kerajaan tidak. Macam Jepun, masalah kita juga ialah institusi kerajaan yang membenarkan, menyekat dan tak mahu ikut polisi baru. No other choice or we become third world country and all...... Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Dusun.....lose out. Selamat berpuasa, Tun.

By Alex on September 12, 2009 11:23 AM Tun, Saya ingin ucap banyak terima kasih kepada YABhg Tun atas sumbangan dan pengorbanan Tun selama 22 tahun menjadi PM kepada kami yang mana semua rakyat dapat hidup dalam keadaan harmoni dan aman damai. Kesemua yang saya nyatakan tadi adalah disebabkan kebijaksaan Tun memerintah, keadaan berubah begitu cepat selepas pucuk pimpinan negara berubah tangan kepada Tun Abdullah Ahmab Badawi.

Amat sedih melihatnya kerana cuma selama hampir 5 1/2 tanun sahaja pemerintahannya sahaja semua menjadi tak tentu arah. Semua menteri-menternya berlagak seperti PM sendiri boleh keluarkan apa-apa sahaja kata-kata yang mereka suka, MPs pun sama saja. Kalau kita mengikuti sesi perbahasan di Parlimen, amat terkejutnya saya dengan sifat perkauman yang begitu tebal yang ada pada ahli-ahli MP UMNO sehingga kaum bukan melayu sudah meluat dengan perangai mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Adalah amat tidak terkejut kalau saya katakan hari ini kaum bukan melayu masih setia kepada pembangkang, apa yang akan dirasai oleh kaum bukan bumiputra kalau BN masih dapat memerintah, tak ada jaminan langsung. Lihat betapa berat sebelahnya MACC dalam menjalankan tugasan mereka sehingga nyawa seorang anak muda yang tak berdosa terkorban, itu pun berapa sahaja peruntukan yang disyaki. Apa jadi kepada bekas Menteri Besar Selangor Dato Khir Toyo yang rumah mewahnya yang menlibatkan jumlah sehinggan 24 juta, tak ada sisatan pun, tak ada tangkapan pun. Terlampau jelas sangat sikap lipih bulu mereka dalam tugasan mereka. Minta maaf Tun, kami tak akan percaya apa juga hasil dari sisatan MACC.

Masih ingat saya apa yang dikatakan oleh Tan Sri Muyhiddin selepas kekalahan pilihraya kecil baru-baru ini di Perak iaitu orang Cina tidak tahu beterima kasih kepada kerajaan BN apabila kerajaan BN memberi bantuan hampir sejuta kepada mereka tetapi mereka tetap undi pembangkang. Saya nak tanya kepada Tan Sri Muyhiddin besar sangat ker sumbangan sejuta itu kalau bandingan dengan sokongan yang diberi orang Cina kepada BN selama 52 tahun sejak merdeka ????

Beliau bukan sahaja tidak dapat menyakinkan kaum Cina tetapi menyakitkan hati mereka sahaja, memang UMNO selama ini ingat semua orang boleh dibeli dengan duit mereka. Sudah sampai masa nya bagi UMNO untuk berkubur selama-lamanya.

Dengan slogan bahawa kaum bukan melayu adalah pengdatang walaupun mereka dilahirkan di Malaysia selepas merdeka, berusaha membangunkan neraga ini daripada hasil cukai mereka. Cuma Tun bayangan kalau tanpa pencukaian daripada kaum Cina, apa kah Tun dapat bangunkan Malaysia seperti yang diidamkan oleh Tun selama 22 tahun yang lalu ???

Saya pun sudah letih kalau nak bincang pasal Orang melayu yang memang mudah lupa, kacang lupang kan kulit. Semoga Tun panjang umur untuk melihat kejatuhan UMNO pada pilihraya ke 13 nanti. By rondo on September 12, 2009 11:09 AM Tun, I always make sure I read your blog whenever I had free time. Keep us update and the progress of the country for the interest of general public,whom are always in the dark covered by the lies of the press. I am just another oridinary person who live happyly with other groups of ethic and I believe many would agreed with me and only a few fanatic or the extreme group making a mole into a hill. All I hope now the elected party should start work to bring the country out from these crisis and improve the live of the ppl and cut the crap of pointing finger to each other as these will be the road to down fall of the party. Frustrated person. Best health to Tun and your wife TQs By khairi ali on September 12, 2009 11:07 AM Assalamualaikum Tun, Yes, yes, yes... umno should learn from LDP debacle, and so with other parties that fight for their countries independence. And will the man at the helm will ever learn? I dont think the present PM would demolish his 1Malaysia, even though Malays are talking about where is PM going to take the Malays? In fact, some are refering 1Malaysia as the same tactic employed by penghulus during the days of Japanese occupation. Just fill the Malays onto the Jap's truck, and not to bother where were they heading!!! He wont abolish 1Malaysia. It will be better for him to step down, because it is so,so, so embarrassing. After all, the economy is gaining and performing well... This is the kind of logic that dont match : one is about Malay survival, while the other is about the economy. Wrong footing! I want to give Tun an example of UMNO leaders not toeing the line of the members. Its about the rise of ummah. In the 60's, dakwah is very powerful and able to impress the Malays. Come late 70's, majority are still with the dakwah, even though a few started their own footing, that is the Tabligh. They attacked Hindu temples! In the 80's, dakwah transform into something more tangible and long term strategy. The rise of Islamic schools. At first, its all a private and NGO matters. But then the government tried to appease it with the forming of national schools that have Islamic stream. But, the masses, including the UMNO followers want more. They want a total Islamic education. But UMNO leaders, downturned their stride. In the process, more ustaz and ustazah were wanted, and the government got it from Kelantan. So, what can we expect, if not the total teaching of Islam, as propounded by PAS. As time goes on, even the government officials get influenced. Even now, UMNO is still playing some kind of trapeze with the ummah, when it comes to the sphere of education. So the voice for total Islamic way of life become the norm of the day, and UMNO is still playing trapeze, and even as a professional juggler! But, I personally, is thankful because UMNO do not follow the line taken by PAS, who are ever willing to side step Sunnah Wal Jamaah. UMNO pragmatism save the ummah... for the moment. Malays and ummah are synonymous. Only UMNO leaders who has this kind of understanding could save the Malays and their territory.

By akumerdeka on September 12, 2009 10:09 AM 1) Bila saya terbaca post dari pekli, saya terasa macam ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada dia. Sesungguhnya saya dan mungkin majoriti rakyat malaysia mengalami dan merasai perasaan yang sama. Di mana rasa penolakan yang amat kuat terhadap BN berdasarkan rasa geli dan jijik dengan tingkah laku segelintir umat yang mengaku pandai dan tahu segalanya (mr. know-it-all). 2) Tiada siapa yang sempurna, namun sangatlah hina seseorang itu jika berterusan menegakkan benang yang basah, mengutamakan puak²nya, dan berbuat apa saja untuk menghalalkan perilakunya tanpa ada rasa ingin mendengar kenapa dia dipersalahkan. Very pathetic. 3) Ingatlah, sesungguhnya setiap yang hidup itu pasti akan mati. Sesudah mati, tiada siapa dan tiada apa yang dapat menolong ketika soalan diajukan. Tak boleh nak pusing cerita, tak boleh nak gunakan sistem "kehakiman" dan "perundangan" dan seribu satu macam cara lagi. 4) Maka, terimalah azab-Nya yang maha pedih bagi pemimpin yang korup dan tidak amanah. Wallahualam. 5) Saya hanya berumur 29 tahun. Mungkin post saya ini tidak begitu bagus. 6) Tapi, bayangkan jika majoriti belia seperti saya mempunyai rasa yang sama. 7) Hakikatnya, generasi seperti saya yang akan menentukan landskap politik negara kita. Kalau bukan pilihanraya yang terdekat, pasti dalam pilihanraya yang seterusnya. 8) Selamat berpuasa dan Selamat Hari Raya buat TDM dan TSH. By Gopal Raj Kumar on September 12, 2009 9:16 AM It is important that people especially successive generations be imbued and inculcated with the lessons of the past and those values that allowed people of our generation to achieve what we have achieved inspite of the cost and hurdles we faced in our time. If we are ourselves engineers of revisionism of history, we will create a precedent by which others will re engineer and revise our own history in fture. It is a sad fact that Malaysia over the past 3 decades has excised people like Parameswara Dewa Shah from the annals of Malaysian history and embellished the history of the country with skewered versions of the past. For whatever purpose that may have sought to achieve, it has thrown open the gates of creative writing on Malaysia's past. Likewise, the exaggeration of what was achieved at 'independence' say in places like India and Malaysia and the deification of the independence leadership without a balance of their warts and their failures has led the current generation denied the spoils of the theories and propaganda of that 'independence' to challenge its truths. It has little I think to do with a lack of gratitude. Gandhi is known now from the release of the Zeigler papers in 1977 to have been complicit with Nehru and the British establishment in undermining not just Jinnah who himself had rather elitist and imperial ambitions for the sub continent on his own. It was the betrayal of people like Maulana Azad by Jinnah, Nehru and Gandhi and the exclusion from history of numerous other genuine freedom fighters from the collective who would be finally recognised as the true fighters for independence that has encouraged and compelled a generation in India today to discard the state created versions of history, its heroes and whats good and bad for them. It may be slower there but thats how large elephants move. Africa, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) Bangladesh and Pakistan like Nigeria have all had difficulty adapting to a syestem of democractic principles that wouldd encourage merit and merit alone to succeed. They never did have traditions of anythng more than tribalistc totlaitarian rule and a constitution imposed on them will not change that tradition and mindset overnight. Singapore claims to be diffferent and to espouse those principles of applying merit alone which can be the subject of a later debate. The evidence clearly suggests otherwise. In their case merit is determined from a narrow class to the exclusion of others. A bit like the Brahmin determination of who will sit their exams to succeed. Clearly then those excluded from sitting are not successes not because they have failed but becaue they have not produced a recognised result from the scheme or the class. Malays especially today are at a stage where they are questioning the their position vis a vis the non Malays who have enjoyed a clear advanatege over them in all pursuits. Thats an issue that will not go away. In fact it is made worse and is now more volatile a subject because of the provocative and often inflammatory distortions levelled at Malay aspirations. Sure there are corrupt elements in UMNO. But UMNO of itself dooes not rule Malaysia and never did on its own at any time in Malaysia's history. It had the complicity (or alliance) of its allies MCA and the MIC. None can claim to have had a virtue or a morality any higher than that of UMNO in or outside of government. Another issue regarding the statement you make on this issue is that of foreign interference ( you are silent on that aspect) in the domestic politics of cuontries. Especially strtaegically positioned countries like Malaysia in the Straits of Malacca the world's busiest shipping lane. Historically the country and its location had been coveted by Europeans, Arabs, Indians and Chinese alike for the same strategic reasons. Their influence is indellibly stamped on Malaysia's cosmopolitan mix. The efforts continue to this day by others for influence and control. It takes on many forms from the Neo Cons covert funding of so called Opposition in Malaysia with their enviable access to friendly foreign major media outlets to chauvanist racist groups within the country attempting to re create a Malaysia where one's citizenship is onee's race. There is no Malaysian race. Then there are those on the sidelines wanting a re write of Malaysia with the support of the west and commerce in general. A need to re indoctrinate future generations with the traditional values that are unique to the area must begin at the home level. At present its MTV, fake American accents, the internet for all the wrong reasons and unbriddleed short messages through SMS that has created a generation wth short lifespans, shorter skirts and even shorter memories and concentration spans. Government has an obligation to control media, language, education and the conduct of its people to produce order out of which it is then able to create opportunities for prosperity. For that to succeed government must consist of principled people who can be trusted and trusted to deliver. I never did like your style. But then again it was not me with a mandate to deliver policies that would bring prosperity to the country. I would be a fool though to deny that your achievements for Malaysia (at the expense of your popularity elsewhere) is unprecedented, admired mostly elsewhere and in Malaysia and achieved without blood shed, the expense or sufffering minorities (although there are those who will say otherwise) and that too in record time. Malaysia is a by word for progress, style, achievement, relative freedoms and success in many countries. Dare I say even that India and places as diverse and distant as Bangladesh, Croatia and Khazakstan utter the name Malaysia with affection and reverence we used to for places like the UK and the US. It is not about ingratitude. It is about a lack of leaadership. Gopal Raj Kumar By Pangait on September 12, 2009 8:17 AM The writing is on the wall. Between the devil and the deep blue sea, we will choose the deep blue sea. The devil we knew for the last decade just seem impossible to shed his character. For the moment, the lack lusture performances anticipated of the PR government are actually the performances of UMNO/BN. The Perak debacle, the loses in by elections, the PKFZ scandal and many more are just too much to overshadow PR. Thanks to UMNO/BN. They are their own making. 1Malaysia itself lacks lusture. Only an advertising propaganda without real actions to bring back people together. Just look at the policemen standing by on the wayside when UMNO members kicked and spat the cow head. They seem to be waiting for orders to act. There is something which they seem to understand, what will happen to them (policemen)if they arrested them on the spot. It is something as if too long an indoctrination had made them that way. What ever UMNO/BN seemed to be doing against PR is bouncing back and hitting on UMNO/BN. We are glad BN will be given the boot on the next GE. By iiziin on September 12, 2009 8:12 AM ..... pihak2 berkuasa dalam kerajaan elakkan dari menggunakan taktik kuno dan strategi lapuk untuk menguatkuasakan sesuatu undang2 yang dicipta oleh manusia yang berubah2 mengikut selera sendiri. Tindakan anda akan dipersoalkan di akhirat nanti. By Mapax on September 12, 2009 7:18 AM The people at this age do not desire only peace anymore, what they desire is change! As change is the essence of life. Whether BN will change the way they function or the ruling party will be changed is a question of all of us. None the less, a change is inevitable, Malaysia will see a drastic change in the following decade, and I look forward to it, because the change is for the better! By Keris Bersilang on September 12, 2009 6:56 AM Salam Tun..... Rasanya rakyat dah letih menyuarakan suara mereka...Tun sendiri pun tanpa kenal jemu dan penat menasihatkan k'jaan. K'jaan ni msih lagi sombong, bongkak, syok sendiri di dalam mentadbir negara....Telah byk pengajaran dan pengalaman yang ditempuhi....PRK je dah 7 kali...Mungkin diaorng ingat masih menang kot...tunggu jelah jadi mcm kt Jepun tu....baru tau... X mahu nak mengaku kesilapan. Asyik dengan 'denial syndrome'nya...Rakyat x nak slogan..rakyat nak kebajikan dan keselamatan Hospital, keselamatan, penguatkuasaan yang adil, pendidikan yang sempurna.....tiada rasuah.... Mohon sangat pada Tun bagitau mereka...Jgn dah xde kuasa nanti baru nak terhegeh2 dok ulang2 sumbang bakti yang telah mereka berikan semasa ada kuasa dulu...x guna...sementara ada kuasa ni buktikan...kotakan....jgn takut untuk ambil tindakan....rakyat yang paling utama.....rakyat yang memberi kuasa.....pemimpin adalah pemegang amanah bukannya yang 'empunya' negara ini. Kalau x berubah juga, tunggu jelah...kami pun muak dah nak dgr ucapan2 manis, janji2 manis tetapi retorik semata2.... By Ibrahim on September 12, 2009 6:55 AM What you have said is prophetic. BN will go the way of LDP. The writing has been on the wall for the last few years but BN has not taken heed. The UMNO, MCA, MIC of today is not the UMNO, MCA, MIC in 1957. They have become arrogant and corrupt. If neither you (arguably the strongest leader of UMNO) nor Pak Lah (arguably the 'cleanest' leader of UMNO) could not eradicate the corruption in UMNO, then I doubt if any one else can. Ultimately, the corrupt and arrogant government will fall. By mahyuddin on September 12, 2009 6:40 AM I think, this is the most honest comment made by you Tun Mahathir. You being a long time UMNO member and have gone thru so much and make lots of changes for the party and country, frankly, knows what is going on in the party and component and also in the Govt. now. The downfall of anybody not just a political party or big giant corporate, is greedy and dishonesty. When you work with your mind on making dishonest money and power for oneself, it is the beginning of the downfall. Your people with curse day and nite. "12. The only thing that would save the BN is the lack-luster performance of the opposition. The alternative is not a real alternative. But if the performance of the BN Government and parties fails to gain confidence, the frustrated voters might just do what the Japanese voters did - dump the party they had supported for more than half a century." I agree with this statement, BN is like a vulcures waiting for the opposition (?) to fumble in their performance. BN performance has not improve after they are in power for the past 52 years, infact it has gone down the drain with their abuse of power and unsolve/settle corruption. To say that the beneficiaries do not appreciate the strugle of the independence fighter is wrong, we highly salute them but they have change, in a big way. By CheWal on September 12, 2009 6:10 AM @baiyuensheng, obvously, you have lost your ability to think. you don't even know the meaning of corruptions and cronysm. It is surprise to see your moronic level of thinking. Perhaps there are more people with the same level of thinking as you...but hoping the numbers are small...otherwise, it is a pity to the country to have people like you. By razlan1982 on September 12, 2009 5:35 AM Salam & happy fasting Tun, I cant see if there is a specific reason for me to enjoy any organization's downfall in the future or present, we have plenty of years to plan. It seems some of us are putting the blame on the system. Pardon me but these cranky situation has a meaning to us. If the nation falls, the whole country is to be blamed not the individuals. If the country falls apart and i am praying hard for not too, issit relevant for us to expect it could be cured before we die or even before our childrens and grandchildren dies too? The healing timeframe of an organization is usually longer than it's destruction n some cases, it will never ever be the same again as there will be alien parties taking advantage of it to absorb our resources. It is true, the new generation is not party dependent(as I am only 27). Upon the leaders we trust, but no we are not putting any faith on no one. We seek a leader with proper education, experience and most importantly, the one who doesn't babbel too much but getting the things done on time. Plus, the system has been built, but maintaining the nation's system needs update. My generation were born in the 1980s, and by the year 2020 we will be around 30-40 years old. Thanks to the national education system, our brain were well groomed. Yes, we're always to be blamed for our neglecting attitude in today's political status. but did we neglect? or did we analyze it before jumping into conclusions dat BN or any party or any individuals are doomed? As for Japan, their political disorder is far beyond the readings that we seek from the mass media. I ain't a professional political analyzer and i wouldn't dare to compare it with Malaysia today. Every organization has it's own unique elements which will conclude success or failure that's for sure. I believe there is still hope for Malaysia to unite. peace won't preserve itself when no one is taking care of each other. Respect. Assalamualaikum, Razlan Jalil. By ZUL RAHMAN on September 12, 2009 4:57 AM salam hormat tun mahathir dan salam penuh kasih sayang kepada semuanya, READ, with an open mind, READ, with your heart, READ, in the name of your Lord, [Read, QS:Al_Alaq Ayat 1-5, bersempena dengan nuzul Qur'an]

THE LESSON FROM JAPAN [quote: Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on September 11, 2009 8:19 AM] '14. In just three years' time the new elections will be held. Time is obviously running short. Unless some drastic change is shown in the way the country is run and the people are served, the BN will join the other grand old party in the rubbish heap of history.'

THE CHECKMATE NOTE NO.14 3 years, isn't that a simple formula for us to think about? Now lets see, lets detail it out into numbers, WE have 1095 Days LEFT, or to make us stand up straight and think about it, we shall say that WE have 36 Month LEFT. a.k.a 36 month ONLY. how many days in a month? remember the first day of our 'puasa'? and we have about 9 days left before 'Syawal. hmm.. Please remember, that this weekend is our last weekend to do 'shopping'. YES, THIS Weekend. Today is SATURDAY. NOT next Weekend, because NEXT WEEKEND is already 'Hari Raya'. Very simple FORMULA isn't it? "So, how about 36 month or 1095 days LEFT?"

LAST MINUTES SHOPPING a'aa, DO NOT RUSH, why rush? why last minutes? The word 'last minutes' is very synonym with us.(not everyone). Do the shopping now. Yes, today. Remember the word 'last minutes' are always with us since we are in the university. Remember our assignment? we used to say, "I could have done it well if I do it earlier. hmmm, but, nevermind, we still score A anyway" a'aa. NOT ANYMORE now, NOT APPLICABLE. We are matured enough for not to use the above said term anymore. Still want to proceed with the 'last minutes' terms?

"How about 36 month or 1095 days LEFT?" Think about it, THE CHECKMATE NOTE NO.14, could have turn to be THE DEATH NOTE No.14. salam hormat, salam penuh kasih sayang, By ZUL RAHMAN on September 12, 2009 4:12 AM assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, salam hormat kepada tun mahathir & tun siti hasmah, kami mendoakan semoga kedua-duanya beroleh kesejahteraan disamping keluarga yang tersayang, juga salam hormat dan salam penuh kasih sayang kepada semuanya,

READ, in between the line, READ, in the name of your Lord,(Iqra'-Nuzul Qur'an), READ, with an open mind, read deeply until you reach to the deepest part of your heart, read...

DOA begitu sekali sampai hatimu tuan saudara yang bernama' golok, tuan sehingga sebegitu sekali sanggup mendoakan akan sedemikian doa, doa seawal-awal pagi permohonan, quote: By golok on September 11, 2009 8:55 AM "Tp tak mengapa, semua ini akan dibayar balik dlm PRU13 nnt. Percayalah. Sy mendoakan agar Tun dpt menyaksikan kejatuhan BN ini. Mungkin benar kata org. DS Najib adalah PM UMNO yg terakhir selapas lengkapnya teori RAHMAN." duhai hati yang terasa sungguh malang, duhai hati yang diam dan tak mampu membicarakan, duhai hati yang sungguh bersedih di bulan ramadhon, kami semua memohon akan kemaafan kepada mu tuan yang bernama' golok dan yang sealiran dengannya, jikalaulah ada sebarang kekhilafan yang tidak tersengajakan, mohon ampunkan segala dosa keatas segala kekhilafan ayahnda kami yang bernama tun mahathir', kami bermohon,... 1 dan jikalaulah keras hatimu tiada langsung walau sedikit mahu bertoleransi, maka kami pula mohonkan kepada mu yang bernama' golok dan yg sealiran dengannya, agar dapatlah dirimu mengenangkan walau sedikit akan belas kasihan kepada ayahnda kami yang bernama' tun mahathir disini, dimohonkan agar dapatlah dikau kenang walau sedikit kepada keseluruhan baik perbuatan beliau kepada 'dirimu', kepada Agamamu, kepada Bangsamu, dan kepada Tanahairmu, sesungguhnya, telah kami berSaksikan (di zaman ini) akan kebaikkan-kebaikkan yang telah beliau laksanakan, dan bagi yang selebihnya, telah kami serahkan kepada Yang Haq', iani yang Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Penyayang, lagi Maha Mengasihani, serta kami doakan pula akan kesejahteraan beliau serta keluarganya dan kepada sekalian 'umat. dan jikalaulah KERAS hatimu lagi tidak mahu berganjak walau sedikit dan TIDAK langsung mahu bertoleransi, maka kami mohonkan pula doa buat dirimu yang bernama' golok dan yang sealiran dengannya, kami mohonkan dengan selembut-lembut sebutan, dan kamilah yang terlebih dahulu menghulurkan kedua-dua belah tangan kami kepadamu, sambil menundukkan wajah kami ke bumi, dan tiadalah berkata apa-apa sebutan melainkan airmata yang mengalir menitis kebumi, memohon maafkanlah akan ayahnda kami yang bernama' tun mahathir ini, kami bermohon,... 2 dan jikalaulah KERAS lagi hatimu TIDAK MAHU juga berganjak walau sedikit dan TIDAK MAHU LANGSUNG bertoleransi, maka kami memohon agar dikau yang bernama golok' dan yang sealiran dengannya agar dapatlah melihat kembali akan dudukmu, dan dengan baik kami pohonkan, memohon agar dapatlah kiranya menatap akan taman-taman subur keindahan disini, dengan kembangnya wawar pekat warna merah yang berduri ditaman ini, juga tataplah kembangnya pelbagai jenis tanaman dan bunga-bungaan dan haruman ini buat kesekian kalinya, dan putik-putik yang bakal berkembang juga mahu telah kami berjanji untuk kami jagai dan kami bajai, tataplah kesemuanya semahu-mahunya hatimu, sebelum kelopak wawar pekat warna merah berduri itu gugur satu persatu diluar taman larangan, kami bermohon,... 3 salam hormat, salam sejahtera buatmu, By wanz on September 12, 2009 2:16 AM salam tun, i would like to take this opportunity and freshen up a few minds. we are fighting amongst ourselves here. can't everyone see the bigger picture? we must unite now! we must unite before its too late. its obvious that Malaysia is gonna be hit by a great storm. is it after we become slaves on our own soil will only people realize that we are being overrun? when this happens and were not prepared, events of Japan is the least of our problems. don't say PR but BN will only be a thing of the past then. we must take action! right now everyone is too obsessed with internal political issues. their minds clouded with controversy. let the higher ups play with their 'games', we the people must be strong. in these dire times we must conjure up a plan to unite. i know it is hard but it has to be done. i myself will fight till the last minute making sure that people understands this. i'm just a commoner so theres only little i can do in a short time. i hope with your voice the pace will quicken. we don't have much time before our 'real enemies' start to strike aggressively. i know we can do it. its still not to late, but time waits for no man. Malaysia will not fall by mere internal conflicts. minta maaf jika ada tersalah bahasa. a concerned citizen, may Malaysia be saved.... wsalam By azienmat on September 12, 2009 1:31 AM Luahan dan pandangan Tun itu memang lama bermain difikran ramai dan saya sendiri. Kerana merasa pelik kenapa peristiwa seperti ini boleh terjadi. Adakah kerana pemikiran rakyat sudah berubah atau parti tersebut yang berubah? Atau kedua-duanya sama berubah atau sudah memang lumrah alam yang tak boleh dielakkan. Sekurang-kurangnya artikel ini dapat meredakan perasaan hati yang rimas dengan kemelut politik tanahair dan politik global umumnya, terutamanya kami-kami yang susah nak buat perubahan tak tentu pasal ini. By S..Tan on September 12, 2009 1:20 AM Dear Tun, salam Ramadan selamat berpuasa harap sihat. Kiriman saya untuk topik ini.....

...... UNGRATEFUL GENERATION Tun scores on both ends in this argument. By saying there is some truth, he manage to denounce those who are 'ungrateful' (oppositionists). Arguing the new leaders have changed gives him ammunition to attack the current leaders and curry favour with his electorate. He cannot lose either way! This is called site preparation work. What project, I wonder...... THE ROT To be fair the rot began 22 yrs ago. It is only now showing. A million does not turn bad in 6yrs...... DESIRE FOR OFFICE Besides a desire to 'stay' in office, we also have people who desire a 'say' in office! Both are stubborn. By theprince on September 12, 2009 1:19 AM Tun, Saya membesar dibawah legasi pemerintahan Tun, dan sehingga kini masih mengagumi kredibiliti Tun dalam membangunkan Malaysia dan teguran2 terbuka yang Tun lemparkan kepada semua pemimpin (khususnya UMNO)sejak meletakkan jawatan pada 2003.. apa yang saya lihat hari ini ialah kepincangan politik yang berlaku secara berterusan sejak dari tarikh itu... 1) Saya juga adalah antara ribuan pengundi yang beralih undi dari BN kepada pembangkang bukan kerana saya setuju dengan piagam, perjuangan dan janji2 mereka,...tetapi retorik yang mereka perjuangkan adalah lebih meyakinkan dari janji2 BN yang saya lihat seolah2 menggunakan rakyat sebagai alat untuk mencapai impian segelintir mereka yang bercita2 besar didalam politik negara... 2) Jika BN mampu menghukum ahli2nya yang korup dengan keras demi untuk kebaikan gabungan itu sendiri...maka seluruh rakyat akan bertukar haluan melihat perubahan itu dengan penuh minat dan harapan, dari mengalih melihat perubahan yang sedang dibawa oleh pembangkang.. Jiwa rakyat (khususnya anak2 muda hari ini) mungkin boleh dibeli dengan wang ringgit, tetapi aspirasi dan kepercayaan mereka kepada perlembagaan dan undang2 juga harus diberikan keutamaan...jika mereka meragui dan mempertikaikannya...maka amat sukar bagi kerajaan merialisasikan slogan 1Malaysia untuk semua...melainkan 1Malaysia KELIRU. P/s :(VOTE) there are times in politic, when you must be on the right side and loose... By dingy on September 12, 2009 12:55 AM asskum Tun dan keluarga. memang benar akan kata2 Tun itu. kebarangkalian UMNO akan tumbang GE13. kenapa terlalu taksub akan UMNO? biarlah UMNO mati dan dihidupkan kembali dengan wajah dan tenaga baru. kenapa terlalu takutkan PAS dan PKR? selagi melayu memerintah, saya tak nampak akan masalahnya. orang2 yg dangkal shj akan mengatakan pas dibwh telunjuk DAP. mana buktinya? saya berani jamin, tidak kira siapa pun yang memerintah, sekiranya hak2 melayu dipertikaikan, melayu akan bangkit bersatu. saya hairan masih byk yg menyimpan dendam dgn Pak Lah dan KJ. teruskan hidup anda. cuba lihat keculasan polis, spr dan sprm yg dengan terang-terangan bertindak berat sebelah. sekiranya mereka bertindak secara adil dan saksama, tidak akan ada pihak yang berani membuat tuduhan secara melulu. keadilan haruslah dilihat dilaksanakan. sekiranya DSN sanggup mengambil langkah tegas dengan memperkasakan POLIS, SPR & SPRM, pihak pembangkang tidak akan mempunyai sebarang senjata. sekarang ini, nyata pihak berkuasa cuba melindungi pemimpin yg rasuah dan penyeleweng. inikah yang org melayu mahu? ingatlah, UMNO bukan ISLAM dan UMNO bukan Malaysia. sekiranya penguburan UMNO elok utk org melayu dan malaysia, so be it. By azmany on September 12, 2009 12:33 AM 1. Change for the sake of change is never good. 2. Marahkan nyamuk, jangan kelambu di bakar. Having said that, I believe all we need now is just good leadership. Whether we like it or not, the country needs a strong leader. One who has strong believe in what's good and have the conviction to pull it through. Is Najib a mouse or a leader? Though, it's okay to be a mouse - if you can produce results. Diam- diam berisi. Don't be like FAM and Malaysian Football.... By shafinaz on September 12, 2009 12:17 AM Tun, PRU ke-13 nanti adalah penentu bukan sahaja kepada kelangsungan UMNO malah survival bangsa Melayu di negara ini.Adalah malang jika pengundi muda hari ini mengundi berdasarkan emosi dan dendam tanpa menyedari mereka telah menggadaikan nasib bangsa dan masa hadapan mereka sendiri. Tun, saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Mufti Perak mengenai sikap angkuh dan sombong sesetengah pemimpin UMNO sebelum ini dan sikap itu mula berubah selepas PRU ke-12. Pada pendapat saya,keangkuhan di kalangan beberapa pemimpin UMNO ini terjadi sebab rakyat sentiasa memberi sokongan terhadap BN pada setiap pilihan raya sehinggakan ia menjadi satu jenaka di kalangan rakyat yang menyatakan bahawa walaupun BN letak tunggul kayu sebagai calon, rakyat akan tetap memangkah BN dalam pilihan raya. Bagaimanapun perkara itu mula berubah pada PRU ke-12.Sebenarnya Tun, ada hikmah di sebalik kekalahan BN di beberapa buah negeri sebelum ini kerana ia menyedarkan kembali pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang telah tersasar daripada perjuangan asal parti itu mengenai peri pentingnya perjuangan mereka membela bangsa Melayu di negara ini. Tun, saya berpendapat jika UMNO khususnya dan BN amnya ingin terus wujud dalam arena politik negara ini, pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO haruslah mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat pada setiap masa. Ini termasuklah jangan membebankan mereka dengan kenaikan harga petrol yang melampu seperti yang berlaku pada zaman Tun Abdullah dan diikuti dengan kenaikan harga barangan keperluan yang mendadak. Tun, rakyat faham mengenai kenaikan harga minyak global, tetapi menaikkan harga minyak secara mendadak dan berterusan adalah keterlaluan kerana ia bukan sahaja menjejaskan rakyat marhaen malah golongan pertengahan di negara ini. Begitu juga bayaran tol, adakah selama-lama rakyat harus membayar tol di lebuh raya negara ini?Jika benar, mungkin sudah tiba masanya kerajaan menimbangkan menghapuskan terus cukai jalan. Tun, selain memikirkan bagaimana cara untuk menarik golongan muda supaya mengundi BN pada PRU ke-13 nanti, sudah tiba masanya UMNO memikirkan cara untuk mengatasi masalah undi bukan Melayu yang akan terus memihak kepada pembangkang pada pilihan raya umum nanti. Dalam masa yang sama Tun, isu pokok iaitu bread and butter yang merentasi semua kaum dan kelas masyarakat jangan diabaikan.Bagi saya Tun, saya akan tetap mengundi BN selagi BN prihatin menjaga kepentingan rakyat. Adalah sayang Tun, jika rakyat seperti saya yang tidak akan megundi pembangkang mengambil sikap bercuali dan secara tidak langsung menyebabkan kekalahan BN, hanya kerana UMNO dan BN gagal memahami dan enggan mempelajari daripada kesilapan-kesilapan yang lalu. Salam Tun.

By Bingo on September 11, 2009 11:48 PM Dear Tun, People don't bother if Anwar homosexual or corrupted, they don't bother the wrong teaching of Islam by Nik Aziz and PAS, they don't bother how chauvinist it is Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Theresa Kok and gangster Ronnie Liu of DAP, they don't bother how corrupted it is Khalid gagap of PKR Selangor + Selangor menteri besar. They will still vote for those bloody corrupted opposition parties as long BN still corrupted and not listen to people voice. How easy it is to be opposition, you can be corrupted, gangster or even manipulating your own religious teaching for your own benefit in order to get vote from people. But for me same as you is in between the devil and deep blue sea. Anyway, Selamat Berpuasa to you and Tun Siti Hasmah.

By suratkhabarlama on September 11, 2009 11:28 PM ASSALAMUALAIKUM MAY COME AN GO, BUT WE MUST BE LOYAL TO MALAYSIA, OTHERWISE JUST MIGRATE TO THE NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES WHERE YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF THAN IN MALAYSIA.I THINK IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT MAKES THE GOVERNMENT GOOD OR BAD, SO THE CHOICE IS OURS.WASSALAMUALIKUM SEMOGA YAB TUN & FAMILY DI RAHMATI ALLAH. By globaldomain4u on September 11, 2009 11:13 PM Salam, Saya setuju dengan pendapat Tun. BN akan tumbang pada pilihan raya akan datang. Kesalahan itu harus diletakkan di bawah perdana Menteri yang lepas. Dibawah PM dahulu, ahli UMNO semakin bongkak dan sombong. Bila rakyat merintih, rakyat yang dipersalahkan. Sekarang pula nampaknya org Melayu juga dipersalahkan apabila mereka cuba menentang pembinaan Kuil. Sedangkan kaum lain yang menghina azan lima kali, tiada diambil tindakan undang2 Kepada siapa lagi yang rakyat harus percaya, pemimpin Melayu sendiri yang tidak menjaga hati orang Melayu dan Islam Sekian By OrangLama on September 11, 2009 11:09 PM Salam,

Tun kata : "Unless some drastic change is shown in the way the country is run and the people are served, the BN will join the other grand old party in the rubbish heap of history. " Ramalan saya: Kemungkinan besar Pakatan Rakyat akan menang besar Pilihanraya akan datang dan membentuk kerajaan. Alasannya BNasional masih ikut cara orang nak kalah. Dah tahu calun tak sesuai, masih nak calunkan! Dah tahu rakyat menyampah dengan aksyen orang2 kuat cawangan dan Bahagian, masih nak terus perangai begitu. UMNo bukan sahaja kena menghadapi PAS dan PKR tetapi peminpin UMNO sesama sendiri duk main keris sesama mereka, tikam menikan, sumpit menyumpit, gula mengula dan pelbagai lagi jenis keburukan . Dekat Trengganu , pemimipin UMNO sana dah lintang pukang, tak tentu arah.Masih tak selesai2 lagi. Perlis dah tenteram kot. Negeri Sembilan dah mula menyala obor2 perjuangan perut. Satu sebab Kelantan lama sangat di perintah PAS bukan kerana PAS itu hebat tetapi pemimpin2 UMNO Kelantan bermasalah sesama mereka. Bagus juga kalau Barisan Nasional tumbang. Ramai2 cabut pi Pakatan Rakyat, tinggal yang benar2 ikhlas bersama UMNO. Lepas tu yang cabut ke Pakatan Rakyat seperti Saudara Zaid Ibrahim dan lain2 tentulah akan buat perangai seperti semasa UMNO. Orang putih kata "Old habits die hard", akhirnya rosak pula Pakatan Rakyat. Lepas tu apa jadi, rosak Melayu semua termasuk PAS, PKR dan UMNO. Menang sorak, kampung tergadai. Nauzubillah.Moga2 tidak berlaku. Tapi apa boleh buat orang Melayu memang perangai macam tu. Siapa yang untung akhirnya? Jawapannya ialah DAP dan lain2 parti bukan Melayu. Ingatlah jangan sampai generasi akan datang menyalahkan pemimpin Melayu sekarang jika depa hidup merempat di bumi sendiri. By Ataturk on September 11, 2009 10:57 PM Dear Tun, During slumberjack's time people said the country was on "auto pilot". Now with Najib at the helm ( and I was told he has a razor sharp mind) the country is "adrift". Let me cite a few examples which I am willing to bet my last dime would have never happened during your time. 1. The stupid syariah judge in Kuantan would not have dared to impose the caning sentence on a woman. What we have now - not even a whimper from Najib. 2. The actions of the barbarians in section 23 Shah Alam - just a whimper from the "meathead" Home Minister and the PM. 3. Civil servants treated like beggars. RM500 goodwill payment and in two instalments. This is nothing but an insult. 4. The 1M slogan. Why come up with a slogan knowing very well it will be impossible to deliver. 5. All and sundry now have no respect for leaders -why? They are not earning it like you did and seem to be driven by fear after the debacle of the 2008 election.

At the rate things are going the Barisan Nasional is going to be "DIW" (Dead in the water) after the next GE.

I am sorry to pen this but my frustration is increasing by the day. Best Regards

Ataturk By kadiology on September 11, 2009 10:54 PM tun. betul ke rakyat malaysia ni nak terima anwar jadi pm? mereka dah kenal ke belum SIAPA dia ni? tun sendiri pon TAK KENAL dia. ya, mungkin rakyat malaysia dah sampai tahap tepu, meluat dengan BN. tapi menjatuhkan BN dengan pilih anwar? apa pon, harapan saya sebelum PRU13, ada kan perbicaraan anwar dan saiful tu segera supaya rakyat boleh menilai adakah ini orang yang mereka hendak untuk jadi perdana menteri mereka. By libzim on September 11, 2009 10:34 PM Singapore PAP gets stronger everyday. By ah_heng on September 11, 2009 10:22 PM Tun, I would say nothing would save BN from losing in the next GE. BN is getting desperate looking at the way the handle racial issues, Selangor & Perak. In fact these are the things that allow us to hate BN even more! I am really sad at all these happening in Malaysia. Although I am not in Malaysia but by stepping one step away I was able to see even clearer how BN & UMNO continue to use their old dirty tactics to wrestle back those states lost to PR. In fact BN should just concentrate in improving what they have won during GE13 and only then the RAKYAT will appreciate what we have missed. Disappointed. Sad. Frustrated with BN & UMNO. WONG By staau on September 11, 2009 9:59 PM Dear Tun, Never thought I will enjoy sharing my views with you. First of all, we must keep to hope. Being hopeless is a failure by itself. Second, we must have faith in ourselves. When destiny is with Allah, we have nothing to lose when making efforts. The present government must believe in hard work. There is no failure after a sincere hardwork. Third, there must be sincerity. This is not easy but it comes from a pure heart. I have pity with DSN spending and giving all the wealth of the nation back to the people but he missed one important thing. Materialism will not bring purity of heart but more lust and ungratefulness. To have purity of heart, then we need to inculcate good values. The malays have an interesting proverb, "Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat". We must bring back the good adat because its fruits is sincerity. Fourth, bring in more good, the evil will go. Goodness is sunlight, evil is darkness. We cannot remove darkness but we have to make the "light" brighter and brighter. Frankly, I make the fifth, sixth and more points. What good will it bring when it is mere talking. When we do little, our ability to do more will increased. It take one person to propagate goodness, miracles can happen. DSN talks to all the people and he has all the platforms to him, then he should all the time propagate goodness in his speech. Do not be bothered by what the oppositions or other people will think, just say out all the good ethics, good values, etc, he will change Malaysian scenario. Thank you

By Dashing on September 11, 2009 9:27 PM In your reign of 22 years you did nothing but injustice. Injustcie to the non-umnoputras. You cultured corrption to the utmost derogatory. You as an executive failed to take action on wrong doers, worse still you encouraged umnoputras to illegally amess wealth.If you did not do that you would not have stayed so long in power.If BN looses in GE13 100% blame goes to you.Learn from Lee in the south to minimise corruption.Compared to Lee you are nothing. By Mohd Faried on September 11, 2009 9:08 PM Salam Tun dan Toh Puan, Adakah rakyat sekarang sudah lupa jasa parti kemerdekaan ? atau Parti yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan yang melupakan asal usul dia? Tak di nafikan ada segelintir ahli politik yang cukup susah nampak muka dan turun padang. Tak kira pembangkang dan pemerintah. Asyuk-asyik tunggu poket penuh atau dapat masuk tv baru nak tunjuk muka buat kerja. Keadaan dan berubah, keadaan dah berbeza, time is run so fast, u cant stop they mind and they choose. Everthing have make u what u doing to make the PRU 12 will not happen again? Hati dan fikiran parti politik BN masih di takuk lama...masih tak nak berubah, masih megekalkan tradisonal lama. Cara dan tektik baru masih tak menjadi, apa kesilapan ye? Adakah golongan muda telah berjaya BN tambat? Adakah BN telah mempertingkakatkan ekonomi negara? Rakyat tak minta lebih...rakyat cuma nak keadilan terpapar, jangan sorok2. Rakyat tahu. Ekonomi masih bergolak, sepatutnya pelbagai cara mesti di lakukan untuk menarik pelabur luar datang melabur dalam negara. Jangan buang masa, jangan tunggu lama-lama, gerakkan modal, gerakan dana. Jangan bagi dividen dan bonus yang rendah macam KWSP...amat mendukacitakan rakyat...inikah yang di katakan "menjamin masa depan anda"? Tun, harap Tun dapat gerakkan parti politik dari bawah hingga ke akar umbi..hanya ini sahaja yang dapat di lakukan bagi prg yang dah bersara. Saya lihat, adun sekarang tak turun padang. dan pemimpin tinggi sibuk dgn kerja. Harap dengan teguran Tun akan mengigatkan mereka ini semua. HIDUP TUN! HIDUP TUN! HIDUP TUN! By rg on September 11, 2009 8:54 PM salam Tun, sebagai rakyat biasa yang menjalani kehidupan di bumi bertuah ini, saya merasakan terdapat banyak ketidak tentuan yang sedang berlaku di negara kita ini. rakyat terutama yang muda berada dalam serba kekeliruan. tingkahlaku pemimpin yang korup dan gejala fitnah yang berleluasa dan penyemaian kebencian yang amat dahsyat terhadap pemerintahan yang ada amat ketara sekali. jika tiada sebarang tindakan drastik dan berani, segala kekacauan ini tidak akan berubah. jika kita masih berdiam diri dan tidak berani membawa perubahan yang jelas, negara ini akan menemui kehancurannya. apakah dengan memberi sokongan kepada parti pembakang akan membawa perubahan yang kita inginkan? jawabannya adalah jelas, sedangkan negeri selangor yang maju pun tidak dapat ditingkatkan kemajuannya, malah berlaku ketidak adilan yang jelas dan korupsi yang amat dahsyat sekali. suara penduduk tempatan telah tidak diambil kira dan diperlecehkan. adakah bentuk kepimpinan seperti ini yang kita hendak banggakan? hak majoriti diketepikan tapi hak minoriti di utamakan. apabila keseluruhan kerajaan persekutuan di ambil alih, adakah kita akan menjadi sebuah negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat sedangkan ketua parti pembangkang sendiri mempunyai sejarah yang jelas berkiblatkan amerika dan menjadikan dirinya sebagai agen perubahan amerika. kemana sahaja dia pergi akan dibawa bersama agenda amerika malah mempromosikan segala idea yang ditentukan oleh mereka. apakah kita mahu negara kita suatu hari nanti berkiblatkan dan mengikut segala telunjuk amerika? pemimpin kita yang sebelum ini telah membentuk negara ini dengan mengikut kehendak kita sendiri berlatarkan sejarah dan budaya kita. Tun telah mempertahankan negara kita dari penjajahan barat dan kita telah berjaya menghadapi krisis kewangan yang cuba di ambil kesempatan oleh mereka tanpa bantuan barat malah telah di ikuti formula yang Tun gunakan. tindakan yang diambil oleh kerajaan sekarang ini masih belum nampak keberkesanannya terutama dari segi peyatuan rakyat yang berbilang bangsa.selagi kekecohan yang ditimbulkan oleh anasir yang tidak menghormati undang undang negara tidak ditangani dengan tegas, maka undang undang akan dipermainkan dan diperkecilkan. fitnah dan bukannya rasuah sahaja yang akan menghancurkan kita dan membawa kita ke zaman kehancuran. keyakinan rakyat harus dikembalikan segera dan penyatuan mesti menjadi agenda kita. kekuatan kita adalah pada rakyat yang berbilang bangsa yang menghormati undang undang dan menghormati hak hak yang telah dipersetujui. By MALAYSIADREAM on September 11, 2009 8:36 PM ************************************************************** Yesterday Is History..Today Is Reality..Tommorrow Is Mystery..! But something are not entirely unsure...there is no longer any Amazing Leader leading our beloved nation...Malaysia..for another 50 years to come...... ! May God Bless Malaysia...! ****************************************************************** By Hajar on September 11, 2009 8:14 PM Dearest YAB Tun, PLEASE CONTINUE TO REMIND UMNO AND BN. I know Tun is trying very hard to save UMNO and BN. Keep up the GOOD WORK. I still believe that UMNO/BN is the best choice. The alternative party so far has proven to be QUITE HOPELESS. ** May Allah SWT bless Tun & family ** By obama2 on September 11, 2009 7:37 PM Dear Tun, Very well said and true in every words! It is unlike what many craps and uncertain promises the leaders made in their speeches on TV eg. wrestling power back in the opposing states, etc. I and my buddies used to vote for BN. Even at difficult times like 1997, we are all behind your wisdom to tackle the financial crisis. Patriotism and belonging to great Malaysia was felt at those moments. Proud to be Malaysian then, no doubt. However, since you left, those wonderful feelings began to fade and replacement of cover-ups, corruptions and unbecoming events unfolded as norms of the day. I understand you are trying to warn the present government of what happen to Japan. Look like they are not opening their ears to you cos they are more preoccupied with their parties infightings and the threat of exposures of their IN pockets. KJ, an unqualified leader speaking on behalf of malaysians, provoking Indonesia. If nothing changes as of now, government will change hand. Even our Malaysian flag last August wasnt a significant FEEL anymore. Bring back the SPIRIT all those good years had given us! What 1Malaysia??? Do not feel it at all!!! By Nothing but wind on September 11, 2009 7:34 PM Dear Tun Dr M, Most of the governments today are fragile as compared to decades ago. In Malaysia, some of the BN leaders thought that they would eaily win the previous general election. However, what really happened? The results were worst ever for BN where many main stream leaders of the component parties became the casualty. Many blame it on Pak Lah, who got strong mandate for his leadership from the rakyat in the 2002 General Election. It was with the hope that Pak Lah (known as Mr Clean)would clean up the mess in the BN and Government. It became obvious that he was unable do much. I strongly feel that the rakyat had no alternative other than the PR and voted for it either as a vote of protest against the BN or would want to test out the PR as an alternative. The politicians today just ignore the enormous strength and coverage of information technology and electronic media. They fail to realize that each and every movement and communication could easily be traced with precision. I hope the leaders of BN component parties be humble, productive, fair and clean. I suggest, intense action on graft and abuse of power by those in power to be taken by the Prime Minister, irrespective of their political affiliation. Lastly, observing the recent by-election voting trend, I would say the BN needs to buck up and start working for the next general election immediately if at all it wants to defend its control on the Federal Government and at least retain its control on certain state government. I do not want to say this but had to. Unless BN wakes up, it is heading for another historic defeat ever both Parliamentary and State Seats. By hening on September 11, 2009 7:12 PM Salam hormat kepada Tun dan penulis-penulis yang menyuarakan pendapat ynag bernas, Saya amat tertarik dengan pandangan Sekenit. Sebagai anak negeri Pulau Pinang, saya amat tersentuh dengan fakta yang dikupas oleh Sikenit. Ya, penduduk minoriti disini bukan sahaja dipinggiri oleh kerajaan negeri tetapi turut diambil kesempatan oleh penduduk majoriti. Sayangnya, mata penduduk minoriti boleh dikaburi dengan serendah-rendah pemberian duit saku semasa hari perayaan oleh pemerintah negeri. Terlalu sayang, harga maruah yang diperjuangkan oleh para nationalis selepas kemerdekaan hanya berharga duit saku sahaja. Fikir-fikirkanlah sekarang supaya Pulau Pinang ini tidak terus terlanjur ke jalan bumi Palestin yang ditindas setiap saat. Cume perbezaannya disini, Pulau Pinang munkin tidak akan dihujani dengan peluru tetapi dihujani dengan penindasan yang halus dan berpanjangan. Saya lebih rela berjuang sekarang dengan pendirian untuk keadilan yang sebenar daripada menyesal kemudian. By kingcrippler on September 11, 2009 6:50 PM Assalammualaikum Tun, Apa khabar Tun? Tun, saya dari Singapura. Catitan blog Tun kali ini sungguh menarik. Baru- baru ini, People's Action Party (PAP) dari Singapura dan Master Mind (MM) Lee Kuan Yew telah menghasil sebuah buku mengenai sejarah PAP yang mungkin orang tidak tahu dan juga mengenai tokoh-tokoh PAP yang unggul. Tun, rakyat Singapura sering mendapat infomasi yang berat sebelah dan mungkin kurang tepat kerana pihak media dikawal oleh pemerintah. Sebagai mana yang orang tahu, PAP telah "menjajah" Singapura sejak detik merdekanya Singapura dari Malaya. Orang juga tahu mengenai kebaikan PAP tetapi tidak sesiapa pun tahu keburukan PAP. Kalau tahu pun mereka akan senyap. Jadi Tun, kalau boleh, tolong lah hasilkan catitan blog mengenai keburukan PAP berdasarkan pengelaman Tun. Tun lah orang yang layak mengutuk kuat PAP. Wakaka. Tun, di sini aja. Semoga Tun dan keluarga sihat-sihat belaka dan insha-allah amalan puasa Tun di Ramadan akan di terima Ilahi. Dengan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Tun selamat menyambut Eidul Fitri. Assalammualaikum. Dari Singapura. By muzzaffar on September 11, 2009 6:29 PM Dear Tun, I do strongly disagree with your article. I believe the voters should re-elect the party simply because they are the one who claimed to be the one who fought for the freedom of the nation. We, Malaysians, should vote for the party that can move us forward instead of being stuck in the past because of their incompetence, racial discrimination and corruptions. Malaysian needs to remember this - WE ARE IN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY. Those who fought for our independence in the past do not just fought for our freedom, they also fought for our country democracy and free will. Voting for those who will repeatedly fail us is similar to not having any freedom at all. If we do continue of doing so, then we do not deserve this independence. STOP THE RACISM, STOP THE CORRUPTIONS. I am a Malay but I do believe that the Chinese and the Indians deserves an equal right with us, because we are Malaysians. Warm regards, Muzzaffar By hsm_cai on September 11, 2009 6:08 PM salam kepada Tun dan para bloggers, selamat 10 terakhir ramadan, semoga 10 hari terakhir ini bertambahlah amalan ibadat kita.AMIN... dengan penuh keikhlasan, [email protected] By ijal on September 11, 2009 5:56 PM Ways for BN to win next election:- 1) Strip KJ off from Ketua Pemuda. 2) Ask Sammy Vellu to step down. 3) Working towards achieving Vision 2020. a) Build the fast train from north to south. b) Build the crooked bridge to singapore. c) Complete the highway to Kuala Trganu, up to Kelantan. d) Complete the lrt infra, in KL. Above list, just to name a few. If anwar ibrahim elected as the next pm, i will migrate too. My well wishes to u sir. Rgds- Rizal. By Alibabamahathir on September 11, 2009 5:55 PM Dear Tun, Your comments are spot on. Your realization that Najib will lead Barisan nasional to oblivion is a reflection of reality. Barisan Nasional of the old good days have become Barisan Nasi untuk putra-putra makan percuma. But lately Barisan Nasi gravy train becomes Barisan Sampah with so much sampah spilled from the mouths of kepala-kepala Barisan Sampah. ok, ok. Barisan Sampah sounds like BS = Bull Shit. Najib Bullshit about najib's 1Malaysia Najib - literally translated as Najib punya 1Malaysia hear wrongly seluruh Malaysia Najib punya. His nephew lagi teruk. Hissmahmuddin Bullshit. This joker eat his words spoken during PRESS CONFERENCE and now order his orderlies in Multimedia control to force Malaysiakini to take down that video press conference. By forcing Malaysiakini to take down the video showing Hishammuddin spilling Sampah words, he has admitted that his words are bad. Bodoh punya orang. Defending the undefensible is really stupid. the first video clarly show the face of the fellow BEEER party leader and was quickly identified on internet but he still cakap tidak masuk akal. Actually his cakap masuk akal kalau the majority are bodoh butthat assumption is no longer correct because the majority are not bodoh. That the Barisan sampah still assume the majority are so bodoh to believe such bodoh statement means the Kepala Sampah are really bodoh. bagus lah. Kalau kepala kepala sampha bodoh sampai tahap ini, even if Pakatan Rakyat is so lacking in governing experience will be better than Barisan Sampah. Today I made a decision. There is nothing to lose. Vote Pakatan Rakyat. Do what the Japanese dare to do. Dump the rubbish and take anything new. By waterlily on September 11, 2009 5:39 PM Salam Tun, I always love to read your blog. I agreed Tun, the reason that BN will be back next year is just because PR is a failure lots. Last election I voted for PR at state level and BN at parlimentary level. The reason is that I wanted to see whether they can be a better alternative than BN. My hope is that PAS will be a better alternative than UMNO. But PAS fails miserablely. They are only good in bowing to DAP and PKR. The most beneficiary is DAP. PAS will do all the screaming and scolding to the Muslim on behalf of DAP and PKR. What a nice job PAS. Well done. You will join MCA club soon. DAP please continue dancing, its really good to see you doing that.... By Hussein Ismail on September 11, 2009 5:20 PM Yg Bhg Tun, Alhamdulillah, dan tetapi kesilapan UMNO dan kerajaan yang amat ketara adalah dibuat oleh tangan Tun sendiri i.e. Tun mungkin terlupa menyediakan pemimpin pelapis semasa syok memerintah selama 22 tahun. Zaman abad terakhir pemerintahan Pak lah hanya dihabiskan masa untuk membetulkan kesan atas kepincangan pemerintahan Tun.... "Everything is transient" by Alvin Tofler in his popular book Future Shock....dan tidak ada yang kekal melain Allah SWT. Dengan harapan "change comes improvement", maka pertukaran pemerintahan akan datang tidaklah perlulah untuk diambilkira secara serius. Selamat Berpuasa dan Maaf Zahir Batin Untuk Tun Sekeluarga. By pj1 on September 11, 2009 5:10 PM Salam Ramadhan Dear Tun, BN is not doing bad after all. Especially with your effort to remove Pak Lah from heading the government, things are moving back towards its perspective. It might be in slow motion due to the damages done but when the head is right, the tail will only follow suit. Perhaps other parts of the body will be held responsible to remind the head to be on the right track to avoid intolerable consequences. We are so blessed with Allah the Almighty Rahmat, Rahman and Rahim. Somehow we are steered in a way by his qudrah that we in Malaysia can live in tolerance with each others never mind the races and believe we each uphold. But we must do our part to preserve what we enjoy now in order to stay relevant. Only after, the rest we live to Allah, for psychological heal. Mudah-mudahan... By ayozzhero on September 11, 2009 4:59 PM It has been quite a white I haven't been here. Today, after selecting "" from my bookmark, I received this message: ------Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Access denied The requested URL could not be retrieved URL: Blocked by Web Traffic Protection Reason: phishing attack Generated: 9/11/2009 4:51:39 PM Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 ------

Well, as a person who lives in the IT industries, I can manage to at least temporarily disable the Web Potection setting of Kaspersky. What about others? Maybe someone made a false report to Kaspersky, stating that this is a phishing website, I do not know. Hopefully the admin can explain and discuss the matter with Kaspersky and remove the block. Otherwise, more and more people will be denied from browsing the site. TQ By promelayu on September 11, 2009 4:56 PM Salam Tun satu perjelasan yang mudah difahami Bagi saya apa yang berlaku di seluruh dunia akibat satu sahaja Tun.. Kelemahan sistem yang ditajai oleh barat dan Amerika Syarikat iaitu Demokrasi!!! Demokrasi banyak kelemahan tun, ia bukan sistem terbaik di dunia..kerana apa tun, kerana yang mengundi sesapa sahaja boleh mengundi..dan kadangkala yang mengundi tue tak tau sapa pemimpin tersebut..pakat pangkah jer..kalau silap pemimpin macam mana...contoh di pulau pinang..kerana dihasut oleh Pakatan Pembangkang, abis penduduk kampung buah pala pangkah pemimpin yang kaki penghasut...lepas tue mungkir janji..lepas itu barulah insaf dan sedar diri ada pemimpin kaki penipu macam nie.. Itu satu perkara, satu lagi kelemahan demokrasi ialah ia banyak bergantung kepada wang...tengok sahajalah berapa banyak syarikat2 penaja yang melobi calon presiden di Amerika Syarikat..tidakkah ini menggalakkan corruption???Tapi diamalkan di Amerika Syarikat bukan??Dunia sekarang penuh dengan materialiti atas landasan sistem kapitalis dan demokrasi.. Dan sistem demokrasi tidak boleh lari dengan sistem kapitalis..jadi jika kapitalis ada masalah..begitu juga sistem demokrasi... Sistem demokrasi juga mengajar manusia menjadi kurang ajar tun..sebab apa saya kata macam tue..kerana sesapa sahaja boleh bercakap tanpa batasan..jadi apabila pemimpin itu gila kuasa..dia akan menghasut orang sana sini..sedangkan Islam tak ajar macam tue bukan???bila dihukum orang sebegini..dikatakan kejam..tapi tidakkah fitnah itu lagi berbahaya dari membunuh???jadi sesapa sahaja tidak kira kerajaan dan pembangkang boleh bercakap apa sahaja..selepas itu, kalau tidak puas hati ambil tindakan mahkamah..lagi sekali tindakan mahkamah ini berlandaskan apa??sistem demokrasi bukan??jadi kena overhaul semua.. Satu lagi masalah terbesar dalam sistem demokrasi ialah ianya mudah memecahbelahkan masyarakat...kenapa saya berkata begitu kerana apakah akan terjadi jika PRU-13 nanti BN hanya menang satu parlimen sahaja??apa akan terjadi??begitu juga jika PR menang satu undi jer..apakah yang akan terjadi???Kerajaan campuran kah???Tak ker huru-hara dibuatnya??satu polisi pun tak dapat dibentuk akhirnya..tak mustahilkan perkara ini terjadi tun???yang teruk sapa??rakyat dan negara secara keseluruhannya..bukannya pemimpin tun..pemimpin dah kaya raya..tak kiralaa kerajaan dan pembangkang..

Jadi bagi saya, kita kena kaji macam mana sistem kepimpinan negara ketika zaman Rasullallah dan sahabat2..saya bukan arif dalam bab2 begini..tapi saya amat yakin kalau kita menggunakan sistem yang diamalkan semasa zaman Rasulllallah dan sahabat2, insyaallah segala kelemahan dalam sistem demokrasi dapat diatasi..tak payahlah teruja dengan teori "rahman"..itu hanya sekadar momokkan sahaja..fikirkan macam mana nak atasi kelemahan sistem demokrasi...kalau perlu ubah..ubah terus...tak payah dah guna demokrasi...buang demokrasi...dirisaukan apa yang dingini bila PRU-13 nanti lain yang jadinya..negara lagi hancur bukan lagi bertambah baik..nak keluar dari BN masuk PR..sokong PR..lepas itu bermimpi2 PR memang pada PRU-13, kalau ditakdirkan PR memerintah nanti..kalau PR lebih teruk dari BN apakah akan terjadi kat negara ini???Ada jaminan PR lebih baik dari BN???Saya pasti semua di sini akan menjawab tidak bukan??jadi disini apa yang perlu dilakukan ialah ubah cara pendekatan politik di Malaysia..janganlah berkiblat pada demokrasi semata-mata..iniah cara barat untuk memecahbelahkan sesebuah negara.. British ini cerdik tun..mereka bagi kita merdeka dahulu bukan sewenang-wenangnya..mereka dah kaji..dan mereka tahu macam mana nak huru harakan Malaysia..jadi mereka suruh pemimpin2 negara terima demokrasi mereka..sedangkan apakah erti demokrasi sebenar2nya..untuk rakyat kononnnya bukan..sebagaimana abraham lincoln katakan..tapi saya tak percaya untuk rakyat..dia sendiri akhirnya ditembak mati... Berkenaan dengan orang melayu berpecah belah..satu sahaja orang Melayu bersatu padu..iaitu di bawah agenda Islam..letakkan Islam sebagai teras segala2..Yang Pas janganlah terlalu ekstremis kata orang kafir, tengok sahajalah di negeri2 yang diperintah pas, tak abis2 cakap politik kepartian..apa asasnya disini???cakapkah pasal ummah..bukan pas..sampaikan bulan ramadhan ini untuk mencari lailatul qadar pun masih lagi berpolitik kepartian pas..fanatik sungguh dengan pas..sedangkan yang penting Islam..bukan pas..cakap pasal Islam paling penting..golongan fanatik ini makin menunjukkan belang mereka selepas PRU-12, yalaa dirasakan bahawa kemenangan di pihak mereka.. sebelum ini senyap2 jer...kalau bising2 pun hanya dikalangan mereka..tapi sekarang makin melampau..tak mustahil satu hari nanti orang makin meluat dengan mereka..macam Islam ini hanya untuk pas sahaja... yang UMNO plak janganlah terlalu berkeras dengan sistem kebangsaan...letakkan Islam di atas, bukannya idea kebangsaan...insyaallah Melayu akan bersatu..atas landasan Islam.. Berkaitan dengan perubahan kerajaan pada PRU-13, lagi sekali saya berasakan kita terlalu asyik dengan momokkan ini..sehingga hidup kita selepas PRU-12 hanya politik sahaja...gimik politik di perak selangor, pulau pinang..tak pulak asyik fokus ini sahaja..takde ker isu lain nak diketengahkan???terutamanya di pihak pakatan..jadi BN yang merupakan kerajaan janganlah terikut2 rentak..BN patut kawal bukan dikawal...tapi kalau semua sama saja..inilah masalahnya demokrasi.. Begitu juga, saya tak sangka langsung..ada pemimpin macam pemimpin pakatan pembangkang yang berkelakuan tak macam pemimpin di Perak..memalukan!!tapi apa yang kita ada??tak BN, PR..kalau dua2 teruk macam mana???akhirnya pemimpin yang tak layak menjadi pemimpin kita..akhirnya lintang pukang masyarakat Malaysia..kita amat-amat kekurangan pemimpin yang sedia ada..jawapannya hanyalah satu tun..ramai yang ingin menjadi pemimpin yang amat baik..ramai tun..tapi diaorang nie tak sanggup menjadi pemimpin yang corrupt, dan tak bela rakyat..mereka khuathir semua ini..kerana mereka benar-benar ikhlas..sedangkan politik yang kita belajar dari barat amatlah menjijikkan dan kotor..caci mencaci, guna wang sebagai raja demokrasi, hasut menghasut..inilah politik yang kita ada tun..ini yang terjadi tun..jadi mereka yang baik2 nie..tak nak terlibat dengan benda2 kotor sebegini..akhirnya yang tak layak jadi pemimpin jadi pemimpin kita...hancur negara.. kita sudah 52 tahun merdeka..tapi sampai sekarang masih gunakan sistem dari british..kenapa ya???sedangkan kita sudah ramai cerdik pandai tun..kita kena berani ubah..guna acuan sendiri yang benar-benar kukuh..tak payah dah ikut sistem barat..lihat sahajalaa. bila barat ada masalah ekonomi kita terikut2..bila barat guna sistem kewangan yang penuh lompang..kita terikut2..bila barat guna sistem demokrasi fahaman diaorang..kita pun ikut..bila entah kita benar2 bebas dari penjajahan sedangkan semuanya kita ikut undang2 mereka..undang2 mereka bukan undang2 yang bagus sama sekali..bahkan penuh dengan kekurangan.. Tidakah demokrasi itu asalnya dari yahudi tun??Beginilah mereka jajah dunia meskipun mereka sikit sahaja tun..akhirnya kita yang ramai nie umpama buih dilautan sahaja...mereka pulak gelak ketawa sahaja apa yang berlaku...gaduhkan china dengan taiwan..gaduhkan korea utara dengan selatan..kawal di negara2 barat..sekarang ini cuba kawal negara2 asia tenggara..singapura memang sudah mereka kawal jadi sebab itulah PAP masih kuat sampai sekarang... kini mereka nak laga2 orang Malaysia..caranya satu sahaja tun..lagakan orang Melayu.... kerana apa tun??sebab mereka tahu kekuatan Malaysia banyak bergantung kepada orang Melayu yang beragama Islam..saya ulang lagi beragama Islam..kita masih tak ingat dengan sejarah apabila British menyebelahi pihak yang inginkan kuasa untuk bergaduh dengan yang empunya kuasa..sebagaimana mereka lakukan di negari2 bersekutu..kita masih tak belaja tun..akhirnya sesama kita bertelagah, tidak mustahil kah suatu hari nanti umpan yang dilakukan oleh mereka berjaya????Waktu tersebut, menyesal pun tidak guna dah tun... sekian terima kasih.. By ifanonline on September 11, 2009 4:54 PM Dear Ayahanda Tun, Melihat keadaan UMNO khususnya dan Barisan Nasional amnya, sudah pasti Malaysia akan bertukar kerajaan pada PRU13 akan datang. Bagi hemat saya, bukan UMNO sebuah parti yang buruk, tetapi ahli-ahli dalam parti UMNO sudah rosak dengan rasuah dan sikap yang sombong kepada rakyat. UMNO ingat boleh memerintah selama-lamanya di Malaysia. Setiap tamadun manusia akan datang dan pergi, BN perlu bersedia untuk menerima akibat dari perbuatan mereka sendiri. Generasi muda Malaysia sudah bosan dengan sikap ahli-ahli politik di Malaysia dan mereka tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan untuk memilih pemimpin idaman mereka. Kebanyakan ahli- ahli politik yang wujud di Malaysia adalah 'dead wood', 'half past-six dan 'old guards'. Mereka- mereka ini walaupun telah berjasa kepada negara, mereka perlu memberi peluang kepada 'new blood' untuk memerintah negara. Kebanyakan ahli politik masa kini hanya mementingkan wang ringgit, pangkat dan kuasa. Tiada istilah perjuangan bangsa wujud dalam diari mereka. Selagi boleh kaut harta negara secara haram, selagi itulah hantu-hantu (ahli politik) ini akan cuba menakutkan rakyat. Barisan Nasional tidak sepatutnya mengugut dan menakutkan rakyat Malaysia bahawasanya Malaysia akan hancur sekiranya di perintah oleh parti lain selain BN dan UMNO. Walaupun kepimpinan BN dan UMNO telah membawa Malaysia ke persada dunia, BN dan UMNO cuma manusia biasa. Perjuangan Melayu yang di laungkan oleh UMNO juga tidak kesampaian. Sekiranya benar UMNO hendak memajukan Melayu, kenapa rakyat Melayu Kelantan dan Terengganu masih mundur? Apakah terdapat perbezaan antara Melayu Kelantan dan Melayu-melayu di negeri- negeri yang diperintah oleh UMNO? Ini merupakan persoalan yang perlu di jawab oleh UMNO pada PRU13 akan datang. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang 'old guards' tidak perlu lagi di bawa masuk ke dalam arus perdana politik semasa. Biarlah mereka berehat di rumah menikmati teh tarik dan roti canai. Berilah peluang kepada pemimpin baru yang bersih dan cekap. Hakikatnya, UMNO adalah sebuah injin kereta yang buruk dan perlu di 'overhaul' atau lebih baik di matikan dahulu injin tersebut untuk di periksa di mana kerosakannya. Ahli-ahli UMNO perlu bermuhasabah diri dan kekalahan BN pada PRU13 akan datang mungkin 'blessing in disguise' dan memberi kesedaran kepada ahli-ahli UMNO itu sendiri. By austozi on September 11, 2009 4:43 PM Dear Tun, There's no need for you to worry. I don't think UMNO/BN cares if they lose the next election, as the election is no longer what puts them in power. They have proven time and again they are capable of pulling every dirty trick in the book to wrest power from the representatives chosen by the rakyat. We see now how they are trying to dismantle a perfectly sound state government after toppling another by questionable means. You think they would care about losing an election? Let's face it, nobody in UMNO/BN now understands the struggle for independence more than we nobodies do. We're now embarking on a new fight for independence from our slavemasters. Only this time, the British are not involved. By the way, does anybody here know whatever happened to Jamaluddin Radzi and Osman Jailu. Does anybody still talk about them and their corruption charges? By vela on September 11, 2009 4:29 PM You are absolutely right. This country is going down the drains and the future for our children is a question mark. Anyway after 57 years of enjoying peaceful and progressive life I don't want to take any chances for my children. I am preparing them to find a better place where you are judged on merits and performance. This will give them a level playing ground with others which will boost their esteem for better performances. So, I am not much worried about my future in this Country because I know there is no future with our corrupted leaders. By inem endin on September 11, 2009 3:50 PM salam sejahtera Tun, To be honest you are my political idol since day one you became Malaysia PM.In fact if i were to write my comment abt yr topic here, it will take me 2-3 days, there is so much in my mind.However, i cannot do so because since UMNO rule Kedah and M'sia and now PAS rule Kedah, there is no difference to my kampung TT Akar.Still no air paip after 52 years merdeka!There is once upon a time you sent Tun Ghafar there for solving this problem konon but still no air paip.Kilang air mineral ada la..euclaire Sapa saya nak undi pun tak tahu lagi pada PU13 nanti selamat berpuasa pd Tun dan keluarga sekian By azlan on September 11, 2009 3:46 PM Terus terang saya cakap , PRU12 saya telah memangkah PKR , bukan sahaja saya lihat org UMNO begitu ego tetapi beberapa isu pak lah dan khairi yang saya tak berapa suka menyebabkan saya memangkah PKR.Tetapi kini saya akan memangkah BN disebabkan pakatan rakyat yang tak tahu mana tujunya dan merugikan orang melayu dan malaysia secara amnya....ramai juga kawan2 saya yang seperti saya akan memangkah BN kali ini.....inshaallah kita akan lihat kebangkitan BN pada PRU13 nanti..Amin By ezani on September 11, 2009 3:40 PM Salam Tun I am disturbed by the current five developments which again shows some mischief going on in the Federal Government :- RM218 million election material supplied to UMNO? ------1. The Star reported today that RM218 million was owed by UMNO to Elegant Advisory Sdn Bhd for the supply of election materials for the previous General Elections. The first thing that strikes me is that RM218 million is a bit too high for banners and flags but most importantly, and the second thing is that, if UMNO owes anything to suppliers, it should pay up. What is important is being honest and whether the materials were really issued rather than whether there was privity of contract and other technical legalities. What I am saying is that technical legalities aside, any debts must be paid (if able to pay) because it will be questioned pada Mahkamah Agung nanti. Having said that, I can't think of any company to be stupid enough to supply goods without payment but the power of UMNO is enough to convince suppliers to give substantial credit. Whatever the real situation, I do not know. Only Allah SWT, the UMNO persons responsible and the suppliers know who is speaking the truth and who is not. Malaysiakini ------It has been reported that the MCMCM has made at least 3 visits to Malaysiakini and wanting to confiscate the original videos of the "cow stamping" event in relation to the Hindu Relocation Temple of Seksyen 23, Shah Alam. I feel the Malaysian public needs to know what actually happened and needs to see the video. The Federal Govt cannot keep on hiding things from the Malaysian public. This is one of the main reasons BN lost. There is no transparency in BN and the BN treats the Malaysian public like little children. On what we can see what we cannot see. In fact is is we that elected the BN to power. It is even a sadder fact that those involved are in the Internet industry, which is supposed to be free of censorship. Court of Appeals ------I keep on having a funny feeling about this Court of Appeals in Putrajaya, a Federal Govt bastion, whereas other courts are not in Putrajaya. When the High Court ruled that Nizar is the rightful Perak MB, suddenly this Court of Appeals in Putrajaya overturns with a uninanamous decision. Now when the MACC wants to stop T Saravanan from testifying about it and the PJ High Court with a Chinese judge ruled that Saravanan's testimony can go ahead, the MACC wants to appeal to this Court of Appeal in Putrajaya again. It is the same with the S'gor Govt and other parties able to get conviction from the High Court to overturn the ROS's ruling on Balkis. Maisara who represents Balkis, kept silent when asked if she is going to appeal to Putrajaya. I wonder what the function of this Putrajaya Court of Appeal is. We will wait and see what is their decision on Saravanan and others bearing in mind how they judged for Nizar and Zambry. A court and it judges should be fair, neutral and impartial and as a loving Malaysian citizen, I expect the same from all courts in Malaysia and all Malaysian court judges. Isa Samad ------It seems that some Negri Sembilan UMNO branch wants to put up Isa Samad to run for Head despite all that has happened....hai...Melayu mudah lupa...the Malays never learn. Perhaps it is better to be like Rahim Thamby Chik. He is back up again actively contributing to society albeit in a quiet manner which is more effective! By whybee bangi 2 on September 11, 2009 3:14 PM Salam Tun, 1)I have only recently befriended a couple of UMNO guys who lost in the last elction. I used to avoid them because they are politicians and you know why. 2)I always voted for BN but in the last election my vote was split into two. Why? Because I hate Pak Lah and the way he runs this country. 3) I would probably vote for the opposition in the next election. Why? Because the UMNO guys still thinks they are the Pejuang Bangsa and are always right. 4) These people are arrogant, greedy and shortsighted. 5) How do you handle such personalities, knowing that their time is up some would probably use it to make as much as they can. 6) Why do they need to change, they are on their way out any way. 7) BN will fall, the country will slide down further. 8) The winning politicians would cheer, who cares about the rakyat..... really. By zorop on September 11, 2009 3:08 PM I must say that Mr Mahathir's blog is a must for reading for all malaysians and even the surrounding neighbours. But this recommendation should only purely be for understanding current affairs in relation to Malaysian history. I am amazed as always why when Mr Mahathir himself was the PM, he did not at least correct all those 'matters which is of concern even now'? Or was it beyond his control then? So what makes him think his predecessors could do it when he can't? By penning now and then in this blog topics which are related to Malaysia, is he passing only remarks or does he not think that having a 'heavy weight' personality like himself, his comments are part of the contribution to Malaysia's present many headaches. I am puzzled. By mata on September 11, 2009 3:07 PM salam TUN , mata amat runsing tentang blog yang mata baca baru sekejap,ini dia link.apalah jadi dengan kami warga sabah jika ini terjadi..? By shahrul on September 11, 2009 3:03 PM may be becoz the youngsters thought they are struggling more before the independance. The brainies are pushed away and only those who can make money lead the country. By Oumono on September 11, 2009 3:02 PM I dont really know about politic but what you said about UMNO is true. The alternative parties are not alternative at all. They are just power-hungry people who just want to play god once in a while then leave when everything crumbles. Take Selangor for instance. The only driven cause of the rage in the temple relocation is because one reason: the people of selangor dont want anymore PR ruling Selangor and they have had it. They made a mistake and they want BN back in Selangor stat! Even the MP in PR also thinking of going solo. BN still in advantage if only they would use them rather than looking after themselve. I have seen blog that label themselves anti-anwar and I just couldnt believe the number. There is a vey long list of blog writing condemning the PR. That alone shows people really stand up againts this corruptor PR. Anwar, LGE, Nik Aziz are their main target as the culprit and I agree with them. People still believe in UMNO and by God please dont stay as you are and dissapoint the people in this situation. By God wake up UMNO! Take a look at the blogroll here--> Hazman Abu Bakar. By mata on September 11, 2009 2:49 PM salam TUN , mata amat runsing tentang blog yang mata baca baru sekejap,ini dia link.apalah jadi dengan kami warga sabah jika ini terjadi..? By Mamat on September 11, 2009 2:48 PM Salam Tun dan semua pembaca, Menurut pemerhatian saya dan mungkin kebanyakan orang awam seperti saya, terlampau ramai orang di Malaysia yang pandai bercakap, dan menulis tetapi mereka tidak bekerja terhadap apa yang mereka cakapkan dan tuliskan. Cukuplah dengan percakapan dan tulisan kita selama ini dan terjemahkan lah yang realiti. By Ibnu Khaldun on September 11, 2009 2:45 PM YBhg Tun, 1. Minta jasabaik Tun selalu2 peringatkanlah DSN,kot-kot nanti jadi PM terakhir dari BN pulak lepas PRU 13 2. Rakyat tak rasa bahagia dengar slogan je. Yg penting rakyat nak sentiasa didengar dan dibela. Buat apa ada sampai sepuluh duabelas lagu 1Malaysia tapi yang miskin makin tersepit. Tak kenyang dengar lagu kat radio 3. Maaf cakap sampai sekarang rakyat x nampak kesan dari pakej rangsangan yang berbilion2 tu. Yang rakyat tau, semua kena tipu pasal harga minyak. Wahai DSN!!!! ini keluhan dari golongan marhean bukan dari pengampu2 kat keliling DSN. 4. Saya tengok kat selatan tanahair, majoriti yang terima pakej ransangan terdiri dari konco UMNO, org2 KL pulak tu. Dah siap bersusun lagi. Macamana kontraktor Johor x marah dapatlah tempias bersin. Wahai DSN!!!rakyat tauuuuu jangan ambil mudah. Nak harap MB sedia ada..kata orang Johor lupakan jelah..zapin lagi bagus, dia pusing2 pusing kat situ jugak. Ni golongan marhean yang cakap bukan pengampu2 5. Lagi satu mintak jasabaik Tun sampaikan pada DSN ...mintak maaf banyak2... persepsi rakyat pada 1st Lady kureng baik jadi tak payahlah sibuk2 menonjolkan diri kat media. Suruh dia berguru dari bonda TSH dulu. Tak taulah kalau dia rasa dah bagus sangat tak boleh ditegur lagi. Mana tau nak catat sejarah sebagai woman behind the fall of the man. Tak lama tu lagi 3 tahun je, lepas tu boleh pakai gelaran X kat pangkal nama. Ni golongan mahhaen yang cakap bukan pengampu. 6. Saya sayangkan UMNO, saya membesar dengan hasil dari perjuangan UMNO, kemerdekaan dan kemakmuran. Abah pernah gunakan duit untuk UMNO dari belikan baju sekolah untuk anak2, alasan dia baju lama masih boleh ditampal lagi. Beras, gula, biskut dalam rumah macam kami kena kongsi dengan UMNO sebab perjumpaan2 tak rasmi UMNO buat kat rumah kami. Tapi sekarang lain, YB UMNO sentiasa ada kontrak membontot kemasa sahaja. Sampai melawat kawasan, pergi function pun nak kereta kontraktor. Rasa2 UMNO kat Johor pun tak lama Wassalam By gen05 on September 11, 2009 2:14 PM Well said Tun Dr. M. A defeat for BN in the next GE is not entirely impossible. BN should (1) stop blaming the citizens for being ungrateful, (2) use underhanded tactics to paint a bad image on the opposition and (3) unvisionary focus and commitments. BN has LOST the TRUST and CONFIDENCE of the citizens; which is why the more they painted the opposition as weak and has underworld linkages, it will only reflect BADLY on BN itself. Consider the situations in Perak and Selangor. Even a 6 years old know who is behind all the scenes, let alone the rest of Malaysians, who are surprising more mature than you can think off. On the day these two states slipped from BN's fingers, we all know BN will not accept the fact easily and will do something to get them back. Alas, Malaysians are proven right, and these certainly reflected badly on BN. Not to blame anyone, but i believe that such situations in Perak and Selangor will not happen in the first place if Tun Badawi is still in power. I believe in his character, someone who is honest (to his own feelings and people's) and dare to accept defeat. I even supported Tun Badawi in his quest of fighting corruptions and focusing on agriculture. And i share Tun Badawi's vision of an advanced agricultural society, instead of fighting for a status in financial and research by competing with the already established institutions and waste resources. Anyone with enough foresight will see that agriculture is the future of humanity! Unfortunately, his reign was short-lived to be effective and everything he had done was immediately reversed by PM Najib. How unfortunate! In a nutshell, the current ruling government need to do more than just underhanded tactics and short term commitments to Malaysians. You need something better. Thank you. By bisikbisik on September 11, 2009 2:07 PM Tun, Pada suatu ketika dahulu, BN dan pemimpinnya sangat bersungguh-sungguh memajukan negara. Satu demi satu perkara dilaksanakan untuk menolong dan memajukan rakyat terutama pada zaman Tun menjadi PM. Rata-rata rakyat telah menghargai dan mengitirafkan kerajaan BN pada waktu itu. Buktinya, setiap Pilihanraya Umum rakyat telah memberi undi majoriti yang besar. Tapi sekarang BN dan pemimpinnya pun masih bekerja keras, tapi usaha mereka nampaknya kurang dihargai dan diitiraf oleh rakyat. Kenapa????? Suatu perkara yang saya nampak ialah Pemimpin BN sekarang terkenal dengan status kaya-raya(jutawan), tamak dan mahu berkuasa sampai ke akhir hayat. Di sesuatu negeri tertentu mereka sangat berkuasa sehingga tidak boleh dinasihat dan dicabar oleh sesiapa. Apa-apa perniagaan yang besar dan hasil bumi negeri mereka bolot. Pengambilan tanah diambil sesuka hati demi untuk perniagaan, ladang dan sebagainya, yang mereka ada kepentingan sendiri. Semua kawasan tanah dapat diambil kecuali kawasan perkuburan Cina. Ini menyebabkan rakyat muak dan benci pada pemimpin berkenaan sekaligus membenci BN. Ok Tun, sori kutuk BN ini. Kalau Tun tak siarkan pun tak apa. By bisikbisik on September 11, 2009 1:59 PM Tun, Pada suatu ketika dahulu, BN dan pemimpinnya sangat bersungguh-sungguh memajukan negara. Satu demi satu perkara dilaksanakan untuk menolong dan memajukan rakyat terutama pada zaman Tun menjadi PM. Rata-rata rakyat telah menghargai dan mengitirafkan kerajaan BN pada waktu itu. Buktinya, setiap Pilihanraya Umum rakyat telah memberi undi majoriti yang besar. Tapi sekarang BN dan pemimpinnya pun masih bekerja keras, tapi usaha mereka nampaknya kurang dihargai dan diitiraf oleh rakyat. Kenapa????? Suatu perkara yang saya nampak ialah Pemimpin BN sekarang terkenal dengan status kaya-raya(jutawan), tamak dan mahu berkuasa sampai ke akhir hayat. Di sesuatu negeri tertentu mereka sangat berkuasa sehingga tidak boleh dinasihat dan dicabar oleh sesiapa. Apa-apa perniagaan yang besar dan hasil bumi negeri mereka bolot. Pengambilan tanah diambil sesuka hati demi untuk perniagaan, ladang dan sebagainya, yang mereka ada kepentingan sendiri. Semua kawasan tanah dapat diambil kecuali kawasan perkuburan Cina. Ini menyebabkan rakyat muak dan benci pada pemimpin berkenaan sekaligus membenci BN. Ok Tun, sori kutuk BN ini. Kalau Tun tak siarkan pun tak apa. By Mis_bah on September 11, 2009 1:53 PM

Assalamu Alaikum Tun, Sayapun dapat merasakan begitu Tun. Kalau pendokong Umno tidak berubah, P13 nanti, Umno dan BN akan lingkup. Saya berusaha untuk tolak lintasan fikiran itu kerana saya sayang kepada Umno namun karenah pendokong Umno yang masih tidak berubah mengecewakan orang Melayu untuk kembali kepada parti itu. pemimpin projek masih berada dalm Umno. Pemimpin 10% juga masih dalam parti itu. Mereka masih tibak banyak berubah..malah saya tidak perubahan ketara untuk membaiki imej parti keramat ini. Apa kata Tun kalau ada pihak buat kajian pendapat untuk menilai tahap sokongan masyarakat terhadap Umno, terutama BN. Buat sekarang. Bukan nak dekat pilihanraya.. Kalau orang Umno dan rasa buntu, tentang apa lagi yang hendak dibuat, minta tolong rakyat bagi pendapat. Tp biarlah wakil yang kutip pendapat ini bebas. jgn orang Umno. Kalau orang Umno dia akan minta pendapat orang Umno saja, pendapat orang orang lain tak ambil. Selamat berpuasa Tun. By Pekli on September 11, 2009 12:50 PM Tun, First of all, I am glad that you are not pro BN all they way nowadays. It makes you look more humane and sensitive. See some changes wouldn't hurt.. BN is in dire need of a good lesson. The last GE cannot be called a real lesson. A real lesson for BN is when it entirely loses control of the federal government. That should make most of the BN leaders humbled down. No point scaring the rakyat of the damages that would be caused if the alternative takes over the federal government (e.g. they will take away malay rights, non-malays will control the country etc etc). What's the difference with BN leaders? They are the real "musuh dalam selimut" and they have betrayed Malaysians. "Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi". I supported UMNO and BN all these years and what good came out of it? Nothing. In fact much more was taken away from me. If BN's loss in the next GE would be the best thing for Malaysians, so be it. What's up with the thinking "Oh my God, If BN loses, then habislah Malaysia, ranap la Malaysia, hancur la Malaysia!"? Who is BN? What is BN?? It's an an institution that houses some of the most selfish and greedy corrupt citizens of Malaysia that call themselves leader of Malaysia. BN has failed big time. Again and again it keeps on failing. It needs to be re-started. Just like a 'hanged' computer infected with viruses, it needs to be re-formatted. What is BN doing about the PKFZ issue? "We will investigate". "SPRM is investigating". "We will get to the bottom of this". Bla Bla Bla...No Action Talk Only. Charge this person. Charge that person. After few years of trial, let that person go. What happened to the Lingam's case? What happened to the director of police's case? Btw, what happened to Wawasan 2020? They made me sing the wawasan song at school every Monday. Now my children need to sing 1Malaysia song? Eh, not all of us are singers la. They are many other things to do than singing 'tak tentu hala'. So now no more Wawasan?? Tun, BN had contributed a lot in the past. But it does not mean that BN is the only one who can contribute. It was the people's power that made you the PM (I don't care about the stupid money politics in UMNO and how much the leaders pay to get to certain positions). Bottom line is it was the rakyat that put you there. They gave you the chance to prove yourself and I agree, you did fairly well. But others need to be given a chance too. That's what BN has failed to learn simply because they are not good at giving chances to others. They only know how to share and distribute among them. BN is not Malaysia and Malaysia is not BN. Don't advise BN to wake up. Let them die in their sleep. Maybe it is the best thing that could ever happen to Malaysia and Malaysians. Sorry Tun if I sound frustrated. I am frustrated at BN. Not at you (I have forgiven you long ago for all of your mistakes).Selamat Berpuasa and Selamat hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin(no one is free from mistakes and sins) to you and Tun Hasmah. By sktan on September 11, 2009 12:42 PM Simple....Ayahanda Tun, "Would Tun Vote For The Present Government With All These Mess????". Salam and Selamat Berpuasa. By sikenit on September 11, 2009 12:42 PM Salam tun dan semua pembaca, 1. Hikmah di sebalik kemenangan Pakatan rakyat dalam PRU12 ialah, rakyat dapat melihat dan menilai sendiri keupayaan Pakatan rakyat memerintah kerajaan 4 negeri tolak 1. 2. Berjayakah Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang? Bagus sangatkah GUan Eng sehingga tidak terdengar langsung apa-apa bunyi yang negatif dari Pulau itu? Macam mana dengan orang-orang India dan Kampung Buah Pala? Peniaga Melayu di Penang, bahagia dan sngat beruntungkah berbanding semasa BN memerintah? teraturkah semuanya? Perasan orang Islam tak terguriskah dengan kenyataan Jeff Ooi? Nampaknya yang sangat terpelihara ialah orang-orang Cina di Pulau itu? Maka, adil sungguhkah kerajaan DAP Pakatan tu??? 3. Bagaimana pula di Selangor? Bersih, Cekap, Amanah dan telus kah di sana? Semuanya baik dan sejahtera kah di sana? Haa... isu air yang tak berpenghujung,isu jual arak secara tak terhalang, isu bina kuil, isu ladang babi.... Maknanya Kerajaan PKR Pakatan di Selangor amat amat prihatin dengan sensitiviti semua orang, kecuali Melayu ISlam di Selangor. 4. Bagaimana dengan Perak??????? Negeri Perak yang mempunyai Tuanku Sultan dan Tuanku Raja Muda yang amat terserlah kredibiliti tetapi menjadi negeri yang YB-Yb wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyatnya PALING TAK TAHU ADAB. sampai TUanku dah jalankan tanggungjawabnya, tetap dipersoal, siap nak sembah derhaka. Bila mahkamah tinggi kata Nizar yang betulnya MB, wah tersenyum lebar..... betul betul mahkamah...bagus bagus mahkamah.. Bila Mahkamah Rayuan kata, tidak, Bukan Nizar tapi Zambry yang MB, e-eh.. mahkamah tak betul, mahkamah tak ada hak tentukan siapa MB...pulak dah.. Siap gila meroyan mesyuarat bawah pokok, siap buat banner - The whole world is watching- and what did they see? A bunch of idiots who don't know how to accept defeat gracefully- lah! Maka keluarlah bunyi-bunyi dari loyar-loyar Pakatan, itu tak kena, ini tak kena, tapi masa mahkamah setuju dengan depa, semuanya kena.. Ha...Inilah mentaliti orang-orang Pakatan ni. 5. Kelantan dan Kedah? Tak banyak honark sangat sebab PKR dan DAP tak kuat. Cuma pergerakan dan kemajuan di kedua-dua negeri ni lambat lah sikit. Tapi, kalau ikut Nik Aziz, kemajuan itu apa definisinya? Ikut defini Barat ka, definisi Islam? Ha... dia kona kot tu pulak dah. Jadi, pendek kalam, Nik Aziz is always right. Jangan siapa-siapa cuba nak tegur dia lah.. Dia PERFECTO!!! Cuma saya nak katalah di sini, kalau dia banyak baca hadis dan faham hadis, dan faham al-Quran, dia akan tahu betapa syaitan mempunyai berbagai-bagai cara merosakkan manusia. Dahulu syaitan rosakkan manusia dengan dosa dan maksiat, tetapi syaitan dikalahkan dengan istighfar dan taubat. Kemudian syaitan rosakkan anak adam dengan membuat sesuatu yang dirasakan anak adam sebagai ibadat, maka anak adam pun tidak lagi beristighfar atau bertaubat. Tak kan saya nak habarg dan peringat macam ni pun tak boleh no...Pak Nik?? Nik Aziz tak macam Ustaz Azizan, Ustaz Azizan bagus, kalau dia tak tau, dia kata dia tak tau. Bila dia tau, dia buatlah apa yang patut. Kedah tak dak duit, dia pi rata pelusuk negeri dia habarg, kita tak berupaya nak buat sebab tak dak duit. Jadi, ok lah jugak daripada puak-puak dulu yang dari UMNO. Kedah ni, kalau UMNO nak ambik balik, memang kena buat overhaul, wahai Datuk Shafie Apdal!!!! dan kerajaan PAS Kedah pun jangan seronok sangat, yang bagus tu Ustaz Azizan saja. Exco dan YB yang lain pun, tak berapa nak boleh harap sangat2 jugak. DR Hamdan pun kena tengok-tengok juga bab lampu trafik, tempat tunggu bas kat kawasan tu.. Dah setahun lebih lampu trafik tak di perbaik, tempat tunggu bas terbalik.. tak berasa nak perbaik ka?? Tu.. untuk rakyat kawasan Dr tu... Bila lalu dengan kereta besarg tu, perhati-perhatilah sama kiri kanan... 6. Jadi, eloklah rakyat Malaysia telek telek dan tenung-tenung. Berbaloikah kita mencuba nasib negara, nasib rakyat, nasib anak cucu kita dengan memberi laluan kepada Pakatan Rakyat??? Kerajaan BN di bawah DSN nampak sedang cuba memperbaiki prestasi. Nasihat saya yang kenit ini, mereka-mereka yang tak patut ada dalam BN tu, yang terang-terang ditolak, mcam SV dan KJ tu, buang saja lah... Baru nampak perubahan dan kesungguhan. 7. Yang pastinya, saya tak mahu gadaikan nasib saya,anak-anak saya dan nasib negara saya kepada orang-orang yang cakap serba tahu, tetapi buat tak serupa cakap. Masa orang lain buat semuanya tak betul. tapi bila sendiri pun tak betul, macam-macam alsan diberi. Sorry Pakatan Rakyat, I and a lot more of the like-minded will not want to gamble on the future of Malaysia on you people. Of the two devils, you are the worse one. 8. Arwah mak saya pernah kata, Kalau seorang tu dah bodoh, janganlah yang lain tumpang bodoh sama. Dah nampak dia buat silap, kita tak kan nak buat silap juga, hanya kerana dia kawan kita!!! Salam hormat buat TDM dan TSH, both of you had once made us Malaysians to feel proud of our country, proud of being Malaysians. Don't stop your good work. Jaga diri jaga solat semua. Syawal sudah hampir tiba, Ramadhan hampir ke penghujungnya. marilah sama-sama kita doakan untuk Malaysia dan untuk akhirat kita. ALLAH SWT Maha Mengetahui akan niat dalam hati kita semua dan kita akan mendapat balasan sesuai dengan niat kita. sikenit. By Neil on September 11, 2009 12:42 PM Dear Tun, Great posting and really from what I heard around, I came to the same conclusion that the fate of umno/BN is finally coming to an end.'Rahman' era is finally coming to an end.With so many by- elections and losing all of them ,shows that the support is finally dwindling. By DesmondSim on September 11, 2009 12:40 PM Tun, I'm not surprised one fine day the current government will fall in the next General Election. I personally not seeing any drastic improvement of the country. The 1Malaysia concept is good to have it implemented during the country emerged from crisis recovery. However, I felt the strategy somehow did not work that well. To be honest, we are extremely lacking behind of almost everything and we are still being told things are not that bad. We seemed to do things but not fast enough. Hardworking but not smart enough..... That's the reason why more than half of our nation people that are in the middle income suffered with current economy crisis, uncertainty of price and high inflation.We are also not getting anywhere with our so called Great Master Blue Print of National Education systems. We change the structure a lot and the impact for our children is absolutely severed. Hence, when we have leaders and government that only focus on talk but without any significant results from action, we will witness the fall of such leaders some time in near future. Japan though modern and dynamic but still their LDP leaders are very conservative,slow, heavily bureaucratic and corrupted. Yet it can fall after more than 50 years of ruling. If a second most developed country in the world can have such an event happened, I don't see a developing country like Malaysia will end up similarly. PS: The most impact in such an event would be the people! The government clearly have abuse our trust.

By Rimba Emas on September 11, 2009 12:28 PM SALAM BUAT TUN BERDUA MOGA DIRAHMATI ALLAH S.W.T. 1) NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W TERPAKSA BERJUANG UNTUK MENDAPAT PENGITARAFAN SEBAGAI RASUL.BELIAU BUKAN MELALUI UNDI ORANG RAMAI MALAH SEBELUMNYA ITU TERKENAL DIKALANGAN MASYARAKAT SEBAGAI SEORANG YANG BERCAKAP BENAR. 2) APABILA DIA MEMPERTUNJUKKAN DIRINYA SEBAGAI PEMIMPIN UMAT DIBANTU BEBERAPA MUKJIZAT KURNIA ALLAH S.W.T MULALAH SATU FENOMENA PENGAKUAN BERBELAH BAHAGI DARI MASYARAKAT DISEKELILINGNYA. 3)DIDAPATI GOLONGAN YANG MENYOKONGNYA TIDAKLAH BEGITU RAMAI SEBALIKNYA YANG MERAGUINYA LEBIH BESAR.BUKAN MUDAH BAGINDA TERPAKSA MEMPERTUNJUKKAN BERBAGAI CARA YANG AKHIRNYA SEDIKIT DEMI SEDIKIT MENDAPAT NUR HIDAYAH UNTUK MENYERTAI ISLAM. 4)SEMUANYA RASULLULLAH LAKUKAN UNTUK AGAMA ALLAH S.W.T. TERBALIKKAN APA PULA PEMIMPIN KITA PEJUANGKAN?? KATANYA UNTUK NEGARA , BANGSA , AGAMA DAN RAKYAT. 5) UNTUK MEMOHON PERTOLONGAN ALLAH S.W.T SENANG CUMA BERDOA DAN BERUSAHA TIDAK PERLU PERANTARA.INI BERBEZA DENGAN RAJA DAN PEMIMPIN KITA YANG SENTIASA DI KAWAL RAPI.UNTUK MEMOHON PERTOLONGAN PUN PERLU MELALUI PROSES PERANTARA.HERAN APA YANG DITAKUTNYA.BARANG KALI TAKUT ADA ORANG YANG HENDAK MERAMPAS KUASANYA...(MAAF AGAK SAJA) 6) BEGITULAH LAGAK KITA SEBELUM NAIK PEMIMPIN TIDAK LEBIH MACAM RAKYAT TAPI BILA DIANGKAT MENJADI RAJA ATAU ORANG BESAR KEHIDUPANNYA BERUBAH DAN TERPAKSA MELALUI SISTEM HAIRAKI.RAKYAT BOLEH MEMPERMAINKAN UNDI INI. 7) AGAKNYA SISTEM MENGUNDI UNTUK MENCARI PEMIMPIN KITA SUDAH HILANG NUR DARI YANG MAHA BERKUASA KERANA TIADA NAWAITUNYA DAN SUDAH TERKELUAR DAN HANYA SYURGA DUNIA SEMATA-MATA.MENGUNDI BUKAN LAGI SUMBER KEADILAN YANG SEJATI.MAAFKAN SAYA MENGUNDI TIADA BATASAN AGAMA AKAN MENGHANCURKAN KEPERCAYAANYA DISEBABKAN BUKAN JALAN YANG LURUS KEPADA YANG MAHA BERKUASA. WALLAHU'ALAM By zj on September 11, 2009 12:20 PM Salam Tun, Tepat sekali analisis Tun. Kebanyakkan dah naik muak dengan ahli politik sekarang, asyik fikir nak tambah harta dan pangkat. Semuanya tak boleh nak diharap lagi tak kira BN, PKR, DAP dan Pas. Rasuah dah berleluasa dalam semua parti, ada yg gila nak berkuasa dan cari pengaruh melalui kesempatan yg ada. Org BN asyik nak kena jawab dgn Skandal. Kalau semuanya berteraskan keikhlasan dan kejujuran, tak ada skandal yang hari hari terpapar diBlog dan akhbar. Skandal pulak bukan sikit semuanya main Billion....Tak tau apa nak jadi dgn BN. Semuanya berangkai dari dulu lagi Tun, Tun tentunya lebih mengetahui.... Didoakan semoga Tun sihat walafiat dan selamat berpuasa. By Baiyuensheng on September 11, 2009 12:11 PM Well you shouldn't cry over it. The state of affairs can be largely credited to you. Corruptions, authority abuses, rise of extremists, cronism, incompetency, etc. all sprouted and nurtured during your era. Now its just harvest time. Enjoy the show. You can count on it that your descendants will suffer, just like mine, in a decadent environment. By Edwardian on September 11, 2009 12:06 PM YABhg. Tun, tulisan Tun itu cukup menakutkan kerana sekiranya ia berlaku maka Malaysia tidak akan aman lagi. Anak Lim Kit Siang dan anak Karpal Singh akan naik tocang...... Teori RAHMAN itu sangat menarik. Mana-mana ahli politik dari UMNO yang berhasrat untuk menjadi PM Malaysia selepas PM sekarang perlulah mengatur strategi supaya teori itu tidak menjadi kenyataan. Sekian dan semoga Tun sekeluarga sihat sejahtera. Selamat menyambut Aidil Fitri 1430 Hij. By Halimsagrod on September 11, 2009 11:55 AM Dear Tun, Allah SWt dah janji umat nya: Kamu boleh mengubah nasib kamu dengan usaha kamu sendiri walau apa pun yang telah aku tetapkan. Kerana aku lebih mengetahui. Rahsianya, usaha dengan iklas, rujuk kepada Al-Quran, jawapan jawapan semua ada di sini. Saya sedang menikmati Ramadhan yang mulia ini dengan banyak keinsafan dalam kesilapan hidup yang sebelum ini. Membaiki hidup, tanggung jawab kepada yang esa, Ibu bapa, keluarga terdekat dan umah umum nya. Insyallah halimsagrod By Planetaman on September 11, 2009 11:51 AM Salam Tun dan Sekeluarga harapnya sihat sejahtera,

Ianya ada kaitan dengan situasi politik di Malaysia...begini masalahnye...di Malaysia terdapat dua kumpulan parti politik iaitu BN dan PR...Di dlm BN parti yang betul2 kuat adalah UMNO manakala parti2 komponen yg lain (MCA, MIC Gerakan dll) hampir nak mati...org2 bukan Islam di Malaysia tidak akan mengundi BN lagi...ini yang pasti...manakala org2 Islam pula terbelah 2 atau 3 sekurang2nya...Cuba bayangkan SEMUA org bukan Islam di Malaysia mengundi PR manakala undi Org Islam terbelah 2,3 ataupun lebih...pemerintahan negara akan berpindah ke tangan konco2 Dajjal (DAP dan PKR)....itulah yang akan terjadi pada PRU13 2012-2013 nanti...

Terdapat 3 penyelesaian yang dpt saya fikirkan: 1. Menyatukan seluruh Malaysia spt yg dilakukan oleh DS Najib...tetapi saya nampak usaha ini agak sia2 berkemungkinan besar akan gagal kerana konco2 Dajjal (DAP dan PKR) akan tetap menyalakan api permusuhan dikalangan kaum di Malaysia 2. Memecah-belahkan PR...Ini pun tak mungkin terjadi kerana BN sendiri pun banyak masalah dan goyah.. 3. Menyatukan seluruh Umat Islam di Malaysia dibawah panji2 Islam yg sebenarnya dan menolak demokrasi...pada asalnya demokrasi hanyalah sebuah idea (fantasi jahat Dajjal) tetapi apabila didokong oleh manusia ianya menjadi sebuah sistem...dengan jalan ini semua agenda jahat Dajjal di Malaysia akan gagal. Saya secara peribadi memilih jalan no. 3...pada pendapat saya usaha2 untuk untuk menyatukan seluruh umat Islam dan bangsa Melayu yang menjadi tonggaknya perlu bermula dari sekarang...saya amat berharap kita semua boleh bekerja sama untuk menyatupadukan umat Islam di Malaysia ini dibawah panji2 DAULAH ISLAMIYYAH ABAD KE 21....

Intipati/Kerangkakerja untuk DAULAH ISLAMIYYAH ABAD 21: link (penghargaan kpd empunya blog, bukannya saya) Wassalam By Adam on September 11, 2009 11:48 AM BN will not fall if they could regain confidence. The first cause was the hike of petrol price. I was actually amazed at how Abdullah run the country before. Reduce the subsidy of petrol, and then raise the wages. In a very simple description, For instance; Subsidized ---> Petrol ---> RM1.50 Decrease in subsidized ---> Petrol ---> RM2.00

Although the maintaining cost of the subsidy is high, it would prevent the hike of petrol price, and thus inflation.

If, Subsidized ---> Petrol ---> RM1.50 Decrease in subsidized ---> Petrol ---> RM2.00 No wages raise; : Still money supply in the markets, along with the hike petrol price. No significant effects and what he did was;

Subsidized ---> Petrol ---> RM1.50 Decrease in subsizied ---> Petrol ----> RM2.00 Wages raise; : More money supply in the markets, along with the hike in petrol price in the local markets. Thus, Inflation, along with the reduce of buying power; and in an easier term; Decrease in subsidy --> Petrol price hike --> No increase in wages ---> Market price equal to +1

Decrease in subsidy --> Petrol price hike --> Increase in wages ---> Market price equal to +2 thus, double the inflations and boost market price; And now the petrol price is up again, and yet no improvement is done on other areas to battle the inflation even. The economy will gradually be weak and beyond salvation, rise of unemployments, continues inflations, and instability. 1. They have lied about crude oil price and raise the price - used to be subsidized, and now taxed. 2. The so-called help is like, non-existent. The rich becomes more richer, and the poor becomes more poorer. Especially the malays, after 50 years of rule. 3. Corruption in UMNO has becomes too severe, to an extent it is too obvious.

To be honest, actually Malaysia has the capacity to be a powerful country, economic wise. But with these inability, to rid of greeds is not there, it will get worse in times to come.

By pakpandir08 on September 11, 2009 11:41 AM harap Tun sihat sejahtera dan sama-sama meraihkan pembentukan kerajaan baru oleh Pakatan Rakyat pada PRU13 yg akan datang ... telur yg busuk perlu dibuang dan tidak boleh dimakan lagi ... tiada gunanya menghiaskan kulit telur secara berwarna-warni, kerana isinya telah pun busuk ... ada orang yg telah beli baju baru dan merancang untuk meraihkan hari tersebut ... namun mungkin ada orang juga yg telah bersiap sedia untuk melarikan diri kerana ketakutan kebongkaran rahsia yg dilakukan sebelum ini ... By watchers on September 11, 2009 11:32 AM Tun, Agreed. UMNO needs to improve ourselves. If we win back all that have been lost we need to implement real changes and steer ourselves back to becoming a developed country. By mgpunya on September 11, 2009 11:28 AM YABhg Tun, ...and the saddest part is...the other party is not necessarly a better choice either.... By Zul on September 11, 2009 11:20 AM Salam Tun, I have never felt so dissatisfied with the way our country is being runned until now. There are so many questions which remain unanswered-if these allegations are true then Malaysia is truly being runned by a bunch of non-qualified and unethical politicians. The resentment amongst the rakyat is deep rooted.Some of the causes of this resentment are as the following; a) Corruption-when one two many articles/report are published with regards to the ill gotten gains of certain ministers and politicians one will start to wonder whether tax payers money have been utilized for this purpose.Why should we pay tax when we know that it will probably be used for corruption and not for nation building? We also start to wonder the role of certain agencies that deal with this corruption and whether they are truly an independent entity. The recent death of a political aide and the plausible political motives are gut wrenching. b) Scandals-we do not know the actual truth but why are implicated politicians just keeping quiet and not trying to proof that they are innoncent. c) Cronynism-the only reason why the NEP target will be difficult to be met is that the economic pie has(and doesn't appear that it will ever be) not been divided equally(and fairly) amongst the bumiputeras.Why are the rich malays getting richer when there are bumiputeras living in poverty? When you read history you will always find that when a particular civilization acheives greatness you will find a great leader at its helm but once it is being runned by selfish and inept individuals the fortunes of the once mighty country/civilization will be reversed. Is Malaysia heading towards this as well? It looks very much that way as today's group of leaders are a selfish lot except for a handful. Nobody in this current government is in the same political mould as our past leaders.No one presently has the integrity of Tun Razak and Tun Hussein. Though there have been some nasty allegations about Tun, I felt good when you were at the country's helm. I voted for your govt and there was a time when I was really proud to be a Malaysian. It doesn't look like that anymore as I feel the current people running the country are not a sincere lot.( I felt you were strifing your very best for the rakyat's benefit) Politicians should administer the country with fairness. For those Muslim politicians,please remember that what ever that we do on earth will be judged by the Al Mighty on judgement day.Corruption and scandals are tantamount to a place in hell fire. Muslims should remember this (if they consider themselves to be Muslims in the first place) as everything with this regards have been written in the Holy Quran and Hadith.Non-muslim politicians will probably have similar sayings in their religion as well. The short of it is unless something drastic is being done with our current political climate, Malaysia appears to be heading towards the nadir of her golden history. By Benderbuzz on September 11, 2009 11:17 AM Salam Tun. Segala kemungkinan boleh berlaku. Pada PRU-13 kejatuhan BN boleh berlaku sekiranya langkah-langkah untuk memantapkan kedudukan tidak dilakukan segera. Semuanya kini di tangan PM. Jika beliau tidak begitu serius terutama isu-isu melayu dan islam, ketidakpuasan hati pekerja sektor awam, prestasi menteri kabinet dan pemilihan pemimpin akar umbi BN, maka tidak mustahil pakatan pembangkang akan memenangi PRU-13. Pakatan pembangkang kini yang mentadbir negeri dengan kelam kabut dan tak tentu hala pun bukannya kuat sangat. Nak dikatakan tak perlu risau pun tak boleh jugak. Yang penting sekarang, jangan sakitkan hati rakyat dan bekerjalah dengan ikhlas bukan kerana wang dan pangkat. By ZINNZAIN on September 11, 2009 11:13 AM YAB Tun Assalamualaikum,Salam Sejahtera and a very good morning. Its the 21st day of berpuasa. Selamat berpuasa Tun. You nip it right in the butt Tun. I wonder whether those people who called themselves leaders in BN component parties ever have a thought like what you are saying right now. I suspect they don't even think about it because they are too preoccupied with their internal problems and squabbles. They will be too busy, so much so before they realise it, time is running out for them and too late to act before PRU 13. BN will suffer the same fate like those ruling parties you mentioned above. I do agree wih your statement at point 7. 'Leaders has a strong desire to stay in office eventhough they've outlived their usefulness'. These are the type of leaders who will help enhanced the downfall of BN. These are the excess baggages. Take good care of yourself and Tun Siti Hasmah. May Allah SWT continue to protect and guide you inshAllah. By ezani on September 11, 2009 11:10 AM Salam Tun Your article is very correct. Again it is concise, well-written and shows you have a deep and 'complete' understanding of the problem underlying UMNO. That is why I say you are still relevant. However, after you resigned, it seems that the UMNO members in Kedah and the current UMNO leaders (Pak Lah, Muhyiddin, Najib) has just steamrolled over you and does not want to notice you anymore. They are greedy and it is just too bad. It is always beneficial to listen an "ayahanda's" teguran especially someone who has ruled the country for 22-years. I am very disappointed at how things have turned out after your resignation. I feel UMNO has "dumped" you when you have shown you are still a very bright and visionary man who can act as "Senior Minister" in the party. Since they have dumped you, I will not vote UMNO. Thank God for this blog you have set up. At least it gives many people a place to get our opinions heard. Najib and Muhyiddin should take advise from Dr Mahathir who has 22-years experience running Malaysia. It seems that in UMNO, once someone get to become leader, they just forget about their seniors and they put in their own "team" and get things done "their" way. This is very bad. So far I think you are the best Prime Minister and your longest period serving Malaysia has proven it. ezani By HHIZAM on September 11, 2009 11:07 AM Melayu Hebat dan Hebat Melayu. Hari ini orang melayu tidak sedar akan kehebatannya. Ramai yang mengatakan ekonomi kini dipegang bangsa asing. Nama kan bangsa asing itu sendiri. Sedangkan Bangla kini sudah mampu menguasai sedikit ekonomi malaysia. Orang melayu pula terus mempersalahkan parti politik.Sedangkan ianya hanya 1 faktor kegagalan daripada 100 alasan. Mungkin di takdirkan penduduk tempatan dijajah dalam diam. Sebabnya pokok hanya menjadi kayu api. Apabila kita menyelam kedasar alam persekolahan, sikap ini menjadi-jadi. 52 tahun Merdeka namun yang kita dapat hanyalah menjari kelemahan orang lain untuk menutup kelemahan sendiri. Berbalik kepada ekonomi Melayu yang rata-rata cukup muram. Saya masih ingat satu ayat Tun dimana hampir2 begini bunyinya..."Orang Miskin menjadi miskin bukan sebab dia ditakdirkan miskin, tetapi sebab sikapnya" dan ramai yang marah kerana diletakkan perkataan "TAKDIR" disitu. Dan ramai yang akur dengan "Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu bangsa, melainkan mereka mengubahnya sendiri". Apa bezanya? Fikir sendiri. Namun mungkin orang melayu hanya tahu cara mengubah nasib dengan mengubah pemilik kuasa? Sedangkan kuasa itu bukan kuasa sebenar. Orang melayu dapat mengubah nasib bangsanya dalam selip mata sahaja. Bagaimana? Tidak perlu tunggu pilihanraya. Tak perlu pilihanraya. Setiap hari kita memilih. Macammana? Tak sesuai nak diberi tahu. Kalau orang melayu tahu dah lama ramai orang melayu kaya dan tak perlu nak bising2 nak minta subsidi, tol free, duit free dan macam-macam lagi. Semua ni sebab, pokok hanya jadi kayu api. Mungkin suatu hari nanti orang melayu akan sedar KUASA yang dimilikinya. By anakjati on September 11, 2009 11:06 AM I think "The end is near and so I face the Final Curtain". Perhaps a short change is better than a long stay in arrogance and greed. I only pray Malaysians are all in peace when it happens..... By hujanemas on September 11, 2009 11:03 AM Seperti yang tun katakan, memang betul rakyat memilih barisan alternatif bukan kerana mereka mahukan BA tetapi itu sahaja jalan alternatif yang tinggal. Sekarang apa sahaja yang kerajaan buat akan dipersoal, kepercayaan kepada kerajaan dah semakin pudar malah mungkin kerajaan sendiri dah buntu tak tahu nak buat macm mana lagi. Mungkin masing-masing tgh fikir exit strategi macam mana utk kekal berkuasa walaupun sudah tidak berkuasa kelak. Saya fikir fenomena "calon bebas" akan meluas pada pilihanraya mendatang ini. By adamjohari on September 11, 2009 11:01 AM Tun, this might not mean much to you but it means so much to me. Even if UMNO and BN fall (the party that you helped establish), I want you to know that I was always and will always be a supporter of you. You have fought tirelessly for our country. And I know that you love this country more than yourself and more than anyone else loves her. I pray that the new generation, be it UMNO or any other party, put the country first and use hardwork and intelligence in developing it. God bless you Tun. And God bless Malaysia. AJ By fadlyjd on September 11, 2009 10:53 AM Assalamualaikum YBhg. Tun, I believe this is a wake up call and a reality check for everybody especially the above mentioned party. Not sure whether they are going to wake up to it. I believe the agenda during independence was very clear in fact it was crystal clear and everybody was willing to sacrifice to achieve independence. However, post independent is when the real challenging time comes. Leaders with visions and sincerity will still be remembered and respected while leaders with their personal agendas well what can I say they'll still be "remembered" as well. Post-independence shows the real sincerity and honesty of the leaders. Who would like to make the country rich and who would like to make themselves rich. Personal conflicts and dilemma will linger. I guess that's why it's always very important for people to have a common goal and put all personal agendas aside to be united. I think that was what happened during the third crusade where Muslims regardless of background and mazhab really were united. Putting this is perspective I believe the struggle for "independence" are now rested on the shoulders of the people against any unjustly forces. The people are struggling for justice, struggling for survival, struggling for their basic needs, struggling from any form of oppressions etc. If during pre-independence the foreign colonialist was viewed as the unjustly force I am just afraid today that our colonialists are the people sitting next to us and the one that we see everyday. By n.ajis on September 11, 2009 10:45 AM Ramai orang Melayu sebenarnya kecewa dengan UMNO. Mereka mensasarkan agar ketirisan dalam perbelanjaan negara melalui rasuah dapat dikurangkan. Mereka juga "naik angin" dengan kesombongan melampau sebahagian besar pemimpin2 UMNO peringkat cawangan/bahagian. Sbb itu, mereka memilih PR pada p/raya lalu dengan harapan keadaan bertambah baik. Namun, harapan hanya tinggal harapan. Orang Melayu mengharapkan PAS akan menjadi tunjang dalam PR. Yang berlaku adalah PAS hanya menjadi "kuda belasahan dan tunggangan" DAP dan PKR. PAS hanya menurut titah perintah DAP dan PKR, tanpa mampu membangkang setiap keputusan yang telah ditetapkan kedua-dua parti tersebut. Maka saya yakin majoriti pengundi atas pagar Melayu dalam dilema untuk memilih BN atau PR pada PRU-13. UMNO atau PAS perlu transform parti masing2 kalau ingin menarik sokongan pengundi atas pagar. UMNO dengan masalah "rasuah yang membarah". PAS dengan masalah "kepatuhan melampau kepada DAP dan PKR". Namun, secara peribadi saya merasa masalah "kepatuhan melampau kepada DAP dan PKR" parti PAS adalah jauh lebih berat, kerana ia bakal menghancurkan sama sekali kedudukan Islam dan Melayu yang telah pun termaktub dalam perlembagaan negara. By ImranSiAnakRahman on September 11, 2009 10:42 AM Assalamualaikum Tun, I agree with points 8 and 9. There is nothing to show at all. You dont have to look far, just take our monorails, lrt and komuters for example, and compare it to the BTS in Bangkok. If I am not mistaken, we had our monorails and lrts first before them, but look at their BTS now. It is much more comfortable, bigger, cleaner, and most important of all, it functions exactly to the need of the Bangkok residents. On weekends, they allow traders to use some of the BTS station as night market. And the traders are responsible enough to make sure that the place remains clean after they have left. Its just amazing. Ours? Well the Putra LRT has gone shorter. I remember it use to have four carriages, and now only two. The STAR Lrt will derailed from time to time. And everything is just so congested. The stations are in even worst condition. The monorails dont even have access for the disabled. I dont think i need to describe what is going on at the Kommuter stations. You can ask Pak Lah, he took one once. By Machang on September 11, 2009 10:32 AM Salam Tun, You have said many times what you need to say and it is true that the time is running fast, but why bothers?, The most important things are how much they can make profit during this short period!, is it ?. Itu sebab orang muda tak akan sokong BN, walaupun mereka terpaksa menyokong PR yang short sighted in managing the country. The corruption and inefficient are too obvious to hide and need whole lot of improvement. While people may not be able to pin point to a single case but the ouput is not there for the people. The people are the nation's share holder and the gov are our staff, public servant! Can BN renovate their house? I dont think so! Macam syarikat yang rugi dalam berniaga, mereka perlu plan penstrukturan semula, mereka rugi kepercayaan rakyat. Kewangan, Pentadbiran, Pembangunan Sosial dan tanggungjawab sosial (CSR? atau NSR (National Social Responsibility)), Kesinambungan alam sekitar, Kebebasan beragama dll. Kementerian dah ada, Menteri pun berlambak, kakitangan perlaksana pun ada, tetapi hasilnya, terlalu jejas penyelewangan dan keputusan yang tidak kemana. Pencapaian dahulu yang mana cermerlang, rakyat berterima kasih, tetapi pencapaian sekarang yang menentukan kerajaan dapat untung kepercayaan rakyat atau tidak. Belajarlah dari syarikat mutlinational yang berjaya bagaimana mereka menguruskan keperbagaian budaya dan perbezaan menjadikan kekuatan mereka dalam memastikan kesinambungan syarikat untuk terus kekal untung dan bukannya menjadi sumber untuk bermusuhan dan menjadi lemah. Asas seperti corporate governance, well develop system with transparency, training and re- training, efficiency, zero defect tolerance dan berlambak-lambak lagi perlulah menjadi gaya hidup BN dan pentadbir awam. Kakitangan yang secara berterusan memberikan hasil dibawah target, perlulah dibaik pulih dan perlu dikeluarkan jika tidak berjaya di baik pulih, tak kiralah dia buruh kasar, ketua jabatan, presiden parti ataupun Perdana Menteri. Rakyat bukan sekadar memerhati, rakyat adalah stakeholder. Wallahuaalam Machangsedap

By Mustex on September 11, 2009 10:22 AM Tun, Frankly I was waiting for Tun to broach on this interesting topic. To add not only Japan but also Taiwan previously experience the same fate. Tun, I had to attend three UMNO General Assembly not because I am a Delegate but as a security personnel. Talking about being selfish and see it all there! In fact I felt nausea seeing and hearing the going ons!! Lobbying for contracts and Money talks everywhere. Arghhh....disgusting. To top it all the parking lot at the entrance of Dewan Merdeka looks like a high end auto show!! Apparently everyone wish to park their car there!! Show offs!! does not look like the BN component parties are strong and united. Too much infighting and cronies. Not too sure if DSN is able to overcome all these problems in time to get everyone to be united for the forthcoming General Elections. My worry is the fate of Malaysia in future and also the coming generations. My observation is that only during the election fever do we see the candidates make promises but soon after they are elected...they disappear...and this ritual becomes a cycle. If only those elected had done their job well certainly the people would remember. The poor showing of BN at the last election can be attributed to not only the lack lustre performance of the elected candidates but also due to unfulfilled election promises. If until today they fail to understand this.....serves them right!! I do interact a lot with the younger generation and alas for the majority their knowledge of the struggle for independence is relatively low. Some don't even care to know. Well we can't blame them entirely because of many factors and circumstances that makes them "blind" so to speak with regards to this subject matter. As a layman there is nothing much that I can do....but perhaps with Tun's position and influence something drastic could be done. By pakmang on September 11, 2009 10:15 AM Dear Tun, Until today Umno has not taking up any change and so are their alliance parties! They are still arrogance, avarious, greedy, corrupt and disregards the demand of changes by the people. And their ignorant will led them to disappear in the next general election. By HBT on September 11, 2009 10:13 AM Dear Tun, There is only one "drastic change" left for BN to survive before next PRU, that is 3 years from now, is to pave way for those who are not only "Clean" in the eyes of Rakyat but also trustworthy, capable and sincere in leading the rakyat and country. If BN is still in "denial stage" by covering up all the mistakes that they done, BN will be history in Malaysia because Rakyat Dah fed up! After Japan, Philliphines will be the next country to overthrown their autocratic government. Good day Tun. By ,Melayu merantau on September 11, 2009 10:06 AM Salam Ayahnda Tun... Good and interesting topic to discuss for All UMNO... "Point To Ponder" By larocheguy on September 11, 2009 9:58 AM Assalalmmualaikum, Tepat sekali analisa TDM....Malaysia kini huru hara selepas TDM...pasti sekali disebabkan TDM tersalah pilih penganti beliau yang tidak berwibawa....Kini BN diambang kehancuran....Tapi yang lebih malang tiada satu parti pun lebih baik untuk dijadikan alternatif.....yang ada pun lebih kurang dengan BN. PKR pun rasuah, DAP pun rasuah....PAS angguk angguk geleng-geleng saja..... Anwar gila kuasa bahkan bukan ahli PKR pun, PAS demi kuasa, islam diletak dibawah politik, DAP tetap tebal dengan sifat racis....habis siapa yang nak diharapkan...BN asyik sibuk membaiki perkara yang bukan punca sebenar....mengikut rentak tarian orang lain,,,,,orang jerit..BN melompat....BN dimata rakyat adalah seperti penari yang mengikut rantak pembangkang....tiada pendirian tetap...takut kepada pembangkang seoalah-olah BN perlu mengikut apa yang dijerit dan diminta oleh pembangkang. Rakyat pun dah muak dengan drama BN dan Anwar & geng.....asyik buat kacau aja...mahkamah pun dah jadi macam zoo....Orang politik sekarang gila publisiti..hal rakyat yang sebenar tak dijaga tapi asyik berdrama dan mencari sensasi. Bukan kata BN akan tewas tersungkur tapi lama-lama PKR,PAS akan terus tersungkur juga atau menjadi lumut yang melukut di dahan DAP...rancangan jangka panjang adalah jadikan Malaysia seperti Singapura...mungkin ada pengkhinat bangsa yang akan bersekongkol dengan MCA,DAP atau MIC untuk menjadikan Malaysia seperti singapura...Mungkin ANwar boleh jadi president Malaysia dan Lim Kit Siang jadi PM dan Lim guan Eng TPM dan Haji Hadi menteri Sukan dan Belia. Maka konsep divide and rule DAP amat berkesan sekali...(kecuali di Kedah & Kelantan)....maka balaci-balaci Melayu pun akan juga menyokong konsep ini demi nak dapat pengkat....biar maruah bangsa dan negara tergadai... Kaum bukan bumiputera sekarang ini berjaya dan kaya raya adalah semasa perlaksanaan DEB...bahkan pilihanraya 2009 BN berjaya dengan cemerlang atas sokongan bukan bumiputera adalah semasa perlaksanaan DEB....semasa tempoh DEB melahirkan jutawan bukan bumiputera lebih dari jutawan bumiputera.....Masa TDM DEB tidak menjadi isu...semua rakyat merasa kek ekonomi yang berkembang pesat....Namun kini tiba-tiba BN merasakan bahawa DEB punya BN kalah...Adakah itu benar?TDM yang digelar ultra Melayu pun berjaya memerintah selama 22 tahun dan tidak tumbang disebabkan DEB...tapi kini BN melompat dan membaiki perkara yang bukan pada hakikinya punya kekalahan mereka...merawat sakit tanpa mengetahui punca sebanar...tetapi hanya mendengar nyanyian pembangkang....yang sedihnya bangsa Melayu demi sekelumit kuasa sanggup bersekongkol untuk memansuhkan DEB...Dasar itu tidak salah yang perlu dibaiki adalah sistem perlaksanaan dan pengawalannya. Semasa TDM, Rakyat malaysia bersatu...tidak pernah terjadi suasana perkauman seperti sekarang ini...benar kata TDM.....Hak majoriti adalah lebih penting dari Hak individu....Adakah demi suara kebebasan dan hak asasi.....kita biarkan mereka menghancurkan keharmonian dan kemakmuran yang sedia ada..... Buat orang politik, kurangkan lah segala sendiwara dan kegilaan kuasa...tak kira BN atau pembangkang...kerja dengan ikhlas....jika sesuatu itu benar katakan benar tidak kira jika dari musuh atau sahabat.... Jangan manghancurkan Malaysia hanya kerana kegilaan kuasa By kamal ahmad on September 11, 2009 9:53 AM Salam kasih dan salam hormat Ayahanda Tun. This posting of yours Tun, is taking many comments into the rare private and delicate atmosphere. That’s good; as we could begin to see the other sides of ourselves here. When someone brings us a picture/puzzle of facts do not brand him/her a racist and cast them aside. That does not make us any stronger or smarter. Ignorance they say is bliss, but it’s a short- lived kind of blissfulness with disastrous conclusion in the making. UMNO have to confront its problems honestly. How do you separate ego from the body? Is it a part of “station of the mind”? I don’t think so. I think that ego is a station of need, merely a black station of desire and if it’s purely a station then it could be sidestepped. What does UMNO desire today? Is it power? They have that and quite frankly, I could already almost mistakenly say “they had that”. Let’s just say that UMNO must be seeking truth then? Where do they find truth? Inside the profit ledgers of Scomi? In a flying suite? In a regal mansion overlooking the Swan River in Perth? Within the walls of PWTC? In our wallets? In the flesh? By working with a cousin minister of Khairy? Through the tainted eyes of a corrupted 28 years old turned 34 along the tarnished corridors of power? Through Hadhari sponsored nepotism? Through yet another Hadhari hallucination? Moving on, I see that we still have many good State Muftis who are neither slacking nor extremist in their beliefs. They still preach and practice kindness in their determination of role. UMNO should bridge this gap from today and UMNO must not be introverted in kissing the hands of our Kings always. PAS is generally business and politics on a rickety coalition of viewpoint and styles. They claim to hold the franchise right to send anyone they please to hell or heaven. You think? And Muhyiddin, please wake up and look around you! They are taking you out in YOUR OWN back yards and portfolio! Stuff the DPM seat and just go down to the ground as MP and Johor UMNO member more! Ego is not a natural station in our body and being. It is something we acquire along the way. Pak Lah once knew this. That is why he carries the number 13 fondly. That number (among the others) has always been special to a Muslim with knowledge, henceforth why some of the differing interest termed it as some kind of malevolence. But in the end he still got swayed somehow and his cause and struggles had forsaken him. Even he can’t deny that now in his twilight years, a wasteful life time of near exemplary but only to be tainted after all in the end by the Oxford ways and mind. What a waste. Hope you read this Pak Lah. DSN must perhaps ensure survivability of Malays even if need be; after UMNO. He is not only UMNO president, but he must gaze beyond PRU13 and ahead of UMNO on behalf of the Malays. Over the years and over the span of 5 Prime Minister, the opposition has just about successfully done that; to separate one by one UMNO from its natural virtues of birth. DSN must call to mind that the seat he holds today has for the past 60 years been the working voice of Malays, and we must not fall into laid traps of separating this historical reality from truth. We must not fall into the trap of separating UMNO from Islam. Those are the games being played by certain quarters now. Malays washed in the sentiment of PAS and PKR may not know it yet, but they would need this stance after PRU13, more critically their children and theirs. UMNO may fail if must be, but Malay must not and we must stride on! Such is the magnitude of responsibility for the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia. Malays today must begin to seriously ponder, delve and speak about this likelihood – go beyond conventionalism, the awareness, understandings and answers lies there. DSN must not only be an UMNO President, this time the President of UMNO must be one who would still ensure the survivability of the Malays and Malaysia even after and way beyond UMNO or BN. Heavy is the responsibility of the man this time Tun. UMNO is not merely about politics. That’s where the types of Nik Aziz greatly erred. For 63 years, modern Malay civilization and living being has been shaped by UMNO. UMNO has been the voice and strength of Malays for the past 63 years. UMNO is more Malay than Malay itself! If and where UMNO may fail, Malays would continue and where Malay goes in this Persekutuan Negeri-Negeri Tanah Melayu, so does UMNO. After 63 years, could even Tun honestly states that UMNO is all writings and flags? and corruptions? Could I be too far off in stating that UMNO has taken a life and survival instinct of its own? Only a true and deserving UMNO President could see and feel this. Lets hope we have that candidate now. Mere managing like what Abdullah did would be suicidal for DSN. Tun, taking my formula I have recently shared with your good self, I honestly do not think that UMNO would fall aside. What they may need at that stage in the coming future are savvy no nonsense Malay crisis managers, and I think we have a good many already who knows of this. Who is the real tsunami? I tell you who; no one knows just yet. It is still rising from the depth of ignorance! I very seriously doubt that it would be PAS, DAP, PKR or even Khairy Jamaluddin. That’s all too text book Tun. Perhaps what several fellow commenter had wanted to express was that we need an instrument of uninterrupted governance to guarantee the survivability of the Malays beyond UMNO or PRU13. PAS is not an option to be considered. Unless they join together with UMNO in some kind of platform, they could not protect the Malays or even themselves over a sustained time frame. PAS is not the revolutionist of Iran as they (PAS) is hoodwinking every each Malays into believing them to be. Our topography and geographic socio-economy is not that of Persia. Think logically over and far above their typical Nik Aziz disturbing expressions. This is not Tehran and they are not the revolutionist guards (although in reading a comment from Parpu Kari I understood that PAS now have the “Amal Pas” wing, or somewhat loosely equivalent to the elite above-the law, Iranian Revolutionary Guards). The DAP knows all this better than any of us. Frankly I believe we have that continuous governing Instrument already in existence. I have mentioned that in some previous comments, drawing flaks from many “well-read, knowledgeable” Melayu. Tun, we can shoot to death the one best lawyer who could define the constitution, but we cannot put down the Semangat Melayu. Please don’t run to the Commonwealth for buffer. They have no more imperial fleet to dispatch in this day and age. The Commonwealth can’t even pay its monthly bills on time for the premises of their HQ in The UK, most their members don’t even pay yearly dues anymore and there’s nothing they could do about it except just to make courtesy call and beg. They say RAHMAN is some kind of a theory. As a reading Muslim it’s all hogwash to me. But as an armchair net book forecaster, I say perhaps RAHMAN may indeed end with Najib and it shall begin again with Najib. Why has no one reflect of it that way? Semua akhir zaman? For me, it’s all about reinventions as the way forward. But for now, let’s appreciate and respect this one confronting fear and perhaps begin to see how good a friend it could really turn out to be. If I paint a picture of verity, don’t rebuke me just yet. It’s only your fear talking and not really you. Try working with them for a change, you’ll never know where they may take you. When Tun put up a posting and comments come in, there should be no one voicing in some kind of authoritative stance that some comments have been taken out of context. Live out off your fears and read anyway for good sportsmanship? No one elect you for that role and Tun pays no allowance for it. All comments are in context in lieu of a current Malaysian mind frame. I pray hard that our top UMNO leaders are not buying advices from these kinds of people. For the past few postings comment, I have tried to show that in defining truth it would have to go way beyond the pages of any known text books and even conventionality. It is no longer about simply connecting the familiar dots of a text book for a predefined answer in which we may find security or comfort with. It is about confronting all possibilities and coming to a complete realization that where the rules end, where all the conventionalities that have been taken for granted would ceased to exist, survival shall continue and only the fittest could survive. Every day there would be battles here and there to define and be the fittest. Your life would be worthless and rules shall replace law. Don’t pronounce anyone who brings you this grim picture as extremist or down right uninformed of the law. Maybe that person had lived that chapter somewhere else? If you could credibly call that person as an ignorant simplistic fool, then by all means, it would also imply that you could provide a written guarantee to which democracy has never failed and ever gets replaced by anarchy any where in the world up till now. You could confidently stick that piece of paper in your shirt pocket while being executed by armed street mobs. Can you do that? My message is uncomplicated; just value what we have. Don’t you listen and buy nonsense from desperate politicians. They hold no authoritative power or even value after democracy. None of them does. They are merely desperate politicians aiming for their dream job on your hopes and dreams. You think they care any better than the ones we have now? They are only worth their mouth as long as the system which they are abusing greatly still exists. The different between them and the batch we have in power presently, simply comes down to peace and stability for all 52 years. If you buy their rhetoric’s lock-stock-and barrel, then you can’t blame them when the curtain falls on all. If by our mere words and lines here some have labeled us fanatic, one-dimensional and ill informed, I think that we must have delivered our points well indeed. I have accomplished what I had set out to do. Please value what we have today. There are better ways of getting what we want other than the ways of aggressions, transgressions and retaliations. The non Malays have made their point, and the present government is listening. See it for what it is and you would see that the PM is listening very seriously to what you are telling him. For me, I am beyond any doubt that he is present here all along. I am glad to see some here who have made remarks on my comments whether positive or be it negative. Either way, we have succeeded in more ways than one. We peddled them a frank realization. Whether you readers had labeled us dim-witted, repulsive or other wise, it doesn’t matter because we have made that branding iron sale. Value all peace and understandings we have. It has been a good contract. Maybe it needs to be better, so we work on it. But not by throwing it away. Who you think is the best person for the job? Look and analyze honestly. Najib, Anwar, Nik Aziz, Gobind Singh or maybe Karpal Singh? Don’t be clouded by political desperados talking, you look and judge yourself. We fight, who would be the referee here? And who would form rules after that? Think about it. If anyone has taken time to read my comment to this point, we thank them and however your reactions may be, we know it has sink into good hands. By the way Tun, ask the Japanese what they honestly think of their new government? Heard that some of them are getting sleepless nights already over their lack of coordination, experience and maturity. I think next Japanese election would even be ahead of ours Tun. Tun, mark my words on that theory. I believe that all is in good hands for this nation, but KEEP BADAWI AWAY from mainstream living. For the upcoming by election, Khairy is that weak spot – forget that not UMNO! The people remembers everything, now just don’t let them hold that against you. Take care Tun, and very good punch line posting this time Sir. By peneroka on September 11, 2009 9:50 AM Salam, Saya adalah di antara generasi baru (bawah 40 tahun) yg masih percaya kepada UMNO. Tapi rata2 generasi saya telah taksub kepada pembangkang. Hari ni bersuara di pihak kerajaan, bermakna anda tidak mengikut arus. Penyokong pembangkang semakin vokal. kami lebih baik berdiam diri shj. Hari ini ada yg malu menjadi Melayu kerana atas alasan memperjuangkan Islam tapi terlupa bangsa Melayu yg Islam. Ramai yang semakin keliru. Hari ini sanggup mencaci kami yg menyokong UMNO. Keliru antara golongan yg berpolitik menggunakan label Islam. Yang jelas hari ini yg rugi bangsa saya, bangsa rugi maka bagaimana hendak membangunkan syiar Islam? UMNO perlu memikirkan strategi. Parah kalau yang tinggal hanya 20% seperti saya yg percaya kepada UMNO. By chewchew on September 11, 2009 9:41 AM 2012 is the beginning of the end. hasrat NWO & illuminati akan tercapai pada 2012. huru hara akan berlaku pd tahun tersebut. benarlah Quran myebut bahawa dajjal-mata satu(simbol NWO) akan muncul dan menguasai dunia. hya ada masa 3 tahun utk umat manusia membetulkan keadaan. 2012 akan menyaksikan perang saudara di amerika & kerajaan syaitan akan menakluki dunia melalui martial law... By SyahrilSaid on September 11, 2009 9:18 AM Salam. A great discussion Ayahanda Tun. We do hope the trend will not happen to this country. BN has to change the way they serve for Malaysian not only think how they can survive in politic races. Regards, Syahril Said By TLSoo on September 11, 2009 9:07 AM Dear Tun, Bingo! Right to their face! If the BN dont buckle up, I sure will vote the opposition again. Ofcourse my single vote wont do much, but i beleive there are many more Malaysians have the same view. Thank you. By golok on September 11, 2009 8:55 AM Salam Ayhda Tun, Kerajaan BN pastinya akan berakhir pd PRU13 akan dtg. Itu sudah pasti. Byk sgt isu yg dimanipulasi oleh UMNO. Cth terbaru ialah isu kepala lembu. Yg paling menyakitkan hati, kenaikan harga minyak RON95 ke RM1.80. Tapi menteri bertanggungjawab mengatakan bhw tidah berlaku kenaikan harga. Apakah mereka ini fikir rakyat sgt bodoh dan dungu? Hatta Perdana Menteri sekalipun tidak di'brief' menteri mengenai perkara ini. Idea peralihan ke RON95 ialah spy rakyat dpt menikmati harga minyak yg sedikit rendah berbanding RON97 walaupun kualitinya tidak sama spt RON97. Isu pemberian rebat tol yg boleh dianggap mempersenda golongan2 yg amat2 memerlukan rebat dan mcm2 lg isu yg menambah kebencian rakyat. Tp tak mengapa, semua ini akan dibayar balik dlm PRU13 nnt. Percayalah. Sy mendoakan agar Tun dpt menyaksikan kejatuhan BN ini. Mungkin benar kata org. DS Najib adalah PM UMNO yg terakhir selapas lengkapnya teori RAHMAN. Sekian.

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