Ann Brashares | 384 pages | 04 Aug 2008 | Random House USA Inc | 9780385734011 | English | New York, United States Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood - Wikipedia

Sign up for our newsletters! Once upon a time there were four girls. Young women, you might even say. And though their lives traveled Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood different directions, they loved each other very much. Once upon a time before that, these same girls found a pair of pants, wise and magical, and named them the Traveling Pants. The Pants had the magic of teaching these girls how to be apart. They taught them how to be four people instead of one person. How to be together no matter where they were. How to love themselves as much as they loved each other. And on a practical level, the Pants had the magic of fitting all four of them, which is hard to believe but true, especially considering only one of them the blonde was built like a supermodel. Full disclosure. I am one of these girls. I wear these Pants. I have these friends. I know this magic. But anyway, as it happens with most kinds of magic, these Pants did their job a little too well. It always was. And what a relief too, Lena found herself thinking. Good thing you could count on human vanity and the onward march of fitness crazes requiring mats and mirrors. Nobody was quite sure about when posterity started, or if maybe it already had. Bee Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood gamely set out the bowls of Gummi Worms and Cheetos, but nobody was eating them. We could meet back here for a long weekend? Lena knew what she meant. Bee looked around. Summer used to be different. It was the time they left home, split up, lived separate lives for ten long weeks, and counted on the Pants to hold them together until they were reunited. Now summer was more of the same. What was home anymore? What counted as the status quo? Home was a time and it had passed. Nobody was eating the Gummi Worms. Lena felt like she should eat one or cry. Lena and Tibby were taking the train together: Tibby was getting off in New York to start film classes and her Movieworld job, and Lena was heading up to Providence to change dorm rooms for the summer. Bee was spending a few days at home before she left for Turkey. She picked up the Pants and cradled them briefly. She had a feeling she could not name exactly, but one she knew she had not had Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood relation to the Pants before. She had felt gratitude, admiration, trust. What she felt now still contained allthatbut tonight it was mixed in with a faint taste of desperation. Carmen nodded into the receiver. Her mother sounded so happy that Carmen had to be happy. How could she not be happy? Some pbrasharesering, painting, refinishing the floors. Hopefully we can get most of it out of the way before we move in. I hope it will be by the end of August. Is that unbelievable? It has a beautiful backyard for Ryan to run around in. Carmen thought of her tiny brother. He could barely walk yet, let alone run. He was going to grow up with such a different life than the one Carmen had. Yes, she would. For having a house with a yard and a bigger room? It was too late to redo her childhood. She had the one she had, and it had taken place in her small room in their apartment. It was sad and strange to lose it and too late to replace it. Where did that leave her? Without her old life and not quite coming up with a new one. In between, floating, nowhere. That seemed all too fitting, in a way. She hustled out of her dorm and to the theater. But did it matter? Nobody was looking at Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood. Julia was waiting for her backstage. Carmen bent down to work on the safety pin. Julia looked good in it. But Carmen did anyway. These days she felt her presence had the same effect as a ghost—nobody noticed her, but the air suddenly got cold. Carmen squinted and tried to make herself small. She did not like being onstage when the lights were on. Was she the one who put it up brashares? She positioned the ladder, climbed up three rungs, and aimed a staple gun at the plywood wall. Set building was strange in that it was always about the impression, made to be seen from particular angles and not made to brashares. It existed in space and time not as a thing, but as a trick. She liked the chunk sound of the staple clawing into the wall. Her dad was paying a lot of money for that. How to gain seventeen pounds eating cafeteria food and chocolate at night when you felt lonely. How to be invisible to guys. How to wear sweatshirts almost every day because you felt self-conscious about your body. How to elude the people you loved most in the world. How to be invisible to pretty much everyone, including yourself. Carmen was very fortunate, she knew. Because Julia was one of the most visible people on campus. They balanced each other out. Without Julia on the campus of Williams College, Carmen privately suspected she might disappear altogether. Reprinted with permission by Delacorte Books for Young Readers. All rights reserved. The Book Report Network. Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood to main content. I am in fact the blonde, though I was kidding about the supermodel part. And that is how this tale of sisterhood began, but did not end. Not much else was the same. Things were different, things were missing. Carmen, for instance, was missing. Can you go later? When will we all be home again? That was what she wanted to know. That soon. Carmen glanced behind her at her clock. How does it look? All Rights Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood. Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares

The first edition of the novel was published in January 9thand was written by Ann Brashares. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Hardcover format. The main characters of this young adult, fiction story are Bridget Vreeland, Tibby Rollins. The book has been awarded withand many others. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator. We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in Forever in Blue: Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them. DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url. If you see a Google Drive link instead of source url, means that the file witch you will get after approval is just a summary of original book or the file has been already removed. Loved each and every part of this book. I will definitely recommend this book to young adult, fiction lovers. Your Rating:. Your Comment:. It's always fun to read Ann Brashares books. Add a review Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood Rating: Your Comment:. Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares. The Fourth Stall by Chris Rylander. Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood Book Review

The story concludes the adventures of four girls who share a pair of "magical" pants that fit each one of them perfectly, despite their vastly different shapes and sizes. This is the fourth book in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series and was considered the last until Brashares published a fifth book in It was released on January 9, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2a movie based on the book, was released on August 6, Lena is taking an extra painting class in the summer at RISD and becomes interested in the anonymous painter who comes in late on the first day. Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood soon discovers that it is Leonardo Leoone of the most acclaimed artists at the college, and she is tempted to look at his progress on his painting. She is overcome by his skill level. Leo sees her examining his work and they cultivate a friendship. Leo invites Lena over to his house for dinner, where she meets his mother, a professional artist. His mother suggests that Lena and Leo pose for each other's figure paintings, leaving Lena flustered, although she still agrees. However, due to her extreme shyness and strict upbringing, she is uncomfortable painting Leo in the nude and is unable to draw him the way she wants to. Leo, however, sees extreme beauty in Lena's body, kissing her after their first session. He asks her to pose for another one. Lena's feelings for Leo grow. However, shortly following the session, Kostos appears at her dorm room. He tells her that he divorced his wife after she apparently lied to him about being pregnant with their child. Lena is at first in shock by Kostos's sudden appearance, but later becomes angry and yells at him for coming back and expecting her to be waiting for him after he abandoned her. When she goes to apologize the next day, Kostos has already left. Lena poses for Leo, and after he kisses her, they make love. After, she goes to her apartment and cries, realizing that she never had feelings for Leo the way she had for Kostos. Later, while in Greece, she meets up with Kostos, who admits that he had gone to the U. Lena apologizes for her actions at her dorm and cries in his arms, and the two of them agree that they may never fall in love with anyone else. They kiss and part ways, but not before Kostos says one word in Greek to Lena, meaning "someday", which indicates that their relationship may not be over for good. Tibby is staying in NYU over the summer to work and take a script-writing class. Early in the summer, her long-term boyfriend, Brian, visits and tells her that he has successfully transferred to her college and will join her in the fall. Tibby is overjoyed, both with Brian's news and their relationship in general, and her happiness is so extreme that she begins to worry that it will not last. Later that evening, the two drink to celebrate, and they get moderately drunk and make love Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood the first time. At first, Tibby is content with their actions, but this quickly changes when she has a pregnancy scare. She begins to have doubts about her relationship with Brian, and these persist even after she realizes she is not pregnant; this leads to her breaking up with Brian. However, she begins to second-guess her actions when Brian tells her that he will not be transferring to her school—the realization that Brian truly accepts their break-up shakes her. She becomes even more upset when Effie, Lena's younger sister, meets Tibby to ask her if she would mind it if Effie and Brian dated. Tibby lies and says that she would not be bothered. Later in the summer, Tibby realizes that she allowed her fear over the pregnancy to darken her relationship and her feelings for Brian. She tells Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood that she is sorry and that she still cares for him, and he returns the sentiment. They soon resume their slightly modified relationship. Bridget is upset to learn that her boyfriend, Eric, has taken a job as a coach at a summer camp in Mexico. She doesn't want to spend the summer at home, wishing to avoid both missing Eric and her family; following her mother's death, both her father and brother became very withdrawn and antisocial. She Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood signs up to take a trip to Turkey to work on an archaeological dig with some of her classmates. Once in Turkey, Bridget finds that she loves the work, especially painstakingly unearthing a floor in a room discovered by the archaeological team. Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood enthusiastic is Peter, a handsome young professor. They both find themselves equally attracted to each other, and on Peter's thirtieth birthday, they kiss. Peter reveals that he wants it to turn into something more, but instead, they part ways for the night. The next day, Peter's wife and kids visit and Bridget, seeing his family in person, becomes disgusted with herself. She realizes that she almost ruined what she longs for most: a family. Upon returning home, she attempts to get closer to her father and brother. Eric visits her at her house and her family, while clearly uncomfortable in social situations, tries to get to know him Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood Bridget's sake. Later that evening, Eric tells Bridget how much he missed her, and she realizes that she missed him as well. Eric stays the night at her house, and they make love. After Eric leaves the next morning, Bridget finds some boxes in the basement filled with carefully organized and preserved mementos of her mother and her younger self. It becomes evident to Bridget that despite her father's coldness, the work he put into the boxes shows that he truly cares about her. She realizes that, despite their limitations, her family does have something to offer her. Carmen, after a year of social transparency at her new college and a self-proclaimed loss of identity, has Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood only one new friendship—Julia, the resident Drama Diva of the freshman year at Williamsand one of the few freshmen widely known in the social standings. Julia is glamorous, sophisticated, exuberant, and popular—the very antithesis of the new Carmen. Julia invites Carmen to work on the sets of the school play and later on convinces Carmen to attend a summer drama program with her. Julia hopes to win a starring role, whereas Carmen just wants to build sets. However, after having been talked into auditioning for a part in one of the plays performed, Carmen outshines all the other camp attendants and lands the coveted role in the largest of the performed plays that of Perdita in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. Julia, meanwhile, gets only a small role in the community play. She grows immensely jealous of Carmen, who begins to make new friends and regain her confidence in herself. Julia's happiness only returns when Carmen begins to struggle with her acting, and Carmen realizes that Julia enjoys Carmen's misery Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood feelings of unworthiness, as they make Julia feel better by comparison. At the end of the summer, Carmen performs wonderfully in the play and regains her identity, and ends her friendship with Julia. At the end of the summer, Effie, depressed at the loss of Brian to his original love, runs off to spend a week in Oia, Greece with her grandmother. She impulsively decides to take the Traveling Pants with her in order to get back at Tibby for getting back together with Brian and Lena for always choosing her friends over her sister. She accidentally loses the Pants so she calls Lena, and when the other girls find out, they all travel to Greece to try to find them. It is here that Lena patches things up with Kostos and finds out everything was a mistake. Despite days of searching, the girls do not find the Pants. However, they enjoy spending time together, realizing that they haven't all been together in a year. They went to the ocean and saw a color in the ocean from something, the pants. They also realize that they had begun to rely on the Pants to maintain their connection, rather than trying to maintain it themselves. They vow to always maintain their bond but not to allow it to keep them from moving forward. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. 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Sisterhood Everlasting.