BASCOM NORRIS COLLISION INJURES ONE Live Oak man Intersection at retires from Bascom Norris and Sisters Welcome top Guard Road was blocked for nearly an hour. post. See Page 3A. See Page 6A. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2014 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | 75¢ Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM New laws Shooting: Officer cleared New light shed on motorist’s possible take motive in pointing handgun at police. By MEGAN REEVES March, LCPD said Monday.
[email protected] Police also released infor- effect mation that may help explain Lake City Police Officer Mike why the motorist, a registered Lee Barker Lee has been cleared of any sex offender from Tennessee, wrongdoing in the fatal shoot- aimed a handgun at Lee when Jury convened May 20 and filed today FILE ing of an armed felon during he approached his vehicle. Barker’s pickup is pictured (background) a routine DUI checkpoint in The Columbia County Grand E-cigarette ban, SHOOTING continued on 3A following the March 14 shooting. GI Bill among 157 approved. ADVENTURES AT RUM ISLAND Tropical By JIM TURNER The News Service of Florida storm TALLAHASSEE — The state’s record-setting, $77 billion election-year budget may be goes into effect today, along PREVIEW with 157 brewing n Gun-carriers other bills can’t be denied approved Chance of rain insurance. by the n Illegal immi- Legislature in Lake City is grants granted and signed only 50 percent. in-state tuition. n Text messag- by Gov. es added to the Rick Scott. By EMILY STANTON “Do Not Call” The
[email protected] program list.