1. The Senate met at 10.55 a.m. The Senate Presidentread prayers.

2. Votes and Proceedings: The Senate President announced that he had examined the Votes and Proceedings of Tuesday, 19th January, 2010 and approved same.

By unanimous consent, the Votes and Proceedings were approved.

3. Announcements: (A) 2010 Budget Defence: The Senate President read a letter from SenatorAhmed Maccido (Sokoto North) as follows:


The Senate President, Senate Chamber, National Assembly, .



The Appropriation Committee commenced sitting on 18th January, 2010 to enable the Sub- Committees defend their reports on the 2010 Budget.

PRINTED BY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESS, ABUJA 362 Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 No. 48

Unfortunately, some Committees hadfailed to submit their reports which is likely to delay the passage of the Bill as scheduled.

We would like to give them another opportunity, that is, Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 beginning !com 11.00 am. Distinguished Colleagues, please endeavour to discharge this responsibility in timefor us to pass the Bill as scheduled.

It is also advisable that we work within the envelope provided to avoid further complications with the deficit already at hand.

Signed: Senator Ahmed Maccido Vice-Chairman, for: The Chairman

Ruling from the Chair: The Senate President directed all concerned Committees to adhere strictly to the request by the Appropriation Committee as this would enable the Senate to pass the Budget early.

(B) Meeting with the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice: The Senate President announced that the under listed Senators and all other trained Lawyers in the Senate should meet with the Attorney-General of the and Minister of Justice at Room 313, Senate New Building, today Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 at 4.00 pm.

l. Senator

2. Senator Urnaru Dahiru

3. Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba (SAN) 4. Senator Sola Akinyede

5. Senator John Ikechukwu Obiorah

6. Senator James E. Manager 7. Senator Idris A. Umar

8. Senator Abubakar D. Sodangi 9. Senator Nimi Barigha-Amange

10. Senator Mohammed 1. Ida 1l. Senator Joseph l. Akaagerger

12. Senator Tawar U. Wada

13. Senator Suleiman Adokwe 14. Senator Patrick E. Osakwe

15. Senator 16. Senator Mohammed Kabir Jubril

17. Senator Effiong D. Bob 18. Senator Julius A. Ucha

19. Senator 20. Senator Mahmud Kanti Bello No. 48 Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 363

(C) Acknowledgment: The Senate President acknowledged the presence of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) supporters from Logo Local Government Area of Benue North-East Senatorial District who were in the gallery to observe Senate Proceedings . . 4. Personal Explanation: Rising on Order 43, Senator John N. Shagaya (Plateau South) drew the attention of the Senate to the activities of the 2010 Armed Forces Remembrance Day on 15th January, 2010. He asserted that the ceremony was devoid of the usual twenty-one (21) gun salute in honour of the fallen heroes.

The Senate noted the omission.

5. Presentation of Bill: National Health Amendment Bill2010(SB. 373) - Read the First Time.

6. Outbreak of Fresh Hostilitiesin Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State: Motion made.' That the Senate notes that at about 10.00 a.m on Sunday, the 17th day of January, 2010 fresh violence erupted in Nasarawa Gwong of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State;

Notes also that the latest crisis is coming just over a year after a similar destruction of lives and properties was witnessed in the same Local Government Area on 28th November, 2008;

Alarmed that the violence has left in its trail the destruction of places of worship, properties worth millions of naira and the loss of no fewer than 150 persons with many others injured;

Alarmed also that out of the over one hundred (100) persons arrested by the Police in connection with the crisis five were in full military uniforms and fully armed; this has brought a disturbing dimension to the Jos crisis where military uniforms and weapons are being used by unauthorized persons to perpetrate evil; and

Delighted that the Plateau State Government in conjunction with the security agents acted promptly to stop the carnage and has also imposed a 24 hour curfew on the metropolis aimed at •nipping in the bud' the prevailing situation so that hoodlums would not take advantage of the security breach to molest innocent and law abiding residents.

Accordingly resolves to: (0 Condemn the latest outbreak of hostilities in Jos North Local Government Area;

(ii) Urge the Plateau State Government to fish out the perpetrators and sponsors of this latest act of violence and bring them to book to serve as deterrent to others with similar tendencies;

(iii) Urge the Federal Government and relevant agencies to investigate how Military uniforms and arms were found on the suspects; and

(iv) Urge the Plateau State Government to fully implement the recommendations of previous Judicial Panels of Inquiry on the various Religious Crises in order to forestall future occurrence (Senator Gyang D. Dantong - Plateau North).


Proposed Resolution (i) Question: That the Senate do condemn the latest outbreak of hostilities in Jos North Local Government Area. 364 Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 No. 48

Amendment Proposed: Leave out the words "Jos North Local Government Area" and insert the words "Plateau State" instead thereof (Senator Abubakar D. Sodangi - Nasarawa West). Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Proposed Resolution (n) Question: That the Senate do urge the Plateau State Government to fish out the perpetrators and sponsors of this latest act of violence and bring them to book to serve as deterrent to others with similar tendencies.

Amendment Proposed: Immediately after the word "Government" in line I insert the following words "and all relevant security agencies" therein (Senator Patricia N. Akwashiki - Nasarawa North).

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Proposed Resolution (iii) That the Senate do urge the Federal Government and relevant agencies to investigate how military uniforms and arms were found on the suspects.

Amendment Proposed: Immediately after the word "how" in line I insert the word "fake" therein (Senator - Enugu North).

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Proposed Resolution (iv) That the Senate do urge the Plateau State Government to fully implement the recommendations of previous Judicial Panels of Inquiry on the various Religious Crises in order to forestall future occurrence - Agreed to.

Amendment Proposed: Insert a new Proposed Resolution as follows: "That the Senate do urge the Federal Government, Plateau State Government and all relevant security agencies to bring an end to the carnage and restore peace and order in the crises ridden areas of Plateau State" (Senator Abubakar D. Sodangi - Nasarawa West)

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Amendment Proposed: Insert a new Proposed Resolution as follows: "That the Senate do urge the Federal Government to audit or assess the effectiveness of our intelligence security agencies for necessary action" (Senator Joseph Akaagerger - Benue North East)

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Another Amendment Proposed: Insert a new Proposed Resolution as follows: "That the Senate do observe one minute silence in honour of those that lost their lives in the Jos crisis" (Senator Kabiru 1. Gaya - Kano South)

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Resolved: That the Senate do: (i) condemn the latest outbreak of hostilities in Plateau State. No. 48 Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 365

(ii) urge the Plateau State Government and all relevant security agencies to fish out the perpetrators and sponsors of this latest act of violence and bring them to book to serve as deterrent to others with similar tendencies.

(iii) urge the Federal Government and relevant agencies to investigate how fake military uniforms and arms were found on the suspects.

(iv) urge the Plateau State Government to ful1y implement the recornmendations of previous Judicial Panels of Inquiry on the various Religious Crises in order to forestall future occurrence.

(v) urge the Federal Government, Plateau State Government and al1 relevant security agencies to bring an end to the carnage and restore peace and order in the crises ridden areas of Plateau State.

(vi) urge the Federal Government to audit or assess the effectiveness of our intel1igence security agencies for necessary action.

(vii) Observe one minute silence in honour of those that lost their lives in the Plateau crisis (S. Resl063/3/J 0).

One minute silence accordingly observed.

7. Earthquake in the Republic of Haiti: Motion made: The Senate notes with grief and deep sympathy reports that the Republic of Haiti was struck by a massive and devastating earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale on Tuesday, January 12,2010, and that the quake was the most powerful and destructive for 200 years;

Notes further that Haiti is the oldest Black Nation in the world having gained independence in 1804 but remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere due to continued serious misrule by successive leaders;

Acknowledges that reports emanating from Haiti suggest that the quake has left a humanitarian crisis in its wake. Casualties are put at 150,000 - 200,000 people dead, many more injured and about one third of the entire population (over 2 mi11ionpeople) homeless. Numerous public and private buildings have been destroyed including the presidential Palace, Parliament, United Nations building, schools, hospitals, etc;

Observes that the International Community including the United Nations and its agencies and numerous aid agencies have responded to the catastrophe with massive aid to Haiti;

Observes further that there are very serious chal1enges confronting aid workers in distributing food, water, shelter and medical supplies to survivors because of col1apse of infrastructure within the country and that materials available are no where near enough to go round affected people in view of the scale of the calamity;

Recalls that Nigeria has always responded positively as a respected member of the international community by sending troops, aid materials and funds to areas of crisis whenever these were needed; and

Accepts that this is another opportunity for Nigeria as a nation to show that we are our brother's keeper by reaching out to the Republic of Haiti during its time of anguish and tribulation.

Accordingly resolves to: (i) Urge the Federal Government to send an official condolence to the Government and People of Haiti; 366 Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 No. 48

(ii) Urge the Federal Government of Nigeria to direct appropriate departments and agencies including NEMA, the Red Cross and Red Crescent to mobilize as much resources/materials as possible with a view to sending aid to support relief efforts in Haiti;

(iii) Show example by encouraging contributions on a voluntary basis from willing Senators and other members of the National Assembly for the purchase of food, drugs and other relief materials for onward transmission to Haiti; and

(iv) Set up an Ad-Hoc Committee to coordinate collection of contributions from the National Assembly and liaise with appropriate agencies to ensure transmission of funds and materials so collected to the right quarters (Senator Bassey Ewa-Henshaw - Cross River South).


Proposed Resolution (i): Question: That the Senate do urge the Federal Government to send an official condolence to the Govemment and People of Haiti- Negatived.

Proposed Resolution (ii): Question: That the Senate do urge the Federal Government of Nigeria to direct appropriate Departments and Agencies including NEMA, the Red Cross and Red Crescent to mobilize as much resources/materials as possible with a view to sending aid to support relief efforts in Haiti

Proposed Resolution (iii): Question: That the Senate do show example by encouraging contributions on a voluntary basis from willing Senators and other members of the National Assembly for the purchase of food, drugs and other relief materials for onward transmission to Haiti.

Amendment Proposed: Leave out the proposed resolution (iii) and insert the following instead thereof: "Show leadership by example through contributions from Senators" (Senator Ahmad l. Lawan - Yobe North).

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Proposed Resolution (iv): Question: That the Senate do set up an Ad-Hoc Committee to coordinate collection of contributions from the National Assembly and liaise with appropriate agencies to ensure transmission of funds and materials so collected to the right quarters.

Amendment Proposed: Leave out all the words immediately after the word "from" in line 1 and insert the word "Senators" (Senator James E. Manager - Delta South).

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to.

Amendment Proposed: Insert a new Proposed Resolution as follows: That the Senate do observe one minute silence in honour of those that lost their lives in the earthquake (Senator James E. Manager - Delta South).

Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to. No. 48 Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 367

Resolved: That the Senate do: (i) urge the Federal Government of Nigeria to direct appropriate Departments and Agencies including NEMA, the Red Cross and Red Crescentto mobilize as much resources/materials as possible with a view to sending aid to support relief efforts in Haiti;

(ii) show leadership by example through contributions from Senators:

(iii) set up an Ad-Hoc Committee to coordinate collection of contributions from Senators; and

(iv) observe one minute silence in honour of those that lost their lives in the Earthquake (S. Res/064/3/l0).

One minute silence accordingly observed.

8. Committee on Foreign Affairs: Screening of Nominee Motion made: That the Senate do consider the Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the screening of Professor Adebowale 1. Adefuye as an Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Senator fibril M. Aminu - Adamawa Central)

Question put and agreed to.

Report presented.

Motion made: That the Senate do resolve into the Committee of the Whole to consider the.Report (Senate Leader).

Question put and agreed to.


Consideration of the Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the screening of Professor Adebowale 1. Adefuye as an Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Recommendation: Nominee recommendedfor confirmation: Professor Adebowale 1. Adefuye - Agreed to.

(SENATE IN PLENARy) The Senate President reported that the Senate in the Committee of the Whole considered the Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the screening of Professor Adebowale I. Adefuye as an Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and approved the recommendation therein.

Question: That the Senate do approve the Report of the Committee of the Whole - Resolved in the Affirmative.


Question: "Will the Senate confirm the nomination of Professor Adebowale I. Adefuye as an Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria?" - Resolved in the Affirmative.

Nomination of Professor Adebowale I. Adefuye as an Ambassador of the Federal Republic oj Nigeria accordingly confirmed. 368 Wednesday, 20th January, 2010 No. 48

10. Committee on Education: Report on the National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration Bill 2010 (SB.123):

Consideration of Report deferred to another Legislative day.

11. Nigerian Agricultural Quarantine Service (Establisbment, etc) Bill 2010 (SB.180):

Consideration of Bill deferred to another Legislative day.

12. Adjournment: Motion made: That the Senate do adjourn till Thursday, 21st January, 2010 at 10.00 a.m. (Senate Leader).

Adjourned accordingly at 1.50 p.m.

Dr. David A. B. Mark, ocos, fnim President, Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.