W32 04/08/18 - 10/08/18

2 Jules Peters: My Cancer Journey 3 Eisteddfod 2018 with Jason Mohammad 4 Keeping Faith 5 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2018

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NOTE TO EDITORS: All details correct at time of going to press, but programmes are liable to change. Please check with BBC Cymru Wales Communications on 029 2032 2115 before publishing. NODYN I OLYGYDDION: Mae’r manylion hyn yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg, ond mae rhaglenni yn gallu newid. Cyn cyhoeddi gwybodaeth, cysylltwch â’r Adran Gyfathrebu ar 029 2032 2115.



Tuesday, August 7 BBC One Wales, 10.40pm

Jules Peters is the manager, band mate and wife of The Alarm’s Mike Peters. Two years ago, while filming a documentary about Mike’s 20-year battle with cancer, Jules received the devastating news that she had breast cancer.

Now free of cancer, Jules is on a journey to rebuild her broken body. As a performer, losing her hair and part of her breast was a hugely difficult process.

Jules Peters: My Cancer Journey sees Jules exploring her relationship with her new body and meeting other women who have shared the same experiences during their cancer treatment.

During this remarkably honest documentary, Jules meets world-famous harpist Catrin Finch, who has recently started cancer treatment, and Nicola, a mother of young children who Jules contacted online during her cancer journey.

Jules also meets three friends brought together by cancer who have found their own way of dealing with their diagnosis, by sharing their most intimate fears and their deepest concerns in a podcast.

Gwawr Jones



Wednesday, August 8 & Friday, August 10 BBC One Wales, 7.30pm

It’s a pop-up city within the capital city that celebrates the best of Welsh culture. The Eisteddfod is the natural showcase for music, dance, visual arts, literature, original performances and much more.

Jason Mohammad, himself a Welsh-speaking local lad, heads down to Bay to bring all the highlights and stories from the National Eisteddfod of Wales to discover how this most ancient of festivals is evolving to remain a relevant cultural force.

The week-long festival starts with a musical tribute to singer, actor and political activist Paul Robeson, 50 years after he sang in the 1958 Eisteddfod, inspired by the struggles of the Welsh miners. Jason will speak to the stars of the show including Sir Bryn Terfel.

Radio presenter , who’s the Honorary President of this year’s Eisteddfod, looks at the diverse range of pop and rock performances being played out over the week.

Jason will also be catching up with Wales and Lions rugby star Jamie Roberts, who’s being honoured at the Eisteddfod this year, in his home town.

And the programme will also visit the Lle Celf - the largest temporary modern art exhibition in Europe. He’ll enjoy the work of the Gold Medal winners in Fine Art, Contemporary Art, Craft and Design – as well as Architecture.

Eisteddfod 2018 with Jason Mohammad will bring the best stories and performances from this truly unique event.

Stephen Morgan



Thursday, August 9 BBC One, 9pm


There has still been no word from Evan. And as the police arrive to respond to the break-in at the family home, Faith frantically tries to hide the evidence - but soon Evan’s possessions and the bullet used to threaten Faith are found. Steve Baldini’s growing closeness to Faith raises questions from Terry, and now the police are secretly tailing her.

Trying to keep her life together, Faith takes on the case of an elderly farmer who is being forced from his home by an unscrupulous landlord.

Following further leads, Faith makes an appointment with dentist Dr Alpay, who demands cash for information about Evan. And the stakes are raised further when Faith receives a disturbing visit from Gael Riordan.

And the pressure of recent events starts to show on Evan’s sister Bethan.

Sioned Gwyn



Gwener Awst 3 - Sul Awst 12, BBC Cymru ar Friday August 3 - Sunday August 12, BBC Wales on S4C

CROESO I’R EISTEDDFOD Gwener/Friday, 8pm RHAGLEN Y DYDD Sadwrn/Saturday, 10am; Sul/Sunday, 12pm; Llun/Monday-Sadwrn/Saturday, 10am MWY O’R MAES Sadwrn/Saturday, 8.00pm; Sul/Sunday, 9.35pm; Llun/Monday, 8pm; Mawrth/Tuesday, 8pm; Mercher/Wednesday, 9.30pm; Iau/Thursday, 8pm; Gwener/Friday, 9.30pm & Sadwrn/Saturday, 8pm OEDFA’R EISTEDDFOD Sul/Sunday, 11am Y BABELL LÊN Llun/Monday, 10.30pm;Mawrth/Tuesday, 10pm;Mercher/Wednesday, 10.30pm; Iau/Thursday, 10pm; Gwener/Friday, 10.30pm & Sadwrn/Saturday, 10.30pm UCHAFBWYNTIAU’R WYTHNOS Sul/Sunday, 7.30pm UCHAFBWYNTIAU’R BABELL LÊN Sul/Sunday, 10.30pm .co.uk/cymrufyw #steddfod2018

Maes Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Caerdydd yw canolbwynt BBC Cymru yr wythnos hon, gyda darpariaeth estynedig o’r pafiliwn, o’r maes ac o ddigwyddiadau’r Eisteddfod ar deledu, radio ac ar-lein drwy gydol yr ŵyl.

Ffion Dafis fydd yn cyflwyno Croeso i’r Eisteddfod, ac yn agor drysau’r ŵyl am eleni gan roi sylw i’r gyngerdd agoriadol gyda Syr Bryn Terfel, cerddoriaeth Robat Arwyn a geiriau Mererid Hopwood.

Iwan Griffiths a’i westeion fydd yn crynhoi uchafbwyntiau’r dydd yn Mwy o’r Maes, gyda’r canlyniadau, sgyrsiau a holl hwyl y maes.

Nia Roberts, Heledd Cynwal, Seren Jones, Steffan Powell a Sean Fletcher fydd yn croesawu gwylwyr i’r rhaglen fyw ddyddiol, Rhaglen y Dydd, ac yn cyflwyno’r cystadlu o’r pafiliwn yn ogystal â rhoi blas o’r amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau ac atyniadau eraill ar y maes, gyda Ffion Dafis yn crynhoi Uchafbwyntiau’r Wythnos ar y nos Sul olaf.

● Ar BBC Radio Cymru, lleisiau cyfarwydd Hywel Gwynfryn a Rhiannon Lewis fydd yng ngofal y darllediadau oddi ar y prif lwyfan, gyda Siôn Tomos Owen, Ffion Emyr ac Anni Llŷn yn crwydro’r maes a Nia Lloyd Jones yn dod â’r holl fwrlwm o gefn y prif lwyfan. Bydd trafodaeth ar bynciau llosg y dydd ar Taro’r Post am 1pm gyda Garry Owen. Bydd uchafbwyntiau’r Babell Lên gyda Catrin Beard am 7.30pm a bydd Tocyn Wythnos yno gyda Beti George yn rhoi blas o’r brifwyl gyfan bob nos am 6.15pm. Am 9pm nos Fawrth i


nos Wener bydd Lisa Gwilym yn dod ag awyrgylch y gigs fin nos yng nghwmni Huw Stephens, Georgia Ruth a Huw Evans, wrth iddyn nhw dywys gwrandawyr drwy rhai o ddigwyddiadau cerddorol yr Eisteddfod.

● Bydd yr Eisteddfod hefyd yn cael sylw yn ystod rhaglenni BBC Radio Wales, gydag Elen Ifan yn dod â blas dyddiol o’r maes, ac Eleri Siôn yn darlledu’n fyw o’r Eisteddfod, brynhawn Gwener, Awst 4, 1-4pm.

● Ar wefan BBC Cymru Fyw bydd modd gwylio fideo byw o’r pafiliwn trwy’r dydd ar bob dyfais, yn cynnwys cyfieithu ar y pryd yn Saesneg. Yn ogystal, fe fydd yr holl ganlyniadau ar gael a fideos o uchafbwyntiau’r cystadlu yn y pafiliwn, y newyddion diweddaraf o’r maes ac orielau o luniau dyddiol. Y cyfan ar bbc.co.uk/cymrufyw neu lawrlwythwch Ap Cymru Fyw.

This week, BBC Wales’ focus will be on the National Eisteddfod of Wales from Cardiff Bay, with extended coverage on television, radio and online.

Ffion Davies presents Croeso i’r Eisteddfod, welcoming viewers to this year’s festival, taking a look at the preparations for the week ahead, as well as coverage of the opening concert, ‘Hwn yw fy Mrawd’, featuring Sir Bryn Terfel, music by Robat Arwyn and words by Mererid Hopwood.

Iwan Griffiths and his guests will have highlights of the day in Mwy o’r Maes, with results and all the action from the Eisteddfod.

Nia Roberts, Heledd Cynwal, Seren Jones, Steffan Powell and Sean Fletcher will have daily live coverage in Rhaglen y Dydd, presenting the competing from the pavilion as well as giving a taste of the variety of events and other attractions on the field.

● On BBC Radio Cymru, Hywel Gwynfryn and Rhiannon Lewis’ familiar voices will be in charge of the live broadcasting from the main stage, with Siôn Tomos Owen, Ffion Emyr and Anni Llŷn roaming the field and Nia Lloyd Jones bringing us all the hustle and bustle backstage. Garry Owen will be hosting a discussion and debate about the hot topics on Taro’r Post at 1pm. There will be literary highlights in Y Babell Lên with Catrin Beard at 7.30pm and Tocyn Wythnos with Beti George will give a flavour of the festival every night from 6.15pm. At 9pm on Tuesday to Friday, Lisa Gwilym will give a taster of the evening gigs, joined by Huw Stephens, Georgia Ruth and Huw Evans, as they take listeners on a journey through some of the musical events of the festival.

● The Eisteddfod will also be part of BBC Radio Wales’ week, with Elen Ifan bringing a daily dose of the festival to listeners, and Eleri Siôn will be broadcasting live from the Eisteddfod on Friday, August 10, 1-4pm.

● On the BBC Cymru Fyw website there will be a live video coverage from the pavilion all day, including simultaneous translation in English. In addition, there will be results and video highlights of the competing in the pavilion, news updates from the festival and daily photo galleries. All on bbc.co.uk/cymrufyw or download the Cymru Fyw app.

Stephen Morgan