Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Season 51,1931-1932, Trip

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Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Season 51,1931-1932, Trip CARNEGIE HALL .... NEW YORK Thursday Evening, January 7, at 8.45 Saturday Afternoon, January 9, at 2.30 PRoGRZWVE £: 2 ^ "flu BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: I88H931" By M. A. De WOLFE HOWE Semi'Centennial Edition It is seventeen years since M. A. De Wolfe Howe's history of the Boston Symphony Orchestra was published. The Fiftieth season of the Orches- tra seemed a fitting time to re-publish this prized narrative of its earlier days, and likewise to record, , in additional chapters, the last years of Dr. Muck's conductorship, and the years of Henri Rabaud, Pierre Monteux, and Dr. Serge Koussevitzky. New appendices include a complete list of the music played at the regular concerts, giving the dates of performances. The soloists and the personnel through fifty years are also recorded, and the address on Henry Lee Higginson made by Bliss Perry at the Bach Festival, March 25, 1931. Now on sale at the Box Office, or by money order to Symphony Hall, Boston Price $1.50 (postage included) CARNEGIE HALL - - - NEW YORK Forty-sixth Season in New York FIFTY-FIRST SEASON, 1931-1932 INC. Dr. SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7, at 8.45 AND THE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 9, at 2.30 WITH HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES BY PHILIP HALE COPYRIGHT, 1932, BY BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, INC. THE OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Inc. FREDERICK P. CABOT ......... President BENTLEY W. WARREN Vice-President ERNEST B. DANE ......... Treasurer FREDERICK P. CABOT ARTHUR LYMAN ERNEST B. DANE WILLIAM PHILLIPS N. PENROSE HALLOWELL EDWARD M. PICKMAN M. A. DE WOLFE HOWE HENRY B. SAWYER FREDERICK E. LOWELL BENTLEY W. WARREN W. H. BRENNAN, Manager G. E. JUDD, Assistant Manager Dr. SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY Fifty-first Season, 1931-1932 Dr. SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor Violins. Burgin, R. Elcus, G. Gundersen, R. Sauvlet, H. Cherkassky, P. Concert-master Kassman, N. Hamilton, V. Eisler, D. Theodorowicz, J. Hansen, E. Lauga, N. Fedorovsky, P. Leibovici, J. Pinfield, C. Mariotti, V. Leveen, P. Tapley, R. Thillois, F. Zung, M. Knudson, C. Gorodetzky, L. Mayer, P. Diamond, S. Zide, L. Fiedler, B. Bryant, M. Beale, M. Stonestreet, L. Messina, S. Murray, J. Del Sordo, R. Erkelens, H. Seiniger, S. Violas. Lefranc, J. Fourel, G. Bernard, A. Grover, H. Fiedler, A. Artieres, L. Cauhape, J. Van Wynbergen, C. Werner, H. Avierino, N. Deane, C. Gerhardt, S. Jacob, R. Violoncellos. E. Bedetti, J. Langendoen, J. Chardon, Y. Stockbridge, C. Fabrizio, L. Zighera, A. Barth, C. Droeghmans, H. Warnke, J. Marjollet, Basses. Kunze, M. Lemaire, J. Ludwig, O. Girard, H. Moleux, G. Vondrak, A. Oliver, F. Frankel, I. Dufresnc, G. Kelley, A. Flutes. Oboes. Clarinets. Bassoons. Laurent, G. Gillet, F. Polatschek, V. Laus, A. Bladet, G. Devergie, J. Mimart, P. Allard, R. Amerena, P. Stanislaus, H. Arcieri, E. Panenka, E. Allegra, E. (E-flat Clarinet) Piccolo. English Horn Bass Clarinet. Contra-Bassoon. Battles, A. Speyer, L. Bettoney, F. Piller, B. Horns. Horns. Trumpets. Trombones. Boettcher, G. Valkenier, W Mager, G. Raichman, J. Pogrebniak, S. Schindler, G. Lafosse, M. Hansotte, L. Van Den Berg, C. Lannoye, M. Grundey, T. Kenfield, L. Lorbeer, H. Blot, G. Perret, G. Adam, E. Voisin, R. Mann, J. Tubas. Harps. Timpani. Percussion. Sidow, P. Zighera, B. Ritter, A. Sternburg, S. Adam, E. Caughey, E. Polster, M. White, L. Organ. Celesta. Librarian. Snow, A. Fiedler, A. Rogers, L. ) The SAVOY- PLAZA PLAZA Ideally located on Fifth The Savoy-Plaza, Avenue at the entrance to newer associate of Central Park, The Plaza The Plaza, faces Cen- offers the highest standards tral Park and offers of hospitality and cuisine. the same excellence Near business . transpor- of hospitality and tation. .theatres. .shops cuisine that distin- . yet away from the noise guishes The Plaza. and confusion of the city. JohnD.Owen Manager CARNEGIE HALL NEW YORK Forty-sixth Season in New York Fifty-first Season, 1931-1932 Dr. SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor SECOND CONCERT THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7 AT 8.45 PROGRAMME Corelli .....* Suite Sarabande—Gigue—Badinerie Beethoven . Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major, Op. 60 I. 'Adagio; Allegro vivace. II. Adagio. III. Allegro vivace. Trio. Un poco meno allegro. IV. Finale: Allegro, ma non troppo. Sibelius ..... Symphony No. 4 in A minor, Op. 63 I. Tempo molto moderato quasi adagio. II. Allegro molto vivace. III. II tempo largo. IV. Allegro. Frid ......... Suite for Orchestra I. Aria e Allegro. II. Passacaglia. III. Scherzo. IV. Intermezzo. V. Perpetuum mobile. (First Performance in New York) STEINWAY PIANO There will be an intermission of ten minutes after Beethoven's symphony The music of these programmes is available at the 58th Street Library 5 .' Suite: (Sarabande-Gigue-Badinerie) . Arcangelq Oorelli (Born at Fusignano, near Iinola, Italy, on February 17,* 1653; died at Rome on January 8, 1713) This Suite was arranged by Ettore Pinellif by taking movements from Corelli's Op. 5—"XII Suonate a violino e violone o cembalo" published in folio at Rome in 1700. There were half a dozen editions of this work before 1799. It was arranged in an edition published at London and Amsterdam as a set of trios for two flutes and a bass. Francesco Geminiani arranged the sonatas as "Concerti grossi" and published them in London (s. d.). Single sonatas in Op. 5 have been edited by Delphin Alard; by Ferdinand David (Folies d'Espagne, the last movement in Op. 5)$ Corelli, famous violinist and composer, was a pupil of Giovanni Benvenuti at Bologna. (The story that the four years younger Giovanni Battista Bassani was his teacher is now discredited.) Little is known about Corelli until he went to Rome in 1671, became a member of the Capranica Theatre Orchestra, and studied com- position with Matteo Simonelli. It appears that Corelli lived in Germany in 1679-81; was in the service of the Elector of Bavaria at Munich; was in the company of Jean-Baptiste Farinelli, the concertmaster at Hanover of the orchestra maintained by the Elec- tor George, who became George I. of England. § He was also at Heidelberg. In 1682 he made Rome his abiding place. There his violin playing and the publication of his twelve sonatas for two violins, violoncello, and basso continuo brought him great renown. The Cardinals Benedetto Pamphili and Pietro Ottoboni befriended him. The latter lodged him in his palace, and there Corelli con- ducted concerts on Mondays. He bequeathed to Ottoboni a valuable collection of paintings and about f300,000. The Cardinal accepted the pictures, but gave the money to Corelli's relatives. The story that, going to Paris in 1672, he excited Lulli's jealousy, who by in- *This date is given by Riemann. Paul David, in Grove's Dictionary, gives February 12 or 13. "The dates of Corelli's, birth and death depend on the translation of Corelli's epitaph as copied by Dr. Burney in his "History," says David. fPinelli, born in 1843 at Rome, died there in 1915. A violinist and conductor, he was zealous in the cultivation of concert and chamber music in Rome and other Italian cities. "To this end he successfully devoted his long and strenuous activities as violinist, conductor, and teacher." He studied the violin with Ramacciotti at Rome ; with Joachim at Hanover. In 1866 he founded at Rome the Society for Chamber Music. With Sgambati in 1869 he organized at the R. Accademia di Santa Cecilia at Rome a school of violin and pianoforte playing, the beginning of the R. Liceo Mus. di Santa Cecilia. In 1867 he founded the Societa Orchestrale Romana, which he con- ducted for many years, bringing out important works of "the classical symphonic art," almost unknown till then in Italy. $An oblong edition 4to, with an engraved frontispiece, signed Ant. Meloni del P. P. Bouche, sculp, two full-page engravings and 68 full-page engraved plates of music, sold by John Walsh, London, about 1699, was unknown to F6tis. It was not in 1907 in the British Museum, which has editions published at Rome, Venice, and Amsterdam circa 1700. §George I. sent Farinelli as Resident Minister to Venice. He died in 1720, having been born at Grenoble in 1655. 6 : trigues and annoyances drove him away, is probably without foundation. In his latter years he was a prey to melancholy. Modest, amiable, he was simple in his life; almost shabbily dressed; always going on foot instead of taking a carriage. Many stories are told of his great fame as a violinist ; of his adventure with the King of Naples and Alessandro Scarlatti; of his playing to Handel. At Naples he was technically unfortunate. Eeturning chagrined to Rome, he found that the public favored an oboe virtuoso ; that a violinist named Valentini, an inferior player, was applauded. Hence the melancholy of Corelli's later years. But it is not easy to separate, in the early biographical sketches of Corelli and his contemporaries facts from idle gossip. As violinist he laid the foundation for technical development and writing for the solo instrument; as a composer he founded the manner of orchestral writing on which the future development rested. He was not a brilliant virtuoso, a Hexenmcister, but his style was distinguished by breadth, emotion, and nobility. Sir Hubert Parry said of Corelli, the composer "Corelli, was almost the first composer who showed a consistent instinct for style, and this marks one of the most important attain- Analytic Symphony Series DITSON PUBLICATION A Twentieth Century Musical Home Necessity THE ANALYTIC SYMPHONY SERIES Great Symphonies, arranged in the simplest possible playable form for two hands on the piano, with remarkably clear analy- ses by the eminent teacher and theorist, Dr. Percy Goetschius. Understanding depends upon knowledge, and this can be secured only by a study of the music itself, therefore real enjoyment of symphonic works is hugely enhanced by the use of this simplified edition.
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