All of the books listed below have been made into movies (rele(releasease date in parenthesis), but some have made the transition to screen well and some not as smoothly! Don’t judge a book by itsitsits movie ––– read it as the author intended it to be read !

2001; a space odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke (1968 – best seen on the big screen!)

The age of innocence, by Edith Wharton. (1993)

Angels & demons, by Dan Brown (2009)

Around the world in eighty days, by Jules Verne. (1956 – classic starring David Niven & Cantinflas, 2004 – starring Steven Cook & Jackie Chan – action packed adventure)

Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo (2005)

Beloved : a novel, by Toni Morrison. (1998)

Beowulf, new version bySeamus Heaney. (2007)

Blood and chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause. (2007- the movie was truly awful!)

The boy in the striped pajamas, by John Boyne. (2008)

Cirque du Freak : the saga of Darren Shan. (2009- movie titled Cirque du Freak: Vampire’s assistant)

A clockwork orange, by Anthony Burgess. (1971)

Cold mountain, by Charles Frazier. (2003)

The color purple : a novel by . (1985)

Coraline, by Neil Gaiman (2009)

The Da Vinci code, by Dan Brown (2006)

The dark is rising, by Susan Cooper. (2007- movie titled: The seeker: the dark is rising. Book is much better)

Doctor Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak. (1965 – GREAT MOVIE!)

East of Eden, . (1955 – movie starring James Dean in a break out role) (1981 – TV Mini series starring Jane Seymour as the evil Cathy!)

Eclipse, by (2010- Movie titles The Twilight sage: Eclispe)

Ella enchanted, by Gail Levine (2004)

Emma, by Jane Austen (1995 – modern adaptation – Clueless< 1996 – classic retelling – Emma)

Eragon, by Christopher Paolini. (2006 – disappointing movie)

Fast food nation: the dark side of the all-American meal, by Eric Schlosser. (2006- titled Fast Food Nation)

Flowers for Algernon, by . (1968 – movie titled Charly)

The golden compass, by Philip Pullman. (2007)

The grapes of wrath, by John Steinbeck (1940- classis starring Henry Fonda, (1991 – television version)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Harry Potter and the goblet fire (2005) Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix (2007) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (part one – 2010. Part two – 2011) All by J.K. Rowlings.

The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins. (tentative release date 2012 or 2013)

The hunt for Red October, by Tom Clancy. (1990)

I know what you did last summer, by Lois Duncan. (1997)

An inconvenient truth: the crisis of global warming, by Albert Gore 2006)

Inkheart, by Cornelia Funke (2008)

Into the wild, Jon Kraukauer (2007)

Jurassic Park : a novel, by Michael Crichton. (1993)

The kite runner, by Khaled Hosseini. (2007)

The lightning thief, by Rick Riordan (2010- movie titled Percy Jackson & the Olympians: the lightning thief)

The lion, the witch and the wardrobe; by C. S. Lewis. (2005)

The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven, Sherman Alexie (1998 – movie titled: Smoke Signals)

Memoirs of a geisha, by Arthur Golden. (2005)

My sister's keeper, Jodi Picoult. (2009)

New moon, by Stephenie Meyer. (2009 – movie titled The Twilight sage: New Moon)

One flew over the cuckoo's nest, by Ken Kesey. (1975)

The outsiders, by S.E. Hinton. (1983)

Pride and prejudice, Jane Austen. ( made into movie or television in 1940. 1980, 1995, & 2005)

Prince Caspian, the return to Narnia, by C. S. Lewis. (2008)

The princess bride, from William Golden. (1987)

The scarlet letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne. (1995 – classic retelling with Demi Moore) (2010 -Modern retelling titled Easy A)

Shogun : a novel of Japan, by James Clavell. (1980-television mini-series)

The silence of the lambs, by Thomas Harris (1991)

The sisterhood of the traveling pants, Ann Brashares. (2005)

Speak, by . (2004- made for television movie with )

Stardust, by Neil Gaiman. 2007)

Stormbreaker, by Anthony Horowitz. (2006 – movie titled Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker)

The Taming of the shrew, by William Shakespeare. (1953- musical adaptation titled Kiss me Kate, (1999 – modern adaptation titled 10 things I hate about you)

Their eyes were watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston (2005)

The Thief Lord, by Cornelia Funke. (2006)

This boy's life : a memoir, by Tobias Wolff. (1993 – starring a very young Leonardo DiCaprio)

To kill a mockingbird, Harper Lee (1962)

Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. (2008)

The voyage of the "Dawn Treader", by C. S. Lewis. (2010)

A walk to remember, Nicholas Sparks. (2002)

The war of the worlds, by H. G. Wells (1953- classic 50’s SciFi flick, 2005 – modern adaptation)

All books available at YOUR Evergreen Campus Library Movie synopsis and other information available at Copyright 2011, Evergreen Campus Library Please make copies as needed!