Martha Stephens Papers – The Cincinnati Radiation Experiments, 1960-1972 University Archives UA-05-05 Archives & Rare Books Library 808 Carl Blegen Library 2602 McMicken Circle – P.O. Box 210113 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 45221-0113 513-556-1959 513-556-2113 (FAX)

STATEMENT BY MARTHA STEPHENS In organizing these papers on the radiation experiments at UC, I have assumed that those interested in the subject will be acquainted with my book The Treatment: The Story of Those Who Died in the Cincinnati Radiation Tests (Duke University Press, 2002). Not everything in these papers will be self- explanatory outside the context of the book, but some documents can certainly be read or understood on their own—the hearing transcripts, for instance, the newspaper clippings, most of the legal briefs, the publications of the researchers, and their reports over the years to the Defense Department. A list of books related to this subject appears in the appendices of The Treatment. Major entries include Human Guinea Pigs by M.H. Pappworth, MD; Bad Blood (on the Tuskegee syphilis experiments) by James Jones; The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code, edited by George Annas and Michael Grodin; the issue on Nuremberg of The Journal of the American Medical Association, November 27, 1996 (volume 276, number 20); and The Files (on the full range of US deliberate exposures during the Cold War) by Eileen Welsome. No complete set of the papers released by the UC College of Medicine in 1994 is available in this collection, thought many papers from those materials are attached to the folder here of one kind or another. A full set of these somewhat jumbled but important releases, taken from the back files of the College, may continue to be available in the medical archives on East Campus.

Certain files concerning the individual researchers, as well as papers concerning myself and the Junior Faculty Association, are separately available within the Archives and Rare Books Library. It might be pointed out that where I generally refer to the events from 1960-1972 as “the UC radiation experiments” (or “tests”), the researchers and their colleagues often use the term “study”—“the whole- body study,” i.e.

Readers of these papers will find a certain number of large-print pages. I have had low vision most of my life and often make use of the enlargements; in most cases the originals I enlarged were still in my files and have been provided in place of enlargements.

Most papers here will have a date attached, but not all. Where possible, I’ve attempted to order the pages within folders by their dates or approximate dates. I also attempted to discard duplicate pages, but some duplicates will no doubt appear.

When The Treatment appeared in 2002, a whole set of new papers, reviews, correspondences, and so on, were of course generated. I have provided here only a small sample of these materials, but I may in time make an additional gift of documents surrounding this publication. —Martha Stephens, June 2005

SERIES HEADINGS (Click on the Series to go to that section of the collection inventory) SERIES 1 - Miscellaneous Materials SERIES 2 - Department of Defense Reports, and Contract with Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA) SERIES 3 - Reports on University of Cincinnati Radiation Tests SERIES 4 - Master File of Newspaper Clippings, 1994-1999 SERIES 5 - Legal Briefs from Cincinnati Radiation Litigation SERIES 6 - Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, Miscellaneous Papers SERIES 7 - Bryant Hearing in Cincinnati SERIES 8 - Individual Victims and Surviving Families of Cincinnati Radiation Experiments SERIES 9 - Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) SERIES 10 - Materials Not Otherwise Attached, ca. 1990s SERIES 11 - Papers Related Only Indirectly to the University of Cincinnati Radiation Tests SERIES 12 - Sample Documents on The Treatment; Basic Tables of Victim Data


Box 1: SERIES 1—Miscellaneous materials 1. A letter from Joseph G. Hamilton to Shields Warren, speculating as to the level at which radiation exposure would become incapacitating and/or lethal, indicating the US Atomic Energy Commission has interest in finding adult male human test subjects but fears public reaction: 11/28/1950 2. Material from University of Cincinnati archives about various personnel responsible for radiation tests, such as Dr. James G. Kereiakes, Dr. Edward A. Gall and Dr. Thomas Z. Gaffney: various dates 3. Memorandums on tests by University of Cincinnati faculty: Dr. Thomas E. Gaffney, Dr. George Shields, Dr. Edward P. Radford, Dr. R.L. Witt, and Dr. Harvey C. Knowles, Jr., and Dr. Edward A. Gall: 1967 4. Clippings from The Cincinnati Post and The Cincinnati Enquirer with regard to the tests: early 1970s 5. Clippings from the News Record and other sources with regard to disclosures: 1972 6. Information about journalist Polk Laffoon, including an interview with Dr. Clifford G. Grulee; information about Dr. Jerry Wiot and Dr. Ted Silberstein 7. “Whole Body and Partial Body Radiotherapy of Advanced Cancer,” by Dr. Eugene L Saenger et al.: March 1973; “Total and Half Body Irradiation: Effect on Cognitive and Emotional Processes,” by Dr. Louis A. Gottschalk et al.: November 1969; “Radiation-Induced Urinary Excretion of Deoxycytidine by Rats and Humans,” by I-Wen Chen, PhD, et al.: August 1968; “Colorimetric Analysis of Deoxycytidine in Urine after Separation by Ion-Exchange Column Chromatography,” by I-Wen Chen, PhD, et al.; 5/16/1967; “Colorimetric Analysis of Deoxycytidine in Urine after Separation by Ion- Exchange Column Chromatography,” by I-Wen Chen, PhD, et al.: May 1968; “Cytologic-Biochemical Radiation Dosimeters in Man,” by Dr. Edward Silberstein et al.: 1970 or 1971?; and “Comparison of Serum Phenylalanine Levels with Growth in Guthrie’s Inhibition Assay in Newborn Infants,” by Carolyn Scheel and Helen K. Berry: October 1962 8. Material regarding Dr. Edward Silberstein, as well as Dr. Eugene L. Saenger’s unpublished defense of the tests “Ethics on Trial”: early 1970s 9. “Active Bone Marrow Dose Related to Hematological Changes in Whole Body and Partial Body 60 CO Gamma Radiation Exposures,” by James G. Kereiakes, PhD; William Van de Riet, PhD; Clifford Born, MS; Carol Ewing; Edward Silberstein, MD; and Eugene L. Saenger, MD: 1/25/1972 10. Various materials, including “The Cabinet of Dr. DOD,” by Paul Jacobs: 3/9/1970; a letter from Senator Mark Gravel to Dr. Robert W. McConnell: 2/4/1972; Congressional Record, vol. 117, no. 154: 10/15/1971; a letter from Dr. Eugene L. Saenger to Dr. Edward Gall: 4/24/1972; and an excerpt from Silent Slaughter, by Joel Griffiths and Richard Ballantine (Henry Regenery Company, 1972) Back to Series Description SERIES 2—Department of Defense Reports, as well as a folder with a set of patient profiles from these reports and one with University of Cincinnati contracts with the Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA) 11. Contracts between the University of Cincinnati and the Defense Atomic Support Agency: contract no. DA-49-146-XZ-029 modification no. 1, effective 2/28/1961; contract no. DA-49-146-XZ-029 modification no. 2, effective 6/15/1961; contract no. DA-49-146-XZ-029 modification no. 3, effective 4/15/1962; and contract no. DA-49-146-XZ-029 modification no. 4, effective 4/1/1963 12. Total Body Irradiation patient profiles: 1960-1971 13. List of technical reports submitted by the University of Cincinnati to the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA, formerly DASA) from February 1960-April 1971 14. “Radiation Effects in Man: Manifestations and Therapeutic Efforts,” an annual report covering the period February 1960-October 1961, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored Dr. Eugene L. Saenger and others 15. “Metabolic Changes in Humans Following Total Body Irradiation,” a report covering the period 11/1/1961-4/30/1963, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Dr. Eugene L. Saenger and others 16. “Metabolic Changes in Humans Following Total Body Irradiation,” a report covering the period 5/1/1963-2/29/1964, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Eugene L. Saenger, MD; Ben I. Friedman, MD; James G. Kereiakes, PhD; and Harold Perry, MD 17. “Metabolic Changes in Humans Following Total-Body Irradiation,” a report covering the period February 1960-4/30/1960, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Eugene L. Saenger, MD; Ben I. Friedman, MD; James G. Kereiakes, PhD; and Harold Perry, MD 18. “Metabolic Changes in Humans Following Total Body Radiation,” a report covering the period 5/1/1966-4/30/1967, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Eugene L. Saenger, MD; Ben I. Friedman, MD; Harry Horowitz, MD; James G. Kereiakes, PhD; and Harold Perry, MD 19. “Radiation Effects in Man: Manifestations and Therapeutic Efforts,” a report covering the period 5/1/1967-4/30/1968, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Eugene L. Saenger, MD; Ben I. Friedman, MD; Harry Horowitz, MD; and James G. Kereiakes, PhD 20. “Radiation Effects in Man: Manifestations and Therapeutic Efforts,” a report covering the period 5/1/1968-4/30/1969, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Eugene L. Saenger, MD; Edward B. Silberstein, MD; Harry Horowitz, MD; James G. Kereiakes, PhD; I-Wen Chen, PhD; Carolyn Winget, MA; Goldine C. Gleser, PhD; and Robert L. Kunkel, MD 21. “Radiation Effects in Man; Manifestations and Therapeutic Efforts,” a report covering the period 5/1/1969-4/30/1970, submitted to the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati, authored by Dr. Edward Silberstein and others 22. “Radiation Effects in Man: Manifestations and Therapeutic Efforts,” a report covering the period 5/1970-4/1971, prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Eugene L. Saenger, MD; Edward B. Silberstein, MD; Bernard S. Aron, MD; Harry Horowitz, MD; James G. Kereiakes, PhD; I-Wen Chen, PhD; Carolyn Winget, MA; and Golden C. Gleser, PhD 23. “Radiation Effects in Man: Manifestations and Therapeutic Efforts,” a report covering the period 4/1/1971-3/31/1972, prepared for the Defense Nuclear Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, authored by Eugene L. Saenger, MD; Edward B. Silberstein, MD; Bernard S. Aron, MD; James G. Kereiakes, PhD; I-Wen Chen, PhD; Carolyn Winget, MA; Goldine C. Gleser, PhD 24. Sections of various reports prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency/Defense Nuclear Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine: 1968-1972 25. Sections of various reports prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency/Defense Nuclear Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine: 1970-1972 26. University of Cincinnati Medical Center consent forms for whole and partial body irradiation 27. Additional copies of various reports prepared for the Defense Atomic Support Agency/Defense Nuclear Agency by the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine: 1960-1972 Back to Series Description SERIES 3—Reports on University of Cincinnati radiation tests 28. A letter from Senator Mike Gravel to Dr. Robert W. McDonnell, requesting input on the partial and whole body irradiation performed by Dr. Eugene L. Saenger: 12/15/1971; report on the University of Cincinnati radiation tests by the American College of Radiology (Dr. Robert W. McDonnell, President), addressing Senator Mike Gravel: 1/3/1972 29. Congressional Record, vol. 118, no.7, containing an article by Stuart Auerbach, “Faculty Study Hits Whole-Body Radiation Plan” (Washington Post, 1/26/1972), along with a report on the University of Cincinnati radiation tests by the Junior Faculty Association of the University of Cincinnati: 1/26/1972 30. “The Whole Body Radiation Study at the University of Cincinnati: A Report to the Dean of the College of Medicine” (“The Suskind Report”), by the Ad Hoc Review Committee of the University of Cincinnati formed by Dr. Clifford G. Grulee, Jr., in order to investigate the radiation tests and consisting of Dr. Raymond Suskind, Dr. Bernard Aron, Dr. Eugene Conway, Dr. Robert Daniels, Dr. Paul Herget, Dr. Evelyn Hess, Dr. Daniel Kline, Dr. Harvey Knowles, Dr. Alvin Mauer, Dr. Milton Orchin, and Dr. Edward Pratt: 1/1972; also, assorted contemporaneous documents relating directly to “The Suskind Report” 31. Consent forms from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center 32. “The Therapeutic Effect of Total and Large Field Partial Body Irradiation Followed by Infusion of Autologous Marrow in Humans,” a proposal for further experiments in whole and partial body irradiation, sent to Dr. Evelyn Hess, Chairman of the Committee on Research at Cincinnati General Hospital, by Dr. Edward B. Silberstein and Dr. Eugene L. Saenger, approved August 1971; also, correspondence between Dr. Evelyn Hess and Dr. Edward B. Silberstein, among others, with regard to Faculty Committee on Research approval of additional radiation tests 33. A brief statement concerning the psychological/psychiatric dimensions of the radiation tests, by Carolyn Winget, MA and Robert Kunkel, MD: undated 34. A statement from the Department of Defense “concerning contractual arrangements with the University of Cincinnati in connection with whole-body radiation research”: 10/14/1971 35. “Protection of the Individual as a Research Subject,” published the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service: undated 36. Various letters regarding the radiation experiments, the Ad Hoc Review Committee of the University of Cincinnati, and the availability of “The Suskind Report” to outside parties pursuing independent research: 1967-1974 Back to Series Description

Box 2: SERIES 4—Master file of newspaper clippings: 1994-1999 1. Master file of newspaper clippings, one hundred and sixty-two of which are hand-numbered in chronological order, mostly from The Cincinnati Enquirer and The Cincinnati Post during 1994 but also including different newspapers and later dates, concerning: disclosures about the radiation tests, different reactions thereto from members of the Cincinnati community, and a class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of the test participants by Martha Stephens and others; also, a bibliography of sixteen similar articles in other newspapers Back to Series Description SERIES 5—Legal briefs from “Cincinnati Radiation Litigation” (various cases of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Western Division, primarily no. C-1- 94-126, but also nos. C-194-146, C-1-94-149, and C-1-94-179, unless otherwise noted) 2. An index to pleadings and orders, as well as the pre-settlement proposal, related to the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, covering the period 2/24/1994-4/26/1995; also, an index to settlement documents, linked to the same case, covering the period 9/28/1996-12/12/1997 3. The essential ruling by Judge Sandra S. Beckwith, presiding over the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, in which she rejected the motion on behalf of eleven MDs and four PhDs for dismissal as individual defendants; also, material related to the Nuremberg Code as applied in this case, as well as preliminary approval of a settlement:1994-1997 4. Various stipulations of plaintiffs in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 4/15/1994 5. Various material related to insurance carried by the University of Cincinnati, mostly correspondence, forms, and patient profiles relating to professional liability coverage carried by the University Hospital, formerly Cincinnati General Hospital, from the period 11/1/1962-7/1/1968: 1960s, 1990s 6. Plaintiffs’ first amended complaint in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 5/2/1994 7. Possible excerpts from the plaintiffs’ original complaint in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: undated 8. Various individual defendants’ motion to dismiss in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 6/2/1994 9. The defendant City of Cincinnati’s motion to dismiss in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 6/2/1994 10. Reply brief of the individual defendants-appellants Eugene L. Saenger, MD, et al. in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, as submitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, case nos. 95-3105 and 95-3170: 6/23/1995? 11. Plaintiff’s memorandum in opposition to defendants’ motion to dismiss in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 9/8/1994 12. Brief of the individual defendants-appellants Eugene L. Saenger, MD, et al. in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, as submitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, case nos. 95-3105 and 95-3170: 4/10/1995 13. Reply memorandum in support of the individual defendants’ motion to dismiss in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 2/29/1994 14. Plaintiff’s memorandum in opposition to the motion of the University of Cincinnati for a protective order and an order modifying subpoena in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 4/5/1994 15. Brief of defendants-appellants Dr. Myron I. Varon and Dr. Warren O. Kessler in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, as submitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, case nos. 95-3170 and 95-3150 (consolidated): 4/10/95 16. Memorandum of the University of Cincinnati opposing plaintiffs’ motion to compel and clarify September 23rd order in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 12/20/1994 17. Answer of defendant University of Cincinnati to plaintiffs’ second amended consolidated class-action complaint in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 12/6/1994 18. Financial statements of various unidentified individuals connected with the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, interspersed with additional insurance coverage information: mostly from the 1960s and 1994-1996 19. Objectors motion for a limited lifting of the stay of discovery in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/14/1997 20. Brief of the “Objecting Parties” in opposition to the preliminary approval of proposed settlement requiring a mandatory class in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 12/16/1996 21. Objectors’ motion for a limited lifting of the stay of discovery in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 12/12/1997 22. Appendix to plaintiffs’ memorandum in support of preliminary approval of proposed settlement (affidavits and declarations of counsel and family members) in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/31/1997 23. Memorandum of the University of Cincinnati with respect to the settlement approval in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/31/1997 24. Individual defendants’ memorandum in opposition to objectors’ motion for a limited lifting of the stay of discovery in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 5/8/1997 25. Individual defendants’ memorandum in support of the approval of class certification and settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/31/1997 26. Plaintiffs’ memorandum in support of preliminary approval of proposed settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/31/1997 27. Plaintiffs’ memorandum in opposition to objectors’ motion for limited lifting of the stay of discovery in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 5/2/1997 28. Individual defendants’ memorandum in support of renewed joint motion for approval of class certification and settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 9/3/1997 29. Declaration of Patricia Gray pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746 in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 9/3/1997 30. Plaintiffs’ reply memorandum in support of renewed motion for preliminary approval of proposed settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 10/8/1997 31. Renewed joint motion for approval of class certification and settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 9/3/1997 32. Declaration of Robert J. Nelson in support of motion for preliminary approval of settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/30/1997 33. Affidavit of David I. Thompson in regard to the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: date missing 34. Objectors’ memorandum in opposition to renewed motions for mandatory settlement class certification proposal and preliminary approval of proposed class settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 9/25/1997 35. Memorandum of defendant University of Cincinnati opposing objectors’ motion to lift stay of discovery as to the University in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 12/23/1997 36. Objectors’ joint reply to individual defendants’ response to the court’s December 18th show cause order in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/5/1998 37. Plaintiffs’ memorandum of points and authorities in opposition to objectors’ motion to intervene in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 5/8/1998 38. Motion to disqualify and in the alternative for an order precluding objectors’ counsel from charging or receiving attorneys’ fees in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 5/20/1998 39. Objectors’ memorandum in opposition to motion to disqualify or to preclude objectors’ counsel from receiving attorneys’ fees in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 6/15/1998 40. Plaintiffs’ reply memorandum to objectors’ memorandum in opposition to motion to disqualify and/or preclude objectors counsel from receiving attorneys’ fees in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 6/22/1998 41. Plaintiff-objectors’ motion for a protective order as set forth in the accompanying memorandum in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 6/29/1998 42. Plaintiffs’ memorandum in opposition to objectors’ motion for protective order in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 7/2/1998 43. Judge Sandra S. Beckwith’s order with regard to objectors’ motion to intervene, plaintiffs’ motion to disqualify objectors’ counsel, and objectors’ motion for protective order in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 7/8/1998 44. Various court documents relating to final settlement approval in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 5/13/1999 45. Stipulation of dismissal with prejudice in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 7/17/1999 46. Dismissal of claims with prejudice in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 7/27/1999 47. Unopposed motion of objectors for an order authorizing disbursement of funds from The Cincinnati Radiation Litigation Objector Escrow Fund: 7/27/1999 48. Order granting recognition awards in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 9/14/1999 49. Bill for $12,833.02 from Newman and Meeks, L.P.A to Gregory Shuff for services rendered during the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation during the period 4/24/1998-4/9/1999 50. Order regarding defendants’ motion to dismiss in David Day, et al. vs. NLO, inc., et al., case no. C-1- 90-067 of the United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio, Western Division, possibly attached to a memorandum in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: date unreadable 51. The University of Rochester’s scheduling conference submission in Robert A. Mousso, et al., v. The University of Rochester, et al. in case no. 95-CV-6288T of the United States District Court, Western District of New York: 5/06/1996 Back to Series Description

Box 3: SERIES 6—Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, miscellaneous papers 1. Résumé of Judge Sandra S. Beckwith: 11/14/1997 2. Letter from Attorney Robert B. Newman to Martha Stephens: 812/1994; also, Martha Stephens’ reply, containing numerous case studies of participants in the radiation tests: 8/14/1997 3. Various materials concerning Robert B. Newman, some possibly provided by him, such as his résumé and a certificate of service, along with an excerpt from a draft of The Treatment, in which he makes an appearance: mostly 1990s 4. An excerpt, possibly from a legal brief, in which the University of Cincinnati provides various arguments for dismissing the complaint against it in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: date missing, presumably 1990s 5. Cincinnati City Council papers regarding the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: two letters from James E. Wesner to Fay D. Dupuis, the later one attached to letter from John F. Shirley to Tyrone K. Kates (dated 6/27/1994)): 4/14/1994, 6/3/1994 6. “Index to Documents Produced by U.C.,” covering primarily the 1960s and the 1970s albeit dating at least as late as 1994: 7/15/year missing; excerpts from radiation test patient files; “Excerpts of Documents Produced by U.C”; and a chronological index of disclosures by various institutions with regard to experimental expose of humans to radiation 7. A photocopied article concerning 42 U.S.C § 1983 and so-called “§ 1983 litigation” 8. “Coming to Class-Action Pacts Can Be Lucrative for Attorneys,” by Richard B. Schmidt (The Wall Street Journal): 1/10/1997 9. Notes and a letter from Frank W. Weyler to Judge Sandra S. Beckwith, dated 1/13/1998, referred to during the 11/16/1998 hearing on settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation 10. Affidavit of Daniel Berger, co-counsel for objectors during the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation: 1/22/1997 11. Martha Stephens’ notes on Daniel Berger’s affidavit, the defendants’ settlement proposal, the plaintiffs’ settlement proposal, Robert B. Newman’s affidavit, and Judge Sandra S. Beckwith’s preliminary approval of the settlement proposal: 1997? 12. Copies of testimonies not heard at the April 1994 Cincinnati Radiation Litigation hearings, provided by radiation test subjects’ relatives: Louise Richmond; Franklin Bunch: 4/6/1994; Catherine O. Hager: 4/7/1994; Clarence Bunch: 4/8/1994; Joe Larkins: 4/11/1994; Bettie M. Smith; Bob Phillips; and Donna Nance 13. Papers relating to settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, including the text of a proposed memorial plaque, the settlement agreement: 1996, a court order regarding the settlement, and various letters from attorney Robert B. Newman concerning settlement negotiation and the February 1997 fairness hearing: 7/26/1996-10/1/1998 14. Handwritten notes as to how much different families received through the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, according to probate documents from downtown Cincinnati 15. List of costs incurred by the University of Cincinnati during the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, covering the period February 1994-May 1998 16. Correspondence between Martha Stephens and both Robert B. Newman and Lisa T. Meeks of Newman and Meeks (a legal professional association) with regard to early drafts of The Treatment; also, information from Jennifer Parks concerning Robert B. Newman’s and Lisa T. Meeks role in Dunn vs. Voinovich 17. An index to settlement documents covering the period 9/28/1996-9/14/1999 Back to Series Description SERIES 7—Bryant Hearing in Cincinnati (House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations Hearing on Radiation Experiments Conducted by the University of Cincinnati Medical School with Department of Defense Funding) 18. Transcripts of questions posed to Dr. Eugene L. Saenger during the Bryant Hearing by three congressmen, referred to as Mr. Mann, Mr. Bryant, and Mr. Portman: undated 19. Numerous documents related to the Bryant Hearing, including a notice of witness to Martha Stephens: 3/24/1994; an excerpt from the statement of Dr. Eugene L. Saenger: 4/11/1994; the statement of Dr. Eugene S. Egilman: 4/11/1994; the statement of Martha Stephens, accompanied by a cover letter dated 4/9/1994; the statement of Congressman David Mann: 4/11/1994; the statement of Congressman Rob Portman: 4/11/1994; an excerpt of the statement of D. James D. Cox: April 1994; the statement of Dr. Gordon K. Soper, Principal Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy: 4/11/1994; the statement of Gloria Nelson: April 1994; the statement of Joseph A. Steger, President, University of Cincinnati: 4/11/1994; witness lists for the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations Hearing on Radiation Experiments Conducted by the University of Cincinnati Medical School with Department of Defense Funding: 4/11/1994; “Chronological Summary—DASA/DNA Reports”: undated; “Department of Defense Implementation of the ‘Common Rule’—Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects: 32 C.F.R § 219”: undated; “Project Chronology: October 1971-January 1973,” author unknown: undated; and notes on the Bryant Hearing by Akira Tashiro, senior staff writer of The Chugoku Shimbun 20. Large packet of materials relating to Dr. Eugene L. Saenger, including his statement at the Bryant Hearing (section 1): 4/11/1994 and his curriculum vitae, ostensibly current as of the date of the Bryant Hearing (section 2); a letter from Dr. Robert W. McConnell of the American College of Radiology to Senator Mike Gravel: 1/3/1972; a letter from the Comptroller General of the United States (signature unreadable) to Senator Edward M. Kennedy (section 9): 5/26/1972; and a bibliography of scientific papers published under Defense Atomic Support Agency contract on radiation effects on cancer patients (section 10) Back to Series Description SERIES 8—Individual victims and surviving families of the Cincinnati Radiation Experiments 21. Miscellaneous preparatory materials for litigation, including information about surviving family members and additional patient profiles 22. Notes on and patient profile of radiation experiment victims Maud Jacobs (patient M.J, study 045), Louise Richmond (patient L.R, study 082), Margaret Bacon (patient M.B., study 090), and Mike Spanagel (patient G.S., study 077) 23. Notes and newspaper articles on, as well as patient profile of radiation experiment victim Mary Hampton Singleton (patient M.S., study 106) 24. Notes on and patient profile of radiation experiment victim James Tidwell (patient J.T., study 007) 25. Notes on and patient profile of radiation experiment victim Lula Tarlton (patient L.T., study 010) 26. Letter to the editor of The Cincinnati Enquirer by Jackie Parcell of Milford, Ohio, along with a handwritten letter from Jackie Parcell to Martha Stephens, where the former asks the latter to investigate the 4/2/1974 death of her nephew, Pat Gebell (study 105), believed by her to have been irradiated in the radiation tests on 9/22/1970: 3/24/1994 27. Affidavits with regard to settlement in the Cincinnati Radiation Litigation, submitted by plaintiffs such as Leon Thomas and Clydia Dudley: 2/4/1997; Barbara Mathis: 1/29/1997; Herbert Varin: 1/28/1997; and many others 28. Department of Defense patient profiles for most of the radiation test studies numbered 17-110 29. Notes on, interviews with family members of, and patient profiles of various radiation experiment victims who died within one month of irradiation Back to Series Description

Box 4: SERIES 9—ACHRE (Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments) 1. Miscellaneous materials, including various newspaper articles discussing and the Junior Faculty Association; early correspondence between Martha Stephens and the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: May 1994; a memorandum from Advisory Committee staff to members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: 11/9/1994; and a letter from Congressmen Rob Portman, Steve Chabot, and Chris Smith to President Bill Clinton in support of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: 4/6/1995 2. Dr. David S. Egilman’s statement to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: 7/17/1994 3. Transcript of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments’ interview with Dr. Eugene L. Saenger at Cincinnati, Ohio, moderated by Dr. Ron Neman, Gary Stern, and Gil Whittemore: 9/15/1994 4. Transcript of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments’ interview with Dr. Eugene L. Saenger at Cincinnati, Ohio, moderated by Gary Stern and Jonathan Engel: 10/20/1994 5. Transcripts and memorandums relating to the 10/21/1994 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments’ interview with Dr. Eugene L. Saenger at Cincinnati, Ohio, including a statement prepared by Martha Stephens: 10/21/1994; also, material relating to the foundation of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, including the charter of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments; various biographical sketches of members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments; and an executive order from President Bill Clinton establishing the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: 1/18/1994 6. Transcript of an interview with Martha Stephens, conducted by Gary Stern and Jonathan Engel of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: 10/20/1995 7. A letter from R. Joseph Parker, attorney for Dr. Eugene L. Saenger, to Ruth Faden, PhD, MPH, of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, including a chi-square analysis of mortality data with respect to Cincinnati radiation experiment test subjects: 7/5/1995 8. Material relating to and provided by attorney Jay Katz, including letters sent to him by Martha Stephens: 9/12/1994, 6/10/1995, and 1999?; excerpts concerning Jay Katz from a draft of The Treatment; and “Experimentation with Human Subjects: Legal and Moral Considerations Regarding Radiation Treatment of Cancer at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,” by Richard N. Little, Jr.: 1972 9. “Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments”: 10/21/1994 10. Correspondence between Martha Stephens and Gary M. Stern, Senior Policy and Research Analyst of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: 5/24/1995, 6/3/1995; excerpts of a draft of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments report, including chapter eight, part II, “Total-Body Irradiation: Problems with Multiple-Purpose Research”: 7/14/1995 11. Draft of chapter eight, part II, “Total-Body Irradiation: Problems When Treatment and Research Are Intertwined,” of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments report: 9/22/1995 12. Draft of chapter eight, part II, “Total-Body Irradiation: Problems When Treatment and Research Are Intertwined,” of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments report: 9/9/1995 13. Draft of chapter two, part II, “Total Body Irradiation,” of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments report, revised 3/21/1995, including comments by Eli Glastein, Henry Royal, Mary Ann Stevenson, and Duncan Thomas: 5/31/1995 14. Transcript of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments public meeting in Washington, D.C.: 5/18/1994 15. Transcript of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments outreach panel meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio: 10/21/1994 16. Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, covering the period 1994- 1974 (ix, 925 pages): October 1995 Back to Series Description Box 5:

SERIES 10—Materials not otherwise attached, mostly of the 1990s 1. Transcript of Scott Simon interviewing Martha Stevens [sic] on WBXU with regard to the Cincinnati radiation tests: 3/1/1997 2. “Rename Sabin? His Wife Hopes No,” by Laura Pulfer (The Cincinnati Enquirer) about public resistance to the planned sale of naming rights for the Albert B. Sabin Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio: 2/25/1999 3. Various radiation-related materials given to Martha Stephens by Doris Baker, granddaughter of Newell (University of Cincinnati radiation tests study 020), which include “Damage Control on Human Radiation Experiments,” by Glenn Alcalay (CovertAction): spring 2005; memos from Advisory Committee staff to members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, regarding contemporary oversight of classified programs, human experimentation at atomic bomb tests with respect to the army proposal to expose human volunteers for determination of injury threshold, and post-World War II recruitment of German scientists (Project Paperclip): 4/5/1995, 4/5/1995, and 4/6/1995;National Association for Radiation Survivors, vol. xxii, no. 2: spring 1994; and various newspaper articles, mostly fromThe Cincinnati Enquirer and The Cincinnati Post 4. An extensive letter from Dr. David S. Egilman to Dr. Ruth Faden, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, in opposition to Joseph Parker and Dr. Eugene L. Saenger’s proposed changes to sections of the Committee’s report on total-body irradiation: 7/5/1995; “The University of Cincinnati Experiments: 1960-1972,” by Dr. David S. Egilman, J. Omari Johnson, and Wes Wallace: 10/28/1996 5. Various handwritten notes, including the cover of a fax transmission to Richard Harris, presumably a commentator on National Public Radio: 1/6/1994 6. Miscellaneous materials: correspondence between Martha Stephens and various individuals: 1994- 1995 “The Invisible Army That Fought by Night,” a statement delivered by Martha Stephens, possibly at the University of Cincinnati, on the radiation tests of the University of Cincinnati: 10/21/1994; a statement to the United States Congress by Dr. David S. Egilman: 1/18/1954; two copies of The Independent, a quarterly student paper at the University of Cincinnati, which mention the University of Cincinnati radiation tests; newspaper clippings: 1980s and 1990s; and the résumé of Nicholas P. Miller, reporter for The Cincinnati Post, who “broke the story” of the University of Cincinnati radiation tests 7. Miscellaneous papers: handwritten notes; business cards; newspaper clippings on various topics; a letter from Martha Stephens to Linda Reeves, a reporter for The Cincinnati Enquirer: 6/5/1994; a letter from Linda Reeves to Martha Stephens: 6/10/1994; and a collection of Linda Reeves’ notes on the University of Cincinnati radiation tests Back to Series Description SERIES 11—Papers related only indirectly to the University of Cincinnati radiation tests 8. The Delayed Effects of Whole Body Radiation: A Symposium, jointly sponsored by the Operations Research Office and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, edited by Bernard B. Watson: The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore: 1960 9. An excerpt of Telford Taylor’s opening statement at the prosecution of Nazi doctors associated with medical experiments at Auschwitz: 12/9/1946; also, related material regarding the Nuremberg Codes 10. Articles from various newspapers on various topics, such as health care reform, environmental disasters, and class-action lawsuits: mostly from the 1990s 11. “The Psychology of Genocide,” part III of Auschwitz: The Racial Cure, author not specified: undated 12. “Accidental Radiation Excursion at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant—IV,” by G.A. Andrews, B.W. Sitterson, A.L. Kretchmar, and M. Brucer: 4/7/1959; “Radioisotope in Pharmakokinetik und Klinischer Biochemie,” by Dr. G. Hoffman and Dr. H.A. Ladner: September 1968; “Possibilities for Improved Treatment of Persons Exposed in Radiation Accidents,” by G.A. Andrews, E. Balish, C.L. Edwards, R.M. Kinseley, and C.C. Lushbaugh: 1969; “Total-Body Irradiation in the Human Being,” by Gould A. Andrews: September 1965; “The Importance of Dosimetry to the Medical Management of Persons Accidentally Exposed to High Levels of Radiation,” by G.A. Andrews, J.A. Auxier, and C.C. Lushbaugh: 1965; “Radiation Death from Cardiovascular Shock Following a Criticality Accident,” by Dr. Herbert Fanger and Dr. Clarence C. Lushbaugh: May 1967; “Radiation Accidents and Their Management,” by Gould A. Andrews: 1967; “Clinical and Biological Consequences of Nuclear Explosions,” by Dr. Gould A. Andrews and Fred. F. Haywood, MS: September 1971; “Studies of Total-Body Irradiation and Attempted Marrow Transplantation in Acute Leukemia,” by Gould A. Andrews, Beecher W. Sitterson, Arthur L. Kretchmar, and Ryosaku Tanida: 1961; “Treatment of Radiation Injury,” by G. A. Andrews, MD: October 1966; and “Biomedical Research Areas Supported by the National Institutes of Health,” author not specified: undated, presumably 1950s or 1960s 13. Title page and partial table of contents of Dead Reckoning: A Critical Review of the Department of Energy’s Epidemiological Research, a report by The Physicians Task Force on the Health Risks of Nuclear Weapons Production, authored by Dr. H. Jack Geiger and Dr. David Rush, among others: 1992 Back to Series Description SERIES 12—Sample documents on The Treatment, as well as various basic tables of data on individual victims 14. Various reviews of The Treatment: 2002-2004; two letters from Martha Stephens, one to the physicians involved in the radiation tests, the other to radiation test victims’ families, both letters requesting any further information for possible inclusion in The Treatment: 8/30/2000, 9/5/200; and photographs appearing in The Treatment 15. List of radiation test patients who died within twenty-five days after irradiation; additional lists, giving information such as patient identity, type of cancer, level of radiation exposure, and dates of treatment and death: some dated 1994 Back to Series Description