TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28 9:00 A.M. Registration.

IO:00-I2:00 A.M. Division on Social Research, Charles E. Gehlke, Western Reserve University, presiding. Ten-minute reports on research projects.

I2:30-3 :oo P.M. Luncheon meetings. Committee on Sections. Sociology and Social Work, Frank J. Bruno, Washington University, pre- siding. "The Development of the Relation between Sociology and Social Work," Thomas J. Riley, Brooklyn Bureau of Charities. Discussion: M. J. Karpf, Training School for Jewish Social Work.

3:00-5:oo P.M. Division on Human Ecology, Robert E. Park, , presiding. "The Concept of Dominance and World Organization," R. D. McKenzie, University of Washington. "Population Areas in Canada," C. A. Dawson, McGill University. "The Ghetto," , University of Chicago. "The Ecological Approach to the Study of the Church," Arthur- E. Holt, Chicago Theological Seminary.

6:00-7:30 P.M. Dinner Meeting of the Section on the Community, in joint session with the National Community Center Association. "Shall We Kill the Community Movement?" Walter Burr, Kansas State Agricultural College. "A Survey of Adult Education in America Today," F. P. Keppel, Carnegie Corporation. Discussion: Dwight Sanderson, .

8:oo-io:oo P.M. Division on Social Psychology, Luther L. Bernard presiding. "The Development of Social Psychology," Fay B. Karpf, New York. "The Contribution of Anthropology to Social Psychology," A. A. Golden- weiser, New York. "The Contribution of Psychiatry to Social Psychology," William F. Og- burn, Columbia University. "The Measurement of Personal and Social Attitudes," , University of Wisconsin.


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9:00 A.M. Business Meeting of the Society for the reports of representatives and committees.

IO:o0-I2:00 A.M. Meetings of sections of the Society. Section on Rural Sociology, in charge of E. L. Morgan, University of Missouri. Report of the Committee on Research, C. C. Taylor, North Carolina State College of Agriculture, Chairman. "Methods of Social Research," Bruce L. Melvin, Cornell University. Discussion: C. R. Hoffer, Michigan State College of Agriculture; C. C. Zimmerman, University of Minnesota. "The Nature and Function of Research," E. W. Allen, Office of Experi- ment Stations, U.S.D.A. Section on Community Organization, in joint session with the National Community Center Association, in charge of A. E. Wood, University of Michigan. "Cultural Adjustments in the Polish Community of Buffalo," Niles Car- penter, University of Buffalo. "Evolution of Community Activities," M. C. Elmer, University of Pitts- burgh. "Community Life Histories," Emory S. Bogardus, University of Southern California. "Community Control as Shown in Cincinnati Base Maps of Recreation, Religion, and Juvenile Delinquency," Earle E. Eubank, University of Cin- cinnati. "Dying Churches in Chicago," S. C. Kincheloe, Chicago Y.M.C.A. College. "Chicago Settlements," Roy C. Tibbitts, Chicago.

Section on The Family, in charge of Mrs. W. F. Dummer, Chicago. Reports on Studies of the Family. Section on the Sociology of Religion, in charge of Justin W. Nixon, Roches- ter, N.Y. Reports on Research in Progress.

12:30-3 :oo P.M. Luncheon Meetings. Section on Rural Sociology. "Internationalizing the Country Life Movement," Kenyon L. Butterfield, Michigan State College of Agriculture. "Rural Life in Europe-Some Observations," Dwight Sanderson, Cornell University; C. J. Galpin, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U.S.D.A.; T. L. Harris, University of West Virginia. Section on the Sociology of Religion, in charge of Earle E. Eubank, Uni- versity of Cincinnati.

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Section on the Teaching of Social Science in the Schools, in charge of Charles A. Ellwood, University of Missouri. "A Twelfth-Grade Course in Sociology for High-School Students," J. 0. Hertzler, University of Nebraska; C. J. Bushnell, Toledo University.

Section on The Family, in joint session with the American Home Econom- ics Association Committee on the Economic and Social Problems of the Home. Chase Going Woodhouse, chairman. "The Effect of the Outside Work of Married Women upon the Home."

3:00-5:00 P.M. Division on Social Biology, Carl Kelsey, University of Penn- sylvania, presiding. "The Changing Concepts of Race," Herbert A. Miller, Ohio State Univer- sity. Papers on subjects to be later announced, Carl Kelsey, and H. G. Duncan, University of Southem California.

5 :00 P.M. Meeting of the Executive Committee.

6:00-7:30 P.M. Dinner Meeting of the Section on the Community, in joint session with the National Community Center Association. "Political As- sumptions and Underlying Ideals of Community Propagandists," Arthur Evans Wood, University of Michigan. "Community Influence on the Individual in the City," C. C. North, Ohio State University. "The Fascisti Attitude toward Local Community Control," A Fascist.

8:oo-io:oo P.M. Joint Session with the American Economic Association. Presidential addresses by Edwin W. Kemmerer, Princeton University, and John Lewis Gillin, University of Wisconsin.


9:00 A.M. Business meeting for reports of committees.

IO:o0-I2:00 A.M. Meetings of the sections of the Society. Section on Rural Sociology. Report of Committee on the Teaching of Rural Sociology, C. E. Lively, Ohio State University, Chairman. Discussion:, J. H. Kolb, University of Wisconsin; Walter Burr, Kansas State College of Agriculture. Report of Committee on Extension Work, B. L. Hummel, University of Missouri, Chairman. Discussion: S. H. Hobbs, Jr., University of North Carolina; T. B. Manny, Hendrix College. Section on Community Organization. "Districting of the City and Community Organization in St. Louis," El- wood Street, The Community Council of St. Louis. "Results of Sociological Studies of the Harlem (colored) Community, New York City," Ira de F. Reid, New York Urban League.

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"An Interpretation of Philadelphia's Colored Life," Forrester B. Wash- ington, Armstrong Association of Washington. Discussion: Dwight San- derson, Cornell University.

Section on Educational Sociology. "The Progress of Educational Soci- ology," E. George Payne, New York University. "What Is Educational Sociology?" Charles A. Ellwood, University of Missouri. "The Subject Matter of the Curriculum and Sociology," George S. Counts University of Chicago. "The Sociological Basis of Method," B. F. Stalcup, New York University. "The School and Classroom Organization," C. C. Peters, Ohio Wesleyan University. "Sociology and Educational Measurements," Emory S. Bogardus, Univer- sity of Southern California. "Research in Educational Sociology," Harvey W. Zorbaugh, New York University.

Section on The Family, in charge of Mrs. W. F. Dummer, Chicago. "The Study of Family Disorganization," Ernest R. Mowrer, Chicago. "The Land of Poco Tiempo," Orfa J. Shontz, formerly Referee of the Los Angeles Juvenile Court. "The Parent-Child Relationship," Kimball Young, University of Wiscon- sin. Section on the Sociology of Religion, in charge of Arthur E. Holt, Chi- cago Theological Seminary. "Co-operation with Religious Research."

12:30-3 :00 P.M. Luncheon Meetings. Section on Rural Sociology. In joint session with the American Farm Economics Association. Report of Joint Committee on Relations of Social and Economic Factors in Rural Progress: Dwight Sanderson, Cornell University. "Joint Co-operative Studies on the Economics and Sociology of Farm Life," E. L. Kirkpatrick, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U.S.D.A.

Section on Educational Sociology, W. R. Smith, University of Kansas, presiding. Report upon the Status of Educational Sociology in Teacher Training In- stitutes, from members present. "The Survey of Educational Sociology," Harvey Lee, New York Uni- versity.

Section on The Family. "Antagonistic Relationships in Family Life," Miriam Van Waters, Los Angeles.

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3:00-5 :00 P.M. Division on Historical Sociology, Harry Elmer Barnes, Smith College, presiding. "English Sociology," Harry Elmer Barnes. "German Sociology," Carl Brinkmann, University of Heidelberg. "Sociology in Argentina," L. L. Bernard. "Russian Sociology," Pitirim A. Sorokin, University of Minnesota.

6:30 P.M. Annual Dinner of the Society.


9:00 A.M. Annual Business Meeting of the American Sociological Society.

IO:00-I2:00 A.M. Division on Methods of Research, Floyd N. House, Uni- versity of Virginia, presiding. "General Methodology," Floyd N. House. "The Use and Limitations of Statistics in Sociological Research," C. E. Gehlke, Western Reserve University. "The Case Study Method," Clifford R. Shaw, Institute for Juvenile Re- search, Chicago. "Cultural Analysis," Wilson D. Wallis, University of Minnesota.

I2:30-3:00 P.M. Luncheon Meeting. Round table on "Scientific Methods in the Social Sciences," William F. Ogburn, Columbia University, presiding.


The Association will hold its annual meeting at St. Louis, with sessions Tuesday afternoon and evening, December 28, and Friday afternoon, Decem- ber 3I. Further information may be secured by writing Edith Abbott, Uni- versity of Chicago.

Headquarters.-The headquarters for the annual meeting will be the Missouri Hotel, Locust and Eleventh streets. Rates for rooms are as follows: rooms without bath, for one occupant, $2.00 and up; for two occupants, $3.oo and up per day; rooms with private bath, for one occupant, $2.50 and up; for two occupants, $4.00 and'up per day. Reservations may be made through the manager, Mr. Walter Eckles. Reduced Railroad Rates.-Arrangements have been made with the various passenger associations to grant reduced rates of one and one-half fare for the round trip to all members of the American Sociological Society and allied associations, as well as members of their families, provided 250 are in attendance and present certificates. Full fare one way is paid for the going journey, and half-fare rate for the return trip is secured only upon the following conditions: Tickets at the rate of the one-way adult fare for the going journey may be obtained only on December 24-30, inclusive. Be sure that in purchasing your ticket you request a Convention Certificate. Do not make the mistake of asking for a receipt. Present yourself at the railroad station for ticket and certificate at

This content downloaded from on Tue, 28 Jun 2016 14:12:22 UTC All use subject to 476 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY least thirty minutes before the departure of your train. Certificates are not kept at all stations. If not obtainable at your home station, the agent will inform you at what station they may be obtained. You can in such case purchase a local ticket to the station which has certificates in stock, where you can purchase a through ticket and at the same time ask for and obtain a certificate to the place of meeting. On your arrival at the meeting, present your certificate to the indorsing officer, F. S. Deibler, secretary of the American Economic Association, Bureau of Registration, Statler Hotel, as the reduced fare for the return journey will not apply until you are properly identified. If the 250 certificates are presented to the special agent, and your certificate is duly validated, you will be entitled, up to and including January 4, I927, to a return ticket via the same route over which you made the going journey, at one- half of the regular one-way adult tariff from place of the meeting to the point at which your certificate was issued.

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