Looking for Computers in the Biological Cell. After Twenty Years? Gheorghe P˘aun Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy PO Box 1-764, 014700 Bucure¸sti,Romania
[email protected] 1 Preliminary Cautious and Explanations The previous title needs some explanations which I would like to bring from the very beginning. On the one hand, it promises too much, at least with respect to my scientific preoccupations in the last two decades and with respect to the discussion which follows. It is true that there are attempts to use the cell as it is (bacteria, for instance) or parts of it (especially DNA molecules) to compute, but a research direction which looks more realistic, at least for a while, and which has interested me, is to look in the cell for ideas useful to computer science, for computability models which, passing from biological structures and processes to mathematical models, of a computational type, can not only ensure a better use of the existing computers, the electronic ones, but they can also return to the starting point, as tools for biological investigations. Looking to the cell through the mathematician-computer scientist glasses, this is the short description of the present approach, and in this area it is placed the personal research experience which the present text is based on. On the other hand, the title announces already the autobiographical intention. Because a Reception Speech is a synthesis moment, if not also a career summarizing moment, it cannot be less autobiographical than it is, one uses to say, any novel or poetry volume.