Denison University Bulletin, Granville, Ohio 1956-1957, 126Th Academic Year

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Denison University Bulletin, Granville, Ohio 1956-1957, 126Th Academic Year ITY BULLETIN CATALOG.NUMBER 1956-57 !•-« ■) i ti . s - ,t y**.~ >**« ENISON UN l-V E R S I TY BULLETIN CATALOG NUMBER 1956-57 i Cfj tyieuT oPrke Gu«fius BENISON UNIVERSITY und a.portion, oftke tyi/Zqge of GRANVILLB- OHIO DENISON UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Granville, Ohio 1956-57 126tli -Academic IJeear A COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Founded 1831 CATALOG NUMBER Volume LVI, No. 3 October. 1956 Ih. Doniton Univ.rlity Bulletin is publilhod by Doniion Unlvartily, Gronvillo, Ohio, lour lim.i o in Juno. Auguil, Oclobor. ond No.ombor. Enlwtd oi ucond clan malt.r at th. Poit OBic. at GranvilU. Ohio, und«r ih. Act ol Auguit 24. 1912. CALENDAR 1956-1957 I til !»'« MKST I1HMIU New Student Days. Saturday-Thursday. row JANUABT •-(.'ember 8-13 Registration Day. Thursday. - M r n r t s \i r w T i - September IS 1 4 -. 4 : .-12344 ClaNH twtfin Monday. September 17 9 9 10 U tt 11 14 4 : * i iv II u Homerumidit, Saturday. October I ■■ i* ii ii ;o .'0 :i 13 14 IS 14 17 1* I* Dad'i Das*. Saturday. October 27 . :« .: II 20 21 22 II 2. 30 31 27 28 19 SO 31 . Hi..' ■ ■.'iving V»r»! i»n begins Wednesday. November 21, noon Ih-n.niv-.i Vacation end* Air.t n FEHRl'ARY Monday. November 21, noon Pre-ReitU(ratk>n Day. Saturday. M 1 tt T K S a M T w T V - I December 8 _ 1 S 4 IS CfcrtJtau Vacation basins .-. 6 : * v 10 11 3 4 . 4 " » 9 Friday. I"ereml*r 14. noon U IS 14 IS 11 IT 16 10 11 H IS 14 16 11 11 20 21 22 -1 24 S6 1* II i» B 1957 wti III Wll _ 24 25 H -'" <'hr umii Vacation ends Thursday. January 1. noon SEPTEMBER MAR<H Classes end Friday. January 18. * pit. S If T W T f S S M J W T 1 a Comprehensive K.animation Reading Period. Fr»d.>»-Wednesday. .. „ _. 1 : . January 2 1 4 S « 7 8 14 11 • . 9 10 11 IS 11 14 16 10 11 12 II 1 Comprehensive Duminilioni for 14 17 18 11 20 21 22 17 i- iv .o 2i :: a 'ireduatinir ^niori. Thursday- 28 24 26 24 77 28 21 24 25 20 27 2* 20 SO Saturday, January 24-20 10 — 31 _ .. .. 1 rial RnOa nations Monday - Ihursday, January 21-11 OCTUBKK APRIL First semester ends Thursday, January 31. 4 :S0 p.m. s M T w T y B S M T W T K > Sl< ON0 SEMESTER .. I 2 3 4 .'. 4 12 3 4 6 4 7 K 9 1» 11 12 1? 1 • 9 lo 11 12 IS Registration Day. Monday. 14 16 11 17 18 11 .'0 :i U II IT 1- :» 10 February 4 4 Oaasee beg.n Tuesday. February I :■ n N .-pring Vacation be){in* Friday, March :9. nuon M \Y Bpr u Vacai on eneM Monday. B M T W 1 1 SMTWTI sptH I, noon <k*>d Friday. April 10 (No claasea i in afternoon t '■ » : - ■ Eaflta* Sunday. April II ■ I i:, I c |i IS 1114 Pre It**.*: rat ion Day, Saturday, ■ ■ ; - ■ A[>ril -7 May 1 »i»>- Mother's Day. Saturday- laamj, May 11-12 DEI EMBER JUNE (lasses end Friday. May 24. I p.m. foo%pf«henal** Inanimation Reeidlnir M 1 \\ 1 a M T w i i , Wednesday. May 24-20 i • ■ <, - 2 T 4 .', fi 7 * ' omprvbenalvo r-iminaiwms. 9 10 11 12 18 14 1 1 Kill 12 n 14 II rhur-i i>-Sa" irday. May S0-June 1 II 17 1* l| 4 Final K.-mtmtions. Monday- -i j t . Tbund line 4 10 8J 30 •n-iii, Monday. June 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Map Frontiapiere University Calendar for 1956-67 2 Table of Content* 8 Statement of Objectives 4 University Calendar for 1957-58 6 Genera] Information 7 Air Force ROTC If, Summary of Geographical Enrollment for 1956-57 17 Summary of Student Enrollment for 1956-57 18 Admission 19 Student Services 23 Registration 26 Expenses 29 Scholarships and Grants-in-aid Academic Honors and Prizes 41 Plan of Study and Degree Requirements 47 Courses of Study 59 Courses in General Education 69 Departmental and Transdepartmental Courses 65 Conservatory of Music 127 Faculty —127 Curriculum 130 Personnel 135 Board of Trustees 186 Administrative Staff 139 Facnlty 141 Index 163 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES A college of liberal arts and sciences, dedicated to Christian ideals, Denison aims to help the student become a mature, well-informed person. Specifically, Denison seeks to enable each student to— SWASEY CHAPEL Acquire facility in reading, Writing, and speaking; I'ndc rstand the cultural attainments of men; Know something of the meaning and methods of the main branches of barning; 1'nparc for his vocation through intensive study in a specific Bald; Think honestly, clearly, and constructively; Develop interest and pleasure in the continuing, creative use of his abilities and skills; Respect cultural and individual differences; Promote understanding among all peoples; Participate actively and responsibly in the processes of demo- cratic government; Keflect high standards of taste through sound critical judgment and fine discrimination; STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 5 Achieve philosophic and religious insights for consistent and constructive living. The assertion that Denison University is a Christian college is a declaration of purpose. To be Christian a college should seek the following: To foster in each student ethical and spiritual qualities; To integrate each personality around Christian principles and ideals; To stimulate a fearless and untiring search for truth; To develop capacity and purpose for creative social and religious living; To cultivate adherence to the highest ethical standards in eco- nomic, political, and social life; and To animate the whole group with Christian idealism. These purposes are to be realized by the following means: Selection of a faculty of men and women of exemplary conduct and character, who are heartily and definitely committed to the Christian purpose of the institution, whose instruction is sympathetic with such a purpose and never hostile to it; Offering specific instruction in religion; Providing for the expression of religion through various suitable organizations and activities; Upholding standards of effort and achievement that are thorough and honest; and Observing Christian ideals in all corporate activities of the University. By common declaration of trustees and faculty, Denison Uni- versity makes those its aims to be progressively and continuously realized. CALENDAR I 957-I 958 1957 FIRST SF.MESTRR IMl 1951 New Student Pay-. Saturday-Thuraday •>pltmb«r T-12 JULY JANUARY Retciatration Pay. Thuraday, S«i<tenil»t .- ITWf n S M T W T F S It CIIHM t*gin Monday. September l< .1 S 4 5 1 .. .. 12 3 4 7 « 9 10 11 12 11 S 1 7 1 9 19 II Homecoming. Saturday. October IJ II 1'' 16 11 II 19 20 12 18 14 IS 18 17 18 Pad'a Pay. Savirday. Noe«nb«r % M 25 2127 19 20 21 22 it 24 2S Thankig.viriK Varafon begina 2* tl 28 29 SO 31 -- Ut.ine-i.i) uoon riiankiK.v:r,' VBCSUOO *nda Monday AUOI'ST FEBRUARY Itecrn.t- - — Ri >mli<>n Pay. Saturday. < M iwtn S M T W T T S Iwrml-r 14 .in Oir ■Tmaa Vacation begma * i i - i in ~2 _3 ~4 ~S ~l ~7 8 rmUy. Pfi-eml-T .". fioon I II II 17 9 10 11 12 IS 14 13 11 II 20 21 22 1124 II 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 28 27 2? 29 10 II 23 24 24 2117 tl .. 1958 Chriatmna VantkMI ' r.da Monday. January 6, SKPTEMBKR MARCH Gradual* Rerunl K\»mn» Friday-Saturday. January 10-11 S M T W T V I S M T W T F 8 Claaaea end Friday. January IT. 6 p.m i : - 4 -. « 7 i T7 ;ri-h*n»ivf Examination Ko>ad rue 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 "2 "i "4 "5 "i "7 S Period, Fr <liij-Wednesday. January 11 II 17 1- 1? .1) II 9 10 11 12 IS 14 IS 17-22 22 21 24 25 21 27 21 II 17 18 19 20 SI 32 29 10 23 24 2S 21 27 28 29 Comprehenaive Examination* for .10 || Graduating Bankm, Thuraday- Saturday. January I OCTOBER APRIL Final Examina' Monday-Thuraday. January 20<30 ... M r w T r a S M Iff II Fimi SaiDH'rr -mli Thuraday. January 30. 4 30 p m - 12 14 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 7 1 9 10 II 12 1 7 1 9 10 11 It 11 II IS II 1? 1KI9 11 14 IS 11 17 11 19 HCOND SEMRSTFK 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 20 21 22 28 24 S3 21 27 29 29 10 SI .. - 27 28 29 30 ion Pay. Monday. February Tlaoae* Igajln TnagJuf, February 4 Spring Vaeatlofl tNglna Hhhi March NOVEMBER MAY neon S M T W T r s S M T W T F a Eaater Sunday, April C Spring Yncat.on endi Tufad*) Apr 1 - 1 ? -111 noon S 4 i I 7 8 9 4 S 1 7 1 t 1* 10 11 12 13 14 IS 11 11 12 It 14 It 11 17 Pre-Reifi-tr*-*..-. Pay. Saturday. 17.11-19 20 21 22 tl II 19 20 21 2t 21 24 April .6 21 21 21 27 21 29 30 2S 21 27 21 M M tl May Day Mother-* Pay, Saturday- Sunday.
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