W ALABAMA MUSEUM of Natural History J11l Bulletin 21 April 2, 2000 BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM of NATURAL Mstory
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)).l( "" --..~ .)jO((W ALABAMA MUSEUM of Natural History J11l Bulletin 21 April 2, 2000 BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL mSTORY The scientific publication of the Alabama Museum of Natural History. Richard L. Mayden, Editor. John C. Hall, Managing Editor. BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY is published by the Alabama Museum of Natural History, a unit of The University of Alabama. The BULLETIN succeeds its predecessor, the MUSEUM PAPERS, which was terminated in 1961 upon the transfer of the Museum to the University from its parent organiza tion, the Geological Survey of Alabama. The BULLETIN is devoted primarily to scholarship and research concerning the natural history of Alabama and the Southeast. It appears twice yearly in conseCll tively numbered issues. Communication concerning manuscripts, style, and editorial policy should be addressed to: Editor, BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, The University of Alabama, Box 870340, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0340; tele phone (205) 348-7550 or [email protected]. Prospective authors should examine the Notice to Authors inside the back cover. A link to the Bulletin's website may be found at «httP:lwww.ua.edulhistory.htm». Orders and requests for general information should be addressed to BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, at the above address or emailed to [email protected] (two issues) are $20.00 for individu als, $25.00 for corporations and institutions. Numbers may be purchased individu ally. Payment should accompany orders and subscriptions and checks should be made out to "The University of Alabama." Library exchanges should be handled through: Exchange Librarian, The University of Alabama, Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0340. When citing this publication, authors are requested to use the following abbrevia tion: Bull. Alabama Mus. Nat. Hist. ISSN: 0196-1039 Copyright 2000 by The Alabama Museum of Natural History ))tl{ •'" __.~ I )jO((W ALABAMA MUSEUM of Natural History Bulletin 21 April 2, 2000 U nionid Mollusks of the Apalachicola Basin in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia by Jayne Brim Box and James D. Williams Photographs by Richard T. Bryant THE UNIVERSI1Y OF ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA April 2, 2000 Dedicated to Herbert D. Athearn, Ruth D. Turner, and William]. Clench (posthumously) for their contributions to our knowledge of southern unios Table of Con ten ts List of Figures v Lampsilis binominata 51 Lampsilis stmminea claibornensis 53 Abstract 1 Lampsilis subangulata 55 Lampsilis teres 57 Introduction Lasmigona subviTidis 59 Medionidus penicillatus 60 Study Area 3 A1egalonaias nervosa 62 Pleumbema pyriforme 64 Methods 5 F)lganodon catm"acta 66 F)lgmwdon grandis 68 Results 6 Quincuncina infucata 69 Stmphitus subvexus 71 Species Accounts 9 Toxolasma paulus 73 Alasmidonta tTiangulata 28 Unioments camlinianus 74 Amblema neislerii 29 Utterbachia imbecillis 76 Anodonta hem"di 31 Utterbachia peggyae 78 A nodontoides mdiatus 33 Villosa lienosa 79 Elliptio aTctata 34 Villosa vibex 81 Elliptio chipolaensis 36 Villosa villosa 83 Elliptio complanata 37 Elliptio cmssidens 40 Discussion 85 Elliptio fmtema 42 Elliptio icterina 43 Acknowledgmen ts 91 Elliptio nigella 45 Elliptio pUTpuTella 46 Distribution Records 92 Elliptoideus sloatianus 48 Glebula rotundata 49 Addendum 136 Literature Cited 137 List of Figures Fig. 1. ACF Basin in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The SW of Blountstown, Calhoun County, Florida, 23 Fall Line is indicated by a solid line. August 1980. Fig. 2. Counties of the ACF Basin in Alabama, Florida, Fig. 15. Elliptio fraterna, length 61 mm. USNM 85396: and Georgia. Abbeville District [Savannah River drainage], Fig. 3. Major impoundments in the ACF Basin. South Carolina, before 1852. Fig. 4. Historical and current collection sites in the ACF Fig. 16. Elliptio ieterina, length 42.5 mm. JCB92-130: Po Basin. tato Creek at GA Rt. 74, ca. 2.25 air mi. WNW of Fig. 5. Periods of significant collecting effort in the ACF Thomaston, Upson County, Georgia, 23 July Basin, based on museum records. 1992. Fig. 6. Average species richness for each hydrologic unit Fig. 17. Elliptio nigella, length 55 mm. USNM 85566: Flint based on the 1991-1992 survey data. River, near Albany, Dougherty County, Georgia. Fig. 7. Alasmidonta triangulata, length 39 mm. MCZ Fig. 18. Elliptio pwpurella, length 49 mm. JCB92-159: 254754: [Chattahoochee River], Columbus, Muckalee Creek at GA 195, 3.5 air mi. NE of Muscogee County, Georgia. Leesburg, Lee County, Georgia, 11 August 1992. Fig. 8. Amblema neislerii, length 70 mm. FLMNH 369: Fig. 19. Elliptoideus sloatianus, length 117 mm. JCB92-200: Chipola River, Dead Lake at Chipola Park, 20 mi. Flint River, ca. 2 air mi. above boat ramp at end of S of Blountstown, Calhoun County, Florida, 3 CR345, ca. 6 air mi. above U.S. Rt. 84 September 1954. (Bainbridge) at bend with large limestone out Fig. 9. Anodonta heardi, length 113 mm. JCB91-102: crop, Decatur County, Georgia, 24 September Harrison Creek at first 180-degree bend above 1992. confluence of Brothers River, along north side of Fig. 20. Glebula rotundata, length 67 mm (exterior), 58 bend (W of Apalachicola River navigation mile mm (interior). FLMNH 243974: Chipola River, 14.8), Franklin County, Florida, 7 September 200 m S ofFL 22A bridge, 4 mi. E of Wewahitchka, 1991 . Gulf Coun ty, Florida, 14 August 1988. Fig. 10. Anodontoides radiatus, length 48 mm. FLMNH Fig. 21. Lampsilis binominata, length 37 mm. USNM 64086: Sandy Creek, near Evergreen, Conecuh 84883: [Chattahoochee River], Columbus, County, Alabama [Escambia River drainage], May Muscogee County, Georgia. 1910. Fig. 22. Lampsilis straminea claibornensis, length 58 mm. Fig. 11. Elliptio aretata, length 66 mm. JCB91-019: JCB91-90: Chipola River, 0.1 mi. above Apalachicola River at navigation mile 92.5 just S confluence of Apalachicola River, navigation mile of Rock Bluff Landing, Liberty County, Florida, 27.9, along east bank, Gulf County, Florida, 11 18June 1991. August 1990. Fig. 12. Elliptio ehipolaensis, length 43 mm. JCB91-037: Fig. 23. Lampsilis subangulata, length 70 mm. JCB92-155: Chipola River near river mile 53.1, Bullet Bend, Kinchafoonee Creek at GA Rt. 45, ca. 5.5 air mi. Calhoun County, Florida, 25 June 1991. SW of Plains, ca. 8.5 air mi. SE of Preston, Webster Fig. 13. Elliptio eomplanata, length 69 mm. JCB92-205: County, Georgia, 10 August 1992. Lake Seminole in Spring Creek, ca. 1 river mile Fig. 24. Lampsilis teres, length 86 mm. FLMNH 4989: above Smith Landing Rd., ca. 10 air mi. W of Mosquito Creek, 1 mi. S of Chattahoochee, Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia, 25 Septem Gadsden County, Florida, October 1953. ber 1992. Fig. 25. Lasmigona subviridis, length 48 mm. UMMZ Fig. 14. Elliptio crassidens, length 72 mm. FLMNH 243942: 23324: Chattahoochee River at Columbus, Chipola River, 1.3 mi. above FL 71 bridge, 12 mi. Muscogee County, Georgia. vi BULLETIN 21 April 2, 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------- Fig. 26. Medioniduspenicillatus, length 36 mm. JCB92-155: Fig. 41. Disnibution of Amblel7la neislerii in the ACF Basin. Kinchafoonee Creek at GA Rt. 45, ca. 5.5 air mi. Fig. 42. Length-frequency distIibution of A11lbfema neisferii SW of Plains, ca. 8.5 air mi. SE of Preston, Webster found in the summer of 1991. County, Georgia, 10 August 1992. Fig. 43. Disnibution of Anodonta heardi in the ACF Basin. Fig. 27. lvlegalonaias nervosa, length 118 mm. USNM Fig. 44. Length-frequency distIibution ofAnodonta heardi found 83903: Chattahoochee River, Columbus, in the summer of 1992. [Muscogee County], Georgia, 1840. Fig. 45. Disnibution of Anodontoides mdiatus in d1e ACF Basin. Fig. 28. Pleurobema jlyriJonne, length 39 mm. JCB91-119: Fig. 46. DistIibution of Elliptio arctata in dle ACF Basin. Chipola River at river mile 62.5, con-fluence of Fig. 47. Lengdl-frequencydisnibution ofElliptio arctatafOlmd in Sink Creek, along east bank, Jackson County, d1e SlID1iller of 1992. Florida, 14 August 1991. Fig. 48. DistIibution of Elliptio chipolaensisin dle ACF Basin. Fig. 29. Pyganodon catamcta, length 92 mm. JCB91-90: Fig. 49. Disnibution of Elliptio complanata in dle ACF Basin. Chipola River, 0.1 mi. above confluence of Fig. 50. Lengd1-frequency disnibution of Elliptio cOl7lplanata Apalachicola River, navigation mile 27.9, along found in dle summer of 1992. east bank, Gulf County, Florida, 11 August 1990. Fig. 51. Disnibution of Elliptio crassidens in d1e ACF Basin. Fig. 30. p)ganodon f51'andis, length 84 mm. JCB91-102: Fig. 52. Lengdl-frequency disnibution of Elliptio crassidens Harrison Creek at first 180-degree bend above found in me summer ofl991. confluence of Brothers River, along north side of Fig. 53. Historical disnibution of Elliptio fratema in dle ACF bend (W of Apalachicola River navigation mile Basin. 14.8), Franklin County, Florida, 7 September Fig. 54. Disnibution of Elliptio icterina in d1e ACF Basin. 1991. Fig. 55. Lengdl-frequency distIibution of Elliptio ictel1na found Fig. 31. Quincuncina in/ucata, length 38 mm. JCB92-159: in d1e summer ofl992. Muckalee Creek at GA 195, ca. 3.5 air mi. NE of Fig. 56. Historical disnibution ofElliptionigellain lieACFBasin. Leesburg, Lee County, Georgia, 11 August 1992. Fig. 57. Disnibution of Elliptio purpurella in dle ACF Basin. Fig. 32. Strophitus subvl'xus, length 49 mm. JCB92-172: Fig. 58. Lengili-frequency disnibution for Elliptio pllrpurella Kinchafoonee Creek at CR123, ca. 5.25 air mi. found in me summer of 1992. NW of Preston, Webster County, Georgia, 2 Sep Fig. 59. Disnibution of Elliptoideus slnatianus in me ACF Basin. tember 1992. Fig. 60. Lengd1-frequency disnibution for Elliptoideus slnatianus Fig. 33. Toxolasma jlaulus, length 22 mm. JCB92-058: Mill found in me summer of 1992. Creek at GA Rt. 300, ca. 7.5 mi. SSW of Oakfield, Fig. 61. Disnibution of Gfebula wtundata in d1e ACF Basin. Worth County, Georgia, 10 June 1992. Fig. 62. Lengili-frequency disnibution for Gfebula wtundata Fig. 34. Uniomerus carolinianus, length 40.5 mm.