OPHI WORKING PAPER SERIES External Capabilities1 James E. Foster, Vanderbilt University2 Christopher Handy, Cornell University3 The capability approach of Amartya Sen evaluates well-being in terms of an individual’s achievements and abilities to function. The traditional view of capabilities is that they are discernable as part of an individual’s own set of characteristics, or as part of a package of socially provided services. We argue that individuals also have access to a broad array of capabilities through their family, friends and other persons with whom they have relationships. We introduce the concept of “external capabilities”, which are defined as those abilities to function that are conferred by direct connection or relationship with another person. Several examples are provided, and we distinguish between our new concept and other existing notions of capabilities originating in groups. The perspective of external capabilities can be especially valuable in formulating development policies or understanding how existing policies work. As an illustration of this, we show how information and communications technologies (ICT) can enhance development by augmenting external capabilities. Key Words: Capabilities, well-being, freedom, development, social networks, ICT January 2008 1This paper is based on the honors thesis of Chris Handy, written under the direction of James Foster at Vanderbilt University. We are grateful to Sabina Alkire, Kaushik Basu, and John Siegfried for helpful comments, and to the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Summer Research Program for financial support. 2Department of Economics, Box 1611 Station B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235, USA +1 615 322 2192,
[email protected] and Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford.