November 2014 CURRICULUM VITA Stephen C. Smith Professor of Economics and International Affairs, George Washington University Director, Research Program in Poverty, Development, and Globalization Department of Economics, Monroe Hall 306 (2115 G St. NW) Faculty Affiliate and Former Director, Institute for International Economic Policy, ESIA The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 20052 Department faculty page: Personal Website: e-mail:
[email protected]; (tel.) 202-994-8086; (fax): 202-994-6147 Nonresident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution Web: Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Web: PI: “Complementarities of Training, Technology, and Credit in Smallholder Agriculture: Impact, Sustainability, and Policy for Scaling-up in Senegal and Uganda,” BASIS Education: Ph.D., Economics, Cornell University, 1983 M.A., Economics, Cornell University, 1981 B.A., Liberal Arts, Goddard College, 1977 Citizenship: USA Selected Fellowships: Fulbright Senior Specialist Grant Jean Monnet Research Fellowship Fulbright Research Scholarship Service: Member, Advisory Committee, BRAC USA Editorial Board, Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development Selected Consultancies: World Bank Group International Labor Organization (ILO Office, Geneva) World Institute for Development Economics Research (UN-WIDER) United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Small Enterprise Assistance Fund (SEAF) 1 On-Site Country Research and Consulting Experience: Developing: Bangladesh, China, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Peru, Slovenia, Taiwan, Uganda OECD: Italy, Germany, Spain Books Economic Development, 12th Edition, with Michael Todaro, Addison-Wesley/Pearson, May 2014: (publisher url links to 10th to 12th Editions): Reading, April 2011.