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^uest director chosen for Otterbein Theatreei You’ll want to grab a stool and film versions, which rere- Among the other major ant director, and senior,senior. att the counter for “Come tained the same actresses as characters are Stella May, Anne Barnes is stage man-man ; Back To The Five & Dime, the trio of aging fans: Sandy (junior JoBeth Phalen), now ager for the production. Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean,” Dennis. Cher, and Karen a fat, married, tough-talk Tickets for “Come Back to to be presented by the Black. ing, and hard-drinking the Five & Dime, Jimmy Otterbein College Theatre, Basically, “Jimmy Dean” woman, and Edna Louise Dean, Jimmy Dean,” a play Feb. 7-10, at 8:15 p.m. in is a story about a group of (sophomore Charlotte which employs adult themes Cowan Hall. Dr. Roy Bowen, kids in a-^dried up, dusty Dougherty), now as before, and language, are available former director of theatre at Texas town in the middle of a wispy waif, although very at the Cowan Hall-box office The Ohio State University, nowhere and how the near pregnant with her seventh from 1-4:30 p^.m. weekdays, will direct. by filming of “Giant,” Dean’s child. and at the door for one hour An Otterbein graduate. last movie before he died in While the play is about preceding each perform- ' Dr. Bowen, has spent more the high-speed crash of his Dean as. the ultimate cult than 30 years in theatrical Porche in 1955, has affected figure, there are any num work in the Columbus area, their lives.
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