Title of Report: Officer presenting: US Mason Visit to Derry & Strabane Head of Culture Author: Tourism Development Officer

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations

1.1 To inform members of the planned visit of the US Mason to Derry this summer and to request funding for a welcome reception for the crew.

2 Background

2.1 As the National Museum of African American History and Culture celebrates Veterans Day on November 11th, the US Marines will be focusing attention on the often forgotten sacrifices and contributions of African American patriots who were involved in WWII and stationed in Northern Ireland. These heroes include the men of the USS Mason, which made history during World War II as the USA's first predominantly black crew.

2.2 Launched on November 17, 1943, ship carried an enlisted crew of 160 and five other white officers. Prior to the Mason, black men in the Navy had been limited to support roles such as cooks, stewards and labourers, and even had to wear different uniforms than those worn by other sailors. The commissioning of the Mason came about as a result of intense pressure from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and others to integrate the armed forces. But the transition wasn't easy, with the Mason's crew forced to confront intense racism in the naval ranks and a widespread belief that the "social experiment" would fail. The men of the Mason responded to the hostility and doubts by performing their duty, which often times was dangerous, with extraordinary bravery and dedication. Their exploits while escorting supply ships and intercepting German U-boat messages in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea were chronicled by African American journalist Thomas W. Young, who was commissioned by the Navy as a war correspondent aboard the Mason. 2.3 In October 1944, the Mason's crew distinguished itself during what is widely regarded as the worst North Atlantic storm of the 20th century, which caused the that the Mason was guarding to break up. After the Mason's crew repaired severe structural damage inflicted by the storm, the ship stayed at sea for three additional days to help rescue ships from the convoy. Lt. Commander Blackford recommended his crew for individual commendations for their heroic performance, but the Navy failed to take action. After the war in Europe ended, the Mason briefly took on other duties before being decommissioned on October 12, 1945, and sold for scrap. The story of its ground-breaking African American crew then began quickly fading from public attention.

3 Key Issues

3.1 The welcome that the US Mason crew got in Derry from local citizens has not been forgotten. They were made welcome and treated as equals in the bars and dance halls of the city. The US Mason's story might have remained lost to history if not for the efforts of a small but determined group supported by author Mary Pat Kelly, whose book 'Proudly We Served' helped bring attention to the men of the Mason. In 2004, the book was made into the movie Proud, starring renowned actor and activist Ossie Davis in his final film role as Signalman Second Class Lorenzo Du Fau, the last surviving member of the Mason crew. The growing clamour to recognize the contributions of the men of the Mason resulted in the Navy finally awarding the long-delayed commendation to surviving crewmembers in 1995. In 2003, the Navy commissioned a new ship in honour of the heroes of the Mason – the Arleigh Burke-class US Mason, the only U.S. Navy ship ever named after a crew, whose motto is "Proudly We Serve."

3.2 Dr Mary Pat Kelly is keen to bring the new US Mason to Derry to recognise the courage and commitment of the Mason's crew who helped pave the way for the integration of the armed forces by President Truman in 1948. By countering the prevailing notions of black inferiority, the men of the Mason helped to win both WWII and the battle at home against racism and discrimination. This notion was enshrined in the Double V (for "Double Victory") Campaign, a national effort that called on to give their all to win a victory overseas, while calling for a victory for equal rights in the U.S.

3.3 The story of the US Mason has key links with DCSDC's planned £11m Maritime Museum opening 2019 on the Ebrington site. The story of the Mason and crew is being addressed in the new National Museum of African American History and Culture, opening 2016. This museum is the newest member of the Smithsonian Institution's family and will be far more than a collection of objects. 3.4 A visit by the US Mason will help to cement links between the Maritime Museum and the Smithsonian, as well as with the US Military archives, who in partnership with Dr Kelly, are keen to create shared archives. The visit will also help to promote the museum as a must visit step for Military History Tours. The Museum is keen to develop tours packages with inbound carriers from US and Canada who uncover the role and strategic importance of Derry and the Beech Hill as base Camp Europe in WWII and the .

4 Financial, Equality, Legal, HR and Other Implications

4.1 It is anticipated that the welcome will include a mayoral drinks reception, welcome dinner and musical celebration.

4.2 Costs are estimated to be in the region of £5k to include a welcome reception and site visits to key locations in and around the region.

5 Recommendations

5.1 That officers be mandated to progress options for the planned US Mason visit and to bring back final programme and funding proposals to members for consideration.

Background Papers
