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The BG News August 8, 1990

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Wednesday Vol.72 Issue 134 August 8, 1990 Bowling Green, Ohio The BG News rAn Independent Student Voice for 70 Years.

BRIEFLY Kuwait student expresses concern CAMPUS by James A. Tinker "Hussein doesn't have the fac- editor tories to produce arms, [which Chair named: is ] his weak spot," he said. Harry Garrity, professor Nevertheless, Hussein has a of modem languages at St. "I heard about it Wednesday strong, well-armed and war- Lawrence University, in morning. A friend called me and tested army able and — more Canton, i told me," said Nader Al Kan- dangerously — seemingly eager NY has dari, staring off into re- to strike. Perhaps the victory been memberance. supplied by a militarily weak named "Of course, I didn't believe it. "Soldiers were all over our place. They could hear Kuwait will encourage Iraq to chair of | I thought it was a joke. We are a them outside. The soldiers come in like they're attack another of its Arab t h e peace country; we never threa- neighbors. romance ten anybody." going to a picnic — they take whatever they want." If Hussein continues his language Al Kandari, 27, is a senior march of violence, especially depart- business and material man- against U.S. allied Saudi Arabia, ment. Garrity agement major from Jabria, the United States is sure to re- Kuwait and expects to graduate -Nader Al Kandari, University student spond militarily against Iraq. Al Garrity has been a in December. Kandari does not dissapprove of faculty member at St. Since the Iraqi invasion and U.S. intervention, including e- Lawrence since 1969, and conquest of wealthy, but diminu- conomic actions already taken. has also taught at the tive Kuwait more than a week "We need help." University of North ago, Al Kandari has been on pins Meanwhile, the world waits. Carolina and Converse and needles — and glued to the at the time of the attack. An- Soldiers approached homes ler ... he is a kind of weasel," the Al Kandari waits. College. television screen awaiting news. other brother, however, should requesting food and water, young man declared. No matter what may be the He spoke to his mother, who is still have been in Turkey on his looted groceries, banks, jewelry "He is biting the hand who fed Mid East condition in months to Shark resigns: in Jabari with a brother and two honeymoon. stores and other shops, ne was him. I saw trucks going to Iraq come, Al Kandari intends to re- Chris Sherk, University sisters, Thursday Aug. 2, the According to his mother, gun- told. with food, weapons, supplies, turn to his homeland to live and sports information day before communication to fire could be heard in their city. during the Iraq/Iran 10-year to fight if necessary. director, has resigned in Kuwait was severed by Iraqi The Associated Press report- war that Hussein initiated. "I was bom there. Kuwait is order to accept a sports forces. "Soldiers were all over our ed more than 100,000 Iraqi Al Kandari said, although me," he said. "I would go fight if copy editing position at the Yet, the whereabouts of all of place. They could hear them troops now serve the puppet Hussein may be power hungry they asked," he said. Rock Hill (S.C.) Herald. Al Kandari's family is not outside," he said. "The soldiers government installed by Iraq's like Adolph Hitler, he does not Although, he is anxious, he Sherk, who is a 1982 known. His father and another come in like they're going to a manipulative President, Sad- have the resources of the Third remains hopeful. University graduate, was brother may still have been in Slcnic — they take whatever dam Hussein. Reich. Agriculturally and in- "It will be OK ... if not today it The Sentinel-Tribune Saudi Arabia looking at schools ley want." "[Hussein] is worse than Hit- dustrially he is weak. will be tomorrow." assistant sports editor before he joined the University staff in 1983. "Chris was a valuable BGSU eager for College teaches political ethics member of our staff over the last seven years," said Athletic Director Jack Washington graduate school begins classes this fall Gregory. "We wish him continued success, both admissions from professionally and by Beth Church commissions or city councils or work on cam- personally." stJtt writer paigns." All classes are scheduled for downtown Wash- Greek leaders: Eastern Europe Students seeking political office after college ington locations, although the administrative of- The Sigma Chi graduation will have more than the school of hard fices are located in Arlington, Va., and one year's International Leadership by Scott Geringer dents to finance Western educa- knocks to learn from when the College of Democ- tuition is $11,900. Training Workshop will be staff writer tion. racy opens its admission gates this fall. held at the University Aug. "We are talking about gradu- The idea for such a graduate college was ini- 9-12. More than 1,100 Eastern European students, ate students right now because The Washington D.C. graduate school offers a tiated by a group of politieans. including former undergraduates and 300 eager to matriculate at Ameri- there is a mechanism of finan- master's degree in constitutional democracy, and Presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy, who faculty will be present at can universities, may be able to cial support," he said. more than 140 prospective students from 36 states approached Boek about the idea of a specialized the nation's largest Greek sample the University's educa- Katzner, who recently visited already have requested a catalog. degree. workshop. tional offerings as early as Budapest, Hungary and Prague, Attempting to teach principles and ethics of a Many of those elected officials serve on a 40-per- The first such spring semester 1991. Czechoslovakia, said in explor- democratic government is the basic principle of son Board of Advisors for the college now. conference was conducted Louis Katzner. graduate col- ing funding possibilities he the college, according to Walter E. Boek, president here in 1947 and the lege dean, said he is hoping to found a number of private or- of the College of Democracy, In a telephone inter- "They said the best time to learn is before they University has hosted have one to three students en- ganizations interested in bring- view last week. started running and were contemplating it be- many seminars in recent rolled from Poland by January ing Eastern European students cause once you started, it's too late and there's no years, as well, for two and enlarge the number for fall to Bowling Green. "We want to lay a foundation upon which stu- time," Boek said. reason, said Vic Pascucci, semester. The demand is great for dents can become good statesmen and stateswo- coordinator of the "In meetings with graduate Western education. In Czechos- men — we're building political careers here," he He believes the college will instill special quali- workshop. coordinators, there was a high lovakia alone, 2,500 students said. ties in students that attend. "We've got all the level of interest in bringing called, wrote or lined up at the The purpose for the graduate program is to al- "People need to have the ability to establish facilities and a strong Eastern European students American Embassy in Prague low political science students to study the work of rapport with many types of people," he said. chapter," Pascucci said. here," he said. "It's a matter of last winter to gain American politicians before they enter the office. "They need to learn to read fast and speak well." Nationally, Sigma Chi is finding ways of financing these university addresses and ad- the second largest Greek students." mission materials. The year-long degree program is divided into Because it is so young, the program has yet to be fraternity. The University In the 1989-90 school year 2,850 Eloise Clark, vice president of four three-month sessions: fundamentals and his- accredited and Boek said he is in the process of chapter was founded 45 Eastern Europeans attended academic affairs, said the Uni- tory of democracy, the legislative process, critical applying for a license now. years ago. American universities. Almost versity has little financial aid to issues and analyzation, and practical experience. Bowling Green State University officials are un- all of those students — from Yu- offer Eastern European appli- aware of the program and the college is not among goslavia, Poland, Hungary. cants — largely poor and whose "Unfortunately, many legislators don't have the graduate colleges listed at the Career Re- Romania, Czechoslovakia and money is of little value outside time to study the issues in-depth — they depend on source Center and Library or the Graduate Col- CITY East Germany — were resear- their home borders. their staff," he explained. lege. chers with advanced degrees. "The University has connec- During the last three months of the program, The political science department could not offer No grass: Mayor According to Katzner, it is tions in the newly opened most students will return home for active govern- information about the College of Democracy and Edwin Miller announced much easier for graduate stu- D See Europe, page 4. ment participation, Boek said, "running for county was wary of its lack of accredidation. the city is "taking action" in response to the overflowing Wood County Landfill. Current County fair honors estimates by landfill officals indicate the landfill has reached a critical stage, and unless 50 years of farming its capacity is increased the landfill may be closed soon. by Michelle Banks Thus, the city will no managing editor longer collect grass clippings, tree limbs, bush The annual celebration of farming conludes tonight amidst Wood trimminings and brush. County's level, fertile land with a prime attraction that has nothing to with agriculture. Tonight, fairgoers will add their shrieks and cheers to the cruneh- TOLEDO •ng destruction of the ever-popular demolition derby. The derby begins at 7:30 p.m. in the grandstand. Admission is Art exhibition: $2.50 for 13 and older and $1.50 for children. The 72nd annual Toledo However, there is much more to the fair than the derby. Food, Area Artists Exhibition is games, food, animals, food, rides, food, shows and more highlights at the Toledo Museum of will continue tonight. Art. Planning for the fair takes approximately a year, according to More than 96 local artists Gary Aller, past president of the fair. are displaying their works "Most people do not realize we work on the next year's fair tight which include oil, acrylic, after it ends. We usually have an evaluation meeting to work the watercolor, silkscreen, bugs out and to try and improve it (the fair) in any way we can," he photogrpahs, graphite, said. charcoal drawings, Few changes have been made in the fair since its beginning in sculpture, jewelry, 1951, but Aller said the favorite event has always been the demolition ceramics, metalwork and derby and describes the fair as a mainstay of family entertainment. Kicking Up their HeelS BG News/John Potter Large profits usually are not seen by fair officals but if they No admission will be A group of students follow the lead of Instructor Melanie Sharp (far left) Tuesday afternoon In front of "breaK even we're extremely happy," Aller said. charged for the exhbit Conklln Hall. The students are part of 120 junior high and high school students from all over Ohio who are "Just about every year we only break even due to expenses be- which runs through Aug. attending Dancz Americas' dance camp this week. The girls, who perform at sports half-time shows for cause electricity, water, labor costs and maintenance of the grounds their schools, will learn about 20 new dance routines during the four-day camp. are quite expensive," he said. □ See Fair, page 5. THE BG NEWS

August a, 1990 Editorial Kuwait invasion demands better understanding At the forefront of most Americans' minds these days is the prospect of war with Iraq, skyrocketing oil prices and a recession that seems to have arrived. Hopefully, the tensions in the Middle East can be eased without additional bloodshed — especially American blood. Yet, armed conflict has been a mainstay of the Middle East (and the rest of the world) for centuries and will likely continue. Because our interests are so great we may very likely respond with like violence — as we are fully aware. People are often fond of seeking out scapegoats for their problems. If we're soon spending $1.50 or more for a gallon of gas, it seems reasonable to cast blame on the Iraqis. If American soldiers die in a desert on the other side of the world, our ire will be understandably great. Yet, we must be careful not to become too fervent in the support of our government's efforts to protect our interests and the concerns of our allies around the globe. Too many wrongs New jails receive During World War n the United States incarcer- ated many of its own citizens who were responsible, productive members of society, because their ap- U.S action needed monies with bill pearance indicated they were of Japanese heritage. At that time, and even more so during WWI, those Reviewing some of the social care to our universities, the Unless you've been living in a While the drunk driving law of German heritage were scorned and held up for issues that nave not been acted United States lags sorrily behind storm cellar reading old copies will add to the numbers waiting upon this summer, I am dishear- the rest of the industrialized of National Geographic, you've to get into jail, it also provides contempt. tened to say that it seems as if world. Our solution, place edu- no doubt heard we have a big an inexpensive solution to the Let us be wise enough now, to realize that the re- our own country is rapidly fall- cation in the hands of private problem with prison overcrowd- overcrowding problem. It costs latives or emmigrants of an opposing nation are not ing behind the rest of the in- business and in the "new vol- ing. It's become such a about $60,000 per bed to con- necessarily our enemy. Even nationals in Iraq or dustrialized world in regard to unteerism." What a concept; catch—phrase that I believe struct a building that meets the Iran or Libya or .... may not support their violent our own domestic welfare. develop a short term solution tor many people have almost be- mimimum security standards leaders. What's worse is that our lack of a long term problem. I don't come numb to it. for a prison in Ohio. But the vast initiative on these issues is seen even think that Adam Smith numbers of people on waiting Ignorance of another culture is sometimes as as a way to keep businesses would have agreed with this The dilemma lies in the fact lists aren't the type who present dangerous as a loaded weapon. Arabs are not in- growing and, in turn, expand our idea. Education is much too im- that we have an increase in pop- great security risks. They're stinctively violent or fanatical. In fact, much of the economy. So far this has been Esrtant to the future of our na- ulation and more people com- people like your neighbor who world reserves such aspersions for the United something of a myth when one on for it to be regarded as a mitting more crimes. Criminals only present a threat when they compares our economy with private concern. We must have are not only a detriment to soci- drive drunk, so there is no real States. (Whom kills their fellow citizens the most?) those of the booming German an adequate educational system ety for the crimes they commit need to put them in full service The best way to defeat your foe is to understand and Japanese, whose citizens in order to ensure that the and the lives they affect, they're jails. him. We learned in Vietnam that military strength already enjoy all of these social United States has a large pool of also a burden to all law abiding The drunk driving law reduces does not compensate for ignorance of another cul- benefits. skilled workers so that we may citizens who pay taxes. We sim- the standards for a minimum ture. compete now and in the ever ply don't have enough jail space security prison and allows for Earlier this year, President tightening markets of the next to accommodate everyone, and existing, underused facilities to What is more potentially damning is not under- Bush vetoed a bill that would century. it's expensive to get it. be converted to jail. Buildings standing the cultures among us. have allowed 12 weeks of emer- such as old schools already have gency leave for employees that Lastly, the United Stastes now plumbing, food service and are pregnant or those that are ranks 19th among the world in classrooms that are ideal for facing a family crisis, such as a infant mortality. For every 1000 drug and alcohol treatment pro- Effort required to children born in our country, Viewpoint Eams. The inmates would be 10.4 fail to live beyond their first rgely responsible for cleaning year. Countries such as Singa- and cooking and so on. And only pore and Hong Kong now rank by a small security staff would be reduce extra trash Viewpoint above us. In addition, the infant Paul E. Pfeifer required. The greatest security mortality rate is double that for measure would be the felony es- Once again another summer semester has by blacks in comparison to whites cape charge that would land you in our country. A recent report guest in a real jail with real criminals drawn to a close. John Corrigan issued by the Bush administra- if you try to walk a way. With this comes parties, celebrations, and mas- tion concluded that 10,000 out of columnist sive amounts of debris across the city. guest the 40,000 deaths that occur each The DUI law offered a solution Although most students are more than ready to columnist year can be prevented by exist- In some cases staes have loos- to jail overcrowding, but it leave once their lease ends, this is no excuse for va- ing medical technology. Also, ened parole requirements, didn't provide funding for con- cating couches and other furniture here, there or the report stated that the same lightened sentences, or just flat version of the old buildings. serious illness in the family. By technology could prevent many out opened the gates and let That's where the new drug bill anywhere. doing this, the president suc- of the 100,000 childhood handi- prisoners out before they've that we just passed comes into The city has bulk pick-up days set aside and stu- cumbed to a powerful business caps that are afflicted each served their full sentences. All play. That bill appropriates $50 dents should make themselves aware of these oc- lobby and has kept American year. This is a result of a medi- of these "solutions" fly in the million for renovation and modi- cassions. workers in the same environ- cal system that has priced itself face of our efforts to get tougher fication of old buildings. ment as those of the third world, out of the range of the lower to on crime. The money will be available to On the other hand, students leave behind some not in one of an industrialized middle class citizen. It's about In late July a new drunk driv- counties and cities on a grant decent furniture because it is too much trouble, too nation. Because many of the time for our own country to de- ing law I authored took effect in basis. Local governments can cumbersome to take with them. Don't throw some- major companies in the United velop a system that ensures Ohio that stiffened the sentences work together to come up with thing others can use! States already offer this kind of adequate medical care for all of for DUI. Hopefully the new law multi-county facilities and apply Aside from the fact we desperately need to cut leave to their employees, the its citizens, not just those who will reduce the number of alco- to the state for grants. The state the amount of solid waste deposited daily, the Sal- President has given an unfair can afford it. hol related fatalities. It will also Kants will match whatever the competitive edge to those com- It should go without saying increase the number of folks :al governments spend. vation Army can raise money for the disadvan- panies choosing not to self- that all of these social problems needing jail space. While the aid will not comple- taged by selling unwanted — but good — items. comply with this type of worker are unnecessary in a country Most Ohio counties have hun- tly eradicate the prison over- Not only does debris and garbage left by students benefit. If all companies were with our economic might. It's dreds of people on waiting lists, crowding problem, it will pro- pose a hazzard environmentally, such irresponsibi- forced to comply, not only would about time to tackle these issues biding their time until they can vide a huge relief to it. Most lty promotes a negative image of University stu- this bring us into the ranks of the instead of merely blowing hot Set into jail to serve their time, counties will be able to take industrialized world, but also wind about them. We need to lostly. the people are their DUI and traffic offenders dents to local residents. equal out competition among head these problems off at the non—violent offenders convict- out of full service jails and use Every student does not leave a mess behind after businesses. pass before they become a drag ed of DUT or other traffic offen- the jails for felons and prisoners they move out. However, the ones that do, often re- Another area that the United upon our economy and, in turn, ces. That doesn't make them awaiting transfers. present the entire student popualation in the eyes of States has fallen behind in is hamper our ability to compete in less guilty of their crime or less It's a great, inexpensive solu- the locals. that of education. Ten long years the world market. deserving of doing time, but tion to a tough problem. of slashing federal expenditures John Corrigan is a history and they are not menaces to society Paui E. Pfeifer is a Republican Although classes are over, it does not excuse stu- has taken a critical toll upon our philosophy major and frequent that need to be slammed into Ohio senator who is running dents from cleaning up after themselves. Take the educational system. From day contributor to the News. maximum security cells. for Attorney General. extra few minutes to get rid of garbage and unwan- ted furniture. It only takes a few extra moments and the tennants moving in after you will appreci- ate it. LETTERS CORRECTION If you are ready for the real world, act like it. The headline for a letter printed Aug. 1 implied that the au- thor, Jacqueline Daley, director of the Prevention Center for City and University are mundane "safe" town, consider Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, believes the tax on alcohol and THE BG NEWS STAFF the most violent menace of all in cigarettes should be raised. more dangerous than Bowling Green: rape. Usually, it Daley only suggested raising the sales tax of alcohol. E*to< Jama* A. Tlnfcaw Staff Wrlax ErtcT Davtaa goes ignored by police and unre- Managing EdWr Mk*a*.8ar*« Staff Wrttar CJ Oawaon student reporter thinks PhotoEdNor JohnPoflar StaMWrttar SoottOarlngar portedlby newspapers. And that AMI Photo Ed ToddSwanaon StaMWrltaf Jaaafca Ktxxuam may be the biggest crime of all. Staff Wrttar Chris MBar To the Editor: How can any woman feel safe CopyCN* J#*»BaWor1 In regards to the Aug. 1 guest Copy Ed** JajnaaCox FamCrtttc Brian Lumlsy here on weekends? nd Copy Ed** Elz«^hMM*urzo Staff Antat Thomas W KaWay column, "Fear and Loathing in Come on, though. Is the "bet- Copy Ed** Mtehaaa Matnaaon Cartoonist CnrtaMaad Columbus," I wonder why it has ter there than here" solution the StaflWrtur BathChurch Prod.Sup-r Pat Michal. Saan Rtaaar to take an actual shooting to type of attitude to take? wake people like Michelle Banks Here's the sale alternative, The BG News editorial The News reserves the ma BO n»w» a putaanad daty Tuaaday through Friday during tn# acadamtc yaar and wsatty during fna up? Bang! Welcome to just one Michelle and other mundane cit- Is your campus right to reject any materi- Mranr m«w By ms Board oi Studsnt PuOScstions of ftowfcng Orson S«M* Univ«*sKy of the concrete jungles indeed. izens of this fine town: turn off aTthat is offensive, mali- Opyons nfxirnd by coMnnaMa do not nscaiaarty rsasci ma opinions oi Tr*9QH+~* Yes, violence is real, not just in ma BO Maw* and Bowing Oraan Sun Untvaratty ara aoual opportunity smptoyars. and do no) your TVs and go visit one of the dotM or ubeious. All sub- aacriaanaM a> raring pracocaa TV Land. You should travel out- many beautiful malls in subur- Letters to the missions are subject to ma BO Maw* *• not accapt advancing vmx w dssmsd dacnmmalory. dsgrsdng. or nauNmg on mm side more often. ban Detriot next Saturday — if should be a maximum of baa» of raoa. aax. or naaonal ortgfei Sure, we don't have to worry you can get past the security about shootings. But is this real- JSMOB words in length and copyright'9*0 a) rights raaarvad cameras. That's your reality. be typewritten. Offica CdHonalOmca ly a safe town? And as you drive past downtown Please address all sub- 14181372 2801 210WMIHH Ph (4 1 0) 372-2803 Here we are in this genteel, Detriot on 1-75 (past 911-ville, Address oc< missions to: quiet and so-called "safe" town riots, massacres, warzones, and telephone number, tan Stats Urmaraay with its equally genteel, quiet bombs) close your eyes and say, Bowling Orson ONo 434030270 must be included, alt:- BattKtaIB«tar aOOam toSOOpm and "safe" university campus. "Better there than BG" — this telephone numbers will not iMrBGNflWi Monday through Fndsj Fine, Michelle, but before you smalltown's age-old motto. rejoice about this dangerously John Manning THE BG NEWS

Sports Aufluat e, 19VO 1 Cold, heat, helps heal injuries Ankney gears up Rehab time can be lessened for 1990 Coach Moe Ankney wel- comed 28 newcomers to by Chris Miller Once the first 72-100 hours pre-season football camp staff writer have passed, Messaros recom- Tuesday. They will be mends "contrast" treatment joined by 80 veterans on where ice and heat are alter- Saturday when the other NOTE: This is the second of a nated to again keep the swelling players return to campus. two-part series that deals with down. This process should also Tne first-year players the "weekend" athlete and his last for about 72-100 hours. are a combination of 18 or her possible injuries. Part one If the injury is causing a sig- high school recruits, four dealt with the prevention of in- nificant amount of pain, medica- junior college transfers juries, while part two deals with tion may be necessary. and six walk-ons. Today the treatment of injuries. they begin 'our days of "Taking aspirin or ibuprofen orientation meetings and It seems the treatment of for the pain is OK, but ft does drills. sports injuries is as difficult as have a side effect on the sto- The full squad begins sinking that long birdie putt or mach," Messaros said. "We use two weeks of two-a-day reaching for your opponent's more ibuprofen products like practice sessions on Mon- elusive forehand smash. Advil or Medipren because it day, Aug. 13. Practice ses- It also seems the problem has an inflammatory effect with sion will taper off to one stems from the individual, not less stomach irritation, although per day on Tuesday, Aug. the sharp break on the putt or you still have to be careful how 28, in preparation for the the prowess of your tennis oppo- you take any anti- inflammatory season opener away nent. medicine." against the University of "People just don't know how While Messaros does believe Cincinnati. to take care of injuries," Uni- anti-inflammatory medicine can Kickoff time for the Fal- versity Assistant Athletic help with the rehab process, he cons and the UC Bearcats Trainer Mike Messaros said. said the use of over-the-counter BG News/John Potter contest in Riverfront Sta- "Stretching is so important be- muscle "rubs" has little value in Assistant Athletic Trainer Mike Messaros (standing) and Head trainer Bill Jones demonstrate the use of a Cybex dium has been changed. forehand and rehabilitation is so recuperating an injury. Orthotron machine in the Stadium training room. The machine Is used for rehabilitating knee injuries by provid- The game will begin Sun- important afterward, but a lot of "Tnose counter irritants like ing a workout for quadraceps and hamstring muscles. In most injuries, It is Important to exercise the damaged day, Sept. 2 at 12:10 p.m. people just don't realize it." Ben-Gay really don't have any muscles to prevent atrophy and decrease the risk of re-Injury. rather than 12:30. According to Messaros, the therapeutic effect," he said. best way to treat an injury is to "Mentally, yes, it feels warm, avoid it through proper prep- but all it does is burn the nerves "That's probably the biggest H. Dale Arnold, director of "After the ultrasound, we put strength and mobility. aration. If it is too late for that, on the skin. People would be bet- thing people don't do. They don't Toledo's Riverside Hospital the patient on some type of After the individual approa- however, a few simple methods ter off with moist heat because it work to strengthen the injury Sports Medicine program and exercise program three times a ches the strength and function of can help in the rehabilitation has much better penetration and it comes back as soon as physical therapist for the Uni- week for about 10 sessions." Ar- normal mobility, an examina- process. than the over-the-counter irri- they go back out to do an activi- versity, has worked for River- nold said. "We mainly stick with tion for swelling, patient dis- tants." ty- side's Sports Med program since isokinetic exercises, mostly on comfort and unrestricted range For most injuries, ice will en- Once the initial icing process If the injury is recurring or too it began in 1982. While sports the Cybex machine. of motion is given before the hance healing. For the initial is over, the most vital part of re- serious to be treated at home, medicine programs have The Cybex machine tests patient is dismissed. 72-100 hours after the injury, ice habilitation should take place, sports medicine offices are the leveled off, there are many peo- strength and endurance of the "Once they get back to their should be applied for 15-20 but is often neglected. It is the best bet for complete recovery. ple who need the kind of pro- muscle. For example, a normal strength, we let them minutes of every hour. Stretch- strengthening factor usually grams Riverside offers. 10-pound weight is put on the an- go," Harlan said. "We encour- ing of the injury is also recom- overlooked by most athletes. The sports medicine business kle and the patient tries to kick age them to keep up with some mended in order to keep flexibil- "Anytime you have an injury, took off in the 1970s with the Treatment at Riverside be- the weight up. No matter how form of muscle maintenance ity. you have atrophy in the region physical fitness craze, but have §ins with a diagnosis. After fast or slow you do it, the program after that, too." "A good thing to do is a pro- where the injury occurred," leveled off in the last tew years. lerapists identify the problem, machine keeps the same rate. It cess called cryokinetics where Messaros said. "Even in a first In any case, they are designed therapy begins with heat and ice measures improvement through University students do not, you ice the injury, stretch and degree (mild) muscle pull, peo- specifically to help individuals massage. This eventually leads degrees lifted per second. however, have to drive to Toledo then ice it again," Messaros Gle don't understand that actual- with the treatment of injuries. to ultrasound treatments that While patients usually only or Findlay for a sports medicine said. "It helps increase range of ' Oie muscle fibers do tear Most people treated come heal the muscle through high- come in three times each week, program. Harlan also works on motion in the body part, while some. It's just a microscopic from sports-related injuries, but pitched waves bombarding the a home program involving more campus at the University Health holding down some of the swell- tear, but it takes away from the treatment is not limited to muscle. Then, the patient's work isokinetic exercises and stretch- Clinic in a injury recuperation ing." muscle's strength. sports injuries. really starts. ing is issued to help increase program.


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fc-HWO Domino's Pizza, Delivery areas limited to ensure sale driving. Our drivers carry less than $20.00 Our drivers BLUE RIBBON PHOTO are not penalized tor late deliveries. SINGLE "WboUBLES FILM DEVELOPING « CAMERAS VIDEO 157 N. Main, B.Q. Ph. 353-4244 HU**v< COU«Di. SIMMS Sit SO DOWNTOWN WEST TOLEDO WEST TOLEDO SOUTH TOLEDO 514 MADISON 1770 TREMAINSVILLE WESTQATE SHOPPING CTR. SOUTHWYCK MALL I Ph. 255-1650 Ph. 470*115 Ph. 535-1002 Ph. 005-1421 THE BG NEWS

August 8,1990 Weather will not affect ceremony

August graduation may not Tack is the author of two receive the spotlight of a May books — "The Effective College commencement, but the 1,100 President" and Leaders on graduates will not have to worry Leadership: The College Presi- about the dency, New weather when Directions for receiving Higher Educa- sheepskins tion." and advice. The leader- According to ship expert the office of CA received her University Re- bachelor's de- lations, com- gree from mencement is Troy State scheduled to A« University and be held 9:30 Tack Turbayne her master's a.m. Saturday on the lawn, west degree from the University of of University Hall. If it rains, Alabama. Tack has been hon- however, Anderson Arena can ored by the University's Gradu- provide dry facilities for stu- ate Student Senate for her con- dents, family and friends. tributions to graduate student Graduates-to-be will receive educational opportunities, in sage advice from former Uni- addition to twice receiving the photo by/Todd Swanaon versity staff member Martha Phi Delta Kappa (Bowling Horse Talk Tack who now works at Eastern Green chapter) Research Michigan University where she Award. Harness racer Bill Ingram spends a quiet moment with his horse Jet Pack and won with Jet Packs' sister Mindy's Song in the third and eighth races serves as head of the leadership in preparation for this week's races at the Wood County Fair. Ingram, a Sunday evening. Ingram says that despite the high cost, he continues to and counseling department. Honor is being reserved Sat- Bowling Green area resident for 10 years, placed second with Jet Pack race because ... I believe someday we'll make it big.' "I was flattered, surprised, urday for Colin M. Turbayne, elated in fact, to be asked to professor emeritus of philoso- Europe speak." Tack said. phy at the University of Roches- D Continued from page 1. Tack first was asked to be the ter. He will be presented an hon- Eastern European countries and "Some of our programs are freedoms might entice some "In Eastern Europe, people keynote speaker during the orary degree or humane letters. our faculty has expressed an in- uniquely geared for Eastern students to stay in the states. don't have discretionary in- spring semester when she still terest in Eastern Europe," she European students," he said. "Most of our international come. For people to fly from was employed by the Universi- He is renowned for his said. "However, most of our "Business administration, pub- students are from the Peoples Budapest, Hungary is an as- ty. research of George Berkeley, money is restricted." lic administration and applied Republic of China and there has tronomical figure,'' he said. "If "At the time I had not accep- considered one of Great The goal in bringing the stu- philosophy are studies in princi- been a problem with these stu- we only take students who can ted the lob [at EMU J," she said. Britain's most outstanding phi- dents to the University is to have ples that underlie a political dents not returning home," he get here on their own, that will I cannot think of a more exciting losophers. Also, Turbayne is the them learn and hone skills in democracy." said. "The difference (between drastically reduce the number way to leave an institution I care author and editor of five books fields they can eventually use to However, Katzner said it's the students) is opportunities for of quality candidates." so much about." and 17 articles about Berkeley help their countries. possible the taste of Western change and development are Katzner added he would also Saturday she intends to dis- which are considered standard ripe in Eastern Europe." like to coordinate efforts for cuss traditional graduation reading for philosophers world- Katzner said financial prob- faculty from foreign universities themes of leadership and wide. lems for Eastern European stu- to teach a semester or year at change. dents go beyond tuition costs. the University. "we're all facing change and Turbayne's most recent book, the repetitiveness of it is accel- "Metaphors for the Mind: The Open 24 Hours erating everyday," she said. Creative Mind and Its Origins," Got A News Tip? Call 372-6968 However, "we can all make a was published in 1989. difference in the world." Copy 'round the Clock! American Red Cross HOWARD'S club H Please give blood. 210 N. Main 352-9951 + Autus°8,yh BIG HUNK 0 CHEESE

Thurs., Fri. & Sat.: THE BUCK «—•*"""• BROTHERS

Quality Copies • Desktop Publishing • Color Laser Copies Wed. & Thur. Only: 18-20 Welcome GRADUATION DAY $2.00 Cover after 9:30 BUFFET Open 24 Hours Saturday, August 11,1990 kinko's 21 and over 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 354-3977 SI.00 Cover after 9:30 113 Railroad St. the copy center ery _ ~>/?r, iat (Burnt HOURS: Chef Carved Roast Beef Mon.-Sai.: Noon 'til 2:30 a.m. Baked Chicken Sunday: 2:00 p.m. 'til 2:30 a.m. Lasagna Whipped potatoes/gravy * Mini-Pitchers Every Day* AuGratin Potatoes

Mixed Vegetable «pO.«7o Salad Bar Dessert Table

352-5211 ^oUcujS iGreenbriar Inc. 1550 E. Wooster SL ANOTHER GORRELL BROS. We are still leasing the PUBLIC AUCTION FRI. AUG. 31-1 P.M. following locations 5 VACANT LOTS for the Fall of 1990: 1 BLOCK FROM B.G.S.U. Located At The corner of Biddle St. and Clough St. -1 Block irs, South of Rogers Quadrangle and the Bowling Green State University Campus... Close To Everything Yet On A Quiet Side St..Mature Neighborhood.. ZONEDR-2... Approx. 150' • East Merry Ave. Apartments Frontage on Clough St. and Approx. 250' Frontage on Biddle St... You Determine The HIGHEST AND BEST USE... TO One Price! BE OFFERED AS 2 TRACTS... One Tract Will Have Ap- • Field Manor Apartments prox. 150' Of Frontage On Clough St. and Approx. 144' Of Get a pair of regular prescription eyeglasses Frontage on Biddle St... The Other Tract Win Have Approx. 108' Of Frontage On Biddle St. With 150' Of Depth... OR We and a pair of prescription sunglasses all at • Frazee Avenue Apartments W01 Offer As Increments Or A Package - As The Bidder one low price! Some specialized bifocals Desires... and trifocals are slightly more. LOCATION - LOCATION - LOCATION • Buff Apartments ZONED R - 2 Single Vision Bifocals These Lots Were Purchased Many, Many Years Ago By The Sigma Alpha EpsUon Fraternity For Use If They Decided To Build A New Fraternity House. They Have No Further Use $7988 $||98S For The Lots And Have Decided To Sell Them At Public Auc- tion. Seldom Can You Purchase Bare Land With A Location For Both Pairs Few Both Pairs Such As This And Especially At Public Auction Where You Call or Stop in for a Complete Set The Price... Call Noneman Real Estate at 419-531-4020 or One day service for most prescriptions with [Listing of Available Apartments Gorrell Bros. Auctioneers at 419-399-4068 for Auction Informa- experienced Opticians at your service. tion, Plat Maps, and Brochures. You must be completely satisfied or we will return your money. Houses TERMS: $1,000 Down Day Of Auction On Each Lot. Balance on or before October 1,1990 on Delivery of Warranty Deed OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 1990 352-0717 and Evidence of Marketable Title. Taxes Will Be Prorated To EYE EXAMINATIONS PRICED SEPARATELY Date of Closing. Offered Subject to Confirmation Of The Sell- en. All Statements Made Auction Day Take Precedence Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Over All Printed Matter. Burlington Optical Sat. 9 a.m. • 1 p.m. OWNER: FIVE BROTHERS FRATERNITY, INC. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON HOUSE CORP. TOLEDO TOLEDO BOWLING GREEN 195S S. «eynold» 31S3 W. SylvanU 1616 E. Woomtcr GORRIll BROS AUCTIONEERS NONEMAN RE Al 1ST ATI COMPANY Greenwood Center 224 E. Wooster St. Aoo- ••» SMUhwyd. 472- 1113ttt3 .APRV O GORPEll REALTOR AUCTIONEER DENNIS J NONMAN REALTOR 382-2020 *"■ 352-2533 IOSW Pcirv SI Paulding Ohio 3510 Socor Rd Toledo Ohio 419-399-4066 419 531 4O20 NOT VAUO WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTIONS OR 9PECIAS cgBOBtKhifllcn Optical/ ■tea&flQ THE BG NEWS

Entertainment Augu.t I, 1990 National Tractor Pull ''; different All they do is "Moby Dick." New band covers, but they do them in reg- Dread Zeppelin renditions gae style. Wait, it gets better! are, well ... unique, to say -the arrives in BG, Friday offers stairway Their lead singer is an Elvis im- least (or the most, actually). by Chris Dawson also will be a trade show under the grand stand personator and tries to sing all Tortelvis's voice is pretty Elvis- staff writer with various distributors, and a collectables the songs as Elvis would. esque, and adds to the lunacy on show featuring farm toys. to reggae this album. According to Ott, the event is a major eco- Neat combination, huh? The music might make Bob Once again, the world's eyes will be on Bowl- nomic boost to the Bowling Green area, a sen- Marley cringe, but it is a fair at- ing Green this weekend as the 24th Annual timent shared by Joan Gordon, executive direc- by Chris Dawson Okay, this is not an album for tempt at reggae. It's really odd National Tractor Pull smokes into Wood tor of the city's Chamber of Commerce. staff writer serious music lovers. You need a to hear the familiar riffs with a County. "I think it has a great impact in BG. It's hard pretty twisted sense of humor to reggae beat, and even odder to The roar of the tractor engines begins on Fri- to measure in terms of figures, but there is a Originality is a hard thing to enjoy these guys, but they are hear Plant's voice replaced by day and takes place all weekend at the Wood definite impact. The carry-outs, the groceries, comeby. great for a party. an imitation of the King's. County fairgrounds. and the motels all do great business on Tractor Led by Tortelvis, their lead What's next, the "Blue Haw- According to Nancy Ott, Coordinating Secre- Pull weekend. Most rock groups can manage singer and featuring such stan- aii" soundtrack done in Zeppe- tary of the Northwestern Ohio Tractor Pullers "Coming up with exact figures on the impact it, but quite a few cannot. doutperformers as Jah Paul Jo, lin-style? Well, if the chipmunks Association, Inc., the tractor pull competition is difficult," Gordon said, yet the Chamber However, there is one group out Ed Zeppelin, Carl Jah, Putmon can make money doing what orginally was coordinated by fairground offi- achieves rough estimates by comparing the there that has managed to find (playing porn bass). Fresh they do, then so can the toys in cials, but the NOTPA took over the event. event to a convention and utilizing standard an original niche, while using Cheese & Cheese, and backed up Dread Zeppelin. Nevertheless, the popular sporting event at- convention figures. only cover tunes. by the Michael Jordanaires and The name of the album is "Un- tracts enormous crowds to the city. "We would figure they spend $117 in BG for the Dreadettes, the album fea- led-Ed," and is an IRS Records "We usually get 60 to 65,000 spectators for the one night. If they stay overnight, multiply the Dread Zeppelin's name im- tures standard Zep tunes like release. It's available in local weekend, and the event will oe televised by $117 by 1.9, so we figure they would spend $222 plies much about the style they'- "Black Dog," "Whole Lotta stores for the brave and adven- ESPN and i-NN." which would include gas, shopping, hotels, re trying to make on their own. Love," "," and turous. Ott said that there are usually 100 pullers par- etc.," Gordon said. ticipating in 350 to 400 separate pulls. "Thepullers are from all over the U.S.," she According to Tami Bud wick, desk clerk of the said. "There are quite a few from the Ohio area, Holley Lodge, "It's one of the biggest weekends (J Coming Sooner Thon and most of them are from the Midwest, but for us; really great for business. We're abso- • •=* Vou Think! there are some from the South, from Texas, and lutely filled up." LL we even have participants from Canada." Budwick said tractor pull weekend compares To enter, a participant needs a vehicle meet- to Parent's Day, Homecoming, or May gradua- 1 Go Falcons! ing TNT Motorsports specifications, an entry tion in terms of business, and the motel usually fee and appropriate insurance. books up to a year in advance. According to Ott, there are 16 different class- Booking far in advance is commonplace for CINEMAFK THEATRES es, with four classes taking place in four ses- this event, most of the area's inn personnel The BG News 01 sions. Classes are determined by weight of the said. CINEMA 5 ft™ tractors, and their engines. "We book fairly far in advance, but not a 11234 NORTH MALI ST. 354-0558 "Some of the tractors only have one engine, year. Tractor pull weekend is easily our biggest weekly news and entertainment magazine while others have up to seven engines, Ott event, even when compared to University-held Showtlrnvt. Aug. 10 - Aug. 16 is now interviewing for an Bargain Mal.n«« All Stall S3.73 said. events," claimed the Holiday Inn's front desk botoi* 6 p.m. In addition to the various tractor pulls, there manager. art director for the fall. Duties include page design, illustrating PIPPI 4THE SOUTH SEAS AII s«an l> 00 stories and developing design ideas Fair Call: 372-6967 AIRAMIRICA o Continued from page 1. to get information about the fair. lenges his stamina. •also accepting volunteer writers, artists and photographers PRESUMED INNOCENT Despite inclement weather Every year we always at- Horny* rora Saturday, officials were pleased tract people from miles away, 13 30 3 « 7 B « IS » ■ "It gets a person really tired. ARACHNOPHOWA with the attendance at the fair. it's really amazing," he said. When the fair is over I have to John Goodman Bad weather did not deter During his 12 years as director ask myself, 'Do I really want to OO 3:30 4 30 7 15 930 * PO-1* visitors from throughout the for the fair, Aller said he enjoys do this again'," he said. "But to GHOST We compute! Pof*k Swoyn county, state and tri-state area. Elanning for the largest fair, get the results you have to be In fact, visitors from as far as owever, sometimes the year- here 100 percent of the time to do DM 10 70S 9 40 »* PO-1* DIE HARDER Detroit and Indiana called Aller long chore of planning chal- the job." Bruce Willis 13:40 4:00 7:15 945 •• R Goodbye, farewell, and amen... #.• no posses < 1rit: no posses or supersavers From AhswerlUi Q DON'T MISS OUT! The BG News. There are some seats left See you FACTORY 2, in in Women's Studies 200 in the fall! Fall Semester. WANT TO SAVE 6 • 9 p.m. Wednesday Nights A BUCK ON A (Sign up during open registration.) JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE Women's Studies Office reopens DODGE CAR OR August 15 372-7133 FALL RENTALS TRUCK?... LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSES, APARTMENTS & EFFICIENCIES MID AM MANOR 9 & 12 MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE STOP IN TO 319 E. WOOSTER FOR A BROCHURE OF COMPLETE APARTMENTS DETAILS AND SPEAK WITH OUR FRIENDLY STAFF. are within walking distance to campus for the 1990 - 91 school year. JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE 319 E. WOOSTER 354-2260 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, (ACROSS FROM TACO BELL) gas heat & water included, S110II air conditioning I • 2 bedroom furnished, 9 month lease for $5251 ■UPK GOT THE PRICE ana THE MERCHUOSf • unfurnished, 9 month lease for $470 ' 893-0241 Resident Manager, I ■■•■■limit"4 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.G. iiii""Miiuiiimiiihiii> 352-4380



AND Stop by WINTHROP TERRACE and check out our 1 & 2 bedroom SATURDAY, AUGUST 11TH furnished & unfurnished apartments

BE THERE! ! • Gas heat, water, cooking included BG's only Shuttle service to & from campus WINTHROP TERRACE 400 Napoleon Rd. 352-9135 Office Hours: Monday-Friday Saturday 10-3 August 8,1990 Classifieds

2 or more sjbkw.fs needed for 2 bdrm. apt. ATTENTION POSTAL JOBSI Start spors WANTS YOU Don't miss these new apartments 2 ful baths. 1 CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS LSAT-QMAT-GHE-MCAT-FMGEMS tor 90-91 Clos* to campus Cal Osntaa at $11 41 hour' For appkcalion into cal (1) lor Fal employment Al positions needed/el unfurnished. 9 1/2 & 12 month leases. 843 Ksplan Educational Center 353 7607 602-838-8885. Ext M-4244.6 am - 10 pm, 7 shirts/ flexible hours Gril/ssndwich makers, Sixth St Newtove Rentals. 328 S Main drivers, shift managers Drivers need own 2-3 nonsmoking females to rent apt Free ut*- days 352-5620 Snumctasaee cruiser Apply in person al Mr Spot's. 125 E • 'COLLEGE DEMOCRATS" • ties, laundry A caoW TV. 363-6074. Tun ATTENTION EARN MONEY READING Apt to sublet 1 bdrm . lum 228 S College Home Study MatenaJa Court St Interested in becoming involved?? Look tor us BOOKS! $32,000/year Income potential De- Test-n Tape Library Desperately seeking one female rmte. to share *C. $320/mo . mcis gas. water, sewer & pri- at the Organizations For on September 12tt> tails (1 ) 602-838-8685 Ext Bk 4244 Students needed for cleaning, painting. & mtsc Take Kaplan or take your chances! very nice apt WW have own bedroom and own vate perking space Close lo campus Cal col- and torn us for an excihng year" (Or can robe Aug 1 1 25 Phone 352 7365 lect (603) 820-2252. ask tor Jennifer, or con- 354-4757 lor more into ) Classes Forming Now 536-3701 bath Please can 35454 50 or 1-641-1618 ATTENTION EARN MONEY TYPING AT tact Newtove Rentals at 352-5820 HOME' 32.000/yr income potential Detaft*. Volunteer needed to assist disabled student Female for 90-91 school year to lease - (1)602-838 8885 Ext T-4244 Mon - Thurs . twice per day Lifting of equip- BRAND NEW APARTMENTS: TYPING SERVICES for an types ol papers t 363-0326 Close to campus Rent ment Invorved Please cal 2-8495 709 5th St . available Aug 14 • INTERESTED IN ASIA? lassaoneble rates with accuracy $145 Wonlh apartment ATTENTION EASY WORK/EXCELLENT PAYI Big 2 bdrm.. unfum , 2 ful baths, diswssher. Can 352-3967 from 8 am -9 pm Assemble products al home. Details (1) Walter/waitress, breakfast & evening cooks. Female needs a place lo (

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That's the special. UniGraphics B.G. TAXI mmm m^mmt ^^nvMHal\3iTm^ ON Contact Your SUNDAY American Red Cross •Price does noimdude lax Second page SB.00 352-0796 Local Chapter. Attention Bowling Green State University Students: The IEUL3 Phone Mart at 160 W. Wooster St., B.G. will be open for your convenience Saturday, August 18th & 25th from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Beat the back to school rush! a