Iowa State University From the SelectedWorks of Kevin J. Roe 2005 Hamiota, a new genus of freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the Gulf of Mexico drainages of the southeastern United States Kevin J. Roe Paul D. Hartfield Available at: THE NAUTILUS 119(1):1–10, 2005 Page 1 Hamiota, a new genus of freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the Gulf of Mexico drainages of the southeastern United States Kevin J. Roe Paul D. Hartfield Delaware Museum of Natural History U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 4840 Kennett Pike 6578 Dogwood View Parkway, Suite A Wilmington, DE 19807 USA Jackson, MS 39213 USA
[email protected] PaulHartfi
[email protected] ABSTRACT MATERIALS AND METHODS Hamiota, a new genus of freshwater mussel containing four A list of specimens examined is included in Appendix 1. species formerly assigned to the genus Lampsilis Rafinesque, Acronyms used in the text are: Academy of Natural Sci- 1820, is described. In addition to the genus Lampsilis, mem- ences of Philadelphia (ANSP), Delaware Museum of bers of Hamiota had previously been placed in the genera Vil- Natural History (DMNH), Florida Museum of Natural losa Frierson, 1927, and Ligumia Swainson, 1840. Several char- History (UF), United States National Museum (USNM), acters including the packaging of their larvae in a superconglu- University of Alabama Unionid Collection (UAUC), and tinate lure to attract host fishes, placement and shape of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science (MMNS). Ab- marsupia, and release of glochidia through the excurrent si- breviated synonymies are presented for each taxon and phon, support the recognition of these species as a distinct include novel combinations and publications with illus- genus.