Folded Map: Cover Inside Complete Trail & Map Stands Alone for Poster
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Folded Map: Cover Inside Complete Trail & Map Stands Alone for Poster Paseo de Susana 13 Imaden Libettåt / Statue of Liberty This portion of the trail traces the shoreline of the peninsula from the Agaña Boat Basin around the tip to The "rst statue at this location was erected in 1950 with the other side. Near the beginning of the route are the funds raised by members Boy Scouts of America. Guam Major League Stadium, in the center of the park; Hafa Adai and Welcome Hagåtña Japanese Forti"cations, a “pillbox” on the shore near the boat basin; and the Guma’sakman/Canoe House, Plåsan Sedulan Guahan / Guam Seal Park The Hagåtña Heritage Walking Trail may be where traditional outrigger sailing canoes are built. The o!cial Guam seal and the centerpiece of the territorial #ag was experienced as a continuous 2.5 mile hike that adopted in 1950. The original design dates to 1917. begins on the hill over looking Hagåtña or you may choose to combine walking and driving I Sengsong Chamorro / Plåsan Monsikñot Jose Bernardo Palomo y de Torres / Monsignor to explore these touchstones of Guam history. 12 Chamorro Village 15 Jose Bernardo Torres Palomo Everyone is welcome at the red-roofed Begin the trail with a spectacular orienta- The "rst Chamorro priest, “Padre Palomo,” (1836-1919) served Chamorro Village, a favorite gathering Guam, Saipan, Tinian and Rota. He was the “people’s voice” tion to the Hagåtña district from Fort Santa Use the pedestrian signal to place to enjoy the fun of exploring the during the transfer of Guam from Spain to the U.S. in 1898. Agueda. Located on Route 7 in Agana boutiques and crafts stalls, local and cross to and from this site only Heights, the fort is well marked and o"ers international foods, farmers’ produce, at the red bricks. Seputturan I Marinun Estådos Unidos Giya Hagåtña / ample parking. 16 Agaña U.S. Naval Cemetery music and cultural events. 14 Plåsan Maga’låhi as Ke’puha / Chief Quipuha Park The earliest grave marker is dated 1902 and the most recent burial was in Chief Quipuha (unknown- 1955. On the beach nearby is a Japanese forti"cation dating from World War II. 1669) was the "rst Roman Cormoran Monument Catholic Chamorro chief. He Kastiyon Santa Ågueda / Fort Santa Agueda 17 1 granted the land to build Seven crew members of the German merchant In 1800, Spanish Governor Manuel Muro built Guam’s "rst Catholic church raider ship the SMS Cormoran II died in a World this fort to prevent an enemy attack on Hagåtña. and was baptized in 1668. War I skirmish and were buried here in 1917. The forti"cations included 15-foot wide walls and battle emplacements for ten cannons. Today Retrace your steps to the Paseo de Susana. “Fort Apugan,” as it is also called, still o$ers commanding views of Guam’s capital city, the MARINE CORPS DRIVE recreational activities Tollai Åcho’ / Agaña Spanish Bridge Plåsan Skinner / Skinner Plaza that operate from the 11 10 small boat marina and The stone bridge was built in 1800. Until World War II, it spanned the Dedicated on July 4, 1961, the plaza is named in honor of the the expanse of ocean beyond. Agaña River connecting the barrios of San Ignacio and Bilibik. It is "rst civilian governor of Guam, Carlton F. Skinner (1913–2005). one of several surviving Spanish bridges on the island. A former Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Skinner was Overlooking Hagåtña Please use the tra!c lights to cross Marine Corps Drive and then the appointed by President Harry S. Truman and served from An ancient Chamorro side street. 1949–1953. The Organic Act, which gave Guam residents U.S. center and one of the citizenship, was enacted during his term. Monuments on this oldest European- Santo Papa Juan Pablo Dos Monumentu / plaza commemorate brave veterans of several wars and in#uenced and 9 Pope John Paul II Monument actions including the Guam Defenders of Wake Island in World colonized cities in the During his 1981 visit to Guam, the Venerable Pope John War II, the Korean War, the Gulf War, and the Iraq and Paci"c, Hagåtña Paul II (1920-2005) held mass at this site. It was the "rst Afghanistan Wars. Guam’s recipients of the Purple Heart are served as the Spanish papal visit to Guam. honored at the corner of the Plaza near Marine Corps Drive. capital of the Mariana Islands from 1668 to 1898. In CHN. SANTO PAP A JUAN PABLO DOS 1898, it became the "rst American administration’s capital until the Japanese invasion in 1941. After 8 Guma’ Kongresun Guahan / Guam Legislature Building World War II, Hagåtña became capital the U.S. The Guam Congress Building (now the Guam Legislature Building) was Territory of Guam. dedicated on Liberation Day, July 21, 1948, and housed one of the three branches of the newly formed Government of Guam. The "rst elected legislators on Guam were the 21 members of the 11th Guam Congress who W. O’BRIEN DRIVE in January 1951 acted to change its name to the 1st Guam Legislature. The Plaza de España has been an important center of activity on Guam since as early as 1500 BC. (See reverse side for descriptions of the historic sites on the Plaza and a close-up map). Dutse Nombre di Maria Katedråt-Basilika / Turn left at the fort’s exit to 7 Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica follow the trail. 6 Moñumenton/Guatdian Insulåt Siha / NE LSON DRI Guam Insular Force Guard Monument VE 2 Guma’ I Taotao / The People’s House ROUTE 7 Plåsan Espåña / The o!cial residence of the Governor of Guam 5 Plaza de España was originally called Government House. It was designed by an internationally known 3 3 Plåsan Memoriat modernism architect, Richard Neutra. Built Latte-Si Senadot Angel Leon under the direction of Bokungo’ Chapanes / Guerrero Santos / Senator 4 Japanese Caves Guam’s "rst civilian Angel Leon Guerrero Santos Located beyond the latte’ at the base of governor, Carlton F. Skinner, Latte’ Memorial Park the home was completed in the cli$, these 1954. In 2003, the Guam Legislature renamed this park in honor forti"cations were of Senator Angel Leon Guerrero Santos (1959-2003), an Renamed The People’s House, used during the World indigenous rights advocate who was instrumental to the War II occupation of the residence has passage of the Chamorro Land Trust Act. undergone expansions Guam by the Japanese including the addition of a Latte‘ (stone columns) are Imperial Forces as second #oor and renovations necessitated by unique to the Marianas Islands. ammunition storage. During the Cold typhoon damage. Behind the two ancient latte' They were used as foundations War, this forti"cation was designated as a to the right of the main entrance are vertical of ancient Chamorro nuclear bomb shelter. louvers, a feature of the original architecture. structures. Dating from the The trail continues to the Plaza de España. Latte Period (900 to 1700 AD), Proceed down the hill along the sidewalk. The Cross the street at the tra!c light and these latte’ were removed from enter at the small gate in the walls. entrance to the next site is just after the curve. their original location near Fena Reservoir in 1956. Rich in resources, rich in heritage! Funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Interior Upper Outside Close up of Plaza Section Moñumenton/Guatdian Insulåt Siha / Guam Insular Force Guard Monument 5IJTNFNPSJBMIPOPSTUIF(VBN*OTVMBS'PSDF(VBSEXIPTFNFNCFSTTUPPEBHBJOTUBOJOWBEJOHVOJUPG Plåsan Espåña 4QFDJBM/BWBM-BOEJOH'PSDFTPGUIF*NQFSJBM+BQBOFTF/BWZPO%FDFNCFS 5IFNFNCFSTPGUIF *OTVMBS(VBSEDPOEVDUFEUIFQSJODJQBMFOHBHFNFOUJOUIFi'JSTU#BUUMFPG(VBNwJOBOIFSPJDTUSVHHMFUP Plaza de España EFGFOEUIF1MB[BEF&TQB×B'PVSNFNCFSTPGUIF(VBN*OTVMBS'PSDF(VBSETXFSFLJMMFEBOEXFSF wounded in the action. This section of the trail covers the Plaza de España, the center of cultural, religious and Dutse Nombre di Maria Katedråt-Basilika / Dulce Nombre de governmental activities on Guam. Maria Cathedral-Basilica 5IFöSTU+FTVJUNJTTJPOBSJFTBSSJWFEJOUIF.BSJBOB*TMBOETJO Archaeological excavations con!rm use of BOEFTUBCMJTIFEUIFöSTU3PNBO$BUIPMJDNJTTJPOVOEFSUIF/ this location by ancient Chamorros as early as EJSFDUJPOPGUIF7FOFSBCMF1BESF-VJT%JFHPEF4BO7JUPSFT5IF 1500 BC. In the 1660s, the Spanish colonial QSFTFOUEBZ$BUIFESBMXBTDPNQMFUFEJOBOEFMFWBUFEUPUIF TUBUVTPGUIF#BTJMJDBBGUFSUIFWJTJUPGUIF7FOFSBCMF1PQF government chose this site as the Plaza +PIO1BVM** Principál. Near the end of Spanish colonial times, it was renamed Plaza de Magallanes in honor of Ferdinand Magellan who visited Kiosko Guam in 1521. Soon after Guam was ceded 0VUTJEFUIFBSDIFTJTUIFKiosko"CBOETUBOEIBTCFFOBDFOUSBM GFBUVSFPGUIFQMB[BTJODF4QBOJTIUJNFT5IFQSFTFOUEBZ from Spain to the U.S. in 1898, the American TUSVDUVSFXBTCVJMUJOUIFTUPSFQMBDFPOFEFTUSPZFEEVSJOH administration honored Spain by renaming it 8PSME8BS**3FDFOUMZSFGVSCJTIFE JUJTVTFEGPSDPODFSUT TPDJBM the “Plaza de España.” HBUIFSJOHTBOEPóDJBMDFSFNPOJFT Enter this section of the trail from the gate in the walls of the Atkos Atmåsen / Almacen Arches parking lot across from the last site. Guam’s signature triple arches were once the entrance of the "MNBDFO UIFSPZBMXBSFIPVTFCVJMUJO5IFFOUSZBSDIFTXFSF MFGUTUBOEJOHJOUIFTXIFOUIF"MNBDFOXBTUPSOEPXOEVFUP JUTVOTBGFDPOEJUJPO"TFDUJPOPGUIF"MNBDFOTPSJHJOBMøBHTUPOF øPPSDBOCFTFFOOFBSUIFPlaza Garden Fountain (which dates GSPN /FBSCZJTUIFGuma’ramienta/Tool House and Guma’siesta/Siesta House. Guma’chokalåti / Chocolate House 5IFTNBMMSPVOECVJMEJOHXBTVTFECZCPUIUIF4QBOJTIBOE"NFSJDBO administrations to host meriendas where beverages and pastries were TFSWFE5XP4QBOJTI$PBUTPG"SNTEBUJOHGSPNUIFMBUFTBSF EJTQMBZFEJOTJEF Guma’hatdin / Garden House "NPOHUIFTUSVDUVSFTPGUIF1BMBDFDPNQMFYUIBUTVSWJWFE8PSME8BS**JTUIF(BSEFO)PVTFMPDBUFEKVTUJOTJEF