Activity of the Purified Mutagenesis Proteins Umuc, Umud', and Reca
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 89, pp. 10777-10781, November 1992 Biochemistry Activity of the purified mutagenesis proteins UmuC, UmuD', and RecA in replicative bypass of an abasic DNA lesion by DNA polymerase III (SOS respon/fdelity of DNA repfcatlon/umutatlo) MALINI RAJAGOPALANt, CHI Lut, ROGER WOODGATEtt, MIKE O'DONNELL§, MYRON F. GOODMAN$, AND HARRISON ECHOLSt tDivision of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; 1Department of Microbiology, Cornell University Medical College, New York, NY 10021; and IDepartment of Biological Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 Contributed by Harrison Echols, August 17, 1992 ABSTRACT The introduction of a replication-inhibiting SOS mutagenesis (C. Bonner, S. Creighton and M.F.G., lesion Into the DNA ofEscherichia colU generates the Induced, unpublished work). multigene SOS response. One component of the SOS response Together, the studies noted above give clear indications is a marked increase in mutation rate, de t on RecA that SOS mutagenesis is a consequence ofreplicative bypass protein and the induced muta p us UmuC and of DNA lesions mediated by a damage-localized nucleopro- UmuD. A variety of previous indirect ap es have Indi- tein complex involving RecA, UmuC-UmuD', and pol III-a cated that SOS mutagenesi results from replicative bypass of "mutasome" (14, 17). However, direct evidence for such a the DNA lesion by DNA polymerase (pol ) me in pathway has been lacking in the absence of a defined bio- a reaction mediated by RecA, UmuC, and a prcsd form of chemical system. In the work reported here, we have used UmuD termed UmuD'.
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