December 4, 2020 CURRICULUM VITA Stephen C. Smith Position: Professor of Economics and International Affairs Chair, Department of Economics Affiliate and Former Director, Institute for International Economic Policy The George Washington University Address: Department of Economics, Monroe Hall 340 (2115 G St. NW) George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 20052 Phone: Main office, for messages only: 202-994-2537 Personal Website: Department faculty page: Email:
[email protected] Research Fellow, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), Bonn, Germany IZA Website: Since 2012; currently appointed through 2024 Major Fellowships: UNICEF Senior Fellow, UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Italy, 2018 Fulbright Research Scholarship, Italy, 1989, 7 months Jean Monnet Research Fellowship, European University Institute, Florence, 10 months Fulbright Senior Specialist Grant Award, India, Fall 2012 Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution, January – June 2013 Brookings Nonresident Senior Fellow, July 2013- Jan. 2016 Fulbright Specialists Roster (assignment location/time pending) Education: Ph.D., Economics, Cornell University, 1983 M.A., Economics, Cornell University, 1981 B.A., Liberal Arts, Goddard College, 1977 Consultancies: World Bank Group International Labor Organization (ILO Office, Geneva) World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNWIDER) United