CHEMISTRY 2015-2016 NEWSLETTER Table of Contents CONTACT ADDRESS University of Rochester 3 Chemistry Department Faculty and Staff Department of Chemistry 404 Hutchison Hall 4 Letter from the Chair RC Box 270216 Rochester, NY 14627-0216 6 Donors to the Chemistry Department PHONE 10 In Memoriam (585) 275-4231 14 Alumni News EMAIL Saunders 90th Birthday
[email protected] 16 Faculty Grants & Awards WEBSITE 18 24 COR-ROC Inorganic Symposium FACEBOOK 25 CBI Retreat & Mat Sci Symposium 26 Departmental Summer Picnic CREDITS 27 REU Program 2016 EDITOR 28 International Student Research Program Lynda McGarry 29 Pie in the Eye 30 Graduate Student Welcome Party LAYOUT & DESIGN EDITOR Deb Contestabile 31 Chemistry Welcomes Kathryn Knowles Yukako Ito (’17) 32 Faculty News REVIEWING EDITORS 64 Senior Poster Session Deb Contestabile 65 Commencement 2016 COVER ART AND LOGOS 67 Student Awards & News Deb Contestabile Yukako Ito (’17) 73 Doctoral Degrees Awarded 75 Postdoctoral Fellows PHOTOGRAPHS 76 Faculty Publications UR Communications John Bertola (B.A. ’09, M.S. ’10W) 82 Seminars & Colloquia Deb Contestabile Ria Tafani 89 Staff News Sheridan Vincent Thomas Krugh 93 Instrumentation UR Friday Photos Yukako Ito (’17) 95 Department Funds Ursula Bertram (‘18) Lynda McGarry 96 Alumni Update Form 1 2 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY Faculty and Staff Robert K. Boeckman, Jr. Kara L. Bren Joseph P. Dinnocenzo ASSISTANT CHAIR FOR ADMINISTRATION James M. Farrar Kenneth Simolo Rudi Fasan Ignacio Franco ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CHAIR Alison J. Frontier Barbara Snaith Joshua L. Goodman Pengfei Huo ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS William D. Jones Deb Contestabile Kathryn Knowles Robin Cooley Todd D.