Education regulations

University of the Arts Helsinki Education regulations

Processing: 1. Public discussion session, 11 April 2013 2. Theatre Academy Research Council, 16 April 2013 3. Sibelius Academy Academic Council, 23 April 2013 4. Theatre Academy Teaching Council, 23 April 2013 5. University of the Arts steering group, 24 April 2013 6. Student union, 25 April 2013 7. Academy of Fine Arts Education and Research Council, 26 April 2013 8. University of the Arts Board, 13 May 2013


Education regulations

Board, 13 May 2013 CHAPTER 1 – OVERVIEW

Section 1 Scope of the regulations

These education regulations apply to the studies and degrees completed at the University of the Arts Helsinki as well as to their provision.

The rector and the academies of the University of the Arts provide further instructions specifying these regulations.

Section 2 Degrees

The University of the Arts Helsinki offers the following degrees (Government Decree on University Degrees 794/2004):

Fine arts • • Master of Fine Arts • Doctor of Fine Arts

Music • Bachelor of Music • Master of Music • of Music • Doctor of Music

Dance • Bachelor of Arts (Dance) • (Dance) • Licentiate of Arts (Dance) • (Dance)

Theatre • Bachelor of Arts (Theatre and Drama) • Master of Arts (Theatre and Drama) • Licentiate of Arts (Theatre and Drama) • Doctor of Arts (Theatre and Drama)

Section 3 Conferment of degrees

Degrees are awarded by the dean of the academy (section 19 of the Regulations of the University of the Arts Helsinki).


Education regulations

Section 4 Educational responsibilities of the University and the academies

Provisions on the educational responsibilities of universities are issued in a Government decree and a decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Ministry of Education’s decree on the specification of educational responsibilities, university degree programmes and specialist education 568/2005).

The rector shall decide how to assign the University’s educational responsibilities enacted by decrees among the academies.


Education regulations

Section 5 Provision of education

The University’s academies are responsible for providing education, unless this responsibility has been assigned, by rector’s decision, to an independent or joint institution. This responsibility includes the right to decide on matters related to education.

Degree-oriented education is provided on the basis of disciplines or degree programmes. Disciplines may be organised into major subjects. The academies may decide on their disciplines, major subjects and degree programmes within the scope of the academies’ educational responsibilities and the decrees of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Should a discipline or degree programme be discontinued, the responsible academy or department must provide students who have begun their studies in the discipline or degree programme with the opportunity to complete any unfinished studies within a reasonable period of time, taking into consideration the provisions on the normative duration of study issued in the Universities Act. The academy shall decide on a transition period and related arrangements.

Section 6 Degree-oriented studies and other education at the University

University studies can be completed as either degree or non-degree studies without the right to complete a degree. The University also provides continuing education, and the Sibelius Academy arranges youth education.

Section 7 Decisions on student intake

The University Board decides annually on the intake of degree students for each academy and on the intake for the Sibelius Academy’s youth education (section 6 of the Regulations of the University of the Arts Helsinki).


Section 8 Degree students

The University offers degree studies for • Undergraduate students and • Postgraduate students

Section 9 Applying for the right to pursue studies

The University decides how one may apply for the right to pursue studies.

Section 10 Selection criteria and the organisation of the selection process

Each academy decides on the selection criteria for undergraduate and postgraduate students and organises the selection process.

Provisions on the eligibility of undergraduate and postgraduate students are issued in the Universities Act (sections 37 and 37a). The University may issue provisions on other qualifications requirements as well.

Section 11 Admission of students


Education regulations

Undergraduate and postgraduate students are admitted by the dean of the academy (section 19 of the Regulations of the University of the Arts Helsinki).

Upon publication of the selection results, the applicants must be told how they can obtain information on the application of the selection criteria and how they can appeal for rectification of the decision (section 82 of the Universities Act).

Section 12 Accepting a place offered

The acceptance of a study place is governed by the Universities Act (section 38).

Section 13 Right to complete studies

In connection with student admissions, undergraduate students are granted the right to pursue both the first- and second-cycle degree or either one of these.

A student accepted for is granted the right to pursue the Licentiate and/or doctoral degree.

A student may, at any given time, have only one right to pursue a degree at the University of the Arts. When a student accepts a new right to pursue a degree at the University of the Arts, he or she forfeits any prior study right at the University. Only for a special reason, may the rector grant an exception to the rule on one study right.

The academies decide on what conditions a student with the right to pursue both the first- and the second-cycle degree can embark on second-cycle studies before completing the first-cycle degree.

Section 14 Change of major subject, discipline and degree programme

Each academy decides on the prerequisites and procedures according to which degree students can change their major subject, discipline or degree programme within the academy, as well as the prerequisites and procedures according to which a student from another academy can transfer to the academy to pursue a degree. Such a move may require the transferring student to take a placement examination.

Section 15 Registration for the academic year

Degree students must register as attending or non-attending students annually (section 39 of the Universities Act).

The University determines the registration period and provides further instructions.

Students who do not register by the deadline lose their right to pursue studies. If such students wish to resume or continue their studies at a later date, they must apply in writing for readmission into the academy. Decisions on readmission are made by the dean of the academy (section 19 of the Regulations of the University of the Arts Helsinki).

For the purpose of readmission, the academy may require students to present a feasible personal study plan and, if necessary, to take a placement examination.

Section 16 Termination of the right to complete studies


Education regulations

The normative duration of studies for an and any extensions to it are subject to the provisions in the Universities Act (sections 40–42). Students must apply to the academy for an extension. A student who does not apply for or is denied an extension after the normative duration of studies defined in section 41 of the Universities Act loses his or her right to pursue studies (section 43 of the Universities Act). Decisions related to the normative duration of studies are made by the dean of the academy (section 19 of the Regulations of the University of the Arts Helsinki).

The study right of a student who has completed his or her degree ends with the academic term in which the degree was completed.

Section 18 Waiver of the right to pursue studies

Students may waive their right to complete studies by notifying the University in writing. The right to complete studies will then be recorded as having expired on the date of the written notice. To regain their right to pursue studies, such students must participate in the admissions process.

Section 19 Revocation of the right to pursue studies

The dean of the academy may revoke a right to pursue studies if the applicant has provided misleading information which may have influenced the selection results (section 50 of the Administrative Procedure Act 434/2003).

The University Board may revoke a right to pursue studies in cases related to safety, as described in section 43a of the Universities Act (see also section 45a of the Universities Act).


Section 20 Non-degree studies

Non-degree studies may be completed as • An exchange student • A student of the open university • A student seeking further qualifications • A student of Sibelius Academy’s youth education • A student with a special study right, as decided by the academy

Section 21 Right to complete studies

The right to complete non-degree studies is limited to the course or module for which the right was granted. The right to pursue studies is granted for no more than two years at a time.

Section 22 Granting of the right to pursue studies

The right to pursue non-degree studies is granted by the academy or department responsible for the provision of education.

Decisions on the granting of non-degree study rights are not appealable, unless the decision relates to studies leading to qualifications. Decisions on the latter may be appealed as provided in the Universities Act (section 82(1)).


Education regulations

Section 23 Fees for non-degree studies

The University shall decide on the fees for non-degree studies in accordance with the Government decree on fees for University services (1082/2009).

Section 24 Studies as an exchange student

Exchange students pursue studies on the basis of the University’s or the academy’s exchange programmes or equivalent University-approved grant programme.

Exchange students pursue studies according to the regulations on degree-oriented study without the right to complete a degree.

Section 25 Studies at the open university

Open university education shall be provided in accordance with degree requirements.

Section 26 Studies providing further qualifications

Studies leading to qualifications as a teacher (Government decree on teaching qualifications 986/1998) may be provided as non-degree studies or as studies leading to a second-cycle degree. Degree-oriented studies are subject to the same conditions as undergraduate students and education as laid down in these Regulations.

Section 27 Sibelius Academy youth education

The youth education provided by Sibelius Academy prepares students for university studies. Students pursuing youth education studies may also complete courses that comply with Sibelius Academy’s requirements for undergraduate degrees.

Sibelius Academy decides on the selection criteria for youth education and on student admissions. The content and method of completion of youth education studies are defined in the youth education curriculum.

Section 28 Continuing education

The University of the Arts provides continuing education. Continuing education is professional education which primarily targets holders of a first- or second-cycle degree and aims to maintain and improve their professional skills.

The University decides on the fees for continuing education.


Section 29 Academic year

The University’s academic year begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July.


Education regulations

The University decides on the general start and end dates for teaching, how to divide the year into teaching periods and on any exceptions to teaching days.

The academies make more specific decisions on the hours of instruction.


Education regulations

Section 30 Languages of instruction and degrees

The languages of instruction at the University of the Arts are Finnish and Swedish. The University is responsible for ensuring that a sufficient number of Swedish-speaking professionals in the field of art are educated to satisfy national needs (sections 11 and 12 of the Universities Act). The academies may also specify a language other than Finnish or Swedish as the language of instruction and degrees (section 3 of the Regulations of the University of the Arts Helsinki).

A language other than Finnish or Swedish may be used if the appropriate provision of teaching or organisation of a course so requires.

Students have the right to use Finnish or Swedish both orally and in writing in connection with teaching and examinations, unless specified otherwise in the curriculum or required by the nature of teaching.

Section 31 The curricula

The University’s degree education is based on curricula. A curriculum consists of the degree requirements and the teaching programme, which may be approved for several academic years at a time.

The curricula are approved by the academy or department in charge of education.

When approving curricula, the academies and departments must take into account and promote the diversity of study paths within the University of the Arts.

Teaching programmes are drawn up so that students can study efficiently and practically and complete their studies within the normative duration of studies defined in sections 41 and 42 of the Universities Act.

Section 32 Monitoring and development of teaching

The academies and departments monitor the results of education and develop its quality using a feedback system for education.

Section 33 Publicity

The University’s instruction is public (section 6 of the Universities Act).

Access to teaching may be restricted for well-grounded reasons related to the implementation of instruction.


Section 34 Completion of studies

Degree students have the right to complete studies included in the degree.

Minor subject studies and other elective studies from the other academies or other universities may be included in the degree. A degree student’s right to complete studies may be restricted, taking into consideration the degree requirements and scope of the degree.


Education regulations

Section 35 Personal study plan

Undergraduate university students study according to their personal study plan. Personal study plans are based on the University’s degree requirements and teaching programme. The academies provide instructions for drawing up a personal study plan as well as for its content and approval.

Postgraduate students study in accordance with an approved postgraduate study plan.

Section 36 Registration for and participation in instruction

Students register for teaching in accordance with the instructions provided by the academy or department.

A student who has registered for teaching but is prevented from participating in it must cancel his or her registration.


Section 37 Theses and dissertations

The academies issue instructions for theses and dissertations.

Section 38 Assessment of completed studies

Here, completed studies refer to courses, examinations, etc. completed in accordance with the degree requirements and teaching programme.

Completed studies are assessed as defined in the degree requirements or the teaching programme.

Completed studies are assessed on a scale of 0 to 5 or on a pass/fail basis. The assessment of theses and dissertations is based on the grading scale adopted by the academy. Proficiency in the second national language is assessed on a three-grade scale of fail, satisfactory or good (Government Decree on the Demonstration of Proficiency in the Finnish and Swedish Languages in Civil Service 481/2003).

In the multi-member organs of the academies, only individuals who have an equivalent degree or hold the position of professor may participate in the assessment of completed studies. If an organ does not have enough members who satisfy these conditions, the dean will appoint the required number of additional members (section 22 of the Regulations of the University of the Arts Helsinki).

Section 39 Announcement of the results of completed studies

Information about completed studies, including the grade, is public. Documents containing assessments of the students’ personal characteristics are private.

The results of completed studies, excluding theses and dissertations, must appear in the student register within four weeks of their completion. If the results cannot be announced by the deadline for a valid reason, a new date for their release must be published before the deadline.


Education regulations

Pursuant to section 44 of the Universities Act, students have the right to know how the grading principles have been applied to their performance. The data may be disclosed in writing, if so requested.

Section 40 Credit transfer

The academies decide on the recognition of prior learning and credit transfer in accordance with the University’s common policies.

Section 41 Registration of completed studies

Completed studies are registered in the student register.

Students have the right to obtain a transcript of the studies they have completed.

Section 42 Expiry of completed studies

Completed studies are valid for a maximum of ten years. The academies may decide on a shorter period of validity, however.

Section 43 Retention of completed studies

Written or otherwise recorded documents related to completed studies must be retained as stated in the applicable information management plan.

Section 44 Diplomas

The deans of the academies issue diplomas for degrees completed in the academies.

The rector provides instructions on degree diplomas.


Section 45 Ethical guidelines

The University issues ethical guidelines for academic operations for the entire University community. The guidelines include policies on non-discrimination, harassment and inappropriate treatment.

Section 46 Cheating

Students must adhere to good artistic and academic practices in their studies.

To detect cheating, the University may require students to provide the information and grant the rights needed to use the plagiarism recognition system.

Courses, examinations and the entrance examination will be failed if the student is found to have cheated when completing them. Decisions on the failure of courses, examinations and the entrance examination are made by the assessor(s) of the course or examination after hearing the student.

Section 47 Order and discipline


Education regulations

Good order and discipline must be followed at the University, and the safety or wellbeing of others must not be put at risk.

Provisions on discipline are issued in the Universities Act (sections 45–45a).

The University may issue regulations and other instructions regarding order and discipline (section 41 of the Universities Act).


Section 48 Right to appeal

Students may appeal decisions concerning them, in which public authority has been exercised.

This right applies to decisions on student selection, the assessment of completed studies, theses, dissertations and skills demonstrations, as well as credit transfer.

Decisions on the conferment of degrees, the revocation of study rights and readmission, the extension of study rights and disciplinary matters are also appealable.

Section 49 Appeal procedure

Requests for rectification are submitted to the University, and appeals of decisions made by the University are to be lodged with the Helsinki Administrative Court, in accordance with sections 82–84 of the Universities Act.

Decisions on appeals are always issued in writing.

The University provides more specific instructions on the appeals procedure.

Section 50 Instructions for appeals

When decisions are published, they must be accompanied by instructions for appealing for rectification or appealing to the administrative court. Instructions for appealing for rectification must also be issued when publishing the results of entrance examinations and completed studies.


These regulations will take effect on 1 August 2013.

A student who on 1 September 2013 holds the right to pursue two or more degrees at the University of the Arts is allowed to retain these rights. Students who obtain a study right later than this are subject to section 13 of these Regulations.