International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO

The International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “IKCEST”) is a category 2 centre under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (shortened as “UNESCO”). IKCEST was established on June 2, 2014. The Chinese Academy of Engineering is responsible for the operation and management of the IKCEST. Under the auspices of UNESCO, IKCEST is a comprehensive and international knowledge centre devoted to the engineering sciences, technology and applied technology. IKCEST aims at connecting engineering sciences and technology institutions globally, assembling various digital resources relating to engineering sciences and technology, building up a public data service platform and corresponding service environment, and coordinating the building of various professional knowledge systems, thus providing knowledge-based services at a global scale in the form of consultancies, scientific research and education for policy-makers and engineering science and technology professionals in the world, with particular reference to the developing countries. The specific tasks and functions of IKCEST are as follows: to establish an international engineering and technology resources hub; to establish a public data service platform, and to develop the technology for mining and analyzing knowledge from big data; to cooperatively build professional knowledge service systems, and to build capacity in developing countries; to foster interdisciplinary engineering talents with big data processing ability; and to assist UNESCO to fulfill its aims and support its action plans. CONTENTS

Sponsored by: IKCEST News International Knowledge 04 IKCEST conducted survey and study on the construction of Silk Road Training Base Centre for Engineering 06 IKCEST Silk Road Training Base inaugurated at Xi’an Jiaotong University Sciences and Technology 09 IKCEST Silk Road Training Base held 2017 first Training Program for Silk Road under the Auspices of Engineering Science and Technology Development UNESCO(IKCEST) 10 IKCEST Silk Road Training Base held 2017 second Training Program for Silk Road Engineering Science and Technology Development Editor-in-chief: 11 Seminar on top-level design plan for IKCEST construction held in Song Dexiong 12 Seminar on top-level design plan for IKCEST construction held in Beijing 15 IKCEST delegation conducted survey and study of CCID Group Managing Editor: 16 TFSC delegation visited IKCEST Liu Chang 17 CSIA sought partnership with IKCEST 18 Strategic Research on the Position and Role of Chinese Scientists in International Editors: Science and Technology Organisations project launched in Beijing Cao Jianfei Chen Yan Fu Zhijie Jin Yan CKCEST News Liu Hongyang Ma Yingchen 20 CKCEST knowledge innovation platform Shenyang cooperation seminar held in Beijing Wang Guan Zhang Ye 20 CKCEST sub-centre construction exchange meetings held successively 21 CKCEST training meeting on using active push system held in Beijing Address: 21 CKCEST academician database system upgrading project passes acceptance inspection No.2 Bingjiaokou Hutong, 21 CKCEST and Inspur Group held work promotion meeting Xicheng District, Beijing 21 CKCEST innovative design knowledge service system work progress reporting 100088, P. R. China meeting held in Beijing 22 CKCEST held first working meeting of 2017 Tel: 22 CKCEST serial rules and regulations go into official printing and distribution +86-10-59300230 Top News for Big Data Era Fax: 23 Big data and information security entrepreneur summit held in Beijing +86-10-59300230 24 China’s first academician’s work station on remote sensing big data built in Zhengzhou 24 Collaboration on big data applications becomes new trend, attracting global at- tention as a new strategic resource 25 Google Cloud announces acquisition of cloud learning platform Qwiklabs, as cloud technology talent training goes trendy 25 The State Council approves the construction of Intellectual Property Rights Infor- mation Public Service Platform for the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan Period 26 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology releases the Big Data Indus- try Development Plan (2016-2020)

Terms on Big Data 27 Knowledge Connection Newsletter March 2017 No. 1


IKCEST conducted survey and study on the con- struction of Silk Road Training Base

A delegation of the International Knowledge development, while the training base is paving the Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology way for implementing the strategy and cultivate (shortened as “IKCEST”) visited Xi’an Jiaotong Uni- practical science and technology talents for coun- versity on February 27, 2017 and conduct survey tries along the “Belt and Road”. Xi’an Jiaotong Uni- and study on the preparations and construction of versity will continue to play its role as a think tank the IKCEST Silk Road Training Base. to the CAE and leverage its strength in engineering The survey was led by Prof. Chen Zuoning, education. It has established a three-step devel- Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engi- opment strategy of “government leading, demand neering (shortened as “CAE”) and Chairperson of driving, universities cooperating with enterprises, the Governing Board of IKCEST, and Song Dex- and industries cooperating with academic resourc- iong, Executive Deputy Director of IKCEST, and es”. Together with four supportive frameworks of joined by Liu Chang, Director of Division of Inter- technology platform building, education resourc- national Cooperation at IKCEST, Project Manager es construction, faculty capacity building and Ma Yingchen as well as Hans Dencker Thulstrup, management service, it has developed a batch of Program Specialist at UNESCO Beijing Office. The proprietary technologies; develop six databases delegation was accompanied by Prof. Zheng Qin- separately related to the national conditions, history ghua, Vice President of Xi’an Jiaotong University, and culture, demographics & environment, indus- and leaders from the Office of Academic Affairs, trial economy, policies and regulations as well as School of Postgraduates, School of Continuing education technologies of Belt and Road countries, Studies, School of International Education, Data develop MOOC courses and integrated education and Information Centre, Administrative Office of and teaching resources; build an objective-orient- Social Education, Library as well as School of Tele- ed faculty team featuring on-demand management communications of the university. and university-enterprise cooperation and set up Prof. Zheng Qinghua expressed warm wel- a comprehensive management and service sys- come to the IKCEST delegation, and thanked Prof. tem participated by multiple departments of the Chen for her attention and instructions to the on- university. The university aims to provide face-to- going construction of IKCEST Silk Road Training face training to 1,000 people and online training Base. He pointed out the “Belt and Road” initiative to 10,000 people every year, thus developing itself is a pivotal strategy proposed by the Party Cen- into an incubator for international talents. tral Committee and the State Council to advance Staff at the Data and Information Centre gave China’s internationalization and innovation-driven a live demonstration on how to use the silk road

04 IKCEST News

science and technology knowledge service system based on the University Alliance of the Silk Road. He and made a brief introduction to another system hoped the university and CAE could deepen their that archives foreign students’ data. partnership and expedite international cooperation. After the briefing, Prof. Chen Zuoning expressed The two sides had intensive discussions on congratulations to the university on the significant resource sharing, technology communications be- progress made in the silk road science and technol- tween the IKCEST and its subcentres as well as the ogy knowledge service system about one year after targeted users. the project was launched. She spoke highly of the Afterwards the delegation visited Shaanxi Key IKCEST training programs undertaken by the univer- Lab of Satellite and Terrestrial Network Technology sity, saying engineers, researchers and technicians Research and Development, Institute of Artificial In- specialized in different subjects have benefited from telligence and Robotics, Visual Cognitive Comput- these programs. She offered two suggestions for the ing and Intelligent Vehicles Lab and the National future development of the training base: to further Engineering Lab of Visual Information Processing integrate data resources, break down data barriers and Application. They were briefed on the latest and achieve accurate vertical query; and to adopt research achievements about knowledge map and translation technologies to provide multi-language discovery platform, tax-related big data computa- training courses and push for the sustainable devel- tion and service, visual information processing, au- opment of the base. She hoped Xi’an Jiaotong Uni- tonomous driving platform as well as neural com- versity and CAE could make joint efforts to serve the puting network. Prof. Chen Zuoning spoke highly “Belt and Road” strategy. of the accomplishments made by the labs, and Hans Dencker Thulstrup said it was a great encouraged scientists and researchers to pursue honour to be a listener of such a successful report innovations and provide technological support to and the university has been extending its presence implement the Belt and Road strategy.

05 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

IKCEST Silk Road Training Base inaugurated at Xi’an Jiaotong University

The International Knowledge Centre for Engi- People’s Congress and Secretary of the Party Com- neering Sciences and Technology (shortened as mittee of Xi’an Jiaotong University. “IKCEST”) Silk Road Training Base was established In an address to the ceremony, Prof. Chen on February 27, 2017 at Xi’an Jiaotong University. Zuoning stressed that building the Silk Road Train- The inauguration ceremony was attended by ing Base in Xi’an Jiaotong University is a strategic Prof. Chen Zuoning, Vice President of the Chinese choice representing the national will and catering Academy of Engineering (shortened as “CAE”), to the needs of Silk Road countries, and the move Prof. Wang Shuguo, President of Xi’an Jiaotong will strengthen China’s soft power and promote re- University, Fang Guanghua, Deputy Mayor of Xi’an, gional peace and development. She hoped the uni- Song Dexiong, Executive Deputy Director of IK- versity could take the training base as a platform CEST, Hans Dencker Thulstrup, Program Specialist to cultivate international, professional and practical at UNESCO Beijing Office, officials from Depart- talents, provide human resources to expedite re- ments of Education, Science and Technology, and gional economic and social development and play Industry and Information Technology of Shaanxi the constructive role of higher-education institutes Provincial Government, Xi’an Bureau of Science in implementing the Belt and Road strategy. and Technology, and Xi’an Shiyou University. Rep- Liu Jianlin, Deputy Director of Department resentatives from China Telecom, Chinasoft Inter- of Education of Shaanxi Provincial Government, national, China Mobile and Open Edutainment, and mentioned that the university should: 1) strengthen Zheng Qinghua and Xi Guang, Vice Presidents of scientific and technological cooperation and carry Xi’an Jiaotong University, as well as some 300 stu- out some strategic projects to drive forward the dents from the Silk Road countries witnessed the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt; 2) inauguration of the training base. The ceremony strengthen education cooperation and set up the was chaired by Zhang Maizeng, Deputy Director of Belt and Road strategic think tank alliance; and 3) the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial step up efforts to build a platform of education co-

06 IKCEST News

operation and exchange and develop the university IKCEST began preparations in 2015 to build into a bridgehead of higher education international- the the Silk Road Knowledge Service Center for ization in West China. Sciences and Technology at Xi’an Jiaotong Univer- In his speech, Hans Dencker Thulstrup, Pro- sity for the purpose of training technology talents gram Specialist at UNESCO Beijing Office, said the for Belt and Road countries. As a sponsor and training base can help gather a team of the best president of the University Alliance of the Silk Road, researchers and educators in China. Xi’an Jiaotong Xi’an Jiaotong University has made good use of its University has played an impressive role in advanc- education resources and provided seven special ing the Belt and Road strategy, and he believes the training courses about big data, medical science training base will help the IKCEST make greater and Internet of things for some 500 trainees from achievements in talent cultivation and project co- 55 countries and regions. Through these training operation. programs, the university has explored a successful “This is exactly what I want to do, and what a means of talent cultivation to cater to the needs university should do,” said Wang Shuguo, Presi- of the talents from the Belt and Road countries. In dent of Xi’an Jiaotong University, adding that uni- order to provide engineering science and technol- versity is a leading builder of a civilized society and ogy training courses for students from the Belt and should contribute to the world’s peace and devel- Road countries on a persistent and steady basis, opment. China’s Belt and Road strategy is actually the IKCEST has decided to set up the Silk Road a call for all people to work together and make Training Base at Xi’an Jiaotong University, which is the earth a better place to live. Engineering sci- IKCEST’s first training base. IKCEST plans to train ence and technology can create a brighter future about 10,000 professionals in engineering scienc- for us. With the Silk Road Training Base, we hope es and technology offline from the Belt and Road to help the Silk Road countries grasp the world’s countries a year. cutting-edge technologies and transform the tech- In 2017 the Silk Road Training Base will contin- nologies into powerful tools to build a prosperous ue to improve the hybrid teaching practice of “online homeland. training + face-to-face training” and build six data- A Pakistani student at School of Electrical En- bases separately related to the national conditions, gineering of Xi’an Jiaotong University talked about history and culture, demographics and environ- his learning and living experience at the university ment, industrial economy, policies and regulations and how he benefited from Silk Road projects. as well as education technologies of the Belt and A group of guests, including Prof. Chen Road countries. The training base will offer MOOC Zuoning, Fang Guanghua, Wang Shuguo, Song courses and special training programs, set up cor- Dexiong, Hans Dencker Thulstrup, Liu Jianlin, respondence units at some Belt and Road coun- Lan Xinzhe (Deputy Director of the Department tries, support online certification education and of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Provincial academic education, and join hands with industry Government), Qiang Wei (Chief Economist at the bellwethers to establish practice training bases and Department of Industry and Information Technology foster technology professionals, senior managerial of Shaanxi Provincial Government), Ouyang Tian- talents and high-end think tank professionals. ping (Deputy General Manager of China Telecom, The first special training workshop in 2017 Shaanxi Branch) and Tang Zhenming (Executive opened on the same day. Over 190 internation- Director of Chinasoft International), unveiled the al students from 27 countries joined the five-day Silk Road Training Base. workshop to study Internet of things (shortened as

07 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

“Iot”) theories and innovations, 5G mobile commu- about the research on high-performance computer nications system and network, security challenges and analysed the future development and demand in the Iot era, Iot intelligent components and sys- of high-performance computer. The lecture was tems as well as Chinese culture. Prof. Chen Zuon- hosted by Zheng Qinghua, Vice President of Xi’an ing gave the first high-level academic lecture of the Jiaotong University. workshop to the students. She shared her insights

08 IKCEST News

IKCEST Silk Road Training Base held 2017 first Training Program for Silk Road Engineering Sci- ence and Technology Development

The Xi’an Jiaotong University-based Silk Road ident Chen Zuoning, and interactively exchanged Training Base of the International Knowledge with Prof. Chen. Featuring plain language and Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology easy-to-understand presentation, the lecture was (shortened as “IKCEST”) held the 2017 First (or 8th a real eye-opener for the trainees and was well re- of this kind) Training Program on Internet of Things ceived. Theory and Practice Innovation for the Silk Road Taught in English with the theme of innovative Engineering Science and Technology Development application of theory and practice of Internet of from February 27 to March 12, 2017. The program things, the course mainly featured lectures and was attracted international and exchange students at supplemented by on-site 3D molding technology Xi’an Jiaotong University, Northwestern Polytechni- demonstrations. The lectures included three mod- cal University, Xidian University, Chang’an Univer- ules: theory of Internet of things, frontier knowledge sity and Xi’an Shiyou University to attend. Among of Internet of things and Chinese traditional culture, them were more than 170 students from 38 coun- covering software-defined network, 5G mobile tries including Pakistan, Nepal, Kenya, Cannes, communications system and network overview, Rwanda, Cameroon, Nigeria, Thailand and Uganda security challenges of Internet of things, Internet along the Belt and Road, as well as a number of of things and big data, intelligent devices and sys- exchange students from Hong Kong, Macao and tems for Internet of things, conceptual technologies Taiwan. and challenges of the Internet of things era, Inter- All the trainees took part in the inauguration net of things and smart living, and Chinese culture meeting of the Silk Road Training Base on Febru- overview. ary 27, engaged in a high-end academic lecture After the training, the course organizer pre- on “High Performance Computer Research”, the sented certificates to trainees who completed all first lecture of the course given by CAE Vice Pres- the courses and passed the examinations.

09 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

IKCEST Silk Road Training Base held 2017 second Training Program for Silk Road Engineering Sci- ence and Technology Development

The Silk Road Training Base of the Internation- art and practical, the training program featured lat- al Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and est progress in basic medical science and clinics, Technology (“IKCEST”) held the 2017 Second (or professional medical knowledge and traditional 9th of this kind) Training Program on Frontiers in Chinese culture. Specific subjects included devel- Medical Science and Technology for the Silk Road opment trends of infectious disease prevention and Engineering Science and Technology Development control along the Silk Road, progress in the diagno- from March 4 to 12, 2017. The program attracted sis and treatment of major fetal malformations and more than 70 students from 19 countries including endocrine diseases in some countries along the Bahrain, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Pakistan and Silk Road, new progress in skin diseases and their Tanzania along the Belt and Road to attend. challenges and opportunities, Chinese traditional The program was the latest of its kind offered culture appreciation and Chinese paper-cut experi- to medical students from countries along the Silk ence. Trainers were outstanding teachers from the Road who study in China, following the three The- Health Science Centre of Xi’an Jiaotong University matic Training Programs on Frontiers in Medical and outside experts. Well-designed training pro- Science and Technology held in 2016. It aimed grams and excellent lectures were unanimously to train local talents from countries along the Silk welcomed by participants. Road, promote exchanges between China and After the training, the program organiser pre- these countries on medical science and technolo- sented certificates to trainees who completed all gy and culture, and carry forward Chinese culture. the courses and passed the examinations. Aiming at being comprehensive, state-of-the-

10 IKCEST News

Seminar on top-level design plan for IKCEST con- struction held in Shanghai

Seminar on top-level design plan for the con- to better leverage the value of its knowledge. He struction of International Knowledge Centre for pointed out that comprehensive consideration must Engineering Sciences and Technology under the be given to platform positioning, Internet thinking, auspices of UNESCO (shortened as “IKCEST”) was data intellectual property rights and standards, held in Shanghai on March 9, 2017. and actual operation. Specifically, it is necessary The meeting was chaired by Wang Xuanyan, to clarify whether the platform will be positioned General Manager of Shanghai Softline Information for profit making or public use. It is also necessary Technology Co., Ltd. (shortened as “Softline”) and to adopt a fast iterative approach to cater to user Director of IKCEST Platform Development Team, demand and better showcase the Internet thinking. and was attended by Tong Weiqin, Dean of the De- It is essential to specify what users the platform will partment of Computer Engineering and Science of serve and how to solve their specific problems in Shanghai University, Wang Xin, Deputy Director of the engineering field. For similar data in different in- the Informatization Office of Fudan University, Ding dustries, a unified specification may be formulated Fuqiang, Director of the Research and Develop- to address technical problems of data storage. In- ment Centre of Shanghai Ideal Information Industry ternet data crawling policies must be promptly ad- (Group) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Telecom, justed based on specific operational situations. As Jia Weidong, Director of the Consultancy and Plan- an international knowledge platform, the IKCEST ning Department of Shanghai Baosight Software platform must collect statistics on overseas clicks. Co., Ltd., and project team members from Softline. In addition, user access and operation logs are all At the meeting, Wang Xuanyuan firstly gave a data which need to be included in overall platform brief introduction to the background of the expert statistics. workshop, followed by a detailed introduction by Ding Fuqiang placed more emphasis on the Liu Wei to the background and top-level design use of the platform and the embodiment of its core draft of the IKCEST construction. value and strength. He noted that engineering Subsequently, attending experts engaged in knowledge is a relatively broad field and it is worth active discussion of the first draft of the IKCEST top-level design plan and gave many constructive comments. Tong Weiqin suggested that the construction of IKCEST should embody more international el- ements through exchanging with engineering re- source institutions. Wang Xin proposed that the Belt and Road initiative shall be introduced to the engineering science and technology knowledge field so as

11 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

in-depth discussion on how to apply a broad con- for the platform to show its value to investors is to cept to specific users. He recognized the need provide truly useful information. to make plans for the construction of the platform During the meeting, the technical team from from the users’ perspective, as well as to consider Softline also held full exchanges with attending ex- how to process original data into product. perts. It plans to gather and generalize the sugges- Jia Weidong mainly made some suggestions tions made at the current meeting and the meeting from the aspects of user groups and profit and which will be held in Beijing on March 15 so as to business models. He pointed out that the only way guide the revision of the top-level design plan.

Seminar on top-level design plan for IKCEST con- struction held in Beijing

Seminar on top-level design plan for the con- City Knowledge Service System, Qian Buyue, As- struction of the International Knowledge Centre for sociate Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University and Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Liu Jun, Assistant Director of Data and Information auspices of UNESCO (shortened as “IKCEST”) was Centre of Xi’an Jiaotong University, which is the held in Xiangshan Yihe Hotel in Beijing on March constructor of IKCEST’s sub-project--Silk Road 15, 2017. Science and Technology Knowledge Service Sys- The meeting was chaired by Wang Xuanyan, tem, Guan Jian, Vice-President of Xuetangx Online General Manager of Shanghai Softline Information and Engineering Education Research Centre, Tian Technology Co., Ltd. (shortened as “Softline”) and Huijun, Research Fellow of Tsinghua University, Director of IKCEST Platform Development Team. It which is the constructor of the IKCEST’s sub-proj- was attended by Song Dexiong, Executive Deputy ect -- Engineering Education Knowledge Service Director of IKCEST and Liu Chang, Director of Di- System, Yang Fei, Associate Research Professor of vision of International Cooperation of IKCEST, Liu the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Hongyang, Ma Yingchen and Zhang Ye, Project Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Managers of IKCEST, Dr. Yang Yang of the Institute Sciences, which is the constructor of the IKCEST’s of Artificial Intelligence of the College of Computer sub-project--Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Science and Technology of University, Service System, and project development team Liu Yan, Associate Professor and Kong Lingyu and members from Softline. Zhang Xuyi, Research Assistants of the School of The meeting was divided into two parts: Software Engineering of , which is top-level design and construction plan discussions, the constructor of IKCEST’s sub-project--Intelligent and launch of sub-centres platforms on May 30.

12 IKCEST News

In the first part of the meeting, Wang Xuanyan made overall planning and consideration for issues gave an overview of the IKCEST Project and brief- like user management, resource gathering and ly introduced the ideas for top-level design work. sharing, website interface style, multi-language The IKCEST construction was inaugurated in 2015 integration, search and system security. It was and its platform development is now in its second pointed out that as the platform is international, phase. Meanwhile, IKCEST top-level design work more attention should be paid to the intellectual also kicked off, and a draft plan was formulated. property right of data, the unification of metadata The IKCEST top-level design plan will guide the standards in different fields and the sorting and ap- development of IKCEST in the next three to five plication of data, so as to better embody the value years. It covers all aspects of IKCEST construc- of knowledge and service. It was suggested that tion. In order to make the top-level design more the concept of knowledge should be emphasized forward-looking, normative and operational while and a knowledge spectrum be established to bet- meeting practical needs, an open model will be ter connect knowledge with upper layer applica- adopted for top-level design work. An expert team tions. Suggestions were made that some distinctive for IKCEST top-level design has been established, user application scenarios may be designed to consisting of experts from IKCEST sub-centres, as enhance platform attractiveness and that key at- well as from universities and enterprises. The first tention should be paid to user behaviour and to the expert workshop on top-level design plan aimed to improvement of platform services. User behaviour widely collect comments and suggestions from var- data of the platform may be continuously updat- ious experts and carry out sound top-level design ed through point accumulation, data competition work for IKCEST construction. and other formats. As for the operational aspect, Subsequently, Liu Chang introduced the attending experts suggested that a specialized non-platform aspect of the top-level design plan, third-party operation team may be introduced and including the background and positioning, status mechanisms be established to ensure the sustain- and challenges, follow-up goals and plans of IK- able development of the platform. CEST construction. Liu Wei from Softline introduced Finally, Song Dexiong, Executive Deputy Direc- the IKCEST construction top-level design draft plan tor of the IKCEST made concluding remarks on the which was formulated based on six months of sur- top-level design work: First, to achieve integrated vey and study and comments from various parties. design for the overall platform and sub-platforms, The draft plan mainly includes the IKCEST platform unified planning is needed from data collection, construction plan, as well as early comments made storage, cleaning and mining to knowledge service by experts. as well as products provided to end-users. There- Based on the draft plan, attending experts fore, Softline must make overall planning and push held in-depth exchanges on the contents of the forward top-level design work, specify the various IKCEST top-level design plan and made construc- tasks for technology, resources, platform, service, tive suggestions on resource construction and operation and maintenance, and formulate unified sharing, knowledge service, target users, opera- plans; second, we should improve the integration tion and management, sub-centre management, between the general platform and sub-platforms intellectual property rights and product planning. and improve the capacities of the platform; third, Participating experts unanimously agreed that the we should improve services, and provide knowl- general platform and the sub-platforms should edge services for the developing countries. There strengthen communication and coordination, and is a need to develop products with features and

13 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

products must be specific and can generate traf- sions on the relevant aspects of the May 30 launch fic and views and show their value; and fourth, and reached consensus, agreeing that data in- we should improve promotional work and take the terface and metadata specifications must be in- number of registered users and access traffic as troduced as soon as possible, follow-up platform assessment indicators. launch work should be broken down and timeline In the second part of the meeting, Liu Chang requirements must be specified. firstly introduced the background and requirements At the end of the meeting, Director Song Dex- for the launch of sub-centre platforms on May 30. iong put forward specific requirements for the May Luo Man from Softline briefed on the breakdown of 30 launch and expressed the hope that Softline the platform launch tasks. Subsequently, represen- should carry out overall planning and implementa- tatives of all sub-centres reported on the current tion work for the promotion of the general platform launch conditions, features and likely problems of and sub-platforms at the next stage. He hoped that their respective platforms, as well as their require- all constructors, all sub-centres and the IKCEST ments for the general platform. should connect with one another as soon as possi- Participants engaged in preliminary discus- ble, specific mechanisms of mutual communication and unify their actions, while the IKCEST should undertake coordination work as soon as possible and well serve the experts and constructors. Fi- nally, Song Dexiong expressed his gratitude to the attending experts and hoped that all parties work together to complete the relevant tasks as soon as possible, and well serve the engineering science and technology personnel in developing countries and respond to the call of “telling the Chinese story well and conveying the Chinese voice well” from General Secretary Xi Jinping.

14 IKCEST News

IKCEST delegation conducted survey and study of CCID Group

The International Knowledge Centre for En- system, most of the translation jobs are done auto- gineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) matically, while professional translators play a sup- visited CCID Group on March 18, 2017 to conduct portive role. The system is now in the early stage a survey and study of its translation system. The of going to the market, and its functions are being inspection tour was joined by Liu Chang, Director improved. Wei Tao gave a simple demonstration of Division of International Cooperation at IKCEST, of how to use the system. He pointed out that the Liu Hongyang, Ma Yingchen and Zhang Ye, Project system has been able to provide highly accurate Managers at IKCEST, as well as Ma Yaqing, Di- translations between six Romance languages, but rector of Business Operation and Management at there is still much room to improve when it comes CCID Group, Guan Dongsheng, Executive Director to automatic translation between Chinese and En- at CCID TransTech Co., Ltd., and Wei Tao, Deputy glish. The two sides made intensive discussions on General Manager at CCID TransTech Co., Ltd.. how to cooperate with each other and what IKCEST Guan Dongsheng made a brief introduction to really needs. CCID Translation said IKCEST can CCID TransTech Co., Ltd.. He mentioned that the get a free trial of the system before discussing fur- company has been hit hard by the easy availability ther cooperation. of free online translation service. Against the back- Liu Chang said IKCEST is now in need of ac- drop of adverse market conditions, CCID Group curate real-time translation service that covers sev- has made good use of its characteristic resources eral language pairs as well as minority languages obtained from three decades of practical experi- like Mongolian. Through the survey the two sides ence in developing translation systems, and de- have been fully aware of each other’s demands veloped a professional system for cross-language and realized that future cooperation is possible. knowledge discovery and examination. Under the

15 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

TFSC delegation visited IKCEST

A delegation of Technological Forecasting and of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Liu Social Change (shortened as “TFSC”), a presti- Chang, Director of Division of International Cooper- gious international journal, visited the International ation at IKCEST. Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and The delegation watched an introductory video Technology (shortened as “IKCEST”) on March of IKCEST to get a basic understanding of why and 18, 2017. Among the delegates were TFSC edi- how the centre was established, its major duties tor-in-chief Fred Phillips and guest editor Chen Jin. and development status. The delegation was received by Zhou Ji, President

16 IKCEST News

CSIA sought partnership with IKCEST

A delegation of China Software Industry Asso- training programs. CSIA intends to join hands with ciation (shortened as “CSIA”) visited the Interna- the IKCEST to provide international science and tional Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences technology training courses. Liu Hongyang briefed and Technology (IKCEST) on March 21, 2017 to the CSIA delegation on the IKCEST and its primary seek business cooperation. Fu Xiaoyu, Director of businesses. Ma Yingchen gave a detailed account International Cooperation at CSIA, and Zhang Ran, of international training programs launched by the Database Project Manager at CSIA, Liu Chang, IKCEST. CSIA said it’s willing to contact domestic Director of Division of International Cooperation software companies, offer free training courses to at IKCEST, and Liu Hongyang, Ma Yingchen and IKCEST staff and arrange their visits to those com- Zhang Ye, Project Managers at IKCEST attended panies. the meeting. Liu Chang said serving the third world coun- Fu Xiaoyu gave a brief introduction to the as- tries, providing science and technology training for sociation and explained the primary purposes of engineering science and technology professionals their visit. He pointed out that CSIA would present from the Belt and Road countries and building their a series of activities in 2017 to tie in with the “Belt capacities is an important mission of the IKCEST. and Road” strategy, provide better services to IKCEST thanked and welcomed CSIA to contact member companies and bring China’s software domestic software companies and provide support products to the broader overseas market. Among for its international training programs. IKCEST sug- these activities are establishing an expert commit- gested the two sides join hands to work on a train- tee, holding summit forums, marketing software ing program on a pilot basis, explore other means products as well as co-organizing international of cooperation and then deepen cooperation.

17 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

Strategic Research on the Position and Role of Chi- nese Scientists in International Science and Tech- nology Organisations project launched in Beijing

The project launch meeting for Strategic Re- ganisations will be of great significance in raising search on the Position and Role of Chinese Scien- the international influence and status of China’s sci- tists in International Science and Technology Or- ence and technology circles in the world. Through ganisations, a consultation and evaluation project research on the characteristics of international sci- of the Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy ence and technology organisations and experienc- of Sciences was held in Beijing on March 31, 2017. es of successful participation in them, the project Members of the project team and more than 30 will look into the participation of Chinese scientists experts from the Organisation Department of the and science and technology circles in international CPC Central Committee, the China Association for science and technology organisations, examine the Science and Technology, the National Natural Sci- needs of and challenges for Chinese scientists to ence Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy get involved in international science and technolo- of Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gy organisations under the new situation, and put the project hosting institution Institute of Remote forward development strategies and policy recom- Sensing and Digital Earth of the Chinese Academy mendations for Chinese scientists to participate in of Sciences and other departments, institutions and international science and technology organisations. international organisations attended the meeting. CAS Members Wu Guoxiong, Chen Yuntai, In his general introduction to the project, CAS Liu Congqiang, Zhou Zhonghe, Jin Zhijun and Xia Member Guo Huadong pointed out that Strategic Jun respectively spoke at the meeting, all agreeing Research on the Position and Role of Chinese Sci- that it was the proper time to launch the project. entists in International Science and Technology Or- They made strategic analyses from the aspects of

18 IKCEST News

international environment, science and technology Song analysed the significance, current status and diplomacy and talent criteria, made important sug- challenges of Chinese scientists’ participation in gestions in light of their personal work experience international science and technology organisations in holding international posts, and held discussions and made a series of suggestions. from the aspects of policy and financial support, in- The consultation project Strategic Research ternational team building, talent evaluation system on the Position and Role of Chinese Scientists in and legal and regulatory conformity to internation- International Science and Technology Organisa- al practice. All attending experts agreed that for tions was approved at the Third Session of the the general goal of building China into a power of Sixth Advisory and Evaluation Work Committee of science and technology, the research report must the Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy be based on systematic analysis, form recommen- of Sciences. Over a two-year period, the project dations and thoughts at the national level which will conduct research on 5 aspects: characteristics give equal consideration to strategic research and and appointment models of international science strategic analysis, and provide decision support for and technology organisations, analysis of Chinese China to formulate strategic development plans for scientists’ posts in international science and tech- Chinese scientists to serve the international organi- nology organisations, role of Chinese scientists sations. holding positions in international science and tech- Song Dexiong, Director-General of Interna- nology organisations in promoting the development tional Cooperation Department of the Chinese of science and technology in China, research and Academy of Engineering and Executive Deputy analysis on the current status of positions held by Director of the International Knowledge Centre for Chinese scientists in international science and Engineering Sciences and Technology, was invited technology organisations, and, China’s strategic to present a report on “International Science and layout for its scientists to serve in international sci- Technology Organisations: An Important Stage for ence and technology organisations. Telling the China Story Well”. In his presentation,

19 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1


The China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “CKCEST”) is a significant part of and vital support for the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “IKCEST”).

CKCEST knowledge innovation platform Shenyang cooperation seminar held in Beijing The China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “CKCEST”) knowledge innovation platform Shenyang cooperation seminar was held at meeting room 220 of the Chi- nese Academy of Engineering on November 9, 2016. Chaired by Director Song Dexiong of the CKCEST Project Management Office, the meeting was attended by Tian Jia, Governor of the People’s Government of Heping District, Shenyang, Gao Bin, Director of the Administrative Committee of the Sanhao Street Hi- Tech Park, and staff from the CKCEST Project Management Office, the Heping District Government and the Inspur Group. Song introduced to the Tian-led delegation the background, philosophy and current status of CKCEST, while Tian briefed the host on the status of innovation and entrepreneurship work in Heping District, Shenyang. The two sides made specific suggestions for their future cooperation: CKCEST and the Shenyang Municipal Government need to undertake collaboration on “One Network and Three Platforms”, namely the Chinese Academy of Engineering northeast innovation and entrepreneurship network, knowl- edge service platform, big data service platform, and technology transfer service platform. To build One Network and Three Platforms, it is necessary to develop sound top-level design, conduct proper require- ments survey and research, leverage the supporting role of the Inspur Group in talent reserve and technical support; survey and study business needs, and formulate detailed work plans. CKCEST sub-centre construction exchange meetings held successively The CKCEST Project Management Office respectively organised 9 of its sub-centres for the manufac- turing, academic journals, geographical resources and ecology, environment, geology, geographic infor- mation, energy, information, and strategic emerging industries to hold sub-centre construction exchange meetings on September 21, October 27 and November 10, 2016. The meetings listened to the reports of the sub-centres on their work progress made last year in resources building, system developed, operation and maintenance service, budget implementation and future plans, and held in-depth discussions on the salient and common problems in sub-centre construction. Song Dexiong, Director of the CKCEST Project Manage- ment Office attended the meetings throughout and gave guiding opinions on the different foundations and strengths of the various sub-centres. He called upon all the sub-centres to stick to the construction philoso- phy of “service is the purpose, data is the foundation, platform is the support and knowledge is the feature.” Meanwhile, he also called upon Inspur’s development teams to conduct survey and study on the require- ments of the sub-centres and pay attention to the technological linkage and expressed the hope that all collaborative construction organisations can jointly support the research, deployment and implementation of the CKCEST top-level design optimisation plan. 20 CKCEST News

CKCEST training meeting on using active push system held in Beijing The CKCEST training meeting on using active push system was held at meeting room 318 of the Chi- nese Academy of Engineering on November 18, 2016. The meeting was attended by 23 participants from 11 sub-centres participating in active push work. The active push system is an important functional module of the CKCEST platform and directly provides feature resources service to academicians. In the training, Inspur which provides software for the system gave a detailed explanation of the business processes and sub-centre webpage operating methods of the active push system, answered function use questions from participants and took notes of the suggestions made by participants for system improvement. The active push system is currently deployed on the Alibaba Cloud server for testing and trial operation. Once its nor- mal operation is ensured, it will replace the current offline mail push system and be put into official use. CKCEST academician database system upgrading project passes acceptance inspection The CKCEST Project Management Office organised the acceptance inspection of the academician database system upgrading project from October 15 to November 29, 2016. Academician data, as self-de- veloped feature resources, have been put online on the CKCEST website. The database system collects information on 1,068 CAE Members and some CAE Foreign Members. Currently, nearly 100,000 academi- cian-related literature and works information items, more than 30,000 Internet news items, approximately 10,000 patent inventions, over 10,000 research results and award information items and more than 3,000 picture and video information items have been collected. CKCEST and Inspur Group held work promotion meeting CKCEST and the Inspur Group held a work promotion meeting at room 219 of the Chinese Academy of Engi- neering on December 2, 2016. The meeting was chaired by Song Dexiong, Director of the CKCEST Project Manage- ment Office and attended by a delegation led by Chen Dongfeng, Executive President of the Inspur Group. The meeting centred on how the relevant teams of the Inspur Group should do to better push forward CKCEST construction, with an emphasis on discussions of the work plans for the next stage. Firstly, Chen summed the work done by Inspur teams at the previous stage, especially problems encountered, and put forward various improvement measures including restructuring the exclusive chief designers team for CKCEST, optimizing the organisational structure and establishing performance assessment mechanisms. Subsequently, Xiao Xue, leader of the chief designers team, Vice President of the Inspur Group and Deputy General Manager of Inspur Software Group, introduced the organisational structure of the Inspur teams and their short-term work plans. Finally, Song hoped that the Inspur teams can produce their work plans for the next stage and set out specific work tasks as soon as possible. CKCEST innovative design knowledge service system work progress reporting meeting held in Beijing The CKCEST innovative design knowledge service system work progress reporting meeting was held at China Hall of Science and Technology On December 13, 2016. The meeting was attended by CAE Mem-

21 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

ber Pan Yunhe, former Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Yanmin, Deputy Di- rector-General of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and personnel from the Ningbo Institute of Technology of , the Sub-Centre for Chemical Engineering, the Sub-Centre for Information, the Sub-Centre for Manufacturing and the CKCEST Project Management Office. Professor Sun Shouqian of Zhejiang University chaired the meeting, and Associate Professor Zhang Kejun of Zhejiang University reported on progress in data aggregation, application services and platform building, as well as detailed progress in research and innovative design knowledge innovation platform construction in 2016. Prof. Pan highly praised the innovative design knowledge service system research achievements. Meanwhile, he also hoped that the project team can continue to improve data aggregation and speed up integrated innovative designs for the 5 major system components. CKCEST held first working meeting of 2017 The first CKCEST working meeting of 2017 was held at Beijing Conference Centre on February 23, 2017. CAE Member Pan Yunhe, Director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and former Executive Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and CAE Vice-President Chen Zuoning, attended the meeting. The meeting was co-chaired by Song Dexiong, Director of the CKCEST Project Management Office and Professor Zhuang Yueting, Dean of College of Computer Science and Technology of Zhejiang University. More than 140 participants from the CKCEST Project Management Office, the Inspur Group, all CKCEST constructors and Shanghai Softline Information Technology Co., Ltd. attended the meeting. Centring on the CKCEST top-level design upgrading plan, work arrangements for 2017 and sub-centre construction progress, participants made key reports and engaged in discussions. Prof. Pan gave full rec- ognition to the progress and remarkable achievements made by all CKCEST constructors. Concerning the future development of CKCEST, Prof. Pan put forward 3 requirements: 1. step up services and operations, implement tasks and targets, strengthen supervision and management and increase visits to CKCEST web- site; 2. Widen data opening, achieve data fusion, and launch shared knowledge services; and 3. strengthen technology development, promote technology applications and develop towards AI. As for the work reports delivered at the meeting, Prof. Chen gave her specific instructions: 1. strengthen data resources building; 2. improve task and performance management at sub-centres; 3. implement the tasks and goals of the top-level design upgrading plan; and 4. step up the application of the CKCEST platform. CKCEST serial rules and regulations go into official printing and distribution In accordance with CKCEST’s arrangements for implementing the requirements for supervision and rectification and specific rectification work plan of the Party Committee for the Chinese Academy of Engi- neering, the CKCEST Project Management Office had conducted research and formulated the Top-Level Design Upgrading Plan of the China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology, Mea- sures for Acceptance Inspection of the Sub-Tasks of the China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (Interim), Detailed Work Rules of the Project Management Office of the China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (Interim), Detailed Supervisory Rules on System Build- ing of the China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology, and Detailed Administrative Rules on Procurement Work of the China Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (In- terim). Following the adoption by the Party Committee of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, these doc- uments have been officially printed and distributed to all organisations participating in the construction of CKCEST.

22 Top News for Big Data Era

Top News for Big Data Era

Big data and information security entrepreneur summit held in Beijing

The big data and information security entrepreneur summit was held in Beijing on November 25, 2016. More than 200 participants including government officials, industry experts, entrepreneurs and media rep- resentatives attended the meeting. Jointly organised by the China Big Data Enterprise Alliance and the Chief Data Officer Alliance, the summit focused on the theme of “Innovation, Development, Security and Win-Win Cooperation”. At the in- vitation of the China Big Data Enterprise Alliance, experts and scholars from the big data field and repre- sentatives of outstanding enterprises gathered in Beijing and engaged in full learning, communication and exchanges concerning information security and standardisation in the big data field. In their sharing, partic- ipants explored new thinking and new goals for the future development of big data, information security and standardisation. More than 200 delegates from the industry, including CAE Member Li Bohu, Director Xie Shaofeng of the Department of Informatization and Software Service Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Deputy Director Fan Huiwen of China Centre for Information Industry Development jointly witnessed the signing of the Big Data and Information Security Self-Discipline Standardisation Document. This document can not only serve as a self-discipline convention for the industry but also possess certain feasibility as a blueprint legal compliance document on data and information security for enterprises. At the Summit, Xie pointed out that as a measure to implement the National Action Outline for Promot- ing the Development of Big Data and the spirit of the serial speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and in accordance with the requirements of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan Outline for National Economic and Social Development and the overall arrangements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the Thirteenth Five-Year planning system, the Big Data Industry Development Plan (2016-2020) compiled at the initiation of the Department of Informatization and Software Service Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also be introduced during the year. Excerpt from Sohu News and the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

23 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

China’s first academician’s work station on remote sensing big data built in Zhengzhou

China’s first academician’s work station on remote sensing big data landed in Zhengzhou on December 1, 2016. Launched by CAS Member Tong Qingxi, authority on satellite remote sensing, the work station will provide research support in the areas of precision agriculture, disaster mitigation and loss reduction. Jointly established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Rainbow Tech Inc., the Zhengzhou Aca- demician’s Work Station on Space Remote Sensing Big Data is located in Zhengzhou Economic and Tech- nological Development Zone. With top-notch scientists in remote sensing both at home and abroad, the work station is currently the first academician’s work station on remote sensing big data research in China. Drawing upon the advanced technological strengths of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the work station will leverage its practical abilities as a local enterprise and mainly conduct research in the areas of big data applications in precision agriculture, precision poverty alleviation applications, disaster mitigation and loss reduction applications, and precision agriculture applications. Excerpt from

Collaboration on big data applications becomes new trend, attracting global attention as a new strategic re- source

Recently, there has been a flurry of news on collaboration between big data-related companies and universities and government. As the market potential of big data applications draws growing attention and is further released, big data as a strategic resource is surging worldwide. At home, Baidu big data is working with the Internet finance platform to improve big data risk control systems. Baidu Cloud and the Qingdao municipal government have collaborated to build a big data innovation centre. has joined hands with Tsinghua University for collaboration in the insurance and pension big data fields. Minin- gLamp and People’s Public Security University of China have set up a joint laboratory on big data analysis. The Hainan provincial government and Sugon have formed a strategic partnership over cloud computing and big data. Moreover, domestic big data companies have also gone global. Alibaba Cloud has partnered with mobile communications network company Vodafone to provide big data services in the European mar- ket. Excerpt from Big Data Digest (WeChat Account: BigDataDigest)

24 Top News for Big Data Era

Google Cloud announces acquisition of cloud learning platform Qwiklabs, as cloud technology talent training goes trendy

Google Cloud recently announced its acquisition of cloud learning platform Qwiklabs, with no specific deal price disclosed. It is understood that Qwiklabs was founded in 2012; it mainly provides teaching ser- vices to cloud computing platforms and infrastructure software providers. The acquisition will further make up Google’s cloud computing shortcomings and train more cloud computing specialists for the company. Excerpt from Big Data Digest (WeChat Account: BigDataDigest)

The State Council approves the construction of In- tellectual Property Rights Information Public Service Platform for the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan Period

The State Council recently printed and distributed the National Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Application Plan for the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan Period (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”), setting out the development goals and main tasks of intellectual property rights work during the Thirteenth Five- Year Plan Period and making comprehensive arrangements for intellectual property rights work across the country. This is the first time for the intellectual property rights plan to be included as a key national special plan in China. The guiding thought of the Plan is to take supply-side structural reform as the main line, thoroughly im- plement the national intellectual property rights strategy, establish a full intellectual property rights creation, application, protection, management and service chain, and place emphasis on the protection and appli- cation of intellectual property rights. The Plan calls for persistent efforts to take innovation as the lead, make overall planning and coordination, go for green development and adhere to the basic principles of opening and sharing. It establishes the 3 major goals of markedly improving the environment with intellectual proper- ty rights protection, fully producing the application effect of intellectual property rights and greatly improving the comprehensive abilities of intellectual property rights. To ensure the fulfilment of the planned goals and tasks, the Plan specifies 9 construction projects. Among them, Building an Intellectual Property Rights In- formation Public Service Platform has been designated as a key construction project for the Thirteenth Five- Year Plan Period. The platform will achieve the free or low-cost opening and sharing of patents, trademarks, copyright, IC layout designs, new plant varieties, geographical indications, intellectual property rights liti- gations and other basic information resources. Through the application of cloud computing, big data and mobile Internet technologies, the platform can provide intellectual property rights information statistics, inte- gration and push services. Excerpt from the State Council website

25 Newsletter March 2017 No. 1

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technolo- gy releases the Big Data Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)

In accordance with the overall plan of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan Outline for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently officially released the Big Data Industry Development Plan (2016-2020) (Gong Xin Bu Gui (2016) No.412, hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) with a view to pushing forward the sustainable, healthy devel- opment of the Big Data industry in China and implementing China’s national Big Data strategy and the Ac- tion Outline for Promoting the Development of Big Data of the State Council. Centring on strengthening the abilities of innovation and development of the big data industry, the Plan specifies the 7 tasks of enhancing the research and development of the big data technology and products, deepening the innovation and application of industrial big data, promoting the application and development of industrial big data, speeding up entity nurturing in the big data industry, pushing forward big data stan- dards system building, improving the big data industry supporting system, and enhancing big data security support capabilities. The Plan also puts forward 8 key projects, including the research and development of key big data technology and product and industrialisation project, and the big data service capacity enhancement project, and formulates the 5 supporting measures of pushing forward institutional mecha- nism innovation, improving relevant policy and regulatory systems, stepping up policy support, building a multi-level talent force, and promoting internationalised development. Setting out specific thinking, princi- ples and goals for the development of the big data industry during the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan Period, the Plan will guide the sustainable, healthy development of the big data industry and offer strong support for China to build itself into a manufacturing power and an Internet power. The Plan sets the goal of forming a big data industry system of advanced technology, booming appli- cations and powerful support by 2020, with big data-related product and service business revenues top- ping RMB1 trillion, maintaining a Compound Average Growth Rate of around 30%, and building 10-15 big data integrated pilot zones. It calls for efforts to speed up building China into a data power so as to provide strong industrial support for building the country into a manufacturing power and an Internet power. Excerpt from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology website

26 Terms on Big Data

Terms on Big Data

Knowledge Connection

Knowledge Connection: Knowledge Connection refers to the connection of knowledge ordering that exists between knowledge units, as well as the concealed, understandable and eventually usable con- nection. It is the sum of all kinds of relationships that exist between knowledge units, including knowledge carriers (such as literature and human brain) and knowledge contents (such as concept and vocabulary). Knowledge connection is one of the basic elements that form a knowledge network. It is the foundation for knowledge organisation, management, discovering and services. Supporting knowledge connection is one of the advanced functions of the specialised sub-centres of CKCEST.

27 International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO

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